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← 2014-10-28 | 2014-10-30 →
decimation: these usg regulatory letters are hilarious
decimation: "we find that we are in charge"
mircea_popescu is nonplussed with the retards squirming around the edges of bitcoin failing to point out that "hey sec, mp's cock isn't going to suck itself, get busy"
mircea_popescu: buncha retarded kids.
decimation: I was reading the fincen letter to bitpay
decimation: as if fincen is ever going to say "sure you can do whatever you want without asking us again"
assbot: How Google Plans to Steal More of Your Traffic
mircea_popescu: this is to me an interesting thing, because it's an exact reprise of the craftsman vs entrepreneur arguments that raged in the early modern period, resulting in the ip laws in the first place.
mircea_popescu: you see, back cca 1800, a guy who figured out how to fix a loom would do anything BUT explain it to anyone
mircea_popescu: because that knowledge meant a livelihood, whereas education meant competition.
mircea_popescu: today, people go "do not put xml schemas on your recipes, because that's only going to help large data crunchers profit - not you"
mircea_popescu: exactly the same thing.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14870 @ 0.00079506 = 11.8225 BTC [+]
bounce: that makes patent warchests more than a little ironic
mircea_popescu: how you mean ?
bounce: they're the tool of big corporates and patent trolls, exactly the opposite of protecting the small craftsman
mircea_popescu: ah ah. myeah. the problem with "fixes" is that they always degenerate.
mircea_popescu: that's why problems should be approached radically or not at all.
bounce: like radicals don't degenerate
mircea_popescu: they can't.
mircea_popescu: what i mean here : anything which is ulterior ontologically to the problem is a fix. anything that is anterior ontologically to the problem and is incompatible with the problem's existence is a radical aproach.
mircea_popescu: so, if a river bothers you, building a dam is a fix. making water a physical impossibility is a (very) radical approach.
mircea_popescu: the fix degenerates (water can say break the dam and flood you, which is worse an outcome). the radical approach can't degenerate, because it has not where to.
decimation: for instance, beheading the king and declaring The People sovereign
bounce: look at any state that rose out of "revolution" only never shed it
mircea_popescu: decimation that's a fix. it fails to make kings impossible, so it degenerates, to a shittier kingdom
mircea_popescu: (necessarily shittier because well, it won't say its name)
decimation: good point. I guess the radical approach would be to murder all humans
mircea_popescu: lobotomy comes to mind.
mircea_popescu: anyway, this observation is not particularly useful in politics, but it is useful in technology.
decimation: yeah it's impossible to unhuman humanity, but it's quite possible to unintel computers
undata: mircea_popescu: I've said before in regards to software architecture that inherent is better than explicit (in response to the python thing). Yours is much better said.
undata: the python thing being implicit vs explicit
asciilifeform: and incidentally!
decimation: I was just patching my junk
asciilifeform cleans blaster
decimation: does that include all of your previous patches?
mircea_popescu: undata yeah it's an old idea fo sho.
ben_vulpes: hey it's a little warty but here's what's cookin: http://therealbitcoin.org/
decimation: asciilifeform: starting to use bsd after linux for decades makes me feel like I'm in a funhouse
asciilifeform: gentlemen, please check patches
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes who ever said the best cooks aren't men!
asciilifeform: rather than simply assuming that i don't smoke crack
ben_vulpes: gentlemen, please check patches i've published as well
ben_vulpes: it's late and i'm banging my head against the opaque mess that is the amazon key-value store.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3700 @ 0.00079255 = 2.9324 BTC [-]
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: the patches just now published, specifically.
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: let's mirror 0.5.3 there
ben_vulpes: a grand idea
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: these differ from last night's ?
asciilifeform: i only see 'chicken' and 'rm_rf...
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: couldn't hurt to check...
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: might want to do a live-fire test on latest turd
asciilifeform: 'loc' steadily going down
asciilifeform: if only this could continue!
asciilifeform: 'suppose every program can be shortened by a line, and contains a bug. therefore all programs can be reduced to one line - which does not work.' - ???
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: sapper must know his limits.
ben_vulpes: i did the s3 thing
ben_vulpes: and...see nothing.
ben_vulpes: shit is cached somewhere infuriating.
ben_vulpes: the amazon key-value store jurov backed therealbitcoin.org with
ben_vulpes: http semantics for up/downloading
ben_vulpes: black magic cross-dc replication
ben_vulpes gives up
ben_vulpes: all i want is to surface these text files to the internet :(
ben_vulpes: and all i have is borrowed borrowed borrowed leased and micro-sharded hardware on which to put it
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30190 @ 0.00079531 = 24.0104 BTC [+] {2}
asciilifeform hosts on dead bear, uploads with flint modem
asciilifeform would like to snip macos next
asciilifeform wonders who, if anyone, would shed a tear for macos
ben_vulpes: i've never successfully built it.
decimation: me neither
decimation: you end up in dependency hell very quickly
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: then perhaps you should do the honour of shooting it in the head
ben_vulpes: build environment is a snowflake.
decimation: what is even macos specific?
decimation: should be pretty similar to bsd, assuming user supplies paths to all dependencies
asciilifeform: decimation: grep
asciilifeform: i've been saving the death of macos for last, such that we can determine that its removal does not bork *bsd
ben_vulpes: and interrupt this roll you're on?
ben_vulpes: i shant, no.
asciilifeform: i might like to, say, do a little bit of actual work tomorrow.
ben_vulpes: plus, wrangling multiparty gpg sigs.
asciilifeform: let others claim some easy hunting.
asciilifeform: this is going to turn into actual work quite soon (when we start snipping tissue that must be replaced, rather than merely cremated)
asciilifeform: e.g., json rpc
ben_vulpes: wallet
asciilifeform Just Wanted A Fucking Book
ben_vulpes: punkman: would it be terribly onerous to get deedbot to certify that multiple documents signed by different people are in fact the same document and that all of the signatures verify?
asciilifeform: ^ important
ben_vulpes: mod6 and i have burnt approximately an hour total trying to pretzel gpg into the correct contortions, and it's not working for us.
ben_vulpes: er, an hour each.
decimation: I"m running into some kind of build error on openbsd
decimation: INADDR_NONE AF_INET stuff
ben_vulpes: implementing the mailing list hack you suggested throws a digest error.
asciilifeform: incidentally, looks like bitcoind only supports little-endian cpu.
decimation: based on magic numbers?
asciilifeform: based on i-can't-be-bothered-quite-now-what
ben_vulpes as well
ben_vulpes: arbeit machtzzzzzzz
ben_vulpes: so here's what mod6 and i figured out
ben_vulpes: if each party runs gpg --output out.sig --sign --armor thing-to-sign.txt, you can run gpg --decrypt out.sig on the blob
ben_vulpes: (you being punkbot or anyone verifying contracts)
ben_vulpes: that will *both* check the signature *and* show you the signed blob.
mod6: each party will want to name ``out.sig'' something different obv.
ben_vulpes: the cleartext of multiple versions of the same contract can be compared to each other
ben_vulpes: perhaps this is academic though
mod6: so in this case, ben.sig & mod6.sig, each yields a PGP armored message, that's just a signed file that can be verified.
ben_vulpes: and the parties should all deedify independently.
ben_vulpes: lol now that i spell it out parties should deedify seperately.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23282 @ 0.00079502 = 18.5097 BTC [-]
undata: http://blogs.wsj.com/moneybeat/2014/10/28/bitbeat-bitcoin-2-0-companies-respond-to-sec-rumor-were-clean/ "He added that anyone who purchased newly issued XCP with bitcoin did so through a “proof of burn” method that renders the incoming bitcoin unusable, ensuring that no material benefit passes to Counterparty or its owners." << Regarding the recent conversation with TheNewDeal on BTC burn ->
assbot: BitBeat: Bitcoin 2.0 Companies Respond to SEC Rumor: We’re Clean - MoneyBeat - WSJ
undata: altcoin, this reveals the real reason: avoiding the fucking government, not economics.
undata: that was apparently too long a line, meant to be one.
thestringpuller: !up dignork
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15539 @ 0.0007966 = 12.3784 BTC [+] {2}
thestringpuller: !last h am1
assbot: Last trade for AM1 on HAVELOCK was at 0.1242 BTC [-]
thestringpuller: !last h hmf
assbot: Last trade for HMF on HAVELOCK was at 0.00200157 BTC [-]
thestringpuller: !t h HMF
assbot: [HAVELOCK:HMF] 1D: 0.00200700 / 0.00203369 / 0.00248999 (51 shares, 0.10371821 BTC), 7D: 0.00200602 / 0.00208495 / 0.00255630 (63 shares, 0.13135161 BTC), 30D: 0.00200001 / 0.00248113 / 0.00299768 (596 shares, 1.47875423 BTC)
thestringpuller: !up tryphe
thestringpuller: !up dvsdude
dvsdude: thanks
mircea_popescu: <ben_vulpes> punkman: would it be terribly onerous to get deedbot to certify that multiple documents signed by different people are in fact the same document and that all of the signatures verify? <<< this is not conceptually possible tho.
mircea_popescu: onus remains on reader.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1900 @ 0.00079502 = 1.5105 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26600 @ 0.00079348 = 21.1066 BTC [-] {4}
punkman: was looking at Conformal's stuff, foun this https://www.cyphertite.com/plans.php
assbot: Cyphertite | Flexible Data Plans
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5750 @ 0.00079693 = 4.5823 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16247 @ 0.00079327 = 12.8883 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21300 @ 0.00079195 = 16.8685 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13350 @ 0.00079567 = 10.6222 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20121 @ 0.00079581 = 16.0125 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4181 @ 0.0007941 = 3.3201 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26456 @ 0.00079336 = 20.9891 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18841 @ 0.00079595 = 14.9965 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6800 @ 0.00079633 = 5.415 BTC [+]
assbot: What is the common thread connecting bitcoin WoT fixation, MRAs, PUAs and trolling? It’s quite peculiar how those cluster.
thickasthieves: still buried in logs, hope everyone is doing well!
thickasthieves: lol my irc client isnt even caching how far back i am now that i scrolled down
thickasthieves: fwiw, i'm sensing a major disturbance in the force, re SEC letters, coinfire DMCA takedowm, COindesk waiving their hands saying 'these are not the sec letters yer lookin for'
thickasthieves: wtf is this bullshit with, we sending you a letter, but now that youve read it you dont have freedom of speech?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29600 @ 0.00079057 = 23.4009 BTC [-] {2}
RagnarDanneskjol: thickasthieves still buried - yea, I missed few days and dont think I'm ever gonna get through it -esp with any given link prompting hours+ sidetrack journey.. might have to declare lawg bk
RagnarDanneskjol: ;;google logruptsy
gribble: No matches found.
