Hide Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2014-11-21 | 2014-11-23 →
thestringpuller: whenever I fuck up my economy in sim city I just raise taxes and it all works out!
mircea_popescu: !up Belxjander
kakobrekla: !up Belxjander
kakobrekla: !up Belxjander
Belxjander: Hello...
Belxjander: added this channel to my bouncer
Belxjander: just wish the channel names stayed in the same order as set
kakobrekla: you only need this chan
kakobrekla: then it will be first, last and in order
Belxjander: I'm not that accepting of PR
kakobrekla: yeah have you seen the logs?
mircea_popescu: curl -v is verbose, grep -v is inverted match.
mircea_popescu: this makes so much sense.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25200 @ 0.00046421 = 11.6981 BTC [+] {2}
mircea_popescu: !up Belxjander
mircea_popescu: what exactly is a source mage, and especially an elementalist ?
punkman just fails at CLI option recall
mircea_popescu: !up Belxjander
mircea_popescu: punkman yeah im not that close to it to recall the stuff, half the time im trying to guess, and i mean wtf -v
mircea_popescu: !up ParadoxBTC
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34450 @ 0.0004593 = 15.8229 BTC [-] {2}
mircea_popescu: so basically systemd should be renamed kudzu
decimation: you mean kudzu the linux package or the invasive plant?
mircea_popescu: the invasive plant
assbot: Thimbleweed Park: A New Classic Point & Click Adventure! by Ron Gilbert & Gary Winnick — Kickstarter ... ( http://bit.ly/1tnMelW )
decimation: well, you can clearly see the strategy of 'embrace, extend, extinguish'
punkman: '"I pirated Maniac Mansion and Monkey Island when I was a kid and I feel bad!" This reward tier instantly absolves you of all guilt and includes the Thimbleweed Park game. All subsequent tiers also include guilt absolution.'
mircea_popescu: hey, giving ron gilbert money is a lot more merituous than whatever, giving buterin awards.
decimation: yeah, at least he will make some amusing warez in exchange
punkman: I gave money to Tim Schafer and all I got was half a game
assbot: Double Fine lays off staff as unannounced project falls through | Polygon ... ( http://bit.ly/1tnMmSr )
mircea_popescu: punkman i dun recall that guy.
punkman: also from LucasArts
mircea_popescu: Jon Van Caneghem i'd give some money to
mircea_popescu: i mean pretty much all good games are his. from king's bounty to homm etc.
mircea_popescu: hey jon! get in the wot!
punkman: I never got into the might and magic series
punkman: dunno why
mircea_popescu: one question left hanging in my head : once all the effort trying to push systemd is spent, why not just make a clone that's been shot in the head. specifically, that runs as an instance even if the root doesn't have it, and that masquerades as systemd to satisfy fake dependencies.
punkman: uselessd perhaps
mircea_popescu: basically, gut it, use the remaining shell as a systemd-standardized interface for sane components.
mircea_popescu: no need for all the shit it bundles to be actually bundled.
punkman: there are some people working on it
assbot: GSoC 2014: Systemd replacement utilities (systembsd) ... ( http://bit.ly/1tnMxxj )
mircea_popescu: http://boycottsystemd.org/lennart1.png << t5his, if anyone's still genuinely wondering, is half the bile against poettering.
mircea_popescu: he has exactly nothing to do with "tea party", this is beyond hot topicizing the issue.
mircea_popescu: it's roughly like a stolid square from the 60s calling his woody a "party van".
mircea_popescu: " All I can say is that there is stable LTE service between Texas and Colorado that work at speed in excess of eighty-eight miles per hour and that one can do a lot with a macbook charger, a working alternator, a bit of cabling and entry-level electrical engineering knowledge."
assbot: Grim Fandango OST - Full Official Soundtrack - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1tnMDVs )
decimation: actually, the bigger question about systemd dependencies is this: what dependency of systemd is actually worth bothering about?
