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← 2016-01-19 | 2016-01-21 →
BingoBoingo: ;;ticker --market all
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 376.26, vol: 9283.33253127 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 382.838, vol: 5714.56935 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 381.31, vol: 19090.40775517 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 356.88, vol: 1.15686788 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 384.83056, vol: 38619.08910000 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 387.807, vol: 73.5997454 | Volume-weighted last average: 382.660080494
ben_vulpes is enjoying the bible vs. big book citation spats
phf: i've literally just made popcorn
trinque: hail satan
danielpbarron: either you are a liar claiming to believe in a false god that you know doesn't really exist, or you actually believe in the false god. In either case, your "spiritual progress" is not towards the truth but rather a damning lie.
BingoBoingo: There's a difference between searching to stay out of the next life and trying to get to not dying in this one. p44 chapter 4 "We Agnostics" But it isn't so difficult. About half our original fellowship were of exactly that type. At first some of us tried to avoid the issue, hoping against hope we were not true alcoholics. But after a while we had to face the fact that we must find a spiritual basis of life - or else. Perhaps it i
BingoBoingo: s going to be that way with you. But cheer up, something like half of us thought we were atheists or agnostics. Our experience shows that you need not be disconcerted."
BingoBoingo: But, for srs. If I go back to drinking as I did it's only a matter of time before my portal vein blows out.
ben_vulpes: hail brodin
BingoBoingo: In the battle between living to see socialist stomped and drinking as I please... sober relflection demands I do the former instead of the later.
danielpbarron: or you might find the truth >> Proverbs 31:6 Give strong drink to him who is perishing, And wine to those who are bitter of heart.
ben_vulpes: danielpbarron: it's a particular reprogramming that doesn't have much to do with the bible.
ben_vulpes: abdicating choice to someone/something that is "not you" lies at the heart of the thing.
phf: that's the sensible perspective, but i take it there's an ideological bad blood. this is not first time i've seen christian attack aa.
ben_vulpes: danielpbarron: have you ever spent much time with the twelve steppers?
ben_vulpes: so leave off
danielpbarron: alcohol has never been my poison
ben_vulpes: phf: they hear "higher power" and lose their shit.
trinque: "there can be only one!"
ben_vulpes: "but it's not the twoooo gawwwwd!"
ben_vulpes: lookee, nobody cares.
danielpbarron: true gods or not, AA claims to be a non-religious organization and this is a lie
ben_vulpes: you've not done the twelve steps, how would you know.
BingoBoingo: It depends on the definition of religion used.
ben_vulpes: you've not talked with twelve steppers about what 'higher power' means, how would you know.
danielpbarron: do I also need to murder to know whether that was right or not?
BingoBoingo: It's right if you are Abraham
danielpbarron: I do not need to talk to anyone. I have their own published literature to go by.
ben_vulpes: you're way over there in your church of self-righteous unexamined life, examining everyone else from a pillar of plugged ears and closed eyes.
danielpbarron: you are hypocritically judging me, ben_vulpes
danielpbarron: I am more critical of myself than anyone else
ben_vulpes: hypocritically how?
BingoBoingo: Ah, but the published literature misses "sponsorship"
ben_vulpes: i judge liberally
phf: that's how they do in portland
danielpbarron: nothing wrong with judging, but you are the one who suggested I am in the wrong for doing exactly that
ben_vulpes: read just a skosh closer dude
ben_vulpes: for not actually talking to the practitioners
BingoBoingo only laments he hasn't found the meetings with the pretty girls so he can be 13th stepped
danielpbarron: I reject your premise that these people need to be talked to in order for me to know they are wrong
ben_vulpes: "o i dun need to talk to them, i read some ancient texts. this is how we do in my church so it's the right way to do things elsewhere."
ben_vulpes: you assume you know what they mean by higher power man
trinque: it is the mechanism of submission, plain and simple.
BingoBoingo can see nothing wrong in a way of life that offers him the possibility of living to see socialism crushed
trinque: how one can see how it works in "the church" and not elsewhere is a matter of selective blindness.
ben_vulpes: "higher power must mean what i mean by god, and so therefore HEWETICS"
trinque: plus satan has way better music.
danielpbarron: I assume nothing. They say themselves what "higher power" means >> Because of the A.A. policy of a "God, as we understand Him," A.A. is a den of demonic activity. In the booklet, Conscious Contact, they write, . . . there are probably as many different ideas about a Higher Power, or God, as there are people in Twelve Step programs. (p. 8)
ben_vulpes: oh right those three letters
ben_vulpes: i guess you're right then
BingoBoingo: Not everone can be Abraham to take the trip to Moriah
ben_vulpes imagines danielpbarron getting a hold of a mistranslation of other ancient texts, declaring fatwa
BingoBoingo: Who can have faith as Abraham, the father of faith did?
danielpbarron: you can
phf: this is similar to concept of ishvara, i.e. a true divinity of chosen denomination, from the yoga sutras. it's the idea that interpretation allows for non yhvh
phf: that irks christian missionaries and such
BingoBoingo: danielpbarron: I can't even get to infinite resignation yet.
danielpbarron: who says you should?
BingoBoingo pulls out "Fear and Trembling" which I've been reading as a part of step three
BingoBoingo: Eh, my copy's not in the original language. Could be a bad translation.
ben_vulpes: phf: there can only be one!1
trinque: and definitely isn't you!
BingoBoingo: In other news, our Nigerian Prince is at a loss for words http://qntra.net/2016/01/recent-bitcoin-direction/#comment-41474
assbot: Recent Bitcoin Direction | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/1NjBWgl )
ben_vulpes: trinque: danielpbarron has the /truth/ you see
ben_vulpes: from these scrolls
trinque: pack it in boys; we're done here.
trinque: group of sheep fuckers that were excluded from the interesting happenings of their own time wrote down all the facts of life
BingoBoingo: You know... It would prolly be easier to V-ify the Big Book for provenance than an English Bible translation.
ben_vulpes: hey now trinque insanely long book of retarded rules says no fucking sheep, nobody fucked sheep that's racist
BingoBoingo actually envies danielpbarron his faith
trinque: ben_vulpes: you gotta read between the lines mang
trinque: if it bothers to prohibit sheep fucking... there was sheep fucking
trinque: that's a hard rule of history right there
ben_vulpes plugs ears, sings
BingoBoingo though seriously has to start exploring new meetings to find the ones with the pretty girls, so that he may be 13th stepped.
ben_vulpes: BingoBoingo: hasn't found the sex addict 12-step groups yet?
BingoBoingo: ben_vulpes: Those seem to be a coastal thing
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu linked a lulzy story about rape fantasizers visiting those
ben_vulpes: BingoBoingo: weird, i was under the impression they went to 'munches' on the coast
ben_vulpes: 8192 goddamn inodes
BingoBoingo not totally up on the lingo
phf: like where you carpet munch?
BingoBoingo: ;;nethash
gribble: 848586253.592
ben_vulpes: some no doubt derpy bdsm get-together
ben_vulpes: i'm sure fails to measure up to mircea_popescu's discriminating eye in some way or another
ben_vulpes: > sheep fuckers
ben_vulpes: hey man i have cohen markers i'll have you know
BingoBoingo: Hey, some of those sheep fuckers were Jews
ben_vulpes: original sheepfuckers no doubt
punkman: "I was only trying to help that sheep over the fence!"
ben_vulpes: you see that bank over there?
ben_vulpes: and you know the other one over in mecca?
ben_vulpes: i built those and five more just like them throughout the fertile crescent.
ben_vulpes: but do they call me isaac the banker?
trinque: punkman │ "I was only trying to help that sheep over the fence!" << wahahaha
trinque: hey my ancestors were romans; I'm sure they fucked all kinds of things
trinque: or why do anything at all!
ben_vulpes: hey it's warm and concave
assbot: Maxcoin tips for highest performance ... ( http://bit.ly/1Wta4gN )
BingoBoingo: ^ Keccak mining info
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 128600 @ 0.00055606 = 71.5093 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 76007 @ 0.00055564 = 42.2325 BTC [-] {3}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 107050 @ 0.00056389 = 60.3644 BTC [+]
assbot: Mersenne Prime Discovery - 2^74207281-1 is Prime! ... ( http://bit.ly/1WtbWq2 )
BingoBoingo: !t m s.bbet
assbot: [MPEX:S.BBET] 1D: 0.00013 / 0.00013 / 0.00013 (400 shares, 0.05 BTC), 7D: 0.00013 / 0.00013 / 0.00013 (400 shares, 0.05 BTC), 30D: 0.0001 / 0.00011979 / 0.00013 (3330 shares, 0.40 BTC)
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 95510 @ 0.00055557 = 53.0625 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 109200 @ 0.00056525 = 61.7253 BTC [+] {3}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 95993 @ 0.0005552 = 53.2953 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27057 @ 0.00055368 = 14.9809 BTC [-]
assbot: BITMAIN announces Antpool ... ( http://bit.ly/1n91kQS )
BingoBoingo: Let's time warp back to M Toomim's spam from January 2015 still pimping the voting site https://archive.is/9xAJS
assbot: Consider.it - Radical new Election System is Ready! (general discussion) - General - Bitcoin Foundation ... ( http://bit.ly/1n92agp )
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 111299 @ 0.00055864 = 62.1761 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [FT] [X.EUR] 664 @ 0.00283087 = 1.8797 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: throckmortonsign comments on https://bitcoin.org/en/bitcoin-core/capacity-increases Why is a hard fork still necessary? ... ( http://bit.ly/1UaVglM )
fluffypony: if there's a contentious fork then Bitcoin Core will fork to change the PoW
BingoBoingo: fluffypony: Discussion started when luke made a troll submission to change the "classic" POW and MP said in channel he wouldn't go to war over proof of work change which he later elaborated on Trilema and which was pointed out on QNtra.
BingoBoingo: Gotta keep up with the news.
BingoBoingo: But hopefully there enough sanity in the pools to keep the trigger from being pulled.
BingoBoingo: Because another decade of this standoff would be just swell
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 92346 @ 0.00056094 = 51.8006 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 155600 @ 0.00056109 = 87.3056 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34450 @ 0.00055833 = 19.2345 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18750 @ 0.0005644 = 10.5825 BTC [+]
jurov: haha enjoyed the logs
assbot: Giant snow penis baffles Swedish town ... ( http://bit.ly/1Ow9yfa )
jurov: "Unfortunately for those trying to eradicate the member, the snow penis was on thin ice, literally."