RagnarDanneskjol: logruptcy*
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7100 @ 0.00079444 = 5.6405 BTC [+]
assbot: 404 Not Found
mod6: was mp the only one to sign s.qntr?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13750 @ 0.00078955 = 10.8563 BTC [-]
mod6: html links point to wrong/non-existant files.
jurov: mod6 you mean the Signed links?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11700 @ 0.00079214 = 9.268 BTC [+]
assbot: OneRNG - Hardware Random Number Generator
mod6: <+jurov> mod6 you mean the Signed links? << yeah
mod6: looks like the keyid's are correct, just not linked to the correct file
mod6: was just checking these things too see what was done recently. for instance, with s.bbet the IPO was clear signed by one party, and then that clearsigned doc was then clearsigned again by a second party.
mod6: s/too/to/
nubbins`: my s.mg ssw was signed in this fashion as well
nubbins`: as are my casascius custody chains, although that's more my decision than anyone else's 8)
mod6: i only see one sig for s.mg, which makes sense.
mod6: ok :]
assbot: 15th blown, other statements. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
mod6 looks
mod6: ah yeah. thx
nubbins`: hm, still no punkbot?
mod6: looks that way
nubbins`: wanna test a deed ;/
mod6: ya, ben_vulpes & I need to try to figure it out too
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25200 @ 0.00078955 = 19.8967 BTC [-]
nubbins`: didja see the links i posted yest?
assbot: Logged on 29-10-2014 01:16:56; nubbins`: also if anyone is curious, the following links may be of some use as a quick and dirty deed verification system:
nubbins`: not set up for multi-deed bundles yet, but should be a trivial change
mod6: thx, will review
bounce: dirty deeds, done dirt cheap
nubbins`: ^ realized aftwd
nubbins`: need your dirty deeds verified? roll into #b-a
nubbins`: say, i'm thinking about doing another run of posters, this time pgp-themed. any interest?
mod6: <+bounce> dirty deeds, done dirt cheap << +1
mircea_popescu: cazalla BingoBoingo https://www.quantcast.com/qntra.net <<< and it's under 300k :D
assbot: Qntra.net Traffic and Demographic Statistics by Quantcast
assbot: Nathan Cirillo-inspired racism 'experiment' ends with punch to face - Latest Hamilton news - CBC Hamilton
nubbins`: good guy canadians
mircea_popescu: "mom, look at me, i r filmmaker!!!!" ?
assbot: Logged on 28-10-2014 12:47:11; asciilifeform: undata: onerng.info << best lulz! this calls for a mini-review.
asciilifeform: thickasthieves: and i vaguely recall that mircea_popescu was thinking of writing to them. no idea what came of that
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i did, they answered (both guys), seemed reasonable enough, gave them a link to here.
mod6: lol, the ole right hook to the nose
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: reasonable << now i'm curious. 'aha we'll seppuku now!' ...or 'aha we'll crib yours we promise!' or...?
mircea_popescu: !up johntraveller
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform ima paste it a sec.
assbot: On Tue, October 28, 2014 6:00 pm, Paul Campbell wrote: On Wed, 29 Oct 2014 10 - Pastebin.com
thickasthieves: coinfire.cf went back online via bitcoinvps, now they are ddos'd
johntraveller: @mircea_popescu thanks, I just came across your blog via your comment on xenosystems
mircea_popescu: hello there.
mircea_popescu: so how do you like it ?
johntraveller: @micrea_popescu hello. yes, lots of good stuff. good to have my opinions of ethereum/altcoins/etc seconded
mircea_popescu: incidentally, is this "traveller" thing some sort of reference, because i keep seeying it.
johntraveller: have you been following moldbug/nrx for long?
mircea_popescu: i have in fact not followed either for any interval at all. these other guys do, maybe decimation is the local authority on yarvin. asciilifeform used to have a battleship or w/e it was called in his leaky snowglobe.
mircea_popescu: as far as i'm concerned i sent him a challenge when he was being dumb. http://trilema.com/2013/stage-n-bitcoin-exists/
assbot: Stage n: Bitcoin exists. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
mircea_popescu: never heard from him again as it were.
mircea_popescu: and im not even sure what nrx is. this chick that follows these things pointed it out here, but i don't think it's been followed up.
johntraveller: imo moldbug’s most interesting writing is on the history of progressivism, and how it evolved from puritanism
mircea_popescu: here's a handy tool :
mircea_popescu: !s moldbug
mircea_popescu: !s curtis
mircea_popescu: !s yarvin
mircea_popescu: saves me from having to repeat myself :)
asciilifeform: 'we're making entropy - not a full random number generator, something to feed it' << ???!??
TomServo: ;;later tell nubbins` any interest? << I'm interested. Will it be another sight unseen deal?
gribble: The operation succeeded.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform you familiar with the theory of constant improvement ?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform ok, something like this : two brothers, same age, both wish to get married. this takes money. brother #1 goes into an apprenticeship, money's not good, but it slowly adds up, one year later he's saved enough.
assbot: oss-security - ftp(1) can be made execute arbitrary commands by malicious webserver
mircea_popescu: borther #2 doesn't think anything of this working for no good money bs, takes a loan, goes on a trading trip, a year later he's back, pays off his loan, has enough leftover to marry.
mircea_popescu: both strategies work, in practice. either proceed correctly or proceed gradually.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18544 @ 0.00078955 = 14.6414 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: diametric different i take it from any of the other 50 or so similar issues over the years ?
asciilifeform: well, newly unearthed
mircea_popescu: open fucking source. a billion eyes, yo. then next you know, everything is a piece of shit.
mircea_popescu: "o, but we're fixing it".
asciilifeform: point of shit, piece of sale
diametric: mircea_popescu: its comically bad. basically they reused the popen feature when using -o with a pipe, when omitting the -o option and instead deriving it from the url..
mircea_popescu: yeah, yeah. how's this different from the politicians ? they're also "fixing it"
mircea_popescu: nevermind that they broke it in the first place.
mircea_popescu: diametric the original, gentlemanly internet is a fucking curse to the current internet.
asciilifeform: rng << it is so easy to build a proper rng, the astonishing part is that there are not 500 people selling them for fifty cents.
mircea_popescu: it created so many bad habits...
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform people gotta learn how.
assbot: CVS log for src/usr.bin/ftp/fetch.c
diametric: fixed 5 years ago in openbsd.
mircea_popescu: diametric nobody fucking reads.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: they can crack open a copy of, e.g, 'horowitz and hill' (1980) - it doesn't bite
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform how are they to know ?
mircea_popescu: understand, us college is unlikely to mention that, too busy talking about irigaray and the rest of the worthless fuckwits
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i even studied in usa, and it was mentioned, wtf
mircea_popescu: check your privilege.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: irigaray of e=mc^2-is-racist fame?
mircea_popescu: "because it privileges the speed of light over other speeds that are much more important to us"
mircea_popescu: also famous for being the only idiot ~lacan~ threw out for being an idiot.
mircea_popescu: lacan, you understand me ? the original "i cnat raed here's some words because words"
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: lol!
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i didn't think the irigarists were designing electronics. or... are they
mircea_popescu: stupidity is pervasive.
mircea_popescu: the idea that if you allow i dunno, the gardening club to be stupid the stupidity will sit there contained is beyond naive.
mircea_popescu: within a decade you get mathgardening clamoring for grants.
undata: "They also take issue with the assertion that fluid mechanics is unfairly neglected because it deals with "feminine" fluids in contrast to "masculine" rigid mechanics." << there are such feminists here in Portland
asciilifeform: mechanics of feminine fluids?
undata: ...WHO says men don't produce fluids?
assbot: Moment de intimitate-n baie pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
mircea_popescu: the whys and wherefores taking a leak on your girl is nice.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25563 @ 0.00078994 = 20.1932 BTC [+] {4}
mircea_popescu: punkman so what's happened to the bot ? dead ?
asciilifeform: 'any periodic noise that makes it through simply reduces the bits/byte number of the entropy and gets smeared out by subsequent whitening' << is he serious? gotta be trolling
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18701 @ 0.00078815 = 14.7392 BTC [-] {4}
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform remember the people who think whitening does something ?
punkman: mircea_popescu: will be up shortly
mircea_popescu: !up johntraveller
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: 'he turned off the light, so the room will be empty'
punkman: added transaction broadcast retrying, and also bot will stop bundling if previous bundle tx remains unconfirmed
mircea_popescu: what do you mean stop bundling ?
punkman: it won't make a new bundle, will leave deeds pending
mircea_popescu: is this useful ?
punkman: well gotta confirm previous tx to spent again
punkman: because only one tx in address
mircea_popescu: yeah but i mean, better to queue the made txn than this i think
mircea_popescu: consider the following situation : bundle 1 gets made, added, gets 1 confirm. bundle 2 gets created, gets added just as the blockchain reogrs.
mircea_popescu: now 1 is unconfirmend again, 2 is ocnfirmed however.
mircea_popescu: !up johntraveller_
punkman: it has a queue, can just set max_unconfirmed
mircea_popescu: k so then it can just proceed with the bundles normally, irrespective of what happened to previous bundle.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17101 @ 0.00079421 = 13.5818 BTC [+] {2}
mircea_popescu: ah splendid
johntraveller: mircea_popescu: thanks, though I’m planning on lurking for a while until I’ve read more
asciilifeform: anybody else build my no. 4 patch ?
mircea_popescu: johntraveller http://wiki.bitcoin-assets.com/first_steps_in_bitcoin-assets << also a good thing to read, as a primer on the technology that is the fundament of our superiority.
assbot: first_steps_in_bitcoin-assets [bitcoin assets wiki]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6635 @ 0.00079444 = 5.2711 BTC [+]
punkman: if anyone has a clue about bc.info tags, let me know why it hasn't verified https://blockchain.info/tags?filter=16
assbot: Bitcoin Address Tags - Blockchain.info
johntraveller: and sit in my $200/mo apartment in china, slowly converting my british fiat into btc and planning business ideas that work once the fed’s printing presses stop spinnng
mircea_popescu: punkman is the address on the linked page ?
punkman: yeah
mircea_popescu: maybe they've not got to it yet.
mircea_popescu: johntraveller in that case you'd better get in the wot asap.
assbot: Open Letter to Bitcoin Businesses: Why I'm closing my accounts - General - Bitcoin Foundation
mircea_popescu: thickasthieves was here yest :D
thickasthieves: sry i'm way behind
assbot: 52 Weeks of UX
mircea_popescu: of ux you see.
asciilifeform: 52 week so fux
mircea_popescu: one year in Fux
bounce: none were given
mircea_popescu: "Let’s take a moment and chat. No secrets or techniques this time, I just want to take a post and discuss my own personal strategies for consistently dominating almost every niche I enter. Instead of creating an objective and methodologies I’m just going to casually write and talk some details, because of course my strategies require quite a bit of work and aren’t for everyone."
mircea_popescu: of course.
los_pantalones: hahahahha
mircea_popescu: security ? "of course". not for everyone ? "of course". for everyone ? "of course!"
mircea_popescu: poor of course.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 46300 @ 0.00078741 = 36.4571 BTC [-] {3}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25900 @ 0.00078626 = 20.3641 BTC [-] {2}
kakobrekla: ;;ticker
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 340.48, Best ask: 340.63, Bid-ask spread: 0.15000, Last trade: 340.63, 24 hour volume: 11877.38045173, 24 hour low: 337.74, 24 hour high: 359.5, 24 hour vwap: 348.749963197
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21500 @ 0.0007858 = 16.8947 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: Some dangerous idea - serialized delusions
jurov: asciilifeform: ^
jurov: upon seeing the result.. well, i quite stepped into something
asciilifeform: jurov: neato!
mod6: nice jurov :)
mircea_popescu: !up elementofone
elementofone: whats up
mircea_popescu: not much. who are you ?
thestringpuller: ;;seen cazalla
gribble: cazalla was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 14 hours, 31 minutes, and 35 seconds ago: <cazalla> http://qntra.net/2014/10/mit-bitcoin-project-goes-live/ less than a week to claim the coins, i wonder if what remains will be pocketed by someone
thestringpuller: ;;seen BingoBoingo
gribble: BingoBoingo was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 12 hours, 36 minutes, and 39 seconds ago: <BingoBoingo> Yeah
thestringpuller: damn the editors are asleep
mircea_popescu: thestringpuller didja need somethin' ?
elementofone: ;; elementofone
gribble: Error: "elementofone" is not a valid command.
elementofone: ;;seen elementofone
gribble: elementofone was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 5 seconds ago: <elementofone> ;; elementofone
asciilifeform: meowmix.
elementofone: ;;seen meowmix
gribble: meowmix was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 4 weeks, 1 day, 16 hours, 58 minutes, and 4 seconds ago: <meowmix> !b 50
elementofone: how many bitcoins is $400,000 worth?
thestringpuller: mircea_popescu: had an article I wrote last night. BingoBoingo said he'd be in "the office" in the morning. I guess I can just send to their inbox.
elementofone: how many bitcoins is $400,000 worth?
mircea_popescu: prolly safe to email then followup
elementofone: HOW MANY BITCOINS IS $400000 WORTH?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform the ip or what ?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: the smell.
undata: elementofone: loud idiot from mass; who'd have expected that...
kakobrekla: o fuk
kakobrekla: i just had the best meat plate i had in years!
kakobrekla in tears
mircea_popescu: girlfriend ?