assbot: Ubuntu is a worse piece of shit than MS-DOS ever was. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1v69tq1 )
mircea_popescu: more dependencies than needed anyway. creatinbg even more fucking bloat is the wrong way.
mircea_popescu: what they should do would be to remove like 90% of the current dependencies.
mircea_popescu: gvfs depedning on netbase is perhaps the biggest example. who the fuck ever heard of this.
decimation: heh yeah and apparently ntfs from your article
decimation: if you have ever used an 'android' system you encounter a similar thing when using their app 'permission' system. one ends up being a hostage to the app's demands for access
decimation: the only solution is the 'via negativa'
mircea_popescu: it's ridiculous is what it is.
mircea_popescu: the other even more ridiculous thing is, infantile minds going LALALALA I CANT HEAR YOU WHY CANT YOU GIVE ME A STRAIGHT ANSWER THAT IS WHAT I WANT YOU TO SAY!!1
punkman: another fun exercise, trying to install Linux on 3TB disk
mircea_popescu: look at the sort of idiotic windows nt topics we're discussing.
mircea_popescu: on linux ffs. and then "So what ideas made "linux" and "unix" "worth using""
mircea_popescu: and then they bitch when people want to do them violence. they should be fucking thankful, a good whipping'd benefit em immensely.
assbot: High-DPI displays and Linux [LWN.net] ... ( http://bit.ly/1tnNiGG )
punkman: "Your editor's laptop recently started to fall apart, to the point that some sort of action was required. Duct tape was considered as a solution; it would show that LWN is making careful use of its subscription revenues"
asciilifeform: punkman: this is a ludicrous non-problem. where is even one proggy worth using without configurable font.
asciilifeform: punkman: the 'solution' from the linked article (throw away the res, 4 pixels for 1) is even more obscene than the supposed 'problem'
punkman: agreed
asciilifeform: this is easily the most putrid crock of shit i've seen in ages, masquerading as 'linux article'
asciilifeform: author - straight to biodiesel.
asciilifeform: co-miserators - straight to biodiesel.
asciilifeform keeps a machine around with precisely that screen part #. and no shitgnomery required.
asciilifeform: and what, precisely, is the issue with 3TB disk ?
asciilifeform: did i just wake up in parallel universe, where fonts aren't vectorized and do not scale, and we're still using 24-bit LBA for disk access ?
punkman: well I didn't keep notes, but I eventually just installed to 1TB disk
punkman: mostly wouldn't boot
asciilifeform: dual boot with turdblows?
punkman: no, but I've tried that on different machine, similar problems
punkman: maybe I'm just stupid, dunno
asciilifeform: why not just make a clone that's been shot in the head << no.
assbot: Logged on 20-11-2014 04:57:26; asciilifeform: achilles said to tortoise, let me stick the cock in halfway.
asciilifeform: the solution is not taxidermy. do we taxidermy cockroaches? mice ?
asciilifeform: for shitgnomes, only one correct treatment: damnatio memoriae.
asciilifeform: of author -and- his works
asciilifeform: i don't want to smell poettering in my house.
asciilifeform: 'i would not, could not,' in the zoo, i would not, could not, with a gnu, i would not, could not, in a cage, i would not, could not, with a mage...
asciilifeform: anyone who creates a gizmo which depends on shitstemd - has asked to share the fate.
assbot: Belxjander +v failed; L1: 0, L2: 0
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 53831 @ 0.00046603 = 25.0869 BTC [+] {2}
mircea_popescu: !up Belxjander
mircea_popescu: so, it'd seem the various issues some people were experiencing were in fact due to upstream filtering due to an unfortunate interaction of various rules. should be fixed now, so,
mircea_popescu: ever more vigurously than befoar, pls to report if connectivity problemz.
