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← 2015-10-28 | 2015-10-30 →
mircea_popescu: ;;ticker
gribble: Bitfinex BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 305.0, Best ask: 305.37, Bid-ask spread: 0.37000, Last trade: 305.15, 24 hour volume: 27834.89354775, 24 hour low: 296.32, 24 hour high: 307.99, 24 hour vwap: None
assbot: Why Dating Women With Slim Waists Lowers Men's Risk for Erectile Dysfunction ... ( http://bit.ly/1XAprFg )
BingoBoingo: ;;ticker --market all
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 305.08, vol: 28448.89889767 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 299.202, vol: 9997.15369 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 305.01, vol: 27834.89354775 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 308.0, vol: 2.74956741 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 316.56625, vol: 54889.06990000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 302.67, vol: 135.32837734 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 294.975, vol: 157.41324797 | Volume-weighted last average: (1 more message)
BingoBoingo: ;;more
gribble: 309.754982278
mircea_popescu: i hope that was a n>10k study.
BingoBoingo: Better be
BingoBoingo: Nope, 699
BingoBoingo: "Researchers also recorded how often the 699 study participants - Czech men between the ages of 35 and 65 years old - had sexual intercourse."
BingoBoingo: "The first reason was that woman's abdominal body fat decreased their own sexual desire on a hormonal level, which would hamper libido. The second reason could be that men simply found slimmer women more attractive and thus had fewer problems in the bedroom."
deedbot-: [BitBet Bets Bets] 1.00000000 BTC on 'No' - Bitcoin over $326 before November - http://bitbet.us/bet/1215/bitcoin-over-326-before-november/#b12
deedbot-: [BitBet Bets Bets] 1.00000000 BTC on 'No' - Bitcoin to top $600 before Jan 2016 - http://bitbet.us/bet/1216/bitcoin-to-top-600-before-jan-2016/#b24
pete_dushenski: danielpbarron cheers !
assbot: Logged on 29-10-2015 01:46:22; asciilifeform: (i mean, how the hell does the quoted thread re: intel relate to any of this...?)
pete_dushenski: "the personality trait most strongly correlated with programming ability was not introversion or conscientiousness, but openness: a trait that's related to being creative and imaginative"
pete_dushenski: "A meta-analysis on 19 independent samples (total N = 1695) highlighted that programming aptitude was associated with three personality traits, conscientiousness, openness, and introversion."
pete_dushenski: "In contrast to stereotypical beliefs, programming aptitudes were not associated with socially undesirable traits such as disagreeableness or neuroticism."
assbot: What makes a computer wiz? Linking personality traits and programming aptitude ... ( http://bit.ly/1Na30DL )
assbot: Immigration policy is about barriers to entry, not fairness; or how Paul Graham thinks programmers are inventors | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( http://bit.ly/1MVn3kX )
mircea_popescu: this admitting there EVEN ARE 1695 programmers out there.
mircea_popescu: seems dubious. moreover what happened is, "back in 1965, people could actually code - and those people who could actually code were disagreeable neurotics. 50 years later we turned coding into a sort of welfard subdepartment of the ushs, and now those 'coders' are exactly like the rest of the welfare population : open and conscientious. which is why the line before the tsa anal fingering office consists of middleaged w
mircea_popescu: omen with their panties folded neatly in their hands."
mircea_popescu: science!
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26700 @ 0.00054823 = 14.6377 BTC [-]
pete_dushenski: lol it could easily be 1695 fresh compsci grads
pete_dushenski: 'they don't have any experience but gosh darn are they qualified on paper!'
pete_dushenski: heh. jack baruth riffs off my 'middle class' article : "We inmates of the middle class envy the rich for obvious reasons but we also envy the poor, because they have freedom."
pete_dushenski: though since he's firmly in the middle class, he ends up looking down to the LOWER class in envy
assbot: Storify [Slideshow] ... ( http://bit.ly/1Na4gXn )
pete_dushenski: upper class too inaccessible, so what's left ? down. down's what's left.
pete_dushenski: "To be in the middle class is to perennially be under threat. But to be the main character of a Dylan or Grateful Dead song is to be poorer, and lower, and free."
pete_dushenski: jack's something of a musician so he's never short of usian 60s-present musical references, most of which are lost on me, but he's still a pretty astute cultural anthropologist
mircea_popescu: lol looking down in envy. that's a good one.
mircea_popescu: don't look back in anger (look forward ; and kill someone) and don't look down in envy (look upward ; and kill someone).
phf: i believe tlp has an article on meta-analysis studies
phf: " Programming abilities were quantified using an objective performance test (e.g.,number of errors in the program code); subjective evaluations of individual’s coding proficiency were not included."
pete_dushenski: "But how can the author will a meta-analysis to show what he wants it to show? Maybe he could manipulate an individual study, wouldn't a "study of studies" be immune to his dark sorcery? Imagine a study of Prozac vs. placebo in 10000 patients, and Prozac is awesome. Imagine two more studies, each with 6 patients, and Prozac doesn't beat placebo in those. I now have three studies. My meta-analysis concludes:
pete_dushenski: "Prozac was found to be superior to placebo in only a third of studies." Boom-- Associate Professor. When meta-analyses look at only a few studies (e.g. N=4), if even one of them is a poorly designed study you can overwhelm-- or purposely extinguish-- what might actually be a real effect." << this one phf ?
phf: aye
assbot: The Last Psychiatrist: The Decline Effect Is Stupid ... ( http://bit.ly/1O6FngU )
mircea_popescu: that's a great article too.
mircea_popescu: phf imagine the sort of unredeemable imbecile who imagines "errors in program code" is objective measure of anything.
mircea_popescu: like, you know, programming has this closed form solution, it's like solving ax+b.
phf: includes such wonderful papers as Personality predictors of performance in an introductory computer course. (1982), MBTI personality type and student code comprehension skill., Predicting student success in an introductory programming course., The effects of openness to experience on pair programming in a higher education context., Identifying predictors of programming skill.
mircea_popescu: this is what they think programming is.
phf: i like this one, Personality and learning FORTRAN. (1985), i almost want to trick that one down
phf: *track rather
vulpes_a_hopital barfs preemptively
mircea_popescu: late too.
mircea_popescu: fortran in 1985 ?
vulpes_a_hopital: pete_dushenski: share a copy?
pete_dushenski: vulpes_a_hopital you CAN handle watching a birth dude
pete_dushenski: copy of...
vulpes_a_hopital: that science direct piece
vulpes_a_hopital: the thing i'm already retching over
mircea_popescu: how's life vulpes_a_hopital ?
pete_dushenski did not spend $usd 35.95 for this...
mircea_popescu: i bet the woman agrees.
vulpes_a_hopital: oh, we're just discussing the abstract, then?
phf: mircea_popescu: just more academia inbreeding in this "metastudy". only time i saw fortran code is when helping computation chemistry grgrad students code up their models
pete_dushenski: vulpes_a_hopital how long's the labour been thus far ?
mircea_popescu: phf one of the numerous women i proposed marriage to was actually a chainsmoker fortran programmer.
mircea_popescu: in the 70s this was an entire subculture i think.
vulpes_a_hopital: mk. well as someone who actually reviews, teaches and issues canings over code, and knows the personalities involved intimately, i'm going to not give a shit.
vulpes_a_hopital: mircea_popescu: what labor.
vulpes_a_hopital: how do you define 'labor'?
vulpes_a_hopital: arbitrary combo of frequency and duration?
mircea_popescu: in what context ? or did i use it somewhere ?
vulpes_a_hopital: pete_dushenski: what labor.
pete_dushenski: i think it's 5 mins apart
mircea_popescu: well you just made pete's day :D
vulpes_a_hopital: ah yes, i recall why mircea_popescu was queued up
vulpes_a_hopital: mircea_popescu: you've proposed marriage?
pete_dushenski: and multiple times ?!
vulpes_a_hopital falls over
vulpes_a_hopital: i must not understand how this marriage was to have worked.
pete_dushenski: i think our collective leg's being pulled
vulpes_a_hopital: or its some novel broomaaple of a marriage.
mircea_popescu: vulpes_a_hopital ages 5 to 7 or so, yeah. half my mother's friends!
mircea_popescu: not my damn fault bitchez were crazy hawt.
vulpes_a_hopital: happy to tee it up for you, boss
mircea_popescu: for any 5yos reading b-a : do this. the women love it, and then later they'll be like, in your exams and shit. plus mothering the chicks you actually DONT want to marry.
phf: shoulder pads, a "perm" and yellow cigarette nails? "do you like our owl?"
mircea_popescu: phf nah, no perm.
mircea_popescu: but i think you'd get kicked out of the 70s if no shoulder pads.
assbot: Deckard meets Rachel - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1MVrf3Y )
vulpes_a_hopital: mircea_popescu: does your absurdly broad knowledge bank have anything interesting on the topic of long pregnancies?
mircea_popescu: nah, rachel looks soft and dumb.
mircea_popescu: vulpes_a_hopital you know the medieval cases of undelivered babies calcified in the woman and found at autopsy ?
vulpes_a_hopital: how long would those've been?
mircea_popescu: lifetime ?
mircea_popescu: she just never delivered, died 70 or w/e. who knows when she might have conceived. 20s ? 40s ?
pete_dushenski: and don't forget pantagruel : 14 months was it ?
pete_dushenski: (not mine, rabelais')
mircea_popescu: that account might be made up :D
pete_dushenski: yousundae
mircea_popescu: i always had this suspicion that rabelais was not always sticking to the true objectivity of science.
mircea_popescu: although a meta-study conducted in 1999 showed him to be no worse than average
mircea_popescu: more like 4 million.
vulpes_a_hopital: not over nine thousand
pete_dushenski vaguely recalls this telephone call on landline : "excuse me, is the master of the house in" "speaking" "oh, alright then, did you find rabelais to be objectively scientific" "oh most certainly" "aha. cheers and good evening." *click*
phf: i liked her as chani in dune
mircea_popescu: phf but that role specifically is soft and dumb.
vulpes_a_hopital: how the fuck does chani have a wikipedia article.
mircea_popescu: it's pop culture yellowpages.
mircea_popescu: what, you thought it was an encyclopedia ?
pete_dushenski: and in other news, "Walmart discontinued the sale of its "Israeli soldier kids costume" and "Sheik Fagin nose" Halloween costumes after facing widespread backlash, including boycott calls on the chain store's Facebook page."
vulpes_a_hopital can't recall thinking
vulpes_a_hopital: sheik fagin lol
vulpes_a_hopital: walmart as pop culture blender
mircea_popescu: ahhh life is good
pete_dushenski: gl ben !
assbot: Pay Attention to the 十三五 (shi san wu) - Xinhua News - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1MVsgJx )
mircea_popescu: "Real Men Don't Buy Girls" pretends to be a PSA against child sex slavery. What it really is an effort in rebranding. In this clip, you see Ashton Kutcher. If you had to find 300M Americans to be on a list of "Real Men," and every person in America except for Ashton Kutcher had been eaten by a giant squid, Ashton Kutcher would still not make that list, ever.
mircea_popescu: i agree.\
mircea_popescu: and I don't know any guy in the world who has an extra pack of socks available "just in case." << now you do. chicks (that don't even wear underwear!) carry spare socks and similar stuff around for my convenience. so there!
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32046 @ 0.00054762 = 17.549 BTC [-] {3}
pete_dushenski: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KfgsoETPe-I << another interesting pro-chinese piece, by south and north carolinians no less !
assbot: When China met Carolina - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1MVsUqk )
phf: one of the quoted studies only looks at consciousness (for pair programming in class setting), and finds correlation. shouldn't that be removed from the metastudy stats on account of scewing one variable.
phf: but they say
phf: "There are some uncontrolled variables which may have affected the validity of the experimental results. One of these was students’ previous programming experience. We noticed that some of the students who already had a few years of programming experience achieved high scores in their test, but scored somewhat low on conscientiousness. They were strong programmers with appropriate knowledge and know-how of programming as compared with
phf: other students. Being highly conscientious may not be necessarily for these students in order to obtain good academic results in this particular course."
phf: you don't say!
mircea_popescu: this, as ben aptly pointed out the obvious to anyone who ever competently managed, or even sanely lived in proximity of programmers, is an outrageously clueless exercise in reductionism to the point of meaninglessness.
BingoBoingo: Oh, so it wasn't a twee portland meeting of two bicycles
mircea_popescu: "conscientiousness", really ? might as well score 19yo hussies by their understanding of the theses of the 18th congress.
vulpes_a_hopital: joke's on me. again.
mircea_popescu: is the assassin eating cake for breakfast at 11 am with a well oiled, well cleaned rifle in his lap - that he cleans and oils properly, every time, and has, irrespective of howp his profession makes it a dispoasable item - conscientious or not conscientious ?
mod6: vulpes_a_hopital: i've been told first babys take time. hang in there :]
phf: i naively went there to see how exactly they measured "programming aptitude" expecting some bogus methodology involving bug counts, the reality is just so incredibly bad, i'm now tracking original papers purely out of morbid fascination
mircea_popescu: "if he were ~~~truely~~~ conscientious he'd take better care of himself. plus he wouldn't go around killing people." yeah im sure.
vulpes_a_hopital: phf has found his turdpile, will now entomologize
mircea_popescu: phf maybe it's time to start a blog.
assbot: Interview with David Francois on Building a Real Bitcoin Business | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/1OZOgc1 )
gribble: The operation succeeded.
mircea_popescu: vulpes_a_hopital seriously, labour under 12 hours is not even uncommon. can start worrying next month.
mircea_popescu: o hey i gotta read this.
vulpes_a_hopital: labor under 12 hours?
mircea_popescu: what i mean is. for as long as it stays under half a day it's not even a moderately big deal.
vulpes_a_hopital: thestringpuller: howdja get to france if you couldn't make it to con3?
vulpes_a_hopital: mircea_popescu: again, what labor.
mircea_popescu: aren't you a l'hopital to pick up the young vulpes ?
vulpes_a_hopital: myeah, if he ever decides to descend.
mircea_popescu: so that labor!
mircea_popescu: is he trolling us ?
vulpes_a_hopital: also i ain't even worried yet
vulpes_a_hopital: as labor has yet to begin!
vulpes_a_hopital: just...bored.
mircea_popescu: well why;'d you go early ?
vulpes_a_hopital: 42 weeks is early nao?
pete_dushenski: water broke early perhaps ?
mircea_popescu: who the fuck takes the woman to the hospital before she floods the room i want to know!
mircea_popescu: (quote from actual father, many years ago "dude you will not FUCKING BELIEVE how much water is in there!")
vulpes_a_hopital: so riddle me this: where are the statistics for > 43 week long pregnancies
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> who the fuck takes the woman to the hospital before she floods the room i want to know! << Person who has to clean the room?
pete_dushenski: vulpes_a_hopital for first birth, like 20% at least
vulpes_a_hopital: but /where are the statistics/
vulpes_a_hopital: that's a great sounding number
BingoBoingo: vulpes_a_hopital: Baby's prolly going to give pete's a run for the money on size, or already has mommy issues
pete_dushenski has seen flooded sidewalks and soaked flip-flops
pete_dushenski: vulpes_a_hopital i'll get you the name of the book in the morning
pete_dushenski: and the figures
mircea_popescu: anyway. let it be said real women deliver around the time strip clubs close. 6am, that sorta thing
pete_dushenski: BingoBoingo no. chance. ben and lady v are markedly smaller parents.
mircea_popescu: vulpes_a_hopital those don't exist. if she goes over 42.5 or so the doctors usually go in.
