asciilifeform: fromphuctor: however, the factorings are reproducible - you can dump modili with 'pgpdump', and any bignum calculator - e.g., 'bc', or ordinary python repl, can multiply the factors.
asciilifeform: fromphuctor: nope.
asciilifeform: ...hello fromphuctor ??
asciilifeform: $up fromphuctor
asciilifeform: ;;later tell BingoBoingo << qntra ?
asciilifeform: no longer work. A protection mechanism against that was implemented in version 3.8.3. '
asciilifeform: ' I just discovered a somewhat similar issue in Nettle. They switched their RSA implementation from GMP's mpz_powm() function to mpz_powm_sec(), which is supposed to be sidechannel resistant. However mpz_powm_sec() is no drop-in replacement. Unlike mpz_pown() it doesn't accept even moduli and crashes with a floating point error. Therefore when trying to use a specifically crafted RSA key with an even modulus this will crash. '
asciilifeform: to move yet again up the stack: mining machinery is improved by engineers, who - if not went to a school, at least are literate - rather than by gawkers who 'drinkin' beers, beers, beeers' in front of the mine, suggest 'hey bubba let's weld on a SHIT HANGING OFF THE SIDEZ'
asciilifeform: at the very least, could pump away the soluble earth, and leave the rocks to be broken up, into same
asciilifeform: it isn't that the machine has never, or could never again, be improved, but that it can stand and work without gathering crowd of 'train pushing face' who want to weld forks, knives, onto it, to 'improve', and be paid for the privilege
asciilifeform: note that somehow real bulldozer can work without attracting army of adult 'improvers'
asciilifeform: the most that can be accomplished is... what a mortician does
asciilifeform: there were no 'gender comment commits', not only in, e.g., system v unix, but in symbolics 'genera' (smbx corp employed, interestingly, a multitude of chix, some of whom appear in my bookcase even now)
asciilifeform: and not, as they usually contend, simply M units of unlucky, for M == number of maggots
asciilifeform: $up fromphuctor
asciilifeform: just 'tip the dump truck here and here'
asciilifeform: and userland proggies trust it implicitly, lacking any alternative
asciilifeform: it is a kind of forced/nudged idiotarianism, via os architecture, useland does not have the direct access to the hardware (incl. the scheduler) to force a proper sampling of whatever hardware rng
asciilifeform: to compactly rephrase, entropy testing is only useful when you ~know the design of the rng~
asciilifeform: fabio__: understand, also, that someone who offers you a more complicated (i.e. more moving parts) cryptosystem without ~justification~, is attempting to compromise your security, no less than if he were stalking in your garden under the cover of night bristling with cameras and antennae
asciilifeform: ~contemplate~ whatever suits your fancy -- folks have... contemplated, e.g., trains with triangular wheels riding on sinusoidal rails.
asciilifeform: it is, for instance, not proven that rsa reduces to difficulty of factoring integers, or what complexity class factoring is in.
asciilifeform: fabio__: what kind of details are you interested in ? there is no reduction-to-complexity-class proof of hardness for either cryptosystem.
asciilifeform: there is not such a thing as 'we used for x years and no reported problem.' quite conceivably the correct yamamoto has simply not yet flown.
asciilifeform: or any of the other strategy gamez where the computer 'cheated'
asciilifeform: the burden of proof is one the folks proposing to replace a simple system with few moving parts (rsa) with a larger and gnarlier item
asciilifeform: well, for starters, i'd like a compelling reason to even ~entertain~ ecc in the first place.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu is conflating the sc4mz0rs with their chumps
asciilifeform: or simply differing approaches. 'problem' posed: 'someone shat in my garden.' hn algo: 'burn with flamethrower, shoot witnesses' reddit algo: 'empty honeywagon on top of it, have whole platoon drop trou and take a shit in turn on it for good measure'
asciilifeform: impressive endurance record.
asciilifeform: djb is respectable and talented, but labours under certain faustian bargains as part of his employ.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: i was speaking of the 'fromphuctor's.
