| Results 10001 ... 10250 found in all logged channels for 'f:nubbins' |

(trilema) nubbins`: these ones are *cough* nuke-proof
(trilema) nubbins`: "all we've built so far is steel coffins roughly the size of shipping containers, but we swear we can build a 9000sqft bunker"
(trilema) nubbins`: lel again @ gun range
(trilema) nubbins`: "GENARATOR ROOM"
(trilema) nubbins`: "MOTERCYCLE GARAGE"
(trilema) nubbins`: not even once
(trilema) nubbins`: indistinguishable from co2
(trilema) nubbins`: plus the fumes from the garage and generator room are making me ill
(trilema) nubbins`: the motorcycle ride shook my bowels
(trilema) nubbins`: srsly, start in quarantine and make your way to a toilet
(trilema) nubbins`: also, quarantine room/hallway/elevator/generators/garage is a fully enclosed section with no way in or out
(trilema) nubbins`: because, y'know, people like exercising next to an operating clothes dryer.
(trilema) nubbins`: that's actually a massage table, treadmill, stationary bike, and a rack of free weights in the laundry room
(trilema) nubbins`: THRETT LEVEL REDD
(trilema) nubbins`: because THRETT
(trilema) nubbins`: they had to ban foreigners because too many
(trilema) nubbins`: mircea_popescu the famous tokyo fish auctions have $2mn+ tunas being sold on the regular
(trilema) nubbins`: NOBODY WALKS THE DARIEN GAP
(trilema) nubbins`: BingoBoingo:asciilifeform: If I did foot the whole way still ~3-4 months late, not counting the antihills of the Darien <<< get a boat from panama to turbo, colombia
(trilema) nubbins`: like purchasing a thimblefull of elephant meat
(trilema) nubbins`: massive, *massive* things. almost silly to see the full thing next to a canned portion
(trilema) nubbins`: i've got about a half bunker here between the house and the backyard
(trilema) nubbins`: "twenty rabbits should be enough for anyone"
(trilema) nubbins`: and ~50 single-person cots
(trilema) nubbins`: i like how there's 4 queen size beds too
(trilema) nubbins`: i suspect whoever drew this has never seen, say, a tuna
(trilema) nubbins`: even if those pots indicate /shelves/ of pots...
(trilema) nubbins`: "genarator room"
(trilema) nubbins`: incredibly, incredibly inexpensive
(trilema) nubbins`: <asciilifeform> i was briefly a member of a kind of electronics club that met in a huge old church <<< we hold pop-up art sales in churches a couple times a year
(trilema) nubbins`: dat toolchain o.O
(trilema) nubbins`: "As well as targeting the iPhone and iPad directly, the CIA also claims to have developed a poisoned version of Xcode, the software development tool used by app developers to create the apps sold through Apple's hugely successful App Store. It is unclear how the CIA managed to get developers to use the poisoned version of Xcode, but it would have allowed the CIA install backdoors into any apps created using their version."
(trilema) nubbins`: TIME DOT COM
(trilema) nubbins`: arms too weak
(trilema) nubbins`: you mean filipino and they don't use flashes
(trilema) nubbins`: ^ add a servo motor and foot pedal for $800
(trilema) nubbins`: (phun phact, no roman catholic may ascend to the canadian throne!)
(trilema) nubbins`: speaking from my perspective as a canadian, the usa has a very strange relationship with religion
(trilema) nubbins`: maybe it's an attempt to keep from offending non-christians
(trilema) nubbins` shrugs again
(trilema) nubbins`: ...i can't afford another macbook when this one dies?
(trilema) nubbins`: good news! my browser appears to be safe from the security bug i just found out about
(trilema) nubbins`: "massive panic as government needs to change value of magic number that means nothing"
(trilema) nubbins`: can someone please explain to me why this is an issue?
(trilema) nubbins`: tell him to stop voting Ford?
(trilema) nubbins`: and etobicokeans!
(trilema) nubbins`: where important men do important things!