BingoBoingo: pete_dushenski: But if they bake it longer
vulpes_a_hopital: right, and tell pete_dushenski why that is?
mircea_popescu: maybe he gets triplets :D
pete_dushenski: 2 lbs each !
BingoBoingo: dodecuplets!!!
BingoBoingo: 12 pounds each
pete_dushenski: vulpes_a_hopital why what is ?
mircea_popescu: it's not his van giving birth BingoBoingo it's his wife.
BingoBoingo: I thought that was in November, pretty sure this was his van
vulpes_a_hopital: decline in placental health.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo (archived). << butg no link
vulpes_a_hopital: an apparently healthy baby at 43 weeks may endure labor entirely differently than the 42 weeker, much less the 40 weeker.
vulpes_a_hopital: and there is /no way to predict/.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Fixed, my bad
pete_dushenski: vulpes_a_hopital i'm missing something, not the least of which was that i read 42 and thought "oh, that's term!" lol
vulpes_a_hopital: moreover, *because* the doctors start insisting on going in at 42.5ish, there are very poor statistics on uninduced labor past 42 weeks or so.
mircea_popescu: vulpes_a_hopital do yourself a favour and read something else.
mircea_popescu: you'll drive yourself nuts.
vulpes_a_hopital: what i'm reading qntra
vulpes_a_hopital: i scoped the stats, made my call.
vulpes_a_hopital: now i'm bored.
mircea_popescu: anyway. there is respectable research into this, they actually make sense, going in after 42 is the right move.
vulpes_a_hopital would love to see it, has been unimpressed so far
BingoBoingo: Anyways that procedure has at least two millenia of safety behind it. Some women do it to themselves
pete_dushenski: anyone taken #bitcoin-birthing yet ?
pete_dushenski: not that i mind the subject matter..
vulpes_a_hopital: feature bloat, fueled by what consumers have come to expect, << top kek
vulpes_a_hopital: lol pete_dushenski you're blocked as "adult and pornography"
mircea_popescu: i actually like davout's answering style.
vulpes_a_hopital: that use of consensual threw me for a loop
pete_dushenski: vulpes_a_hopital your hospital, canadian banks, what's next !
vulpes_a_hopital: trilema, however, totally ok.
mircea_popescu: i can see the logic of htis.
pete_dushenski: weird, same as my buddy at his td office in calgary....
vulpes_a_hopital: "that the fucked up" << attn bingoboingo
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu you do ?
mircea_popescu: yes. while it's true that trilema hosts one of the largest porn galleries in the western world,
BingoBoingo: vulpes_a_hopital: Fixed
mircea_popescu: your odds of finging it amonmg all the words are negligible.
vulpes_a_hopital: BingoBoingo: i think you want to insert a [sic] there and not correct the quote.
pete_dushenski: hm. i lack the words in which to cloak my true intention of spreading porn to the four corners of the digital world
BingoBoingo: it was an interview, transcription errors happen
vulpes_a_hopital: "rarely amount to any longevity"
vulpes_a_hopital: i'd say "enjoy" but that's just me.
pete_dushenski checks contravex word count... 417,967.
pete_dushenski: need moar !
vulpes_a_hopital: this brings up such sweet memories of wandering along the remodeled docks talking to davout about how great of a business paymium was
mircea_popescu: no, was is the right verbal form there. it's not tense, it's aspect.
mircea_popescu: a frenchman would understand.
vulpes_a_hopital: and perhaps a link to "so you want to start a bitcoin business" there at the end
assbot: So you think you're going to start a Bitcoin business, right? ... ( http://bit.ly/1MVvoFd )
BingoBoingo: <vulpes_a_hopital> and perhaps a link to "so you want to start a bitcoin business" there at the end << It is at the start
mircea_popescu: mpoe-pr. her stuff is still remembered long after everyone forgot wtf gavin is supposed to have done last year.
pete_dushenski: she really set the pr bar
vulpes_a_hopital: BingoBoingo: with the obscurantism!
vulpes_a_hopital: okay so riddle me this
vulpes_a_hopital: shithub will render markdown, org, jpeg, gif
mircea_popescu: !up kroko2
vulpes_a_hopital: BUT NOT HTML
assbot: cl-ppcre/index.html at master · edicl/cl-ppcre · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1MVvNYb )
BingoBoingo: Heresy
mircea_popescu: vulpes_a_hopital do you have ANY IDEA what's involved in rendering html ?
vulpes_a_hopital: they're rubros, stick it in an iframe
mircea_popescu: HAHAHAHAHAHA
mircea_popescu: ooomaygerd.
mircea_popescu: if that worked we wouldn'\t even know what "conscientious" programmer means.
vulpes_a_hopital: further lulz
assbot: CL-PPCRE - Portable Perl-compatible regular expressions for Common Lisp ... ( http://bit.ly/1MVvWuT )
mircea_popescu: that should bother some ppls.
vulpes_a_hopital: dafuq am i supposed to do
vulpes_a_hopital: write it to a tempfile and crack it open?
vulpes_a_hopital: install the package to read its documentation?
fluffypony: it's annoying as fuck when github renders markdown
fluffypony: especially for Jekyll projects
fluffypony: like I get that it renders README.md, but leave the rest of my files alone
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36900 @ 0.0005435 = 20.0552 BTC [-] {3}
BingoBoingo: Sobriety on a Wednesday night is weird.
mircea_popescu: ;;google and there's nothing short as dying that's half as lonely as the south
gribble: Johnny Cash - Sunday Morning Coming Down - YouTube: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ED5s1-Fe9FA>; Classic Cash- Johnny Cash - ManinBlack.net: <http://www.maninblack.net/Menu_Recording/ClassicCash/Classic.html>; South Park Quotes - Eircom: <http://homepage.eircom.net/~odyssey/Quotes/Popular/Comics/SouthPark.html>
vulpes_a_hopital: fluffypony: call me when it renders latex
BingoBoingo: vulpes_a_hopital: Which LaTex
BingoBoingo: Gotta pick a subset, or you'll go insane
vulpes_a_hopital: BingoBoingo: eeeeeeeeeee
BingoBoingo: ;;ticker --market all
BingoBoingo: ;;more
gribble: Error: That's all, there is no more.
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 305.26, vol: 29103.54531666 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 298.649, vol: 10092.94027 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 305.86, vol: 27487.13828773 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 310.0, vol: 3.84156741 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 317.578584, vol: 57620.95010000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 299.0, vol: 154.35587978 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 295.056, vol: 158.6084734 | Volume-weighted last average: (1 more message)
BingoBoingo: ;;more
gribble: 310.53204778
pete_dushenski: in other nyooz, "The police department in Anderson, north of Sacramento, announced this week that it plans to equip and train its force of 20 officers with the weapon, also called nunchuks, as a new means to detain uncooperative suspects while “limiting injuries”."
mircea_popescu: was in the logs.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29950 @ 0.00054336 = 16.2736 BTC [-] {3}
pete_dushenski: in other nyooz that actually is, "Google has teamed up with three Indonesian telecommunications companies to expand Internet access in that country using solar-powered balloons."
pete_dushenski: maybe not what you'd want to annouce of 'dc dirigible on the loose' day
pete_dushenski: "The project sends solar-powered balloons 16,000 feet (5,000 meters) into the air to deliver Internet access through radio frequency signals to antennae connected to buildings on the ground. The balloons use algorithms to find the best winds to carry them along their charted course."
vulpes_a_hopital: re announcement maybe
pete_dushenski: vulpes_a_hopital that'd be the one.
pete_dushenski to bed. cheers !
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18342 @ 0.00054325 = 9.9643 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: The Last Psychiatrist: Hop, With Russell Brand: A Life Lesson For 4 Year Olds ... ( http://bit.ly/1KHcBeY )
mircea_popescu: Where have you ever heard the words, "by the power vested in me?" That's right, it's a domestic partnership, a marriage of sorts, and rather than try and un-pc figure out which one's the girl and which one's the boy simply observe that person B finds actualization by completely subsuming his own identity into the business of person A, who in turn gets the leisure time to pursue other interests (like drumming.) That,
mircea_popescu: my fellow 4 year olds, is an American fairy tale.
mircea_popescu: so the plan, if we lend credence to tlp's interpretation, and if we believe the data to be illustrative, is EXACTLY http://trilema.com/2014/the-idea-for-a-great-film/#selection-81.0-81.481
assbot: The idea for a great film... on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1KHcErm )
mircea_popescu: but EXACTLY. minus, of course, the violence, the act of will. a negotiated, agreed upon, "by the power" deal.
mircea_popescu: curious if it works.
mircea_popescu: "0. The diagnosis will make the parents want to try and help the child. This is axiomatic. No parent with access to services will be told their kid has a diagnosis of "PDD" or Asperger's and say, "not interested, let's wait a few years and see how this goes." Once a diagnosis is made, the psychiatric juggernaut is activated. " << no MOTHER.
mircea_popescu: that's why the fuck there are two parents : so they're not both mothers, and so that one of them says exactly that, and on occasion actually prevails.
assbot: Nobilified | We paint your face on history! ... ( http://bit.ly/20c3COt )
mircea_popescu: !up stefek99
stefek99: Why I was voiced? What does it mean?
stefek99: (I very rarely use IRC)
mircea_popescu: it means that you can say things.
assbot: How Do You Paint 10,000 Paintings a Month? ... ( http://bit.ly/1RCKK4V )
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 54422 @ 0.00054316 = 29.5599 BTC [-] {3}
mircea_popescu: http://thelastpsychiatrist.com/2011/05/how_to_write_a_college_applica.html << wow. now this is a valuable tidbit : "Still don't see it? There's a very good chance that the only person who will ever read your college essay is 25 years old.
assbot: The Last Psychiatrist: How To Write A College Application Essay Or Personal Statement ... ( http://bit.ly/20c5mY0 )
mircea_popescu: In every college admissions website, they are referred to as "Admissions Officers." While I didn't assume they were in the military, I suppose I did assume they were... old. er.
mircea_popescu: And some are, I guess, there's got to be an Admissions Dean in the building somewhere. But the average applicant is writing an essay that he thinks an adult with a suit and three kids would want to read. Instead, it's probably being read by someone who can't wait for the new iphone and still bites their nails. Ten grand says they think Jon Stewart is "a freakin' political genius.""
mircea_popescu: i wonder how many kids actually earnestly trying to play that lottery know this is going to be the case and write to that audience (barristas)
mircea_popescu: "hool teacher to determine the curriculum's rigor. But the samples also tell something about the readers. "I had one essay that said how awful Twilight was"--the essay was about damaging themes of female submissiveness in the series--"and I was like, 'Admit her!' " says Melissa Faulner, a 2006 grad on the committee."
mircea_popescu: so very damaging, the themes of female submission. to otherwise unemployable, wasted-life-is-only-a-matter-of-time 13yo girls trapped in 25something female bodies.
mircea_popescu: they damage the protective shelling they secreted!
mircea_popescu: " They don't give his age, they give a physical description. Media-- and The New Yorker is probably the wost offender of this-- offers a physical description of their subject as a code about their character in exactly the way the media would never allow a regular person to do." <<< right, because it's not about anythihng but trying to misrepresent themselves as powerful. the only reason random derp can't say "nigger"
mircea_popescu: in the restaurant is so that random fishwrap can say "upscale neighbourhood" like it means something.
mircea_popescu: this is, incidentally, a fundamental point to be considered for those inclined to interact with the scum (aka, non-qntra reporters), a point which that seduction expert (i don't recall which one but was in the logs - something about how he went on a "live" show where the 5 dollar audience bood him on cue) : you do want to control their codes. because you must project your own ownership of reality, and of their sorry pe
mircea_popescu: rsons. they might write IN the washington post, but for as long as they write ABOUT you they write FOR you. so they can write whatever they want, but they do NOT get to write "upscale neighbourhood", or, as tlp's apt example goes "If they profiled me it woudl start, "Wearing a disheveled undershirt clutching a rock..." and leave it to you to make an objective assessment (="drunkard, likely unbalanced.")".
mircea_popescu: and if they won't not let you, if they won't be EAGERLY complicit in your control of "their" codes, you punish them.
mircea_popescu: (which is code for, you publicly humiliate them. that's the worst that can happen to a wanna-be journo. and in 2015 there exists nothing other than wanna-be in that biz.)
mircea_popescu: this one single thing is about 130% of what -the best of the best!- pr does, so let's put pete_d on notice about it.
mircea_popescu: "There is something presumptuous, not to mention deluded, about a print magazine that no one reads claiming that a movie no one will see is a peerless window into something anyone can access anytime they want."
mircea_popescu: "Ponder that flippant run-on sentence for its hidden truth. Who judges whom? What are the criteria for becoming a judge? It's not popularity; nor the sophistication of the staff and writers; or the insight of a director. In the hierarchy of authenticity and truth, which one is at the top? Why can Variety call someone "internet obsessed" but no one can call Variety a "comic book" which, as I am about to show, it is
mircea_popescu: they CAN. and they should. the reason they don't has a lot to do with that peerless question of "what would tlp do if he individuated".
mircea_popescu: stop playing with the toys ? likely, but not necessarily. stop thinking the toys were actual things ? definitely, foundationally.
mircea_popescu: while there's nothing wrong with a 20yo playing with a dollhouse in her hoisiery, there IS something very very wrong with a 20yo that actually thinks of dolls as if they were people. or that "animals have rights too!", which is exactly a proxy for that.
davout: i haz an article
davout: an interenet celebraritee is me
mircea_popescu: eh, that's nothing.
davout: ugh, stop your micro-aggressing
mircea_popescu: until butthurt somethingawfulers add your name to the list of the various idiots you either personally sunk or otherwise frontrun the sinking of, you've not really made it!
davout: well, i do have a june something 2011 video going around where i, i essence, tell karupuresu he has no fucking clue how to run an exchange :D
mircea_popescu: there is hope for you!
