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← 2014-09-17 | 2014-09-19 →
dub: you went one better and gave context, '3rd quarter' is equally meaningless
mircea_popescu: 3rd quarter is jul-aug-sept
TheNewDeal: it has meaning
dub: no it isnt
dub: its the 3rd quater of a financial year
assbot: Market update: Third quarter 2014 - Fidelity Investments
TheNewDeal: the term is used extensively
TheNewDeal: financial year differs from company to company, in my opinion
dub: yeah well US companies largely use teh calendar year
TheNewDeal: some companies financial year revolves around tax date in us
mircea_popescu waits for the "and july isn't really 31 days plus today should really be sept 3rd" discussion
dub: we can quibble over leap secodns
dub: seconds*
mircea_popescu: or the gregorian change, or the julian change. etc.
TheNewDeal: mike_c in reference to different weighting mechanisms. How about a price bet that is weighted by both bitstamp price and time
mike_c: mircea_popescu: median since July 1 is 6 btc
TheNewDeal: whats sigma
mircea_popescu: mike_c a day ?
mike_c: avg is 14.5
mike_c: yeah
mircea_popescu: but 3 days, so as to have equal basis.
TheNewDeal: how far is 50 above the expected 43.5 :)
mircea_popescu: 442 in august, 543 july, 251 june, 449 may, 217 april, 1659 march etc
mircea_popescu: it does have some heavy variation, but anyway, 50ish for 3 days seems more or less a good estimate
mike_c: 2 day = median 18.7, avg 28.15
mike_c: 3 day = median 26.6, avg 41.7
mike_c: so last two days 37 btc ain't bad, i'm still insinuating a causation ;)
TheNewDeal: how much should I zeroconf if I want to remake this bet a month from now ? http://bitbet.us/bet/1043/bitcoin-817-or-above-before-christmas/
assbot: BitBet - Bitcoin $817 or above before Christmas :: 1.1 B (20%) on Yes, 4.46 B (80%) on No | closing in 3 months 2 days | weight: 97`758 (100`000 to 1)
mircea_popescu: mike_c i'm not saying it's bad hehe.
mircea_popescu: TheNewDeal try and see, this is like a totally real virtual reality.
mike_c: i have to point it out quick before the data turns against me.
TheNewDeal: I just don't like the lag periods
mircea_popescu: what are lag periods ?
TheNewDeal: I propose
TheNewDeal: 4 days later ... rejection
mircea_popescu: you must be specially unlucky.
mike_c: dub: actually for some stupid reason many US companies use July 1 as start of fiscal year
dub: mike_c: I know
mike_c: well then i'll shut up
assbot: Creepy expat “dates” 18-year-olds “because they make excellent devoted sex slaves.” | we hunted the mammoth
dub: I can incorporate a company with any fiscal year I like
mircea_popescu: amazingly, he's not talking about me.
TheNewDeal: yes you can dub
dub: mike_c: its probably (as TheNewDeal said) lining up with the tax year? It does in some places by convention
mike_c: but tax year is calendar..
dub: whats mp's birthay? all future dubcorp entities shall be calendared thus
decimation: http://www.isegoria.net/2014/09/six-great-things-an-independent-scotland-could-do/ << lol scotland. maybe an independent scotland would give everyone a pony too
assbot: Six Great Things an Independent Scotland Could Do « Isegoria
TheNewDeal: mike_c that works for individuals
TheNewDeal: but not companies
TheNewDeal: a company declares their tax year
mike_c: uh
dub: mike_c: oh, it is? not everywhere (i get a choice)
mike_c: interesting. thankfully i don't do my company's books.
mircea_popescu: dub i dun think this morsel actually ever ended up in public.
mircea_popescu: mike_c tax year is actually april the nth or some bs in the us.
mike_c: that's pay date.
TheNewDeal: mike_c is correct
dub: think this illustrates my point nicely though
TheNewDeal: For instance, the taxes I pay on January 1 2014 - December 3x 2014 will be due on April 2x 2015
TheNewDeal: 2x = 15
decimation: the usg fiscal year begins oct. 1
assbot: Washington Has Wasted $22 Trillion In War On Poverty It Can't Win - Investors.com
mircea_popescu: it's not really wasted if it's not really money.
mircea_popescu: what do i win ?
dub: sounds like an easy war to win? poor people can't be very well armed
mircea_popescu: dub in the us ? they got more guns than cars yo
assbot: Pre-rational developmentally impaired testosterone challenged haters are narcissists « Random Xpat Rantings
mircea_popescu: i left a comment on the blog he's arguing with. kinda curious if it gets published.
TheNewDeal: he's got the usian culture pegged down quite well "This is because truth seeking through argument is not considered the point. The point is consensus, so if everybody mutually eye rolls, then the job is done. If you do not automatically join in the eye rolling, then everything you say MUST be wrong."
mircea_popescu: well the problem may also be that there's like 2 of him and 200 of those other guys.
mircea_popescu: and his 2 aren't either rich or murderous.
TheNewDeal: regardless, it's quite funny to see people jump from dating/fucking full grown women to pedophilia
mircea_popescu: i don't see the problem, she could just as well be 16 or w/e
mircea_popescu: pedophilia isn't being attracted to young women, they have to be children.
TheNewDeal: by 16 the woman is virtually sexually mature
TheNewDeal: I would consider an attraction to a 13 year quasi pedophilia if she was not developed
mircea_popescu: thankfully i dun have the job to make the sort of unpleasant call
mircea_popescu: i can just conveniently cherrypick and laugh at the people working in the muck of it
mircea_popescu: so apparently scottish women are 58% for uk, 42% for independence, and the gap is widening
mircea_popescu: much to a buncha people's chagrin
mircea_popescu: "Women voting. A free and independent society. Choose one. The choice between the two is rarely so obvious as this, though." an' stuff.
TheNewDeal: widening meaning that more are going for uk?
BingoBoingo: Shame we can't ask moiety about the local perspective
TheNewDeal: ;;pouradrinkfor moiety
gribble: Error: "pouradrinkfor" is not a valid command.
mircea_popescu: in other news : aggregate advertising and dating data seems to show that a 50% increase in mixed race fantasy couples being displayed over 5 eyars corresponds to a 50% increase in the affinity for white women for white men, and reciprocal, and further a decrease for both black men -> white women and black wome -> white men and reciprocal.
mircea_popescu: the famous uncanny valley of mixed race matrimony : the least seen it is, the more acceptable, and vice-versa.
cazalla: mircea_popescu: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=apzXGEbZht0 << how to torture a baby. << interesting stuff, our bub atm goes bananas if one of us does not focus attention on him at all times
assbot: Still Face Experiment: Dr. Edward Tronick - YouTube
mircea_popescu: cazalla that's not so healthy.
cazalla: why's that? we were told it's just part of their growth style at this age to be clingy
mircea_popescu: well the part of their growth style may be to be clingy, but it's supposed to not work.
mircea_popescu: so they learn to cope and become fucking sane.
cazalla: i can't cope with the crying so it's easier to tell wife to stay with him
mircea_popescu: that's a bit rich neh ?
mircea_popescu: let the kid choke once in a while, let the woman have her own life once in a while.
mircea_popescu: it won't kill either of em.
cazalla: she does
cazalla: have a life that is, choking sound is awful when we give him a new food
cazalla: i've been sick with flu anyway so poor woman is at her wits ends
punkman: buen dia
BingoBoingo: Dobro Jutro
punkman: a morning teaser: You are sitting on an olive tree, smoking some tobacco, watching the river. The Beaumont sisters are having a swim and it's an even bet that the first two to come out of the water will have big tits. How many of the sisters have small tits?
BingoBoingo: Sorry, 1
BingoBoingo: 3 total
punkman: close, 3 have big tits
punkman: or 6 have small tits
xmj: not enough information
punkman: xmj, what's missing?
xmj: pics
BingoBoingo: Oh my #bitcoin-offtopic is a lulzfest atm
punkman: BingoBoingo: the moarrr guy?
punkman: some quotes I saved: "actually tbh i would make people money except i cant be bothered, i dont really wanna make anyone rich to get more money myself, id rather just chill in my room and drink cider and think up new ideas"
punkman: "i can actually get 10x or 100x pretty easily, done it before Talisman, but if i told you then you would probably just try and do it yourself and thus wouldnt need me"
punkman: and of course, he's in massive debt
xmj: punkman: THATS BETTER
BingoBoingo: If anyone wants to catch up on lulzmine
assbot: dpaste: 15JGEWX
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5650 @ 0.00075219 = 4.2499 BTC [+]
xmj: punkman: i liked the one on the left in the real world picture
xmj: perky.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 4 @ 0.18 = 0.72 BTC [+] {3}
assbot: Safe and sound | object 2212
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14650 @ 0.00075165 = 11.0117 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14300 @ 0.00075101 = 10.7394 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18100 @ 0.00075027 = 13.5799 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2844 @ 0.00075027 = 2.1338 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 20000 @ 0.00003991 = 0.7982 BTC [+] {4}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9500 @ 0.00075027 = 7.1276 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HASH] 2002 @ 0.001 = 2.002 BTC [-] {4}
mircea_popescu: punkman: close, 3 have big tits << depends on whether we accept some particular notions as to the genetics that cause big tits dunnit ?
Namworld: Yes, assbot is back
mircea_popescu: there's not just one, female inherited factor. there's at least three, of which at least one skips a generation.
mircea_popescu: danke kakobrekla
mircea_popescu: punkman: some quotes I saved: "actually tbh i would make people money except i cant be bothered, i dont really wanna make anyone rich to get more money myself, id rather just chill in my room and drink cider and think up new ideas" <<< i'm saving this one for the next time some derp comes up with "a billionaire dude would never hang out in irc with us rubes"
mircea_popescu: !up brayden
kakobrekla: ;;ticker
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 431.13, Best ask: 432.0, Bid-ask spread: 0.87000, Last trade: 431.11, 24 hour volume: 12257.64551894, 24 hour low: 431.11, 24 hour high: 457.09, 24 hour vwap: 448.026931997
mircea_popescu: sub-ad hominem attacks lmao
mircea_popescu: interesting coinage.
mircea_popescu: course the sub should qualify the homo not the preposition. subhominem addack or something.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo "I've at this point given up at editing any of the text at all. " << this is often a clue the whole thing is not worth publishing, as painful as may be. ie, if one guy can't be bothered to spend an extra minute on the strength of the material, there's cause to believe a thousand readers shouldn't be asked to spend that one second it takes them to decide they don't want it.
