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← 2020-04-04 | 2020-04-06 →
snsabot: (ossasepia) 2020-04-05 trinque: is over here feeding ave1's gcc to itself. appears this hadn't been done yet, as naive attempt breaks.
trinque: asciilifeform: ah cool. figured that was table-stakes for compiler build script.
trinque: will post the breakage in a bit if I can't push through; seems to relate to linker
trinque: asciilifeform: http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=aiMy << here's what I'm seeing when I use the gcc built by ave1's script as the host gcc on another run.
trinque: that's the behavior I expect out of said ld, that it's refusing to dynamically link.
trinque: what I don't know is why it wants to use liblto_plugin.so in the first place.
trinque: given that I added flags -fno-lto -fno-use-linker-plugin
trinque: http://ave1.org/2020/living-in-the-free-world/ << sounds like ave1 is preoccupied with an encounter with the real atm.
trinque: which, hell, I get it.
asciilifeform: hm 1st time i see this particular barf
asciilifeform: trinque: what type of gcc were you building with (and how obtained it?)
asciilifeform: i'ma guess it was gnu's gnat ?
trinque: originally used adacore gnat-gpl 2016
asciilifeform: hmm then same thing i built with, odd
trinque: produced a gcc at /opt/gnat2016-musl
trinque: am now rebuilding with /opt/gnat2016-musl as host gcc
trinque: I suspect that ave1's never bothered to produce a static *gcc*
trinque: only tested that gcc produced static items other than itself.
trinque: would be glad to find I'm wrong
asciilifeform: is this happening on a musltronic linux ?
asciilifeform: ( i have not attempted there )
trinque: it's sitting on a "devuan"
trinque: systemd-less debian
asciilifeform: ought ping BingoBoingo , iirc he has been using devuan for some time
asciilifeform: ( no idea whether tried gnat there tho )
trinque: hey BingoBoingo ftr you oughta be able to self-voice.
trinque: lmk if not
asciilifeform: btw are kernel-headers installed ? iirc gnat depends on'em for somereason
trinque: yep, and got a fully functional gnat out the end of the first run.
asciilifeform: interestingly, ac_nonexistent.h dun appear to exist on my boxen. anywhere.
trinque: yeah that's a sanity check
trinque: it wants the header to fail.
asciilifeform: nuttery
trinque: yup, pile of fractal contempt
asciilifeform: 1 thing i had to do when building, was to remove all paths to native gcc from shell envir
asciilifeform: (leaving only adacore's gnat)
trinque: yeah, distro's gcc is literally uninstalled
asciilifeform: otherwise got header barf
asciilifeform: what was it you built adacore's 2016 with originally ?
trinque: anyhow, soon as I've got a static gcc, I'm hauling it into my busybox env, bringing in just the deps necessary to do a rebuild, and I'm not doing this bootstrapping exercise again
trinque: a devuan gcc-4.9.4
asciilifeform: hm then, oughta work, grr
asciilifeform: trinque: on my ffa box, i in fact went straight to using ave1's binary package, after which built ave1's src with it, have been using ever since
trinque suspects the script is not insulated from host in some undiscovered way
trinque: interesting, I'll pull down his bins and see what they do
asciilifeform: his had a script that built it w/out problem (on a box w/ adacore's 2016) here
trinque: ah but that's exactly what I used lol
trinque: no big deal; I'll get through it
trinque: this is way smaller than all the fruitless gentoo hairshirting I did
trinque: but seriously ave1, lick your damned wounds and show up.
asciilifeform: aite. if you remain stuck, trinque , upload the various tarballs (and put link to the devuan used) and i'ma try to replicate
trinque: word, thanks
asciilifeform: i have a machine avail. on which can do this
asciilifeform bbl, meat maneuvers
trinque is 33 today, likely to disappear, get hammered, and chase naked woman around the house
BingoBoingo: trinque: Ah, self voicing works, ty and happy birthday
trinque: thanks sir
trinque: upstack, the script seems out of order. binutils builds before musl, but binutils wants to link with a libc, so what gives?
trinque: http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=JEbL << current barf, dl_iterate_phdr is defined in libc
trinque: (trying to build gas)
asciilifeform: happy bd trinque !
trinque: ty asciilifeform
BingoBoingo indeed fell into the GGC4 release of devuan on most machines during the last round of housekeeping.
lobbes: hbd trinque. enjoy the hammer time
← 2020-04-04 | 2020-04-06 →