asciilifeform: which basics. i import eizo here too, they aren't born in usa
asciilifeform: (even msdos is not fully understood today, and this despite the ~complete~ source leaking in 1998 !)
asciilifeform: compiler is ~the~ monoculture
asciilifeform: now if the only usable c compiler weren't 100MB of ???????? !
asciilifeform: i'd like to hear, and so would ken thompson
asciilifeform: the one 'blob' that is not removable is the bootstrap compiler
asciilifeform: phf: how is a binary turdolade installer comparable with portage?!
asciilifeform: 'rents falling' could simply mean that 2 or 3 buffetts moved out...
asciilifeform: (to briefly revisit upstack, for log readers, 'prolog disease' is when a language is designed in such a way that in the course of normal operation, you routinely ask the machine questions which may well be np-hard to answer; and at any rate the correspondence between the algorithmic complexity of your proggy as-written and the resulting instruction stream physically as-executed, is something other than obvious)
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: taken literally, the first can simply take the form of 'iswolf(...) { return 1 ; } ' !
asciilifeform: (there is also pascal, but there exists , afaik, no reasonably cross-arch compiler today for it. and ada is a variation on the pascal theme anyway...)
asciilifeform: as someone who ~likes~ 'functional' languages, etc., i still must point out that it is a highly questionable business to use a language where there is not a simple, kindergarten correspondence b/w each line of the program and what the machine physically does, for safety-critical equipment.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: on the contrary, it has a native compiler for x86. but i categorically am put off by the 'one implementation' thing.
asciilifeform: (the latter has ONE IMPLEMENTATION, by some fr d00dz)
asciilifeform: but i very much dislike the 'no native compiler exists or can likely ever exist' part; and the 'there are 2 implementations ever made, and only 1 is quasi-usable' part.
asciilifeform: 'lazy computation' is -- like it or not -- a horrendous idea.
asciilifeform: (and, unlike prolog, is quite massive per se, and not easy at all to implement, and there is ONE usable implementation...)
asciilifeform: and has handy eggog lamps.
asciilifeform: but better still to simply plug in the pocket-sized tool that does this, it costs maybe 1 $ where i live.
asciilifeform: the underground train in washington lurches, bumps, it is a very sad thing
asciilifeform: or (at the risk of sounding like complete idiot, because i did not play it) alchemy in eulora, it works there, but meatspace 'alchemy' is considerably more expensive, painful, and rewards -- few and far between, and most practitioners live and die without accomplishing ~anything...
asciilifeform: davout: understandably this is a matter of taste; but out of curiosity, where is the fun ? computer -- does ~all of the actual piloting
asciilifeform: this is why i was bewildered at the answers to this thread, i specifically mentioned 'contemplated playing games again after decade+', 'unwind'
asciilifeform: << in other lulz
asciilifeform: and not simply helpfully 'given' by helpful-people prior to arrest.
asciilifeform contemplates a 'naggumbot'
asciilifeform: though, reading the manual ( ) it was apparently quite complicated, so perhaps -- not.
asciilifeform: it is an abominable editor, except when compared to the others.
asciilifeform: to give some vague idea of complexity, 'eagle cad' is of about ~same binary mass as trb.
asciilifeform: generally i dun deal with impossibles.
asciilifeform: it isn't impossible !
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: there is a related and important (to rsa) mathematical problem, of 'how many bits of modulus give your guaranteed polynomial factoring'
asciilifeform: a very limited (functionally) BUT fully tmsrtronic fallback for imperial crapolade -- is the ticket.
asciilifeform: let's approach the problem bottom-up, as gedankenexperiment. it is np-complete problem to draw a polished, readable schematic from netlist only. what, therefore, is the minimal 'helping hand' that would let the machine draw schematic from netlist in polynomial time. that is the necessary format, and nothing else.
asciilifeform: phf: aha, it is not as simple as simply throwing away 'after 3rd decimal place' or the like.
asciilifeform: 'your computer is dead, it was once so alive, do you regret installing windows 95!!'
asciilifeform: the 2000s were almost ~defined~, microshitwise, by a massive 'purge' where folx were forced to retire peripherals (and, for that matter, whole comps) in PERFECT mechanical condition, to run new winblows
asciilifeform: << example of what you get if you buy 'mig stick'
asciilifeform: oh in re: 'golden 1990s': i recently contemplated making a game-playing box to 'unwind' with, and looked into where to get a decent flying-joystick. and apparently the best ones were made in 1990s, and today sought after, and rare...
