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← 2015-01-31 | 2015-02-02 →
pete_dushenski: true renewable sources of energy–wind, solar, and biomass–may be much less adversely affected by the plunge in oil prices than is widely believed << because reasons
pete_dushenski: 1. First, oil is used primarily for transportation and not to produce electricity, whereas renewables play an increasing role in producing electricity. In other words, oil and renewables are not direct competitors.
pete_dushenski: 2. Second, over the longer run, because of continuing technological improvements, the prices of renewables, especially solar power, are likely to drop much faster than is the case for commodity-based fuels such as oil. The prices of commodity-based fuels, which are traded in deep, liquid markets, also tend to be more volatile than those of renewables, for which there tend to be no separate markets (especially fo
pete_dushenski: r fuels that are just inputs into generation of electricity).
pete_dushenski: because in greenlandia, deep liquid markets are more volatile than thin illiquid ones
pete_dushenski: ok scratch that, liquidity should increase volatility in the short-term but illiquid markets have larger fat tails
pete_dushenski: as with bitcoin: stable, stable, stable, kaboom!
pete_dushenski: ^being relatively illiquid
pete_dushenski: in any event, the "green is fine u guise" construction is hollow
pete_dushenski: cheap "non-renewables" badly cramp its style
asciilifeform: mats: the basic principle of the linked rng is very similar to mine. (fella stayed awake in school.) but the similarities stop there.
asciilifeform: mats: no attempt is made to isolate pc 5v power from rng;
asciilifeform: mats: i see no evidence of shield, or provisions for one
asciilifeform: mats: debiasing is presumably performed on pc end
asciilifeform: mats: but all of these things considered, it is probably the least terrifyingly bad trng i've seen so far on the post-snowden market
BingoBoingo: ;;ticker --market all
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 217.33, vol: 19527.50108951 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 212.142, vol: 10128.11134 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 215.4, vol: 52043.73376975 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 213.44, vol: 181080.57010000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 216.14762, vol: 14.31813754 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 221.186, vol: 105.51734265 | Volume-weighted last average: 214.070192738
assbot: Bitcoin 20MB Fork ... ( http://bit.ly/1D0hd0e )
pete_dushenski: good question
pete_dushenski: zesty fellow, whoever he is
pete_dushenski: I would recommend you sell your bitcoins and buy your alts you were just pumping , because holding onto MPcoin won't be wise. At least with litecoin and peercoin you will lose your investments at a slower pace.
assbot: Bitcoin 20MB Fork ... ( http://bit.ly/1D0hPDi )
decimation: asciilifeform: yeah ultimately the 'infinite noise' guy's circuit is still vulnerable to rf noise in the right band
decimation: pete_dushenski: lol "our scam will suck you dry slowly"
pete_dushenski: best scams take years and years and years
decimation: aye, one can't keep a chumpatron going if it kills the chumps
pete_dushenski: that's the beauty of car leasing
pete_dushenski: you never notice the depreciation whack because "only monthly payment matters"
pete_dushenski: and rentiers roll one into the next into the next
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 44850 @ 0.00035275 = 15.8208 BTC [-]
decimation: yeah it's hard to 'enjoy' paying nothing for a car if you never do it
decimation pays nothing for his cars (other than maintenance and gas) and enoys it
pete_dushenski: it's not clear to me that people enjoy paying for things with the aim of ownership
pete_dushenski: that's not the sharing economy way
pete_dushenski: decimation: me too :D
pete_dushenski: burn the depreciation witch!
decimation: I'm considering purchasing some real estate
decimation: bezzlar lending rates keep dropping because 'oh noes deflation'
asciilifeform: decimation: forget rf noise even, the harmonics from usb clock.
decimation: yeah I'm pretty sure he's built a half-ass 'sigma-delta' adc
asciilifeform: no, the rng part is a reasonable, traditional scheme
assbot: waywardgeek/infnoise · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1wPIOu6 )
asciilifeform: ^ more detail
decimation: he is definitely running a 'sampling' system
asciilifeform: ultimately any interface between analogue and digital 'worlds' is a sampling system
decimation: indeed. thus, subject to nyquist
phillipsjk: mircea_popescu, I disagree with the premise that wealth correlates strongly with intelligence. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs predicts that people will largely ignore trying to gain Esteem while being pre-occupied with finding food, shelter and companionship. ( http://www.simplypsychology.org/maslow.html?PageSpeed=noscript )
assbot: Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs | Simply Psychology ... ( http://bit.ly/1wPJwY6 )
asciilifeform: phillipsjk: are you aware that said device is a fiction ?
asciilifeform: as in, herr m. pulled it directly out of his arse
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26800 @ 0.000354 = 9.4872 BTC [+]
asciilifeform: and its applicability to actual people is, charitably - debatable
phillipsjk: Of course, that hiearchy is not rigid in real life. Anarcho-socialists may simply skip gaining status, instead prioritizing "8. Transcendence needs - helping others to achieve self actualization."
phillipsjk: so in a word yes, I know the fixed hierarchy is largely fiction.
asciilifeform: or, say, human bomb in iraq. which 'level' of pyramid do his desired 40 virgins satisfy?
decimation: phillipsjk: do you think mental illness is something that is fundamentally biological? or do you think that the mentally ill could 'shake it off' and choose not to?
assbot: Coin Fire Allegations About PayBase Are False ... ( http://bit.ly/1tNL1ew )
asciilifeform: phillipsjk: if you know it to be a fiction, why do you bring it up as an argument
phillipsjk: Sometimes I think mental illness is a rational response to life events.
decimation: is 'unintelligence' also something one can 'shake off' and overcome, just by trying hard enough?
phillipsjk: I accept that some people are smarter than others. That does not automatically imply that the goal of all smart people is to gain wealth and status.
phillipsjk: asciilifeform, it nicely illustrates that there are priorities other than wealth/status.
pete_dushenski: phillipsjk: merely that less smart people have the deck stacked against them in their pursuit of anything
pete_dushenski: be it wealth or otherwise
decimation: phillipsjk: just because 'some choose not to pursue wealth', it doesn't follow that the wealthy are not intelligent
asciilifeform: phillipsjk: without weighing in on the statement, i'd like to point out that you should have gone straight to 'there are priorities other than wealth/status', rather than trying to bolster the argument with 'proof by authority' using the authority of a fellow who pulled it all out of his arse
asciilifeform: (maslow)
asciilifeform: this may sound odd and pedantic, but keeping your brain clean is like washing your body
decimation: but asciilifeform, tenured professors teach maslow in school!
asciilifeform: if you don't, don't expect to be welcome among folks who do
phillipsjk: good point.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19700 @ 0.00035275 = 6.9492 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23200 @ 0.00035467 = 8.2283 BTC [+] {2}
phillipsjk: I also wanted to comment that behavior that seem stupid from the outside is sometimes completely rational. Quoting MP: 'last time we diagnosed [the DDOS bot] it was mostly unpnp pwnt routers that yielded it. long known as a problem, little to do about it because "must have lusers on the internet"' http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-01-2015#997218 (as an example)
assbot: Logged on 29-01-2015 15:12:13; mircea_popescu: phillipsjk: The captures are 5.0GB each. Just a little too large to fit on a DVD:P << last time we diagnosed this it was mostly unpnp pwnt routers that yielded it.
phillipsjk: The users installing those routers probably don't even play with computer networks as a hobby. It is the manufacturers, not the end-users' fault that UPnP is exposed to the Internet.
phillipsjk: Exposing UPnP to the internet defies all common sense. Add to that, many of the Pwnt routers appear to be in China, I am going to call it a deliberate back-door on the part of the manufacturer.
phillipsjk: There is even evidence this is required by law in China: https://soylentnews.org/article.pl?sid=15/01/30/1514245
assbot: China’s New Rules for Selling Tech to Banks Have US Companies Spooked - SoylentNews ... ( http://bit.ly/1wPNK27 )
phillipsjk: "Technology companies that want to sell equipment to Chinese banks will have to submit to extensive audits, turn over source code, and build “back doors” into their hardware and software, according to a copy of the rules obtained by foreign companies already doing billions of dollar worth of business in the country. The new rules were laid out in a 22-page document from Beijing, and are presumably being put in place so that the Chin
phillipsjk: ese government can peek into computer banking systems."
phillipsjk: Incidentally, leaving the back-door open to the public gives the Chinese Government plausible deniability if they decide to attack this humble channel.
asciilifeform: jurov: please check turdatron.
asciilifeform: jurov: it ate another message of mine.
asciilifeform: jurov: for no discernible reason.
asciilifeform: jurov: so far i've managed perhaps 2 messages in, out of five times this many attempts.
asciilifeform: jurov: if you are using a demented dwarf with abacus instead of a computer, please fire him and replace with an actual machine.
phillipsjk: That reminds me, I noticed the logs have comments from "noisy" people trimmed.
asciilifeform: phillipsjk: who, and where?
phillipsjk: Oh maybe I did not search back far enough, Was referring to this: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-01-2015#997251
assbot: Logged on 29-01-2015 15:40:59; mircea_popescu: !rated felipelalli
assbot: Logged on 29-01-2015 15:40:59; assbot: You rated user felipelalli on 21-Jan-2015, with a rating of -1, and supplied these additional notes: has a very strange idea of when it's time to talk..
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes, mircea_popescu, mod6, danielpbarron: if any of you wanted armv5 binaries to play with, ask jurov, they're in his dust bin, where turdatron dumped them despite valid sigatures.
phillipsjk: yes I found relevant text on the log from the 21st.
asciilifeform: phillipsjk: the amplification attack you found in your packet captures (we discussed it here about a month ago) is a pure ddos vector
asciilifeform: that is, of absolutely no use for taking control of a machine in the usual sense
asciilifeform: even using it as described, for ddos, requires the thing to be hooked up to an isp which happily routes packets with forged ip
phillipsjk: I am not sure it was a true amplification. I suspect it was a flase positive because the addresses ended in .255
asciilifeform: it's an amplification, by definition (attacker sends N bytes, victims receive k*N for some positive k)
phillipsjk: All 3 addresses I mentioned were from /16 netblocks.
phillipsjk thinks we are talking past each other.
ben_vulpes: http://dpaste.com/3YZXENS << anyone know of a tidier way to reboot bitcoind?
assbot: dpaste: 3YZXENS ... ( http://bit.ly/1z0fnuA )
phillipsjk: My router reported a "smurf" attack, but I think it is a mis-diagnosis.
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: 'killall' ?
punkman: phillipsjk: that's usual background noise
ben_vulpes: <phillipsjk> http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-01-2015#997252 << actually just shutting someone up temporarily
assbot: Logged on 29-01-2015 15:40:59; assbot: You rated user felipelalli on 21-Jan-2015, with a rating of -1, and supplied these additional notes: has a very strange idea of when it's time to talk..
ben_vulpes: not trimmed from the logs, but prevented from speaking during a roasting.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform you're such a hater :D
mircea_popescu: almost as bad as jurov
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: thing is, i want it to shut down cleanly and reboot shortly after it exits cleanly.
asciilifeform: phillipsjk: talk to kakobrekla, he will give you a place to drop the dumps, if you believe that you have discovered something peculiar therein
asciilifeform: phillipsjk: it will be easier to explain just what it was, if i & the rest can view them at our leisure in 'wireshark'
phillipsjk: I did not look too closely, but saw UDP fragment flood with some ICMP messages (to try to track my connectivity?).
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: i've already lost days to shutting the thing down forcefully, i'm determined to not waste any more time with things that can be automated.
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell bingoboingo http://trilema.com/2013/lets-make-it-one-giant-puzzle/#comment-111895 << holy shit that first quote man.
assbot: Let's make it one giant puzzle! pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1z0fINZ )
gribble: The operation succeeded.
