asciilifeform: d to reason with cattle. No more. Completing the CLX implementation, as described above should take no more than a few months.' << this is iirc the first time i am seeing 'mean girlz' in a shithub page.
asciilifeform: >> 'He's more-or-less lent jackdaniel his signature, and is too much of a pushover to, say, speak up or block access rights to the repository when jackdaniel takes actions he disagrees with. Someone familiar with the fork suggested that it might be premature. Had I nipped this problem in the bud a week ago, I could have had translated the CLIM specifiction to CLIM by now. Instead, I attempte
asciilifeform: in other 'news', i was walking on a street and saw a house that appeared to be made of steel. overgrown with jungle, apparently for decades, according to city hall. looked up what the thing was, turns out they were stamped out like cars:
asciilifeform: lulzily, they import all of (yes) prb...
asciilifeform: the baked-in unspoken presumption that no one will have sufficiently panopticonic view of the ledger to compute the obfuscated numbers
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: bridgewire detonator, not lamp
asciilifeform: 'This is an unusual and insanely fast capacitor. Ok, a gross overkill, full foil discharge type. The capacitor is rated at 3000V and 0.15uF. It was originally intended to go to a... Give you three guesses and you'll probably hit the nail on the head in the first guess. Anyway it is super small, light weight, 100% reliable, and indefinitely repeatable in the 2500V range. Would be great for large flashlamp triggering or large KDP q-sw
asciilifeform: complete with optics, lel.
asciilifeform: compare with the Official version,
asciilifeform: and like complete idiot i was crawling around inside laser cabinet with a motherfucking obgyn mirror, looking for crud in the beam path..
asciilifeform: 'Now that it's looking like a Trump win is unlikely, you could argue that his supporters are following those conversations to their logical conclusion. You could also argue that Trump is feeding this narrative with his frequent proclamations that the election is “rigged." If you are among the 84 percent or so of Trump supporters who believe that is a legitimate issue, then it's an easy step from there to assume the riggers will hav
asciilifeform: mr hedgehog is either complete idiot or he collected and put in his pocket the firing pins before smiling.
asciilifeform: << meanwhile, in the prb cellars, the umpteenth 'soft' phork
asciilifeform: << from mats's link
asciilifeform: ' a prominent diversity group refusing to work with any company associated with Thiel'
asciilifeform: seems like domain simply expired.
asciilifeform: (all of the examples i personally know of, are perfectly reflashable-via-baseband, just same as crapple etc.)
asciilifeform: 'The Anu & Naveen Jain Women’s Safety XPRIZE is a $1 million global competition that challenges teams to leverage technology to empower communities with a transformative solution that ensures women’s safety. Armed with innovative safety nets, communities everywhere can rapidly respond to threats against any of its members, ensuring that help is always available when needed. The winning team’s solution will autonomously and inco
asciilifeform: in re the 'crackpot alts' thread, apparently attempts at 'communist coins' are still a thing, e.g., -- 'When new Bitcoins are created, only some Bitcoin users (the miners) are given new Bitcoins, while everyone else get nothing. We believe this is the first injustice.'
asciilifeform: adlai: mircea_popescu translated eons ago, and apparently forgot,
asciilifeform: but now the wonderful 'dependency hell' has been IMPORTED there.
asciilifeform: i suspect that the folks for whom 'the defense is ironclad' they simply nailgun.
asciilifeform: lel, brilliant, it's a marvel that anybody ever gets imprisoned, if it were so easy..
asciilifeform: the only defense, afaik, that could be attempted, was 'they planted it'
asciilifeform: ec [computer security]. Thanks. You made me a much better infosec [information security] practitioner. In exchange, well, I gave you my time, and you failed to allow me to help you... You are missing most of the basics in security practice, while thinking you are the best. It’s the bread and butter stuff that will trip you up. Trust me on this one. Seen it.... Dudes/Dudettes, I can’t make this any plainer... Listen up . . . ‘Th
asciilifeform: 'In a review of the digital information seized from the Defendant, the government found a letter, apparently created in 2007, which was addressed to government employees with whom he worked, and signed “Hal.” In the letter, the Defendant refers to his co-workers as “clowns” and criticizes the government’s digital security measures: Well, for one thing, I’ve seen pretty much all your tech secrets wrt [sic] regard to compus
asciilifeform: they gotta impose the star topology.
