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verisimilitude: I agree with shinohai.
adlai: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-04-19#1097409 << did you skip 'instead of' clause? it's important; some sort of daily / hourly / statistic of the liquishit level is imho critical, to prevent frog boiling
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-04-19 16:55:03 asciilifeform: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-04-19#1097253 << 'ignore' ? cuz nobody wants GBs of liquishit pumped to his console, lolwtf
adlai: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-04-19#1097440 << iirc, standard tournament Chess rules do allow this, although the third repetition causes the match to end in a draw, with players' ratings adjusted partially towards their midpoint; the game requiring novel situations in each move is Go, with the superko rule variation.
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-04-19 17:08:30 asciilifeform: ill-formed v inputs come in 3 equiv. classes -- ill-syntaxed (i.e. can't parse, or one of a pair of patch, or its sig -- missing) ; ill-connected ( topological 'islands' on graph ) ; cyclical ( i.e. commits what is prohibited in chess, a return to previous state of game board ) .
adlai: iirc the 'superko' rule is only necessary for situations where there are multiple simultaneous ko fights, and then localized application of the ko rule can lead the game into a loop
adlai: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-04-19#1097550 << I had a brain MRI requested, and thanks to the doctors not managing to make any easy diagnosis before this, insurance covered, so it was in the local public hospital; it has iirc four machines, with a queue of about a dozen sad folks, and a small army of technicians and nurses preparing ports for injecting contrast agents,
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-04-19 20:00:21 asciilifeform: and for that matter any industrial process with seriously heavy capital gear, tries to keep 100% (or as duty cycle allows) booked
adlai: briefing folks about procedure, etc
adlai: the machines themselves run 24/7, and when he entered the room for injecting the contrast agent, the technician wasalmost sprinting to save time
adlai half-hoped for interesting results... few weeks later, gets nice letter, "MRI found normal brain, nothing notable."
signpost: for what were you looking for a cause?
signpost had one of those after an ugly bar fight a few years ago. neither party looked good after.
signpost: brain was totally fine, but I checked because the thing started with a sucker-punch, and me hitting concrete.
signpost: apparently I got up in a rage. had a standing concussion, so the next thing I can recall is bellowing at police for not arresting the other guy.
signpost: weirdest thing was I didn't know the other guy, hadn't talked to him. either mistaken identity or just crazy.
adlai: one of the doctors suspected that I had copper retention, which apparently causes changes to brain morphology visible in MRI, and eventually psychosis.
adlai: I doubted I had that, after reading that it was incredibly uncommon, and was simply hoping that there would be any interesting result other than, "what did you expect, standard brainful of qualia"
signpost: do they do the political psychiatry thing there? sounds like it.
signpost: not that they don't here, but it's comparatively lazy. more like "say the magic word and we'll give you whatever drugs you want, so long as they're expensive"
adlai: varies by doctor. I was focused on getting fewer medications, not more, and they quite quickly respected that request and tapered me off benzos and did not force me to take antipsychotics after I'd been released, although they did prescribe them in case I choose to continue.
signpost: hm. glad you're getting off the shit. good luck.
signpost to bed.
adlai: goodnight
adlai: rereading exact wording of Pest, I suppose my suggestion does not violate this, since I'm not suggesting that any specific message trigger printing to the console.
shinohai: verisimilitude I figured out where the inspiration for the pregnant man emoji came from: http://btc.info.gf/uploads/gatesemoji.jpg
phf: went around looking for lte feature phones, confused sales associates would direct me to cheap androids. i guess not even aging hill folk are buying feature phones anymore
phf: signpost: how you liking mudilo so far?
signpost: was fine except for SMS not working, need to fuck with APN settings but haven't had the chance yet.
phf: hmm
signpost: wouldn't say I can recommend it yet, need to use it for a few weeks consistently.
phf: how's the call quality so far?
signpost: call quality was good, tested that. not as good as an iPhone, but passable.
signpost: wife said same for how I sounded on the other end on her iPhone.
signpost: also found that you can't actually build your own copy of their OS because there's some licensing shit with the eink display binwad.
signpost: that might cause me to sell it and throw play money at some other brick.
signpost: you can only build for their simulator and then "pretty please" have them accept your pull request on github.
signpost: oh and (!) the switch on the side turned out to be software only.
phf: f&g
signpost: yeah, I ordered this quite a while ago, and it's not everything it appeared.
phf: i have a 5s that no longer works for calling because of lte transition. i have no idea what to replace it with
verisimilitude: My *Buffer List* is just a long list of things I've been intending to do for months.
signpost: "pinephone" is way too neckbeardy for me, and pine64's laptop was a piece of shit.
verisimilitude: The Pinebook Pro isn't great, no.
signpost is not aware of good options. hardware business is hell.
verisimilitude: That's how my review of it will end, basically.
verisimilitude: ``Go ahead and buy it. More money won't buy a decent laptop.''
phf: i'm thinking of getting one of those oversized rugged phones, that comes with a cb radio and a multitool
signpost: seems useful for stomping around in the woods.
asciilifeform: phf: 'caterpillar' ?
asciilifeform saw'em for sale in montevideo, looked impressive -- at least iron-wise
phf: asciilifeform: i think other brands make em besides cat, but yeah along those lines
phf: i don't know how they are as phones, but when i jump out of my lifted ford pickup, i want to be able to talk into one of those on speakerphone
signpost: s'how they know y'mean bidness.
phf: i like maphone how i like mawomen: milspec
asciilifeform pictures 'brick' a la 'iridium'
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-04-20 13:30:54 signpost: also found that you can't actually build your own copy of their OS because there's some licensing shit with the eink display binwad.
verisimilitude: I like my phone how I like my women: I don't own a phone.
asciilifeform: they've a shithub fulla ???, but apparently intel-style one.