ThickAsThieves: "Overstock to Donate 4% of Bitcoin Revenue to Foundations Advocating Cryptocurrency Adoption"
mircea_popescu: this is pretty much the only good way to pander to your readership, and yes they can tell.
punkman: mircea_popescu: but their name's Beaumont, it runs in the family
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves they weren't making jack were they.
mircea_popescu: punkman sure, but no guarantee is made both their mother and grandmother was heavy bosomed.
ThickAsThieves: accounting dept days "hey you know those btc you are retaining, they are plummeting" "well donate that shit so we can write it off!"
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves you may be on to something.
ThickAsThieves: "Overstock has initially selected the Chamber of Digital Commerce"
ThickAsThieves: at least it wasnt TBF i guess
mircea_popescu: wait, is this the brunette chick w/e her name was ?
ThickAsThieves: tho i still think bitcoingirl should just take up a career in playing a dame in movies
ThickAsThieves: she's so... dick tracy looking
ThickAsThieves: what is that, russian?
mircea_popescu: ouch. well this chick's overbite... here's the problem : before now when her pretentiousness flopped, it would have been just a young woman being naive. but now, with 4% of overstock REVENUE, if the thing flops she's just a failure.
mircea_popescu: kids, just won't stay out of the fire for the life of them.
ThickAsThieves: OSTK is foing decently tho
ThickAsThieves: weathered the selloff
mircea_popescu: which is ostk ?
ThickAsThieves: overstock
peterl: did they actually mean revenue or is it profit?
ThickAsThieves: bitcoin revenue
mircea_popescu: i read revenue.
ThickAsThieves: my tax theory was meant to be serious tho
ThickAsThieves: i bet they were retaineding 4% in bitcoin
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves what do you mean weathered the selloff ? you mean they had a stock selloff or what ?
peterl: tax theory sounds good to me
ThickAsThieves: i mean Wall St had a lil correction this week
ThickAsThieves: ostk didnt budge
ThickAsThieves: not really that notable
ThickAsThieves: just wanted to check the stock
ThickAsThieves: the volatility mostly hit popular stocks
ThickAsThieves: tsla, etc
peterl: stuff in bubbles?
mircea_popescu: i vaguely recall their published btc sales figures were piddly, but w/e
ThickAsThieves: as of mid-Aug it was $2m with $5m projection for year end
ThickAsThieves: probly more like 3m
mircea_popescu: someone should figure out how that projector works lol
mircea_popescu: anyway i recall something more like 200k or w/e, back in spring.
ThickAsThieves: they probably apply xmas sales bump proportionally to bitcoin sales for projection
ThickAsThieves: altough i cant imagine xmas shopping at overstock...
mircea_popescu: punkman: http://object2212.com/?p=217 << ok this shit is cool.
assbot: Safe and sound | object 2212
mats_cd03: i can imagine post-xmas sales being a thing
mats_cd03: people spending btc they dont want, etc.
mircea_popescu: “This record was hand shaped and individually cut in real time using a vintage 1940s Presto 75A recording lathe. It is a unique piece. It is not the same as a traditional pressed record. It was not made in a factory. It was hand carved from an 8ft sheet of polycarbonate plastic, shaped, sanded, waxed and cut in real time by one person.”
mats_cd03: paper wallet gifts from that weird nephew...
punkman: got my posters from nubbins, but arsepost says they'll need a couple of days to locate them...
mircea_popescu: punkman is that your blog ?
punkman: I'm over at extemporized.com
chetty: give btc for xmas gifts, save shopping
mircea_popescu: someone with a forum account please to tell klech guy he's cool and to drop by.
ThickAsThieves: yeah everyone's getting bit"coins" for xmas
assbot: Sound Wallet Audio Cold Storage - Your private key as .wav, CD, or a Record
assbot: Kindle Voyage Touch Screen E-Reader with Light
mats_cd03 is pumped
mats_cd03: i don't get it.
mats_cd03: they're swimming away from a bank?
mircea_popescu: flood of fiat i dunno
mircea_popescu: i just mean it's not the usual "here's me with a straight line tool" bs like http://object2212.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Cryptovest_front-1024x759.jpg
peterl: does anybody here use bitmessage?
ThickAsThieves: the art looks like a bunch of bitcoiners reaching to escape to bitcoin and failing
ThickAsThieves: kinda cool if you imagine the coin to be one of the dropped coins from the failures i guess
jurov: they put the bank on fire and fucking on the stairs. me like.
ThickAsThieves: oh wait i get it now!
fluffypony: peterl: I do
ThickAsThieves: they are doing a jailbreak of their money
ThickAsThieves: chains are tearing down the bank
peterl: is it useful? do you like it?
mircea_popescu: fluffypony i was thinking, "prolly fluff, he uses all the weird things" but then i was like, give the guy a break, don't say anything
ThickAsThieves: i installed bitmessage once, then i realized there was no one to talk to
mircea_popescu: can you cockroulette with bitmessage ?
mircea_popescu: http://www.loper-os.org/?p=1446 << i'm only now realising what a fucking seminal and foundational piece this is.
assbot: Loper OS » Modern Chumpatronic Engineering.
mircea_popescu: it's really badly titled which is what threw me off originally. it's really the counterpart to my economic theory piece, it should be "a complete theory of sociology"
mircea_popescu: it also needs some references to skinner.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform do you mind if i rewrite your article ?
kakobrekla: how the hell does he make those vinyl records
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla ikr?
mircea_popescu: exactly what i wanna ask him. pm the guy.
punkman: on a lathe
assbot: Have thirty buttcoins? Want to trade buttscoins for buttstock? Like poorly designed websites and complex instructions to do simple things? THE FUTURE IS HERE! : Buttcoin
kakobrekla: <punkman> on a lathe < i guess that might work for digital data
mircea_popescu: all data is digital!11
assbot: Disk-Cutting & Recording Lathes
mircea_popescu: but yes, the reviewer's comment about "sharp around the edges" suggests it's number-powered
punkman: vinyl burners
ThickAsThieves: buttcoin isnt even insulting you properly
ThickAsThieves: kakobrekla, the audio is likely made in "high contrast" so it's analog smoothing doesnt affect the data
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves not an easy thing to do.
ThickAsThieves: sure it is, it's done in how he makes the conversion fo audio in the first place
mircea_popescu: <ThickAsThieves> buttcoin isnt even insulting you properly <<
ThickAsThieves: almost like writing to a hard disk
ThickAsThieves: well exactly like i guess
kakobrekla: my point was, you precision can be off with digital data, with analog it would sound bad.
ThickAsThieves: opposite?
mircea_popescu: lmao wtf.
thestringpuller: ;;ticker
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 433.27, Best ask: 433.32, Bid-ask spread: 0.05000, Last trade: 433.32, 24 hour volume: 12438.31420448, 24 hour low: 431.11, 24 hour high: 457.09, 24 hour vwap: 446.292395934
thestringpuller: !l m s.mpoe
assbot: Last trade for S.MPOE on MPEX was at 0.00075027 BTC [-]
kakobrekla: with digital you have 1 and 0 and thresholds that compensate for your loss of precision
kakobrekla: with analog, well you just get shit out.
kakobrekla: (not to mention crc or some such)
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: glad you liked it. go ahead, use it for something, have fun.
mircea_popescu: this IS going to be fun. brb.
gernika: peterl I use BItmessage
gernika: peterl currently it appears to be broken
ThickAsThieves: interesting phenomenon with AM shares, now that they dont pay divs, no one can verify ownerships
peterl: gernika do you find it useful when it is not broken?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 7 @ 0.18199999 = 1.274 BTC [+] {2}
thestringpuller: 17:20 <qq1932> That is how people protect themsevles in the real world, and it works. VC's will write $10M checks after 3 weeks of knowing someone, and there is 0% legit fraud there. << ~_~
ThickAsThieves: lol the guys says WoT is a scam, then explains how to use a WoT
gernika: peterl It may be permanently broken. But I did find it useful, yes. Currently looking at fixes.
peterl: how is it broken?
ThickAsThieves: "VC's will write $10M checks after 3 weeks of knowing someone, and there is 0% legit fraud there."
peterl: gotta love all those bezzle dollars
gernika: The network is being spammed with low POW broadcast messages.
peterl: isn't it supposed to ignore low POW messages?
gernika: To the point where people aren't getting messages
gernika: Unfortunately the POW cutoff level appears to be a constant.
peterl: isn't it open source, can't people go into the code and change the hard codings?
peterl: or am I confused?
gernika: petrel yes - everyone could update their constant manually. But that's only a temporary fix.
asciilifeform: vinyl record wallet << good art project, but - bad steganography. breaks the '#1 rule of stego - must not talk about the stego.'
assbot: Logged on 03-03-2014 05:44:01; asciilifeform: benkay: remember that steganography, unlike cryptography, cannot be simultaneously strong and standardized.
gernika: peterl perhaps "permanently" was a bad choice of words. "Seriously" would be better.
punkman: asciilifeform: at least it uses encrypted priv keys
asciilifeform: how the hell does he make those vinyl records >> phonograph.
kakobrekla: i thought those were out of order.
asciilifeform: out of order ?
kakobrekla: not made and used any more
asciilifeform: can still get vintage one. or, in one or two evenings, build yourself.
asciilifeform: all you need is basic machine tools. edison had his built (afaik, the man's only actual proven invention, that he stole nowhere) for 20 usd (of the period) in a day or so.
asciilifeform: (perhaps ~1k usd of today)
kakobrekla: well i wonder which one of those is it
kakobrekla: that the guy is using.
asciilifeform: chances are, vintage unit. otherwise, he'd probably succumb to the temptation to post photos of hand-crafted phonograph.
assbot: How Financial Bubbles Fester And Burst—Even As The Fed Says Not To Worry | David Stockman's Contra Corner
kakobrekla is curious what the audio quality would be from that particular unit
peterl: p0[\[
peterl: ack, my kid is attacking the keyboard :(
kakobrekla: o, got a new random pass generator?
peterl: would letting a 2-yo type be a good random generator?
kakobrekla: better than most passwords out there
asciilifeform remembers late-'90s 'cat-on-keyboard detector' proggy
asciilifeform: it was a thing that would 'lock' a winblows box to prevent damage from paws hitting random keys
asciilifeform: after a string of x keys that suggest 'cat'
asciilifeform: (e.g., adjacent n-tuplets in cat paw cluster shapes, etc)
kakobrekla: how did it work, with dict?