cazalla: ermagawd, missus gone for weekend, this raising a kid on your own shit is tiring, finally in bed and i can sit down
cazalla: Belxjander: added this channel to my bouncer <<< i remember doing this, thinking to myself.. which bitcoin channels represent me as a person.. anyway, this is the only channel you need
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38568 @ 0.00045783 = 17.6576 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 80200 @ 0.00045138 = 36.2007 BTC [-] {3}
assbot: Buttcoin is worth its weight in gold... : Buttcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1tnXqyZ )
jurov: redditards being themselves
assbot: European Parliament Mulls Google Breakup | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/152oM9F )
nubbins`: cazalla she's not coming back
nubbins`: block 201584 and counting
BingoBoingo: Is today the day gauze maybe comes off?
nubbins`: what, they're bandaging broken dicks now?
nubbins`: in my day...
nubbins`: !up kleinessteak
nubbins`: !up cypherc
danielpbarron: http://mobile.nytimes.com/2014/11/19/magazine/the-secret-life-of-passwords.html Not long after the planes struck the twin towers, killing 658 of his co-workers and friends, including his brother, one of the first things on Lutnick’s mind was passwords. ... No one knew the passwords for hundreds of accounts and files that were needed to get back online in time for the reopening of the bond markets. Cantor Fitzgerald did hav
danielpbarron: Cantor Fitzgerald did have extensive contingency plans in place, including a requirement that all employees tell their work passwords to four nearby colleagues. But now a large majority of the firm’s 960 New York employees were dead.
danielpbarron: Jesus Christ caused 9/11, perhaps in part to punish this guy for having an atrocious "contingency plan"
danielpbarron: The attacks also knocked out one of the company’s main backup servers, which were housed, at what until that day seemed like a safe distance away, under 2 World Trade Center.
danielpbarron: Many of the missing passwords would prove to be relatively secure — the “JHx6fT!9” type that the company’s I.T. department implored everyone to choose.
danielpbarron: just keeps getting funnier the more I read on
danielpbarron: The same human sentimentality that made Cantor Fitzgerald’s passwords “weak,” ultimately proved to be its saving grace. << the fiat world -- saved by weak security
mats_cd03: 4:40:08 <+cazalla> ermagawd, missus gone for weekend, this raising a kid on your own shit is tiring, finally in bed and i can sit down << now you know why she hates you
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 53794 @ 0.00044699 = 24.0454 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24600 @ 0.00044689 = 10.9935 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19109 @ 0.0004561 = 8.7156 BTC [+]
assbot: 9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1FcFSwk )
mats_cd03: "Linux full disk encryption does not really work, for that matter." << anyone know what mp is referring to here?
mats_cd03: i suspect he means keys need to be stored in RAM for decryption
asciilifeform: mats_cd03: this plus the fact of the decryptor routine itself normally stored on disk
asciilifeform: mats_cd03: where it can be overwritten by pwner with a version that saves key
asciilifeform: 'the time has come, the walrus said, to talk of many things: of shoes, and ships, and sealing-wax, of cabbages and kings; and why the sea is boiling hot, and whether pigs have wings...'
asciilifeform: specifically, there is a vandal lurking in #b-a who 'metasploits' uncloaked folks
asciilifeform: about 2 in 3 of extant consumer-grade routers have published remote anal orifices.
asciilifeform: cheers.
kanzure: haha metasploit
kanzure: v. professional
kanzure: such leetness
asciilifeform: not necessarily 'metasploit' but perhaps a similar autodiddler.
kanzure: don't they know it only counts if you come up with a novel zero day? otherwise all the points go to charity.
kanzure: (and who wants that?)
kanzure: asciilifeform: okay to pm?
asciilifeform: sure, though i'm about to eat
mats_cd03: msf isn't necessarily an amateur tool, though it is used by amateurs
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 67 @ 0.1 = 6.7 BTC [-]
assbot: If I was chairman of the Fed ... ( http://bit.ly/1xDre0T )
punkman: so deeds server was maybe hacked
punkman: bitcents still at address though
asciilifeform: punkman: what suggested that it was hacked ?