asciilifeform: (we had mongoose ache crystallographied 1 floor down from my chair, at one point, can't recall precisely why, it had already been done elsewhere. possibly it was in-complex)
asciilifeform: (in the end you get sarin-resistant mice. this is not even a physical impossibility, iirc mongoose needed an elephant's dose to fall down)
asciilifeform: 'The Web of Trust is not, as the name would seem to imply, an oilfield in which trust plays the role of oil, and you deploy some apparatuses and other devices to extract the trust therewith.'
asciilifeform: and, eh, 'v', or trb, or various other items contemplated here, fall much closer to the jet than to the tv set.
asciilifeform: any imperial coin, really.
asciilifeform: only if dumped
asciilifeform: that'll simply reset the problem.
asciilifeform: accomplishes ~same result as author of coin personally handing out the monetary base, but messier and more expensively.
asciilifeform: aaand yet the alts where author simply pocketed the monetarybase and distributed by hand from own pocket - were laughed off.
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: the (very old) gedankenexperiment concerned 'what if solving hashes is substantially cheaper than we chumps believe it to be, and promulgator of the coin knows the pill'
asciilifeform: to put it in more familiar frame, there is no way to prove that the majority of the bitcoin hash rate is not in fact happening on a pocket comp.
asciilifeform: ('martian bank' being simply a naive abstraction of 'idealizes swiss bank', where money supply is constant, and i can send from account a1 can send to a2 if and only if i have the privkey for a1, and double-spend - impossible, etc.)
asciilifeform: (this might be in the l0gz, but asciilifeform's own private, abortive, and ~entirely pointless attempt to 'invent bitcoin' in 2005-6 involved 'homomorphotron' (did not at the time know the term, or of anyone else's work on subj) that simulates 'martian bank' as ordinary computer program but somehow executed 'crypto-blinded' by multitude of independent machines, with the aggregate behaving correctly so long as collusion is below lampo
asciilifeform: prolly the usual overcompensation for spamolade.
asciilifeform: other, unrelated observation, is that delegating computation with a homomorphotron is only +ev if you spend fewer cycles to encipher 'the question' and decipher 'the answer' than it would have taken you to carry out the entire computation in your own comp
asciilifeform: let's temporarily leave this part for later, and posit that mircea_popescu can both add and multiply homomorphically, via whatever means. i'd like to hear how he carries out the branching.
asciilifeform: this gedankenexperiment strikes me as quite similar to the one where you 'defeat' 2nd law of thermo. by dumping heat into a black hole, and similar.
asciilifeform: in re thread from coupla days ago, i was somewhat surprised to discover that a recent homomorphatron scam, 'cryptoleq', is now promoted in a buncha places, incl. pediwikia, ( and probably elsewhere ) .
asciilifeform: but with the physical props of the chumpatron.
asciilifeform: 'TLDR: all of computing is a hoax. You can't compare a hoax to nothing. You can only compare it to all the other hoaxes.'
asciilifeform: i wonder, did they actually import american hardware, or contracted to have own, 'industria argentina' dieboldtrons birthed ?
asciilifeform: i had several boxes with this lamp, imho it is monumentally useless.
asciilifeform: y'know, folx like walter schellenberg, who joined ss simply because of the spiffy uniform and 'good career perspective'
asciilifeform: works, as far as i can tell, for the self-importance monkey riding on his back.
asciilifeform: (consider, why did they not simply clim-for-winblowz ??)
asciilifeform: trinque: i thought texas was a 'empty kalash into breaking door' state..?
asciilifeform: being the only ~serious industrial country in europe unwrecked by ww2, and full of german sympathizers, it 'musted die'
asciilifeform: from mircea_popescu's link, << lulzy example, more or less at random, of peculiarly literate lizard shill
asciilifeform: trinque: it gets complicated surprisingly quickly. consider 'blitting' between buffers.
asciilifeform: trinque: because 'framebuffer' and 'circle' are more complicated than pictured here.
asciilifeform: aha, as the name implied.
asciilifeform: 'voluntary-compulsory'
asciilifeform: a simple cron job ought to do the trick, actually
asciilifeform: !~google hochdruckpumpe
asciilifeform: relatedly, i just picked up a b00k on coriolis force, and it has... basic programs in every chapter, as example. such nostalgic.
