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asciilifeform: 'bring whatever calculator, bring supercomputer if you like'
asciilifeform: the plagiarist can make a block with higher PoW than the victim, ~every time, since he isn't handicapped by having to compute L(Z)
asciilifeform: oooh gotta revisit upstack, briefly, << ~this~ in particular cannot be done as written. else, the first relayer of a freshly mined block could simply steal the work that went into determining luby(Z) and get massive head start on making his own block, which he then relays instead of the plagiarized.
asciilifeform: one simple way to do this, is to dispense with amounts (as discussed in at least 2 old threads)
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: btw 'no payers, only payments' is probably impossible with public balances existing in any sense.
asciilifeform: well yes, this'd be implicit in ring sig.
asciilifeform: ( asciilifeform also has pretty strong bias against mechanically-complicated crypto. )
asciilifeform: dunno re mircea_popescu's planet, on mine, semiconductors sorta stopped, in 2009-ish, and aren't threatening to develop mega-improvement
asciilifeform: there's computables and there's computables-and-doables. unfortunately distinct sets in practice.
asciilifeform: i.e. no known algo for constructing a known problem--solution pair, using rng, of ~known~ average complexity.
asciilifeform: i walked compendia of known np-hard/np-complete problems, and found that all of them had same hole
asciilifeform: rsa doesn't pretend to a known complexity class tho.
asciilifeform: i actually worked with this notion last year, when investigating nonretarded (i.e. of provable complexity) block ciphering. and came to same realization that mircea_popescu is probably about to come to
asciilifeform: (or unless you want to make blocks ~very~ compact)
asciilifeform: for folx tuned in : it also makes the cask thing possible, but the latter is wholly separate, optional algo, it is possible to use traditional mempools with this scheme
asciilifeform: ( Z from here-on in this gedankenexperiment is simply a value that determines which 3 -- if arity==3 -- old tx's get xor'd )
asciilifeform: what is the complexity of actually fetching the Nth tx , if you can also make use of the T(...)xorT(...)xorT(...) in every block.
asciilifeform: (either this, or simply replace 'nonce' in the equation, with a Z, that is equal to a hash over the ~transactions in the candidate block~, considerably more painful to waltz than the nonce )
asciilifeform: what remains is to compute the minimal arity for the attack to be impractical. and prove said fact.
asciilifeform: in above example, the 'arity' of the xor is 3. and mircea_popescu will probably answer, when he comes back , that evil miner will waltz the nonce until the 3 necessary tx are the ones that fit in his pocket. but arity doesn't have to be 3.
asciilifeform: there is no way to practically compute this value without having a copy of the blockchain. and it also ends up being luby-transformable into any one of the 3 old tx if you have the other 2. a kind of perpetual redundancy in the storage .
asciilifeform: say every new block , to be valid, must contain a tx-sized slot (not covered by the nonce hash, but see below) that is computed as follows:
asciilifeform: in yet-other western tech, << 'A mid-2016 security incident led to Apple purging its data centers of servers built by Supermicro, including returning recently purchased systems... ... A source familiar with the case at Apple told Ars that the compromised firmware affected servers in Apple's design lab, and not active Siri servers. The firmware, according to the source, was downloaded directly from Supermicro's
asciilifeform: not simply similar, but ~same~
asciilifeform: turns out there are worse things than impotently verbose brezhnev, whod'vethunkit
asciilifeform: 'Trump Appears to Suggest Bomb Threats Against Jews Are False Flags' OHNOEZX!!!
asciilifeform: so, for concrete example, a verifier that runs in O(1), is 'ideal', it is definitionally impossible to beat O(1).
asciilifeform: you can't simply 'administratively' declare a tree to be a chain. gotta specify a linearization that works on ~all~ possible states of the tree.
asciilifeform: take the example of a fresh forked-end . which prong is 'outside' ?
asciilifeform: in re mr.t lulz, 'Trump will continue his losing streak if he keeps Bannon at his side, WSJ says in blistering editorial. Hits against President Donald Trump's senior counselor Steve Bannon are circulating Tuesday morning, with “Morning Joe” host Joe Scarborough saying it's “hard to find a more villainous historical figure this side of Stalin or Hitler.'
asciilifeform: 'Some foreigners do forex. Hackernews is not impressed with this ancient idea. They could have done it better, but they're not going to bother trying.'
