| Results 501 ... 750 found in all logged channels for 'f:ben_vulpes f:ben_kay ' |

(trilema) ben_vulpes: how much is lettuce?
(trilema) ben_vulpes: anyways thanks for the input
(trilema) ben_vulpes: human interaction outside of house is teh next item hue
(trilema) ben_vulpes: she gardens, we're building a fence and working on the house.
(trilema) ben_vulpes: childrearing can be a mindnumbing activity.
(trilema) ben_vulpes: i entirely agree.
(trilema) ben_vulpes: not atm, but mebbe down the road. would have to pay pretty damn well to offset costs of childcare and producing food for the family at home is the first reason to not.
(trilema) ben_vulpes: anyways early results are coffee made for instead of by me, exercise taken under own steam, complete cessation of wandering into room and forgetting original cause ("i've tried to brush my teeth six times today"), and general lifting of tenor around the domus. much habit-building to do now.
(trilema) ben_vulpes likely doomed to relocate to austin within the year
(trilema) ben_vulpes: .05 perhaps, notes are across the room. delivered over an hour. asciilifeform doses are well calibrated at this point.
(trilema) ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: har har har
(trilema) ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: i can see how beatings could kick the brain into a new regime
(trilema) ben_vulpes: the hot items are ketamine and psilocybin.
(trilema) ben_vulpes: empirically, there are classes of chemicals that a) shut down the aforementioned dmn entirely for a short period and b) for reasons unexplained this dialing-down of the dmn can endure beyond the presence of these chemicals in the system (although perhaps not other chemicals that are produced in response, nobody knows anything beyond this point)
(trilema) ben_vulpes: aha, shellshock
(trilema) ben_vulpes: there's a megatonne of dross and snake oil to sift through, but another flake ive found is that the same mechanisms that one uses to process and put behind scary/traumatic/painful events can become the dominant mode of behavior if the individual's subjected to pain/abuse/shit-ass situations for long enough
(trilema) ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: aha, precisely!
(trilema) ben_vulpes: the gist i get is that there's several physical regions that see high bloodflow when the mind is in an idle state that are correlated with "ruminantive"/"obsessive" thinking that are grouped by experts as "the default mode network"
(trilema) ben_vulpes: not to derail, but i've learned quite a bit about what neurofolk call the "default mode network" over the past two weeks
(trilema) ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: looking up!
(trilema) ben_vulpes: very explicit understanding between the men involved that we're far better off not sharing further than doing so.
(trilema) ben_vulpes: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-07-16#1834927 << i'd not distribute anything but trb patches to allcomers ~already~; if i made a useful thing i'd trivially share the source for it with l1 and rely on y'alls judgement as to whom to further share it with but i wouldn't concern myself with preventing leaks-to-kloinkers. beyond that, i share certain specific source with a subset of my own l1 and no further, with a
(trilema) ben_vulpes: BingoBoingo: the only marginally complicated thing about statements is tracking the customer equity line and invoicing for the month-to-month customers, i will hand over my notes and assist you should you take the gig
(trilema) ben_vulpes: for instance (attn asciilifeform, mod6, BingoBoingo), while reviewing books with mod6 recently i realized that i calculated s.mg's lease cost from the machine purchased from s.nsa (which we got bare, no storage), and not from the cost of the machine stuffed full of disks.
(trilema) ben_vulpes: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-07-14#1834420 << he is positioned to do a far better job than i have/can, and i believe that he will
(trilema) ben_vulpes: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-07-14#1834379 << clickbank is fiat-only, and as for the "btc affiliate programs" http://btcbase.org/log/2018-06-21#1828510
(trilema) ben_vulpes: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-07-14#1834378 << yes, sold a small amount of btc via WU through this channel
(trilema) ben_vulpes: sticky note over the "please shoot me in the face" triggers of shitstack
(trilema) ben_vulpes: or, you know, whichever other ambulatory meat wad failed even basic imperial sekyoority protocol
(trilema) ben_vulpes: https://eslint.org/blog/2018/07/postmortem-for-malicious-package-publishes << the entertaining part is how much work they put into disguising Kevin Partington's role as "the maintainer"
(trilema) ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: sitting in customs with the ssds
(trilema) ben_vulpes: !!down hobotrinque
(trilema) ben_vulpes: !!up hobotrinque
(trilema) ben_vulpes: ah, thanks trinque, figured i was s.o.l.
