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jonsykkel[cgra]: http://logs.bitdash.io/pest/2022-03-12#1004528 << only way i see u could make this work properly is if require that pestrons rebroadcast ignore pakets. dont need all of them, could be "at least every 30sec" or watever - since ignores serve 3 purposes as far as i can tell, obfuscating trafic, preventing nat from deleting ru
mod6[cgra]: Howdy, just upgraded to 9982.
mod6[asciilifeform]: Oddly though, seems like the --log-level flag has been removed ; may want to look at the example commands in 'start_test_net.sh' script that still refer to the flag.
asciilifeform: indeed a++
mod6[asciilifeform]: signpost: ahh thx!
mod6[asciilifeform]: awt: ty, seems like my share.alethepedia.com/blatta/ was stale. eek. will grab the rest and reset when I can. cheers.
jonsykkel[asciilifeform]: le and leting u know whos tuned in so can fill nick list. dont need pakets every sec
jonsykkel[asciilifeform]: for this last function
asciilifeform: wb mod6 !
asciilifeform briefly tried lispworks, was not terribly impressed
asciilifeform: awt: would work, wainot, so long as the included wot has 1 or moar peers w/ static ip etc
cgra: when looking, found out that there were ~800 unresolved chain hashes in my db. after some manual getdata flood at my peers i ended up with ~10k (doubling the total) more messages and unresolved chain hashes are now down to 12. these 12 won't budge
asciilifeform[cgra]: still not clear to asciilifeform what'd be gained tho
bitbot[cgra]: Logged on 2022-03-12 00:23:43 PeterL[asciilifeform|billymg]: so hearsay messages do not automatically add the person to the user list, you have to do it manually? could there be a knob to automatically add hearsy names?
asciilifeform[cgra] would be satisfied if all wot nicks were 'always online' for purpose of tabcomplete, but marked 'idle' if not actually present (i.e. sending)
asciilifeform[cgra]: most irctrons do support 'idle' mark
asciilifeform[cgra]: granted this wouldn't handle problem for those not in peer list
signpost[cgra]: ah cool, will update mine too then.
mod6[cgra]: awt: aha, thx again
busybot[cgra]: Current BTC price in USD: $40606.02
busybot[cgra]: The bot has been up for: 3 days 23 hours 27 minutes and 8 seconds
mod6[cgra]: hai shinohai
shinohai[cgra]: ack mod6
signpost[cgra]: gonna go find a beer and hamburg in the sun, bbl
busybot[cgra]: The 24-Hour VWAP for BTC is $ 40635.72 USD
awt[cgra]: Ordered lispworks. We'll see how it goes.
awt[cgra]: ah interesting, looks like phf was a user
dulapbot: (trilema) 2016-09-16 phf: in case anyone thinks that commercial lisp vendors are any good, i'm getting completely random failed to allocate errors on lispworks
awt[cgra|asciilifeform]: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2016-09-16#1543046 << wonder how he would know anything about lisp performance?
dulapbot: (trilema) 2016-09-16 mircea_popescu: not to necessarily discourage the eager from using lisp or anything else. by all means. but certainly to discourage an unrealistic view of performance etc.
busybot[cgra|asciilifeform]: Current BTC price in USD: $41569.22
awt[cgra|asciilifeform]: $ticker btc usd
awt[cgra|asciilifeform]: With lisp, might start from the other end and model fork detection
signpost[cgra]: awt: if your test harness ends up written at the protocol level, could be a handy tool for your lisp impl.
signpost[asciilifeform]: as thing stand you are likely to get to that step before me. happy to help as I can.
awt[cgra]: Never saw any comments wrt ^
PeterL[asciilifeform]: so hearsay messages do not automatically add the person to the user list, you have to do it manually? could there be a knob to automatically add hearsy names?
asciilifeform: jonsykkel: mno, ignores are not to be rebroadcast
asciilifeform: jonsykkel: will eat megatonnes of bw for very little gain
billymg[cgra]: that* worked
PeterL[cgra]: would it make sense to have all your peers always visible, just marked as away if they have not been seen in a while?
