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asciilifeform: gernika: nope
mircea_popescu: gernika i had a slavegirl apply this process to a few pages of shaw. took her A YEAR
mircea_popescu: gernika florida.
danielpbarron: 07:29 <+gernika> May I ask where the reptilian reference comes from? << probably from david icke
BingoBoingo: gernika: Updated it to use the first name.
BingoBoingo: Thanks gernika
cazalla: gernika, we have bitcoin so yeah, at least personally
cazalla: gernika, i can't say i'm that interested in promoting altcoins but thanks for the tip
cazalla: gernika, are you trying to get me arrested for promoting ISIS?
mircea_popescu: gernika the kgb does not recruit nobodies for this role.
undata: gernika: when I was 16 I worked for a software company which persuaded staff (myself excluded of course) to alter their stock options unfavorably given that they subsequently sold out to HP
mircea_popescu: gernika i can see it.
mircea_popescu: gernika that's pretty much the first stable diet. roman workers/soldiers got bread, beer (liquid bread) and some olives/small fishes.
mircea_popescu: gernika actually starch only diets are known to be toxic, for vitamin depletion reasons
mircea_popescu: <gernika> yes, but not sure if avail in english. 1st stage literacy = kids 6 to 10ish yo, read by reading letters and vocalizing ; 2nd stage, bacalaureat level, reads words whole. 3rd stage, fit for college, reads whole page diagonally.
Adlai: gernika: "I slept through your assembly talk, but everybody who attended said it sucked"
asciilifeform: (asciilifeform) what the anglos did to germany, will be remembered as -the- 20th c. crime... (gernika) what the russians did to germany after the war << gotta understand the anglo m.o.
decimation: gernika: I guess I was more referring to the intentional policies of starvation and mass population displacement
BingoBoingo: gernika> What makes a slave happy? Certainly not freedom. << Goal oriented activity
BingoBoingo: <gernika> Silicon valley companies are full of h1b slaves << You have to realize the h1b thing is USia's last defense against the doctor, retailer, doctor pipeline
decimation: gernika: it's pretty much reality
mircea_popescu: gernika on a more serious note, this is a problem familiar from game design. you can either have choice or stability, not both. systems that are to any degree stable only achieve this stability by denying choice correspondingly.
mircea_popescu: gernika rape works.
mircea_popescu: gernika yeah, forced trust is no trust at all.
mircea_popescu: gernika let me illustrate the problem of trust and the limits of the universe to you with a risque comic.
mircea_popescu: gernika it seems to me the wot is already generating it's own equilibrium, not clear to me what you mean by "nash equilibrium based exchange"
mircea_popescu: gernika the situation being exactly equivalent to when they first joined the wot, had no ratings.
mircea_popescu: gernika exaclty, and in wot-terms he makes a trust donation to the wot and to his partner.
mircea_popescu: gernika well, one could put the time in to build himself and steal some, but the idea is that he wouldn't really manage to steal more than what not stealing is worth on a discouinted basis for him.
chetty: gernika, what does wot have to do with that? everyday common trust question
mircea_popescu: gernika the case you're proposing is already out of scope, because the wot is intended to be used with middle transactions. so if alice trades 100 btc a month for two years, trusting alice with 200 in one go is okay. trusting her with 5k is absurd,
mircea_popescu: gernika you'll have to go into detail. make me a sample scenario ?
punkman: gernika, this should explain a lot
mircea_popescu: gernika it's in the logs, yeah.
mircea_popescu: gernika if you like to hang out with expats/foreign kids the palermos and perhaps ricoletta.
mircea_popescu: gernika are you rich ?
mircea_popescu: gernika: I made more consulting for a firm based out of Minnesota than I was working at the big name tech company that acquired a startup I had worked for. So yeah. Fuck startups. << acquihires are usually pitiful affairs that rarely work
mircea_popescu: gernika: I am a consultant in silly-con valley << win.
decimation: we've been derping about some technical stuff, gernika, ben_vulpes and I were talking about the silly-con valley employment scam
decimation: gernika: not unless it is your primary residence and your gains are less than $500k (as I recall)
ben_vulpes: gernika decimation: there's some value in witnessing the chumpatron from the inside.
decimation: gernika: indeed, unfortunately there's no undergrad class on how not to be a chump
decimation: gernika: I've noticed that it's a common pattern in today's economy: kid goes to work for borg-firm, gives up his flower of youth, and then later finds employment profiting on the idiocy he witnessed earlier
decimation: gernika: how did you manage to establish your bona fides?
decimation: gernika: is it working for you?
peterl: gernika do you find it useful when it is not broken?
mircea_popescu: gernika im not so sure that colonialism -> tech transfer thing is worth anything.
decimation: gernika: I would note that the 'returned slaves' immediately began to enslave the locals and run plantations of their own
mircea_popescu: gernika land in africa is just as valuable as land in the midwest, as far as land goes.
mircea_popescu: gernika so where is the great iroquis nation ?
ben_vulpes: days of apps as money makers is kinda gone at this point gernika
mircea_popescu: gernika i just didn't realise anyone who's not apple writes for the os-x as a platform.
eightyeight: gernika: is bitpost compatible? also, any plans for something other than an os-x only client?
chetty: <asciilifeform> gernika: bad question. see earlier discussion of 'usable' machines. no such thing as 'good place' any more than 'usable interface.'//+++
asciilifeform: gernika: it is almost like asking publicly 'what's a good place to bury treasure' (see also earlier discussion of this)
asciilifeform: gernika: bad question. see earlier discussion of 'usable' machines. no such thing as 'good place' any more than 'usable interface.'
BingoBoingo: Hello gernika
BingoBoingo: !up gernika
chetty: <gernika> #bitcoin-assets is an oasis in a desert of bitcoin idiocy.// oasis in a world of insanity
punkman: gernika, not just bitcoin
BingoBoingo: !up gernika
mircea_popescu: !up gernika
ben_vulpes: lol gernika knows enough to try to !up but not that it doesn't work without ratings
gribble: Currently authenticated from hostmask gernika!32b89192@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Trust relationship from user ben_vulpes to user gernika: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: | WoT data: | Rated since: never
ben_vulpes: ;;gettrust gernika
kakobrekla: !up gernika
assbot: gernika +v failed; L1: 0, L2: 0