mircea_popescu: but did you even get banned from fetlife irl or something ?
mircea_popescu: brigading is a prerequisite to celebrity!
davout: i did get demoted by theymos from my mod position for basically calling him a derp. i think that counts!11
mircea_popescu: yeah there is hope for you.
mircea_popescu: o wait you're no longer oppressing alt-language tards/noobs over at tardtalk ?
davout: nah, bad_duck is doing it now
mircea_popescu: well... can't be 16 forever.
davout: anyway, i had a look around yesterday about deterministic signatures, and didn't find anything regarding the official cult position
mircea_popescu: what are you trying to fix, the atrocious gpg malleability issues ?
davout: nah, i was trying to figure out exactly, at what points should sane software accept user-generated entropy
mircea_popescu: this is actually an excellent question.
assbot: Logged on 18-09-2015 20:57:58; mircea_popescu: any program which allows for the attacker to read in any sense the rng is not necessarily owning the box, but necessarily not part of the not-owning-the-box set either
assbot: Logged on 08-12-2014 23:27:03; punkman: from linked paper: "The analysis is very disturbing: it appears that the bitcoin core client has NOT yet finalized the process of several security upgrades which propose a solution to this problem (deterministic random generation) event though a first solution was already submitted in January 2013"
mircea_popescu: A LOT more research is needed before the cult will be happy with the cult's own understanding of what RNG even fucking means (ie, stands for) in a computing environment.
davout: punkman: i shall read it, tyvm
davout: mircea_popescu: yeah well, basically, the intuitive understanding i reached, is that unless your computer is behaving like a dumb calculator, something is wrong
davout: in the sense that, if you depend on it for 'generating' random numbers, as opposed to simply behaving like a strictly deterministic machine, you're fuxxored
mircea_popescu: yeah. you know what's wrong ? that you want to fuck it, is what's wrong. sadly, there's not going to be any solution to people wnating to fuck their computers.
mircea_popescu: so we're stuck figuring out the rng issues.
davout: i want to fuck my computer?
mircea_popescu: calling a computer "a box" is perhaps the most telling of all freudian seepage ever.
mircea_popescu: you are NOT content with it being a simple calculator. it gotta wear fucking heels and lipstick for you.
mircea_popescu: you want to play fucking games and whatnot.
mircea_popescu: you want to fuck your computer, that's all there is to it.
davout: lolwut
mircea_popescu: i'm actually serious, tho it sounds pretty nutty.
mircea_popescu: the usecases for "computer" precludes the calculator model, let's put it this way.
mircea_popescu: and i'm not judging anyone for wanting to fuck their box. i understand the impulse, and hey, it beats trying to fuck your station wagon. or mains socket.
davout: you're the one doing the freudian slips tho
mircea_popescu: probably. where ?
davout: the box thing
mircea_popescu: why do you suppose it is we don't all run dos ?
mircea_popescu: "not good enough". really ? not good enough for what ? "networking!!1". o ?
mircea_popescu: i got a perfectly fine thinkpad, asciilifeform doesn't think much of it as a... what's he call it, "workstation girlfriend" ?
mircea_popescu: "sure, if you're mp you can get by with this, but..."
davout: i'm not saying that being a calculator should be the alpha and omega of computing, just that for crypto purposes it's probably better to not think of a RNG as something acceptable
mircea_popescu: well, acceptable or not im pretty much persuaded it's something that must be in there.
davout: the RNG in the computer?
mircea_popescu: but the more interesting question is twinfold : a) why would you not think of a calculator as the omega of computing and b) what would be the omega of computing then ?
mircea_popescu: b) is obviously "a girlfriend that's also god". of course.
mircea_popescu: davout yeah the rng.
mircea_popescu: (also, the RNG content of a computer is not strictly found in a box labeled such).
mircea_popescu: anyway, all this aside : digging out the whole rng story is a huge hot core of useful, important inquiry.
davout: i don't really see why there should be only one kind of computer
mircea_popescu: or, for that matter, only one kind of state.
davout: mebbe
mircea_popescu: "most hot chicks, in order to be hot, copy something a celebrity wears; remember the Rachel-do? No problem, they look hot in it; but their delusion is that they are referencing Jennifer Aniston and not the millions of other women with the exact same haircut, i.e. that they draw their identity only from the celebrity's identity-- "This look really says me!" Yet sit along the wall of the bar and the conclusion is inevi
mircea_popescu: table: yes, you're hot, but you don't look like Rachel, you look like the other hot chick right next to you. And, bafflingly, you did it on purpose."
mircea_popescu: globalization's a thing. market competition is a thing. there will be always a dominant type of anything.
mircea_popescu: and generally, the more power, the more power law.
mircea_popescu: the reason there existed ten thousand types of typewriter and exactly one ibm xt is that typewriters suck.
mircea_popescu: "That's the difference between Wikileaks and the regular press. For the reporter, climate change is not a scientific question, or else it wouldn't matter what cables get released. It's a political one, in which competing narratives are bolstered by circumstantial evidence and appeals to authority and control of the debate." << epic. from http://thelastpsychiatrist.com/2011/05/3_important_things_about_the_n.html
assbot: The Last Psychiatrist: 3 Important Things About The New Wikileaks Controversy ... ( http://bit.ly/1LDHYew )
mircea_popescu: wherein tlp sides with alf in the alf-mp debate over assange/wikileaks etc, but wherein tlp also SHOWS (do, don't tell!) the fundamental weakness of that position. "oh truth without context isn't truth [and let's not mention how this is only because our science isn't actually science - if it were this problem wouldn't exist, but since it isn't then NECESSARILY wikileaks can only be true]".
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5783 @ 0.00054488 = 3.151 BTC [+]
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-10-2015#1310480 << substitute 'human compiler' for 'programmer' and suddenly it all makes sense...
assbot: Logged on 29-10-2015 06:35:59; mircea_popescu: "conscientiousness", really ? might as well score 19yo hussies by their understanding of the theses of the 18th congress.
asciilifeform: yes, man doing the job of a machine because he is cheaper than the requisite machine - like the barge-men of the volga, pulling the rope with their own muscle, were cheaper than mules - needs to be 'conscientious'
assbot: Loper OS » Steam Lisp ... ( http://bit.ly/1PWqkWp )
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-10-2015#1310319 << how's this work? tlp is not a cocooned insect / teenage gurl, waiting to transform into some other type of creature, but - at least if his writing is any clue - a grown man with many-figured bills to pay.
assbot: Logged on 29-10-2015 03:35:30; mircea_popescu: asciilifeform the reason this putative is seemingly without answer is because it is castrated. what tlp would do if he realised what's wrong with his head depends on WHY HE REALISED. what would the pubescent girl do if she matured ? nothing the pubescent girl can do BECAUSE maturation is DRIVEN by the VERY DEED! once she finds a boy she loves she will both be a woman and know what to do ; once tlp AC
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-10-2015#1310341 << dan mocsny got there first. (along with prolly every single fella who took the pill, knowing the secret of the why.)
assbot: Logged on 29-10-2015 04:14:23; BingoBoingo: "The first reason was that woman's abdominal body fat decreased their own sexual desire on a hormonal level, which would hamper libido. The second reason could be that men simply found slimmer women more attractive and thus had fewer problems in the bedroom."
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-10-2015#1310642 << phun phakt - if you have children in usaschwitz, and aren't rich - this is SOP and there is FUCK you can do about it
assbot: Logged on 29-10-2015 07:47:18; mircea_popescu: "0. The diagnosis will make the parents want to try and help the child. This is axiomatic. No parent with access to services will be told their kid has a diagnosis of "PDD" or Asperger's and say, "not interested, let's wait a few years and see how this goes." Once a diagnosis is made, the psychiatric juggernaut is activated. " << no MOTHER.
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-10-2015#1310644 << goes great with mircea_popescu's 'everyone thinks he's a baron now' thing
assbot: Logged on 29-10-2015 08:10:57; punkman: https://www.nobilified.com/
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-10-2015#1310695 << basic idea: go and try to actually TEST, e.g., gpg key generator. as in, deterministically. this is nontrivial - gotta saw off the entropy collector and replace with something.
assbot: Logged on 29-10-2015 09:27:34; mircea_popescu: what are you trying to fix, the atrocious gpg malleability issues ?
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-10-2015#1310702 << i don't regard the subject as a box of mysteries.
assbot: Logged on 29-10-2015 09:30:04; mircea_popescu: A LOT more research is needed before the cult will be happy with the cult's own understanding of what RNG even fucking means (ie, stands for) in a computing environment.
assbot: Logged on 25-11-2013 03:41:29; asciilifeform: the essential, non-negotiable property of an rng suitable for crypto is that its output must not be readily available to the enemy.
asciilifeform: there is the basic truth, and there is, on top of it, a massive 'field' of exercises in self-delusion (e.g., 'whitening.')
asciilifeform: that's pretty much it.
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-10-2015#1310704 << the n00b put in front of von neumann machine is told that the deterministic circuits will behave... well, deterministically. then five minutes later he learns about threads and the scheduler, and then never believes anyone again..
assbot: Logged on 29-10-2015 09:30:47; davout: mircea_popescu: yeah well, basically, the intuitive understanding i reached, is that unless your computer is behaving like a dumb calculator, something is wrong
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-10-2015#1310723 << your thinkpad is faster than half of the machines in the room from which i'm posting. but 'workstation' has specific meaning.
assbot: Logged on 29-10-2015 09:39:35; mircea_popescu: i got a perfectly fine thinkpad, asciilifeform doesn't think much of it as a... what's he call it, "workstation girlfriend" ?
assbot: Logged on 29-10-2015 09:39:46; mircea_popescu: "sure, if you're mp you can get by with this, but..."
asciilifeform: how much of his life does mircea_popescu spend waiting for compiles? for numbers to crunch? and i specifically mean WAITING FOR A MACHINE not for a human operator to get his shit together
asciilifeform: ~this~ is part of what 'workstation' means. minimizing the hours of your life BURNED waiting for a cpu.
asciilifeform: the other half of what it means is NUKING as much as possible of the share of your life spent waiting for your hands to move viewports around, and the like.
asciilifeform: this means a ROOM full of displays if you can swing it
asciilifeform: and the requisite hardware to drive it.
asciilifeform: i still recall the days when a developer would spend an hour a day WAITING FOR REBOOTS
asciilifeform: because the box COULD CRASH
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: ^ THIS is why not msdos.
asciilifeform: if for no other reason.
asciilifeform: though perhaps this is a good time to remind people that a sane computer would look quite like an msdos box in some ways
asciilifeform: e.g., if you can have 48 'cores' there is NO REASON TO HAVE A SCHEDULER
asciilifeform: just populate them with whatever needs to be running, ever. preferably at boot.
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-10-2015#1310745 << i read this piece but do not grasp how it relates to my position on *leaks
assbot: Logged on 29-10-2015 09:59:49; mircea_popescu: wherein tlp sides with alf in the alf-mp debate over assange/wikileaks etc, but wherein tlp also SHOWS (do, don't tell!) the fundamental weakness of that position. "oh truth without context isn't truth [and let's not mention how this is only because our science isn't actually science - if it were this problem wouldn't exist, but since it isn't then NECESSARILY wikileaks can only be true]".
thestringpuller: ;;later tell ben_vulpes via a series of tubes
gribble: The operation succeeded.
asciilifeform: (which is, roughly, that the 'leaks' thus far are 1% good stuff - e.g., the ANT catalogue, the ECI directorates list, and that's pretty much IT - while the remainder is 9 parts cheapo operational garbage to 1 part deliberate disinfo)
asciilifeform: nothing in there about 'context'.
assbot: Logged on 29-10-2015 09:46:02; davout: i don't really see why there should be only one kind of computer
asciilifeform: a ~workstation~ is one particular kind. and it means different things to different people, yes.
asciilifeform: e.g., to walk the blockchain, verify a raid array 24/7 in a loop, handle six parallel compiles; store and play the correct bach fugue depending on what emacs modeline is set; etc.
asciilifeform: it is not, i will note, essential that all of these things happen on the ~same~ cpu
asciilifeform: but if they do not, then the ~constellation~ of machines on which they happen, or at the very least, their control panels, are to then be called 'the workstation'.
davout: "store and play the correct bach fugue depending on what emacs modeline is set" <<< i thought emacs could *generate* bach fugues
assbot: Overtone - Collaborative Programmable Music ... ( http://bit.ly/1LEbaSH )
vulpes_a_hopital: wankery aside, it's a nifty interface to the engine
vulpes_a_hopital: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-10-2015#1310756 << perhaps i lose sight of what it is to "be rich", but all one must do is...not send the kids off to socialist day camp.
assbot: Logged on 29-10-2015 13:47:54; asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-10-2015#1310642 << phun phakt - if you have children in usaschwitz, and aren't rich - this is SOP and there is FUCK you can do about it
davout: vulpes_a_hopital: lol nice, the cheatsheet is like 4 pages long !1
vulpes_a_hopital: davout: learning to play that software is a pretty long journey
davout: looks like it
phf: hipster programmer, hates github, goes to github to read package documentation
phf: vulpes_a_hopital: edi weitz's code only recently got its own github repos when others took over the maintenance (mostly to ensure that it can be packaged into quicklisp). but a canonical place for cl-ppcre (and a handful of other lisp packages for doing "modern" programming) is http://weitz.de/lisp.html
assbot: Edi Weitz - Common Lisp code ... ( http://bit.ly/1PSL9D8 )
davout: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-10-2015#1310797 <<< its gay if panels are touching. i think you could hardly consider parts actually isolated from each other if they're in physical proximity
assbot: Logged on 29-10-2015 14:20:46; asciilifeform: but if they do not, then the ~constellation~ of machines on which they happen, or at the very least, their control panels, are to then be called 'the workstation'.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 37427 @ 0.00054521 = 20.4056 BTC [+] {3}
thestringpuller: !gettrust jgarzik
assbot: Trust relationship from user thestringpuller to user jgarzik: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. |http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/trust/?from=thestringpuller&to=jgarzik | http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/user/jgarzik/
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 55350 @ 0.00054275 = 30.0412 BTC [-] {4}
asciilifeform: !up ascii_field
assbot: Logged on 29-10-2015 14:27:14; vulpes_a_hopital: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-10-2015#1310756 << perhaps i lose sight of what it is to "be rich", but all one must do is...not send the kids off to socialist day camp.
ascii_field: (supposing that you're not a mexican peasant who can harness them to the plough when they're six y.o.)
ascii_field: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-10-2015#1310811 << if your shit is all plugged into the same mains breaker without isolation transformers you're equally incestuous...