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: the simplest way is to run it inside the loop
assbot: The Frogs - I'm Sad, My Goat Just Died Today - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1z0fV3T )
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: as for killing, if you feed it a SIGTERM, it should die with decorum
ben_vulpes: gotcha, thanks asciilifeform
ben_vulpes: i wanted it running in the context of cron, so i'll probably have to do some shooping of stuff around.
decimation: phillipsjk: would you be willing to upload a sample of your ddos captures?
phillipsjk: decimation, sure. Would have to be tomorrow though. Would like 50MB be enough? (Ie: before I switched out the 10Mbps hub)
decimation: post a link on the channel so folks can browse it
phillipsjk: I think this counts as "tradition": http://www.hystericalfeminisms.com/consent/
assbot: HYSTERIA | CONSENT ... ( http://bit.ly/1z0h0Zr )
phillipsjk would have to check how much space his web-host allows him to use.
mircea_popescu: it can't be less than 50mb ?!
phillipsjk: I can probably make it any size you want.
mircea_popescu: cazalla nice month yo.
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron: i was just wondering if a random tails user was aware of that sort of thing, or if they just downloaded it because freetalklive mentioned it << you know the answer to that q.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform: this, rather than 'open'-whatever in the abstract, is why redmond declared total war on linux << quite.
mircea_popescu: in other news, one doesn't hate you for the things about you that make you great, one hates you for the things about you that make his shit no longer work.
mircea_popescu: pete_dushenski: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y53JLJDOEvE << watching this now. it's a riot! << dun tell me you found out about either that famous jew or that celebrated mode of civilised passtime on b-a!
assbot: Don Rickles al Roast di Sammy Davis jr (1975) | SUB ITA - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1z0iiUd )
pete_dushenski: the mode i knew
punkman: ;;later tell mats saw this recently, might interest you http://sigrok.org/wiki/Supported_hardware#Logic_analyzers
assbot: Supported hardware - sigrok ... ( http://bit.ly/1z0ioLz )
gribble: The operation succeeded.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform: somebody still promotes it?! << defo.
pete_dushenski: that sammy was a converted member of the tribe, i did not
mircea_popescu: pete_dushenski rickles is easily one of the greatest comedians who ever lived
mircea_popescu: with carson and carlin and so on
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron: i've seen a few "just sold all my BTC for Litecoin because MP is mean" posts << and yet https://bitbet.us/bet/1098/ltc-to-fall-below-half-a-bitcent-before/
assbot: BitBet - LTC to fall below half a bitcent before March :: 1.09 B (59%) on Yes, 0.75 B (41%) on No | closing in 2 weeks 5 days | weight: 46`041 (100`000 to 1) ... ( http://bit.ly/1z0iAu8 )
pete_dushenski: lol i was already laughed out by the time he took the microphone
punkman: I'm gonna try to setup turdatronic bitcoind on VPS. Is there an easy way to monitor and log IO for just the bitcoind process?
pete_dushenski: punkman: i spent the last week trying to do the same
pete_dushenski: 0.9.3 was too much for my vps
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform: i once suggested, semi-seriously, a proofofworkfunktion based on cellular automata << i recall our discussing this, in the very logs! years ago!
assbot: Logged on 29-03-2014 02:11:03; asciilifeform: proposed algo, for those who insist:
asciilifeform: thread ^ a while ago, yes.
mircea_popescu: i thought it was much much longer ago than fucken march last.
asciilifeform: possibly first mention of this was even earlier
mircea_popescu: this is like... b-a logs are so substantial they dilate the perception of time.
mircea_popescu: just... so many ideas, it's like reading 3 centuries worth of old gray lady.
asciilifeform: i feel like i spent at least a decade.
punkman: mircea_popescu: going by log height #590953 to #1001132 (now), it's a lot of time
mircea_popescu: and then we give nooby kids with undegrad "business" and "governance" degrees a hard time for their self-reported "experience"
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14750 @ 0.00035275 = 5.2031 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: punkman also a good point
punkman: look at that, almost doubled log lines betwwen 3/2014 and now
mircea_popescu: we're lucky that gavin doubled storage space.
phillipsjk: night all
danielpbarron: are cellular automata easy to verify? I mean, work backwards to the start point
mircea_popescu: cazalla: he's just the first iteration of garza <<< this angle i can definitely see.
ben_vulpes: danielpbarron: it's deterministic, if that's what you're asking.
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron depends hwat you mean by easy.
danielpbarron: easier than the reverse
mircea_popescu: about as easy to go either way, towards past or future
mircea_popescu: they;'re not unidirectional sort of problerms like the factorisation problem is.
asciilifeform: the usual term of art is 'trap door'
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform: i mean, i get it, it's become scarcely distinguishable from other pumpcoinz << know teh seinfeld effect ?
mircea_popescu: There are certain shows that you can safely assume most people have seen. These shows were considered fantastic when they first aired. Now, however, these shows have a Hype Backlash curse on them. Whenever we watch them, we'll cry, "That is so old" or "That is so overdone".
mircea_popescu: The sad irony? It wasn't old or overdone when they did it. But the things it created were so brilliant and popular, they became woven into the fabric of that show's genre. They ended up being taken for granted, copied and endlessly repeated. Although they often began by saying something new, they in turn became the status quo.
asciilifeform: the films copying a classic one and the classic consequently seeming derivative tripe - thing ?
asciilifeform: aha that
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform: at the minimum, it was a 'spare' in case of a catastrophic break in sha2 << on this we agree. meanwhile that problem seems to have navigated away
mircea_popescu: by means of other problems having scoped in
TheNewDeal: ;;later tell TomServo I'm around town tomorrow if you'd like to meet up.
gribble: The operation succeeded.
punkman: oh sweet found what I was looking for https://github.com/scaidermern/audria
assbot: scaidermern/audria · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1z0krPV )
TheNewDeal: ;;nethash
gribble: 328795984.186
TheNewDeal: ;;bc,stats
gribble: Current Blocks: 341443 | Current Difficulty: 4.127287389469702E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 342719 | Next Difficulty In: 1276 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 0 days, 8 hours, and 0 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 45598132528.5 | Estimated Percent Change: 10.47966
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Collaborator was also one of the first, notorious BTC GPU miners << who was this again ?
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: I believe it was Artforz
mircea_popescu: no ?! he mined ltc too ?
BingoBoingo: If I recall correctly he was a "dev" back in ancient times
BingoBoingo: Not sure if substantiated or not.
BingoBoingo: Did I get all of the quotes right on the puzzle?
mircea_popescu: dev of ltc ?
mircea_popescu: well "About" isn't a source eh ?
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: I think he was if my memory works, but... confirming involves wading way deep into the bitcointalk altcoin section
BingoBoingo: Ah, I'll source the Something Awful ones when I find a working login. 2 and 4 though. From the same post on the Butterfly Labs forum.
assbot: File:Wayengineer saleae16 pcb top.jpg - sigrok ... ( http://bit.ly/1z0lsaF )
assbot: File:Wayengineer saleae16 atmel 24c02n.jpg - sigrok ... ( http://bit.ly/1z0lz5Q )
decimation: asciilifeform: is that 'potting' material?
assbot: File:WayEngineer16-board-top-2014-09.jpg - sigrok ... ( http://bit.ly/1z0lAa9 )
BingoBoingo: https://imgur.com/3bxHdOk << Ancient Neobee history
assbot: Cryptocyprus vs MPOE-PR - Imgur ... ( http://bit.ly/1z0lFKL )
mircea_popescu: mats "private persons" in II excludes corporations. but otherwise, anything that one communicated to another is fair game.
mircea_popescu: i dunno how this'd practically be stuff like tax filings, court can and does ask the irs for that.
mircea_popescu: mebbe i don't understand so well what you're asking
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo uh wtf is that!
mircea_popescu: i don't even ?!
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: I think it was some sort of Pro-Brewster agitprop
mircea_popescu: i tell you, blond inch tall figurines drawn on a EGA screen waving about swords are no basis for a financial system.
mircea_popescu: supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the wot, not some farcical fencing ceremony...
asciilifeform fondly remembers 'monkey island'
mircea_popescu: pete_dushenski seriously, someone argued that "he prices of commodity-based fuels, which are traded in deep, liquid markets, also tend to be more volatile than those of renewables, for which there tend to be no separate markets" ?
asciilifeform: where the scene is from
mircea_popescu: how do they make them this dumb ?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform brick and mortar island!
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu: i'm guessing that they go to special schools
mircea_popescu: what, princeton ?
pete_dushenski: it must take years, if not decades of training to chock one's brain full of such crud
assbot: Nine awesome Bitcoin projects at Princeton ... ( http://bit.ly/1z0mwuX )
mircea_popescu: lol @Gav1nFucksGoats
pete_dushenski: Robert Litan is a nonresident senior fellow at the Brookings Institution and the author of “Trillion Dollar Economists.”
pete_dushenski: ^said market speshulist
TheNewDeal: !down TheNewDeal
pete_dushenski: https://twitter.com/boblitan << guy looks barely bright enough to tie shoelaces
assbot: Robert Litan (@BobLitan) | Twitter ... ( http://bit.ly/1z0mTpA )
mircea_popescu: lmaop that forum
mircea_popescu: "This is misinformation and you are confusing people.
mircea_popescu: That number isn't true as it assumes we will immediately be processing 84k transactions per block which isn't going to happen."
mircea_popescu: YOU ARE CONFUSING PEOPLE!! the problem we are solving is not a problem which is why it should be solved!!!1
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu and anyone else waiting for s.nsa broadcast - it will appear shortly after i get a little sleep now. can't believe i blew a whole saturday on the pocket node thing.
mircea_popescu: srsly, this stupid ? also princeton ?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform tomorrow'll be fine, but yes, now is the time on sprockets where you let the little guys fuck by themselves a while.
mircea_popescu: also there, " Bitcoin can be so complicated at times that even I have problems getting all the facts."
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes et al: the tips i've given re: controlling memory fandango had better suffice. i'll post a buildroot for the pogo some time this week, but unfortunately i do not have time to do the whole thing personally
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell benjamindees seven billion people have no savings.
gribble: The operation succeeded.
mircea_popescu: everyone has savings, and they save in gold ? wtf is this bs.
asciilifeform: loper-os.org/pub/bitcoind-armv5-variants.tgz
asciilifeform: ^ what turdatron threw into the sun
asciilifeform: docs inside.
mircea_popescu: decimation: bezzlar lending rates keep dropping because 'oh noes deflation' <<< if you can take an immense loan denominated in usd and at a fixed rate, to purchase anything tangible you should do so right now.
pete_dushenski: fixed rate being the key here
pete_dushenski: 5+ if they'll take it
pete_dushenski: years, that is
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell phillipsjk: mircea_popescu, I disagree with the premise that wealth correlates strongly with intelligence. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs <<< reed the correct one : http://trilema.com/2014/that-aint-the-maslow-pyramid-yo/
assbot: That ain't the Maslow pyramid, yo! pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1z0o6x1 )
gribble: The operation succeeded.
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell phillipsjk you can't reason on any topic on the rotten basis of socialist propaganda.
gribble: The operation succeeded.
asciilifeform: blockheight 214288 (bastard node.)
pete_dushenski: 5 seems to be the norm, not sure how hard it is to get a longer fixed rate term
asciilifeform now can go to bed
mircea_popescu: pete_dushenski what 5 ? 0.2% baby.
mircea_popescu: what is this, fucking retail ? we're all jews, right ?
mircea_popescu: only samy jr pays retail,
mircea_popescu: and only before conversion.
decimation: mircea_popescu: for 'well qualified' folks in 'conventional' mortgages, you can get 3.5% for 30 years!
decimation: fixed
decimation: and rates are dropping
mircea_popescu: hm, i guess actually you might not have the luxury to tell them to gtfo
mircea_popescu: but why are you paying 15x what they pay ?
