Hide Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2014-07-04 | 2014-07-06 →
mircea_popescu: !up atian
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 39762 @ 0.00081822 = 32.5341 BTC [+] {4}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29552 @ 0.00081816 = 24.1783 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9655 @ 0.00082192 = 7.9356 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 3 @ 0.19949985 = 0.5985 BTC [-] {2}
artifexd: ;;later tell kakobrekla I see you fixed the ampersand thing. Cool. Thanks.
gribble: The operation succeeded.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30646 @ 0.00081706 = 25.0396 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36900 @ 0.00081705 = 30.1491 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 157 @ 0.18203808 = 28.58 BTC [-] {17}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 25 @ 0.18063199 = 4.5158 BTC [-] {4}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8800 @ 0.00081869 = 7.2045 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25380 @ 0.00082006 = 20.8131 BTC [+] {4}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3620 @ 0.00082478 = 2.9857 BTC [+]
kyuupichan: So I can now buy about 3m DOGE for 1 BTC? I'd rather have the BTC I think.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 49 @ 0.01668172 = 0.8174 BTC [+] {3}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16800 @ 0.00081696 = 13.7249 BTC [-]
[]bot: Bet placed: 3.7 BTC for Yes on "LTC to fall against BTC" http://bitbet.us/bet/864/ Odds: 91(Y):9(N) by coin, 89(Y):11(N) by weight. Total bet: 8.83865103 BTC. Current weight: 80,752.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 20 @ 0.03079906 = 0.616 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 78 @ 0.03662819 = 2.857 BTC [+] {5}
FabianB: $traded
empyex: FabianB: Traded in last 24 hours: S.MPOE
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5300 @ 0.00081696 = 4.3299 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26350 @ 0.0008155 = 21.4884 BTC [-] {3}
jurov: !t m f.mpif
assbot: [MPEX:F.MPIF] 1D: 0 / 0 / 0 (0 shares, 0 BTC), 7D: / / ( shares, BTC), 30D: 0.0002151 / 0.00021662 / 0.00023849 (11155 shares, 2.42 BTC)
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4854 @ 0.00081457 = 3.9539 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17912 @ 0.0008144 = 14.5875 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11650 @ 0.00081436 = 9.4873 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33750 @ 0.00081599 = 27.5397 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9800 @ 0.00081429 = 7.98 BTC [-] {2}
[]bot: Bet placed: 1 BTC for Yes on "LTC to fall against BTC" http://bitbet.us/bet/864/ Odds: 92(Y):8(N) by coin, 90(Y):10(N) by weight. Total bet: 9.83865103 BTC. Current weight: 80,677.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12300 @ 0.00081278 = 9.9972 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5600 @ 0.00081278 = 4.5516 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 22 @ 0.0345 = 0.759 BTC [-]
cazalla: !up ninjashogun
cazalla: what did you fuck up this time
FabianB: pasted his nickserv pw into -otc
cazalla: topkek
ninjashogun: lol yeah, luckily they're nice people and changed it for me rather than troll. can't imagine what would have happened in tihs channel.
ninjashogun: it's kind of weird how you guys have all the money, and they're the ones who are serious.
dub: nice password
chetty: actually someone did the pw thing yesterday and it was nicely pointed out they should now change their pw
FabianB: !up Dekker3D
Dekker3D: Thanks, FabianB
moiety: hello all
moiety: quite scared to look at the logs
FabianB: why?
Dekker3D: Why are the logs scary? Strange things going bump in the night?
FabianB: don't think so
ninjashogun: who wants to make a multiple return on $30K. You're welcome to bid or ask questions. Low multiple bids likely to win. http://pastebin.com/gMF5WRuP
assbot: Ninjashogun prospectus - 04-07-2014 Key facts: Through Saturday, July 5, 2 - Pastebin.com
cazalla: today has been quiet
ninjashogun: cazalla, welll, here you go then :)
cazalla: where do i send the money?
ninjashogun: I mean "low-multiple bids", e.g. not something crazy like a very high number of x. However, I realize that the istuation may be seen to include some risk, so bid whatever you want.
ninjashogun: cazalla - we can talk about it. We can actually escrow it, you can send it straight to some of the legal services involved, when I meet with VC's (you can come!) you can pay for some of the costs, and legal review of the closing docs we're given. These are the major expenses.
FabianB: 1 dogecent for 20%
ninjashogun: Oh, no the bid is on $30K, what multpile covers your risk (and a timeframe). I can tell you more about both comapnies of course - and feel free to PM.
ninjashogun: For some reference, to set expectations, in the other channel (-otc) I've gotten bids on part of the money as low as 1.6x. However, the starting bid for the whole thing was something crazy.
Dekker3D: Could someone voice indiancandy1 again?
Dekker3D: She's the same one from last time.
Dekker3D: FabianB, could you voice her?
cazalla: !up indiancandy1
Dekker3D: As far as I know, mircea's "anyway, drop your address" means that she should put her bitcoin address in here, anywhere. I'd write it for her, but it's more trustworthy if I just vouch for her and she writes it
indiancandy1: 1C2GHDcNxzZfnVBD9EyY95WPuhXtatJDfa
Dekker3D: By the way, if I may ask: is the whole "0.1 btc for a pic of tits" thing like a promotional stunt to get hot chicks in here, or is it just what it says it is?
chetty: Dekker3D, I think only MP can answer about the true purpose of what he does
assbot: #bitcoin-assets log
indiancandy1: ask chetty
indiancandy1: shes chool
Dekker3D: Ah. She knows more about mircea's shenanigans then?
chetty: ninjashogun, I cant see why anyone would put money into "Both businesses are stealth, however a bit can be discussed publicly:"
FabianB: asciilifeform: did you have a look at https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/mycelium-entropy ?
assbot: Mycelium Entropy | Indiegogo
punkman: !up ninjashogun
Dekker3D: It seems I can register on the web of trust using a bitcoin address instead of a gpg key?
FabianB: yes
Dekker3D: How would I do that? Do I need to extract my private key from my wallet to sign something? because I'm using Mycelium.
FabianB: if you have bitcoin-qt for example and can sign with the address
FabianB: dunno mycelium
Dekker3D: It doesn't do message signing
Dekker3D: But at least I suppose it can make things easier for indiancandy1. She has a blockchain.info wallet
cazalla: are you her pimp or something?
Dekker3D: I'm her tech dude
ninjashogun: thanks. They're both high-tech startups, albeit of two different kinds. The public pastebin doesn't include too much informatoin but of course I expect you to learn about both. They're both just doing their seed rounds now - the first acutaly already has assigned IP, etc, and has developed (the basics of) interesting technology. As it's hardware, it's quite hard to seed and we need to keep vigilant about stealth but I c
ninjashogun: an tell a bit more to anyone who's interested.
Dekker3D: Here on the internet, the difference is tiny :P
ninjashogun: The second one is in a really huge market - even before it had a NAME it had offers at high six-figure valuations, however I wanted to be able to pursue both of them.
ninjashogun: The second is a services / consulting company in the field of jobs. cf. hired.com
Dekker3D: She'll need to exchange bitcoin for gbp at some point, which would likely require #bitcoin-otc. Which requires registration in the web of trust, afaik. And if she wants to earn more with shenanigans, as this other girl did, then she'll also likely need to be in the web of trust.
Dekker3D: So I'm trying to find an easy way to get her into the web of trust.
cazalla: ninjashogun: can you call me to discuss further?
ninjashogun: cazalla - yes, absolutely. For cost reasons we could start by skype first. (You'll also see the name of one!)
ninjashogun: PM me your skype name and we can talk in 5 min.
cazalla: i don't have skype but i have a landline for you to call
FabianB: !up Dekker3D
ninjashogun: cazalla, have you ever invested in anyone/anything? if we proceeded, would you be able to give a reference?
ninjashogun: (Assuming you became interested.)
cazalla: ever heard of a lil company named labcoin?
ninjashogun: I have now. Google results don't look great :-D :-D
FabianB: Dekker3D: gpg is probably easier if you're not already using bitcoin-qt
ninjashogun: Check Google :-D
cazalla: if you're unable to afford to call me i'll assume you're not a serious player
ninjashogun: I didn't need a reference now.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18700 @ 0.00081624 = 15.2637 BTC [+]
Dekker3D: True.
ninjashogun: I was just asking if you would be able to furnish one.
ninjashogun: assuming you became interested.
ninjashogun: If this would be the first time you invested in anything/anyone then we might still proceed but I'd like to know this ahead of time.
cazalla: my money is no good?
ninjashogun: cazalla - the issue is, I don't know. You could waste weeks of my time. (It's happened before - that's post-closing documents. meaning, everything has been agreed and closed.)
ninjashogun: cazalla, I might still be able to work with you. Maybe if this would be a first investment for you, you can team up with someone from here and do it together.
cazalla: i'm gonna need that phone call before we proceed
ninjashogun: cazalla, I have a lot going on including raising this bridge from my exisitng network and VC network.
ninjashogun: cazalla, OK. PM me your number, I'll call you soon.
cazalla: 61+ 02 6131 3000
ninjashogun: thanks. give me 10, call you soon.
FabianB: !up indiancandy1
chetty: !up ninjashogun
ninjashogun: thanks, chetty. cazalla, I Googled your number to try to do some basic DD. https://www.google.com/search?q="61%2B+02+6131+3000"
assbot: "61+ 02 6131 3000" - Google Search
ninjashogun: cazalla, now you see why I need a reference. It's very easy to waste someone's time.
cazalla: just explain your scheme to them
chetty: ususally the one asking for money gives references
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6080 @ 0.00081599 = 4.9612 BTC [-]
ninjashogun: chetty - not in my world.
ninjashogun: chetty - money is easy. Finding people who are interested in building something together and have the connections to help is harder.
chetty: if I want to give money without refs there are plenty of beggars on the street corner
ninjashogun: chetty - yes, I agree. If you want to give money but have no references, they're the only ones who will take it from you.
ninjashogun: cazalla - btw the above - linking "Contact - Australian Federal Police" - is exactly why I call this channel useless trolls. It takes about 15 seconds of talking with me to determine who I am and what I'm doing.
indiancandy1: register <money1> <businessenquiriesforshanti@gmail.com>
indiancandy1: im confused
indiancandy1: dekker dissapoeared
ninjashogun: cazalla, now you also see why if you've never invested in anything or anyone, why I don't want to offer to be the first.