assbot: Logged on 29-10-2015 15:17:46; davout: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-10-2015#1310797 <<< its gay if panels are touching. i think you could hardly consider parts actually isolated from each other if they're in physical proximity
ascii_field: in other nyooz, for mircea_popescu et al, https://i.imgur.com/YHdmZTP.jpg
davout: ascii_field: agreed
davout: so today, i had a customer complain by e-mail that he had trouble getting in front of everyone in the order book, and that it was a bad experience
davout: because some bot kept... getting in front of him
davout: "ohai, i'm trying to do X, and i get frustrated because someone automated X and is therefore doing it better than me, pls to change the rules accordingly"
pete_dushenski: rage against the machine (tm) (r)
pete_dushenski: 'they took ur jobs !'
davout: "In my humble opinion: these bots create a false market. They represent institutional greed offering no substantial increase in value per point nor do they offer any noticeable increase in liquidity. I also believe that they will chase your average human customers away, who like us, were trying to get the best price we could while at least trying to offer a better market"
punkman: davout: do the bots rapidly cancel orders?
assbot: What the market is and what it isn’t. | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( http://bit.ly/1NDjm6j )
davout: punkman: not really
pete_dushenski: 'if a market isn't fair and equally distributive for all participants, it's not a market'
davout: pete_dushenski: lol, nice new pic!
pete_dushenski: davout: i think your besuited linkedin pic subconsciously inspired it
davout: #b-a is getting all corporate and shit I guess
pete_dushenski: !up ascii_field
pete_dushenski: davout: as long as we don't all have to wear ibm blue corporate suits and plain white shirts ;)
pete_dushenski: and in further 'let's all get along mkay'/'#b-a attitude is mean' news, some more lulzy comments in my direction from that (not so) random car blog :
pete_dushenski: "Pete seems to think that by attacking any and everything that many people hold dear, he is showing himself a free thinker who is exposing hypocrisy. But I think jz78817 provides a much clearer and simpler explanation of the behavior: total @ss-holeness, used as a defense mechanism for a total inability to get along with most, if not all, people."
deedbot-: [BitBet Bets Bets] 2.50000000 BTC on 'Yes' - Bitcoin to top $600 before Jan 2016 - http://bitbet.us/bet/1216/bitcoin-to-top-600-before-jan-2016/#b25
pete_dushenski: "And if Pete’s ego gets fueled by what he might consider success in waging his “social experiments” amongst your other followers, I would expect that, like bad money driving out good, too much Pete D will result in a decline in participation by others who manage to take different viewpoints, and disagree, while not finding it necessary to insult each other, people’s countries, their religions, the attrac
pete_dushenski: tiveness of their children, and any and every other thing that might qualify as a button to press."
pete_dushenski: "To bad there isn’t such a thing as intellectual rugby…I would gladly try to field a team from people I have know, and let Pete do the same, and watch his eagle @ss get stomped into the ground before he could ever gain any altitude."
davout: which conveniently boils down to "we need safe spaces to stop these micro-agressions"
ascii_field: since pete_dushenski is awake, i suppose i ought to try to explain to him whatever it is that he doesn't seem to grasp re: my being a slave.
pete_dushenski: davout: thus, facebook was born
pete_dushenski: ascii_field: shoot
ascii_field: let's start with the basics
davout: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-10-2015#1310847 <<< because obviously the team will happily be my personal army and not simply take my gf and point at me laughing
assbot: Logged on 29-10-2015 17:05:11; pete_dushenski: "To bad there isn’t such a thing as intellectual rugby…I would gladly try to field a team from people I have know, and let Pete do the same, and watch his eagle @ss get stomped into the ground before he could ever gain any altitude."
ascii_field: how did pete_dushenski arrive at the notion that i was ~not~ a slave ?
pete_dushenski: davout: lol commenter dood can't even imagine such a thing !
ascii_field: is it because i get to post weird shit on the net ?
pete_dushenski: ascii_field: never said you weren't, just that perhaps you're an upper class slave ?
ascii_field: newzflash: sometimes slaves are permitted their slave derpitudes in their cabins on plantation.
ascii_field: there is no such thing as 'upper class slave'
ascii_field: today i am permitted things, tomorrow - perhaps not
davout: ascii_field: after reading a bit about ancient rome i have to disagree
ascii_field: roman slavery has very little to do with the modern variety.
gribble: The operation succeeded.
davout: it was explicit, but i'd be curious to hear more about how it's in effect different
davout: other than today's slavery being implicit
assbot: Logged on 22-10-2015 16:54:16; ascii_field: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=22-10-2015#1305362 << nobody abolished slavery, ever. but a few generations of ascendant industrial degenerates ~did~ find a way to dispense with the parts they disliked - the ones where you have to actually care for your pets
davout: that doesn't mean there's no hierarchy among slaves
ascii_field: there can be no ~stable~ hierarchy among them.
ascii_field: master can lower any slave into pederasty when he likes.
pete_dushenski: there can be no stable hierarchy. anywhere.
pete_dushenski: anytime.
davout: this.
ascii_field: idk, e.g., mircea_popescu's place above, e.g., mine, is pretty stable
deedbot-: [BitBet Bets Bets] 1.00007458 BTC on 'Yes' - Bitcoin to top $400 before January 2016 - http://bitbet.us/bet/1170/bitcoin-to-top-400-before-january-2016/#b32
pete_dushenski: ascii_field: but you're not both slaves, nor both masters
ascii_field: well yes
ascii_field: my point is that 'anytime anywhere' is fucking nonsense
pete_dushenski: no one's saying that there isn't a fair degree of stability inter-class, rather intra-
ascii_field: some hierarchies are geologically stable.
pete_dushenski: that's a different argument than 'all slaves are low class slaves'
pete_dushenski: there are gradations in all things, classes idem
pete_dushenski: which is why some slaves become free-men, some don't
ascii_field: the basic idea in being a slave,
ascii_field: is that you DON'T HAVE CONTROL
ascii_field: over what happens to you.
davout: ascii_field: you do have a fair level of control i'd say
pete_dushenski: ascii_field: you see that this would be a largely, if not completely, personal assessment ?
ascii_field: it is a pretty objective thing.
pete_dushenski: yes, if someone has life and death control over you
pete_dushenski: as in, bullet
davout: and note that i'm extremely unqualified to speak on the subject, but it seems to me that as long as you behave, you don't get beaten up
ascii_field: or as in can't-make-rent
pete_dushenski: can't-make-rent means foodstamps and midnight line-ups at walmart
ascii_field: davout: ANY TIME i can end up in the position of having to do ANYTHING, how the fuck is this so hard to grasp
pete_dushenski: not death
pete_dushenski: 'but it feels like death'
pete_dushenski: ^wouldn't be terribly objective now would it
ascii_field: pete_dushenski: the subtraction of EVERYTHING that you care about from your life is different from death how?
pete_dushenski: in the material. breathing+heart beating = life.
davout: ascii_field: i guess i fail to see how, unless at gun point obv.
ascii_field: pete_dushenski: being places in a position where you can no longer meet your WoT obligations differs from death how ?!
ascii_field: *placed
pete_dushenski: this is no different than the position of the 'master' y'know
pete_dushenski: upper class too
ascii_field: are you on lsd, pete_dushenski ?
pete_dushenski: one of us is !
davout: lol
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 52937 @ 0.00054589 = 28.8978 BTC [+] {2}
pete_dushenski: https://poloniex.com/exchange#btc_eth << heh. ginormous dead cat bounce.
assbot: Poloniex - Bitcoin/Cryptocurrency Exchange ... ( http://bit.ly/20dwg1O )
pete_dushenski: never surrender !
pete_dushenski: https://bitbet.us/bet/1198/connor-mcdavid-will-live-up-to-the-hype/ << 10 points in 10 games. right on track for upset in 82 game season.
assbot: BitBet - Connor McDavid will live up to the hype :: 0.2 B (12%) on Yes, 1.41 B (88%) on No | closing in 3 months 3 days | weight: 73`290 (100`000 to 25`000) ... ( http://bit.ly/1VKaf7t )
pete_dushenski: may be of interest to gabrielradio^
pete_dushenski: ;;later tell gabrielradio have you seen this one ? http://trilema.com/2009/insarcinati-va
assbot: Insarcinati-va! on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/20dwGoP )
gribble: The operation succeeded.
pete_dushenski: !up ascii_field
assbot: How to tell if you’re middle class. | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( http://bit.ly/20dwNAS )
gribble: The operation succeeded.
mircea_popescu: o look, a log.
assbot: Logged on 29-10-2015 07:47:35; mircea_popescu: that's why the fuck there are two parents : so they're not both mothers, and so that one of them says exactly that, and on occasion actually prevails.
assbot: Billion Dollar Blimp Brings Destruction | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/20dxLwP )
assbot: Logged on 29-10-2015 08:33:50; mircea_popescu: (which is code for, you publicly humiliate them. that's the worst that can happen to a wanna-be journo. and in 2015 there exists nothing other than wanna-be in that biz.)
mircea_popescu: !up gares_
mircea_popescu: !up Garmin
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-10-2015#1310749 << not to mention hotter. I suspect the next step, 5th wave feminism, will consist on rounding up some men and making them pull barges for this benefit.
assbot: Logged on 29-10-2015 13:42:07; asciilifeform: yes, man doing the job of a machine because he is cheaper than the requisite machine - like the barge-men of the volga, pulling the rope with their own muscle, were cheaper than mules - needs to be 'conscientious'
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-10-2015#1310752 << the two can coexist. and he IS a coccooned girl in many aspects
assbot: Logged on 29-10-2015 13:44:50; asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-10-2015#1310319 << how's this work? tlp is not a cocooned insect / teenage gurl, waiting to transform into some other type of creature, but - at least if his writing is any clue - a grown man with many-figured bills to pay.
assbot: Google Fiber apologizes for outage at World Series start, cites server problems | The Kansas City Star ... ( http://bit.ly/20dzcLS )
thestringpuller: BingoBoingo: http://qntra.net/2015/10/interview-with-david-francois-on-building-a-real-bitcoin-business/#comment-71571 << should would enable stupid? or let him reread the article a few times until he finds the link.
mircea_popescu: this "if only i won a war - then i'd be adult, which means with *women*, too" thing boys keep doing doth not work irl. yes, he's adult, he pays bills. he has all the weird of a 15yo girl in relation to the one year older "WHORES!!!! SLUTS!!!!" as in for instance http://thelastpsychiatrist.com/2011/06/an_education.html
assbot: The Last Psychiatrist: An Education ... ( http://bit.ly/20dzaU1 )
mircea_popescu: omaigerd anyone who would invite a 16yo into life is a psychopath!!1. which really masks "omaygerd being 16 is so fucking scary!111" which he can't confront. because 15. but maybe next summer, after camp...
BingoBoingo: thestringpuller: I put it there
pete_dushenski: thestringpuller: excellent use of 'lemma' and 'palea' ;)
mircea_popescu: lol. tsp workin hard!
ascii_field: mircea_popescu: unless your intel folks told you something i don't know about tlp - his life is a pisspot because he lives and works in usaschwitz being veterinarian to the cattle, rather than because he fails to properly grasp the mechanics of 16 y.o. gurlz...
mircea_popescu: not grasp it. live it.
mircea_popescu: there is a difference.
mircea_popescu: i grasp flight and lo can not fly, either
mircea_popescu: is this because i live in argentina, where no one flies ?
ascii_field: what does this 'live it' look like in practical engineering terms ?
mircea_popescu: is it because i eat the tainted food of argentines, who are the sort of people who don't fly, and probably for a reason ?
mircea_popescu: if only i had better food! like say blue food. who hid all the blue food ?
mircea_popescu: ascii_field live it looks like nothing in "practical, engineering terms" of people who do not, for that very reason. what does a mechanism that will allow you to step on the moon look in practical terms, of chairs and stacking strategies ?
ascii_field: ^ this is precisely what i was trying to say !
mircea_popescu: so then there we go!
Garmin: thanks for the up
pete_dushenski: Garmin: are you a gps-bot ?
mircea_popescu: !up RBLP
Garmin: nope, ima human meat bot lol
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-10-2015#1310758 << speaking of which, i would ~love~ to find thatarticle where i explain that's the problem of fertility and marriage, that society can't afford to pay these delusional baronets what it used to pay the actual ones to mount woman.
assbot: Logged on 29-10-2015 13:48:58; asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-10-2015#1310644 << goes great with mircea_popescu's 'everyone thinks he's a baron now' thing
mircea_popescu: dja recall it ascii_field ?
pete_dushenski: Garmin: and what brings your meatness here this fine day ?
ascii_field: most recently in one with 'insanity' in the title iirc
shinohai: Don't believe him, Garmin resides in my radio
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-10-2015#1310760 << would be VERY useful to fuzz the shit out of it, and actually we'd be doing this if gpg weren't slated for removal. trivial to instrument, replace /urand with a counter and let it run and compare the output.
assbot: Logged on 29-10-2015 13:53:11; asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-10-2015#1310695 << basic idea: go and try to actually TEST, e.g., gpg key generator. as in, deterministically. this is nontrivial - gotta saw off the entropy collector and replace with something.
pete_dushenski: shinohai: in your gabrielradio ?
mircea_popescu: ascii_field no months ago. maybe year+
ascii_field: mircea_popescu: i have done this, fwiw.
ascii_field: and many other things.
mircea_popescu: to any notable result ?
ascii_field: if i had a notable result, i might have posted it, no?
mircea_popescu: makes two of us.
mircea_popescu: all the work and expense that goes into not saying anything at all...
ascii_field: as it is, nobody gives a fuck about 'i have done this' and this is proper.
