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asciilifeform: would be interesting (for a laugh) to see the actual code, but this is improbable
asciilifeform: !s empooren
asciilifeform: without recompiling.
asciilifeform: otherwise it simply happens to be the version string used by my nodez.
asciilifeform: << this cost a good number of chumps their coin, aha
asciilifeform: the up-side of slow and finicky comps was that there was a lower limit to the dev iq and a hard upper limit to code bloat.
asciilifeform: BUT nothing 'curl'ed during compile, no.
asciilifeform: docs were hastily-written and inaccurate, vendor support - spotty, compilers - buggy, architectures - quite 'turkish' and requiring serious asm massage just for acceptable performance.
asciilifeform: cannot compile on airplane?
asciilifeform: 'Also note that one of the key benefits of using this construction is that you need not worry about a weakness in your PRNG being exploited in the signing process. For example, signing different pieces of data with the same k value instantly leaks your private key. A similar attack can also be exploited if the PRNG is weak enough to determine the relationship between different k values used when signing the same piece of data.
asciilifeform: because in cpp a 'function' is a complicated notion
asciilifeform: except at the end you simply get a new aristocracy
asciilifeform: (the compiler demands it to have limitless tables, etc)
asciilifeform: phun phakt: a conforming ada implementation has ~internal bignum~ BUT won't let you use it for anything constructive.
asciilifeform: libressl is an atrocity in no important way distinguishable from the original.
asciilifeform: openssl stinks, plain and simple.
asciilifeform: the other side of this medal is that tx is simply too cheap today.
asciilifeform: but what you ~can~ do is 1) pick a tx which must move 2) declare it dead temporarily, copy to a cache 3) introduce it as if it were a new incoming tx.
asciilifeform: 'The noise at 42 hour mark is zapmempool call, which shows it's still not really working.' << waitasec am i missing something ?
asciilifeform: because these do not take massive nonpreemptible block of time.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: complicated. i have a human (non-gmail) mailbox that can't use mircea_popescu's algorithm (has to be able to receive from strangers) and it costs me perhaps 20min/day of manual spam filtration
asciilifeform: if my pad had come with any, i'd have to find a place to safely stow it, or swallow the cost of dumping it
asciilifeform: and can anybody recall where i got the notion that ottomans had headless races? (two prisoners run past swordsmen, heads chopped, hot iron 'thumb tacks' inserted in stumps, bodies keep running)
asciilifeform: zombie-rampages to this very day
asciilifeform: i.e. quite like a gossipd designed at ft meade for chumpatronic purposes
asciilifeform: barfaliciously complicated protocol and uses ecc crypto
asciilifeform: incidentally, anybody ever succeed in getting a ~heap dump~ of a running trb ?
ascii_field: modern digital spectrum analyzer is very complex, largely to fight own interference
ascii_field: the parallel with the decay of computing is actually a pretty close one
ascii_field: supposing that you can orient it, it is simply a very slow means of taking a picture.
ascii_field: with su shuttered, nobody optimizes this kind of tool for cheap+simple+effective
ascii_field: why not simply a multitude of broad tuners attached to analogue lights.
ascii_field: complete with stock fraud
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: incidentally a good bit of the 'startup' nonsense makes more sense when you realize that they weren't trying to get legit customers at all, but further chumps^H^H^H^H^Hinvestors
asciilifeform: the desired chart is where we get a ramp and an ~eternal~ mostly planar region
asciilifeform: and notice the implicit attempt to paint actual bitcoin as non-'theft-proof' and non-'fraud-proof'
asciilifeform: the 'multi-sig' idiocy is clinton's key escrow plain and simple
asciilifeform: and that his failure to do so - is complicity.
asciilifeform: see, everybody who expected that it'd be simply commissioned from 'lockheed' or similar, doesn't understand Phreeeeedom !1
asciilifeform: phreeeeee mark3t competition for candidacy to Offficial usgcoin (tm) (r) (c) !!111
asciilifeform: as in, not only did folks get $15k or whatever creditcard-level investment for, what, 20% cut, but had to ~live~ in the compound
asciilifeform: ;;later tell mircea_popescu << you forgot something quite important in there...
