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← 2015-12-16 | 2015-12-18 →
BingoBoingo: From the mines https://i.imgur.com/zRPrDaK.jpg Why even go on blast with a back that looks so "Do you even lift bro"
BingoBoingo: !up Cory
BingoBoingo: In other news Qntra has now passed the 300 more comments than posts mark. Had been flirting with this line, but now its happened.
assbot: Withdrawal Fees For Changetip Starting | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/229kExL )
BingoBoingo: ;;tslb
gribble: Time since last block: 48 minutes and 9 seconds
deedbot-: [Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski » Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski] Legal pluralism as it relates to Bitcoin. - http://www.contravex.com/2015/12/17/legal-pluralism-as-it-relates-to-bitcoin/
deedbot-: [Qntra] Police Department Thanks Pedophile Officer For Service - http://qntra.net/2015/12/police-department-thanks-pedophile-officer-for-service/
BingoBoingo: !up rmoen
BingoBoingo: Latest Qntra is recommended reading for #bitcoin-assets-parents
BingoBoingo: !up Edgan
jurov: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=17-12-2015#1345275 << i've seen -1st element used as length of the array. dunno if that's the "why" answer, prolly gotta waterboard k&r
assbot: Logged on 17-12-2015 02:47:47; asciilifeform: ( aaand if you know why, you're prolly as ready for the glue factory as i am... )
jurov: ben_vulpes: i'm using konversation, it always asks politely when pasting long/multiline text
mircea_popescu: <asciilifeform> starve.' << how does this differ from mircea_popescu's classical prescription 'go shoot a policeman' ? <<< this question is indistinguishable from where i sit from asking "how does saying 'you see a girl you like ? go fuck her.' differ from saying 'you see a girl you like ? go raise her children by another man!". while i grant that there could in point of fact truthfully exist nooks and crannies in the
mircea_popescu: space of existence from whence this difference is genuinely not visible, nevertheless it must be pointed out that their inhabitants are definitionally called troglodytes.
mircea_popescu: now... does all that pass your parser or does it need breaking down ?
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=17-12-2015#1345315 << two things about this. one is that well... "we" didn't get jack shit. "we" are just the front for other things. or conversely : "we got first page in google and apple store and bla bla and it did exactly nothing". whichever way.
assbot: Logged on 17-12-2015 04:16:55; BingoBoingo: impossible to get the president to actually write any code that year — the administration had just launched its Healthcare.gov website, and after the infamous technical failures, nobody wanted the visual of website failing while the President is learning to code.""
mircea_popescu: but the other : why the fuck NOT ? what is the big fucking problem with the president learning to code as some $10 dollar website the gubinmint paid 10 bn for is misbehjaving ?
mircea_popescu: this is an incredible depth of rot in these heads by now, i am persuaded that what they PERCEIVE as the problem is that it's... get a hold of youself... it's NOT META ENOUGH. that's the fucking thing, these dickless, otaku imbeciles feel deeply threatened by the fact that a guy learning to do what his country generally sucks at is TOO REAL.
mircea_popescu: "nobody wanted the visual of website failing while the President is learning to code BECAUSE what it might conceivably be seen to mean [by racists and wreckers] is that perhaps random bureaucrat should drop his droning and help put out the fire ? INCONCEIVABLE. he'll document the fire! on paper!"
assbot: Logged on 17-12-2015 04:37:01; nubbins`: good at removing food stains/odors from plastic
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=17-12-2015#1345331 << is it ok if i have no more respect for the "sovereign nation" of some random, clueless bumbling imbecile than i have for the shit-and-vomit constructions of "respeto y derechos" ?
assbot: Logged on 17-12-2015 04:40:19; asciilifeform: anyway the nk to go to is prolly the pre-1980 one. which is approx. when the 'internashinal komyoooooniti' blockade started turning it into what it is now.
mircea_popescu: i guess they're sovereign, in that lord-of-the-flies sense. whatevs.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=17-12-2015#1345340 << and i also don't buy into this narrative. soviet russia was also a middling successful economy up until... what, hruschev decided to bury you ? i guess. the fact of the matter is that there's a shelf life for all delusion, printed right on the box. seoul adapted, pyongyang did not adapt. yes, it's true that neither had the resoureces to force the adaptation of t
assbot: Logged on 17-12-2015 04:42:33; asciilifeform: nk was a successful exporter of heavy machinery prior to usg proclaiming it excommunicated and anyone trading with it likewise excommunicated from the mother church
mircea_popescu: he environment instead. pro tip : nobody has to date.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=17-12-2015#1345345 << nothing to do with it, really. romania also ethnostate, didn't survive. checnya, not state at all (by your ukrainian standards, at any rate), survived just fine. so did isis, throughout, even before you called it that.
assbot: Logged on 17-12-2015 04:45:29; asciilifeform: because it's a motherfucking ETHNOSTATE
mircea_popescu: nk "survived" because derps composing nk are cowardly. just like the us "survives".
mircea_popescu: actually the differences between these two are dwarved by the similarities. for one thing, they BOTH live or die at the pleasure of "teh celestial empire".
mircea_popescu: which is turning out to be pretty tolerant, incidentally. but then again it's historically famous for that.
mircea_popescu: in other news, chick on okcupid : "porque no me escribis en castellano, soy argentina" mp on okcupid : "It's not your fault you're Argentine. It is however your fault you're a dumbass. That's what I wanted to see, if you're just Argentine because your parents were dumb, or whether you are actually dumb yourself. Having established that point, a bon entendeur, salut."
mircea_popescu: curious how long they take to BAN ME!111 omaigawds
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=17-12-2015#1345346 << eh this is nuts. who is the lizzard here, the anglos ? hitler ? both ?
assbot: Logged on 17-12-2015 04:45:40; asciilifeform: y'know, the kind of thing the lizards fought ww2 to exterminate
mircea_popescu: "Han or Haan[1] is a concept in Korean culture attributed as a unique Korean cultural trait which has resulted from Korea's frequent exposure to invasions by overwhelming foreign powers. " <<< unique my foot. burebista & decebalus fought the fucking romans for three centuries, eventually ended up pacified by three legions. then the principalities fought the turks for five-ish centuries, including the lulzy defeat of on
mircea_popescu: e of the largest armies ever to visit europe, led by sinan pasha, a guy who lost his last teeth in the encounter. then got liberated by the russians. if we're not counting the occasional german, austrian, hungarian or polish commonwealth / cussack invasion, that's only "all the empires outside of china".
adlai: !s mpoe sleeps
assbot: 2 results for 'mpoe sleeps' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=mpoe+sleeps
mircea_popescu: adlai yeah, being worked on.
adlai searched for 'fire burning, water flowing, people working', came up with https://archive.is/PBoSO instead
assbot: Crypto Spy on Twitter: "Three things you can watch forever: fire, water and bitcoinwisdom." ... ( http://bit.ly/1k4zraH )
mircea_popescu: im pretty sure "being able to watch fire forever" is indicative of mental issues.
mircea_popescu: "A search warrant to have that child taken to the hospital for injection with an erection inducing drug followed by photography was approved by a judge in that case."
mircea_popescu: ahahaha what!
mircea_popescu: "It turns out we underestimated the complexity of the project, and overestimated our ability to complete it on a limited budget should, closer to launch, any complications arise. We thought we could wing it with our existing coding experience (2–3 non-formal years of Java, Objective-C, and XML between the two of us)."
mircea_popescu: motherfucker...
mircea_popescu: xml is coding ?!
mircea_popescu: "We shirked on paying for programming because we thought ourselves experts enough, and what ended up happening was that we spent everything we could have spent on polishing the product itself on marketing instead, under the assumption that we could finish whatever tasks remained effectively ourselves."
mircea_popescu: ^ this is also how they went throiugh college
mircea_popescu: well... "college".
mircea_popescu: "Instead of sucking it up, discounting our losses, and moving on, we did what every good economist should never, EVER do: we incorporated our sunk costs into our expected future outlays. We decided, on the basis of our spending, that what we should be doing is spending EVEN MORE on marketing."
mircea_popescu: riiight ? lol.
mircea_popescu: cue nubbins for a dose of "the reason advertising doesn't work is not that advertising doesn't work, is that you're not doing it right", because hey, everyone's gotta have a church and "always pay more for advertising" is as good as any other church.
mircea_popescu: "Look, it wasn’t that women didn’t want custom clothing. Designer clothing by nature is custom, in a sense. The real problem was that while on average our users spent up to 7 minutes per session (insanely impressive I might add), they weren’t sure if they wanted to purchase the clothes that they spent all that time personalizing. We knew because we asked. We (creepily?) added almost all of our initial customers t
mircea_popescu: o Facebook, and reached out to many more of our followers via Instagram.