asciilifeform: $up fromphuctor
asciilifeform: 'Given the difficulty of opening a post-iOS 8 phone or a similarly protected device, investigators are now forced to turn to other methods. Kerr pointed to a case in the Third Circuit Court of Appeals of a former police officer allegedly dealing in child pornography who would not divulge his computer passcode; he is currently being detained with no clear end date. Kerr noted that it is quite possible for someone to withhold a passcod
asciilifeform: 'The Workshop on Encryption and Mechanisms for Authorized Government Access to Plaintext was convened on June 23-24, 2016, in Washington, D.C., under the auspices of the Computer Science and Telecommunications Board of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. The workshop was sponsored by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI). ... The meeting was open to the public.'
asciilifeform: '1. Take site offline and work on ensuring everything is secure. 2. communicate to users 3. contact chain analytic companies and authorities about the hack and trace the funds, look at ways to recover the funds. 4. Investigate exactly what happened to ensure that we're still not vulnerable. 5. Work on getting the site back up and running.'
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: for bonus gross, the entire inside of the metal cup that comprises the body of the pnoje, is razor-sharp, literally you will not notice as it opens all of your fingers at once
asciilifeform: pgpdump: unknown version (55).
asciilifeform: ;;later tell BingoBoingo displays a corrupted (??) key that will not import
asciilifeform: ^ more or less complete picture of typical d.c. train ^
asciilifeform: also there is an almost inevitable black dude singing to himself, and/or pumping what must be 50w through his earbuds, can be heard from 3 cars away
asciilifeform: ;;later tell mircea_popescu fermat with 100,000 iter. / mod. (3518444 mods) ran to completion. found still just the 2.
asciilifeform: i suspect they are penile-compatible!
asciilifeform: why it was necessary to put this in a strictly fermat-breakable artificial key, vs. some simple case of gcd or 8ball, i do not know - write to hitler and ask him, not me.
asciilifeform: and the sheer monkey-assumption-sandwitch baked into this !!
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: iirc 'coinbase' is presently ~the~ tame usg exchange in usa, and is unlikely to be simply 'let go away' until replacement is ready.
asciilifeform: << reminder: mircea_popescu released a thing which worx, but only if you 1) add theme, which is not included, and 2) is not compatible with standard wp themez, gotta hand-tweak half a dozen knobs.
asciilifeform: the implication is a mighty obvious one, and the thing will be done.
asciilifeform: 'Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch announced today the filing of civil forfeiture complaints seeking the forfeiture and recovery of more than $1 billion in assets associated with an international conspiracy to launder funds misappropriated from a Malaysian sovereign wealth fund. Today’s complaints represent the largest single action ever brought under the Kleptocracy Asset Recovery Initiative.'
asciilifeform: << dump outputs.
asciilifeform: i have nfi why he doesn't simply transmit N blobs.
asciilifeform: ^ ~empty
asciilifeform: eh you get one simply when pgptron sets q to equal p
asciilifeform: whereas if syria pumps, isis loots, and then sells for pennies on the dollar - then yes.
asciilifeform: and mircea_popescu appears to be deliberately glossing over important difference between asciilifeform in petro thread and the proverbial 'all functions are convex!!1111' kid above
asciilifeform: the above is why i never dug into the 'pricing of energetics' thing in detail - i find he subj quite similar to, e.g., usg unemployment figures - i have no access to the seeeekrit evidence required to cut away the fiction from the reality
asciilifeform: the 100, as i understand, is a more honest figure, it factors in actual trend (no prizes for guessing: down) in production, aint nobody making moar of it.. - and is less affected by the anti-ru dumping presently in effect
asciilifeform: << nobody complained in the 10,001 times i mentioned 'the cost of microshit'
asciilifeform: << argument concerned simple principle: if folks dun feel like counting gulf war I and II, and ~all~ wahabbi derpery, etc. as 'part of cost of petro', i can just as readily say that fukushima, chernobyl are 'not in the cost' of fission-power. etc
asciilifeform: pete_dushenski: this entire thread reminds me of a uniquely-american, incidentally, pasttime: impassioned defense of the heathen imperial system of weights&measures
asciilifeform: americans cancerously growing to the point where they import by the megatonne?
asciilifeform: but that ~nobody paid anything like the actual cost of his petro-ride at the pump, in half a century or so.