asciilifeform: compared to rocket.
asciilifeform: '"The election is absolutely being rigged by the dishonest and distorted media pushing Crooked Hillary - but also at many polling places - SAD," Trump wrote on Twitter ... In another tweet later on Sunday, Trump blamed "animals representing Hillary Clinton" and Democrats in North Carolina for an overnight attack on a local Republican Party headquarters in that state. Local authorities said the building in Hillsborough, North Carolina
asciilifeform: ( )
asciilifeform: i can picture BingoBoingo's palace of dreams, arc lamps plugged into belching 2cycle petrol
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: i've discarded 3 '20 Year Life!!!111' led lamps thus far
asciilifeform: and what about when i want to dump a few GB of ram.
asciilifeform: modding 'flashrom' so that it would use a pci bus hanging from a sage instead of the local one would be fairly simple. unfortunately i do not have time presently, being deep into something quite else.
asciilifeform: see the coreboot docs, there is a skeleton example.
asciilifeform: lulzily, i had nfi, never once attempted to plug the thing into mac
asciilifeform: just grab an iron pipe , lamp, light switch, before pawing the boards in dry winter air.
asciilifeform: 'jewish impudence'
asciilifeform: let's take example:
asciilifeform: imho there is even merit in a scheme like lamport's, where the key has to be replaced ~every time it is used.~ seems like nuttery, until you consider that it cannot be ruled out that rsa (and every other numbertheoretical method) signatures slowly leak the privkey.
asciilifeform: 'hello, is this hitler? i saw there is a hole in one of your camp fences, untermenschen are escaping, send help quickly'
asciilifeform: meanwhile, from the dept. of sad sacks of shit, >> 'Q. If you delete the inputs, double spending can happen. A. In fact, this means: maybe someone claims that some unspent output was spent in the old days. But this is impossible, otherwise the sum of the combined transactioncould not be zero.'
asciilifeform: 'diff < (./ sha256sum pubkey.txt < encoded.txt)' should be 'diff <(./ sha256sum pubkey.txt < encoded.txt)' .
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: one of your earlier links contained yet another 'happy surprise' - there are TWO INCOMPATIBLE keccaks floating around, by decree of His Putrid Majesty, one of'em is simply the normal keccak but it appends a constant turd to the input (nfi why)
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: there was a reason i did not use sha3 in the lamport tutorial.
asciilifeform: with mega-gold, e.g., 'Complete discovery would likely require defense counsel to obtain appropriate security clearances (which they do not possess), and appropriate facilities to be prepared and made available to the defense for review and storage of any classified materials. In anticipation of that possibility, the process of obtaining security clearances was initiated shortly after the complaint in this case was issued, to avoid d
asciilifeform: PeterL: that probably isn't it, because there are still stinking hobos in the computer labs.
asciilifeform: earlier he sent me complete symbol tables for the sage rom.
asciilifeform: kmalkki: also interestingly, the turdlets are supposedly arm-compatible, and - to naked eye, seeing strings - plainly unciphered, but they do not appear to disassemble cleanly as either big- or little-endian arm.
asciilifeform: perhaps it was simply to trace leaks.
asciilifeform: though it raises the question of why they would not simply share their master key with the OEMs then
asciilifeform: do you know what an even rsa modulus implies ?
asciilifeform: kmalkki: now more interestingly, hdt is simply a protocol on top of jtag, imho the main scientific interest in the smartprobe fw would be to extract the protocol.
asciilifeform: 'PSP: The Cortex A8 running trustzone firmware, implemented from family 15h model 60h (Carrizo) and family 16h model 30h (Mullins) and up. It is running Trustonic TEE OS licensed by AMD. PSP Boot ROM runs *before* x86 core. Then non-bootrom PSP parts are stored (zlib-compressed) in the main flash. Bypass mechanism available via strap pin, but dummy and AMD signed bypass binaries needs to be always run. It is expected that newer CPUs
asciilifeform: (in actual practice, i would probably use sha512 or keccak; sha256 was for pedagogic example only)
asciilifeform: 'The theory is that while a court can compel someone to not speak (a gag order), it cannot compel someone to lie.' << orly.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: and the dude, believe or not, went through bootcamp, drove a tank, you'd think he'd have learned something.
