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diana_coman: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/ossasepia/2019-09-22#1003484 - no, this is perhaps "what whaack thinks" but most certainly not what everyone thinks.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-09-22 19:44:32 whaack: ssage one thinks: "well..thimbronion agrees to what? since he doesn't specify, this is a blank agreement to anything, which is worthless, and thus should be ignored" so the only damage done is the key signing "I agree" looks quite silly
diana_coman: there are several layers to it but even at the most superficial level it's proof of such misunderstanding of gpg-contracts and the WoT that he's basically out of it entirely.
diana_coman: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/ossasepia/2019-09-22#1003486 - it's a clearer account of what you did so far at least; the task list works more as "what I already know/am aware of" with not much to show re actually looking around; overall it sort of scrapes by for now.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-11 13:13:17 diana_coman: whaack: maybe make a summary with any tmsr-related things that you did so far and otherwise any tmsr parts/items you find interesting
diana_coman: whaack: now that's done, there's http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/ossasepia/2019-09-14#1002518 that is still pending afaik
ossabot: Logged on 2019-09-14 09:08:16 diana_coman: have a look around, ask any questions you need to ask and if/when you decide you want to submit to training here, say so.
diana_coman: welcome billymg ; what brings you here?
ossabot: Logged on 2019-09-22 21:50:52 billymg: anyway, ima swing by diana_coman's castle since there seems to be a cr convoy thread building over there
diana_coman: shrysr: what happened there with week 10 review as it was initially on a different date and getting messed up; seems fixed meanwhile but what was it
diana_coman: shrysr: also, it's getting hard to follow the numbers by themselves, please add from now on the dates ie "Plan for week 12: 30/9 - 29/9" or similar
diana_coman: shrysr: mind running your script on lobbes's logs too ie comparing the #o logs from logs.ossasepia.com to those on logs.ericbenevides.com ?
diana_coman: lobbes: you are doing quite well there from what I see with planning and sticking to it on the mp-wp work but at any rate - would you find it useful to have also a more general plan+review for yourself on younghands.club? ie going beyond just this one mp-wp current task; maybe for 2 weeks/1 month stretches at a time?
auctionbot: B#1060 O=127mn LB=None E=2019-09-23 18:42:01.635784 (18h41) >>> 1209 Wired Filthy Fiats, WU is fine but not preferred
auctionbot: --- end of auction list, 0 total bids ---
whaack: diana_coman: Yes the post was laying out in words my tmsr interests that were already in brain-ram, it was not the product of additional research done in the last week.
whaack: diana_coman: I am strongly inclined to say yes I would like to submit to training should I be honored for you to take me. My reservation however is that I first want to be sure I fully understand what commitment it takes to submit. However, the reservation seems silly since if I understand http://ossasepia.com/2019/09/18/the-pageboys-pledge/ correctly I would naturally be "submitting to the judgement of how much judgment I su
whaack: bmit to"
whaack: Let me know if the above makes no sense, it is a point of confusion in my own head so i'm not sure it presents itself clearly.
diana_coman: whaack: it does; and yes, you can't know upfront what you don't know, that's the inevitable issue facing everyone really; hence my "ask any questions you need to ask" - this means literally ask what you need to figure out if you trust me, because you will have to decide on precisely trust, nothing else.
diana_coman: jfw: probably the above is of interest to you too.
diana_coman: you can't have certainty of the sort "she'll ask me to do this and that, not the other" nor of the sort "it'll all be about x and y and z but not t; requiring q and y but not w"; simply because it can't be known upfront, no.
diana_coman: another way of putting it is this: decide if you are better off on your own / under someone else or if you are better off throwing your lot in with mine because that's pretty much what it amounts to.
billymg: diana_coman: whaack and i traded a few messages about our escape plans and he mentioned there was some discussion in here so i figured as he and i execute these plans any related discussion could occur here, in the event some bits are useful to others
diana_coman: billymg: sure; feel free to ask/read around /figure out if there's anything else of interest.
billymg: diana_coman: sounds good, will do
whaack: diana_coman: (i interpret "it does" as "it does make sense" from the context) okay. well i feel more comfortable knowing that you understand that issue clearly. my intuition is that i do trust you, from reading the logs/your key's reputation. Already from asking advice in here i have been guided to set myself with a better living situation for an entire year.