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu: 5 years. ~2% is retail
mircea_popescu: would you buy hamburgers at 15x the fixed costs ?!
decimation: in the us, all mortgages are sold by usg
mircea_popescu: banks refinance at about 0.2% anything under .3% is ok but over that is being greedy.
pete_dushenski: 15x zero ...
decimation: there is no 'private' mortgage market
decimation: at least, it's tiny
mircea_popescu: i don't believe that.
mircea_popescu: maybe there's no private market in the sense that there's no bitcoin stock market ?
pete_dushenski: there's no way you can get under 2% is all i'm saying
mircea_popescu: maybe that's true.
pete_dushenski: if you're borrowing say $500k
mircea_popescu: well no, borrow $50 mn
pete_dushenski: i'm more interested in how long you can negotiate as far as a fixed rate term goes
pete_dushenski: $50 mn you say....
mircea_popescu: pete_dushenski anything past ~20 years is not necessarily going to come in your favour.
mircea_popescu: pete_dushenski understand : building a building costs to the tune of a bn or a few.
mircea_popescu: obv there's no market in arbitrarily tiny fractions
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: having now sent kill $(cat bitcoind.pid) several times, i'm no longer so certain that the damn thing obeys SIGTERM.
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes it takes a while.
mircea_popescu: go do all your shopping, come back n see
pete_dushenski: funny lady shopping, that is
mircea_popescu: “We were stunned by the allegations which served to negatively impact our business in this exciting and evolving financial category,” said Josh Garza, CEO of GAW. “However, we appreciate the outpouring of support by a community that is behind what we are doing as pioneers in the cryptocurrency market; in short, they simply didn’t believe it.”
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: no way. it respondes to ./bitcoind -datadir=. -port=... -rpcport=... stop, but not to kill $BITCOIND_PID
mircea_popescu: no way, it actually has sigterm masking ?
mircea_popescu: i duin recall this.
mircea_popescu: phillipsjk: The users installing those routers probably don't even play with computer networks as a hobby. It is the manufacturers, not the end-users' fault that UPnP is exposed to the Internet. <<< ther atrocity known as unpnp exists in the first place because people who do not know how to use computers wish nevertheless to use computers, and then complain to people running servers that "doesn't work".
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 40859 @ 0.00035262 = 14.4077 BTC [-] {2}
mircea_popescu: it is the fault of the people running servers that they implemented upnp instead of beating the people with the reports, sure. however, beatings suffer from a disaster of commons type of problem : they are valuabler and expensive, but the beneficiaries resist them afore, even if they appreciate them after.
mircea_popescu: much like washing.
mircea_popescu: phillipsjk: this humble channel. << i never thought i'd live to hear that one.
decimation: I can't find good data, but it is pretty well known that usg entities purchase 30 year fixed loans
decimation: who else would buy them?
decimation: as for 15x, you can get 0.5% loans - that have 1-month adjustable rates
mircea_popescu: get them without adjustable.
decimation: can't
mircea_popescu: perhaps as a 10 year fixed, with a negotiable that includes your right to fully repay.
mircea_popescu: iirc that's the structure i used last time i did something like this.
decimation: not through any traditional loan dealer
decimation: perhaps a private party would make such a deal
mircea_popescu: a wot's always handy
decimation: eh, I can borrow usg's bezzlars for 3.5
mircea_popescu: this is like paying me 70 bucks for a happy meal.
mircea_popescu: (is that shit still 4.95 or did "deflation" fix that proble mtoo ?)
decimation: no, it's like having usg pay 70 bucks for a happy mean I 'get' to eat
decimation: i think mcd has raised their prices somewhat, not sure
mircea_popescu: decimation the difference is negligible from where i'm sitting!!!1
assbot: McDonalds Prices - Fast Food Menu Prices ... ( http://bit.ly/1z0qyDO )
decimation: the problem is, even if I were to purchase a house with say, gold or bitcoin
mircea_popescu: am i reading this right ? it's like 3 bux ?
decimation: I would still be trading an asset for something valued in loaned-bezzlars
mircea_popescu: decimation this is why it only makes sense to buy it as a loan, on good terms.
decimation: they used to have a 'dollar' menu
mircea_popescu: this is so mind boggling.
decimation: well, it is certainly the case that it is hard to find a bank that pays more than 1% on your savings account
ben_vulpes: "deflation"?
mircea_popescu: seriously, food at the cost of a shoeshine ?
decimation: but it's also impossible to find a 30-year fixed at less than 3.5
mircea_popescu: decimation wide spreads predict disaster.
decimation: well, they are essentially 'vanity' prices
decimation: for instance, almost no us banks (to my knowledge) offer 30-years cd's
decimation: the only reason 30-year fixed exists in the us is because of 'popular demand'
mircea_popescu: i dunno who would buy a nominal cd anyway.
mircea_popescu: so technically, no banks offer cds at all.
decimation: the banking system is a propaganda wrapper around usg/fed bank ownership
mircea_popescu: amusingly, the fed is actually a private partnership
mircea_popescu: but anyway : as in the centrally controlled economy of the socialist state, so in the us : the "private" sector is a wrapper around the politburo.
mircea_popescu: and the "workers" are a wrapper around that wrapper. in the sense a rectum is a wrapper around the condom wrapped around the cock.
decimation: but they are 'free'
mircea_popescu: everyone's free who wants to be.
decimation: the latest fed open market meeting strongly implied that rates will be low for a long time yet
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14950 @ 0.00035691 = 5.3358 BTC [+]
decimation: rather than the scheduled increase in 6 months
decimation: because oil halved, therefore 'the deflation' scare is on
mircea_popescu: it's so amusing for me to see the situation of 1980s japan imported pretty much all over the north atlantic.
decimation: actuall the 3% FNMA mortgage-backed security is on a bull run http://www.mortgagenewsdaily.com/mbs/charts.aspx?Product=FNMA30&interval=4
assbot: MBS Live ... ( http://bit.ly/1z0t90x )
decimation: the implication being that serious folks with lots of bezzlars see a 3% 30-year loan as a great investment - which is telling about expectations of the future
mircea_popescu: well... it would be wouldn't it ? look how well freddie mac did
mircea_popescu: (it did do great - the bankers made money, that's the benchmark)
decimation: if the us becomes japan for the next 30 years, then it is a great deal
mircea_popescu: japan was a nation, and those three decades nigh on crumbled it.
mircea_popescu: a federation, like the us ? the austro-hungarian empire didn't last five years of harship.
decimation: yeah that's a good point
decimation: with that, I bid good evening.
decimation: !down decimation
mircea_popescu: http://log.b-a.link/?date=01-02-2015#1001103 << for the record : sexualisation as a matter of fact, not as a matter of convention (ie, irrespectiver of the sex object's "consent") is part and parcel of feminity.
assbot: Logged on 01-02-2015 06:55:36; assbot: HYSTERIA | CONSENT ... ( http://bit.ly/1z0h0Zr )
mircea_popescu: this is what it MEANS to be a woman.
mircea_popescu: a reconstruction of some sort of imaginary alternative is no different from any other synthetic product : like the transsexual, like the roman eunuch or later italian castrato, like all other exercises in artifexery.
mircea_popescu: now, that such a matter of fact is a flimsy ground for assault, and has no good reason to escalate to battery is certainly true.
mircea_popescu: but de minima non curat lex.
cazalla: <mircea_popescu> cazalla nice month yo. <<< hopefully february will dwarf it
ben_vulpes: i've been considering how to present this to the "feminists" in my vicinity
mircea_popescu: well, if it doesn't im sure march will.
ben_vulpes: the "objectification is part and parcel of having a cunt" line takes more delicacy and subtlety than i've yet cultivated.
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes sadly it's the equivalent of the beatings. women grok wtf it all means, by virtue of their existential quality of being women. little girls, of whatever age, even 50 should they be, have no avenue to comprehend wtf is being said.
mircea_popescu: so they fly in a girlish rage, which is fine and perfectly comprehensible, and even self aware
ben_vulpes: trick being to deliver the beatings without going to jail in this here country
mircea_popescu: she calls the thing hysteria for this reason.
mircea_popescu: anyway, one shouldn't be a doctor for people who aren't patients. not your job to solve people's problems, especially those htey do not care to have solved.
ben_vulpes: a few are right on the cusp, but it's taken years to get them there
ben_vulpes: "one shouldn't be a doctor" << the doctoring's forced on one
mircea_popescu: you will find that cusp can be quite wide. it's like an untrained orgasmer going "i'm almost there".
ben_vulpes: myeah
ben_vulpes: control problems, control problems everywhere.
ben_vulpes ponders the unintentional double entendre
mircea_popescu: i took it for intentional.
ben_vulpes: i'm not really that bright it turns out
mircea_popescu: you know foxy, at this rate you ain't roasting jack.
mircea_popescu: by which i mean the rabbit.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38742 @ 0.00035691 = 13.8274 BTC [+]
ben_vulpes: who said i wanted to!
ben_vulpes: who said i wanted to wade hip deep into cpp or straighten out everyones mental models
mircea_popescu: remember! in case of problems : cunt! roll!
cazalla: http://ia700603.us.archive.org/21/items/gov.uscourts.nysd.422824/gov.uscourts.nysd.422824.171.0.pdf short of it "This letter is submitted in response to the government’s January 29, 2015, letter seeking preclusion of the expert testimony of proposed defense witness Andreas M. Antonopoulos."
mircea_popescu: cazalla which case is this ?
ben_vulpes: (i roast none better than myself. it's a...skill.)
cazalla: mircea_popescu, take a guess!
mircea_popescu: and does the govt letter go "we object to the inclusion of this witness as mr antonopoulos is actually... in a word... dead." ?
ben_vulpes: lol your grip on the fabric of reality isn't that stiff yet boss
cazalla: none other than United States v. Ross Ulbricht.. he's fkn sunk with derp on the stand
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17284 @ 0.00035691 = 6.1688 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 69006 @ 0.00035112 = 24.2294 BTC [-] {2}
ben_vulpes: samO_: your cloak is getting applied after you join channels
ben_vulpes: *** samO_ (~samO@109-92-79-197.dynamic.isp.telekom.rs) has joined channel #bitcoin-assets
ben_vulpes: !up samO_
assbot: dpaste: 0JA0FZA: How downloading the Bitcoin blockchain should work ... ( http://bit.ly/18EwsRk )
ben_vulpes: PeterL!
PeterL: yes?
ben_vulpes: you've been reading logs, haven't you.
PeterL: always
ben_vulpes: PeterL: are you getting conned this spring?
PeterL: conned?
ben_vulpes: $conference
ben_vulpes: trilema.com/2014/the-conference-third-edition/
PeterL: oh, no, no job atm, can't afford it
PeterL: by the way, if anybody needs a chemist, I'm looking for work now
ben_vulpes: what kind of chemistry d'you do?
PeterL: organic mostly
ben_vulpes: while we're on the topic, a single node should never be a single source of blocks.
PeterL: small molecule synthesis is what I've been doing the past 3 years
ben_vulpes: dunno about how many n's would be involved but in terms of *should*, blocks *should* be checked against a few peers.