asciilifeform: trinque: generally a deliberate bargain is implied - otherwise, 'living cost him his life'
asciilifeform: << y'know, just because envirocrats impose tax on usaschwitz inmates, to pay for al gore's yachts - does not mean that externalities dun exist.
asciilifeform: roll, e.g., simply the costs of there being such a thing as saudi arabia. if you like, ~solely~ of property damage from attributed explosions.
asciilifeform: pete_dushenski: do you imagine that your payment at he pump comes remotely close to covering the actual coat of the liquid dino?
asciilifeform: pete_dushenski: compare cost per joule of your mains socket to petrol (in whatever locale) for some lulz.
asciilifeform: i recall somebody here was attempting a version of buildroot that downloads nothing
asciilifeform: when i 'but why let mouse go', it was from impatience.
asciilifeform: (i.e. only on the mempool end? or on both ends ?)
asciilifeform: can also buy wampum and beads and resell to bagholders
asciilifeform: it is only a question of who the chump is in a given operation.
asciilifeform: (are they simply out of circulation? or usable somewhere)
asciilifeform: i suspect that the main problem is the computer.
asciilifeform: i thought these were folx with 'no two empanadas to rub together'
asciilifeform: this database is part of a regulatory push that the EU got rolling after the Paris November 2015 terror attacks, and which it officially put forward in February 2016, and later approved at the start of July 2016. Legally, this is an attempt to reform the Anti-Money Laundering Directive (AMLD).'
asciilifeform: picture a pistol that shoots 'implicit object'.
asciilifeform: then the matchstick chariot i made as a kid, pulled by beetles, is competition for ferrari.
asciilifeform: or is dsl somehow 'competition'
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: when you say 'competition', do you mean that you can get fiber from the other 2 ?
asciilifeform: and incidentally i am pretty sure that at this very moment i am in a town where the nearest foodstamp recipient is a full day's walk away.
asciilifeform: i thought orlov was stretching the truth, but apparently not - the new Official Narrative is 'trump is ru agent'
asciilifeform: Link That we send it to you and run it and extract it in a safe place on your computer
asciilifeform: (mempool also validates)
asciilifeform: (quite likely to be either empty, underpressure, or 'halotron' substitute.)
asciilifeform: via simple asphyxia.
asciilifeform: halon dump was not dangerous , as such. but the co2 tanks that replaced it by usg fiat - WOULD kill.
asciilifeform: but by removing the coordination complex you need for combustion.
asciilifeform: in otherer still nyooz, holy shit, i found a hidden bottle of ... halon, in this house. stamped 1986.
asciilifeform stumped, on account of insufficient dirigible experience
asciilifeform implodes.
asciilifeform: eh the 'steampunk' folk mostly 'work' in broken clocks and epoxy
asciilifeform: 1,001 vendors, 1,000,001 interchangeable and often incompatible and often quasi-disposable widgets.
asciilifeform: or shot , so he could not implicate untouchables.
asciilifeform: 'For custom block pages where the more information link is not available, edit the URL in the address bar to access the hidden view source information. For example, you will see an URL similar to the following for all your custom block pages. http://<ipaddress>:15871/cgi-bin/blockpage.cgi?ws-session=687865868 '
asciilifeform: whereas now chumper will have to pre-load the acct.
asciilifeform: 'FIG. 4 provides the solution to the problem of homelessness by providing free housing or low cost housing to anyone who wants it. Free houses are given away or loaned subject to certain Terms and Conditions. For example, the houses have surveillance and safety systems built in, and the Terms and Conditions include not tampering with these devices. Homeless persons can trade their privacy and autonomy for housing in which they become
asciilifeform: the only notch to go to after that will be chastity belt that physically prevents bladder from emptying until paid.
asciilifeform: gmail is a very characteristically american chumpatron - 'we will fart and fart and encourage others, and then sell you bottle of clean air'
asciilifeform: 'Each Google Apps for Work user can store up to 30 GB of content for free (compared to 15 GB with Google Apps free edition or individual consumer accounts). This storage is shared between Gmail, Google Drive, and Google Photos. If you’re approaching the limit or if you've run out of storage, you can purchase additional storage or reduce your storage usage.'