mircea_popescu: Perhaps if someone customized the clothing for them? Like a designer? But that’s actually what UDesign™ would have been all about. By employing a naturally occurring genetic algorithm, spurned by the social interactions of users actively generating the plethora of patterns (some bad, some good, and some ugly) available on the edge of our very own little creative “adjacent possible,” to borrow the term from Amer
mircea_popescu: ican theoretical biologist Stuart Kauffman, the community as a whole would actually converge upon a globally optimal mix of popular patterns, and hence, come full circle, the average user wouldn’t have to spend time wondering if their personal creation was something they’d actually wear. Based on the seemingly automatically generated feedback from their community, they’d just know."
mircea_popescu: aaaahahahaha
mircea_popescu: o may god.
mircea_popescu: see, when i say white westerners aspire to be dead, this is very pointedly, very exactly what i mean.
mircea_popescu: "Product: Patterbuzz
mircea_popescu: Everything was going good. But we always had one issue. We never had enough money in our bank. and This became the cause of our death. We ran out of money."
mircea_popescu: yeah, i see how everything was going good.
mircea_popescu: "Brawker lets you order anything with #bitcoins and save up to 20% anywhere online."
mircea_popescu: all this inept shit nobody heard of good god.
mircea_popescu: "However, our growth rate did not meet our expectations, and the service does not scale as we would have expected to." aka "trying to leech of bitcoin while doing the usual fiat bullshit doesn't work."
mircea_popescu: oh btw Naphex ? midmonth ?
mircea_popescu: "We had never used the existing home automation products in our homes. We were not experts in the IoT sector. When you have new at something, you give yourself the famous Dunning Kruger Pass on your decisions."
mircea_popescu: "Let me back-track a few months to give you some background. In July, we started building smart internet connected switches that learn from user behavior and automate all the electronic appliances in a home. We felt that it’s a pity that our search results and news feed are personalized to us but our homes, where we spend most of our time, are not."
mircea_popescu: and i feel it's a peety you folks manage to find 2k calories' worth of roadkill each day.
mircea_popescu: "We built like crazy. That’s the thing about us engineers; if you give us something interesting to build, we will forget everything else and just build. Our first prototype, which automated lights, was ready in 45 days. The second prototype, which could automate lights, fans, ACs and water heaters was out in another month. This is really fast according to hardware standards." << i wish i could disagree.
mircea_popescu: "here are the top 5 mistakes we made in Lumos and what we learnt from them. Mistake 1: We were neither experts nor target users of the product that we were building." << sigh.
mircea_popescu: "Today. Eventually, we ended up leaving hardware and IoT as a sector and decided to work in the content sector (which we understand better)."
mircea_popescu: oh this shit's so sweet.
mircea_popescu: "As a consequence of #2, we didn’t have a CTO who dedicated enough time to our product. For some months, we got away with a slideware, then with mockups and paper prototypes. For a while it was even fun. It felt like we are doing the proper thing, follwing the Lean Startup way of quickly building something (that is crappy), learning from it (unfortunately, many times not the proper thing) and adjusting (after a while
mircea_popescu: we just went in circles).
mircea_popescu: But around July I just couldn’t take it anymore. I wanted a product. A real one. Not just a mockup. So what did I do? Instead of fully focusing on finding a CTO, or looking for other ways to get somebody creating the product, I decided to learn how to code and do it myself. Coding was on my bucket list anyhow, so I figured, this is the best opportunity to make it happen. So I took a 2 week crash course in Rails, and
mircea_popescu: then spent 2 more weeks of creating the initial version of ratemyspeech.co."
mircea_popescu: holy shit...
shinohai: https://archive.is/s39lk <<< That didn't take long.
assbot: I have removed btcdrak as mod. We owe you guys a huge apology. : btc ... ( http://bit.ly/1P92cOv )
mircea_popescu: in other news, asciilifeform : i comissioned a server with 128gb (ecc) ram, on the understanding that they'll upgrade it to 256gb just as soon as they can get the sticks in the dc. will be passing you the coords later today, so phuctor can live again.
mircea_popescu: this will also add a 0.7-.8 expense on the s.nsa books, but hey, whatchagonnado.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: this is mighty spiffy
asciilifeform: i take it that s.bisp has returned ?
mircea_popescu: sort-of.
mircea_popescu: how are we on the "can take a reboot" front ?
assbot: Police Department Thanks Pedophile Officer For Service | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/1lT9aht )
nubbins`: <+mircea_popescu> http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=17-12-2015#1345326 << ew. <<< that's what you'd say after smelling the kimchi container
assbot: Logged on 17-12-2015 04:37:01; nubbins`: good at removing food stains/odors from plastic
nubbins`: <+mircea_popescu> in other news, chick on okcupid : "porque no me escribis en castellano << they say castellano in peru too, but if i'm not mistaken this is not universal in south america?
assbot: Martin Shkreli Arrested on Securities Fraud Charges ... ( http://bit.ly/1lTcU2g )
kakobrekla: >By age 26, they said, he got nine investors to place $3 million with him, began losing their money and covering it up. Within a year, his fund's account was down to $331.
kakobrekla: not bad
mircea_popescu: nubbins` no, it's only common in the more stupid lands.
mircea_popescu: it's not spanish you know, they're speshul like that.
mircea_popescu: punkman the fraud consisting of you know, "being-not-usg".
mircea_popescu: if ever so vaguely.
mircea_popescu: that the schmuck was dumb enough to actually reside within reach...
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=17-12-2015#1345458 << implemented a simple and brutal kludge described in earlier thread
assbot: Logged on 17-12-2015 15:06:52; mircea_popescu: how are we on the "can take a reboot" front ?
mircea_popescu: "Greebel, who worked at Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP and served as lead outside counsel to Retrophin from 2012 to 2014, helped Shkreli in several schemes, prosecutors said." <<< the principal utility of Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP being to provide the US Dept of Inquisition with false witnesses for its numerous prosecutions.
mircea_popescu: don't ever hire one of those schmucks, it's as good as signing a blank confession.
assbot: dpaste: 1JMRZYT ... ( http://bit.ly/1lThFJc )
punkman: "If the government seizes the Wu-Tang album, does it run another auction, or just release it for free as part of our cultural patrimony?"
mircea_popescu: "our cultural patrimony" ?
mircea_popescu: it really galls these fucktards, the notion that there exists something that's not for them.
mircea_popescu: "Product: Bitshuva What I didn’t understand was, you charge not for how much work it is for you. You charge how much the service is worth."
mircea_popescu: "I realized that many of the true money-making businesses in healthcare really aren’t about optimizing delivery of primary care. This is a longer discussion but I realized, essentially, that we had no customers because no one was really interested in the model we were pitching. Doctors want more patients, not an efficient office."
mircea_popescu: and more patients are obtained through what, the power of prayer ?
mircea_popescu: "Unfortunately we do not have the resources to fend off a large company like Twitter to maintain our mark which we believe whole heartedly is rightfully ours. Therefore, we have decided to shut down Twitpic."
mircea_popescu: ahahaha oh they believe rightfully
mircea_popescu: and still EVERYTHING is on medium. medium.com, home of the new retard. are you the sort of guy who learns that "you charge not for how much work it is for you, but for how much the service is worth" in your twenties ? are you ready to start your entrepreneurtardism with 2 week's ruby cramming ? are you a "content generator" with delusions of humanity ? MEDIUM IS WHERE ALL THE OTHER SIMILAR SCUM FOUND A HOME!
mircea_popescu: "The Lead Up
mircea_popescu: My sophomore year of college I was a neuroscience major and my plan was to unlock the secrets of the mind and universe. Then I realized that the path of grad school, professor, grants, and incremental research wouldn’t be a great way to pursue this goal. At the same time, I read Paul Graham’s essay on How to Start a Startup. I felt a strong sense of “I could do this!” and “making a lot of money from a startup
mircea_popescu: and using it to do something good would be a better way of pursuing my goals of doing something important”.
mircea_popescu: Throughout sophomore year I read all I could about startups, and about things like finance, marketing, strategy, economics, design, technology etc. The following summer I started learning some HTML, CSS, JS and PHP, but didn’t make much progress (I also started a very early version of the website that I’m writing this post about)."
mircea_popescu: great, now you can be a neuroscience relationship expert!
mircea_popescu: "things like finance, marketing, strategy, economics, design, technology etc.". ytou know, just like neuroscience is all about "things like neurons, axons, mielin etc", just so entrepreneurtardism is an unstructured soup of nothing in particular.
mircea_popescu: god help us.
mircea_popescu: "I spent 2 weeks cold calling college counselors saying, “Hey I’ve got free student reviews of Ivy League schools. Check it out, let me know what you think, and sign up here if you want to be notified when I get more schools.” Almost all of them ignored me."
mircea_popescu: "I overestimated peoples’ desire to help someone starting a startup and trying to do something good. This will probably sound naive, but I don’t think it is. I thought that people would have some sort of respect for what I’m doing and want to help out. For example, the high school guidance counselors I tried to contact, maybe the default is for them to operate in a bureaucratic way, but I had thought there was a
mircea_popescu: decent chance that they’d think, “Oh cool, look at this kid trying to start a startup, good for him! Hm, he’s actually trying to do something that would be pretty useful. Let me check it out.”