asciilifeform: my www had 'contact' link, it goes to empty page, gotta fix it to go phuctor-style
asciilifeform: he is currently employed, or last i knew, providing 'mathematical' flavouring to 'power rangers' of various stripes.
asciilifeform: (incidentally, this principle is applicable - fundamental theorem of calculus!111 - to all speed traps - police could simply observe that your license plate appeared on street S1 too soon after it was seen on street S0 ! BUT observe, this is done in no city anywhere.)
asciilifeform: there is an imho interesting dynamic in speedtraps though, where the enforcement is never permitted to become ideal, or folks will simply drive very slowly and commerce grinds to a halt
asciilifeform: makes for an impressive 'scifi' blaster beam though.
asciilifeform: every-six-months-incompatible-chip had ~0 to do with moore's law before, and has 0 now.
asciilifeform: one of the interesting recurring motifs in dalrymple (british dude who worked for decades as prison doctor) re addicts is that they are not 'could be just anybody'
asciilifeform: (but not living in their company, i have deeply nfi.)
asciilifeform: 'it's appropriate to make a machine print "hello world" to verify that everything works after all the mind-boggling nonsense has interfered with the real purpose of a computer, and you never know which part of booting up will fail due to a minor bug. the delight in a C programmer's eyes when his machine thus booted typed "hello world" back at him would probably parallel that of a Common Lisp programmer when the satellite communicati
asciilifeform: there does not exist such a thing as 'a c program', even the schoolbook 'hello world' relies on a megatonne of os crapola simply to load and produce human-readable out.
asciilifeform: but C remains popular not merely because 'c compiler is the first thing to be ported to any new iron' but also because it is 'lowest common denominator.'
asciilifeform: e.g., anything pertaining to bignums - as hopefully is abundantly clear from the example.
asciilifeform: as per the immediately previous thread, some operations are actually SIMPLER, conceptually, to express in x86 asm than in c !
asciilifeform: well no, that was 'compiler' for sane-people addition
asciilifeform: to our grief, it is very very easy to write a (sad, inefficient, but working) c compiler.
asciilifeform: but underneath the emperor's robe, there is same bare arse as everyone else has.
asciilifeform: ( we are on a 32-bit box in this example ) and we add 0x12345678AABBCCDD , a 64-bit int, to another 64-bit int, to get a 128-bit result.
asciilifeform: i will give example here, to nail in the point:
asciilifeform: well let's say that we redefined int as 64b. then the headache would simply be 'why does c not give us the 128-bit mul result that pentium happily disgorges when we mul rax, rbx'
asciilifeform: from comments, '...there are many processor features that are not directly available in C even though they are available in a wide variety of processors (the overflow flag is a prime example). A similar situation that comes to my mind now is that 32bit*32bit multiplication results in a 32-bit integer in C even though most processors yield a 64-bit result...'
asciilifeform: e.g., 'Pointer arithmetic. In the good old times, an int and a pointer used to have the same size. People happily used ints as array indices. Array indexing is just pointer arithmetic, and in some architectures (like x86), you can often perform the pointer arithmetic plus load in a single instruction. Then came 64-bit architectures. For reasons I don't really get (compatibility?), on x86-64 and other 64-bit architectures ints remaine
asciilifeform: 'In my opinion, sir, any officer who goes into action without his sword is improperly dressed.'
asciilifeform: (in linked example, we get a transformation of commonlisp into a language with entirely different syntax and evaluation rules, 'while you wait!111')
asciilifeform: sometimes a localized bit of custom notation is the only reasonably-compact abstraction.
asciilifeform: i suspect that when mircea_popescu wakes up he will at least feel temptation to write up a 'modern school of comp sci' thing where 'you must find a paper and asciify it...' etc
asciilifeform: 'No FUCKING Windows updates! No VIRUSES! No blue screens. Not even a "Guru Meditation" or 3 bombs... Just a working horse. That's what a computer supposed to be for you.'
asciilifeform: in other olds - << lisp in su. i for one had nfi that j. mccarthy went there and taught.
asciilifeform: << anyone who claims to be doing os or bios dev and does not have this instrument is deaf and blind. but if you aren't into either, then it is just a very threadbare comp.