asciilifeform: so, via this heathen pit, : 'Dr. McAfee, I have spent the past thirty years perfecting an unbreakable encryption algorithm. My algorithm is not just unbreakable for all practical purposes it is theoretically unbreakable. The advent of quantum computers will not change this. The mathematics confirming my claim is indisputable. You no doubt have sufficient knowledge of mathematics and program
asciilifeform: 'Either that company was running a scam (and I do not actually accuse them of that) or they were retaining backup copies of the private keys they generated (which they never should have done) and they were stolen by either a hacker or an employee.'
asciilifeform: and where 'the computer' is what we see in this www.
asciilifeform: i wish to move to the planet where ~that~ : is how one is introduced to 'the computer'
asciilifeform: (which is to say, a length ??? binturd with NO symptoms of it being packed jpeg or html from mircea_popescu's zip)
asciilifeform: dump'em out, see.
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: is there an existing widget that emulates a 'typical' wwwtron and allows dump of the rendered material ?
asciilifeform: were it not for these folks, where would usg even get any bitcoin to dump.
asciilifeform: 'you have 1 computer'
asciilifeform: << gold: 'Our recent generation of Makers, hackers, and entrepreneurs have developed under the shadow of Section 1201... Our children deserve better. I can no longer stand by as a passive witness to this situation. I was born into a 1201-free world, and our future generations deserve that same freedom of thought and expression. I am but one instrument in a large orchestra performing the symph
asciilifeform: ftr i have 0 sympathy for folks who ~sell~ warez. i dun care if they are eaten by usg, or by crocodiles, or martians.
asciilifeform: << lulzy: 'The deadlock between competing corners of the Bitcoin community when it comes to hard forking, in contrast, spells doom for the currency, according to Tual. “As long as that’s true, Bitcoin will never evolve, and it will die, because what doesn't evolve dies.”' << 'we've failed to stick in the proboscis and so let's declare it dead, neverhappened'
asciilifeform: it will be like building computer in su
asciilifeform: it is 1920s and armies are interested in aviation! except for mircea_popescu's army. he instead ordered all conscripts who can't jump 10,000 metres in the air and stay up by flapping their wings, shot !
asciilifeform: (can even use ~analogue~ optical comparator! ever seen one? they used to exist in machine shops.)
asciilifeform: thing is, computer rides on 'promise', not protocol, because there is no way of inspecting the dies.
asciilifeform: when you solder 1 dud to 99 working components you paid for.
asciilifeform: it would not be so hard to implement, just put antifuse link in the relevant circuit
asciilifeform: incidentally, ~every piece of silicon on the board has a debug port of some form, the cpu jtag thing is simply the handiest one, and the closest to being in some form documented.
asciilifeform: it isn't 'exploit', that was idiot media spin, it is simply a handy place to plant a widget.
asciilifeform: eotech makes a thing that comes with eyes you can implant in your ballsack ?
asciilifeform: link to example ?
asciilifeform: and wtf, first time i hear the complaint about the spring
asciilifeform: 'the goal of Snowden and Huang’s research, according to their post, is to “provide field-ready tools that enable a reporter to observe and investigate the status of the phone’s radios directly and independently of the phone’s native hardware.” In other words, they want to build an entirely separate tiny computer that users can attach to a smartphone to alert them if it’s being dishonest about its radio emissions.' << and
asciilifeform: cue mircea_popescu 'all computers are portable!1111 mount on flatbed truck'
asciilifeform: would be much more useful if it were 10x bigger and pluggable into real comp
asciilifeform: gui was for lamers since lamers were issued - by mistake - computer.
asciilifeform: discussing idempotence of the parts.
asciilifeform: they are not different, just emplaced differently.
asciilifeform: the idempotence of items like electron is whole basis of chemistry.
asciilifeform: it is not meant for human consumption!1111
asciilifeform: this has implications beyond gc.
