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asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: so hypothesis then is that it was ablative coating on rocket of actual trumpfoundation?
asciilifeform: 'we dare you to do something about this so can impeach'
asciilifeform: seen from asciilifeform's lens, episode is part of the larger 'kick dog till it bites, then shoot it' campaign of pantsuit
asciilifeform just this morning finished the 'space' proof of 14b, also grappled with 'meaning imposed by unsaid'
asciilifeform: ere often special highly singular cases which later turned out to be central to understanding a situation). He used to talk about posing "critical doubts". He had his own standards and was happy to reexamine a "proof" and make it more nearly complete. Unfortunately Severi, the last in the line, a fascist with a dictatorial temperament, really killed the whole school because, although he started off with brilliant and correct discove
asciilifeform: 'cyber threats' is, a la prb, smoke grenade to obscure the actual ur-'cyberthreat' to reich, i.e. comp stack sans usg
asciilifeform: 'strategy' inherited from brit empire.
asciilifeform: phf srsly what gives ? wai not just post the uncensored dump. dks certainly aint coming to moscow to shit in your air conditioner.
asciilifeform: the empty seats inscribed 'spare' also interesting, and reminiscent of ye olde ibm pc with 'hey, some drams rotten, we'll sit new ones on top'
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: this particular item is stamped '91. ver. 1 came out in '86.
asciilifeform: ( and yes got bottom side pic and close-ups etc. there are no components on side2, only trax )
asciilifeform: when i get around to pumping'em out of the cam, will post
asciilifeform: btw, FZ_Measure only happens 1nce during a modexp, and is around 0.01% of the cpu cost. but i'd still like to have the simplest mechanism.
asciilifeform: they set'em going as soon as sailed and went out of range of euro lymphocytes
asciilifeform: a++ effective, time-tested chumpatron in 'new world'
asciilifeform: ( the jesuits baked. and it's a riot. when jp was pried open in 19th c, the euros found some 'christians', promptly barfed -- the cleanup job shogunate did wasn't quite 100%.)
asciilifeform: phf: and yes i'ma post 25mpixel shots of top, bottlm, ditto for daughterboard, and full chip id with links to datashits
asciilifeform: ( and also didn't pompously 'lisp engineer' title blog... )
asciilifeform: trinque: 'lisp engineer' (picture) is simply the most publicly-egregious example i know of . prolly there are others, similar, but with fewer lolcatpics
asciilifeform: for comparison, is identical to the document i got from dks in '07. quotes 3.2k for the exact box i uncrated today.
asciilifeform: phf: came as complete kit
asciilifeform: thing also came complete with a bolix-encharactered 1980s crapple kbd.
asciilifeform: sorta how i've met runners, even competition-grade ones, but they did not run all day, erry day, to kitchen, to toilet, etc
asciilifeform: rright, mostly yarns by folx who pre-dated microcomp.
asciilifeform: in order to suffer from it, afaik it is necessary to have never worked at any length with actual comp.
asciilifeform: the item can then be used as fairly compact instrument to probe behaviour of the chip vs. the old emulators.
asciilifeform: ( didn't exist ~5y ago when i last contemplated doing all of this )
asciilifeform: ( i aint gonna stick to the period srams/drams, cuz that'd be simply dumb , each really belongs as 1 chip )
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: believe or not, bolix aint even the least-gettable old/interesting comp
asciilifeform: ( and not necessarily the 1 implied by commenter.. )
asciilifeform: ( can laff if you like, at the d00d, but he ~does~ apparently have a blog. and it's even 1 that aint in 'lamp stack' , and i envy the pg load latencies.. )
asciilifeform: els and VMM’s still have code injections and leaks the 1990’s versions prevented. Recent example being cache-based, side channels originally reported in 1992 in VAX VMM using analysis method from 1991.' )
asciilifeform: meanwhile, for pro entomologists only, ( e.g. 'Some like SNS Server have no reported breaches over almost 30 years. Companies wouldn’t buy them. FOSS folks don’t build them. To this day and uniquely to this sub-field, most folks well-known in security act like none of that work ever happened, ignore those methods that got results, and slowly reinvent them or knockoffs of them with less results. Their kern
asciilifeform: why wouldja have an empty queue (unless no traffic) ..?