ascii_field: this is simpler and automatable
ascii_field: classically, 'dumping' is supposed to have a ??? and then a 'profit!111'
ascii_field: (uncompetitive)
ascii_field: but it makes that other thing impossible
asciilifeform: << implemented a simple and brutal kludge described in earlier thread
asciilifeform: 'A vulnerability in Grub2 has been found. Versions from 1.98 (December, 2009) to 2.02 (December, 2015) are affected. The vulnerability can be exploited under certain circumstances, allowing local attackers to bypass any kind of authentication (plain or hashed passwords). And so, the attacker may take control of the computer.'
asciilifeform: everything else was a pretty good olympiad puzzler
asciilifeform: lulzily, at a job interview i was actually asked to ~compile a c proggy by hand on paper
asciilifeform: why even employ human compilers, is a question not for me but for ben_vulpes et al.
asciilifeform: 'That Google approves the javascript in AMP is a tradeoff. You want the javascript to be minified, secure, compact, and standardized. But you also want new things in AMP and there’s an open process for that.' <<< ahahahahaha
ascii_field: with items like own literature, period of empire, scholarship, military wins
ascii_field: real strawberry is virtually impossible to get here
ascii_field implodes
ascii_field: future. Decred therefore improves with growth in a sustainable way and is accountable only to its users.'
ascii_field: 'Brawker is a Bitcoin buying service enabling consumer to purchase products with bitcoin. Company (Dead / Inactive)'
ascii_field: 'We wanted to make it so creating and selling hardware was as easy as writing and publishing a blog post. You shouldn’t need to be an electrical engineer or an industrial designer to create electronic devices. Nor should you have to worry about supply chain or distribution if you wanted to sell them. We believed it was possible to eliminate all of that complexity, so the average person could easily create highl
ascii_field: from earlier lul, 'Bitcoin remittance startup 37coins closes its doors... At the time of our launch, few bitcoin services actively catered to the underbanked and unbanked. Fortunately that is no longer the case. There are now many amazing bitcoin companies like BitGive Foundation...'
ascii_field: but the most basic thing, afaik, is simple capital control
ascii_field: (another tricky bit is that one of the things employers pay folks for is ~not working for competitor~ and this is difficult to monitor without on-site chair)
ascii_field: that marvel of precision engineering, the car that promptly falls apart after the last credit payment, is a fairly recent invention
asciilifeform: or does apple's compiler stop running when the southern cross is in the sky ?
asciilifeform: but what, compiler is going to insert an entropy gatherer in the build ?
asciilifeform: << sadly, pheatures like this are pretty much always implemented with pseudorandom garbage.
ascii_field: the question is simply 'how long do the bits stay flipped'
ascii_field: placed on it to inform me of said tampering.'
ascii_field: ben_vulpes: 'bastard block' is a subjective thing - it simply means that ~you~ in particular cannot find the antecedent for it
ascii_field: 'flammable' is a complex thing
asciilifeform: (and other, even more deservedly-obscure attempts at infixization of 'scheme')
asciilifeform: ;;later tell Bingoboingo 'The make a specify point of emphasizing' << ??!
asciilifeform: important diff
asciilifeform: but it was not very impressive, the condemned was doped with opium
asciilifeform: they simply print the bezzlars, and hire.
asciilifeform: why import ?
asciilifeform: adlai: the ultimate non-toy example is... the compiler
asciilifeform: adlai: << mega-collection of examples
asciilifeform: adlai: << moar examples than you could possibly want (warning, pdf)
asciilifeform: if the implication of the nyooz piece is a 'gunpowder plot' involving propane bottles and gsm detonators, expect 'emergency powerz' in the near term
asciilifeform: << to round this off, fortunately there is no straight analogue of this in solid state physics. but there is 1) the various forms of intrinsic noise and 2) the failures of the lumped element model as a whole
asciilifeform: << i picked the analogy quite deliberately. because not only is digital electronics a simplified world riding on top of analogue, but the entire lumped-element model is likewise 'a lie'
asciilifeform: sane language is not a set of 'meat' with annotations re: compiler hints, but one homogeneous thing.
asciilifeform: the distinction b/w/ 'pure' and 'impure' fp presumes a von neumann processor
asciilifeform: imho if the thing at the core is still the ridiculous cpp turd (complete with openssl, bdb) then the effort is wasted.
asciilifeform: throwing out the userland entirely will simplify the build considerably.
ascii_field: moar mechanical complexity, more room (or so they hope) for mechanized fraud
ascii_field: << now the other thing is: chumpatronic engineering
ascii_field: wake me up when i can buy a ticket to the impalements.