diana_coman: whaack: well, look at what is missing, if anything/unsure; (and yes, it was "it does make sense")
whaack: diana_coman: tbh i don't have any pressing questions, but i don't want you to lose trust in me for not demonstrating scrutiny in choosing to work under you. i know myself to get excited at seemingly good opportunities and i just try to search for justifications to pull the trigger
diana_coman: whaack: the danger is more from the other end really ie if you say yes and then don't stick with it/vanish /fade away or something; because in that case I will negrate you guaranteed.
whaack: that is also a concern of mine. but i think i need the threat of that axe to move forward lest i do the perpetual "thumb twiddling"
diana_coman: aha, that sounds quite likely to be the case, yes.
whaack: on a practical note - i am going to Japan for 2 weeks starting this Thursday on a vacation with a meatwot friend that has been planned months prior. after that i move to CR - and then I have my spot/time where with i can say with confidence that i will be in a situation where i can commit to training and work for the republic
diana_coman: whaack: feel free to take the time off to think it through (but do use it for that rather than for postponing); other than that though, note that commitment doesn't mean "won't take vacations anymore" for sure, lolz; and at any rate: do blog your Japan trip!
whaack: diana_coman: Japan certainly will be blogged! Well I do feel already decided; I don't feel the need to think it over in Japan - I would rather just have guidance on how to make best use of that trip. The only doubt I would have would be that perhaps asciilifeform or another lord is looking for someone and i would be better off serving them... but it seems you are the lord interested in training with younghands et all and woul
whaack: d xfer me if that were the best option.
diana_coman: whaack: so ask them directly, why not ask? fwiw yes, I would send you to someone else if I think it's a better fit but I don't know if "transfer" is the word for it; for one thing, you're not a package to just transfer; for the other, you can't and shouldn't eschew choice; see http://blog.lobbesblog.com/2019/08/fog-of-war/#comment-43
diana_coman: and going at it with lingering doubts is not helping at all either; because at first hurdle, the natural impulse will forever be "oh, but it would have been better if/with"; kill those doubts one way or another now and if you commit do it fully or it will backfire.
whaack: makes sense. a "transfer" then would need to happen today rather than tomorrow.
diana_coman: whaack: it's certainly way easier today for everyone involved, precisely because things are quite straightforward: if you want to work with X, go and ask them what would it take for them to take you in; and just in case you have doubts re this point: nobody will mind.
whaack: diana_coman: well then, what is required for you?
whaack brb ~10 mins
diana_coman: your full commitment as detailed in http://ossasepia.com/2019/09/18/the-pageboys-pledge/ and a reasonable fit (on which I'll judge after I probe to get to figure you out a bit better - there are already examples of this in the logs).
shrysr: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/ossasepia/2019-09-23#1003516 << I just checked the formatting and it looks okay? It looked a little weird on my phone, but the computer shows it right... I needed to make a correction to it which was found after posting.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-09-23 06:11:05 diana_coman: shrysr: what happened there with week 10 review as it was initially on a different date and getting messed up; seems fixed meanwhile but what was it
ossabot: Logged on 2019-09-23 06:13:04 diana_coman: shrysr: also, it's getting hard to follow the numbers by themselves, please add from now on the dates ie "Plan for week 12: 30/9 - 29/9" or similar
diana_coman: shrysr: it wasn't just formatting; the first I looked at it, it was dated 16th (and as a result it didn't even appear in recent posts); probably at correction time the rest got fixed too and you didn't even notice; not a big thing in itself, just check when publishing, in the future.
whaack: diana_coman: okay. i can dig through the logs to find the examples later but if you have a link handy that would help
diana_coman: whaack: I meant examples of what probing tends to look like; see the conversation yest with thimbronion for instance); obv, can't tell upfront exactly what it will look like for you, lol.
whaack: lol k
diana_coman: whaack: what date is that for finally moved to CR and ready to get started?
whaack: diana_coman: i do not yet have the flight ticket. It is going to be between October 15-September 1st.
diana_coman: that's rather..difficult, lolz
shrysr: diana_coman: Re: date, hmm I corrected that last night actually right after posting. thats weird, cause i don't even set the post date. anyway, i will pay attention to it next post.
shrysr: diana_coman: just a quick check of eric's logs .. it appears there is a difference. ima rechecking to confirm.