PeterL[cgra]: really, they should be there in the list, since as soon as you reconnect they will see any messages you have sent with their getdata?
billymg[cgra]: neato, double scoopbot
billymg[cgra]: test 9978
shinohai[5] still sees billymg as hearsay
bitbot[5]: billymg: time since my last reconnect : 0d 0h 2m
billymg[cgra]: shinohai: yeah, same
billymg[cgra]: i just tried `/peer shinohai` and got: Notice(Pest): error attempting to add peer shinohai
billymg[5]: which is new
shinohai[5]: I unpeered and added you back earlier (with same key we had previously used, I still have the gpgram)
billymg[asciilifeform|cgra]: ah, ok. i tried `/peer` on someone i have received packets from and received the same error. so the error probably is because we're already peered
busybot[5]: Current BTC price in CRC: $24877645.14
billymg[4]: $ticker btc crc
billymg[4]: mucho dinero
shinohai[6]: yer rico!!!
billymg[asciilifeform]: as asciilifeform always likes to say, "can buy megatonne of bananas"
bitbot[4]: Logged on 2022-03-12 00:25:50 awt[asciilifeform|billymg]: maybe jonsykkel has already implemented some sort of solution
busybot[5]: The 24-Hour VWAP for BTC is $ 38902.11 USD
shinohai[4]: $uptime
busybot[asciilifeform|asciilifeform|cgra]: The bot has been up for: 22 hours 6 minutes and 28 seconds
shinohai[4]: http://logs.bitdash.io/pest/2022-03-13#1004668 <<< aha this explains what I was experiencing yesterday. (though to be fair znc prolly didn't help)
bitbot[asciilifeform|asciilifeform|asciilifeform]: Logged on 2022-03-13 22:14:14 awt[asciilifeform|billymg]: if you disconnect and reconnect to your local blatta station, won't get the /join notifications. will fix.
awt[asciilifeform|cgra]: Fun fact: my airbnb host in El Salvador is Taiwanese
billymg[asciilifeform|cgra]: awt: how is it so far?
awt[asciilifeform|cgra|cgra]: billymg: not there yet. Was just chatting with her on the app.
awt[asciilifeform|asciilifeform|cgra]: Says her neighbor can rent me a car. We'll see how that goes lol!
busybot[5]: The 24-Hour VWAP for BTC is $ 38988.56 USD
PeterL[asciilifeform|asciilifeform|cgra]: so I was thinking about how to have a bot that allows private messages, anybody who wants to intereact with the bot via pm would have to have a key set up with the bot?
awt[asciilifeform|asciilifeform]: PeterL: afaik yes. unless the bot could accept gpggrams.
PeterL[asciilifeform|asciilifeform|cgra]: what would be the easiest way to add keys to the station for a bot?
PeterL[asciilifeform|cgra]: I mean, once the station is running, and somebody says 'cool bot, can I use it too?', how do I add their key to the bot? I guess I could give it a command to add in a key?
awt[asciilifeform|cgra]: start up the station with configs specified as in the test script
PeterL[asciilifeform|cgra|cgra]: ok, I'll read through that, seems pretty secure
awt[cgra]: PeterL: yes you could do that
signpost[asciilifeform|cgra]: would enqueue the command and args in a db, issue a random otp
awt[4]: although you'd wanna make sure you're the only one that could execute that command
signpost[asciilifeform|cgra|cgra]: then run the command when the correct otp was returned via !!v
signpost[asciilifeform|cgra|cgra]: the deps can be found further up in that directory tree, can find 'em at trinque.org/src
signpost[5]: users prove their control of the gpg key by being able to decrypt the encrypted otp and supply back
PeterL[cgra]: awt: is it a security concern to have your bot just echo anything - could somebody use that function to make it add themself as a peer?
PeterL[asciilifeform|cgra]: pestbot: echo %peer PeterL
PeterL[asciilifeform|cgra]: or does it only answer to you?
signpost[asciilifeform]: looks like it knows who boss is
awt[asciilifeform|asciilifeform]: ok that's much safer
busybot[5]: The 24-Hour VWAP for BTC is $ 38628.59 USD
shinohai[5]: $uptime
busybot[4]: The bot has been up for: 2 days 18 hours 4 minutes and 31 seconds
awt[asciilifeform|asciilifeform]: irssi users: how you display a nicklist frame/window?