mircea_popescu: And I when I asked people from my high school to answer questions and spread the word a bit, I thought that a bunch of them would have respect for what I’m doing and want to help out. Almost no one did, which I found to be quite selfish of them. I don’t think my initial expectations were too unreasonable given what I had known, but my beliefs have since been updated."
mircea_popescu: he even has an explanatory link on "selfish"! how endearing.
mircea_popescu: Feb 279 min read << ahahaha a 10 minute read on the fucking clock is 279 minutes according to what the fuck is this ? us college reading comprehension data ?
mircea_popescu: https://archive.is/u5LjB << the butttears piece in question (obviously what he links is his own verbiage, because what, we can't all be mp ?! why the hell not!). his idea is that people are assholes because they don't front what [appears to him as] a small cost to them in order to get him [what appears to him as] a larger benefit.
assbot: My thoughts on Altruism — Medium ... ( http://bit.ly/1NzN2za )
mircea_popescu: something like "why wouldn't mom go turn tricks for an hour each weekend, it only costs her an hour's worth of tricks, like 50 bucks or so, and she could buy me WoW from the proceeds, at a value to me of OVER NINE THOUSAND DOLLARS!11". supposedly this is how it worked with that dumb whore of Adam Zerner's mother. shame on you mrs zerner, really. being ugly is no excuse to fuck drunks. behold the unfortunate results in
mircea_popescu: at any rate, the notion that people are actively interested in oppressing his dumb ass so that their world isn't littered with the byproducts of a trillion adam zerners running around does not even begin to occur.
mircea_popescu: jesus that article. the amount of navelgrazing these nitwits will engage in baffles me.
punkman: 80% of the people are gonna spend 20 minutes on my stupid questions!
mircea_popescu: never has math been so cruelly raped as it has been since the web 2,0 made these shits fashionable (lesswrong, medium, tedtalks, the "webayesian" approach to pseudoscience and so forth).
mircea_popescu: "what do you mean the great equations don't apply to me ?! what, i'm like, not good enough to matter in this sense ?!?!?!"
mircea_popescu: Background: Dinnr was an ad-hoc, same day ingredient delivery service. Select a recipe on our website, and we deliver everything you need to cook that recipe at home, all the items pre-measured with printed instructions. All you need at home is oil, salt and pepper and a reasonably equipped kitchen.)
mircea_popescu: why the fuck would you not include pepper. i mean, leave aside all the other idiocies involved, why the FUCK would you not include the very few items that are already prepackaged for this and have been for 50 years.
mircea_popescu: 10k salt packs for a restaurant are like 60 bucks.
mircea_popescu: "In those days, I spent 9 hours a day, 6 days a week, sitting in a cold warehouse in West Acton, hot air blowers creating 25 degree bubbles around parts of my body in an otherwise 14–15 degree room. The large industrial fridges were empty. Long gone were the days I pre-stocked ingredients for faster order fulfillment. Now, when an order would come through, I would jump on my bike and buy fresh ingredients at a nearby
mircea_popescu: superstore. After 15 months of operations, we had approximately one order per day, generating on average £26 in revenue and supposedly 30% in gross margin, but given the low volumes, we were losing money on every order."
mircea_popescu: "Now, with the distance of a few months, it sounds positively crazy to run a “business” like this. But of course, one sticks to the guns because one has set out to make things happen and one has an obligation to investors. And then there’s the adage of “a winner never quits”, tales of entrepreneur legends who lost all their money, got abandoned by family and friends, were so hungry that they ate cardboard, on
mircea_popescu: ly to triumph in the end and build a global empire."
mircea_popescu: uh this has never happened. who the fuck is he talking about ?
mircea_popescu: This will be the number one lesson I will never forget and the absolute key to understanding Dinnr’s failure — we were not solving anyone’s problem. I should have found that out in my initial market research, especially in my 1–1 interviews.
mircea_popescu: However, we committed the big mistake of presenting people with the idea and asking them if they liked it and would buy it. And when people said yes, WE thought they meant “launch it and I will buy”. In reality, they meant “I’m not entirely excluding the possibility that one day, when Ocado trucks run out of gas, supermarket doors get blocked by red-hot lava and restaurant waiters will, due to a mysterious leak
mircea_popescu: of radioactive fumes emanating from commercial kitchen equipment, all be zombified and eat patrons’ brains, yes, in that case I might be tempted to purchase a trial product from you. Once. Then I’ll take a risk with the zombies.”
mircea_popescu: kid's perhaps not so terrible as the usual medium fare, so https://archive.is/AfxqS
punkman: 15 months of one order per day?
mircea_popescu: and at this juncture i'd like to inquire with the esteemed audience whether they'd allocate the "not as terrible as medium average" to the datapoint that he had 10's of k's of pounds to blow on this (ie, rich is not as stupid as poor, ceteris paribus) or to the fact that he's british (ie, pureblood is not as stupid as mongrels, ceteris paribus).
mircea_popescu: There never was a need for a service like ours in the UK in the segment that we picked (urban professionals, couples without kids or with one baby max). << ironically, the need does exist. argentina does one thing right, and that is they are FANATIC with deliveries. you can have ANYTHING delivered. i don't mean, walk into supermarket, order two pellets of mineral water and have the supermarket deliver it - you can do t
mircea_popescu: hat in romania too.
mircea_popescu: i mean... you can order magazines delivered by the little magazine stand. or flowers. ANY store, you walk in, you want delivery, they'll fucking deliver.
mircea_popescu: now, doing this efficiently, effectually and at scale is way beyond the intellectual wherewithal of argentines, but nevertheless, the need is there.
punkman: where are flowers not delivered even
mircea_popescu: but not by a service specialized in this, i mean.
mircea_popescu: a random two immigrant illegal stand here, will take orders. and walk them over.
mircea_popescu is discussing teh culture.
punkman: I even like the idea, I'd probably want to buy ingredients by the week
mircea_popescu: i don't like the idea because i send the girls. picking good stuff is complex. but yes, if they could be trusted to do something other than the usual anglosphere "this is how supermarket gets rid of all the imminetly-rotten junk", then yeah.
mircea_popescu: "You must never, ever, pitch the product to the customer and ask for their feedback. Instead, the conversation serves the purpose of ascertaining whether the lack of recipe diversity and frustration with takeaway food or ready meals is a big enough problem for which I offer a solution that they would pay for. To reach this conclusion, don’t ask about their future intentions (“would you buy this?”), but do ask abo
mircea_popescu: ut PAST behaviour: When was the last time they cooked something new? Do they dislike takeaway food? Do they feel bad about food wastage/spoilage? If so, what are they doing to minimize it? If nothing, it’s not a problem waiting for a solution."
mircea_popescu: that much is good advice.
asciilifeform: !up ascii_field
mircea_popescu: never ask people as to their intentions. nobody cares, least of all themselves.
mircea_popescu: "i intend to one day be a singer" is not how you get the fucking job. WHERE HAVE YOU SUNG BEFORE BITCH. that is it, that is all.
assbot: Logged on 17-12-2015 17:45:38; mircea_popescu: and at this juncture i'd like to inquire with the esteemed audience whether they'd allocate the "not as terrible as medium average" to the datapoint that he had 10's of k's of pounds to blow on this (ie, rich is not as stupid as poor, ceteris paribus) or to the fact that he's british (ie, pureblood is not as stupid as mongrels, ceteris paribus).
ascii_field: (idiot can get money, in 1,001 ways; and didn't we do 'inferior brit stock' untermenschen last night ?)
mircea_popescu: you gotta pick a heuristic, alfie.
mircea_popescu: otherwise your brain becomes a "phd castle to be manned by 9k phds"
mircea_popescu: you get a grand total of at most one.
ascii_field: i'm just not seeing the predicate here ('above median') as being true
mircea_popescu: fair enuf.
ascii_field: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=17-12-2015#1345529 << i can get same-day delivery of, e.g., a box of five m3 nuts with matching bolts. BUT it has to be 'amazon' or costs $100 (vs $0)
assbot: Logged on 17-12-2015 17:48:02; mircea_popescu: i mean... you can order magazines delivered by the little magazine stand. or flowers. ANY store, you walk in, you want delivery, they'll fucking deliver.
mircea_popescu: ascii_field not quite the same thing.
ascii_field: (why there exists an 'amazon' which does this for ~$0 is a mystery, but here it is)
ascii_field: well yes, not quite the same thing!
ascii_field: but it makes that other thing impossible
ascii_field: (uncompetitive)
mircea_popescu: just another example of "revolutionized the world" being the worst outcome for the world.
ascii_field: this is more like mircea_popescu's article with the giant arse sitting down in small chairs
ascii_field: the interesting thing about 'amazon' is that no wallmartization is involved - it's the same items, delivered (typically) from 3rd parties, rather than specially-made egregious crud
ascii_field: but somehow a. struck deals with all of the major shipping corps
ascii_field: and blew up 'the curve'
mircea_popescu: there isn't really that much difference. all this mentally deranged "we are changing the world" third reiteration of the quaker/puritan insanities tries hard and in selected idiots manages to cover up the simple fact that every situation where "our saviour the entrepreneur created value" can always be described in terms of "this leech is arbitraging the roof against the wall, either wayy we'll end up under rubble."