FabianB: indiancandy1: msg that to NickServ, not in this channel and without the < and >
FabianB: indiancandy1: and of course use a different password
ninjashogun: chetty - I will also say this. How come VC's (venture capitalists) don't get scammed - when they write six, and seven-figure checks? If you Google "vc's scammed":
assbot: vc firm scammed - Google Search
indiancandy1: where and who
ninjashogun: you get only stories about founders (like me) being the ones to get scammed by the people who supposedly hvae the money. Why is that? Because due dilligence is actually quite easy to perform.
indiancandy1: is nickserv
indiancandy1: where i find out
FabianB: indiancandy1: you can start a pm with nickserv by /query NickServ
indiancandy1: where is he
ninjashogun: nickserv is just an automated system, you send it messages via "/msg nickserv"
indiancandy1: ths is joke
indiancandy1: so i type it
indiancandy1: in here
ninjashogun: indiancandy1, go to #freenode for help
ninjashogun: they will help you
indiancandy1: so i type that here
indiancandy1: and it wil take me there
FabianB: indiancandy1: type "/query nickserv" wherever
FabianB: indiancandy1: you'll be in a tab with nickserv where you can procede with registering
chetty: ninjashogun, I dont think VC lets it make the news when they get scammed ...they get even
ninjashogun: chetty - no, it just doesn't happen. I know VC's. I know founders. Scams just don't happen after you do due dilligence.
ninjashogun: chetty, why do you think I have to spend my own money to get six-figure investments from them? Couldn't I just send a prospectus and have them wire some cash? It doesn't work like that. You need to do a TON and have a ton of meetings with them, sohw them EVERYTHING in minute detail.
chetty: absolutes are dangerous
assbot: Backing out of a term sheet | chris dixon's blog
ninjashogun: see that?
ninjashogun: "The best VC in the world, Sequoia Capital, whose companies account for an astounding 10% of NASDAQ’s market cap, has (according to trustworthy sources) only backed out on one term sheet in the last 10 years."
ninjashogun: You absolutely can talk in absolutes.
ninjashogun: meanwhile, cazalla's reference for me (unsure of releatoinship) has all of its top Google hits be about how it's a scam.
moiety: ;; later tell mircea_popescu kik is just an instant messaging app but it works across all platforms and has lots of wee add-ons. i like kik
gribble: The operation succeeded.
moiety: indiancandy1: if you need a hand registering with gribble and nickserv, feel free to PM me
FabianB: ;;ticker --last
gribble: 631.63
ninjashogun: Anyway, it sounds like nobody here has actually helped start startup-type businesses (off bitcoin), so I'm not going to waste more of my time. If someone is interested in learning more about either of the businesses I'm currently raising funds ahead of the seed round of, then you can PM me and I can give you all the details.
ninjashogun: thanks for your time.
moiety: it's been emotional ninjashogun
chetty: moiety, +1
ninjashogun: moiety - it's been a 100% explicit proof of what I've been saying for the past few months whenever I've been here. Tihs channel is useless trolls. Cazalla "gave me his number" to call and discuss further (normally, quite a normal first step!!!) Except he gave Australian's police number. Useless trolling.
ninjashogun: enjoy your little hellhole guys.
dub: I'll miss him
chetty: but he knows people and stuffs
pankkake: lol, nice trollage
chetty: !up indiancandy1
FabianB: ;;ticker --currency eur --last
gribble: 464.634384
moiety: lmao cazalla love it
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10722 @ 0.00081624 = 8.7517 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 155 @ 0.03817337 = 5.9169 BTC [+] {15}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 188 @ 0.03958391 = 7.4418 BTC [+] {5}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 26 @ 0.04 = 1.04 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 109 @ 0.04009999 = 4.3709 BTC [+] {4}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 112 @ 0.0402025 = 4.5027 BTC [+] {2}
artifexd: There is this tv show called "Storage Wars" where they auction off the contents of storage units whose bills haven't been paid. I wonder if a cloud storage provider could get away with something similar. "Don't pay your bill? We auction off your data."
cazalla: well i figured he best call the federal police in my country and explain it to them
cazalla: for some time he has said we're all trolls yet here he is again pitching us, makes me think he's a scammer afterall
moiety: the world must be trolling him if no one wants his proposals. i think he'll be back.
moiety puts ninjashogun's toys back in his pram
cazalla: ;;rate ninjashogun -1 wouldn't call me on the phone
gribble: Rating entry successful. Your rating of -1 for user ninjashogun has been recorded.
chetty: the logic of wanting investor refs and not offering yours escapes me completely
moiety: i know, an added nice touch was preferring folk that didn't want to know what he was up to entirely.
dub: he has refs, just call paul graham
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12712 @ 0.00081599 = 10.3729 BTC [-]
chetty: the other interesting question is if he knows so many VC and all that whats he need investors here for?
dub: he needs 30 grand to setup meetings with vc's
moiety: unsure but he has an incredible skill for answering thingswith such long convoluted answers, you dont care by the end
dub: because as an OG startup entreprenure, he doesnt have $30k or a credit card
chetty: 30k to set up a meeting, I guess inflation is worse than I thought
dub: well the first meeting is on necker island see, and he's travelling by kite surfing on the back of a naked chick on branson's back
assbot: Suicidal over Dogecoin - Please help shibes : dogecoin
cazalla: shibe needs to be put to sleep
punkman: "I've tried to comfort myself with examples of Bitcoin's drops from $30 to $1 before but this doesn't mean it's going to happen again especially because of Doge's very different properties"
punkman: " I should have read more about the technical aspects of Doge before I invested but like a lot of people here I had so much faith that the community could conquer these things. But it seems that community means nothing when it comes to the success of Doge, the price is being driven and manipulated by the big money, the chinese whales and big money speculators"
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 67250 @ 0.00081274 = 54.6568 BTC [-] {6}
punkman: cazalla, wow there's a whole reddit for depressed dogetards http://www.reddit.com/r/depreshibe
assbot: A place for Depressed shibes to chat about things and vent
moiety: it's better his fiancee left him now before the wedding. i don't think she understands the whole "for better or worse" bit
cazalla: fuck, you think it can't get worse but it does
punkman: doge is a great field study
assbot: Dogecoin to allow annual inflation of 5 billion coins each year, forever | Ars Technica
cazalla: it must burn for litecoiners who see bitcoin/dogecoin accepted here signs but no litecoin one
chetty: cazalla, worse is when you wish it would get worse (so break already) and it just keeps the slow grind
dub: talking to an enthusiastic shibe in a bar the other night that was teh major selling point
dub: of course you need to keep printing more of it forever, just like dollars
pankkake: doesn't really change in the end, inflation is lower in % each year
pankkake: but yeah if it helped break the "bitcoin and litecoin accepted" hope, great
pankkake: at some point, any business accepting bitcoin would get insta spammed with "please add litecoin"
kakobrekla: not that anyone will buy with ltc, just the silver color is cool.
kakobrekla: ;;later tell artifexd just less broken, but np.
gribble: The operation succeeded.
Naphex: 17:11 <+cazalla> shibe needs to be put to sleep << i loled hard
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 3 @ 0.18891799 = 0.5668 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: moiety o so basically they're offering im chats ?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 4 @ 0.188967 = 0.7559 BTC [+] {3}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 15 @ 0.18985266 = 2.8478 BTC [+] {6}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30150 @ 0.00081197 = 24.4809 BTC [-] {2}
mircea_popescu: ;;ticker
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 630.0, Best ask: 632.0, Bid-ask spread: 2.00000, Last trade: 632.0, 24 hour volume: 2441.09724497, 24 hour low: 623.23, 24 hour high: 639.31, 24 hour vwap: 630.796426752
mircea_popescu: sooo... what's new.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 3 @ 0.19 = 0.57 BTC [+] {2}
mircea_popescu: !up Dekker3D
thestringpuller: ;;bc,stats
gribble: Current Blocks: 309346 | Current Difficulty: 1.6818461371161112E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 310463 | Next Difficulty In: 1117 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 6 days, 16 hours, 31 minutes, and 37 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 16714376135.9 | Estimated Percent Change: -0.61887
thestringpuller: ;;estimate
gribble: Next difficulty estimate | 16714376135.9 based on data since last change | 18031729744.8 based on data for last three days
mircea_popescu: !up indiancandy1
mircea_popescu: either of you here ?
thestringpuller: hmmm hashrate lag
indiancandy1: ce fatch
indiancandy1: how do u spel it
mircea_popescu: drop your bitcoin address will you ?
mircea_popescu: i'll be here a while.
mircea_popescu: ninjashogun: it's kind of weird how you guys have all the money, and they're the ones who are serious. <<< lmao. yeah, TOTALLY weird.
mircea_popescu: smarten up kid.
indiancandy1: 1C2GHDcNxzZfnVBD9EyY95WPuhXtatJDfa
mircea_popescu: !up IlllIIllIIlIIlll
mircea_popescu: thanks god for autocomplete.
mircea_popescu: Dekker3D: As far as I know, mircea's "anyway, drop your address" means that she should put her bitcoin address in here, anywhere. I'd write it for her, but it's more trustworthy if I just vouch for her and she writes it <<< yup that's a good point. seeing how you own this nick for 5 years and she just reg'd hers.
mircea_popescu: but it would work a lot better if either or both had a wot acct.
mircea_popescu: cazalla: are you her pimp or something? Dekker3D: I'm her tech dude << the difference is negligible ? :D
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7500 @ 0.0008107 = 6.0803 BTC [-]
moiety: we've been in PM getting her reg'd with nickserv, half way through gribbling for the wot
mircea_popescu: you're a good girl :)
mircea_popescu: how's the hangover ?
moiety: ohgod, i was scared to read the logs back this morning! was dying at first, but i'm ok now. sorry for being here
mircea_popescu: lol sokay, what's the big deal ?
moiety: i dont make as much sense as BB when drunk XD
mircea_popescu: or vexual when sober
moiety: lolol
Dekker3D: mircea_popescu, the difference is negligible because she's doing sexy stuff on the internet and I'm helping her do so. That could make me her pimp or her tech guy.
mircea_popescu: so basically her pich guy.
