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← 2020-06-30 | 2020-07-02 →
diana_coman: dorion - your gbw article is quite an interesting read actually, as it covers a lot of ground and as a side effect, all sorts of tangles and weirds-if-coming-at-them-fresh pop all the clearer into view, hm.
jfw: spyked: looks like feedbot's not recovered from netsplit
jfw: dorion: coupla broken hrefs in there
diana_coman: for 1 sec I thought sonofawitch had some netsplit-misadventure too - until I realised it knew better than me that it's July so the log is in a fresh article, lol
diana_coman: jfw - btw, that jwrd.net page still says the famous "coming soon..."
jfw: so it does.
jfw: dorion: fixpoint.welshcomputning.com ? I don't think you documented putting that in hosts file prior to reading your article!
jfw: (imho, since there's specific article links already, the toplevel one isn't really adding much)
trinque: hello diana_coman, sorry, been afk for a bit. I'll send an invoice now, and we can start the 1yr today.
diana_coman: looking around jfw's blog for a single-point-of-entry clearer on gbw to suggest to dorion as a link on the gbw name itself, I almost got it and then found the last comment.
diana_coman: trinque no worries.
trinque: !!invoice diana_coman 0.006 1yr of deedbot service
trinque: !!v 6B4A72AE8878BE7DBA6A118B07384C35983EAABADE4C172BD18913ED3ABF0F62
deedbot: Invoiced diana_coman 0.006 << 1yr of deedbot service
diana_coman: !!help
jfw: how about the spec (also linked by pingback on that preliminary plan article)
sonofawitch: 2020-06-02 21:38:51 (#ossasepia) jfw: ftr, our wallet is built to a spec from last year, vpatches are at gbw-node, gbw-signer, and the interpreter gscm, what's missing is mainly writeups introducing those.
diana_coman: jfw, yeah, that was where I went next and well, it works in the sense that there's nothing better for the role atm, that's about it.
jfw: right, it's not an introduction and an introduction is still needed.
diana_coman: !!v 7A03C8A5312B8C9F24525C8CFC2DABCE69053D945D2BFCED98E49044DAEE41BE
deedbot: diana_coman paid trinque invoice 1
trinque: ty!
diana_coman: trinque - meant to ask, can deedbot announce deeds in here too?
trinque: can be done; it's easier to announce deeds from everywhere on all channels, but curious what your preference is.
trinque: right now they're all being announced in #trinque
diana_coman: trinque - that works fine with me; basically what I want is to know of deedbot's deeds regardless of where they were sent to deedbot
diana_coman: hm, come to think of it I guess there's the page too, except that's basically check by polling.
jfw: rss deedfeed?
trinque: as long as it doesn't have to filter by channel, this is very easy, happy to do so.
trinque: couple-line change
trinque: jfw: that isn't so hard either. useful?
diana_coman: trinque - no filter needed for me; thing is, I obviously can't speak about others and their chans, hence my request was for my chan specifically.
trinque: we'll start with that and see how it goes
jfw: trinque: prolly not that useful given it can announce directly without the separate service.
diana_coman: aha ^.
jfw: diana_coman, dorion: I'm curious now how one ends up in this kind of self-punishment. Is it just my lack of providing a ready-made script at work here? Of all the manual ways this one seems about the most laborious
jfw: possible, both for the doing and the writing up!
jfw: (and in this case there even was a readymade script, in the very previous step, but I can see the point of being sure the V really does build itself)
jfw: (and of having all the source patches oneself)
diana_coman: jfw - eh, the shortest answer to that is "as a result of all the missed interactions", really.
diana_coman: and not only from the side of "the one".
jfw: mhm
sonofawitch: 2020-07-01 21:08:02 (#ossasepia) diana_coman: dorion - your gbw article is quite an interesting read actually, as it covers a lot of ground and as a side effect, all sorts of tangles and weirds-if-coming-at-them-fresh pop all the clearer into view, hm.
sonofawitch: 2020-07-01 21:14:53 (#ossasepia) jfw: dorion: coupla broken hrefs in there
dorion: http://ossasepia.com/2020/07/01/ossasepia-logs-for-Jul-2020/#1027540 - hm, I could've said, open http://fixpoint.welshcomputing.com/v/v/ in your browser and download the seals and vpatches, but I can't offer that as command. it was a pain to write that, but now it's done.
sonofawitch: 2020-07-01 22:17:01 (#ossasepia) jfw: diana_coman, dorion: I'm curious now how one ends up in this kind of self-punishment. Is it just my lack of providing a ready-made script at work here? Of all the manual ways this one seems about the most laborious
dorion: or I could've eschewed the brace expansion and written wget for each item. maybe it'd be easier to read, but the reasoning was it's not too hard to parse if you know what you're reading and easier to execute.
dorion: jfw do you have a ready example of a better way ?
jfw: dorion: several, though not meeting your desire for 'just type these 100k characters and it'll work': use external browser and 'scp'; use onboard 'links'; use external 'wget -r' (because yeah, the busybox one doesn't support crawling); paste the urls into a script and run that
jfw: not to imply that a fully-working recipe is a bad goal, if recipe is what you're going for
jfw: but - and I know this cuts both ways - can you actually imagine someone typing that all in from the blog page? even if the offscreen overflow gets cleaned up
jfw: steps 19+ look good tho!
dorion: jfw thanks. yeah, I was going for more of a recipe and for sure it'd be a big pain to type out.
jfw: personally I would cp/mv things to the system paths rather than using symlinks into the build dir, as I tend to treat build / press dirs as temporary, but since you have them following the patch names it would work if you remember you're doing it.
jfw: (steps 11b and 19)
dorion: that's a good point too.
jfw: The BINDIR change in footnote 2 is harmless but unnecessary - gales doesn't distinguish a /usr but has the symlink for compatibility.
jfw: ah and step 16 you do use a copy but to a ? path - I'd just put that in [/usr]/local/bin the same as V
jfw: I've indeed tended to use ~/bin before so this is probably a needn't-have-been-problem you've picked up from me; basically I'm making efforts here to cut down on unnecessary optionality.
← 2020-06-30 | 2020-07-02 →