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← 2015-04-30 | 2015-05-02 →
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13200 @ 0.00025296 = 3.3391 BTC [-]
assbot: Philip Greenspun's Weblog » American optimism on parade at the Fed ... ( http://bit.ly/1Q55pPk )
mircea_popescu: prolly going to be an endless parade as we enter into the last phase. buffett started it.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=01-05-2015#1117518 << this. people have nfi what level of radiation counts as "background". if cosmic rays were as energetic as you know, actual matter ? we'd have serious problems. and some pretty kickass satellites.
assbot: Logged on 01-05-2015 02:58:55; asciilifeform: decimation: it's far more often radioactive decay in the materials of which the machine itself is made
mircea_popescu: cosmic ray powered space excavators and steamrollers.
mircea_popescu: decimation : all it takes is for the entire "law enforcement" thing to be broken once. its own manzikert moment.
mircea_popescu: "On the optimism bias, while I’ve known that these numbers have been consistently too optimistic, I always assumed that the senior leadership of the fed had access to the real data, and the numbers put out for the public were heavily, well, decorated."
mircea_popescu: apparently the double accounting thing is obvious by now.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=01-05-2015#1117574 << shit, i've seen .jar based raid controllers. HARDWARE raid controllers.
assbot: Logged on 01-05-2015 03:18:35; asciilifeform: not afaik.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=01-05-2015#1117611 << it'd help a lot if it simply abstained from getting in the way.
assbot: Logged on 01-05-2015 03:40:37; decimation: of course, the deep expectation is that the world ought to be a red carpet, upon which said paranoid ought to be able to trample at leisure
mircea_popescu: that's perhaps the true subtext there. "they told me not to grab womyn butt. okay, i don't. they told me not to hunt deer off the highway. ok, i don't. they told me not to make fire indoors. alright. and i don't smoke either, and apparently coke is bad. i liked coke but whatever.
mircea_popescu: HOWEVER they also promised all sorts of shit. in exchange. where is it ?"
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=01-05-2015#1117617 << yes. most of the us, like most of mongolia, like poor india, is specifically bad because bad climate, horrible buildings, vastly misused concrete, steel, etc.
assbot: Logged on 01-05-2015 03:42:41; asciilifeform: 'in a bad neighbourhood, what specifically is bad? is it the concrete, glass, steel?' -- ilkka kokkarinen
assbot: Logged on 01-05-2015 03:43:02; decimation: http://www.isegoria.net/2015/04/baltimore-cop-in-the-hood/ < "Of course, another thing is that most people who can leave have left. And so, in these pockets, how can you have good community relations when a substantial number of people are actively or passively involved in crime? I think there are a lot of cops that just say, “Fuck ‘em, they want burn their neighborhood, let ‘em.” But on the othe
mircea_popescu: africa doesn't suck because "black people suck". africa sucks because africa is the people who were left behind.
mircea_popescu: the people left behind always suck.
assbot: Shit White Girls Say To Latinas - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1FBEGqw )
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 66600 @ 0.00026185 = 17.4392 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8350 @ 0.00026185 = 2.1864 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8750 @ 0.00026382 = 2.3084 BTC [+]
assbot: Apparently bitcoin is disrupting our economy now (?) https://t.co/8anSj29Nre
chetty: Its election season, must have vultures to blame
wyrdmantis: jurov: funny how many people don't understand what "disrupting" actually means
assbot: XBT Provider ... ( http://bit.ly/1E1ilxi )
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32887 @ 0.00026452 = 8.6993 BTC [+]
assbot: Remove Satoshi as Founding Member, Says Bitcoin Foundation Director ... ( http://bit.ly/1E1jN2D )
jurov: yes these are biggest problems phoudation has to fix first
wyrdmantis: LOL let's talk about superman's suit color
assbot: Meet the company that wants to put a bitcoin miner in your toaster | FT Alphaville ... ( http://bit.ly/1E1ktVI )
jurov: (i know miner and node is not the same thing but could not resist)
davout: asciilifeform: so i have finally acquired a dedicated SSD and a euro-plug adapter for the pogo, where do i start?
davout: my goal when setting up the pogo is to end up with a full walkthrough that looks roughly like this -> http://www.ikea.com/fr/fr/assembly_instructions/stuva-grundlig-corbeille-en-fil__AA-420855-2_pub.PDF
Pierre_Rochard: ;;later tell davout http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=30-04-2015#1116638 I’ve added you to the github repo, I’ll pull together install instructions over the weekend
assbot: Logged on 30-04-2015 09:25:48; davout: ;;later tell Pierre_Rochard /me is pretty interested
gribble: The operation succeeded.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22200 @ 0.00026942 = 5.9811 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: !up RockHoster_
RockHoster_: any admin
mircea_popescu: 'sthematter ?
assbot: Comparison of VPS providers - Bitcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1Ivx8Xk )
RockHoster_: I want to discuss about this page.
RockHoster_: Are you admin ?
williamdunne: We can be
williamdunne: Its a wiki page
RockHoster_: WHy is it removed
mircea_popescu: admin of what ? bitcoin ? the wiki you linked ? the dns system ?
mircea_popescu: gotta be specific.
RockHoster_: moderator of bitcoin.it
williamdunne: This page has been deleted. The deletion and move log for the page are provided below for reference.
williamdunne: 13:56, 5 April 2015 Taras (Talk | contribs) deleted page Comparison of VPS providers (content was: "{{PfD|Nobody is willing to frequently update it. It's completely useless and misleading.}} {{outdated}} VPS price comparison. Cheapest plans are shown. Based on list of providers that accept...")
mircea_popescu: if i recall, Luke-Jr was admining that thing
RockHoster_: Is it possible to remake this page ??
williamdunne: Yes, its a wiki
williamdunne: I'll do it for you if you'd like for a price
RockHoster_: What price ?
mircea_popescu: williamdunne afaik they restricted new accounts because nobody was giving a shit and there was too much spam
williamdunne: And a monthly maintaining price ofc to keep it up to date
williamdunne: mircea_popescu: I have an account already
RockHoster_: I also have a account with editing rights
williamdunne: RockHoster_: 4 BTC initial, 1 BTC per/month after that to keep it up to date
williamdunne: You can't edit it though or it would be shilling
mircea_popescu: o look at that, 50 changes this month. including tonal.
mats: i loled
williamdunne: If its worth enough for you to come here, the price should be worth it. Not surprised that it drove a fair bit of traffic
RockHoster_: Why was this deleted ?
williamdunne: Because no one was keeping it up to date
mircea_popescu: who's taras anyway
williamdunne: Apparently people like being paid for work
mircea_popescu: williamdunne the two propositions are contradictory neh ?
RockHoster_: I can keep it up to date
williamdunne: RockHoster_: You don't qualify as a neutral source
RockHoster_: I stay online for more than 8 hours daily
williamdunne: mircea_popescu: Yeah, true. Although this page is a particularly awkward one to upkeep
assbot: User list - Bitcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1Ivy91C )
williamdunne: RockHoster_: Doesn't change your neutrality
RockHoster_: So I can't moderate page
RockHoster_: What can I do if I want to be moderator of that page ?
mircea_popescu: mats twist : he was manipulating it UP
williamdunne: RockHoster_: You can't, because you're not neutral. You need someone to do it for you
williamdunne: Not a hard concept
williamdunne: And they can't be biased towards you ofc
mircea_popescu: the weird wales has wrounght on the interwebs.
mircea_popescu: RockHoster_ were you one of the participants in the "fight to be on the top" ?