asciilifeform: ( item can be made as mircea_popescu described, either from 2 fifos or 1 priorityqueue. but the latter is actually much moar complicated, in re moving parts, than the former )
asciilifeform: so server cannot be 'swamped'
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i thought your orig queue was specifically re clog (impedance mismatch) in the unix ip stack
asciilifeform: it dun make sense, in that light, 'clog' -- all that happens if waiting on nic, is that the sender thread empties its queue slower.
asciilifeform: unix is retarded : limits total # of open sockets. so having >1 not only imposes overhead without achieving anyffing, but will eventually hit ceiling.
asciilifeform: and whoknows, perhaps the folx who attempted this in the past will finally pull their heads out of arse and come out into the light
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: 'physical copy' + place to put logic analyzer sausage, if not obv. earlier (the orig item is pretty cramped)
asciilifeform miser, prolly oughta have gone to dks and bought 1 of these aeons ago. hell, the comp i'm sitting on nao cost > than the thing
asciilifeform: the board has 1 component side ( and 2 track sides, 0 sandwich, 1980s recall ) , the item of interest is the track side obscured by the components ( all through-holes ) .
asciilifeform: ( and funnily enuff, that thing was not even the highest-priced ancient desktop comp on lulzbay -- for mysterious reasons, crapple 'lisa' sells for e.g. 70k u.s... )
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: the 'normies', to the great wrath (and eventual demise) of that empire, imitated the 'bright'
asciilifeform: carefully avoiding thought is simplest way not to 'thoughtcrime'
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: my current impression is that ( possibly unlike the 'sjw chix' ) the 'bright young' douchebags dun even bother to consider the political substance of the oddball gymnastics they participate in, but see moar as simple mechanical motion, like plowing field
asciilifeform: Mocky: fwiw i've rarely been >6mo of battery charge away from hunger ( and on the few occasions when were, blew it on attempt at jailbreaking out ) , and at times was 6wk also.
asciilifeform: in practice, they're scarce (esp. if impose the condition of no 'office commute' idjicies ). ~possibly~ for world-class specialists this aint so, i suppose i've never reached this level so cannot comment there
asciilifeform does remote, for yrs nao. but it's still packaged in the form of 'here's this 1 d00d, and we rub lamp and he grants wishes, with voice command'. nao conceivably ~someone~ ~somewhere~ aint ameri-tarded and actually packages ~work~, rather than 'we rent a d00d and command via voice' , but i haven't seen this with own eyes yet.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: rather analogous to the lumped approximation of maxwell that engineers typically work with
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: money is shorthand, i.e. simply the 'binders' of
asciilifeform: my impression when reading was that he was thinking of asciilifeform's variant of resistive loss. but possible asciilifeform's bias.
asciilifeform: in ye olde supercomp world, was known as 'process starvation'
asciilifeform: ( simply to nitpick!11 )
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: the item you were thinking of, then, i'd call impedance mismatch loss, rather than plain resistive
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu's is, let's suppose, 1%, however much time he spends tying his shoes and operating the levers of his outer empire
asciilifeform can speak only for self, but on various occasions risked piggy bank to try an' convert from serf to d00d who '100% worx from cause', but on each occasion lost shirt. maybe other l1 folx will have better fortune, and sit on mt olympus with mircea_popescu , i dun presently expect to
asciilifeform: i dun complain that, e.g., mircea_popescu pays for ice cream but not udplib, it's his dubloons, just as he dun complain that asciilifeform buys ice cream instead of euloratronium, errybody is master of own chest, large or small
asciilifeform: well yes, anyffing published without expectation of moolah, is 'surplus phenomena', whether theorem or proggy or symphony etc
asciilifeform: sometimes abstract work is done by kamikazes who do it from principle, at the expense of sleep and walks in park, the way asciilifeform bakes e.g. ffa. but in general yes , it simply dun happen because nobody pays.