awt[asciilifeform|asciilifeform]: googling indicates you need to use some kind of perl script
billymg[cgra]: !c net-summary
crawlerbot[cgra]: (Alive), h=727470, v=99999, United States - peers: 59 - last probed: 3m ago
crawlerbot[cgra]: (Alive), h=727470, v=99999, Romania - peers: 51 - last probed: 2m ago
crawlerbot[cgra]: (Alive), h=727470, v=99999, United States - peers: 26 - last probed: 3m ago
crawlerbot[cgra]: (Alive), h=727470, v=99999, Singapore - peers: 37 - last probed: 2m ago
crawlerbot[cgra|asciilifeform|cgra]: (Busy? (No answer in 15 sec.)), h=508201, v=99999, Norway - peers: None - last probed: 34m ago
crawlerbot[cgra|asciilifeform]: (Alive), h=727470, v=70001, United States - peers: 32 - last probed: 2m ago
crawlerbot[cgra|asciilifeform]: (Could not connect!), h=726773, v=99999, Lithuania - peers: 35 - last probed: 2m ago
crawlerbot[cgra|cgra]: (Alive), h=727470, v=99999, United States - peers: 8 - last probed: 2m ago
crawlerbot[asciilifeform|cgra]: TRB by Country: United States: 8; Canada: 1; Romania: 1; Singapore: 1; Lithuania: 1; France: 1; Norway: 1;
crawlerbot[cgra|cgra]: TRB-Compatible by Country: United States: 24; Canada: 6; Romania: 4; Singapore: 4; South Africa: 2; France: 2; Germany: 2; Russia: 2; Ukraine: 1; Australia: 1; Italy: 1; Mexico: 1; Lithuania: 1; Saudi Arabia: 1; Netherlands: 1; Chile: 1; Belgium: 1; South Korea: 1; Norway: 1; Spain: 1; Bulgaria: 1;
crawlerbot[cgra|asciilifeform]: Bitcoin Network (IPv4 Nodes Active Within the Last 48 hours) Glo
billymg[cgra|asciilifeform]: ah, there we go. just a delay
billymg[cgra|asciilifeform]: also realizing that due to the hearsay annotatoins the bot handle coloring isn't working properly, will have to update reader.py to fix that
billymg[cgra|cgra]: ok, fixed bot coloring for pest chans (and added busybot). i already had the variable for it, just had to use it for bot coloring too
billymg[cgra|asciilifeform|cgra]: awt: perhaps relevant, i noticed the ordering of crawlerbot's messages is wrong in the logger
PeterL[asciilifeform|cgra]: billymg: add pestbot to list of bots?
billymg[4]: possibly because so many were sent out at nearly the same time
billymg[4]: shinohai: dunno why i didn't catch that earlier, i guess i enjoy seeing the btc price so much that it didn't bother me that it wasn't muted
crawlerbot[asciilifeform|cgra]: billymg: last reconnect: 39m ago; last restart: 39m ago
billymg[4]: !. uptime
bitbot[asciilifeform|asciilifeform|asciilifeform]: billymg: time since my last reconnect : 2d 18h 52m
billymg[asciilifeform|asciilifeform]: these botworks reminded me of my alma mater's unofficial anthem: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SvArQjKr488
awt[4]: whoa welcome cralwerbot
signpost[cgra|asciilifeform|asciilifeform]: mod6: yeah, became an env var
signpost[4]: while you're at it might wanna bump all the way to 9979
awt[5]: mod6 9978 actually
shinohai[asciilifeform] waves at mod6 o/
PeterL[asciilifeform]: hmm, scoopbot here did not call out verisimiltudes latest post, but the one on #asciilifeform did. no idea why
PeterL[asciilifeform]: ah, scoopbot is talking, but it is not showing up here.
awt[asciilifeform]: pestbot: ping
PeterL[asciilifeform]: so it looks like scoopbot saw my message and answered, but the blatta station did not acknowledge the bot's message.
awt[cgra|asciilifeform|asciilifeform]: PeterL: I'm not sure why that would be
PeterL[cgra]: I think it is supposed to be the username? more digging needed apparently
awt[cgra]: that :L: seems kind of weird
awt[cgra]: PeterL: here are some examples of PRIVMSGs from the rfc: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc1459#section-4.4.1
awt[cgra|asciilifeform]: Obviously scoopbot's formatting works with ascii's irc server tho
awt[asciilifeform|cgra|asciilifeform]: PeterL: you don't happen to have a record of what the raw messages looked like when it was working do you?
