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(pest) asciilifeform: ( and various other, fella's still inbiz evidently )
(trilema) phf: maybe, but only as "presented as found". froydnj said in a few places, that he doesn't think ironclad is there yet as far as being used for production crypto. and we had a thread (with ben_vulpes) where we discovered that sha512 (!!!) had a bug
(trilema) phf: hah, recent pull requests to ironclad is from this guy (i.e., who has a bunch of peercoin related projects like
(trilema) phf: adlai: "veh" doesn't use diff or ironclad, calls out to external utilities instead. fwiw froyd explicitly disclaimers ironclad use in production anyway..
(trilema) assbot: froydnj/diff ยท GitHub ... ( )
(trilema) adlai finds it asset-backwards to jump headfirst into before auditing (and ironclad, but that's a little outside my pay grade)