asciilifeform: or that it does not contain subtle lie (this is a problem with every single example extant, including the one linked earlier, they have subtle deviations from what the actual silicon does, we know this from YEARS of thankless sweat by various linux folk)
asciilifeform: how do i verify that $chipdoc is not only correct but ~complete~, much less the ~original~..?
asciilifeform: << it is not clear that anyone knows how to do this without simply becoming a toilet for disinfo, with rapidly thinning wallet to boot
asciilifeform: this is gdb command, the syntax is simple, $COMMANDGOESHERE#CHECKSUM
asciilifeform: you might have to get the same gdb i have, to properly compare.
asciilifeform: trinque: << mine, with complete debug out, fwiw
asciilifeform: trinque: give me a similar dump but after you put "set debug remote 1" in your gdb config.
asciilifeform: (i personally stitched it out of the old braindamaged wiki, dumped circa july 2015)
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: british dude who was once a comp sci prof and quit because barfed at academia's corrupt idiocies,
asciilifeform: of possible reverser interest, << 'Snowman is a native code to C/C++ decompiler...' >> similar, possibly, to ida's famous 'hexray'.
asciilifeform: phf: it is not imho important to optimize parachute for speed. lamportron per se is nearly the ultimate waste of cpu and space in crypto world ...
asciilifeform: hmm i think i have an example of phf's selfsame mac here !
asciilifeform: why does computing sha2 cons at all??!
asciilifeform: (when removing the timestamps)
asciilifeform: the bush-II folk had brilliant 'solution', they created 'dhs', a uniquely braindamaged conglomerate bureau which subsumed half a dozen old ones, and is so peculiarly 'dilbertian hell' that the employee turnover there is now ~6 mo.
asciilifeform: 'The United States Digital Service is a startup at the White House that pairs the country’s top technology talent with the best public servants, to improve the usefulness and reliability of the country’s most important digital services.' << l0l!!
asciilifeform: trinque: 'cu' is a mega-win compared to what i had prior. ty.
asciilifeform: the most agonizing thing in this example is that i am quite unsure if the ills are even curable. they may be intrinsic to the 'in-band problem' of a terminal talker.
asciilifeform: (thing hangs on to a pty, so will not die simply from, e.g., nuking the xterm from which you ran it)
asciilifeform: i'd relish seeing N implementations, in N+1 langs, like we had for 'v'.
asciilifeform: pretty typical, imho, example.
asciilifeform: pernatural belonging earned him the impossibly ironic nickname of “Gandhi” among his men.'
asciilifeform: << lelz, apparently funkenstein made his own chan, a while ago, complete with logs, bots, etc.
asciilifeform: << meanwhile, some folx luuvvv to complain.
asciilifeform: because the work of checking for error conditions ~still has to be done~, the os simply unloads it onto the back of programmer, and this could be lived with, except that it is ~not made possible~ for the programmer to unwind every possible condition.
asciilifeform: also exemplary retardation. yeeeeh let's have null-terminated strings!111 we Luuuuuv doing O(N) length calculation, and random breakage !
asciilifeform: 'If a filename contains whitespace, it undergoes WordSplitting. Assuming we have a file named 01 - Don't Eat the Yellow Snow.mp3 in the current directory, the for loop will iterate over each word in the resulting file name: 01, -, Don't, Eat, etc. If a filename contains glob characters, it undergoes filename expansion ("globbing"). If ls produces any output containing a * character, the word containing it will become recognized as a
asciilifeform: << the 'sub-shells' idiocy melted my brain when i was writing .
asciilifeform: whaack: packets sent between btc nodes on the wild net have been known to 'mysteriously' vanish, like in bermuda triangle. the folks who control the backbones dislike bitcoin. the gold standard for syncing a newly-birthed node is to do so with a working node on your lan, or otherwise, if transporting it is impractical, via ssh tunnel to same.
asciilifeform: btw, mircea_popescu , mod6 , et al: might be interesting to have a mempool-less mode (block relay only) for cases like this.