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2013/09/27/ceos/ << was re-reading, not bad huh.
assbot: CEO | Bingo Blog ... ( http://bit.ly/1Prx0fE )
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-01-2016#1378216 << incidentally, anyone know the french version of this ?
assbot: Logged on 20-01-2016 03:51:04; asciilifeform: сказка ложь да в ней намёк добрым молодцам урок (tm) (r)
mircea_popescu: i'm particularly fond of that particular expression of the concept.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-01-2016#1378222 << was this before or after he was petrified of cacti and wouldn't wash ? also cat'd from same source.
assbot: Logged on 20-01-2016 03:57:35; phf: so rms always had a flexible living arrangements, but at some points he had a tenured office at mit, where he would sleep on the couch. there are multiple accounts of that couch being shared by young ladies. perhaps stories are apocryphal and should echo >> jargon.txt
mircea_popescu: i dunno, maybe they make womanhood differently in teh 2nd best korea, but from what i've seen poor hygiene is an absolute bar for sexual congress.
mircea_popescu: let it further be reflected in teh republican record that having been in a position to both hear the student body consensus on which of the undegrad sluts fucked which profs as well as through personally being induced in the professoral social circle actually see with mine own eyes the reality of the matter, there's always some exaggeration afoot.
mircea_popescu: profs do fuck students on occasion (as they well should), but that occasion is rarer than it would be reasonably expected. meanwhile the student body gossip is almost entirely driven by the overactive sexual imagination of the undersexed bois. if the same bois were mere stable hands, relegated to hard labour and a bed of hay in the barn, just like their proud antecessors actually were, you'd be hearing stories about ho
mircea_popescu: w the daughters of the lady of the house fucked the bull.
assbot: Dutch arrest 10 men suspected of using Bitcoin to launder money| Reuters ... ( http://bit.ly/23eoqGJ )
mircea_popescu: i wonder if they voted in any of the numerous redditconsensuses to date.
mircea_popescu: "Hoen said the actual drug sellers were the subject of a continuing investigation by the country's drug squad, although 15 kilograms of chemical precursors for the manufacture of Ecstasy were found in raids on Tuesday."
mircea_popescu: ah, launder bs. pill dealers.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 80861 @ 0.00055992 = 45.2757 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: apparently that stuff is still as huge in the yurp as it was in the disco boom era.
mircea_popescu: you'd think the so called fashion drugs actually obeyed some sort of fashion cyclicity.
mircea_popescu: "According to an account in De Telegraaf newspaper, which was invited to witness the raids, the men were caught due to large amounts of money being frequently deposited into their bank accounts and then quickly withdrawn in cash from ATMs."
shinohai: I am glad my drug needs are relatively simple. X never made the list.
mircea_popescu: In all more than 250 law enforcement officials participated in Tuesday's raids. << 20mn / 250 means productivity per capita for "law enforcement official" is about 80k. basically they wouldn't pull their weight as engineers, barely qualified to work for mcdonalds.
mircea_popescu: i think that's about what average mcd employee pulls in for the comp.
assbot: Logged on 20-01-2016 04:17:53; *: BingoBoingo still in recovery. It is through the strategic superiority of #b-a that I stopped being a drunk ass online in time to enjoy the irony of USGToomim Mark M be a stoned ass online
assbot: Logged on 20-01-2016 04:10:37; phf: sick gains
mircea_popescu: for srsly.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-01-2016#1378236 << you realise that's mostly the marketing of the "aa" thing, right ? "let's find these addictive personalities at their most vulnerable and try to replace their addiction of choice with a bland surogate that promotes our self-interest".
assbot: Logged on 20-01-2016 04:26:44; phf: i know this guy, a master carpenter, he builds wooden structures at burning man (infrastructural stuff, not "art"). he's been clean for 30 years now, but it's a constant aa-ing for him. "an acoholic can never be free", etc. i guess it's working for him, but it's hell of depressing mindset
mircea_popescu: in fairfness, they didn't think this out, merely copied the church, but nevertheless.
mircea_popescu: learned helplessness.
mircea_popescu: (and also castration, because that's the deep content there, "do not dare be a man, men can sin". yeah, i'm sure, let's all be women and have things "just happen and occur to us" and hold hands and be victims. anyone say rape's inevitable in this context ? BURN THE WITCH!!1)
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-01-2016#1378253 << he has a point you know. takes all of half an hour to make this switch, be a berserker for the rest of your life. and his choice of venue is wise, too. nigga prolly throw you mad respects for the move, because it'd be as far as anyone has EVER seen, or heard tale told, the FIRST case a pale face did something.
assbot: Logged on 20-01-2016 04:43:39; mats: can emigrate to hood and go into battle whenever you feel like it
mircea_popescu recalls they'd have rather re-interpret me as muslim than face the incredible notion that there exist sane whitey.
asciilifeform: quite unrelated, but lulzy, https://unreddit.com
assbot: unreddit ... ( http://bit.ly/1V8deVW )
asciilifeform: (the stratfor link alone is hilarious. somehow i missed this.)
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6050 @ 0.00055833 = 3.3779 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41850 @ 0.00055802 = 23.3531 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [FT] [X.EUR] 750 @ 0.00281571 = 2.1118 BTC [-] {2}
mircea_popescu: i can't fucking believe how inadequate emacs is for playwriting.
mircea_popescu: suppose i want to see what solarino said. what, do i grep ? what if i want to see his grammar, regexp ?! suppose i want to see his rare word usage, what do i do, perl from a list ?
mircea_popescu: whenever man sits down to do anything, man discovers that he is in all likelihood the first man to have ever sat down to do that one thing.
mircea_popescu: i dunno wtf all those dudes fixated on virginity in their women don't get into programming. fucking virgin field as far as the eye can see, it could be 1815 for all anyone'd know.
assbot: [MPEX] [FT] [X.EUR] 750 @ 0.00281195 = 2.109 BTC [-] {2}
mircea_popescu: in unrelated (really ?) news, two simultaneous (as in, same second) okcupid messages : GEUINEME, 59, Straight, Woman, Single, 160cm from Miami FL says "You are disgusting ugly piece of humanity !!!! Men like you should be castrated thrown in the desert to be lost forever with never a chance of seeing Another human being." whereas ZenRoots, 23, Straight, Man, Single from Lacey, WA says "Dude what your badass. Keep livin
mircea_popescu: g it​". we thank our listeners and now invite you to enjoy together with us the infinite blue!
assbot: Angela Similea - Un albastru infinit (regia Viorel Sergovici) - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1V8gMaS )
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform "Connecting to reddit failed. Double check the url"
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 67100 @ 0.00055992 = 37.5706 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-01-2016#1378263 << quite exactly that. anonymity is infantilizing.
assbot: Logged on 20-01-2016 04:54:26; BingoBoingo: Also some people relapse which would be embarassing in the organization had a bunch of public faces.
assbot: Logged on 20-01-2016 05:03:53; *: ben_vulpes is enjoying the bible vs. big book citation spats
thestringpuller: ;;ticker
gribble: Bitfinex BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 396.12, Best ask: 396.69, Bid-ask spread: 0.57000, Last trade: 396.68, 24 hour volume: 29769.57211061, 24 hour low: 375.01, 24 hour high: 399.0, 24 hour vwap: None
mircea_popescu: o noes! but bitcoin was dying because lolz, and then it recovered because why ?! WHAT COULD HAVE HAPPENED!
mircea_popescu: fucktards. don't even own enough dough to buy my flock stockings.
mircea_popescu: biggest country in the world [of our imagination]
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-01-2016#1378287 << technically the view is as to HIGHEST power, not as to higher power. the idea that there may be no intermediation between god and man is a relatively novel innovation, broadly specific to anglo neoprotestants. (in this context "anglo" means mostly means dutch)
assbot: Logged on 20-01-2016 05:12:46; trinque: "there can be only one!"
mircea_popescu: otherwise the doctrine as well as the history is fulla intermediations and intermediants.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-01-2016#1378290 << consider my objection with the ponzi talk ( http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=19-01-2016#1377844 ). it's an absurd notion, this. all metaphysics can be reframed as "a religious discussion", arguing as to whether it is or it isn't is fundamentally defective (and keeping discussions strictly physical is extremely difficult, even for trained practitioners, which
assbot: Logged on 20-01-2016 05:13:28; danielpbarron: true gods or not, AA claims to be a non-religious organization and this is a lie
assbot: Logged on 19-01-2016 23:22:41; mircea_popescu: (in the other view : all currency is always and necessarily a ponzi scheme. and "fraudulent" in a sense.)
mircea_popescu: is why science sucks and math blows).
mircea_popescu: which is why nobody bothers to engage the derps going "bitcoin/b-a/whatever is a cult!11". sure, whatever, it's a cult. not as much as your "feminism" "environment" "government" "state will save us" blabla.
assbot: [MPEX] [FT] [X.EUR] 750 @ 0.00281038 = 2.1078 BTC [-] {4}
mircea_popescu: more broadly, there's no merit in trying to hold categorical discussions with idiots, they're both incapable of keeping the categories straight and also believe that their "best weapon" is to muddy them up.
mircea_popescu: usually an unconscious belief, but nevertheless, all-permeating.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-01-2016#1378294 << technically, yes. consider any fanatic dude going "oh, if i only had the opportunity to kill hiltler before he could do all that damage!!1" gets his opportunity and is now explaining to a munchen court why he dispatched the 9yo boy with a pickaxe. what do you say, "i guess it's one of those where you had to be there" ?
assbot: Logged on 20-01-2016 05:14:18; danielpbarron: do I also need to murder to know whether that was right or not?
mircea_popescu: i suppose the thing to do is "raise awareness" on reddit, get 51% of "the people" to agree the forked history is better off and then there you go, consensus has been achieved and all is well.
mircea_popescu: the irony of this being EXACTLY how it works out in practice being why we even made laws to begin with is of course lost on the proponents.
mircea_popescu: but, let us quote for the memory of it. "Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears - I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him."
mircea_popescu: "Here, under leave of Brutus and the rest – For Brutus is an honourable man; so are they all, all honourable men – come I to speak in Caesar’s funeral. He was my friend, faithful and just to me, but Brutus says he was ambitious and Brutus is an honourable man."
mircea_popescu: !up villan
assbot: [MPEX] [FT] [X.EUR] 398 @ 0.00266275 = 1.0598 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 113766 @ 0.00056391 = 64.1538 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 129139 @ 0.000566 = 73.0927 BTC [+] {3}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25750 @ 0.00055802 = 14.369 BTC [-]
jurov: !t m x.eur
assbot: [MPEX:X.EUR] 1D: 0.00266275 / 0.002799 / 0.00283212 (3688 shares, 10.32 BTC), 7D: 0.00248292 / 0.00280335 / 0.00301878 (5519 shares, 15.47 BTC), 30D: 0.00238552 / 0.00264614 / 0.00301878 (12420 shares, 32.87 BTC)
jurov: !up Tomiii
jurov: hi Tomiii hows hawaii?
Tomiii: hawaii is nice
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36700 @ 0.00055802 = 20.4793 BTC [-]
deedbot-: [Trilema] There has not yet been seen a simple thing, even if we're drowning in simple people. - http://trilema.com/2016/there-has-not-yet-been-seen-a-simple-thing-even-if-were-drowning-in-simple-people/
mircea_popescu: and incidentallty, where does one find brideshead revisited text ? why, on lib.ru, of course. http://www.lib.ru/WO/brajdshed_engl.txt
mircea_popescu: BRAJDS HED!
assbot: Logged on 20-01-2016 05:15:35; phf: that's how they do in portland
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-01-2016#1378313 << technically speaking, the definition of church is such that there can not be a "somewhere else".
assbot: Logged on 20-01-2016 05:17:51; trinque: how one can see how it works in "the church" and not elsewhere is a matter of selective blindness.
mircea_popescu: in this reading, the bunch of socialist, liberal, rights-and-whatevers, equality-and-environment folk are self-excommunicated, ie they can't take part in the workings of the church. which, judging by the devil-fell-in-holy-water level of hysteria displayed when they encounter submission etc, may not even be that far off.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-01-2016#1378315 << ow god, you actually listened to the "satanist" crap ? it's god-awful. heavy metal is one thing, but more iron maiden less weirdo guttural dudes.
assbot: Logged on 20-01-2016 05:18:28; trinque: plus satan has way better music.
bagels7: How does this WoT feel about racial prejudice?
bagels7: as in don't lend money to black people because they don't pay back
trinque: https://youtu.be/HNPpZMo-Q58 << maiden rules, but I still like this
assbot: Mors Principium Est - Bringer Of Light - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1T4LjIa )
trinque: a you don't youtube
assbot: Logged on 20-01-2016 05:30:51; ben_vulpes: BingoBoingo: hasn't found the sex addict 12-step groups yet?
mircea_popescu: bagels7 that's pretty ridiculous.
bagels7: my black friend told me "this is a black house DUH" in response to her BF robbing me at his mothers house
mircea_popescu: aw come on, melodic finns and satanism. unfair!
trinque: heh!
bagels7: the white people who robbed me were crackheads who I trusted with my phone, that's my fault
mircea_popescu: bagels7 quite.
bagels7: if you aren't racist you probably never lent money to a black guy
jurov: bagels7: the wot is mightily prejudiced against WASPs :D
bagels7: jurov: good^
bagels7: I was a brainwashed jehovah witness, it's a wonder I am not a zealot today
jurov: also, maybe self-professed niggers liek thestringpuller can say sth about it
mircea_popescu: uh im pretty sure i lent money to black dudes, actually.
kakobrekla: all my nonpayers were white.