kakobrekla: well but thats limited to cats then
kakobrekla: change the animal, need to change code.
nubbins`: pascale had one of those extensions on her mac
nubbins`: we successfully engaged it by pressing a spread palm on the keyboard
nubbins`: i think it's essentially just looking for long keypresses, indicating something heavy is on the kb
nubbins`: "CAT-LIKE TYPING DETECTED" appears on-screen and one must type "human" to unlock
kakobrekla: >PawSense normally recognizes a cat on the keyboard within one or two pawsteps
kakobrekla: disable nkro and see how you do :D
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 5 @ 0.18199999 = 0.91 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [RENT] 775 @ 0.0075 = 5.8125 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [RENT] 1001 @ 0.0075 = 7.5075 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [RENT] 93 @ 0.0075 = 0.6975 BTC [+]
mike_c: ^ 50% above mkt price..
kakobrekla: ;;t h rent
gribble: Error: This url is not on the whitelist.
kakobrekla: !t h rent
assbot: [HAVELOCK:RENT] 1D: 0.00400080 / 0.00658679 / 0.00750000 (2927 shares, 19.27954758 BTC), 7D: 0.00383331 / 0.00587807 / 0.00750000 (4188 shares, 24.61737394 BTC), 30D: 0.00320001 / 0.00466943 / 0.00750000 (13039 shares, 60.88467446 BTC)
ThickAsThieves: they closed the normal market again for the "IPO"
kakobrekla does not understand these shenanigans
mats_cd03: b-but, 'equity shares'
fluffypony: !up Mrstickball
ThickAsThieves: to be fair, it *should* go up when btcusd goes down
fluffypony: !up Mrstickball
fluffypony: silly bot
Mrstickball: thanks
Mrstickball: they are unsold shares from his last tranche of shares
punkman: why is anyone buying at .0075 instead of waiting until after IPO?
Mrstickball: punkman: new equity-bearing shares, and raises EPS guidance
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 118 @ 0.17048958 = 20.1178 BTC [-] {16}
punkman: Mrstickball: are the old ones not equity-bearing?
Mrstickball: they are as well, AFAIK
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 82 @ 0.16410326 = 13.4565 BTC [-] {13}
nubbins`: here's their SEC filing for this IPO
assbot: SEC FORM D
nubbins`: "Minimum investment accepted from any outside investor$10,000 USD"
nubbins`: i guess for these purposes havelock would be the "investor"
ThickAsThieves: sounds right, from what i recall about how havelock wanted to do thinks
nubbins`: innnnteresting
nubbins`: ah, yeah
nubbins`: "Regardless of whether securities in the offering have been or may be sold to persons who do not qualify as accredited investors, enter the total number of investors who already have invested in the offering: 1"
ThickAsThieves: lol, SEC filing for a 1to1 deal?
ThickAsThieves: not sure if that's normal
thestringpuller: !t h rent
assbot: [HAVELOCK:RENT] 1D: 0.00400080 / 0.00659606 / 0.00750000 (2957 shares, 19.50454758 BTC), 7D: 0.00383331 / 0.00588961 / 0.00750000 (4218 shares, 24.84237394 BTC), 30D: 0.00320001 / 0.00467593 / 0.00750000 (13069 shares, 61.10967446 BTC)
ThickAsThieves: my wife is all 'maybe this bitcoin thing isnt such a good idea' because we have to pay cap gains tax
thestringpuller: can't people just throw up shares at 0.0075
ThickAsThieves: I attempted to explain that all income is taxed and most at that rate
thestringpuller: ThickAsThieves: well cap gains on bitcoin is really high like both on income + property
ThickAsThieves: same as "ordinary income:
ThickAsThieves: she feels a "real job" to pay less taxes...
thestringpuller: my accountant was like "If you want fiat you're gonna get double taxed since some of this btc was earned through working"
ThickAsThieves: i should get*
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [RENT] 100 @ 0.0075 = 0.75 BTC [+]
xmj: ThickAsThieves: are you kidding me lol
thestringpuller: which is like close to 50%
ThickAsThieves: your accountant sounds like he misunderstands something
xmj would love to work for Bitcoin, btw
ThickAsThieves: you dont pay income tax twice
thestringpuller: no you don't
thestringpuller: you pay income tax
thestringpuller: THEN you pay cap gains tax on property
thestringpuller: if the btc you receive appreciates
ThickAsThieves: right, buit it wouldnt be profit after you got paid in it
ThickAsThieves: it cant be both
thestringpuller: they want both taxes apparently?
mats_cd03: why don't you just convert it to cash
thestringpuller: i'm just going to continue to hide it
thestringpuller: under my mattress and pretend i am broke colelge student still
ThickAsThieves: best part is, she wants me to sell more bitcoins to pay the taxes
ThickAsThieves: i'm like, you now i'll have to pay taxes on those too right?
teward: thestringpuller: isnt that on the sale of capital? i.e. capital gains at the time of sale.
ThickAsThieves: its not a gain til you get the cash
teward: at least in the USA, we get taxed that as part of our income tax, but depending on the length of the ownership of the item which gets you capital gains, there's different tax rates
ThickAsThieves: are the people that paid you in bitcoin issuing a 1099?
assbot: A complete theory of sociology pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
mircea_popescu: <ThickAsThieves> "VC's will write $10M checks after 3 weeks of knowing someone, and there is 0% legit fraud there." << what's ilegit fraud ? fraudy-fraud ?
mircea_popescu: <asciilifeform> vinyl record wallet << good art project, << tis the art project that caught my eye
ThickAsThieves: theyre just words mp, dont dig too deep!
ThickAsThieves: words are like crayons, you can make anything you want, in any color you want
rithm: i like to make money disappear
rithm is waaaay overextended purposefully
thestringpuller: teward: yea if you own the property for X amount of time the capital gains taxes are waived. This is a loophole for homeowners, btc falls under the same statutes. But you still have to pay income tax on income from BTC. I.e. i get paid in BTC as part of some employment contract. The receipt of those coins needs to be claimed with the IRS and then you gotta pay whatever during income tax.
thestringpuller: They gray area of course is if you never liquidate...
ThickAsThieves: it's not gray
ThickAsThieves: when you convert to fiat, if there's gain, there's tax due, if not, then not
ThickAsThieves: also there is no loophole
ThickAsThieves: you pay long OR short term rate
thestringpuller: yes but that's not included if say you pay me X BTC to mow your lawn all year and I don't convert BTC to fiat
asciilifeform: there is an ancient law involved. 'не пойман — не вор' - 'not caught -- not thief.' known in english lands, if i'm not mistaken, as 'the eleventh commandment.'
ThickAsThieves: why would you report underthetable income?
teward: thestringpuller: that's a gray area that you could argue in the tax courts, but you're right. if you don't liquidate the BTC and hold the BTC for over one fiscal year then those bitcoins are only subject to the capital gains tax as well as the income tax IF the liquidation occurs during that fiscal year. At any later date after the BTC has been held for a year it should be the case that it's THEN capital gains taxed.
thestringpuller: additionally as property if you own said property for X amount of time (i don't know the exact figure in this state), you get the capital gains waived.
mircea_popescu: peterl> would letting a 2-yo type be a good random generator? << nah.
teward: thestringpuller: if we want to be truly logical about analyzing this situation... then lets look at state taxes as well
teward: thestringpuller: in theory you're paying four taxes on that BTC income, state and federal income, and then capital gains for both
thestringpuller: yea the loophole is just to hold and liquidate after the expiration of capital gains.
teward: ehhhhhhhhhhh that's not entirely accurate
teward: capital gains can be done in the long term, the rate is just LOWER for the tax. at least in the US
mircea_popescu: <punkman> why is anyone buying at .0075 instead of waiting until after IPO? << or even having waited for a day BEFORE the ipo ?
mircea_popescu: it was actully discussed here etc.
teward: thestringpuller: differs state-to-state but you have to look at the 'two tax laws' imposed, one being state, one being federal :/
asciilifeform: this - is riotously funny. this is like watching german jews in '36 sit around a table and talk about how they'll 'game the system.'
kakobrekla: <mircea_popescu> peterl> would letting a 2-yo type be a good random generator? << nah. < better than 12-yo and prolly even 22.
thestringpuller: People who have owned a house for 20-30 years and it's escalated in value are not subject to capital gains. (I know this to be true because I know many people who have sold their houses for more than they bought them and have not gotten taxed for it. The only tax attached to the transaction is sales tax on the buyer).
asciilifeform: when the dekulakization squad wants your usd - they'll take it.
thestringpuller: that's only in this state
mircea_popescu: * xmj would love to work for Bitcoin, btw <<< sure, but doing what.
thestringpuller: asciilifeform: when the dekulakization squad wants your usd << hence not holding usd
nubbins`: what is a usd?
nubbins`: also, just discovered bitpremier
asciilifeform: nubbins`: usa dollar
nubbins`: alf, i was joking D:
ThickAsThieves: bitpremier is connected to secondmarket guy
ThickAsThieves: his brother or something
nubbins`: ThickAsThieves yeah, last name sounded familiar
nubbins`: dilbert or silbert or something
mircea_popescu: <ThickAsThieves> my wife is all 'maybe this bitcoin thing isnt such a good idea' << if i had to take a bet on the matter, it'd go like so : it has exactly zero to do with any rationalisation she comes up with and everything to do with how annoyingly you've changed since getting involved with these loser geeks.
teward: thestringpuller: keep in mind homes are governed under separate rules as well
teward: thestringpuller: there's a lot of home-specific laws and tax rules that other capital gains aren't included under
ThickAsThieves: mp that is in the mix, yes
ThickAsThieves: but i suspect it goes even deeper
nubbins`: even deeper!
asciilifeform: ThickAsThieves, mircea_popescu: 'taken up with the wrong crowd', lol
nubbins`: p is very much the opposite
mircea_popescu: there's deeper than that ?!
nubbins`: sell my btc and i'll cut you, etc
ThickAsThieves: she doesnt know the half of you guys, for one
mircea_popescu: nubbins` not everyone's hitched it with a slut yo.
ThickAsThieves: for two, i'm starting to feel like no aamount of money (in bitcoin) will be real to her
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves time to go read up on game, frame, hand and all that.
thestringpuller: buy her a diamond ring on bitpremier
thestringpuller: call it a night
nubbins`: buy her a copy of the jan 3 2009 times
nubbins`: even better
ThickAsThieves: mp wassat?
