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← 2014-09-27 | 2014-09-29 →
asciilifeform: undergrad - prey animal.
Vexual: hmm yes
asciilifeform suffered fair share of employment as undergrad research grunt of various stripes
asciilifeform cannot lay claim to 'advancing' anything
Vexual: busy is good
decimation: http://www.vox.com/2014/6/27/5846456/6-charts-pew-ideology << for those with an interest in usology (like sovietology)
assbot: 6 charts that show Republican vs. Democrat wildly oversimplifies American politics - Vox
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5434 @ 0.00074611 = 4.0544 BTC [-]
decimation: and this one. http://www.vox.com/2014/9/15/6131919/democrats-and-republicans-really-are-different "And they note that while voters tend to agree with Republicans on the philosophical questions in American politics (should government be smaller?) they tend to agree with Democrats on the policy questions in American politics (like should Social Security be smaller?)."
assbot: Why Democrats and Republicans dont understand each other - Vox
Vexual: phew, the other one reeked of family fued
decimation: yeah actually that was the wrong link, I wanted the second one. but both demonstrate voter stupidity
Vexual: yeah i still kinda like the frist one better
Vexual: 9 outta ten scienticians can't be wrong, peer reviews shit is an ice dice
Vexual: have you ever been included in bullshit research aciilifeform? i'd imagine youre kinda immune to that shit
asciilifeform: Vexual: included - sure.
Vexual: u don't mind?
mats_cd03: gotta eat.
decimation: as my links show, bullshit artistry runs the us
decimation: gotta kowtow to bullshit artists to make bezzlars
Vexual: meh it is what it is
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30400 @ 0.00074607 = 22.6805 BTC [-] {4}
Vexual: one can't prove anything on ones own anymore
Vexual: ^thats a vexualism; you can
Vexual: one can also accidentally fuck up an interesting conversation about fgpas by interjecting
Vexual: last time i attempted asm, i spilled my jolt
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28082 @ 0.00074728 = 20.9851 BTC [+] {2}
Vexual: ;;ud piss poor
gribble: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=piss%20poor | 1)im gonna be piss poor this month since i spent all my paycheck on crack. 2)I hired someone to paint my car but they did a piss poor job. by mullett December ...
Vexual: i made a piss poor attempt
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7206 @ 0.00074749 = 5.3864 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 40470 @ 0.0007491 = 30.3161 BTC [+] {4}
Vexual: ;;search dcc
gribble: There were no matching configuration variables.
Vexual: whats not viking
Vexual: hi ragnar
Vexual: what say you?
RagnarDanneskjol: whats the name of that band you posted video a few weeks ago. dopey looking guys 80s band on top of a hotel - i recognized them but forgot. good song i hadnt heard in decades
Vexual: happy mondays, the mans name is sean ryder
RagnarDanneskjol: maybe very early 90s, but i thing late 80s
Vexual: yeqah
assbot: "How is this an issue? Just ask ten fucking interview questions."
Vexual: this requies input mircea_popescue
Vexual: that smells like fidonet
Vexual: excepting verboser
Vexual: what did you do today?
BingoBoingo: Not too much
Vexual: were you holding a shovel?
mats_cd03: soylent tastes like sawdust
mats_cd03: you heard it here first
Vexual: most asseteers are inedible
mats_cd03: i take pride in being inedible to most predators
Vexual: ;;seen dub
gribble: dub was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 day, 2 hours, 7 minutes, and 20 seconds ago: <dub> 50 types of forcemeat the soviet dream
Vexual: yum
mats_cd03: on the subject of eating people, the new Hannibal is incredible and you should all watch it
cazalla: tv series?
mats_cd03: ya hbo
BingoBoingo: !up PPVKIGNX
Vexual: jack nick shoulda been hannibal lector
assbot: Ferguson officer wounded after confronting burglars; suspects remain at large : News
Vexual: fuck i love rodregiuz
Vexual: new neil blomkamph flick ist soon too
Vexual: welcommin to der future kids
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26200 @ 0.00074806 = 19.5992 BTC [-] {3}
Vexual: ;;google chappie title sequence
gribble: Chappie Title Sequence on Vimeo: <http://vimeo.com/90799918>; Videos about “neill blomkamp” on Vimeo: <http://vimeo.com/tag:neill+blomkamp>; WTJ* on Vimeo: <http://vimeo.com/album/2597253>
assbot: Ted Nugent - Stranglehold - YouTube
Vexual: now were rocking
RagnarDanneskjol: i forget how great a guitar playr he is
Vexual: stolen
mircea_popescu: <decimation> my personal opinion is that something bad happened on the jet, oxygen got sucked out before anyone could do much, becomes 'death ship' << <nah trhey have a whole system with masks etc.
Vexual: its the boss
atcbot: [X-BT VWAP] Bid: 198 Ask: 266 Last Price: 198 30d-Vol: 152k 30d-High: 266 30d-Low: 170 30d-VWAP: 190
mircea_popescu: <mats_cd03> i developed a talent for checking out with my eyes open while standing up, though. << this has been a 100 year tradition
mircea_popescu: <decimation> asciilifeform: that gets to the root of the problem. I have no idea << this is like proposing that the show moves out of town to save on props. the town is the show. the props are just the props.