bagels7: my employer is black and he is the only one that is trustworthy, He said that out of 30 girls im the only trustworthy one but IDK if he was being nice but probably not
mircea_popescu: anyway, what your barely-literate friend was trying to convey was that he and his friends regard themselves as sovereign and outside the common mores of fucktardation and idiocy (conveniently equated with white society), and as such pussies get taken in. which is what happened to you. which makes sense, in that context, and has exactly 0 to do with color and everything to do with what you represent as "sexual orientati
mircea_popescu: on" and they represent as a fundamental failure to thrive.
bagels7: my gay/black roomate is going to pay me back the 350 dollars he owes me when it "comes out of his ass". I am never lending money again
mircea_popescu: o yes you will.
jurov: bagels7: he asks you for anal probing in other words, no reason to refuse
mircea_popescu suspects roomate is "gay" in the sense of "he fucks holes".
mircea_popescu: homosexuality is a complicated thang.
bagels7: jurov: funny, but no, he's not into me, he has a bf now and is a jerk about it like coming in my room to make out then leave, which is inconsiderate considering I am seperated recently
mircea_popescu: o ? how did you break up ?
jurov: he's not a jerk, you're a cuck if you allow him
bagels7: real fucking bad, alcohol, violence, cops coming and him going to jail for the weekend for being violent with cops
mircea_popescu: move to wash, dc. everyone else is doing it.
mircea_popescu: maybe you meet a nice aide or something... you never know.
bagels7: He is like 250 lbs jurov and he does treat me like a child but he is a bigger spoiled child who claims to be a victim of society while calling his mother every other day. this one time he didnt talk to me for 3 days because we forgot to share a joint with him, and now he is not talking to me because I said "oh fuck off" in response to him calling me fat after i told him not to tell me
bagels7: that
bagels7: Like if he really had a hard life like me my dad would beat that arrogance out of him and those disgusting childish manipulating games wouldn't work
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-01-2016#1378353 << i've once been to a bdsm munch by the boston bdsm munching society. it was pretty pitiful.
assbot: Logged on 20-01-2016 05:32:55; phf: like where you carpet munch?
assbot: "but do they call me isaac the banker?" - Recherche Google ... ( http://bit.ly/1T4PbJ7 )
bagels7: I lived with a BDSM guy by accident and It was the easiest time of my life, I took a 100 dollar taxi ride to a complete stranger i met online the same day because it was midnight and I was in a bad neighborhood on the streets. I didn't know he was an "experienced BDSM master"
trinque: oh god, that google result's summary.. teh lulz overfloweth
bagels7: I would rather be a sexual slave and get raped everyday than go through "childhood" again
mircea_popescu: i think we has won a google.
punkman: heh
mircea_popescu: bagels7 this view is a lot more common than generally realised.
bagels7: !search fascism
assbot: 40 results for 'fascism' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=fascism
bagels7: mircea_popescu thanks, I feel better about it now thought im still sick of poor black people playing victim when they aren't willing to do my job
mircea_popescu: !up Xplosionist
Xplosionist: Thanks, mircea_popescu.
Xplosionist: The bet for redskins was resolved, and the 48 hours passed, but the payout to my address hasn't shown up.
mircea_popescu: bagels7 what people claim has naught to do with anything else other than what it pays to claim. if society pays for being a victim, they;ll claim being a victim. a century ago when it paid being a winner, you couldn't get out of talk about how winnery they are. whatevs.
mircea_popescu: Xplosionist link ?
Xplosionist: clicking on the address in the bet shows the last transaction was a previous one from another bet on jan 10.
assbot: BitBet - Washington Redskins will win more 2015 season games than they lose :: 1.08 B (20%) on Yes, 4.3 B (80%) on No | closed 2 weeks 2 days ago ... ( http://bit.ly/1NYMkOy )
mircea_popescu: to your bet, man.
assbot: BitBet - Washington Redskins will win more 2015 season games than they lose :: 1.08 B (20%) on Yes, 4.3 B (80%) on No | closed 2 weeks 2 days ago ... ( http://bit.ly/1NkgQ1A )
Xplosionist: I know there was a way to see transactions, I thought there was, but I don't see it. Just the link to my payment address which shows no transaction matching the one I expect./
assbot: BTC Transaction d219234f59dda8efe3ee00dd363b7c642cfac41e170a53e96ea6754247a19c28 | BlockCypher ... ( http://bit.ly/1NkgUy5 )
mircea_popescu: there's some weirdness afoot.
mircea_popescu: supposedly the txn is doublespent but i can't find the supposed doublespender in mempool.
mircea_popescu: will be looking into this.
Xplosionist: Thanks. I assumed it was something odd that had happened.
mircea_popescu: yeah, thanks for pointing out.
Xplosionist: Did you find that from the bitbet page, link to that transaction? If so, where is that?
mircea_popescu: nah, i know what txn to look for from the payout logs, and then see what webservice shows it. no way you can do this yourself, really.
Xplosionist: K. Thanks. Just had thought i was missing something when I was trying to track it myself.
mircea_popescu: bitcoin is ever more broken, while these derps "raise awareness" about how to fix hallucinated problems we don't have.
mircea_popescu: but anyway, what can you do. foss.
assbot: Lamb chop weight enforcers want warrantless access to Australians’ metadata | World news | The Guardian ... ( http://bit.ly/1NkhhsB )
mircea_popescu: !up ascii_butugychag
ascii_butugychag: hey Xplosionist !
ascii_butugychag: Xplosionist: $slavefarm implode yet ?
mircea_popescu: "A spokeswoman for the NMI, Yen Heng, referred questions about its application to the attorney general’s department." yeah, this makes sense.
Xplosionist: Hey there!
Xplosionist: And no, but it's getting closer. They kinda screwed me over in December, so I'm shopping.
Xplosionist: All in all, things are looking okay. Just lots more staff in SF, and nothing promising for the eng staff in MD.
mircea_popescu: Santoshi International Pty Ltd: Pleaded guilty to “shortfalls of up to 50% in prepacked spices”. Fined $3,000. << no value backing the bitcoin ? i beg to differ! backed by 50% spice!
ascii_butugychag: Xplosionist: i suspected you might be the last one in that shop
ascii_butugychag: mircea_popescu: 'the spice must flow' (tm) (r) ('dune')
mircea_popescu: ok, so time for me to admit defeat, and come to humbly beseech the masters of computer craft far more advanced than me. here's the story (brace yourselves) :
Xplosionist: ascii_butugychag: no, there've been two new hires here in the last 18 months. But, try as I might during my official stint as manager in 2015, I couldn't hire any more.
mircea_popescu: given is a text file, worth ~1.5 GB, containing a) reliable record separator ; b) a profile name ; c) the textual content of the profile in question.
mircea_popescu: required is a list of all profile names whose profile textual content matches a certain string.
mircea_popescu: how is this done ?! obviously, "turn it into a sql thing somehow and sql it", but no, i mean in bash.
Xplosionist: mircea_popescu is there a good field separator?
mircea_popescu: if you make it into a single line and try to then use sed to recreate lines by the separator, sed silently dies
Xplosionist: if the record separator is a newline, then I think I'd use awk.
mircea_popescu: (grep also dies, but not silently - lack of memory, supposedly, because it's badly written)
mircea_popescu: Xplosionist you specifically can not rely on newlines because they are used in the profile text.
ascii_butugychag: mircea_popescu: 'split'
Xplosionist: okay. what is the record separator?
mircea_popescu: if you use csplit to create individual files by the record separator, you end up with 500k files, and
mircea_popescu: grep fails (too many arguments)
Xplosionist: echo * | xargs grep textthingtofind
mircea_popescu: Xplosionist as it happens, "( function() {" but why would it matter.
Xplosionist: echo might handle it, where grep can't on one command line.
ascii_butugychag: mircea_popescu: i had this problem with phuctor. ended up using python
ascii_butugychag: to iterate over the dir
mircea_popescu: ascii_butugychag you see what i mean, i take it ?
Xplosionist: mircea_popescu mostly I was curious.
ascii_butugychag: (after split)
jurov: "diff: <filename with space> does not exist." << every day i'm coming closer and closer to be fkn done with emacs
ascii_butugychag: jurov: please wake me up when you find a replacement for emacs !
mircea_popescu: this is how i ended up with nano.
jurov: ascii_butugychag: i was completely fine with vim. then i heard about org-mode
ascii_butugychag: jurov: common lisp in vim is hardcore masochism, far beyond my ability to endure
Xplosionist: mircea_popescu: does echo * | xargs work for you, after the csplit?
Xplosionist: too many files for echo, as well? pisser.
jurov: find -print0 | xargs -0 is bulletproof
Xplosionist: Ahh, thanks jurov. find | xargs. Better plan.
Xplosionist: and given that split makes the filenames the print0/xargs -0 isn't even needed. But yah, I well know your "is bulletproof" feelings.
jurov: ascii_butugychag: what does it have with orgmode?
jurov: and windows management in emacs seems to be strictly designed to be illogical anti-muscle-memory, i keep clobbering the buffer i want to stay open
bagels7: !down time to be overpriced company
ascii_butugychag: jurov: the traditional answer is 'if emacs does not behave as you like, write some elisp'
ascii_butugychag: i suspect that there is no getting away from this
trinque: jurov: I use winner mode so I can at least go back in window arrangement history when I fuck things up
ascii_butugychag: either you contort yourself to fit the tool (the luserworld philosophy) or you bend the tool.
jurov: yea, the evilmode wizards attempted to have it work like in vim, and it does not work
trinque: winner-mode plus exwm is goddamned beautiful
jurov: how would i do better?
ascii_butugychag: this being said, i fucking hate emacs and have been cursing it every day for my entire working life.
ascii_butugychag: BUT every alternative i ever tried made me want to eat a nagant.
ascii_butugychag: and i mus've tried 100+.
trinque: jurov: srs, C-c left, unclobber. it's an undo/redo stack for the window arrangement
trinque: !up ascii_butugychag
assbot: Run SQL directly on CSV files | Text as Data | q ... ( http://bit.ly/1OwypiI )
jurov: imma look it up every time? and what's about this C-c fetish?
trinque emits a parse error
trinque: can bind it to whatever you want
jurov: how do i bind it to C-w + focus the destination widows with arrows?
jurov: i want *this*.
jurov: not "whatever"
trinque: what do you mean whatever?
trinque: destination of wat?
mircea_popescu: no he wants to pick the destination from among the windows by pressing arrow keys
jurov: heck, we can't even agree on terminology
trinque: ah k. that's reasonable, and surely can be done
mircea_popescu: punkman that q thing is interesting.
trinque: jurov: worth looking around in apropos window
punkman: mircea_popescu: sqlite shell can also work directly on csv files
trinque likes helm-apropos very much, and has it on a reasonable binding
assbot: EmacsWiki: Wind Move ... ( http://bit.ly/1Owz43N )
ascii_butugychag: ^ for the buffers thing
mircea_popescu: punkman yeah but if im going to bash i prefer pipes.
jurov: ascii_butugychag: thx
mod6: had some strange issue when testing my high/low patch lastnight; worked well when it was just if(fLowS) { // low-s Code } else { //orig der code }, but when i had 'if(fLowS) { // low-s } else if(fHighS) { // high-s } else { // orig code }', tx's that I created wern't getting picked up at all.
mod6: trying to get that figured out.
mod6: im thinking maybe, worst case, i can make a patch with just the -lows code in there, and then wait to get the rest figured out later for -highs
punkman: mod6, I don't get it
punkman: what does high/low/orig code do?
mod6: ok, so the original code is in key.h:Sign (L291)
mod6: the idea is, have a flag 'fLowS' that is passe from the cmdline when starting bitcoind as '-lows' that will run (basically this code: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/v0.9.3/src/key.cpp#L202-L227) instead of the original
assbot: bitcoin/key.cpp at v0.9.3 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1OwATOc )
mod6: you passed me a link to BIP66, which, as far as I can tell isn't anything more than a bunch of sanity checks.
mod6: so i'm ignoring that.