asciilifeform: what could be hoped for when searching for wine error msg ? best you can ask for is to learn what aspect of weird undocumented winblowsism was never implemented in wine
asciilifeform: e.g., something claiming to be, but not obeying the 'off switch' specified there; and jumping ip ranges 10+ times if banned (i can no longer be arsed)
asciilifeform: it occurs to me that one could write a 'garbage compactor' for these
asciilifeform: well theoretically you can make the schem from the netlist. but doing so usefully is np-complete
asciilifeform: i considered making, by hand, a v-able netlist, with component values etc. , in sexpr format, for a nonexistent tmsr cad. the real problem is that everyone, without exception and including myself, will insist on viewing the 'unofficial' pictoral schematic.
asciilifeform: 'By using a computer mouse, or by tilting a smartphone or tablet, participants will be able to individually control the video angle and experience 360-degree viewing.'
asciilifeform: now if only there were also a way to pump the unwashed student's armpit flavour into my office also !!
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: this is neither 1st nor 10th 'faux computer' i make.
asciilifeform: you ~compose~ p operations by physically concatting the p-progs.
asciilifeform: this is all just sample for flavour.
asciilifeform: what this does is store the modulus in variable #13 ('m' simply pushes integer 13 to stack, '!' stores top of stack in var # second-of-stack)
asciilifeform: anyway there are other important aspects (e.g., a pubkey looks like:
asciilifeform: that i omitted for simplicity
asciilifeform: 'Z' dumps stack, it will not be in released prog
asciilifeform: phf: << same example but before i stripped out the comments
asciilifeform: phf: with which the = ends up comparing the output of X
asciilifeform: also this is bad example, in real life no use of p will look like this
asciilifeform: to make the parser almost nonexistently simple
asciilifeform: 'z' simply puts a 0 on the stack, and if ptron sees 0-9 or A-F it shoves the 0 leftward 4 bits, and stuffs in the nibble in place
asciilifeform: << simple example, verification of a signature using public modulus entered 'by hand'
asciilifeform: moves the complexity, such that remains, into the payloads.
asciilifeform: trinque: it is a very simple thing, think 'rpn calculator' and you almost have it.
asciilifeform: simply that i am stuck in this corner, where there is a thing that needs doing, that i do not have with what to do.
asciilifeform: it is more or less as simple as a schematic gets in life
asciilifeform: it isn't complex !
asciilifeform: and i've been using THIS gimp since 2010.
asciilifeform: trinque: that is simple and i solved it.
asciilifeform: trinque: 1 is still problem : it is impossible to deedbot an UNMUTILATED payload
asciilifeform: Opening '/home/stas/gt/2.svg' failed: Could not open '/home/stas/gt/2.svg' for reading: Error domain 1 code 4 on line 1 column 1 of file:///home/stas/gt: Document is empty
asciilifeform: my gimp barfs
asciilifeform: and whether the component values are in there, or evaporated, etc
asciilifeform: << and i will not that i HAVE NFI WHAT THIS LOOKS LIKE or if it corresponds to what i saw when i drew the fucker!!!!
asciilifeform: there'd be 2 of them, i'll make 1 for example
asciilifeform: they simply aren't
asciilifeform: phf: mutilating and complicating vdiff or v is the very last thing i'm interested in.
asciilifeform: 'president was impeached'
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: impeached ??
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: why would anyone buy the mined coin if it were impossible to transact ?
asciilifeform: mod6: this sounds useful. but why not simply scan backwards ?
asciilifeform: 'But behind the media's "soft" view of LaRouche there was often the rankest hypocrisy. While newspapers portrayed him as a kook they made editorial judgments based on the assumption that he was indeed potentially dangerous—so dangerous that his activities must be concealed from the public lest the truth help his movement grow. Jerome Chasen of the National Jewish Community Relations Advisory Council, in a 1986 memorandum on LaRouch
asciilifeform: in the sense where there is no mechanism for safely preempting a stalled conversation with another node, or allocating time quanta, or even (gasp) allowing >1 operation across blockchain or mempool in PARALLEL
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu iirc also has at least one, but iirc he's on some year1 version thereof and in fact i have nfi whether it even worx, or he still uses own 'mpb'
asciilifeform: trinque: example concerned x86 vuln finder/exploiter firms
asciilifeform: nobody cares how quickly you 'helloworld', but if instead you write down 'why should i have to do this, i expected to see a fat offer!!!' the interviewer learns something quite important.
