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← 2015-07-26 | 2015-07-28 →
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25040 @ 0.00053265 = 13.3376 BTC [-]
assbot: SYMBOLICS GRAPHICS DIVISION DEMO REEL 1989-V4HXPJtym2Q.mp4 - Google Drive ... ( http://bit.ly/1D13l8O )
assbot: pixar-sales-demo-reel-1988.mp4 - Google Drive ... ( http://bit.ly/1D13nxv )
gribble: The operation succeeded.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 195600 @ 0.00052818 = 103.312 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 45250 @ 0.00052734 = 23.8621 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35620 @ 0.00052868 = 18.8316 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 103023 @ 0.00055736 = 57.4209 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 155940 @ 0.00056552 = 88.1872 BTC [+] {4}
jurov: mats: was just an idea, it never worked out price-wise. Same for using a small SSD designated as cache.
jurov: Perhaps if there was appropriately priced 8-32 GB SD card or USB dongle known to be fast nad not wear out quickly
jurov: winblows readyboost was supposed to use them in such capacity, dunno how that ended up
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 77800 @ 0.00057231 = 44.5257 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 138900 @ 0.00056343 = 78.2604 BTC [-] {2}
cazalla: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-07-27/woman-who-fell-pregnant-to-12yo-boy-jailed-for-sexual-abuse/6651570 what a player, banging milfs at 12, dont even thinking i was choking the turkey at that age
assbot: Melbourne woman who fell pregnant to 12yo boy jailed for sexual abuse - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) ... ( http://bit.ly/1gYS7HO )
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 105925 @ 0.00055176 = 58.4452 BTC [-]
assbot: San Francisco combats the stench of urine with pee-repellant paint - Yahoo News Canada ... ( http://bit.ly/1gfyhIy )
davout: BingoBoingo: pretty hilarious, maybe fake though, personally there's no way I'd fly an out-of-limits airplane
assbot: Steam Hit by Major Security Breach, Many Accounts Hacked | Master Herald ... ( http://bit.ly/1fzi3ZG )
assbot: China stocks tumble, suffer biggest one-day loss in eight years| Reuters ... ( http://bit.ly/1D5fQzW )
assbot: Qualcomm will lay off 15% of its workforce, succumbs to cult of ‘shareholder value’ | ExtremeTech ... ( http://bit.ly/1D5fTvL )
assbot: I'm the developer of Bitcoin Adult Streaming service XOtika.TV AMA! : Bitcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1DIKrOZ )
solrodar: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=26-07-2015#1213429 << the SVG file you generated renders fine for me in both Inkscape 0.48 and Chrome 43
assbot: Logged on 26-07-2015 21:57:59; ben_vulpes: solrodar, asciilifeform: http://cascadianhacker.com/bitcoin/callgraph/ << the sexprs generate, the scripts run, the svg is nominally an svg (eg has piles of xml i don't care to sift through) but doesn't render anything through any tools I have on hand.
solrodar: although Chrome seems to have a minimum font size causing the labels to overflow the boxes when zoomed out too far
assbot: Issue 232332 - chromium - minium font-size is applied to SVG text (but it shouldn't) - An open-source project to help move the web forward. - Google Project Hosting ... ( http://bit.ly/1fzzklv )
mircea_popescu: "You failed to recognise that your feelings for the boy were completely inappropriate," the judge said.
mircea_popescu: how does this work ?
mircea_popescu: what exactly are these "inappropriate" feelings ? this'll have to be explained, conceptually, so far it's not unlike "colored scent" or something.
Naphex: One of the first questions in the xotika AMA: Please detail your association with the scammer Mircea Popescu.
Naphex: :))
assbot: goldcakes comments on I'm the developer of Bitcoin Adult Streaming service XOtika.TV AMA! ... ( http://bit.ly/1fzCbuL )
mircea_popescu: oh i see, it's us politico hour over there. "the transvestite ronald reagan and the scammer mircea popescu. hurrr"
Naphex: mircea_popescu: some dude on facebook was "I know the creator of this site Mircea Popescu" :))
mircea_popescu: the world will be a very lulzy place once the self-aware 500 lbs women in tech finally take over
mircea_popescu: Naphex i'm seriously contemplating this thing where you must prove you're under 30 bmi to be allowed to type text on the internet.
mircea_popescu: i think all this may well be related.
Naphex: :))
shinohai: wait ... xotika.tv is *your* project mircea_popescu ?
mircea_popescu: nah, his.
Naphex: shinohai: nah but there is this thing going about that every person on #bitcoin-assets is just MP :)
shinohai: lol. "I AM SPARTACUS!!!!!"
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=27-07-2015#1213686 << does not load in opera, loads fine in gimp, BUT as a 15000 x 17044 px file, taking like 1gb of ram and half a minute toi render on a reasonably powerful box. that might explain it.
assbot: Logged on 27-07-2015 12:16:05; solrodar: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=26-07-2015#1213429 << the SVG file you generated renders fine for me in both Inkscape 0.48 and Chrome 43
mircea_popescu: !s from:asciilifeform bourbaki
assbot: 12 results for 'from:asciilifeform bourbaki' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=from%3Aasciilifeform+bourbaki
punkman: tried random bmi calculator, says 29.35. that's cutting it close
mircea_popescu: time to hit the girls/gym/greens eh punkman ?
mircea_popescu: btw, the gimp render of that svg looks pretty nifty.
mircea_popescu: recommended for to try.
punkman: well I've always been a little heavyset, but yeah could definitely lose 10kg
shinohai: ;;later tell trinque Don't ruin my jester troll B
gribble: The operation succeeded.
mircea_popescu: punkman anyway, the driver of that notion is this particular psychosis exhibited by fat-people-on-the-internet where they create an alt-reality in which they're not really fat.
mircea_popescu: i suspect it may well be the driver of all sorts of ultimately identical behaviours, such as redditards pretending they're not really pointless, etc.
assbot: Chinese shares tumble 8.5 percent in biggest one-day drop since 2007 | Reuters ... ( http://bit.ly/1fzDObT )
mats: o wait repost
punkman: "Talks over a third bail-out programme for Greece have been delayed because the country's international creditors have been unable to find secure premises in Athens. "
mircea_popescu: lol the bs these twerps come up with
mircea_popescu: are they simply sending the whole content of greece to work at cutting rock in africa ? nah. are they just sending dump trucks of money over ? nah. so what are they doing then ? why, the 14 yo thing : they're being really snide about the whole thing for a while.
punkman: well clearly they should build Troika a palace
mircea_popescu: it's always refreshing to know a bunch of refugees from lord of the flies are in charge.
mircea_popescu: "hey, if you don't like it - mp would have sent you to cut rock for a generation1!11"
punkman: "Euro zone countries no longer question whether to restructure Greece's debt, but rather what would be the best way to do it, ECB Executive Board member Benoit Coeure said"
mircea_popescu: i'm curious what contortion of the definition of "best" allows for that best to not be "kicking them out of the eurozone"
shinohai: The Ethereum scammers are out in full force on r/cryptocurrency today....4
mircea_popescu: haha that thing still pretending ? how long has it been neobee'd, three months ?
assbot: ThePiachu's Bitcoin Blog: Fighting Bitcoin theft - law enforcement block explorer ... ( http://bit.ly/1fzERse )
mircea_popescu: is this the reddit derp or someone else ?
shinohai: Yup, same reddit Piachu
mircea_popescu: this is the one from dooglus' site that took her pic with a wooden something up her snatch right ?
shinohai: lol, wut?
shinohai must locate this ....
mircea_popescu: i think i might have published the log at the time. mebbe coupla years ago, just when the site was getting started an' i invested
shinohai: ty kakobrekla you made my Monday
punkman: well shit, they lowered travel allowance to 2k eur, down from 10k
mircea_popescu: what is "travel allowance"
shinohai: Sharpies in butthole I have seen, but wooden spoon in snatch is new to me.
mircea_popescu: oh yeah that's it.
punkman: cash when traveling
shinohai: I'd like to get paid to troll here, but then I'd get a few scummy doge shavings that I have no idea what to do with: http://www.bitvoat.com/
assbot: BitVoat - UpVoat with Crypto! BitVoat ... ( http://bit.ly/1D1TBv7 )
chetty: <punkman> well shit, they lowered travel allowance to 2k eur, down from 10k// soon you will not be allowed to have cash
mircea_popescu: punkman go to florina or something and drive over the border 20-30 times a day eh.
mircea_popescu: or what's that city right next to edirne
punkman: Plovdiv is nice
punkman: but yeah couple girls and a car might work
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 52041 @ 0.00057231 = 29.7836 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: you got teh idea.
solrodar: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=27-07-2015#1213712 << Also works for me in Firefox 39 and IE 9. but Gimp 2.8.4 scatters the text letter-by-letter across the page in an amusing fashion
assbot: Logged on 27-07-2015 12:43:00; mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=27-07-2015#1213686 << does not load in opera, loads fine in gimp, BUT as a 15000 x 17044 px file, taking like 1gb of ram and half a minute toi render on a reasonably powerful box. that might explain it.
mircea_popescu: yet 2.6.8 is ok.
mircea_popescu: "upgrade moar"
mircea_popescu: should i save a png of this or something ?
solrodar: at this point I'm not sure if anyone actually wants it
solrodar: consensus was that nobody knew any fully-automated tools that produced decent layouts for graphs of this complexity
solrodar: I experimented with the other graphviz layout modes (force-directed etc.)
assbot: ClubOrlov: It's really very simple ... ( http://bit.ly/1D1XOiv )
mircea_popescu: [Note: I am pushing this article live two days early because ZeroHedge somehow managed to get a hold of it and post it before I did. Needless to say, I don't like this at all.]
solrodar: they weren't immediately better, and they took like 20 times as long to run, so I didn't feel like trying to explore their parameters
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: the only reasonable hypothesis i can think of is that he accidentally posted and it got lifted
mircea_popescu: or that he doesn't actually write these.
asciilifeform: or ever did?
asciilifeform: (style is consistent since '07)
mircea_popescu: this is a common (if not the most common) issue/complaint in the "professional" publication field.
mircea_popescu: ie, send three newspaper an "Article" to write about your product. send them the same one.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform usg style is also consistent over long periods, so much so that it makes gavin read like reddit etc.