asciilifeform: incidentally i might not even ~know~ all of the assumptions which some luser somewhere might read into the text. mircea_popescu reminds me that most of'em probably think 'he has 1 computer, and 1 lan'
asciilifeform: neh simply forgot to explain that i 'redefined number 2'
asciilifeform: i suppose my assumption that ~everyone~ has distinct 'circles of hell' for running proggies, is baseless
asciilifeform: ida is the example of 'sole inhabitant of niche'
asciilifeform: ida is ~the~ example
asciilifeform: << whatddayaknow
asciilifeform: its continuation as whatever going concern is incompatible with their presence
asciilifeform: the muppets who 'i Just Want just like itunes...' must be expelled from civilized computing.
asciilifeform: thestringpuller: please don't assume that folks read reddit unprompted. i don't
asciilifeform: (most weren't, simply ignored the news)
asciilifeform: will mircea_popescu barf when a boojum turns up in the massive iupac rule set this imports ?
asciilifeform: 'Fri, 5 Feb 88... The astonishing baroqueness of X is the greatest threat to the general sucess of UNIX to have come along since System V hit the streets. If you try to give an X system to a real human being, not a computer hacker masquerading as a normal person, they will croak. If X doesn't instantly burn out their eyes and brain, causing them to throw their UNIX box out the nearest high window, it will drive them straight into the
asciilifeform: the simpler, braindead x11, survived.
asciilifeform: << he wanted a repl that can shit graphics. which is something that to this very day is ~monopoly of a gargantuan closed commercial item, 'mathematica'. except that most 'i want a graphical repl' folks don't know this, and think that their imitations (which are roughly what glbse was to mpex) are the real thing.
asciilifeform: '“I vote Trump! free Internet”. Approximately 1.6 Gb's of data was exposed, with the report stating that 68.3% of users had their identities or other sensitive information exposed upon connection. Nearly 25% of the users browsed porn sites, while only a little over 5% used the connections to play Pokemon Go' << such brilliance!111
asciilifeform: perhaps half of that number ever had so much a ~thought~ of being employed.
asciilifeform: lafonde's 'dindus', unsurprisingly, also do not count as 'unemployed'
asciilifeform: quite likely not 1 in 10 laid off folk, ever appear in the 'unemployed' column.
asciilifeform: mats: one obvious example - a great many folks never figure in the score at all, because they are 'contractor'
asciilifeform: mats: usg 'employment' figures make 'climate science' look honest.
asciilifeform: mats: << which of these is the current monkey not guilty of ?
asciilifeform: consider the act for which, supposedly, nixon was deposed. can you picture president impeached for tapping phones today ?
asciilifeform: it was a very strange experience, like having a contract killer sent for you who worked his whole life in a slaughterhouse and literally expects you to behave EXACTLY like cow, to simply walk up to where he has the ~stationary~ stun hammer
asciilifeform: entertaining-stupid is a self-limiting thing. eventually it turns into simply stupid.
asciilifeform: if he had been found in afghan, would have been shot on the cheap, but instead was used as feedstock for the quite important 'we caught a domestic вредитель !1111' ritual.
asciilifeform: the new york death ray fella, being the prime example.
asciilifeform: folks raised without a warm place to shit, much less trust fund, with ~correct picture of self-worth and ready to meet with allah at age 17, are a natural resource like any other. and it simply does not grow in north america.
asciilifeform: in the contemplated picture, you need precisely 1 casualty.
asciilifeform: or it simply finds you based on the jammer output.
asciilifeform: picture a frag that, launched, spends a week or so hopping between treetops until it is told (via whatever custom radio) that your position is nearby, at which point it simply falls on you.
asciilifeform: mats: this is sorta the appeal of munitions that don't travel in straight lines or simple parabola or whatever other geometric figure
asciilifeform: aha, or simply jammed
asciilifeform: vendor's www: 'Boomerang pinpoints the shooter’s location of incoming small arms fire. Boomerang uses passive acoustic detection and computer-based signal processing to locate a shooter in less than a second.'
asciilifeform: the irish had an interesting mortar, made wholly from old compressed gas bottles
asciilifeform: 'On 12 August, at 0558 local time, a van comes to a halt on the vast empty parking lot in front of a supermarket in Washington. Three men open the doors of the van, roll out the fuselage of a light aircraft and attach its wings. A minute later its motor bursts into life. The plane takes off and disappears into the sky. It has no pilot. It is controlled by radio with the aid of very simple instruments, only slightly more complicated t
asciilifeform: there are machines where ret (or similar) takes an operand, and you can make a jump table that way
asciilifeform: lel that does not sound like a trick of the competent
asciilifeform: likewise 'scientific computing' is many things to many people - it is not always 'trillion long divisions before tuesday'
asciilifeform: diana_coman, mircea_popescu : this is an interesting question, with a depressing answer - common lisp standard is nearing, arguably, it's 'lincoln war' moment, because the necessary general-purpose computer is growing thin on the ground.