(trilema) nubbins`: "but we're serious biznismen, promise"
(trilema) nubbins`: fuck vaultofsatoshi because they dealt in fuckin doge
(trilema) nubbins`: fuck cavirtex for 4 or 5 reasons
(trilema) nubbins`: i'm fascinated that they let you deposit and withdraw physical gold
(trilema) nubbins`: on the rare occasions that i need to, -otc
(trilema) nubbins`: pete_dushenski i generally do not buy/sell btc
(trilema) nubbins`: pete_dushenski i'm just not interested in providing a scan of my passport/drivers license
(trilema) nubbins`: -cad seems ambivalent
(trilema) nubbins`: thestringpuller only remaining canadian exchange
(trilema) nubbins`: <--won't sign up
(trilema) nubbins`: i can only assume this shares a root with the verb "masticate"
(trilema) nubbins`: the mastic island!
(trilema) nubbins`: yeah, this is all hypothetical
(trilema) nubbins`: "will effectively remove white and yellow mastic and even black asbestos mastic for as low as $.11 per square foot with absolutely no odor and minimal efforts"
(trilema) nubbins`: i'd vote for prince
(trilema) nubbins`: wow, this ink remover is actually marketed as a /mastic/ remover
(trilema) nubbins`: resin-based booze 8)
(trilema) nubbins`: causes the resin particles to swell
(trilema) nubbins`: mineral spirits, for example. terrible ink remover.
(trilema) nubbins`: incidentally not all solvents are created equal for these jobs
(trilema) nubbins`: haze remover was traditionally the most caustic thing in the shop
(trilema) nubbins`: it's made from soy
(trilema) nubbins`: mircea_popescu try some haze remover
(trilema) nubbins`: PeterL propane is used as a propellant in food products
(trilema) nubbins`: besides, not like i'd know the diff
(trilema) nubbins`: 10/10 would not do again
(trilema) nubbins`: i actually did a couple whippets last month for the first time since uni
(trilema) nubbins`: they fucking *cancel* plastisol inks
(trilema) nubbins`: or in layman's terms, emulsion remover removes emulsion ;p
(trilema) nubbins`: phun phact, sodium metaperiodite breaks dichromate bonds
(trilema) nubbins`: most of what i know about chemistry comes from screenprinting
(trilema) nubbins`: nod, they just hover outside the windows 8)
(trilema) nubbins`: like, nothing compares.
(trilema) nubbins`: and they're actually fucking *nuts*.
(trilema) nubbins`: FWIW i've used these methyl soyate products before
(trilema) nubbins`: you find em at outdoorsy stores sometimes
(trilema) nubbins`: citrus cleaners are still available
(trilema) nubbins`: (information provided by the United Soybean Board!)
(trilema) nubbins`: ozone-depleting chemical (ODC), hazardous air pollutant or volatile organic compound. Methyl soyate�s slow evaporation time can be seen as a disadvantage, but in certain applications methyl soyate outperforms other traditional solvents when longer settle times are needed.
(trilema) nubbins`: Methyl soyate has a high solvency with a Kauri-butanol (KB) value of 58 and has low toxicity when compared to other common substances. In comparison to most commercial solvents, methyl soyate is safer to handle and store due to its high flashpoint of approximately 360 degrees Fahrenheit and high boiling point of well over 400 degrees Fahrenheit. In addition, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) does not list methyl soyate as an
(trilema) nubbins`: mircea_popescu also biodegradable fwiw
(trilema) nubbins`: mircea_popescu apparently way, way less toxic than traditional haze removers: lye and bleach
(trilema) nubbins`: which means that i can get a goddamn /haze remover/ that's drain-safe :0
(trilema) nubbins`: so franmar's cleaning products are all based on methyl soyate
(trilema) nubbins`: owned by -- you guessed it -- a frank and a marilyn
(trilema) nubbins`: i'm researching some soy-based industrial cleaning products from a company called franmar
(trilema) nubbins`: so, i'm sure we all know why debian is called debian
(trilema) nubbins`: but yeah, 2nd sentence, "I learned some unstated rules about..."