mircea_popescu: this would imply zerohedge is a sort of dry run for rt, which i guess is as decent a tinpot theory as any other.
asciilifeform: the thing is, his statement is not entirely unlike 'i woke up and my furniture was gone'
jurov: !t m x.eur
assbot: [MPEX:X.EUR] 1D: 0 / 0 / 0 (0 shares, 0 BTC), 7D: 0.0035 / 0.00383095 / 0.00390807 (1896 shares, 7.26 BTC), 30D: 0.00136203 / 0.00393969 / 0.00463902 (7822 shares, 30.82 BTC)
asciilifeform: somehow, the whole story - whether it was the lsd, or that the owner's 'furniture' was a cardboard box on the street - is not told in the statement.
jurov: ;;calc 1/0.0035
gribble: 285.714285714
jurov: ;;ticker --market bitcoin-central --currency eur
gribble: Bitcoin-Central BTCEUR ticker | Best bid: 261.0, Best ask: 269.49, Bid-ask spread: 8.49000, Last trade: 269.5, 24 hour volume: 33.62904287, 24 hour low: 260.0, 24 hour high: 269.98999999, 24 hour vwap: 263.47327425
davout: dat spread
jurov: x.eur is so bullish :)
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform quite.
mircea_popescu: it's what makes me suspicious, really. it's not even that, it's more like 16 yo telling the pastor "i woke up and my virginity - gone."
mircea_popescu: that trhis'd be all you have to say on the topic is louder than the newly stretched vagina, really.
asciilifeform: the real puzzler is that he mentioned it at all
asciilifeform: could simply walks around and hope pastor doesn't notice ?
punkman: where is this zerohedge article anyway
asciilifeform: hah. ~now~ has a 'submitted by orlov'
asciilifeform: classy.
shinohai: asciilifeform: buildroot-2015.02/board/pogo/pogo/linux.config <<< no such file or directory T_T
punkman: !up ValentinJesse
mircea_popescu: !up ubuntu__
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 150600 @ 0.00057266 = 86.2426 BTC [+] {3}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 161050 @ 0.00057514 = 92.6263 BTC [+] {2}
asciilifeform: !up ascii_field
assbot: oss-sec: Xen Security Advisory 138 (CVE-2015-5154) - QEMU heap overflow flaw while processing certain ATAPI commands. ... ( http://bit.ly/1MRRdqI )
ascii_field: ^ not to be confused with the fdd 'bug' from 2 mo ago
ascii_field: or the other one from last month
ascii_field: 'An HVM guest which has access to an emulated IDE CDROM device (e.g. with a device with "devtype=cdrom", or the "cdrom" convenience alias, in the VBD configuration) can exploit this vulnerability to take over the qemu process elevating its privilege to that of the qemu process. All Xen systems running x86 HVM guests without stubdomains which have been configured with an emulated CD-ROM driver model are vulnerable.'
ascii_field: 'Deployment of patches or mitigations is NOT permitted (except on
ascii_field: systems used and administered only by organisations which are members
ascii_field: of the Xen Project Security Issues Predisclosure List). Specifically,
ascii_field: deployment on public cloud systems is NOT permitted.' << embargo lulz
mircea_popescu: lmao wqhat ?!
mircea_popescu: wtf does that even mean.
ascii_field: it means 'seekrit cabal gets fix prior to plebes'
mircea_popescu: why would anyone ever use this shit ?
ascii_field: which?
ascii_field: xen per se?
ascii_field: or the cdrom emu
mircea_popescu: xen per se.
ascii_field: recall, the fdd bug ~did not rely on using anything~
ascii_field: ask the cheapo hosting folks, not me
ascii_field: as for qemu (the base project), it is THE pc emulator
ascii_field: and ubiquitous in, e.g., malware analysis business
ascii_field: also widely used by os devs and the like
ascii_field: there is really no substitute for it ('bochs' is a similar, but even more decrepit, apparatus)
mircea_popescu: sure, in lab settings.
mircea_popescu: why'd you put it on a public facing box
ascii_field: can't fathom why
ascii_field: unless honeypot
ascii_field: xen, on the other hand, is ubiquitous among 'cloud' turdmeisterdom
decimation: umm, I think qemu (and kvm) are the basis for nearly all 'cloud computers/
decimation: thus, nearly all 'public facing boxes' are actually these kinds of 'machines'
decimation: hopefully without emulated cd-roms apparently
decimation: http://www.cs.utexas.edu/~fussell/courses/cs352h/papers/moore.pdf < link to the original moore paper where he supposedly asserts 'stuff doubles every 18 months'
decimation: he really doesn't do that, but he does have a graph which implies it
decimation: if anything, his subject is 'number of components per integrated circuit'
assbot: virtualization - What's the differences between Xen, QEMU and KVM? - Stack Overflow ... ( http://bit.ly/1LNREna )
assbot: John Horton Conway: the world’s most charismatic mathematician | Siobhan Roberts | Science | The Guardian ... ( http://bit.ly/1JL3qdQ )
decimation: http://csrc.nist.gov/nissc/1996/papers/NISSC96/joyal/industry.pdf < interesting: " In 1981 Hitachi acquired a nearly-complete set of the confidential and much coveted IBM Adirondack Workbooks from a former IBM employee. ... What is most interesting to note, is that Hitachi spymasters in Japan, who were supervising the espionage operations, transmitted their instructions to Hitachi case officers in San Francisco through Japanese ...
decimation: ... diplomatic communications. The Japanese consulate had received telex instructions on how to proceed with the acquisition program after meetings between Hitachi and the American agents had occurred in Tokyo. Once communication was received in the consulate, the message was transmitted to the Hitachi man in Silicon Valley by the commercial representative of the Japanese consulate."
davout: !rate Pierre_Rochard 2 met this monsieur IRL
assbot: Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/202623865efade1b
davout: !v assbot:davout.rate.Pierre_Rochard.2:850d1e7af53102cfcda576f4f31d76f3867ad3ced5383c6129cdde64313ed568
assbot: Successfully added a rating of 2 for Pierre_Rochard with note: met this monsieur IRL
mod6: !up ascii_field
ascii_field debugging a device driver for ~2 days now; if there were to be a hell for programmerz, this oughta be one of the torments therein
mod6: Has anyone else been able to build asciilifeform 's "stator" on ubuntu? What I have experienced is that it does not build: The libs are not copied/installed into ./ourlibs, they are installed to the following places; OpenSSL to o /usr/local/ssl/, BDB to /lib and Boost to /usr/local/lib
mod6: this is on ubuntu 14.04 x86-64.
ascii_field: mod6: you built as root ?!!!
ascii_field: how else could these have been copied to /usr/anything
mod6: i am in this case... because if I didn't I'm getting a seperate error.
ascii_field: don't!!
ascii_field: and fuck ubuntu
ascii_field: it is brain-damaged
mod6: lemme rebuild and see if i can replicate the error. and paste it to you.
shinohai: mod6 I built it on Ubuntu a few weeks ago, thought I mentioned.
shinohai: Just for kicks
mod6: you probably did.
shinohai: I agree with ascii_field tho. Ubuntu is the retarded cousin of Debian
ascii_field: i will say again - don't run build script as root
ascii_field: nothing useful can come of it
ascii_field: if you find yourself doing this, your system is broken !
mod6: ok here we go. just a sec, will paste.
ascii_field: mod6: chown -R youself thedir
shinohai: mod6: I had to build boost by itself every time because of that name problem
ascii_field: mod6: you have crud owned by root in there
shinohai: after that I commented out the boost line and re-ran
mod6: ok will try a few things
mod6: alright, chowned the entire thing -R mod6:mod6, building again.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 80800 @ 0.00056377 = 45.5526 BTC [-] {2}
shinohai: mod6: I almost certain boost needs to be renamed from boost-x to boost_x
ascii_field: holy fuck why are people using retarded os
ascii_field: i don't get it.
assbot: Gawker Fires Bill Arkin ... ( http://bit.ly/1LOxKtQ )
gribble: The operation succeeded.
mod6: shinohai: im fairly certain that the line "BOOST=boost_1_52_0" matches what's in ./distfiles : http://dpaste.com/02HECCC.txt
mod6: ascii_field: im doing this because ive put stator.sh into the test bundle, and I wanna ensure that it works on gentoo/deb6/unbuntu before i notify people on the ML.
shinohai: Hmm ... i got the same error, so I manually downloaded boost because I had a .tar.gz in that folder instead of boost.tar.bz2
mod6: but i have bz2!
ascii_field: mod6: how broken does ubuntu need to prove itself before it is reasonable to declare it unsupported crock of shit - in the same toilet as winblowz ?
mod6: this is a fair question, i don't like it any better than you do. im just trying to figure out if im retarded.
mod6: i could be doing something wildly retarded, i just don't know what it /is/ yet :]
shinohai: I dunno, I doubt you are "retarded" but building it separate solved all my issues every build I have done so far
shinohai: Besides pogo, which I can't get to work at all
mod6: yeah, we need to be able to build the whole thing in one button push really. so doing it separate is fine for individuals who know what they're doing, but not good enough for release.
mod6: this does build fine (my TEST1 bundle with 'stator.sh' as non-root) on gentoo
mod6: as the same with genuine 'stator' archive
mod6: !up ascii_field
mod6: so this could just be ubuntu releated.
mod6: *related
shinohai: Same thing happened to me on Debian tho :/
mod6: seems to me, that i hit this once right when I first tried this package -- but the problem was then (over a month ago), i was dl'ing the .tar.gz of boost, not .tar.bz2, and i've corrected that
shinohai fires up ssh, and tries another Ubuntu build
mod6: i'll try deb6 again here this afternoon too.
trinque: shuttlecock's distro is dead to me as well
danielpbarron: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-07-2015#1211627 << if you're talking about BitVegas, they took me for a whole coin back when it was trading around 70 USD per (not by scamming but by me stupidly thinking i could beat martingale)
assbot: Logged on 24-07-2015 04:20:03; mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-07-2015#1211313 << wow srsly ? never heard of this one. how much ?
shinohai: Was BitVegas that minecraft like casino?