elementofone: who is meowmix?
mircea_popescu: what meat was it ?
kakobrekla: ah all sorts
elementofone: !s meowmix
elementofone: !s !down
elementofone: !s !up
elementofone: !s christmas
elementofone: !s merry christmas
TomServo: !down elementofone
thestringpuller: TomServo beat me to it
elementofone: nooo waaa
asciilifeform: !down elementofone
TomServo: Tried do.. but I bliped it seems.
mircea_popescu: 18k ups, that's something.
kakobrekla: its less.
mircea_popescu: ;;calc 24 * 365
gribble: 8760
mircea_popescu: like a year's worth!
kakobrekla: it seems it disregards '!' when searching
assbot: How to leak sensitive data from an isolated computer (air-gap) to a near by mobile phone - AirHopper | Cyber Security Labs @ Ben Gurion University
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: ...conceptually possible << do clearsigned copies of the contract from both parties per S.WOL suffice?
ben_vulpes: this not being able to sign the same actual document thing is downright irksome.
ben_vulpes: or not validating the same doc...
asciilifeform: phone demo << http://www.erikyyy.de/tempest << ancient classic, no news
ben_vulpes: i'd really like punkbot to take in the raw doc and .sig files. but...whatever.
thestringpuller: mircea_popescu: note on s.qntr prospectus
thestringpuller: the signed IPO's are not linked on MPEx.co
mircea_popescu: thestringpuller http://mpex.co/assets/s.wol-468F4AD0.txt what dfo you mean not linked ?
assbot: MPEx, the Bitcoin securities exchange.
mircea_popescu: oh i see it's malformed. thanks!
thestringpuller: linked but malformed! my bad. i'm trying to get better at this words thing.
punkman: ben_vulpes: did you try the gpg multisig hack?
assbot: Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures - Bitcoin
ben_vulpes: punkman: we did and it blew up on digests.
asciilifeform: (selectice bug list by malicious folks)
asciilifeform: (selective*
ben_vulpes: what is the net column?
ben_vulpes: ah upgrade rate
ben_vulpes: how would they know...
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: nodes polled and returned version <= it
ben_vulpes: <jurov> http://explo.yt/post/2014/10/29/some-dangerous-idea << my braindump about turdatron << UPNP was me, jurov
assbot: Some dangerous idea - serialized delusions
jurov: lol... we miss that damn thing
ben_vulpes: forgive my mis/poor-understanding of the gpgmail thing, but...
ben_vulpes: is a clearsigned body not adequate because risk of crlf's?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7798 @ 0.00078725 = 6.139 BTC [+]
jurov: the body is only comment. patch itself will be always in attachment
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: every email system everywhere appears to feel entitled to rape plain ascii in a dozen ways
jurov: with another attachemnt the signature
ben_vulpes: so what's wrong with a needle through which interested parties must pass their messages?
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes ?
jurov: what do you mean?
ben_vulpes: those who wish to write messages to the mailing list must ensure that their messages arrive mutilated.
ben_vulpes: un*mutilated
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: how?
ben_vulpes: a bounce notification would be nice.
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: ddos vector
jurov: if you register, you'll get bounces
rithm: there's actually some new appify thing that takes source code and make pretty .pdfs from it
jurov: or it will be held for moderation, dunn how it's configured atm
rithm: fyi
asciilifeform: rithm: LaTeX
jurov: rithm, thx i remembereed lxr
jurov: it generates crosslinked html from c sources have used it to hack
ben_vulpes: so register, send messages until bounces stop
ben_vulpes goes to test
thestringpuller: asciilifeform: would use latex
thestringpuller: oh yea i remember what I was doing
thestringpuller: !s from:asciilifeform turd
assbot: 213 results for 'from:asciilifeform turd' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=from%3Aasciilifeform+turd
thestringpuller: ^- these are pretty good
assbot: Logged on 26-10-2014 00:02:57; assbot: 374 results for 'turd' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=turd
ben_vulpes: jurov: i don't get bounces for failed signatures.
ben_vulpes: anyways
jurov: ;;calc 213/374
gribble: 0.569518716578
ben_vulpes: my mail client doesn't seem to have a problem sending plaintext emails.
thestringpuller: isn't he that guy on ABC news
jurov: ben_vulpes: i don't see you in memberlist
mircea_popescu: xanthyos you mean andreas imarriedadoofus ?
asciilifeform: lxr << what a turd! wants 'apache', and to be a server, etc.
asciilifeform: i always wondered why there isn't just a gizmo that eats a source tree and craps out html where any keyword that appears more than once is hyperlinked
mircea_popescu: cuz php is the tool for that job and ppl are too good for php ?
asciilifeform: what's php to do with it? in principle it could work for any language syntax
mircea_popescu: i dunno, was my best guess.
jurov: ben_vulpes: nice
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20150 @ 0.00078761 = 15.8703 BTC [+]
ben_vulpes: jurov: the unsigned email did not arrive, so i must presume your filter is doing *something*
jurov: yes i did get notification for the first one
jurov: you thought NSA ate it?
[]bot: Bet placed: 20 BTC for No on "BTC network hashrate will exceed 1 Exahash/s before 2015" http://bitbet.us/bet/713/ Odds: 11(Y):89(N) by coin, 21(Y):79(N) by weight. Total bet: 54.81502285 BTC. Current weight: 14,770.
mircea_popescu: www.usapglobal.org/webalizer/low-concord-11s.html << the spammers thank the usap for all the free hosting/google rank
mircea_popescu: and why have a fucking email anywhere on the site ? not like you need to be warned when you got buttraped, because super-speshul and errything.
ben_vulpes: that's a helluva bet
mircea_popescu: esp given the low weight.
asciilifeform: no one knows of a cpp to html-concordance gizmo that isn't a steaming turd ?
mircea_popescu: o wait, "in principle it could work for any language syntax" ?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: basic principle, you tell it how to tokenize a given language, the rest is concordance mechanism
mircea_popescu: no argument there, just... you know
mircea_popescu: did you lose again ? :D
mircea_popescu: http://www.ocmetro.com/ << orange county experts. meanwhile www.ocmetro.com/pp.aspx up their butt.
assbot: OC METRO Magazine
mircea_popescu: !up rdekley
mircea_popescu: https://www.r3.org.uk/ "R3, The Association of Business Recovery Professionals is the leading organisation for insolvency, restructuring and turnaround specialists in the UK." but meanwhile www.r3.org.uk/styles/list.cfm?id=221 nike blazar
assbot: R3: Association of Business Recovery Professionals
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: http://www.w3.org/Tools/Prog_lang_filters.html << classic decay of civilization. 9 of 10 links - dead. and most of the systems are for producing 'auto documentation' - that is, made for satisfying retarded management, rather than to actually aid in study of code.
mircea_popescu: this is the thing with bitcoin. never before have been smart people motivated to consider a wide swath of issues
mircea_popescu: from money and what poor idiots may get all the way to concordance mechanisms.
jurov: lxr is a steaming turd?
mircea_popescu: it's all been a "let the wife handle it" sort of whatever, while graham went on with "his real work" up until now.
asciilifeform: jurov: yes. wants apache. QED.
jurov: cus it's bunch of cgi scripts.
jurov: that does not mean papache
asciilifeform: jurov: i need static html.
mircea_popescu: !up Takeshi
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: this is the thing with bitcoin << well, halfway there. stokes appetite, yes. but can't satisfy hunger by rubbing stomach.
asciilifeform: !s spreading works
assbot: Logged on 20-08-2014 06:37:37; asciilifeform: soviet scientist declares, 'we've invented a shit-to-food converter.' 'does it work?' 'sorta. spreading on bread: worlks!!11! eating - not quite yet.'
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11100 @ 0.00078989 = 8.7678 BTC [+] {2}
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform granted. still... a step forward, soviet! :D
asciilifeform: world full'o'delicious spreadables.
assbot: lobbes +v failed; L1: 0, L2: 0
bounce: !up lobbes
lobbes: ty, I have fallen from assbot's favor :/
thestringpuller: asciilifeform: as granin says, "To capitalism!"
asciilifeform: to fapitalism.
assbot: Drupal Core - Highly Critical - Public Service announcement - PSA-2014-003 | Drupal.org
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6737 @ 0.00079009 = 5.3228 BTC [+]
asciilifeform: ^ massive total pwn
punkman: drupal's even worse than wordpress
bounce: is it now?
ben_vulpes: lol drupal
diametric: statistically i'd say no
diametric: at a previous job i had a decades worth of data involving compromised websites, and wordpress by far lead the pack in vulnerable and shitty cms
asciilifeform: statistically - christmas never comes for the goose.
punkman: well dunno about security, but once upon a time I tried to work with it and it made 0 sense
bounce: ah. vulnerability revealed!
assbot: Tomorrow Is Another Day
joecool: diametric: DNN would win most compromised in my experience, wordpress usually got compromised through crappy plugins (of which there are MANY to choose from)
mircea_popescu: which one is dnn ?
joecool: dotnetnuke (asp.net shit)
diametric: joecool: quite possibly, the data i had was real world scenarios, so actual real world wordpress installations.
diametric: which apparently includes a lot of shitty plugins.
mircea_popescu: ah. from what i see a lot of sites get owned through some sort of image plugin
joecool: timthumb
joecool: a lot a of theme designers used it
mircea_popescu: www.wagonsformemories.com/images/links-of-london-cheap-charms.html << example.
joecool: even the creator of timthumb doesn't suggest it anymore
joecool: after they fixed the issues
mircea_popescu: www.snackbox-express.li/css/THAVASA-1.html << also see a lot of shit dumped in /css/ , which is problably indicative of wp or django
mircea_popescu: di-via.ru/images/tmp/1399976090_well20142.html >> moar /images/
diametric: "Removing a compromised website’s backdoors is difficult because it is not possible to be certain all backdoors have been found." lols.
joecool: most certainly timthumb, that script allowed you to upload any file trivially
mircea_popescu: diametric i don't think anyone tries to clean servers. reinstall is the only pill.
diametric: agreed
diametric: but almost never happens in practice
joecool: wordpress can be secured fairly well, not too many do it though (involves ripping out wp-admin from frontend and a mess of other things)
mircea_popescu: well that's because people build from the ground up with security in mind so never get owned.
mircea_popescu: joecool trilema was originally wp.
ben_vulpes: lol and what is it now mircea_popescu
joecool: mircea_popescu: did you have any compromises when it was?
mircea_popescu: i have no idea.
assbot: The Storm That Was Fel pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
mircea_popescu: www.active-tools.com/Sitemanager/mulberry.asp?id=55 << also lulzy. wtf is "sitemanager"
assbot: The Coinbase Blog — Introducing Multisig Vault - You Can Now Control Your Own Private Keys On Coinbase
assbot: Some dangerous idea - serialized delusions
mircea_popescu: www.negotiatinggenuinely.com/holding/admin/gucci_online_433.html << guy wrote a book. herp.
mircea_popescu: jurov it's either a dangerous idea or some dangerous ideas you know.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: 'spam like a pro in 21 hours' ?
jurov: kakobrekla how does it relate to some derpwallet?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform well, no, "how to negotiate". pretty sure he's a clueless twit rather than the actual spammer
jurov: fixed thx
mircea_popescu: did that break kako's url now
mircea_popescu: www.ispeacepossible.com/flv/mulberry-sale/
kakobrekla: it relates
kakobrekla: somebody is DOING something, and somebody else is DOING something else
mircea_popescu: im sure, just get everyone purses.
asciilifeform: if the idea is 'shit we won't ever do' list - all the paper in the world would not suffice
kakobrekla: well not all the possible shit, just shit others are doing.
kakobrekla: that would fit on paper.
kakobrekla: at least i hope
mircea_popescu: can i do the somebody doing something while doing the somebody else doing the something else ?
kakobrekla: correct
mircea_popescu: let's make it done!
asciilifeform: 'little fleas have smaller fleas, on their backs to bite them....'
kakobrekla: is there no last flea?
kakobrekla: is the set finite in other words
kakobrekla: hello is this thing on?