RockHoster_: Seriously I don't have 1 BTC to pay somebody
RockHoster_: to manage
williamdunne: Well then don't, I offered my personal price. Take it or leave it
williamdunne: And its 4 BTC upfront, then 1 per month after that
RockHoster_: How can I trust you ?
mircea_popescu: RockHoster_ looky here : the REASON you don't have 1 btc to throw away is that you're spedning your time trying to manipulate an obscure wiki nobody gives a shit about.
williamdunne: !gettrust williamdunne
assbot: Trust relationship from user williamdunne to user williamdunne: ∞ | http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/user/williamdunne/
mircea_popescu: stop wasting your time, do something useful, you'll have plenty o' money eventually.
assbot: williamdunne WoT Overview - Btc Alpha ... ( http://bit.ly/1IvyZvh )
RockHoster_: What benefit will I get ??
RockHoster_: I shhould say
RockHoster_: special benefit
RockHoster_: If I pay you 1 BTC ??
williamdunne: RockHoster_: You'll be on the list, you get no "special" benefit. I can't be biased towards you I will be neutral
mircea_popescu: !down RockHoster_
davout: mircea_popescu: ty
mircea_popescu: this world an' teh people in it...
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4954 @ 0.00026503 = 1.313 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: williamdunne how the fuck are you going to make a neutral list of "vps hosters" anyway.
mircea_popescu: might as well sort seashells by size.
williamdunne: Google a bunch of them, put their location and offerings on the list
mircea_popescu: a) they're all the same size and b) every tide washes more in.
mircea_popescu: i was under the impression "vps hosting" is the new "unlimited shared hosting" thing of the 2000s.
williamdunne: Before I think it was data allowance, price, location and if they allow tor or not
mircea_popescu: ;;bc,stats
gribble: Current Blocks: 354509 | Current Difficulty: 4.761056451347126E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 354815 | Next Difficulty In: 306 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 2 days, 2 hours, 18 minutes, and 4 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None
mircea_popescu: dat none...
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=01-05-2015#1117664 << i'd love nothing more than to disrupt their economy to the point they're left begging on street corners.
assbot: Logged on 01-05-2015 09:35:48; chetty: Its election season, must have vultures to blame
mircea_popescu: it's slow going.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=01-05-2015#1117673 << it's funny tho, all the fraudulent pretense. "oh, a guy we never met is a founding director, because we wish to have the implication of legitimacy that would offer. next we make george washington founding director, and edit his wikipedia to say he founded the us and our turd"
assbot: Logged on 01-05-2015 10:10:47; jurov: yes these are biggest problems phoudation has to fix first
mircea_popescu: davout Pierre_Rochard iirc danielpbarron has a write-up somewhere.
assbot: Logged on 01-05-2015 00:53:04; mircea_popescu: that's why bigger penis is better rite ?
pete_dushenski: despite the practical limitations, it's still cool to be ginormous.
pete_dushenski: sorta like that louis ck bit about young black comics just being way, way fucking cooler than he could ever be
assbot: Why Nav Sarao Had To Be Destroyed: He Found A Way To Beat The HFTs At Their Own Game | Zero Hedge ... ( http://bit.ly/1IvCSAi )
pete_dushenski: !s edgerouter
assbot: 19 results for 'edgerouter' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=edgerouter
pete_dushenski: ^has anyone set one of these up with freebsd using instructions other than those found here ? http://rtfm.net/FreeBSD/ERL/
assbot: FreeBSD 10.x on Ubiquiti EdgeRouter Lite ... ( http://bit.ly/1IvDDt4 )
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 80450 @ 0.00026836 = 21.5896 BTC [+] {2}
pete_dushenski: or using serial comm software other than minicom ??
Pierre_Rochard: mircea_popescu: install instructions relating to my accounting software, not pogo/bitcoin
pete_dushenski: ;;later tell decimation did you set up your edgerouter in osx ? if so, did you also have issues with minicom ?
gribble: The operation succeeded.
pete_dushenski will be using ubuntu in next edgerouter set-up attempt.
pete_dushenski: goddam you osx !
mats: why ubuntu?
pete_dushenski: why not ?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32050 @ 0.00026942 = 8.6349 BTC [+]
danielpbarron: !s nigbuntu
assbot: 12 results for 'nigbuntu' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=nigbuntu
mats: i've rarely had a good experience with ubuntu
pete_dushenski: mats: but not never !
mats: basically, at work my team has a "you break it, we fix it" policy
pete_dushenski: i'm just trying to set up this edgerouter with freebsd. nothing else.
mats: i spend a non trivial amount of time debugging ubuntu desktops whenever people break it
mats: its hellish, man
mats: this week, a guy broke his entire network stack by trying to install bluetooth drivers
pete_dushenski: serves him right ?
pete_dushenski: wtf does anyone seriously need bluetooth for, talking while driving ?
pete_dushenski: 'wireless' speakers
mats: i never figured out why, but the kernel seemed convinced there was a hardware switch thrown someplace
mats needs to read the linux kernel
danielpbarron: pete_dushenski, oh you mean use ubuntu on the machine from which you are connecting to the edgerouter/
mats: he had wireless headphones he wanted to use at his desk
pete_dushenski: danielpbarron: that, yes.
pete_dushenski: mats: i don't see the appeal of wireless headphones, mostly because they're another thing to charge with another cable
danielpbarron: not so bad; i used ubuntu to do that with pogo for my first attempted after soldering the serial thing onto it
pete_dushenski: more battery management, which is what 'modern lyf' seems to reduce to.
pete_dushenski: danielpbarron: i figure it's worth a shot seeing as how i'm at a bit of a dead end with osx
danielpbarron: you should better learn gentoo or something though
danielpbarron: it's just a matter of opening a serial console or whatever?
ben_vulpes: gentoo quest!
ben_vulpes: pete_dushenski: gentoo quest
pete_dushenski: danielpbarron: that's where i'm at, yes. serial comm software 'minicom' doesn't want to work.
pete_dushenski: ben_vulpes: this *will* happen.
danielpbarron: can you try to use screen instead?
danielpbarron: idk if screen has a port for os x
mats: i like the idea of wireless headphones but the bluetooth stack is horribly damaged
danielpbarron: i'm reading the thing you pasted, and the instructions are very similar to adulterating a pogo
assbot: SourceForge.net: Screen-OSX - Project Web Hosting - Open Source Software ... ( http://bit.ly/1EARtYp )
mats: Fun fact: the BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) spec provides three key exchange mechanisms, two of the three which do not provide any passive eavesdropping protection
mats: so... given that the out of band key exchange is the most difficult to implement, that's effectively a selective backdoor.
ben_vulpes: pete_dushenski: forgive my late arrival to the thread, but why are we talking about screen on os x?
pete_dushenski: as an alternative to minicom for serial communication between desktop and edgerouter
mats: another fun fact: Android doesn't seem to implement the only BLE key exchange mechanism not vulnerable to eavesdropping.