Vexual :the sommelier with the brand enema
Vexual: you only pay once
Vexual: half price for brazilian firewater
Vexual: end ejext
Vexual: comic timing and the rhyming while were priming
Vexual: shit chutes ready for skin flutes
Vexual: champagne to order the pain
Vexual: ;;seen cazalla
gribble: cazalla was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 hour, 42 minutes, and 47 seconds ago: <cazalla> tv series?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19850 @ 0.00074958 = 14.8792 BTC [+] {2}
Vexual: !s cazalla dcc
RagnarDanneskjol: Vexual -can you see log webpage/
Vexual: no
RagnarDanneskjol: ok me neither, flushed dns still no
Vexual: so this ceo of digital btc, his parents bth work nasa
Vexual: and weh he buy bitmain he dont dhl
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6205 @ 0.00075009 = 4.6543 BTC [+]
Vexual: he also dont fly himself but he but jet fuel
Vexual: company is worth more than friedcats and he doesnt even trade dollars
Vexual: ex coke habit
mircea_popescu: !up RPrpRP
mircea_popescu: !up RPrpRP
RPrpRP: good morning
RPrpRP: I am from reddit police, investigating vote manipulation
Vexual: RPrpRP: whatsup fool
Vexual: spamming cunts with threats?
Vexual: you're from reddit?
RPrpRP: our trained experts who come from many different agencies, including ShitRedditSays, SubredditDrama and TumblrInAction take offense to your criticism of reddit
RPrpRP: and vote manipulation
Vexual: why are you telling me?
Vexual: u redditarded?
RPrpRP: nah i'm goat.
Vexual: have you herd of me?
RPrpRP: no
fluffypony: shit just got SRS.
mircea_popescu: RPrpRP are you the kid with the wordpress trackback list i published yest ?
assbot: 404 Not Found
RPrpRP: derp yes
Vexual: :0
mircea_popescu: so get in the wot and stop being dorky ?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5700 @ 0.0007512 = 4.2818 BTC [+]
RPrpRP: i don't think trilema is "unaffected"
Vexual learn affect
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla hey is britney being molested ?
fluffypony: u wot m8
BingoBoingo: Oh is a website being DDos'd
mircea_popescu: ;;ticker
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 400.0, Best ask: 400.36, Bid-ask spread: 0.36000, Last trade: 400.0, 24 hour volume: 5354.10535340, 24 hour low: 396.57, 24 hour high: 408.67, 24 hour vwap: 401.689673307
mircea_popescu: time for another above 400 bet ?
Vexual: people liquidating assets learns em
cazalla: random article i'm reading " I have rarely encountered hostility, although one person from Romania asked me to sterilize myself."
cazalla: Vexual, i'm not really following dcc closely, just read the ann that come out on asx
mircea_popescu: !up Kuba1234
Vexual: i had a look, the cats a bit mental
mircea_popescu: cazalla in some culture that's friendly not hostile.
Vexual: shits pumin on asx
cazalla: mircea_popescu, in Romanian culture?
mircea_popescu: hehe no.
Vexual: hes actually got a fine business model
cazalla: Vexual, he comes across as scammy as fuck imo
Vexual: he speds more on jet fuel than dcc
Vexual: bought a lambourghini with internet moeny too
Vexual: but his public facing stuff lokks okay
BingoBoingo: !up RPrpRP
cazalla: so these massage adverts online, are you meant to read between the lines when it says not a sexual service?
cazalla: you know the sorta ones fronted by asians Vexual?
Vexual: yeah i kinda know the concept
cazalla: so are they legit massage or topless asian student gives ya a handy massage?
Vexual: what the hell are you asking me?
cazalla: asking anyone really
cazalla: but given you're down under, figured you might know
mircea_popescu: cazalla if you're going there for a massage you get a massage. if you're going there for a blowjob you get a blowjob
mircea_popescu: service industry.
Vexual: i get drunk and relax my muscles nightly
cazalla: i guess i'll just pick one and see what happens
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform btw you ever heard of the exploits of one Yevno Azef ?
RPrpRP: http get flood is boring, i am recalling my troops and going back to masturbating on gonewild and discussing how much weed i smoke on /r/trees
Vexual: onya becky
RPrpRP: mircea_popescu, won't attack you again if you don't post this attack's logs
mircea_popescu: so he's attacking me and he's the one with the liability ? wtf is wrong with kids today.
Vexual: script kiddy doesnt mean what it once did
assbot: Last 2 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/331XTDA.txt )
Vexual: you're not a script kiddie til vex is your step dad
Vexual: and your younger brother is invariably better at everything
Vexual: derp
Vexual: densron
mircea_popescu: so the latest revision of the dsm crapolade actually lists relationship ~intensity~ as a clinical pathology.
mircea_popescu: always fascinating what extremes idiots will go to before owing to their idiocy.
Vexual: what number?
mircea_popescu: pick any number.
Vexual: well ill double the number of goats i can peel a day
Vexual: multiply it by some other number
Vexual: rub in some bullshit
Vexual: acety2
mircea_popescu: "Programmers have indeed created a universe where "science doesn't work." Learning where the permanent bugs and workarounds are inside a phonebook-length API teaches you nothing. It is anti-knowledge. Where your mind could have instead held something lastingly useful or truly beautiful, there is now garbage."
mircea_popescu: wow hn people can actually phrase ? who knew.
mircea_popescu: !up phlurker
mircea_popescu: o wait, it's really stan. nm.
mircea_popescu: i was thinking wtf, AND linking loper.os, what world is this
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8100 @ 0.00075093 = 6.0825 BTC [-]
Vexual: 0 day 1
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10795 @ 0.00075093 = 8.1063 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19100 @ 0.00074991 = 14.3233 BTC [-] {2}
Vexual: ;;seen ben_vuples
gribble: I have not seen ben_vuples.