mircea_popescu: it is good to have backups : they can fail when used and thus justify keeping around trickups.
mircea_popescu: !up leps_
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-01-2016#1378674 << high-s txn weren't picked up at all you mea n?
assbot: Logged on 20-01-2016 16:21:03; mod6: trying to get that figured out.
mircea_popescu: what sanity checks are you ignoring you say ?
mod6: last night, it wasn't just high-s txn, it was both. which i found to be really weird.
assbot: BTC Address 1FundZy7m7b8begbh9haCguKJcAdFopRJ9 | BlockCypher ... ( http://bit.ly/23eU7iY )
mod6: i just sent a low-s one, and that seemed ok.
mod6: (with the high-s code in there also)
mod6: for those interested, there is some debugging that did lastnight: http://dpaste.com/15QFA7T.txt
mircea_popescu: the mempool is beeing pretty well flooded by bs, so depending on exactly what type of txn you had that may account.
mod6: i'll note, for instance, that when using -lows lastnight, i created tx '320665468f018d9635da7e240f01f48b07e1e5114a2535895f7091fe3aa751a0' (and a hand full of others) that never made it.
mod6: mircea_popescu: ah.
mircea_popescu: there are still floating around 14,7kb shits with 0.00015 fees that were introduced on the 18th. by the thousand.
mod6: <+mircea_popescu> what sanity checks are you ignoring you say ? << it was basically this, i was looking at in regards to bip66: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/5713/files
mircea_popescu: if you graph the mempool you'll see that there's this see-saw pattern, resulting from spam txn being introduced, then they expire, then reintroduced...
mircea_popescu: the actual bitcoin network looks like a fuzz atop those teeth
mod6: ah, ok.
mod6: that may have played a role.
punkman: mod6, did you port strict-DER too?
mod6: just the part that I indicated above.
punkman: might be another reason for rejection
mod6: !up ascii_butugychag
mod6: punkman: when you refer to 'strict-DER', are you referring to this? https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/5713/files
assbot: Implement BIP66 by sipa · Pull Request #5713 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1UWwJRu )
mod6: or is there some other code that you are referencing?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 63150 @ 0.00056388 = 35.609 BTC [+] {2}
punkman: mod6: I meant producing stric-der signatures, and yeah that pull-req only involves the relaying
mod6: ah, can you give me a point in the right direction?
punkman: not sure when they implemented that in PRB
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 114200 @ 0.00055876 = 63.8104 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 73500 @ 0.00055844 = 41.0453 BTC [-]
assbot: ISIS cuts its fighters' salaries by 50% - Jan. 19, 2016 ... ( http://bit.ly/1T5j3Fi )
shinohai: punkman, any mention of whether they only get 36 virgins now instead of 72 ?
jurov: or recycled virgins
BingoBoingo: Or well worn virgins
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 105822 @ 0.00055844 = 59.0952 BTC [-]
BingoBoingo: !up ascii_butugychag
ascii_butugychag: the 'final solution' to the tx crud flood is, i suspect, mircea_popescu's concept of a tmsr-ONLY block-a-day mining pool
ascii_butugychag: which - for extra bonus lulz - imho ought to take high-S only...
ascii_butugychag: (now that i think about it, i don't recall whether he said anything about tmsr-only. but this seems like an obvious thing)
kakobrekla: powered by what, cpus and gpus ?
kakobrekla: ah yes.
kakobrekla: i have lots of gas tonite.
ben_vulpes: jurov: y'ever try window-jump?
jurov: no idea
ben_vulpes: window-jump and winner-mode make for...a not horrible experience.
ben_vulpes: i use helm for buffer selection, and winner mode to get the windows back where they were.
ben_vulpes: and did i read that mircea_popescu wants 'semantic extraction' built into emacs?
ascii_butugychag: who wants to , can build whatever into emacs
ascii_butugychag: somebody wrote an 'infocom adventure' interpreter. my brother played a few gamez in it
ascii_butugychag: works great.
ascii_butugychag: but if you have a unique itch somewhere deep in a body cavity, and wait for somebody to come and scratch it ~for you~ - you may wait for a while.
ascii_butugychag: though perhaps mircea_popescu could try and teach his pets elisp
jurov: dunno about itches, i was fine with vim.. but common lisp, orgmode...
ascii_butugychag: can one get hungry-arrowkeys in vim ?
ascii_butugychag: i can't fathom using an editor without it
ascii_butugychag: FUCK hitting an arrow more than once to traverse a block of whitespace
ascii_butugychag: seriously if i wanted to repeatedly perform manual drudgery i would go and pick cotton somewhere.
jurov: i use ctrl to jump to next nonwhitespace if needed.
deedbot-: [Qntra] Netherlands Arrests 10 For Money - http://qntra.net/2016/01/netherlands-arrests-10-for-money/
jurov: there's also f,t for jumping to a character
BingoBoingo: <ascii_butugychag> seriously if i wanted to repeatedly perform manual drudgery i would go and pick cotton somewhere. << Speaking of are you dealing with that Apocalyptic blizzard fiat news is derping about.
ascii_butugychag: BingoBoingo: no sign of it yet
BingoBoingo: Ah, we've got about 3 inches of snow here. Thing apparently hasn't built up that much yet.
BingoBoingo: !up ascii_butugychag
mircea_popescu: <jurov> i use ctrl to jump to next nonwhitespace if needed. << i do.
BingoBoingo: ;;ticker --market all
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 406.5, vol: 21773.84730223 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 408.9, vol: 13515.24357 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 408.38, vol: 60890.38427171 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 355.0, vol: 6.85034257 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 416.02704, vol: 72708.52130000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 407.9848, vol: 678.38381919 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 408.787510901, vol: 153.49899348 | Volume-weighted last (1 more message)
BingoBoingo: ;;more
gribble: average: 411.452744344
BingoBoingo: Oh, it's like the Hearnstick was completely negated as soon as ACH deposits brough fiat to exchanges.
BingoBoingo: Also random WAPO organs are now trying the call people things they didn't choose to be named strategy https://archive.is/Iul9m
assbot: Sarah Palin no-show at Trump event. ... ( http://bit.ly/1OwRbXe )
danielpbarron: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-01-2016#1378543 << heh now you're ~encouraging~ people to move to USSA?
assbot: Logged on 20-01-2016 15:19:44; mircea_popescu: move to wash, dc. everyone else is doing it.
jurov: yeah, like sending you to vatican
danielpbarron: (bagelz is canadian if i recall correctly)
mircea_popescu: it's a semi-permeable membrane. i don't indiscriminately counsel everyone there to come out.
mircea_popescu: some that are in should come out of it already. some belong in there, be they now in or out.
assbot: How To Fix 'This Application Has Failed To Start Because Msvcr100 Dll Was Not Found' Error | Learn how to quickly earn money online through affiliates and more! ... ( http://bit.ly/1nyrOLT )
BingoBoingo: In derpity hurp stoner not rly news https://archive.is/Fb7Qy and https://archive.is/dttpO
assbot: toomim comments on The Toomin brothers, Bitcoin Classic's main devs are debating Core devs and trying to show them the light. It gets quite fishy at the end. ... ( http://bit.ly/1nyrTiM )
assbot: Bitcoin Classic's Magical Mystery Tour - Bitcoinist.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1nyrRrb )
ben_vulpes: i rarely use arrow keys to navigate, preferring instead to search through the buffer
mircea_popescu: ctrl-w also works.
thestringpuller: BingoBoingo: Maybe we should all join hands here in assets and sing kumbaya.
BingoBoingo: "People’s reactions to the discussion have been mixed, with people pointing out that the discussion was inappropriate in a group of essentially strangers. Furthermore, Bitcoin has been associated with drug use throughout its entire history, and perhaps it is in the interest of the community to separate itself from that." << lolz ClassicCoin can't even win outlets that flirted with Garza's Paycoin
BingoBoingo: thestringpuller: That would be suspicious
BingoBoingo: !up ascii_butugychag
danielpbarron: my interpretation from the toomim drug thing was that he was trying to be like Mircea only replacing gurlz with drugz or something
thestringpuller: d00d trolling core dropped me this article he wrote on slack: http://philmaher.com/how-to-pump-and-dump-your-affiliates/
mircea_popescu: i wonder how many people burned themselves trying to be me. perhaps i find out one day.
mircea_popescu: were a bunch even pre-internet.
BingoBoingo: danielpbarron: Or just trying to "be cool" like all those movie stoners or something. It's not unknown among USG agents to either have or have invented a "groovy" drug history.
ascii_butugychag: there was reptilia...
assbot: [MPEX] [FT] [X.EUR] 750 @ 0.00263892 = 1.9792 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: there is the problem of manufactured street cred. what to say, what to say ?
ascii_butugychag: how come nobody tried to be, e.g., paul erdos.
mircea_popescu: and how do you know they didn't ?
BingoBoingo: ascii_butugychag: Tortilla's brain did fine simulating the drug experience without chemical assistance
ascii_butugychag: how do 'triers' select who to 'try to be' anyway.
mircea_popescu: perceived social dominance.
ascii_butugychag: mircea_popescu: true, perhaps all 'dark matter'
mircea_popescu: why were the asylums full of napoleons rather than perigords ?
ascii_butugychag: they are full of 'napoleons', but also there is always a reasonable number of 'glass pitchers', 'acorns', etc
mircea_popescu: and how many perigords ?
mircea_popescu: who hated bush and who hated ken rove ?
ascii_butugychag: dafuq is a perigord
ascii_butugychag: carl rove?
mircea_popescu: a was he karl ?
ascii_butugychag: and serious bushitler aficionados did hate !
BingoBoingo: Lol, noise holes are suggesting the "miner" Buttfury plans on selling to the public is another 21co style Internet of things device. Just another PiTaTo
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo bitfury is utterly evil these days.
ascii_butugychag still l0ling over reddit-stratfor hitler
mircea_popescu: apparently there's been a sale last year, and well...
mircea_popescu: the wrong people bought.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Yes, just as BitPay went from harmless derps to info collectatron.
BingoBoingo: Except buttfurry has chips and BitPay doesn't
mircea_popescu: to be resolved.
BingoBoingo: Resolving is the funnest part of BitBet
BingoBoingo: It's rare, but every now and then a Bet needs BetLawyered in the comments.