ascii_field: was it really so impossible to find a halfway-convincing actor ?
asciilifeform: made his richez young, and theoretically wants for nothing, but still was somehow tempted to join the usgification-of-bitcoin crowd. long ago.
asciilifeform: none of the idiot heresies are even in any sense new. 'multisig', for instance, is simply 1990s clinton key escrow, 'old wine in new bottle'
asciilifeform: << this is the umpteenth attempt, but - iirc - the only one thus far to reference the ~actual~ wot, in the 'embrace&extinguish' sense
asciilifeform: simplicity!
asciilifeform: 'The primary design goal MUMPS was to create code that, once written, can never be maintained by anyone ever again. The syntax is somewhat reminiscent of FORTRAN and SNOBOL (no, not the toilet cleaner), only much, much worse. Ironically, being inflicted with mumps (the disease) is much more pleasant that actually working with MUMPS (the language). A more apt name for the language certainly would have been EXPLOSIVE-DIARRHEA; I
asciilifeform: 'Permanently disabling AMD CPUs through compiler optimizations ensured AMD would not quickly retake this market share.' << wtf
asciilifeform: 'Intel does much more than just silicon. Hidden inside their design centers are the keepers of x86, and this includes the people who write the compilers for x86 processors.' << while there is in fact an intel compiler, the article is here revealed as catastrophically braindamaged
asciilifeform: 'From 2003 until 2006, Intel paid $1 Billion to Dell in exchange not to ship any computers using CPUs made by AMD. Intel held OEMs ransom, encouraging them to only ship Intel CPUs by way of volume discounts and threatening OEMs with low-priority during CPU shortages. Intel engaged in false advertising, and misrepresenting benchmark results. '
ascii_field: what happens when the address is posted? dump trucks full of shit show up ?
asciilifeform: 'PINE A64 includes a quad-core ARM Cortex A53 1.2GHz processor, dual-core Mali 400 MP2 graphics..' << aaaaaand dingdingdingding we get to the requires-closed-driver-turd-just-to-run item 10 seconds in.
asciilifeform: 'Craig Wright is not modest. On the website of Panopticrypt, one of his many companies, Wright describes himself as “certifiably the world’s foremost IT security expert.”'
asciilifeform: 'The first of those supercomputers he named Sukuriputo Okane—Japanese for “script money.” Another, named Co1n, holds the title of the world’s most powerful privately owned supercomputer. As Wright told the Bitcoin Investor’s conference, he’s applying that second machine towards the mysterious task of “modeling Bitcoin’s scalability,” and meanwhile building an even more powerful supercomputing cluster in Icela
asciilifeform: 'All of it could be an elaborate hoax—perhaps orchestrated by Wright himself. The unverified leaked documents could be faked in whole or in part. And most inexplicably of all, comparisons of different archived versions of the three smoking gun posts from Wright’s blog show that he did edit all three—to insert evidence of his bitcoin history. The PGP key associated with Nakamoto’s email address and references to an upco
asciilifeform: it is entirely possible for an old (to a point) man to shoot better, take more physical punishment, run faster, even - than disposable cannon fodder. to a point. but the one thing that doesn't grow back is... WANTING TO. i.e. thinking that, in greenspun's words, 'the group is worth impressing' via suicidal stupidity
ascii_field: pete_dushenski: (do you have a crash dump or the like ?)
ascii_field: BingoBoingo: 'fork so that no fork' is honest idiocy in the sense that nobody could possibly begin to process the sentence as something like a proper lie, vs. simple babble
ascii_field: it is 'replacement' in the same sense as a penny is a replacement for a 15 amp edison fuse
ascii_field: which makes it quite like every other example of this kind of thing we've dealt with.
asciilifeform: with anything like genuine otp, the 'prior after the fact' is really 'after the fact' plain and simple,
ascii_field: << 'cause you can't implement the os without ?
ascii_field: << compleat with chix
ascii_field: 'Narrative Science is the leader in automated narrative generation for the enterprise. Powered by artificial intelligence, its Quill platform analyzes data from disparate sources, understands what is important, then automatically generates perfectly written narratives to convey meaning from the data for any intended consumer or business audience, at unlimited scale.'
