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ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: do ssh keys need any mangling to be digestable by phuctor?
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: quite a bit.
asciilifeform: not same format at all
asciilifeform: which is why i was astonished to see any in there
asciilifeform: someone - perhaps even the original user - converted...
mircea_popescu: by no means undoable. a dump of github ssh keys as is will be useful.
asciilifeform: iirc shithub uses pgp keyz as such, even
ben_vulpes: i wonder how big that'll end up being
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: how large was the sks dump?
mircea_popescu: quick question : what do Northrop Grumman and Joe Bradley <bradley@ait.nrl.navy.mil> have in common ?
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: the useful subset is a few gb
asciilifeform: i discarded the dsa crapolade
asciilifeform: ditto elgamal (they were ALL fucked, see logz)
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: modulus?
mircea_popescu: 16385 aha
mircea_popescu: e not modulus.
asciilifeform: plenty of oddities
mircea_popescu: i suppose there's a DOUBLEWORD to describe this particular flavour of sigint rite ?
asciilifeform: somewhere!
asciilifeform: gotta be.
mircea_popescu: ait, being, of course, Advanced Information Technology. see say http://heron.nrl.navy.mil/contracts/baa/99BAA/908.htm
mircea_popescu: of course, no joe bradley listed anywhere there.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i knew folks in there, massive slave farm
asciilifeform: life is cheap there
mircea_popescu: sounds like it'd suck.
asciilifeform: plenty of folks rotate in, out.
asciilifeform: no shit
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: which redditard
asciilifeform: i recall no particular one such..
mircea_popescu: one adam back
asciilifeform: remind why he is remembered?
mircea_popescu: i dunno, random wannabe, part of some derpy bitcoin vctronium, keeps spewing words on social media.
asciilifeform long ago lost track of which of these was which.
davout: asciilifeform mircea_popescu he's the hashcash guy iirc
mircea_popescu: yaya, he popped out of nowhere last year trying to be relevant.
shinohai: The lulz continiue ... a .mil this time xD
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i put the first in log myself! but teh second bwahahah. hightop eh.
mircea_popescu: ;;calc 1141 / 795950
gribble: 0.00143350712984
mircea_popescu: i wonder if 14 in every 1000 bitcoin addies are broken
asciilifeform: iirc somebody found just this
asciilifeform: & emptied'em
asciilifeform: a while back.
mircea_popescu: ya but were only a few dozen
asciilifeform: pretty sure it became sop and the harvesters run to this day.
mircea_popescu: prolly yeh
asciilifeform: ACHTUNG mircea_popescu et al! nosuchlabs.com now points to a www. phuctor now at phuctor.nosuchlabs.com .
asciilifeform: currently working on url rewriter to avoid breaking logz links.
mircea_popescu: well do rewriter first ?
mircea_popescu is rather proud of ^
asciilifeform: incidentally i just realized
asciilifeform: that mircea_popescu is more or less rewriting pelevin's 'love of the three zuckerbrins'
asciilifeform: which is 100% about this
asciilifeform: complete with bursted bubbles and forcible anal education.
mircea_popescu: all the shit i never read, i am cursed to forever rewrite.
mircea_popescu: is there a link ?
mircea_popescu: anyway, no education is contemplated. more like critical existential failure.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: redirects done.
asciilifeform: sites now switched.
asciilifeform: in case anyone did not notice, http://nosuchlabs.com is an actual site now.
asciilifeform: with linx to relevant thingz.
mircea_popescu: and when i say "he codes well", what i mean is of the following type : yes he nearly moved the site before building the link bridge. BUT! that is easily fixed. what is not easily fixed is that everyone else would have made a link bridge that treated /gpgkey/xxx correctly, but left /stat hanging. he didn't, his /stat redirects correctly also.
asciilifeform: l0l contrary to popular belief i dun operate on geological time.
asciilifeform: when my handz are actually free, shit gets fixed.
mircea_popescu: why is this pelevin fellow so modest.
mircea_popescu: what happened to "fuck you, i use physical terms because i invented all of it and if you don't understand anything tell your father to stop drinking."
asciilifeform: he's typically more that.
asciilifeform: imho 'zuckerbrins' was not one of his better pieces.
phf: well, he's normally that, but he's also into Eastern Spirituality so he's zen until provoked
phf: i could through a handful of pages before giving up, the book cover is just obnoxious
mircea_popescu: trudge you mean ?