(trilema) ben_vulpes: (from /usr/src/linux on a gentoo)
(trilema) ben_vulpes: PeterL: i started from the output of 'make menuconfig' and pruned it over time
(trilema) ben_vulpes: the asinine hoops.
(trilema) ben_vulpes: BingoBoingo: aha. asciilifeform did this machine ever get engentooated?
(trilema) ben_vulpes: my mistake, then.
(trilema) ben_vulpes: i was under the impression that you wanted to wait for a machine that you could cut eulora server over to in toto
(trilema) ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: bitte
(trilema) ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: 5 evo 860 1tb disks
(trilema) ben_vulpes: BingoBoingo (mod6, asciilifeform): http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/DPsAP/?raw=true ssd tracking number
(trilema) ben_vulpes: !!v D1A3E20B77A25846CE47D38CE998C323176774B2494712CC2ED240D510A922AE
(trilema) ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: i'm spending a bit of time keeping her from walking across a highway, if that counts as "walking on you"
(trilema) ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: if BingoBoingo can pick up the statements, that shrinks the delta; i've been flailing at transforming btc into amazon-compatible usd for the ssd shipment over the past week, he may be able to assist with that
(trilema) ben_vulpes: i will do as right by pizarro as i can; i will continue to do what i can. i must deliver notice that pizarro needs to find additional help.
(trilema) ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: i will do my best to continue supporting pizarro, i won't diappear immediately. but i need to find someone to take over my responsibilities, and i'm going to be stretched very thin.
(trilema) ben_vulpes: lords and ladies, june pizarro statement will be late; my wife is experiencing an all-consuming major depression that will take all of my attention going forward. i am working with mod6 and asciilifeform to ensure continuity at pizarro.
(trilema) ben_vulpes: i suspect that the tidal wave of people who only understand poking buttons has drowned out the tiny sample of people who even know how to work ftp, and are being 'served' (as the main course, naturally) by facebook/wix etc
(trilema) ben_vulpes: i am unable to distinguish advertising scamolade from the genuine article. i've reached out to an altcoin forum about advertising directly, and to some folks who pump ICOs to see about getting into their designers hosting pipelines, all to zero avail. not to mention that just looking at their existing websites makes me nauseous.
(trilema) ben_vulpes: public. i have high hopes that the rockchip will be a thing people even want, but i'm clearly out of my depth on marketing to the great wide web.
(trilema) ben_vulpes: http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2018-6-27#388828 << i do not think that this line of business is worth pursuing further, and will tender my resignation for mismanagement if folks want it for the wasted time/effort. sifting the midden pile of the internet for people who worry about five dollars a month for hosting flies in the face of everything i've learned in #trilema about coming anywhere near the
(trilema) ben_vulpes: during the day: sweat! during the night: sweat! but also stare at the ceiling
(trilema) ben_vulpes: !!up mobile436523 hola
(trilema) ben_vulpes: betting that the bill for the rockchip plant is going to hurt by the same token
(trilema) ben_vulpes: i definitely don't know how to organize or drive sales, doing what i see needs doing, and what gets suggested to me, and float my own (bad) ideas. i'm in no way attached to "fiat things". because the exchange rate is eroding capitalization so brutally i thought it worthwhile to take another one on the chin in case this particular bad idea had some flake of merit in it.
(trilema) ben_vulpes: and with clickbank not touching btc, 'a(nonymous)-ads' out for not being in the wot all these years, i'm back to the drawing board on where to buy ads/how to drive traffic
(trilema) ben_vulpes: BingoBoingo has made http://pizarroisp.net/shared-hosting/ and finessed the copy on the rest of the site; isn't a/b testing on landing pages what you do after putting cash down on a CPM/CPC/CPA program?
(trilema) ben_vulpes: BingoBoingo and lobbes have been working the hosting forums, i don't know what 'funnel' to put together other than get folks to sign into the #pizarro chat room and get them accounts
(trilema) ben_vulpes: nevermind, i'll just read my kindleberger instead
(trilema) ben_vulpes: if mircea_popescu would spare a lecture on the notion, ex the usg gassing constraint, i would read intently.