punkman: kakobrekla got a mail that an attack was originating from the deed server
kakobrekla: all i can say (as i dont have or had access to the machine) that there is something that looks like ddos + complaint from outside of do
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31900 @ 0.00046599 = 14.8651 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19900 @ 0.00046319 = 9.2175 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1284 @ 0.0012111 = 1.5551 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18000 @ 0.00046159 = 8.3086 BTC [-]
cazalla: nubbins`: cazalla she's not coming back <<< if only i were that lucky
cazalla: mats_cd03: 4:40:08 <+cazalla> ermagawd, missus gone for weekend, this raising a kid on your own shit is tiring, finally in bed and i can sit down << now you know why she hates you <<< what else would you have a woman do, designed to produce and raise children afterall
cazalla: gee, shortest log ever or what?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28100 @ 0.00047099 = 13.2348 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 240 @ 0.01115126 = 2.6763 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [ALC] 54 @ 0.07014814 = 3.788 BTC [-] {2}
asciilifeform: to briefly continue this morning's thread - don't rely on freenode's 'cloaks', if you have a consumer garbage-grade router on your premises, throw it out, replace with actual router.
assbot: Eviacloud.com - Bury your old hosting ... ( http://bit.ly/1zaeVHs )
jurov: ^ dudes feel pathetic (and don't accept btc)
asciilifeform: 'As the biggest online newspaper in Slovakia we need to effectively handle everyday peaks in traffic on our online discussions regarding "women segment".' << wat
jurov: lol i dunno what hey mean... bitches prolly come to work, make coffee and start browsing
jurov: en masse
mircea_popescu: lmao jurov
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform do you happen to recall that trilema article where i went in depth into the economics of spamming ?
asciilifeform: the one with the idiot who posted raw spamgen script ?
mircea_popescu: mebbe ? the onle where the entire cycle of kid sees spam -> kid imagines this works because it exists -> kid tries it for a while, thus perpetuating it -> kid fails to make any money goves up -> new kid
mircea_popescu: i dun wanna rewrite the whole thing ;/
assbot: And another one bites the dust : bitmarket.eu pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1zag0yY )
mircea_popescu: fuck. thank you!
mircea_popescu: i managed to fucking troll myself with my own trolling title choosing process
assbot: Pakistani scammer & spammer, working for Sanofi-Aventis Pakistan LTD, aka indus-pharma.com pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1zagjKa )
mircea_popescu: apparently they're molesting britni
mircea_popescu: !up chiral
mircea_popescu: hey there chiral.
kakobrekla: no but i had to take it down cause i hated some css
mircea_popescu: !up cb_bitcoin
kakobrekla: true story
mircea_popescu: lol wut ?!
mircea_popescu: !up Dr-G2
mircea_popescu: !up huseby
mircea_popescu: !up nhanH
kakobrekla: once you enable private network all the charts in their ui become unreadable colors form some unknown fuckin reason. i wanted old colors back, cant do it without downtime. fuckers.
mircea_popescu: !up PsychoticBoy
mircea_popescu: !up simlay
mircea_popescu: hallo names i'm unfamiliar with! how are you today ?
mircea_popescu: !up psychouroboros
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform: author - straight to biodiesel. co-miserators - straight to biodiesel. <<< there's lizzard hitler, and then there'
mircea_popescu: s ascii hitler.
asciilifeform: wot are we supposed to do with folks too stupid to live
asciilifeform: and seeking to infect others.
mircea_popescu: i dun wanna do anything. lazy.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform: anyone who creates a gizmo which depends on shitstemd - has asked to share the fate. << the practical problem with this is that bayesian filtering only works for as long as it stays small.
asciilifeform: naturally, tumour must be removed while operable.
asciilifeform: when patient is 50% tumour by weight - which half do you even say 'hello' to ?
mircea_popescu: cazalla: Belxjander: added this channel to my bouncer <<< i remember doing this, thinking to myself.. which bitcoin channels represent me as a person <<< o.O
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform quite lol
chetty: well if its called O I dont speak to it
mircea_popescu: that's a splendid way to put it lol, "which half do you even say hello to"
asciilifeform: identity is a slippery thing when there are brain parasites about.