asciilifeform: i will point out that covers traditionally are drawn by folks who read 0 page
mircea_popescu: is he the sort of tard that twu wuvs some sort of derpy yoko ono "artist" woman
mircea_popescu: and she "contributed" that miserable design ?
asciilifeform: not afaik.
mircea_popescu: veliky hamster lol. "this cover made by a graphical artist whose distinction is that the text is somewhat funny."
asciilifeform: has mircea_popescu ever seen ru sf b00k covers ? they are all like this.
asciilifeform: since '90s at least
mircea_popescu: because why, windows.adobe ?
asciilifeform: because tard publishing houses
asciilifeform: at any rate, i have not until now ~seen~ this cover, remember, i read warez
mircea_popescu: but nevertheless YOU ask ME wheter i seen covers.
asciilifeform: i have seen number of others !
mircea_popescu: bish, i've not as much as held a book in a decade.
mircea_popescu: have you seen vhs tapes ?
asciilifeform: back when i used to get the physical items via new york importer
asciilifeform: hey my tapes had plain white coverz
asciilifeform: ('cause also 13333337 w4r3z)
mircea_popescu: my better ones had plain producer markings (AGFA in thick red font was the best thing of my childhood). the cruddier ones had xerox'd pictures of who knows what.
asciilifeform: agfa!11111
asciilifeform nostalgiates
mircea_popescu: "Физическая сторона вопроса на самом деле не особо для меня важна. Но она довольно интересна. Во времена Галилея и Коперника полагалось во вступлении делать реверанс в сторону церковной догмы и соотносить с ней все гипотезы и предполо
mircea_popescu: жения, а сегодня мы должны точно так же кланяться догме научной. И если я говорю иногда про «мультиверс» и «многомерность», я делаю это примерно с теми же чувствами, с которыми Галилео мог бы упоминать в своей книге пророка Исайю и Анге
mircea_popescu: лов Божьих: с робкой верой, что Святое Писание понято мной, грешным колдуном, хоть отчасти правильно."
mircea_popescu: ok, what is this inept shit!
mircea_popescu: really, nod to scientific dogma ? ffs.
asciilifeform: iirc rough bio of mr p: went to engineering school, dropped out to sell ibm pc xt clones in early '90s, made megatonne of megabux, got into lsd, went off to write (at first short stories, for phree) then b00kz etc.
mircea_popescu: this habit of "introduction" and "setting" and "explaining" and generally being a borderline sleeve neurotic tard is what sinks most writers that ever had a prayer. for the love of fuck - it's EXACTLY like talking to the police. NEVER say anything. not ever. fuck the intro - if the reader can't figure one out that works for him, he has no business reading.
mircea_popescu: just tell your story.
mircea_popescu: i can't begin to tell you how many lashes i distributed to innocent slave girls that wanted to start with a summary, a pile of hedges, some insurance, contextualization and what the fuck now.
phf: mircea_popescu: pretty sure that's meta-narrative, i.e. introduction written by inept first person
mircea_popescu: phf anyone ever told you what a white knight you are ?
phf: that's one of the reasons why i couldn't get through far, i read enough of that shit online, to also read emulated version
mircea_popescu: anyway, it works, meta-narrative. vorwarts.
phf: only in tmsr would i be the gentlest one ha
phf: i think criticism is particularly painful when comes from place of precise understanding. then there's no excuse of "i was misunderstood!!". no, you were understood, and you suck.
BingoBoingo: phf: Being the gentle on in TMSR is a phase most people grow out of.
mircea_popescu: мультивер and многомерност. mult... hey, russian actually has the aproximate lateral palatal ?! i had no idea.
mircea_popescu: anyway. multivers and mnogomernost. maybe useful later.
mircea_popescu: (traditionally, ʎ is very much a spanish sound, if you look at a map it's pretty much latin america)
phf: "Похож на русский «ль»[lj], однако если в русском языке этот согласный звук палатализуется кончиком языка, то в некоторых других языках мира, например в итальянском языке этот звук палатализуется серединой языка, прикасающейся к твёрдому небу."
mod6: i see unicode
mircea_popescu: this has got to be debatable. over here you can't get two derps to pronounce ll the same way you telling me stalin managed somehow ?
mircea_popescu: mod6 log logs it correctly.
mod6: no worries, was saying in jest :}
mircea_popescu: yes yes, this conversation'd have sounded pretty lulzy in mpscii.