shinohai: I think I played bacon races or something there but long time ago
shinohai prays danielpbarron will release a prebuilt stator binary for pogo
danielpbarron: unless that's an item in Eulora, don't hold your breath
danielpbarron: the only things i'm building lately are exploration markers
shinohai: I'm still trying. One of these days I will unlock the secrets.
shinohai knows dick about cross-compilation.
danielpbarron: same here
ascii_field: shinohai: what part of the recipe failed for you ?
assbot: [BTC-dev] Presenting... Build your own Pogotron. ... ( http://bit.ly/1LLJdca )
assbot: [BTC-dev] Presenting... Build your own Pogotron. ... ( http://bit.ly/1LLJdca )
shinohai: but the buildroot I got has no "pogo" folder
ascii_field: it is created
ascii_field: by the patch
assbot: Qualcomm will lay off 15% of its workforce, succumbs to cult of ‘shareholder value’ | ExtremeTech ... ( http://bit.ly/1D5fTvL )
shinohai: hmmm
decimation: "The rest of the drop-off can be explained by Qualcomm being caught off-guard by 64-bit SoCs. It had no custom architecture ready to deploy, and was forced to adopt ARM’s standard cores for its next-generation of chips. That"
assbot: [BTC-dev] Presenting... Build your own Pogotron. ... ( http://bit.ly/1LLJdca )
decimation: "Samsung opted not to use Snapdragon 810 and the company has faced some price pressure from the low-end of the market, driven by companies like MediaTek and Rockchip."
ascii_field: what os was shinohai using ?
shinohai: Using Debian Jessie
ascii_field: and did the patch apply ?
ascii_field: (step #7)
shinohai: Asks me for file to patch, then says file not found, lemme try again
trinque: shinohai | ;;later tell trinque Don't ruin my jester troll B << whatchu talkin bout shinohai
shinohai: trinque: For some reason I got DM'd Saturday night asking for a keybase invite
shinohai: I was hoping that "THE GREAT JESTER" would see keybase is a load of shit
trinque: oh, I was a dick on twitter?
trinque: I forgot about that
shinohai: Direct Message
shinohai: and holy shit I got the patch to apply
trinque: I only tweet dickery, as a matter of principle
shinohai: I thought it would be funny if he actually stored a copy of his key "encrypted" on their server
shinohai: !up ascii_field
assbot: Don't whiz on, the electric fence! - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1fAyo06 )
decimation: http://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/2015/jul/11/qualcomm-jana-partners-stock-grants-microsoft/ < lol "One key issue for Qualcomm’s critics is shareholder dilution. Over the past five fiscal years, the company has spent $13.6 billion repurchasing 239 million of its own shares. These buybacks should have reduced the number of shares in the market, boosting shareholder value. But despite the buybacks, Qualcomm’s total ...
assbot: Billions in buybacks have not reduced Qualcomm's share count | SanDiegoUnionTribune.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1IpMj4A )
decimation: ... share count at the end of fiscal 2014 was flat compared with five years before."
decimation: the surface reading re: qualcomm: the management knows they are in a hole and therefore are colluding with outside investors to pirate assets from the company before it dies
decimation: meanwhile, eventually all phone chips will be made by chinese & korean firms
assbot: NationalSecurityAgency/SIMP · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1fAAfC5 )
decimation: "The entire idea of breaking Qualcomm up into two companies, for example, makes no sense from an ongoing business perspective — but it makes great sense if you’re an investor who believes the real money is in patent licensing (an extremely high-margin business) and not in chip manufacturing. "
ascii_field: actual release, yes!
trinque: they're diving in with the redditards/shithubians directly?
assbot: SIMP · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1fAAn4O )
ascii_field: not new
ascii_field: they had other publications, e.g., 'selinux'
trinque: wasn't "simp" what the semi-intelligent gorillas were called in Rama?
trinque: ascii_field: sure, but the fact that this is a huge wad of ruby code for puppet amuses me to no end
ascii_field: i can't bring myself to give half a fuck
trinque: which touches every possible knob on system config
decimation: trinque: what do you expect? usg was using lisp?
trinque: no no
trinque: I'm saying they have some puppet exploit
trinque: and they're distributing it thusly
ascii_field: and i can't fathom why anyone outside of usg walls would even consider using this
decimation: or they are just trying to half ass the halfass tools they have
ascii_field: as far as i can see, it is an internal auditing tool
decimation: usg is nominally responsible for the 'security' of all of its computers and a good deal of its subsidary's
decimation: gotta do something
decimation: the fact that 'security' has been defined-down to 'managing /etc profiles' is the punchline
trinque: many layers at NSA, I'm sure
trinque: not all of which are utter morons, but these surely are
decimation: meanwhile the chiense are busy putting us hardware companies out of business
trinque: good for them; they have the good sense to... make... things...
decimation: see 'rockchip' et all
trinque: my buddy learning mandarin has it right
decimation: they eat from below; apparently once the bathwater is circling the tub - management & hedge funds come to eat 'from the top'
ascii_field: wake me up when cn is using something other than winblowz (and stolen american designs, e.g., 'arm' wholesale) in their fabs
decimation: ascii_field: I suppose at one point cadence will get similar treatment
trinque: ascii_field: they're busy inventing factories
ascii_field: decimation: there is not the slightest sign whatsoever of this ever happening
trinque: they'll get to the design too
ascii_field: NO ONE invests in design
decimation: ascii_field: for example do you suppose 'rockchip' is nothing more than a pile of 'stolen' cores?
ascii_field: because countereconomic
ascii_field: same phenomenon as in ussr
ascii_field: decimation: it is exactly that
ascii_field: when somebody like me says 'let's design computer from scratch', a 'roi/tco' type reads 'let's make a megatonne pyre of money and light it'
trinque: why do they need to design new chips from scratch to unseat the USA as the leading economic and military power?
trinque: they can just eat the food we feed them
trinque: worry about being better than themselves after we're dead
trinque: or they'll die too
trinque: who knows
ascii_field: why wash hands before you eat.
ascii_field: no reason - manking got along without this, too, for quite a while.
ascii_field: *mankind
ascii_field: yes, it did.
ascii_field: why fight lice, fleas? our ancestors had them
ascii_field: (and grandchildren will, by all indications, have them again)
trinque: sure but on the one hand one could discuss tactics against the USA, and on the other, a sort of aspirational "best"
trinque: you can kill a guy with all sorts of blunt objects laying around
shinohai: Since it is too hot for tea, I chose a more refreshing drink this time around.
decimation: http://www.intc.com/releasedetail.cfm?ReleaseID=850623&ReleasesType=Corporate%20News < heh since intel saw rockchip as an obvious enemy it decided to 'partner' first
assbot: Intel Corporation - Intel Enters into Strategic Agreement with Rockchip to Accelerate, Expand Portfolio of Intel-Based Solutions for Tablets ... ( http://bit.ly/1IpNtwQ )
trinque: I see the chinese strategy as having been to bootstrap their own industrial economy by sucking the life out of ours. (obviously not an observation hard to come by)
trinque: they've done that masterfully
trinque: and if they pulled off something like that, I'd not think them so naive they think they can do that forever
trinque: *that they
assbot: Logged on 25-02-2015 16:31:47; asciilifeform: this is, by some indications, a non-renewable resource that's getting burned up rather quickly
assbot: Logged on 25-02-2015 16:31:18; asciilifeform: actually what cn has is precisely bipedal wealth
trinque: yes, cheap slaves, right?
ascii_field: ^ entirely incomplete summary
trinque: I shall read the thread
ascii_field: cheap ~meticulous, willing, aspiring~ labourers
decimation: ^ who presently survive on a few helpings of rice and some liquor
decimation: !up ascii_field
ascii_field: folks who are not resentful, as you and i would be if we were chained to factory tomorrow
trinque: I can certainly see how that level of devotion would wear out
decimation: because their parents were dirt farmers
ascii_field: folks for whom factory is a serious step ~up~
ascii_field: this is a non-renewable resource, for entirely obvious reasons
trinque: maybe china will look elsewhere for people to step-up; iirc they are already doing this
trinque: just like we did
decimation: sure, which is why they are in africa
trinque: mhm
ascii_field: apparently they were desperate enough to try africa.
decimation: mainly for minerals today, but tomorrow the people
trinque: but I see how the cost increases for each round
ascii_field: result: chinese reservations, barbed wire, machine guns
ascii_field: locals verboten
decimation: ^ but also the occasional road project 'for the people'
ascii_field: easy to hold 'mandate of heaven' while subjects are convinced that they are being 'lifted'
ascii_field: after that - 'stagnation period' and brezhnev, and discontent, and 'dissent'
ascii_field: and many toeholds for u.s. state dept., 'voice of america', hyoooman rightz
shinohai: ascii_field if I wasn't an atheist, I'd say "God bless you". It built.
ascii_field: what did
shinohai: the buildroot
trinque: ascii_field: do you recommend a starting-point book on USSR history, or is the material not in english?
trinque: seems referenced here often re: current events elsewhere
ascii_field: trinque: i know of no 'go-to' secondary source re: the whole shebang
ascii_field: esp. not in engl.
ascii_field: if you are only concerned with the collapse, orlov's 'post-soviet lessons' is notbad
ascii_field: (however, he is almost entirely unconcerned with the politics, only the consequences in daily life)
ascii_field: speaking of mr o,
ascii_field: commenter: 'The article showed up on your RSS feed yesterday. That is probably how Zero Hedge got it.'
ascii_field: orlov: 'There is a bug in blogger where it sometimes publishes a post even if the date is set in the future. I disabled feeds to work around it.'
decimation: trinque: I got the flavor of some of it from the writings of Solzhenitsyn
decimation: especially if you are curious about шара́жка
decimation: anyone who works for a soulless bureaucracy would immediate recognize the similarities
trinque: I'll do some reading on both; I am curious generally about the (seemingly) ever-repeating process of collapse
trinque: and I've gleaned some of the striking parallels between the USSR and the present USSA by listening to you gentlemen.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] 597 @ 0.002777 = 1.6579 BTC [+] {3}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 91720 @ 0.00002997 = 2.7488 BTC [+] {7}
shinohai: Ok so now I have this, what should my next step be ascii_field
mircea_popescu: "Two Fridays ago, when I read a story posted on Gawker that seemed to senselessly out a nobody for soliciting a gay porn prostitute, I immediately thought someone should be fired."