asciilifeform: 'Some moron "optimizes" a feature of a text editor that is written in javascript and requires hundreds of megabytes of memory to open an empty file. Hackernews recommends you switch to this editor, or away from this editor, or anything, just switch. Whatever you're doing isn't what they're doing: fix it. In accordance with Federal law, one Hackernews implemented the feature in question in Rust.'
asciilifeform: ( for utter pedantic completeness, i will also link back to one other solution to fragging: 'gravitation' : thread )
asciilifeform: thing is, there is no good reason to assign the cake that a tech improvement yields, to the stinking poor.
asciilifeform: to wind it up, the casks algo is asciilifeform's attempt at the 'high vacuum pump' from earlier -- to get the max possible removal of something-to-allcomers element , to the extent possible without running an entirely closed wotronic system (and consequently turning into visa or swift)
asciilifeform: i have 0 fondness for the mempool, it is 99% rubbish, and uniquely retarded means of accomplishing what it was meant to accomplish
asciilifeform: mempool is braindamaged by virtue of being an 'allcomers' pissoire
asciilifeform: recall, this is not a decorative item, it gives very real bang-for-the-buck -- for instance, the complete abolition of the idiocy known as mempool
asciilifeform: can show that it is simply part of the existing unsolvable heat death problem.
asciilifeform: complexity heat death.
asciilifeform: the fixed-width-tx is a provable component of any long-term-sane trb-i. regardless of what other parts are included or excluded. without it, you get rapid rot.
asciilifeform: well now that casks can be floated empty, this is practical.
asciilifeform: << the 'rotten fill' thing was simply a restatement of 'a tx is not a tx unless it is valid, and a block is not a valid block unless it consists wholly of valid tx.' cribbed straight from classical bitcoin. phrasing was, evidently, confusing.
asciilifeform: why impossible ?
asciilifeform: here is how it'd work, roughly. a miner generates rsa-signed messages , occasionally, let's call'em 'empty casks'. a cask consists of a declaration, 'i'll include a tx within N blocks, i promise, for Q btc/kByte; and oh, here's a nonce.' the casks are distributed to the next level of nodes away from the miner ;
asciilifeform: it is -ev to have any (aside from 'loyalty points' chumps and similar)
asciilifeform: yet sane airline does not pack empty chairs with free riders.
asciilifeform: it is possible that the planets simply aligned for me, the gods smiled, every single time.
asciilifeform: the way i see the empty blocks, and mass of 0fee tx, is that it resembles the old days of petro drilling , when natural gas was flared off
asciilifeform: trinque: this is doable right now, you can comment out the mempool in trb...
asciilifeform: ( lelzies, 454955, 455025 , empty bloxx, just today )
asciilifeform: i.e. what does the vectorization actually accomplish ?
asciilifeform: (and, more importantly, how does a system having coins taking the form (a,b), rather than scalar (c), not reduce to same (c) == a*b ? )
asciilifeform: but in fact if this becomes common -- and you can think of the spamola attacks of last 2 yrs as in fact attempts to MAKE it happen -- propagation will stall.
asciilifeform: trinque: any node that wants to , is in fact welcome to drop the mempool on the floor
asciilifeform: atm mempool works as a 'meat market' where the eligible chixx stand around, waiting, hoping for a serious mircea_popescu to show up and take'em home
asciilifeform: if you let ANYONE, under ANY circumstances, appropriate some of the value of a tx without the consent of its original author, you create a sybil-feeder, where the last hop (i.e. the miner) can simply eat 100% by simulating the passage of the tx through 1,000,001 hops of fictional nodes.
asciilifeform: also if 'a block has many fathers', as in contemplated scheme, this re-introduces the possibility of pool. which imho is a Bad Thing.
asciilifeform: ( the above ^ now that i think about it, could be simplified to mircea_popescu's earlier 'node accepts if you put an output to his addr in your tx' )
asciilifeform: (it has to be ~protocolic~, that is, something that the next-pass relay, or miner, could not simply strip out)
asciilifeform: which is not connected to mempool in the usual sense (why would, e.g., antpool, want to tell other pools your tx)
asciilifeform: at this point it is not a mega-seekrit, that mempool only barely worx.