ben_vulpes: sounds annoying and complicated
pete_dushenski: setting up the edgerouter with freebsd is proving to be exactly that!
pete_dushenski: but i shan't give in just yet.
danielpbarron: does your serial adapter show up in /dev/ ?
danielpbarron: because that's the most annoying part really
ben_vulpes: ah yeah, but that's annoying and complicated with a future, unlike your current "dead end"
ben_vulpes: anyways don't let me distract you :P
pete_dushenski: danielpbarron: good question...
danielpbarron: "A collection of scripts that work together to manage multiple invocations of GNU Screen to overcome some of its limitations on Mac OS X."
danielpbarron: for me, serial adapter is only accessible as root, although i think i read somewhere there are things you can do to make it work for other users
danielpbarron: and that thing i just quoted makes it sound like screen is already on OS X; try typing screen --version in your terminal
pete_dushenski: danielpbarron: just checked. /dev/cu.usbserial shows up.
pete_dushenski: 'Screen version 4.00.03 (FAU) 23-Oct-06'
danielpbarron: once you have screen, it's as easy as typing screen /dev/cu.usbserial 115200
danielpbarron: 115200 is the baud rate
pete_dushenski: tried. 'no such file or directory'
danielpbarron: for me, the serial adapter is numbered
danielpbarron: like /dev/ttyUSB0
danielpbarron: i'm surprised it says the file doesn't exist when you say you saw it in /dev/
pete_dushenski: i'm as confused as anyone !
danielpbarron: if you do wind up using ubuntu, the live cd is suitable ; you can even "install" screen to the temporary system without actually writing to your hard drive
pete_dushenski: okie dokie, pete the n00b might've just isolated the issue...
pete_dushenski: instead of establishing a serial connection with 'edgeos' first, i installed freebsd on the usb drive first
pete_dushenski: so unconfigured freebsd has no way of talking to minicom or anything else. it's just a file on a drive.
pete_dushenski: a fucktard is me.
pete_dushenski: now to see if i can re-install edgeos and start over :)
davout: danielpbarron: so, do you have instructions on how to set up the pogo? does it necessarily imply soldering wizardry?
ben_vulpes: davout: danielpbarron.com/pogo/howto.txt
davout: ben_vulpes: ty
davout: hrm.. i was under the impression it was possible to somehow re-flash the pogo from a simple USB stick without soldering anything
davout: maybe i misunderstood something
danielpbarron: no soldering necessary
davout: haha, ok nice, guess i'm going to put the pogo back together then :-)
danielpbarron: as long as you don't botch the re-flash, it should be possible to do everything over ethernet
davout: ok, sounds much better wrt industrializing their setup
davout: so the first thing i should do is try to access it through SSH, and work from there, right?
danielpbarron: the thing has a built in method for turning on ssh without any extreme modifications, and from there you can do all else
davout: yeah, the curl bit if i understand correctly
pete_dushenski: lulz. $lnkd -25% on the week. go social media go !
BingoBoingo: !up ascii_field
assbot: BitGo Files MultiSig Patent Application Joining Other Bitcoin Patent Parasites | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1KA9ech )
assbot: Logged on 01-05-2015 15:21:39; pete_dushenski: ^has anyone set one of these up with freebsd using instructions other than those found here ? http://rtfm.net/FreeBSD/ERL/
assbot: Logged on 01-05-2015 15:22:10; pete_dushenski: or using serial comm software other than minicom ??
ascii_field: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=01-05-2015#1117867 << not only this, but can reflash without any physical parts at all, from stock os
assbot: Logged on 01-05-2015 16:14:34; davout: hrm.. i was under the impression it was possible to somehow re-flash the pogo from a simple USB stick without soldering anything
ascii_field: or even enable tftp and use experimental os (e.g., mine) without reflashing at all
ascii_field: and without swapping physical sticks
pete_dushenski: ascii_field: what serial comm software did you use ?
davout: ascii_field: so what's the simplest way of doing it?
ascii_field: pete_dushenski: 'screen'
assbot: GNU Screen - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation ... ( http://bit.ly/1EISsXN )
ascii_field: davout: doing what ?
pete_dushenski: ascii_field: aha. cheers.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26250 @ 0.00025495 = 6.6924 BTC [-] {2}
davout: ascii_field: i have the physical pogos you gave me, an ethernet cable, a power adapter, an internet connection, a few usb sticks, a working debian, and a 120gb sata disk that fits in the pogo. what's the easiest way to set it up as a bitcoin node
assbot: Logged on 01-05-2015 15:34:28; mats: this week, a guy broke his entire network stack by trying to install bluetooth drivers
ascii_field: davout: folow danielpbarron's instructions
ascii_field: davout: be aware that we don't have a battlefield-ready 0.5.3.x as of yet.
danielpbarron: i'm rewriting some stuff now, adding to wiki
danielpbarron: on a related note, my 5400 rpm pogo cannot sync
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=01-05-2015#1117836 << coincidentally, the coincidental coincidences coincide.
assbot: Logged on 01-05-2015 15:44:09; mats: another fun fact: Android doesn't seem to implement the only BLE key exchange mechanism not vulnerable to eavesdropping.
pete_dushenski: danielpbarron: did the ssd make it ?
danielpbarron: at least, not running on ArchLinux; perhaps with optimizations it could catch up
ascii_field: <danielpbarron> on a related note, my 5400 rpm pogo cannot sync << i spoke of this briefly at c3. the almost deadly-certain explanation is that there is no ram to spare for the customary disk cache
ascii_field: so pogo node lives or dies by the actual speed of the drive.
mircea_popescu: ascii_field actually... a disk cache wouldn't need to be much larger than what, 1mb ?
danielpbarron: comes as no surprise to me; that's exactly the bottle neck i ran into when first getting into running a node
mircea_popescu: maybe reiserfs would fix it.
ascii_field: mircea_popescu: it is normally a readahead cache
ascii_field: so needs to be 16-64MB at min.
danielpbarron: pete_dushenski, my SSD one is still going and I have no reason to suspect it won't eventually sync
danielpbarron: currently at height=339674
mircea_popescu: almost there danielpbarron
pete_dushenski: excellent.
danielpbarron: the 5400 rpm one with an up-to-date data dir copied in goes just fast enough to stay about 200 blocks behind the rest of the network at all times; perhaps slowly losing ground
assbot: Experiments and fun with the Linux disk cache ... ( http://bit.ly/1EITva3 )
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron nuts.
ascii_field: ^ the down side of how 'unobtrusive' disk cache is implemented on linux is that if ram is 'redlined' to the hilt, there is - approximately - no disk caching at all.
mircea_popescu: so basically... current blocks are just big enough to interdict 5400 rpm
davout: danielpbarron: in your docs, 2.2.2 refer to building a kernel for the workstation talking to the pogo, not building a kernel for the pogo itself, or am i heavily confused?