asciilifeform: let's recall the hole that naggum sat in. d00d tried to make living by actually solving tricky problems for folx willing to pay ( oil, gas, jurisprudential db people, etc ) . found that it became harder and eventually impossible on acct of various factors, incl. the lemonization of the market by shitgnomes, asinine eurotaxation regimes, etc
asciilifeform: the gnu folx 'destroyed' plenty, by sheer volume of noise swamping signal.
asciilifeform: ( mostly, in fact, came from reading material written by folx who lived half century or longer without touching a comp )
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: from reading of whole naggum corpus, i am under impression that he certainly knew this.
asciilifeform: in su folx would sometimes secretly repair a crippled 'demilitarized' museum rifle; turning a current-day pc into actual comp is actually ~harder~ procedure than this
asciilifeform: the other detail is that -- unsurprisingly -- the item that became 'accessible' is typically closer to electro-dildo, while actual comp is less gettable than it's been since early '80s
asciilifeform: meanwhile, in other tardations, re >> the radiographers all seem to want 2-3k. which is lulzy, cuz for half of that one can simply buy the machine..
asciilifeform: i dunget why it can't simply live in framebuffer (fughet even x)
asciilifeform: ( not even talking of hygiene, but of simple 'can build?' )
asciilifeform: ( which is why icbm complex is just as essential 'petro tech' as the drill ! )
asciilifeform: re: petrowank : asciilifeform also not expert, but last i recall arabs were 'peaked' while ru ramping for 50+y and onwards; hence the pantsuit's perennial interest in picking up last reich's torch and 'spreading demoocracy' there
asciilifeform: ( and not simply peasants, but serfs, i.e. land gets mortmain'd by master, so no accum )
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: gotta nitpick : quartz ( plain old sio2 ) != obsidian. in the latter, the volcanic ash dun simply colour it black, but gives crystal lattice a shear plane ( so you get that delish cutting edge the stone age folx like )
asciilifeform: and also hate 'flying' exponents that make simple expression stand 40fuckingrows tall
asciilifeform: the parens, floor, should simply be ~tall~.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: fortunately i dun have any complex subexpressions in exponents anywhere in ffa notebook.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i actually started with that. and tempted to return to it.
asciilifeform: came up entirely empty when looked for how to make the parens appropriate height tho.
asciilifeform: lol complete with mystery uniturds
asciilifeform: jp could cancel hieroglyphs tonight, if (dunno) emperor is put back on throne and wants to peter-the-great.
asciilifeform: but for text entry they have hiragana kbd, given as 100% of lang can be coded in it, the hieroglyph desk-sized lolkeyboard of 1900s fame vanished with introduction of microcomp
asciilifeform: jp (1890-1945) was arguably better example. went from 'wooden civ' to, e.g., world's biggest+fastest battleship, h2o2-powered submarine, all sortsa goodies that quite solidly demonstrated 'yes first copied, then grasped, white man's tech' , until nailed by confederacy of anglodunces
asciilifeform: devil is always in the implementation details.
asciilifeform: 'compilers' was 10 or so iirc
asciilifeform: diana_coman: interesting, all but 1 seem to be garbage from the switch ; and the remaining 1 seems to be a ... voip spam attempt
asciilifeform: diana_coman: the only immediate gotcha that stands out to asciilifeform's lens is that the public crypto example was rsa ( did anyone ask 'but prof. coman, bitcoin dun use rsa?' )
asciilifeform: << this is pretty interesting. diana_coman if you have time plz post the trimmed dump bin
asciilifeform: !Q later tell BingoBoingo iirc you were the one who set up nicoleci's mp-wp, plox to take look ?
asciilifeform: nicoleci dun seem to have the mp's highlight plugin installed at al
asciilifeform: mp-wp on shared machine is a per-user install, tho, so it is possible that somebody's is broken. that one seems to work tho
asciilifeform: << i have not read. but attempted to when eating log, and found that i dun have enuff of recent ro wank loaded into head, to make sense of it
asciilifeform: what i dun know of is any examples where the killin' wasn't done largely by orig regime's nominal armies with flipped sign bit.
asciilifeform: kosovo is simply condom clinton wore when he waltzed serbia in erry hole
asciilifeform: arafat's folx ditto, still living in concentration camps
asciilifeform: ira mega-example, gave up arms and went into reddit
asciilifeform: sure, and 1917 kept killing pretenders, and just about erry other example. but not with crowd hands.