PeterL: yes, there would ideally be more that one connection open at a time
ben_vulpes: (if multiple peers are available, and the implementation's coding is up to the concurrency)
PeterL: does RI do multiple connections yet?
ben_vulpes: lolno
PeterL: on the wish list?
ben_vulpes: or if it's opening them it sure as hell isn't doing anything with them
ben_vulpes: yeah, call it the wish list.
ben_vulpes: truth be told, frere, the RI's just that. it's not supposed to be fancy or anything.
ben_vulpes: gets blocks, barfs blocks, relays transactions. i've not heard any serious arguments for inclusion of additional functionality beyond that.
ben_vulpes: !gettrust assbot PinkPosixPXE
assbot: Trust relationship from user assbot to user PinkPosixPXE: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 4 via 4 connections. | http://w.b-a.link/trust/assbot/PinkPosixPXE | http://w.b-a.link/user/PinkPosixPXE
ben_vulpes: !gettrust assbot mod6
assbot: Trust relationship from user assbot to user mod6: Level 1: 1, Level 2: 7 via 7 connections. | http://w.b-a.link/trust/assbot/mod6 | http://w.b-a.link/user/mod6
ben_vulpes: !gettrust assbot jurov
assbot: Trust relationship from user assbot to user jurov: Level 1: 1, Level 2: 18 via 18 connections. | http://w.b-a.link/trust/assbot/jurov | http://w.b-a.link/user/jurov
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 83150 @ 0.00035702 = 29.6862 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1500 @ 0.00094591 = 1.4189 BTC [-] {17}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1250 @ 0.00092122 = 1.1515 BTC [-] {8}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 55491 @ 0.00035732 = 19.828 BTC [+] {2}
PeterL: mircea_popescu:a federation, like the us ? << nominally US is a federation, but between the FedGov usurping power from the states, free movement of people between the states, and the mass-produced commercialized 'culture', the US is pretty homogenous; we think of ourselfs as USians rather than $myState-ians.
assbot: Hacking on the Satoshi Codebase: Some Pointers ... ( http://bit.ly/1CmW0P3 )
ben_vulpes: i'll go further, PeterL, $myStatism is actually discouraged by *all* political groups.
PeterL: nah, there are some who are adamantly Texan
PeterL: kind of the exception though
ben_vulpes: sure, exceptions exist
ben_vulpes: lets not bother ourselves with 3/4 sigma shit tho.
assbot: Jooz and stereotypes. | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( http://bit.ly/1yo4uiC )
pete_dushenski: ^for those english-speaking hebrewphiles interested in sabbatai zevi and eretz israel
pete_dushenski: and other things
pete_dushenski: and now ima pass the fuck out.
ben_vulpes: sweet dreams, pete
PeterL: Rather than having all the magic numbers hard coded into the RI, should there be some sort of config file? Stuff like the DNS seeds, number of bastard blocks to hold onto, number of connections to make, etc?
ben_vulpes: PeterL: yeah, it'd be nice to get everything configified
ben_vulpes: it's not entirely out of the question that the ri could even be coerced into hooking onto arbitrary altchains with well-done configuration
ben_vulpes: question being the same as one would have for the matchstick eiffel tower engineer
ben_vulpes: "why?"
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 3054 @ 0.00094981 = 2.9007 BTC [+] {4}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 70 @ 0.09765599 = 6.8359 BTC [-] {9}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 187544 @ 0.00035325 = 66.2499 BTC [-] {3}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 67950 @ 0.00035074 = 23.8328 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 80800 @ 0.00035808 = 28.9329 BTC [+] {3}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 43500 @ 0.00035074 = 15.2572 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33750 @ 0.00035074 = 11.8375 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 83634 @ 0.00036026 = 30.13 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29200 @ 0.00035311 = 10.3108 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35450 @ 0.00035311 = 12.5177 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 79097 @ 0.00035039 = 27.7148 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 92903 @ 0.00034898 = 32.4213 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 128135 @ 0.00034757 = 44.5359 BTC [-] {3}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 76850 @ 0.00035056 = 26.9405 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 51777 @ 0.00034562 = 17.8952 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 71600 @ 0.00035267 = 25.2512 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 81511 @ 0.00035425 = 28.8753 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 157450 @ 0.00034671 = 54.5895 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: Cultivated Disinterest in Professional Sports | copyrighteous ... ( http://bit.ly/1BLxvpy )
assbot: The People’s Team | shauna gordon-mckeon | blog ... ( http://bit.ly/1BLxJgl )
mats: guess i should watch sports so i can relate to peasants...
mats: punkman: thanks, will peruse
kakobrekla: cultivated-disinterest-in-professional-sports relevant < to what ?
kakobrekla: stupid article with stupid comments
TheNewDeal: isn't that what the internet was invented for?
kakobrekla: why add fuel to fire
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33778 @ 0.00034602 = 11.6879 BTC [-] {2}
BingoBoingo: Fun Fact, if Marshawn Lynch grabs his crotch on the field he will be fined the same $500,000 BitPay paid for their Bowl game
TheNewDeal: anyone see that Conan bit with Marshawn playing Mortal Combat?
TheNewDeal: actually not a horrible waste of 11 minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNpkSyryQz4
assbot: Marshawn Lynch and Rob Gronkowski Play "Mortal Kombat X" With Conan O'Brien - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1vo4eo4 )
BingoBoingo: I haven't
TheNewDeal: I guess Conan has a recurring bit called "Clueless Gamer"
assbot: Mighty Deeds ... ( http://bit.ly/1vo4tQ9 )
mats: kakobrekla: whoops, i copied that message wholesale from another window. meant to share just the link.
kakobrekla: well here, relevant http://xkcd.com
assbot: xkcd: Super Bowl ... ( http://bit.ly/1617o5l )
mats: but i suppose it'd be relevant to americans, today being the Superb Owl
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 72164 @ 0.00036269 = 26.1732 BTC [+] {3}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2954 @ 0.00036573 = 1.0804 BTC [+]
TheNewDeal: TomServo what's your status
assbot: Who is Mircea Popescu?? ... ( http://bit.ly/161e2s8 )
TomServo: TheNewDeal: sup
mircea_popescu: lol so that coinswap thing ran off huh
TheNewDeal: Wondering if you are interested in a meetup today
BingoBoingo: Well, GAW bought it. They still seem to take deposits. Just not so keep on the withdrawals business
kakobrekla: withdrawals have been deprecated.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1276 @ 0.00096954 = 1.2371 BTC [-] {2}
mircea_popescu: TheNewDeal who, me ?
TheNewDeal: TomServo
TheNewDeal: not a problem
ben_vulpes: withdrawals are an antipatten
ben_vulpes: does anyone have a recommendation for an x11 friendly browser?
mircea_popescu: antipatten on teh bakken ?
ben_vulpes: i guess i gotta, huh
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1403 @ 0.00096954 = 1.3603 BTC [-] {3}
ben_vulpes: mnah i don't think that's actually going to work so well
BingoBoingo: ben_vulpes: xxxterm
mircea_popescu: isn't that for pronz only ?
BingoBoingo: Well, is the web for the same thing?
BingoBoingo: Trilema, and Qntra look pretty good in xxxterm
assbot: Texas boy suspended after bringing 'ring of power' to school - NY Daily News ... ( http://bit.ly/161jXh2 )
BingoBoingo: xxxterm is an actual browser though, perfect for ben_vulpes
jurov: sooo.. asciilifeform sent email with wordwrapped-after-clearsigned text and with attachemnts bigger than 1024k limit
jurov: fixed and published
jurov: i never thought it will become channel for binaries distribution
decimation: http://www.ronpaulinstitute.org/archives/featured-articles/2015/january/31/march-to-folly-in-ukraine/ << " Yet Washington just announced that by spring, it will deploy unspecified numbers of military “trainers” to Ukraine to help build Kiev’s ramshackle national guard. Also being sent are significant numbers of US special heavy, mine resistant armored vehicles that have been widely used in Afghanistan and Iraq. The US and
decimation: Poland are currently covertly supplying Ukraine with some weapons."
decimation: I would like someone in usg to explain to little people like me why 1) poking russia with a stick is a good idea and 2.) what possible good could come from it
trinque: decimation: this time it will be different.
trinque: the USA is a hyperpower... etc
mircea_popescu: amusingly, orwell has a quote about this very thing.
mircea_popescu: "In one story in the ROVER, for instance, somebody has a tame bear, and as it is a Russian bear, it is nicknamed Trotsky–obviously an echo of the 1917-23 period and not of recent controversies. The clock has stopped at 1910. Britannia rules the waves, and no one has heard of slumps, booms, unemployment, dictatorships, purges or concentration camps."
assbot: The Isaac Brock Society | The real reason that Roger Ver renounced US citizenship ... ( http://bit.ly/161oaBo )
mats: decimation: brinksmanship is how this game is played, yo.
mats: what does USG care if Putin shuts off the gas?
decimation: mats: what 'game'? is usg trying to gain a colony in eastern europe
mats: i seriously doubt there's an actual end game, but they'll keep playing anyways
assbot: Posts | Gorilla Rabbit ... ( http://bit.ly/161oIam )
mircea_popescu: gotta keep playin'!!1
mats: maybe they wanna put up moar missile sites near .ru
mircea_popescu: who's isaac broc ?
trinque: the game is just pumping up defense spending
trinque: rather, there's no game and it's a runaway process of it's own
decimation: I guess. Like, if there were anti-us rebels in mexico, I think usg would be seriously pissed if russia sent troops to support them
trinque: more enemies == dear god man, look at the stock market!!11!!!
mats: gotta fight Putin, you know, the man's "evil" and not a true Christian, etc...
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Either a British Officer/Administrator who fought America in 1812 or the lead singer of Modest Mouse
decimation: mats: actually that's another point - it seems to me that we have more of an interest in giving putin a little of what he wants in exchange for helping put a lid on the crazy muslims
mircea_popescu: dat passive aggressive ro\ger ver bs.,
mircea_popescu: After being told by the US attorney that I would be sent to jail for seven or eight years if I took my case to trial I signed a plea agreement. At the sentencing the judge asked me if anyone threatened or coerced me in any way to sign the plea agreement. When I said “Yes, absolutely,” the judge’s eyes became very wide and he asked “what do you mean?” I explained that the US attorney told me that he would send
mircea_popescu: me to jail for seven or eight years if I didn’t sign the plea agreement. The judge responded that that was not what he was asking about, so I replied that I must not understand what it means to be threatened or coerced. The judge then proceeded to lecture me extensively on politics. He carried on about why government is so important and how “taxes are the price we pay for a civilized society” and that government
mircea_popescu: is wonderful in general. He summed up his lecture by telling me that, “I don’t want you to think that your political views have anything to do with why you are here today,” and then sentenced me to serve ten months in federal prison.
mircea_popescu: wtf, srsly ? that's it ?
mircea_popescu: "i signed it, but i TOLD MOM I DUN LIKLE IT!!11"
mircea_popescu: trying to take these schmoes seriously is not unlike trying to make an army of toddlers.
mats: decimation: if there was anybody bright running the show, they'd exactly cave to Putin and let him slaughter the muslamics in europe
mircea_popescu: "don't chew on the gun, billy! stand up tommy!"
trinque: lol
mats: solve that problem rightaway
decimation: mats: yeah I think we are on the same page
mircea_popescu: mats putin is not as against teh muslims as you imagine.
mircea_popescu: i'll bet you as a for instance that the way he sees it, the muslims taking over europe east of the danube is perfect, inasmuch as they'll do away with the feminists, transsexuals, redditards etceteras on their own dime.
mats: i didn't mean to venture that he wanted to own more of europe
jurov: you mean west of the danube?
mats: much like nobody wants detroit
decimation: yeah, in somalia
asciilifeform: danielpbarron ^
mircea_popescu: and by east of the danube i mean west of the danube, of course
assbot: The Ballad of East and West by Rudyard Kipling ... ( http://bit.ly/1zKQaqr )
decimation: why don't muslims settle in romania and moldova?
trinque: muslims don't seem to "settle"
jurov: decimation, these countries are not welcoming to any immigrants
trinque: ah I misunderstood
trinque: there are european countries that are actually resisting being invaded?
decimation: jurov: those countries don't have a problem sending emigrants to other countries...
