ben_vulpes: no code, not published.
ben_vulpes: poor baby
ben_vulpes: square?
ben_vulpes: "half of my advertising budget is wasted, i just don't know which half."
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: hit enter?
ben_vulpes: << needs updating?
ben_vulpes: zarbee!
ben_vulpes: yeah, once i browbeat my parents into moving me to a school with a decent physics and math program things picked up.
ben_vulpes: attitude towards math during my tenure at hippieschool was "oh, you finished the long division worksheet? oh uh let me go photocopy some more."
ben_vulpes: with the math, right?
ben_vulpes: kindergarten, maybe.
ben_vulpes: sure, if it'd happened before 5th grade.
ben_vulpes: teacher lined us up, holding the rod, and applied a torch to one end.
ben_vulpes: (of startling diameter, in retrospect. musta cost a fortune.)
ben_vulpes: the school had a copper rod
ben_vulpes: do you know how we were taught about conduction?
ben_vulpes: eloise*
ben_vulpes: just call me eliose
ben_vulpes: yes i grew up in ahotel
ben_vulpes: fucking /life/ has been remedial study.
ben_vulpes: dude my third grade was waldorf
ben_vulpes: mhm well let me know when you find those other loglines
ben_vulpes: plus not in log can't possibly be famous.
ben_vulpes: look i didn't grow up on usenet it's nyoooooz to me
ben_vulpes: from the annals of perverse technology reuse:
ben_vulpes: already wrote three tests this morning. making coffee and wanking over scintillation for a spell.
ben_vulpes: me
ben_vulpes: it's disturbing how hard this conversation is making
ben_vulpes: aaaaah
ben_vulpes: why the neutron requirement?
ben_vulpes: pediwikia suggests polyethylene naphthalate as scintillating plastic
ben_vulpes: jurov now has the (enviable?) privilege of determining the likelihood that the call will be exercised, and adjusting his reserves accordingly.
ben_vulpes: this is banking
ben_vulpes: but this is all kind of moot, because at the end of the day, jurov is simply on the hook for princessnell's shares, should someone with her key ever come along to claim them.
ben_vulpes: so princessnell can't up, because can't keys. what of it, ergo "not princessnell".
ben_vulpes: << this sits poorly with me too, ftr
ben_vulpes: (heh great error message, trinque )
ben_vulpes: oh brutal i didn't know princessnell'd hosed herself
ben_vulpes: this week "myeah you've got thirty days to codify this business logic up and wrap it up in a webapp"
ben_vulpes: three weeks ago, "hey team, work looks slow for the forseeable future. everyone take fridays off!"
ben_vulpes: that apparently only i have a chance at getting out the door in time
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: bezzletronic short deadline immense scope throwaway internal project for local dropshipper
ben_vulpes: i'll probably be even less communicative than i've been for the next month or two
ben_vulpes: mazel tov, asciilifeform
ben_vulpes: ;;later tell felipelalli you have good taste what can i say
ben_vulpes: having recently returned from detroit and misc ohio suburbs, my part of the coast has, in comparison, nearly zero 'obeasts'.
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: talk about automating the reactor controls...
ben_vulpes: /deedbot hands you a mircea_popescu
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: that too
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: you should see the hoops they jump through to get people saving their everything to icloud
ben_vulpes: best guess anyone had is that she plugged his phone into her computer one time and imported everything into iphoto and thence mme
ben_vulpes: friend had photos from his android device show up on his girl's mme account one time
ben_vulpes: punkman, phf: neat, til
ben_vulpes has not read comics in a while
ben_vulpes: oh man jthm
ben_vulpes: the color is limited to covers
ben_vulpes: in the vein, i suppose
ben_vulpes: if someone has turned it into a 'browser' i will lol
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: it is an http client
ben_vulpes: << nevertheless, i further procure a very humrng sample of the work
ben_vulpes: and you'd not care for the trouble it takes to set my flags even were i
ben_vulpes: i am not an ffmpeg
ben_vulpes: so's to capture the absurd level of detail.
ben_vulpes: and scanned in loving detail.
ben_vulpes: no, illustrated with ink.
ben_vulpes: mnope
ben_vulpes: anyway i don't see how 'need' enters into anything. tis only as i said more or less how i procured the thing
ben_vulpes: 1.9G Tank Girl Ultimate Mega Collection/
ben_vulpes: > du -sh Tank\ Girl\ Ultimate\ Mega\ Collection/
ben_vulpes:[]tank.girl.ultimate.mega.collection.emidius << torrent file itself
ben_vulpes: no?
ben_vulpes: requires esoteric '.cbr' reader
ben_vulpes: only made it through vol. 1, just curious if you'd seen the thing
ben_vulpes: << 's the one i procured
ben_vulpes: also 20 yo's getting rogered by kangaroos, voodoo plastic surgery, great australian beer heist, thrown boxing matches...
ben_vulpes: howso? c.p. is a 'save the world' sorta thing, t.g., much more "drink beer slaughter normies with nukes"
ben_vulpes: late eighties, early nineties.