ascii_field: to the point where i EXPECT a three dollar part to arrive sunday morning if ordered on friday night
ascii_field: for ~$0
mircea_popescu: ascii_field it just happens to be a very good loss leader. you know how casinos will give you free drinks for as long as you're playing ?
ascii_field: the loss part is beyond dispute
ascii_field: but what's it a leader ~for~ ?
mircea_popescu: you can't run a bar by giving out free drinks. you CAN however, and if you have any sense you DO run a bar by giving away free tits.
mircea_popescu: being the marketplace.
trinque: bezos loves his razor-thin margins; there's a previous thread on this
ascii_field: classically, 'dumping' is supposed to have a ??? and then a 'profit!111'
ascii_field: i.e. the denoument
mircea_popescu: this is not dumping.
mircea_popescu: this is loss-leading.
mircea_popescu: trinque he has a point, too.
assbot: Logged on 19-03-2015 06:38:14; mircea_popescu: they make corpses.
mircea_popescu: oh look at that, from back in the days ben_vulpes wasn't too ashamed of random mishap to show up in b-a ? :D
mircea_popescu: tell him it's ok trinque, we had our lulz.
ascii_field: l0l perhaps he's looking for a new irctron
trinque: heh, he's probably off cracking the whip
trinque: anyhow, we'll find out what he's up to on the next paste :D
ascii_field: mircea_popescu: didja catch the turd last night re: grub2 ?
ascii_field: seems to explain a few things.
mircea_popescu: i saw it but i'm not persuaded it explains anything. what, exactly, someone can't just walk into the dc copy the server ?
ascii_field: this is simpler and automatable
ascii_field: (via diddled kvm box)
ascii_field: resets, tries grub diddle via simulated keyboard, then proceeds
ascii_field: unlike burglary, it scales and is pencilneck-friendly
ascii_field: ergo quintessentially usgistic.
mircea_popescu: if it worked, they wouldn't be doing it 50 times.
ascii_field: many sploits are probabilistic
mircea_popescu: i mean don't get me wrong, it's a theory, but that's about it.
mircea_popescu: ascii_field if that were it the 50 times would take 1 minute.
ascii_field: i know of some which actually require 50+ shots
punkman: misconfiguration is not uncommon either
ascii_field: say a shot requires a reset.
punkman: (of attack tools)
mircea_popescu: punkman more common than the alternative, actually.
mircea_popescu: let's have some reverse-fun
mircea_popescu: "If success is defined by creating awesome products, we created apps that have been downloaded 15 million times across iOS, Android, and the Mac App Store. If success is defined by people using the product, we still have over a quarter of a million users actively using our apps around the world. If success is defined by making money for the business, we put in our bank account $1 million in total revenue. If success is
mircea_popescu: defined by having investors believe in your team, your business, and your product, we successfully raised capital from the top super angel and angel investor in Silicon Valley. We are the first company from Vietnam that got accepted to the most prestigious accelerator program in the world. From 90 countries around the world, our Whiteboard app won No. 1 in the Dragon’s Den Pitching Competition by the World Bank’s
mircea_popescu: infoDev. We could list countless press and media coverage from all around the world. But here is what we could not do: we simply failed in creating a scalable business!"
mircea_popescu: anyone guess what these successes did ?
mircea_popescu: no googling. ima have breakfast then reveal.
trinque: I'll wager it's a "take a picture of your whiteboard and d1g1t1z3 it" aka one bored afternoon's project.
trinque: reframes it back to a rectangle, lets you Tag and Share (TM) etc.
mircea_popescu: prety mu ch
mircea_popescu: seems to be a "interface your messaging apps" app.
mircea_popescu: the douche thinks this can be successful, in any sense. i rest.
adlai: text at http://www.cut-the-knot.org/pythagoras/#12 but it really shouldn't be necessary
assbot: Pythagorean Theorem and its many proofs ... ( http://bit.ly/22b5sQz )
BingoBoingo: Look who went from blackmail to old fashioned scamming https://bitcoin-otc.com/viewratingdetail.php?nick=Rozal&sign=ANY&type=RECV
assbot: Rating Details for User 'Rozal' ... ( http://bit.ly/1QvEAa5 )
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> curious how long they take to BAN ME!111 omaigawds << You aren't looking in Missouri or Ohio? I though you were doing Anthropology, or Whaleology.
assbot: Police Department Thanks Pedophile Officer For Service | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/1lT9aht )
asciilifeform: !up ascii_field
assbot: Police Department Thanks Pedophile Officer For Service | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/1QvFzaq )
punkman: https://bitcoin-otc.com/viewratingdetail.php?nick=Rozal&sign=ANY&type=RECV << wasn't he the guy selling a lot of discounted starbacks cards?
assbot: Rating Details for User 'Rozal' ... ( http://bit.ly/1QvEAa5 )
BingoBoingo: punkman: Haven't paid that much attention, but he's the one who tried to extort cazalla
asciilifeform: !up ascii_field
assbot: Police Department Thanks Pedophile Officer For Service | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/1ObxqHH )
assbot: Logged on 17-12-2015 06:17:18; punkman: http://www.symbos.de/preview.htm spiffy OS for z80
pete_dushenski: "Boeing Co. fell after Delta Air Lines Inc. revealed it is purchasing a used 777 jetliner for $7.7 million, reviving concerns that plunging values for some wide-body models signal that the market is glutted."
pete_dushenski: "New 777-200ERs sold for $170 million 10 years ago. Factory-fresh versions list for $277.3 million before the discounts that are customary in the industry."
pete_dushenski: and here i was thinking that new cars were a raw deal...
pete_dushenski: ;;calc 7.7/277.3*100
gribble: 2.77677605481
pete_dushenski: you want to talk about razor-thin margins ? forget amazon, try air travel.
pete_dushenski: i was just comparing flights from edmonton to two different destinations for this winter, seattle and cancun, and found that flights were $500 per person regardless !
pete_dushenski: needless to say, it's an easy choice.
pete_dushenski wonders if he'll run into mr. bitbetchamp aka thenewdeal down in mehico
pete_dushenski: but seriously, all that '^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^tweet' shit breaks the url.
trinque: pete_dushenski: re: title being doubled, it's that way in the title tag of your feed.
trinque: probably due to some setting inside your blogotron
asciilifeform: !up ascii_field
ascii_field: BingoBoingo: wat
BingoBoingo: ascii_field: Scammer got her actual "size" crowdsourced thanks to known size of laptop lid. That circus freak is basically the GAW miners of people incapable of reaching their genitals https://archive.is/BUeIH
assbot: Tess Holliday Responds to Scamming Accusations : People.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1IXbg9U )
pete_dushenski: trinque: pretty sure you were right. tweaks made. we'll see how the next one goes :)
BingoBoingo: ascii_field: Of course that fraud doesn't rise to Qntra levels until it issues an Altcoin to buy a scooty puff, or it can get a nickname like COD (short for cock and dog) mongler.
BingoBoingo: Or maybe CONDO for COck aNd DOg mongler. I dunno how the FBI names these people
ascii_field: dafuq is a 'scooty puff'
ascii_field: and do i want to know
BingoBoingo: ascii_field: THose things circus freaks ride around Walmart
BingoBoingo: Scooty, because it's a "mobility" scooter, puff because of the scents
pete_dushenski: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fi6RLrJrjLQ << true american innovation at work. tv show pauses when you fall asleep via sock-embedded sensors.
assbot: Netflix Socks - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1Oa7bLM )
trinque: pete_dushenski: http://contravex.com/rss << the first <title> tag is the guy responsible.
assbot: Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski » Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( http://bit.ly/1IXcGBm )
pete_dushenski: mhm. it's been summarily beleeted.
BingoBoingo: In other news it looks like the "Core" Bitcoin repository lost the only committer who resisted the Phorks! https://archive.is/B9WPE
assbot: gmaxwell (/u/nullc) no longer a bitcoin committer on github : Bitcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1IXcP7T )
pete_dushenski: might take a while to show up, the intertubes are full of netflix
trinque blows down his end of the tube, hears a nice tone
assbot: The Encyclopedia of D.C. 2015: from pandas to pot to the pope, and everything in between - Washington City Paper ... ( http://bit.ly/1IXd0jq )
pete_dushenski: trinque: you and your digiridoo
ascii_field: 'Because we live in a landlocked territory, District residents’ interest is piqued by any mention of a beach...' << holy fuck, did someone pull up the drain cork on the potomac river or what
ascii_field: landlocked ?!
pete_dushenski: can the potomac fit cruise ship ? nimitz class ?
ascii_field: only yachts
BingoBoingo: Can on still swim potomac like early presidents, or do they absorb too many rads doing so
pete_dushenski: i can see hong kong being 'landlocked' but unless dc is surrounded by mountain ranges that i don't know about, i'm not sure i see it either
ascii_field doesn't spend much time in d.c. city limits proper
pete_dushenski: http://andrewbatson.com/2015/12/17/tibets-potemkin-economy/ << tibetans are government leeches who are unable to produce anything of value, but that doesn't stop them from topping all the 'happiness' indeces time and time again.
assbot: Tibet’s Potemkin economy | Andrew Batson's Blog ... ( http://bit.ly/1Oa8Bpi )
ascii_field: tibet - originally a theocratic hellhole that makes medival catholicism look tolerant and economically +ev - is today a usg-maintained 'antichina'
pete_dushenski: "Government spending accounts for 40% of Tibet’s GDP, while 10-15% is the more usual level for other provinces. In a cyclical sense this is beneficial, as Tibet is hardly feeling the current slowdown at all: it reported 9.8% real GDP growth for the first three quarters of 2015. But the reason they’re not feeling the slowdown is that they didn’t have a real economy to begin with. It’s a bunch of civil servants
pete_dushenski: asa, some investment projects done with central government money, and, sadly, not much else."