mircea_popescu: oh i c. putting hogan's hulk ass is journalism
mircea_popescu: mocking some inept faggot is very very bad
mircea_popescu: because empire of retards over there.
asciilifeform: !up ascii_field
ascii_field: shinohai: what are you trying to achieve ?
shinohai: build bitcoind for pogo of course
shinohai: Never done this before :/
ascii_field: shinohai: there is not, presently, a working bitcoind for the pogo buildroot that is made by the recipe linked earlier.
ascii_field: though you could probably build one
ascii_field: (will need a hybrid of the 'stator' script and the static cross-dev builder posted a while ago)
shinohai: I missed the cross-dev builder heh
mircea_popescu: "I hate to be hyperbolic, but want to understand ISIS or the Tea Party or Occupy or Charleston or Dylan? Look no further than Gawker and its ilk, which means look no further than twitter or your own so-called smartphone: We are making the world a miserable place. I’m glad I can withdraw and think about it."
mircea_popescu: there shall be a lot of "withdraw and think about it" in the retard camp methinks.
mircea_popescu: warkin@igc.org
mircea_popescu: host mx3.mindspring.com []
mircea_popescu: SMTP error from remote mail server after MAIL FROM:<office@polimedia.us> SIZE=1896:
mircea_popescu: 550 IP is blocked by EarthLink. Go to earthlink.net/block for
mircea_popescu: details.
ascii_field: 'use gmail, slave'
mircea_popescu: arkin's loss, i couldn't care less.
mod6: ok one problem for sure that I noticed when executing the boost steps manually is that I didn't have realpath installed.
mod6: (ubuntu)
ascii_field: one of the beauties of going buildroot-only is that we will no longer have this crud to put up with.
ascii_field: if buildroot builds on your box - the rest will build
ascii_field: if it doesn't - walk your box out behind the shed & shoot it, get a real computer
BingoBoingo: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=27-07-2015#1213743 << Reddit derp and dice banner girl seem to be different ones
assbot: Logged on 27-07-2015 12:57:13; mircea_popescu: this is the one from dooglus' site that took her pic with a wooden something up her snatch right ?
mod6: <+ascii_field> if it doesn't - walk your box out behind the shed & shoot it, get a real computer << :D
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo how do you figure this ?
BingoBoingo: Dice girl's nick was pikachujdc or something like that.
mircea_popescu: ascii_field this theoretical "so and so will happen" is nice and good, but also is useless in this discussion. following hanbot's mega-explosive "hey, this shit dun work on the most commonly seen linux out there" has been enlightening.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo "thepiachu" iirc.
ascii_field: mircea_popescu: not so theoretical. we just had another fella successfully 'buildroot' moments ago.
ascii_field: realize, thing is mostly cpu-agnostic
mircea_popescu: still moot.
mircea_popescu: ie, it's the assembly line for phds all over again.
ascii_field: it is the only way to get deterministic gcc
ascii_field: and thus have all the builders end up with actual same binary
ascii_field: for given src
shinohai: now if I can only figure out what to do next
ascii_field: shinohai: play with it. change the arch to x86 and see if you can run the resulting elf
ascii_field: on your pc
mircea_popescu: we're talking at cross purposes.
mircea_popescu: step out of that context for a second and understand that if the thing doesn't build,. the thing doesn't build.
mircea_popescu: same reason gentoo can go shit in its own mouth as far as im concerned.
ascii_field: mircea_popescu: buildroot is precisely the antidote to 'gentooism'
mircea_popescu: but do we have a recipe to give hanbot ?
ascii_field: in that it builds a gcc, and full binutils toolchain, which ~then~ can build, e.g., bitcoind
mircea_popescu: yes yes. do we have the exact equivalent of http://www.eulorum.org/Ubuntu
assbot: Ubuntu - Eulorum ... ( http://bit.ly/1D6vTgQ )
mircea_popescu: and i DO mean all the way to EXACTLY "Create a directory (mkdir dev). Navigate to it (cd dev)"
shinohai: Ubuntu is just the linux version of Winblowze Vista
mircea_popescu: with the paranthesis, included, verbatim, everywhere, no exceptions.
assbot: [BTC-dev] Presenting... Build your own Pogotron. ... ( http://bit.ly/1LLJdca )
mircea_popescu: besides the point.
shinohai: I am convinced
mircea_popescu: ascii_field we don't have that, we don't have anything in this perspective.
ascii_field: but overall mircea_popescu is right, there is not yet a cookbook
mircea_popescu: understand : in the strictest sense, it must be IDENTICAL.
mircea_popescu: as much as a single missing "navigate to foo (cd /foo)" means 100% failure.
ascii_field reads eulorum link, sees what mircea_popescu meant
mircea_popescu: now, obviously that it can be done at all is huge, and yes, all that is very important
mircea_popescu: but there's a prototype and there's a mass production in all things.
decimation: re: debian (and ubuntu): https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2015/07/msg00006.html < fuckwits removed sparc support from 'experimental'
assbot: Sparc removal ... ( http://bit.ly/1D6xEe9 )
decimation: 'yeah we totally write stuff in portable code but we can't be bothered to support anything other than what Intel stamps out because reasons'
mod6: !up ascii_field
shinohai: My first try at cross-compiling and I already need a drink .....
BingoBoingo: So lawyer finally called to update on what happened at court. Shit is getting real.
BingoBoingo: Apparently the person immediately under the elected State's attourney showed up to the negotiations and demanded a guilty plea offering minimum fine and court supervision. If they want it that bad they simply are not getting it.
BingoBoingo: So I will be shuttling $200 to the drive through lawyer to argue the hearing on motions in Septembet (why he neglected to mention this before I have no idea).
BingoBoingo: By yes. One of the big wigs at the prosecution's office apparently stooped to negotiating over a misdemeanor.
assbot: Debian Drops SPARC Platform Support - Slashdot ... ( http://bit.ly/1InKvVa )
mod6: I was able to build on deb6/gentoo nomultilib glibc/and ubuntu 14.04 just fine. On ubuntu, my problem was missing realpath. DEERP.
mod6: !up ascii_field
shinohai: O fuck mod6 I forgot all abt realpath
mod6: yup, i thought it was already on there. I just never bothered to check until I tried to execute the script commands by hand and it turned up "not found". then the "ah ha!" moment.
shinohai: Glad you got it though.
mod6: yeah, thanks.
mod6: my plan for tonight is to put out the bitcoin-v0_5_4-TEST1.tar.gz bundle to the ML tonight if possible. This is a pre-patched tarball of all of ascii's patches (and one of my fixes) up through verifyall. Should work only on x86-64 deb6/ubuntu 14.04/gentoo nomultilib glibc - if anyone wants to help test.
mod6: Beyond that, I need to write upt the SoBA for this month.
mod6: And then next month, if no one else volunteers to create the "cookbook". I'll spend all of August building that. I'll start with a guide for deb6 & ubuntu on x86-64 and i386.
mod6: (for v0.5.3.1)
mod6: then obviously it'll need further instructions in the cookbook for whenever we put out v0.5.4, etc.
ascii_field: mod6: i may or may not have a nice surprise for you this week
mod6: yikes.
shinohai: I'll help test as always mod6, in between this pogo crash-course I am doing
mod6: ascii_field: what's the problem now?
ascii_field: no problem
mod6: lol. ok. had me worried there for a second.
trinque: remote code execution 0day in all released versions of bitcoind
trinque: surprise!
mod6: yeah exactly ^
ascii_field: i promise i'll say tonight
ascii_field: nothing unpleasant, i promise
shinohai: remote code execution 0day in all released versions of bitcoinXT <<< FTFY
gernika: Anyone yet written any scripts to archive Trilema? I dipped my toe in the water, but only got as far as figuring out how to get curl to set the right cookie.
shinohai: I was going to speak with mp about archiving
ben_vulpes: !s wget -m
assbot: 56 results for 'wget -m' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=wget+-m
shinohai: BingoBoingo too, on qntra
ben_vulpes: shinohai: ^^
trinque: !s from:mircea_popescu fair use
assbot: 2 results for 'from:mircea_popescu fair use' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=from%3Amircea_popescu+fair+use
BingoBoingo: shinohai: If you really want to archive qntra there are many options. wget, curl, that derpy browser based website copier...
trinque: it would be rude aside from theft to host the mirror, however, re: trilema
shinohai: I know *how* to archive websites, just permissions, etc.
gernika: Aha. Ok thanks. That should do it. Wget is a start. Ultimately I would like a distilled form with text + title + footnotes in some sort of structured format.
shinohai: In fact, if *anyone* would like for me to archive their site, they are welcome to message
jurov: ;;isup trilema.com
gribble: trilema.com is down
davout: mircea_popescu can't get it up anymore?
trinque: shinohai: I look forward to the day publishing is done over gossipd.
shinohai: gossipd is golang isn't it ?
trinque: not the one to which I refer
trinque: isn't built yet
trinque: !s gossipd
assbot: 151 results for 'gossipd' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=gossipd
shinohai: I always want to add a "t" to the end of your name trinque
shinohai rhymes with "trinket"
trinque: one can easily imagine a system with both assurances that the content being read is the author's and with fault tolerance
Adlai: ;;seen artifexd
gribble: artifexd was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 13 weeks, 4 days, 22 hours, 25 minutes, and 9 seconds ago: <artifexd> I'm comfortable calling it a review. Not just of what it is but what it was and how it got to where it is.
trinque: shinohai: I think the french pronunciation would be something like "trin-keh"
trinque: used to have an accent on it iirc
Adlai still pronounces it "undata"
shinohai: I do the Spanish pronunciation, "que" sounding like the letter K
Adlai: nobody expects the spanish pronounciation!
trinque: lol
mats: MMS RCE
trinque: holy shit
davout: trinque: "with both assurances that the content being read is the author's" <<< iirc that was precisely not the point
trinque: davout: nah, talking bout an app atop the thing
trinque: author blasts his latest to however many connected nodes with signatures, and so on
trinque: is that just usenet with sigs? might be
mod6: !up ascii_field
fluffypony: mats: not just MMC
fluffypony: anything that uses the framework to generate thumbnails or whatever
davout: trinque: ic
trinque: davout: also how do I say my name?