Vexual: ;;seen tacos
gribble: I have not seen tacos.
RagnarDanneskjol: !up RagnarsBitch
Vexual: conceding after all of these years https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lFxGBB4UGU
Vexual: verily
Vexual: im so devo 10 played that first
cazalla: short log today eh
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15750 @ 0.00074775 = 11.7771 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16332 @ 0.00074775 = 12.2123 BTC [-]
BingoBoingo: ;;ticker --market all
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 398.94, vol: 5199.93388741 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 389.994, vol: 2016.30476 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 397.29, vol: 7761.3600613 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 393.966432, vol: 24654.47510000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 449.99592, vol: 10.16926916 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 405.82451658, vol: 24.65397641 | Volume-weighted last average: 395.088529526
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17000 @ 0.00074859 = 12.726 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 776 @ 0.00074599 = 0.5789 BTC [-]
kakobrekla: britney is fine
assbot: xmj +v failed; L1: 0, L2: -1
assbot: xmj +v failed; L1: 0, L2: -1
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16719 @ 0.00074598 = 12.472 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: xmj +v failed; L1: 0, L2: -1
assbot: xmj +v failed; L1: 0, L2: -1
assbot: xmj +v failed; L1: 0, L2: -1
assbot: xmj +v failed; L1: 0, L2: -1
assbot: xmj +v failed; L1: 0, L2: -1
assbot: xmj +v failed; L1: 0, L2: -1
kakobrekla: !up xmj
kakobrekla: so much for snr
punkman: the butthurt
assbot: Google Groups
kakobrekla: ;;later tell mike_c ping
gribble: The operation succeeded.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8850 @ 0.00074598 = 6.6019 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14400 @ 0.00074881 = 10.7829 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13850 @ 0.00075026 = 10.3911 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24900 @ 0.00075022 = 18.6805 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10550 @ 0.00075026 = 7.9152 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27700 @ 0.0007509 = 20.7999 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8750 @ 0.00075111 = 6.5722 BTC [+]
thestringpuller: ;;ticker
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 388.0, Best ask: 389.2, Bid-ask spread: 1.20000, Last trade: 389.2, 24 hour volume: 7551.87763474, 24 hour low: 387.88, 24 hour high: 403.99, 24 hour vwap: 397.782235424
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26223 @ 0.00075118 = 19.6982 BTC [+] {4}
atcbot: [ATC Diff] Current Diff: 1878190.93 Est. Next Diff: 302829.12 in 737 blocks (#46368) Est. % Change: -83.88
kakobrekla: ... "Notice: Undefined variable: c " ...
kakobrekla: i thought c was well defined
mats_cd03: im seeing a lot of rabble rousing over democracy in hk from my WoT
mats_cd03: poor delusional peoples
mats_cd03: whatever happens, the party has the wealth and patience to wait them out...just like with taiwan
mats_cd03: theres even a ribbon now! wear a yellow ribbon, for democracy in hong kong.
mircea_popescu: !up ethX
mircea_popescu: mats_cd03 yeah hk sovereignity is a doomed proposition
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2950 @ 0.00075049 = 2.2139 BTC [-]
assbot: How China's One-Child Policy Is Setting Nation Up for Economic Crisis
mats_cd03: setting up for invasion maybe
mats_cd03: an aggressive china would be interesting to see...what would they take first?
mircea_popescu: doubt they really need to. besides, they're playing this game of humiliating the us,
mircea_popescu: where they don't need to invade places to win.
mircea_popescu: so far it's working splendidly.
mats_cd03: all those young men though.
mats_cd03: i guess there are going to be a lot of gay chinese men in that generation
mircea_popescu: you're using some sort of prior here im not privy to. say wut ?
chetty: lots of 'extra' men makes for good wars
mircea_popescu: it could.
mircea_popescu: china is traditionally a sort of dog vomit (the fungus). it doesn't really war.
chetty: dont think the issue of lots of extra menn has come up before, might twist traditions a bit
chetty: wow, there might actually be something new under the sun
mats_cd03: a society designed for rigor mortis, in some ways
bounce: meh. I thought that china /wanted/ a smaller population which naturally includes a smaller workforce. so how that's now a problem eludes me. unless "economic growth" is part of your religion, perhaps.
mircea_popescu: bounce you will have to appreciate idiot western peoples, even without any help from the propaganda machine, automatically interpret phenomena in a certain key.
mircea_popescu: so you know, arab women are unhappy because they don't live in the downtown on foodstamps, which has to be better than what they got because what else is the speaker doing there ?!
mircea_popescu: and certainly the chinese have "problems" they never heard of. similarly to how putin "doesn't understand how reality works".
chetty: well the age spread of the population may cause some issues, even if you ignore economic growth
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18550 @ 0.00075141 = 13.9387 BTC [+]
bounce: on another note, we've had quite a lot of skillfully-hidden-in-the-numbers inflation that's well above the official growth rates. thus depleting both savings and hiding an effective economic decline
bounce: also, we are running headlong into the aging workforce problem now; china has a while to fix it and by that time can steal all those smart carebots the japanese are building
chetty: lmao, not so hidded, unless you tend to believe usg published numbers
bounce: I think china's sitting prettier than we are.