diana_coman: shrysr: did you subscribe with feedbot to the posts and comments on younghands.club and on your own blog? it helps so you also get to see what others see; at times I think your "update/tweaking" of posts also messes up with the rss.
whaack: diana_coman: heh i'll try to get my ticket by the end of Wednesday.
shrysr: Ahh - actually i have subscribed. I think you mean that trackback to week4 which i accepted only yesterday
shrysr: hmm i think i have subscribed only to the comments of younghands though.
shrysr: yea. only comments.
diana_coman: no, this was on top of the above, not directly relevant to it.
whaack is off to the saltmines.
diana_coman: whaack: listen, you seem rather scattered/ with a tendency for superficial and I don't know if it's just that you are doing 1001 things right now and not properly focusing on any or it's a more general thing.
shrysr: hmm.. one thing I rem doing different is trying the 'quick post' thingy which i aborted because it seemed I cd not set the category, only tags. The correction was anyway minor and I just copied the html output and clicked update. Hey > i logged in and checked post revisions for week 10 review - it says 23 sep tho
diana_coman: shrysr: prolly on "clicked update" it was properly published including setting the date to current so yes, won't see any trouble *now*; let it be and just check/look next time.
shrysr: okies
shrysr: diana_coman: is p.bvulpes.com down ? I have other sites loading. wanted to paste the diff i get. The lines are not missing, but there appears to be a mismatch in line id's? I re-checked with nosuchlabs - and diff was empty as before. See https://paste.debian.net/1102198
asciilifeform: shrysr: it died and ben vulpes is awol. use trinque's pastetron.
shrysr: asciilifeform: ty. hope hez ok... diana_coman repasted diff for eric's log @ http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=iB4l
diana_coman: shrysr: use paste.deedbot.org
diana_coman: shrysr: that's already on 1mn line and apparently lobbes's bot was on so it has a different time
shrysr: ok. i see.
diana_coman: so it's ok; but nevertheless, good that you pointed it out since it appeared to be a problem.
diana_coman: actually now looking at it: wtf why is my nickname there diana-coman all of a sudden for like..6 lines?? http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/ossasepia/2019-08-08#1000000 - asciilifeform any idea?
ossabot: Logged on 2019-08-08 15:27:06 diana-coman: lolz, kk
snsabot: Logged on 2019-08-08 15:27:06 diana-coman: lolz, kk
diana_coman: asciilifeform: well yes, from 1mn on it's from your dump
diana_coman: hm; lemme check in my local log, maybe some fleanode shenanigans and nick changes
diana_coman: asciilifeform: nop, in local log it's diana_coman there at that line precisely; some weird stuff at start of that dump /log somehow?
diana_coman: asciilifeform: but look at this: http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=F7_o
diana_coman: so yeah, snsabot saw me as diana-coman for a while, lolz
asciilifeform: ooops grr elbowed
diana_coman: wb asciilifeform ; see paste above.
asciilifeform: diana_coman: my local log shows same btw ( as yours )
asciilifeform: diana_coman: found any other instances of this oddity ? or only there ?
diana_coman: it seems it was snsabot that flipped _ for - but how did it...auto-correct or what
diana_coman: uhm, let's search
asciilifeform: diana_coman: fwiw nothing in the bot log that would suggest a cause
asciilifeform: diana_coman: this was 8th aug. which is shortly after bot bringup...
diana_coman: I can't seem to find another instance at least while using the search box; might need to grep the dump; it's not a huge thing, I can live with it but it's...weird to not enough know wtf happened.
diana_coman: even* not "enough"
asciilifeform: the only 'invasive' manipulation of the log db since, was the utf8 fixup. but i can't presently think of how it could be the culprit here
diana_coman: weird stuff; it does seem like an initial bot-hiccup that got fixed as a side-effect of later fixes I suppose.
asciilifeform: !q s f:diana-coman
asciilifeform: ^ loox like just there.
asciilifeform: diana_coman: this is pretty interesting find tho, because wtf, no changes were made to bot at that specific moment
asciilifeform: !q s f:-
asciilifeform: same, fwiw
asciilifeform: haven't found in e.g. #t any instance of mircea_popescu turning into mircea-popescu
asciilifeform: so remains mystery.
diana_coman: your bot played tricks on me!!111
diana_coman: funny how nobody noticed at that time though, when bot replied (or failed to speak up on it); anyways, it'll be filed as mystery for now.