assbot: 404 Not Found ... ( http://bit.ly/1EITNxL )
assbot: NY jury finds ex-Goldman programer Aleynikov guilty of code theft| Reuters ... ( http://bit.ly/1EITPpf )
danielpbarron: davout, yeah that's why i'm rewriting; it's about the workstation connecting to pogo
ascii_field: mircea_popescu: with leaky 0.5.3, and on box with 128m, yes
danielpbarron: davout, only necessary if your doing the serial connection soldering thing
mircea_popescu: ascii_field no, "5400 rpm, no caching"
ascii_field: mircea_popescu: aha
danielpbarron: all you need is to install some sort of TFTP server on your workstation, and use the built in flashing tools of pogo to set some parameters to connect to your workstation when it boots
mircea_popescu: so basically, "5400 rpm"
ascii_field: 'A female juror had accused her male colleague of trying to poison her food, and on Tuesday Marino mentioned that the conflict may have involved an avocado sandwich.'
mircea_popescu: "The conviction came two days after the judge overseeing the case removed two jurors after a conflict between the two marred deliberations.
davout: danielpbarron: which i'm not (doing the serial thing), so it's not very clear to me how to build the kernel and software that'll actually run on the pogo once it's ready
mircea_popescu: The judge said on Wednesday that letting 10 jurors proceed, not 12, amounted to "uncharted territory," but Marino said that his client agreed to the smaller jury."
danielpbarron: davout, i'm not aware of how to do that; i've only ever used ascii's pre-built kernels i think
mircea_popescu: ascii_field "jury of your peers" in the us = "the mentally ill"
ascii_field has seen it alive
ascii_field: davout, danielpbarron: to build kernel, see my instructions on the listserv
Adlai: "A female juror had accused her male colleague of trying to poison her food, and on Tuesday Marino mentioned that the conflict may have involved an avocado sandwich."
danielpbarron: my documentation needs massive overhaul lol
Adlai: oh ascii_field just pasted this. nvm
davout: danielpbarron ascii_field ah i see, i wasn't aware that alf had a pre-built kernel that's to be used, i'll work from there, also i'll document everything I do, so maybe you won't need to spend time updating your docs
ascii_field: davout: it isn't meant to be fired in anger
ascii_field: please build own kernel
assbot: Advanced Operating Systems - Udacity ... ( http://bit.ly/1EIV9sq )
ascii_field: i certainly have no intention of distributing bins every time we path
ascii_field: *patch
davout: ascii_field: my mission is to idiot-proof the process :D
davout: but i guess it can also be fun to do the whole thing, maybe i'll end-up with two sets of docs the "advanced" version and the "i just want this goddamn thing running" version
mircea_popescu: davout good idea.
davout: i think both are required, one for the folks who want to inspect, audit or otherwise fuck with the device, and one to turn a crate of stock pogos into node as fast as possible
mircea_popescu: especially the "document everything i do" part.
mircea_popescu: the path from the current FOSS, roughly approximating a spunk-crusted sock floating in a pringles can half full with week old urine
mircea_popescu: and an actual software environment is exactly that : a. people doing jobs 100% and b) documenting this process 100%.
ascii_field: world's best smith cannot mold bullet from shit.
Adlai: !up ascii_field
ascii_field: no matter how documented.
mircea_popescu: and for the record, i hope the us feminazis win the war and castrate each and every us white male with a college degree.
mircea_popescu: with a dull spork.
mircea_popescu: ascii_field the only shit here is in the heads of, again, every white us male with a college degree.
mircea_popescu: from paul graham to the rackhoster derp above.
pete_dushenski: i'll definitely be documenting my edgerouter rampage.
mircea_popescu: even basic would work, if not for them.
mircea_popescu: (which is what ada is, after all)
ascii_field: the tech stack is rotten all the way down.
mircea_popescu: yes. from the fontanelle to the spine.
ascii_field: (don't take my word for it, it is quite apparent)
ascii_field: but mircea_popescu has a point, in that it is necessary to kill the mice before cleaning up their shit - otherwise it is a waste of time, there will be infinite shit
trinque: mircea_popescu | and for the record, i hope the us feminazis win the war and castrate each and every us white male with a college degree. << heh, my balls are safe then
mircea_popescu: moreover, once the mice are killed, the shit self-cleans.
ascii_field: self-cleans ?
ascii_field: how ?!
mircea_popescu: well, turns into earth.
mircea_popescu: you consider a meadow "clean" or "dirty" ?
ascii_field: poor analogy. usians still can't rid themselves of 120v
mircea_popescu: yes. but the world IS.
Adlai: somehow the streets of tel aviv are still paved with cement, beneath the dog shit
mircea_popescu: because by now what the usians do is slightly more relevant than what the mongols do.
mircea_popescu: a slightly greater, slightly more relatively advanced empire, slightly longer ago.
assbot: PayPal's investigation of laptop purchased on eBay that was interdicted, infected and implanted : privacy ... ( http://bit.ly/1EIXqnl )
mircea_popescu: ascii_field more on point : consider how much of the windows turdball self-cleanned by simply making gpg required for voice here.
mircea_popescu: "oh, can't get in". "well... so from the other perspective... you no longer exist ?"
ascii_field: mircea_popescu: this cleaned people, not tech
mircea_popescu: people and their productions.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo "Earlier this year Chin-hao Hu and Pai-tsung Hsu over the process of generating a Bitcoin transaction offline for which they would assign "Intellectual Property" rights to themselves." << missing verb ?
assbot: Tsinghua University Creates a "Digital Assets Research Initiative" | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1AqlN3X )
mircea_popescu: ascii_field is he the ninjashoo /
ascii_field: mircea_popescu: 'sapien' ?
ascii_field: it's rather like those baobab-like trees in buenos aires
ascii_field: how can i know, is it one tree, six, or forty-six
mircea_popescu: this particular detachment between words and things...
mircea_popescu: i guess you're right
ascii_field: appealing in trees. in people - not so much
mircea_popescu: by the way, am i the only foreigner that thinks southern dialects a lot more expressive, interesting and developed than yankee english ?
ascii_field hasn't enough exposure to the former, to say
assbot: Sh%t Southern Women Say, Episode 1 - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1AqmRov )
Pierre_Rochard: mircea_popescu: you are not
mircea_popescu: good primer
Adlai: the south considered themselves closer to the commonwealth than to the yanks
trinque: 2:36 what's uuuup
ascii_field: see also 'the mind of the south' (w. j. cash) - mega-recommended
ascii_field: (engl.)