(trilema) nubbins`: he's using livejournal, obv masoch
(trilema) nubbins` shrugs, continues using raspi as AirPlay receiver
(trilema) nubbins`: it's 1080p @ 60fps o.O
(trilema) nubbins`: and if there's one thing necessary to bringing STEM education to third-world classrooms...
(trilema) nubbins`: really don't see the problem w/ swapping out for ogg
(trilema) nubbins`: my understanding is that mpeg is required for their camera add-on (no idea why)
(trilema) nubbins`: re: open, it's just the fashionable clothing these days 8)
(trilema) nubbins`: who gives a fuck about mpeg tho! (aside from those who do)
(trilema) nubbins`: yeah, i read the non-info of the press release bragging about open-sourcing the shim between the cpu and gpu
(trilema) nubbins`: (Also: lj?!)
(trilema) nubbins`: (^ released over 1y ago!)
(trilema) nubbins`: baby steps
(trilema) nubbins`: re: raspi blob
(trilema) nubbins`: FWIW canada customs have consistently provided me with the least-pleasant border crossing experiences of any agency
(trilema) nubbins`: chetty it amazes me that people still carry non-wiped devices over int'l borders
(trilema) nubbins`: ripping qt was ++
(trilema) nubbins`: slowly bringing it closer to the ideal of "one program to do one task"
(trilema) nubbins`: win32 "features" removed
(trilema) nubbins`: rather than add more fat to the same, which is how the current "bitcoin core" release came to be
(trilema) nubbins`: the goal is to trim the fat from the oldest still-working code base
(trilema) nubbins`: each patch is intended to be small enough that a human can read and understand it
(trilema) nubbins`: based on the original 0.5.3 source code, with plain ol' unix patches applied to de-turdify it
(trilema) nubbins`: it's the official foundation client :D
(trilema) nubbins`: think of it as a LTS stream
(trilema) nubbins`: sjsqd the latest foundation release is
(trilema) nubbins`: instead of campaigning/rallying/whatever
(trilema) nubbins`: making the codebase not a steaming pile of shit
(trilema) nubbins`: this foundation is more interested in uh
(trilema) nubbins`: think of them as the foundation and the phoundation, with the other guys being the ph
(trilema) nubbins`: if you check the mailing list archives on the .foundation website, there's a bunch of stuff there
(trilema) nubbins`: sjsqd the only official statements are PGP-signed statements from members of assbot's wot
(trilema) nubbins`: sjsqd, what jurov said
(trilema) nubbins`: ^ me from the future
(trilema) nubbins`: such a strange place, this
(trilema) nubbins`: gold->btc easier if this works
(trilema) nubbins`: RCM 1oz bars
(trilema) nubbins`: quadrigacx lets you deposit gold
(trilema) nubbins`: pete_dushenski re: quadriga going public, here's the exchange: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_Securities_Exchange
(trilema) nubbins`: for those of you who collect shiny things:
(trilema) nubbins`: dat feb state of bitcoin address
(trilema) nubbins`: too many literallys, but at least i'm using them correctly ;/
(trilema) nubbins`: literally, logged-in user clicks the wrong link, poof, everything gone
(trilema) nubbins`: i literally cleared my forum inbox yesterday, or i'd be able to paste PMs between me and lightbox about the CSRF vulnerability that was on the live site for like a year
(trilema) nubbins`: they've been examining their logs for about a week now
(trilema) nubbins`: adlai given their complete ignorance of basic security, it's probably all gone
(trilema) nubbins`: ^ about sums it up
(trilema) nubbins`: ;;seen topace
(trilema) nubbins`: hi airgapped
(trilema) nubbins`: then i printed another 50 to sell to forum rubes, with the express intention of the profit being used in this manner
(trilema) nubbins`: you paid for the 50 for what's his name
(trilema) nubbins`: mildly (but only mildly) surprising that people will suck pennies out of a btc faucet all day, but literally walking around with a roll of packing tape is too much work for $15/hr
(trilema) nubbins`: anyway, there's just over a bitcoin and a half there
(trilema) nubbins`: and it was such a shit job i don't even know if i should describe it
(trilema) nubbins`: after an exhaustive search, i found precisely one dude who said his nephew would do it
(trilema) nubbins`: nod. idea was to pay rubes in big cities to print out cheap copies of same poster and paste em up
(trilema) nubbins`: be nice to make use of it, for .foundation propaganda or otherwise
(trilema) nubbins`: well anyway, that leftover money from the old posters is still sitting around
(trilema) nubbins`: anyway, just thinkin out loud
(trilema) nubbins`: for that matter, you do as well
(trilema) nubbins`: thestringpuller he has a point
(trilema) nubbins`: yeah, fair
(trilema) nubbins`: next one: "look at these people doing it wrong"
(trilema) nubbins`: well, the last one was sort of a "look at this neat thing" approach
(trilema) nubbins`: he's sleeping in the restaurant now?