ben_vulpes: nono, original comix
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: ever dig 'tank girl'?
ben_vulpes: 3/3
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: that's 2/2 for bothered today
ben_vulpes: you are a masochist
ben_vulpes: > straight to c
ben_vulpes: "TOO BAD, SUCKER"
ben_vulpes: urllib2 is a perfect example of "but i don't want to write oopython!"
ben_vulpes: plus miserable miserable miserable concurrency constructs.
ben_vulpes: trinque: this is why i do webshits in clojure.
ben_vulpes: even Java's OOP is less fucking miserable.
ben_vulpes: punkman: mostly the miserable OOP implementation.
ben_vulpes: for web shit specifically.
ben_vulpes: and ftr i motherfucking /hate/ python.
ben_vulpes: specificity of diddling applies.
ben_vulpes: << there are some minorly trivial security concerns to keep in mind when building webapps
ben_vulpes: not tmsr, me.
ben_vulpes: girl ams fascinate
ben_vulpes: lectured girl on how this is outgrowth of cultural attitudes around computers that nobody owns
ben_vulpes: phf: saw that, rofld hard
ben_vulpes: hah that's a silly twuk
ben_vulpes: mhm
ben_vulpes: that's mod6's v, iirc
ben_vulpes: pete_dushenski: i don't think anyone's using kelvin versioning on trb
ben_vulpes: perhaps he purchased it as a curio
ben_vulpes: omfg lolztrove
ben_vulpes: "people began to imagine a world where...profits could come back in vogue"
ben_vulpes: ey
ben_vulpes: oh god the lulz don't stop
ben_vulpes: > Unicorn basket
ben_vulpes: > slack
ben_vulpes: > slack
ben_vulpes: > slack
ben_vulpes: "this generation’s transformational companies (AirBNB, Slack, Snapchat, Uber, etc)" << muahaha
ben_vulpes: << don't call it a pooooonziiiiiiiii
ben_vulpes: p. much the only sane design
ben_vulpes: thanks mod6 i'll get on that
ben_vulpes: waaat
ben_vulpes: as well as genuine assault and rape
ben_vulpes: wife should be well occupied with children and drive-by-rodgerings, and if children are a burden american should have neither c nor w
ben_vulpes: good riddance
ben_vulpes: actual thing in buenos aires
ben_vulpes: bamboocycleta!
ben_vulpes: get real, right parents, right time.
ben_vulpes: can lob mortars from dirigible for weeks
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: was lucky enough to destroy the things he grew up hating
ben_vulpes: could not possibly, lizard hitler would never allow.
ben_vulpes: shambala ofc does not exist.
ben_vulpes: "west coast! covered wagons, right? have they wired portland for AC yet?"
ben_vulpes: aha yes old east coast joke
ben_vulpes: if you get your way with hauschwitz it should be academic, barring grocery trips
ben_vulpes: yes, plenty, i have been to one recently.
ben_vulpes: in a town the auto hasn't ruined
ben_vulpes: so ride a bike
ben_vulpes: yesye
ben_vulpes: BingoBoingo: in the conversations context ofc, i know they exist and are used by self-dusting farmers
ben_vulpes: from mythical cornfield runway
ben_vulpes: beause dentist is half sane, picks good market, commutes by plane to place
ben_vulpes: jesus you really need this spelled out?
ben_vulpes: for /fun/
ben_vulpes: also dentists fly gliders all the time wtf
ben_vulpes: because if there are highly stable craft the thing approaches golf
ben_vulpes: only that "planes for dentists" is just as panglossian
ben_vulpes: yeah dood wtf i'm not saying megaport is only solution
ben_vulpes: people go to market for a /reason/
ben_vulpes: must we rehash 'market' thread?
ben_vulpes: other places where one person was landing uncontrolledly at a time?
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: and people flew where in 40s?
ben_vulpes: yes ofc points in 3space nigh impossible to get close to each other
ben_vulpes: lanes are temporal in asciilifeform plane new world
ben_vulpes: the shares though, you have some
ben_vulpes: you have a bridge too, right?
ben_vulpes: "oh but they would all live in the country with nobody around and each with their own runway!"
ben_vulpes: individuals can stay up for quite some time, but if you have any concentration of them taking off at 7a to get to work, there's your density-close-to-the-ground problem
ben_vulpes: falling derps is not the problem, it's collisions unavoidable due to relative speeds and human inability to a) perceive and b) react in time
ben_vulpes: again, arc-seconds and velocity.
ben_vulpes: that is still a *lot* of atc.
ben_vulpes: dentists at least, which is every derp in my book.
ben_vulpes: you just proposed essentially every derp flying.
ben_vulpes: 0, 1, inf
ben_vulpes: relative to car infrastructure
ben_vulpes: consider relative velocities and arc seconds involved tho
ben_vulpes: granted
ben_vulpes: air traffic control on the scale of car-economy would be an utter nightmare
ben_vulpes: BingoBoingo: quite quite, and i loled at phoreplay
ben_vulpes: phuctor is phucking nao, mircea_popescu sounds pleased or at least entertained, so i imagine it's bought a stay from the divestment for a quarter...
ben_vulpes: mats: re ?
ben_vulpes: proxy for all sorts of thing, but the entertainment comes from contrasting that bit of information with public comportment
ben_vulpes: relatedly, i get a kick out of learning which 'business owners' keep seperate books for tax and internal accounting and which do not.
ben_vulpes: the "dreamers"?
ben_vulpes: what has been "working" the ustards?
ben_vulpes: ty!
ben_vulpes: gotcha
ben_vulpes: what is манька ?
