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Results 1 ... 9 found in asciilifeform for 'microscopy'

asciilifeform tried as recently as last yr to work out a deal with a microscopy shop but fell through
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-11-15 00:08:52 asciilifeform: bonechewer: for background info, the cost of fabricating the 1st 100 FGs was ~5k usd. and that's not counting asciilifeform's time , or 1st microbatch of prototypes with defective solder joins , asciilifeform's microscopy time and fight w/ the board people, etc etc
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-03-28 10:18:19 asciilifeform: has 5 'ivory' cpu stashed, 4 of'em brand-new, for microscopy, for which to this day 0 time/budget
asciilifeform has 5 'ivory' cpu stashed, 4 of'em brand-new, for microscopy, for which to this day 0 time/budget
asciilifeform purchased what appears to have been dks's entire remaining stock of cpus, for delayering+microscopy. they're still virginal, in crate.
asciilifeform: bonechewer: for background info, the cost of fabricating the 1st 100 FGs was ~5k usd. and that's not counting asciilifeform's time , or 1st microbatch of prototypes with defective solder joins , asciilifeform's microscopy time and fight w/ the board people, etc etc
asciilifeform: i found an electron microscopy shop that works at very reasonable rate (self-service) ; but not yet a reliable decapper .
asciilifeform: in principle is even possible to reverse via high quality ~optical~ microscopy. still looking for a reputable shop that would expose, at reasonable cost, the die.
asciilifeform: ( they're for electron microscopy, eventually )