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phf[asciilifeform]: гуртом і батька легше бити
awt[asciilifeform|billymg]: "herd and dad is easier to beat"? google fails me
PeterL[asciilifeform|billymg|signpost]: Hi, I have updated to 9976
phf[asciilifeform]: awt: together with frens it's even easier to beat up dad
asciilifeform: phf: are you using own cl pestron nao ?
phf[asciilifeform]: asciilifeform: i've always been using own cl pestron, but i switched from reading logs to hand unpacking packets. the decoder is there, but the pipeline is manual :)
asciilifeform: phf: consider posting , even if thing aint half done just yet
asciilifeform will add to links , then, and we can say 'we've 3 prototypes!'
asciilifeform at one time started on a cl pestron, but not got far before sank into salt mines again
PeterL[asciilifeform|signpost|billymg] looking forward to having prod implemented for when sation starts, seems silly that it sits there potentially indefinately until somebody says something and then I get pages of replays
signpost: phf: cool!
PeterL[asciilifeform|signpost|billymg]: also, I agree with asciilifeform, it is not clear which messages are new and which are still replays
signpost: yup, what's the current notion, turn them into notices?
bitbot: Logged on 2022-06-17 02:29:40 asciilifeform: 'If the Timestamp of a GetData response (or the earliest message in a chain of responses) pre-dates that of the message most recently displayed to the console, the operator must be informed of this, by prepending said Timestamp to the text emitted to the console.'
signpost: yeah that works
asciilifeform: would be a++ incidentally to have a www logotron that reorders correctly (i.e. eats from pest db, rather than irc frontend)
signpost: eventually a bespoke UI can handle more clearly too
asciilifeform doesn't expect anyone to bake a gui any time soon, given the epic gnarl of anyffin to do with guis
signpost: pest-aware logotron's a fine step closer.
signpost: weechat plugin might also be capable of rewriting buffer history and scrolling up to the oldest new message, and rendering all previously unseen with a highlight or similar.
signpost: none of these things are urgent, just throwing ideas out.
asciilifeform currently pesting on weechat, not overly fond of it on acct of difficulty of clean cut'n'paste
asciilifeform: is the reason wai used xchat & similar historically
signpost only deals in leastbad in software selection
signpost: dunno how extensible erc is, but would assume "very".
asciilifeform: signpost: seems that you'd have to either implement entire pestron in elisp (ugh) or use some kinda glue (and then simply anuther irc frontend?)
asciilifeform: ideally imho gui pestron would be monolithic
asciilifeform: ( and support threading, etc. and other knobs absent from irc frontend )
signpost: curious what phf has in mind
signpost found mcclim to be a hobbyist joke (fielded a product that used this for a minimal restaurant kitchen UI)
signpost: actually moved to mcclim from w/e the cl Qt binding is called.
awt[asciilifeform|signpost|billymg]: I attempted prepending timestamps at one point but ran into some issue.
signpost: message length?
awt[asciilifeform|signpost|billymg]: signpost: that's a concern in certain cases but not what I ran into. Could have been something dumb like the colon in the timestamp confusing the IRC client.
awt[signpost|asciilifeform|billymg]: Also, as I said above, a notice per line makes it really unreadable.
asciilifeform: prepending is potentially quite gnarly (may need to re-chunk)
awt[asciilifeform|signpost|billymg]: Bouncers pull it off somehow. IIRC the text is formatted in italic.
awt[asciilifeform|signpost|billymg]: http://logs.bitdash.io/pest/2022-06-17#1007287 << indeed or even just a script you could run to dump the logs into less or whatever reader you prefer.
bitbot: Logged on 2022-06-17 15:57:13 signpost: pest-aware logotron's a fine step closer.
asciilifeform: awt: znc in particular uses some kinda oddball extension to protocol, which some clients support
asciilifeform: http://logs.bitdash.io/pest/2022-06-17#1007298 << afaik all attempts at gui glue are doomed to be either intimately os-specific (and straightjacketed firmly into whatever knobs $os supports) or 'hobbyist joke'; or, often enuff, ~both~ of these
bitbot: Logged on 2022-06-17 16:05:05 signpost: found mcclim to be a hobbyist joke (fielded a product that used this for a minimal restaurant kitchen UI)
PeterL[asciilifeform|signpost|billymg]: billymg: do I remember correctly that there is some way to get your logs as black text on white? the white text on black background hurts my eyes if I try reading more than a minute or two
billymg: PeterL: it's coming, not there yet
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