mod6: these kids are doing all sorts of funny things with these keys
mircea_popescu: phf that is correct, nevertheless, only little bitches shy from pain. girl can learn to move into the lash within a few months. writer should be fucking born with it.
mircea_popescu: (and yes, that's approximately the first and best measure of trained slave - does she move into the lash ?)
phf: that is a very precise definition of white knight
phf: huh
mircea_popescu: did you mischan your complaint ?
mircea_popescu: anyway, i asked specifically to point out to you what a good job of it you're doing, expecting as per http://btcbase.org/log/2016-04-23#1456525 that you wouldn't know. nothing more.
a111: Logged on 2016-04-23 17:19 phf: only in tmsr would i be the gentlest one ha
phf: i was just marveling at the idea that you can you bludgeon and scalpel from the same cause, but always going for the second one reveals something about a thought process
phf: *can use
mircea_popescu: ALWAYS doing anything is a rng leak.
mircea_popescu: (term of art, discussed here once, but it is possible i was speaking to myself)
mircea_popescu: ahahaha. "tretyi zhurnalist, dama,"
mircea_popescu: such russian.
mircea_popescu: if i ever write a novel about russians, fucking and lying it will be titled exactly that. Tretyi Zhurnalist, Dama.
mircea_popescu: dude seriously, the jack of cards braindamalogy ?
mircea_popescu has had enough of this.
mircea_popescu: he is, yes.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform are items on the sadmod page presented in random order ?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: ought to be in order they were walked.
asciilifeform: i'll take a look
asciilifeform: i oughta add a whole page for these..
asciilifeform: srsly, e == 1 ?!!!
phf: exponent fits in head
phf: $up Apocalyptic
deedbot: Apocalyptic voiced for 30 minutes.
Apocalyptic: thank you
Apocalyptic: asciilifeform: re e == 1, I was going to refer to the infamous salt commit and madduck, but I get it has already been discussed since http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=madduck yields a result
Apocalyptic: however no fucking way to date the result, hence to get the whole conversation about it. Seems quite useless
Apocalyptic: Re "However, e must be coprimeiii with phi(N), because otherwise messages encrypted can no longer be singularily decrypted (ie, the decryption process allows multiple ambiguous solutions)" it's not even that there are multiple solutions, but afaik there is no algo with a reasonable complexity to even recover them, since this implies computing an n-th root in Z/NZ
Apocalyptic: "In practice, however, it is a lot cheaper to pick a prime exponent, than to check and make sure the exponent shares no factors with N or phi(N)" is there even something checking that e is coprime to N ? this would mean that e is necessarily a multiple of p or q, a case you would be extremely unlucky to get, in the somehow dubious case your e is larger than any of those prime. In the more usual case w
Apocalyptic: here it's smaller there is no chance at all this happens obviously
Apocalyptic: nevermind that search part, I missed the link
phf: http://c9x.me/compile/ another minimal c99 compiler
BingoBoingo: $up Apocalyptic
deedbot: Apocalyptic voiced for 30 minutes.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform> srsly, e == 1 ?!!! << i had one on trilema article too. it's mindbending
mircea_popescu: Apocalyptic if you hover mouse on names you get date.
Apocalyptic: yeah I noticed
mircea_popescu: and yes, it's practically lost, but i was keeping it more on a math level. possibly should put it as comment there.
Apocalyptic: it wasn't quite obvious that the bold nickname is in fact a link, I think it would help to have the date with the link before the name like in the b-a log
mircea_popescu: tho to be fair iirc they were getting results with computing n-th roots
mircea_popescu: Apocalyptic i like this style, works easier to copy/paste.
Apocalyptic: afaik square roots are quite doable, higher not so much, but this I only remember this vaguely
mircea_popescu: well last i looked at it the field appeared to be moving, is all i'm saying.
mircea_popescu: bear in mind some of these exponents are actually 1 x.x
Apocalyptic: in Z/pZ where p is prime , if p = 1 (mod 4) it can be done in O(log^3 p), that I know
mircea_popescu: and 21, 35 also popular
Apocalyptic: not sure for Z/nZ where n is any natural
mircea_popescu: Apocalyptic note the weak Northrop Grumman / navy.mil keys were all 2^n + 1, ie 16385
Apocalyptic: (back to the Z/pZ case, if p = 3 (mod 4), the square root of c is simply c^((p+1)/4), so just a simple exponentiation)
Apocalyptic: mircea_popescu: I saw that
mircea_popescu: guess what 35 mod 4 is.