ThickAsThieves: dude she got a new suv, solar panels, hw floors, vacations
ThickAsThieves: it's not about the material things
asciilifeform: ThickAsThieves: no aamount of money (in bitcoin) will be real << to make it feel 'real', convert to a tangible. like an swift escape rocket from usaschwitz
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves well sadly they're pua concepts, but they already wrote fiddy billion words on the topic since 2010 and im too lazy to re-write the shit in 100k. especially since in the 5bn words they actually did cover 90% of the 100k, and you should be able to filter.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform his won't come.
ThickAsThieves: yeah but i have no idea where to look
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: his wife wants to remain behind the wire?
asciilifeform: ThickAsThieves - ?
ThickAsThieves: she does
ThickAsThieves: she's the only reason i'm still here
thestringpuller: can't you just kidnap her?
thestringpuller: move to argentina
asciilifeform: what does she want in usa ?
thestringpuller: not that I condone kidnapping
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] [PAID] 1.27202039 BTC to 15`091 shares, 8429 satoshi per share
mircea_popescu: yeah srsly, what do you want from me. im not hiding any kidnapped us chicks for you folks.
ThickAsThieves: some people are happy in the system
ThickAsThieves: she has her family, a job she likes, etc
mircea_popescu: in fairness, she's probably getting more for her buck there than in any possible alternative.
mircea_popescu: argentina included.
ThickAsThieves: it really isnt about the money
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] [PAID] 8.53291096 BTC to 1`149`988 shares, 742 satoshi per share
ThickAsThieves: she makes plenty on her own
mircea_popescu: "more" didn't mean money.
thestringpuller: "happiness" ???
mircea_popescu: respec, attention, the feeling of doing the right thing, we
thestringpuller: impregnate her and take the kid to argentina
thestringpuller: again not condoning kidnapping
thestringpuller: just saying
ThickAsThieves: i think it's something like 'social relevance' or justifying ones own existence
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla not really, cause small kid tends to paw, and clustered keys is one of the main enemies of entropy
ThickAsThieves: having kids didnt work out for us
kakobrekla: slightly bigger tend to dict.
asciilifeform remembers old engravings of circus bears playing organs
thestringpuller: asciilifeform must be russian
nubbins`: ThickAsThieves so divest all your btc and pick up a hobby
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves http://rationalmale.wordpress.com/ start there follow links ?
mircea_popescu: this is more reading than the logs tho
asciilifeform: thestringpuller: actually these were, if i recall, german. 17th-18th c.
ThickAsThieves: mp this is the path to the hand frame concepts?
mircea_popescu: well it's one of their luminaries.
ThickAsThieves: and you can provide no overview?
assbot: Return Of Kings - For masculine men
assbot: Chateau Heartiste
mircea_popescu: well if i could condense it in 500 words i would have already.
ThickAsThieves: seems like the quest you are sending me on is "to understand woman"
ThickAsThieves: a quest one probly dies along before completing...
mircea_popescu: nah, just some keywords in a specific set of... philosophy is muchly said, but anyway. worldview
mircea_popescu: there's this group of people, who figure they've figured out women. they're not entirely correct, but they do have some good points.
mircea_popescu: and since we're on the topic, it's fucking incredible to me how abandonedly they link to each other.
ThickAsThieves: i could probly just learn more about her mom and map onto her
mircea_popescu: it's not even a matter of, some people in a conclave circle jerking
mike_c: i can confirm that a 1 yr old is terrible random number generator. they focus on a small subset of keys and bang.
mircea_popescu: no, they link to nobodies, to beginners, to people in their comments, they link like their fucking life depends on it
mircea_popescu: i suspect it's exactly the only reason they eked into a modicum of relevancy for the social discourse
mircea_popescu: meanwhile "the press" avoids linking to people like the plague, as the quoted piece from maddox yest showed. and i suspect this has a lot to do with their collapse, it's not the internet, is that they misunderstood the importance of reference.
ThickAsThieves: i can see it now "whatcha reading, babe?" "The Ugly Reality Of Open Relationships"
asciilifeform: they link to nobodies, to beginners << unmistakeable, dire sign of a field not yet (and perhaps never) mature. you need some beginnings of a fissure between the alchemists and the chemists, astrologists and astronomers.
asciilifeform: if they all 'link to each other' - you have only alchemy, astrology.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform is what i thought too, 2011ish. but here's the thing : these people now do book deals,
mircea_popescu: they saw money.
mircea_popescu: and they STILL behave correctly.
mircea_popescu: my own pet theory, which you may laugh at as you will, is that the difference is the investment of hate. these people hate women, fundamentally, and as such they no longer need to look out for enemies, and so everyone else is a friend.
mircea_popescu: the press meanwhile knows no greater enemy than... another press outlet, especially in the same market
thestringpuller: isn't that the case with any industry?
mircea_popescu: the investment of hate results in online success, the failure to invest it results in online failure.
asciilifeform: press also has enemies it can, as a whole, agree on. untermenschen, if you like. some things 'it would not do' to print.
mircea_popescu: no, it does not. it seems to, but it does not.
mircea_popescu: consider what that "unfit to print" was in 1950, and in 1975, and in 2000.
asciilifeform: ;;google autosaurus ad
mircea_popescu: meanwhile, the pua people DO have things they'll never print.
gribble: Autosaurus - YouTube: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ff7aj2ZItuk>; Adbusters - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adbusters>; Sim City: Auto-Saurus-Rex, Volcano, UFO's in Spacington! - Spacing ...: <http://spacing.ca/atlantic/2012/06/08/sim-city-auto-saurus-rex-volcano-ufos-in-spacington/>
asciilifeform: ^ trivial example
mircea_popescu is unconvinced.
asciilifeform: or, also trivial example, that chinese sub off the californian coast.
ThickAsThieves: ;;ticker
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 428.8, Best ask: 428.85, Bid-ask spread: 0.05000, Last trade: 428.8, 24 hour volume: 12826.14394427, 24 hour low: 428.8, 24 hour high: 455.29, 24 hour vwap: 444.293570279
asciilifeform: or, or.
mircea_popescu: http://thebestpageintheuniverse.net/c.cgi?u=abc_classy << referenced maddox piece, for the convenience of the students of the future.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform no, see, those are circumstantial. it's not about the press. if the chinese took over tomorrow it'd be all over the washington post.
asciilifeform: certainly the tabloids would love to print a sensational turd about the sub. but then editor's phone rings, and 'editors can also have problems'
mircea_popescu: i'm talking about things that are fundamental, not mere convention built atop and supported on nothing really.
asciilifeform: fundamental to press per se ?
asciilifeform: then yes.
assbot: Ali G - Feminism - YouTube
thestringpuller: ali g in da house
[]bot: Bet placed: 1 BTC for No on "Bitcoin to surpass Berkshire as an investment" http://bitbet.us/bet/786/ Odds: 85(Y):15(N) by coin, 87(Y):13(N) by weight. Total bet: 1316.66146022 BTC. Current weight: 44,517.
asciilifeform: 'Because apparently nobody creates anything anymore, and it all belongs to Facebook, Twitter, Reddit and Instagram, right assholes?' << this is fundamental.
xmj: hahahahaha now that's a weird bet.
asciilifeform: imagine if actual, scientifically-honest medicine were entirely forgotten, and the licensing authorities in your country permitted only witch doctors, whose main remedy is blood-letting.
asciilifeform: (some people see this as something which has already happened, but that's besides the point of the example)
asciilifeform: is the answer for king to decree 'anyone may call himself a man of medicine' ?
ThickAsThieves: everyone already does, post-webmd
asciilifeform: now let's say actual medicinal practice reappears, in underground hideouts of a kind.
ThickAsThieves: sounds like a revolution
asciilifeform: except - no
asciilifeform: shamans, if clever, will merely crib from the deviants as needed.
asciilifeform: while continuing to oversee the latter - hanged.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 41 @ 0.16102536 = 6.602 BTC [-] {2}
asciilifeform: i'd argue that this situation is intrinsic to the very idea of having stable 'institutions' like 'official medicine'
asciilifeform: or 'official media'
[]bot: Bet placed: 250 BTC for No on "Bitcoin to surpass Berkshire as an investment" http://bitbet.us/bet/786/ Odds: 72(Y):28(N) by coin, 80(Y):20(N) by weight. Total bet: 1566.66146022 BTC. Current weight: 44,515.
asciilifeform: so long as your 'throne' (kingly, ministerial, city-dogcatcher, commissioner of farts, etc) is a thing - and isn't constantly probing your arse for worthiness to sit thereon - it will behave this way.
ThickAsThieves: buffet discovered bitbet!
TomServo: Wow - that's a big one!
Duffer1: hehe
Duffer1: mp hedging? :P
ThickAsThieves: yeah right
asciilifeform: buterin.
ThickAsThieves: i hope buterin and friends dont think they can surpress price THAT long
asciilifeform: thousand-year reich.
mircea_popescu: <asciilifeform> is the answer for king to decree 'anyone may call himself a man of medicine' ? << yes, actually.
ThickAsThieves: marshall law
pete_dushenski: ThickAsThieves: why not? gold has been suppressed for decades
mircea_popescu: the only correct response to one that wishes to impress you with meaningless bloodletting is MORE bloodletting, better directed.
mircea_popescu: not less.
ThickAsThieves: because you have to actually control the gold
asciilifeform: ^ right. but this answer unhappily tickles all the folks who think they like 'hierarchy'
mircea_popescu: tough for them
pete_dushenski: ThickAsThieves: only sorta. paper gold and market fixing abounds.
asciilifeform: for reference - my theory of 'buterin's waterfall' >> http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=17-09-2014#832194
assbot: Logged on 17-09-2014 15:50:00; asciilifeform: had a thought. usg's btc price dampener strategy has no clear endgame - the 'ethereum' thing will carry on while the usd printing press runs, because it stands to reason they are running both the sell and -buy- ends of the machine. 'arse-mouth system.'
mircea_popescu: check it out, mike_c's advertising bitbet :D
assbot: Bitcoin Balance of bitcoin address: 36PrZ1KHYMpqSyAQXSG8VwbUiq2EogxLo2
mircea_popescu: Duffer1> mp hedging? :P << wasn't me.
mike_c: i sent the link to warren, we're tight.
asciilifeform: TomServo: these folks are not necessarily brilliant schemers, but they have the basics nailed down. such as how to trade 'interesting' coin for 'boring' coin.
asciilifeform: (meatspace trades - outside the blockchain)
pete_dushenski: mike_c: lol
asciilifeform: this is why the sr dekulakization hoard appears to 'sit still'
kakobrekla: bitcoin holders are sheep. you only need to announce the sell to drop the price, not actually sell.
assbot: Ali G Show - Feminism - YouTube
asciilifeform: so, for the record, what i'll call 'buterin's waterfall' - picture a water-powered vacuum aspirator pump, of a kind used in school chemistry class.