Dekker3D: pich?
mircea_popescu: yeah. her pimptech
Dekker3D: Yeah sure.
Dekker3D: Sounds about right, anyway.
Dekker3D: gribbling for the wot. That sounds.. lovely.
Dekker3D: That reminds me, my key should be done cooking by now. As in, uploading to a server and whatnot
mircea_popescu: ahahhha vcs don't get scammed ? because if you type "vc scammed" into google you get ninjashogtards ?!
mircea_popescu: o god this fucking log is golden. i was originaly -.- cazalla but i take it back. lol.
FabianB: it continued almost just as funny in -otc
mircea_popescu: meanwhile max keiser of scamcoins r us wants to put his manboobs in my pay for tits scheme.
mircea_popescu: from what i hear.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17369 @ 0.0008107 = 14.081 BTC [-]
Dekker3D: Suddenly, authentication :D
Dekker3D: ;;ident Dekker3D
gribble: Nick 'Dekker3D', with hostmask 'Dekker3D!~Dekker3D@cable-213-34-238-79.zeelandnet.nl', is identified as user 'Dekker3D', with GPG key id 802A70ED22A1B6E4, key fingerprint 3B5216E917B8DC774AC31B95802A70ED22A1B6E4, and bitcoin address None
Dekker3D: I exist!
mircea_popescu: so good for you.
mircea_popescu: ;;rate Dekker3D 1 Guy's a pich. Which is sort of like a tech pimp.
gribble: Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user Dekker3D has been recorded.
Dekker3D: Well, I wanted to learn a bit about the "web of trust" idea anyway, but never really knew anyone who was into crypto that much
mircea_popescu: now you do about 2/3 of all the people who are into crypto that much.
mircea_popescu: pm assbot !up
mircea_popescu: FabianB make a pastebin for later glory ?
Dekker3D: Woot.
mircea_popescu: you can even voice the indian chick now.
Dekker3D: Yeah, I figured as much.
assbot: BitcoinStats
Dekker3D: That'd be !up indiancandy1, afaik
Dekker3D: Aka, let's give it a try
Dekker3D: !up indiancandy1
mircea_popescu: punkman o otc is logged tambien ?
Dekker3D: I am almighty
mircea_popescu: you know pimps get blowjobs for free right ?
mircea_popescu: do you know what i am saying ?
Dekker3D: Sadly, I don't have a 376.6km extendopenis.
Dekker3D: Oh wait, that's by road. It could be a few km less. Still sadly lacking
mircea_popescu: sucks to be you. BUY ONE
punkman: Dekker3D, plane ticket, camera, camshow IPO, profits!!
Dekker3D: Heh.
Dekker3D: Camshow IPO?
mircea_popescu: should be a crowdsourced project this. "i need crowdmoneyz to make a 380 km extendopenis to fuck this chick i met online that can't really be bothered to walk over, but i like tothink of as a prospect"
Dekker3D: Also, how would one go about buying a 376.6 km extendopenis?
Dekker3D: Lol.
mircea_popescu: prolly get 1 trilion dolars from all the online geeks in a similar position
Dekker3D: Myeps
assbot: BitcoinStats
mircea_popescu: punkman the chick's actually reasonably hot but she figures she got bollywood prospects so doesn't really wanna.
punkman: mircea_popescu: well, masks are cheap aren't they
mircea_popescu: what do you want from this poor woman.
mircea_popescu: get a pich, get a pime, get a what else ?
Dekker3D: Hm. A mask. That IS a fancy idea.
Dekker3D: pime. Pimp... mechanic?
Dekker3D: Heh. Pimp costume?
mircea_popescu: artifexd: We auction off your data." << you can't put it in a truck.
mircea_popescu: Dekker3D pimp costume [manager]
indiancandy1: i was away
Dekker3D: Hey.
mircea_popescu: cazalla: for some time he has said we're all trolls yet here he is again pitching us, makes me think he's a scammer afterall << prolly just the weird sort that tries to do it on his own terms but isn't either bright or great enough to manage it. so he ends this sort of ... i suppose the word is incel.
Dekker3D: "incel". Good gods, I'm going to have to find a different dictionary for this place, aren't I?
Dekker3D: Ah, nvm
Dekker3D: Urban dictionary. Durp
mircea_popescu: Dekker3D actually, this is very funny because
mircea_popescu: a) i only learned it like yest, and it's emphatically not part of the lingo here.
mircea_popescu: b) a lingo here does exist,
mircea_popescu: ;;google learn that variety speech
gribble: Toastmasters Speech 6: Vocal Variety - Six Minutes: <http://sixminutes.dlugan.com/toastmasters-speech-6-vocal-variety/>; Breathing: The Seductive Key to Unlocking Your Vocal Variety: <http://sixminutes.dlugan.com/vocal-variety-speech-breathing/>; Audiology, Speech & Learning Care | Children's Hospital Colorado: <http://www.childrenscolorado.org/departments/audiology-speech- (1 more message)
assbot: You’re gonna have to learn that variety speak pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
mircea_popescu: and finally c) there's ud right in here.
gribble: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=MP | MP. Military Police. Used in military complexes or installations founded by the army. Often seen standing at doors that require personal identification / guarding.
Dekker3D: Oh. UD as in Urban Dictionary.
Dekker3D: Cool.
mircea_popescu: Dekker3D so what do you do outside of white knighting bollywood hopefuls ?
Dekker3D: "white knighting". Ow, right in the ego. But, I'm legally considered to be handicapped so I don't really have a job.
Dekker3D: It's a psychological thing where I quite literally can't get started on certain types of stuff.
Dekker3D: Not without some outside help, anyway. It's going to be difficult to have an actual job with that.
mircea_popescu: all you need is decent lashing.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 56 @ 0.04004646 = 2.2426 BTC [-] {3}
Dekker3D: So I build a 3d printer, play the guitar, program stuff, and teach people crap
Dekker3D: Back. So yeah. Tech.
mircea_popescu: dub: well the first meeting is on necker island see, and he's travelling by kite surfing on the back of a naked chick on branson's back <<< lol ok!
mircea_popescu: Dekker3D so you don't actually code
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10613 @ 0.00080932 = 8.5893 BTC [-]
punkman: wait, legally considered psychologically handicapped? is that a thing over there?
Dekker3D: mircea_popescu, what makes you say that?
mircea_popescu: Dekker3D i'm asking
mircea_popescu: punkman yes.
Dekker3D: A psychologist and a neurologist agreed that I won't be able to find a job because of that psychological thing. So, they declared me "unfit for work".
Dekker3D: Hard to translate.
mircea_popescu: Dekker3D not that hard. let's see here.
Dekker3D: I get 70% of minimum wage. If I take up a job, it fills in the reminaining 30% until I get more than 100% minimum wage, at which point the ... allowance thing drops away
assbot: 404 Not Found
Dekker3D: Anyway, I do actually program. Been doing it since I was 15-ish
mircea_popescu: read that ?
Dekker3D: It's a short and useless read, telling me the doc's not found.
assbot: The Last Psychiatrist: The Terrible, Awful Truth About SSDI
mircea_popescu: he beleeted it ?!
Dekker3D: Alright, reading.
Dekker3D: Anyway, I used to suffer from pretty bad depression, so if I had been forced to work when I got out of school I'd have probably ended up dead by now
Dekker3D: So forgive me if I see the handicap allowance thing as something good.
punkman: Dekker3D, I
punkman: 'oops
mircea_popescu: the problem with this perspective is that on the strength of such apparence, you'd think squeezing a watermelon through your thighs will kill you
punkman: Dekker3D, I'm not judging was just wondering if that was a thing in .nl
mircea_popescu: humanity exists because nobody gave a shit about this impression, historically.
Dekker3D: punkman, it is.
Dekker3D: mircea_popescu, I'm not sure I get what you're saying. "watermelon through your thighs" implies something about childbirth?
cazalla: mircea_popescu: we had a lulzy evening while ninjashogun was here
mircea_popescu: so no. my money is on "if you were beaten every day until you became happy, you wouldn't have died, you'd have become happy
cazalla: Dekker3D: you'll pick up the lingo as you go along, worthwhile sticking it out
cazalla: soccer is on
Dekker3D: Okay.
mircea_popescu: but obviously, counterfactuals. who's to know.
Dekker3D: Yeah.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] [PAID] 1.72803658 BTC to 11`558 shares, 14951 satoshi per share
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3350 @ 0.00080928 = 2.7111 BTC [-] {2}
Dekker3D: mircea_popescu, I've read almost all of it by now. The main distinction here is that SSI is assumed to be poor people who receive money because otherwise they'd riot, and SSDI is assumed to be people who have worked and who simply can't anymore.
mircea_popescu: "The Post is making a bet that you won't know the difference between SSDI and SSI, and you wouldn't, no one does, it's deliberately obfuscated and frequently conflated. They are totally different in terms of origin, budget and consequence, but both rely on "disability." The only person who does know the difference is a guy actually on SSDI, so that when you ask him, "how long have you been on SSI?" he will freeze, pu
mircea_popescu: ll out a knife, place it calmly on the table, and say, "listen lung transplant, I'm not on SSI, I'm on SSDI. I worked.""
mircea_popescu: the man says.
Dekker3D: I was simply diagnosed with a number of different nasty things between ages 8-15 or so, and I've been spending a lot of time (and yeah, government money along with some of my parents') to become a LOT more functional than I was before.
artifexd: <mircea_popescu> artifexd: We auction off your data." << you can't put it in a truck. <<< But you can put it in a packet :)
mircea_popescu: Dekker3D anyway, now you know why a bunch of people don't like me.
Dekker3D: mircea_popescu, I've actually met someone quite like you before.
mircea_popescu: there's this "look what you can learn about yourself on the internet" thing that happens to people. albeit rarely this clearly isolated as we have it here.
Dekker3D: Harsh but with clearly defined ideas based on some actual thought, and also rich (or at least claiming to be).
mircea_popescu: artifexd lol good 1
Dekker3D: isolated?
[]bot: Bet placed: 1 BTC for Yes on "Bitcoin volatility to exceed $300 USD in July" http://bitbet.us/bet/982/ Odds: 73(Y):27(N) by coin, 70(Y):30(N) by weight. Total bet: 1.62691947 BTC. Current weight: 81,457.
mircea_popescu: Dekker3D so who was he ?