Garmin: pete_dushenski < is tricked by shinohai meat bot AI =)
ascii_field: 99.9% of what i do - never mentioned
ascii_field: because why?!
mircea_popescu: i do better than that, because sex.
mircea_popescu: but still, 80% ?
ascii_field doesn't post the sex either
ascii_field: except perhaps for that endoscope pic
mircea_popescu: same reason ?
mircea_popescu: kay hehe.
ascii_field: why share the things that compress so well with prior art.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-10-2015#1310766 << the problem is wider than just "what's a good rng" or even acceptable conceptually "As rng". such as, "why is one there ?"
assbot: Logged on 29-10-2015 13:57:12; asciilifeform: there is the basic truth, and there is, on top of it, a massive 'field' of exercises in self-delusion (e.g., 'whitening.')
ascii_field: iirc i discussed this at great length
ascii_field: (re: how rng-ness is not a mathematical property of the bits, etc.)
mircea_popescu: and we will be discussing it at length in the future.
ascii_field: for some reason some people find the idea a very tough nut
mircea_popescu: rng is imo least understood part of the box. a sort of equivalent of magnetism in physics.
asciilifeform: !up ascii_field
assbot: Logged on 29-10-2015 14:00:48; asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-10-2015#1310724 << MP DOES NOT WRITE SOFTWARE
ascii_field: rng is merely ~one~ way to perform the function that it is for
mircea_popescu: it's not fucking hardware, is it ?
ascii_field: trilema is text.
mircea_popescu: what is this "text" ?
ascii_field puts on sophistry gas mask with fresh canister
ascii_field: hssssshsh.
ascii_field: khhhh.
mircea_popescu: it is my fault you use words like fucking Vogue ?
deedbot-: [Qntra] Google Fiber Dissapoints First City to Host Service - http://qntra.net/2015/10/google-fiber-dissapoints-first-city-to-host-service/
ascii_field: 'text' doesn't need to satisfy a compiler.
mircea_popescu: the ~ reason ~ "programming" decayed into its present shape IS THAT there is no difference to be had.
mircea_popescu: this sort of thing is what i MEAN when i say "understand rng".
mircea_popescu: nobody "in computing" seems to have understood or even wanted to think about "wtf is this text"
mircea_popescu: ascii_field then trilema isn't text.
ascii_field: let's do the basics then/
ascii_field: can describe 'text' as a program as well. simply with much larger valid phase space.
mircea_popescu: and what is "larger"
mircea_popescu: is this a hilbert hotel sort of faux larger ?
mircea_popescu: did you count alphs ? do you have a definition of alephs ?
mircea_popescu: do not speak to me without backing, for i will eat your words.
ascii_field: simply that is is a program for a certain kind of apparatus, where the instructions correspond to throwing glyphs on a display
mircea_popescu: a "kind" ? what kind.
mircea_popescu: computers are a kind now ?
ascii_field: the kind that takes octets and turns'em into glyphs ?
ascii_field: (e.g., a vt100)
assbot: Logged on 29-10-2015 13:58:56; asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-10-2015#1310704 << the n00b put in front of von neumann machine is told that the deterministic circuits will behave... well, deterministically. then five minutes later he learns about threads and the scheduler, and then never believes anyone again..
BingoBoingo kinda with alf in that Trilema text kinda needs compiled after reading to really be understood.
ascii_field: before any of this, it was a 'program' for an ibm selectric
mircea_popescu: octets ftr simply means "numbers under 256". as if.
ascii_field: originally sextets, iirc
ascii_field: (64 hammers)
mircea_popescu: what, if you arbitrarily chunk content into "humbers under 256" you've now done something ?
mircea_popescu: is 1 an octet ?
ascii_field: but 000001 is.
ascii_field: rather 00000001
mircea_popescu: o i see. nominalism gonna save you from the buttrape ?
mircea_popescu: "by the power invested in me i hereby call him my 00000boyfriend! all is well now!"
ascii_field: what 'nominalism', it's a physical recipe to make the correct hammer fall
ascii_field: because apparently it is 1948 again and we need to
ascii_field: (those in question.)
ascii_field: recall the thread about the line feed characters ?
ascii_field: we are still emulating the vt100, which in turn emulated this simple machine, telex.
mircea_popescu: hey, you wanted it to be 1948 again
mircea_popescu: remember ?
ascii_field: though telex existed in the 30s, there are nazi examples preserved
ascii_field: so we can go there if we like. or to van kempelen's musical boxes if we must.
mircea_popescu: what, definition by example ?
mircea_popescu: that's how we got in the fucking mess in the first place, if that's all you wqanna do how about we just microsoft.
ascii_field: what would a mircea_popescu-spec definition look like ?
mircea_popescu: dude if i knew i'd know and say something.
ascii_field: and what better example can there be of illustration of the concept of 'program' than a music box ?
mircea_popescu: forget illustrating
mircea_popescu: i thought you wanted to proceed correctly.
mircea_popescu: rather than the quick new jersey hacks
ascii_field: what is missing ?
mircea_popescu: provable, yes ?
mircea_popescu: you could start with having actual definitions.
mircea_popescu: as opposed to illustrating what you see of the world with examples.
mircea_popescu: the problem of examples (symbols, generally, whichy is what they are) is that everyone looking at them understands their own thing.
mircea_popescu: whichy is how "EVERYONE" loved obama in 2009 and everyone hated him in 2011.
mircea_popescu: what, he changed ?
ascii_field: what's wrong with, e.g., 'program' == 'sequence of symbols, each of which corresponds to one particular action'
mircea_popescu: that then you want to exclude trilema.
ascii_field: and yes, this is a kindergarten summary, and yes, if somebody pays for it, i can go and teach 'theory of computation' where we do 'symbol', 'language', 'formal automaton', etc. as rigorously as we want
mircea_popescu: for starters.
ascii_field: to rigor mortis if we like
mircea_popescu: wait, you're going back to the old paradigms ?
mircea_popescu: again : if you're willing to do that TO BE SAVED from adversity in the field, why even bother taking the field! just continue the paradigm.
ascii_field: we can do any isomorphism we want - wanna do church numerals?
ascii_field: peano arithm?
mircea_popescu: i dunno dude. maybe we do. do you know ?
ascii_field: depends what kind of nut we want to crack, no ?
mircea_popescu: doesn't seem we have a good idea of that, either.
mircea_popescu: damned thing keeps changing, we started wanting to fix bitcoin
mircea_popescu shall bbl.
assbot: Riksbank increasing QE in Sweden - Business Insider ... ( http://bit.ly/20dK38k )
deedbot-: [Qntra] Judge Orders Dotcom Begin Extradition Defense Monday - http://qntra.net/2015/10/judge-orders-dotcom-begin-extradition-defense-monday/
deedbot-: [Qntra] Game Bug Makes 12 GB RAM Required on Windows 10 - http://qntra.net/2015/10/game-bug-makes-12-gb-ram-required-on-windows-10/
deedbot-: [Qntra] Illinois Universities Follow State in Credit Rating Freefall - http://qntra.net/2015/10/illinois-universities-follow-state-in-credit-rating-freefall/
BingoBoingo: Fiat world is really suffering today
jurov: BingoBoingo: how is the batman exceptional?
thestringpuller: jurov: the character or the game?
jurov: the game, so it deserves qntra mention
thestringpuller: the game is unplayable on windows
thestringpuller: cause it isn't optimized for PC
jurov: if it had linux port, it could excessively swap or crash the kernel via gpu turd, too
jurov: so you said every failed port is now qntrable?
thestringpuller: good point. dunno.
jurov: and saying that vuln in truecrypt management utility makes whole thing "fatally flawed to an unusable extent" is...
jurov: just an artistic licensa
jurov: *licence
mircea_popescu: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monomyth << check it out, a wikipedia article that's not terrible.
assbot: Monomyth - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... ( http://bit.ly/1inc1fV )
mircea_popescu: mostly on the grounds of being 100% stolen from cambell and co, but anyway.
jurov: if BingoBoingo aims to demask sordid state of the IT "industry", describing the intel mandatory rootkit would do more than failed windows port of some obscure game
mircea_popescu: gotta start somewhere tho.
jurov: guess i should learn to submit such bits while they're hot myself
mircea_popescu: can't hurt.
mircea_popescu: Campbell: "Atonement consists in no more than the abandonment of that self-generated double monster—the dragon thought to be God (superego) and the dragon thought to be Sin (repressed id). But this requires an abandonment of the attachment to ego itself, and that is what is difficult. One must have a faith that the father is merciful, and then a reliance on that mercy. Therewith, the center of belief is transferred o
mircea_popescu: utside of the bedeviling god's tight scaly ring, and the dreadful ogres dissolve. It is in this ordeal that the hero may derive hope and assurance from the helpful female figure, by whose magic (pollen charms or power of intercession) he is protected through all the frightening experiences of the father's ego-shattering initiation. For if it is impossible to trust the terrifying father-face, then one's faith must be ce
mircea_popescu: ntered elsewhere (Spider Woman, Blessed Mother); and with that reliance for support, one endures the crisis—only to find, in the end, that the father and mother reflect each other, and are in essence the same. The problem of the hero going to meet the father is to open his soul beyond terror to such a degree that he will be ripe to understand how the sickening and insane tragedies of this vast and ruthless cosmos are
mircea_popescu: completely validated in the majesty of Being. The hero transcends life with its peculiar blind spot and for a moment rises to a glimpse of the source. He beholds the face of the father, understands—and the two are atoned."
asciilifeform: !up ascii_field
ascii_field: jurov: intel's rootkit unfortunately in no way qualifies as nyooz
ascii_field: now, if, e.g., jurov dusted off his electron microscope & reversed the blob, ~that~ could be nyooz
jurov: oh, i have electron microscope?
ascii_field: supposing!
ascii_field: the interesting bit is that the 'me' turd is not encrypted in the usual sense of the word
ascii_field: but merely compressed - with an unknown dictionary (the latter, in mask rom)
ascii_field: conceivably one could determine the actual instructions executed by the me coprocessor with dpa
mircea_popescu: now that would be news.
mircea_popescu: publish that, let me get my money's forth for all the "bulletproof" bs qntra is on.
ascii_field: if someone pays for this to happen - it will happen. right here on my desk
ascii_field: but it's a bit thick for 'after dinner hack.'
jurov: !up STRML_
jurov: how much?
ascii_field: more than anyone wants to pay for this.
jurov: what if S.NSA would wish to?
ascii_field: i'd put together a formal quote if i had the least reason to think anyone seriously were asking.
ascii_field: jurov: we're talking about 6 mo. to a year of full time wizardry.
ascii_field: approximately.
mircea_popescu: ascii_field what does it cost to happen iyo ?
mircea_popescu: ah so like 50k sorta thing ?
ascii_field: no fewer than 100k.
mircea_popescu: 6 months, tax free, self directed costs more than one year, pre tax, have to commute sort of job ?
ascii_field: costs same.
ascii_field: i must also point out, out of ordinary scientific integrity, that there could be no guarantee of finding buried treasure in that blob.
ascii_field: could be that it is merely a placeholder.
jurov: btw, sounds weird to me that no one'd pay 100k to try for such potential treasure
mircea_popescu: obviously this is a discussion at the wrong end of "everything costs more and takes longer" type of process.
ascii_field: or makes use of further, inner obfuscations yet unknown.
mircea_popescu: jurov why ?
ascii_field: it is a discussion of a very unlikely thing. i can't picture why anybody would order this.
BingoBoingo: <jurov> BingoBoingo: how is the batman exceptional? << Dollars sunk into broken software.
mircea_popescu: you are essentially going "i wonder why nobody at the all-girls catholic school is willing to have sex in exchange of footage of other girls in the shower".
BingoBoingo: <jurov> if BingoBoingo aims to demask sordid state of the IT "industry", describing the intel mandatory rootkit would do more than failed windows port of some obscure game << This has to go "bigger"
mircea_popescu: wh ythe fuck would they ?! they need to see another cunt like you need a hair in your yoghurt
BingoBoingo: <jurov> guess i should learn to submit such bits while they're hot myself << Please do.
ascii_field: mircea_popescu is correct
mircea_popescu: all the derps that this'd be interesting to are essentially on the same side of the same market : wanna make money (sex) out of their "skillz" (having a cunt)
jurov: at least china would be doing it, no?
ascii_field: china has own r.e. folks.
mircea_popescu: again - everyone to whom this would be useful has own re folks.
mircea_popescu: whether they're any good or this good or good i nany sense is aside, and really not the point.
ascii_field: mircea_popescu gets it!
ascii_field: and ~now~ possibly he also gets why i am chained to my meatwot
ascii_field: and expect to starve when it gives out.
mircea_popescu: fancy that i do not.
ascii_field: you almost grasped it
mircea_popescu: think : how come i get it ?
ascii_field: notice that nobody who needs something expensively reversed needs strangers for anything
ascii_field: or am i mistaken that you noticed this, earlier.
mircea_popescu: i'm niether china nor korea nor etc.
ascii_field: because intel squad ?
mircea_popescu: but HOW COME ?
ascii_field: or possibly out of general grasp of the mechanics
mircea_popescu: see, why didn't I starve once my original meatwot gave out ?
ascii_field: because meatwizard.
mircea_popescu: how come i wasn't even there for that event ?
mircea_popescu: oh i see. in a world of lizzards and wizzards, what's a girl to do!
jurov: mircea_popescu: you have had something expensively reversed?
mircea_popescu: on occasion.
mircea_popescu: most recently, yesterday.
ascii_field: but - unsurprisingly - he has his own people for this.
ascii_field: in the same way as he has the intel dept, mircea_popescucoin squad (whoever maintains that 0.6-compat. thing), etc.
ascii_field: this is all entirely reasonable.
mircea_popescu: ascii_field the important thing here being that it is not even expensive. it's free. for me. which is a large part of the problem - medieval knights didn't get paid in cash nor did they pay cash for the fees.
ascii_field: free in the way your flat is ?
mircea_popescu: capitalism works well, but is not well suited to the tasks that feudalism requires.
ascii_field: or didja have a gurl do it, or what.
mircea_popescu: ascii_field it is complicated.
ascii_field: if you ever feel like explaining, i promise to listen.
mircea_popescu: !up hermeto
ascii_field: in case n00bz are reading this: nobody pays 100 tonnes for a reversing gig to some unknown for the same reason all 'assassination markets' are usg hoaxes
jurov: i never meant it that way
ascii_field: jurov: out of curiosity, what did you have in mind ?
jurov: i understand there must be a pool of scientists, as staff or in wot that must be reassigned to this
jurov: which pool must first exist in some form
mircea_popescu: not some form. specifically the following form : if you fail we all die.
jurov: O.o
jurov: why it cannot happen such that mossad goes to tel aviv university and places an order?
ascii_field: it could
ascii_field: but i don't work in either.
ascii_field: nobody invited me there.
mircea_popescu: jurov why can't it happen you go to neighbour's wife and place an order ?
jurov: nonsense
jurov: how is that comparable<
mircea_popescu: not how this works. if you wanna call it nonsense, show where it doesn't work.
mircea_popescu: all you need is a point.
jurov: what you describe would be mossad going to german uni
mircea_popescu: and how do they know this ?
jurov: mossad has files on all the professors?
mircea_popescu: maybe "german" is next apt building.
mircea_popescu: so what if it does ?
mircea_popescu: stalker has files on all the celebs, does that mean they're sexually intimate now ?
mircea_popescu: (i suppose the deeply lame situation of secret servicemen in this regard has escape all notice prior ?)
asciilifeform: !up ascii_field
ascii_field: jurov: one of the things to understand is that a, e.g., 100k r.e. job is really a transaction in ~silence~ far more so than in the deliverable as conceived of in this hypothetical.
ascii_field: see the old 0day market threadz, for instance.
mircea_popescu: well no, this is not even the angle here.
mircea_popescu: one of the major wins of /me style b-a governance is that it actually nulls THAT ENTIRE silence cost bs. it's in the logs.