asciilifeform: glass makes for cheap 'impact fuse' tho, hence why still popular even tho plastic bottles are errywhere
asciilifeform: ( if one is ready to jump with the parachute, and switch off boundary tests, that gives you another 2x )
asciilifeform: my current impression is that ro was closer, tech-wise, to ddr, than to (konsoomer, at least, level) su
asciilifeform: here they import whatever the baltic muppet states offer directly
asciilifeform: the top can actually is available in usa; the bottom is slightly diff brand that what i get here, would be interesting to compare.
asciilifeform: early usg attempt to ban crypto
asciilifeform: 'The owner of the L0de Radio Show contacted BleepingComputer and issued this statement: "I deny any involvement in these printer scam campaigns and disavow these actions. I've taken down my YouTube channel and made my twitter account protected so as not to benefit from them and am directing visitors to a charitable organization."' << rly?!
asciilifeform: ( why not simply close the thing -- rather than imitating demise of digg, i do not know )
asciilifeform: 'just one nail was lacking -- / and warhorse came unshod / lamely did the stallion / into battle trod / dead fell the commander/ from his limping ride / routed was the cavalry / 'flee, retreat!' they cried / foe broke through the city gates, / hear the vanquisheds' wail -- / all because the smithy / was missing just one nail.'
asciilifeform: << wouldntcha rather use mechanical compilers than meat , if you could ?
asciilifeform: i have vaguely positive memory of the fella, minus the part where he answr'd 100% of asciilifeform's attempts to buy sumthing moar than iron, in same way as mcdonalds clerk might react to attempt to buy the mcdonalds
asciilifeform: and hah, loox like dks is also selling a ( phf-style machine ) nao . it is not however fit for the experiment, much moar complex board ( given as it's a standalone box )
asciilifeform: pretty painful proposition, to pick up a $5k board simply to read off the GALs and xray the pcb. but unless somebody has one to lend for the purpose, i dun see how that dig will ever move beyond 'i have these here 2 ic's' without access to orig ivory pcb.
asciilifeform: i.e. ugly hacks around the idiocies of the machine arch, where ram is 1) laughably small 2) dies when power cut 3) poorly impedance-matched with persistent storage 4) persisted 'in software' rather than as reliable function of the iron, resulting in (2)
asciilifeform: mod6 wrote his (much moar feature-complete) item shortly after
asciilifeform: ( thought 'what comp to take that i dun mind border idjiots stealing' )
asciilifeform: tho i was able to get a kinda linux on it, it actually went with me to mircea_popescu's c2 as travel comp
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: my whole orig impetus for 'cure bootloader' was that nonsense
asciilifeform: << this loox possibly like failure of the tempfile mechanism ( as discussed in recent thread )
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: if you know of specifics re the 'millenia' item, i'd be quite curious to see, 1st time i hear of this notion (outside of the hindu nationalist lolcows, who are deadly certain that they had nuke and supercomputer 'millenia' ago also.. )
asciilifeform: i was somehow under impression that in those days ~errybody with a comp and a modem in ro regularly read mircea_popescu
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: yea olympus lives 4evah, but asciilifeform is making a serious stab at rolling with the release calendar
asciilifeform: ( sad troof : sumtimes asciilifeform's lamp gets rubbed even on weekend, and he goes to grant wishes.. )
asciilifeform: ( it's a reusable component, and i expect will appear elsewhere , so this is quite helpful )
asciilifeform: incidentally i still gotta keccak-regrind FG ( no one complained, but it still gotta be done )
asciilifeform: << to date we've had both types of regrind ( e.g. diana_coman reground 'mpi' into 1 genesis, for use in smg ; ffa on other hand had a 'history-preserving' regrind , ; and iirc mod6 is baking a 'history' regrind for trb ; diana_coman had 'history' regrind for eucrypt; and possibly i missed somebody in this list )
asciilifeform: i cut it down as far as could be and still complete pic.
