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(asciilifeform) dulapbot: (trilema) 2018-05-08 pete_dushenski: just finished reading "NYT #1" (aren't they all) book by yuval harari - homo deus - in which this ~historian~ goes on and on about ai taking ur jerbs, magick biotech pills that will turn us into supermen, and other technodystopianist nonsense. had dude shut up after first 2/3rds of the book and stuck with the history of human technological progress
(asciilifeform) crtdaydreams: not much talk on him, just interesting he's popped up out of nowhere as new WEF goon
(asciilifeform) crtdaydreams: only found because searching for "Yuval/Yuvel" in logs
(trilema) pete_dushenski: just finished reading "NYT #1" (aren't they all) book by yuval harari - homo deus - in which this ~historian~ goes on and on about ai taking ur jerbs, magick biotech pills that will turn us into supermen, and other technodystopianist nonsense. had dude shut up after first 2/3rds of the book and stuck with the history of human technological progress
(trilema) pete_dushenski: of course, it would be given that russ roberts and yuval levin are both jooz.
(trilema) pete_dushenski: << not a bad episode for the armchair anthropologist log reader. the girl and i took away different key messages (her : pure individualism leads to ruin, i : pure mega-statalism leads to ruin), but it was full of reasonably well-articulated arguments from inside the american echo chamber
(trilema) adlai vaped on a high chair while yuval cohen did the jazz thing, !rate him 10/10 would listen again