ascii_field: who the hell would pay for 100k reversing only to have the result made public ?
mircea_popescu: (and yes, cwcd, not possible w/o bitcoin, gpg, people involved, an actual infrastructure)
mircea_popescu: ascii_field i did not say nor was it implied that i'll make it public. merely that it is had.
ascii_field: you did say 'nulls the entire silence cost bs' ?
ascii_field: or am failing to grasp what this means
mircea_popescu: there's a difference between getting to see the koh i noor and knowing lord x owns it. or, to quote popfictionikia, "Another consideration was education. Before the late 1950s and the advent of the stately home business, very few working-class people had seen the upstairs of these great houses; those that had were there only to clean and serve, with an obligation to keep their eyes down, rather than uplift them and be
mircea_popescu: educated. "
ascii_field: i'm not sure there ~is~ a difference re: e.g., an 0day
ascii_field: can't prove ownership without giving it away.
mircea_popescu: no. but in THE CASE WE'RE DISCUSSING
ascii_field: in that case likewise.
mircea_popescu: obviously no tool works for any purpose in any context.
mircea_popescu: actually, the thing is more valuable once known to exist.
jurov: i'm utterly lost on the sexual metaphor, but if mircea says no one is going to look closely to intel's silicon except under threat of death, i gotta believe him
ascii_field: but how is it to be known to outsiders ?
mircea_popescu: do you grasp this or want me to model it ?
mircea_popescu: jurov i am actually saying something very much like that, yes.
ascii_field: now i'm also lost
mircea_popescu: ascii_field outsiders are utterly a red herring. there exist no outsiders. reddit might as well not exist and everyone else reads the logs.
ascii_field: so idea is, mircea_popescu pays to have the koh-i-noor dug up, the fact of this matter is chronicled in the logz, and anyone who's anyone is to simply believe ?
mircea_popescu: let me model it for you then.
ascii_field stands up ears
mircea_popescu: situation a) item is shown theoretically to possibly exist ; situation b) item is alleged to physically exist in vaults of lord X.
mircea_popescu: in situation a, the value of item is to be calculated theoretically ; in situation b, the value of the item is "a little less than it costs me to get one myself". and it is VERY practical. because yes, you MUST keep up with the Xs.
mircea_popescu: and so therefore, going from a to b actually increases the market value of item. through a process known as "creating a market".
mircea_popescu: the equivalent approach is to say item acquired a new property in going from a to b. in both it's the same thing, but in b it is also an exclusive good
mircea_popescu: whereas nobody can exclude another from possession of a theoretical item.
mircea_popescu: and that extra property means extra moneys.
mircea_popescu: and now with exaples : aluminum is a theoretical metal.
mircea_popescu: the first box, gifted to napoleon, has no value (!= is worthless)
mircea_popescu: the NEXT box has a price. would napoleon have paid that for his box ? never.
ascii_field: mircea_popescu: didja ever see the teaspoons ?
ascii_field: or the little Al pyramid on washington's monument?
mircea_popescu: neither.
ascii_field: same idea though.
BingoBoingo: ascii_field: Aha
assbot: Logged on 29-10-2015 20:43:37; mircea_popescu: well no, this is not even the angle here.
ascii_field: what ~was~ the angle ?
assbot: Logged on 29-10-2015 20:37:02; mircea_popescu: not some form. specifically the following form : if you fail we all die.
mircea_popescu: the angle here is that 6 months is a waste of time/resources in the present configuration to go chase that thing. pure scheduling matter, yes, it's valuable, no we can't fill the larder with brontosaurus.
ascii_field: this - yes.
mircea_popescu: and im not sure what's to be explained of the latter.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11680 @ 0.00054248 = 6.3362 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14210 @ 0.00054724 = 7.7763 BTC [+] {2}
mircea_popescu tries to recall what a Blythe Masters is
mircea_popescu: o wait, the dude that failed to get tenure at j p morgan university ?
thestringpuller: this chick who claims invented CDO's
thestringpuller: to have invented*
mircea_popescu: i thought the winkletoss twins invented cdos
mircea_popescu: you sure she didn't invent facebook ?
thestringpuller: i guess I'm confused
mircea_popescu: yeah, plox to not insult the derps. gotta reference them correctly, whenever it's one of those idiots it should be "Blythe Masters, who claims to have invented Facebook", or "Erin Twinkletoss, who claims to have invented CDOs" etc.
mircea_popescu: gotta give the public context for the news!
mircea_popescu: it was erin was it ? or taylor ? what was the guy's name ?
mircea_popescu: or wait. is this also a she ?
thestringpuller: Cameron and Tyler
mircea_popescu: apparently it's tyler.
mircea_popescu: did the cameron one get a sex change ? or is that the wachowski
thestringpuller: that's wachowski
thestringpuller: larry wachowski is now lana wachowski
thestringpuller: ;;google lana wachowski
gribble: Lana Wachowski - IMDb: <http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0905154/>; The Wachowskis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Wachowskis>; Lana Wachowski Reveals Suicide Plan, Painful Past in Emotional ...: <http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/lana-wachowski-reveals-suicide-plan-382169>
mircea_popescu: well... zhe still has time.
mircea_popescu: cameron makes a great girl name.
mircea_popescu: could marry cameron diaz, they could go to conferences as cameron & cameron diaz-tinkletoss
thestringpuller: you're on a roll now!
assbot: Archdiocese warns of dangers in 'Exorcism: Live!' : Entertainment ... ( http://bit.ly/20e7Bdg )
mircea_popescu: do you rthink they got paid for that ?
BingoBoingo: mebbe?
mircea_popescu: "10 year study of inpatient kids: 44% got antipsychotics. Is that a lot? Yes. It's a lot."
mircea_popescu: hot damned ?! seriously ? almost half ?!
asciilifeform: !up ascii_field
ascii_field: mircea_popescu: what self-respecting психушка serves up something other than neuroleptic ?
mircea_popescu: You can wrack your brain trying to figure this out or blame the usual suspects, but the answer is right there in the article:
mircea_popescu: "Variables associated with antipsychotic use [included] male gender, age 12 years and under, being nonwhite, and a length of stay 13 days or longer."
mircea_popescu: You'll observe that none of those words is "diagnosis" or "severity."
mircea_popescu: The cause of these high levels of medications is so simple you'll recoil from the truth of it, but pour yourself a drink and take it like a man: the kids showed up. That's it. The kid is in front of you and you have to do something, now, that results in an acute change. Not better grades 4 years out, or less sadness over the teen years; change the sleep tonight, make the kid less hyper now, and when it "stops working
mircea_popescu: " you can up the dose or change the med.
mircea_popescu: ascii_field seems it's not even it.
ascii_field: nobody canceled the good ol' chemical straightjacket
mircea_popescu: "When a kid is presented to a psychiatrist, the psychiatrist is pressured, obligated, to do something pharmacological. If a psychiatrist looked a single parent a joint away from a nap right in the eye and said, "nope, he's acting out because of X, Y, Z, and medications aren't going to fix this" that doctor will get his head handed to him by parent or by lawyer. Justice will be done, you negligent elitist."
mircea_popescu: i wonder how much of this is jenuine and how much mere malingering.
mircea_popescu: obviously i have no us clinical experience. i also have an apparent inability to represent how this'd work. seriously, doctor says "nope, he's acting out because of X, Y, Z, and medications aren't going to fix this" and the parent argues the point ? with the doctor ? just.... how ?
ascii_field: say a fella at butugychag stuffs his boot full of ammonal and blows off his toes, to avoid work detail in the quarry
ascii_field: is that 'real' or malingering ..?
mircea_popescu: but this isn't what this is. this is a doctor claiming he's being a contemporary rendition of fucking mengele because "the jews and the dogs expected it"
mircea_popescu: rrrrrheally ?!?!
ascii_field: but he's not mengele. he's an assistant.
mircea_popescu: no, he's mengele.
ascii_field: 'inject this blue paint in the eyes of this here 100 prisoners before you clock out'
mircea_popescu: i have no objection to anyone who ever prescribed neuroleptics in virgins to be taken straight off to death row.
ascii_field: they do 5 y.o. and possibly below, now
ascii_field: in fact i'm pretty certain that it is happening as we speak a floor or so below where i sit
mircea_popescu: should be part of the test. no sexual history, no meds.
ascii_field: tlp's point, i think, was precisely that he isn't mengele and if he won't vivisect the screaming prisoner, he'll take his place
ascii_field: and somebody else - will.
mircea_popescu: the mengele who knows he's doing wrong anf the mengele who "doesn't" are both mengele.
mircea_popescu: there is no "resistance through culture", you don't get to tell me "hey i knew all along X was a scam, i just promoted it ironically"
ascii_field: yes, 'following orders' defense failed at nuremberg
ascii_field: but on the other hand, they didn't hang all of germany
mircea_popescu: well most of it was dead. they however, you will note, RAPED THE REMAINDER.
mircea_popescu: for a good few years.
mircea_popescu: this is how education works, in cunts.
mircea_popescu: the sort that go "oh wait, i was just ... being a woman"
mircea_popescu: fine, be a woman over there then.
ascii_field: point in making the distinction was to divide whom it makes sense to feed to giant squid, and whom - to 'reflash firmware'
ascii_field: this also calls to mind mircea_popescu's article about the fat train riders
ascii_field: becoming mengele's assistant, or tlp, or me - is a product of a long series of 'bad life choices'
mircea_popescu: i guess it must be.
ascii_field: none of which, taken individually, are necessarily '~the~ losing move'
ascii_field: just as no individual 'big mac' made the fat fella what he is
mircea_popescu: "so then... big macs are bad but hey i gotta eat and this one is not that bad right ?" sure.
ascii_field: as, i think, was discussed in old thread,
ascii_field: a great many folks in this jail have literally no choice but to eat 'big mac' or die.
mircea_popescu: life's worthless in and of itself.
ascii_field: (it does not follow that they must eat 5,000 cal/day of them)
mircea_popescu: if that's the choice, waht choice is there ?
ascii_field: sorta what i tried to explain to pete_dushenski earlier today.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> but this isn't what this is. this is a doctor claiming he's being a contemporary rendition of fucking mengele because "the jews and the dogs expected it" << "Standard of care"
BingoBoingo: So what if the kids end up fucked in adulthood by a couple months or years of neuroleptic induced hyper-prolactinemia, telling the parents they suck would make the doctor the "uncaring monster" to the rest of the system
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo no. standard of care is specificallty made to resist this, by the few people that are old enough to not want to soon have to explain it. the standard is "as practiced by reasonable minority"
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Aha. You assume this is a medical system and not a medium of social control.
ascii_field: actually in usa 'standard of care' is now this.
mircea_popescu: ascii_field obviously, as the people in question die.
BingoBoingo: Dead, retired, gone
ascii_field: has mircea_popescu ever read the memoir of general piotr grigorenko ?
BingoBoingo: Or ridden out on the rail by crowds
mircea_popescu: have not.
ascii_field: mircea_popescu: prolly highest ranking псиxушка victim.
ascii_field: 'В подполье можно встретить только крыс' << mega-b00k. 'in the underground one meets only rats.'
mircea_popescu: o look, online.
ascii_field: because ru!
ascii_field: aaaaanyway he describes his whole life, but i note him here for featuring the 'sane old generation' of shrinks who did not go along.
ascii_field: and because of whom he remained alive.
ascii_field: and in reasonable possession of most of his wits.
thestringpuller: http://www.thestandard.com.hk/news_detail.asp?pp_cat=31&art_id=162657&sid=45464435&con_type=3 << hey kidnpping for bitcoin. this channel is good at predicting da-future
phf: conversation keeps arriving to the same point that the solution to local maximum is death. tlp makes those conclusions in "how to not be a narcissist", but then fails to see how it applies to himself with his own mengel situation. or to quote orr from catch-22 "How can he see he's got flies in his eyes if he's got flies in his eyes?"
mircea_popescu: i am kinda expecting to see "behavioural doping" or somesuch. if industrial pollutant is so cheap/abundant it actually creates an ecological problem, it is obviously only a matter of time before the large amts of discrete data (google db, cctv db, etc) are meshed together with substance dictionary to create optimized diets for advertising.
mircea_popescu: "we have noticed that if we spray X on Y the purchase of flat screen tvs goes up 15%"
ascii_field: phf: i'd not be surprised if he 'solved' himself already.
assbot: Logged on 29-10-2015 20:05:19; mircea_popescu: completely validated in the majesty of Being. The hero transcends life with its peculiar blind spot and for a moment rises to a glimpse of the source. He beholds the face of the father, understands—and the two are atoned."
mircea_popescu: this is principally why women [used to] have an advantage over men. they actually experienced socially mandated death, to their benefit. it was the system which produced usable old bitties of the sort that kept say the jews alive.
mircea_popescu: kinda what the eleusine mysteries for instance tried to provide as a public good.
mircea_popescu: why the church ever caught on in god forsaken wastes such as those inhabited by the ru speaking folk. etc.
mircea_popescu: (yes there's a deep reason for the schism, no it has nothing to do with politics. the western church mostly provided laas, the eastern church baas.)
ascii_field: laas ?
assbot: Logged on 29-10-2015 21:42:20; mircea_popescu: "we have noticed that if we spray X on Y the purchase of flat screen tvs goes up 15%"
ascii_field: ever smell a new high-end laptop ?
pete_dushenski: smells like car ?
asciilifeform: !up ascii_field
ascii_field: (assuming pete_dushenski is thinking of the usual formaldehyde 'smell of new car')
pete_dushenski: general plastic voc off-gassing
ascii_field: then no.
ascii_field: specially-made perfumes.
ascii_field: not so much in fashion now as before
ascii_field: (sony was a frequent offender)
pete_dushenski: it's a testament to their branding efforts that sony electronics make me think only of recent james bond movies
pete_dushenski: when's the last time you say a sony laptop irl ?
ascii_field did not see these
ascii_field: pete_dushenski: when i was cleaning my shed.
ascii_field: 'vaio' circa 1998.
ascii_field: or rather the pieces of six or so of'em
pete_dushenski: aha. and in wild ?
ascii_field: in the wild - can't recall.
ascii_field: long ago.
pete_dushenski remembers that vintage of vaio for being incredibly spendy
pete_dushenski: and sleek !
ascii_field: l0l you actually bought'em new ?~!
ascii_field: but yeah, the ones with the blue battery
pete_dushenski: never bought. too young. and out of my price range.
pete_dushenski: admired the design ? and specs ? yes.
phf: vaio was the last laptop you could jack into cyberspace with
pete_dushenski: this was when pentium badly outperformed ppc. intel easily had +30% clock speed.
ascii_field: i still miss these things.
ascii_field: believe or not, linux WORKED !!
ascii_field: yes, with lid suspend mode!
ascii_field: and sound card. etc.
phf: i had a picturebook, one of the c1 models
ascii_field: and FUCKING LINUX not ubuntu.
assbot: A look back at Sony's iconic VAIO computers | The Verge ... ( http://bit.ly/20ed3gt )
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-10-2015#1310777 << i probably have the fewest displays in b-a huh
assbot: Logged on 29-10-2015 14:03:07; asciilifeform: this means a ROOM full of displays if you can swing it
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-10-2015#1310786 << he, like you, propose that they are not "true"
assbot: Logged on 29-10-2015 14:08:24; asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-10-2015#1310745 << i read this piece but do not grasp how it relates to my position on *leaks
mircea_popescu: in the efficacious sense of truth.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-10-2015#1310831 << this is very amusing specifically because of the relation to eulora and its bots.
assbot: Logged on 29-10-2015 16:44:39; davout: "In my humble opinion: these bots create a false market. They represent institutional greed offering no substantial increase in value per point nor do they offer any noticeable increase in liquidity. I also believe that they will chase your average human customers away, who like us, were trying to get the best price we could while at least trying to offer a better market"
mircea_popescu: !up Namworld
assbot: Logged on 29-10-2015 17:05:11; pete_dushenski: "To bad there isn’t such a thing as intellectual rugby…I would gladly try to field a team from people I have know, and let Pete do the same, and watch his eagle @ss get stomped into the ground before he could ever gain any altitude."