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu: don't you read teh logs?
mircea_popescu: pete_dushenski i do ?
mircea_popescu: what'd i miss ?
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu: you posting the same thing ;)
asciilifeform: water is pumped from a tank up, and then flows down a pipe back into the tank. in the down pipe, there's a spigot to the side, where a vacuum forms - water carries away air.
mircea_popescu: shit bad link ?
ThickAsThieves: i'm not convinced there's anything at play but a lack of new bitcoin buyers
asciilifeform: so you get a vacuum that is about as good as the water's vapour pressure at the room's temperature & pressure. not bad. cheap. if you remember school - you used this 'medieval' gadget.
ThickAsThieves: traders trading traders will drive price down
mircea_popescu: pete_dushenski not the same link, just the same title.
asciilifeform: so we have 'buterin's waterfall.' ingredient - a fat bag of coin. (where found? sr coins traded for 'boring' coin with no peculiar blockchain history - plus gov. mining, other confiscations, etc.)
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu: o you so sneaky
asciilifeform: herr buterin takes the bag of coin, and places it on markets largely controlled ( http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=17-09-2014#832201 ) by usg.
assbot: Logged on 17-09-2014 15:56:55; mircea_popescu: ensure too strong a word. but suppose you don't let terrorists run their own exchanges, nor deposit to yours.
asciilifeform: at slightly lowballed price. shills (perl scripts) then 'buy' the coin at these prices.
asciilifeform: knob is turned, lowball bid is lowered still, shills continue to buy
kakobrekla: why would they announce it and not use the collected coin (ether). its a give away
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform the joke being, of course, that bitcoin had an otc market larger than the exchanges back in 2012.
asciilifeform: the 'vapour' carried away is the coin that is panic-sold by civilians
mircea_popescu: and that was before mtgox collapsed.
mircea_popescu: to imagine the entire set of noob exchanges today have 50% of the volume of mtgox in 2012 is to overstate things.
asciilifeform: the controlled market will allow the entry of sizeable parcels coin, but not of usd; and the egress of usd, but not of coin.
mircea_popescu: that means they're playing with confederate bills somewhere in the nebraska territory of bitcoin
mircea_popescu: good for them and who ever cares ?
ThickAsThieves: fwiw the larger SR coin address was dumped the same day that Draper got his coins
assbot: Bitcoin Address 1FfmbHfnpaZjKFvyi1okTjJJusN455paPH
mircea_popescu: of course nonsensical bs like "a perfectly fair price index" would get approved by the sec, bec, dec and heck in short order.
mircea_popescu: so what of it, etc.
ThickAsThieves: well maybe they decided to fill all bidders
ThickAsThieves: or have been selling the stash
los_pantalones: ThickAsThieves i can confirm not everyone was filled
los_pantalones: and i can confirm we were much better bid than SM
ThickAsThieves: maybe draper voluntasrily bid on the whole lot
los_pantalones: to no avail
ThickAsThieves: and thats why they havent released deets
mircea_popescu: los_pantalones can you actually confirm what you bid ?
ThickAsThieves: cuz his condition was to give him time to sell em all
mircea_popescu: rounded to something or other ?
los_pantalones: it was within 5% of the market on the day
mircea_popescu: up or down ?
ThickAsThieves: interesting
mircea_popescu: better than nothing, danke.
nubbins`: figured they'd go for above market rates
los_pantalones: i think they did
mircea_popescu: nubbins` if you recall that bet is still in contention.
mircea_popescu: los_pantalones not that much room in 5%
ThickAsThieves: i like this theory, what if Draper actually bid less than everyone, but for all 160k or so coins
mircea_popescu: what happened was that one favoured party got the benefit of "match the best offer we get", is the problem.
los_pantalones: nah but we assumed all the SM buyers would have blue balls and pay up after they lost
mircea_popescu: and for that people will have to do hard time.
los_pantalones: he's def not a gov't favorite
los_pantalones: he's trying to breakup cali if you recall
nubbins`: azul huevos
ThickAsThieves: what does gov care about cali states
asciilifeform: imho, it was not a sale, but a trade. hence the bid circus
mircea_popescu: that shit's going nowhere, suddenly they found extra utility for all the moles placed in random shitholes.
ThickAsThieves: dafuck, they need to fulfill this FOIA already
asciilifeform: ThickAsThieves: ministry of truth has to make up some truthy truth first
ThickAsThieves: just like the NYDFS currently creating months of research they supposedly did in the Spring
mircea_popescu: no they really did it
mircea_popescu: it just was in some emails they lost is all.
ThickAsThieves: you mena they read someone else's?
mircea_popescu: they were cohosting with the irs
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: bitcoin had an otc market larger than the exchanges back in 2012 << this is where, at least from my jail's eye view, the buggers - won. as usaschwitz inmate, otc doesn't even exist for me. in order for it to exist - i'd have to become embroiled in handling suitcases of benjies in meatspace. precisely the kind of thing агентурная работа is optimized to roll up participants of.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform you're lieing to yourself. in point of fact, on the strength of your wot rating yo ucan participate just fine.
ThickAsThieves: i dont really understand how US otc market exists
ThickAsThieves: regarding published attempts at least
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: participate how?
ThickAsThieves: like craigslist, localbitcoins
los_pantalones: ThickAsThieves why ?
nubbins`: i think localbtc does a lotta biz
asciilifeform: 90% of my living expenses are not even payable in paper money.
ThickAsThieves: because it's prime money-laundering activity
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform well i suppose i misread. yes, as a internal-regulations-abiding inmate, it doesn't exist for you.
los_pantalones: not if you document it, which is really quite easy to do
xmj: asciilifeform: how do you pay them? bank transfer?
ThickAsThieves: so if you do AML essentially
asciilifeform: so, there's a compliant bank in the loop.
los_pantalones: there are still plenty of those
xmj: huh
asciilifeform: so, where inmate turns, jailer - friendly winks.
xmj: how in gods name do you pay for food with wires
asciilifeform: food - could buy with paper
asciilifeform: rent - no
xmj: you pay food with creditcard and pay creditcard with wires?
xmj: asciilifeform: former apartment i paid rent with paper actually
xmj: asciilifeform: ... my landlord wanted it so. :)
asciilifeform: xmj: this works if you live in physically reachable distance of landlord
xmj: well two hours.
nubbins`: i prefer to receive rent via interac e-transfer
xmj: but, yeah, i know what you mean.
asciilifeform: mine - lives on other side of continent.
nubbins`: not everyone likes doing it tho :/
nubbins`: i suppose this is a foreign concept to you non-canadians
xmj: asciilifeform: mine - lives on another continent.
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves you gotta understand the otc market is really a bunch of large players, in us fiat.
xmj: asciilifeform: know anyone hiring sysadmins for BTC? >:)
mircea_popescu: three govt owned banks pushing govt script back and forth, what exactly is going to be so laundery about that ?
asciilifeform: xmj: if i knew, i'd become a sysadmin.
ThickAsThieves: so basically if you are an otc seller, you just gotta watch out for buyers saying suspicious things, as they may be agents
assbot: Digital Citizens Alliance
mircea_popescu: i think the prime of "we're selling bitcoin to pay for stolen credit cards" is come and gone.
asciilifeform: ThickAsThieves: you aren't thinking big enough. 'agents' or not, if you're feeding into or from a usd bank at the end of the day, you're in panopticon.
bounce: as in, pressure group pays "experts" to "prove" teh intarwebz are full of badness. still. again. whatever.
ThickAsThieves: how about to launder drug money?
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves they were trying that shit, mostly to elicit new information, some vague hope to make jury think onoes realbadman.
mircea_popescu: but it didn't really go anywhere. they got too much drivel and the judges don't really get impressed.
mircea_popescu: so no longer fashionable.
nubbins`: i don't know why people think big-time drug logistics and btc overlap in any significant way
ThickAsThieves: i'm not exactly clear why money laundering is even illegal
xmj: that's easy
mircea_popescu: because money is worthless.
los_pantalones: ThickAsThieves control
mircea_popescu: nubbins` idiots ?
nubbins` shrugs
xmj: because the things you do to require laundering money is illegal
xmj: black markets
nubbins`: small-time, sure. no sweat. big-time, nuh-uh
asciilifeform: ThickAsThieves, others - if your objective is not merely to avoid committing an indictable crime under american law as your lawyer was taught it, but to hide your wealth from total dekulakization - you cannot solve this problem without a closed arse-mouth btc cycle
nubbins`: look at what happened to SR when they tried to move big amounts
xmj: or legal, but you're doing it off-time off-regulation off-taxes
asciilifeform: where you forget what usd even was.
xmj: grey markets
xmj: "shadow economy".
mircea_popescu: nubbins` since when is 1kg a big amount ?
nubbins`: since SR was geared towards end-users
nubbins`: no coke user is buying in 1kg bricks
nubbins`: they're buying an 8ball
ThickAsThieves: speak for yourself!
mircea_popescu: the point remains.
xmj: "jk"
xmj: ^ truthtalk marked by "jk"-- always
ThickAsThieves: cocaine laundering
nubbins`: the point of the site was to let suburbia buy drugs without having to interact with dealers
xmj: well because dealers are shady
ThickAsThieves: and unreliable
nubbins`: what moron is going to risk his dick losing a kilo on some website?
xmj: that's why they're dealers.
mircea_popescu: well something like that. "let suburbia buy drugs while interacting with dealers on social media" was the idea
xmj: also they live with their moms.
bounce: every. last. one. of. them.