chetty: s/hidden
mircea_popescu: bounce china is sitting prettier than everyone for the very simple reason that it has the absolute lead in all technology.
mircea_popescu: it doesn't cost THEM fifty trillion to try and fail to build a new airplane.
bounce: if by "lead" meaning "has a copy of the plans and can cherry-pick the ones that work", yes
mircea_popescu: moreover if it does, it can pay cash.
mircea_popescu: no, i mean the us has transferred all its technology there in exchange for cheap labour but under condition it shares the tech
mircea_popescu: whereas china has not nor will ever do the same.
mircea_popescu: if you pour from a to b but never from b to a, you can bet your ears b's gonna be fuller.
mats_cd03: an interesting theory
mircea_popescu: quite far from a theory, this.
mircea_popescu: observable phenomena for > 30 years by now.
bounce: at the same time they have a serious plaggiarism problem (they copied "publish or perish" too, bwahahaha) so long term they're risking stagnation
mats_cd03: you perceive the flow isn't imperceptibly happening in the other direction, too
mircea_popescu: and china is liable to continue on the course that brought it success, humbly begging for what it wants, rather than suddenly swich to the course that sunk the us.
mircea_popescu: even if the us imagines that now that china has the better car it should drive it the same way it drove its own, right into a wall.
mircea_popescu: china's parents woudn't approve, and moreover china doesn't want to be either stupid or in possesison of a car wreckage.
mircea_popescu: bounce perhaps not very creative, yes. perhaps that may matter. if it will, it won't be this century.
mircea_popescu: the romans lived a millenium out of carefuly implementing the greek ideas.
chetty: inventiveness is not a high point of china, doubt they will come up with any new ideas
mircea_popescu: careful management and patient attention is good enough for a lifetime.
mircea_popescu: chetty i will tell you one new idea they came up with. they made the astoundingly daring move of organising their defense on sane grounds. china is surrounded by about a million rockets.
mircea_popescu: there's no way to effectualy destroy these, and there's no way the us aircraft carriers could survive an hour in a hostile china sea.
bounce: it'll be a while but it'll be stuck a goodly while too. a thousand years of stagnation they've already had.
mircea_popescu: that's novel enough for their needs.
chetty: well I wouldnt call it novel, but it does seem they read history better than most
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13650 @ 0.00075146 = 10.2574 BTC [+] {2}
mircea_popescu: (and europe pushing china out of their galileo thing was incredibly stupid, but then again europe is chiefly remembered in history for astounding stupidity)
mircea_popescu: chetty see ? what's in a novelty.
mircea_popescu: people can get by for a while just making good use of the history book.
mats_cd03: the memory of your enemy on your shores is something that stays vivid for a long time
mircea_popescu: bounce stagnation isn't as bad as you may think.
mats_cd03: ive been thinking about space exploration. are we going to carve up mars into nations? or, perhaps further into the future, every nation gets its own planet
bounce: in the current set-up with deliberate inflation it's... not a good idea.
mats_cd03: think of the experiments we could perform over millenia.
mircea_popescu: mats_cd03 are you aware mars is inhospitable ?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14850 @ 0.00075141 = 11.1584 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: so then why mars specifically ? why not real estate 5000 feet underground.
bounce: "off-site backups"
bounce: also, "reaching for the stars" is much more appealing than digging hobbit holes
chetty: people wont go 'to the stars' until they stop squabbling over pieces of pie on earth, ie never
mircea_popescu: that may well not matter hm ?
asciilifeform: off-planet is appealing precisely because of the cost, for enemy, of following you there.
mircea_popescu: stotting behaviour ?
asciilifeform: at least.
mircea_popescu: unless there's a hospitable planet somewhere,
mircea_popescu: or unless earth goes to shit to the degree of making mars look like freshly shaved virgin pussy
mircea_popescu: there's no stars bs.
mircea_popescu: you could live on the antarctic right now, if you fancy paying 2k for a bottle of fizz.
mats_cd03: close enough to menace earth and there might even be resources
asciilifeform: antarctic - not automatic sovereign.
mircea_popescu: fuck, you could live in that "gulch" real estate scam.
asciilifeform: within range of derps' weapons.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform tell you what, you know what an indentured servant is ?
asciilifeform: certainly.
mircea_popescu: no way in fuck you're going to be a "sovereign" on a planet you just colonised.
mircea_popescu: unless you make your own crops and your own space stations...
mircea_popescu: think early us. what sovereign ?
asciilifeform: naturally
mircea_popescu: yes well, people don't undergo centuriesd of expense to fulfil a cartoon dream.
asciilifeform: interestingly, no one, afaik, has mentioned the solid prerequisite of fixing RuBisCo enzyme.
mircea_popescu: unless the planet is naturally hospitable, unless there's an angle somewhere, not happening.
asciilifeform has eyes, sees that it isn't happening, quite a few missing pieces with nowhere to come from
asciilifeform but definitely grasps the appeal
chetty: unless of course some friendly aliens drop in and give us a ride :D
bounce: notice how india got there for less budget than that movie. and less than a third of a single "cheap, reusable" shuttle launch
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: the inescapable moral of story is that it is much cheaper to launch the rockets - horizontally - and clean up earth from pests
mats_cd03: i wonder if they used duct tape.
mircea_popescu: bounce right, "<mircea_popescu> it doesn't cost THEM fifty trillion to try and fail to build a new airplane."