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: how large was the sks dump?
ben_vulpes: i wonder how big that'll end up being
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: do ssh keys need any mangling to be digestable by phuctor?
ben_vulpes: << can start there
ben_vulpes: (trip concludes)
ben_vulpes: perhaps some time will free up after this expose-child-to-great-grandmother-in-flyover-states-before-she-exits-gracefully concludes
ben_vulpes: one could also iterate over github usernames
ben_vulpes: (dsantery)
ben_vulpes: lately being, oh, my entire tenure on earth
ben_vulpes: eg common lisp has grown a decent tumor of the shit lately
ben_vulpes: shinohai: i don't know on what basis you think this is relevant to any particular programming language
ben_vulpes: "easy" means "this shit is so complex it will take you a month to realize that it never worked in the first place"
ben_vulpes: "minimalist" means "i made an epic shitton of assumptions and then laid down a zillion lines of code in support of those assumptions"
ben_vulpes: and that is that if someone claims a software library to be "minimalist" or "easy", they are lying through their goddamn teeth
ben_vulpes: one thing i know to be true in this world
ben_vulpes: hyuuuu
ben_vulpes: what gulag name will you use for this gig?
ben_vulpes: nothing magical
ben_vulpes: shat out an otp, successful decryption of which set a session on the user's browser.
ben_vulpes: abortive tmsr~ ad network i build once upon a time
ben_vulpes: session up
ben_vulpes: omg not all at once davout
ben_vulpes: (may be hard to not heckle)
ben_vulpes: (also missed all of those talks, although i am looking forward to the bbatsov talk)
ben_vulpes: phf: gotta eat
ben_vulpes: product of the DoD
ben_vulpes: i just saw something that looked a lot like CLOS in clojure
ben_vulpes: cannot catch up at th' mo'
ben_vulpes: aaa scrollback
ben_vulpes: trinque: roger, will do
ben_vulpes: the rare deadline about which i give a shit
ben_vulpes: critiquing headshots on shartup websites
ben_vulpes: fine way to spend a sleepless night
ben_vulpes: that is not a flattering photo of ms riskin
ben_vulpes: eeeeeyikes
ben_vulpes: and just for lolz, let's see what this looks like in a plain text browser
ben_vulpes: lol and lindsay anderson doesn't even give enough of a shit to put up anything other than a party pic
ben_vulpes: there's always one beardo taking photos of the inside of his nostrils
ben_vulpes: heh
ben_vulpes idly browses faces on their website, looking for this 'shoulda'
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: the url shortener? 24/7?
ben_vulpes: hoard those old macs while ye can
ben_vulpes: wowee you dun say
ben_vulpes: nop.png
ben_vulpes: just give up on graphix
ben_vulpes: should do it again, sans x11
ben_vulpes: hey i got it running on an old macbook pro
ben_vulpes: bsd works on everything
ben_vulpes: run moar old hardware
ben_vulpes: it is precisely the opposite of adaptive
ben_vulpes: i really admire this nest of constraints you've put up, asciilifeform
ben_vulpes: underwater welding!
ben_vulpes: there's also the local amazon subsidiary
ben_vulpes: software qua software is a mystery to me, asciilifeform.
ben_vulpes: great testimonial though
ben_vulpes: system works so well they never needed a hand afterwards
ben_vulpes: hilariously overdelivered on that one
ben_vulpes: documentation generation for a 747 retrofitter at one point
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: yes, human interaction. i'm a derpy american business-ish hustler who also does software as it pertains to the /businesses/.
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: beats me! just answering the question.
ben_vulpes: pays decently, if very volatile.
ben_vulpes: mod6: custom work is all i do.
ben_vulpes: mod6: every payment processor has their own interface. but as mentioned above, the tech is almost entirely ancillary to figuring out what needs doing and piping the data round.
ben_vulpes: it's the guiding them through the conversations with their auditor, department of revenue...
ben_vulpes: and it's not the tags
ben_vulpes: you think /i/ need help shitting out some tags?
ben_vulpes: how would i know, why would i care
ben_vulpes shurgs
ben_vulpes: but /which bolt/
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: every payment processor has custom formage.
ben_vulpes: or excel -> geosearch tools
ben_vulpes: or, say, custom forms for donation-accepting nonprofits who need to collect additional data on the state's say-so.
ben_vulpes: or, say, oauth integrations.
ben_vulpes: "yes, that falls in the set of things you can purchase here."
ben_vulpes: not on its own, but as a necessary requisite.