asciilifeform: << it apparently aint in the log, as such. but iirc there was some pantsuit reddit-wank campaign to try an' turn mircea_popescu into a sort of 'mad beria' in 'eye of history' or somesuch nonsense, that was supposed to pin on that phrase
asciilifeform: << i saw the film and quite familiar with the 'mad beria' ~stereotype~. simply was not able to find any evidence for it that doesn't genesis-block in hrusch's show trial and Official 'unmasking' .
asciilifeform: hrusch &amp; co, on contemplation, have all the credibility of 'woodcollector'.
asciilifeform: again -- impossible to authenticate 'did he ? or donation of constantine' w/out time machine.
asciilifeform: there's a preserved communique from stalin to hrusch, where the latter served up umpteenth list of meat grinder candidates and stalin replied 'rejected, have measure, idiot'
asciilifeform: it isn't impossible that he did; but in so far as i can tell 100% of that narrative comes from the folx that killed him &amp; danced on the corpse
asciilifeform: at any rate this thread touches qs that are impossible to answer w/out time machine, so i'ma not put moar weight on it
asciilifeform: it's exactly like going with suetonius re the emperors.
asciilifeform: i suspect that mircea_popescu's model is incomplete, i.e. if mircea_popescu were to for some reason , regalia wouldn't help
asciilifeform: is it ? i was under impression that farm duck flies like chicken
asciilifeform: was simply on throne.
asciilifeform: it is really mega-mystery that device where nonrecoverable tooling cost is comparable to satellite rocket , is intensely start-topology/centralized affair in management ?
asciilifeform: they ~did~ ftr figure out 'make toys with tank comp cpu', but 10yrs too late
asciilifeform: so in '70s was pressure, nato tank has 8bit comp for targeting rockets, so su tank also gotta, etc
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: ya, we had an 'iskra' that 'doing hard work in tank targeter comp'
asciilifeform: was duly implemented, imperial decree 'scrap all native comp work', largely ( if not entirely ) carried out
asciilifeform: clearly a market for spiked rear bumpers!111
asciilifeform: vegas dun like competition.
asciilifeform: danielpbarron: yer on a computer, errything is at least slightly buffered. problem with 'here's a year worth of rng' is 1) somebody gets to it 2) what when you run through ?
asciilifeform: then i'ma leave it alone, prolly contains complete algo
asciilifeform: i have nfi how it is even possible to have ~empty town where ~erry other walker you see on the sidewalk is a hot chix.
asciilifeform: currently it's a mostly empty country, with a few 'mercedes' plants as 'economy'
asciilifeform: beautifully depopulated , too, 0 crowds, 0 queues. sorta like a hypothetical bunenos aires after redditbagging complete.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: for comparison : 100k in ye olde ro buys any of
asciilifeform: on, i'll add, imported intels.
asciilifeform: ( asciilifeform and then mircea_popescu variously attempted to buy , 0 to show for it )
asciilifeform: if i had with what to experiment, would prolly not resist temptation and go , experiment
asciilifeform: from looking with the right magnifying glass, asciilifeform formed distinct impression that jp was raped by usg in erry hole not once, as ordinarily supposed, but ~twice~.
asciilifeform: !#s fifth generation supercomputer
asciilifeform: jp was a hair's width away from picking up the torch that anglotardistan dropped, and anglos knew this, and so in late '80s they engineered an economic implosion for'em
asciilifeform: 'Before leaving this subject, I should mention that there have been a number of interesting LISP Machine designs done outside the U.S., particularly in Japan. For example, see [Hayashi]' << asciilifeform once spent coupla months trying to dig up these. and europistan's 'racal norsk' also. found ~0.
asciilifeform: i dun have a moolah empire that could run one as public service.
asciilifeform: does need 3phase mains and reasonably room-temp / dehumidified air tho ( vacuum pump )
asciilifeform: fwiw in su they cloned ic's photographically, without any attempt to actually grasp the contents
asciilifeform: ( esp. considering that the transistors were placed by machine to begin with, so they aint in any human-comprehensible order like they are on z80 or 6502 etc )
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: it's always machined, it's more or less impossible otherwise.
asciilifeform: ( it aint even matter of cost; simply we're dealing with an almost-extinct animal. there's maybe a few dozen of these left in the wild, optimistically )
asciilifeform: 'gimp' chokes.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: was this the thing ?