Namworld: Ah, didn't even have to auth
Namworld: I got an email. I get it the game development has progressed
mircea_popescu: the proof that reddit is not the problem, i guess. random reddit nobody knows about waiting in the wings, to maybe one day be the reddit derps know about.
mircea_popescu: Namworld how's life been treatin ya ?
Namworld: Coinroll hasn't seen as much development as I would have liked, but jurov and wao are now on it.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-10-2015#1310848 << more like "state promised us that if we smoke the pipe all will be fine. well... pipe is going out and what is this!11"
assbot: Logged on 29-10-2015 17:05:20; davout: which conveniently boils down to "we need safe spaces to stop these micro-agressions"
Namworld: Otherwise, relatively well.
Namworld: I don't mind testing the game whenever I have some free time.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> ... << more like "state promised us that if we smoke the pipe all will be fine. well... pipe is going out and what is this!11" << I refer to this phenomena as Shrem's Bong
Namworld: jurov, you never talked much about this
pete_dushenski: ;;nethash
gribble: 457174667.081
mircea_popescu: Namworld well, install it, ima make you an account then.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-10-2015#1310853 << you don't understand how for great justice works. they have to be supporting cast in his movie because otherwise it's microracist.
assbot: Logged on 29-10-2015 17:06:26; davout: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-10-2015#1310847 <<< because obviously the team will happily be my personal army and not simply take my gf and point at me laughing
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 42650 @ 0.00054236 = 23.1317 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: Logged on 29-10-2015 17:09:03; ascii_field: roman slavery has very little to do with the modern variety.
assbot: Logged on 29-10-2015 17:13:01; pete_dushenski: there can be no stable hierarchy. anywhere.
mircea_popescu: stable hierarchy is for horses.
pete_dushenski: 'never step into the same river twice' (tm)
pete_dushenski: 'unless you're a horse' (tm)
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-10-2015#1310877 << eventually i'ma die, and that'll be that.
assbot: Logged on 29-10-2015 17:13:50; ascii_field: idk, e.g., mircea_popescu's place above, e.g., mine, is pretty stable
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-10-2015#1310888 << let me explain something to you. slave had some old bitties over for coffee, recounted the story to me. they wanted to know if she's married or has a man. she said no. i suggested she should have said he died in the war. "what war ?" "you know, the war". and then we joked about how it'd play from there, and eventually it came to me the thing to say to prevent fu
assbot: Logged on 29-10-2015 17:17:00; ascii_field: is that you DON'T HAVE CONTROL
mircea_popescu: rther unwated inquiry is, of course, "that;s inappropriate". except... how do you say this in spanish.
mircea_popescu: answer : you do not. which takes us right to the reason most people do not learn a foreign language, or enjoy interacting with people whose language they do not speak.
mircea_popescu: as far as average person is concerned, their safety from being, eg, raped, is built entirely out of their belief in the magical power of a construct like that. it is not meaningful, but magical, in that it projects will and controls "the universe".
mircea_popescu: inasmuch as there's no spanish equivalent, what's to keep some dudes from busting into your house and taking all your holes on the kitchen table ?
mircea_popescu: same thing that prevents them anywhere else, obviously. but the subconscious does not really comprehend locks, or rifles, or anything so complex it needs a factory.
Namworld: okay...
Namworld: It looks like it starts
mircea_popescu: it does however understand magic. especially because magic specifically exists as a result of the subconscious' poor grasp of everything.
mircea_popescu: Namworld ok 1 sec
assbot: dpaste: 0T03XD6 ... ( http://bit.ly/1GNzank )
mircea_popescu: but other than this, to continue the prev thread, no, you do not have control, in the sense that there isn't a magical write-protect bit you set or unset at your will and unless you've unset it nothing can ever affect you.
mircea_popescu: it's often seen as a problem in idiots who imagien they can keep bitcoin at bay by saying (in some magical correct form, i guess) that "i do not agree" or "i am not inviting this devil in my house" or whatever. "that is not how debates work", what have you.
diana_coman: I'd have though it was much simpler than that mircea_popescu: most people don't like learning.
assbot: Logged on 29-10-2015 17:19:56; ascii_field: pete_dushenski: the subtraction of EVERYTHING that you care about from your life is different from death how?
mircea_popescu: diana_coman but why wouldn't they ? children love it.
pete_dushenski: even the established ~concept~ of regicide demonstrates the limited nature of 'control'
diana_coman: because they already have automated patterns ("learnt") on which they can operate in familiar situations
diana_coman: hence they don't like the unfamiliar, full stop
diana_coman: children basically have nothing
diana_coman: so yes, they love learning, of course
mircea_popescu: diana_coman quite exactly. "this wand doesn't even vibrate, what use is it!"
mircea_popescu: "well... it's not a vibrating wand, it's a firebolt wand" "CONSUMERS HAVE COME TO EXPECT!"
mircea_popescu: next thing you know you're either making your firebolt wands vibrate or go out of the mage business.
diana_coman: well, come to think about it: children ask "what is that?" all the time and guess what do they get mainly as answer
diana_coman: an explanation or experience of what the damned thing IS
diana_coman: the name of it
mircea_popescu: the name of it thing is correct however.
diana_coman: it is correct but not really sufficient
mircea_popescu: if it is not sufficient child will ask again
mircea_popescu: they ask how babies are made, do they get a story or a demonstration ?
mircea_popescu: "oh but story is not sufficient"
diana_coman: well, no, not really, listen
mircea_popescu: well... for now it'd better be
diana_coman: they ask what is that and what is the other
diana_coman: and every time they get...a name
diana_coman: so they will logically derive at the same time
diana_coman: that the name is what things are
diana_coman: if it's not called a tree
diana_coman: it's not a tree anymore!
diana_coman: your problem above
mircea_popescu: do you trick your kid any ?
diana_coman: it's fun anyway :D
mircea_popescu: well, that takes care of that. but otherwise, yeah.
Namworld: ok, voicing myself
Namworld: I could see accidents happen with those 2 features combined
Namworld: [18:46] <+mircea_popescu> next thing you know you're either making your firebolt wands vibrate or go out of the mage business.
mircea_popescu: lol. nah, it'll just create a market for carpal tunnel potions.
Namworld: I meant a different kind of accident, but sure
mircea_popescu: iirc there was some guy burning his beard off with "revolutionary laser shaver" in the logs
Namworld: Hmm, maybe I'm too stupid to enter a password... but this doesn't seem to work.
Namworld: I tried both email and username with that password
shinohai: !s "revolutionary laser shaver"
assbot: 0 results for '"revolutionary laser shaver"' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=%22revolutionary+laser+shaver%22
mircea_popescu: Namworld lemme see 1sec
hanbot: Namworld btw check out #eulora
pete_dushenski: !s kickstarter
assbot: 246 results for 'kickstarter' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=kickstarter
pete_dushenski: ^lazr was on there
assbot: Logged on 29-10-2015 21:46:21; mircea_popescu: (yes there's a deep reason for the schism, no it has nothing to do with politics. the western church mostly provided laas, the eastern church baas.)
mircea_popescu: literacy as a service / baptism as a service
shinohai: thx pete_dushenski .... might buy a few hundred, duct tape them together and melt the white house
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu aha.
pete_dushenski: shinohai if you could buy them, sure
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-10-2015#1311529 << by all indications, it was ~actually~ with a red-hot nichrome wire.
assbot: Logged on 29-10-2015 22:59:54; mircea_popescu: iirc there was some guy burning his beard off with "revolutionary laser shaver" in the logs
asciilifeform: but he decided, for some chumpatronic reason, to pretend that it is a 'leaking fiber'
asciilifeform: and it wasn't beard, but the hair on his arm.
asciilifeform: (his beard remained attached)
asciilifeform: eventually the thing earned the rare distinction of being a sufficiently outrageous fraud to be... booted off 'kickstarter.'
mircea_popescu: vaguely reminds me of the dude nubbins prosecuted, with the "hand made" laser etched wood clunks
asciilifeform: wood collector !
asciilifeform: was kinda the opposite
vulpes_a_hopital: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-10-2015#1310818 << if you've swallowed the spittoon of east coast usthink, the alternative could only be "private school", which yes—"if you have to ask" is "expensive"
assbot: Logged on 29-10-2015 16:25:51; ascii_field: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-10-2015#1310803 << last i heard, this costs money.
asciilifeform: vulpes_a_hopital: the alternative is either 'home school' or be an outlaw
vulpes_a_hopital: otherwise, the kids have a mother, and if she can't outperform the daycare you dun fukked up.
asciilifeform: and keep the spawn in your cellar
vulpes_a_hopital: what outlaw.
asciilifeform: (if anyone notices you have them, and they aren't taking the usg exams, you will have problems)
vulpes_a_hopital: there are seven year olds wandering my neighborhood at all hours of the day. unattended.
asciilifeform: try 14 y.o.
asciilifeform: where i live, there are even vans, marked 'truancy police'
asciilifeform: of course, vulpes_a_hopital could paint his son brown and make sure he learns correct sp pronounciation - then he will be left alone.
mircea_popescu: ahahahaah truancy police omfg
mircea_popescu: and the kids don't burn them up ?
asciilifeform: how would i know, i don't drive one of these things
shinohai: In popular culture, known as "Paddy Wagons"
asciilifeform: but i've seen it at work
mircea_popescu: it is inconceivable that they exist.
asciilifeform: shinohai: 'paddy wagon' refers to all policewagen as a class
mircea_popescu: if i had kids there and they wanted money i would go "you can't have a penny until all those atrocities have been burned down"
asciilifeform: 'black maria' to brits
asciilifeform: black raven, in sov world
asciilifeform: but in usa - white!
asciilifeform: pr0gr3ss!!111.
shinohai: In Southern culture they use the term to exclusively refer to vans that haul off truants ....
shinohai: At least in Atlanta
mircea_popescu: "Scholars have questioned the validity or usefulness of the monomyth category.
mircea_popescu: According to Northup (2006), mainstream scholarship of comparative mythology since Campbell has moved away from "highly general and universal" categories in general.[13] This attitude is illustrated by e.g. Consentino (1998), who remarks "It is just as important to stress differences as similarities, to avoid creating a (Joseph) Campbell soup of myths that loses all local flavor."[14] Similarly, Ellwood (1999) stated "
mircea_popescu: A tendency to think in generic terms of people, races ... is undoubtedly the profoundest flaw in mythological thinking.""
mircea_popescu: anyone wants to know what happens if one dares END a field ?
asciilifeform: at any rate, in practice the thing never shows up unless there's a gang of chimps making a public mess.
mircea_popescu: answer : a bunch of ustards will swoop in, pretending the field didn't end and insisting field enders are badmkay and raceys on top of everything
mircea_popescu: "This model has very poor grantmanship value"
mircea_popescu: "Others have found the categories Campbell works with so vague as to be meaningless, and lacking the support required of scholarly argument: Crespi (1990), writing in response to Campbell's filmed presentation of his model characterized it as "...unsatisfying from a social science perspective."
mircea_popescu: there's a "social sciences perspective" now, and i'm supposed to believe it is != granstmanship.
asciilifeform: pet: 'like many systematicists, campbell overstates the universality of his patterns'
mircea_popescu: funny, that objection is in the wikipedia verbatim
mircea_popescu: editor Alan Dundes dismisses Campbell's work, characterizing him as a popularizer: "like most universalists, he is content to merely assert universality rather than bother to document it. […] If Campbell's generalizations about myth are not substantiated, why should students consider his work?"
mircea_popescu: not unlike the ridiculous view of field grunts that hey, they know better than the chief of staff what's what, antin-intellectual "social scientists" a la dundes would like best an unsystematic AND UNSYSTEMATIZABLE "science"
vulpes_a_hopital: lol dafuq indeed
asciilifeform: pet: 'he's a popularizer, but not an especially good one, vs. an expert - would you call carl sagan or r. dawkins experts?'
mircea_popescu: because - obviously - it pays the best. from the perspective of the horde of chimps wishing to be professors of nothing in particular just as long as professors.
vulpes_a_hopital: cop stopped me and three friends skating in a church on a day off from school
vulpes_a_hopital: "what are you doing?"
vulpes_a_hopital: "skating!"