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 49400 @ 0.00036573 = 18.0671 BTC [+]
jurov: so?
assbot: Islam in Europe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... ( http://bit.ly/1zKQKVb )
trinque: decimation: wow, that would not have been my assumption given the proximity of eastern europe..
jurov: eastern europe is deeply suspicious of any immigrants
BingoBoingo: Eastern Europe sounds a lot like Wisconsin or Minnesota, except less Nordic
mircea_popescu: nah. eastern europe is basically astoria, queens and brooklyn
mircea_popescu: except much larger.
mats: this makes me sad about my options
mircea_popescu: (and contrary to what everyone is willing to admit, it actually includes italy and about half of germany plus austria)
decimation: poor Vienna, her star has fallen thus
mats: i dun really wanna go back to asia and i worry about being able to fit in, in sudamerica
mircea_popescu: lol fallen. vienna's stars ARE BUILT OF THUS.
decimation: heh yeah that is true
mircea_popescu: this eastern europe = sucks thing is new, really. what do oyu think tyhe blue danube is about, normandy ?
mircea_popescu: mats ever tried it ?
mircea_popescu: certainly the women look a lot less like perambulating pancakes.
mats: rude
mircea_popescu: that's me.
mats: you hate me
mircea_popescu: i don't hate you lol.
mats: i'm kidding. but no, i haven't been to south america yet
mircea_popescu: well so then why worry.
trinque imagines if/when he ever moves, his accent will get him beaten in an alley somewhere
mircea_popescu: i tell you something else : teh muslims are reasonably fun to be around.
decimation: I'm not implying that eastern europe sucks, what I meant was that their fortunes have changed such that they are no longer a proud empire, but instead a collection of wayward sheep
mircea_popescu: for one thing, you don't have to explain to them that your harem's your harem and what's it for.
mircea_popescu: when talking things through with teenaged cunt such cultural support helps.
mircea_popescu: decimation revolution really means rotation, you know ? this is what europe does, essentially it's a falling rods press for other people.
decimation: aye, no nation or empire possesses the 'conch shell' forever
mircea_popescu: trinque dude, if i could find a hundred people willing to beat up anyone in an alley on the basis of their accent in this country
mircea_popescu: i'd have been inaugurated president like yesterday.
mircea_popescu: the current one only has like... 3. and they're inept.
kakobrekla: this is how eastern europe is like
mircea_popescu: hungry for more ?
assbot: Logged on 20-03-2014 14:20:09; asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: 'cum se suge pula' << can't help but associate this in my head with the finnish proverb, 'Pillu se on pulullakin'
mircea_popescu: mut raja se o reijälläkin
danielpbarron: well i got asciilifeform's bastard binary working (or would anyone prefer i try traditional) on my pogoplug; still setting up an environment to build it myself (sorry i'm kinda rusty at all this)
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 74200 @ 0.00036573 = 27.1372 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: i think traditional's dead.
mircea_popescu: i had hoped it may pull through, but...
asciilifeform: that means one or more of you lot are stuck with the misery of actually reading that patch.
asciilifeform: because all four of my Shiva-hands are full.
danielpbarron: "blocks" : 24500,
danielpbarron: and it just died
asciilifeform: died silently ?
danielpbarron: not sure what that means
danielpbarron: i was watching debug.log
asciilifeform: danielpbarron: no output?
danielpbarron: it was running as daemon
asciilifeform: danielpbarron: run in console as nohup /path/to/bitcoind -datadir /wherever/you/have/it &
asciilifeform: then see nohup.out for stdout
danielpbarron: Error: Specified directory does not exist
trinque: after reading that article which mentioned the coy response I see it *everywhere*
asciilifeform: danielpbarron: change the paths to equal yours, srsly
danielpbarron: i did lol
danielpbarron: not that stupid :p
asciilifeform: -datadir=
BingoBoingo: Nice family xanthyos
asciilifeform: danielpbarron: and find out whether process actually died, or merely went into one of the up to hour-long fugues the bastard bitcoind goes into when everybody it connects to wants nothing but to supply bastards
danielpbarron: ah i see
asciilifeform: though normally this is extremely noisy on debug.log
mircea_popescu: trinque duh.
mircea_popescu: incidentally, this is what college is you kno ?
mircea_popescu: that place where you hear things that then restructure your perception.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo the us is now fighting indians with indians ?
BingoBoingo: Looks like it
ben_vulpes: <asciilifeform> danielpbarron: and find out whether process actually died, or merely went into one of the up to hour-long fugues the bastard bitcoind goes into when everybody it connects to wants nothing but to supply bastards << in these fuges, does it report that "WARNING: Displayed transactions may not be correct! You may need to upgrade, or other nodes may need to upgrade." ?
danielpbarron: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 47172 @ 0.00036642 = 17.2848 BTC [+] {3}
asciilifeform: does it report that "WARNING: Displayed transactions may not be correct!... << not here.
asciilifeform: danielpbarron: that's a standard oomkill
asciilifeform: danielpbarron: didja start with a brand-new blockchain ?
asciilifeform: and with nothing substantial else running on the box
ben_vulpes: so xxxterm furned into xombrero which maintained by conformal?
ben_vulpes: plot!
danielpbarron: asciilifeform, ya
BingoBoingo: ben_vulpes: It did
scoopbot: New post on Trilema by Mircea Popescu: http://trilema.com/2015/aseara-fusei-la-una/
danielpbarron: started it over again, this time it's up to height=52820 still going
danielpbarron: without tail -f running
mircea_popescu: cazalla fwiw, the state has an ironclad case for rejecting the proposed testimony.
mircea_popescu: it was ineptly introduced.
xanthyos: got a new windows 8 machine and i really don't like what computers have become
xanthyos: i miss the mechanical red switch on my 286
asciilifeform: actual computers not banned yet
asciilifeform: get one.
asciilifeform: it'll cost more after ban.
xanthyos: i wonder how much the hardware itself is compromised regardless of the OS i use
xanthyos: i don't like the concept of "apps"
xanthyos: noone has to look for the exe anymore
cazalla: i don't think they have for a long time xanthyos, which is why 18f_tits.jpg.exe worked so well lol
mats: probably all, xanthyos
asciilifeform: coprophagia is, yet, (for now!) a voluntary thing.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: I was mostly interested in linking the zombie's name to the NeoBee thing yet again. There's little left in the Ulbricht case capable of being interesting until appeals are filed.
BingoBoingo: And Preet isn't objecting on inpetness of the introduction.
mircea_popescu: well yes, that part is funny. preet is objecting to the defense calling its own witnesses because "the government already did that"
mircea_popescu: as if that's how things work. but hey, in obamaland, north of chad, that's exactly how they do work
mircea_popescu: and who's to know any better ?
assbot: Intel® Active Management Technology (Intel® AMT) ... ( http://bit.ly/161Ws7l )
danielpbarron: it's hung up on block 56154 but still running and receiving data
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: My personal interpretation of the filing is that Preet want the record to reflect objecting to Andreas, while not successfull preventing the zombie's testimony.
BingoBoingo: Too mebbe to make that explicit in the summary.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20800 @ 0.00036405 = 7.5722 BTC [-]
trinque: mircea_popescu | that place where you hear things that then restructure your perception. << I went to a shitty public institution, found it a waste of my time, departed early. I would've loved to experience such a place, glad I stumbled in here.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo cazalla going by https://www.quantcast.com/qntra.net re top sites / audience interests : mebbe it's worth your time to write to pando, silicon angle writers (individually) see if they want to submit a piece for qntra ?
assbot: Qntra.net Traffic and Demographic Statistics by Quantcast ... ( http://bit.ly/1z30vvN )
mircea_popescu: gotta start unraveling the worm sometime/somewhere.
BingoBoingo: Sounds like a plan.
mircea_popescu: PeterL: nominally US is a federation, but [..] << the argument that austro-hungary was a federation of nations, whereas the us is a federation of nobodies does not in fact bolster its prospects to any degree.
mircea_popescu: yes, you're righyt, which is why the "Indivisibiliter ac Inseparabiliter" domains of His Imperial and Royal Apostolic Majesty, FJ yielded stuff like the bohemian kingdom.
mircea_popescu: whereas an ozarks duchy seems improbable on the face.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> whereas an ozarks duchy seems improbable on the face. << A singular Ozark Dutchy yes, but a collection of Ozark hamlets that in confederation raids Kansas with some regularity is possible
mircea_popescu: and quite likely.
BingoBoingo: Chicagoland might live on as a very poor Duchy
trinque: it's my understanding that chiraq is pretty well armed
trinque: maybe we get a hip-hop producing boko haram out of it
BingoBoingo: trinque: Sure, but so are the near rural areas which don't like Chicagoland
trinque: true enough
mircea_popescu: incidentally, since we're on this topic :
mircea_popescu: Franz Joseph von Gottes Gnaden Erwählter Römischer Kaiser allzeit Mehrer des Reiches Erblicher Kaiser von Österreich König von Germanien; Apostolischer König von Ungarn; König von Böhmen Dalmatien Kroatien Slawonien Galizien Lodomerien und Illyrien ; König von Jerusalem etc.; Erzherzog von Österreich; Großherzog von Toskana und Krakau ; Herzog von Lothringen Salzburg Würzburg Franken Steiermark Kärnten Krai
mircea_popescu: n und der Bukowina ; Großfürst von Siebenbürgen ; Markgraf von Mähren ; Herzog von Sandomir Masowien Lublin Ober- und Nieder schlesien Modena Parma Piacenza Guastalla Auschwitz Zator Teschen Friaul Ragusa und Zara ; Gefürsteter Graf von Habsburg und Tirol Kyburg Görz und Gradisca; Fürst von Trient und Brixen ; Markgraf von Ober- und Nieder lausitz und in Istrien ; Graf von Hohenems Feldkirch Bregenz Sonnenberg e
mircea_popescu: tc.; Herr von Triest von Cattaro und auf der windischen Mark; Großwoiwode der Woiwodschaft Serbien ; Prinz von Berchtesgaden und Mergentheim und so weiter.
mircea_popescu: note the usw = and so forth.
mircea_popescu: now imagine it in the us you know, herzog of frankfort and ruler of the kansas marches
mircea_popescu: (a marsh is not a swamp, but a disputed and difficult to defend border land. which is to say a swamp.)
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 320 @ 0.00577078 = 1.8466 BTC [-] {16}
BingoBoingo: trinque: I think the Chicagoland Duchy may at sometimes though claim influence as far south as Peoria, might raid as far south as Kentucky, but doubt they wil get to St Louis with regularity seeing the problem the river represents
mircea_popescu: the margrave of chicago eh ?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 68100 @ 0.00036332 = 24.7421 BTC [-] {2}
BingoBoingo: I imagine it as a sort of Byzantium, well placed, but not really loved by anyone.
BingoBoingo: It might be just as likely Chicago exists as a Vassal state of Archer Daniel Midland of Western Illinois in one of the the greatest reversals on the bezzel order.
