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billymg: asciilifeform: thanks! and yes, i'm going to try to post more
asciilifeform: $ticker btc usd
busybot: Current BTC price in USD: $46879.38
asciilifeform: !w poll
watchglass: Polling 14 nodes...
watchglass: : (ns562940.ip-54-39-156.net) Alive: (0.050s) V=99999 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=717024
watchglass: : (172-6.core.ai.net) Alive: (0.134s) V=99999 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Return Addr= Blocks=717024
watchglass: : (172-4.core.ai.net) Alive: (0.082s) V=70001 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=717024
watchglass: : Alive: (0.144s) V=99999 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=717024 (Operator: asciilifeform)
watchglass: : Alive: (0.123s) V=99999 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=717024
watchglass: : Alive: (0.142s) V=99999 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Return Addr= Blocks=717024
watchglass: : Alive: (0.138s) V=99999 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Return Addr= Blocks=717024 (Operator: whaack)
watchglass: : Alive: (0.206s) V=70001 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=717024
watchglass: : (ns3140226.ip-54-38-94.eu) Alive: (0.284s) V=88888 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=717024
watchglass: : (static-82-79-58-192.rdsnet.ro) Alive: (0.333s) V=99999 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=716803
watchglass: : (2ppf.s.time4vps.cloud) Alive: (0.361s) V=99999 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=716803
watchglass: : (pool-71-191-220-241.washdc.fios.verizon.net) Alive: (0.706s) V=99999 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=717024 (Operator: asciilifeform)
watchglass: : (terebe.ns01.net) Alive: (0.532s) V=99999 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=717024
watchglass: : Alive: (0.363s) V=99999 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=717024
mats: asciilifeform: incidentally, the operator of pinboard ended up the final owner of delicious
asciilifeform: mats: did it swallow the old db and offer to subscribers of the new thing?
mats: i think so
mats: im aware of stuff like archivebox and pinboard does export bookmarks, so its ok if they fall down
asciilifeform: must have happened a bit too late tho, asciilifeform at one time used 'delicious' and gave it up for dead
mats: i dont mind paying for the privilege
asciilifeform: mats: have you used other commercial 'personal db' widgets (e.g. 'evernote') ?
asciilifeform at one time was interested in subj, in light of the orig. impetus for his 'civilize computing' notion. quickly lost interest in wwwtronic variant, even if run by self, browser simply sucks too much to allow smooth tab-completion over large db w/out snail lag
asciilifeform: mats: supposedly 'delicious' sold for pennies, interestingly
asciilifeform: 35k$. makes e.g. liquidation of bbet look like a megasuccess.
asciilifeform wonders whether the sale was anyffin like an auction; or instead 'back alley' deal
asciilifeform: !q uptime
dulapbot: asciilifeform: time since my last reconnect : 201d 13h 33m
mats: i used evernote for a couple years in high school, the app got progressively slower over time
mats: whats nice about pinboard is that i can use it on mobile
mats: never lose an argument again
asciilifeform: mats: this'd be the inescapable problem w/ www 'kolhoz', neh. moar users -- slower
asciilifeform: can use any www service on pnoje, neh
mats: no i mean the evernote desktop app was slow
asciilifeform: was this after bought out by microshit?
mats: i didn't know that happened
mats: don't they have their own thing, onenote?
asciilifeform: possibly dreamed this?
asciilifeform: hmm seems only 'integrated with' ms
mats: what i found was that its too much work to organize
asciilifeform: a cloudism seems rather unlikely to ever offer fully general scripting (would have to charge for cpu cycles, like lulazon, or folx could e.g. mine shitcoin on it) so unsurprising
mats: when i actually want to take notes i write it down
mats: the physical feedback helps a lot
asciilifeform: paper, chalk, etc. a++ unbeatable until you wanna search
mats: chalk is a health hazard
asciilifeform has notion that proper 'intelligence amplifier' doesn't stop at mere searchability, either, but oughta actively bring up pertinent data while you type
asciilifeform: mats: theoretically. but i've yet to hear of maffs profs succumbing en masse to 'white lung'
mats: they'd tell you themselves but they can't be heard
asciilifeform not personally 'counted the tombs', cannot comment authoritatively
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-01-02 23:39:58 dulapbot: (trilema) 2016-04-08 asciilifeform: 'i counted, read the cards on the wreaths. said things like, 'from wife', 'from son', 'from mother-in-law' - but none said 'from vodka.' nobody died from vodka.'
mats: how would a computer know whats pertinent to what you're typing
asciilifeform: obv. not 'knows', but often enuff can heuristic
dulapbot: Logged on 2020-07-03 19:22:30 asciilifeform: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2020-07-03#1015764 << i've a pertinent tale : 10y ago, asciilifeform tried to write a (naively, thought...) very simple proggy :
asciilifeform still does not have this seemingly trivial tool. after almost 2 decades !