ThickAsThieves: except for bingoboingo
mircea_popescu: he lives with his dog ?
nubbins`: maybe
bounce: but it's kinda interesting to see how money is now guilty until proven innocent. all in the name of fighting droogs and terrism and whatever.
mircea_popescu: bounce no dude. that's how they rationalize it, but really, the problem is the money is worthless. to maintain its appearance of value, its use has to be limited
nubbins`: anyway, if you find yourself in possession of 1kg of cocaine, you know how to get rid of it already. if you find yourself looking to buy 1kg of cocaine, you're NOT doing it online
mircea_popescu: and its use in free markets first of all.
mircea_popescu: then in all markets, and so on.
nubbins`: other hand: if you're some kid living in the middle of idaho and you want to try LSD...
mircea_popescu: nubbins` you go to college ?
bounce: "limited", in what way? "quantitative easing" type limiting?
nubbins`: here we call it "university" ;D
mircea_popescu: bounce no, as in "you may not buy candy with it"
mircea_popescu: here are "your" ten dollars and here's the list of things you may trade it for.
mircea_popescu: don't trade it for other things and you won't know how worthless it is.
ThickAsThieves: how does btc stand a chance of avoiding all this? cant "goxcoins" be created and contained so as to depress market?
bounce: well I won't say no to a sack of that worthless money. a milliard or two should do.
mircea_popescu: they have the same thing in argentina, it's called "precios cuidados". you can buy cheap shitty rice and w/e for pesos as if the official rate were meaningfull.
mircea_popescu: otherwise shit is 50% more expensive
[]bot: Bet placed: 1 BTC for Yes on "Bitcoin to drop under $350 before November" http://bitbet.us/bet/1034/ Odds: 26(Y):74(N) by coin, 24(Y):76(N) by weight. Total bet: 11.49991689 BTC. Current weight: 54,425.
[]bot: Bet placed: 1 BTC for Yes on "Bitcoin to drop under $400 before October" http://bitbet.us/bet/1029/ Odds: 36(Y):64(N) by coin, 25(Y):75(N) by weight. Total bet: 18.68931212 BTC. Current weight: 15,690.
asciilifeform: you're NOT doing it online << but if you could - you would. the number one ingredient for 'humint' rollups of whatever thing usg dislikes - is to get people to drag their earthly carcasses out into the physical open, where they can be 'controlled buy' operated and arrested.
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves well sure, that's what ethereum is trying to achieve.
asciilifeform: if cocaine could teleport - it would be as ubiquitous and invulnerable as w4r3z.
bounce: what're you saying, proposing to scam the gullible for the good of the many? what how now?
ThickAsThieves: i guess that's why we already see huge premiums on OTC (real) coins
nubbins`: ;;bc,xau
gribble: 1 XAU = 1227.300000000000 USD = 2.90746707098 BTC
thestringpuller: ;;google XAU
gribble: ^XAU: Summary for PHLX Gold/Silver Sector- Yahoo! Finance: <http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=%5EXAU>; XAU - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XAU>; XAU - Kitco: <http://www.kitco.com/pop_windows/stocks/xau.html>
ben_vulpes: * xmj would love to work for Bitcoin, btw << wtf last time i offered to cut you checks in btc you were all "nah lets fuck around with retarded int'l payment processors"
[]bot: Bet placed: 250 BTC for No on "Bitcoin to surpass Berkshire as an investment" http://bitbet.us/bet/786/ Odds: 62(Y):38(N) by coin, 74(Y):26(N) by weight. Total bet: 1816.66146022 BTC. Current weight: 44,508.
xmj: ben_vulpes: yes and since then i've had to deal with Skype, the IRS fuckers, and got around to set things up.
xmj: ben_vulpes: I've TOLD you I'd love to work for BTC before.
bounce: hmm.
xmj: er, replace skype with PayPal.
ThickAsThieves: maybe someone made that quantum miner!
xmj: fuckers.
mircea_popescu: bitbet is having a totally shit month
Duffer1: interestingt
bounce: oh, was about to mention something about running your own SIP
bounce: (switch, ata hooked up to some service, whatever)
ThickAsThieves: <+mircea_popescu> bitbet is having a totally shit month /// use your powers to make BTCUSD $700 again, all will be well
mircea_popescu: o hey bitcoin outlets ? there've just been a quarter million dollars worth of btc bet within an hour. this is not news because you don't know where news in bitcoin breaks or because you don't know what news actually is ?
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves my powers only work when nobody mentions them.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform btw at some point ima want to hear what you thought!
bounce: "don't mention the powers!"
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: re: chumpatronics? it was very spiffy.
mircea_popescu: bounce yeah i'm an unbelief god. like, most gods draw their power from believers believing.
mircea_popescu: i, on the other hand...
bounce: too bad our collective name is cleese
ThickAsThieves: am the antichrist?
mircea_popescu: "the pedestrian antichrist"
mircea_popescu: dude where's my horse!
ThickAsThieves: in qgyot
ThickAsThieves: i type real good
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform im quite very fond of it!
asciilifeform: ;;google i'm on a horse
gribble: I'm On A Horse - The Song - YouTube: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WMXeKzoGxg>; I'm on a Horse - Old Spice Commercial - YouTube: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VX5au0LOJp8>; I'm On A Horse - YouTube: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xsPwQVnlDg0>
xmj: ;;google Scotland Independence Poll
gribble: Scottish independence referendum - Poll Tracker - BBC News: <http://www.bbc.com/news/events/scotland-decides/poll-tracker>; BBC News - Scottish independence: Voting under way in referendum: <http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-29238890>; Scottish independence referendum poll: the latest tracker - Telegraph: <http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/scottish- (1 more message)
xmj: there we go.
mircea_popescu: lol and of course the scream of late leech is at its place.
mike_c: this activity is hurting kakobrekla's theory that bitbet need moar user friendly
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: if you're thinking of a sequel, might be interesting to go into the biological hooks made use of by a qualified ce (chumpatronic engineer)
ben_vulpes: <ThickAsThieves> i'm like, you now i'll have to pay taxes on those too right? << dude stop letting the wimmins make important decisions like dietary and financial structuring
asciilifeform: specifically,
assbot: Logged on 28-08-2014 04:09:12; mircea_popescu: answer : because women. pregnancy is also -ev, and yet women do it. the same psychological complexes that control that can also yield amusing social results.
asciilifeform: and the like.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform why me
mircea_popescu: ;;ticker
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 420.0, Best ask: 420.05, Bid-ask spread: 0.05000, Last trade: 420.0, 24 hour volume: 14195.12576169, 24 hour low: 420.0, 24 hour high: 453.94, 24 hour vwap: 442.041614288
xmj: derp.
mircea_popescu: i would guess the bitstamp ticker crossed the guy's whatever threshold
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: why me << because asciilifeform is about to tickle some very small holes in a teflon rod.
mircea_popescu: there's more people here!
xmj: ben_vulpes: btw, ive since learned that sending SWIFT wires is cheaper and more convenient than PayfuckingPal.
mircea_popescu: dude you're a fucking idiot, seriously.
ThickAsThieves: my prediction is the Wall St correction will begin just before BRK bet closes and mp will be laughing
ThickAsThieves: and me with my 5btc bet at full weight
mircea_popescu: so far it's looking pretty grim.
xmj: BRK ?
ThickAsThieves: lotsa months to go
ThickAsThieves: you have to believe in bitbet for it to work!
ThickAsThieves: it can make diff go up to dizzying heights
ThickAsThieves: just believe
mircea_popescu: fcking nuts the diff bets already.
bounce is supporting bitbet by not believing in the bets. nor actually betting.
ThickAsThieves: after all, all coin in that bet supports a Yes outcome
ThickAsThieves: since they cant sell the coins
mircea_popescu: does anyone more versed in math have a ready replacement for sine and cosine in places where one wants a periodic but doesn't have the math resources to trig ?
bounce: a trig table?
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves hm i suppose this perversion is true
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: flip-flop.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: you did say just want periodic...
mircea_popescu: i misspoke., i don't care about that, it just has to be in a range
mircea_popescu: which answers my q : hasing
mircea_popescu: ty chan for listening
mike_c: um, what about what everybody else does. lookup table.
mircea_popescu: fuck that, im too special for lookup tables
assbot: Last 1 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/3S4Y7FH.txt )
mthreat: !b 1
asciilifeform: for(t=u=85; ; t+=u>>2, u-=t>>2) pissout(t+128);
asciilifeform: ^ sine.
asciilifeform: to 5% or so
mthreat: nice
asciilifeform: do try.
mircea_popescu: pete_dushenski "and unusually sane 46 years (1520-1566) atop the throne, certainly compared to his successors" << certainly what
mircea_popescu: mthreat hater :D
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu: his successors were all "only mommy can make me dinner so i know it's not poisoned"
mircea_popescu: yes but you're missing an operand.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform sadly i don't need it very precise, but it hastabe 0.3% or so.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: limited resource << cpu time? code space? working space ? or all 3.
mircea_popescu: aaaand i misspoke again. it has to produce about 300 different results is what i mean.
mircea_popescu: which your thing definitely would wouldn't it.
asciilifeform: what's the limited ingredient? because if 8 bit output resolution, 300 byte table.
mircea_popescu: just clock cycles really
asciilifeform: table then.
mircea_popescu: BUT I R HAET
asciilifeform: how would you propose to beat that, cycle-wise.
mircea_popescu: the present state of computing science sucks!(tm)
bounce: a trig table... in hardware!!!1!
mircea_popescu: can't even beat a table.
kakobrekla: you can flip it.
asciilifeform: employ a mentat.
mircea_popescu: fuck you guise, i'm going home.
mthreat: there's a street near me called Guise
nubbins`: 8 Guise
kakobrekla: and full name "Fucked By"
mike_c: hehe. "I don't have time" 'then use space' "I don't like space!"
asciilifeform: mike_c: then use.. finesse.
mike_c: physicists are probably looking for a 3rd option, but might take awhile.
kakobrekla: <mike_c> this activity is hurting kakobrekla's theory that bitbet need moar user friendly < i dont like the combination of these letters
asciilifeform: 'the best machine is no machine' (herr altschuller's mega-epic 'suddenly, the inventor appeared.').
mike_c: well, a valid question would be: how much user friendly would be required to pull in 500 btc in bets.