asciilifeform: if folks dropped dead simply by being asked politely!
asciilifeform: 'More than 35 years since its foundation, Safetykleen remains the UK’s market leading parts-washing company.' <<
asciilifeform: << 'The OpenREP Project (OpenREP) provides information on dioxins and dioxin-like chemicals to the public. This is the only comprehensive source of scientific data on exposure risks due to dioxins and dioxin-like chemicals. Our team of curators.....'
asciilifeform: 'SelecSource is the most experienced staffing partner in Atlanta, specializing in skilled trades, industrial and clerical talent. Simply put, we know where to find most qualified and reliable people in the Southeast.' --
asciilifeform: even to dump the raw txt (right column) on one page, separated by hlines, would be useful
asciilifeform: does army service count as 'employ' for the purpose of mircea_popescu's disdainful eye ?
asciilifeform: degrees -- worthless; people pretending to know what computer is but came straight from donkey - ubiquitous
asciilifeform: olympiads are a desperation measure, when i sat on other end of the table i resorted to them also
asciilifeform: some outfits had 'olympiad' so gnarly that it was given 'takehome'
asciilifeform: 'here's a pg of obdjump -D .., say what is the routine'
asciilifeform: last time asciilifeform went around to look for work, saw an astonishing variety of olympiad puzzles
asciilifeform: it's a helloworld, a litmus to see whether esteemed mr. orc has even heard of the notion of programming a computer
asciilifeform: why would they give exam on the d00d's comp, at ~his~ house
asciilifeform: so i how do i parse 'picked off the streets == "not has imperial diploma"'
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: random d00d 'from street' could indeed have 'imperial diploma' neh ?
asciilifeform: now i'm stumped
asciilifeform: 'has 10 fingers' != 'has imperial diploma'
asciilifeform: gymnasts may not be perfect example. when you have a role where the training per se is costly, you're stuck picking. e.g., pilots; i recently read a quite interesting autobio, 'Обречены на подвиг' ('condemned to heroism', roughly) by su flying d00d / instructor / colonel. described how children having any physical imperfection, even tooth cavity, were mercilessly rejected from flight academy even if they passed all of
asciilifeform: 'robocalypse' is a when, not if, yes, but there are certain obstacles (mainly reducing to 'software sucks', and even 'we don't quite have computer yet')
asciilifeform: this is on account of easily-roboticized 'low hanging fruit' (e.g., pcb component placement) and also shortages of human hands created by welfarization
asciilifeform: you gotta take the ~hardest~-to-roboticize industrial processes as the basis for comparison, not the ~easiest~;
asciilifeform: and often i get distinct impression that mircea_popescu is posting from a parallel future on mars : where, e.g., robots are not three orders of magnitude more expensive than well-brainwashed 'work ethic' folx working with bare hands
asciilifeform: if you have a massive project that nobody computes ROI on, and folks throw rotten eggs at anyone who suggests doing so --- pyramid.
asciilifeform: you can prevent 'работа стоит -- а срок идет!' by imposing 'no work - no food' quotas, and this was often tried in gulag, but led to unexpected problems
asciilifeform: and simply tape-played it back.
asciilifeform: goodcop/badcop symbiosis, landlord/emperor
asciilifeform: in traditional society we also have 'emperor is far away, what care i'
asciilifeform: but, why the fuck would anyone donate family gold to prop up emperor's golden toilet
asciilifeform: 'CMP handles about 40 different design kits (corresponding to different technologies and different CAD tools), which are sent to customers upon signature of a Confidentiality and License Agreement.' << derpderp
asciilifeform: 'cmp', the other co. linked from trinque's old link, has actual PRICES!111 --
asciilifeform: assumed 'coinbase/stamp/etc tentacle'
asciilifeform: chromium is prolly the only logical feedstock for such an attempt. afaik.
asciilifeform: the fitness value of getting into the first black van that offers the proverbial candy -- is computable.