Dekker3D: Eh. Bruno something, went by "BMG" on the forum I was messing around on.
mircea_popescu: isolated, as in, not part of a complex structure of language and relationship
Dekker3D: While I was working on yet another one of my projects. It failed like so many others.
mircea_popescu: complexity creates plausible deniability, generally.
Dekker3D: Anyway, he got the impression that I'm pretty damn good at what I do
Dekker3D: brb.
mircea_popescu: i still don't know what that is.
Dekker3D: Back.
Dekker3D: Well, there was an MMORPG that I liked. Extremely casual, simple looking and the game itself was pretty stupid, but the community was pretty awesome.
mircea_popescu: called ?
Dekker3D: There had been 6 attempts at making an unofficial remake already.
Dekker3D: Blade Mistress.
mircea_popescu: o i recall this shit lol
Dekker3D: Heh.
mircea_popescu: god it was awful :D
Dekker3D: Are you BMG?
mircea_popescu: no idea bout the community
mircea_popescu: nah, i am not.
Dekker3D: Heh.
mircea_popescu: i'm part owner in s.mg which is a game maker which is why i know more than the average chap about indie games.
Dekker3D: Anyway, I was the only one who made a remake project that got further than "gathering ideas and musing idly"
Dekker3D: !up indiancandy1
chetty: good god MP, kid has been sold a bill of goods on being uselss. :(
Dekker3D: But one team member started becoming more of a burden than a boon, and he was an old friend so I found it hard to cut him loose. We also lacked programmers, as I was spending too much time just managing stuff.
mircea_popescu: chetty almost seems that way dunnit.
Dekker3D: What?
mircea_popescu: yes you.
Dekker3D: I don't know if that's a good or a bad thing?
Dekker3D: Srsly. Translate for me?
mircea_popescu: you know what a bill of goods is ?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 7 @ 0.19 = 1.33 BTC [+]
Dekker3D: A list of stuff to sell, buy or transport, afaik?
mircea_popescu: yes. but also metaphorically, "the content of this box"
Dekker3D: So I'm full of uselessness? :P
mircea_popescu: 're the box. the bill of goods says "useless"
mircea_popescu: an' you bought it.
Dekker3D: Heh. Okay. I still can't quite tell whether you're saying "aw, poor kid, he got handed a bad hand" or "damn kid, go make yourself useful". Knowing your type a tiny bit, I'm guessing the latter.
mircea_popescu: im not saying either.
Dekker3D: So what are you saying?
mircea_popescu: that it looks like has a point.
Dekker3D: Like.. who has a point?
mircea_popescu: lol what is this, abbot and costello ?
mircea_popescu: "i still don;t know what the idea is!"
Dekker3D: I honestly have no idea what the "bill of goods" means in this context
Dekker3D: I am trying to get that information out of one of you
Dekker3D: Heh.
mircea_popescu: let's try it with women. it always works easier with women.
mircea_popescu: like they're lubricated or something.
mircea_popescu: so. there's this girl. she's about 12. you with me ?
Dekker3D: I suppose
mircea_popescu: she's curious like any kid. so she... actually let me get it, i have a reference.
chetty: ok its just a idiomatic saying, basically I was saying that you had been tricked into believing you were useless
Dekker3D: Well yeah. I have. I know I have skills and can get stuff done, but so many things around me have fallen apart that I can't help but blame myself at some level.
Dekker3D: I'm trying to be more confident about stuff.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 43097 @ 0.00080924 = 34.8758 BTC [-]
assbot: Ce este adolescenta ? pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
chetty: you are here, you are in the wot, pretty good start ;)
mircea_popescu: now everybody tells her she;'s a slut.
mircea_popescu: if she buys that, shes's gonna be one.
mircea_popescu: if she doesn't buy it... well, whatever. curious kid getting bored.
Dekker3D: Yeah.
mircea_popescu: basically, the boxen that are people... not many know what's inside, and especially not the people in question.
chetty: sooo back to the question, do you code? what language and all that Dekker3D
Dekker3D: C++, some Java and C#
Dekker3D: I've been doing a tiny bit of Python lately, though I absolutely loathe everything about it.
Dekker3D: It lacks curly braces and instead uses indentation. That's the main thing I hate.
mircea_popescu: i think most everyone here loves python and loathes perl
mircea_popescu: except for the weirdo frenchies into ruby and other appalling shit.
Dekker3D: you can't visually tell the difference between spaces and tabs, in sufficient amounts, and it complains if you use tabs in a piece of code that uses spaces elsewhere. For obvious reasons, but some people use tabs and some use spaces.
mircea_popescu: well python is trying its best to be like lisp
Dekker3D: It's interpreted and weakly typed, afaik. You can even add stuff to classes on the fly. That allows a lack of structure
mircea_popescu: and that means copying all the idiocy.
Dekker3D: Meh.
Dekker3D: I haven't even tried perl. It looks like line noise, but we all know that.
benkay: <moiety> hey my benkay has rearry improved! // your which now?
artifexd: I'm in the "Down with Python" camp. C/C++/C#/go are my tools of choice depending on the task at hand.
chetty: Dekker3D, what OS you work on?
Dekker3D: Anyway, I studied the Bitcoin code a bit to see how the bloom filter is implemented.
mircea_popescu: artifexd one day we shall have to make a wot backed tech map
mircea_popescu: who's with who. then just see what techs get the best votes
Dekker3D: chetty, I used to be Windows/Linux, but then EUFI happened and my old mobo got fried. Haven't been able to reinstall Linux since.
mircea_popescu: just you know, put up a page, with 20 questions or so. have people verify a string in here to allow their results.
artifexd: With kakobrekla in the python camp, that's probably an automatic win.
mircea_popescu: and then graph it
Dekker3D: And I stopped bothering. Now I found some possible hint on how to get it to work, but can hardly be arsed.
mircea_popescu: no because you only use the graph.
mircea_popescu: not the values, just the graph, like google pr works.
punkman: but there's no one true hammer
mircea_popescu: ;;ud EUFI
gribble: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Eufi | ... Eueyyauyuyoe · Eufaula · Eufaula, Ok · Eufemia · eufer · eufhwetiyuigohbleachgokufurrybate · Eufi · eufk · Eufrat · eufuckingreka · eufus ... Eufi isn't defined.
punkman: only lisp
mircea_popescu: what the shit ?
Dekker3D: Heh.
artifexd: You mean UEFI?
Dekker3D: Yeah, UEFI
mircea_popescu: o the mouse bios ?
Dekker3D: Yeah.
mircea_popescu: so what of it, it's basically the same.
Dekker3D: It includes some "trusted OS" kind of thing.
benkay: one true hammer lol
Dekker3D: Aka, "windows only mode"
Dekker3D: C++ is my one true hammer. But I have sinned, and am now doing something in Java.
mircea_popescu: Dekker3D you know there's a a job waiting for c++ / windoze ppl ?
Dekker3D: mircea_popescu, do tell
mircea_popescu: now where was it
artifexd: Eulora?
assbot: S.MG, April 2014 Statement pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
mircea_popescu: grep for "the first" Dekker3D
punkman: Thickasthieves wants someone to compile Altcoin for Windows
mircea_popescu: that too.
Dekker3D: A package maintainer, mircea_popescu ?
Dekker3D: What you say makes sense, but I'd still prefer not to start out with something that requires actual commitment. I still expect myself to fail at long-term stuff, even if I know I probably shouldn't.
Dekker3D: And this seems quite a bit beyond my "well.. it compiles and does something" level of programming so far.
benkay: that is an impressive display of humility for these parts.
Dekker3D: Yeah, maybe.
benkay: other people in your boat...start exchanges.
Dekker3D: I just haven't ever had a C++ project where my main goal was to get rid of the bugs rather than add some new feature or even get it running in the first place
assbot: Guy flies drone into fireworks show - Imgur
mircea_popescu: <benkay> that is an impressive display of humility for these parts. << ikr?
asciilifeform: FabianB: 'mycelium' << search the logs.
FabianB: asciilifeform: ah, ic, that discussion was already regarding entropy
assbot: #bitcoin-assets log
assbot: #bitcoin-assets log
benkay: ninjashogun:lol yeah, luckily they're nice people and changed it for me rather than troll. can't imagine what would have happened in tihs channel. // are you fucking kidding me
assbot: Blade Mistress
benkay: ;;later tell ninjashogun you can't keep your password out of cleartext channels and you want how many bitcoins?
mircea_popescu: this is pretty lulzy
gribble: The operation succeeded.
FabianB: asciilifeform: thanks, read only one of them so far
asciilifeform: people gotta understand the importance of rng on a gizmo that doesn't import - only generates own - keys.
asciilifeform: likewise the importance of 'k' value in ecdsa
Dekker3D: Yeah, Blade Mistress is not polished or anything
Dekker3D: !up indiancandy1
mircea_popescu: Dekker3D i kinda enjoy the interaction between the hilariously pompous asses over at sa and unsuccessful real world efforts.
moiety: benkay i don't even know, i wasn't very sober, sorry
mircea_popescu: it's like watching an urbana women studies postdoc battle it out with a 65 year old ex-boxer champ
Dekker3D: mircea_popescu, that makes for an amusing visual.
indiancandy1: ;;bcverify G+jG24dm8R9Pk6bpiB8nabtxeP0z1UpmJqLC7DdrDOhjzDmQ8ZHZx399XuS1oYlIAEkad2mE4bqMFWuiZxZV/J0=
gribble: Error: Signature verification failed.
mircea_popescu: now you've done it.
Dekker3D: What's that code? Private key or something? That'd explain the "now you've done it"
mircea_popescu: im just being snarky. it's a failed attempt at a sig verify
moiety: dw we're getting there :] getting in the wot dekker
Dekker3D: Cool.
Dekker3D: mircea_popescu, chetty told me about Eulora and I'm in that channel now, with a few questions they say you could answer.