asciilifeform: diana_coman: ty for the eagle eye. and plox to lemme know asap if you find any similar oddity elsewhere in log
diana_coman: np; and will do, certainly.
whaack: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/ossasepia/2019-09-23#1003571 << unfortunately i have to say it's a more general problem at the core of my self. i struggle to structure my day properly and to focus on a task at hand. it is from a mixture of lack of discipline and a dose of "frantic activity to cover for incompetence". as for a tendency to superficial - it's weird a weird thing to admit but that is true. i want that to change bu
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-23 11:54:21 diana_coman: whaack: listen, you seem rather scattered/ with a tendency for superficial and I don't know if it's just that you are doing 1001 things right now and not properly focusing on any or it's a more general thing.
whaack: t i've grown up around superficial people, being a dilettante is basically considered a virtue in the US. i try to be genuine in what i do but i often go to the shortcuts/paths of least resistance
thimbronion: diana_coman: I am throwing an exception early on my first post. I'm only seeing one, maybe two layers of problems with the contract, not several, so with the time I have I won't be able to figure them all out by myself by Weds. Here is what I have so far: http://thimbron.com/2019/09/how-i-fucked-up-my-gpg-key/
whaack: diana_coman: and i believe the superficialness comes from self-defense mechanisms of my ego. here is an example of said self-defense mechanism: i had another blog before ztkfg.com at http://www.whaacked.com/ but reading it over and realizing how much stupidity/dishonesty was there for things like speccing out a game that took concepts from Eulora without citing it http://www.whaacked.com/blog/view/zylon-game-design.html and l
whaack: inking to some blogs without sending trackbacks, i decided not to share it, always telling myself "oh i'll pull it into my new blog and then fix it all later" because that's one of the ego's protection tools: tomorrow, tomorrow
diana_coman: thimbronion: well, that's why the order of the tasks was originally the other way around: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/ossasepia/2019-09-22#1003465
ossabot: Logged on 2019-09-22 19:18:20 diana_coman: thimbronion: 1 yes; 2 no, it's http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/ossasepia/2019-09-22#1003386
diana_coman: thimbronion: but it works as a reasonable statement of what happened; let it stand as such and move on to the WoT post.
diana_coman: whaack: good for you on admitting to it all; now, is http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/ossasepia/2019-09-23#1003541 still an actual doubt or just yet another protection/avoidance spew?
ossabot: Logged on 2019-09-23 11:01:46 whaack: diana_coman: Japan certainly will be blogged! Well I do feel already decided; I don't feel the need to think it over in Japan - I would rather just have guidance on how to make best use of that trip. The only doubt I would have would be that perhaps asciilifeform or another lord is looking for someone and i would be better off serving them... but it seems you are the lord interested in training with younghands et all
diana_coman: thimbronion: maybe update that post to make it clear you are talking about a previous key though.
diana_coman: whaack: is this Japan-friend the emotional blackmail type? or how friend is this friend really.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-09-18 06:27:06 diana_coman: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/ossasepia/2019-09-17#1002836 - you know, guilt-tripping is emotional blackmail; do you really imagine that your blackmailers are your friends?
diana_coman: and btw, I don't think you ever answered the above q.
diana_coman: whaack: re the 2 blogs - you can't run away from yourself; so do yourself a favour and stop trying to split: get the content in one single place, redirect the other domain so no links are broken and stick with it; it's fine to cringe at your own past-doings and it's even healthy because it IS a sign of growth.
diana_coman: whaack: fwiw, whaacked.com is an easier to remember domain than ztkfg.com
diana_coman: and it's anyway a good idea to actually own your name online as everywhere.
diana_coman: !o uptime
ossabot: diana_coman: time since my last reconnect : 2d 3h 31m
whaack: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/ossasepia/2019-09-23#1003628 << Well it is no longer a doubt after having spoken with asciilifeform. It may have been a protection/avoidance spew, but i can't recognize it as one myself.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-23 16:28:43 diana_coman: whaack: good for you on admitting to it all; now, is http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/ossasepia/2019-09-23#1003541 still an actual doubt or just yet another protection/avoidance spew?