asciilifeform: some of the people who recently lost money when MF Global stole it to cover some private bets it had made. They licked their wounds, complained bitterly, and then...went looking for another financial company—to be taken advantage of again. '
asciilifeform: d perpetually accessible. It means preparing for a Web that may face greater restrictions. It means serving patrons when government surveillance may be on the rise. The Internet Archive is a non-profit library built on trust. Reader privacy is very important to us, so we don’t accept ads. We don’t collect your personal information. .... [snipped bs]'
asciilifeform: << ben_vulpes please consider posting the example of this you ran into
asciilifeform: ?
asciilifeform: more subtly, they teach rubes to want certain impossible things -- 'central namespace', 'reversible money', 'transparent email crypto', various follies, that can only be satisfied with their particular dope supply
asciilifeform: will go in new jp empire.
asciilifeform: if they actually sold the coinz on the waterfall, and reddit chumpers have it nao, how would you picture them to disgorge it back ?
asciilifeform: it isn't even entirely clear that 'is this a tumour cell?' is a computable function.
asciilifeform: eh pretty much every half-useful attempt at cancer has been 'bind $poison to $selector'
asciilifeform: but 20th c. megaempires obsessively irradiated various living things, to see what comes of it.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: examples like your ant abound. consider the infamous sphex wasp
asciilifeform: i couldn't begin to hazard a guess. but - who knows - perhaps ~had~, but somehow not ant-compatible.
asciilifeform: observation was not 'it is impossible', 'liek heavier-than-air flight!11111' but that none of the approaches ever tried afaik have led to anything of interest.
asciilifeform: there are 2 types of ai skeptic, the 'vitalists' ('immortal soul') and the 'shambling horror of computer', 'we don't even know how to make a spreadshit that dun crash' folk.
asciilifeform: you can't buy intelligent at the comp shop.
asciilifeform: seems like he runs something that looks like an attempt at distributed-chickens bbet
asciilifeform: why was new york 'compacted' as it was? it isn't as if there were no room to 'flatten' it
asciilifeform: all that empty space!1111111
asciilifeform: Framedragger: it is quite impossible to meaningfully cryptographicate with a stranger
asciilifeform: trinque: the fundamental question i want to answer, and which the linked piece was an attempt to answer, was whether signatures naturally fall into equivalence classes.
asciilifeform: trinque: the computability is for the purpose of a (hypothetical) ~generalized~ v.
asciilifeform: for instance, it demands RDRANDtronic quantities ( see also ) of rng, and -- if only finds a traditional linux /dev/random, the kind that weeps a few bytes/sec -- complains loudly...
asciilifeform finished, afaik, swapping all of the mpex links on nosuchlabs to new .biz
asciilifeform: i've monumentally nfi, why. possibly for historic reasons (not everybody is mpex and happy to have links die every 6 months)
asciilifeform: from same rag: 'Statistics released today show that the .uk registry suspended 8,049 domains in the 12 months to October 31, compared to 3,889 in the year-ago period.
asciilifeform: 'about 43% of all ICANN-accredited registrars are now controlled by just one company.'
asciilifeform: 'A buffer overflow occurs in zipinfo (part of the unzip package) when the compression method in the central directory file header is greater then 999'
asciilifeform: i'll point out that konrad zuse built a very acceptable comp out of junk discarded by nazi germany, in mother's kitchen.
asciilifeform: probably the board, or the boot code programming DRAM-related components in a way that doesn't work on this board.'
asciilifeform: '$100 says your DRAM chip works. The DRAM chip is a mindless slave implementing precise commands by the DRAM controller on the master chip, without any feedback - there are no retries, no negotiation, no way to say you're sorry. And no software will run properly on faulty DRAM. Faulty DRAM isn't a marketable product. Your board is definitely buggy. They told you they checked signal integrity, but they lied. If DRAM malfunctions, it's
asciilifeform: btw the 'array of fpgas' thing is getting made, as soon as i'm satisfied that lattice 'ice' is ~actually~ reversed. and not simply 'kicad'-ed.
asciilifeform: !#s computers you can't program
asciilifeform: 'do you want a comp or an electric best friend'
asciilifeform: oblig here is y. kreinin's article on 'computers you can't program'
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: google (or rather, the firm it bought) had 0 original ai. it was 1990s-era techniques, they simply licensed the code and threw iron at it
asciilifeform: so i have nfi, perhaps the published designs were made with megatonnes of compensatory undergrad sweat...