asciilifeform: the other problem is that 'tx is paid for all nodes for a million blocks, while creator pays once and miner rakes in the cake' is not a substantial improvement over the current case
asciilifeform: danielpbarron: i can't speak for others, but i'd have 0 interest in a bitcoin where you can cause someone's coin to evaporate by disrupting his net connectivity for a decade or two (e.g., by imprisoning)
asciilifeform: mempool spam is ~uninteresting in the long term, wotronic solution solves it
asciilifeform: this solves mempool spam but not the basic problem where a tx sitting in a block is an infinite, recurring cost, while the cost of creating it is finite and one-time.
asciilifeform: 'George W. Bush on Trump's Ties to Russia: 'We All Need Answers''
asciilifeform: so it isn't simply a matter of 'make a ramdisk', no.
asciilifeform: jurov: the most sane variant of your proposal i can think of would be to run the entire tx index in memory. this is just barely practical on dulap, a massive box. and would mean multi-hour regeneration of the index on warmup. but is at least theoretically an improvement, in that it does not threaten to randomly lose bits.
asciilifeform: if mining were not an intrinsically heathen activity, 'closed network' would solve the 'allcomers' problem. but as i currently understand, it'd simply ~move~ it.
asciilifeform: my house is a poor example, i suspect that squirrels could tip it.
asciilifeform: the unfortunate bit that i keep coming back to in my head, is that + add up to a fundamental boojum, that is not a matter of simply 'make a faster db, buy a faster disk'
asciilifeform: general-purpose fs is likely to be extremely wasteful of space, because it carries the assumption of rewritability
asciilifeform: the 'type 2' (non-verification) blackhole goes right back to the fundamental question of 'something to all comers', how much disk thrashing does a derp get to invoke simply by coming up with a not-yet-banned ip and a pseudonode.
asciilifeform: instead we see what appears to be a node simply pecked to death by queued-up getdata-for-block flood
asciilifeform: in very other lulz, ( ) << 'Bruce Schneier has recently published an impassioned plea for a United States Federal Internet Security Agency, which would likely gain control of civilian cryptography, among many other munitions.'
asciilifeform: ^ ... hardcoded check for the published example !!
asciilifeform: 'Thursday's watershed attack on the widely used SHA1 hashing function has claimed its first casualty: the version control system used by the WebKit browser engine, which became completely corrupted after someone uploaded two proof-of-concept PDF files that have identical message digests.'
asciilifeform: 'Rules to receive the up-to-$10,000 award from Project Veritas - Project Veritas only offers awards for valuable video or other media types which was legally obtained. It is important for the submitter to follow all local, state and federal laws while obtaining video or other media for submission.' << snoar
asciilifeform: proper implement. eats file on stdin, hash out.
asciilifeform: might help if somebody did the chore, implemented mp's algo
asciilifeform: when miner makes empty block, he imposes a cost of cou and disk on every current and future user of the coin
asciilifeform: trinque: consider the base case : empty block
asciilifeform: and pay ~those on whom the cost is imposed~, rather than miner - an unrelated third party
asciilifeform: generating and broadcasting a tx imposes a cost on all users, for all time
asciilifeform: btw i suspect that 'tx must include a micro libation to the gods' -- i.e. a leak -- is a necessary component of 'hard vacuum', 0socialism trbi as discussed earlier
asciilifeform: i like lamport's
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: aha, it was 'junkyard wars', plain and simple
asciilifeform: ( it is worth ~attempting~, but i know of 0 attempts founded on anything . )
asciilifeform: work out the example where the d00d with the rum, fails in his duty
asciilifeform: the movement can be farmed out to the specialist ( described in the last example )
asciilifeform: btw i know of 1 simple way to make 'blinded input'
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: that's what the 'trusted computing' / 'fritz chip' / etc. thing was about. and that it was about this, was obvious in 1995.
asciilifeform: ( if huckster can sell piss-cum-ink to chumps as 'elixir of immortality' -- is this a bug in piss? or in ink ? that he can do this )
asciilifeform: the fact of todd's trick being a thing, does not impose, afaik, any costs on legit users of bitcoin
asciilifeform: idiots will always be able to smear shit on surfaces. the important thing is that the surface not be shit-permeable.
asciilifeform: wasn't that ^ thing simply an instance of 'i'ma put some coin on the floor for a miner to take' ?