asciilifeform: amberglint: let's have it, for completeness, if you can dig up.
asciilifeform: However, the common way of measuring chip complexity is to count the number of transistor sites; this measures the size of the internal ROMs better. Using that count, this is one of the largest chip ever done, containing nearly 400,000 transistor sites. The chip was designed very quickly (it took about 9 months from the freezing of the architecture to the first prototype chip, using a team of only 4 designers).'
asciilifeform: 'Figure 24 show some statistics about Ivory. The size of the chip was about a centimeter-and-a-half on a side in the earliest version which was done using 2-micron CMOS technology. The first commercial version will be done in a 1.6 micron process and will be about a centimeter on a side, as is the TI chip. This makes it a very large, (but not impossibly large), chip to fabricate. There are about 255,000 actual transistors on the die.
asciilifeform: 'It is of tiie same complexity as an Intel 80386 or a Motorola 68030. Figure 21 is a photomicrograph of the chip (chip people always seem to need to show their chip pictures). The Ivory chip is more or less divided into three horizontal slices; the top is the datapath and stack cache, the middle is the control system, and the bottom is the memory interface. In the middle of the control system is a very large microstore, again compara
asciilifeform: simply means there's 2 metal layer ( conductors ) .
asciilifeform: item was 1 of the 1st ( if not ~the~ first ) machine-layout'd ic's, so it won't be as simple to re as the early 80s cpus
asciilifeform: SeanRiddle: i tried to look at the high res samples on your www, but found only
asciilifeform: ( dunno if 'bug' or simply no one yet made variant which knows how )
asciilifeform: i gave ~hour to attempt to cure. in retrospect it was folly, made 0 dent.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i still can't make heads or tails of wtf was in that d00d's head. shows symptoms of some kinda maths education. but omfg the 'cd-r brain'.
asciilifeform: d00d whose cot is by the grate has the duty of 'keeping the road', as they called it (again nfi in english world what it is called there, much less in spanish empire)
asciilifeform: consider, zx2c4 , i can show that nuffin in my arithm routines can overflow a buffer. even if you were to turn ada's overflow checks off. without any complicated tooling.
asciilifeform: it dun verify jack shit. is machine barf. just like the raw output of your compiler, except less meaningful
asciilifeform: to jump on ~your~ parachute, that you sewed.
asciilifeform: i sometimes even use computer algebratrons, in exploratory work. but would never consider presenting output straight from one as 'here, correct'
asciilifeform: and, in parallel, to be an organized campaign of sabotage against ~concept~ of actual correctness in programs.
asciilifeform: my current aim is that in ch22 ( see also ) any subcomponents not used, are to be cut; and any that have strictly 1 invocation, are to be made sub-functions and remain visible solely in the scope where used.
asciilifeform: orig was writing from pov of 'most general possible set of subcomponents' , but this is not necessarily what is wanted in the end product, esp. from loc-cut pov.
asciilifeform: but the same guarantee cannot be given for erry internal component, not without geological runtime.
asciilifeform: idea being , exported routines ( current set is shown in ) are to be 'safe on all electrically possible inputs' , with the exception of div0 (user is commanded to test for div0, as example in )
asciilifeform: diana_coman: btw you may find it entertaining that i found several vers of the carry &amp; borrow eqns in my orig notes -- including yours. but for some reason i originally rejected that variant because it needed 2 accesses to the result D . but i neglected to write down why, possibly was simple brain fluke.
asciilifeform: diana_coman: nitpicks / spiffy karnaugh simplifications / etc. welcome as always.
asciilifeform: ( for comparison: e.g. ; or, current trb is ~22k loc, ~not~ incl. the dep balls )
asciilifeform: and (at least in asciilifeform's observation) the competent engineer types get to bottle ~sooner~ than the chair warmers.
asciilifeform: some folx get to the bottle after 20yrs in workschwitz and cowardice, some after 1,2,3,4 attempts to break out, end result same
asciilifeform: ( another great way to lose shirt is 'start company , try to sell useful product ' , a+++ worxxx )
asciilifeform: traditionally, folx who show symptoms of being able to survive outside of the reich, disqualified.