(trilema) ben_vulpes: there is the "convertible note", which is how the shartupists do a similar thing.
(trilema) ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: probably the jooblocker
(trilema) ben_vulpes: illegal per usg "accredited investors" circus?
(trilema) ben_vulpes: if a 'javier' name shows up and my attention is elsewhere, someone please up the fellow, i'd like to build bridges out of lbtc and he might be one
(trilema) ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: and immediately thereafter http://btcbase.org/log/2018-06-13#1825184
(trilema) ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: and this absolves of the need to hedge?
(trilema) ben_vulpes: amusing, because they handle the intermediation themselves now
(trilema) ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: possibly stupid notion i had last night i'd like to float for your cfo-ly advice: with the exchange rate in the shitter, and the clear and present demand for fiat-denominated assets, how bad of an idea would it be to sell usd-denominated bonds? mod6 and asciilifeform thoughts also pls
(trilema) ben_vulpes: https://www.behance.net/gallery/66684621/Ural-Amazon << perhaps a candidate for mircea_popescu 's artist hunt
(trilema) ben_vulpes: BingoBoingo: can you buy amazon gift cards for cash in uruguay?
(trilema) ben_vulpes: no graffiti even necessary.
(trilema) ben_vulpes: add a new file for the manifest, create a vpatch, any subsequent vpatches that don't also edit manifest must be reground into mainline.
(trilema) ben_vulpes: and not "reference" but "edit"
(trilema) ben_vulpes: manifest.txt $hash_prev $hash_curr ?
(trilema) ben_vulpes: reference the manifest file in a later patch.
(trilema) ben_vulpes: well now i have to look into this and figure out what drives the memory of getting stuck. very foggy memories suggest it was the pruning of spent outputs i was unsure of.
(trilema) ben_vulpes: in other reports, btcfor.gifts does indeed work for small amounts
(trilema) ben_vulpes: it's either there or regrind back to the genesis
(trilema) ben_vulpes: s/after makefiles/in the makefiles patch/
(trilema) ben_vulpes: well in theory, but in practice everything below makefiles already needs a regrind; aggression to request newblocks if none have been advertised recently; hash truncation atop that. so there's an opportunity to significantly reduce the amount of regrinding by introducing the manifest after the makefiles release and just regrinding 2 patches instead of the whole tree. unless i misread the situation.
(trilema) ben_vulpes: mod6: my original q was in re why regrinding the whole tree is necessary instead of introducing the manifest now and using it going forward
(trilema) ben_vulpes: it's a single file that collapses the tree into a pillar
(trilema) ben_vulpes: "manifest capabilities" are baked into all V implementations
(trilema) ben_vulpes: shouldn't matter in the slightest which v impl is used
(trilema) ben_vulpes: mod6: focus on the manifest design, not the v implementation linked in trinque 's post
(trilema) ben_vulpes: for the sake of exploring the state space; it is more desirable to regrind the whole tree rather than to introduce the manifest at this point and use it going forward?
(trilema) ben_vulpes: and yeah, i could possibly put this time into humping trinque's wallet patches down the field
(trilema) ben_vulpes: do you have any output selection scripts you keep around?
(trilema) ben_vulpes: heh, last time i took a crack at *that* i got mired in finding unspent outputs with trb
(trilema) ben_vulpes: lol that's kind of you
(trilema) ben_vulpes: mod6: thanks
(trilema) ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: classic intro!
(trilema) ben_vulpes: and to think i spent all that time poring over the boost docs
(trilema) ben_vulpes: .size() fuckin hue
(trilema) ben_vulpes: mod6: can i get a hand with some c++? i can't figure out how to iterate over the params array in sendtoaddresswithchange with boost or more naive iterators http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/7TlSw/?raw=true
(trilema) ben_vulpes: http://logs.bvulpes.com/pizarro?d=2018-6-26#388015 << continuing a thread from #p; i'm partway through reimplementing createtransaction such that it takes a change address; there's no reason to keep the individual transaction size limit, is there?