BingoBoingo: !up ascii_field
pete_dushenski: BingoBoingo: is that... real ?
BingoBoingo: The ship shipping ship?
BingoBoingo: Seems real.
pete_dushenski: lol. then nuts !
adlai: sup dawg, i herd u liek boats
BingoBoingo: pete_dushenski: I mean how else does Samsung get container boats from 2nd Korea to Shenzen?
pete_dushenski: a naive observer would think that container boats would, y'know, travel under their own power between the factory and its first loading dock
adlai: it's all about fuel economies of scale, haven't you read your grukman?
pete_dushenski: next you're going to show me 777s strapped to the back of the spruce goose as it's delivered from oregon to dubai.
adlai: fwiw treaded vehicles (military or otherwise) routinely get trucked to the scene
BingoBoingo: Well, if the container ships are empty why would you burn fuel in all those motors capable of carrying loads instead of slowly floating them down on a pallet with one motor burning fuel
BingoBoingo: It's not like 2nd Korea makes anything the Chicoms need other than more samsung boats to deliver Huawei and plasicrap
pete_dushenski: adlai: because treaded vehicles are slow and thirsty, which, i guess container ships probably are too, at least compared to floating pallet.
pete_dushenski: BingoBoingo: skoreans do make a decent kimchi
pete_dushenski: and maybe some tv's that can be reverse-engineered
pete_dushenski: though neither is likely to fill every single samsung container ship, i grant.
BingoBoingo: China can't afford to have vegetables floated in. They gotta have rice and clenbuterol pork
assbot: The employees shut inside coffins - BBC News ... ( http://bit.ly/1IXho1R )
pete_dushenski: "South Korea has one of the highest suicide rates in the world, and workers often report feeling stressed. So in order to make people appreciate life, some companies are making employees take part in their own pretend funerals." << jenius !
BingoBoingo: !up ascii_field
ascii_field: or nm, looks like this was in the logz!
pete_dushenski: looks like shkreli's had his nose done at some point. and not particularly well either.
ascii_field: 'done' with fist ?
ascii_field: at police station ?
pete_dushenski: 'done' usually means scalpel in usistan
pete_dushenski: " Argentina's peso plunged more than 26.5 percent on Thursday, after the country's new government floated the currency as part of a slew of free-market reforms aimed at revitalizing the stagnant economy."
ascii_field: meanwhile, 'socket no message in first 60 seconds, 0 1' between two boxes which i control
ascii_field: pretty fascinating.
assbot: The Intercept ... ( http://bit.ly/1P9K5Iu )
pete_dushenski: based on alf's repeated references to gsm as 'toy crypto', i don't think he maintains any delusions about cell phone security
pete_dushenski: and nor should anyone else who's done their 6 months
BingoBoingo: Murican Poverty: "Big Mamma is your ideal customer. Yes, she might eat an entire rotisserie chicken while her children devour a box of snacks. But not only will I look the other way, I’m willing to pay some retarded white guy $10 an hour to clean up her mess. She is the cash bomb. No customer, not Bill Gates or the Dyke Queen of West Germany spends as much money on retail food as Big Mamma. This is not calculated as a percentage
assbot: JL: Of Kings and Queens ... ( http://bit.ly/1P9KDOp )
BingoBoingo: "Not only does Big Mamma spend twice as much money as the next closest customer, but her dollar is an impulsive dollar, which nets the grocer four times the profit of—the Korean or Hebrew dollar, for instance, and twice the profit as the Anglo or Hispanic dollar."
BingoBoingo: ^ From te department of cattle handling
punkman: "I am currently retired, simply stocking perishable groceries overnight two or three nights per week to make writing possible." << is that how retired works?
adlai: maybe it's the other kind, https://youtu.be/FLwD60hPK4I
assbot: Borat: "He is retard?" - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1lUFW1E )
BingoBoingo: punkman: Of course it is. USSA retired means You get 4 days a week off instead of just mebbe 2
assbot: A Scam of Galactic Proportions | Hackaday
BingoBoingo: "But the White House got its figures from this website which admits, after much public scrutiny that followed getting picked up by the White House, to have gotten the math wrong by a factor of one hundred! We’re looking at much more like $8.1 quadrillion."
BingoBoingo: !up harrymoreno
pete_dushenski: lol 'factor of one hundred' is OVERestimate
pete_dushenski: which'd be the strict inverse of sop for mega-projects a la death star
pete_dushenski: or, y'know, a la real mega-projects
BingoBoingo: Mebbe USG priced it with plans to actually take delivery, hence bezzle markup?
pete_dushenski: eg. three gorges
pete_dushenski: politicians don't think in terms of delivery, they think in terms of re-election and passing-the-buck
pete_dushenski: bureaucrats idem
pete_dushenski: for usg to think that way for death star would be like han solo, in the middle of a fire fight, sitting down to pen a phd thesis on whether or not he should pull the laser trigger
pete_dushenski to dinner. cheers !
BingoBoingo thinks there is a difference between dam and "superweapon". Sure F-35 gets to be boondogle. Drones? Get delivered.
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=17-12-2015#1345740 << at this point even children in zimbabwe likely know that not only does usg record every phone call in nato reich, but has been doing so since hdd platter cost fell to where it was economically feasible. but the portable mitm gadgets are for something else
assbot: Logged on 17-12-2015 23:45:23; pete_dushenski: based on alf's repeated references to gsm as 'toy crypto', i don't think he maintains any delusions about cell phone security
asciilifeform: they are partly so that local police precincts can join the party, partly to administer off-the-record rootkit installations, and partly for usg to circumvent own red tape ('parallel construct')
asciilifeform: ;;later tell mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=17-12-2015#1345478 << you forgot something quite important in there...
assbot: Logged on 17-12-2015 16:05:12; mircea_popescu: asciilifeform http://dpaste.com/1JMRZYT
gribble: The operation succeeded.
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=18-12-2015#1345765 << defective pic. the chick is still shaped quite like a human woman
assbot: Logged on 18-12-2015 00:43:28; BingoBoingo: https://i.imgur.com/hRMAQ0A.jpg?1
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Photopaint, same one from https://i.sli.mg/i1LvVj.png
BingoBoingo: There is a rabbit hole, or mebbe gravity well to fall into
asciilifeform: as i understand there is an inflection point where they can no longer walk much
asciilifeform: and after that, fatten to death
asciilifeform: according to dan mocsny's articles, normally there would be a feedback effect long before death where the afflicted would no longer be able to get food and would begin to grow thin
asciilifeform: but on the other hand, if an 'enabler' turns up
asciilifeform: and feeds/wipes arse/supplies money/etc
asciilifeform: then disease progresses.
asciilifeform: partly the role of 'enabler' is played by the cheap personal auto in usa
BingoBoingo: This one is crashing into inflection point.
asciilifeform: ;;isup trilema.com
gribble: trilema.com is down
assbot: Sheriff shoots his own hand, rushed to ER | Local News - KCCI Home ... ( http://bit.ly/1NACWhv )
assbot: Poezii și versuri: Poezia Ariciul-împărat - Otilia Cazimir ... ( http://bit.ly/1NAD00V )
assbot: dpaste: 2832R4R ... ( http://bit.ly/1IXtF6q )
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: ty
asciilifeform: and afaik there is no ru transl in public lit
asciilifeform: or waitamin...
asciilifeform: what's the vintage on that poem
mircea_popescu: was mostly curious if she translated on the sly some previous ru text
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: upon reading, seems almost certain. but i haven't the smoking gun in cache
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 152475 @ 0.00048446 = 73.868 BTC [-] {6}
mircea_popescu: well if it occurs lemme know.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 935790 @ 0.00048945 = 458.0224 BTC [+] {26}
assbot: [MPEX] [FT] [X.EUR] 1737 @ 0.00097238 = 1.689 BTC [-] {5}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 239400 @ 0.00049243 = 117.8877 BTC [+] {8}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 258401 @ 0.00048595 = 125.57 BTC [-] {5}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 145841 @ 0.00049381 = 72.0177 BTC [+] {5}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 221750 @ 0.00048435 = 107.4046 BTC [-] {6}
asciilifeform: (variations on a theme)
mircea_popescu: pikabu.ru hahaha
asciilifeform: some n-chan knockoff
asciilifeform: the poems are recited from '80s childhoods
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 85700 @ 0.00048871 = 41.8824 BTC [+] {4}
mircea_popescu: kogo kogo, kosaya blyad hjaha not bad.
mircea_popescu: but notrly.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 597830 @ 0.00048793 = 291.6992 BTC [-] {12}
deedbot-: [Qntra] Fake Star Wars Torrents Already Popping Up On Trackers - http://qntra.net/2015/12/fake-star-wars-torrents-already-popping-up-on-trackers/
BingoBoingo: Also Know as Qntra tries clickbait even though we stopped counting clicks
mircea_popescu: we're no longer cunting clicks ?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: btw it wurks, about to start the terraform
asciilifeform: ty mircea_popescu !