asciilifeform: phf: i put in the sweat, actually learned to use geda, it is imho an acceptable design, and i found plenty of complicated items purportedly having been designed with it, but it is BROKEN, the autorouter blew open polygons
asciilifeform: (np-complete)
asciilifeform: it is trash in the sense that it is physically impossible to autorout 100% of board
asciilifeform: fucktards, for all of the man-hours on gui idiocy, SOMEONE could have implemented sane autorout?!
asciilifeform: way from selling perpetual rights to use a specific version of software, Autodesk will continually innovate and improve products and supporting services that customers subscribe to, allowing access from multiple devices at any time, making them easier to deploy and manage, and reducing file compatibility issues.' ( )
asciilifeform: they measure with analogue amperemeter, etc.
asciilifeform: << the petrol engine is not well impedance-matched with anything, even auto wheels on asphalt ! hence the 'hybrids' thing
asciilifeform: when 'moore's law' finally croaked, they switched to 'improvements' like this.
asciilifeform: anyway there were two and afaik exactly two makers of pc-compatible boards with the last, magical, amd g-series, and shipped full schematics.
asciilifeform: it is theoretically still in production, but every vendor i know of will attempt to bait-and-switch and spuriously substitute the 2015-and-post revision that will NOT.
asciilifeform: for all i know, d00d specifically wants the attempted infector in that rar!!111
asciilifeform: it is not, for example, the fault of gentoo authors, that rms became a living mushroom and lifted not one finger to keep emacs from demanding dbus
asciilifeform: << gentoo is in the sad place where it is because of 'portage' (the thing that attempts to automagically download tarballs of source and build deps in the correct order) , and the decay of the entire ecosystem of buildables, which isn't strictly to do with gentoo per se
asciilifeform puts on list to read man's complete worx
asciilifeform: mod6: lamportron is not merely 'spare key' but to ensure against a specific scenario, rsacalypse
asciilifeform: (to break n-bit lamportron, you need n collisions AT ONCE)
asciilifeform: it's world's simplest pubkey sig scheme
asciilifeform: ( d00d lives in a parallel world where , e.g., mpex is dead, and ready to tell any old-timer randomly reappearing in his chan - as they sometimes do - that it vanished long ago, etc )
asciilifeform: nor does it ask to become root, nor does it ask you to fuck with your global compiler set
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: it's the verilog compiler.
asciilifeform: there are several quite obvious scenarios where 1) i would like a reliable picture of what someone else rated 2) it is impractical to converse. one, discussed earlier, is death. another -- long voyages, at sea, on the run from nazis, with partizans in the forest, etc.
asciilifeform: i am beginning to suspect that different folx want different and possibly incompatible things from the concept of wot.
asciilifeform: i think american chickens get lamps
asciilifeform actually went to this school. or rather, diff one by same name that used to stand in the empty lot next to that one.
asciilifeform: << in other lelz
asciilifeform: whereas i - as simply a pubkey.
asciilifeform: phf: you would simply need to HAVE ASKED me 20 years ago for pubkey.
asciilifeform: yes, it is ~impossible to make a robot-who-rates , with tech as i currently understand it. does not change the fact that perma-ratings are a fundamentally stronger building material than 'go and ask him and see if he feels like telling you the truth'
asciilifeform: this example is only an example in so far as it would be a pretty pointless mechanism
asciilifeform: and then there are the compulsives who wash 50x day, etc.
asciilifeform: a signature simply states that 'at time t, the following...'
asciilifeform: where 'we will do same retarded Empire thing but CHEAPER, EFFICIENT' because 'private'
asciilifeform: aha, in the 'black schools' there is neverending fight, like in a prison, and even bouncers to pry apart especially eager folk. and everyone with 'room temperature iq' however you measure it, also
asciilifeform: it beats the shit out of 'gimp' et al in some respects
asciilifeform: for some reason i always picture it as one of those basque wood-chopping competitions
asciilifeform: to take example, if mircea_popescu generates keys using cuntmusculature noise, using dildonic myographs, this is bulletproof UNTIL enemy finds out and sends specially-trained pulsator gurls to long-game infiltrate harem etc.