(trilema) ben_vulpes: assuming that epony is this epony
(trilema) ben_vulpes: epony: still haven't digested the epsilon appetite for nobodies? not obvious in your 11 days reading?
(trilema) ben_vulpes: chance favors the prepared keyring or what was it.
(trilema) ben_vulpes: consider, one day, you find yourself inspired to say something, you then go to register a key first? and then conversation gets derailed with "oh ho, look who finally registered a key" or alternatively "oh ho, who are you now?"
(trilema) ben_vulpes: put another way, why *not* do it?
(trilema) ben_vulpes: epony: what do you perceive the cost of registering a key to be?
(trilema) ben_vulpes: !!up epony do you plan to register a key or what
(trilema) ben_vulpes: sarcasm fails me in the face of cpp
(trilema) ben_vulpes: am i thick or does nothing in the rpc take named args already?
(trilema) ben_vulpes: yeah that fucking horror of ordered args
(trilema) ben_vulpes: it would be much easier to make a sendmanywithchangeaddr than to rework both sendfrom and sendmany
(trilema) ben_vulpes: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-06-23#1829108 << the alternative, which would be a smaller patch, is a "setchangeaddr" RPC function. i'm leery of changing the call signatures of sendfrom and sendmany, but doing so might be The Right Thing nevertheless
(trilema) ben_vulpes: would it be sensible for the send* commands to eat a changeaddress argument?
(trilema) ben_vulpes: i'm out of time on this particular trbism, bbl
(trilema) ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: the bit i have yet to unravel is why it thinks there's change to generate
(trilema) ben_vulpes: but shitting in other hand
(trilema) ben_vulpes hoping for a garbokey
(trilema) ben_vulpes: alternatively, recompile with useful need/have numbers in http://btc.yt/lxr/satoshi/source/src/bitcoinrpc.cpp?v=makefiles#0914
(trilema) ben_vulpes: pretty confident that there's no dust at play, so i'll look for this min fee config
(trilema) ben_vulpes: mod6: see that's why i asked for a spot check on the maths
(trilema) ben_vulpes: bitcoinfees.earn.com suggests cutoff around ~50 sat/byte, but still, orthogonal
(trilema) ben_vulpes: i wasn't aware that it was 50ksat/byte, no, but nevertheless trb shouldn't even be aware of that. orthogonal issue, isn't it?
(trilema) ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: 3467 is the value i get with that algo
(trilema) ben_vulpes: next thing i'm going to try is manually walk the spend-to-self down by 100 satoshis until this trb shits a tx out and then look at what it produces
(trilema) ben_vulpes: and afaik only spending a single output
(trilema) ben_vulpes: "paytxfee" : 0.00021850,
(trilema) ben_vulpes: well this is a fuckin doozy; i'm trying to get trb to cough up a transaction that spends 0.00420032 to one address, 6.65784110 to another address, and spends 0.00021850 in fees, all of which my arithmetic pad shows summing to 6.66225992 btc, but trb complains of "insufficient funds". can someone doublecheck my maffs?
(trilema) ben_vulpes: dang, teh crashing
(trilema) ben_vulpes: BingoBoingo: iirc you've used lbtc in living memory, what heathen abortion did you use to send to the 3addr?
(trilema) ben_vulpes: black sabbath violin aha
(trilema) ben_vulpes: once one has the 3coin, it's a single transaction to transmute into a 1coin iirc? or did we settle on "anything with a 3 in the transactionhistory is badshit"
(trilema) ben_vulpes: motherfucker, localbitcoins uses multisig deposit addresses
(trilema) ben_vulpes: who look to have bounced off the early republic sometime in 2014
(trilema) ben_vulpes: ("a-ads.com")
(trilema) ben_vulpes: same with the affiliate thing; 'a-ads'; i know mircea_popescu said that nobody uses anything but clickbank, but i can't pay 'em in btc and the amlkyc is thick over there as well; so, fifty bucks, see how bad the results can possibly be
(trilema) ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: i'm thinking about ~50 bucks worth, see if it works as promised
(trilema) ben_vulpes: incidentally, first btc affiliate program i've found in the wild, so will probably throw some change at them as well to see what comes of that
(trilema) ben_vulpes: (of all wacky dns entries)
(trilema) ben_vulpes: btcfor.gifts
(trilema) ben_vulpes: hanbot: did you only cover debit cards in "state of the cards" and not gift cards because buying gift cards with btc is a terrible idea for some reason?