awt[asciilifeform|cgra|asciilifeform]: I should at some point write a test that exercises the IRC command parser
awt[asciilifeform|asciilifeform|cgra]: although honestly I'm getting to the point of wanting to switch over to lisp
awt[5]: Although really that shouldn't be before blatta implements the "final solution" for fork detection so that can be tested out
mod6[4]: good! need to update to latest blatta. how about you guys?
shinohai[cgra|asciilifeform|asciilifeform]: not bad here, slaving away in the shitcoin mines trying to stack coin
signpost[4]: dunno about that, but happy to share notions about how to write.
awt[5]: *fatally flawed design decisions, that is
signpost[cgra|asciilifeform|asciilifeform]: asciilifeform is resident expert in this.
shinohai[asciilifeform]: Never tried myself (though I'm not much of an IDE person)
awt[asciilifeform|asciilifeform]: anyone tried LispWorks?
shinohai[asciilifeform|asciilifeform] is content with vim + slimv
awt[asciilifeform]: Been thoroghly enjoying PyCharm.
awt[asciilifeform|asciilifeform]: Makes debugging multiple processes much easier
shinohai[asciilifeform|asciilifeform]: Do let us know if any good, it might improve/motivate me to do more w/ lisp.
shinohai[cgra|asciilifeform|cgra]: esthlos-v could use a bit of polish
awt[cgra|asciilifeform|asciilifeform]: I suspect LispWorks will also be good at that
awt[cgra|asciilifeform]: Costs $750 for the hobbyist version (non-commercial use)
billymg[cgra]: i've never tried a full IDE but i do like the "almost IDEs" such as sublime text and vscode
billymg[cgra]: these last few days i've been using NERDTree / VIM as my main editor because i haven't yet figured out how to get sublime or vscode running on musl
shinohai[cgra]: nerd tree <3
billymg[cgra]: it's nice, just somewhat of a learning curve coming from the graphical text editors
billymg[cgra|asciilifeform]: been learning how to use pandas and matplotlib as well. charts coming soon to the crawler www
crawlerbot[4]: TRB by Country: United States: 8; Canada: 1; Romania: 1; Singapore: 1; France: 1;
crawlerbot[cgra]: Bitcoin Network (IPv4 Nodes Active Within the Last 48 hours) Global: 8205; TRB-Compatible: 58; TRB: 12
crawlerbot[asciilifeform|cgra|asciilifeform]: TRB-Compatible by Country: United States: 25; Canada: 7; Romania: 4; Russia: 4; Mexico: 2; Singapore: 2; France: 2; Germany: 2; United Kingdom: 2; Ukraine: 1; Netherlands: 1; Italy: 1; Uruguay: 1; South Africa: 1; Saudi Arabia: 1; Belgium: 1; Bulgaria: 1;
billymg[asciilifeform|asciilifeform]: good, it has the right global count now even after running for a few days
crawlerbot[asciilifeform]: billymg: last reconnect: 23h 12m ago; last restart: 23h 12m ago
billymg[asciilifeform]: TRB needs more diversity, all in the US!
billymg[asciilifeform]: jonsykkel: the norway node used to be there, went missing recently
bitbot[asciilifeform]: Logged on 2022-03-15 17:17:50 crawlerbot[billymg]: (Busy? (No answer in 15 sec.)), h=508201, v=99999, Norway - peers: None - last probed: 34m ago
billymg[asciilifeform]: the crawler last received a response from it on 3/13
billymg[asciilifeform]: yeah, doesn't have yet
billymg[cgra|asciilifeform]: 5 days oughta be enough. it also hasn't discovered whaack's new node yet. i should look into this
billymg[cgra|asciilifeform]: it discovers new nodes all the time, not sure why it isn't picking up these
awt[asciilifeform]: PeterL: how long should they stay, when should they go away? Should they persist in the db?
billymg[cgra]: !c trb-status
PeterL[cgra]: or, is there any downside to just adding all the names you see in hearsay?