BingoBoingo: ;;google Forgotonia
gribble: Forgottonia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forgottonia>; Kadner: 'Forgotonia' may lose planned Illiana Expressway ...: <http://southtownstar.suntimes.com/news/kadner/22647489-452/kadner-forgotonia-may-lose-planned-illiana-expressway.html>; McDonough County, Illinois, USA - Infobahn Outfitters: <http://www.outfitters.com/illinois/mcdonough/>
BingoBoingo: Western Illinois came closer to seceeding from Illinois than SOuthern Illinois ever did.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 83450 @ 0.00036516 = 30.4726 BTC [+] {3}
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: turdogram incoming!
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: jan. `15 broadcast.
asciilifeform: damn, gpg mutilated my ascii art.
asciilifeform: my beautiful artz
mircea_popescu: ascii arts is for fucking with.
mircea_popescu: decimation : re the "russia supporting independent mexico" thing : this has already ahppened. napoleon iii fromed a mexican monarchy, under maximillian. the us refused to recognise.
asciilifeform: who doesn't know about poor maximillian and his souvenir nose.
asciilifeform: (his firing squad, according to legend, was so large that he sorta fell apart, and various pieces were parcelled out as keepsakes)
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 85950 @ 0.00037075 = 31.866 BTC [+] {2}
asciilifeform: blockheight=230170 (bastard node)
mircea_popescu: so explain again and in full detail what the bastardization consists of ?
asciilifeform: the skull'n'crossbones patch
danielpbarron: 56882 here, hasn't stopped since block 0 on this run
asciilifeform: a backport of the bozos' mechanizm for purging bastards (in their lexicon, 'orphans')
mircea_popescu: by limiuting to 750 ?
asciilifeform: ^ readn'weep
asciilifeform: 750 << or any other constant
asciilifeform: in the binary danielpbarron is using, it's 250
mircea_popescu: i'd rather have an oral specification to go with the codical specification.
mircea_popescu: which is why i say.
asciilifeform: the magic constant that results in a usable 'pogo', if such exists, has not, afaik, been determined yet.
asciilifeform: the bozomatic bitcoin (0.9.something) has a command line flag to optionally specify this value
asciilifeform: i did not backport it, because didn't even think this would fly
asciilifeform: tried to keep the phoundation crud to a bare min.
asciilifeform: most of what you see in that patch is only there because the fuckers changed the data structure used to represent the bastard blocks
asciilifeform: a substantially more compact but logically-equivalent mechanism is possible, i dare say
asciilifeform: perhaps ben_vulpes ^^^^^ .
asciilifeform: or mod6
asciilifeform: or someone for fuck's sake other than meee plz
asciilifeform: for instance, that marsaglia rng thing is probably unnecessary
asciilifeform: toss it, replace with call to whatever rng is presently in use
asciilifeform: now it's again half as long.
asciilifeform: i could have sworn we had other folks in here who can/willing-to program....
asciilifeform: chetty?!
mircea_popescu: what, you want eulora to take a year between releases too ?!
asciilifeform: teach the gurlz cpp or sumthing
mircea_popescu: who, amanda hess ?
asciilifeform: whozzat
asciilifeform: !s amanda hess
assbot: 2 results for 'amanda hess' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=amanda+hess
mircea_popescu: "I'm a Slate staff writer. I've reported on sex, Hollywood, teenagers, media, technology, and the ladies for places like WIRED, ESPN The Magazine, NYMag. com"
mircea_popescu: aka "i'm one of about two hundred or so otherwise unemployable idiots my age that have made a confederacy and are trying to monopolize uninteresting but cheap media writing"
asciilifeform: speaking of which,
assbot: In China, highly educated women are mocked as a sexless “third gender” – Quartz ... ( http://bit.ly/1yqTGAh )
asciilifeform: ^ mega-lol
asciilifeform: 'nuns of no mercy'
mircea_popescu: this is, as you'd expect, a very convenient western misrepresentation.
asciilifeform: no shit.
mircea_popescu: "highly educated women are deeply respected and in high demand. highly offensive idiots who lay claim to an "education"they do not have but aspire to nevertheless "demonstrate" through circle jerking are despised and actively discouraged"
mircea_popescu: a distinction i see no problem with. amanda hess in chains is not a women's issue, it's a stupid women's issue.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform btw, re maximillian : he hung of his own hand, basically. man lands in mexico at the invitation of the elite, sees the conditions of the poor and figures "hey, this shocking difference i perceive from the situation in europe is in no sense and to no degree a warning to me! the right thing to do is obviously ignoring reality and behaving according to imagination!!!"
mircea_popescu: few years later, with the elite firmly pissed off and the liberals bolstered by the "hey, even the german emperor agrees with our ideas", he got what libertards generally get.
assbot: Maximilian I of Mexico - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... ( http://bit.ly/1yqXO3d )
asciilifeform: unrelated,
asciilifeform: does anyone else find it remarkable how readily the 0.5.3.x irc seeding mechanism still works ?
asciilifeform: and when it was discarded by the phoundation? 0.6 ?
asciilifeform: would be interesting to see a robotic probe tell us wtf lurks in that channel
asciilifeform: likewise unrelated,
assbot: The Royal Fork ... ( http://bit.ly/1zsauuU )
asciilifeform: ^ do we know him ?
asciilifeform: pretty good expository work in there.
assbot: Graphical Address Generator ... ( http://bit.ly/1zsaVWf )
assbot: Deconstructing Transactions ... ( http://bit.ly/1zsaXNI )
mircea_popescu: shot the guy an email.
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes: "why?" << this thing where you embrace extend and run into the wall a reasonable idea is for teh dogs.
mircea_popescu: ri really shouldhave all the magic numbers in a config file.
cazalla: looks like another bitcoin ad network calling it quits http://bitcoinads.com/sale.php
assbot: BitcoinAds - Contact ... ( http://bit.ly/1zscinK )
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 24 @ 0.06202125 = 1.4885 BTC [-] {5}
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla: have some lulz << lol check out all the disinterested forum experts. ognasty, "Pool your bitcoins with others. Vote on solutions using the Bitcoin blockchain. " all sorts of laudable.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 71205 @ 0.0003593 = 25.584 BTC [-] {3}
asciilifeform: 'Software may be "open sourced" by various companies who depend on that software to do their business (Puppet, Chef and Go are all excellent examples of the pattern: monolithic software projects of such scale that they either approach or actually are their own languages for which the source is freely available, but the source for which nobody is really supposed to read), but in nearly all of those cases the code may as well be
asciilifeform: a closed hairball for all the interest the entities in question have in documenting and maintaining the various hairballs' (ben_vulpes's www)
assbot: Logged on 31-01-2015 19:51:38; asciilifeform: 'golang' is in the same league as apple's 'darwin' unix kernel. a whole zoological kingdom of pseudo-open, where, yes, theoretically you can read source, but it is not -for you-
assbot: Logged on 31-01-2015 19:52:18; asciilifeform: and if interests of vendor conflict with yours in any way, the conflict will be subtly and perfidiously resolved in favour of vendor
assbot: Logged on 31-01-2015 19:52:45; asciilifeform: the solution to turdlangs is, to crib from clinton era anti-dope slogan, 'be smart - don't start'
asciilifeform: i've been meaning to write an article on the subject of 'pseudo-open' for... ~5 yrs now
asciilifeform: had an early draft where it was phrased in a particularly comedic (unintentionally) way, where, parody of rms and his 'software freedoms,' the sqrt(-1)-th 'freedom' was to be 'freedom to understand'
asciilifeform: (meaning equal to 'fits in head')
asciilifeform: since this place is quiet, i will take the liberty to blather at length;
asciilifeform: for some years i earned bread as a 'reverse engineer'
asciilifeform: and i will say that none of the items i have worked with (and they were samples of malware, in some cases elaborately obfuscated) remotely approached the ugliness and gnarliness of bitcoind.
asciilifeform: and these were winblows binaries.
asciilifeform: again, will repeat, often elaborately obfuscated
asciilifeform: point of this story is that 'open' source that is not accessible to the human mind with reasonable effort, may as well be 'closed'
asciilifeform: and in fact, to present it as 'open' is an ethically questionable proposition
asciilifeform: and to answer the objections of possibly lurking idiots in advance - no, it is not because bitcoin is mathematically complicated
asciilifeform: it isn't.
asciilifeform: and the notion that it is, is purely a mirage created by the hairball
asciilifeform: the original birth of said hairball may have been unintentional (mr s couldn't really program) - but its present state is not.
asciilifeform: !s glued with glass
assbot: 1 results for 'glued with glass' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=glued+with+glass
asciilifeform had more to say, but his 'wrath' emotion register bit is set, and hard to think straight.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 77550 @ 0.00035824 = 27.7815 BTC [-] {2}
cazalla: oh, garza never ceases to provide the lulz.. his $20 honour program was to go live today.. posts this a few days back https://i.imgur.com/1RjXbe4.png and now the day of launch.. http://blog.paybase.com/status-of-honor-program/ " As previously reported, we are reviewing with counsel the features of the Honors Program and what if any aspects of the program may require regulatory approval. We intend to proceed based upon advise of counsel and
assbot: Status of Honor Program ... ( http://bit.ly/1HGWBhK )
cazalla: will provide updates as developments warrant."
ben_vulpes: eg "we ain't buyin yer shitcoins"
ben_vulpes: man i wrote hairball a lot last night
ben_vulpes: side note: that's the informal name for the infrastructure provisioning tool i wrote for internal use
trinque: asciilifeform: at least one might hope that even they've lost track of which pieces of tech they've weakened over the years, such that they've weakened themselves as well
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [RENT] 258 @ 0.00763406 = 1.9696 BTC [+] {6}
trinque: put more clearly, does the thing committing industrial-scale corruption of software provide the rest of govt a reliable map of which things are unsafe to use. I'd think not
assbot: Loper OS » A Country of Which Nothing is Known but the Name. ... ( http://bit.ly/1HH0sM3 )
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 71169 @ 0.00036954 = 26.2998 BTC [+] {3}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35254 @ 0.00037267 = 13.1381 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 107213 @ 0.00037412 = 40.1105 BTC [+] {3}
trinque: wince laptop?!
trinque reads on
trinque: asciilifeform: I think I see your point; the answer is not "yes, oops" but "Yes as a matter of policy."
asciilifeform is a very reluctant believer in 'oops'es
trinque: damn, that makes a great deal of sense.
trinque: seems to rule out what I said too. That they might have underlings use weakened crypto provides them greater control over them, and eh, if they get intercepted/caught/etc they were expendable in the first place.
trinque: as you point out, the things that really matter use crypto that (afaik) works
asciilifeform: works in their sense, not ours
asciilifeform: http://www.uwgb.edu/DutchS/PSEUDOSC/WhyNoConspiracies.HTM << steve dutch descends to new level of usg fellatio
assbot: Why I Don't Believe in Conspiracy Theories ... ( http://bit.ly/1HH7gcr )
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform so write it.
mircea_popescu: <asciilifeform> and the notion that it is, is purely a mirage created by the hairball << bitcoin is certainly simple.
mircea_popescu: cazalla your pics put the finger on the point : this is why we despise them.
mircea_popescu: " community" or w/e they are.
mircea_popescu: trinque obviously it does not work in the favour of the bureaucracy. for the simple reason that the incentives of the talented, the smart and the valuables never are nor ever could be alligned with socialism.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform "yes, as a matter of policy, in the sense an addict's untimely death is a matter of his own policy"
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform the steve dutch piece is funny because... "i lie" gets transmorgrified into "they lie" in such a predictable fashion.
mircea_popescu: yes, i'm sure "they" lie, notwithstanding that "they" doesn't even exist as such outside of the sufferer's sufferances.
mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2014/o-hai-let-me-wanna-be/#comment-111914 << meanwhile from the sufferers under the "code is poetteringy" mullenweg regime.
assbot: O hai let me wanna-be! pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/162W3ll )
mircea_popescu: clearly... "they lie".
danielpbarron: made it to 93225 and it seems to have stopped without producing any errors in either debug.log or nohup.out
trinque: mircea_popescu: is this the classic paranoia that the underlings are all out to get the leadership, as manifested in tech?
trinque: bin laden seemed to do pretty well in turning our system inward on itself
mircea_popescu: trinque im not sure what you're asking ?