asciilifeform: 'little scams have lesser scams, at their heels to scam them; and lesser scams, have lesser scams; and lesser spams...
kakobrekla: ah! i was hoping for a 'yes'.
asciilifeform: 'but greater scams have greater scams, for their chumps to go on; and greater scams - yet greater scams, and greater ones, and so on...
kakobrekla: until you get to homeopathic levels of scam
kakobrekla: which isnt medicine arguably
assbot: Oakley
mircea_popescu: oakley took over a domain that seems like it was registered by some restaurant in italy, because well... spam.
mircea_popescu: apparently it's dangerous to actually run an open spamserver on your domain name. i wonder how they did it tho.
mircea_popescu: http://gbcinternetenforcement.net/12-cv-9864b "oakley vs 100 does". now how the fuck did they get an .it domain ?
assbot: Oakley, Inc. v. DOES 1-100 et al. Case No. 12-cv-9864 | Greer, Burns & Crain, Ltd.
asciilifeform: muppeteer state vs. muppet state, no contest
assbot: Ristorante L' Etoile, Lido Di Camaiore - Recensioni, Numero di Telefono & Foto - TripAdvisor
joecool: is oakley a luxottica co?
joecool: er brand
joecool: oh yes, they are
joecool: that's why
mircea_popescu: joecool yeah.
mircea_popescu: so what if the yare ?!
mircea_popescu: oh. nm :)
mircea_popescu: good catch there.
asciilifeform: and - it was a default judgement, looks like.
mircea_popescu: if i ever start a law firm...
mike_c: <+kakobrekla> is there no last flea? << it's turtles all the way down.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21163 @ 0.00078725 = 16.6606 BTC [-]
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i could've sworn i had a textbook with those insects on the cover. (algorithms??)
kakobrekla: hehe yea
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15100 @ 0.00078782 = 11.8961 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: !up username0
assbot: RockMiner and ASICMINER Form Mining Cartel to Launch AMHash1 | Qntra.net
assbot: CurrentC Breeched | Qntra.net
joecool: the payment system industry is a fucking mess in the US
joecool: though i did think "Pay With ISIS" was funny
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23420 @ 0.00078797 = 18.4543 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: GNU wget Vulnerability | Qntra.net
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: diametric
BingoBoingo: Sorry, thanks diametric.
BingoBoingo: Name collision error in headspace.
asciilifeform: aaand... latest (no. 4) turd - builds, fetches blocks, appears to function
asciilifeform: on an entirely 'pedestrial' gentoo box, even.
BingoBoingo applauds
asciilifeform: *pedestrian
BingoBoingo: I kind of liked the pedestrian/industrial combo word
mircea_popescu: well done!
asciilifeform: still nowhere to house it though
mircea_popescu: icm-ca.net/ lol
joecool: ugh i hate how gnupg2 depends on pinentry -_-
assbot: Fed Ends Bond Buys, Sticks to 0% Rate for ‘Considerable Time’ - WSJ - WSJ
assbot: Blackmailers threaten Czechs with Ebola outbreak - Yahoo News
mircea_popescu: "give us ten hot models or else" ?
asciilifeform: !s czech ebola
asciilifeform: odd - it was here.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8400 @ 0.00078725 = 6.6129 BTC [-]
assbot: What is the common thread connecting bitcoin WoT fixation, MRAs, PUAs and trolling? It’s quite peculiar how those cluster.
mircea_popescu: scammerboy figures he got himself an angle, does he ?
xanthyos: !UP danielpbarron
mircea_popescu: RagnarDanneskjol:thickasthieves still buried - yea, I missed few days and dont think I'm ever gonna get through it -esp with any given link prompting hours+ sidetrack journey <<< you know, after a decade or two it gets better.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10300 @ 0.00078974 = 8.1343 BTC [+]
asciilifeform: thickasthieves: at least read about turdatron.
kakobrekla: reading ze lawgs is a full time jewb.
mircea_popescu: !up Megacosm
assbot: Wisconsin police send armoured vehicle to collect fine from 75-year-old | US news | theguardian.com
mircea_popescu: thestringpuller mod6 http://mpex.bz/?mpsic=S.QNTR << signed files fixed., ty !
assbot: S.QNTR last @0.00000000
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25150 @ 0.00079128 = 19.9007 BTC [+] {3}
mod6: mircea_popescu: cool, np :]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4498 @ 0.00079293 = 3.5666 BTC [+]
xanthyos: namtso
Megacosm: Xan :)
danielpbarron: Megacosm, get in the WoT
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30700 @ 0.00079583 = 24.432 BTC [+] {3}
mircea_popescu: thickasthieves incidentally, it occurs to me derpopo strangely omitted "technological expertise", "discoursive domination" and "intellectual superiority" in his list.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11100 @ 0.00079633 = 8.8393 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: then again i guess the blind man easily forgets to list vision.
xanthyos: Megacosm: join the wot, sell honey to these people for btc, no storefront, no overhead, no income tax
asciilifeform: 132,000+ blocks...
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform what, in a day ? that's pretty reasonable.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5700 @ 0.00079638 = 4.5394 BTC [+] {2}
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: hour
Apocalyptic: asciilifeform, you're syncing the turd ?
asciilifeform: aha, live fire test.
Apocalyptic: the first 100k blocks go like a brease yeah
mircea_popescu: even better.
Megacosm: I need to get hives first xan
Megacosm: One step at a time lol
kakobrekla: you installing those in datacenters?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23273 @ 0.00079691 = 18.5465 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13886 @ 0.00079849 = 11.0878 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: gotta love peeps that list "enquiries@" contact emails
mircea_popescu: Esquire Within!
asciilifeform: lintel inside!
mircea_popescu: lmao yeah
thickasthieves: “I’ve been involved in about five standoff situations where, as soon as the MARV showed up, the person gives up,” Bean told the Journal Sentinel.
thickasthieves: yes i will dig into the turdatron and I'm happy about the foundation
thickasthieves: i will also donate when ready
TomServo: MARV also saves money! it's a win-win really.
ben_vulpes: hush you all stop talking about donating
ben_vulpes: that's so entirely not the point
thickasthieves: fuel up the tank boys, we gon save some munny ta-day!
thickasthieves: how is me donating related to any kind of point of it
nubbins`: 52 weeks o' fux
thickasthieves: money is time manifest
nubbins`: where is punkbot!
thickasthieves: i want to give you guys time to do it
thickasthieves: so what?
thickasthieves: really i just wanna have ya'll in my pocket so when usg turns me i have value
nubbins`: i got turned like 5 months ago
nubbins`: it's good money
ben_vulpes: terrifying.
nubbins`: all i gotta do is ask the occasional probing question and generally fuck with the S/N ratio
thickasthieves: reality bites
nubbins`: easy paycheque
mircea_popescu: ;;ud marv
gribble: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=marv | "IT'S MARV" T_T phone call: marv : lets hang out other: eww why? marv: because marv gets lonely and has to do his job other: no marv : what the... bitch. by catttt ...
TomServo: mircea_popescu: the wisconsin article, it's what the call the armored vehicle
thickasthieves: speaking of which, why is reddit so excited that a longtime SEC chairman is advising bitpay or whomeevr?
nubbins`: misconsin armored retard vehicle
thickasthieves: yay let's be SECified!
mircea_popescu: monkey is excited anytime nobody's beating it to shit.
nubbins`: i'll be excited when daphna a. waxman starts advising someone
thickasthieves: sounds like dream come true for usg
mircea_popescu: two modes of the flux processor. pain and excitement.
thickasthieves: oh SECguy got in, word!
mircea_popescu: maybe they should ask him anything.
nubbins`: <TomServo> any interest? << I'm interested. Will it be another sight unseen deal? <<< probably same as last time, sight-unseen for preorder discount
nubbins`: seemed to work ok last time, nobody complained "hey this poster is a piece of shit" etc
thickasthieves: well thats hard to know tho
thickasthieves: maybe they just didnt buy
nubbins`: no, i mean the people who bought it unseen didn't complain that it sucked
mircea_popescu: he sold out iirc.
nubbins`: yah, 100 posters
mircea_popescu: nubbins` is going to end up immortalised in history like a bug in amber : that one guy that was going to print a book when all hell broke loose.
nubbins`: prolly be a few books about this place before it's all over
mircea_popescu: dioceseofsthelena.com/?mke=Sale-Michael-Kors-Handbags.html << apparently helena is still a total posh slut.
nubbins`: sounds better in french
nubbins`: so vexual is from iowa, hey?
nubbins`: i mean, i guess.
BingoBoingo: nubbins` is going to have to get a web press before the end of time
nubbins`: eff that
nubbins`: offset is for squares
BingoBoingo: Ah, so the plan is to outsource the luser versions of the books?
nubbins`: nope, book will be 100% produced by me
mircea_popescu: out of wood shavings and glue.
nubbins`: i don't anticipate a huge demand right off the bat, so it'll be best to handle it myself
nubbins`: outsourcing comes with high minimums
thickasthieves: give it a eteched holographic cover and all of reddit will buy one too
thickasthieves: an etched*
BingoBoingo: Sure, but in a decade and a half when people want a textbook for courses...
mircea_popescu: http://robertmouawad.com/ << check out this dude lmao.
thickasthieves: jewelers are such scammers
mircea_popescu: but this guy in particular lol. that's like pedosmile**pedosmile
thickasthieves: heh, pro gaming team using .gg as domain, i approve
assbot: Cloud9
nubbins`: BingoBoingo at that point, addison wesley'll be churning them out by the millions, $150ea
nubbins`: ($35ea outside of na/eu)
mircea_popescu: nubbins` how would they get a license ?
nubbins`: ostensibly they'd do their own version
nubbins`: it's not like i've got a monopoly on transcribing code
mircea_popescu: this code ?
mircea_popescu: what, it's on the interwebs, anyone can come publish it and sell the book ?
mircea_popescu: here's a thought : the sword cuts both ways. the same asinine legal idiocy that can be used to hinder bitcoin exchanges can be used by sovereign bitcoin companies to fuck everyone non-immune in the ass.
mircea_popescu: not like aw is going to move out of the us just so they can derp with bitcoin manual.
nubbins`: <+mircea_popescu> what, it's on the interwebs, anyone can come publish it and sell the book ? <<< "Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software..."
mircea_popescu: "to make money selling it" ?
nubbins`: uh, yes.
assbot: Copyright (c) 2009-2012 Bitcoin Developers Permission is hereby granted, free - Pastebin.com
mircea_popescu: who are these "bitcoin developers" ?
nubbins`: beats me
mircea_popescu: right ? i mean amir also put some sort of disclaimer on whatever random code he "released"
mircea_popescu: sword cuts both ways. law abiding types will be fighing injunctions for twenty years before they can as much as print a fucking page off this log.
nubbins`: well, tell alf to cut COPYING from the book, i guess
mircea_popescu: or in other words, no, bitcoin isn't "open for everyone". bitcoin is open for everyone IN BITCOIN,
nubbins`: i'm just the printer ;D
mircea_popescu: but that does not mean random fiat corp can come by and get rich exploiting it.
bounce: what? it's public, apparenly publicised with the consent of the authors. no judge is going to protect these logs, no matter how much you spend on lawyers.
mircea_popescu: bounce selections are still protected.
mircea_popescu: and the fact that a woman is naked does not give you license to rape her.
mircea_popescu: even should you imagine the place she's naked at is public.
bounce: oh shush. you and your right to rape, eh.
mircea_popescu: published != made public domain.
bounce: those copyright notices, though. do they have written consent from satoshi?
nubbins`: bounce iirc the original versions had satoshi's name
undata: "his property was just sitting there, unguarded by razor wire!"
nubbins`: anyone with a 0.1 bundle able to confirm?
mircea_popescu: that what ?
mircea_popescu: "satoshi's name" ? what, and we've been looking for a name all these years because nobody read the code ?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18300 @ 0.00080566 = 14.7436 BTC [+]
nubbins`: Copyright (c) 2009 Satoshi Nakamoto in COPYING
mircea_popescu: it was right there ?