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Not since quantcast ate one too many leaded paint chips
mircea_popescu: but that was counting! this is my lame cunting joke!
BingoBoingo: Oh, yeah. We don't cunt clicks either. We click cunts.
mircea_popescu: teh c-lick!
mircea_popescu: "implying mastery of people seems both inappropriate and ill-founded" ?!
mircea_popescu: what the everloving fuck are they smoking over in the socialist republic of cambridge
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=17-12-2015#1345648 << the real problem there is simple : what with all the tsa "ensuring everyone's safety", the cost of capital goods in the field fell to reflect the utility drop of the whole industry.
assbot: Logged on 17-12-2015 21:41:35; pete_dushenski: "New 777-200ERs sold for $170 million 10 years ago. Factory-fresh versions list for $277.3 million before the discounts that are customary in the industry."
mircea_popescu: pre-tsa a dollar was worth a dollar, and an airship capable of taking a few hundred people across the atlantic was worth a coupla hundred million dollars.
asciilifeform: boeings fly outside of usaschwitz though
mircea_popescu: post-tsa, a dollar is worth ten cents, and same exact airship is worth... ten million.
asciilifeform: ah well that yes
mircea_popescu: that's a 99.5% drop of value in 20 years.
mircea_popescu: just about par for the course for "government helped you"
asciilifeform: i'd like to see what the floor is
PeterL: so you can grab one to use as rocket?
mircea_popescu: you have already seen the floor. a bunch of hungry people in ugly cheap suits moving flimsy paper around, with stamp ink shortages, as in moscow 1985
asciilifeform: or as a house
asciilifeform: (like one schmuck)
mircea_popescu: or a bunch of hungry chinese "courtiers" doing exactly the same, pre-british invasion
assbot: Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Mircea Popescu - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... ( http://bit.ly/1IXwN2n )
PeterL: which book is it where Baba Yaga ends up living in an airplane? I think is was an Orson Scott Card thing?
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: ancient ?
mircea_popescu: lol trivial. wut ?
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: yes, that one. Because nevar forget.
mircea_popescu: i've been in "every mainstream media" like they say. whatever the fuck that's worth.
mircea_popescu: (nothing, but people keep going on about the success it denotes or something)
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: 'never forget' has flipside - you're incrementing the buggers' refcounters
asciilifeform: keeping odin's great garbagecollector from doing its wurk
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform wikipedia's finally getting garbage collected ?
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: But don't we need to track how many pinecones to plant in order to grow stakes?
asciilifeform: not at this rate !
mircea_popescu: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CWc4KF5U8AA-hwF.png:large << wait, this self-parodic "Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion" thing actually exists ?
mircea_popescu: just how dumb are the sjws ?!
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: exists, see the graphic this one was parody of
mircea_popescu: what does it do, weep whenever i say nigger ?
asciilifeform: expels folks ?
mircea_popescu: hahahaha what@!
asciilifeform: well they do a 'here's a chance to recant' thing first iirc
punkman: asciilifeform: i'd like to see what the floor is << http://assets.bwbx.io/images/iCqkkHL4zA6A/v2/-1x-1.jpg
punkman: oh forgot 3 boeings in malaysia, fuck it I'll get new ones
asciilifeform: punkman: that's not a floor. any more than the 7+ abandoned houses on my street are a housing price floor
asciilifeform: (each and any one of them would still be 'worth' multiple 100K if anyone were to want to live there)
asciilifeform: bezzlatron prevents price from falling past floor.
mircea_popescu: so bizarre that "the people" would want to "occupy wall street" instead of citizen deed themselves into any vacant property.
mircea_popescu: that would be revolutionary, and disrupting and whatnot : have a social media outlet where people can give themselves deeds for abandoned property, and everyone signs.
BingoBoingo: Don't we have that already?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: no usg deed, no city hookups
asciilifeform: dig latrine.
asciilifeform: and wtf is a 'citizens deed'
asciilifeform: no such animal in usa afaik
asciilifeform: there are 'squatting laws' but they are written in such a way as to virtually NEVER apply
mircea_popescu: what do you mean "no such animal" ?
mircea_popescu: it just appeared.
asciilifeform: aha then dig latrine
PeterL: what are they gonna do, block your sewer?
mircea_popescu: mno. because once an OVP movement shows up, the company either does the hookup or gets burned down.
asciilifeform: also the local police appear rather quickly (city inspects specifically for signs of squat)
asciilifeform: at least where i live.
asciilifeform: watched it happen, even
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 52450 @ 0.00048334 = 25.3512 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: occupy vacant property.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Maybe you just need a worse neighborhood?
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: ~i~ don't need this for anything.
PeterL: my sister-in-law has squatters living across the street from her
assbot: Occupy Homes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... ( http://bit.ly/1k5IwA9 )
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: What about less drafty workshop? Or Farm?
asciilifeform: punkman: looks more like a 'prevent foreclosure' thing
asciilifeform: punkman: which is to say, defend the 'rights' of deadbeat 'buyers'
punkman: tomato, tomato
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: and what would make the workshop mine vs belonging to the fella with one more rifle on his side ?
punkman: plenty of these movements in europe
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: recall, i'm not mircea_popescu and do not have an army
asciilifeform: i'm not even home much.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Well, time to start introducing larger stray cats.
assbot: dpaste: 2GDF3YB ... ( http://bit.ly/1IXyhts )
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform why is this discussion about you ?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: it isn't, was answering subthread http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=18-12-2015#1345900
assbot: Logged on 18-12-2015 01:52:25; BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: What about less drafty workshop? Or Farm?
mircea_popescu: punkman note the "concept squatting". they're specifically NOT doing the right thing.
mircea_popescu: alf would suspect this is deliberate. maybe it is. maybe they're just as dumb as a box of rocks.
asciilifeform: it sure as fuck was deliberate
asciilifeform: i went to one of the posh parties the 'ows' useful idiots had among their own number
asciilifeform: in the $maxint district of dc
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 52700 @ 0.00048332 = 25.471 BTC [-] {2}
asciilifeform: whole thing stank in no subtle way.
mircea_popescu: at any rate, the idea isn't to " attempts to prevent the foreclosure of people's homes". for one thing, you don't try, you do. for the other thing, you take every bit of real property the bank "owns" away from the bank.
mircea_popescu: fuck wallstreet, it's just a street. nobody cares.
mircea_popescu: take their houses.
assbot: . .. … + * + ::: Okupa! ::: & ::: Squat! ::: – * – ... ( http://bit.ly/1IXyrkm )
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform he has a point when he says this is common in europe. it is.
asciilifeform: aha recall kakobrekla's thread re: the burglar ?
asciilifeform: the one with riiiighttzzzz!!111
assbot: How to squat ! | Many manuals for smooth and silent squatting ... ( http://bit.ly/1IXyFYM )
assbot: Squatters getting tips on occupying vacant homes right off the Internet | Q13 FOX News ... ( http://bit.ly/1IXyFZ0 )
punkman: right off the internets!
mircea_popescu: internet. not just for torrents.
asciilifeform: 'i would if i could motherfuckerz'
mircea_popescu: well... they got a manual.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=17-12-2015#1345698 << is #b-a a theocratic hellhole by the same standard ?
assbot: Logged on 17-12-2015 22:25:37; ascii_field: tibet - originally a theocratic hellhole that makes medival catholicism look tolerant and economically +ev - is today a usg-maintained 'antichina'
punkman: sorted by country
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i'm unaware of anybody stuck in a dungeon or starvation peonage in #ba
mircea_popescu: that's funny.
asciilifeform: '“It’s not surprising to me that people publish stuff on the Internet. It’s surprising to me that people are reading that and assuming it’s true. The notion that you can just break into a house and pay a cable bill or two and somehow establish a right of ownership — that is false,” said Loeffler.' << lulzy, reminiscent of mircea_popescu's 'sovereign citizen' article
mircea_popescu: how can a convention be false ?
mircea_popescu: it's a fucking convention. the notion that you walk in and it's yours is neither falser nor truerer than the notion you say hi to a girl and she takes you to her place.
asciilifeform: in the same way the 'sovereign citizen' thing
asciilifeform: i.e. the sheriff gets a call and the tanks come out.
mircea_popescu: until they don't.
punkman: or maybe you come out with the tank first
mircea_popescu: tanks are only useful if not used. they're the police equivalent of nuclear weapons.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: aha, they make a point of trotting them out in parade even
mircea_popescu: i dunno why everyone acts like this 300 old bit of wisdom (in french) is novel.
asciilifeform: just like sov nukes
mircea_popescu: !up renart
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform obviously.
ben_vulpes: !up renart
renart: no need, mircea_popescu.
renart: but thank you.
mircea_popescu: what is this, socialism ? need ain't a consideration comrade.
renart: ho ho ho
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes you saw punkman's application ?