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-04-07 20:07:56 asciilifeform: a very common flavour of scamsauce, reminiscent of e.g. intel's 'open source bios' (which built only on mswin and w/ 400MB of blobs)
signpost: hahaha
asciilifeform: verisimilitude wins 'brag riches' award...
signpost: asciilifeform: yeah, I haven't gone too deep into it, but immune system says "this looks like a great way to waste weeks for zilch"
asciilifeform: a la 'pinebook' yea
phf: i'm still happily using those rk chromebooks. have like 4 of them, boot them into console, wrote a handful of framebuffer tools (jpg/png/pdf)
asciilifeform: phf: a, so no x11 ?
phf: no
asciilifeform still has that one, tho fucked the internal mouse cable during one of over9000 disassemblies
phf: i change the console colors and fonts so that it doesn't look too "hacker", and it gives me ~~9 hours of emacs, sbcl
asciilifeform: phf: what didja end up running on that thing ?
phf: your rk gentoo dump, as is
asciilifeform: aa neato
phf: i just patch portage when i need to build something new, that for some reason there's no old source for
asciilifeform: phf: lemme know if you want $tar added to the fossilvault.
asciilifeform: occasionally folx still find missing bits.
phf: there's also no diffs, i log in as root, and there's no logger or really any daemons. i clone it as a big blob. oldschool #slackware gang.
asciilifeform: the rk ball is hand-sewn and deliberately bare-bones
phf: i think i ran into some binary blob issues: i had to rebuild some packages early on, because smh rks that you use in hosting are not the same as the rk in chromebook?
asciilifeform: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-04-20#1097626 << grade-a lulz. 'That’s right. Java’s implementation of ECDSA signature verification didn’t check if r or s were zero, so you could produce a signature value in which they are both 0 (appropriately encoded) and Java would accept it as a valid signature for any message and for any public key.'
asciilifeform: phf: aha, the little rk is a 3328; iirc the cb is a 3399
phf: aah, well that explains it
asciilifeform: theoretically same instr set but fuckknows
phf: it's clean enough to boot, or at least clean enough to build and rebuild
phf: *to boot and rebuild
verisimilitude: Don't implement your own crypto, asciilifeform!
phf: hmm, now that they replaced james bond with a woman how will i know which phone to buy??
asciilifeform: lol thought his 'phone' was a parabellum
phf: asciilifeform: your not aware of the exciting world of "everything you see in a movie somebody has paid for to be there"
asciilifeform: distantly aware
verisimilitude: Apparently, in an AppleTV show, the only Android user was a pedophile.
asciilifeform: meanwhile in eccism olds.
verisimilitude: Rather than optimize sorting, it's better to eliminate the need of it.
verisimilitude: static uint_fast64_t __seed() {
verisimilitude: // static variable address may be randomized if built with ASLR.
verisimilitude: static char __x;
verisimilitude: return reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(&__x);
shinohai: "The Treasury department announced sanctions against companies and individuals who enable fiat payments or infrastructure for bitcoin mining in Russia." <<< kekkity kek
phf: woof
asciilifeform: shinohai: lulzy just how tedious of a read these tend to be
asciilifeform: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-04-20#1097697 >> 'if you submit a comparator where conditions for irreflexivity or asymmetry are not met, you will find that with 31 elements the program might get into segfault whereas with 30 elements it works just fine' << funnily enuff, asciilifeform once encountered almost exactly such bug in commercial shop
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-04-20 17:27:52 verisimilitude: I'm reading this.
asciilifeform: tho there was no c there. folx often enuff reimplement broken c-style logic in $exoticlang and then wonder
asciilifeform: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-04-20#1097692 << interestingly, loox like 1989 film was the last where the spammed products are what one'd expect (pistol, camera, rolex, hat, glasses). after that, seems to grow geometrically and include all sortsa rubbish
asciilifeform: e.g. the 1995 one already e.g. car radio, rotgut whiskey, shoes
asciilifeform: 1999 -- already walkie talkies, flashlights, lol, office furniture..
asciilifeform associates ppk pistol with der fuhrer (the other 1, who ate it, not our drowned 1) , rather than bond, for sumreason.
signpost: anyone have a good argument for both /{bin,sbin} and /usr/{bin,sbin} existing?
signpost: I'd previously made PREFIX=/ but that's a bit messy, might instead have PREFIX=/usr for programs as is tradition.
signpost: but that makes me question why I'd put only busybox in / when I can just as well put that in /usr/... also.
signpost: shell script shebangs come to mind; they'll want the shell at the traditional place.
signpost: I can convince myself that the answer to that is somebody symlinking /bin/sh if they want.
signpost: anyhow, curious if folks have a strong opinion.
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