PeterL[cgra|asciilifeform]: ah, I guess somebody could spam you with /nick and fill your db up with trash?
awt[asciilifeform|cgra|asciilifeform]: PeterL: that could happen
awt[cgra|asciilifeform]: maybe jonsykkel has already implemented some sort of solution
billymg[cgra]: yeah, still have to restart the bot if the pest station it's connected to restarts (in order to see echos in my terminal, seems to log fine regardless)
PeterL[cgra|cgra|cgra]: hmm, this is what it sent: 'PRIVMSG #pest :L: time since my last reconnect : 3d 7h 30m'
awt[asciilifeform]: cgra: sounds like a bug in blatta sync
asciilifeform: hmm mysterious dulapbot echoes (at 1st, thought they were stuck in somebody's buffer? but loox to be immed.)
asciilifeform: cgra: if you have spare cycles, could plz post the messages that referenced the 12 mystery hashes ?
asciilifeform: http://logs.bitdash.io/pest/2023-02-16#1023379 << not necessarily bug per se; 0xfb sync logic, as specced, doesn't adequately treat the fact that the chain aint linear
bitbot[asciilifeform]: Logged on 2023-02-16 10:22:00 awt: cgra: sounds like a bug in blatta sync
asciilifeform: ( for that matter, 0xfa arguably doesn't either; asciilifeform still not knows the Right Thing there, i.e. how to properly suck in reply chains after the fact (vs. in real time) )
asciilifeform: this is 1 of the key reasons wai 'pre-draft' aint 'draft' just yet
signpost[asciilifeform]: $ticker btc usd
asciilifeform: signpost: bot's been awol for month+ iirc
signpost[asciilifeform]: corn on the move!
asciilifeform: (perhaps we need a new one)
asciilifeform: new decimal place when!11
asciilifeform: re: sync, afaik selfchains (if properly maintained by clients, that is) oughta result in 100% coverage of old msgs when getdata'ing. but possibly there were cases (e.g. zapped db) where they weren't maintained.
cgra: http://logs.bitdash.io/pest/2023-02-16#1023379 << could be my own tweaks too, in theory... or maybe blatta's try-once getdata approach is just weak against transmission hiccups and/or can't handle intense initial sync
bitbot[cgra|asciilifeform]: Logged on 2023-02-16 10:22:00 awt: cgra: sounds like a bug in blatta sync
cgra: ah, when manually getdata'ing, i placed ~10 hashes at a time, simultaneously to every peer, wen't through all 800 like that. some gave just one message, others gave various lengths of segments. when done, not all getdatas had succeeded, had to take a second round on some 100 hashes. so perhaps a clue
cgra: hmm, actually, no idea in which part the next 100 hashes were of the old set, and in which part new breaks
cgra: http://logs.bitdash.io/pest/2023-02-16#1023381 << can do, possibly in a few hours. got the hacks in place for that
bitbot[asciilifeform|cgra]: Logged on 2023-02-16 11:48:27 asciilifeform[crawlerbot]: cgra: if you have spare cycles, could plz post the messages that referenced the 12 mystery hashes ?
unpx[cgra]: I think learning russian could be a useful, asciilifeform. Bent functinos: results and applications. Found reading author's book.
asciilifeform: unpx: if you dont know ru, here's (by diff author, on subj) in engl.
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-10-26 13:01:38 asciilifeform: unpx: apropos, see also possib. useful 31337w4r3z.
asciilifeform: but yes, over9000 useful if yer into maffs (or almost anyffin -- ru b00k warez world is in much healthier condition than eng.)
asciilifeform: iirc at one time us maffs students were req'd to learn (2 of?) ru, fr, or de
cgra: asciilifeform, any idea how much japanese literature translated/ripped to ru? (atm thinking of old judo literature)
asciilifeform: cgra: asciilifeform not dug into subj; phf might know tho
bitbot[cgra]: Logged on 2023-02-16 11:48:27 asciilifeform[crawlerbot]: cgra: if you have spare cycles, could plz post the messages that referenced the 12 mystery hashes ?
asciilifeform: cgra: some of these are likely phf's proto station with the hand-cranked packet shooter. but the rest -- mystery
cgra: signpost's b89568c80c1f7fd5676e08c1e129de1d7ba805db2441ecf3eb04c1b0a6555f08 presumably starts here. maybe billymg have some more avail
cgra: would billymg like to peer?
signpost[asciilifeform]: !!ticker btc usd
signpost[asciilifeform]: !!ticker btc usd
signpost[asciilifeform]: noticing a ton of lag interacting with this thing now.
signpost[asciilifeform]: !!ticker btc usd
signpost[asciilifeform]: there we go. was having a hard time getting the thing to respond, but found that order buffer knob wasn't set to zero.
signpost[asciilifeform]: works for w/e coingecko's api does.
signpost[asciilifeform]: !!ticker btc eur
signpost[asciilifeform]: !!ticker ethereum usd
asciilifeform: signpost: neato!
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