trinque: (said the american to the european)
davout: tango romeo india november quebec uniform echo
trinque: lol, damn it
mats: fluffypony: ic, i haven't looked at it in depth yet
davout: trinque is the french for "cheers" when you have a drink
davout: from the "trinquer" verb
trinque: I've heard that; I wonder whether my ancestors were wine makers or winos
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6411 @ 0.00056117 = 3.5977 BTC [-]
trinque: this android thing might be enough to push me back towards a dumbphone
Adlai: trinque: porquenolosdos.gif
kakobrekla: ;;google johns phone
gribble: Amazon.com: John's Phone. Business - Black. The World's Simplest ...: <http://www.amazon.com/Johns-Phone-Business-Black-Simplest/dp/B004TF10FG>; John's Phone - The World's Simplest Cell Phone | Covering mobile ...: <http://www.johnsphones.com/>; Store | John's Phone - The World's Simplest Cell Phone: <http://www.johnsphones.com/store/item9>
kakobrekla: perhaps?
trinque: not bad
trinque: nice looking too
kakobrekla: comes with notepad and pen
trinque: this might do nicely, thanks
mats: b-but no texting
ascii_field: JUROV!!!!
ascii_field: wtf is the matter with turdatron
ascii_field: nm, just abominably slow
ascii_field: and...
ascii_field: i wasn't going to post this quite yet, had been sitting on it for a bit, because no time lately to test much
ascii_field: (actual wurk!)
ascii_field: but, since it works, and mircea_popescu was lamenting the lack of it,
ascii_field: here it is:
assbot: [BTC-dev] Rotor! ... ( http://bit.ly/1InQxW4 )
ascii_field: ^^^^^^^^^
ascii_field: achtung, panzerz
ascii_field: ben_vulpes, mod6, mircea_popescu, et al ^^^
ascii_field: this one is the full shebang.
ascii_field: ;;later tell mircea_popescu here it is ^
gribble: The operation succeeded.
ascii_field goes back to uranium mines
trinque: ascii_field: bravo sir, your shiva hands never cease to amaze
shinohai: ascii_field: you are a fucking genius
ascii_field: first run it, then thank
ascii_field: could be, it only ever worked on my box
trinque: testing it now
mod6: ah
mod6 looks
shinohai: Every time I follow ascii_field's instructions I have to get out the samovar for tea.
shinohai: !up ascii_field
ascii_field: what can i do, it dun work without tea
mod6: thanks for posting that ascii_field!
mod6: im gonna try to build this
trinque: note to derps such as myself, you must rename the files without the appended ml hash or w/e to verify sigs
mod6: ^
shinohai: Ok, tea is brewing, lets begin peeps
BingoBoingo: !up ascii_field
assbot: Brick Black ... ( http://bit.ly/1MsDyZb )
trinque: color schemes remind me of the winamp for some reason
trinque: s/the//
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 123200 @ 0.00055927 = 68.9021 BTC [-]
mod6: i hit a small environment snag in the buildroot build itself -- i didn't have `cpio` installed, now that it's installed continuing make..
trinque: in my case buildroot succeeded, and build proceeds up to the following barf trying to build db:
trinque: configure: error: cannot run C compiled programs.
trinque: If you meant to cross compile, use `--host'.
trinque: there were also several failed boost targets, which may or may not matter
mod6: what type of environment did you build on? im building mine on [gentoo/nomultilib/glibc]
pete_dushenski: http://www.contravex.com/2015/07/27/the-valley-of-uncanny/ << because scoopbot_revived only picked up the first of today's poems.
assbot: The valley of uncanny. | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( http://bit.ly/1MsEfBT )
pete_dushenski: ;;later tell williamdunne any idea why scoopy won't pick up two articles in quick succession ?
gribble: The operation succeeded.
pete_dushenski: ;;seen williamdunne
gribble: williamdunne was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 week, 2 days, 18 hours, 10 minutes, and 49 seconds ago: <williamdunne> Is there a sign saying dead nigger storage?
BingoBoingo: !up williamdunne
BingoBoingo: !up devthedev
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30775 @ 0.00055878 = 17.1965 BTC [-] {3}
trinque: mod6: gentoo hardened glibc amd64
mod6: hmm
mod6: ok
williamdunne: Hello all
mod6: hi
williamdunne: <pete_dushenski> any idea why scoopy won't pick up two articles in quick succession ? <<< lack of a functional messaging queue in the standard library of what I used, resulting in me using a hacky way of getting the bit that handles IRC to speak to the bit that handles RSS
williamdunne: Hence why Twitter doesn't have that issue, but IRC does
williamdunne: (RSS also handles twitter)
pete_dushenski: all good. i'll just spread 'em out next time.
pete_dushenski: the two today were written a few hours apart, i just wanted to publish them together since they were in the same vein.
pete_dushenski: apparently, this was to no advantage !
williamdunne: Sorry about that, I'll look into a fix
williamdunne: Probably can just adapt the hack to use a list instead of plain text
pete_dushenski: if it's simple enough, go for it.
assbot: media/libstagefright/MPEG4Extractor.cpp - platform/frameworks/av - Git at Google ... ( http://bit.ly/1SKcXqb )
assbot: Gerrit Code Review ... ( http://bit.ly/1MsFKzQ )
williamdunne: pete_dushenski feel free to test, but he should work with multiple posts in quick succession now
pete_dushenski: let's see...
pete_dushenski: !up williamdunne
pete_dushenski: williamdunne let me know when you're ready for another test.
williamdunne: pete_dushenski: mmk should be good to go
pete_dushenski: let's see this time...
assbot: Logged on 27-07-2015 22:27:19; trinque: configure: error: cannot run C compiled programs.
assbot: Logged on 27-07-2015 19:17:47; ascii_field: if it doesn't - walk your box out behind the shed & shoot it, get a real computer
williamdunne: Oh dear lawd
asciilifeform: trinque: at some point you have to realize that you don't actually have a unix box
asciilifeform: and go, get one
Naphex: :)
asciilifeform: buildroot ~does not need anything exotic~ to build. it is a good candidate for a basic test of sanity.
asciilifeform: if it doesn't build on your box - it is ~your box~ that is retarded
asciilifeform: sorry folks, just the way it is
trinque: given where it blew up, it is complaining of not being able to run binaries produced by the buildroot gcc
asciilifeform: trinque: what cpu arch ?
asciilifeform: the given config is for x86_64
trinque: yep, this is that
trinque: it's a gentoo install I've rolled forward for *years*
trinque: nothing wrong with it.
asciilifeform: post log ?
trinque: sure will
williamdunne: pete_dushenski: Silly derp there, fix should have worked and was simple
pete_dushenski: ready for another test ?
williamdunne: I believe so!
williamdunne: The problem has moved a few times
asciilifeform: ;;later tell mircea_popescu http://bitcoinist.net/university-of-maryland-cryptocurrency-research-grants << looks like the dean didn't give a fuck
assbot: University Of Maryland Gives Cryptocurrency Research Grants - Bitcoinist.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1SKetsn )
gribble: The operation succeeded.
asciilifeform: btw the link is broken
asciilifeform: but i found the real one:
assbot: Research.gov - SEE Innovation - Locations - Awards Detail ... ( http://bit.ly/1SKevjY )
asciilifeform: srp%3Aview&wsrp-windowState=
asciilifeform: ;;later tell mircea_popescu ^ https://archive.is/2ZiCQ
assbot: Research.gov - SEE Innovation - Locations - Awards Detail ... ( http://bit.ly/1SKevAF )
gribble: The operation succeeded.
asciilifeform: Elaine Shi.
pete_dushenski: $2 mn bezzlars !
mats: lol
pete_dushenski: williamdunne *crickets*
williamdunne: pete_dushenski: No error my side, did you post a test?
williamdunne: Yeah scoop didn't see any test
pete_dushenski: will try... again.
williamdunne: He matches via URLs and remembers ones he's seen in the past, so if the URL was the same that'd be why it didn't work
trinque: ^ worst articles to date
trinque: harumph!
pete_dushenski: i'll keep practising, i promise !
williamdunne: Perfect :)
trinque: hehe
trinque: this just5 company does not appear to ship to the USA!11!
pete_dushenski: williamdunne wd :D
shinohai: well asciilifeform i am all jacked up on tea now and still have no clue what to change on this .config xD
pete_dushenski: trinque just5 doesn't deal with terrorists.
trinque: pete_dushenski: who can blame them?
williamdunne: pete_dushenski: cheers, we must be one of the most productive communities
trinque: !up williamdunne
pete_dushenski: trinque costs more than its worth
pete_dushenski: williamdunne s/communities/cults
assbot: Let’s Cut To The Chase, Is La Serenissima A Cult? | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( http://bit.ly/1IDCstP )
pete_dushenski: ^i believe before your time, williamdunne
williamdunne: pete_dushenski: Nah, I've read most posts by most people here. Including that aha
shinohai likes cults
pete_dushenski: williamdunne no small task, that.
pete_dushenski pets shinohai
trinque: in a bit I'll go back from the beginning to see if I glossed over a step, don't think I did
williamdunne: pete_dushenski: Yeah, Trilema was the biggest struggle. Still haven't read all of them but read enough that I cooked salmon teriyaki the other evening
pete_dushenski: nice. how'd it turn out ?
williamdunne: It was pretty good, but that had more to do with the salmon than the teriyaki. Didn't leave it to soak for nearly long enough because we were too hungry
trinque: shinohai | well asciilifeform i am all jacked up on tea now << OH YEAH BROTHER
shinohai: trinque you have any suggestions for me ?
trinque: nah, I'm also jacked on caffeine
trinque scrolls up
trinque: shinohai: where'd you get stuck?
gernika: trinque in a quest for a minimal dumb phone I ordered this: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00JN82EFO?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_search_detailpage. They indeed shipped the phone to the US, but didn't work because wrong GSM frequency. Watch out for that.
assbot: Amazon.com: Tomorrow M5 Mini Card Cell Phones Ultra Thin Student Version (Black): Cell Phones & Accessories ... ( http://bit.ly/1IDDRRb )
trinque: gernika: yeah, looking out for that
trinque: that phone's pretty as well.
pete_dushenski: williamdunne next time, plan ahead a day and enjoy the not insignificant benefits of your foresight and patience.