asciilifeform: btw most engines made since mid-1990s have an electronic damper that kicks in b/w , iirc, 3rd and 4th gear, and also has to be mounted, and correctly, or ~increases~ vibration
asciilifeform: complete with 1930s wtfs
asciilifeform: the observation about 'nitro in a stock engine' is not untrue: idiots who take stim produce idiocy 10x faster, because they are unaccustomed to the horsepower and have nfi where to put it, their crankshaft simply bends
asciilifeform: it is why asciilifeform is sympathetic to the 'gabriel_laddel's dope' pov : the degree of contortion involved in serious engineering , mentally, is every bit as much a self-abuse as to take any known dope
asciilifeform: or, i will add for completeness, both -- sober. also worx for some folx.
asciilifeform: only the latter, notably, results in the inmate/employee being of some residual use to his owner, so 'corporate culture' is unsurprisingly built around utilization of this type, and the speedy ejection of the other one.
asciilifeform: briefly revisiting upstack, imho 'mapper' and 'packer' as depicted in the essays are only 'types of people' in the sense that there were two types of inmate at auschwitz - folx who immediately jumped the fence and died on the wire, and ones who 'checked out' and turned 'Muselmann' ;
asciilifeform: important ingredient is the lack of mathematical or any other pre-requisite that a reader might lack and thereby stumble, or provoke feeling of inferiority
asciilifeform: asciilifeform refers to this genre of writing as '10th-dimension', after infamous pseudoscientific b00k/www by same name, which consisted of highly refined 'imponade' (to borrow naggum's) , that is, writing designed to pull the reader's intellectual cock and give a sensation of 'profound insight', 'yes, NAO i UNDERSTAND FIZZZIX!' or similar.
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes already owns 1/3 (by mass...) of a complete unit !1111
asciilifeform: but giving ~them~ soundproof boxes etc. simply results on moar tetris-man-hours.
asciilifeform: folx who WANT to do the thing they are doing -- or at least have genuine desire to hold in their hands the end result, $widget, $proggy , and not merely the week's paycheque -- give the impression of the '25x productive'
asciilifeform: fact that if the base library dependency isn’t there, the component can’t link to it. He looked at me and said, “There are no facts, there are only opinions, and all opinions are equal.” ...'
asciilifeform: en able to link. One day it became apparent that the component extended a base class of the Qt graphics toolkit, while their program used MFC. Foolishly, I ventured to suggest that if the base class wasn’t available, a derived class couldn’t be linked to it. One of the workers informed me that this was “my opinion”. I should have left it alone, I know. But I used to work in a useful industry. I explained that it was a simple
asciilifeform: 'Amongst some people, such confusion has been elevated to a philosophical ideology. I once watched a very lost group working near to me, who had spent months trying to print out a graph. It was all very complicated for them. Eventually they decided to purchase a third party graph drawing component, which advertised that it could print out graphs. After considerable administration they obtained a binary library, which they were not th
asciilifeform: phf: : two example usb heads (battery for scale strictly)
asciilifeform: lower-case fuckgoats are simply goats, such that are supplied to bagram airbase for the troops to fuck.
asciilifeform: 'of note, previously static compilation on OpenBSD resulted in segmentation fault. this is due to libpthread not being fully linked into the final static binary...' << what did this dig lead to , phf ?
asciilifeform: 'Eusip Bvba is the independent and autonomous company behind the projects RACK66 and former projects as Thunderbox and FragFun. The company was founded in 2003 by Internetpioneers who know the market very well and felt the need for a new kind of concept for services as: hosting, housing, managed services, pre installed servers and online gaming....'
asciilifeform: 'I thought that /dev/random (as opposed to /dev/urandom) was already based on entropy from physical noise, as recorded by sensors (I think including mouse, keyboard and temperature). Sounds like they're trying to make a big deal out of addressing a theoretical vulnerability, which is irrelevant in practice.' << glorious
asciilifeform: 'As more people with less commitment to quality and much less attention to detail got involved in writing it, its educational value diminished, too. It is like going to a library full of books that took 50 man-years to produce each, inventing a way to cut down the costs to a few man-months per book by copying and randomly improving on other books, and then wondering why nobody thinks your library full of these cheaper books is an in
asciilifeform: having once attempted a font render engine, asciilifeform knows a bit also.
asciilifeform: but did not, and grew up to program computer.
asciilifeform: something like macsyma, which tried to encompass all of undergrad maths and some beyond, was what, 2MB zipped.