(trilema) ben_vulpes: end of july for the whole package
(trilema) ben_vulpes: box can come up for testing with the spare ssd drive held for s.mg raid redundancy; then reprovision with cuntoo later in the month and the fat stack of SSDs to flesh out the raid array for the production cutover.
(trilema) ben_vulpes: nah no stress, workin out how to best serve s.mg
(trilema) ben_vulpes: latest innovation is lotto-disguised-as-lootbox on ipad; labor force participation by young males down, but expenditures of parents' 401k on skinner boxes is up!
(trilema) ben_vulpes: because it's not fentanyl, it's just-enough-different to escape prosecution in the orient and kill people in ameristan
(trilema) ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: nah, even worse/dumber. importing the fentanyl and mixing it poorly into things that look like heroin for street-resale
(trilema) ben_vulpes: and even that largely subsumed by .cn mailorder
(trilema) ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: the pot dealer is even an extinct species these days; gotta go buy fentanyl to make friends now
(trilema) ben_vulpes: i'll need until late-july to kit out the bays
(trilema) ben_vulpes: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-06-20#1827727 << can bring up spare chassis with hot-spare for raid array on very short notice, but if you would like to cut over to this machine from your existing one o'
(trilema) ben_vulpes: !!v 47890E77153D97A14E0A3602032F495C70D0A52EA256BC86EA35DD4DF7DF0807
(trilema) ben_vulpes: BingoBoingo: "jail-like"
(trilema) ben_vulpes: diana_coman: why does it need to be wholly separate machine? i think something might have flown over my head
(trilema) ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: all righty
(trilema) ben_vulpes: !!v 679E24D9E94B4273ABD3A76D7E9D4CE3099B442C14D4A41635AABFA733F662C0
(trilema) ben_vulpes: BingoBoingo: ty
(trilema) ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: you got it
(trilema) ben_vulpes: yeah, that's the foundation's drive
(trilema) ben_vulpes: BingoBoingo: sent out an inventory recently, let me hand that over to ya
(trilema) ben_vulpes: chassis + ram
(trilema) ben_vulpes: ah; that's right. box bought from s.nsa was chassis-only
(trilema) ben_vulpes: sounds reasonable, let me check notes and see if there's any reason not to
(trilema) ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: don't tell the inca but i fly
(trilema) ben_vulpes: fun inversely proportional to lethality and all that
(trilema) ben_vulpes: "flies" is a bit strong; i like big kinetic-energy toys and have friends with them.
(trilema) ben_vulpes: it is the gliders that are actually hard.
(trilema) ben_vulpes: any goon can get a powered bird to do simple things
(trilema) ben_vulpes: and this is why i still don't have many male friends "we're going to go fly quadcopters!" "...why don't we drive out to the hangar and take the plane out instead?"
(trilema) ben_vulpes: i eventually learned that unless i can feel the gs in the seat of my pants i have trouble giving much of a fuck
(trilema) ben_vulpes: phf: i had a set quite like that as well, but never got into it. "so, it goes around? and if you go too fast, it pops off the track?" brio also more for the 2-5 set
(trilema) ben_vulpes: these days battery-operated chinesium
(trilema) ben_vulpes: historically wood and steel train toys
(trilema) ben_vulpes: ("the fuck kind of child abuser makes these toys, you mean")
(trilema) ben_vulpes: the fuck kind of kid wants to watch a train roll about at 1 cm/min
(trilema) ben_vulpes: "brio" actually ships battery-powered "engines", these days, with wheels that resist turning except when driven by batteries, if you can imagine.
(trilema) ben_vulpes: for god's sake, mr f!
(trilema) ben_vulpes: i have a stack of blank index cards upon which i write or draw whatever thing i feel like training the kid on at any given moment. "memory" games with shapes and letters and numbers, the alphabet and numbers, just starting in on word shapes. beyond that, no blinkenlichten, no plastics, a commitment to correcting diction and grammar all day and i'm pretty sure one's into diminishing returns after that
(trilema) ben_vulpes: the montesorri stuff makes me laugh. oh, you mean the little learning machine thrives on new and varied challenges? you don't fucking say
(trilema) ben_vulpes: and so the girlies shack up with other girlies, the boys retire to secular onasteries, and they all think it precisely tits.