shinohai: cyanogenmod, ftw
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 103157 @ 0.0005393 = 55.6326 BTC [-]
pete_dushenski: gernika neat. though a dumbphone too dumb to text "be there in 10" is too dumb for me.
williamdunne: pete_dushenski Yes, I planned enough ahead to have ingredients in, but not enough to sort the teriyaki beforehand. Probably try it again in a couple of weeks
pete_dushenski: thus, black razr is the sweet spot.
mats: yes am bringing back the RAZR
pete_dushenski: williamdunne well, you can always blog about it !
mats: old school cool
gernika: pete_dushenski I ended up getting a samsung gusto - texts well enough.
pete_dushenski: mats it's seriously the coolest. looks a million times better than phabtards with their ipads to their heads
gernika: I do miss my old razr.
mats: am still waiting for my motorolaC155 to arrive
pete_dushenski: gernika predictive t9 makes all the difference
mats: le open baseband fw osmocomBB
trinque: I never text away from my computer
trinque: I'm also never away from my computer, haha
trinque: all I need is a device that can tell me "hey dude, open your computer" really.
assbot: Amazon.com: BLU BLU Tank II T193 Unlocked GSM Dual-SIM Cell Phone w/ Camera and 1900 mAh Big Battery - Unlocked Cell Phones - Retail Packaging - Black Red: Cell Phones & Accessories ... ( http://bit.ly/1IDEN8d )
trinque: I did rock a razr for years
trinque: treated me well.
trinque: startac as well
trinque: I am probably a unique case in that aside from calls from family, I really don't care to be responsive at second-latency to the world at large
trinque: next day is good enough for anybody.
shinohai: ok enough tea and fucking bitcoin for the day. Time for the hard stuff.
shinohai pours out shots for #b-a [~]
pete_dushenski: trinque true 98% of the time, yes.
phf: re: feature phones, i used this one for a bit http://www.amazon.com/Samsung-GT-E1182L-Unlocked-Quad-Band-Organizer/dp/B007F9XJDY, main perk that it supports u.s. and international freq. downside that i discovered with phones like that is that sounds quality is shit, compared with iphone+apple-earbuds
assbot: 404 - Document Not Found ... ( http://bit.ly/1Oxm8sY )
pete_dushenski: the iphone does have spectacular call quality. then again, it's $800
shinohai: But then you'd own an Apple product.
mod6: asciilifeform: got all the way through boost build with rotor, but not sure yet why this happened: http://dpaste.com/0DZW6G0.txt
trinque: mod6: I hit that too, before I added -e to the top of the script
trinque: with -e I get stuck at the db step
trinque: that one looks like maybe there's a cd further up causing it
phf: well, that's the conversation about real computers. i wouldn't mind paying those same $800 for a phone that's not "diddle by usg", has excellent sound quality and can send sms with a full keyboard. such phone is not to be had though
trinque: yep
ben_vulpes: i dun mind the phones. voice travels in plaintext of necessity.
mod6: hmm, so after that, i commented out the configure/build parts for openssl/bdb/boost from rotor.sh and re-ran rotor.sh, and it started to compile... failed. couldn't find the BDB stuff.
mod6: but what was strange is that none of the bdb libs were copied into ourlibs
ben_vulpes: run it with -e and see why bdb fails to compile.
ben_vulpes: yeah, because bdb is failing to compile.
trinque: ben_vulpes: what about minding snagging a reset-password email from your phone?
mod6: ok will do
trinque: obviously I avoid the above by other means, but point remains, and no hand-computer for me anymore.
ben_vulpes: trinque: anything i actually give a shit about can't be reset that way.
trinque: I use my phone like a grandpa anyway, will be losing nothing.
trinque: and gaining battery life, actually
ben_vulpes: my gmail is known to be compromised, for instance. mails not signed by me or not in response to mails encrypted to my key cannot be said to be "from me".
ben_vulpes: and the latter only weakly.
ben_vulpes: "text messages" the same.
assbot: Bitcoin Address 1HitLerDidNothingWrongggggghJewfv ... ( http://bit.ly/1IDIRVP )
trinque: BingoBoingo: that's hate speech; arrest the blockchain.
mod6: yeah, trinque. I got the same error [this is on, gentoo/nomultilib/glibc built on 20150713]: http://dpaste.com/27S67FQ.txt
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=28-07-2015#1214498 << picture the sheer amount of cpu (gpu? fpga? asic?!!) cycles that went into creating that
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Not many cycles necessary if no plans to ever spend from
asciilifeform: vanitygen -i 1HitLerDidNothing
asciilifeform: Difficulty: 6229598590911364789066338
asciilifeform: [475.10 Kkey/s][total 1440256][Prob 0.0%][50% in 2.881999e+11y]
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo is right.
BingoBoingo: Probably could be done on paper
assbot: Logged on 27-07-2015 20:11:38; mod6: yup, i thought it was already on there. I just never bothered to check until I tried to execute the script commands by hand and it turned up "not found". then the "ah ha!" moment.
pete_dushenski: "You should expect network instability at the very beginning of the release, including forks, potential abnormal display of information on our http://stats.ethdev.com page, and various Peer to Peer connectivity issues." << hey, ethereum is just like normal bitcoin !
assbot: Ethereum Network Status ... ( http://bit.ly/1OxoCYg )
assbot: Logged on 27-07-2015 20:38:55; davout: mircea_popescu can't get it up anymore?
assbot: Android text message hack: 95% of Android phones vulnerable ... ( http://bit.ly/1OxoJmC )
assbot: Logged on 27-07-2015 20:41:45; trinque: shinohai: I think the french pronunciation would be something like "trin-keh"
assbot: Logged on 27-07-2015 21:17:26; ascii_field: ^^^^^^^^^
shinohai: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=28-07-2015#1214504 <<< My sister got very angry with me for saying I was going to make a "1gasthekikes" addy
assbot: Logged on 28-07-2015 00:17:38; assbot: Logged on 28-07-2015 00:15:17; BingoBoingo: https://blockchain.info/address/1HitLerDidNothingWrongggggghJewfv
pete_dushenski: shinohai hey, some ppl are touchy like that.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=27-07-2015#1214384 <<< oh, look at that, joel insani-katz and friends. will wonders never cease!
assbot: Logged on 27-07-2015 23:25:27; asciilifeform: ;;later tell mircea_popescu http://bitcoinist.net/university-of-maryland-cryptocurrency-research-grants << looks like the dean didn't give a fuck
mircea_popescu: but in any case, the university blowing 2 mn on idiots and raving lunatics seems different from the other one being defrauded by similarly malignant idiots and raving lunatics.
mircea_popescu: i see " The project, titled, “The Science and Applications of Crypto-Currency,” will feature David Van Horn, Jonathan Katz, Michael Hicks as Co-PD(s)/co-PI(s)."
mircea_popescu: anyway, so i guess this is what the response to the b-a shattering of the vessenes scamfoundation is, get the tardstalk retards together over in maryland to start over.
mircea_popescu: looking forward to the lulzfest.
mircea_popescu: "Since media processing is often time-sensitive, the library is implemented in native code (C++) that is more prone to memory corruption than memory-safe languages like Java."
mircea_popescu: dude who the fuck writes this pulp.
mircea_popescu: the not even wrong club.
shinohai: pete_dushenski: I have a rather dark sense of humour she sometimes fails to appreciate at first, then winds up laughing months later.
trinque: mircea_popescu: the fuck, fuck, someone get a bullshit press release out dept
mircea_popescu: trinque this is to my eyes the #1 problem atm. theo de raadt is doing decent work, but he's barnacled by idiot X Y Z ? check. the kids here, found a legit vulnerability i'm sure, but are they packaged by anon idiot ?
mircea_popescu: allowing this sort of parasitism is actually worse than not doing the work in the first place.
mircea_popescu: people need to learn to be A LOT MORE intolerant with these schmucks. yes, there's always going to be flies ready to land on the oxcart and talk about how "they"ve been plowing, and explain how plowing goes
mircea_popescu: tolerating this shit is exactly how western civilisation failed.
trinque: certainly, gotta know when to keep your mouth shut.
trinque: and listen.
trinque: which is for most people 100% of the time.
mircea_popescu: more importantly, gotta know how to open your mouth, and say "stop talking about me you contemptible clod, you don't know enough to shit out the right hole"
trinque: mhm.
mircea_popescu: in the end this is exactly equivalent to the end to end encryption thing we're doing.
mircea_popescu: none of this bs "i do 99% of the work and then thhis shithead comes around and wraps it in diarhea".
mircea_popescu: btw phf whar is that crapple binary! we need mushrooms!
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=28-07-2015#1214482 << i don't have the time or patience to talk to people over the phone. worst fucking medium ever. if you like the girl why isn't she naked in your lap and if you don't why is there sound.
assbot: Logged on 28-07-2015 00:08:55; ben_vulpes: i dun mind the phones. voice travels in plaintext of necessity.
shinohai: Is it just me, or does this sound ridiculous: https://twitter.com/CCartelBCR/status/625812975086137344
phf: i've got the makefile (that's how i was on last time) to do a clean build, i'm rebuilding right now with smg hosted files
phf: pulling those tars at 100kb down took most of the time ;)
phf: i'm pretty sure i can get it to a point of "unzip folder, double click"
mircea_popescu: pretty cool
mircea_popescu: shinohai it's not actually something. just words on a twitter account.
mircea_popescu: if it gets you to give him money good and if not maybe someone else.
mircea_popescu: "social media"
shinohai: It made my head hurt.
shinohai: No longer do i need to work and repay loans, blockchain does it for me.
danielpbarron: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=27-07-2015#1214285 << wait are you a Eulorian or is that a real thing?
assbot: Logged on 27-07-2015 21:23:27; shinohai: Every time I follow ascii_field's instructions I have to get out the samovar for tea.
shinohai: Real thing danielpbarron I can't play games worth a damn
shinohai: mine isn't quite so fancy but yeah
BingoBoingo: !up nick_thunderdome
nick_thunderdome: why thanks bingoboingo
assbot: Log In - The New York Times ... ( http://bit.ly/1Sa9Sog )
danielpbarron: shinohai, what is a samovar in the meat world?