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform pet could just come over argue her stuff herself!
vulpes_a_hopital: "shouldn't you be in school?"
vulpes_a_hopital: "uh, no?"
vulpes_a_hopital: "well okay then."
vulpes_a_hopital: and re problems in your world people can have problems for using linux
vulpes_a_hopital: get /out/, man
mircea_popescu: this is whyte priviledge
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: pet: 'i dontwanna, busy reading about alexander hamilton'
pete_dushenski lives quite close to 'whyte ave'
vulpes_a_hopital: asciilifeform: this might trip a bit or two for you
assbot: Whyte Avenue (Edmonton, Alberta): Address, Point of Interest & Landmark Reviews - TripAdvisor ... ( http://bit.ly/1MXThfa )
vulpes_a_hopital: there is a skate park cum day care in my neighborhood
mircea_popescu: vulpes_a_hopital there's a bar cum laundromat somewhere in ohio
vulpes_a_hopital: no kid under 19 with a skateboard within twenty blocks of the thing is ever EVER bothered by the cops
vulpes_a_hopital: mircea_popescu: yeah we have one too
asciilifeform: 'used book & food shop'
mircea_popescu: ok, let me try and win this.
mircea_popescu: there is, in this town, a place where they sell food by the pound. and you can get a pound of cooked shrimp for ~2 dollars.
vulpes_a_hopital: great pickup spot if you like socializing with people who a) do their own laundry and b) have it done somewhere far away from their place
vulpes_a_hopital: why would you eat $2/lb cooked langostinas
vulpes_a_hopital: sounds like a cheap ticket to food poisoning
mircea_popescu: better than anything they got in wash dc!
vulpes_a_hopital: pretty low bar.
mircea_popescu: ok. there's a gym - and - peluqueria combo.
vulpes_a_hopital: a but harnessing customers output to reduce the electrical bill has gotta be beyond any argentine
assbot: Staggering Thought of The Day | Partial Objects ... ( http://bit.ly/1MXUgfv )
mircea_popescu: vulpes_a_hopital it'd be so great tho, Cuckolds' Gym and Hair Salon.
mircea_popescu: only accept couples, make the dudes work butt off on stationary to power wifey hair dryer.
pete_dushenski: power hair dryer + tv + smartph0ne charger
mircea_popescu: make a uniform for working out, too
mircea_popescu: something demeaning, maybe a la borat.
pete_dushenski: borat over-the-shouler g-string in prison black and white stripes
pete_dushenski: complete with prisoner number over breast
mircea_popescu: a choice of either that or the same in hot pink, or rainbow.
mircea_popescu: ironically, this would prolly be a killer business in portland.
pete_dushenski: with built-in anal dildo
assbot: Olympic Cyclist Vs. Toaster: Can He Power It? - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1MXUIdN )
mircea_popescu: vulpes_a_hopital do what the usg does : differential leverage.
vulpes_a_hopital: for perspective.
pete_dushenski: dildo makes costume too much fun ?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19151 @ 0.00055197 = 10.5708 BTC [+] {2}
vulpes_a_hopital: differential leverage?
mircea_popescu: ie, he has to provide 3% of the wattage, "we'll match your output 30:1!"
assbot: Novena: A Laptop With No Secrets - IEEE Spectrum ... ( http://bit.ly/1MXUTpv )
vulpes_a_hopital: fpga aside, we've done the fpga thread to death
asciilifeform: 'his death aside, how's his health ?' (tm) (r)
asciilifeform: and i see a 'freescale arm'
pete_dushenski: speaking of costumes, i've pulled off the most magical trio for the family for this halloween : papa is the beplaided farmer, mama the milky moo-cow, baby the curious calf !
pete_dushenski: 'not that women are cattle' (tm)
asciilifeform: 'Another advantage was Freescale’s policy of distributing a very detailed reference manual covering most of the chip’s real estate without requiring a nondisclosure agreement.' >> 'most' ?!
vulpes_a_hopital: ding ding ding
pete_dushenski: and on that bombshell, i'm off for a night out !
vulpes_a_hopital: pete_dushenski is the joke there that the girl's the one working?
mircea_popescu: pete_dushenski you took your wife out on the town dressed as a cow ?
vulpes_a_hopital: my halloween costumes for the next seven years are all cock themed
pete_dushenski: lol will explain more later gents, gotta jet
vulpes_a_hopital: dictopus cocktopus, the octopus with cock tentacles in a toga
vulpes_a_hopital: a cock-shaped rocket
asciilifeform: aaand then we get to where they put modern systemdized linux on the thing, etc.
mircea_popescu: but... why ?
vulpes_a_hopital: gonna try to get kiddo dressed as a sperm for at least one
vulpes_a_hopital: does it actually need the d, asciilifeform?
asciilifeform: 'A Laptop With No Secrets' << lies even in the title
asciilifeform: vulpes_a_hopital: forget about 'needs'
asciilifeform: speaking of what the authors see as sop
vulpes_a_hopital: and so 'what other eldritch horrors lurk'?
asciilifeform: whole thing is an elaborate exercise in delusionism
asciilifeform: and imho uninteresting.
vulpes_a_hopital: wait but what if we put mats trimmed down linux on it
vulpes_a_hopital: i think i can see the smoke from here
asciilifeform: vulpes_a_hopital: it's essentially a pogo with a buncha weird turds welded on...
asciilifeform: go, put.
mats: har har
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33859 @ 0.0005476 = 18.5412 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33622 @ 0.00055059 = 18.5119 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 65178 @ 0.00055452 = 36.1425 BTC [+] {3}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2841 @ 0.0005476 = 1.5557 BTC [-]
jurov: ̉
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 127200 @ 0.00055112 = 70.1025 BTC [+] {3}
phf: i was at bunnie's talk (the guy behind novena) at 2005 toorcon, the subject was hardware r.e. and it covered the end to end process of discovering and extracting something like intel's rootkit from the die. the approach is to remove the outer plastic cover from the chip using some form of etching, image the exposed circuit with increasily higher resolution devices culminating with electron microscope and then figure out what the
phf: different parts of the silicon do, where the relevant parts are located and what might be strategies for getting to them. unfortunately there was no video, but i found the slides for the curious log readers https://infocon.org/cons/Black%20Hat/Black%20Hat%20DC/Black%20Hat%20DC%202007/Presentations/JoeGrand_HardWare_Hacking/Papers/Die%20Analysis/bunnie-hackingsilicon.pdf
phf: i think back then he was still at MIT so had access to useful hardware and free time, he'd probably reversing intel die for the lulz, but now he's in Singapore with presumably reduced resources, doing "open" hardware.
phf: some u.s. maker group did an interview at his singapore workshop in 2012, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zt7WVF5UfnA
assbot: Beers in Bunnie's Workshop - Workshop Video #36 - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1RhhRM3 )
mircea_popescu: interesting.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 72900 @ 0.00054521 = 39.7458 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 74588 @ 0.00054213 = 40.4364 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19912 @ 0.00054177 = 10.7877 BTC [-]
assbot: The Last Psychiatrist: Why We Are Terrible At Math (And Reading Comprehension) ... ( http://bit.ly/1LFjJwu )
mircea_popescu: "and what that means, and so everyone thinks he's progressing just fine; only to reach a later point when his clever shortcut is too primitive to work. Now suddenly you have a 6th grader who appears to falling behind. But he was never really caught up. I suspect that this almost entirely explains Americans' universal hatred of word problems."
mircea_popescu: check it out, tlp knows about word problems.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 122900 @ 0.00054163 = 66.5663 BTC [-] {5}
mircea_popescu: "I'm told that the system of the day is "Everyday Math." I have no idea what that is, but my worry is that every system of teaching is designed not to maximize learning, but to facilitate the teaching."
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell schmidty please fix your connection so you don't do a lot of join/part
gribble: The operation succeeded.
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=30-10-2015#1311696 << dpa is far more likely the answer, rather than imaging
assbot: Logged on 30-10-2015 01:23:25; phf: i was at bunnie's talk (the guy behind novena) at 2005 toorcon, the subject was hardware r.e. and it covered the end to end process of discovering and extracting something like intel's rootkit from the die. the approach is to remove the outer plastic cover from the chip using some form of etching, image the exposed circuit with increasily higher resolution devices culminating with electron microscope and then f
asciilifeform used to have some respect for huang BEFORE the whole novena thing
asciilifeform: after - i find it quite impossible.
asciilifeform: 'The problem is that as long as he completed the worksheet, you wouldn't know there was a problem with doing math until it was way too late. If the kid is clever in other ways-- say, fast at finger counting-- he could easily convey the impression that he understands how to add 2 digit numbers, and what that means, and so everyone thinks he's progressing just fine; only to reach a later point when his clever shortcut is too pr
asciilifeform: imitive to work.' << this IS what school IS.
asciilifeform: how many people ~understand~ ANYTHING AT ALL ?
asciilifeform: per the not-merely-finger-tricks definition of the word.
assbot: The Last Psychiatrist: Why We Are Terrible At Math (And Reading Comprehension) ... ( http://bit.ly/20eGjUf )
assbot: Logged on 29-10-2015 08:32:51; mircea_popescu: this is, incidentally, a fundamental point to be considered for those inclined to interact with the scum (aka, non-qntra reporters), a point which that seduction expert (i don't recall which one but was in the logs - something about how he went on a "live" show where the 5 dollar audience bood him on cue) : you do want to control their codes. because you must project your own ownership of reality, an
assbot: Logged on 29-04-2015 00:43:55; danielpbarron: BingoBoingo, that guy is a wimp. that kinda situation doesn't have to end so poorly https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T0xoKiH8JJM
danielpbarron: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-10-2015#1310709 << what about 'machine' ? although I do name my computers after women of the Bible
assbot: Logged on 29-10-2015 09:32:26; mircea_popescu: calling a computer "a box" is perhaps the most telling of all freudian seepage ever.
danielpbarron: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-10-2015#1311251 << I feel as though this is a concept I have recently experienced in Eulora
assbot: Logged on 29-10-2015 20:50:56; mircea_popescu: and so therefore, going from a to b actually increases the market value of item. through a process known as "creating a market".
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron nah was some nick thing.
mircea_popescu: and yes, eulora is a FABULOUS econ lab.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41900 @ 0.00054345 = 22.7706 BTC [+] {2}
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform in fairness, math is an AWFUL example for this matter. because, well, in honesty a "simple" notion such as the notion of a number is still patently ununderstood by the species altogether. and for that matter minimal effort to even comprehend it starts with what, frege ? a coupla centuries ago ?
mircea_popescu: on the other hand, stuff that isn't math, such as whatever, "ecology" don't even HAVE concepts, at all
asciilifeform: frege, peano, church, et al.
mircea_popescu: there's nothing there to understand.
mircea_popescu: so... the expectation that there'd be understanding happening in school is not unlike the expectation that there'd be salvation happening at the brothel.
mircea_popescu: salvation does not happen.
asciilifeform: but it once was the case that people carried through life a ~useful~ concept of what they were ~doing~ when working those columns
mircea_popescu: but the notion of useful is predicated on society.
mircea_popescu: yes at some point going to college was useful. this BECAUSE at that time people lived in a society that allowed for it
mircea_popescu: ie, no upwards mobility and a solid understanding of the value and importance of inequality.
assbot: The Feeling of Power ... ( http://bit.ly/1ScHrm1 )
mircea_popescu: now there's plenty of mobility but no upwards, and plenty of inequality but no understanding thereof.
mircea_popescu: blaming a college / all colleges / anyone for this is rank nonsense.
asciilifeform: anyone?!
asciilifeform: what, martians came, did it, left ?
mircea_popescu: not even.
mircea_popescu: there was no deed.
asciilifeform: malthusian degringolade ?
asciilifeform can see it
mircea_popescu: there is just the stopping of some deeds.
mircea_popescu: "an end to opression" aka "you're not even worth beating up"
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 47100 @ 0.00054477 = 25.6587 BTC [+]
asciilifeform: nobody but thoroughbred tards ever bought into the 'end to oppression' claptrap
mircea_popescu: yea well
asciilifeform: (it was really engineered to distract the easily-distracted from their entirely genuine serfdom, e.g., rent existing)
asciilifeform: so what if paycheque is given to the schmuck for ten minutes 'to keep it warm' and then goes right back. at least he wasn't beat up in grade school !
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 60500 @ 0.00054093 = 32.7263 BTC [-] {3}
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=30-10-2015#1311697 << almost forgot to point out: this generally won't read a modern rom, certainly not a 16nm one that was built by folks who didn't want it read. you need an ion beam machine and much sweat, to strip away the layers.
assbot: Logged on 30-10-2015 01:23:25; phf: different parts of the silicon do, where the relevant parts are located and what might be strategies for getting to them. unfortunately there was no video, but i found the slides for the curious log readers https://infocon.org/cons/Black%20Hat/Black%20Hat%20DC/Black%20Hat%20DC%202007/Presentations/JoeGrand_HardWare_Hacking/Papers/Die%20Analysis/bunnie-hackingsilicon.pdf
asciilifeform suspects that in the vast majority of cases, getting the rom contents via humint is cheaper
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 104933 @ 0.00054497 = 57.1853 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: Logged on 29-10-2015 20:22:01; mircea_popescu: all the derps that this'd be interesting to are essentially on the same side of the same market : wanna make money (sex) out of their "skillz" (having a cunt)
mircea_popescu: it is universally cheaper to make a new chip than to describe an extant one from scratch.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: not so. consider more or less the whole of sov/gdr production
asciilifeform kicks crate of gdr z80
mircea_popescu: even there.
asciilifeform: emphatically not. copying a (1980s) die is a photographer's work.
asciilifeform: you don't even need electronic engineer, for it
asciilifeform: hence how su microvax die ended up with 'when you care enough to steal the very best (tm) (r)' slogan right where the original had it.
asciilifeform: (hilariously, it was translated to ru on the die - WITH A DICTIONARY - to the point of being nearly incomprehensible)
assbot: Molecular Expressions: The Silicon Zoo ... ( http://bit.ly/1P0RJXP )
asciilifeform: http://micro.magnet.fsu.edu/creatures/pages/bulldozer.html << 'This miniature rendition of a bulldozer appears on a NMOS digital chip designed in 1980 for Caterpillar by Synertek for use in their heavy equipment Electronic Monitoring Systems. The integrated circuit is still used in many models of Caterpillar construction equipment, including bulldozers. We suspect that the bulldozer is busy clearing space on the chip for addit
assbot: Molecular Expressions: The Silicon Zoo - Caterpillar Bulldozer ... ( http://bit.ly/1P0RLiy )
asciilifeform: ional transistors.'
mircea_popescu: !up iinaj
mircea_popescu is writing a mega piece.
assbot: Molecular Expressions: The Silicon Zoo - Spaced Invader ... ( http://bit.ly/1LFnHoH )
asciilifeform: 'You can’t encrypt, pack, sign, split, or hash transistors. There are no magic numbers, except for those that you find in the back of a physics textbook.' << the one good part in huang's slide show
asciilifeform: well, the only part that isn't 'from textbook', at the very least.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 127800 @ 0.0005531 = 70.6862 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 54250 @ 0.00054475 = 29.5527 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: "Because-" Aub looked helplessly at his superior for support. "It's difficult to explain."
mircea_popescu: it is difficult to explain TO YOU
mircea_popescu: not because of anything, but because you know too much of the wrong sorts of things.
mircea_popescu: this is exactly the problem of slavery, and how beatings get to be a part of it.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 84439 @ 0.00054743 = 46.2244 BTC [+] {2}
mircea_popescu: Loesser checked it. "Well, now, that's amazing. Multiplication didn't impress me too much because it involved integers after all, and I thought trick manipulation might do it. But decimals -"
mircea_popescu: ahahaha. really ?
deedbot-: [Trilema] The squares, and the holes - http://trilema.com/2015/the-squares-and-the-holes/
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