BingoBoingo: The S.BBET vs. S.DICE bet was grand
thestringpuller: BingoBoingo: ASICMINER tried this and then went bankrupt shortly after.
thestringpuller: The block erupters you could plug into USB.
ascii_butugychag: so mircea_popescu, which 'wrong people' might that be? the ones with 'no money and no engineers' ?
ascii_butugychag: or some other set ?
mircea_popescu: the sad fact of today's business environment is that you can also sell for promise.
mircea_popescu: some do. it's bad for the environment and worse for them, but nevertheless they do.
ascii_butugychag: threat works as well as promise
mircea_popescu: there is no difference between the two.
mircea_popescu: verba volant.
ascii_butugychag: then yes.
mircea_popescu: what starded as a more humane way to disposses the old (see balzac, he describes it in detail), has meanwhile become the universal way to cleave yourself from everything.
mircea_popescu: you say that that's what you do professionally, separate things, and there's merit to the view. but also... some things don't belong apart.
assbot: [MPEX] [FT] [X.EUR] 750 @ 0.00263892 = 1.9792 BTC [-]
mod6: no heat in the suburban, made appt. to have it fixed. showed up this am like "ok do your thing..". They said, "oh, can you pick it up tomorrow? we're busy...". Like wtf. It's literally like a 15 minute job. How do I know? Because I just did it myself instead and if I exclude the drive time to pick up and buy the part itself, ~15 minutes.
mod6: Now i have heat. fuckers.
ascii_butugychag: but given the mammalian tendency to 'hate to lose more than loving to win' (as described in a mircea_popescu article !) it makes sense to distinguish 'threat' and 'promise' as items
mircea_popescu: sense, for whom.
mircea_popescu: expediency is no sort of sense
ascii_butugychag: for thinking
ascii_butugychag: and, e.g., bribery vs extortion, rather separate skill sets, no ?
assbot: [MPEX] [FT] [X.EUR] 750 @ 0.00263892 = 1.9792 BTC [-]
mod6: !up ascii_butugychag
mircea_popescu: i don't think so.
mircea_popescu: and i don't even think you mean thinking by "thinking". i think you mean "for daydreaming". like this fellow :
assbot: Cum sa fii peste - ghid simplu, pe inteles si exhaustiv on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1nmTgfU )
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 86650 @ 0.00056638 = 49.0768 BTC [+] {3}
mircea_popescu: does it convey or should i translate ?
ascii_butugychag: translate plox
mircea_popescu: the article is "how to be a pimp - a simple guide, easy to understand and exhaustive". which it is. which it exactly is.
mircea_popescu: the fellow says "if i were to be a pimp [ie, the dream mode, because hey, that's what he understood of a discussion of technology, that "being an engineer" is a blessed state, to be obtained through divine grace and / or ordination] i wouldn't beat the women, for they'd be more productive thus. but also, if they piss me off, "dead" directly. you know, like puff daddy.
ascii_butugychag: am i think or what, i don't see the equivalence. bribery and threat are approx. as equivalent as arses and elbows
mircea_popescu: to which i say that if i were a bird also i wouldn't flap my wings, but merely float. because why not, tis a dream.
mircea_popescu: you're thick. there is no bribe that doesn't contain a threat, nor is there any threat that is anything but a veiled bribe.
mircea_popescu: and nothe that his oh-so-creative "understanding" and "thought process" is both purely symbolic and specifically symbolic.
ascii_butugychag: can haz example? let's say bag man helpfully tells restaranteur, '$x/mo. or your place burns'. where is the hidden bribe ?
mircea_popescu: this fellow's illiterate. he sees the world through eyes of stupidity, which is why he says "dead direct". it's a barbarism in romanian, but he needs to import a foreign symbol because well... sounds better thus.
mircea_popescu: less to explain. "the meaning should be obvious"
ascii_butugychag: now these, everyone has met, i think
ascii_butugychag: 'if i were a general...'
mircea_popescu: ascii_butugychag : if he pays and the place burns next month, what then ?
ascii_butugychag: then 'too bad' ?
mircea_popescu: if he pays and he sees a derp with gasoline fucking around and he calls you up, what then ?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 88250 @ 0.00056737 = 50.0704 BTC [+] {2}
ascii_butugychag: i can only guess, but 'go and pay or shoot that one yourself, he's not mine'
ascii_butugychag: the whole no-overlapping-turfs thing is supposed to be guaranteed by turf war, etc. i get it
ascii_butugychag: but in practice, is it ?
mircea_popescu: in practice you'd better do something.
mircea_popescu: nobody ever says that 'go and pay or shoot that one yourself, he's not mine'. ever heard judge say something like that ?
ascii_butugychag: aaaactually
mircea_popescu: judge's the least convincing mobster out there, even he knows he can't really get away with that.
mircea_popescu: (and once he tries, the show stops)
ascii_butugychag: the famous '80s scotus case where 'police are not ~required~ to show up even if they know the hour of your advance murder' thing
mircea_popescu: human speech is in all cases a promise and a threat, together. if you go see a house for rent and you offer 100k, what you are saying is "stand with me and make 100k, or stand aside and damn you all". no matter how faint either side, it's there. it has to be for speech to be meaningful.
ascii_butugychag: so if i offer a kid a candy, i am threatening him with hunger ?
mircea_popescu: how should i know what you're doing.
mircea_popescu: do it and i'll tell you.
ascii_butugychag: well you did say 'promise and threat are not separable', no ?
ascii_butugychag: and what, 'what's 2+2?' 'how should i know? go add them and i'll tell you'
ascii_butugychag puts on gas mask
mircea_popescu: just because they're not separable does not mean that in consideration and by way of compensation now you get to separate an arbitrary something else.
ascii_butugychag: which else
BingoBoingo: ":The results came out, the mine can not afford the risk of the mining machine brick, the Classic will not be upgraded to 2MB of program. "
ascii_butugychag: BingoBoingo: said who, a fishwife in shanghai ?
mircea_popescu: ascii_butugychag now you want to separate facts from their representation, and have your way with the representation aside.
mircea_popescu: doesn't work.
BingoBoingo: ascii_butugychag: Mystery Chinese noise I can not adequately parse on thread preceeded with "MEGA LOL"
BingoBoingo does not have a solid idea who 副船长 on 8btc forum is
mircea_popescu: thyey're just bickering about who guessed first what will happen and how fair or unfair it is.
ascii_butugychag: wai wut, when did they invent the 'unfair' crapolade in cn ?
mircea_popescu: remember tank guy ?
mircea_popescu: well... they invented "unfair" crapolade. what the fuck do you think confucianism is ?
ascii_butugychag: i thought it was rather the opposite
mircea_popescu: it infested the brits, they brought it back like the intellectual equivalent of the french pox.
ascii_butugychag: 'bow to your betters'
mircea_popescu: that whole narrative is something like "look at these people who gave us syphilis, it finds itself in biological equilibrium in their country and so they don't get it all that much and it's mostly under control - but here, lord! every face is covered! how much better we have it than they do!"
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28767 @ 0.00056792 = 16.3374 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: the brits at the time of their ill advised eastern trip thought nothing of caning children to death, and the general practice was to send off the louts to live as slaves to other people,
mircea_popescu: so as to silence the annoying women.
mircea_popescu: "oh my baby my baby". well now it ain't your baby anymore so stfu.
ascii_butugychag often pictures mircea_popescu pushing a messenger into a spiffy stone pit, 'this is SPARTA!~' (tm) (r)
mircea_popescu: lol why the messenger ?
ascii_butugychag: there was a cruddy american film some time in bush era about sparta
BingoBoingo: !up ascii_butugychag
ascii_butugychag: where a persian envoy demanding tribute is shoved into a pit, which appears to have been built and kept around just for said purpose
mircea_popescu: ah. that kind of envoy.
mircea_popescu: perhaps.
BingoBoingo: Twas a cruddy film but of all the comic book to film adaptations, twas the one that has sucked the least
mircea_popescu: so to get back to it : <ascii_butugychag> so if i offer a kid a candy, i am threatening him with hunger ? << are you ?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 170050 @ 0.00056395 = 95.8997 BTC [-] {2}
ascii_butugychag: mircea_popescu: in the sense of your earlier example, yes
ascii_butugychag: 'accept this chocolate, it may be your last!111'
trinque: or simply points out to him his lack of candy, perhaps previously unobserved
mircea_popescu: ok, so then you are.
assbot: code challenge - Build a Compiler Bomb - Programming Puzzles & Code Golf Stack Exchange ... ( http://bit.ly/1PFH8gx )
mircea_popescu: trinque no but he's asking me what he's doing when he's the one doing it. and in all honesty he expects me to answer. i suppose in the same honesty he expects a snippet of code somwhere exists which says "how to subdue women". god knows the PUA subculture's been working tediously at it.
trinque nods
trinque: "How do I open my hand?"
trinque: maybe you do, maybe you don't!
ascii_butugychag: but to say that there is 'no difference between promise and thread', just because of this residual treat in the candy, is lunacy
mircea_popescu: to rest the matter, let's just say that there's excellent reason the us supreme court only rules on actual cases, never on factitious proposition.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 79600 @ 0.00056874 = 45.2717 BTC [+] {2}
ascii_butugychag: i thought it was for ddos resistance.
mircea_popescu: ascii_butugychag they're substantially the same thing, the division is a matter of interpretation.
ascii_butugychag: if you want sheepfucking ruled on, you ~actually must fuck a sheep~ etc
ascii_butugychag: mircea_popescu: seawater and uranium are then also 'same thing' ?
mircea_popescu: laymen famously can not separate the entreatment from the threat in what i say to my slaves.
ascii_butugychag: in application to ~masochists~ i'm not certain they are separable from the outside of the head..
mircea_popescu: no. but a thing's "width" and its "height" ARE the same thing.
mircea_popescu: they being both a length.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 65250 @ 0.00056922 = 37.1416 BTC [+] {3}
mircea_popescu: and while i am not certain "masochists" can be separated from the general population, i am well certain that they are not a category to be, and that you're plenty one yourself.
ascii_butugychag: masochist in the sense where an outsider does not know if 'do x or get beating' is a bribe or a threat
mircea_popescu: and do they ?
mircea_popescu: (that's a particularly poor illustration of what i said, if it tries to be. for one thing i dun think i ever said anything alike.)
ascii_butugychag: this was re: the slave example
mircea_popescu: then yeah, miserable illustration.
deedbot-: [Qntra] Twitter's Jack Dorsey No Longer A Paper Billionaire - http://qntra.net/2016/01/twitters-jack-dorsey-no-longer-a-paper-billionaire/
BingoBoingo: http://qntra.net/2016/01/twitters-jack-dorsey-no-longer-a-paper-billionaire/ << Updated, forgot the obligatory "Sorry for your loss" on initial publication
assbot: Twitter's Jack Dorsey No Longer A Paper Billionaire | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/1T5Q4RB )
mircea_popescu: i suppose this is how the pedestrian notion of "good" and "evil" is constructed even. let us arbitrarily divide a set of real objects into "only has height" and "only has width". thus therefore the first set are ~obviously~ good, for they allow you to build up! (how will you manage to allign things with no width on top of each other is a consideration best left to any masochistical engineers still stuck in your swampla
mircea_popescu: nd). the others - obviously bad, for all they do is take space on the ground for no good reason!
mircea_popescu: for the least expenditure of intellectual effort possible we have a full socio-political as well as philosophical!
ascii_butugychag: and sleep that night in hilbert's hotel, aha
mircea_popescu: kids no longer getting cubes to play with may have worse implications than originally thought.
ascii_butugychag: incidentally, every ~sane~ female i've ever encountered, had cubes
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 95500 @ 0.00056369 = 53.8324 BTC [-]
ascii_butugychag: folks who don't witness toppling cubes etc. growing, apparently don't fully grasp cause-effect...
mircea_popescu: this delusion of "i will build" so common in us "activists" and three year olds really needs the natural check of "go ahead".
mircea_popescu: there's even a thing in .ro folklore about this, balada mesterului manole. he keeps building and stuff keeps falling down.
mircea_popescu: seen as a foundational myth to romanian-ness.
ascii_butugychag: wasn't that italian ?
ascii_butugychag: from gianni rodari ?
mircea_popescu: well, yurp. everything's stolen.
mircea_popescu: (ftr, it's prolly stolen from ro. ie - the ballad itself is very old, older than rome.
mircea_popescu: it comes from a time of pastoral life, when sheep went up the mountains then back down the mountains into dalmatia
mircea_popescu: what the derpy romans interpreted as "dacians invading" was merely continuation of a lyfstyle that had at that time three or four millenia of history behind it.
mircea_popescu: sort of an epic scale bundy farm thing.
mircea_popescu: if you think about it, getting walls to stay the fuck up hadn't been a point of sufficient isnecurity so as to excite the popular immagination for a good 25 centuries by the time rodari came out.
ascii_butugychag: but picture if street derp had to ~build a house~
ascii_butugychag: like that.
mircea_popescu: ah but this was a famous architect, with a team and all.
mircea_popescu: ten people!
ascii_butugychag: doesn't get to cheat, has to personally stand up the walls
mircea_popescu: "mester" means master, in the ancient sense.
ascii_butugychag: aha, precisely what мастер means in ru
mircea_popescu: "Pe Argeş în gios, pe un mal frumos, Negru-vodă trece cu tovarăşi zece: nouă meşteri mari, calfe şi zidari si Manoli - zece, care-i şi întrece."
mircea_popescu: "down on the river arges, on a nice lawn, teh black king goes with ten people : nine great masters, learned in bricklaying, and manoli, the tenth, who's even better!"
mircea_popescu: from a ~1860 notation of the ballad.