punkman: boiler
decimation: "t. The top editor in chief and the editor at Gawker resigned in protest, claiming that Nick Denton had done exactly what he had promised previously not to do in setting up an editorial staff to insulate him and “the business side.” "
decimation: I think it's fucktarded to expect the owner of a newspaper has no opinions on the news
decimation: why else would you buy a newspaper?
phf: danielpbarron: that was a picture of a samovar in meat world
danielpbarron: ah that's kinda what it looks like in Eulora
danielpbarron: right now most of our tasks revolve around that damn thing
phf: you can't have a proper, civilized gathering without one
punkman: I'm partial to the uncomplicated ibrik
phf: ibrik still requires a source of heat, and next thing you know you're trying to buy a hovoli machine from turkey
assbot: Coffee machines :: Turkish Coffee Machines :: Hovoli 1000s - Turkish coffee machine - FreshCoffeeShop ... ( http://bit.ly/1D41vEn )
punkman: do you have a magical samovar that doesn't require source of heat?
phf: punkman: samovar has a source of heat builtin. traditional models will have a tube in the center, that's used to burn wood like http://magazin-samovarov.ru/upload/medialibrary/3e9/%20golxwmp%207.JPG
phf: modern ones are electric, essentially electric kettles with a spigot
phf: of course you can't cook coffee with a samovar, nor make tea with ibrik, so it's apples and oranges anyway
punkman: I can make tea with it. also eggs.
phf: i assume a teabag is somehow involved..
phf: actually i'm hating for no good reason, i know that in africa they cook tea in ibrik, but i've not had much practice with it. know they also use a lot of sugar and mint
punkman: traditionally you just throw tea or herbs in while it's still boiling
phf: yeah
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=28-07-2015#1214525 << let me know once you tried it. so far it works on two reasonable machines.
assbot: Logged on 28-07-2015 00:37:21; mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=27-07-2015#1214271 << aaaaight.
punkman: I prefer to use one of those strainers that fits in your cup, since I don't usually have tea that benefits from boiling
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=28-07-2015#1214534 << they are simply imitating mit, the way small-time crooks slavishly imitate famous mega-sc4mz0rz
assbot: Logged on 28-07-2015 00:42:29; mircea_popescu: anyway, so i guess this is what the response to the b-a shattering of the vessenes scamfoundation is, get the tardstalk retards together over in maryland to start over.
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=28-07-2015#1214541 << folks who actually do work are not ever, as a matter of deliberate policy, let anywhere near a mainstream microphone
assbot: Logged on 28-07-2015 00:46:43; mircea_popescu: trinque this is to my eyes the #1 problem atm. theo de raadt is doing decent work, but he's barnacled by idiot X Y Z ? check. the kids here, found a legit vulnerability i'm sure, but are they packaged by anon idiot ?
asciilifeform: elementarily.
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=28-07-2015#1214543 << i agree. and this is how, e.g., phuctor, 'didn't happen'
assbot: Logged on 28-07-2015 00:47:49; mircea_popescu: people need to learn to be A LOT MORE intolerant with these schmucks. yes, there's always going to be flies ready to land on the oxcart and talk about how "they"ve been plowing, and explain how plowing goes
trinque: lost on most is the value of being yelled at by a learned person.
asciilifeform: (from the standpoint of everybody who isn't us here)
phf: punkman: i work with iranians, and they, like russians, cook a tea concentrate in a teapot and then you dilute it from a kettle before serving. i used to use tea strainer but i switched back to russian method. this way i can drink tea for hours on end :> samovar is best in that case because it provides a constant supply of warm water
punkman: phf, samovars are definitely spiffy
trinque: in other words, if theo holds back scraping barnacles at all, he's doing them a disservice as well as himself.
trinque: or wtf is education?
asciilifeform: the barnacles are not, for any practical purposes of ours, people.
asciilifeform: they are quite like ordinary barnacles, the kind found on ships
assbot: [BTC-dev] Rotor! ... ( http://bit.ly/1InQxW4 )
gribble: The operation succeeded.
danielpbarron: punkman> I can make tea with it. also eggs. << heh, in Eulora it's specifically called a "multifunctional samovar"
asciilifeform unzips, pisses on the grave of glibc
punkman: asciilifeform: nice
mats: musl master race
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes, mod6, mircea_popescu, et al: anybody who wants to use a specific version of gcc, will find a knob for this in .config
asciilifeform: the next step will be to turn 'rotor' into a buildroot package properly speaking (like all the various packages that come with buildroot)
asciilifeform: this way it will magically get onto any buildroot-linux that is built (e.g., pogo)
asciilifeform: conceivably the three deps ought to be a package each
asciilifeform: that way they will be built once and cached, for a given buildroot working dir
decimation: I would like a buildroot for osx
asciilifeform: wai wat
decimation: but I suspect it's too fucktarded to work right
trinque: even my gentoo is apparently too strange to make it through; god help os x
asciilifeform: trinque: what, exactly, happened there
asciilifeform: did i miss in the log ?
trinque: asciilifeform: yeah lemme dig up the link
decimation doesn't understand how gentoo could fail to build something
asciilifeform: mats: ' it’s no more available unless you use some very old phones/firmwares ( on most devices they removed the ttyUSB serial interfaces to send AT commands to the GSM modem as well ).' << explain to me why this trick requires a phone. i have a crate of gsm modems here, they all have serial lines and take hayes AT command set
trinque: though if it's a matter of my strange I'll worry about it then let the rest know the fix if I find it
decimation: yeah nearly all modern smartphones still use the 'at commmands' to control the 'baseband' cpu to my knowledge
asciilifeform: so why bother with the 'phone that won't let'
asciilifeform: just buy the modem
asciilifeform: ten bux or so.
mats: I imagine that the author spends a lot of time tooling around in cyanogenmod
asciilifeform: mats: this explains nothing
asciilifeform: article is about 'here is a cool trick, but google's phones won't let you access the modem, buy an old phone'
decimation: if your building the root fs on your phone, gotta talk with the actual radio somehow
asciilifeform: why did he not say 'buy modem'
asciilifeform: buy the modem, and you are ~guaranteed~ to get to talk to the modem
asciilifeform: and usually the various knobs of the radio, if you can read cn or ru and have patience to find datasheet
decimation: actually I suggest a much better idea: reverse the baseband cpu and software
asciilifeform: (if you can't read cn or ru, and have no phriends who can, you have sadly no business in electrowankery)
asciilifeform: decimation: you can get, iirc, a full gsm stack for extant sdr boards
asciilifeform: why reverse.
decimation: because of the interesting nooks and crannies one might find
decimation: for phun and prophit
asciilifeform: but original link concerned a trick using standard gsm protocol
decimation: but yeah, if you want to listen to gsm, buy an sdr rx
mats: I dunno man. I don't know anything about GSM
decimation: although classical gsm is a bit difficult to demodulate
mats: have a hackrf in a box somewhere but I haven't done anything with it
punkman: mats, are any of the osmocombb phones still manufactured?
mats: I've not looked into it, but I doubt it
mats: I get mine from ebay
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=27-07-2015#1214249 << astonishing hipster idiocy. just like, e.g., 'hemingwriter'. ('let's make laptop shaped like typewriter! that'll bring western civilization back!') idiot cargocultists. 'let's omit all, even the few useful features like 'who called' from cell phone! that'll bring the 1950s and american industry back!'
assbot: Logged on 27-07-2015 21:04:46; kakobrekla: ;;google johns phone
mats: can set up an imsi catcher detector with osmocombb phone, kinda neat
asciilifeform: mats: how's that work? detects any tower seen at ground level?
asciilifeform: or, one that is too 'loud' ? or in motion ?
asciilifeform: (or - more likely - are 'catchers' laughably poor stand-ins for traditional tower?)
decimation: asciilifeform: I think the latter is the usual method
mats: detects things like downgrade attacks or anomalous tower behavior
asciilifeform: i don't get why they would necessarily have to exhibit anomalous behaviour
mats: encryption to none such from a tower
asciilifeform: what's to keep the enemy from simply walking around with a proper commercial tower business end
asciilifeform: and why does anyone give a fuck re: gsm encryption? it uses a toy 1980s algo
mats: LAC change, for instance
decimation: A5/1?
asciilifeform: openly mandated by nsa, no less
decimation: somehow nobody gives a fuck
trinque: who would, the consumers?
trinque: they're well conditioned to chuckle about "govt sees my dick pics"
asciilifeform: my current understanding is that 'imsi catcher' is an artifact specifically of the bureaucratic side of usg. intercept at the tower, where the bits hit a land line, is trivial and no one has to leave his chair - but the paperwork is annoying. hence squaddie and 'catcher'
asciilifeform: and then parallel construct, 'never happened', 'anonymous stoolie told us where the cocain was buried'
decimation: asciilifeform: plus you can buy one openly on the market
asciilifeform: build yourself
asciilifeform: from, e.g., verizon's 'femtocell'
asciilifeform: all the hardware is helpfully included.
decimation: squaddie's boss buys on market
assbot: Logged on 28-07-2015 00:02:50; pete_dushenski: the iphone does have spectacular call quality. then again, it's $800
decimation: or do you think they go hat in hand before the feds?
asciilifeform: all modern cell phones have abominable sound quality
asciilifeform: for entirely elementary reason
decimation: actually I think the iphone will establish a 'facetime' connection over the internet in certain situations
decimation: which has better compression/higher bandwidth
asciilifeform: if wifi, and if both sides select it
asciilifeform: never, afaik, default
asciilifeform: hence worthless
asciilifeform: and then you walk off your yard and wifi cuts, and lose call.
asciilifeform: lacks, what phone folks call 'hand-off'
decimation: yes, it's a noticable failure of the wifi protocol
mats: can't face time over data network?
asciilifeform: not iirc
decimation: yeah I think so
asciilifeform: plus there are still retarded carriers ('verizon') where data modem is shut down if voice call is going, until it hangs up
asciilifeform: (yes, they don't transmit voice as ip packets! believe!)
decimation: actually transmitting voice as ip sounds retarded
asciilifeform: why have two modems ?
decimation: I doubt there are two physical modems
asciilifeform: there is 1
decimation: it's one 'modem' which is actually a 'software rate' which has multiple fucktarded interfaces
asciilifeform: but it is structured in such a way that the band can be used only for voice XOR data
phf: asciilifeform: my point was that feature phones are not particularly good at their claimed purpose, that buying an old nokia is a hemingwriter, and compared to them iphone has a good sound quality.