mircea_popescu: in other news : the eulora tier 0 items recipes etc are finally finished as a bulk. on next update, game will get the ~100 or so maze of resources, armors, hats, what have you.
asciilifeform: (slippery even without them, but manageably so)
mircea_popescu: i made it myself, and i dare say im fucking proud of it like it were a work of art, that list.
mircea_popescu: dali could not have done better!
chetty: I wonder if there was a gentlemans club somewhere that lamented the arrival of the automobile and just knew it would ruin good horses
mircea_popescu: chetty this happened.
chetty: and sadly there are very few good horses now, at least comparably
asciilifeform: 'association of licensed automobile manufacturers' ?
asciilifeform: the one h. ford fought with
asciilifeform: (no connection, afaik, to horses, however)
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 150 @ 0.01115126 = 1.6727 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: !up mandycandy
jurov: no one dares to speak up anymore
jurov: these insufficiently beaten kids
ben_vulpes: all the free voice anyone could want...
mircea_popescu: you may have a point there.
jurov: i'm actually poking fun at your fav education method
mircea_popescu: for shame. it made men out of all my women!
ben_vulpes: <mircea_popescu> i just treated girly anemia with succinate << what lead you to that treatment?
mircea_popescu: ferrous succinate, you realise ?
ben_vulpes: well now i do >.<
ben_vulpes: <mircea_popescu> compare ms-dos, still to this day accepted here as a paragon of programming << news to me
mircea_popescu: really ? let's examine this!
mircea_popescu: 1. how long did it take to boot ?
mircea_popescu: 2. what was the dependency hell like ?
mircea_popescu: 3. what drivers were "out of date" ?
mircea_popescu: how often did it croak spontaneously ?
ben_vulpes: i've no idea!
ben_vulpes was raised on macintoshes
mircea_popescu: anyway point being it's the level 0 of suck, ie, a honest, basic suckage.
ben_vulpes: i am interested in the history, though.
mircea_popescu: a point not commonly reached these days
ben_vulpes: honest suckage, eh?
ben_vulpes: mebbe a motto for the foundation
mircea_popescu: yes. now there;s all this demonic elaborate suckage from hell.
ben_vulpes: "simple, honest suckage."
asciilifeform: most folks who remember msdos with ill thoughts, i've found, suffered in the latter part of the '90s with 'memory hell'
asciilifeform: but this was really intel's fault.
ben_vulpes: "memory hell"?
asciilifeform: !s 640K
mircea_popescu: the entire memory hole thing. bypass still present in bioses as late as the 2005s
asciilifeform: that's another thing
mircea_popescu: mebbe mah memory fails me in my middle age !!
jurov: not very fair comparison...there was Das IBM PC, apps were expected to talk directly to hardware
mircea_popescu: anyway, msdos as an os was not horrible. it wasn't great or w/e, arbitrary standards, but better oses are not actually common today.
asciilifeform: for physical addressing of certain isa cards
jurov: CD-ROM was first device driver i remember
asciilifeform: one could turn on 'memory hole' in some old bios configurators.
asciilifeform: apps were expected to talk directly to hardware << except for disk. hence the 'd' in msdos.
jurov: you even had list of known disk geometries hardwired in bios
asciilifeform: mostly for the int 13 bios routine that loaded the boot block
asciilifeform: (afaik all classical dos-es used it for disk access likewise, though)
mircea_popescu: anwyay, you could rewrite your io.sys. this was trivial enough to do that brigther highschoolers did it to prank each other.
asciilifeform: but yes, 20 bits of address space, cut into idiot 'segmentation' - thank intel.
jurov: and i'm not sure it's actually intel fault...rather msft was utterly inept to use real mode emulation
asciilifeform: what emulation.