(trilema) ben_vulpes: well yeah doods don't even say hello, much less issue compliments anymore.
(trilema) ben_vulpes: once upon a time.
(trilema) ben_vulpes: well hey i biked through from time to time
(trilema) ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: i doubt there's what knows how to use a slut on that campus
(trilema) ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: it's all the poor dears know
(trilema) ben_vulpes: (noshit, you've never seen one)
(trilema) ben_vulpes: esthlos: ah, once a classy joint i hear. since then, well, epicenter of "i don't date nazis" nonsense
(trilema) ben_vulpes: esthlos: noshit? which school?
(trilema) ben_vulpes: i don't really see the point to importing rounded corners into republican tooling
(trilema) ben_vulpes: worth more to inca than us i suspect.
(trilema) ben_vulpes: i'm amenable to dom as presentation model, but abhor the browser scripting language and the cpp hydras that render the html/css/jsoup. that said if we cut "teh modern webb!" off entirely, i'll hafta bifurcate my workbench.
(trilema) ben_vulpes: implementing the DOM and all of the california complexity doesn't mesh neatly with the text rendering already extant. i use emacs as wm around browser and some other things (not many other things, really, but 'modern' dom-o-tron is sadly yet central to $work), for the expediency of my workbench having a single scriptinglang to move windows around, split whole monitor and arrange for specific workflows...
(trilema) ben_vulpes: eww, the builtin browser is sorta step-up from lynx/links: no js, but can do images/svgs with the appropriate libs linked against
(trilema) ben_vulpes: no x11 means no graphical wwwtron, right?
(trilema) ben_vulpes: not irc, however.
(trilema) ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: i also use it as wm; will endure the occasional freeze-ups because if emacs has died well then the whole machine's utility to me has gone to epsilon anyways
(trilema) ben_vulpes: douchebag: i thought handing vulns over to sv corp responsible dicksucksure departments was a sure path to riches
(trilema) ben_vulpes: 'twas riotous.
(trilema) ben_vulpes: seed actually far more correct
(trilema) ben_vulpes: phf: is "seeds" a ru-ism or are "beans" an usgism
(trilema) ben_vulpes: burn the beans because "more flavor", which burns the caffeine off, which demands mas grounds for same "lift"; escalator to shitsville
(trilema) ben_vulpes: well and also industrial food production pipeline optimized to crap out same five products everywhere.
(trilema) ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: are people selling the "nitro cold brew on tap" perversity in your area yet?
(trilema) ben_vulpes: http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2018-6-18#381193 << could let teh customer manage his own, regardless do let me know if the machine in q starts misbehaving
(trilema) ben_vulpes: nor fuckin i
(trilema) ben_vulpes: (matchsticks!)
(trilema) ben_vulpes: interesting stuff, ty asciilifeform
(trilema) ben_vulpes: why the very expensive gazprom clause then?
(trilema) ben_vulpes: what 'reasons'?
(trilema) ben_vulpes: "While the rulings of the Stockholm court were not made public...Naftogaz managed to avoid Gazprom's major claim ... almost 60% of Ukraine's GDP", so is this "the poor ukranians can't actually even pay the penalty, so we're cancelling the clause"?
(trilema) ben_vulpes: "the stockholm international arbitration court cancelled retroactively the take-or-pay clause forseen in the 2009 contract with Russia's Gazprom"
(trilema) ben_vulpes: https://concorde.ua/rs/daily/item_72528/ << in bizarro international contract-rewriting news from last year
(trilema) ben_vulpes: if you would that would be great BingoBoingo
(trilema) ben_vulpes: ty asciilifeform, mircea_popescu
(trilema) ben_vulpes: "you: wiggle the till. and you! get me a beer"
(trilema) ben_vulpes: illustrative, ty mircea_popescu.
(trilema) ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: i am similarly poorly equipped to speculate/trade, but now at recent lows strikes me as a bad time to convert btc to cash (unless it goes lower, ofc)