dulapbot: Logged on 2020-07-03 19:24:41 asciilifeform: ... was to be very basic text editor where edits db entries, each one titled w/ arbitrary string. principle being, 1st pair of [[ ... ]] in the text is title of given entry; and any subsequent [[ ... ]] become clickable links to other entries. with tab-completion and floating selector while typed. ( plan included other knobs, but this alone already gives very useful item imho )
mats: can you give an example of a heuristic?
mats: i can think of a knob for searching different things, like something in vscode, slack, or the filesystem
mats: could probably write a talon script to do that
mats: nvm, i think i understand what you mean
asciilifeform: mats: in asciilifeform's orig. conception, main heuristic was to be 'topological' -- in a 'sidebar' would show 'nodes' which have a link relation (in either direction) from the 'current' (i.e. being edited) one
asciilifeform: but in principle oughta be fully scriptable
signpost: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-01-03#1070885 << I've got an unfinished one of these on my desk, can't be the only one.
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-01-03 13:01:52 asciilifeform: still does not have this seemingly trivial tool. after almost 2 decades !
signpost: one of my mcclim projects collecting dust atm.
signpost: might've even gotten to making foreign keys clicky, think I did.
asciilifeform: well mine's unfinished too, lol
asciilifeform thinks about mcclim, gets just shorta physically ill recalling the ui kit
signpost: that's why I stopped, felt like a haphazard pile o' shit.
asciilifeform: !q seen-anywhere gabriel_laddel
dulapbot: gabriel_laddel last seen in #trilema on 2018-05-02 00:59:35: F-
signpost googled him a few times, seems yeah, eaten by the sea.
signpost: never confirmed
asciilifeform: likely ina pauper's grave somewhere in 'flyover land'
asciilifeform spent literally yrs trying to find a way to implement it using any existing x11-integrated gui kit. answr appears to be 'no and fuckyou'(tm)
dulapbot: Logged on 2020-07-03 19:26:00 asciilifeform: i.e. could write the proggy, but turned out 100% impossible to make the editor behave as specified, with e.g. links being clickable ~while text box is editable~ (no modality liquishit pleez) , with completor/selector box, etc
dulapbot: Logged on 2020-07-03 19:27:09 asciilifeform: apparently such proggy can only be written if write 100% of graphics stack (incl. font renderer) from 0. as in e.g. emacs (before anyone asks, i ~specifically~ did not and still do not want this kinda thing as elisp progggy -- it'll 100% guaranteed choke on 200MB+ of indexable db.. )
asciilifeform: fucked with 'wx', 'qt', bought the fucking books, worked through all known public examples of anyffin even vaguely resembling hypertext editors, tried with raw x11, # of misc. horrors. all to 0 useful result.
asciilifeform: i.e. the imho 1 single most useful thing one can even do with a computer -- and trivially+completely describable in <5min -- evidently can't be done on any known os.
asciilifeform: i'ma describe it exhaustively on the off chance that a hero is born one day and reads this :
asciilifeform: editor box, and when i hit '[', pops up a text-completion list of ~all~ node titles. select w/ mouse or arrow keys, while typing any text occurring in the title (not necessarily from start of string), a la commonplace text completers;
asciilifeform: when hit 'enter' (if found existing node) or when hit ']' (if not found, ergo creating ab initio) the text turns into a clickable hyperlink ~immediately~ without disrupting editing
asciilifeform: when link is clicked, box navigates to that node.
asciilifeform: if the sole link to a node is removed (incl. via 'cut') the node is deleted.
asciilifeform: creating a link also creates a 'backlink' (visible in sidebar when navigating a node) to the linking node.
asciilifeform: can edit title of a node, in which case ~all~ links to it appropriately change to the new one.
asciilifeform: that's more or less it.
asciilifeform had various notions of lisp scriptability ~on top of~ this mechanism, but the above is the basic backbone of it all.
asciilifeform before anyone asks, the modeless editing is ~not~ negotiable. thing is 100% useless to asciilifeform w/out that.
asciilifeform ftr also NOT interested in any kludge involving emacs in any way. must be standalone proggy and able to run on top of a ~fast~, indexable db (e.g. postgres).
asciilifeform: i.e. ~fast~ even after there are 1e7+ entries.
asciilifeform also ftr NOT interested in any 'solution' which involves a www browser or sawed-off components thereof, in any way.
asciilifeform lost count of just how many kludges he tried -- e.g. one where a hypertext 'editing box' (in various gui kits) is kept around in 2 instances, 1 in 'links clickable' mode and other where not, and 'unhidden' appropriately. flickering garbage & malformed reflow in all cases.
asciilifeform even tried patching 'qt' to support sanity. drowned in liquishit.
asciilifeform: not that it'd even build today if i'd in fact succeeded in this patching 10y+ ago..
signpost: yep, I think anyone effective has a harsh approximation of this personal database kicking around.
signpost has started and stopped using org mode many times, for example.
asciilifeform: signpost: metoo
asciilifeform: signpost: errybody can stand up a db. the described item is imho the Right Thing in re: a db that can be operated in 'flow state' with minimal friction.
asciilifeform: or, at any rate, asciilifeform finds all current attempts direly inadequate specifically on acct of not conforming to the described interface above.
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