asciilifeform: thing ran in real mode.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 48400 @ 0.00045902 = 22.2166 BTC [-] {2}
asciilifeform: (various games, and winblows 3.x which used 'protected mode extender' excepted - but when you switch on prot. mode, you're no longer using msdos as such)
jurov: twas industry standard practice. years in 2 bytes, memory 20 bits... if you asked for more, got called idiot
asciilifeform: real mode, for folks who grew up on mars, far away from msdos: 64k segments (16 bits of address space). and segment selector.
assbot: PCs Before Windows: What Using MS-DOS Was Actually Like ... ( http://bit.ly/1raPv8s )
asciilifeform ^ did not know that an article like this existed, or was thought by someone to be needed
mircea_popescu: !up saifedean
jurov: we got there by piling chairs upon poor 8088. preserving binary compatibility for all costs worked for people involved
mircea_popescu: this is a good point.
jurov: idiotic for you
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6883 @ 0.00047099 = 3.2418 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: people easily forget that the "two byte year" comes from a time when they also had a 20 byte bus
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: think of the children!
asciilifeform: the year was pure idiocy.
mircea_popescu: "real mode", in the following sense : just like you have ints and floats, ie, reals, ie, two ints bundled together one playing mantissa
mircea_popescu: JUST SO you could have "real" registers!
mircea_popescu: ie, floats!
asciilifeform: not related
asciilifeform: (floating point was not originally part of intel arch, in case anyone forgot or never owned a 'weitek')
asciilifeform: but when weitek (original brand of 'fpu') appeared, registers therein were already, iirc, 80 bit
mircea_popescu: same thought process imo
asciilifeform: just as now
jurov: mircea_popescu stan is talking about pseudo-8088 memory space done by real mode segments
mircea_popescu strains to remember
asciilifeform: afaik the etymology of 'real' in 'real mode' was such: no use made of page tables and other indirections
asciilifeform: therefore 'real'.
asciilifeform: incidentally,
mircea_popescu: wait, is this the thing which ambiguously allocated a part of the pages
mircea_popescu: so you could read a portion in front from two diff places
asciilifeform: all compliant intel clones support another mode, not mentioned in manuals, which became known as 'unreal mode'
asciilifeform: entirely identical to classical 'real' mode but without the 20bit limit.
assbot: Unreal Mode - OSDev Wiki ... ( http://bit.ly/1xOAa4K )
asciilifeform: you're still stuck with the 'segments' idiocy, though
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform is this the real that was address-ambiguous, which is how 286 "protected" mode came about ?
asciilifeform: though 'protected' also added page table and thereby virtual addressing
mircea_popescu: kinda when the insanity starts. "o, we'll fix it."
asciilifeform: (where one can have multiple tasks, and each has illusion of owning the machine, swapping from disk on access to physically-nonexisting page, etc. the whole shebang.)
mircea_popescu: jesus they had some incredible "mystery code" back then, cuz you never really knew what's being addressed how.
asciilifeform: actually it was surprisingly readable
asciilifeform: at least, in the period when mostly written by hand
asciilifeform: even today, the (rare) malware written in asm, once you get past the obfuscations, is easier to make sense of than conventional (compiled) turds
asciilifeform: because it had to make sense to author.
mircea_popescu: maybe 15yo me speaking through my voice. but what i recall was "o noes, memory mapping"
mircea_popescu: punkman: so deeds server was maybe hacked <<< eh ?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12700 @ 0.00045834 = 5.8209 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24500 @ 0.00045752 = 11.2092 BTC [-] {2}
thestringpuller: asciilifeform: found a cool app that teaches basic circuit building. (like gates and shit), i was wondering if you had any references to good exercises, in your vast library :P
asciilifeform: thestringpuller: for n00bz, 'basic electronics' (forrest m. mims). for adults, 'art of electronics', horowitz & hill.
asciilifeform: thestringpuller: these are my personal favourites from these categories
asciilifeform: thestringpuller: scratch that, it was 'getting started in electronics' (mims)
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 40800 @ 0.00046095 = 18.8068 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21900 @ 0.00046666 = 10.2199 BTC [+] {2}
mircea_popescu: romanian press : "wow, find out how much alina eremia makes working for romanian tv!!!" "alina eremia paid kingly-ly for role in tv!!!11" "find out here..." etc.
mircea_popescu: chick makes 1500 per show, 18k for the whole season, pre tax.
mircea_popescu: !up Vexual
mircea_popescu: nah, euros.