ascii_field: 'PrivateEye enlists computer vision technology to actively protect computer or tablet screens against unauthorized viewers by detecting and alerting the user when an eavesdropper attempts to read the display.'
asciilifeform: i also can't help but appreciate the sheer magnitude of the 'fud' surrounding 'd-wave' - as if there could be any doubt whatsoever that the box is a work of charlatanry (doesn't run shor's algo and break rsa? not quantum comp. QED.)
asciilifeform: (demonstrating that 'd-wave' is simply a monstrously overpriced analogue calculator)
asciilifeform: re: yesterday's 'd-wave' thread: i often wonder what would happen if somebody were to demonstrate a machine, costing fiddybux instead of fiddymillion, that has the exact same performance on the exact same problems using... ordinary op-amps
asciilifeform: but compiler optimization retardation is not limited to the effects described therein
asciilifeform: her similar attacks already underway that we havn't detected yet. Put simply, attacks like these work.. Flame was a failure for the anti-virus industry. We really should have been able to do better. But we didn't. We were out of our league, in our own game."' << mega-l0l!!
asciilifeform: 'even die hards like the charismatic chief research officer of anti virus firm FSecure (Mikko Hypponen) have to concede their utility (or lack thereof). In a recent post he wrote: "What this means is that all of us had missed detecting this malware for two years, or more. That's a spectacular failure for our company, and for the antivirus industry in general.. This story does not end with Flame. It's highly likely there are ot
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i get spam from folks like these, so my curiosity was temporarily piqued.
asciilifeform: ... limpet mines ?
asciilifeform: aaaand an honest-to-goodness snake oil chumpatron,
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: please confirm if first paragraph makes ~exact~ sense, it is imho quite important.
asciilifeform: sorta lulzy, he pawned a 1950s-style analogue calculator off as a 'quantum comp'
asciilifeform: 'he wasn’t going to make it in academia. “I never was able to find a place in science,” he says. But he felt he had the bullheaded tenacity, honed by years of wrestling, to be an entrepreneur. “I was good at putting together things that were really ambitious, without thinking they were impossible.” At a time when lots of smart people argued that quantum computers could never work, he fell in love with the idea of not
ascii_field: its purpose, by this hypothesis, is to bedevil other folks working on shor's algo computer or any related item
ascii_field: 'd-wave' (the 'quantum comp.' sc4mz0rz!!1), 'tyfone inc', 'mocana corp.', 'lms', and 'sionyx inc' were the top inqt subcontractors.
ascii_field: many years ago. he burned out of 'y combinator' and walked around, looking for a chump, in 'starbucks' restaurants, even
ascii_field: theodor dalrymple (british) had a piece describing a scene he witnessed as a medic in liberia, where enraged orcs sawed the legs off, and carefully too massive shits into, a rare and very costly concert piano
ascii_field: !s from:fromphuctor
asciilifeform: such as 'People are going to use Windows or Apple operating systems when it comes to mainstream computing. And even if they didn't and we all went linux, there would still be targeting and hacks of this sort.'
asciilifeform: bumping is ancient history.
asciilifeform: aah l0l apparently this is a 'bumping' demo.
asciilifeform: other than as a demo of 'turing completeness' for schoolchildren, i can think of no actual use for this
asciilifeform: 'Waiting for empty slot... At most 1756 user(s) ahead of you'
asciilifeform: to see something like a quasi-readable and quasi-modern compiler, see f. bellard's 'tinycc' ( )
asciilifeform: also arguably 'compiler' is two entirely separate disciplines,
asciilifeform: best place to learn is still... by reading an actual compiler from 1980s or prior
asciilifeform: writing compiler ?