asciilifeform: (see mircea_popescu's earlier point re imposing cooperation on castles)
asciilifeform: in that nodes are required to contemplate it again, and again, potentially forever
asciilifeform: mod6 implemented my original format 100%
asciilifeform: so no implicit modification of states.
asciilifeform: now let's work same example in hypothetical 'needs want-block'. there you would simply have to sign 2 tx, with same payload other than 'want-block', neh ?
asciilifeform: doesn't that make setting up the temperature pump harder, rather than easier ?
asciilifeform: locking problems (gotta add tx to index, in current trb, as aggregate -- but the only way to do that is to stop the world! like complete idiot -- every time there is a new block, to prevent situation where there is a partially indexed block available to incoming mempool tx verifier) disappear.
asciilifeform: ( but as i described, you can make it protocolically impossible, by demanding parent's hash )
asciilifeform: likewise you can reject, in O(1), any tx input which attempts to make use of a future ( > current-height ) block.
asciilifeform: (reject, that is, from mempool candidacy)
asciilifeform: and mempool contents would have natural lifespans, as they presently do not.
asciilifeform: ('value at birth' naturally implies 'encompassed by the signature')
asciilifeform: (alternatively, could require that a tx include a 'i want to live in block N' value at birth! and if it doesn't get into N, it is invalid for all time. but this would have serious engineering tradeoff, 'canned' txen as discussed in old mircea_popescu article would be impossible.)
asciilifeform: a method of bitcoinating where you can actually get ~100% of the socialism out (as contemplated in, e.g., the gossip threads) would, i suspect, be a similar jump.
asciilifeform: there were not so many tech leaps comparable to hard vacuum (which makes possible everything from triode -- ergo, tuned radio, cathode tube, geiger, electron microscopy, 1,000,001 everyday items )
asciilifeform: (e.g., edison, was very frustrated, because it is physically impossible to get ~hard~ vacuum using , e.g., torricelli's methods, but he did not know this )
asciilifeform: bitcoin reminds me of... early attempts to pump hard vacuum.
asciilifeform: (you can get multiported memory, no questions asked, even now. but not, for some odd reason, packaged into any device you can use with a comp...)
asciilifeform: 'stay up' is not same as 'all requests complete' neh
asciilifeform: (even phuctor has a simple cache)
asciilifeform: point being that you can simply switch off reading for the few msec every day that you are actually writing, without causing headache
asciilifeform: after running this for a spell, simply:
asciilifeform: (rather than the example i gave today, with merely dumping writes over 1s)
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: here's typical example: block 454521 on dulap : AddToBlockIndex: ~90 sec: << 99.98% of this interval
asciilifeform: 118979 (yes) connection attempts of this nonsense in 84GB (yes) of dulap log.
asciilifeform: somebody's pissing crafted garbage into mempool, and buncha idiots happily relay it...
asciilifeform: complicated. pediwikia lies, paralysis of breath is not the only problem.
asciilifeform: it was made for 'g', the ssh thing is temporary.
asciilifeform: iirc mpb also had something equiv. to 'wire'.
asciilifeform: the emperor is the earliest, known to me, inventor of 'specificity of diddling' lemma. see logs, very informative.
asciilifeform: veen: let's try a historical angle. according to legend, emperor qin shi huangdi (same d00d as known for taking the 'immortality pill' and promptly croaking) had a palace with 1,500 rooms. and would not tell anyone in advance which one he plans to sleep in on a given night. and which ones he would put cutthroats in, ready to kill anyone who opens door. think 'minesweeper.'
asciilifeform: veen: it isn't that it is a catastrophically bad idea, compared to what is currently on your box -- rather, it is an example of something you do not want to cement in long-term use
asciilifeform: iirc argument was ' i dun wanna recompile gpg '
asciilifeform: (there is a red alarm lamp on the pcb to alert in case of analogue rng failure, but it is theoretically possible for the circuit to break outside of FUCKGOATS proper)
asciilifeform: you also MUST have some means for not attempting to cryptoate if the device for whatever reason is not functioning.