The20YearIRCloud: punkman: RENT's NAV is right around .01btc/share, so there's some value to new shares @ the reduced amount even of .0075 with as low as BTC/USD is. It wasn't my preference to close down market, but if my investor indication goes through they'll all be sold within a week and the fund will be back to normal activity.
asciilifeform: mike_c: how much beauty does hellen need to launch one-fifth of a ship ?
mike_c: please, beauty. none. helen was a thin pretense.
asciilifeform: ;;ud millihellen
gribble: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Millihelen | The quantity of beauty required to Launch one ship.
mike_c: hehe
mircea_popescu: <mike_c> physicists are probably looking for a 3rd option, but might take awhile. << all you need is love...
mike_c: and wtf, doesn't helen have one l?
asciilifeform: '...for the motherland, hate - for enemy'
mike_c: ;;ud millihelen
gribble: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Millihelen | "Judith was no match for Helen of Troy, having on a few millihelens of beauty herself". by great ... Nice kid with a sweet personality; kinda plain tho'... a millihelen.
mircea_popescu: 18<mike_c> please, beauty. none. helen was a thin pretense. << for what, gayola ?
asciilifeform pops 'll' key, checks spring
mike_c: helen was a thin pretense for the launching of ships. kinda like WMD.
The20YearIRCloud: mircea_popescu: I got the posters today, I had a question about redemption of the prize or whatever - Do the claimants just get on here and post a link to a photo, are there any other requirements?
asciilifeform: as is 'user friendly'
mircea_popescu: The20YearIRCloud pretty much. we're going to limit it if there's anything looking like fraud, but otherwise, just show up in here and hold the poster up
kakobrekla: you guys are oversimplifying.
mircea_popescu: sorta like the tits thing worked, but without the tits.
mircea_popescu: <asciilifeform> as is 'user friendly' << no, he has it kakobrekla
mircea_popescu: "user friendly" is a post hoc explanation just like "he's handsome&cool" is a pill against morning after remorse.
The20YearIRCloud: nubbins`: Regarding our SEC filing, Havelock & FPAI act as intermediaries (Which the SEC allows) Separating the US entity from Havelock. Our laywer has run the setup through several other legal advisors at the SEC and they all feel it's the best setup for what we're doing.
mike_c: kakobrekla: i felt like that conversation the other day started in the middle. what is your position exactly?
nubbins`: yeah, that's what we figured
The20YearIRCloud: mircea_popescu: I'm going to write up a letter/note and give a poster & instructions to each one of my tenants, then offer a discount if they use BTC to pay for their rent( even if it's a fraction of the rent). But that will only account for 15 of the 50 posters, so I was gonna run a few contests on our FB page (If that's ok with you?) for the remainder
The20YearIRCloud: Of course, keeping #1 for myself
nubbins`: ^ heh
nubbins`: i'll buy it off ya ;D
mircea_popescu: The20YearIRCloud nah, keep them for further tenants.
The20YearIRCloud: I'll sell #1 for 2btc
mircea_popescu: you both expand and you'll see some churn, so.
The20YearIRCloud: I'd rather give a few away, it can take a while for us to churn through tenants & expand, running a contest would boost our FB page severely too :D
mircea_popescu: well yes im sure it would, but the idea is for them to go to actual tenants.
The20YearIRCloud: Which is why i brought it up with you now, as I don't want to give a few away and then them yell at me saying they couldn't claim their 0.1btc
The20YearIRCloud: Also kind of wanted to give one each to my employees
mircea_popescu: The20YearIRCloud im sure nubbins` will gladly make you a dedicated fb or employee poster. kid's talented.
The20YearIRCloud: I wasn't sure if the posters were earmarked exclusively for tenants only
kakobrekla: mike_c that 'nice package' of a 'good product' does not turn off the buyers after the 'good product'.
The20YearIRCloud: as there were 100 posters made, me getting 50
asciilifeform always reads 'fb' as 'framebuffer', wonders who else.
assbot: CoinTerra Opens Pre-Orders for First 16nm Bitcoin ASIC
mike_c: but the implication being that BB does not currently have nice package?
The20YearIRCloud: i can't wait till the 1nm asics
ThickAsThieves: graphene ASICs
mike_c: intel is on what, 14 nm?
ThickAsThieves: i think 12
ThickAsThieves: not sure
assbot: Intel Has 5 nm Processors in Sight
kakobrekla: mike_c nice package is mostly for superficial people. to those i think it does not cater well.
assbot: MITAP SBADO 27: Parque Centenario -> San Bernardo : argentina
kakobrekla: i guess it depends what the goal is.
bounce: apparently the process size numbers have become all but meaningless
mike_c: so in this case perhaps superficial = casual gambler.
mike_c: i don't think package is the issue there. more the parimutuel/weight system.
ThickAsThieves: kako will like that ^
asciilifeform: ThickAsThieves: salami slice ?
kakobrekla: mike_c sometimes the line from product and package is hard to determine, seems to me.
kakobrekla: but tat you can still have both, nice fonts AND correct math. in theory.
ThickAsThieves: of course
mike_c: i don't like circle's look. not as good as ethereum.
asciilifeform: the math is correct. just missing a term.
ThickAsThieves: oh yeah the other day you mentioned, you never heard of good package hurting good product
asciilifeform: call it 's' for salami.
ThickAsThieves: it is very much a thing
ThickAsThieves: i'll give a basic example
kakobrekla: do tell, mp came with one (and not great one)
ThickAsThieves: nonprofit agency pays more money for cheap-looking solicition materials (like, capital campaign mailers) so as not to look like they have plenty money to afford nicer package
ThickAsThieves: packaging must match culture of audience
kakobrekla: but nonprofits goal is to not make a profit, so that doesnt count.
ThickAsThieves: i'm showing how the nonprofit has awareness of the phenomenon
ThickAsThieves: if packaging doesnt suit audience, one or both parties may be alienated
ThickAsThieves: the packaging is a communication
ThickAsThieves: a language maybe
asciilifeform: 'inverse-veblen good' ?
ThickAsThieves: what if god was one of us?
bounce: what if americans understood irony?
kakobrekla: i thought 'good' implied 'appropriate'.
ThickAsThieves: good implies optimal i guess
ThickAsThieves: we are defining it
asciilifeform: ;;google veblen good
gribble: Veblen good - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Veblen_good>; Veblen Good Definition | Investopedia: <http://www.investopedia.com/terms/v/veblen-good.asp>; Veblen Good Definition & Example | Investing Answers: <http://www.investinganswers.com/financial-dictionary/economics/veblen-good-6371>
mike_c: nonprofit goal is to not book a profit, but they certainly want as much revenue as they can get.
kakobrekla: its not good if its inappropriate
asciilifeform: 'good' meant there, something one can buy or sell.
ThickAsThieves: yes asciii good example
kakobrekla: i also am not talking about "not evil"
ThickAsThieves: thin line between optimizing your communication and being manipulative
ThickAsThieves: if line exists at all
ThickAsThieves: just to inject a quick tangent, lately i've been thinking about how reality is essentially toxic, and of human relationship with it is in how it insulates from it.
ThickAsThieves: probly just boils down to thermodynamics
bounce: toxic in what sense?
ThickAsThieves: it causes pain when exposed
ThickAsThieves: contemplating ones mortality for example
bounce: so pain is the universe's fault?
ThickAsThieves: well it aint my fault
bounce: of course it isn't.
ThickAsThieves: humans work so hard to insulate from real
ThickAsThieves: probly also restating mp's theories on not all men can be free
ThickAsThieves: some men can take the pain
ThickAsThieves: or thrive on it
los_pantalones: ThickAsThieves don't.jump.
los_pantalones: it's just $
los_pantalones: unrealized losses
ThickAsThieves: no its not that
asciilifeform: ThickAsThieves candidate for wife-replacement surgery ?
ThickAsThieves: i'm short on BTCUSD
ThickAsThieves: been so for a while
los_pantalones: "short on" = don't have enough
los_pantalones: or you are short it
asciilifeform: what's a btcusd ?
ThickAsThieves: i literally shorted it with leverage
asciilifeform: is it something like a newton-metre ?
asciilifeform: or foot-pound ?
ThickAsThieves: just btc price in usd
los_pantalones: on bfx ?
los_pantalones: borrowing costs to short are pretty cheap
ThickAsThieves: much less than longs
ThickAsThieves: currently at .002% per day for me
los_pantalones: nice return
los_pantalones: have a target?
ThickAsThieves: ive started covering and hope to buy back in for realz under 400
ThickAsThieves: 360 looks likely
ThickAsThieves: watching closely of course
los_pantalones: good luck
thestringpuller: ;;ticker
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 428.4, Best ask: 428.53, Bid-ask spread: 0.13000, Last trade: 428.4, 24 hour volume: 15009.87721379, 24 hour low: 415.0, 24 hour high: 453.94, 24 hour vwap: 438.112123888
thestringpuller: i've been long since 2012
thestringpuller: the only time I went short was october 2012
thestringpuller: MPOE puts
thestringpuller: just to see how they worked
los_pantalones: long puts, no matter the market
los_pantalones: terrible trade
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [RENT] 321 @ 0.0075 = 2.4075 BTC [+] {2}
thestringpuller: los_pantalones: yea we all know that now
thestringpuller: too bad I didn't know that in my infancy
los_pantalones: gotta learn somehow
los_pantalones: and mp might say quite the opposite
los_pantalones: but he was in a slightly diff pos
assbot: Is Adulthood Dead? - Digg
ThickAsThieves: did it ever exist?
mircea_popescu: <mthreat> mircea_popescu: I have the event for you: Reddit Mitap - http://www.reddit.com/r/argentina/comments/2gr6lo/mitap_s%C3%A1bado_27_parque_centenario_san_bernardo/ << wanna go ?
assbot: MITAP SBADO 27: Parque Centenario -> San Bernardo : argentina
mircea_popescu: i've already been to the embassy thing, so.
The20YearIRCloud: I don't think saying walter white wasn't an adult is kind of stupid
mircea_popescu: <ThickAsThieves> i think 12 << iirc 12 kinda fizzled.
The20YearIRCloud: in my mind adulthood is the time when you stop thinking less about now and more about the future
The20YearIRCloud: then attempt to make decisions that look forward, trying to plan. Of course many people never get to that point
asciilifeform: just as unrelated q: anyone know of a laptop comp. currently on the market which isn't a complete piece of shit? (everything i see either has display with < 1080 lines, glossy, or both - imho unusable.)
The20YearIRCloud: My kids look forward maybe 3 minutes, 5 if I"m lucky
mircea_popescu: "Cuestión, nos vemos el sábado que viene y recuerden: al que hable de bitcoins lo tiramos al agua / invita un shot a todos / pela."
The20YearIRCloud: I've heard lenovo is decent
mircea_popescu: mthreat we go there, beat the shit out of the kids ?
mircea_popescu: curious what the situation is like here if you assault some idiots in the street. fine or what ?