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform no need for rockets. you don't kill cockroaches with a .5
mircea_popescu: even if you have one.
bounce: nobody's complaining that dollars are buying so much less in the developed world, though
assbot: Vatican Paedophilia Scandal: Archbishop Jozef Wesolowski Stored Over 100,000 Child Porn Videos
mats_cd03: highest ranking pedo ever
bounce: there's some outsourcing (and grumbling the work coming back is sub-par) and some grumbling about "jobs lost" and such. but the spacex thing is relatively recent, and I haven't really noticed much drive to cut the costs of the various wars being waged, for example. it's just... lower taxes, spend more, run up a bigger debt bill.
mircea_popescu: so nobody is complaining. like, i can hire someone for 2k a month because they won't complain.
mircea_popescu: i'll just say hey, 2k a month was plenty 20 years ago
mircea_popescu: and they'll say sure, ample.
bounce: what does the walmart employee make, across their three separate jobs minus the transport costs to get from one job to another? also, why do they have three jobs and still need food stamps?
assbot: Why Michelle Obama Was Wrong to Trash America at the UN
chetty: The next time Michelle Obama stands before an audience of countries where women are truly discriminated against—some forced to cover their entire bodies or have a male guardian with them in public—and complains that America struggles with “harmful cultural norms that tell women how they are expected to look and act,” forgive me if I’m a little embarrassed.
mircea_popescu: how could michelle obama have been wrong ?!
mircea_popescu: don't these people know she';s black ?
mircea_popescu: AND a woman ?
mircea_popescu: fucking mysogyracists
ben_vulpes: interestingly, greenarrays now takes bitcoin
ben_vulpes: although, coinbase.
ben_vulpes: (which i learned recently is still running on the "i don't know how to server, guise" "PaaS" Heroku)
ben_vulpes: dafuq is strong with this one
ben_vulpes: "arrayForth is a complete, interactive software development and debugging environment for GreenArrays Chips. It includes assembler/compiler, example source code including all ROM on each chip, a full software-level simulator for each chip, and an Interactive Development Environment for use with real chips. The latest release is configured by default for the EVB001 Evaluation Board, for which Virtual Machine support and other tools are
ben_vulpes: included. Follow this link to arrayForth Software Support for documentation and for fully functional downloadable software provided free of charge. "
ben_vulpes: one of these days i'll have the time to dig into these nutso forth chips
ben_vulpes: <mircea_popescu> decimation ... filter by the people who read and signed off << i grow more convinced every day that the vast majority of people who write software cannot also read software
bounce: somewhat puzzling that perl isn't more popular *rimshot*
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26225 @ 0.00075108 = 19.6971 BTC [-] {3}
mircea_popescu: ka boosch
ben_vulpes: mats_cd03: soylent << http://survivorind.com/3600.html all the upside, none of the software derps killing people with atoms
mats_cd03: have you ever had ensure
ben_vulpes: the enpoopifier?
mats_cd03: perhaps
ben_vulpes: mats_cd03: i eat real food, but i'm fascinated with the people who insist on living like the poor humans kicked out of the Matrix
mats_cd03: there's a middle ground to be had
ben_vulpes: what was your point about ensure?
mats_cd03: nothing really, just curious if you've tried it
bounce has often enough wished for a nice "complete meal bar". rip open, munch, done with the food. though could never be arsed to go out and find something satisfying.
ben_vulpes: closest thing i've found is tacos.
assbot: Decorated soldier quits army saying he's sick of being 'treated like an idiot' - Telegraph
mats_cd03: not as thougg he stormed off the job like some clerk, but still. lol.
mats_cd03: *though
thestringpuller: soylent is people
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11900 @ 0.00075017 = 8.927 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6800 @ 0.00075157 = 5.1107 BTC [+]
dignork: thestringpuller: soylent is a failed experiment - their final cost is higher than average food basket
dignork: i had to look it up, because I couldn't beleive they continue to market it as something that makes sense
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5250 @ 0.00075156 = 3.9457 BTC [-]
assbot: Ken Shirriff's blog: Mining Bitcoin with pencil and paper: 0.67 hashes per day
ben_vulpes: i don't endorse this, but i am bringing it to your attention: http://straight.romansnitko.com/
assbot: Straight: an opensource Bitcoin payment gateway
dignork: ben_vulpes: "currently we use blockchain.info and helloblock.io to track the addresses and look up transactions"
kakobrekla: hell'o'block
ben_vulpes: hellablock
kakobrekla: so theres like a fuckton of blockchain readers with web 3.0 frontpage these days
ben_vulpes: roman snitko has a bitmessage address, but not a gpg key
ben_vulpes: fuh fuh fuh fail
[]bot: Bet placed: 1 BTC for Yes on "Bitcoin to drop under $350 before November" http://bitbet.us/bet/1034/ Odds: 40(Y):60(N) by coin, 38(Y):62(N) by weight. Total bet: 39.70475605 BTC. Current weight: 29,774.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 209064 @ 0.00075126 = 157.0614 BTC [-] {21}
mats_cd03: ;;bc,stats
gribble: Current Blocks: 322982 | Current Difficulty: 3.466142592397694E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 324575 | Next Difficulty In: 1593 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 5 days, 17 hours, 51 minutes, and 21 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 32500379787.8 | Estimated Percent Change: -6.23473
BingoBoingo: -Diff change?