asciilifeform: $ echo "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001" | ./ privkey.txt | ./ sha256sum pubkey.txt
asciilifeform: $ od -N 32 -An -t x1 -v /dev/zero | tr -d " \n" | ./ privkey.txt | ./ sha256sum pubkey.txt
asciilifeform: $ od -N 32 -An -t x1 -v /dev/zero | tr -d " \n" | ./ privkey.txt | ./ sha256sum pubkey.txt
asciilifeform: (for the uninitiated, 'busybox' is simply a 'swiss army knife' thing that stuffs simplified versions of ~every~ basic unix util into 1 executable)
asciilifeform: also i can't say that i am especially at this point interested in attempts at unix sanitation.
asciilifeform: the one with the H(S+J) and the multiple timestamps, etc.
asciilifeform: 'So if it is claimed that the Guy Fawkes protocol is not really a signature, then the onus would be on the objector to show how to deal with the many other kinds of signature that use interaction, as well as the importance of context — the framework of certification and revocation services, legal conventions and so on — to the utility of digital signatures. In most applications, the value of signatures ultimately depends on conve
asciilifeform: for BingoBoingo ( or whoever put it there ) >>
asciilifeform: (in actuality, in 'identity-based' crypto, folks actually encipher to a pubkey that is produced by F(Pc, X) where Pc is the chump's email addr and X is a public key of the great inca; chump (email addr holder) can decipher with his Pk_c private key, and so can the inca.
asciilifeform: << lulzily enough, the fact that it is physically impossible to generate a ~private~ privatekey from a public string... didn't stop usg from trying! see old thread,
asciilifeform: 'He was concerned about the team’s communication skills and lack of maturity, which has compromised bitcoin’s ability to attract new protocol developers.' << lel
asciilifeform: ^ further use cases for lamportron.
asciilifeform: i aim to salvage these. lamportron, for instance, is entirely suited to hand-cranked use in junglr conditions - 0 bignums...
asciilifeform: one of those duded on whose vintage compressed farts what's left of usa still runs.
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: linked piece does not require much brain, fortunately, it is about the simplest publickey sig algo ever devised
asciilifeform: lamport did not specify this, but imho it is obvious.
asciilifeform: aha, the good doktor lamport knew what he was doing.
asciilifeform: naturally it is possible to distinguish, e.g., lamport, from boeck.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: possibly. i simply have trouble with the limba de lemn , it is thick.
asciilifeform: when this fails, and it will, there ~will~ be ru-style hyperinflation, as the selfsame chumps use their megabux to bid up the cost of basic necessities
asciilifeform: aside from balloons, you could possible julesverne something out of a 'hochdruckspumpe'.
asciilifeform: re: earlier: caveat is that a man being correctly microwaved will, in all likelihood, present the symptoms of 'rather disturbed' in short order
asciilifeform: imho we really oughta lamportize the voice mechanism.
asciilifeform pictures toady in tempest black van, on sat phone: 'yessir, start the fleanode ddos right NOW'
asciilifeform adjusts stirrups on his comp
asciilifeform: this is provably impossible
asciilifeform: recall, if rsa died, mircea_popescu cannot simply pgp the J' to his current circle of friends.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu et al : see if you can find a simpler variant.
asciilifeform: anyway here is a simple, 'low-tech' lamport-style scheme. let K be my current pgp key; J be a future, continuity-of-life key in some yet-undiscovered system ;
asciilifeform: but i mention lamport specifically because it does not rely on number-theoretical conjecture (on the other hand, hashing relies on ????????? for hardness...)
asciilifeform: while we're on the subject, there may be merit in deedbotting a lamport-style one-shot public key for the event of an 'asteroid' (serious number-theoretic breakthrough, or the like)
asciilifeform: feel free to make'em dump key into phuctor
asciilifeform: fwiw, armchair archaeology of german physics is complicated by the fact that in '45 everyone who was anyone in that wot was jumping out of his shirt to market himself to the americans with fanciful legend
asciilifeform: these are amply documented in BingoBoingo's material.
asciilifeform: incidentally i find it quite hilarious that three years after the snowden catalogue leak, the constellation of symptoms of rf bug illuminator victims is still Officially 'schizo'
asciilifeform: (it isn't, however, that 90GHz doesn't roast a man, it is simply that it does it the old, medieval, outside-in way, rather than the slowly and subtly-lethal inside-out of <=2.4.
asciilifeform: and i wasn't implying (b)
asciilifeform: because ibm sole-sourced part is JUST THE THING for a PHREEDOM-ENABLING comp, aha.
