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Results 1 ... 21 found in asciilifeform for 'koch'

asciilifeform: ( koch?!! )
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-06-30 10:28:53 asciilifeform: meanwhile, in koch lulz.
asciilifeform: meanwhile, in koch lulz.
asciilifeform: (koch's key gen is still imho rather shoddy even with fix for this bug tho.)
asciilifeform: ( on account of branch prediction mechanics in modern irons, ffa in fact faster than koch's bignum, for the latter's 'worst-cases' )
snsabot: Logged on 2020-02-05 17:24:20 asciilifeform: let's do for lulz some arithm. i have a linux-3.16.70.tar handy, and inside 47452 files. now, a modexp (2048bit!) on ye olde koch-rsa eats 0.639s on my machine. so that'd be ~8.42 hours. not counting the hashing (my timing example did not include hashing, had pre-baked operands).
asciilifeform: apparently this shitware dun even implement the koch 1.4.10 featureset.
asciilifeform: the correct way to keygen is to pump straight from iron rng. Just Say No to kochism.
asciilifeform never patched his gpg, given as doesn't ever intend to generate keys on gpg again; and if were to -- doesn't think much of koch's published patch, keygen still uses whitenism
asciilifeform: verisimilitude: koch -- maintainer -- is a nsa stooge.
asciilifeform: and so happens that i've already posted world's simplest rsatron. which, also happens, beats koch's speedwise even w/out bvt's asmism patches.
asciilifeform: ( fwiw mine 2.3x faster than koch's, when long public exponent. but still ultimately too slow for many uses that'd be practical if were 'instant'.
asciilifeform: let's do for lulz some arithm. i have a linux-3.16.70.tar handy, and inside 47452 files. now, a modexp (2048bit!) on ye olde koch-rsa eats 0.639s on my machine. so that'd be ~8.42 hours. not counting the hashing (my timing example did not include hashing, had pre-baked operands).
asciilifeform: classical branching-code impl.s of rsa (e.g. koch's) leak entire priv after coupla hundred privops (to anyone with sufficient 'ears' to listen correctly)
asciilifeform: ( even koch features. )
asciilifeform: but imho is strange that even nao some folx sha1 ( and koch gpg 2.x )
asciilifeform: koch's liquishit is at any rate looong 'past its sell-by date'.
asciilifeform: shinohai: for my part i've a draft of ffa-powered verifier for legacy gpg sigs (presently, only detached sigs, as used in vtrons) but also needs moar massage before posting ( and in particular, human-readable explanation of how sawed apart the format, the published docs were of ~0 help, had to vivisect the koch turd)