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: it is more than simply 'reduce', but yes
asciilifeform: should not have been a surprise, to anyone. like the old example of derelict bridge falling down. 'not an if, but a when'
asciilifeform: it is not particularly difficult for tmsr folk to avoid situation where this boojum matters. however it is quite ~impossible~ for heathens to avoid.
asciilifeform: it was a toy, and even explicitly warned 'you must mine the block yourself, or miner can simply take the prize'
asciilifeform: th another 160-bit hash, such as RIPE-MD/160, for example.)'
asciilifeform: in other vintage lulz, 'Note also that unlike nearly every other OpenPGP subsystem, there are no parameters in the MDC system. It hard-defines SHA-1 as its hash function. This is not an accident. It is an intentional choice to avoid downgrade and cross-grade attacks while making a simple, fast system. (A downgrade attack would be an attack that replaced SHA-256 with SHA-1, for example. A cross-grade attack would replace SHA-1 wi
asciilifeform: 'don't play chump games unless you stacked the deck yourself. and even then, reconsider.'
asciilifeform: and with temper tantrums at wife in lolmart, etc.
asciilifeform: 'William H. McRaven, a retired four-star admiral and former Navy SEAL, defended journalists this week, calling President Trump’s denunciation of the media as “the enemy of the American people” the “greatest threat to democracy” he’s seen in his lifetime.'
asciilifeform: 'One of the first speeches at this year’s Conservative Political Action Conference challenged the media to stop referring to the “alt-right,” a small, far-right movement that seeks a whites-only state and that strongly backed Donald Trump for president, as conservative. “There is a sinister organization that is trying to warp its way into our ranks,” said Dan Schneider, the executive director of the American Conservative Un
asciilifeform: !~later tell mircea_popescu in re: , interestingly zoolag -- despite being an x86 comp the size of a tea saucer, and weighing ~400 gram -- has roughly 3x faster block verification (of given block) than dulap ! -- on account of ssd.
asciilifeform: oh i neglected to revise the readme: 'they don't ever voluntarily get disconnected' is not strictly true!!!! wires are now permitted to disconnect (in catastrophic situations, e.g. flood) but will attempt to reconnect after the set interval, ad infinitum.
asciilifeform: trinque: two main things to test, afaik: 1) reconnects (let it connect, then temporarily ban ip in iptables on the other side; see how long it takes to reconnect) and 2 ) bidirectional wires, two nodes 'wired to' one another, same, in each direction.
asciilifeform: ( if you recall , that was when we had a trb node, offline, eat the complete chain to date from disk, with timer and valgrind going )
asciilifeform: btw do the prb folk have parallelized block verify yet? or do they simply eat whatever garbage.
asciilifeform: quite implicit, the marriage was certainly not executed here.
asciilifeform: hot, then, fusion, for this example. but sure.
asciilifeform: << in other lulz. Ur-fearing bitcoin, old lizard starts push of chumps into ye olde paperizable gold.
asciilifeform: !~later tell ben_vulpes the alert messages said 'URGENT: Alert key compromised, upgrade required.' iirc this was part of prb's scheduled retirement of the alert crapola.
asciilifeform: there is a dark heathen world of proprietary ada compilers, mostly for winblowz, but they are so rare, you will find them on no warez, anywhere.
asciilifeform: (same problem as gcc, but difference is, gcc will -- theoretically -- build on certain other compilers, though i have nfi when anyone last attempted this. but there are not and never were any open alternatives to gnat.)
asciilifeform: for completeness i will also point out that adacore's tarball will, with some handholding, build.
asciilifeform: the set of folx who can pump arbitrary crapola into it, is likely in the 100s, or 1000s
asciilifeform: 1. 'blackhole.' 2. tcpdump on two blackholed trb nodes. multitude of peers emitting 'ping, ping, ping...' and soaking up sockets. 3. hypothesis: killing socket hoggers will dissolve blackhole. 4. 'socket-hogging prb is responsible for blackhole condition'
asciilifeform: to briefly revisit upstack: in case this was unclear to anyone: goodbye-pingers ~breaks connectivity with stock trb~ and ought to be considered experimental/dangerous . it is not yet clear to me that the pill is an improvement over the disease.