bounce: he's not available to contest it and then you get into who has standing? (favourite usg tactic too. yes yes that's highly illegal, but nobody with standing to contest it.)
mircea_popescu: all the actual merits discussion aside, experience shows that a judge will protect literally anything, just gotta find the right judge.
mircea_popescu: bounce you make a claim, they make a claim. it goes to trial. sometime.
mircea_popescu: when it's done you make another claim. on it goes.
bounce: if you have the money and time to keep on litigating
undata: on the bitcoin side I'd rather these things were handled by reputation destruction
undata: than having some judge involved
mircea_popescu: maybe the public splaying of assholes like addison wesley is worth a dime off my pocet.
mircea_popescu: and there's a foundation now, too.
jurov: asciilifeform: mailman will display gpg clearsigned attachment inline if you rename it to .txt (and i don't ned to diddle code then)
undata: I've always liked exile as a form of punishment.
nubbins`: i don't understand
jurov: nubbins`: who? me?
nubbins`: you're saying replace the existing license with a new one, and then sue people who violate the new license? o.O
undata: presumably there will be new code with the rewrite
nubbins`: undata, sure, but the old code is still covered by its original license
mircea_popescu: im saying, it's extremely unlikely any of the dead trees publishers will come compete with you, because their legal dept won't let them.
mircea_popescu: and if their legal dept drops the ball, all the better, carnage.
nubbins`: well why not just say that ;/
undata: nubbins`: hm, what if all the old code is replaced?
mircea_popescu: because i like circumlocution, it's instructive to the audience.
nubbins`: undata then there's no problem. just ask the GNU team
cazalla: mircea_popescu: and the fact that a woman is naked does not give you license to rape her. <<< sounds like teach men not to rape, don't tell women what to wear, andreas would be proud
mircea_popescu: cazalla the law's the law yo.
undata: mircea_popescu: I'm interested in your thoughts on the reputation destruction / exile angle.
mircea_popescu: you and i might not give a shit, but all these fiat dorks have no choice and no option.
undata: vs traditional law enforcement
mircea_popescu: undata exile of who ? they're not even in the wot.
cazalla: i would guess most rapists would prefer the woman dressed to begin with anyway
mircea_popescu: cazalla yes. most rapists aren't interested in women that enjoy fucking in public.
cazalla: christmas is no fun if your present is not wrapped
undata: mircea_popescu: in the future, should BTC engulf the old thing, I could see that being a requirement
undata: and I could see being left outside being a pretty terrible disincentive
mircea_popescu: well, prerequistie more than requirement.
undata: say X steals your content, you're well known/liked/etc
undata: there's a backlash and he receives negative ratings from many
mircea_popescu: http://rinamusic.com/ < was anyone looking for a singer ?
undata: the guy is marked for life
mircea_popescu: !s to take her back
mircea_popescu: my content is like my sluts : more expensive to steal than to rent.
assbot: Logged on 17-10-2014 23:29:04; mircea_popescu: you know the story about how they kidnapped that chick, sent a ransom note,
undata: mircea_popescu: one could imagine further that a system of contracts among those operating the most important parts of the economy might prevent them from dealing with the "marked"
mircea_popescu: this is one of the least understood parts, how all this will work.
assbot: Fever The Ghost - SOURCE (official music video) - YouTube
[]bot: Bet placed: 4 BTC for No on "BTC network hashrate will exceed 1 Exahash/s before 2015" http://bitbet.us/bet/713/ Odds: 11(Y):89(N) by coin, 20(Y):80(N) by weight. Total bet: 58.81502285 BTC. Current weight: 14,723.
kakobrekla: you trying to say it pays too much?
undata: ben_vulpes: good jams
ben_vulpes: watch that video tho
ben_vulpes: felix colgrave would be a neat choice for btc comix
ben_vulpes: animations
ben_vulpes: who knows
mircea_popescu: dja know him ?
kakobrekla: ben_vulpes cant reproduce, do you know whats the problem or fix ?
undata: ben_vulpes: like, woah.
assbot: jborkl_ +v failed; L1: 0, L2: 0
mircea_popescu: !up jborkl_
jborkl_: hello all
jborkl_: I am finally done with the website. I have fixed all my known errors, except the grammer :/ Those will never be fixed
kakobrekla: now you can start working for qntra ><
jborkl_: it would be easy now. I know what to do
jborkl_: I even got it down to one w3tc error. I have to leave one just for the hell of it
undata: jborkl_: what website?
jborkl_: bcoinnews
jborkl_: getting into google news is the last part, but I have done everything needed so it should be smooth
mircea_popescu: !up ttnews_
jborkl_: Mircea, how is Argentina treating you?
mircea_popescu: pretty good actually.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19700 @ 0.00081054 = 15.9676 BTC [+] {2}
jborkl_: excellent, picking up the language pretty easy?
mircea_popescu: i was fluent in spanish before coming.
jborkl_: so just the local dialect
mircea_popescu: not that distant. they just mispronounce some things.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14036 @ 0.00080404 = 11.2855 BTC [-] {3}
adlai: https://eprint.iacr.org/2011/207.pdf <- why isn't this called POO
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: seen his stuff before.
ben_vulpes: not acquainted in person.
ben_vulpes: kakobrekla: no idea.
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes ah in that sense. what i mean is, there's plenty of talent out there. whether the talent is in the wot or not about 1000x as much as a factor as how good stuff they got in their portofolio
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: ah, i see. well, i enjoy his animations but my taste may not align with anyone else's.
mircea_popescu: this is the time when mediocre artists get to become stars, simply for moving faster than the average "talented" idiot.
mircea_popescu: exactly like picasso did, back in his day.
ben_vulpes: undata, mircea_popescu: more felix colgrave https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vlUR09yRHZU
assbot: The Elephant's Garden - YouTube
assbot: Lumea nu-i de-ajuns pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
mircea_popescu: much more talented, but... who cares. so he killed himself because picasso was way ahead.
ben_vulpes: for some reason i think asciilifeform would like the above linked video too
ttnews_: any guess as to how low bitcoin will go?
ben_vulpes: assets is now on a hallutropic interlude ttnews_
ben_vulpes: they'll be right back.
undata: liked it.
adlai: ttnews_: bitcoin clearly doesn't have a single price yet, so on which market are you wondering?
undata: ben_vulpes: you may enjoy the game Machinarium
undata: "Amanita Design" created it
ttnews_: I'm a newb made a big mistake and longed at 348. I read a website claiming it could go to 320 or as low as 280. I don't wanna panic but then again i get the feeling like i should cut my losses then short it since the stock market did crappy
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14900 @ 0.00081021 = 12.0721 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: ttnews_ noobs have no business playing speculator with their consumer savings.
mircea_popescu: reduce your holdings to something comensurate with your means and go read up on bitcoin.
ttnews_: is there any way i can salvage the dmg caused so far. I lose everything at $321 but I'm thinking it could bounce back and rise? fml...
ben_vulpes: ttnews_: time heals all wounds.
ttnews_: ty ben.
los_pantalones: you lose everything? don't quite understand that
mike_c: margin!
los_pantalones: oh christ
mircea_popescu: los_pantalones he probably bought who knows what overleveraged nonsense
mircea_popescu: binary options, what have you
los_pantalones: lose it and sail quietly into the dusk
mircea_popescu: ask your wife/gf/so to give you 100 lashes to the bare buttocks while at it.
los_pantalones: NO! he might want that
mircea_popescu: you know the one where two traditional parents find some pretty heavy bdsm porny magazines in junior's room ?
ttnews_: yea margin - i'm a sucker
mircea_popescu: cue to them sitting pensively around the kitchen table. after a while, wife : "i think we shouldn't punish him..."
los_pantalones: ttnews_ why would you trade something that drifts 5% overnight
los_pantalones: on margin
los_pantalones: also, you understand this selloff is specifically targeted to squeeze ppl like you out of the market?
mircea_popescu: los_pantalones i guess you misses that one time when it went 400% in two hours.
los_pantalones: and bitpay
ttnews_: yes - short squeeze.. i'm learning the terms. another term i'm very knowledgable on: murphy's law
mircea_popescu: how old are you anyway ?
los_pantalones: mircea, don't kill him, please, enough carnage for one night
los_pantalones: you sound 14
undata: "I've never shot a gun before. I got this AR15; now my feet are gone. Guys, what do I do?"
los_pantalones: got any bullets left ?
undata: los_pantalones: just one
los_pantalones: you know what to do
undata: aye captain
undata: even on /r/bitcoin there have been numerous, NUMEROUS horror stories about this.
undata: the solution is to never gamble again.
undata: solved.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2100 @ 0.00081021 = 1.7014 BTC [+]
ttnews_: i got the charts right just panicked like a newb - if I were a little more patient I'd be doing great now...
ben_vulpes: what is this, torture hour in -assets?
ttnews_: lol
los_pantalones: and with that
ben_vulpes: roast the poor squeezed longs in the forum as an example.
los_pantalones: night boys
Apocalyptic: "if I were a little more patient I'd be doing great now..." // the noob fallacy, as it there was a way to perfectly time the bottom
mircea_popescu: he got the charts right lol
ben_vulpes: adios los_pantalones
Apocalyptic: *as if
undata: ben_vulpes: is that an invitation?
undata: haha
Apocalyptic: mircea, but it's TA ! it must be working
ttnews_: go for it, i deserve it
ben_vulpes: undata: it's the forum, you can speak, you don't need any permission from me.
undata: ben_vulpes: you said "goodbye pants"
ben_vulpes: my position on trading's an open secret.
ben_vulpes: oh ho ho you funny man.
ben_vulpes: hey mircea_popescu you doing any of this? http://www.openhousebsas.org/
assbot: 48h Open House Buenos Aires
ben_vulpes: salud, bitstein
bitstein: howdy
ben_vulpes: ca va?
bitstein: Good. Yourself?
nubbins`: <+ben_vulpes> kakobrekla: http://i.imgur.com/dBbNKqj.png << chrome <<< same happens here
jurov: ;;ticker
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 336.34, Best ask: 336.98, Bid-ask spread: 0.64000, Last trade: 336.34, 24 hour volume: 12803.75420714, 24 hour low: 336.01, 24 hour high: 357.45, 24 hour vwap: 345.185687843
nubbins`: kakobrekla: add a <br/> after <div class="calcInputLine">...</div>
nubbins`: just before the first <span class="calcResult">
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22200 @ 0.00080299 = 17.8264 BTC [-] {2}
thestringpuller: bitstein I hung out with you're buddy Pierre_Rochard last week. Cool dude.
ben_vulpes: ;;ident bitstein
gribble: Nick 'bitstein', with hostmask 'bitstein!~bitstein@cpe-72-182-53-175.austin.res.rr.com', is identified as user 'bitstein', with GPG key id 1EA2662DEB2FEFBE, key fingerprint 2CEA814804FCF14D9C1AE8EA1EA2662DEB2FEFBE, and bitcoin address None
Pierre_Rochard: ;;ident thestringpuller
gribble: Nick 'thestringpuller', with hostmask 'thestringpuller!~leflor@99-39-97-12.lightspeed.tukrga.sbcglobal.net', is identified as user 'thestringpuller', with GPG key id 0FF2943DA179E169, key fingerprint 6ACE36E786F39A4ADC4506DE0FF2943DA179E169, and bitcoin address None
ben_vulpes: ;;gettrust Pierre_Rochard
gribble: Currently authenticated from hostmask Pierre_Rochard!~Pierre@c-98-251-108-249.hsd1.ga.comcast.net. Trust relationship from user ben_vulpes to user Pierre_Rochard: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 4 via 3 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=ben_vulpes&dest=Pierre_Rochard | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=Pierre_Rochard | Rated since: Sun Jun 1 10:18:50 2014
Pierre_Rochard: ;;gettrust thestringpuller
gribble: Currently authenticated from hostmask thestringpuller!~leflor@99-39-97-12.lightspeed.tukrga.sbcglobal.net. Trust relationship from user Pierre_Rochard to user thestringpuller: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 2 via 2 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=Pierre_Rochard&dest=thestringpuller | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=thestringpuller | Rated since: Mon Oct 15 18:46:37 2012
bitstein: thestringpuller: I heard good things.
assbot: The contents of the Start page are not programmatically accessible - The Old New Thing - Site Home - MSDN Blogs
Pierre_Rochard: ;;rate thestringpuller 2 “lives in atl, didn’t scam me”
gribble: Rating entry successful. Your rating of 2 for user thestringpuller has been recorded.