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=17-12-2015#1345714 << tracks are optimized for power. as opposed to speed.
assbot: Logged on 17-12-2015 22:50:33; adlai: fwiw treaded vehicles (military or otherwise) routinely get trucked to the scene
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=17-12-2015#1345735 << i should probably comment a little on this, seeing how i very much doubt anyone outside of actually fxing banks knows what all this is.
assbot: Logged on 17-12-2015 23:24:37; pete_dushenski: " Argentina's peso plunged more than 26.5 percent on Thursday, after the country's new government floated the currency as part of a slew of free-market reforms aimed at revitalizing the stagnant economy."
mircea_popescu: so : argentina has many problems, economically, all of which reduce to "it's a country of 40mn useless douches, of which ~10 mn pretend to live like they saw in various imported tv shows, while the country is unfit to even export raw meat, so it lost those contracts and is now exporting soy"
mircea_popescu: the government has for many years run it very badly. specifically, instead of borrowing in europe and then pumping those resources into development in the huge provinces (argentina is much larger than europe), it borrowed in europe, squandered most of it for supporting the pretense of dumbass, worthless middleaged women, and a tiny sliver on buying cheap food for poor people to turn out the vote.
mircea_popescu: part and parcel of all this, a LOT of empty peso printing, creating immense piles of worthless pesos sloshing around.
mircea_popescu: because the stupidity of a typical argentine is only matched by his pretentiousness, this worthless paper issue did not result in much devaluation of the currency
mircea_popescu: instead, it mostly went into a game of real estate musical chairs. everyone in buenos aires is a lawyer though nobody practices , and everyone owns property, which they keep trading to each other at ridiculous valuations.
mircea_popescu: meanwhile, the contact points with the outside economy are controlled as well as they can be (they can't be - most of the local trade is in the hands of the chinese, who own the proud but stupid argentine. whenever i want to move dollars, or to dispose of any other actyual economic or poltiical matters, i talk to an asian person. no exceptions. i wouldn't break a date with han because macri called, sort of thing)
mircea_popescu: now, the scam they had going was that they were paying the farmers 9 pesos to the dollar they got for the soy. because farmers are hostage, what are they gonna do, buy their own tanks ?
mircea_popescu: meanwhile, the free rate in the black market was ~16.
mircea_popescu: this means the farmers were paying 50% tax on top of all the other taxes.
mircea_popescu: new government decided this nonsense can't caqrry on, and wants to liberalize the dollar. this, logically, would make the price drop.
mircea_popescu: specifically : if say peasants sell 1bn dollars worth of soy, and get 9bn pesos for it ; whereas dumbass middle aged women spend 100mn dollars on shoes and perfumes because they don't wish to admit to me they're subhuman, for which they pay 1.5bn pesos,
mircea_popescu: should the damned thing liberalize the new price would be 1.1 bn dollars matching 10.5bn pesos, or roughly speaking... 10. a 40% drop from it's black market rate of 16.
mircea_popescu: this is why it's always a good idea to liberalize : the price on the black market ALWAYS drops as a result.
mircea_popescu: (this was counterintuitive to the grunts doing money changing in the street, we had a good laugh over steaks about it, when discussing venezuela's plans to the same thing. after it played out they decided i was a god. because hey, why admit you were wrong when you could think the guy who's right is simply supernatural)
mircea_popescu: NEVERTHELESS : in argentina, because of the immense real estate bezzle, and a 50 to 150 bn worth of inexistent real estate value that is looking to evaporate,
mircea_popescu: i would estimate liberalization takes the peso to 25ish. that's 30% up not 40% down.
mircea_popescu: taking questions.
asciilifeform: !up gabriel_laddel
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=18-12-2015#1345983 << whatever happened to sov ruble-style devaluations ?
assbot: Logged on 18-12-2015 02:16:41; mircea_popescu: NEVERTHELESS : in argentina, because of the immense real estate bezzle, and a 50 to 150 bn worth of inexistent real estate value that is looking to evaporate,
mircea_popescu: the russkis are dumb, but not proud.
asciilifeform: seems like just what the doctor ordered tho
asciilifeform: snip a zero or two.
mircea_popescu: it wouldn't do anything. the glut that has to unwind is rela estate, not cash.
mircea_popescu: and it will unwind. it must, currently everyone here thinks themselves MUCHricher than they are.
mircea_popescu: as a result they misperceive their incentives and lose out.
mircea_popescu: see poster discussion yest.
asciilifeform begins to grasp
asciilifeform: they gotta starve
asciilifeform: and sell the flats for a week's meal
asciilifeform: a la 1992
mircea_popescu: pretty much.
mircea_popescu: except they won't starve. nor would it do anything, it doesn't help the proud
asciilifeform: didn't help? rinse, repeat
mircea_popescu: but when they discover they can't afford both underwear AND stockings, THAT is wqhen the stupid women running the show start getting open plam slapped across the diner table.
asciilifeform: though didn't they have an episode in 2001
mircea_popescu: which IS exactly what argentina needs.
renart looks forward to buying flats in args for a weeks worth of local wages
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform hafta understand, it's not russia. it has no industry. AT ALL. it's one large farm.
mircea_popescu: what hruschev wanted to make of ukraina IS actually what the brits made of argentina.
mircea_popescu: where you from renart ?
renart: run a whois on this nick yet?
renart: ah jesus i thought freenode's nick grouping actually worked
ben_vulpes: c'est moi
asciilifeform: renart: unlikely that anybody who uses word 'wage' to describe his money will afford so much as half a flat in ar
mircea_popescu: it's renard you know
asciilifeform: american speculators will snap it up.
asciilifeform: (folks with serious dough)
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform nah, you're behing the curve. the chinese will.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 61000 @ 0.00048672 = 29.6899 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: american speculators will get fucked in the ass, publicly, and write their senator to complain
mircea_popescu: via change.org
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: aha likely
asciilifeform: but at any rate it won't be me or renart or any other wage worker
mircea_popescu: it could be, if you lived here.
renart: wage worker, huh?
mircea_popescu: but otherwise... no. you ain't got an angle.
asciilifeform: how does living there change the game ?
asciilifeform: price tag is price tag
assbot: Logged on 17-12-2015 23:48:37; BingoBoingo: Murican Poverty: "Big Mamma is your ideal customer. Yes, she might eat an entire rotisserie chicken while her children devour a box of snacks. But not only will I look the other way, I’m willing to pay some retarded white guy $10 an hour to clean up her mess. She is the cash bomb. No customer, not Bill Gates or the Dyke Queen of West Germany spends as much money on retail food as Big Mamma. This is not
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform there is no such thing as "a price tag". this is an ex-post-facto calculation.
mircea_popescu: similarly, there is not such a thing as "what it takes TO bed beautiful women".
asciilifeform: but i don't get how living there gives you an edge
asciilifeform: when bidding
asciilifeform: and in an anarchodegringolade, squatters would just take whatever
BingoBoingo: Have to be there to be first with rifle on scene
asciilifeform: platoon
mircea_popescu: <asciilifeform> but i don't get how living there gives you an edge << obviously you never lived in new york. ask mike_c
mircea_popescu: living there gives you an edge.
asciilifeform: but an edge that is bigger than the financial edge chinese gov has over a usaschwitz peon ?
mircea_popescu: of a different kind.
mircea_popescu: "is a jagers unit more valuable than a cavalry unit ?"
mircea_popescu: depends, yo. got anything to charge ?
asciilifeform: the thing about living there is http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=15-12-2015#1343796 . it'd be spiffy except that i'm an instant candidate to ~join~ the folks selling their flats to buy food
assbot: Logged on 15-12-2015 19:39:41; ascii_field: well i'd happily move if i were 1337 enough to take the gradient, rather than BE the fuel
mircea_popescu: gotta build yerself a castle, mr wannabe margrave lord.
asciilifeform: trying to inhabit a mircea_popescu gedankenexperiment is rather like trying to fly a martian ship with cockpit built for a man with seven arms
mircea_popescu: ahbahaha
mircea_popescu: no more shiva ?
asciilifeform: shiva has many arms but they're only good at lifting massless things
mircea_popescu: "Supermarkets cannot stay open in extensive urban ghettos for multiple reasons. It might also surprise you to know that supermarkets that do not embrace a catering/restaurant program [which is expensive] do not thrive in upscale locales. You might be able to keep the doors open—but forget a profit. People with money make their food purchases at restaurants. You didn't buy that stunning piece of plastic surgery to hav
mircea_popescu: e her tits melt in the kitchen, did you?" <<< aaactually... yes, i did.