asciilifeform: swamp probably better example
asciilifeform: eh i i had 22, or 222, i'd simply have a different reason (tx propagation fail) to be ragin
asciilifeform: in other lulz, << google spider . now attempts to connect to trb nodez.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: in, e.g., erdogan's place, if you 'had won, and Still In Power, and They Will Never Leave Jail', would you secretly stow the defeated in some jail ? or impale on public square, where everyone can see'em ? why not the latter ?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: well noshit, they did it once, how many times does what other company create product category from thin air, in which literally every other vendor remains trabant imitator
asciilifeform: but meanwhile in the monkey cages, >> '“Climate change is not a controversy,” read one sign at yesterday’s “Rally to Stand Up for Science,” which drew hundreds to the historic downtown plaza. ... "We're really trying to send a message today to Mr. Trump that America runs on science, science is the backbone of our prosperity and progress," said Geoffrey Supran, a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard Univer
asciilifeform: meanwhile in lulzistan, >> '...Apple recently acquired Realface, an up-and-coming Israeli startup with impressive real-time facial recognition software ... Lending credence to rumors that the iPhone 8 may forgo the use of Touch ID in favor of facial recognition, Realface’s software is said to be sophisticated enough... ' << for schmucks who thought 'eh i'll use crapple, with this here plastic camera condom'
asciilifeform: consider how on winblowz the proposition of 'separate out the network code' is not even practical to contemplate.
asciilifeform: there is literally no mechanism for this, nor is it a simple retrofit.
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: a node that is not responding to rpc is nearly always simply catching up on massive backlog of blox
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: nope. it simply hasn't heard a block in ~2 hrs.
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: best documented example is the japanese subway
asciilifeform: or, what portion of mempool actually makes it into blocks
asciilifeform: to revisit upstack, i set up tcpdump on blackholed dulap and recorded
asciilifeform: whatthehell is 'prbnet' if not the swamp of prb nodes.
asciilifeform: could simply add anybody who emits a 'ping' to banlist.
asciilifeform: btw mircea_popescu's old node declared 60000 compatibility. so it probably gets same treatment from prb peers
asciilifeform: massive brutalist box in formerly empty space near washington monument
asciilifeform: meanwhile, front page of today's beobachter was 'trump mentioned terrorism in sweden, swedes have no idea what he was on about' -- while cars burn in stockholm
asciilifeform: << in other lulz, 'Search engine companies Google and Bing have signed up to a voluntary code of practice aimed at preventing users from visiting' 1337 w4r3z.
asciilifeform: ada proggy, speaks the protocol as defined by trb; but does not attempt to verify blocks, instead uses its 'horse' (trb node it rides) as an oracle
asciilifeform: for now it'd be useful to simply be able to ask a proper node to search mempool and recent blocks
asciilifeform reports a successful replication of mod6's recipe , 'offline' variant, using his vtron etc. took exactly 40 minutes from the instance of making an empty dir to do it in, to having <5MB finished binary in my hands.
asciilifeform: the example with the horse.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i've been contemplating the correct way to make pseudonodes. way i see it is, it should still maintain a cache of recent blocks, and have a backhaul to mothership controlled by owner to request signed block checksums, and whole blocks if cache does not find; rather than accepting crapolade from randos
asciilifeform: way it oughta work is, say, 'findtx <tx>' and we get, e.g., '<tx> is nth in block B', or <tx> is in mempool', or '<tx> not seen', in all but the last case followed by hexdump
asciilifeform: actually if i did it every day, would have titanic hands and 0 complaints
asciilifeform: 'The Green Angels, she tells me, are selling a fantasy of an attractive, well-educated, presentable young woman who wants to get you high—a slightly more risqué Avon lady. Not all of the Angels are working models, but they are all young and attractive. In eight years, they have never been busted by the cops. The explanation is simple: Good-looking girls don’t get searched.'
asciilifeform laboured under the possibly naive impression that x11 was 'in stone' for eons
asciilifeform: we had a thread, where mircea_popescu suggested inserting in massive batches. i will eventually implement this. but i find it offputting that EVEN THEN the IDIOTIC db will prevent me from reading !!!
asciilifeform: because the Framedragger data set is pumped in 24/7.
asciilifeform: even mentions an oil lamp attempt.
asciilifeform: 'We estimate the attacker has created about 370,000 Zcoins which has been almost completely sold except for about 20,000+ Zcoin and absorbed on the market with a profit of around 410 BTC. In other words, the damage has already been mostly absorbed by the markets.'