BingoBoingo: !up long-day
BingoBoingo: !up doomtoshi
long-day: ty Bingo
thestringpuller: ;;rate Pierre_Rochard 2 met in real life. can confirm is real person.
gribble: Rating entry successful. Your rating of 2 for user Pierre_Rochard has been recorded.
ben_vulpes: dafuq is a real person.
bounce: a bezzler? like fiat money is supposedly "real" money?
bounce grapples with the concept
long-day: exactly - it's not which why I don't see how most can't see that it's great that bitcoin is giving the fiat $ competition
mircea_popescu: that didn't parse.
thestringpuller: !s punkbot
Pierre_Rochard: ben_vulpes: the opposite of gribble, not a bot. Generous on thestringpuller’s part, I’m probably somewhere in between a bot and a real person
long-day: this is ttnews by the way-- i'm a journalist and my wish is to learn this and to promote it on my news network/podcast/websites/facebook pages. I know this is the future and I've got quite a large reach so I know I can do a lot of good. I'm obviously desperate coming on here. And I take it trading margin on bitfinix is not suggested by you guys... and I didn't put all my eggs in one basket but I do learn from my mistakes and
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17314 @ 0.00080149 = 13.877 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: specifically what network ?
ben_vulpes: Pierre_Rochard: well by that token we're all "real people"
ben_vulpes: 'cept mebbe long-lost right here as he ain't got a key to speak of.
long-day: I'm embarassed as it is which is why I'm anonymous right now.
mircea_popescu: real keypeople!
ben_vulpes: probably the best thing you could do is enter at this low point and then demonstrate the abilit to learn, long-day.
mircea_popescu: !s bitfinex
bounce: what's with the desperation?
mircea_popescu: yeah ben_vulpes has it. there's excellent reason why i ask girls to camwhumiliate themselves. best starting point is utter shame.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6800 @ 0.00079669 = 5.4175 BTC [-]
asciilifeform: best starting point is utter shame << lol! how, then, to shame the already shamed?
long-day: some of the fb pages I manage are "end the fed" and "jesse ventura 2016" about a dozen more. My gf's reach is crazy (about 16-26 million people a week). Idk why I'm desperate.. maybe because my dad failed at the stock market and and I don't like him very much...
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform which is why they got a problem. shat all over their entry point.
long-day: because I wanna buy my mom a new roof for her house and take care of her.
ben_vulpes: that burning feeling of imitating thy fathers failures.
bounce: yay fibbing
BingoBoingo: long-day: The last serious market, MPEx, pulled out of BTC Options after the Putocolypse.
mircea_popescu: ;;google jesse ventura
gribble: Jesse Ventura - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jesse_Ventura>; Off The Grid - Ora.Tv: <http://www.ora.tv/offthegrid>; Jesse Ventura - YouTube: <http://www.youtube.com/user/VenturaOffGrid>
mircea_popescu: James George Janos (born July 15, 1951), better known by his stage name, Jesse Ventura, is an American politician, actor, author, naval veteran, and former professional wrestler who served as the 38th Governor of Minnesota from 1999 to 2003.
mircea_popescu: o.O. the endless variety of us peoples, or how did that quote go.
bounce: the website is at peopleofwalmart.com
long-day: alright, I will be googling most of what you said word by word so I better understand what you mean. I appreciate it.
bounce: promises, promises. good thing the logs are patient. and usually there, too.
BingoBoingo: There's also a log of the logs if the logs go down
mircea_popescu: long-day how do you figure a facebook page has any reach, and how do you quantify it to 20mn people a week ?
bounce: it's the network effect, see?
long-day: my pages don't have that huge of a reach but my gf is cofounder of some big organizations and is admin on about 30 pages, half of which have about half a million subscribers each
mircea_popescu: ;;calc 15 * .5
gribble: 7.5
long-day: my pages only have 50-70k people subscribed on each.
assbot: coruus/cooperpair · GitHub
mircea_popescu: course, facebook subscribers != people, and facebook subscribers != weekly.
punkman: also PSA: don't use keyids in contracts, go for fingerprint
asciilifeform: gotta love modern spamatronic engineering terms like 'efficiency', 'reach.' they take arguments! but somehow always implicit - you can say 'reach' without saying 'reach what' ??! it's as if we were writing perl.
mircea_popescu: punkman standard mpex practice too.
mircea_popescu: "it's as if we were writing perl." << bwahhaha
assbot: cooperpair/gpg.conf at master · coruus/cooperpair · GitHub
mircea_popescu: the problem is you russian folk can't say the woman had tea without specifying if she was sitting down and how hot was it!
asciilifeform: and without saying, with what orifice she imbibed!
long-day: well... 20 million people reached a week just means 20 million people total scroll past her posts on her feeds - doesn't necessarily mean they all click on her posts :-/ but if the blog/video is good enough and she posts it, it will go viral
BingoBoingo: Shame I'll never see any of them since I ended Facebook.
long-day: I don't blame ya
mircea_popescu: long-day what's "go viral" mean ?
ben_vulpes: long-day: doesn't mean either that any of those posts make it into the feed.
BingoBoingo: Obola?
ben_vulpes: the feed is a facebook curated thing - not something anyone outside of their revenue extraction machine has any say in.
long-day: in our field (activism) viral is considered 100k people on a youtube video I suppose? If we were posting stuff about kittens it would get 2 million people.
asciilifeform: aha. to burn like forest fire among barbarous primitives, and slowly worm into civilized world in onesie-twosie cases, to flare up one day in apocalyptic pandemic ?
asciilifeform: or some other 'viral'
assbot: Last 2 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/2YNERN7.txt )
asciilifeform: same idea here. word takes arguments - none given.
mircea_popescu: long-day 100k youtube views cost like 20 bux or so iirc.
asciilifeform: at mr. spam's shop o'spambots? or using actual meat
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform the former.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> long-day 100k youtube views cost like 20 bux or so iirc. << Basically this is the thing that pays for decent streaming tv
BingoBoingo: No, they actually seem to do the later. Insert video to be viewed before video people want to view.
long-day: actually there are ways to cheat the algorithims. every time you like your own post or a comment that someone made on your post or if you reply to a comment, it refreshes and shows up on all the subscribers feeds again (if they are on FB at that moment in time). She's made an ebook on how to get your posts seen and is gonna sell it in the next month (she's great at that crap)
mircea_popescu: long-day you have to meet the power of scripts.
asciilifeform: ebook... sell << wat
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform you don't understand how the world [of the morlocks] works.
asciilifeform: lolmorcks.
BingoBoingo: ;;ticker --market all
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 336.03, vol: 13187.80136019 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 332.193, vol: 6104.66616 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 335.37, vol: 25358.92116491 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 336.135832, vol: 78274.23490000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 335.06565, vol: 8.87321215 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 341.226, vol: 65.37761087 | Volume-weighted last average: 335.773532844
BingoBoingo: Oh, BTC not crashing as much as retail gasoline.
ben_vulpes: morelols
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform here's a fun tidbit : idiot with synflood actually used a bunch of websites to do it. so after some scriptage i'm emailing the owners to fix their bs. i had to throtle it because .. too many replies.
asciilifeform: and, unrelated, whoever was asking about chain-fork alarm, that's still in the turd. the thing that was nixed was the gavintron.
mircea_popescu: i could start a web security business just out of the fallout of that one failed ddos.
mircea_popescu: and this of course would be round 2, because wordpress before that, you recall.
asciilifeform: lol! replies from humans?
mircea_popescu: i've not had so many apologies / minute in my life.
bounce: like this guy in -otc, set up a cheap shop full of "coders" in pakistan, had them churn out cookie-cutter "apps" with other people's content, dump on the app store, make five bucks each, sell a million before people catch on his 35k apps on the store are all crap. -- he's a real s/w house, yo.
long-day: all you do is post to the fanpage, wait 30 min, then like the post, wait 30 more min, like a comment (if someone has commented), 30 min later reply to their comment etc... paying 20 dollars for 100k youtube views is impossible. one of my youtube channels is partnered so it gets twice the adsense payout,. they pay 3-5 dollars per thousand views. 100k views on a video would make me about 400 dollars and 3 times that from the b
bounce: so, we gots us a real publisher on our hands, yo.
mircea_popescu: bounce this sadly passes for "business" and "entrepreneurship" in a world populated by imbeciles running on fumes of "fairness" and "social justice"
asciilifeform: bounce: set up a cheap shop full of "coders" in pakistan, had them churn out cookie-cutter "apps" with other people's content << lemme guess, lost out competition to the fellow with same stolen appz, but plus malware
mircea_popescu: sounds about right.
bounce: nah, got kicked out. 'cuz what hot new shop fresh on the scene can possibly produce thousands of quality apps?
asciilifeform: !s cheaper books
assbot: Logged on 26-02-2014 06:23:40; asciilifeform: channelling herr naggum: 'It is like going to a library full of books that took 50 man-years to produce each, inventing a way to cut down the costs to a few man-months per book by copying and randomly improving on other books, and then wondering why nobody thinks your library full of these cheaper books is an inspiration to future authors.'
mircea_popescu: well it is an inspiration
mircea_popescu: mocking you can account for endless hours of amusement
bounce: oh and too many complaints triggered it. but anyway.
asciilifeform: mocking one idiot who shits his pants - sure. until they all shit and the world is buried.
jurov: long-day: you know there's a search for bitbet affiliate manager?
mircea_popescu: ah that's a point. jurov you also doing coinbr aff ?
jurov: yes coinbr does it too (there's nothing intereesting for chumps, tho)
jurov: !up long-day
jurov: oh and coinroll too on individual basis
jurov: since yesterday or so ;)
mircea_popescu: lol. so there you go long-day, you can make a fortune affing for bitcoin sites.
long-day: I know basically nothing when it comes to this. I've been awake for more than 36 hours straight trying to learn though. And many hours over the last week on top of that. When it comes video editing, marketing, writing blogs, networking and getting access to good interviews I know my stuff... Bitcoin I know very little though. I want to know though. A year ago at Porcfest is when I learned about it. I've interviewed nearly ev
asciilifeform: re: 'affing' -
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform affiliate-ing.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11700 @ 0.00079637 = 9.3175 BTC [-] {2}
asciilifeform when addressing colleagues, often prefixes useful tips with 'when we take up spam...'
mircea_popescu: you know how everywhere in the civilised world (so therefore, not in the US, excepot for vegas) shops employ young'uns to sit outside and invite people in ?
mircea_popescu: that, but online.
asciilifeform studied the life and times of spammers and related fauna professionally for a while
bounce: ;;translate german english affe
gribble: Error: Google says: Response Status 403: Please use Translate v2. See http://code.google.com/apis/language/translate/overview.html.
BingoBoingo: long-day: Do you know danielpbarron
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo no lol, he's interviewed nearly everyone who pretends to be involved with btc without actually being involved :D it's how this usually works.
long-day: The activist community LOVES bitcoin bigtime... the two leading female promoters of bitcoin i'm friends with, but they don't know anything about trading.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: I was going off of the porcfest name drop
mircea_popescu: long-day who ?
mircea_popescu: you gotta learn to be specific.
long-day: he's not very familiar
long-day: it's too small a world to start naming names. I'm certain there are people reading this who are friends with them
bounce: so get'em both in here and have'em introduce themselves
jurov: "you mentioned my name on bitcoin-assets! how dare you!!!!11"
long-day: well... all the stuff I told you guys are trade secrets and the fact that I'm doing horribly with the trading so far is just embarassing
mircea_popescu: "it's too small a world to start naming names" << this made exactly zero chance.
bounce: so your trade secrets are horrible. what're you, a walking shop of horrors?
mircea_popescu: as a rule of thumb, if you keep doing this vague bs you'll end up on everyone's shitlist.
mircea_popescu: i imagine you don't really want that, so, be specific, go into detail, that's how people evaluate you.
long-day: I kinda look like a dumbass right now, I'm aware of that and would rather contain it.
thestringpuller: mircea_popescu: have you spoken with chetty today?
kakobrekla: imma help you contain in
bounce: there's a easy fix for that. hit the sack.
kakobrekla: !down long-day
mircea_popescu: thestringpuller earlier. her net's shitty i gather.
thestringpuller: kk. i'll just later tell. thanks.
assbot: “Jian Ghomeshi is my friend, and Jian Ghomeshi beats women” - Salon.com
mats_cd03: did it ever come out how ulbricht got owned re: ID forgeries?