Adlai: and/or "The Killer Angels"
ascii_field: had interesting thesis - that cotton only worked on small fraction of land available, and the rest was left mostly alone to the non-slaveholding inhabitants, with minimal statal footprint
trinque: southerners like their govts dysfunctional at best
trinque: tx legislature meets every two years, mostly to talk about doing nothing
mircea_popescu: ascii_field in any case the wisdom was to keep the taxes low and the government minimal, because large plantation owners know best what to do with resources.
mircea_popescu: in a sense it was the HRE of the american continent.
trinque: in previous conversations about the need for privilege it has occurred to me that tx seems to have this
ascii_field: mircea_popescu: according to cash, it was rather because southern states ran extraction economy of soil and slave, but did not need the non-planter whites for anything - so left alone (as 'fremen', in 'dune')
trinque: there are parts of cities you can't possibly live in without wealth
trinque: with proper walls around them
mircea_popescu: i can see it.
mircea_popescu: bad move, too. idleness is the mother of devilness or how's that called.
ascii_field: mircea_popescu: they did not even need to exterminate them to vacate space, because most of the soil was not cotton-grade.
ascii_field: arbeit macht frei (tm)
mircea_popescu: there's some contemporary records of "trying to get a cotton farm going", by people without the resoruces and without the intelligence to understand resources at all.
mircea_popescu: reads a lot like the stories of the "web start-up culture"
mats: its amusing there's an actual /r/badBIOS subreddit
mircea_popescu: same "they're moving up and down on a patch of land ; we're moving up and down on a patch of land. what the hell's the difference!"
ascii_field: mats: and it is all full of one particular species, yes
trinque: I consider TX a highly redeemable part of the US
mircea_popescu: trinque san antonio was easily my favourite us town
mircea_popescu: !up ascii_field
trinque: great place
trinque: Austin, mine
ascii_field: mats: the kind of schizo that seems to live and breathe solely to discredit actual investigation into usg shenanigans
ascii_field: i do not know if they grow naturally or have to be cultivated - but they serve this purpose.
mats: readers of the log: badBIOS is a hoax, although the principle of the thing is entirely achievable
mircea_popescu: ascii_field do you think 50 shades of gray exists to discredit actual bdsm / harry potter exists to discredit actual fiction ?
ascii_field: mats: see also 'piltdown man'
ascii_field: mircea_popescu: nah those are more like 'kraft food' vs actual food
ascii_field: buffetized extruded product.
mircea_popescu: same thing here.
mircea_popescu: in a "consumer driven" ideas market... the "ideas" will look like the derps.
ascii_field: let's peek back a few decades to the folks who were listening to cia broadcasts with their tooth amalgams
trinque: somebody in the south needs to start screaming about anti-communism and they'd get far.
ascii_field: the physical principle - is sound, demonstrated.
trinque: average texans are not at all afraid of the idea of secession
trinque: common conversation topic
mircea_popescu: ascii_field let's go over this soundness.
trinque: and I don't mean this play-ball tea party thing
ascii_field: mircea_popescu: rectifier
mircea_popescu: so it is in principle possible to transform energy from state to state.
mircea_popescu: now, seeing how vibration in the audible frequency for teeth has a calculable minimum,
mircea_popescu: we can in fact calculate the power of the cia antenna required. correct ?
ascii_field: postulate a distance
mircea_popescu: right, for a postulated distance.
mircea_popescu: "Ebay did grant my item not as described case. However, Ebay didn't acknowledge that an interdicted, tampered, infected and implanted device is an item not described.
mircea_popescu: this is strictly correct. an item tampered with by the government is not, legally, an item distinct from an item not tampered with by the government.
ascii_field: as a very small boy, i listened to a 'radio' consisted of a handset speaker from a busted telephone (circa 1940s?) and a diode (pulled out of ancient bobbin deck, also thrown out window by someone)
mircea_popescu: this is exactly why government may not continue to exist.
ascii_field: this was possible because su loved am radio
mircea_popescu: but the diode was not made out of your dead dog.
mircea_popescu: moreover, the "listening to cia" people do not plug speakers into their teeth.
ascii_field: germanium diode
ascii_field: people do not plug speakers into their teeth << bone conduction
mircea_popescu: so... you know. yes "it's possible". however, doing it on dentine and lead... tough job.
mircea_popescu: yes yes. just pointing out to you that while it is theoretically possible, it is improbable it ever was practically achieved either by accident or by hobbists.
mircea_popescu: for that matter, cold fusion is just as theoretically possible.
ascii_field: !s palladium deuteride
assbot: 1 results for 'palladium deuteride' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=palladium+deuteride
mircea_popescu: so listen alf, i had an exceptional plate of deviled eggs last night... ate 18^H^H 19^H^H 27 of the suckers
mircea_popescu: but you know... it kinda didn't sit well... so i let out this huge burp... and i think it all went into my cavity or something
mircea_popescu: because i got cold fusion going!
ascii_field: this is how 'fuck you i'm a dragon' probably began.
mircea_popescu: myeah lol
assbot: Sh%t Southern Women Say, Episode 3 - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1zkxD4v )
mircea_popescu: "he's so dumb, he could throw himself on the ground and miss"
mircea_popescu: "when she hauls ass, she gotta make two trips"
mircea_popescu: !up Asenath
trinque: mircea_popescu: my biz partner's dad has all kinds of them
trinque: "does the pope shit in his hat?"
trinque: "busier than a cat with two asses" << loads of variations on that one
mircea_popescu: see, but that's the sort of person that's worth getting drunk
mircea_popescu: "more worried than a cat in a roomfull of rocking chairs"
trinque: ah shit his whole family's a hoot drunk
mircea_popescu: and what else is life all about i ask ye!
trinque: not a damn thing
mircea_popescu: btw, you know how the pope hat thing came about ?
assbot: BadBIOS & other sources emit Transcranial Ultrasound ('TUS') which down-regulates neural activity causing dead zombie brain : badBIOS ... ( http://bit.ly/1AqsaEk )
trinque: mircea_popescu: hows that
mircea_popescu: ascii_field people are on reddit so as to be with other like minded people. it is a social function. what words they say... "world's best dad!"
mircea_popescu: trinque see, if you've ever seen if (1=1) in code you comprehend this literary device. "have you ever whipped a woman ?" "does the bear shit in the woods ?"
mircea_popescu: the ~other~ stock 1=1 answer being, "does the pope wear a funny hat"
mircea_popescu: as time went by, the two were merged into one, and so...
ascii_field: 'does the pope shit in the woods'
trinque: oh yeah, of course
ascii_field: (most common variant where i live)
mircea_popescu: yes, and napoleon has an infinite number of arms.
mircea_popescu: know that one ?
mircea_popescu: "she's so skinny she's gonna fall through her butt and hang herself"
trinque: LOL
mircea_popescu: "she could hoola hoop in a cheerio"
trinque: can't even make fun of people in portland; how's anyone supposed to tell a joke
mircea_popescu: !up Luke-Jr
Luke-Jr: I just wanted to LOL at the convo with RockHoster earlier. I was going to say "the maintainer doesn't *need* to be unbiased", but then I saw https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/User_talk:RockHoster
assbot: User talk:RockHoster - Bitcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1zkz9U3 )
mircea_popescu: guy's got a boner for that page.