asciilifeform: << hilariously, i recently tried to run a simple numeric proggy on a box infested with python3 , and found that it utterly breaks the numeric stack : once you do e.g. x = x / 3 you can no longer e.g. x >> 1 -- because the / converted it to 'float' ! holy mother of fuck.
asciilifeform: Mocky: typically cisco grunts 'clearanced' not even for any interesting seekrit, but simply to be permitted on the grounds in usg dc where they cart the crates to
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: fwiw asciilifeform personally reversed coupla hundred 'ransomware' trojan turds, almost always the addr is ~empty
asciilifeform: ( you'd want to test system on sumthing with comparable 'micronicity' )
asciilifeform: in a hypothetical peacetime when asciilifeform'd have free hands to do this personally, would start with a crate of less-rare contemporary 1uM die (e.g. 386) 1st
asciilifeform: tho yer thinking of 'comparison microscope' ( like at old-style police stations for ballistics ) rather than interferometer
asciilifeform: it'd suck to have'em vanish simply cuz asciilifeform were killed
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: i for instance prolly good for three or four hangings, simply on what's in the l0gz
asciilifeform: ( for n00bz -- racking an actual bolix is afaik a nonstarter -- the remaining units lack not only the requisite 24/7 reliability / component life , but also any means to cleanly wash the whore between customers, the way i do with e.g rk )
asciilifeform: much less rom dump
asciilifeform: i also suspect that there is coad that won't work without ~cycle-accurate~ copy of the cpu ( the periodic barfage of the 'official' emulator suggests this -- did they use empty loop delays in place of mutexes, or what, i do not yet know )
asciilifeform: simply, they're ~priceless rembrandts, and i'd rather not send one to a d00d sight-unseen
asciilifeform remembers old su joak. orthodox j00 kid is going to town for 1st time. asks, 'rebbe, there are many temptations in the city, what should i avoid looking at' 'waddayamean' 'well, i heard there are chix' 'what of'em?' 'well, i hear there's them strippers... good jew should not look at strippers?' 'you can look at strippers' 'there are bare cunts! really, good jew can look at cunts?!' 'yes' 'so what ~shouldn't~ a good jew look at
asciilifeform at one point tried to systematically fit in head danielpbarron's theology, but it appears to be at least as complicated as ffa; broke teeth
asciilifeform: lol possibly asciilifeform loses championship crown of 'whose www b0rked the longest'
asciilifeform: ( the japanese never could resist to attempt to make something 'more of itself' )
asciilifeform: near as i can tell, 'loyal opposition' chumpatron, and somewhat long past its expiration date
asciilifeform: lol 'compliant'(tm)(r) eurotards
asciilifeform: ( there's ~0 other employment for'em outside of restaurant )
asciilifeform: 'An NCC Group graduate trainee who emailed 300 coworkers to ask for help with what she deemed to be "unusual" behaviour from her Kali Linux VM; contacted the firm’s incident response team to complain about a faulty laptop; and said the machine had been "deliberately sabotaged", has had her victimisation claim thrown out by an employment tribunal' etc
asciilifeform: and ftr naming convention ( carried on since asciilifeform's original vtron ) is simply that patch is $string.vpatch and sig is $ .
asciilifeform: i got a whole stamp album fulla these.