[]bot: Bet placed: 1.9 BTC for No on "Bitcoin to drop under $350 before September" http://bitbet.us/bet/974/ Odds: 12(Y):88(N) by coin, 12(Y):88(N) by weight. Total bet: 10.30172933 BTC. Current weight: 89,244.
benkay: <artifexd> With kakobrekla in the python camp, that's probably an automatic win. // hah oh hah
benkay: hey logs aren't half as long as i expected today.
mircea_popescu: benkay scammed by loglength
assbot: BitcoinStats
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34800 @ 0.00080922 = 28.1609 BTC [-] {2}
mircea_popescu: "I am most at home as a startup leader" ? cool.
mircea_popescu: !up davidynamic
davidynamic: Hi MP, I was sent here by bitcoinpete
thestringpuller: ninjashogun is the new usagi?
mircea_popescu: hi davidynamic
mircea_popescu: thestringpuller nah usagi was never this good.
mircea_popescu: he mostly just got frazzled.
davidynamic: Thanks, MP. Just here to listen (read) and learn
thestringpuller: Hmm. I wonder if you could use bitbet as a predictor for scams...
thestringpuller: "ninjashogun to defraud investors by 2015" etc
mircea_popescu: ;;google the market advantages of the delivery bet
gribble: Challenges and opportunities in dermal/transdermal delivery: <http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2995530/>; Best practice - Info entrepreneurs: <http://www.infoentrepreneurs.org/en/guides/best-practice/>; GE Advantage | Operational Excellence | Business to Business (B2B ...: <http://www.ge.com/b2b/advantage>
mircea_popescu: jesus google you pos.
mircea_popescu: ;;google trilema the market advantages of the delivery bet
mircea_popescu: ;;google site:trilema.com the market advantages of the delivery bet
assbot: The positive market effects of the delivery bet. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
benkay: ;;later tell Vexual i cooked something up for your thing.
gribble: The operation succeeded.
moiety: !up indiancandy1
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 14 @ 0.04096462 = 0.5735 BTC [+] {6}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14059 @ 0.00081049 = 11.3947 BTC [+] {2}
mircea_popescu: punkman: "I've tried to comfort myself with examples of Bitcoin's drops from $30 to $1 before but this doesn't mean it's going to happen again especially because of Doge's very different properties" << ahahah.
mircea_popescu: funny how all the derps that derp about how mp is so and so and back and forth don't go "yep... he killed it. sorry for your loss."
punkman: I thought it was the chinese whales' fault
mircea_popescu: o sorry.
mircea_popescu: it was the man in the moon and catjesus.
benkay: S.WOL - will book ATC and BTC seperately?
assbot: EL GRAN COMBO - Ojos Chinos - YouTube
dignork: re: ATC, somebody has a live node? dns boostrap doesn't work
mircea_popescu: who broke teh bootstrap
dignork: - connection refused, so boostrap might be fine, but the node is down
benkay: mircea_popescu: will S.WOL book ATC and BTC seperately?
asciilifeform: he killed it << i thought it kinda fellated its own pistol
mircea_popescu: benkay prolly not.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform well obviously all deaths have physical causes.
mircea_popescu: justusranvier: So Economic decisions have consequences after all? << who knew it! and the world is run by reason not by desire! and money talks and bullshit redditards suck it! And omfg what happened Obama had promised to fix all this!!1
assbot: U.S. Military Turns to Hollywood to Outfit the Soldier of the Future - WSJ
mircea_popescu: it's more about the looks than anyyhing. rite ?
benkay: a fighter jet that doesn't, supersoldier speshul fx...
benkay: scuse me i have a handmade bloody mary to drink.
mircea_popescu: ah sweet sweet delicious communitard tears.
mircea_popescu: But in the argument she finally said it, how I was like a little kid and not a "real man" whatever that means,
mircea_popescu: guess what it motherfucking means. three choices and the first three don't count.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38600 @ 0.00080775 = 31.1792 BTC [-] {3}
thestringpuller: nanotube: is there a way to directly query for web of trust data and have it returned in some kinda serial format?
Dekker3D: !up indiancandy
indiancandy: == indiancandy1 Nick/channel is temporarily unavailable
Dekker3D: I think that's a "ghost".
pankkake: the server thought you were still connected
Dekker3D: Yeah.
indiancandy: i had 2 refresh
Dekker3D: Use /msg nickserv ghost indiancandy1
Dekker3D: You'll probably need to include your password at the end. Be careful not to put it on here again :P
indiancandy: grrrrrrrrr
Dekker3D: Yeah, refreshing probably didn't give that instance a proper chance to log out. So it's still claimed.
indiancandy: this shit is stress
Dekker3D: You remember how you used /msg nickserv register to finally claim your nick, right?
Dekker3D: Use the ghost command in the same way
indiancandy: i 4got how 2
indiancandy: find nickserver
Dekker3D: Well, use /query nickserv
Dekker3D: And it'll open a chat window directly to nickserv.
Dekker3D: That prevents you from accidently telling others your password
FabianB: no need to ghost, indiancandy1 already quit
kakobrekla: did you check the b82rez?
moiety: just release the nick and get it back
mod6: ^
moiety: the stuff to type is in our pm indiancandy :]
moiety: ihad to release my nick every 3 minutes whilst on mobile broad band
kakobrekla: did you manage to get a bnc up?
moiety: having trouble getting my pi up and running. i cant get into the router settings
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16200 @ 0.0008092 = 13.109 BTC [+]
moiety: i've changed the dns and stuff but i still need to do the ports
kakobrekla: is it not your router?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [ROCK] 2500 @ 0.00079999 = 2 BTC [+] {2}
mod6: <+mircea_popescu> lol what is this, abbot and costello ? << haha
moiety: kakobrekla: no its just plugged into the router
mod6: <+mircea_popescu> i think most everyone here loves python and loathes perl << almost :P
moiety: old ISP router you just went to your home ip address and everything was there to change
mircea_popescu: mod6 i put that there for you :D
mod6: :]
mod6: <+dignork> re: ATC, somebody has a live node? dns boostrap doesn't work << I'm asking about this in #altcoin
mircea_popescu: i thought you were running one
kakobrekla: hm i always get nodes when i fire it up occasionally
mod6: im not running a node that's listed up there, but my local wallet is up.
kakobrekla: you are prolly on the wrong side of tech wot.
mircea_popescu: so argentina won i take it ?
moiety: i have to go out for a wee while, see yous later :] have a nice night!
mircea_popescu: ^ someone put that on reddit pls ?
mircea_popescu: preferably from a throwaway acct lol
moiety: i put the other one on a new trilema acct, that do?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 43 @ 0.040001 = 1.72 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 29 @ 0.04001368 = 1.1604 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20350 @ 0.0008092 = 16.4672 BTC [+]
Namworld: I knew I shouldn't have invested more than I could afford to lose. That's why I put my savings and took a small loan to buy 900 BTC for 7000 USD back then. It was all I got, but Bitcoin looked great and I didn't mind losing it all and knew I could actually afford it. Being young, it wasn't the end of the world if I lost it. Not like I couldn't earn it back quickly.
Namworld: Well in Canada and most western countries anyway, it's not too much. Just a minor setback.
mircea_popescu: so did it work out ?
Namworld: I'd say so.
moiety: shall i keep this to r/dogecoin?
mircea_popescu: Namworld :p
assbot: Ah sweet sweet delicious communitard tears : dogecoin
moiety: kk really away for reals this time, i'll check that when im out
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22298 @ 0.00080682 = 17.9905 BTC [-] {2}
mircea_popescu: o lol cool.
mircea_popescu: haha they beleeted it ?
Namworld: To an extent that I made a few mistakes along the way, still turned out okay.
Namworld: Mostly boils down to underestimating the speed of growth by an order of magnitude I guess.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13274 @ 0.00081021 = 10.7547 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: Peru: 150 Mummies of Ancient Unknown Civilisation Discovered in Atacama Desert [PHOTOS]
mircea_popescu: !up SuchWow
mod6: last specimen is interesting there
Namworld: I think it was common in certain areas... people altering the shape of their skulls. Althoug I donn't remember much on the topic.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 37900 @ 0.00081389 = 30.8464 BTC [+] {3}
Namworld: Quite alike any other sort of willful body distortions.
assbot: File: dformation toulousaine MHNT.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
assbot: File:Kane Caw Wacham.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Namworld: It's less odd looking when people are still alive. Even if peculiar.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 47 @ 0.04148967 = 1.95 BTC [+] {5}
assbot: Coinbase - Becoming more Paypal-esk every day?
assbot: Move Over Kickstarter, Crypto-Equity Is the Next Frontier
mircea_popescu: "I was wearing dress pants and flip flops. "
mircea_popescu: it had me at that.
punkman: o she's in b.a.
mircea_popescu: that's the next frontier. of lulz.
punkman: "Belén Marty is a journalist and freedom fighter based in Buenos Aires, Argentina." lol
mircea_popescu: well, there's what, 12mn people here. gotta be some clueless dweebs among them.
Namworld: I use localbitcoins. Because it is correctly implemented for such transactions. You prefund your transaction such that BTC is already there. The buyer has a secret code to keep to himself. Once you have the money, you can text/release funds from web at which point you receive the buyer's secret code, which you can show him as confirmation that the funds were released.
mircea_popescu: weird edge case anyway. generally you deal with poeople you know and trust.
Namworld: It's how an escrow 3rd party should work.
Namworld: Hmm, I never deal with people I know and trust when selling Bitcoins, for I know none buying Bitcoins.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 64050 @ 0.00081503 = 52.2027 BTC [+] {4}
jurov: same here...people want to buy when i don't sell and when i sell, noone wants
jurov: so i just wash it through b-c
nubbins`: <mircea_popescu> women are mentally ill, and will not allow them watch it if it's bloody. <<< half the women i know are into UFC
Namworld: I don't have any relatives buying, so it's always strangers
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 20 @ 0.04 = 0.8 BTC [-] {2}
kakobrekla: you guys heard of otc?
jurov: kakobrekla: i did use otc, several times.. but hunting these ppl around is inconvenient
mircea_popescu: nubbins` i guess you're not in the demo ?
nubbins`: the demo...
jurov: and if you can get better price on otc than on b-c, be my agent
mircea_popescu: i like the guy's spirity
mircea_popescu: nubbins` demo[graphic]
nubbins`: guess not!