ben_vulpes: pshaw
cazalla: what do you think, http://www.bitcoinprivilege.com/about-me/ obvious troll too obvious?
assbot: About Me - Olukayode Tendai Bio
BingoBoingo: lol cazalla
mats_cd03: terrible.
cazalla: mats_cd03, i bet i can get andreas to retweet
mats_cd03: do it
BingoBoingo: You can try
cazalla: and then swap the content out heh
cazalla: like a cake, it's needs to stay in the oven a bit longer before i serve it to him
cazalla: it even
BingoBoingo: cazalla: Maybe do a piece on how Chuck Tayor would have solved Liberia's Ebola with Dogecoin?
cazalla: that's an idea, next one i'm writing is "was satoshi a black man?"
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5250 @ 0.00074947 = 3.9347 BTC [-]
BingoBoingo: Interesting?
cazalla: pledge dogecoin to ebola-chan
danielpbarron: cazalla, what's your twitter handle?
cazalla: i don't have one but i will make one for this soon enough
cazalla: !up up-me-plz
cazalla: bah, not authenticated
BingoBoingo: !up up-me-plz
up-me-plz: cazalla: re, bitcoinprivilege.com I cannot wait for the changes due to bitcoin allow the re-introduction of whip & chain slavery...
up-me-plz: sadly, probably not a troll.
thestringpuller: very popescu-esque
mircea_popescu: cazalla lol what is this ?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 43150 @ 0.00074852 = 32.2986 BTC [-] {3}
cazalla: mircea_popescu, i bought that domain months ago, figured may as well put it to some use
mircea_popescu: lol glwi.
up-me-plz: ;; ud glwi
gribble: Google found nothing.
cazalla: good luck with it
BingoBoingo: !up notsaks
asciilifeform: ebolacoin ?
TheNewDeal: If anyone knows http://bitbet.us/bet/1040/bitcoin-difficulty-to-fall-before-november/#b3 / 1sj8Mc28C3WZUxZbkqqcSFdUHeB7Jufyc please send them my way, looking to broker a bitbet deal with them
assbot: BitBet - Bitcoin difficulty to fall before November :: 1.66 B (15%) on Yes, 9.36 B (85%) on No | closing in 1 day 21 hours | weight: 6`826 (100`000 to 1)
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4550 @ 0.00074813 = 3.404 BTC [-] {2}
TheNewDeal: !up sellnow-crashing
SELLNOW-CRASHING: guys. sell now. price is crashing
SELLNOW-CRASHING: 266 next stop
TheNewDeal: sell to me
TheNewDeal: !down sellnow-crashing
ben_vulpes: ;;ticker
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 381.72, Best ask: 383.26, Bid-ask spread: 1.54000, Last trade: 383.87, 24 hour volume: 17707.37377805, 24 hour low: 368.9, 24 hour high: 402.9, 24 hour vwap: 383.192779615
ben_vulpes: noice
TheNewDeal: coins so cheap they're almost free
ben_vulpes: matters not to me
ben_vulpes: a pauper forever i'll be
assbot: Last 3 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/3W42P6W.txt )
ben_vulpes wishes he'd considered the scansion
assbot: #bitcoin-assets bash
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: everyone likes to laugh at apple. but there is no obvious alternative to some of their products.
asciilifeform: (other than 'stay in castle, don't use portable electronics at all')
ben_vulpes: an acquaintance of mine was recently derping on his girl's phone, as there was a hilarious loop where her old phone had 16G of stuff and was utterly full, bought a new phone with...16G of storage, connected it to her 'iCloud' account, and watched as the thing immediately filled up and bricked itself
ben_vulpes: DURING the hacker fix process for this (which ultimately entailed deleting the iCloud account in question), my acquaintance and sometime colleague was browsing through the lady's photos to find...
ben_vulpes: pictures of *his* cat
ben_vulpes: from *his* nexus 1
ben_vulpes: that had never been mailed anywhere
ben_vulpes: his hypotheses: she'd plugged his phone into her computer at some point and "sure whatevere"'d all his photos onto her computer, and thence to apple
asciilifeform: know how we like to laugh at our ancestors' hygiene ?
asciilifeform: well guess what.
asciilifeform: !up Diablo-D3
asciilifeform: !up Diablo-D3
Diablo-D3: [10:44:37] <ben_vulpes> an acquaintance of mine was recently derping on his girl's phone, as there was a hilarious loop where her old phone had 16G of stuff and was utterly full, bought a new phone with...16G of storage, connected it to her 'iCloud' account, and watched as the thing immediately filled up and bricked itself
Diablo-D3: that sounds wrong
ben_vulpes: well "immediately" per the local pipe throughput
Diablo-D3: even if you restore a backup from icloud, it doesn't restore your photos into your local photo storage
Diablo-D3: it keeps them in the icloud storage
Diablo-D3: you have to manually go into the photo app and tell it to copy selected photos to local
ben_vulpes: there is also a "sync my data" thinger for new phones.
ben_vulpes: you got upped for this?