asciilifeform: i am not a champion marksman, nor mega-hunter. but i do picture that duck hunt would be somewhat more difficult if you had to shoot a ~specific~ duck, rather than one from a flock; and if ducks knew how to shoot back, and call for backup..
asciilifeform: mojaheds in afghan for some reason preferred to use things other than buckshot. but is interesting to contemplate theoretically - given dispersion, how many shotgun rounds would you have to fire, from, say, 500 metres, to hit rotor.
asciilifeform: ordinary combustion, for instance. picture something like oil lamp inside clear vessel (closed air supply), very small flame.
asciilifeform: (for stable temperature, naturally the ampoule is stowed up boatswain's arse)
asciilifeform: (in sealed ampoule, naturally)
asciilifeform: ite House and executives with the president’s company, the Trump Organization, out of concern that an American policy shift toward Russia could endanger its sovereignty, according to a third person with direct ties to that nation’s government.' (from lulzweek)
asciilifeform: 'As part of intelligence operations being conducted against the United States for the last seven months, at least one Western European ally intercepted a series of communications before the inauguration between advisers associated with President Donald Trump and Russian government officials, according to people with direct knowledge of the situation. ... Moreover, a Baltic nation is gathering intelligence on officials in the Trump Wh
asciilifeform: or is it simply fermi estimate.
asciilifeform: '... Marbley has held Thompson in contempt of court since December 2015 for violating terms of a plea deal by refusing to respond to questions about the coins' locations.'
asciilifeform: btw i'm not certain if the old films are being burned for commercial reasons, or very specific cultural cleansing: you can see the faces of now-extinct types of civilization-builders, their works, in old film, in a way that is not so accessible (at least to the simple folx) from viewing static photo
asciilifeform: they are being deliberately rotted, to delete competition for modern shitfilm
asciilifeform: as for the 7gb films, they are not entirely an abuse, 650MB warez gives compression artifacts the size of a palm when watched on projector screen. the fact that nobody's made a film worth watching in ages, is separate issue.
asciilifeform: these were ~nonexistent on warez, and i never had the machine. so it was complete mystery.
asciilifeform: 'shovelware bin' in comp shop.
asciilifeform: (at one point u.s. mint ~did~ have a service where you could order dollar coins via the post, paying with cc. it led to a mass chumping of cc banks that offered 'x% back!', until the hole was plugged.)
asciilifeform: because -- elementarily -- the original components are no longer available.
asciilifeform: nfi. but i was under impression that folx expected to piss back, do not get pissed on in this way.
asciilifeform: i dun see a massive diff b/w trying to use chicken as fuckhole and as 'companion'
asciilifeform is simple man.
asciilifeform: in other lelz, >> 'U.S. intelligence officials have withheld sensitive intelligence from President Donald Trump because they are concerned it could be leaked or compromised, according to current and former officials familiar with the matter.'
asciilifeform: incidentally i realized that, sadly, trb will need a (simple) patch in order to link via 'g'. from simple fact that, by default, it does not like to connect to
asciilifeform: in other lulz, >> 'These games do not aim to make players feel successful and powerful as conventional video games do, and instead challenge people to look at the world in a different way. Creators of the games said they were more interested in showing the complicated lives of the people and places the world has left behind...'
asciilifeform finds the ceremonial, null-summing back-and-forth components of usg political circus a mega-snore
asciilifeform: '“A really surprising thing about that letter is that the Uzbek civil society would rather the money go back to the treasury of any government, than go back to their own government,” Campbell said.'
asciilifeform: maybe i simply hate voodoo ciphers.
asciilifeform: possible improvements.'
asciilifeform: '1. Install Docker. 2. Download the docker-compose.yml file to launch the ATSD Collector container bundle.' << lel
asciilifeform: '"President Trump has made it very clear that he expects the Russian government to de-escalate violence in the Ukraine and return Crimea," Spicer said at the daily news briefing on Tuesday. “At the same time, he fully expects to – and wants to – get along with Russia."'
asciilifeform: in other lulz, 'US President Donald Trump has been tough on Russia and expects Moscow to “return” the Crimea peninsula to Ukraine, the White House spokesman told reporters.'