BingoBoingo: mats_cd03: To my knowledge it seems the entire ID forgery business is pretty much a USG monopoly
mircea_popescu: mostly run as a cheap way to find people who think they should be prosecuted.
mircea_popescu: nubbins` can i has summary ? salon not rly worth a click
nubbins`: very popular canadian media personality beat the shit outta a bunch of women, his friend who happens to be a world-renowned composer wrote a frank essay on the subject, essay is now apparently a media item in itself
mircea_popescu: consensual or just off da street ?
bounce: I see mostly repeats about how three anonymous women got hit. nothing about context, intensity, duration, whatever. couldabeen a slap. so, I see mostly words that paint broad strokes at maximum contrast, with no grounding.
mats_cd03: i am always confused when i read these things
mats_cd03: people need to be specific. sexual assault, or sexual battery?!
asciilifeform: sexual embezzlement.
asciilifeform: sexual tax evasion...
mircea_popescu: bounce that'd be salon.
jurov: lol what's that? fake orgasms?
bounce: this "nobody believes women!!1!" when the more important bit is that they're remaining anonymous (beyond the poor reader, to whom, exactly?). this annoys me.
mircea_popescu: "nobody believes anonymous claims!!11" o noes lmao.
mircea_popescu: "we told this one guy who we were!"
mircea_popescu: "he's a judge, judges never lie". etc.
bounce: then there's this ``Katie McDonough is Salon's politics writer, focusing on gender, sexuality and reproductive justice.'' -- busily dressing up the thing with seemingly relevant and respectably looking numbers that really aren't meaningful to the problems in the piece.
mircea_popescu: wait wait. "reproductive justice" ?
bounce: "thou shalt not reproduce!" -- if only
mircea_popescu: "he's our junior high math teacher, focusing on c++ strings implementation"
mircea_popescu: very math.
mircea_popescu: katie mcdonough is salon's timewasting chatterbox. they need someone to actually do politics writing.
bounce: like socialist class warfare, only across gender lines
mircea_popescu: across gender lines and against the wall of "nobody gives a shit"
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4861 @ 0.00079829 = 3.8805 BTC [+]
bounce: about as productive. seeing how labour ends up importing pathetic chumps from elsewhere to keep access to a large pool of repressed lowlifes to represent.
mircea_popescu: wait i thought it was the evil fatcat capitalists that keep importing cheap spooks to keep the local spooks down
bounce: that's the yoosah. in yurp it was labour gov'ts doing the importing, in the 70s and such.
nubbins`: <+mircea_popescu> consensual or just off da street ? <<< my understanding is that (some of) the women consented to a bit of kink, but then guy starts punching in head/mouth, choking to point of unconsciousness, etc
nubbins`: another was a co-worker who got her ass grabbed and "i wanna hate-fuck you" whispered in ear during a meeting
mircea_popescu: so guy kinda losing it, is the idea ?
nubbins`: but as for the sexual encounters, seems like they signed up for consensual kink but messy gomeshi took this as carte blanche
nubbins`: yeah
nubbins`: now he's suing the cbc for $50m (lel), hired a PR firm, etc etc
mircea_popescu: doing it like it's done.
nubbins`: more like "disguising outright abuse / sociopathic behaviour as BDSM/kink" than "losing it" i guess
mircea_popescu: i wonder if the fucktard "justice" warriors realise that their constant if innefectual nipping at the heels means that anyone involved who can afford it will in fact spend the money and clobber everyone in range.
mircea_popescu: pretty much the direct equivalent of the "tough on rape" laws that simply made sure every rape victim will ALSO be a homicide victim
nubbins`: well the lel is that he was in a union, he can't sue the cbc for $50m
mircea_popescu: great victory.
nubbins`: it'll get pushed to a union grievance
nubbins`: but it *does* allow him to file a bunch of paperwork and get his version of events on the public record
mircea_popescu: depends how the papers are writ.
nubbins`: so... shrug
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: made sure every rape victim will ALSO be a homicide victim << see also related, the (alleged) decision to quietly shoot '2nd snowden' instead of public scandal
mircea_popescu: not all management gets this "union only" sort of coverage.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i guess, yeah. not clear what was there.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: 3rd snowden is then, logically, invited to 'go wasp'
bounce: who's the support?
asciilifeform: 'may as well hang for a sheep as a lamb'
assbot: Jian Ghomeshi: CBC releases memo citing ‘claim of impropriety’ | Toronto Star
nubbins`: ^ the star has been hitting it outta the park as far as canadian investigative journo goes these past couple years
nubbins`: you may recall they broke the rob ford crack tape story
ben_vulpes: <long-day> The activist community LOVES bitcoin bigtime... the two leading female promoters of bitcoin i'm friends with, but they don't know anything about trading. << and what does trading have to do with bitcoin?
ben_vulpes: heh and lemme guess
ben_vulpes: bitcoingirl
ben_vulpes: bitcoinbabe
ben_vulpes: bitcoinmom
ben_vulpes: bitcoinwife
ben_vulpes: bitcoinho
ben_vulpes: bitcunt
hanbot: lol
ben_vulpes: bitbimbo
ben_vulpes: but not angiecast
assbot: Last 14 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/11M9ANK.txt )
hanbot: !b 14
nubbins`: i think bitcoinwife is taken
ben_vulpes: yeah gotta mix in some truth with it
ben_vulpes: otherwise the phenom's just to clearly retarded to be even slightly amusing
asciilifeform: 'two gurlz, one coin'
hanbot: $400? definitely two.
nubbins`: 2 girls 1 private key
assbot: Last 1 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/1QR4WZK.txt )
ben_vulpes: wd all.
ben_vulpes goes back to encrypting keys that google insists be shared
asciilifeform: when do we get the next irigaray and a very scholarly treatise on how ecdsa privileges some curves over others
asciilifeform can feel himself getting stupider just from thinking about this
Pvt_Key: if you feel a stupid you did not make that stupid.
ben_vulpes: <Pvt_Key> if you feel a stupid you did not make that stupid. << who is pranking me now
ben_vulpes: p great handle btw
Pvt_Key: you can be sgt Key
ben_vulpes: i think i'd rather be a general key
ben_vulpes: or skeleton_key
asciilifeform: corporal key.
asciilifeform: (double meaning intentional.)
ben_vulpes: yes yes.
Pvt_Key: /nick whiskey
ben_vulpes: quite.
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes, jurov: do we have a mergemaster/maintainer? or am i still stuck with it
asciilifeform: regardless of who, we need an unofficial snapshot on that www
asciilifeform: (unofficial because the only official is the original - hashed - 0.5.3 with crunch of all the signed patches)
assbot: Live at the Ship | Danielle Bailey
mircea_popescu: lmao Pvt_Key
mircea_popescu: dude, i walk away for a minute, everyone;'s on a roll lol
assbot: a-ztrainingcentre.org - /
ben_vulpes: jurov: can you straighten the s3 bucket backing therealbitcoin.org out?
ben_vulpes: i'd almost rather stick it behind a webserver running on the same host as the mailman app.
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: i've pushed an update to the site, but the byzantine serving mechanism isn't providing it for some reason.
ben_vulpes: the site i want to serve has links to /charter.html, /v0.5.3-gd05c03a.tar.gz and other stuff
assbot: From Left to Right (Sleva Napravo) - YouTube
ben_vulpes: ah yeah that must be why i thought you'd like it.
ben_vulpes: anyways.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32645 @ 0.00079727 = 26.0269 BTC [-] {3}
ben_vulpes: hey asciilifeform do a sapper a favor and start emailing your patches to btc-dev@therealbitcoin.org
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: how to package them?
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: that is, attachment?
ben_vulpes: .tar.gz, including patch and detached sig.
ben_vulpes: same as we've been doing.
asciilifeform: body of message?
ben_vulpes: is such necessary?
asciilifeform: it should be a functioning mail list
ben_vulpes: a description of contents should suffice.
asciilifeform: we should be able to talk using it
ben_vulpes: at the moment it's not even relaying mail to me.
asciilifeform: useless then
ben_vulpes: hardly.
ben_vulpes: not as useful as it *will* be, granted.
ben_vulpes: but a vast improvement over your pooping patches into the noisestream here.
asciilifeform: aha sure, but i still end up crapping out descriptions of patches here
ben_vulpes: yes, please do.
ben_vulpes: but this right here http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2014-October/thread.html constrains the filtering problem to something vastly more manageable.
assbot: The BTC-dev October 2014 Archive by thread
asciilifeform: jurov: did you ever get message-as-attachment working?
asciilifeform: that's a turd!
asciilifeform: the text should be visible in www browser
asciilifeform: if only for spamatronic search engine presence
ben_vulpes: woof turd indeed
ben_vulpes: stinky
ben_vulpes: <jurov> asciilifeform: mailman will display gpg clearsigned attachment inline if you rename it to .txt (and i don't ned to diddle code then)
ben_vulpes: have you tried that?
asciilifeform: about to
asciilifeform: sent...
ben_vulpes: mailman thinking...
ben_vulpes: (stinking...)
asciilifeform: that thing's running on what, a commodore64?
ben_vulpes: iPnohe
asciilifeform: (non-electric)
assbot: The BTC-dev October 2014 Archive by date
ben_vulpes: still kinda stinky.
assbot: The BTC-dev October 2014 Archive by thread
ben_vulpes shrugs
asciilifeform: and what's with the '---next part'
ben_vulpes: seems escaped in the body as well
ben_vulpes: what, you want a custom mailman in 2 days?
ben_vulpes: we're not all wunderkind
ben_vulpes: so sil vous plait
ben_vulpes: actually
ben_vulpes: !s patch
ben_vulpes: !s *.patch
ben_vulpes: *sigh*
ben_vulpes: returning to my original point, please email the set of your patches and sigs to benkay@gmail.com, asciilifeform
ben_vulpes: (and anyone else interested in patching)
asciilifeform: i'll wait for working turdatron.
asciilifeform: hate doing things twice
ben_vulpes: i'm waiting on turdatron for merges, as well.
ben_vulpes: logs are great, but this shit will benefit strongly from a mailman list record of actions and discussions.
ben_vulpes: so while i appreciate the slicing dicing and otherwise pureeing of warts...
asciilifeform: !s bitcoin-asciilifeform
assbot: 0 results for 'bitcoin-asciilifeform' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=bitcoin-asciilifeform
ben_vulpes: yeah.
ben_vulpes: what's the rush, anyways?
asciilifeform secretly hopes that folks other than him will pick this thing up when turdatron is operational
ben_vulpes: if hopes were horses we'd all gallop to bsas.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4100 @ 0.00079151 = 3.2452 BTC [-]
assbot: Bitcoin Foundation: We Don’t Want Everyone Starting a Bitcoin Business
asciilifeform will laugh when bitcoin foudation is richer than bitcoin phoundation
punkman: can someone run this deed through gpg --verify please http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/deed/kLuzx7GD
assbot: Deed kLuzx7GD | #bitcoin-assets deed registry
mats_cd03: interesting decision, keeping the name
asciilifeform: mats_cd03: mircea_popescu's idea
punkman: ok so I'm pretty sure bot never validated signatures
asciilifeform: in other news...
asciilifeform: (how news? exercise for alert reader)
undata: asciilifeform: news that stasi found their way back into power? I'll bite. News... how?
ben_vulpes: punkman: can you give that to me in raw format? i'm seeing ^M all over the place
punkman: ben_vulpes: what, you don't have utf?