asciilifeform: ( if anyone wonders why -- was for peculiar industrial application where device driver gets built ~in real time~ based on custom params; no can do with microshit's compiler )
asciilifeform: phf: interestingly, is example of useful (if you will) proggy written 100% in standard cl
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: ikr ? the mpi thing, straight from my garbage can
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: could, for example, use diana_coman's. or a modified permissive ffa. or even the thing that came with gnat. but in any case would be 'sapper errs once' component, gotta be bug-free
asciilifeform: diana_coman, trinque : it isn't clear to me that 'move existing gentoo to cuntoo' without reformat of hdd is worth attempting -- non-musltronic dyn-linked sad gentoo bins will all barf once the pertinent libs are removed ( and they dun belong, imho, on a cuntoo box )
asciilifeform: ( ideally we'd simply keep the logic demanded by trb and burn the rest. but dunno that anyone has the free hands for this presently )
asciilifeform: ( e.g. in above example -- FFA_FZ_Get_Head is not linkable, and several hrs of dig failed to tell me why )
asciilifeform: gnathtml has some pretty serious missing parts tho, mainly that it is impossible to link to individual lines of proggy unless they contain concordance'd symbols
asciilifeform: i am wondering where exactly is the practical diff, b/w that, and '21mn fixed supply' where unknown % is in hands of idjits who can mass dump any day of week
asciilifeform: ( would like to get eventually mp's wp, and human-readable urls, but promises to be painful )
asciilifeform tries to puzzle out wtf, so far stumped
asciilifeform: diana_coman: dun seem like you have it on your www ? it's pretty simple to weld on
asciilifeform: ( replaced the google liquishit with a simple and humane kindergarden arithmetic thing )
asciilifeform: 'Mp-wp standardizes unnecessary work' << bahahaha
asciilifeform: good % of the daily sisyphean boulder work of programmer, is to tear up these past attempts at 'smart' so that work can happen
asciilifeform: lol, re 'perfect code', oughta mention the philosophical complement to genesis : eschaton ( diff proj against null ...! )
asciilifeform: pehbot is simply a wrapper around compiled ffa_calc , currently it gives closest possible picture to what you get if you ran the proggy itself locally.
asciilifeform: aaaaa clickpump
asciilifeform: phf: i fughet, is there a hopper in that i can dump patches into, so i dun have to ? or is that still in the worx
asciilifeform: imho the empty dir approach needs no sugar
asciilifeform: take note of the examples i left behind.
asciilifeform: i suggest to BingoBoingo to bring a lamp and retake
asciilifeform: diana_coman: i'ma put your patch into the 'official' sequence, rather than simply sewing it into ch13, i'd like to explicitly honour the work.
asciilifeform: 'The company's lone violation is for an April 2017 accident in which an employee lost the tips of two fingers, resulting in a $750 fine.' << if troo, this is cleaner record than most auto repair shops, i suspect
asciilifeform: but worry is simply empty loop. ( and i think mircea_popescu hooks'em up to 220v when he finds'em doing it )
asciilifeform: trinque: i dun have any complaints about the firmness of sitters in the chair. even an indestructible , firmly in-the-black pizarro dun mean that 'put ALL boxes in 1 rack' is good idea, imho
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: i dun recall, didja ever detail how hookers work in BingoBoingostan ? ( when i was in buenos aires, there were paper spams plastered over erry surface , dumpsters, gates, etc. with ads for supposed hooker . but in BingoBoingo did not notice any such thing )
asciilifeform: folx sending 'earnest solicitation' via spammail exist on same planet as 'herbal impotence cure' etc
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: speaking of which, local uni fishwrap ( of 'fame' ) is all on fire with whine re trump, supposedly, threatening to enforce 'frat d00dz accused of 'rape' must get to cross-examine accuser' as condition of the usg funding of nobody-wants-to-watch gurl sports (apparently they're 100% usg-sponsored)
asciilifeform: there's a reason i picked traffic light as example -- yes you can buy replacement parts from chinese, but to keep traffic actually moving requires at least 1 d00d in a cellar somewhere with an elementary understanding of impedance , graduated from diff eq kindergarten, etc
asciilifeform: ( although, physical-object engineering does offer a ~treatment~, if not cure -- when folx build bridges, they put in dampeners so the thing has a shot at dumping energy even if ends up 'pumped' )
asciilifeform: my picture was slightly different tho : consider how you can break a pane of glass with a few joules , that normally would not even be felt on other side, if pumped into it with minimal impedance mismatch (i.e. on resonant phase). as in the famous opera singer trick.
asciilifeform: which element of observed system corresponds to 'bumper crop' of the model ?
asciilifeform: ... physically-implausible stability, sure
asciilifeform: i dun have a perpetuum mobile in my pocket, 'here's how'. simply pointing out that ( as mircea_popescu wrote on his www looong before i tuned in ) 'tard with gigantic bag of dough can wreck whole planets' , and that today this role is played by usg rather than gaggle of free range forumtards