asciilifeform: (summary : seems like rms grew a spine for the occasion and it exercising the 'libreboot' trademark, and expelling the idiot with empty pockets)
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: they're ultra-common (see the raw 'dupes' page) but no mega-champ has been ~phuctored~ yet
asciilifeform: doesn't actually meant they're same box, or same chump, there's a mindboggling number of turdware routers etc with bitwise duped fw incl key
asciilifeform: . The government has somehow become the new providing husband, by taking money from anonymous men who have no say about their money. While women are still strongly financially dependent on men, men are simply unable to use the money they make for their own interests.'
asciilifeform: i dun think author of subj was complaining re females not being usefully taxable.
asciilifeform: not comparable with the state that is the subj of linked piece.
asciilifeform: aaaand from the dept. of unsurprises, 'Today, I am happy to report that the site is back up — this time under Project Shield, a free program run by Google to help protect journalists from online censorship. And make no mistake, DDoS attacks — particularly those the size of the assault that hit my site this week — are uniquely effective weapons for stomping on free speech...' -- herr krebs
asciilifeform: we will not be importing this crapolade.
asciilifeform: shinohai: trb memory pighoggery prevents the practical trbification of any of these. but it is ~impossible to fix without rewriting good chunk of it.
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: did i ever tell the tale of when i attempted to weld with such a camera
asciilifeform: meanwhile, from earlier idiocy, '"It's hard to imagine a stronger form of censorship than these DDoS attacks because if nobody wants to take you on then that's pretty effective censorship," Krebs told Ars on Friday. "I've had a couple of big companies offer and then think better of offering to help me. That's been frustrating."'
asciilifeform: '@briankrebs @ComputerGuy33 or if the content is so $ valuable then monetize it and use $ to pay for hosting.' << lel
asciilifeform: hence mentioned 'he conjured' for completeness.
asciilifeform: post the terminal dump for other folx when you do tho.
asciilifeform: best way is to have as many of the things as you have boards that take'em, but this is complicated by the fact that if the probe is plugged in but not driven, the board will not boot.
asciilifeform: sage is a pretty temperamental instrument, though, definitely not konsoomer 'plug and go' sort of affair.
asciilifeform: 'But instead of warning the affected companies that their customers were at risk, the NSA maintained the silence.'
asciilifeform: and, while we're on subj, -- 'a former NSA employee carelessly left those hacking tools on a remote server three years ago after an operation and a group of Russian hackers found them, sources close to the investigation told Reuters.'
asciilifeform: << aaaaand elsewhere in lulzdom, 'Leaked NSA hacking tools are now being used on Cisco customers, according to the tech giant. The company published an advisory on Friday saying that NSA grade hacking tools are now being used against customers.'
asciilifeform: 'NEW YORK – Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman today announced a settlement with Trump International Hotels Management LLC, d/b/a Trump Hotel Collection (“THC”), involving data breaches resulting in the exposure of over 70,000 credit card numbers and other personal data. THC has agreed to pay $50,000 in penalties and to shore up its data security practices.'
asciilifeform: << moar krebsism
asciilifeform: followed by the mempool thing
asciilifeform: as distinct from mempool ?
asciilifeform: probably the only way to implement properly 'nothing to allcomers'
asciilifeform: eh hey, would mircea_popescu have preferred if some organized equivalent of webster had imposed this crapola , as the original did, by doctoring dictionaries ?
asciilifeform: << other well-known experiment with exotic (0 added hardware) transmission, via, e.g., cpu looping
asciilifeform: but vga is the champ because it does not expect anything ~back~
asciilifeform: btw, re -- oblig. reading -- 1) << the classic ; 2) << modern-day.
asciilifeform: note, i didn't paint wasp-fucking as a sin. simply another hobby, that requires adequate preparation and equipment.
asciilifeform: if not - either refrain, or dun complain...
asciilifeform: and i have exactly same sympathy for 'stotters' who deliberately provoke the idiot cop as for those dudes who fuck wasp hives.
asciilifeform: or if you just want 10mW or so, just ordinary cable, no amp.
asciilifeform: gerating his resume and stealing the answers to an employment test. In May 2013, Snowden informed his supervisor that he would be out of the office to receive treatment for worsening epilepsy. In reality, he was on his way to Hong Kong with stolen secrets.'