asciilifeform: living in the swamp -- i can easily picture this
asciilifeform: or mircea_popescu simply goes in for the taste
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: this is demonstrably impossible in the general case (unless you count html turd with img tags and pages as bitmaps as 'well-formatted')
asciilifeform: meanwhile, in monkeystan, >> 'Francis Rawls, a former Philadelphia police sergeant, has been in the Philadelphia Federal Detention Center for more than 16 months. His crime: the fired police officer has been found in contempt of court for refusing a judge's order to unlock two hard drives the authorities believe contain child pornography. Theoretically, Rawls can remain jailed indefinitely until he complies.'
asciilifeform: now i dun have an intel agency, or even dirigible, but i did read mr.t's campaign brochure and 'surrender to bitcoin' wasn't in there.
asciilifeform: china is 'black box' -- i for instance have genuinely nfi whether they nixed their equiv. of 'elbrus', or merely hid it. (and i know of nobody showing any symptom of publicly having half a clue re subj)
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: pygmystans where foreign devils set up conveyors, made of imported devilstuff, for pygmy to slave at, are not 'industrial base'
asciilifeform: 'Just as major tech companies have accepted they have a social responsibility to combat piracy online and the illegal sharing of content, they also need to help address the spreading of fake news on social media platforms.' << didjaalsoknow.
asciilifeform: in other 'neinneinneinneinnein!'s, >> 'Fake news is “killing people’s minds” according to Apple boss Tim Cook, who is urging the Government to launch a public information campaign to counteract the problem. Mr Cook called for a an awareness campaign similar to those which alerted people to health epidemics such as AIDS in the 1980s and environmental issues including the ozone layer in the 1990s.'
asciilifeform: but meanwhile, elsewhere in vast monkeystan, >> 'The indictment against Tverdokhlebov is based entirely on the years-old chats, with no hard information about specific thefts, suggesting that the feds are using it as a wedge to try and pry more evidence from Tverdokhlebov’s arrest and the search of his computers. Over government objections, a magistrate judge set Tverdokhlebov’s bail at $100,000 last week
asciilifeform: << one of the few actual competitors of gcc (started life as sgi's compiler, published openly, retargeted to x64) VANISHED
asciilifeform: srsly forfuckssake if routine cannot be JMP'd into, i want it GONE FROM THE MOTHERFUCKING BINARY
asciilifeform: but pointing out that the 'camel's nose' already long ago entered on any box where running, e.g., 'steam', is contemplated.
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: temper the excitement, it's a parachute, not a plane
asciilifeform: Hasta Siempre, Comandante !
asciilifeform: '¿Qué es El Laboratorio C? El Laboratorio de Electrónica "C" es una dependencia adscrita a la Unidad de Laboratorios de la Universidad Simón Bolívar, cuya función principal es la de prestar colaboración y servicio para la realización de trabajos experimentales de docencia, investigación y desarrollo, tesis de grado y el mantenimiento de equipos, en el campo de la electrónica, telecomunicaciones, control e informática.'
asciilifeform: << you get ~all of this for free JUST BY DUMPING TCP
asciilifeform: ( who conveniently used a spampay and now conveniently trackable )
asciilifeform: i gotta wonder, what prompted this line of thought
asciilifeform: they simply went to it, like 19th c irish emigre to the bottle and the railroad.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: 'apps' ain't 'the empire' tho, they're panem et circenses
asciilifeform: ( and, unsurprisingly, lives and dies by linux's attempt at userland process separation )
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: just when you thought this can't get any lulzier: '...resource exhaustion issues which can be triggered only with crafted patterns (either during compilation or execution) are not treated as security bugs.' ( )
asciilifeform: 'We found a few extended regex expressions in GNU libc that will crash or abort the execution of regcomp or regexec. For instance: \a?{1,32767} will immediately exhaust the stack calling calc_eclosure_iter in the compilation. A small variation of this regex is: \a?{0,32767} will consume a very large amount of memory: it seems to eat 16GB in less than a minute. It is also possible to exhaust the stack memory trying to parse...'
asciilifeform: 'Another unsuccessful rocket torpedo inventor was Patrick Cunningham, an Irish immigrant who earned his living as a shoe maker and repairer in New Bedford, Massachusetts. Samples were tested for several years at NTS but the short range and wholly unpredictable trajectory destined this weapon for the scrap heap. However, in one last fling of exuberance, Cunningham fired his torpedo down the main street of his home town; it roared along