Dekker3D: What is b-c exactly?
jurov: ;;ticker --merket bitcoin-central --currency eur
gribble: (ticker [--bid|--ask|--last|--high|--low|--avg|--vol] [--currency XXX] [--market <market>|all]) -- Return pretty-printed ticker. Default market is Bitstamp. If one of the result options is given, returns only that numeric result (useful for nesting in calculations). If '--currency XXX' option is given, returns ticker for that three-letter currency code. It is up to you to make sure the code (1 more message)
kakobrekla: BuCkake
nubbins`: tbh i can't imagine a hockey fan letting anyone get in the way of a game
Dekker3D: Thanks
nubbins`: they're all a bit touched
jurov: ;;ticker --market bitcoin-central --currency eur
gribble: Bitcoin-Central BTCEUR ticker | Best bid: 462.98, Best ask: 463.0, Bid-ask spread: 0.02000, Last trade: 462.98, 24 hour volume: 23.18098842, 24 hour low: 455.0, 24 hour high: 464.9, 24 hour vwap: 459.24265873
jurov: ^case in point (about the price)
kakobrekla: dude, one day its 200 the other 1500, and you care for 10bux?
jurov: that's just the cherry on the top
kakobrekla: also is there 6k depth on bc?
jurov: when i'll sell 6k, i
jurov: ll call you. promise.
kakobrekla: do whatever you want, just aking.
kakobrekla: asking
kakobrekla: how do you simulate selling into the market with the bot again?
kakobrekla: ;;sell something
gribble: Error: 'something' is not a valid positive floating point number.
kakobrekla: ;;sell 10
gribble: (sell <amount> <thing> [at|@] <priceperunit> <otherthing> [<notes>]) -- Logs a sell order for <amount> units of <thing, at a price of <price> per unit, in units of <otherthing>. Use the optional <notes> field to put in any special notes. <price> may include an arithmetical expression, and {(mtgox|bitstamp)(ask|bid|last|high|low|avg)} to index price to mtgox ask, bid, last, high, low, (1 more message)
kakobrekla: no thats not it
jurov: ;;market sell 10
gribble: Bitstamp | A market order to sell 10 bitcoins right now would net 6262.5626 USD and would take the last price down to 626.0000 USD, resulting in an average price of 626.2563 USD/BTC. | Data vintage: 0.0314 seconds
kakobrekla: ;;asks 10
gribble: Bitstamp | There are currently 0 bitcoins offered at or under 10.0 USD, worth 0.0 USD in total. | Data vintage: 3.0083 seconds
jurov: ;;market sell 10 --merket bitcoin-central
gribble: (market sell [--fiat] [--market <market>] [--currency XXX] <value>) -- Calculate the effect on the market depth of a market sell order of <value> bitcoins. If <market> is provided, uses that exchange. Default is Bitstamp. If --currency XXX is provided, converts to that fiat currency. Default is USD. If '--fiat' option is given, <value> denotes the size of the order in fiat.
nubbins`: merket chains
jurov: ;;market sell --merket bitcoin-central 10
gribble: (market sell [--fiat] [--market <market>] [--currency XXX] <value>) -- Calculate the effect on the market depth of a market sell order of <value> bitcoins. If <market> is provided, uses that exchange. Default is Bitstamp. If --currency XXX is provided, converts to that fiat currency. Default is USD. If '--fiat' option is given, <value> denotes the size of the order in fiat.
jurov: ;;market sell --market bitcoin-central 10
gribble: Bitcoin-Central | A market order to sell 10 bitcoins right now would net 6145.8198 USD and would take the last price down to 611.7300 USD, resulting in an average price of 614.5820 USD/BTC. | Data vintage: 0.0310 seconds
nubbins`: ;;merkel cell
gribble: Error: "merkel" is not a valid command.
kakobrekla: sturles beats it.
jurov: this is just spot price , pretty meaningless
kakobrekla: is it not from the book?
jurov: 3wk ago i put sell order on 494 eur ... and 2wk ago it got hit
jurov: how would you do this on otc?
kakobrekla: mr s. can do these things for me
jurov: okay i'll try
jurov: but still, iirc bitstamp was nowhere near 494 in that week
kakobrekla: well low liquidity goes both ways :)
jurov: or maybe french govt has dark orderbook with davout
jurov: noir carnet de commandes :DDD
mircea_popescu: "My wife had a pair of loafers made. Hers were simple, although totally custom, made to order. They cost under 1000 pesos, and took about a week. Mens shoes will be more, depending on size and style and leather." beat that davout.
mircea_popescu: i apparently LIVE in iran.
mircea_popescu: <nubbins`> they're all a bit touched << you should see the football people lol
mircea_popescu: * hottblonde4u has quit (Client Quit) << omg why not voice the noobs.
mircea_popescu: i blame nubbins`
mircea_popescu: * jenevievestar (48ab107d@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has left #bitcoin-assets << look at that.
mircea_popescu: !up hottblonde4u
mircea_popescu: hottblonde4u you mean for ME ?!
hottblonde4u: Yes! I hear someone here wants to see My tits??/ :)
mircea_popescu: hehe okay. link to your prev work ?
assbot: overview for hottblonde4u
mircea_popescu: whu do i even ask, just paste handle to reddit
mircea_popescu: hottblonde4u ok, put 48ab107d on your tits, take a picture. this is a good example for you : http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=04-07-2014#744684
assbot: #bitcoin-assets log
hottblonde4u: You got it ~~~
kakobrekla: what is the significance of the tildes
mircea_popescu: ahahahaah kakobrekla you will end up having a kind of humour named tits in your honor.
mircea_popescu: !up warptangent
mircea_popescu: !up RedStallion
mircea_popescu: !up nam-shub
mircea_popescu: !up Adohgg
mircea_popescu: !up hottblonde4u
assbot: Bitcoin assets - Imgur
Dekker3D: Interesting pink streak in your hair, though it combined with the sharply-outlined wide eyes makes you look a bit like a Barbie doll :P
Dekker3D: Not meant to offend, it's just an interesting observation :)
hottblonde4u: I appreciate the observation... I've got nothing against Barbie, lol
mircea_popescu: hottblonde4u nice. address ?
hottblonde4u: 1NGjYd2kDvSD27TyBtXRR91cWC2YNufUEE
mircea_popescu: cool. if you want to stick around you should proly register your name.
hottblonde4u: Thanks! :)
hottblonde4u: Have a great one everyone ~~
kakobrekla: wait whats the going rate for sharpie in the pooper?
kakobrekla: ah she gone.
mircea_popescu: they don't really figure out that where there's salmon roe there's probably also salmon.
Dekker3D: salmon roe?
Dekker3D: Yeah, I googled it.. but I'm not sure I get what that remark of yours means. And I get inquisitive when I don't understand stuff :P
mircea_popescu: girl came for the .1 btc nibble, got it and left.
Dekker3D: Myeah..
mircea_popescu: the rational approach is to stay where you got the nibble, not to leave.
Dekker3D: Heh. I was just starting to catch on to that. I'm slow
Dekker3D: Well, often when there's something juicy to nibble, you've got to watch out for the hook.
Dekker3D: But then again, we're not fish
mircea_popescu: exactly.
mircea_popescu: no, we are.
mircea_popescu: kinda what i suspect drove here, actually.
Dekker3D: Well, most fish wouldn't enjoy being hooked, would they? That's the main difference here, I guess
thestringpuller: mircea_popescu terk errr jeeeerrrrbs
kakobrekla: isnt it jewbs
thestringpuller: ;;google terk er jerbs
gribble: Southpark - They Took Our Job! - YouTube: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=768h3Tz4Qik>; They Took Er Jerbs DURKA DERRR south park - YouTube: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8ZJu-f-XOE>; they took our jobs - YouTube: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=brj2UkUPjCI>
kakobrekla: like i said, jewbs.
Dekker3D: !up Guest20650
assbot: Get Educated About Homosexuality - YouTube
mircea_popescu: so the argument towards homosexuality not being subjective is that well, twins are both homosexual in 70% of cases (unaudited, just what it claims) which then they compare with "being left handed".
Dekker3D: "christian" thinks homosexuality is a choice. Yep. This is starting perfectly.
mircea_popescu: except... being left handed is not a behaviour. homosexuality is.
mircea_popescu: if one of two twins eats at mcdonalds, 90% odds are the other does too.
mircea_popescu: so mcdonalds is thus genetic ?
mircea_popescu: no, it's just pervasive cultural norm. behaviours spread from trusted sources, and a twin has better thances than a guy on youtube to persuade.
Dekker3D: Well, if it were a choice.. why wouldn't everyone choose to be bisexual? More options!
chetty: left handiness can be cured, just ask the nuns with rulers
mircea_popescu: oddly enough, this is supported by practice. slavegirls are bisexual.
Dekker3D: That's sarcastic, right?
Dekker3D: Heh.
mircea_popescu: Dekker3D no, it actually can be cured. it's just painful.
mircea_popescu: but anyway, let me in passing register my displeasure with "scientists have". is it so fucking hard to say " McGee and Jonk have " ?
chetty: but consensus is a new law in science, hadnt you heard?
mircea_popescu: yeah right.,
mircea_popescu: anyway this female antibody theory has got to be the laugh of all time
Dekker3D: Yeah, the antibody thing looked silly
mircea_popescu: chetty get a load of this : female body perceives male foetus as foreign, and generates unspecified "antibodies". the more boys a woman has, the more adept she is at this
mircea_popescu: and so the more she "feminizes" the fetus. intrauterine-ly.
chetty: omg, thats ridiculous
mircea_popescu: nothing to do with sexualisation pressures among groups of boys, or anything.
mircea_popescu: here's a simple solution : in any large population of males, some will be gay because the other want something to fuck.
mircea_popescu: someTHING to fuck.
mircea_popescu: problem solved.
chetty: well since women have fewer children these days the number of gays should be going down if this is true, pretty easy to check :P
mircea_popescu: definitely works a lot better to explain prison homosexuality, unless prison buildings ALSO secrete hormones.
mircea_popescu: chetty funny how many ways there are to show broken "scientists agree" is broken.
chetty: if it wasn't so easy it would be fun
test532451243214: "scientists agree" is pretty useless if you can't link to actual results
test532451243214: I mean.. two rocket scientists could agree that homosexuality is or isn't a choice.
test532451243214: Scientists would be agreeing, but it would prove absolutely nothing :P
mircea_popescu: test532451243214 even more useless if those "scientists" are people being paid a salary by a government, as an idle exercise in trying to create jerbs.