asciilifeform: andrew w. appel, 'modern compiler implementation in X' where X is one of 3 or 4 different langs (different editions)
asciilifeform: thestringpuller: if you're a complete n00b you might want to try one of andrew appel's schoolbooks
asciilifeform: 'PSS is harder to implement because it uses randomness -- randomness is hard on many embedded systems like smart cards. The most proclaimed advantage of PSS is that it has a "security proof" with, apparently, a rather tight reduction (see this page for some references). Security proofs are not an easy subject; the proof for OAEP (the encryption padding which is like the "sister protocol" to PSS) was found out to be wrong by Sh
ascii_field: thestringpuller: presumably canada will throw an exception, it is impossible
ascii_field: jurov: and also this is imho an important result, and you really oughta post it to ml
ascii_field: mircea_popescu: thinking about it, that turd simply has to be a troll job
ascii_field: presently i'm not convinced that any computer uses really... wants to live, all that much. wake me up when uranium centrifuge no longer runs winblowz, i might reconsider this theory
ascii_field: --'hi, i'm selling computer that works.' --'does it run msoffice?' --'...' --[click]
ascii_field: 'Argentina's president has blocked the extradition of a Denver fugitive who claims he was framed for murder because video he took of ground zero proves U.S. complicity in the 9/11 terrorist attacks.' << lulzy
ascii_field: '...if you look at the recently discovered back door installs that happened during the Olympics under the guise of helping secure the system that this also provides pretty open access to corporations in the US for the same type of subterfuge. Free security scanning all for the low price of a well placed back door.'
ascii_field: 'Providing strong funding for FHE and iO provides risk-free political cover. It supports a storyline that cloud storage and computing is safe. It helps entrench favored values within the cryptographic community: speculative, theory-centric directions. And it helps keep harmless academics who could, if they got feisty, start to innovate in more sensitive directions.'
ascii_field: even microshit gives away their compiler today
ascii_field: and decided to simply devour the tool vendor
ascii_field: who, likely, were simply tired of paying royalties on the runtime (yes!)
ascii_field: real-world attacks. No more emergency upgrades. Limited audience for any minor attack improvements and for replacement crypto. This is an existential threat against future crypto research.' If this is boring crypto, I think we should go make some.'
ascii_field: 'Dan Bernstein speaks of interesting crypto and boring crypto. Interesting crypto is crypto that supports plenty of academic papers. Boring crypto is crypto that simply works, solidly resists attacks, [and] never needs any upgrades." Dan asks, in his typically flippant way, 'What will happen if the crypto users convince some crypto researchers to actually create boring crypto? No more
ascii_field: 'In a 2012 newsletter column, NSA's SIGINT Philosopher, Jacob Weber, tells us his vision. After failing an NSA lie-detector test, he says: 'I found myself wishing that my life would be constantly and completely monitored. It might seem odd that a self-professed libertarian would wish an Orwellian dystopia on himself, but here was my rationale: If people knew a few things about me, I might seem
ascii_field: 'Of course it hasn't escaped the notice of intelligence agencies that the vast majority of the academic cryptographic community is unthreateningly engaged. In a declassified trip-report about Eurocrypt 1992, the NSA author opines, for example: 'There were no proposals of cryptosystems, no novel cryptanalysis of old designs, even very little on hardware design. I really don't see how things could have
ascii_field: students at my university, I have observed that a wish for right livelihood almost never figures into the employment decisions of undergraduate computer science students. And this isn't unique to computer scientists: of the five most highly ranked websites I found on a Google search of deciding among job offers, not one suggests considering the institutional goals of the employer or the social worth of what they
ascii_field: 'Never during the cold war, nor in any of the subsequent US wars, did US companies have difficulty recruiting or retaining the hundreds of thousands of scientists and engineers engaged in building weapons systems. Universities like my own were happy to add their support; the University of California would, for decades, run the USA's nuclear weapons design laboratories. In nearly 20 years advising
ascii_field: 'All antiquities, moved statues and unprocessed gold bullions are to be confiscated in the event that they are being passed through the border areas towards Turkey. And the confiscated goods are to be referred to the Diwan al-Rikaz office in the wilaya.... In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful ... The bearer of this document is permitted to procure equipment to search for gold and register it in the Diwan
asciilifeform: (they had not yet, then, hit upon the strategy of simply moving things around on the die to make this kind of effort meaningless)
ascii_field: as soon as i type out a symbol, it ought to be in the completion list
ascii_field: at this point i fully believe that editor and compiler must be THE SAME PROGRAM
ascii_field: (if i can't define a symbol and have it IMMEDIATELY typecompletable, it's shit)
ascii_field: ben_vulpes: i was looking at 'company-mode'. where does it actually get the tags ?
ascii_field: because a node of whom you are not a friend ought not to be distinguishable in any way whatsoever from an empty wall socket.