Vexual: be better in bitcoin
Vexual: still decent money, no?
mircea_popescu: if it is i don't see it.
mircea_popescu: pretty sure callgirls make about 10x that.
Vexual: she ends up with a better resume
mircea_popescu: than a callgirl ? i dun see it.
Vexual: I'm no expert, I suppose they're all stuying polotics and stuff
Vexual: is cazalla looking for an au pair? free rabbits
assbot: Rocket Launch Failures Compilation - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1zbBN9L )
mats_cd03: http://seclists.org/oss-sec/2014/q4/592 << another day, another systemd inflicted bug
assbot: oss-sec: CVE-request: systemd-resolved DNS cache poisoning ... ( http://bit.ly/11ocaaB )
asciilifeform: ahahahaha
mats_cd03: huggles
asciilifeform: buggles
asciilifeform: speaking of which
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes still working on wedged bitcoind ?
asciilifeform: or somebody ?
ben_vulpes: ramming it into the iceberg again
ben_vulpes: working on some testing automation to boot
asciilifeform: afaik kakobrekla's db trick has no effect in 0.5.3
ben_vulpes: no effect for me either with a wedged chain
ben_vulpes: recently restarted from zero with the db_config file
ben_vulpes is frustrated with the manual testing process
asciilifeform: ever set up local node to pump blockchain from exclusively ?
asciilifeform: !up Vexual
Vexual: I've sent my fair share of malformed tx
kakobrekla: but did you restart it hehe
Vexual: yeah, i send em out from time to time
asciilifeform: much like the early concept of 'space station' was born from the fact of 'a military satellite's expensive, someone gotta change the vacuum tubes when they burn' -
asciilifeform: we're still at this stage.
kakobrekla: i was saying to ascii anywho.
Vexual: yeah all I want to know id who ignores it
kakobrekla: next question is should we even be doing bitcoinwhatever on x86
asciilifeform: kakobrekla: why do you suppose i asked for the book
Vexual: what book?
assbot: A dangerous idea - serialized delusions ... ( http://bit.ly/11od32U )
Vexual: oh, the book
kakobrekla: 'i once tought about bitcoin but then realized we cant build a computer'
kakobrekla: something like that
kakobrekla: is this how it went?
asciilifeform: actually i started out thinking about something quite else, when realized that we can't build a computer.
assbot: #bitcoin-assets bash ... ( http://bit.ly/11odaLT )
asciilifeform: but it applies, yes
kakobrekla: yes it was a reference to that
asciilifeform: not entirely off the mark.
kakobrekla: you think i can come up with such stuff myself?
mats_cd03: what is the origin of this 'power rangers' nick?
kakobrekla: wrong
mats_cd03: earliest log reference is to mp. no context.
asciilifeform: take your pick of a sufficiently 'heavy' problem (not necessarily deeply-mathematical, however) and, carry it on long enough, will realize - that we don't really 'have computers.'
asciilifeform: mats_cd03: there is a film convention, found usually in 'superhero' yarns, where a gang of derps each of whom amounts to exactly nothing, 'combine their powers' and form an invincible killing machine of one kind or another
asciilifeform: by same convention, they will only do so at the last minute, when about to be crushed one by one by the forces of evil (tm)
asciilifeform: this may be the source of the reference in question. iirc, 'power rangers' was one such film.
mats_cd03: i see
Vexual: lol wheres batman when you need him
assbot: Logged on 26-03-2014 03:30:35; asciilifeform: nitpick with pediwikia - the 'batman' in the epic is not wearing a 'batman' costume. he's a bloke who smashes heads with a baseball bat.