Dekker3D: Wanted to find out some nickserv stuff
Dekker3D: I suppose so.
Dekker3D: "creating jobs" seems like the wrong goal anyway. More and more jobs are being replaced by robots. We should be focusing on a society that can handle mass automation
mircea_popescu: that society is selective.
mircea_popescu: democratic structures wish to promote inclusive societies.
mircea_popescu: there's no solution to this problem.
chetty: buggy makers found ways
mircea_popescu: chetty automotive society is inclusive. that part was easy.
Dekker3D: Ah. You're saying that those who aren't smart enough to be irreplacable would always find themselves left out, in a world where automation runs rampant?
mircea_popescu: chetty the idea was "everyone a car" see ?
mircea_popescu: Dekker3D exactly.
chetty: everyone a robot :P
mircea_popescu: selective. must be this tall to ride.
mircea_popescu: inclusive. everyone's invited.
mircea_popescu: the wild west was selective.
mircea_popescu: and guess what ? it fucking selected to all hell.
chetty: (questions is be one/own one/fix one)
chetty: ;;lasers
gribble: ┌━ ┄ ┄ ┄ ┄ ┄ ┄ *pew!* *pew!* *pew!*
Dekker3D: True, but automation is not a thing we can really push back
Dekker3D: Unless it threatens to destroy us all, like fucking up nature with CO2 and stuff does.
Dekker3D: So we're going to have to find a way to live with it, I'd guess.
mircea_popescu: everything always "threatens to destroy us all"
mircea_popescu: ask hitler. half his microphone time was about how they were threatened to be all destroyed.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6450 @ 0.00081158 = 5.2347 BTC [-] {2}
Dekker3D: People always say things threaten to destroy us all. And yeah, it's a favoured tool of anyone trying to convince the masses.
Dekker3D: But people actually believe the CO2 thing because it makes some sense. People aren't similarly convinced that robots will fuck up our lives.
Dekker3D: The same argument applies to bitcoin: nobody really believes it'll kill off half of humanity if left unchecked.
mircea_popescu: people were similarly convicned the 2k year bug was going to destroy us all
Dekker3D: So people don't put in an organized, honest attempt to stop it
mircea_popescu: and more recently, a day in may 2012.
mircea_popescu: but yes, bitcoin will definitely kil off half of humanity.
mircea_popescu: that half is mostly english speaking currently.
Dekker3D: Do explain
mircea_popescu: ;;google bitcoin not for the poor
gribble: CGAP: Bitcoin Not Helping the Poor | Lets Talk Bitcoin: <http://letstalkbitcoin.com/cgap-bitcoin-not-helping-the-poor/>; Lessons From Mobile Payments: Bitcoin Will Not Help the Poor or ...: <http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2014-01-10/lessons-from-mobile-payments-bitcoin-will-not-help-the-poor-or-unbanked>; Bitcoin for the poor – a no-cash business plan for the 'next (1 more message)
assbot: Bitcoin and the poor pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
mircea_popescu: ill have to start learning what the titles actually are i guess.
[]bot: Bet placed: 3.42744945 BTC for No on "Bitcoin to drop under $350 before September" http://bitbet.us/bet/974/ Odds: 9(Y):91(N) by coin, 9(Y):91(N) by weight. Total bet: 13.72917878 BTC. Current weight: 88,753.
Dekker3D: I'm not sure if I understand the link between this TL;DRish article and english speaking people. If bitcoin won't help the poor, then wouldn't it be mostly non-english-speakers who would be hit by it? I'd imagine there's more poor people that don't speak english
mircea_popescu: there's little difference between a poor indian and a middle class us citizen today, except
mircea_popescu: that the poor indian has the skills to survive as a poor indian, which the us guy does not
mircea_popescu: and that the us guy has a government giving him money, which won't survive.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20500 @ 0.00081521 = 16.7118 BTC [+]
Dekker3D: I forgot that a lot of english-speakers are in the US. Durp.
mircea_popescu: i did mean as an only language.
Dekker3D: Yeah. I didn't catch that.
Dekker3D: I thought you meant "people who speak english" which would include most of the better-educated people of any country.
mircea_popescu: nah, people who speak english as a second language actually are in the better position i imagine.
Dekker3D: Yeah. That was my point too.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10900 @ 0.00081314 = 8.8632 BTC [-]
Dekker3D: I mean, I consider myself to be more of an english-speaker than a dutch-speaker, despite growing up in the netherlands
mircea_popescu: interesting
Dekker3D: So okay. Better point perhaps, the -rich- don't think that they'll be killed by bitcoin
Dekker3D: While they might think that there's at least some risk to having too much CO2 in the atmosphere
mircea_popescu: they're not going to get killed by that, either.
mircea_popescu: and they don't think they will in any case.
Dekker3D: But they might think they will
Dekker3D: While they're probably quite convinced they won't actually die from bitcoin
mircea_popescu: i suspect it's backwards
mircea_popescu: provided they had heard of either.
Dekker3D: Well, that depends on how smart you figure them to be. There's a lot of smart and dumb folks who ended up with a lot of money.
Dekker3D: I suppose I let my misanthropy guide me again.
assbot: Korgoth Of Barbaria I. [HunSub] - YouTube
assbot: Disney's Secret Sexual Messages Conspiracy - Conspiracy Cinema - YouTube
Dekker3D: !up indiancandy1
Dekker3D: Welp. Someone logged in using indiancandy (mind the lack of the 1) and it isn't my friend.
Dekker3D: Or maybe it is her, she says. Durp.
indiancandy1: my god
indiancandy1: wat a hassle
mircea_popescu: how can you be such a noob candygirl
indiancandy1: no seriosly
indiancandy1: i cant belive how complicated you made this
Dekker3D: Heh.. that part is standard IRC.
Dekker3D: Geek toys aren't the most user-friendly
Dekker3D: They ARE the most versatile and powerful most of the time, though
indiancandy1: okay now i need 2 be come
indiancandy1: a member of trust
indiancandy1: i feel asif im joinin the illuminati
mircea_popescu: that's funny
mircea_popescu: seeing how... you are.
indiancandy1: is moeity
indiancandy1: gone offline
Dekker3D: Heh. Don't confuse the poor lady any more than she has to be. Nobody's joining the illuminati here. We don't allow that at the freemason's secret headquarters.
Dekker3D: It seems moiety's offline, yeah.
indiancandy1: dekker is this true
indiancandy1: in holland
indiancandy1: if you start your own religion and get a certain amount of followers
indiancandy1: the goverment fund u
Dekker3D: Hm. I don't know about that, tbh.
indiancandy1: thereis a religion
indiancandy1: sexual 1
Dekker3D: I've never been very interested in starting my own religion, but Dekkerianism does have a certain ring to it
indiancandy1: having sex in the woods
indiancandy1: saw a documentry on it
Dekker3D: And they get paid, because they believe in having sex in the woods?
indiancandy1: i dunno
indiancandy1: i cant remember exactly
Dekker3D: I think I call that "winning at life"
indiancandy1: they was on sexetra
kakobrekla: does it have to be woods?
kakobrekla: idiots.
kakobrekla: you get ticks there.
thestringpuller: ;;bc,stats
gribble: Current Blocks: 309390 | Current Difficulty: 1.6818461371161112E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 310463 | Next Difficulty In: 1073 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 0 days, 3 hours, 40 minutes, and 48 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 16640938359.6 | Estimated Percent Change: -1.05552
thestringpuller: weirdest difficulty in a long time....
indiancandy1: wats ticks
indiancandy1: no one talks here
indiancandy1: whats the deal
thestringpuller: indiancandy1: they do eventually...
indiancandy1: im bored
indiancandy1: tell me something
indiancandy1: interesting
thestringpuller: go do work
indiancandy1: what work
thestringpuller: something useful?
thestringpuller: if you're bored you should be using that time to develop a new skill or relax for when times get busy...
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1900 @ 0.00081314 = 1.545 BTC [-]
Dekker3D: Heh.. he/she has a point. I'm barely ever bored, I just spend that time reading up
Dekker3D: !up indiancandy1
thestringpuller: !up indiancandy1
Dekker3D: Beat you to it
Dekker3D: Heh.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2950 @ 0.0008126 = 2.3972 BTC [-]
thestringpuller: I wonder if miners are collectively pulling the plug on the hashrate...
thestringpuller: ;;estimate
gribble: Next difficulty estimate | 16670351595.0 based on data since last change | 17786751323.1 based on data for last three days
Dekker3D: Low price for a while
thestringpuller: ;;ticker
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 627.78, Best ask: 630.54, Bid-ask spread: 2.76000, Last trade: 627.78, 24 hour volume: 1821.92569239, 24 hour low: 623.23, 24 hour high: 632.97, 24 hour vwap: 629.4869675
thestringpuller: highest it's been in months...
thestringpuller: (with consistency)
Dekker3D: Well, that's the thing. It's been low for months
Dekker3D: So, miners were mining less because there was less earnings per block.
Dekker3D: Measured in fiat
Dekker3D: .... Right. It's just part of that weird cycle, and actually higher than the previous average.
Dekker3D: Dunno.
thestringpuller: you can pay off a miner in about 140 days (given consistent difficulty increases and no extra capital investment)...
Dekker3D: High price = lots of miners buying equipment = lots of hashrate; low price after that = lots of miners who can't afford to run their equipment = lowering hashrate
Dekker3D: But that's just a guess. I've never mined any SHA coins, wouldn't know if ASICs are worth the mess.
thestringpuller: that's not true tho...because as hashrate increases the tech becomes cheaper
Dekker3D: Seems like an easy way to get ripped off by something like BFL
thestringpuller: Bitcoin ASIC's are getting close to CPU size...(in terms of shoving transistors onto a thing)
thestringpuller: wen from like ~60nm down to ~20 in less than 2 years?
thestringpuller: i guess technically one if you base it on avalon's delivery in early 2013...
kakobrekla: could be a dc had an outage
indiancandy1: donate me some btc
indiancandy1: il show my nipple
Dekker3D: There's just a lot of suspicious "delays". I'd rather have something where everyone has equal access, gpus
Dekker3D: Lol. Being blunt? I suppose that works.
kakobrekla: indiancandy1 donate to me and ill show you mine
nubbins`: kakobrekla i've seen tildes used as exclamation points in the past
nubbins`: popular in some places apparently
thestringpuller: Dekker3D: "equal opportunity" << this isn't socialism...
kakobrekla: weird. i cant even produce that sign with my keyboard.
thestringpuller: hustle for the fruits of your labor
Dekker3D: True, but it beats having a worse opportunity than the rest.
thestringpuller: ```````````````
thestringpuller: why because of "fairness"?
thestringpuller: that's knocking the hustle because you can't make the same connections other people make...