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell fabianb empyex sick ?
gribble: The operation succeeded.
trinque: trying to pull it into words... it would seem to be a sign of institutional illness, autoimmune disorder
trinque: mircea_popescu: I remember you talking about whether Stalins rust; I understand him to have succumbed to a great deal of paranoia about underlings coming after him
mircea_popescu: the two are really unrelated.
trinque: this seems a winning strategy, find the top, discover their nightmares, convince them that you're it, you're everywhere, and they're fucked
mircea_popescu: stalins purges were just good politics, if not from a very society-approved paradigm.
trinque: at which point they attack themselves (their country)
trinque: yeah, I'm not qualified to understand how that was perceived internally
mircea_popescu: but yes, that is unrelatedly the winning strategy, and sure, it's working splendidly. in spite of sustained pretense of everyone to you know, "who is mp".
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 83977 @ 0.00035328 = 29.6674 BTC [-] {2}
mircea_popescu: in other words, there's a lot of value in ~actually being the nightmare~, on the side.
trinque: right
trinque: I took aikido for a while; the teacher always pointed out that while you were using their own movements against them, you could for instance break their neck here, dislocate shoulder with a push an inch that way, etc
BingoBoingo: I'm adding "Giant Golden Tiger driven by invisible slaves" to the wishlist.
mircea_popescu: “The most recent poll showed that the majority of Americans no longer believe the conspiracy theory that a species emitting only 3% of the world’s supply of a poor heat-trapping gas are magically cooling the planet… I mean heating the planet…. or wait, I mean causing the weather to change now.”
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 106000 @ 0.00034655 = 36.7343 BTC [-] {4}
mats: ouch
mircea_popescu: yeah well.
mircea_popescu: let them fucking come and worship instead of going around in circles like headless chickens pretending the whole world's a chicken and someone severed its head.
mircea_popescu: "the nonsense we belive in is not really nonsense, which is why we can't hoild a conversation with random people. let's instead talk of sports!"
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell pete_dushenski you know these log copies where you capitalize the first letter in a line but not subsequent sentence leads nor 1st person pronouns is very odd looking.
gribble: The operation succeeded.
mircea_popescu: !up Nemesis3
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 132118 @ 0.0003441 = 45.4618 BTC [-]
asciilifeform: 234104.
Nemesis3: mircea_popescu hey thanks :) came mostly to keep an eye on the conversation here, I enjoy your website.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 44082 @ 0.00035927 = 15.8373 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: !up bitstein
mircea_popescu: you know how to voice yourself on the new model bitstein ?
bitstein: Still !up in a message to assbot, right?
mircea_popescu: bitspill yes then !v with the decoded bit.
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes http://cascadianhacker.com/blog/2015/02/01_hacking-on-the-satoshi-codebase-some-pointers.html << just reading this thing gives me a blood pressure boost.
assbot: Hacking on the Satoshi Codebase: Some Pointers ... ( http://bit.ly/1AgSTrn )
bitstein: Cool. I like the upgrade with the OTPs for every command.
bitstein: Do I need to re-rate everyone using assbot for the asswot?
mircea_popescu: nope it forked.
mircea_popescu: (no you don't have to redo the history, it was copied over)
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes, mircea_popescu: am i the only one who wonders why 1) checking hashes, inside a pgp-signed script, when patch sigs also are checked 2) patches & their hashes, sigs, listed explicitly, instead of iterating over directory
mircea_popescu: hopefully we'll get a way to automate communication between gribble and assbot once nanotube gets around to it.
danielpbarron: "hypocrites! they forked the WoT but they won't fork bitcoin!"
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 45100 @ 0.00035927 = 16.2031 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform 1 because allowing two ways to do things never killed anyone and 2 probably because i want to see the stuff. i suspect it's a derivative of the general "fits in head" principle.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: before very long, this thing will not be readable in the usual sense of the word.
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron nothing hypocritical about it : if WE fork bitcoin, then it's ok. if nobody claims to do it, nobody gets quashed.
asciilifeform: (build script, that is)
assbot: Logged on 21-01-2015 02:32:39; mircea_popescu: including the actual bitcoin foundation is the correct move there. mod6 ben_vulpes are in charge.
mircea_popescu: "The "Bitcoin Foundation" poured an unforgiveable number of coins into the market to feed Gavin Andresen and his family…and for what? 3 years of development that's just about to get flushed down the drain? The appearance of relevance without any of the hard work of thinking and making things work correctly? [...] Consider the tragedy wrought by an internet forum accidentally blessed with untold riches and weep."
mircea_popescu: teh quite.
mircea_popescu: so much wastage has never seen, not since the great california gold rush at any rate.
mircea_popescu: (btw... the reason silicon valley as a marketable product exists today ? that.)
asciilifeform: the actual gold rush?
asciilifeform: or just similar psychology (obvious fact?)
mircea_popescu: the actual physical gold rush
mircea_popescu: california minus the gold rush, and the resulting adaptaiton, would have been washington with a coastline.
mircea_popescu: but with it, "that's california for you", something conceptually entrenched already in the times of mark twain. on the basis of which, hollywood, and shockley.
mircea_popescu: you have to understand in 1890 nobody wanted to leave new york (where show biz lived) to go in tumbleweedland.
mircea_popescu: it took time and money to drag them away.
mircea_popescu: it took 50 years, that could only be built because of the previous 50. and so on.
asciilifeform: aha so just what i suspected. i.e., there would be no major population centres in western usa if not for gold rush
mircea_popescu: there would be, yes.
mircea_popescu: mexican speaking.
mircea_popescu: you realise mexico city is larger than all texas, right ?
asciilifeform: iirc archaeologists believe it (predecessor) to have been the first 1M+ city ?
mircea_popescu: i doubt that claim, but it's certainly not impossible.
mircea_popescu: anyway, people readily forget history. siegel had to beg and steal new york money to build, what essentially was, the first building in the desert.
assbot: Hacking on the Satoshi Codebase: Some Pointers ... ( http://bit.ly/1AgUXj3 )
mircea_popescu: nothing existed there prior, or in the words of sinatra (a man the age of one's grandparents), "this place was sand before i came here and it'll be sand again before i'm done with you!"
mircea_popescu: for that matter, cca 1890 a japanese invasion of the entire west coast was regarded moderately likely and entirely feasible in principle.
Nemesis3: I never thought of that, it really makes sense (about gold rush), i'm still blow away by phoenix and other metropolis in the middle of nowhere
Nemesis3: mircea_popescu then in ww2 the gov took everything from them
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: as late as '42.
mircea_popescu: more importantly : the cost of hay in carson city was 250 dollars per ton in 1962, and had been as much as twice that. at the same time a horse could be had for 30.
mircea_popescu: and yet, arrangements were made to get the hay there.
mircea_popescu: these arrangements, the making thereof, that's what the whole tinseltown is built on.
mircea_popescu: "bring me five poounds of moon cheese!"
asciilifeform: jurov: can we pretty please get the snipped crud out of the lxr? (win32 etc.)
mircea_popescu: here : "Speculation ran riot, and yet there was a world of substantial business going on, too. All freights were brought over the mountains from California (150 miles) by pack-train partly, and partly in huge wagons drawn by such long mule teams that each team amounted to a procession, and it did seem, sometimes, that the grand combined procession of animals stretched unbroken from Virginia to California. Its long rout
mircea_popescu: e was traceable clear across the deserts of the Territory by the writhing serpent of dust it lifted up. By these wagons, freights over that hundred and fifty miles were $200 a ton for small lots (same price for all express matter brought by stage), and $100 a ton for full loads. One Virginia firm received one hundred tons of freight a month, and paid $10,000 a month freightage. In the winter the freights were much high
mircea_popescu: er. All the bullion was shipped in bars by stage to San Francisco (a bar was usually about twice the size of a pig of lead and contained from $1,500 to $3,000 according to the amount of gold mixed with the silver), and the freight on it (when the shipment was large) was one and a quarter per cent. of its intrinsic value."
mircea_popescu: freigthage at 200 gold dollars per ton.
asciilifeform: circa 1849 ?
asciilifeform: comparable to satellite launch today, possibly
mircea_popescu: ;;calc 200 * 1.67 * 40
gribble: 13360
mircea_popescu: 13k a ton.
asciilifeform: ok sans a zero.
asciilifeform: this is more like next-day air shipping from mordor to buenos aires
mircea_popescu: and it's a great blessing, too, you know ? if that's what it costs you won't be sending much gawker across.
mircea_popescu: these absurd constraints are a great driver of innoivation. for instance, the "lawless", "rugged" and obviously unwashed rapists of the wild west ?
mircea_popescu: they nevertheless sent mail on special paper. thinner than the bible sheets.
ben_vulpes: <mircea_popescu> "blood pressure boost" << can't tell whether this is good or bad for your health
mircea_popescu: when there's money to pay for it, and necessarilty in the shape of "fallen from the sky", the marriage with absurd constraints is the most productive thing known to man.
ben_vulpes: <asciilifeform> [] ben_vulpes, mircea_popescu: am i the only one who wonders why 1) checking hashes, inside a pgp-signed script, when patch sigs also are checked 2) patches & their hashes, sigs, listed explicitly, instead of iterating over directory << consider it an excess of paranoia
mircea_popescu: then soon enough the HABIT of innovaton forms, and it's set. becomes culture, and win.
ben_vulpes: <asciilifeform> [] (build script, that is) << every time i publish a revision it gets shorter and more legible, fuck off
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes it's not too bad for my health. definitely worse for the long term prospects of the heathens
ben_vulpes: 'twon't even be around forever. it's part of bootstrapping a slimmed down codebase that doesn't need all the trimming etc
mircea_popescu: http://log.b-a.link/?date=01-02-2015#1001684 << come to think if it, usg's Freisler's unceremonious dismissal of o'reilly media's version gavin (perhaps even at some point prepared for a gavin substitution, in case) is telling of a certain change of winds in that camp.
assbot: Logged on 01-02-2015 21:41:09; BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: I was mostly interested in linking the zombie's name to the NeoBee thing yet again. There's little left in the Ulbricht case capable of being interesting until appeals are filed.
mircea_popescu: i very much doubt they still believe "the problem" can be contained with muppets.
asciilifeform: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/commit/341735eb8f42e898cf9d4d130709471e5d01abe2 << ben_vulpes et al: this is what they ended up replacing the block loader with...
assbot: Headers-first synchronization · 341735e · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1wTLeYL )
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i don't trust it, if it wasn't obvious already.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i doubt anyone here trusts it
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: it very transparently follows the overall pattern (create, nurture problem, then propose 'solution' glued with glass that introduces subtle boojum)
asciilifeform: i still don't grasp, for instance, how a node loading headers (during warmup) knows that it is being fed actual headers
asciilifeform: and not diddled
asciilifeform: if lacks the blocks
mircea_popescu: "trust us" decentralized currency
mircea_popescu: to replace "in god we trust" fiat currency
mircea_popescu: FIAT MUST BE MAINTAINED!
mircea_popescu: your ability to verify, not nearly as important.
asciilifeform: i mean, i like 'muntzing' as much as anyone, but this here looks more like an actual moving part they snipped off
asciilifeform: did the phoundation so much as try to justify this?