ben_vulpes: curl deedbutts > deebut.html
ben_vulpes: cat deedbut.html ... poopy
punkman: could try curl -s http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/deed/kLuzx7GD | grep -oP "(?<=>).+(?=</text)" | base64 -d > deed
assbot: Deed kLuzx7GD | #bitcoin-assets deed registry
mats_cd03: stasi list? sounds like a good name for the courts circus project.
ben_vulpes: or bash emacs into submission
punkman: so apparently I need to download everyone's key to bot pubring
ben_vulpes: yes, yes you do.
punkman: perhaps obvious if not stupid
ben_vulpes: you should really grab fingerprints out of otc db and then import those keys.
punkman: I blame GPG library
ben_vulpes: how can you possibly verify a signature without the key?!
punkman: that's where the stupid kicked in
ben_vulpes: are you willing to share the source for deedbot?
punkman: yeah as soon as I rewrite this part
ben_vulpes: mkay.
kakobrekla: cam you gettrust by key ?
kakobrekla: assbot doesnt have any pub keys locally, just asks gribble
kakobrekla: by [ident nick]
kakobrekla: you can do same?
punkman: yeah but I gotta verify the deeds
bounce: compare and contrast ``Bitcoin Foundation: We Don3t Want Everyone Starting a Bitcoin Business'' with ``Open Letter to Bitcoin Businesses: Why I'm closing my accounts'' on the bitcoinfoundation.org forum
undata: bounce: read that earlier; that guy gets it.
bounce: he does, and it's where every single government to date is failing in their digitalistation efforts
cazalla: i bet this multisig shit turns into a customer service nightmare for coinbase
ben_vulpes: hee hee hee
ben_vulpes: on the topic of "no more bitcoin businesses" the bitcoin foundation is finally capitulating and following in MPEx's footsteps.
ben_vulpes: 2(?) years later.
ben_vulpes: punkman: fwiw, i get a bad sig out of that
nubbins`: i get btc address 12cKT5TpNzKMMD7gNAthMbtp1VaVQUebW1 out of it
nubbins`: i also get bad sig
ben_vulpes: punkman: without the deed title i get a good sig
nubbins`: like if you cut that line out?
nubbins`: oh, uh, so do i
nubbins` raises a third eyebrow
ben_vulpes: nubbins`: how on earth do you get a btc addr out of it
nubbins`: ben_vulpes by running it through my deed verifier, natch
ben_vulpes makes faces
ben_vulpes: oh, i get it.
ben_vulpes: i've not gone so far.
nubbins`: anyway, the DEED_TITLE line was added after the sig was generated
ben_vulpes: heresy
nubbins`: it's not even heresy
ben_vulpes: making a thing that can't be dumped into gpg and produce a clean sig?
ben_vulpes: clean verification i mean
nubbins`: nope. not heresy, just nonsense :D
nubbins`: i am unable to verify two of the 5 processed deeds: 6LTeLfd6Scf1sgq9qmAYCT51oqoNmGP4k9uBp9oZtwR1 and kLuzx7GDPg8uXRawaZG9ndU7hfTd8CBHSTCCffSdzLA
nubbins`: the other three verify just fine
nubbins`: for the deed contained in 6LTeLfd6Scf1sgq9qmAYCT51oqoNmGP4k9uBp9oZtwR1 i generate a deed id of 6zUpQ65f28U8e8AHYJ1nL7tcLgNxamJg37LJCo3rxksq
nubbins`: for the deed contained in kLuzx7GDPg8uXRawaZG9ndU7hfTd8CBHSTCCffSdzLA i generate a deed id of AUJMybt23x4ddt8xUV1NVMj6M5fuQrqzdp1PrTZDTe5Q
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes: logs are great, but this shit will benefit strongly from a mailman list record of actions and discussions. << word.
mircea_popescu: assbot: Bitcoin Foundation: We Don’t Want Everyone Starting a Bitcoin Business << lmao these fucking idiots.
mircea_popescu: "oh i know, let's go for double whammy! that'll teach us!"
nubbins`: punkman: the 4 pending deeds all verify as well
mircea_popescu: punkman: so apparently I need to download everyone's key to bot pubring <<< how else.
mircea_popescu: nubbins`: i am unable to verify two of the 5 processed deeds: <<< software never fails eh stan ? if it worked once it always works right ? :DF
punkman: nubbins`: problem with 6LTeLfd6Scf1sgq9qmAYCT51oqoNmGP4 is the escaped html in the <pre> you are grabbing
nubbins`: gpg: BAD signature from "Hannah Wiggins (hanbot) <han.bot@gmail.com>"
nubbins`: yeah, lookit that
nubbins`: hmm...
punkman: here is python verifier http://dpaste.com/05YF5VH
assbot: dpaste: 05YF5VH
ben_vulpes: just put the repo into sunlight
mircea_popescu: nubbins` www.printresgroup.com/ << here's a gem.
nubbins`: i apologize if this seems obtuse
nubbins`: i can't copy/paste the deeds because of line endings
nubbins`: and i can't fetch via curl because the website has escaped all the html chars inside the deeds
punkman: you can get the raw bundle
mircea_popescu: punkman you know htmlizing chars is horribru practice.
punkman: mircea_popescu: but it has html in deed
nubbins`: punkman where can i grab that?
nubbins`: oh! nevermind
mircea_popescu: who the fuck makes html clearsigned things ;/
punkman: even if not actual html, html chars could break page, must be escaped
nubbins`: is the directory, e.g. /17/ always the first 2 chars of addr?
punkman: yes
mircea_popescu: im pretty sure the idea is to sign the txt not the html
nubbins`: so to verify deed X, i need to first generate address Y from it, in order to grab the raw bundle
ben_vulpes: punkman: i'm not seeing the part where you shell out to gpg in there
nubbins` scratches head
nubbins`: are the raw deeds published, or just the raw bundles?
punkman: http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/deed/BXZKQx2i/raw gives you base64, maybe I change it to actual raw and add /b64
nubbins`: sweet, ty
assbot: Studies find fast traders get data from SEC seconds early: WSJ| Reuters
ben_vulpes: edgar has been tuned to deliver to certain IPs before others?
punkman: ben_vulpes: yeah just threw that together to check bundle key/address
punkman: gpg.recv_keys() is refusing to work :(
ben_vulpes: have people dump their keys in themselves
ben_vulpes: capture keyid, barf if they're not in l2
ben_vulpes: then check again on deed submission and barf if they're still not in l2
ben_vulpes must away
assbot: Jian Ghomeshi: 8 women accuse former CBC host of violence, sexual abuse or harassment | Toronto Star
bounce: therefore she must be fake
mircea_popescu: well, there's this chaining suspicion.
mircea_popescu: remember all the fame-seeking ditzy bitches trying to claim assange raped them too ?
mircea_popescu: same deal with strauss-kahn, and with berlusconi, and generally, what's in a late claim.
mats_cd03: maybe he orchestrated this himself so he could score 55mn CAD
mats_cd03: like... whats his face... owner of the basketball team with a negress woman
undata: “Big Ears Teddy shouldn’t see this.” << oh man, my sides
xiando: I live in .se where two women claimed assange "raped" them, one of them said "yes we had sex and I did that of my own free will but he said he used a condom but didn't so it was rape"
undata: xiando: I read that in the Assange case, the women didn't even want to press the case, but the prosecutor kept at it anyway.
undata: Sweden sounds like a socialist hellhole nanny state.
nubbins`: mats_cd03 oh wow
nubbins`: she was in Trailer Park Boys
thestringpuller: nubbins` would know trailer park boys
thestringpuller: canadians lol
undata: love that show.
thestringpuller: i'm fucked in the head
thestringpuller: I dunno who has better shit-isms, asciilifeform or Leahy
assbot: lisp
nubbins`: you guys watch the new season?
xiando: undata: and the original procecutor refused to take the case but a totally corrupt and known criminal feminist procutor named "Marianne Ny" insisted on taking up the case
dub: lets not forget those two women worked for the CIA
asciilifeform forgot for a minute that deedbot and turdatron are separate mechanisms, had a bit of mindfuck
undata: dub: he was stupid to trust them
undata: I'll say that
undata: he should've known intellgence agencies would be after him.
undata: sorry guys, the war was going great, then the other side sent pussy.
Duffer1: cia?
assbot: Multisig Vault By Coinbase | Qntra.net
cazalla: coblee herp derp store your bitcoin with coinbase cause you face the same risk from hackers doing it yourself anyway
undata: cazalla: do I recall correctly that they're using one of two?
undata: or is it two of two
mircea_popescu: <undata> Sweden sounds like a socialist hellhole nanny state. << that's because it is.
undata: <- derp
undata reads article
undata: right, the third is some passphrase encrypted key
mircea_popescu: <dub> lets not forget those two women worked for the CIA << srsly, this works ?
asciilifeform: northern caliphate is one hell of a loltron.
asciilifeform: did they ever find the imaginary sub?
asciilifeform: 'Подводная лодка / В степях Украины / Погибла в неравном / Воздушном бою.'
nubbins`: node.js deed verifier, now without pesky curl script
assbot: [JavaScript] checkdeed.js - Pastebin.com
cazalla: undata, 2 or 3 or 3 of 5
mircea_popescu: nubbins` cool!
assbot: Last 5 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/0HQHZY0.txt )
nubbins`: takes full or partial (min 8 chars) deed id as argument
assbot: [Bash] macbook:btcjs nubs$ node checkdeed.js 6LTeLfd6 URL: http://deeds.bitcoin-assets - Pastebin.com
xiando: undata: Name 1 other country where the Police can legally stop you for no reason (other than that you went outside) and take a blood sample by force
mircea_popescu: splendeed
mircea_popescu: xiando mongolia.
xiando: So Sweden isn't the only one? Interesting
mircea_popescu: well the mongolian police will use their fists, but anyway :D
asciilifeform: and now a word from a favourite lolmeister:
assbot: ClubOrlov: Putin to Western elites: Play-time is over
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform does he read here ?
asciilifeform: not afaik
asciilifeform: he, last i saw, was of the 'you fools and your electrical toys, doomed to die so soon' school of thought
asciilifeform: doesn't keep him from cranking out his lulz
asciilifeform: but what'd i know.
asciilifeform: (he does occasionally answer mail though)
mircea_popescu: the "what utility is the sun to us" line seems cribbed.
mircea_popescu: (nttawwt)
asciilifeform: incidentally, not one word of this in u.s. papers.
asciilifeform: (thus far)
mircea_popescu: you recall that older observation re time covers ?
mircea_popescu: they're pretty awful at reporting anything of substance.
asciilifeform: funnily, even here people know if it.
mircea_popescu: sorta like mcdonalds is awful at cooking
mircea_popescu: also, this is by no means the first or the most mommentuous "?speaking directly to the public"
mircea_popescu: guy did that over syria, and it paid.
asciilifeform knows this
mircea_popescu: Whether or not a new world order of any sort is to be built is not just Russia's decision, but it is a decision that will not be made without Russia. << this is false incidentally.
mircea_popescu: we are making it, right here, and it specifically excludes "russia" in the sense of "putin"
asciilifeform: not that the old kings could visit even if they really wanted.
asciilifeform: a bit of a throne-ending move
mircea_popescu: sure they could
mircea_popescu: what's to stop em ?
asciilifeform: the old could-vs-would
mircea_popescu: anyway, orlov's putin reads like mp. which i guess is a good thing for all those involved.
asciilifeform looks forward to the possibility of the coprophagiac zoos of western eu waking up to the fact that what turned them into such was - nato.
asciilifeform: 'airstrip one.'
asciilifeform will however believe the noises of 'there cannot be just one great kingdom' when mr. p starts impaling anyone caught with winblows
asciilifeform: whatever kind of winblopocalypse it would take to make this statement seem perfectly reasonable to the most thoroughly retarded 'old king' - will likely happen reasonably soon.
asciilifeform: the really sad and avoidable aspect would be if it were to leave the most deeply retarded old king with a fat stash of plundered btc.
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