Luke-Jr: yeah, I'm kinda surprised he didn't take williamdunne's offer
mircea_popescu: 5 btc ? sure, he could amortize $1000 in advertising expenses just as soon as the wiki gets twelve trillion pageviews or something.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 888 @ 0.00151173 = 1.3424 BTC [-]
davout: "So... You changed the name of your service so you could be on top of an obscure list? Taras (talk) 20:22, 23 September 2014 (UTC)" <<< that's pretty SOP with locksmiths in the yellow pages
trinque: AAA
trinque: ABC
mircea_popescu: eh it was also standard with whores at some point
mircea_popescu: fuckin gridiculous everyone was amber angel and whatever
ben_vulpes: gringodiculous
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron hey, ask fowler (https://twitter.com/WomenSouthern) if she wants to do a "shit southern women say about bitcoin" sponsored thing ?
davout: here, everyone is "ABC Express Locksmith"
mircea_popescu: Aardwark Locksmiths & Irony ?
davout: :D
davout: sounds like a cool job, get calls at night about lost keys, show up with a drill and a spare, bill $maxint
mircea_popescu: maxint my foot. it's like $100 or so.
mircea_popescu: back when people could actually wake me up it was a lot more than that.
davout: heh, guess you're right, happened to me back in the day, guess my brain at the time recorded 80€ as 'holy shit, lots of money'
asciilifeform: !up ascii_field
ascii_field pictures a sciencefiction story, set in the world of 'shall be delivered', about a fella who forgot a key and goes to a specialist who 'helps remember'
danielpbarron: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-03-2015#1078941 << how to initially get fw_printenv to tell pogo to boot kernel over TFTP in the future?
assbot: Logged on 29-03-2015 18:21:35; asciilifeform: ^ so in principle these can be reimplemented with the nand tools i have included.
danielpbarron: stock pogo does not come with this tool, but it does come with nandwrite, flash_erase, and flash_eraseall
trinque: danielpbarron: one of the vars in there sets the boot order
trinque: there was some command to dump out all vars
trinque: should be able to spot it; the value of it names other vars iirc comma separated
danielpbarron: those commands are available from within uBoot
trinque: yeah
danielpbarron: and can also be used from the OS, but they don't come standard with an unmodified pogo
ascii_field: danielpbarron: on stock pogo you need fw_printenv (or serial cable) to get into uboot console
ascii_field: simplest way is to get those utils on the stock os (sftp copy, or wget) and use.
danielpbarron: yes, so what is the easiest way to get fw_printenv on a new unit ? just copy it over from workstation ? or is it easier to reflash with your own kernel using the stock nandwrite tool
trinque: I stuck a debian install on one of the attached drives as a workspace
trinque: works pretty well
danielpbarron: yeah that's what i'm ircing from
danielpbarron: what is the easiest way to make your own fw_printenv ? is this something that come out of the same process that makes the kernel ?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27400 @ 0.00025601 = 7.0147 BTC [+]
ascii_field: danielpbarron: all it does is dump/write the reserved 2nd half of mtd0
ascii_field: which contains config vars for uboot
ascii_field: this in turn used kernel's nand driv.
ascii_field: nothing high-tech
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35964 @ 0.00026942 = 9.6894 BTC [+]
davout: so i'm currently connected to the Pogo through SSH, pretty easy so far
davout: not sure how one compiles U-Boot though
davout: danielpbarron: ^
ascii_field: davout: 'buildroot' also builds uboot
davout: ascii_field: ok, i should be able to get it from your binaries amirite
davout: (starting with the 'simple' version of my guide)
davout: meh, nvm, i'll do the full version first, and dumb it down afterwards
davout: ascii_field: should i start straight with your v2 patches ?
ascii_field: davout: they apply on top of v1
davout: aok, ty, sorry for my noobish questions!
danielpbarron: seems as though the stock pogo is configured to look for a TFTP server without any modification -> bootcmd=bootp; setenv bootargs root=/dev/nfs nfsroot=${serverip}:${rootpath} ip=${ipaddr}:${serverip}:${gatewayip}:${netmask}:${hostname}::off; bootm
ascii_field: danielpbarron: bootp ?
ascii_field has no idea how to set up bootp, did not try this
danielpbarron: boot image via network using BOOTP/TFTP protocol
danielpbarron: !up ascii_field
jurov: !mpif
assbot: BtcAlpha.com F.MPIF Tracker estimated NAV per share: 0.00021367 B (Total: 467.26 B). Delta: -0.18 B. Last trade for F.MPIF on MPEX was at 0.000206 BTC [-]
jurov: !t m f.mpif
assbot: [MPEX:F.MPIF] 1D: 0 / 0 / 0 (0 shares, 0 BTC), 7D: / / ( shares, BTC), 30D: 0.000206 / 0.00020605 / 0.000207 (10600 shares, 2.18 BTC)
mats: market doesn't look impressed by TSLA's "Powerwall"
jurov: it was already expected for some time, no?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14500 @ 0.00025601 = 3.7121 BTC [-]
mats: yeah
jurov: price seems fair, i'd like to see how quickly will they able to produce
mats: i'm still strapped in, gonna reevaluate my position when they finally produce an electric utility truck
jurov: and when will they come to europe
mircea_popescu: why not a power plant.
jurov: powerplant is extra
mircea_popescu: i don't think they stand a chance in europe, for teh record.
mircea_popescu: for onbe thing, european cars don't suck.
mircea_popescu: the us market was so bad even toyota could sell there. it hasn't improved since the 70s.
mats: i can already imagine the advertisements --
mats: tesla truck and f-250 at the starting line on a track, both tethered to a stack of shipping containers
mats: after the tesla driver wins, he plugs it in and fills the bed with pumps, chemicals, water... and heads off to a client's home for a carpet cleaning gig
jurov: in the eu, would be fun to see people trying to use it with 2500w hair dryers and vacuum machines(especially these tend to make nasty power spikes)
ascii_field notices gigantic gap in log
mod6: the correct pogo to order is the Series 4 with the maroon/red colored logo on the front right?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32950 @ 0.00025531 = 8.4125 BTC [-] {2}
asciilifeform: !up ascii_field
davout: danielpbarron: does that mean there could be a way to auto-setup pogos by plugging them to an ethernet cable and turning them on ?
ascii_field: davout: yes, and i proposed this
jurov: ascii_field: i was here, really nothing happened
ascii_field: they oughta plug into one another, for 'breath of life'
ascii_field: jurov: looking for mar. 27
ascii_field: might just be broken search
davout: interdasting
ascii_field: ok, log is intact
ascii_field: search - does not work worth a damn.
assbot: Logged on 28-03-2015 02:23:30; asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: re: pigeons: let's scratch the arithmetic itch. approx. 8400 km from me to b-a. a LiMnO2 (non-rechargeable) battery yields approx. 400 Wh/kg.
BingoBoingo: <ascii_field> 'does the pope shit in the woods' << Does the bear shit in the pope?
ascii_field: ;;seen Chillum
gribble: Chillum was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 2 weeks, 0 days, 3 hours, 50 minutes, and 21 seconds ago: <Chillum> I have never understood how a 1 paragraph post that links to a full article somehow makes it to the top of google searches. They are adding basically nothing
kakobrekla: ascii_field i guess the search is out of sync
kakobrekla: what happened to chillum?
ascii_field: damned if i know
kakobrekla: ;;later tell mthreat might want to resync the search?
gribble: The operation succeeded.
ascii_field: chillum 'was a chemist, but now he is no more; for what he thought was h2o, was h2so4.' or the like.
ascii_field: who knows.