asciilifeform: or was it more of a 'last version leaked, this one doesn't. shuddup & install.'
asciilifeform: what else do gavin et al intend to silently lose, is the inevitable thought
mircea_popescu: anyway, if anyone's curious as to how exactly stuff like reddit or tardstalk work, here's a blow by blow, by a guy in the know :
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 56050 @ 0.00035927 = 20.1371 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: During the spring, Fenwick announced that they were going to pay summer associates only $2,100, which was below the $2,400 that most big firms in New York, LA and Chicago were paying their summers. Yet, right before we arrived in Palo Alto, Fenwick, along with every other Silicon Valley firm, announced that they were going to pay summers $2,400, commensurate with the big firms in other major cities.
mircea_popescu: What does this have to do with anything? Well, I was almost single-handedly responsible for Fenwick, and basically every other Silicon Valley firm, raising their summer associate salary from $2,100 to 2,400. How is that possible, you ask? The beauty of the internet, and the influence of an amazing website called Infirmation.com.
mircea_popescu: Infirmation.com is a job-related website that has message boards on it, where anyone can anonymously post anything. The message boards are divided by region, one being for New York associates, one for Silicon Valley, one for Chicago, etc. These message boards, called “Greedy Associate” boards, had vaulted to fame in the preceding months as a means for associates at different firms to anonymously share information w
mircea_popescu: ith each other about salary, benefits, work conditions, anything they choose. One of the sparking events was when Gunderson, a relatively small firm in Silicon Valley, raised their starting associate salaries from somewhere around the industry average of $100,000 to $125,000. One of the first places this information was posted and disseminated was the messages boards on Infirmation.com, and from that event, as well as
mircea_popescu: a few others like it, junior associates at all the major firms started sharing info with each other about the relative benefits and detriments of their particular firms on these Greedy Associate boards.
mircea_popescu: As a result of these developments, partners at all the majors firms monitored these message boards, looking for the latest gossip about their firms and their competing firms. They had to stay up to date, because a change in benefits in Firm A could mean a flood of ass
mircea_popescu: a flood of associates or law students to that firm, and away from Firm B, before Firm B even knew what was going on.
mircea_popescu: How does this relate to the story? The summer salaries had already been announced in New York at $2,400, and everyone was waiting for the Silicon Valley firms to announce their summer salaries [Fenwick had four major competitors in Silicon Valley at the time: Cooley, Wilson, and Brobeck (these are abbreviated names of law firms)]. Fenwick was the first to announce; they did so sometime around late April, and they annou
mircea_popescu: nced at $2,100, which was below NY salaries.
mircea_popescu: I was unhappy with this, so I immediately posted this info on the Infirmation.com Silicon Valley/SF Greedy Associate board, and then, using four or five different anonymous screen names, proceeded to have a thread discussion on how horrible this was, how Fenwick was insulting it’s summers, how no one was going to accept their offers because the firm was so cheap it wouldn’t fork over the extra $300 a week, etc, etc
mircea_popescu: . I even used one of my aliases to play the other side. It was beautiful. Of the 20 messages on this topic on the first day, I probably posted 10 of them. I kept this up, at a slightly lower output, for about three days.
mircea_popescu: About a week after Fenwick’s announcement, and the resulting Infirmation.com message board “explosion,” Wilson, a Fenwick competitor, announced they were paying summers $2,400. Each of the other Silicon Valley firms quickly fell in line after that, including Fenwick.
mircea_popescu: the author is one tucker max, famous for nothing in particular (and whose life story is instructive, in case any chickies born yesterday actually believe amanda hess or randi zuckerberg are "feminist" models, and something good for her, and failed to understand that http://trilema.com/2015/the-worm/ is simply a fable about gawker.
assbot: The worm pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1AgYTjK )
asciilifeform: classic muppetry
mircea_popescu: by now, there's an entire generation of essentially useless men hoping they will be able to make a living off this model.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 94097 @ 0.00037424 = 35.2149 BTC [+] {4}
mircea_popescu: tucker max at any rate quit law school for it, or to quote tlp
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24903 @ 0.00037844 = 9.4243 BTC [+]
asciilifeform: generation... ...hoping they will be able to make a living off this << straight to butugychag.
danielpbarron: is that tucker max?
mircea_popescu: well i can't seem to find it, but he has a bit about "you don't believe me ? then believe x, she was stupid enough to quit medical school to join x shartup and now is a relationships expert"
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron yes.
danielpbarron: i knew i read that before
danielpbarron: and sorry, thought i was scrolled all the way down
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform generation... ...hoping they will be able to make a living off this << straight to butugychag. http://trilema.com/2014/yo-trilema-fratires/#footnote_2_57239 < example.
assbot: Yo, Trilema Fratires! pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1AgZVMC )
mircea_popescu: "strategist". what is your strategy ? "i pretend like i matter on the internet" why ? "YOU DONT UNDERSTAND HOW THE WORLD WORKS".
mircea_popescu: and you know "rudius media empire" was a thing, and some kids that meanwhile got jobs / wives / unsuspended sentences ACTUALLY BOUGHT INTO
mircea_popescu: incidentally i suppose, the quote also throws a harsh light over the widespreadness of price fixing in silicon valley. seriously, fucking law interns ?
mircea_popescu: instead of pretending like we're fixing the problem like preet, let's try and think about the causes. why do firms perceive the need to artificially cap salaries ? this seems only rational in an hyperinflationary environment.
mircea_popescu: why do businesses in a country that's struggling with the spectre of deflation - businesses locate in the prime rib of that country, even - have problems typical of hyperinflating environments ?!
mircea_popescu: was there a black death in the us nobody reported ?
BingoBoingo: Half a yard from the end zone and Captain Nigger tosses an interception. Bullshit ending to the game.
BingoBoingo: ^ Black death.
assbot: “Hey mom. Yep. I’ll be performing at the Super Bowl." http://t.co/nHkW6kHUDL
mircea_popescu: samir doesn't sound like a slut name and twitter doesn't sound like it is going to publish good boobs. so i'ma click on something else instead.
BingoBoingo: ^ That one has boobs somewhere
BingoBoingo: The golden cat apparatus had legs, walked
assbot: my boobs - Twitter Photos Search ... ( http://bit.ly/1Ah3NNH )
mircea_popescu: gee, look at all the fucking bras.
mircea_popescu: i wonder if my%20bras is the magic word.
cazalla: well i figured "my" would act as a qualifier for actual girls posting their own tits
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 59000 @ 0.00036717 = 21.663 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12000 @ 0.00036717 = 4.406 BTC [-]
cazalla: lol ppl are still posting their credit cards on twitter https://twitter.com/Exodus_Res/status/548642193800704001
assbot: look at my sisters new credit card love the blue http://t.co/TTIJlsOQaE
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 65015 @ 0.00036717 = 23.8716 BTC [-]
BingoBoingo: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B8zt-c6CUAAVG3-.jpg << Far less stupid than the game's ending
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 211803 @ 0.00035431 = 75.0439 BTC [-] {2}
BingoBoingo: At least the coach is owning the call that lost the game.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 66100 @ 0.00034927 = 23.0867 BTC [-]
asciilifeform: ^ can we have scoopbot plugged into turdatron ?
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes, mod6, et al ^^^^ snippety snippety
scoopbot: New post on Trilema by Mircea Popescu: http://trilema.com/2015/have-some-chocolate-cake/
danielpbarron: i think this "bastard" thing is eating up all my bandwidth
asciilifeform: danielpbarron: but does it actually sync ?
danielpbarron: oh yeah
asciilifeform: danielpbarron: the way it's set up is extremely wasteful, yes; fetches many blocks for which there can be no use at all
danielpbarron: up to 136k
asciilifeform: and get thrown out immediately
asciilifeform: danielpbarron: how many deaths has it died ?
asciilifeform: ideally you can determine a value for bastard pool constant that turns that into zero
asciilifeform: while still syncing in a reasonable time
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 77194 @ 0.00034305 = 26.4814 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 66669 @ 0.00034173 = 22.7828 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 164050 @ 0.00034665 = 56.8679 BTC [+] {2}
mod6: asciilifeform: thanks for the submission for removal of dnsseed
mircea_popescu: dude the smpoe war...
mod6: !t m s.mpoe
assbot: [MPEX:S.MPOE] 1D: 0.00034173 / 0.00035578 / 0.00037844 (4074930 shares, 1,449.79 BTC), 7D: 0.00030001 / 0.00039761 / 0.00053193 (20154401 shares, 8,013.64 BTC), 30D: 0.00030001 / 0.00047156 / 0.00068113 (47682710 shares, 22,485.64 BTC)
punkman: such volumez
mod6: ya
punkman: "but nobody used that thing"
punkman: *uses
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 189000 @ 0.00035144 = 66.4222 BTC [+] {3}
mircea_popescu: nobody's using that thing to try and do something to mah powerbase ? or else paranoida.
assbot: Submit a message to a Bitcoin address ... ( http://bit.ly/1AhceIR )
mircea_popescu: it's kinda fun to watch, tbh
punkman: danielpbarron: there's a bunch of them
mircea_popescu: loads really.
punkman: so what do we think about op_return?
punkman: or rather, what does the foundation think
assbot: script: reduce OP_RETURN standard relay bytes to 40 by jgarzik · Pull Request #3737 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1AhcQ1b )
asciilifeform: mod6: snippy snippy is very easy. and satisfying. i encourage others to try.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 117965 @ 0.000356 = 41.9955 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10576 @ 0.000356 = 3.7651 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: holy shit, it turns out Marvel's The Avengers is the highest grossing and highest opening movie of all time.
mircea_popescu: http://www.boxofficemojo.com/alltime/weekends/pastrecords.htm << if this doesn't tell the story of inflation, i have no idea what does.
mircea_popescu: not to mention that not a fucking thing in there is even watchable.
asciilifeform: the story of inflation << one of the streets i frequently drive through had a housing development (row homes) under construction for the past ~3 yrs. there was a billboard, advertising 'From the low 300s!' (10**3) recently the '3' was flipped to a '6'.
asciilifeform: flipped, like the prices at filling stations.
mircea_popescu: such weimar.
asciilifeform: mega-weimar.
mircea_popescu: but hey, led displays to be able to adjust price in real time are just technological improvbement.
punkman: has that been in some movie?
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> holy shit, it turns out Marvel's The Avengers is the highest grossing and highest opening movie of all time. << The power of brand and using 5 previous feature length films as trailers.
mircea_popescu: i had nfi marvel even had a brand.
mircea_popescu: what brand is it, tchotches r us ?
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Well, they got the super heros which are followed by the fanboys. From there they release a bunch of movies the fanboys use to get other idiots comfortably with Marvel. Then ??? Profit.
BingoBoingo: Like "Kraft"
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 117454 @ 0.00036185 = 42.5007 BTC [+]
BingoBoingo: Classic American marketing cascade
mats: disney is now fabulously rich because of marvel
mircea_popescu: i guess there's lots of things i don't really understand.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27077 @ 0.0003614 = 9.7856 BTC [-]
BingoBoingo: ESPN and Marvel are basically what funds Disney nao.
mats: they own a lot of hollywood now
punkman: they even got Star Wars now
asciilifeform: 237474.
BingoBoingo: It's pretty much been of couple of decades of marching in the opposite direction of AOL Time Warner
mircea_popescu: i mean look at that, it's not even funny, straight line with an oscillator thrown in wtf is this.
BingoBoingo: Oh it's totally inflation.
asciilifeform: ^ mod6's mega-summary
mircea_popescu: i like mod6's summaries.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo can qntra do a press package ?
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