(trilema) nubbins`: or is he gonna pull an all-nighter? 8)
(trilema) nubbins`: mircea_popescu i'm not saying he says "fuck it, 20th shot in a row", i'm saying he wakes up dead with a mouth fulla foam instead of a bullet in his head or w/e
(trilema) nubbins` searches for list of famous people dead by alcohol poisoning
(trilema) nubbins`: mircea_popescu nope but everybody encourages you to
(trilema) nubbins`: "after a night of partying, nismann was found dead, apparently having choked to death on his own vomit"
(trilema) nubbins` pictures own mother softly singing "you don't want to fuck with shady, 'cause shady will fucking kill you" while wiping countertops
(trilema) nubbins`: so if someone's looking for a chance to make it matter, maybe earn yourself some trust (i'm looking at you, everyone without +v), this might be an opportunity
(trilema) nubbins`: i've got the time and inclination to illustrate and print the things
(trilema) nubbins`: asciilifeform no kidding
(trilema) nubbins`: it's actually a fine way to dig in on this poster project, but i don't have the time or the inclination to dig through years of phoundation phollies
(trilema) nubbins`: i feel like one of you guys would be in the know
(trilema) nubbins`: things that shine the light, as it were
(trilema) nubbins`: BingoBoingo, cazalla much work involved in collating a list -- say 10-20 items -- of the phoundation's biggest boondoggles/fuckups/skeletons/whatever?
(trilema) nubbins`: we call this "test driven development"
(trilema) nubbins`: asciilifeform: ...rubes misquoting poor translations as literal truths...
(trilema) nubbins`: "oh god, please let me die beneath her fists" -- nick cave
(trilema) nubbins`: on account of it being 750mL in volume
(trilema) nubbins`: BingoBoingo we call this size bottle a "twenty-sixer"
(trilema) nubbins`: oh, a gallon.
(trilema) nubbins`: okay, but...
(trilema) nubbins`: and what is the unit you're about to use in real units
(trilema) nubbins`: 1/5th of what of vodka
(trilema) nubbins`: well. either mapping the phailings of the phoundation (someone with knowledge of recent "vote" should chime in here) or the virtues of the .foundation
(trilema) nubbins`: lucky recipient opens tube, out falls a half dozen cheap posters he can keep/paste/sell/give away
(trilema) nubbins`: offer it as "mystery poster" for the cost of s&h
(trilema) nubbins`: all about the utter failings/piece-of-shittedness of the phoundation
(trilema) nubbins`: cheap/colorful paper, super intense colors, very bold graphics
(trilema) nubbins`: mircea_popescu, maybe a poster campaign with a bit of cheekiness this time
(trilema) nubbins`: how bout that?
(trilema) nubbins`: mp ok i'm gonna pull out, then
(trilema) nubbins`: i'm gonna abstain