mircea_popescu: (negru voda is the legendary founder & first ruler of wallachia)
mircea_popescu: !up ascii_butugychag
BingoBoingo: ;;nethash
gribble: 848144148.701
pete_dushenski: holy cramoly the size of these blocks is bananas, son. it's one 900kb+ after another after another.
ascii_butugychag: for what, 4 months now ?
pete_dushenski: in related nyooz, tevye is just 5 blocks behind now after... restarting. because "waiting it out" isn't a fucking strategy.
mircea_popescu: now look at the garbage in them.
ascii_butugychag: pete_dushenski: restarting is an imaginary remedy
ascii_butugychag: mircea_popescu: it's been 80-90% spamola since start of 'stress test' crap
mircea_popescu: part of why pushing tx fees up is absolutely fucking mandatory already.
pete_dushenski: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-01-2016#1378039 << was thinking same thing as i went to sleep last night. makes perfect sense for connections to work in the way alf proposes here.
assbot: Logged on 20-01-2016 02:04:07; asciilifeform: the ~correct~ behaviour for a node is to service a hand-picked set of trusted peers
mircea_popescu: yes yes, it's correct. and next thing you know the transactions are no longer publicly relayed (because why the fuck would i give the fee to random miners) and lo and behold we've split in the worst way.
mircea_popescu: unavoidable, yes, but i'd have liked it to come later.
ascii_butugychag: which is why i said '2 tiers'
ascii_butugychag: rather than 'hey fellaz let's all use -connect'
mircea_popescu: but yes, the problem is here : the miners aren't actually doing anything and have no power. for all the posturing, they are at the sheer mercy of the actual bitcoin holders and traders.
mircea_popescu: as the subsidy dies out, trying to be a miner will be a lot like trying to be a lawyer.
pete_dushenski: after watching tevye choke on all the fucking idiots "connect" "disconnect" "socket closed" blahblah, it seemed sane, but the miner relay is, yes, a significant potential boojum
mircea_popescu: oh, you paid 200k to go to duke... so ? starve bitch.
ascii_butugychag: trying to be a miner was an idiot's game since... 2012 ?
mircea_popescu: these idiots keep you safe.
ascii_butugychag: i said before, will say again, this is a bug.
pete_dushenski: like the idiots that give us leccy and internet access.
ascii_butugychag: i don't want a car engine that relies on cockroaches turning little wheels.
mircea_popescu: ascii_butugychag if it is the matter's not settled.
PeterL: <pete_dushenski> holy cramoly the size of these blocks is bananas, son. it's one 900kb+ after another after another. << and fees are still only ~2% of reward
thestringpuller: most of it must be spam then
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu: "But anyway, to answer a question from the public in more detail : poorly. I've never been this humiliated in my life." << nuts. my mind, it asploded.
PeterL: maybe when you start b-a minerpool, have higher fees required for non-WoT txn's to get included?
mircea_popescu: PeterL vice-versa.
mircea_popescu: the way this works is that whoever mines is on their knees for whoever knows txns.
PeterL: what? people in WoT have to pay more?
mircea_popescu: no, but you will end up doing fee rebates for people who bring you txns
pete_dushenski: ascii_butugychag: what ports can i use for trb while syncing ? and is there a good reason why trb should jump on 8333 without me telling it to, and without being completely synced ? because this seems to be a recurring issue on my end.
PeterL: I was thinking if they are in WoT it is not spam, anything else should be considered spammy and need higher fee?
ascii_butugychag: pete_dushenski: 8333 is the traditional, you can set to whatever else, or not listen at all if you -connect
mircea_popescu: PeterL i doubt it'd be practical to try and get the miner to subsidize the wot. i expect it to work the other way around.
mircea_popescu: unless you're keeping the army for offensive purposes (ie, we do 51% attacks etc), the army costs the town, does not produce for the town.
pete_dushenski: ascii_butugychag: does -addnode auto-invoke 8333 then ?
ascii_butugychag: pete_dushenski: by default yes
pete_dushenski: strange, but ok.
ascii_butugychag: pete_dushenski: read the src, it won't kill you
ascii_butugychag: mega-recommended.
pete_dushenski: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-01-2016#1378701 << where's a btc-dentist when you need one ?
assbot: Logged on 20-01-2016 16:36:22; mircea_popescu: the actual bitcoin network looks like a fuzz atop those teeth
assbot: Logged on 20-01-2016 18:37:41; deedbot-: [Qntra] Netherlands Arrests 10 For Money - http://qntra.net/2016/01/netherlands-arrests-10-for-money/
mircea_popescu: btw, for the racists in attendance : http://www.eupedia.com/europe/Haplogroup_H_mtDNA.shtml << there's a lot of studies about various haplogroups and genetic history of populations in yurp.
assbot: Haplogroup H (mtDNA) - Eupedia ... ( http://bit.ly/1Wvd1gX )
mircea_popescu: ask your representative why you can't have it in the 2nd best korea.
ascii_butugychag: have what?
mircea_popescu: extensive genetic studies done, with corresponding considerations of population health, ethnic history, etc.
ben_vulpes: jurov: do you org-mode with evil-mode?
mircea_popescu: with quotes. medical : "Ruiz-Pesini et al. (2000) reported that men belonging to haplogroup H have the lowest risk of asthenozoospermia (reduced sperm motility)." ; "A study by Baudouin et al. (2005) found that members of haplogroup H had increased chance of survival from severe sepsis at 180 days compared with individuals from other haplogroups."
mircea_popescu: ethnohistoric : "Celtic culture was born from the fusion of Indo-European paternal lineages (R1b) with native Central and Western European maternal lineages (including H1, H3, H10, J1c, K1a, T2, U5 and X2)."
jurov: ben_vulpes: yes, but orgmode has original keybindings
mircea_popescu: "From the Bronze Age, R1b male lineages replaced a large percentage of Megalithic Y-haplogroups, but female Megalithic lineages survived almost unchanged in frequency."
mircea_popescu: and for that matter maps of distribution and so on and so forth.
jurov: !up ascii_butugychag
ascii_butugychag: mircea_popescu: wasn't that what 23 corp. supposedly sold ?
mircea_popescu: hey, don't ask me things. i linked you, link me.
mircea_popescu: (but no, 23 corp sold exactly another pitato, which is all the 2nd best korea's good for these days. just like their cell service. or their computers. etc.)
ascii_butugychag: i have not paid the shaman, did not drink the goat blood, will not link
mircea_popescu: wait wut ?
ascii_butugychag: well we don't have ~actual~ genetic studies here in usababwe
ascii_butugychag: we have 23 corp. et al.
mircea_popescu: as i said - ask your representative why!
ben_vulpes: jurov: you mean to say that you ditched evil-org for native org?
mircea_popescu: isn't it the best most culture cuntry in world anymore ?
ben_vulpes: (or am i to understand etc etc)
jurov: i am not aware somethin liek evil-org even exists
mircea_popescu: is jurov going to emacs heaven ?
jurov: no, hell
ascii_butugychag: i'm not convinced re: the eu genetic report being a genuine thing either
ascii_butugychag: but perhaps i merely suffer from 'reverse cargocult'
ascii_butugychag: 'nobody has airplane, it never existed'
mircea_popescu: well.. it's well published, can always dig into if feel inclined.
jurov: mircea_popescu: i see sample sizes like 200 in a million
jurov: there
mircea_popescu: well yes, genetics is very problematic for this reason.
mircea_popescu: that's what drives the entire "take it easy" angle on genetics.
mircea_popescu: this is unavoidable, incidentally, for the same reason life exists.
mircea_popescu: there's a dozen or so "main" clades. but they are subdivided, and the subdivisions subdivide. there's tens of thousands of subdivisions of the most common subdivisions of the more common clades.
mircea_popescu: if you build a tree and it branches out this bad, you'll rapidly end up with tiny fractions in each branch.
mircea_popescu: and if you don't, syphillis mutates and ends your population cca 1490, sfyl, thanks for playing,
mircea_popescu: still, you know, from that same link : "Lucotte et al. (2010) recovered the DNA of Napoleon Bonaparte from beard hair follicules and compared it to that of his mother, Letizia, and his younger sister Caroline. All three shared the same rare 16184T mutation, which places them within haplogroup H15a1b.
mircea_popescu: or for that matter, "Bogdanowicza et al. (2009) tested the Y-chromosomal DNA and mitochondrial DNA of the exhumed remains of the Prussian Renaissance astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus. They established that he belonged to mt-haplogroup H27 (defined by the mutations 16129A and 16316G)."
mircea_popescu: this is interesting, if not obviously useful. just like all the rest of the stuff. nascent field is typically interesting in this manner but not useful (also in this manner).
mircea_popescu: what haplogrup was martin luther king ? or is such knowledge forbidden in the united obscurantistlands.
ascii_butugychag: forbidden for very obvious reasons
mircea_popescu: write to your congressman! :D
mircea_popescu: thinking about it... what obvious reasons be those ascii_butugychag ?
ben_vulpes: yes please
ascii_butugychag: well the not-so-seekrit factual basis for the colour warz among the blacks themselves
ascii_butugychag: (as illustrated especially well in haiti)
mircea_popescu: look at those eu maps, the continent's deeply divided genetically, nobody's fighting.
ascii_butugychag: just referring to the hypothesis, amply supported, that the folks who actually make something of themselves, have proportionately less africa in them
ascii_butugychag: than the other kind.
mircea_popescu: i've yet to see actually good studies on this topic.
ascii_butugychag: and you won't.
ben_vulpes: only 'colour warz' i'm aware of are the preference of crackers for north africans over african americans
mircea_popescu: i somehow doubt there is a good "africa" haplogroup.
mircea_popescu: say Q, it's mostly "huns", whereas N is basically uralics
mircea_popescu: but "huns" here means turks and hungarians and maybe fins.
thestringpuller: https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/41r561/150k_btc_between_personal_holdings_and_associates/ << LOL. "I'm like MP but a big blocker. I'm going to fight him. Bring it on MP"
mircea_popescu: i have no idea what'd be "africa". there's a bunch of major ones. and they are mixed with stuff like the persians, which... invented civilisation.
mircea_popescu: thestringpuller gawd, we;re headed for a "the mp of x" phase of buzzwordism ?
thestringpuller: P. Much. "The MP of big blocks" "The MP of paypal" "The MP of blockstream"
ascii_butugychag: mircea_popescu: subsaharan
mircea_popescu: there's at least three. there's the superhawt, tall, muscular men of pure black. there's the skinny short grayish type. there's more.
mircea_popescu: i bet you at least four haplogroups are "subsaharan".
mircea_popescu: and you'rte thinking congo-ish
ascii_butugychag: i'm thinking moar generally
ascii_butugychag: 'the folks who stayed behind' (tm) (r)
ascii_butugychag: who existed for millenia and left no ruins worth the mention, never saw the planet until enslaved, etc
mircea_popescu: yeah well... there's that. there's another thing also : a better argument can be brought that the eskimo and the chechens are "worthless neerdowells". and these are very different haplogroups too
mircea_popescu: know what unites, the "failed northerner" with the "failed mountain man" with the "failed subsaharian" ? guess ?
mircea_popescu: obviously, an empire nearby spent many years "helping them".
ascii_butugychag: any honest genetic study would reveal that being related to said folks is, generally, a very serious handicap..
mircea_popescu: yes, for this reason.
mircea_popescu: the russkis/french/english/ustards will come and help you in the ass.
ascii_butugychag: from what i know of mountain folk (the very endearing chechens esp.) they certainly see the payback they get from the plainsfolk they chronically rape as 'unfair'
mircea_popescu: rape is not a threat but a bribe :)
mircea_popescu: (ask 'em)
ascii_butugychag: 'but you're bipedal lambs, lambs aren't supposed to round up village of vermin and shoot'
mircea_popescu: hey... if a man "takes" a woman, when he is done with her it is the woman that carries away bits of the man, not vice-versa.
mircea_popescu: shouldn't she pay ?
pete_dushenski: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-01-2016#1378770 << lol. mega-classic. "friends! friends! lend me your tears!"
assbot: Logged on 20-01-2016 19:00:27; BingoBoingo: In derpity hurp stoner not rly news https://archive.is/Fb7Qy and https://archive.is/dttpO
mircea_popescu hadn't looked before, but on 2nd call... feels compelled.