Dekker3D: If I can choose between having the same opportunities as everyone else, or being behind a group of others, I'll choose having the same opportunities
Dekker3D: Hence why I mined Scrypt, not SHA
nubbins`: kakobrekla, it's shift-` for me
kakobrekla: no, i know where it is suppose to be, i just have it remapped.
Dekker3D: I have no connections in ASIC producing companies, no. Making connections has always been one of my weaker points.
indiancandy1: dekker
indiancandy1: holland are through
indiancandy1: in the world cup
Dekker3D: Neat.
Dekker3D: One more team to beat and they're the world champion for the first time in.. 4 decades or so? I don't really even keep track of football.
thestringpuller: Dekker3D: that's cause you aren't chinese and have access to workers who will fab chips for < $2 / hr
thestringpuller: and don't have*
thestringpuller: but as well Dekker3D people have found away around the memory wall on SCRYPT and alas are producing parallelized chips for that algo...
Dekker3D: I know
thestringpuller: are they not entitlted to their hustle?
thestringpuller: their hardwork?
indiancandy1: HUP HUP HOLLAND !!
Dekker3D: I used to mine Scrypt. I don't anymore
Dekker3D: I'm not saying they're not. I'm just saying I'm getting the fuck out, and mining something that hasn't been ASIC'd yet
thestringpuller: haha I'm trying to find a way around that, hustle with the asics
Dekker3D: ... Well, as soon as I get around to replacing a water pump. I did some silly things in setting up my mining rig. It wasn't all that serious anyway.
Dekker3D: Cool. If you find a way and don't mind sharing, I'd love to hear about it
thestringpuller: i dunno how mature the market is: people liek lunaminer and petaminer are making it a bit...difficult
Dekker3D: But until then, I'm going with GPU/CPU-only coins over ASIC-minable coins.
thestringpuller: like the days of GIGAMINING
Dekker3D: Hm. You were planning to actually make connections, targetting a specific company?
thestringpuller: seems within mining infrastructure there is always a scam on some level...
kakobrekla: <thestringpuller> are they not entitlted to their hustle? < no., cause http://bash.bitcoin-assets.com/?quote=194
assbot: #bitcoin-assets bash
thestringpuller: point taken kako ~_~
thestringpuller: when you're hustlin' to scam, it ain't really hustling now is it?
Dekker3D: Yep, thestringpuller
Dekker3D: Always some scam
mircea_popescu: <kakobrekla> you get ticks there. << i think you only get ticks if does live thre.
kakobrekla: not by my experience.
mircea_popescu: i don't think i ever had a tick
kakobrekla: luck you
kakobrekla: maybe you just dont go out much.
benkay: internet is so slow at the mountain home that the camgirl imgur galleries take too long to load
benkay: loving the bittits tho
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36719 @ 0.00081257 = 29.8368 BTC [-] {2}
kakobrekla: should come with "thought of the day" below pics.
benkay: http://imgur.com/a/oq7Sf#0 // your eyes are staring into my soul honey
assbot: Bitcoin assets - Imgur
kakobrekla: close it before she downloads it all.
thestringpuller: there is a bittits.us?
mircea_popescu: Dekker3D> I'm not saying they're not. I'm just saying I'm getting the fuck out, and mining something that hasn't been ASIC'd yet << this is like saying you'll farm a product that's not globalized yet.
mircea_popescu: the only reason it's not been globalised is that it sucks.
mircea_popescu: <thestringpuller> seems within mining infrastructure there is always a scam on some level... << quite.
Dekker3D: Or because it takes a while to develop ASICs and would only be started when it looks profitable enough?
mircea_popescu: which means...
Dekker3D: That you can use the gpu you already have to make a bit of profit mining some new algorithm before ASICs show up
thestringpuller: dogecoin anyone?
Dekker3D: And when ASICs show up, you can just go to the next big thing.
Dekker3D: Litecoin was before Dogecoin. Dunno about other Scrypt altcoins before that
Dekker3D: Darkcoin attempts to do the same thing again, though I know another altcoin had the same algorithm earlier
benkay: turtles turtling turtles turtling turtles all the way into the future
benkay: who the fuck makes money mining when the fiat govts are willing to print to do it
benkay: its like people can't fn in2 mafs or somethign
mircea_popescu: benkay word.
benkay: arghag
benkay: ragequits are cheap at the cabin
benkay: there's girls and booze n shits
benkay ragequits
mircea_popescu: got a hard cock and some time to kill, what diff does it make it's all in a cage ?
mircea_popescu: kids gonna have fun
thestringpuller: girl*** ftfy
benkay: hey my imagination counts
benkay: despite all my rage, i am still just a derp in a cage
mircea_popescu: 'Yes! I have!' Ruska groaned in agony, lying on his back tightly clutching the pillow to him. He breathed into it, and the pillow returned the warmth of his own youth, condemned to spend itself in the bitter sterility of bringing to a white heat his young, caged body which begged for release and found none. He wanted to believe that he had a girl, but he had nothing at all to go on - not even a kiss, or a promise. Ther
mircea_popescu: e had been nothing more than a look of sympathy on a girl's face as she had listened to him, earlier that evening, telling his story. And for the first time, seeing himself mirrored in the girl's eyes, Ruska felt there was something heroic and out of the ordinary about his life. There was nothing between them yet, but he felt something had happened that gave him the right to say he had a girl.
Dekker3D: !up indiancandy1
mircea_popescu: 'Who is she?' Gleb asked.
mircea_popescu: Raising the blanket just a little Ruska answered from the darkness: 'Shhh - Clara-'
mircea_popescu: 'Clara? The prosecutor's daughter?'
benkay: "and the bows are a particularly interesting find that possibly symbolised power" // i thought they were tools for the killin of folks
[]bot: Bet created: "Argentina beats Netherlands" http://bitbet.us/bet/991/
indiancandy1: are you ruska
mircea_popescu: i guess literature isn't your strong point ?
assbot: 11:52 ~ Guest48465 is now ninjashogun 11:52 ~ ninjashogun is now Guest45992 - Pastebin.com
assbot: 12:22 Irssi: >>> Join to #bitcoin-offtopic was synced in 1 secs 12:22 >>> nin - Pastebin.com
benkay: it's gotta be incompetence, right?
mircea_popescu: i ain't readin' that.
benkay: nails. coffins.
assbot: Move Over Kickstarter, Crypto-Equity Is the Next Frontier
indiancandy1: mp is ignoring me
benkay: tee hee hee hee
assbot: #bitcoin-assets log
mircea_popescu: indiancandy1 im not ignoring you. but you gotta have something to say.
[]bot: Bet placed: 32.335 BTC for No on "Argentina beats Netherlands" http://bitbet.us/bet/991/ Odds: 61(Y):39(N) by coin, 61(Y):39(N) by weight. Total bet: 82.435 BTC. Current weight: 99,887.
[]bot: Bet placed: 50 BTC for Yes on "Argentina beats Netherlands" http://bitbet.us/bet/991/ Odds: 61(Y):39(N) by coin, 61(Y):39(N) by weight. Total bet: 82.435 BTC. Current weight: 99,887.
benkay: waaaaat?
mircea_popescu: that's a doozy
indiancandy1: so im just suppose 2 sit here
indiancandy1: and read ur chat log
mircea_popescu: Yes pays: 1.61724598 BTC No pays: 2.47530587 BTC << meanwhile line bookies seem to offer 1.45 / 2.25
benkay: indiancandy1: it's not *that* hard.
mircea_popescu: not everyone's into readin'.
assbot: It may work, it may not. I have my doubts but I'm very happy this exists. We nee... | Hacker News
indiancandy1: i dont get it though
indiancandy1: i dont understand anything your talkin about
indiancandy1: im feelin lonely
indiancandy1: left out
mircea_popescu: sucks huh.
indiancandy1: big time
indiancandy1: i wanna cry
mircea_popescu: #bitcoin-assets, the place camwhores come to feel left out and cry ?
indiancandy1: the pussy wetter then puddles
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5189 @ 0.00081361 = 4.2218 BTC [+] {2}
Dekker3D: !up indiancandy1
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 14 @ 0.1999571 = 2.7994 BTC [+] {5}
[]bot: Bet placed: 3.5 BTC for No on "World Cup top scorer to net > 7" http://bitbet.us/bet/905/ Odds: 27(Y):73(N) by coin, 46(Y):54(N) by weight. Total bet: 10.19546549 BTC. Current weight: 17,013.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 10 @ 0.201 = 2.01 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10909 @ 0.00081687 = 8.9112 BTC [+]
[]bot: Bet created: "Brazil beats Germany" http://bitbet.us/bet/992/
assbot: @corpselord420: your interesting comment is unreadable by most HN readers, becau... | Hacker News
asciilifeform: ^ hn 'hellbanning' explained
mircea_popescu: sooo... what ?
mircea_popescu: you teh corpselord ?
asciilifeform: just found the explicit mention somewhat surprising
asciilifeform: usually they just do it, sans talking.
mircea_popescu: stupid idea in the first place.
asciilifeform: stupid idea that hn is famous for
mircea_popescu: o ? i had no idea
assbot: #bitcoin-assets log
mircea_popescu: the strange day you get example.com in your referrer list
asciilifeform: almost certainly a misconfigured refer-header spamatron.
peterl: is S.MPOE paying dividends?
assbot: MPOE, May 2014 and June 2014 Combined Statement pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
assbot: MPOE, February 2014 Statement pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
peterl: right, why no shareholders table and dividend this month?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1900 @ 0.00081238 = 1.5435 BTC [-]
kyuupichan: Ooh, new colours on bitbet
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