asciilifeform: well then the only 'thing' is empty space. everything else (even proton may decay...) dun last.
asciilifeform: but mass was not under contemplation.
asciilifeform: i never saw it as 'empty'
asciilifeform: i dun know of anybody camping out in orbit to save on rent either.
asciilifeform: almost enough to make me contemplate.
asciilifeform: (which is why microshit lusers pay and pay and still get 'embrace & extinguish' implementations of everything)
asciilifeform: and it is not sufficient to ~have~ the money, you must also ~withhold~ it from the non-compliant vendors.
asciilifeform: the unfortunate bit is that standards-compliance costs money.
asciilifeform: jurov: this is because the standard was incomplete, and it is nearly impossible to write a program today wholly using only the standard.
asciilifeform: this is quite impossible in a properly-specified multivendor environment.
asciilifeform: and multi-vendor implementations.
asciilifeform: heterogeneous computing is liquishit.
asciilifeform: << single-user computing in a wwwtron is braindamaged.
asciilifeform: << moar picturesque examples
asciilifeform: lel u.s. navy, 'During the past six months, our surveyors have uncovered a number of submarines not complying with a requirement for a chip shield on the lathe or drill press. To aid the fleet in a decision process for procuring a solution, I found three of numerous possible companies which supply equipment...'
asciilifeform: where there is ample space to swing a torch
asciilifeform: pex really seems like one of those plastics specially-designed for american chumps, to annihilate the intrinsic advantages of using plastic
asciilifeform: can't say that i have. simply that 800/h is not titanically selective of customers.
asciilifeform: cheap universal digital radio drives snooping costs to astronomical heights, and threatens to de-emphasize centralized telco antennae
asciilifeform: temporarily
asciilifeform: 'gl' was simply when they added the snipped upper 2MB of ram back in
asciilifeform: cn will churn out STRICTLY what can be sold to the chumps and no more.
asciilifeform: (i suppose they do, if you're chingis khan, or mircea_popescu , etc. but not for the contemplated poorfag use case.)
asciilifeform: ergo it is simply a small flat that happens to - temporarily - float. not a machine for surviving 2000km from nearest man.
asciilifeform: in port, it is an expensive kind of camper truck, yes.
asciilifeform: imho we can skip the menschkeit 'everett's device is the only working device' mega-thread, subj is amply worked in the l0gz...
asciilifeform: so what would a sane approach to 'i wish to live with the company of other bipeds being wholly SELECTABLE', if not boat ? or mircea_popescu sees entire question as nuttery.
asciilifeform: is this simply variation on familiar mircea_popescu program 'i am demigod and if somebody has a motivation i don't grasp, they are inconsequential sea slug and stfu' ?
asciilifeform: so next question is, can improve this ?
asciilifeform: let's take a living example, the nuke sub
asciilifeform: there is a distinction between the ~physically~ and ~economically~ impossible machine.
asciilifeform: as i picture it, 'orlov's boat' is simply a lower-tech variation of the theme of 'mars dome'
asciilifeform: no confirmed examples prior.
asciilifeform: that was simply answer to 'why interest in subj'
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu simply doesn't grok the depth of asciilifeform's misanthropy.
asciilifeform: trinque: i would prefer to select simply by moving my house into international water and submerging.
asciilifeform: it is a qualitative jump, in cost AND repairability, and i have nfi why orlov ignored it.
asciilifeform: and arithmetic is arithmetic and what is this steam computer nonsense.
asciilifeform: again the 'expensive' thing is rather like observing that f-16 parts are costly. yes, because golden toilet buyers. compare instead with mig.
asciilifeform: it is quite conceivable that there is item, which is recognizably a computer, but not one of the items for which ibm correctly assessed a market sized 5 units in '52.
asciilifeform: this is rather like that ibm fella who wrote 'there is a market for five computers'
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: they are not made for this purpose, but he is attempting to design one which is..