Diablo-D3: ben_vulpes: yeah, but iphones are locked down
Diablo-D3: you can only use apple's shit
ben_vulpes: it's apple's thinger.
Diablo-D3 just had to rescue someone's fucked up ios8 upgrade on an iphone 5c
Diablo-D3: I went from having 0 experience with iphones to fixing them
Diablo-D3: I want to go back, tbh
Diablo-D3: they're infuriatingly complex
Diablo-D3: as much as I hate android, dear god its so much better
ben_vulpes: > 2 days experience, Diablo-D3's an iOS expert
asciilifeform: if you want a pocket-sized apparatus to read, say, email, you're more or less stuck choosing whether to live in 'singapore' (apple) or 'liberia' ('android')
ben_vulpes: you guys will dig this
Diablo-D3: ben_vulpes: I dunno, it was fucking bullshit
Diablo-D3: what fucked it up is all this icloud shit
Diablo-D3: and the fact you need 4.7gb of free storage on a 5c to upgrade to ios8
Diablo-D3: and they sold 16gb phones
ben_vulpes: other amazing apple stuff
Diablo-D3: and theres only about 12.3gb of usable storage on said 16gb phone
ben_vulpes: the displays system preference gives one two radio buttons:
Diablo-D3: so you need 1/3rd of your ufcking phone
Diablo-D3: to upgrade
ben_vulpes: "best for displays"
Diablo-D3: to fix THEIR bugs
ben_vulpes: "scaled"
asciilifeform: Diablo-D3: well, to upgrade without a connected computer, yes
Diablo-D3: ben_vulpes: best for display just selects the correct scaled for retina
ben_vulpes: selecting "scaled" gives you 4 options
asciilifeform: Diablo-D3: it downloads a turd, needs space to decompress it
Diablo-D3: asciilifeform: no, tried through the itunes usb shit too
ben_vulpes: "larger text"
ben_vulpes: jesus Diablo-D3 let a guy tell a story ffs
ben_vulpes: "Best (Retina)"
Diablo-D3: asciilifeform: and it gets even better
ben_vulpes: an unnamed option (WTF)
ben_vulpes: and "More Space"
Diablo-D3: asciilifeform: the icloud storage was filled almost completely with an incomplete backup
Diablo-D3: asciilifeform: because the phone tried to backup to 5gb of storage
Diablo-D3: asciilifeform: and my neighbor just said icloud was broken and she never used it
Diablo-D3: it was broken because it was full with a backup that ios should have never tried making
Diablo-D3: asciilifeform: I mean, thats even the bigger fucking problem
Diablo-D3: apple ships phones with icloud backup automatically enabled
Diablo-D3: and only gives you 5gb of space
Diablo-D3: unless you pay for more
Diablo-D3: so, out of the box, your phone is broken
asciilifeform: lulzies.
Diablo-D3: asciilifeform: and itunes's UX is so insane that theres no way to backup the photos
Diablo-D3: asciilifeform: they expect you to use icloud for it independently of the make backup thing in itunes
Diablo-D3: asciilifeform: so I had to go and fucking copy them out of the DCIM folder on the phone
asciilifeform: yet can you picture a talking head, or newspaper, asking question 'should a new os always use more space?'
Diablo-D3: asciilifeform: so what I did do is
Diablo-D3: convince her to just fucking pay
Diablo-D3: for the $2/mo option
ben_vulpes: there is iPhoto. it copies photos from the i* pretty trivially.
ben_vulpes: no wait
ben_vulpes: just trivially
Diablo-D3: ben_vulpes: no
Diablo-D3: only if you're on osx
Diablo-D3: said victim was on windows
Diablo-D3: why she has an iphone? no clue
ben_vulpes: don't try to leave the cage.
decimation: imagine if ios/osx/windows had a new release that was smaller than the previous turd
decimation: people would be outraged because "you are stealing our new features"
ben_vulpes: well she's on the right track. have you seen technical incompetents try to use android phones?
ben_vulpes: the android platform does a magical job of implementing software-accelerated phone aging.
ben_vulpes: apple's done a decent job on the software jailing, so the phone operating system doesn't rot quite as quickly as its counterparts, so they're forced to release new "operating systems" that consume ever more resources.
ben_vulpes: on android, the users saw their *own* feet off.
decimation: ben_vulpes: agreed, my android phone magically rots, even despite my attempts to trim shit
ben_vulpes: the only people happy with androids are those with the budget to replace them every 8 months
ben_vulpes: or the technical savvy to wipe the things, ibid
TomServo: Where are all the phones with hardware keyboards, is what I'd like to know.
ben_vulpes: i was just pining for my n90
decimation: I have hardware keyboard on my android
ben_vulpes: i'd settle for a startac
TomServo: decimation: How old is it?
ben_vulpes: my father sent me out with his startac when i was a wee one, for 'supervision'.
ben_vulpes: i forgot i had any electronics on me, went romping through a fountain, fried a legendarily high quality phone.
ben_vulpes: i cannot atone for all my sins.
thestringpuller: software accelerated phone aging?
thestringpuller: you mean the phone's hardware can't keep up with the updates?
assbot: Samsung Galaxy S Relay 4G T699 - Full phone specifications
decimation: upgrade bell rang, didn't answer.
decimation: before this one I actually had a nexus 4 (2013 model) for a month, dropped it from 18 inches and it cracked
TomServo: decimation: Hey cool thanks, didn't know about that one.