mircea_popescu: but yeah, the supermarket model is on its way out - and thanks fucking god. it was stupid.
mircea_popescu: "Basically, supermarkets just provide local jobs. The CEOs of grocery chains are among the lowest paid of their kind." << exactly. government clerks.
asciilifeform: sov institutions are not any different by virtue of being lifted up and dropped on other side of atlantic
mircea_popescu: "There is no requirement to buy ten, but raising retails from 89-cents to 10 for $10 increases sales from a case to a pallet on most items, when you have the right customer base..." << which reminds me of a point i wanted to make. yo ben_vulpes it's pretty dumb to offer grunt 30. offer 28.75. for one thing, it makes it look like real thought went into all that precision, and the sort of dickless imbecile he is will spe
mircea_popescu: nd more time trying to figure out why than argue with you about it.
mircea_popescu: the more important thing is the issue of [stupid] brains and thresholds. 30 is just above one, makes him feel like he's worth more.
mircea_popescu: 28.75 is just below one, makes him feel like he's fucking lucky to get there.
mircea_popescu: moreover, if you raise 30 to 32 in negotiation, he'll deduce h's worth 100.
mircea_popescu: meanwhile, if you go 28.75 to 29.45 he'll deduce he's lucky to get 15.
mircea_popescu: and yes asciilifeform, part of why mp is not hiring is that mp despises how stupid people actually are, and can't seriously work with the sort of idiots.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: hourly wage with >1 significant figure is declasse in usa
asciilifeform: just a piece of koooltooral trivia.
mircea_popescu: unless classee IS PAYING YOU, like the fucking tsarist nobility was being paid by the fucking tsar to participate,
mircea_popescu: nobody ain't got any time for it.,
asciilifeform: also if i had to guess, mr. 30 did not negotiate.
asciilifeform: that class of folks typically doesn't dare.
asciilifeform: just happy to eat.
asciilifeform: and mircea_popescu aint' gotta hire anybody if he doesn't want to. but it ~is~ possible to hire nonstupid people
mircea_popescu: no. it is not possible to hire nonstupid people. the very definition of hiring includes "i am too dumb to live"
asciilifeform: ah i almost forgot that i were too dumb to live, eh
asciilifeform: carry on
mircea_popescu: all you can do with nonstupid people is partner, which is why this entire all-consuming "start-up culture"
mircea_popescu: under all the dumbass kid crud, there's a good reason.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i'm certainly not hiring you wtf. that'd be sad.
asciilifeform: ah no not mircea_popescu
ben_vulpes: lol asciilifeform as pet
ben_vulpes: what a sight
mircea_popescu: fancy that.
mircea_popescu: he'd have to wear the fancy hat, too.
asciilifeform: just in abstract, i do wurk as a hired man
asciilifeform: was hired quite recently by new $firm, start in ~week
mircea_popescu: well hopefully you grow out of it.
mircea_popescu: What is more, this lady has poor impulse control, exasperated by her once a month windfall, << exacerbated, exasperated, what the hells the difference!
ben_vulpes: !up renart
renart: mircea_popescu: i don't think http://www.theverge.com/2015/11/17/9750890/rdio-shutdown-pandora made it to your shartup postmortem list
assbot: Why Rdio died | The Verge ... ( http://bit.ly/1T50DlZ )
asciilifeform will be doing some pretty odd work, involving maths
mircea_popescu: possibly not, i only skimmed.
asciilifeform: exasperbated >> masturabated from exasperation ?
renart: frusturbation
asciilifeform: ...exasperated from masturbating?
renart: exhausturbation <<using CO
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo had a photo
BingoBoingo: Which one?
asciilifeform: the truck-fucker
BingoBoingo: I had lots of photos
mircea_popescu: " Its secret: free on-demand streaming, supported by advertising. By contrast, Rdio required a paid subscription."
mircea_popescu: why the fuck do they stick the "marketing" in there ?
mircea_popescu: no marketing was involved. lizard king of ustardia threw the dart, picked one that gets the free shit for free
mircea_popescu: everyone else gotta pay retail, and who;'s gonna pay retail ?
asciilifeform: related, 'grooveshark' (similar) was in the corpse list
assbot: Copyright tribunal slaps Pandora with 20 percent rate increase [Updated] | Ars Technica ... ( http://bit.ly/1T511Re )
asciilifeform: and iirc the owner offed himself
asciilifeform: (or nailgunned, take yer pick)
asciilifeform: !s grooveshark
assbot: 6 results for 'grooveshark' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=grooveshark
mircea_popescu: da fuck is a "copyright tribunal"
assbot: Grooveshark Cofounder Dead at 28 | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/1T5167r )
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform this is particularly a difficult industry for me because i never listen to the radio ; i never commute ; if i do i use a towncar and have live people to talk to ; etc.
asciilifeform: (resembled 'pandora', but was ~searchable~ - just type in the name of whatever, song, band, etc. and it plays. no ads. no business model...)
mircea_popescu: why the fuck would i care.
asciilifeform: no reason other than previous link being a similar thing
mircea_popescu: yeah i know, i'm just deploring my own sad situation here.
mircea_popescu perceives absolutely no value in any of these. last i had any interest, it was a winamp install. 20 years ago or so ?
asciilifeform 's commute for past ~year consists 100% of http://www.radiozvezda.ru by weight
asciilifeform: ^ mostly literature, history, militaria
asciilifeform: ~ru national~ station incidentally
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30677 @ 0.00048332 = 14.8268 BTC [-]
asciilifeform: imagine such a thing in anglo world
asciilifeform: last was what, bbc circa 1950s ?
mircea_popescu: even 1980s
asciilifeform: bbc foreign service.
asciilifeform: for ru listeners.
asciilifeform: and probably not that either.
mircea_popescu: "White female managers usually end up with nervous breakdowns and are not as effective as men, but are 100% loyal and never steal, ever. This is the backbone of any retail food staff, white chicks. Work her until she breaks and get another."
mircea_popescu: this is a PARTICULARLY insightful piece from lafond guy huh.
mircea_popescu: might be the most competent thing i read all week on the open wwwbs.
mircea_popescu: "Black female managers are rarely effective and steal at 50%—fully half of the ones I have worked with being confirmed thieves." << lioness hunting for the clan as opposed to the ball busting harpy gioving herself and everyone else aneurisms. makes sense, huh.
mircea_popescu: "Women, white and black, who do not qualify for management, are usually not worth anything on the staff, and generally steal at about 20%, with lower paid working black girls less than half as likely to steal as their management counterparts, and white girls on staff infinitely more larcenous than the white girls in management. I won’t even try and explain this, as it boggles my mind." it doesn't boggle my mind any.
mircea_popescu: seems pretty obvious.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 81450 @ 0.00048332 = 39.3664 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: i guess it boggles his mind because it makes a point he doesn't wish to hear. anyway, race has exactrly nothing to do with it : woman can either be my slave, out to carve your empire into the dust, or one of the empire's own aspirationally-vacuous wastes of flesh, brigading social media so that maybe it has some effect on reality.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 52650 @ 0.00048332 = 25.4468 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: "We’ve spent last few years building Wishberg as a default destination for users to share their wishes & discover more interesting wishes from people around the world - things to do, things to buy, travel, adventure, experiences and so much more. The journey has been beautiful, exhilarating, exciting with lots of learning for all of us."
mircea_popescu: dude... get the fuck out already.
mircea_popescu: you hung around shitty office space and derped on the internet. learned ~nothing.
mircea_popescu: so intel reports that medium.com is headquartered at 760 market st, sf. just like "dropbox" and pretty much every other ycombinator scam / "entreprenize" to date. so therefore "why are all these derps with failed 'business ideas', 0 experience, 0 awareness, 0 clue on medium.com ?" "oh, because ycombinator told them to".
mircea_popescu: #totallynotacult.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21880 @ 0.00048324 = 10.5733 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 66300 @ 0.00048496 = 32.1528 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30545 @ 0.00049129 = 15.0065 BTC [+]
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: yc is (or was until quite recently) an 'inpatient' cult
asciilifeform: as in, not only did folks get $15k or whatever creditcard-level investment for, what, 20% cut, but had to ~live~ in the compound
asciilifeform: attn kakobrekla et al: zoolag going down for maintenance, next ~8hr or so
asciilifeform: starting now.
mod6: thx for the heads up
asciilifeform: also it had about 5GB free
asciilifeform: and will need new ssd soon-ish.
mod6: ah. cool.
asciilifeform: currently functioning node is bucephalus, and also mircea_popescu's
mod6: IPs on wiki.bitcoin-assets.com/the_real_bitcoin/nodes are up-to-date right?
ben_vulpes: !up renart
assbot: Humans Are Slamming Into Driverless Cars and Exposing a Key Flaw - Bloomberg Business ... ( http://bit.ly/1JfL05y )
gribble: The operation succeeded.
renart: 2x the human accident rate
renart: it'll never come down, i tell you
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