Apocalyptic: no idea why these weird exponents were chosen
Apocalyptic: especially the non-trivially large ones
mircea_popescu: 35 mod 4 = 3. we don't know the p, but if you were given to guess, it wouldn't be such a crazy guess to guess it also is.
mircea_popescu: Apocalyptic especially the non-mirrored 32 bit ones, yeah.
mircea_popescu: (if you recall that was part of the suppression, originally)
Apocalyptic: <+mircea_popescu> 35 mod 4 = 3 // yes, but this isn't related as the RSA arithm doesn't happen in Z/35Z, let alone that 35 isn't prime
mircea_popescu: i'm just saying, yes daughters are daughters, but they live in the same house and if one's a slut...
mircea_popescu: too much weird going on for my taste, s'all i'm saying.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform actually there's somewhere in log you were discussing some webturd proposing e = 1 or somesuch few days ago ? can't seem to find it.
Apocalyptic: mircea_popescu: that's the salt thingy
mircea_popescu: a was it
Apocalyptic: actually, since you have an easily explicitly computable homomorphism between Z/pqZ and Z/pZ x Z/qZ, solving a square root in Z/NZ is as easy as solving it in Z/pZ for each prime factor p of N
Apocalyptic: so yeah you can do square roots in Z/NZ easily if you factor N
mircea_popescu: $up Apocalyptic
deedbot: Apocalyptic voiced for 30 minutes.
mircea_popescu: $gettrust deedbot Apocalyptic
deedbot: L1: 0, L2: 0 by 0 connections.
mircea_popescu: $rated Apocalyptic
deedbot: mircea_popescu has not rated Apocalyptic.
mircea_popescu: $rate Apocalyptic 1 math guy.
deedbot: Apocalyptic is not registered in WoT.
mircea_popescu: wouldja ?
Apocalyptic: dude you rated me already, a long time ago
mircea_popescu: how the fuck is this possible ?
deedbot: [Qntra] Ennetcom Seized, Operator Arrested - http://qntra.net/2016/04/ennetcom-seized-operator-arrested/
Apocalyptic: I am very well in the WoT, I was even a lord at some point
mircea_popescu: i thoughjt so, but the machine disagrees. were you using a different capitalisation ?
Apocalyptic: somehow the WoT split from b-a must have been messed up
Apocalyptic: no this very same one
mircea_popescu: this is pretty weird.
BingoBoingo: Ah deedbot case sensitivity strikes again.
mircea_popescu: does it ?!
BingoBoingo: It hits on my nick
mircea_popescu: he should be a 2, from 2014. apparently is not ? wtf. trinque any idea ?
BingoBoingo: $gettrust deedbot apocalyptic
deedbot: L1: 0, L2: 5 by 5 connections.
mircea_popescu: holy shit.
mircea_popescu: he always used the capital A tho, i reclal this.
Apocalyptic: indeed
BingoBoingo: $gettrust deedbot bingoboingo
deedbot: L1: 0, L2: 0 by 0 connections.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Urls are not case sensitive. Check between the title tags on the page
mircea_popescu: yeah apparently btcalpha hgas him lowercase. no idea wtf this is.
mircea_popescu: sorry bout that Apocalyptic should be fixed and you'll be able to selfvoice.
BingoBoingo: voicing is not case sensitive. Just rating, etc
mircea_popescu: ah ? Apocalyptic try saying $up here
Apocalyptic: mircea_popescu: I tried to voice up privately with deedbot, didn't work out
deedbot: You may not $up yourself.
Apocalyptic: yeah same result in-chan
BingoBoingo: ;;later tell trinque ^
gribble: The operation succeeded.
mircea_popescu: any weabos in the audience wanna tell me what they think yomi means ?
shinohai: Japanese for "Land of the dead"
mircea_popescu: not that. as in on'yomi and kun'yomi. the reading/strategy yomi.
mircea_popescu: i'm going to have to use the kanji won't i.
shinohai: Sorry my shinto religious detector went off
shinohai: ;;ud yomi
gribble: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Yomi | Yomi is a Japanese term meaning "Knowing the mind of the opponent", and is essentially an intangible asset required in fighting games. It's the ability to know ...
mircea_popescu: ok, good enough then.