ascii_field: '1. Books ghost written for a Fox news Op-ed figure, 2. Jingoistic tomes on the defeat of the evil Nazi empire by “the greatest generation” of Americans, revealing as yet unfathomed Nazi evils and under-appreciated American heroics. [WWII is no longer, apparently recognized as having had a Russian or Japanese component, and the Third Reich is represented as an engine of global extermination that was
ascii_field: it is quite simple to ignore the apparent originating ip because we always know where a valid packet came from - based on which pubkey on your end is able to validate the sig.
ascii_field: and imho it is absolutely impermissible to have any plaintext invariant fields
ascii_field: well i won't be working with $othercompany for much longer...
ascii_field: so now i have a bit moar sympathy for the pebble folk
ascii_field: aha this was described in agonizing detail in the original mempool thread
ascii_field: which happens to be what i'm implementing right at this very moment
ascii_field: enemy has no way of learning anything from the attempted decrypt
ascii_field: when folks start to attempt decryption of whatever piece of shit, just for the asking - then yes, acca
ascii_field: when tard stampede, aha
ascii_field: is it just me or is the very possibility of acca dependent on retardation in implementation ??
ascii_field: i'd even go as far as to suggest the use of lamport signatures
ascii_field: this may be edging into rms&gcc territory, but the inscrutability of the turd did its part in keeping the original net from forking to death - by ensuring that all of the forks were retarded 'swap the genesis' rather than any serious improvement of the compatibility-breaking kind
ascii_field: and, as mircea_popescu mentioned earlier, there is also the problem of fragging, which none of this even begins to deal with, nor is anything like a clean/simple solution to it known to me
ascii_field: << the proper test of this is to jettison ~whole~ mempool in a running node and demonstrate that not only not crashes, but consistent operation from that point forward
ascii_field: jurov: gotta compile in the hooks
ascii_field: phf: the goal of 'zapmempool' was to prove that mempool accounts for all of the bloat other than what is accounted for by the 300bytes/block eternal index (another idiocy which will prevent pogoization unless a massive mechanism is rewritten beyond recognition)
asciilifeform: wake me up when afghani goat computer is built.
asciilifeform: (try to forget, for this example, the moral colour of word 'steal' - think of the sense in which we 'steal' milk from the cow, or samurai steals his XXXX koku of rice / yr. from the peasant)
asciilifeform: see, back to what mircea_popescu referred to as my 'temple of nonsense', intellectualism is this thing where some folk devote their whole lives to -ev folly like writing poetry or proving theorems
asciilifeform: trinque: somehow the point of the george boole example escaped you. the idea was that he had the freedom to do something other than immediately +ev practicalities.
asciilifeform: possibly 'cultured' is best illustrated with positive example - like that ss colonel who happily presided over firing squads but would not permit rare plant collection in captured ru institute to be burned
asciilifeform: in that the latter ~did~ do the whole employment thing
asciilifeform: now let's suppose that mircea_popescu is ultimately right about 'ride horses, throw out computer' and folks like me are not at all needed in the future. but let's try to imagine, e.g., a surgeon, trying to keep himself fed and clothed using b-a wot...
asciilifeform: miner defection might take longer than anticipated if mining begins to have a 'noblesse oblige' component, vs. straight +ev commercial motivation
asciilifeform: i still don't see how an altcoin could ever be an appealing thing other than to idiots and looters, assuming a still-functioning (if asymptotically-rewardless) classic btc
asciilifeform: where is the logical flaw in 'classic btc is schelling point for carve-of-all-value' --> asymptote ?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: and what of the asymptote ?
asciilifeform: pete_dushenski: i normally buy rarities there that it is physically impossible to obtain in any other way short of a journey around the globe in person
asciilifeform: also will note that the portable i actually use for work, cost no less than the maximal mac, relies on blobs, and a good number of peripherals simply do not work, blob or no blob
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: no, though it has permanently soldered ram. it is simply that crapple refuses to support the gpu
asciilifeform: 'Yahoo! confirmed reports that it is preventing some Yahoo Mail users from seeing their e-mails until they turn off their ad-blocking software. Users started complaining late last week on social media and ad-blocking forums that a message prompting them to disable ad-blocking software appeared when they tried to view their e-mail. On Monday, a company spokeswoman said the notices were a limited experiment. “At Yahoo, we are
asciilifeform: ^ some comp sec course at some derpy american uni
asciilifeform: 'How to Run Turing Machines on Encrypted Data.' Shafi Goldwasser & bunch other schmucks. << apparently impossibility proofs don't apply to some people !!