decimation: you can still find them new old stock
ben_vulpes: hilarious haskell dot com:
ben_vulpes: succ 5.1 -> 6.1
ben_vulpes: hilarious emacs dot com:
ben_vulpes: (/ 47 3) -> 15
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25554 @ 0.00074853 = 19.1279 BTC [+] {2}
ben_vulpes: (succ being something along the lines of "next enum, plz")
decimation: ben_vulpes: I downloaded and played with some of the arrayforth devkit stuff
ben_vulpes: ;;calc 47 / 3
gribble: 15.6666666667
assbot: Heel
ben_vulpes: decimation: and?
decimation: I was sad when I found you couldn't just edit in text, you need to use the 'colorforth' gui tool
mircea_popescu: guyse price is crasheing!!1
ben_vulpes: old news, mircea_popescu
mircea_popescu: no i read it on ircs
ben_vulpes: the sellnow nicks have already paraded through
BingoBoingo: ;;ticker --market all
decimation: nevertheless they are neat chips, I might buy a devkit soon
atcbot: [X-BT VWAP] Bid: 198 Ask: 266 Last Price: 198 30d-Vol: 152k 30d-High: 266 30d-Low: 170 30d-VWAP: 190
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 385.6, vol: 17963.54312387 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 376.956, vol: 5374.38134 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 382.43, vol: 21785.85056788 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 382.731921, vol: 36269.37660000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 390.0, vol: 10.77926916 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 386.7095, vol: 64.05676885 | Volume-weighted last average: 382.906644702
decimation: idiots are selling btc for cheap
mircea_popescu: <asciilifeform> know how we like to laugh at our ancestors' hygiene ? << quite this.
mircea_popescu: there's going to be little as amusing as "security practices" of the 2010s freeranged interderp.
mircea_popescu: TomServo> Where are all the phones with hardware keyboards, is what I'd like to know. << africa and my vaults.
decimation: they exist, just not being marketed by sexy
assbot: Log In - The New York Times
mircea_popescu: run 12 instances of curl off a huge file with awk 'NR%12==n only to discover that the fucking thing keeps blocking itself.
mircea_popescu: what the shit obscure bug is this one ;/
decimation: At an electronics market in central Beijing, one retailer was recently selling the low-end iPhone 6 and 6 Plus for 6,500 renminbi to 8,800 renminbi ($1,060 to $1,436), down from 12,000 renminbi to 15,000 renminbi ($1,960 to $2,450) just after the release.
mircea_popescu: decimation the advantage of owning the factory.
mircea_popescu: work a third shift, make yourself a bunch of ipads too.
decimation: when everyone wants an ipad that works well, but it appears apple's sexy has worn off a bit
ben_vulpes: they still go for a decent markup in ars
decimation: !up Diablo-D3
Diablo-D3: did someone really class action bfl?
mircea_popescu: a year ago.
Diablo-D3: did it go anywhere?
assbot: Log In - The New York Times
mircea_popescu: not yet.
Diablo-D3: because I find it hilarious that people are just NOW realizing
Diablo-D3: that they're a scam
Diablo-D3: evne though I knew it years ago
Diablo-D3: and nuked all the bfl threads
Diablo-D3: and lost my bitcointalk modship over it
Diablo-D3: because apparently bfl was a smart enough scammer to "donate" a lot of money to bitcointalk
Diablo-D3: lololol
Diablo-D3: in the end, I am right
Diablo-D3: I am always right
Diablo-D3: it is a universal constant
mircea_popescu: !down Diablo-D3
mircea_popescu: eh shuttup
asciilifeform: Diablo-D3 was on dope...?
mircea_popescu: he has his moments.
decimation: it will be depressing to watch google slowly merge into usg
asciilifeform: slowly? lol
mircea_popescu: why depressing ?
decimation: it rings the bell labeled "no escape" for all to hear in us-land
mircea_popescu: http://www.bitcoinprivilege.com/cazalla_forum_posts.html << gotta commend cazalla for his honesty lol.
assbot: Forum Posts
asciilifeform: as if it is possible to have independent existence from usg while being 'the #1 xxx' in u.s. media organs ever.
asciilifeform: no escape << what evidence they ever tried to 'escape'
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform incidentally, ever seen the lives of others ?
mircea_popescu: a, maybe worth sometime.
decimation: in fact the evidence we have is that they have tried to merge with usg since it became thinkable
asciilifeform puts on list
mircea_popescu: very good rendition of east berlin life and times.
asciilifeform: east berlin mid 80s << aha, where i live now but with better people.
asciilifeform: when this kind of thing comes up, for some reason all i can think of is a fellow who worked in a lab across the hall from my old place of work - who fessed up to playing 'call of duty: iraq' while... in iraq
mircea_popescu: it's gets enough very subtle things exactly right for me to call it an passible teaching substitute for actual experience
mircea_popescu: also check out what butchery i made of english in that phrase!
decimation: asciilifeform: lol
decimation: he was probably in some air conditioned bunker "in the field"
asciilifeform: likely.
decimation: asciilifeform: have you taken the CADR verilog design published by Mr. Parker and run them on your own chip?
asciilifeform: decimation: nope.
asciilifeform: decimation: i'm not really enamored of the cadr as such
← 2014-09-27 | 2014-09-29 →