asciilifeform: 'He claimed to have left Army basic training because of broken legs when in fact he washed out because of shin splints. He claimed to have obtained a high school degree equivalent when in fact he never did. He claimed to have worked for the CIA as a "senior advisor," which was a gross exaggeration of his entry-level duties as a computer technician. He also doctored his performance evaluations and obtained new positions at NSA by exag
asciilifeform: 'Another reason for the key switch is that it is going to increase in size, from 1024 bits up to 2048. As time goes on, and computing power increases, the chance of someone cracking the key, although still low, increases.' << mega-l0l
asciilifeform: '“There is a logical possibility that somebody has cracked it and we don’t know,” Andrew Sullivan, chair of the Internet Architecture Board, a group that oversees organisations involved in the evolution of the internet, told Motherboard in a phone call. He stressed, however, that there is no reason to believe the key has been compromised.'
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: it is presently comparable to astronomy at a time when telescope existed but only 'weirdos' had heard of it.
asciilifeform: (the comparison with deaf beethoven invites itself)
asciilifeform: this is not, note, a 'gossipd' net per se, but potentially component in one.
asciilifeform: and likewise the power of the station can vary depending on who the operator is ( if mircea_popescu , megawatt, if asciilifeform living in amphora on the streets of athens, a watt, etc)
asciilifeform: shinohai: the amp is the tricky bit. and the dirigible.
asciilifeform: it just needs an amp.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: microscope is of course the 4th method. ought to be included for completeness .
asciilifeform: thing is a respectable micro comp on its own
asciilifeform: Framedragger: the mega-feature was the all-in-one micro (just needs current source, a few milliamp) and unspeakable cheapness
asciilifeform: (at one time al schwartz and i modelled a scheme with ordinary champaigne bottles floating in ocean. it can work)
asciilifeform: i even handed out chip samples at c3 recall
asciilifeform: (i.e. usg-compliant)
asciilifeform: 'It is Intel’s belief that this is an implementation issue isolated to a specific manufacturer, not a design problem with the Intel 82574L Gigabit Ethernet controller. Intel has not observed this issue with any implementations which follow Intel’s published design guidelines. Intel recommends contacting your motherboard manufacturer ...'
asciilifeform: (elsewhere) 'The network card crashed whenever the value 0x32 or 0x33 was found at offset 0x47f. Kristian first noticed this happening for specific SIP packets, but in the end, it turned out that any packet with 0x32 at 0x47f caused the crash. Intel traced the problem to an EEPROM used in this specific card (82574L). There are some links in the comment to the blog suggesting that others have run into this problem before. For example,
asciilifeform: ^ dude who found what was probably loose end of intel's implementation of 'magic usg packet'
asciilifeform if nobody figured it out, was going through /usr/src/linux/drivers/net/ethernet simply ... asking 'gbE? alive?' for each item therein.
asciilifeform: i will add, for completeness, that 'silicon labs' and 'texas instruments' offer gbE controllers, but only as chip - not, afaik, packaged on pci/pcie by anyone.
asciilifeform: April 12, 2010 'PALO ALTO, Calif. -- HP today announced it has completed its acquisition of 3Com Corporation at a price of $7.90 per share in cash or an enterprise value of approximately $2.7 billion.'
asciilifeform: and sure, 'army and navy' is not a complete picture, it is possible to disagree a la hassan i sabbah, or mircea_popescu .
asciilifeform showed to pet, who noted 'the comp in every bit of science fiction written by thinking folk of old, the research console, starship bridge, etc'
asciilifeform: the comp-for-thinking-folk aaaalmost happened.
asciilifeform: in definitely not newz, 'Counterfeit batteries are a HUGE problem on eBay. I firmly believe that probably over 85% of the Lithium Ion batteries on eBay are counterfeit or of inferior/dangerous quality. Most of them are extremely overrated as well. For instance, a 18650 cell simply cannot hold 4000MaH. It’s not physically possible for on of these cells output that much energy without draining it to an unusable state. Whatever th
asciilifeform: complete with asciiart.
asciilifeform: in other lulz,
asciilifeform: also rolled out the umpteenth honeytrap for killing usg leakers