ascii_field: organic compounds of Hg - another matter entirely
asciilifeform: punkman: the one downer is that none of the high-brightness (equiv. to 100+ W edison bulb) led lamps fit in a traditional glass dome designed for classic lamp
asciilifeform: or LED lamp, which doesn't explode, but just expensively dies
asciilifeform: anyway whoever wants to know whether there is hg in his lamp, can buy... a toy prism
asciilifeform: look for hg in the traditional fluorescent lamp, incl. the 'craplamp' mircea_popescu was probably thinking of earlier
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: what would hg be doing in a halogen lamp ?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: halogen lamps routinely pop, for same reason as the fact that you can cut a glass bottle with a rope, some petrol, and a match
asciilifeform: if anybody here has a current vt subscription, i'd like the samples, thx
asciilifeform: phf: it only makes sense to do gossipd in cl if you reimplement the crypto
asciilifeform: most folks solve this 'problem' (if you will) simply by 'i dun wanna talk about the war'
asciilifeform: << holy shit, straight rip of ken thompson ?!
asciilifeform: if they were to attempt abandoning microshit - would be just as dependent on crapple.
asciilifeform: this is the hv cable for the lamps
asciilifeform: in civilized iron this is not a wear component !
asciilifeform: 'Once everything was done and the chamber was vented I removed the carbon coating with oxygen plasma (the cleanroom's standard photoresist removal process), packaged up my sample, went home, and soldered it back to the board for testing. After powering it up... nothing! The device was as dead as a doornail, I couldn't even get a JTAG IDCODE from it. ... ... ruled out beam-induced damage as I had not been hitting any of the I/O
asciilifeform: there are 'people' programming computers who wouldn't have been allowed within cannon shot of a tractor in kolhoz, yes
asciilifeform: trying to make a programming language for ~the wrong side of the camel hump~ is like trying to build a car for folks missing both arms and legs
asciilifeform: idiot abstraction balloons up complexity like nothing else
asciilifeform: 'To those who would retain their right to personal property: your only true allies are the pirates. Not “lending libraries”, not “reasonably priced” and “humane” iTunes-like services. The pirates are the only people presently defending the no-compromise, My-Computer-is-Mine point of view.' -- yours truly
asciilifeform: >> snore, this is what happens if you live too long - old, 'respectable', impotent
asciilifeform: >> 'the map is not the territory but the territory didn't fit in my glove compartment'
asciilifeform cringes when folks who otherwise show no symptoms of a mathematical past speak of 'metrics' etc
asciilifeform: y while the attacker is studying the actual problem of forging signatures. Maybe we're studying the problem of attacking one key while the attacker is studying the actual problem of attacking a large batch of keys. This oversimplification is surprisingly common...'
asciilifeform: 'Maybe we're studying the problem of setting public factorization records using academic computer clusters, while the attacker is studying the problem of factoring 1024-bit keys as quickly as possible using billion-dollar clusters. Or maybe, in an effort to advertise attractively simple problems, we've oversimplified the problem of attacking the actual cryptosystem. Maybe we're studying the problem of recovering a signature ke
ascii_field: ion about research it has performed,” the statement reads. “The university abides by the rule of law, complies with lawfully issued subpoenas and receives no funding for its compliance.”'
ascii_field: 'In a terse statement Wednesday, Carnegie Mellon wrote that its Software Engineering Institute hadn’t received any direct payment for its Tor research from the FBI or any other government funder. But it instead implied that the research may have been accessed by law enforcement through the use of a subpoena. “In the course of its work, the university from time to time is served with subpoenas requesting informat
asciilifeform: al schwartz's 'victimhood olympics'
asciilifeform: imprinted with the anal seal of his scaly majesty's own tail !
asciilifeform: or the one where 'iou' is legal for usg->chump bond repay, but not for chump->usg tax receipt
asciilifeform: and the 'distinguish type of camera / detect photoshitting / by jpeg compression artifacts' is a trendy idiocy atm
asciilifeform: jpeg is a lossy compress thing
asciilifeform: (the latter being a bitwise dump of raw ccd output)
asciilifeform: the castle of it-is-possible-to-have-a-sanely-designed-computer, for instance
asciilifeform: trinque: depends what means 'in the same manner.' if you, say, want to be ~employable in it like a 20yo chick was in 1985~ - then no