Adlai: didn't that happen to the chemist's son?
ascii_field: traditional rhyme
danielpbarron: mod6> the correct pogo to order is the Series 4 with the maroon/red colored logo on the front right? << http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B006I5MKZY/
assbot: Amazon.com : Pogoplug Series 4 Backup Device : Networked Attached Storage : Camera & Photo ... ( http://bit.ly/1GMyUB9 )
mod6: Thank you
ascii_field: ^ the very same
ascii_field: that was handed out at c3
mod6: ok awesome, got one in my cart.
mod6: alrighty, ordered. thanks again.
mats: mike_c: some unexpected behavior with your web wot thing: when searching with the input 'Chillum', a corresponding drop-down option appears, and when i click 'View User', it directs me to 'http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/user/', a 404. when I click the option in the drop-down combo box, I'm directed to 'http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/user/Chillum', also a 404
mike_c: well that's odd.
mike_c: oh ffs
mike_c: is this shit case sensitive or not?
mike_c: kakobrekla: are the usernames case sensitive? could there be a KAKObrekla and a kakobrekla?
mike_c: !register mike_c
assbot: Nick mike_c is already taken.
mike_c: !register MIKE_c
assbot: Nick mike_c is already taken.
mike_c: nvmnd
kakobrekla: !registers second parameter is keyid
kakobrekla: but anyway, no.
kakobrekla: second, and only parameter.
kakobrekla: first actually
kakobrekla: cant be second and only
kakobrekla: does not compute
MIKE_c: !register flub
assbot: Nick MIKE_c is already taken.
mike_c: grazie
mike_c: mats: thanks for the bug report. will be fixed soon.
mircea_popescu: <kakobrekla> cant be second and only << win.
BingoBoingo: The northeast, most racist part of 'Murica
BingoBoingo: Damn Yankees
mircea_popescu: i thought it was going to be trilema
mircea_popescu: for the record, saying nigger and racism are about as related as saying synergy and making a profit.
BingoBoingo: Sure, but tis te Washington Post, what can you truly expect
mircea_popescu: ie, only the derpington post thinks so.
mircea_popescu: nude exercise of power, obviously. if fuctard gets you to not say a word, the reason doesn't matter. what matters is the fact that you're now doing what he's tellin' you to.
mircea_popescu: kinda how the fetlife derps got all twisted about "rape". omagawd our consent was violated by other people using words without asking for permission!!1
mircea_popescu: so how about the washington post is no longer allowed to say the r word.
mircea_popescu: or the d word, for that matter.
mircea_popescu: also the e word. are there more vulgar obscenities the libertards use ?
mircea_popescu: r*cism, d*mocratic, eq*ality and i guess r*ights. shit there's two r words.
trinque: "progress"
mircea_popescu: they don't really say that anymore. even "progressive"'s gone down the drain
mircea_popescu: must suck to be one of those people, always stuck with a new word nest like a god damned cuckoo
mircea_popescu: come to think of it, the bald eagle is an anachronism the cuckoo is the us symbol. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5c/Reed_warbler_cuckoo.jpg
cazalla: enough time has passed that you could show today's kids "tokyo breakfast" for the lulz
cazalla: muh cultural adoption, muh racism
BingoBoingo: Cuckoo seems apt nao
trinque: cazalla: hadn't seen this, goddamn hilarious
assbot: Tokyo Breakfast - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1EJzno9 )
cazalla: yeah, it's fkn old now but ripe for passing off as new to the young ones
assbot: Twitter ... ( http://bit.ly/1E2QnB9 )
assbot: Chillum WoT Overview - Btc Alpha ... ( http://bit.ly/1JXJPbJ )
mike_c: mircea_popescu, asciilifeform: here's my problem. Sending my loyal customers to this page is a bad user experience. http://nosuchlabs.com/gpgfp/8680FD3C9D20B92FBEF3D058FD5A63B9EAC2A55E
assbot: Submit a GPG Public Key | Phuctor ... ( http://bit.ly/1JXK6eE )
mike_c: maybe a very simple "not found" page?
mircea_popescu: mike_c i can see it. which is why i kept pushing for the processing. the idea being that we have ~2mn keys which asciilifeform is going to have the machine cut through like tonight.
mircea_popescu: so can you live with it for a matter of days ?
mike_c: ah, so many fewer misses? yeah, there's no rush
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 40500 @ 0.00026215 = 10.6171 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: ideally no misses, seeing how everyone in wot also had their key in the sks db
mircea_popescu: but there will be misses with newer keys. so what'd be the best approach for that ?
mike_c: Ideally? It's a fingerprint search. So if it misses, I would have it search sks for the fingerprint and show a page asking if you'd like to add that key.
mircea_popescu: it should just directly add it if it finds it actually.
mike_c: alternatively, a simple 'fingerprint not found' would suffice
mircea_popescu: nah it should add it.
mircea_popescu: jurov i know she was engaged at some point...
mircea_popescu: "new york times and internationally bestselling author"
mircea_popescu: srsly ? who the fuck is kelly oxford.
mircea_popescu: oh i see. "i'm twitter famous!" "meaning ?" "not famous."
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 850 @ 0.00151981 = 1.2918 BTC [+] {3}
assbot: Humanitarians of Tinder ... ( http://bit.ly/1zljaFi )
mircea_popescu: 2nd chick looks maybe fuckable.
cazalla: !up deedbot-
deedbot-: accepted: 1
mike_c: I overheard the other day that there was a dislike for newer versions of gpg. has anyone written up a blog post or something about why?
mike_c: ;;later tell mats I fixed the bug and added a better 'user not found' page. thx again.
gribble: The operation succeeded.
decimation: ;;later tell pete_dushenski minicom ought to work in osx. did you see this page? http://pbxbook.com/other/mac-tty.html
assbot: Mac's and serial TTY's ... ( http://bit.ly/1bLNEWf )
gribble: The operation succeeded.
mircea_popescu: mike_c i don't trust the 2.x branch. dunno that there's a blogpost or anything
decimation: mircea_popescu: did you see openbsd 5.7 has a new http server that supports cgi
mircea_popescu: i had not
mircea_popescu: i dont think i ever used cgi incidentally.
mircea_popescu: in other news, this is how "wordpress vulnerability day" looks like :
mircea_popescu: $ cat trilema.com.txt | grep -c "wp-login"
mircea_popescu: $ cat trilema.com.txt | grep -c ""
mircea_popescu: $ cat trilema.com.txt | grep -c ""
mircea_popescu: that's the log for TODAY. 1MBps, for HOURS, with this crap.
mircea_popescu: terrabytes worth. because trilema soft 404s, and the idiots have nfi how to script.
mircea_popescu: - - [01/May/2015:10:49:51 -0400] "POST /wp-login.php HTTP/1.0" 404 27204 "-" "-"
mircea_popescu: - - [01/May/2015:10:49:51 -0400] "POST /wp-login.php HTTP/1.0" 404 27234 "-" "-"
mircea_popescu: - - [01/May/2015:10:49:51 -0400] "POST /wp-login.php HTTP/1.0" 404 27266 "-" "-"
decimation: are they all poking at that recent bug?
mircea_popescu: etc etc etc
mircea_popescu: and these have to be amateurs. there's just no way someone can afford to go through 30k 404s that each costs 20kb
decimation: Your site is probably auto-targeted. I bet the bot herder's scripts rank websites
mircea_popescu: this would be about as sensible as subsistence steppe hunters autotargetting whales.
decimation: but they are making money while they sleep!
mircea_popescu: certainly.
mircea_popescu: note the split too :
mircea_popescu: ;;calc 39491 / (32720+6741)
gribble: 1.00076024429
mircea_popescu: so basically... two idiots. everyone else knows better.