BingoBoingo in my most paranoid moments is tempted to believe to Toomim drug meltdown was orchestrated as an easy way out of the "ClassicCoin" failure
mircea_popescu: i really hope they go with "ultimate" next. it has this flavour of old Vivendi spunk and unemployed, failed "strategists" and "designers" of unplayable reboots of stale franchises.
BingoBoingo: !up ascii_butugychag
mircea_popescu: "To be sure, there’s nothing wrong with LSD" bwahahahaha
mircea_popescu: OBVIOUSLY there's nothing wrong.
ascii_butugychag: mircea_popescu: nah that'd be 'reloaded'
mircea_popescu: reloaded is when they know it'll fail.
mircea_popescu: ultimate is when they spend 6 months baiting people on forums pretending they've got the new daikatana
mircea_popescu: anyway... how about Bitcoin Charades ?
BingoBoingo: Bitcoin Dialated!
pete_dushenski: Bitcoin Episode VII
mircea_popescu: The Ballchain Technologies ?
mircea_popescu: maybe even something smooth and classic, like, I Can't Believe It's Not Bitcoin.
ascii_butugychag: nah that's the current prb
ascii_butugychag: ever since the blockheaders thing
jurov: bitbutter
mircea_popescu: Better Living Through Chainology
pete_dushenski: Tastes Good Like a BlockChain Should
mircea_popescu: maybe it could be the world wide dweeb.
pete_dushenski: Live In Our World, Play In Yours
pete_dushenski: (playstation)
mod6: Revenge of the Shitgnomes
mircea_popescu: you don't understand how the shitworld works. can't say the name or it vanishes in thin air!
mircea_popescu: didn't you read the stories when you were a kid ?
ascii_butugychag: 'snow white and the seven shitgnomes'
mod6: haha.
mircea_popescu: ascii_butugychag it's pretty much a given they were doing her in the butt huh ? given the sizes.
ascii_butugychag: how else.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 319200 @ 0.00056049 = 178.9084 BTC [-] {4}
mircea_popescu: btw, speaking of inventions etc, anyone know the sad story of Girolamo Fracastoro ?
mircea_popescu: fellow that in early 1500s proposed the germinative theory of disease, but gets no credit for it like ever ?
mircea_popescu: (de contagione et contagiosis morbis)
ascii_butugychag: or for that matter even lister.
BingoBoingo: I am unfamiliar with this
assbot: In the pink? Costello bill would allow hunters to wear blaze pink, not just orange | Belleville News-Democrat ... ( http://bit.ly/20fsK5Z )
BingoBoingo: "In Wisconsin, there has been some opposition to the measure, though it has passed the Assembly and was scheduled for a Senate vote Wednesday. Opponents included some women hunters who viewed the measure as sexist, and others who see it as pandering to women." << Sexist even though more visible to other armed persons and less visible to deer
assbot: Remember the Forbes article "Something Rotten In the State of Bitcoin"? I put in a complaint and the writer was forced to change the article. : btc ... ( http://bit.ly/20ftmZh )
mircea_popescu: this entire "must wear wrong clothing" while hunting makes us hunting a fucking joke.
shinohai: !up ascii_butugychag
mircea_popescu: no fucking hunter in the history of hunting wore anything but green and olive drab
BingoBoingo: American Hunters though suffer the tremendous risk of encountering other US tards
mircea_popescu: that's not fucking hunting.
mircea_popescu: that's waiting in traffic.
ascii_butugychag: to avoid dick cheney !11
pete_dushenski: shinohai: a more effective tactic than mp's legal threats, at least in the case of forbes ;/
ascii_butugychag: whatever happened with that
mircea_popescu: ~nothing.
BingoBoingo: One must understand. US hunter faces dilema. Wear walmart fashion and shoot deer, or settle for eating walmart "meat"
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo one understands, still doth not approve.
mircea_popescu: pete_dushenski depends what you're trying to achieve. if you're trying to achieve more forbes, then yes.
BingoBoingo: I just find the potential to change the rural aesthetic lulzy if Blaze pink does work better.
mircea_popescu: if you're trying to achieve less forbes, then you will have to shoot them.
mircea_popescu: firing off some wartnings before actually shooting is considered the polite and civilised way where i come from.
ascii_butugychag: unrelatedly, a crapple pad and one of the apps offered for that machine actually make an ok trb reader
pete_dushenski: well, it'll certainly be fun to watch forbes pretend that "we never saw this coming" and "why didn't you warn us"
ascii_butugychag: for use in trains
ascii_butugychag: i finally discovered a use !
pete_dushenski: what app ?
ascii_butugychag: 'codenavigator'
ascii_butugychag: by some cn dude
BingoBoingo: In other duelling heresies https://archive.is/hwH2l
assbot: Fans’ Intense Love For Fallout: New Vegas Must Be Weird For Bethesda ... ( http://bit.ly/20fvccB )
mircea_popescu: i loved fallout, but really hated "tactics" and stopped bothering.
mircea_popescu: 1 and 2 tho...
mod6: <+mircea_popescu> no fucking hunter in the history of hunting wore anything but green and olive drab << i wear blaze
assbot: Cadeti afara (doi) on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/20fvjoD )
mod6: otherwise someone might be like, "bird! oh no that's just mod6."
mircea_popescu: mod6 what color is blaze ?
mod6: bright orange
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 149118 @ 0.00056515 = 84.274 BTC [+] {2}
mod6: lot of deer hunters wear just camo patterns of green/brown tho
BingoBoingo: New proposal is a second color named Blaze which is a bright pink.
mod6: it used to be that, i'm told.
BingoBoingo: It would be so incredibly lulzy
ascii_butugychag: this is unpleasantly reminiscent of the unicode faces thread
mod6: back in the day there were laws that said 'you must wear neon pink'.
BingoBoingo: Depends on if deer actually are more blind to pink chosen as Blaze2
ascii_butugychag: iirc deer sees in greyscale
assbot: Mount'N Prairie Buck Soft Parka - Naked North Blaze - Mills Fleet Farm ... ( http://bit.ly/20fvHUe )
mod6: and a blaze stocking cap. nothing else i have in the jacket/hat department is warm enough for dec/jan/feb
BingoBoingo: ascii_butugychag: Something like that
BingoBoingo: https://archive.is/wgC6B << Tesla does the Avalon pre-Order scam if you try to buy used
assbot: How Elon Musk Stole My Car | Atlantic.Net ... ( http://bit.ly/20fxU1V )
mircea_popescu: it's not a scam, it's consensus!
mircea_popescu: "After working with Kevin for a few weeks, I was able to find a car that met my needs in Pasadena, California."
mircea_popescu: holy shit the attention span of these derps ?! they actually will fuck around for weeks over a product they're not even that interested in with some random salesdude ?
BingoBoingo: Well, interested enough to have put down a deposit
mircea_popescu: no, that was after.
BingoBoingo: But yes, this is what selling to the derps who have paper wealth is like
BingoBoingo: !up ascii_butugychag
ascii_butugychag: it still boggles my mind that somebody would buy, for personally sitting in, a $100k machine that doesn't fly.
mircea_popescu: ascii_butugychag it's actually less than what it costs to makew by a long shot. im surprised you'e not buying one.
mircea_popescu: try buying electric engine + battery apart, same specs, an see
mircea_popescu: now, driving this assemblage as if it were a car is the height of ridiculousness.
ascii_butugychag: dafuq would i do with such a thing l0l
mircea_popescu: however, uses for either item are readily apparent in a minifactory/macrolab the sort a boy genius may have built himself.
ascii_butugychag: for one thing you need a garage.
ascii_butugychag: for another, money
mircea_popescu: no, you actually need a warehouse
mircea_popescu: a, yes, you do need money.
ascii_butugychag: and my petrol car works great
mircea_popescu: "If Tesla is logging interactions with their customers (like phone-calls) to a national database, why didn’t they notice that someone was calling in and only getting voicemail. Shouldn’t this be a red-flag, or shouldn’t someone at Telsa HQ be reaching out to find out why/whats going on/why someone keeps calling so often?"
mircea_popescu: tesla should run a sexphone service for boring ustards!
mircea_popescu: USTARD LIVES MATTER!111
mircea_popescu: not in this world, bub.
ascii_butugychag: actually i will point out, re: earlier observation, that the battery and motor are worth, using the free market (ebay) metric, 10k max
ascii_butugychag: the rest, as with other idiot golden toilets, is for 'intellectual proooooperty'
ascii_butugychag: pooperty.
BingoBoingo just like the Irony of Musk personally wrecking derps car into undeliverability after deposit placed
mircea_popescu: no wae ?!
mircea_popescu: ascii_butugychag what did you look at ?
ascii_butugychag: folks have been building electromobiles for decades
ascii_butugychag: out of scrap
ascii_butugychag: a century, even
mircea_popescu: but what did you look at ?
mircea_popescu: https://www.teslamotors.com/support/model-s-specifications << imbeciles don't list battery capacity. wtf is with these people.
assbot: Model S Specifications | Tesla Motors ... ( http://bit.ly/1S5krH2 )
ascii_butugychag: take, say,
assbot: 200 HP Reliance Electrical Motor Type T R U326781 T1 | eBay ... ( http://bit.ly/1S5kt1G )
mircea_popescu: "70 kWh or 85 kWh microprocessor controlled, lithium-ion battery". what the fuck does this mean.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Why list a capacity that is just going to rapidly decay as soon as it leaves the lot?
ben_vulpes: > thought questions
BingoBoingo: Li-ion decays much faster than RTG
mircea_popescu: so what do you think is a fair price per li/ion kWh, ascii_butugychag ?
mircea_popescu: seems about 10 bux per Wh, off the boat ?
ascii_butugychag: for very small, prepackaged cells
mircea_popescu: even at 1/10 that, 70kWh battery is then 70k.
mircea_popescu: these are kinda small, prepackaged.
mircea_popescu: anyway, "very small" as in 1-10 Ah, 12-18 V sort of thing. medium
mircea_popescu: very small is 4.95 for .6 Ah or such
ascii_butugychag: incidentally, i sure as fuck wouldn't use li ion
ascii_butugychag: mega-scam.
ascii_butugychag: decays rapidly.
mircea_popescu: well i guess there's that.
mircea_popescu: but still, Three phase, four pole AC induction motor with copper rotor << this thing is well over 10k at that power.
ascii_butugychag: i linked to the motor.
mircea_popescu: so, yeah, just the scavengeable parts retail for less in the tesla than they would outside.
ascii_butugychag: and why the fuck would i buy a new one?!
mircea_popescu: and you also get a chassis in which you could perhaps put a sane engine.
ascii_butugychag: mno, no transmission
mircea_popescu: dude that shit you linked... jesus god. yes, you can get a zamac thing for "1500".
mircea_popescu: used. no copper. etc.
ascii_butugychag: mircea_popescu: i think these pre-date the zamac thing
ascii_butugychag: hell, i'd buy a soviet motor
ascii_butugychag: built for lifts.
ascii_butugychag: but this is lunacy, i will build own car right after i build own woman.
mircea_popescu: some people like it.
ascii_butugychag: no doubt.
ascii_butugychag: i even would like it, if i liked being in cars.
ascii_butugychag: which i don't.
mod6: !up hanbot
mod6: !up shinohai
hanbot: howdy
mod6: how's it goin?
hanbot: eh, can't complain. got a sunburn, acquired another deskbox...speaking of which i'ma want to test trinque's makefile bonanza soon, may be firing derpquestions.
trinque: fire away
mod6: <+hanbot> eh, can't complain. got a sunburn, acquired another deskbox...speaking of which i'ma want to test trinque's makefile bonanza soon, may be firing derpquestions. << cool! i need some sunshine myself.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 92253 @ 0.00055802 = 51.479 BTC [-] {2}
mod6: is this an x86-64 box?
mod6: 'sgottabe if its new
mod6: win
hanbot: mhm
mod6: who wants to help ole mod6?