Vexual: yeah or he just goes and takes tuxs safe
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: chick makes 1500 per show, 18k for the whole season, pre tax << what does 18k usd buy in ro ?
asciilifeform: in usa, it buys a very small car.
Vexual: rents > 100 ?
Vexual: remember, this lady prolly get free handbags and parties
asciilifeform: kakobrekla: should we even be doing bitcoinwhatever on x86 << what do you think.
Vexual: yes
asciilifeform: back to that thread: can't speak for others, but i don't intend to use the trimmed 0.5.3 in anger.
asciilifeform: beyond verifying that it indeed functions.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [RENT] 3634 @ 0.00435265 = 15.8175 BTC [-] {13}
kakobrekla: and if it doesnt, whats the plan?
asciilifeform: well it doesn't, at present
asciilifeform: plan was, someone wanted to fix it...
kakobrekla: no that wasnt the question
asciilifeform: lol, question was re: stealth hardfork ?
kakobrekla: yea i guess
asciilifeform: somebody here, iirc, suggested exactly this.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform in bucharest probably a one room studio and buttermilk.
mircea_popescu: NOT within the first three arondisments, either.
asciilifeform: even so
mircea_popescu: but this "in romania" discussion is entirely besides the point, not like she can't just as well do it in switzerland or luxemburg or w/e.
mircea_popescu: <Vexual> I'm no expert, I suppose they're all stuying polotics and stuff << they totally are. about 3/4 of my class in college was actual hos.
mircea_popescu: !up Vexual
asciilifeform not familiar with the figure in question, cannot comment
Vexual: 3 force expert
mircea_popescu: dude that bitcoin-assets bash is like the best site on the interne.t
kakobrekla: idk in a sense putting 0.5.3 together is worse than x10. not only it might tell you there is bad air, you cant open the window anyway.
mircea_popescu: "careful with that axe eugene" ?
kakobrekla: mircea_popescu right after maddox ?
asciilifeform: quite possibly this is ideal scenario. a hardfork that sane folks on the whole planet would immediately flee to.
mircea_popescu: lol wait, im caught in my own web of confusing references. say wut ?
asciilifeform: tickles the megalomaniacal muscle in any man
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform let the idjits hardfork from it.
kakobrekla: flee to where?
asciilifeform: no, in this hypothetical, as i understand, we discover an irreparable boojum with chain as it exists.
mircea_popescu: "The attacker would need to guess the source port of the origin since he only
mircea_popescu: sees the query from victims upstream DNS, but since systemd-resolved also uses fix
mircea_popescu: source ports, thats easy."
mircea_popescu: holy shit is there something that's done right in systemd?
mircea_popescu: i mean, pid 1, whatever. but...
mircea_popescu: how many magic constants can a person eat ?
mircea_popescu: s/eat/shit/
Vexual: 1800 jerry seinfeld
Vexual: did you see that snl bit?
mircea_popescu: later in that thread, "(This systemd component is optional, I strongly recommend not to ship it. It's not even possible right now to dump the cache contents to debug such issues.)"
kakobrekla: are you going to ignore everything after 252450
mircea_popescu: srsly, can't even dump ?
mircea_popescu: why not just put it in journal binary files with the core dumps!!1
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38000 @ 0.00047018 = 17.8668 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: in five years people will be asking me why they can't load qntra and instead of pointing to braindamaged "code is poetry" wordpress version 1-4, i'll point at braindamaged "code is poetry" wordpress versions 1-28, AND at systemd "hey, you can talk directly to the dns resolver, because it's on a fixed port, and the legit server can't even race you because it is standards compliant and waits while you rape the stack.
mircea_popescu: such bright future with the bright kids the fucktarded "progressive" generation spawned. they've tried and therefore nobody should criticize them! touch the screen now! Change the world! revolutionize the tubes! 2.0!
kakobrekla: its 3.0 now.
Vexual: im running 4
asciilifeform: there shall be no 4. on account of biodiesel.
Vexual: audi is making it from air
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