decimation: yeah and one is 5 times more idiotic
decimation: by the way the openbsd httpd doesn't support cgi, it's fastcgi
decimation: which is cgi-over-socket
mircea_popescu: i imagined
mircea_popescu: nobody stil ldoes plain cgi do they ?
decimation: not really
mircea_popescu: anyway, im kinda happy with this new server.
mircea_popescu: doesn't seem to have minded it any.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 77000 @ 0.00026198 = 20.1725 BTC [-] {2}
asciilifeform: mike_c: here's my problem... mircea_popescu: mike_c i can see it... << working on it. or rather, will be, as soon as i finish writing my broadcast for april
asciilifeform: and yes we can do something spiffy with not-founds
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform he has a good point tho, rather than 404, it should attempt to curl the keyservers and gobble.
asciilifeform: but it is important to remember that 'keys' (in the customary sense) are indexed by the (garbage) hash of the -whole key- rather than fp - because it is actually subkeys that have fp's, rather than 'keys' (as in, what folks typically paste in)
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41425 @ 0.00026215 = 10.8596 BTC [+]
asciilifeform: it can't curl the keyserver from a nosuchlabs.com/gpgfp/somethingorother 404
asciilifeform: because there is no physically possible way to determine what subkey ought to be asked from sks et al, for that particular pubkeyblock hash
asciilifeform: thinkaboutit
asciilifeform: for query -by fp- - yes, we could.
assbot: Submit a GPG Public Key | Phuctor ... ( http://bit.ly/1I4hyTt )
assbot: Public Key Server -- Get "0xfd5a63b9eac2a55e " ... ( http://bit.ly/1I4hyTx )
asciilifeform: ah i meant to say,gpgkey
asciilifeform: gpgfp - yes, he is entirely correct
asciilifeform: we could.
mircea_popescu: well it's all he wants.
asciilifeform: originally i was very reluctant to auto-load anything from anywhere whatsoever
mircea_popescu: he hates dead forwards. like erryone on web
asciilifeform: how about a simple 'we don't have it, but you can get it from .... ' ?
assbot: Public Key Server -- Get "key 0x " ... ( http://bit.ly/1I4hJ16 )
mircea_popescu: nah this really should be automated.
asciilifeform: specifically from ^ ?
asciilifeform is ill at ease with dependency on non-wot folks
decimation: asciilifeform: are you comfortable with pulling wot keys from non-wot keyserver?
asciilifeform: decimation: not very.
asciilifeform: decimation: in general, there really oughta be more out of band key exchange.
decimation: the problem with the sks server is that it aggressively shares keys
decimation: with other servers of its kind
asciilifeform: decimation: why is that a problem ?
asciilifeform: they're fucking -public- keys
decimation: well, then why have a problem from pulling a key off a turd in the street?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13488 @ 0.00025952 = 3.5004 BTC [-] {2}
asciilifeform: decimation: i specifically have a problem with hardcoded url, etc. dependency on some random street animal.
decimation: yeah, it's rather annoying to hit the keyserver dns 'carousel'
asciilifeform: not that it matters, really, if sks lies about some random derp's key. it is a typical 'shakespeare's works were not written by shakespeare but by another man of the same name' non-problem.
asciilifeform: but as a matter of general principle - 'act from cause' (TM) - we oughta have self-contained infrastructure whenever practical.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform but these are being tested, not used
mircea_popescu: it makes sense to be sloppy.
asciilifeform: from my point of view - yes, tested. from mike_c's www - they are wot data
asciilifeform: and hence merit some care
mircea_popescu: and note that while it makes sense ot have a b-a keyserver (and it's beinbg made), THAT item will do exactly the same curl stuff.
mircea_popescu: cuz what else.
asciilifeform: the only 'else' is meatspace/out-of-band shenanigans, yes.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28015 @ 0.00026215 = 7.3441 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: check it out, scoobot's dead o.O
asciilifeform: rip, l0l
mircea_popescu: what the hell is with that thing. am i fundamentally misunderstanding something here ?
asciilifeform: why, i wonder, so hard
mircea_popescu: exactly.
asciilifeform: phuctor stayed up 534 days (since birth) until i moved it just this week
asciilifeform: on a fucking aws
mircea_popescu: must be the cpanel.
asciilifeform bewildered re: scoop
mircea_popescu: May 01 00:26:05 *scoopbot_revived has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
asciilifeform: for the record, on aws it averaged out to approx. 1 usd / day.
mircea_popescu: cuz of cpu ?
asciilifeform: primarily.
mircea_popescu: http://www.everyonesocial.com/ << this is actually one of the least stupid web start-ups.
assbot: The #1 Employee Advocacy Platform ... ( http://bit.ly/1KBpBVW )
mircea_popescu: the idea itself is dumb, fundamentally. actual employees would have other shit to do.
asciilifeform: so how less stupid ?
mircea_popescu: but in practical terms, they're really not useful for anything else.
mircea_popescu: so it's duct tape, basically.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i did say "web start-ups".
asciilifeform: convert every payrolled monkey into a mlm sp4mz0r ?
mircea_popescu: "while having fun!"
asciilifeform: 'this sofa has six kinds of bedbug, let's burn it in the furnace' ?
mircea_popescu: more like "this is a restaurant, we cook rat here"
mircea_popescu: note : general mills, sap, united way etc.
asciilifeform: ... amway.
mircea_popescu: nah united way is like ymca
mircea_popescu: which i found to my surprise at conference that still exists!
decimation: yeah i live next to y
decimation: it is just a gym now
mircea_popescu: <asciilifeform> specifically from ^ ? << sure, seeing how his link is also to the same source.
mircea_popescu: (and so is bitcoin-otc.com's. these together make probably 90%+ of our inbound links atm)
decimation: !up gabridome
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18550 @ 0.00026215 = 4.8629 BTC [+]
asciilifeform just ran into this ancient piece, http://cultureandempire.wikidot.com/page:ch03-p4 (from somewhere in mircea_popescu's www) and marvels at the 'borges's chinese encyclopaedia' surreal perversity of it all
assbot: Culture & Empire ... ( http://bit.ly/1dBMDBk )
asciilifeform: the only quasi-reasonable part seems to be the one about 'extraction economy'
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 48700 @ 0.00026266 = 12.7915 BTC [+] {2}
decimation: is it a ripoff of mancur olson?
assbot: Logged on 01-05-2015 17:35:46; ascii_field: it's rather like those baobab-like trees in buenos aires
decimation: I don't see any updates on the openbsd octeon port
decimation: seems like this page indicates that the octeon sdk is under us export control, which kills the port http://www.bsdcan.org/2014/schedule/events/480.en.html
assbot: BSDCan2014: Porting OpenBSD on the MIPS64-based Octeon Platforms ... ( http://bit.ly/1DQCRl6 )
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13210 @ 0.00026893 = 3.5526 BTC [+]
assbot: Nothin' but net - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1DQFJym )
asciilifeform: decimation: data sheet leaked long ago (see log)
asciilifeform: if want - go, port.
decimation: yeah, apparently the openbsd folks feel they can't, somehow
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20150 @ 0.00028393 = 5.7212 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 95017 @ 0.00028987 = 27.5426 BTC [+] {3}
assbot: Pacioli ... ( http://bit.ly/1QWh2cE )
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