mod6: !up shinohai
shinohai: heh I need to verify
mod6: i need separate sets of eyes to review this logic part here for low-s:
mod6: the first line is the actual tx, and this part "DEBUG DER S: <hex S value>" comes from: printf("DEBUG DER S: 0x%s\n", BN_bn2hex(sig->s));
mod6: so anyway, i *think* that one is correct.
shinohai: Also mod6 re: version strings, placing flags first had zero effect so I probably did something wrong. :/
mod6: paste your command string in here.
mod6: we'll get it figured out
shinohai: nohup bitcoind -setverstring=bitcoind -setvernum=99997 -conf=/home/shinohai/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf -datadir=/home/shinohai/.bitcoin/ -logtimestamps -myip= -verifyall 2>&1 &
mod6: asciilifeform: ^^
mod6: does bitcoind start, even if the verstring doesn't change?
shinohai: Yeah it starts and shows no errors in logs or anything.
mod6: just still has version 9.99.99 or whatever it is?
mod6: (instead of 9.99.97) ?
shinohai: yup. still shows 9.99.99 in start and when I do getinfo
mod6: hmm.
shinohai: But - needless distraction for I am sure you need to concentrate the real effort on this S value problem. >.>
shinohai: If it comes back with a version of "Bitcoin Classic XT" I'm done.
mod6: lel
pete_dushenski: ;;ticker
gribble: Bitfinex BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 418.51, Best ask: 419.95, Bid-ask spread: 1.44000, Last trade: 419.0, 24 hour volume: 82673.72424267, 24 hour low: 375.01, 24 hour high: 428.0, 24 hour vwap: None
thestringpuller: Announcing Bitcoin Classic Lite
jurov: 80 kWh in "consumer" li-ion cells is ~60k
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32200 @ 0.00055802 = 17.9682 BTC [-]
jurov: 60k$
jurov: did the same calculation about nimh, it actually comes out similar
jurov: while you need more sells, nimh should be less fickle
jurov: *more cells
jurov: and they will self-discharge 4% per day, nothing for occassional usage :D
mod6: i need chalk board
assbot: Logged on 20-01-2016 19:27:41; mod6: no heat in the suburban, made appt. to have it fixed. showed up this am like "ok do your thing..". They said, "oh, can you pick it up tomorrow? we're busy...". Like wtf. It's literally like a 15 minute job. How do I know? Because I just did it myself instead and if I exclude the drive time to pick up and buy the part itself, ~15 minutes.
assbot: Cum sa fii peste - ghid simplu, pe inteles si exhaustiv on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1UcOEDt )
gribble: The operation succeeded.
mod6: pete_dushenski: thx, it's old '08
mod6: new ones are like seventyfive racks
pete_dushenski: body style changed in 07 tho, neh ?
pete_dushenski: 2014/15 or w/e is but ugly with those spangly leds
mod6: yeah, a bit. the new ones look even less curvy than mine,... more of a boxy look
mod6: i guess im just happy that i have windows that roll up and heat. that old shitter that i got for free (basically) was pretty cold driving down the freeway at 65mph when it's -25 F.
mod6: and there were some sort of vermin living in there.
pete_dushenski: tbh i like yours the best. but i might just be partial to that gen because i sold a couple of 'em in my day even ;)
mod6: its a pretty nice vehicle. its like all the power of a full-size truck with some extra seating.
mod6: you never know when you might need to fit 7 hookers in the car.
pete_dushenski: or a 72-point buck
mod6: shit, yeah.
pete_dushenski: trucks are all about "what if..."
assbot: The cheque republic: money in a modern economy with no banks. | Bank Underground ... ( http://bit.ly/1nyVZ5J )
pete_dushenski: ^ireland in 1970s as case study
pete_dushenski: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1601.03313v1.pdf << maybe clitler is using robo-speech writers already ?
pete_dushenski: "Many political speeches show the same structures and same characteristics regardless of the actual topic. Some phrases and arguments appear again and again and indicate a certain political affiliation or opinion. We want to use these remarkable patterns to train a system that generates new speeches"
pete_dushenski: obviously the 'researchers' were able to take us congressional floor debates, chop 'em up, and spit out something that sounds no worse. garbage in, garbage out. now try this with actual debates from actual history and see how far you get. my guess : not far.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 43252 @ 0.00055742 = 24.1095 BTC [-] {2}
BingoBoingo: Last block, quite the stinker by F2Pool
pete_dushenski: how so ?
BingoBoingo: Long verification time.
ben_vulpes: mod6: didja ever share an actual patch for the code you're working on? brief face-grep through logs reveals nada
mod6: no i haven't yet.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 80450 @ 0.00055816 = 44.904 BTC [+]
mod6: thanks for asking. i just went through my high-S enforcement code by hand, and i know for sure that I have an error in there. about to fix it and try that out.
mod6: ok changes made. gonna recompile send some test txn, then if all *seems* well, will share my vpatch
mod6 is not a fan of the style used in here
mod6: (the code)
mod6: it's like
mod6: if (thing)
mod6: {
mod6: // stuff
mod6: }
mod6: rather than:
mod6: if(thing) {
mod6: // stuff
mod6: }
mod6: guess its just a personal pref. *shrug*
mod6: i guess this is funny because back when I first started writing code, a hundred million internet years ago, i liked the first way better.
mod6: go figure.
mod6: ;;later tell pete_dushenski Salud!
gribble: The operation succeeded.
BingoBoingo: some of these comments https://archive.is/Nnd81
assbot: So Gavin, will you hold the repository keys to Main Bitcoin classic repo ? : Bitcoin_Classic ... ( http://bit.ly/1QnnEC5 )
mircea_popescu: ;;ticker
gribble: Bitfinex BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 422.6, Best ask: 422.61, Bid-ask spread: 0.01000, Last trade: 422.61, 24 hour volume: 82797.3201925, 24 hour low: 377.17, 24 hour high: 428.0, 24 hour vwap: None
mircea_popescu: this death is unimpressive.
BingoBoingo: Seriously
mircea_popescu: turns out all the "richest country in the world" could muster was a coupla days' of 10% and a readily defeated pair of anonymous junkies.
mircea_popescu: reminds me of a story of rachel welch's bra and the most important man in the world.
BingoBoingo: Couldn't keep it up any longer than it too ACH to clear new fiat into exchanges
deedbot-: [Qntra] IMF: Bitcoin Features Present "Risks" To Us - http://qntra.net/2016/01/imf-bitcoin-features-present-risks-to-us/
mircea_popescu: heh. the imf has no trb mandate, nor will it.
mircea_popescu: so that settles that.
BingoBoingo: pretty much
mod6: ;;tslb
gribble: Time since last block: 18 minutes and 8 seconds
mod6: ;;tslb
gribble: Time since last block: 1 minute and 59 seconds
gribble: Error: "tslf" is not a valid command.
mod6: i got another tx dropped on the floor. im also 2 blocks behind, so not sure if it cares.
mircea_popescu: shouldn't.
mircea_popescu: this is turning into quite the bitch is it ?
mod6: this test tx was processed by the original code.
mod6: mircea_popescu: eh, ya. but worthwhile.
mircea_popescu: if nothing else, an instructive foray into the incredible fragility of the network.
mod6: here's the tx: bf990fa50a4ea2c13dbe8f65c42c5fcb7b3439109b0c2d0e22081960a9c5fe9a
mod6: yah, no doubt.
mircea_popescu: i can't see it anywhere. it never propagated past your next hop odds are.
mod6: yeah, im sure it never made it out
mod6: just kinda documenting here a bit.
assbot: Pay no attention to sky high P/E ratios, outlandish global debt, or market selling restrictions. Continue to transfer your hard earned money to fund managers, like a good citizen. : investing ... ( http://bit.ly/1OxTmdh )
mod6: first tx with original code went through np.
mircea_popescu: in other news, bitcoin classic has even fewer nodes than bitcoin xt. who was that guy that was the me of something else again ?
mircea_popescu: anyway, what's the true truth of truthiness BingoBoingo, is hearn quitted or did he quit like stolfi ?
mod6: another dropped on the floor.
mod6: im gonna do 3 per option: orig/low/high
mod6: (a work in progress)
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 148119 @ 0.00055714 = 82.523 BTC [-] {2}
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: He's prolly going to turn Stolfi, haven't tracked to see if he's done so already
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> in other news, bitcoin classic has even fewer nodes than bitcoin xt. who was that guy that was the me of something else again ? << They haven't even released a client publically yet
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 48950 @ 0.00055608 = 27.2201 BTC [-] {2}
BingoBoingo: "end on January"
BingoBoingo: Prolly something about seeing how much has would actually commit to their dumpster fire
mod6: first low-s tx made it through.
mod6: ;;tslb
gribble: Time since last block: 16 minutes and 57 seconds
mod6: wtf is bitcoin classic?
mod6: WE have bitcoin "classic", not these pinwheels
mod6: if(SHITGNOMES) { char *classic = "manyRadicalDeltasFromPointOfOrigin"; }
mod6: ;;tslb
gribble: Time since last block: 34 seconds
mod6: hey waddya know, i've got a block before btc.blockr.io
mod6: 2nd low-s tx went through
BingoBoingo: From the mines: "Our best hope to get miners to run bitcoin-classic or XT, is to beg super-hard for it."
mod6: else { char *classic = "trb"; }
mod6: alrighty, 3rd low-S tx made it through
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 94453 @ 0.00056344 = 53.2186 BTC [+] {3}
mod6: alright, now for the high-S txn
mod6: dear lord, i've had like 9 crackers with cheddar today and like 3 mtdews.
mats: 1337
assbot: Last 3 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/24QXFYN.txt )
mod6: haha
mod6: first high-S tx went through o_O
mod6: im pretty sure that one was mallated.
mod6: my S value spit out into the debug.log isn't contained in the hex data in the tx: DEBUG DER S: 0xBE8E2E74EBE2618A27D50E0A1D02B33BCE8188940AA22967E9E01AD4D140AB0F
mod6: but the R value is
mod6: DEBUG DER R: 0xB16F69B135317A54C96C0EA8882C295DB05B7BD4598FDE42865983A1AEBB3E63
BingoBoingo: Yeah, the active malleation of transactions that happen to be High-S is a pain.
mod6: yeah, but i guess thats to be expected since these three are supposed to all be high-s.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 139796 @ 0.00056486 = 78.9652 BTC [+]
BingoBoingo: ;;ticker --market all
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 416.43, vol: 24039.42500346 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 416.548, vol: 17276.22672 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 417.26, vol: 84398.47923601999 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 360.0, vol: 15.6217475 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 425.02392, vol: 92889.43150000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 418.3225, vol: 793.13561663 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 425.984475, vol: 143.90607164 | Volume-weighted last (1 more message)
BingoBoingo: ;;more
gribble: average: 420.403324341
mod6: this is interesting... that tx '893d003f806a5bce121a71e84c260e7879cb6c5464ef93132c0b79e60ff7ff66' hasn't been confirmed yet
mod6: oooo crap forgot to set the fee to 0.001 after restarting.
mod6: maybe it'll get picked up eventually.
BingoBoingo: Just double spend it with a higher fee
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 62428 @ 0.00056962 = 35.5602 BTC [+] {2}
mod6: ok second high-s tx went through
mod6: this one looks malleated too
mod6: DEBUG DER R: 0x11E986930067BA31716E2D880F6660ABFC3C7C6927C94E0AF6CB4C0CD6315D5B << is found in hex
mod6: DEBUG DER S: 0xC541A295514D6BF4BEF30599DC7F8A18BEC9B6B3F615D94F847AD154D4DCBB45 << is not
deedbot-: [Qntra] Fiat Markets Continue Slide As fiat/BTC Interface Prices Recover - http://qntra.net/2016/01/fiat-markets-continue-slide-as-fiatbtc-interface-prices-recover/
BingoBoingo: ^ Whole post is ReadMoar'd on front page because footnote
BingoBoingo: But do read post for news on Bitcoin's new All Time High versus Oil
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