decimation: because verizon says so
decimation: my point about IP packets: lots of overhead if you already know where the packets need to go
decimation: but someone needs to keep 'route state'
punkman: phf, what's missing from dumb phone?
decimation: plus you are forgetting something: usg demands that usg minions can excercise 'priority override'
phf: punkman: decent sound quality
coderwill: dfd\\\\\\\
punkman: not a great password there coderwill
asciilifeform: decimation: iirc this is traditionally handled by having a switch somewhere that essentially cancels everybody's subscription but for a few mandarins
decimation: right, the implementation of which is obvious when there's physical relays setting up circuits
coderwill: sorry, having problems with a bluetooth keyboard :)
decimation: not so obvious when routing ip packets
assbot: Nationwide Wireless Priority Service - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... ( http://bit.ly/1HWRs2H )
asciilifeform: of course, whole thing's a crock of shit because no consumer handset signs its output
asciilifeform: it is no 'gossipd'
asciilifeform: if you really want to transmit packets as hitler's pocket phone, and you can get a capture of its output - you can.
decimation: asciilifeform: note that it could have been otherwise
assbot: Government Emergency Telecommunications Service - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... ( http://bit.ly/1LR1XbW )
decimation: "GETS is accessed through a dialing plan and Personal Identification Number (PIN) card verification system. Using common telephone equipment, the user dials a universal access number: (710)NCS-GETS (627-4387)."
asciilifeform: l0l was just reading this.
asciilifeform: whoever thought this idiocy up, must have watched the payphone scene in 'dr strangelove'
decimation: lol yeah
asciilifeform: what usg functionary of any significance walks around without a satellite phone ?
decimation: actually this dances around another silliness I've noticed
decimation: asciilifeform: plenty
decimation: you know how much they cost?
asciilifeform: (to him)
decimation: sure, but someone has to budget
asciilifeform: $1k or so, to a human
asciilifeform: for comparison, an infantryman's basic rifle is ~$2k.
decimation: yeah plus at least $1 per minute
asciilifeform: who cares about $1/min if the nukes are falling
decimation: the generations of bean counters that didn't give a fuck, that's who
asciilifeform: what was the other silliness
decimation: why do all localities/states/feds insist on building their own 'special cell network' known as police/fire radios?
asciilifeform: tradition, partly
asciilifeform: and partly 'push to talk'
asciilifeform: a feature still absent from standard cells
decimation: it would interesting to compare actual performance of the cell network with govt run equivilents
asciilifeform: what cell net has millisecond call set-up/teardown ?
decimation: yes, but most cell networks are ip under the hood (dispite the disadvantages)
decimation: at least, LTE
decimation: granded those aren't widely deployed
decimation: nor are the designed to be highly reliable
asciilifeform: other thing is,
asciilifeform: radios work when any two+ can hear one another.
asciilifeform: e.g., in a train tunnel
decimation: ah not so
asciilifeform: aboard a moving train
decimation: most modern police radios are 'trunked' and talk to the central towers
asciilifeform: and what, have no untrunked mode ?
decimation: yes, but ask your local cop about how to get it to work
asciilifeform: iirc all american units are set up to interoperate with old-fashioned analog radio
coderwill: pretty sure the municipal systems (police, fire, air traffic) predate the types of networks
asciilifeform: on account of a great many folks carrying just such
coderwill: yes, what ascii said
decimation: sure, but often that interoperability is handled at the tower
decimation: by cross-linking 'trunked' with analog channels
asciilifeform: however it is done, i see these on dc metro trains
asciilifeform: working perfectly well
asciilifeform: one policeman speaks to another at opposite end of train, or on the station
decimation: sure, but that's because they have an entire radio system installed in the tunnels
phf: (fwiw verizon also works on dc metro trains)
asciilifeform: pretty sure the ~only~ radio in the tunnels proper is verizon's leaky-feeder-coax
coderwill: guessing here, but also would imagine that fire/police/ambulance are basically on special plans with cell providers
coderwill: e.g. att, verizon
asciilifeform: coderwill: iirc they carry normal 'human' phones
coderwill: and that an amulance or squad car, for example, is just a big mobile hotspot
asciilifeform: not here.
asciilifeform: they have 'human' phones, paid with own salary, typically.
decimation: I listen to police traffic on apco-25
coderwill: asciilifeform: maybe it depends on municipal budget
decimation: it's nearly always the case that if cops want to talk about something sensitive they call on cell phone
asciilifeform: decimation: i did for a while, bored myself to tears
coderwill: i know out in the country, you used to be able to pickup police with a scanner
decimation: wrt cops it all depends on local budgets/policies
decimation: asciilifeform: it can be interesting, but you got to know the lingo
decimation: and the 10-codes
asciilifeform: coderwill: can still pick'em up with modern computerized scanner (p25)
decimation: coderwill: scanners still pick up cops
coderwill: ah, interesting
decimation: project-25 is a dual-waveform standard with 4-fsk and qpsk
decimation: most police radio systems have gone encrypted - not because of scanners but because people interlink scanners and iphones
decimation: thus greatly multiplying the potential audience (want to listen to cops && can operate radio)
asciilifeform: key is, i'm told, null, more often than not.
asciilifeform: (consumer scanners, however, will not even attempt aes decrypt)
asciilifeform: ^ usg mandate
decimation: quite possible. the same problems with key distribution are always present
coderwill: i wonder how that works w/ sting operations if people can pick up chatter on scanners?
asciilifeform: coderwill: the way it works is 'don't use radio'
asciilifeform: it isn't as if police can't use their mouths, talk like normal humans in person
decimation: yes, I've noticed that cops are reluctant to use radio for anything other than 'report to seniors'
asciilifeform: radio is normally used for dispatching.
coderwill: also, i remember 10 or so years ago, you used to be able to get a scanner and rabbit ears and listen to people talking on their cordless phones, but you can't do that anymore either
asciilifeform: and occasionally 'return codes' - 'have prisoner for transport,' 'send corpse squad', etc
asciilifeform: coderwill: land lines died
decimation: no he's talking about the old "AMPS" system
decimation: where cell phones used analog FM channels around 800-900 mhz
coderwill: yeah, i think once phones got past 900mhz it wasn't possible
decimation: sure it's possible
decimation: usg mandated otherwise
BingoBoingo: <decimation> where cell phones used analog FM channels around 800-900 mhz << USG mandates scanners and amateur radios ship with "blank spot" over that portion of spectrum
coderwill: decimation: ah, so basically, it's illegal for manufacturers to provide that kind of functionality commercially?
decimation: coderwill: yes absolutely, what bingo said
coderwill: ah, 10-4
asciilifeform: buy an rtl-sdr and listen to more or less whatever
asciilifeform: $20 or so.
assbot: RTLSDR.com | All about Realtek RTL2832U based RTL-SDRs ... ( http://bit.ly/1HWUDaw )
asciilifeform: no 'blank spot.'
decimation: congress passed a law after newt was intercepted by two democrat 'activists' http://articles.philly.com/1997-04-24/news/25530818_1_gingrich-investigation-ethics-probe-cellular-phone
assbot: 2 Charged For Taping Gingrich A Florida Couple Intercepted A Cellular Phone Call. They Agreed To Plead Guilty. - philly-archives ... ( http://bit.ly/1HWUHqN )
coderwill: yeah, it seems like every now and then you hear stories like this
phf: (for those who want to police scan with rtl-sdr i followed this guide back when i had a spare windows install https://sites.google.com/site/policescannerhowto/)
assbot: Page not found - How to Make a $19 Police Scanner ... ( http://bit.ly/1HWUKCN )
coderwill: another one, is people broadcasting illegally on a frequency
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decimation: coderwill: depends on which frequency
coderwill: decimation: was thinking am/fm
trinque: shape of the "midlands" is absurd, and maybe "el norte" is a bit on the small side.
decimation: coderwill: if you are consistently interfering with a radio station, fcc vans will show up
assbot: Tragedy of ‘golden’ daughter’s fall resonates with Asian immigrant children - The Washington Post ... ( http://bit.ly/1HWVmbQ )
phf: there was a guy at DC network security meetups who broadcasted fm anarchist radio from his van. he'd park it in random downtown locations, etc. i believe he's been picked up and fined more then once. that was 2003 or so, probably can't get away with something like this now.
decimation: actually it kinda pisses me off how locked up the fm bands are
decimation: years ago schools & universities could run local stations
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decimation: but clear channel et.al. conspired to effectively make that illegal
coderwill: phf: yeah, would be surprised if not in a federal minimum security penitentiary if still doing that kind of stuff
asciilifeform: no reason why 'pirate radio' can't be matchbox-sized, solar-powered, and dropped from quadcopter in 100 places within an hour.
decimation: yes, a decentralized network is possible
decimation: who's gonna pay
asciilifeform: ~pirate~
coderwill: think about how much power though is emitting out of commercial radio antennas
decimation: pirate what?
asciilifeform: moscow pays
asciilifeform: or a mircea_popescu
coderwill: it would be like playing an iphone speaker in the middle of a packed sports arena
asciilifeform: only if broadcasting on occupied band
asciilifeform: which is plainly idiotic
assbot: Horrigan: A modest proposal to reduce homicides: Bring back dueling : News ... ( http://bit.ly/1HWVVlL )
decimation: most commercial fm towers run around 10-100kilowatt
decimation: asciilifeform: the problem is that now you are depending on people to have sensitive receivers
decimation: fm radio suffers from the 'capture effect' where your receiver only 'listens' to the strongest station and rejects all others
decimation: when two stations compete your radio 'flutters'
coderwill: asciilifeform: yeah, was thinking if you were on an unoccupied band, it's kind of like waiting people to just stumble over it
decimation: plus in urban areas there aren't any unoccipied bands
asciilifeform: there sure are
decimation: seeming 'empty' frequencies are assigned to the next city away
asciilifeform: bring a 'rtl-sdr' into the city, and see
asciilifeform: also 'pirate' must answer the question to himself, of what his purpose is.
decimation: pirate faces difficult choice: be effective and go to jail/enter 'justice' chumpatron or be ineffective and waste time
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