mircea_popescu: the underworld tinge is very good, but the actual meaning must be available.
phf: just means to read
mircea_popescu: thankee!
phf: 読む
phf: actually no that's yomu, yomi means "reading"
shinohai: Now that I am addicted to writing Qntra stuff, I can't find a single thing to write about today.
phf: kardashians
mircea_popescu: not unless they're nude.
mircea_popescu: hola lobbes
lobbes: hey mp
phf: as i get closer to web, i get exposure to insanity radiation
phf: ~some~ browsers don't preserve fragments during redirects, so /log/?date=01-02-2012#123 redirect idea doesn't work, because #123 gets lost. selectively.
phf: looks like asciilifeform will get his "old style" urls after all
phf: can probably just render the page when ?date= is provided, but doing any sort of cleaning around fixes the url
phf: *clicking around
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-04-23#1456674 << word. i'm still recovering from earlier www binge...
a111: Logged on 2016-04-23 23:41 phf: as i get closer to web, i get exposure to insanity radiation
mircea_popescu: # gets lost ? when ?
phf: /log/?date=01-02-2012#123 sometimes becomes /log/2012-02-01#123 and sometimes /log/2012-02-01, and that's fully browser dependent
a111: Logged on 2016-04-23 23:41 deedbot: [Trilema] The Dog - http://trilema.com/2016/the-dog/
phf: i just render in-place, but if you click arround it "corrects" the url
phf: hmm, except it's unsupported by xref machinery
mircea_popescu: correcting the url's not bad. phf you tried any local mod rewrite stuff or not running apache
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform next one's "the chosen", will put it to paper after i[m back from town.
mircea_popescu: btw, as a curio,. anyone can actually read the two men's dialogue ?
phf: i'm basically going to leave things as is. /log/?date= is legacy linking support purely to facilitate old blog entries. it'll render, but will otherwise be unsupported
mircea_popescu: without actual line selection ?
phf: line selection works
phf: (click on that url above)
mircea_popescu: aite, ima look into this later a bit.
a111: Logged on 2016-04-24 00:12 mircea_popescu: btw, as a curio,. anyone can actually read the two men's dialogue ?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform do tell ?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: at least i think i did.
mircea_popescu: that's what i'm curious about.
asciilifeform: 'what if there's two' 'not that type' etc
asciilifeform: 'pick one'
asciilifeform: notsohard
asciilifeform: and has just the right flavour.
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-04-24#1456694 << i still dun see why it had to be changed at all...
a111: Logged on 2016-04-24 00:14 phf: i'm basically going to leave things as is. /log/?date= is legacy linking support purely to facilitate old blog entries. it'll render, but will otherwise be unsupported
asciilifeform: old format worked fine
asciilifeform: phf: whereas now half the time i can't make a correct link when i want one
phf: asciilifeform: well, you suffer for my lazines
phf: log reader was written way before b/t split, and was using y-m-d from very beginning because that's what i'm used to for 10-15 years now since reading naggum's "history of time"
mircea_popescu: "Thirty six year old Danny Manupassa is alleged to have been running the network and has ordered him to be held 14 days while police search for actual evidence of criminal activity on the network. " << odd grammar.
mircea_popescu: anyway, the lulzy crime of "not being squishy enough".
mircea_popescu: organizedcrimeterrorismmoneylaunderingchildpornographydoubleplusungood.
asciilifeform: squishy?
mircea_popescu: incompetent, if you will.
mircea_popescu: "what do you mean fat donut chewer couldn't defeat superman ? IS SUPERMAN A TERRORIST ????"
mircea_popescu: "organized crime, any activity too complex to be comprehended by highschool dropouts equipped with the latest version of excel"
mircea_popescu: you know, exactly like before.
asciilifeform: hey, comprehended enough to find the fella and gas?
mircea_popescu: so far it reads as exactly nothing more than "burn the witch, though we did do the nose"
asciilifeform has nfi, hears of the thing for first time
asciilifeform: ^ bernstein's replacement for sendmail.
asciilifeform: where he 'fits in head'.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> not unless they're nude. << And NOT Kim now that she's just fat.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> "what do you mean fat donut chewer couldn't defeat superman ? IS SUPERMAN A TERRORIST ????" << Apparently he has been for a decade or so.
BingoBoingo: Huh, apparently Apple let some Chinese into my old unused "Apple ID" account.
BingoBoingo: If, that email address even had one...
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