asciilifeform: because i noticed interesting thing, supposedly 'simple' things will have a border beyond which the complexity explodes for 'no reason' , as per the 'cat' thread from 2 yrs ago
asciilifeform: anything more complicated / stateful tends to be called 'firewall', and also to suck.
asciilifeform: and in a machine with such linkage, corkscrew is almost impossible.
asciilifeform: which rely on bug-for-bug compatibility with the morass.
asciilifeform: instead of 'find the poetterings and impale'
asciilifeform: linked piece is lulzy on account of the idiot 'solution' picked on the victim end, 'That solution comes in the form of the "portable dumper" patch from Daniel Colascione. This patch is not small; it adds over 4,500 lines of code to Emacs and it is not yet complete...'
asciilifeform: it may be the case that 'core 0.13.1' (which is an imposter pseudo-bitcoin client, see below) refuses to speak with trb.
asciilifeform: 'The company's IQOS smokeless cigarette, which is already on sale in over a dozen markets including Japan, Switzerland and Italy, heats tobacco enough to produce a vapor without burning it. The company believes that makes it much less harmful than cigarettes.' << i thought this died in 1970s..?
asciilifeform: if my lai massacre happened today, usg may well simply 'accidentally' all of the witnesses.
asciilifeform: same way as obump.
asciilifeform: trinque: how much sweat would it take to add procedure, attempt http (80) and https (445) on phucked ip, then post http title, if found, and in case of ssl, cert id string
asciilifeform: mats: i will underscore the point: i am entirely, thoroughly, monumentally disinterested in purchasing industrial component where i gotta make a cousin-fucking relationship with some orc even before i get something like a quote. no anonymous cash'n'carry? not wanted in my supply line, not if there is an alternative.
asciilifeform: the only piece i'm not sold on is the 'liberasty kills every great empire' thing. yes, it is ~found in the corpse~ of every great empire, but it is precisely the aids fungi.
asciilifeform: if bad ideas were spread simply by eating magic mountain, world would be considerably cleaner
asciilifeform: but as example of somebody 'well dug up'
asciilifeform: like if you bought, e.g., atmel micro of comparable horse.
asciilifeform: mats: it means that i don't pay motherfucking retail price. y'know, one where you feel like complete idiot because 'hack magazine' folk are buying ENTIRE BOARDS for below what you pay per-chip.
asciilifeform: (and woe be to the experimenter who actually needs to know whether such a component is available in bulk, where, at what price point, or for how long ! )
asciilifeform: ( in a much earlier even thread , about the marvell chipset used in pogotron, i found same thing -- the chip is simply not www-orderable in the west, at least not at any kind of price point that isn't a laugh when stood next to the price of whole pogo )
asciilifeform: mats: i handed out a bunch of chinese sample boards at conf3, didn't help...
asciilifeform: trinque: is there a simple way to make the graph fill the area of display available to it ?
asciilifeform: imho sanity in trb logs would include not only timestamp but such things as non-mutilated tx ids (wtf, srsly, are these 1st N bytes, or last, or wat) but also separation of blockchainchurch and mempoolstate
asciilifeform: i cannot fathom trying to use one of these as a comp
asciilifeform: it is doubly odd to attempt to play games on one
asciilifeform: this resulted in 0 featurecomplete open sores support.
asciilifeform: interestingly, unlike nvidia, amd published (what were nominally..) complete datashits for all of their gpu.
asciilifeform: 'how x works', when it exists in computerdom, tends to 1) live on dead tree 2) which has yellowed from age and smoke
asciilifeform: i dun think he noticed... it must've been a very compact telephone pole
asciilifeform: ( imho most interesting q -- is the thing ~self-hosting~ ? i.e. compiler binary + source, full toolchain, etc )
asciilifeform: and also, d00d who empties a mag into -- mostly -- thin air and furniture -- is 'rampage' ?!
asciilifeform: << there is inly a decrufted mpi (bignum) from it, it is on my www
asciilifeform: pete_dushenski: 'computer science' is taught with chalk
asciilifeform: wai is there a computer involved
asciilifeform: 'The flood of “fake news” this election season got support from a sophisticated Russian propaganda campaign that created and spread misleading articles online with the goal of punishing Democrat Hillary Clinton, helping Republican Donald Trump and undermining faith in American democracy, say independent researchers who tracked the operation.'
asciilifeform: the degenerate cases where f == m for some m are annoying but interesting on account of the implications -- there are 3prime debianized mods in there!