ossabot: Logged on 2019-09-23 11:01:46 whaack: diana_coman: Japan certainly will be blogged! Well I do feel already decided; I don't feel the need to think it over in Japan - I would rather just have guidance on how to make best use of that trip. The only doubt I would have would be that perhaps asciilifeform or another lord is looking for someone and i would be better off serving them... but it seems you are the lord interested in training with younghands et all
lobbes: http://logs.ericbenevides.com/log/ossasepia/2019-09-23#1003520 << I cannot think of a reason to turn this offer down, so I will say 'yes'. Maybe at the one per month frequency.
ericbot: Logged on 2019-09-23 09:21:05 diana_coman: lobbes: you are doing quite well there from what I see with planning and sticking to it on the mp-wp work but at any rate - would you find it useful to have also a more general plan+review for yourself on younghands.club? ie going beyond just this one mp-wp current task; maybe for 2 weeks/1 month stretches at a time?
whaack: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/ossasepia/2019-09-23#1003633 << No, and you're not even the first person to point this out re this "friendship" with this particular person.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-23 17:11:52 diana_coman: and btw, I don't think you ever answered the above q.
lobbes: to tie in that thread from #t into here: I see your point. I've made the decision to step into knighthood, and it isn't like there's a "cancel button", so I ought to make use of it. And if diana_coman is offering to gift reviewing of my general plans, I figure it is a good idea to accept
ericbot: Logged on 2019-09-15 20:33:24 diana_coman: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-09-15#1936552 - so regret your haste then and/or specific choice-avoidance but not your decision; it was made at that time and it's done; regretting the decision only puts you in a very awkward position moving on because now what - you'll be a knight who regrets his decision of being a knight?
ossabot: Logged on 2019-09-15 14:46:06 lobbes: http://logs.ericbenevides.com/log/trilema/2019-09-15#1936485 << because my decision was made hastily and prematurely imo. I don't think I needed to resign. I did so thinking I could eschew choice, but that is stupid; can't ever eschew choice wtf. And this dumb move will result in loss of coolness, as mircea_popescu pointed out; loss of privilege.
ericbot: Logged on 2019-09-15 12:57:02 diana_coman: I just realised that it was probably not clear above: my point was why regret the *decision*.
lobbes: whaack: I'm looking forward to your bloggings on Japan btw. I've always wanted to visit there
lobbes: For a small second I considered JP as a possible escape destination, but holy shit it sounds both expensive and hard to get permanent residency. Plus the language barrier is tall. South / Central America just seems more rational a destination w/ re: to both of those qualifiers
asciilifeform: lobbes: lang is not half as difficult as it looks. moar serious problem is that it's a straight-out usg colony.
lobbes: sure, but could always 'break free from yoke' one day, as I think you've pointed out before. (perhaps a slim chance, but who knows)
asciilifeform: lobbes: unlikely , imho, to happen before the 2e6-strong occupation army goes home.
asciilifeform: but when it does, i dun expect it'll be a mega-seekrit.
lobbes: makes sense
whaack: whaack: is this Japan-friend the emotional blackmail type? or how friend is this friend really. << Long term friend from childhood. He is not the emotional blackmail type as far as i can tell, he wouldn't guilt trip about $substance. But I will have to meditate on this. I feel with him I enjoy our time together, we do interesting new activities (like take a trip to Japan), but I am not quite sure I grow much out of the relati
whaack: onship.
whaack: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/ossasepia/2019-09-23#1003635 << ztkfg.com was based on http://trilema.com/2014/why-everything-you-think-you-know-about-dns-is-entirely-wrong/ and grabbing a small character count. but i will consider switching to whaacked
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-23 17:32:28 diana_coman: whaack: fwiw, whaacked.com is an easier to remember domain than ztkfg.com
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-23 17:29:43 diana_coman: whaack: re the 2 blogs - you can't run away from yourself; so do yourself a favour and stop trying to split: get the content in one single place, redirect the other domain so no links are broken and stick with it; it's fine to cringe at your own past-doings and it's even healthy because it IS a sign of growth.
whaack: lobbes: cool! I am going to Tokyo and Kyoto. I also am stopping in Seoul, Korea for a few days
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-23 17:04:12 diana_coman: thimbronion: maybe update that post to make it clear you are talking about a previous key though.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-23 16:25:07 diana_coman: thimbronion: but it works as a reasonable statement of what happened; let it stand as such and move on to the WoT post.
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