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: yes but did you attempt to ~live~ in them.
asciilifeform: (for the impatient, last section, grep for 'blow the tanks')
asciilifeform: just the way we set them jumpers.
asciilifeform: at the core is a buncha very arbitrary jumper settings.
asciilifeform: Framedragger: this may very well turn out to be an ai-complete program, because most gigantic db have various optimizations for speed, that do not map in a straightforward way to display.
asciilifeform: anyone ever tempted to revive gopher ?
asciilifeform: it is probably the ~least~ complicated piece, actually.
asciilifeform: afaik reiser is the champ.
asciilifeform: 'moral' of this thread is - phuctor stretches the limits of disk, fs, db, various shoddy duct tape that makes up modern kompyooooting shitsoup
asciilifeform: which is an order of magnitude slower than simply 'from hd'
asciilifeform: it has a tremendous qty of ram, without which whole experiment would be quite impossible
asciilifeform: Framedragger: not only would an api take up more complexity than phuctor at present in its entirety, but the thing barely keeps up as it is.
asciilifeform: note, all of this is from not even one complete parcel from Framedragger .
asciilifeform: having ANY new fields would make the thing 100x more complex.
asciilifeform: there isn't much further to push the dupe thing, other than cataloguing the champs
asciilifeform: we had this thread: unmasking is only effective when there IS somebody interesting to unmask. at other times, you gotta emplace that cocaine into the toilet tank.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: 'unmask', turns out, isn't nearly 'user-friendly' enough for nsa, they would also like arbitrary ram r/w into the chumpers
asciilifeform: and, interestingly, won't even make the 'receiver' from aluminum billet, you need a '80% complete' one
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: chumps are almost biologically drawn to 'musical chairs' game
asciilifeform: << the impalement is inescapable. i simply object to the notion of sparing the hardware they built - it is every bit as insidiously and infectiously idiotic as all of their software creations.
asciilifeform whistles the impalement theme from 'ogniem i mieczem'...
asciilifeform: complete with driver babel.
asciilifeform: they ALL have turing-complete thing inside, and update (typically nonpersistent, but not always) blobs inside the vendor's binary drivers.
asciilifeform: worse yet, there are at least a dozen incompatible arms.
asciilifeform: not pointless, but important to understand that result will eventually be the same pile of shit as everyone else's pile of shit.
asciilifeform: 'Mr Vancel said the men were shooting at each other before the officers arrived. "This was not a 'come at police' situation they weren't targeting the police at first - I don't assume so - because these were men out here shooting at each other in an empty parking lot until the police showed up and it turned into a gun battle," he added.' << lel
asciilifeform: 'Stanley Quayle, a computer emulation consultant, has seen contractors desperate to find the parts they need. "I have a prospective customer supporting a U.S. missile defense system that is buying parts on eBay," says Quayle. "Any parts they do find are as old or older than their system," meaning they’re sometimes no more reliable than the pieces they replace.'
asciilifeform: 'Sparkler Filters of Conroe, Texas, prides itself on being a leader in the world of chemical process filtration. If you buy an automatic nutsche filter from them, though, they’ll enter your transaction on a “computer” that dates from 1948.'
asciilifeform: << some lulz re earlier.
asciilifeform: for the record, the only direction with real promise in small arms field is 'gyrojet', where the rifled and tempered barrel is unnecessary, given a self-rotating projectile, small and quite easily-made rocket
asciilifeform: 'i will sell machine that makes banned rifle part X' but no contemplation of 'so they'll ban part Y which my machine cannot make', or 'why not design a Z which can be made by hand' etc.
asciilifeform: or why he collects megabux of donation simply to give to lawyers;
asciilifeform: or why wilson is convinced that usg will not answer simply by changing the rules so that ~barrel~, rather than magazine holder, is regulated;
asciilifeform: e.g., why make the complex ar15 receiver, when one could design a much simpler stamped (or waterjet-cut, etc) item that would take the same barrels;
asciilifeform: ibm never quite made the conceptual transition from 'calculator' to 'computer'