ThickAsThieves: <+asciilifeform> thinkpad X1
The20YearIRCloud: in Romania?
ThickAsThieves: x1 carbon
asciilifeform: ThickAsThieves: no 'F' keys! what a steaming turd.
asciilifeform: plus the one with >1080 lines has gloss.
mircea_popescu: The20YearIRCloud buenos aires.
ThickAsThieves: wait a sec mine has F keys and no gloss
asciilifeform: how many lines of display res ?
assbot: BitBet - Bitcoin to surpass Berkshire as an investment :: 1121.08 B (48%) on Yes, 1195.58 B (52%) on No | closing in 4 months 4 weeks | weight: 44`485 (100`000 to 1)
mircea_popescu: well not QUITE even
The20YearIRCloud: You're in argentina now?
The20YearIRCloud: I've met a few from there, they assure me with a little bit of cash you can do whatever you want
thestringpuller: interesting. i wonder if the suppression in price is at all related to this bet
mircea_popescu: The20YearIRCloud it's so far been my understanding.
mircea_popescu: so going in there and plowing a beating into the reddit crowd seems a decent use for a few bitcents.
ThickAsThieves: ascii 2560 x 1600
asciilifeform: ThickAsThieves: which machine was this
ThickAsThieves: you want the X1 carbon 2nd edition
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 3 @ 0.17399999 = 0.522 BTC [+]
ThickAsThieves: also chosen for being linux-friendly system
asciilifeform: ThickAsThieves: have you a link to vendor?
asciilifeform: because lenovo's site mentions no such animal
asciilifeform: they have a 2560 x 1440 glossy, and a 900 line turd.
ThickAsThieves: the links are dynamic sadly, so you might have to build it, but i will look up my order
mircea_popescu: los_pantalones: ThickAsThieves don't.jump. << STOP! it's hammertime!
ThickAsThieves: ok ascii you are right, matte is only for 14"
asciilifeform: there we go.
ThickAsThieves: it isnt the best display, but everything else is nice
mthreat: mircea_popescu: nah the reddit kids are a friendly bunch, i've been to one of their parties
asciilifeform: ThickAsThieves: good laptop for a blind man, then.
mircea_popescu: well ok, then we can just go and not beat them up
ThickAsThieves: rather, not a good laptop for fine linework and ruining your eyesight staring at small details ;)
asciilifeform: ThickAsThieves: it's bad enough that no one makes a laptop with vertical display...
ThickAsThieves: they have those tabletops
asciilifeform: tabletop ?
ThickAsThieves: sorry that was meant to read tablet-tops
mircea_popescu says "get a tablet" then remembers proper tablet was never made because apple got to it first.
ThickAsThieves: convertible laptop tablets
ThickAsThieves: MS and Intel would really love for you to buy 1
asciilifeform mercifully forgot that microshit sold a 'tablet'
ThickAsThieves: they have big ones now too
ThickAsThieves: MS is so fucked
mthreat: mircea_popescu: also, i'm done with my contract work so as of tomorrow my days are free again. we should get lunch, maybe at Dogg - http://pickupthefork.com/tag/dogg-buenos-aires/
assbot: DOGG buenos aires | Pick Up The Fork
assbot: DOGG: Getting It On Hot Doggy Style | Pick Up The Fork
mircea_popescu: mthreat prolly better next week tho.
mthreat: cool
assbot: SURVIVING IN ARGENTINA: Why didnt I move to Estancia Cafayate in the Province of Salta
mircea_popescu: Isnt it wonderful how the “Casey Research Group “concludes that the best thing for you is to buy property from Doug Casey in crappy poor Argentina?. JAJAJAJAA!!!!
mircea_popescu: You’d think that being rich and loving a wine sipping, golf playing sophisticated lifestyle you’d be better off in Napa Valley or something, but no, the best thing for you is to go to the middle of nowhere Argentina and then go from there to a middle of nowhere province where land used to sell for a dollar a square mile, that is until good ol’ Doug bought it and his research now shows that its in your best intere
mircea_popescu: st to pay 300.000 a pop for a place in his Estancia… in one of the poorest provinces of Argentina… in the middle of the desert, where not a blade of grass would survive without artificial irrigation. JA!! Amazing what you can achieve with research!
mircea_popescu: i gotta say, the scammers here are just about this fucktarded.
asciilifeform confesses that when he learned that mircea_popescu was going to Ar, assumed that it was because of the joys chronicled by (among others) ferfal.
mircea_popescu: i mean, nowhere near the smoothness one expects of the same operation in say maryland
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform first time i go to that site.
asciilifeform: well yes. but the events described there, afaik - happened.
asciilifeform: good old-fashioned 'mad max' collapse, that is
mircea_popescu: in argentina ? nah.
The20YearIRCloud: yugoslovia was mad max
mthreat: mircea_popescu: ferfal lives in the US now, for a while ;)
asciilifeform: wai what, those great tales of children chained to streetlights so cars would stop, and then drivers can be throat-cut and robbed - all fake ?!
The20YearIRCloud: argentina is like a detroit collapse
The20YearIRCloud: he's making great money in the US as a consultant
mircea_popescu: yugoslavia WAS mad max, yes.
mthreat: with yugos instead of mustangs?
The20YearIRCloud: shtfschool has some information about the yugoslovia incident
mircea_popescu: argentina... meh. i should be able to see the signs. meanwhile, their biggest bombing was of a 3 story jewish centre 30 years ago.
mircea_popescu: by this measure the us has been through all madmaxes in history.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform re the children chained / throats cut business, same goes to you as discussed with los_pantalones re that robbery gopro video.
mircea_popescu: does that schmuck look threatening to you ? and yet, inexplicably, he's alive. how ?
asciilifeform: alive because knows his place in food chain, presumably
mircea_popescu: yeah, totally.
mircea_popescu: more like, because there scarcely is any food chain
asciilifeform: or perhaps 'food chain' is not the right term. lion looks dangerous to man, but not to adult elephant, though the latter will not eat him
mircea_popescu: blind cavefish do not survive because they know not to upset cats
mircea_popescu: they survive because sealed in cave. no cats there.
asciilifeform: well-known phenomenon - dodo bird.
mircea_popescu: and also! it's generally gringos that are the scammers.
mircea_popescu: they think themselves so smart, and all that.
los_pantalones: us gringos are dangerous
mircea_popescu: incredibly easy to spot, too.
asciilifeform: scammers - sure. but surely every land can produce its own thieves, robbers, berserkers.
mircea_popescu: "Oh, you didn’t know? See, one of the differences between living in Buenos Aires and living in Salta, is that the life expectancy for males in Buenos Aires is 69,17, while in Salta its 66,17!!!! How Cool is that?! You get to kick the bucket while in your prime years, no one wants to be remembered like an old wrinkly man, rich or not. Why would you want to live in Buenos Aires and live a measly 4 years more of life?"
mircea_popescu: the farfel guy is not just retarded,
mircea_popescu: he can't substract.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform if every land could every land were a duchy and russia'd consist of some land on the bug.
mthreat: 3 years here is like 4 years other places?
mircea_popescu: mthreat now this i can credit.
mircea_popescu: anyway, living in a dirt poor province has its advantages.
mircea_popescu: for one thing, it's the cheapest way to raise an army.
mircea_popescu: for another thing, it's the cheapest way to spread your carnal knowledge.
los_pantalones: this is how i feel about those advantages
mircea_popescu: los_pantalones i guess you're not the next stalin then.
los_pantalones: sadly, no
los_pantalones: sorry to my fanbois
mircea_popescu: a well, we've all got our limitations :D
mircea_popescu: "I’m in financial services and one of the researchers I read suggests"
mircea_popescu: fucking lamers these people. i read that, i think here's an aluminum sidings salesman trying to make it as an insurance salesman now
[]bot: Bet placed: 1.5 BTC for Yes on "Bitcoin to drop under $400 before October" http://bitbet.us/bet/1029/ Odds: 45(Y):55(N) by coin, 28(Y):72(N) by weight. Total bet: 21.68931212 BTC. Current weight: 15,387.
Duffer1: at what point does that become a gracious donation?
mircea_popescu: after the bet closes
thestringpuller: ;;ticker
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 415.0, Best ask: 415.19, Bid-ask spread: 0.19000, Last trade: 415.0, 24 hour volume: 17059.74082261, 24 hour low: 407.94, 24 hour high: 453.94, 24 hour vwap: 435.262063823
thestringpuller: is the term "gracious donation" copyrighted?
Duffer1: i see
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform lmao. "crazy shit stick on all sides of weapon!!!!"
mircea_popescu: guy's great
cazalla: well, that's an interesting price to wake up to
asciilifeform: 'happy is the man who has one leg, one sock doesn't tear, one boot isn't needed.'
mircea_popescu: guy's excellent dude, i'm wiping my tears over here, chicks are doubled over on the floor laughing, you ruined my fucking work
asciilifeform: muhahahaha.
mircea_popescu: ;;ticker
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 410.31, Best ask: 410.33, Bid-ask spread: 0.02000, Last trade: 410.33, 24 hour volume: 17399.49655314, 24 hour low: 407.94, 24 hour high: 453.94, 24 hour vwap: 434.783426284
ThickAsThieves: 393 at btce
thestringpuller: bet closed
thestringpuller: congrats winners!
thestringpuller: even if you didn't win this time remember, participation counts
mircea_popescu: o srsly ?
mircea_popescu: ;;ticker
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 410.5, Best ask: 412.77, Bid-ask spread: 2.27000, Last trade: 410.38, 24 hour volume: 17414.87561426, 24 hour low: 407.94, 24 hour high: 453.94, 24 hour vwap: 434.716551529
mircea_popescu: not quite yet.
kakobrekla: bitbet sez its 50:50
assbot: BitBet - Bitcoin to drop under $400 before October :: 9.69 B (45%) on Yes, 12 B (55%) on No | closing in 5 days 4 hours | weight: 15`353 (100`000 to 1)
los_pantalones: what did i say earlier about long puts?
BingoBoingo: ;;bc,stats
gribble: Current Blocks: 321393 | Current Difficulty: 2.9829733124040417E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 322559 | Next Difficulty In: 1166 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 6 days, 8 hours, 55 minutes, and 4 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 35414879261.8 | Estimated Percent Change: 18.72342
mircea_popescu: well what does bitbet know.
The20YearIRCloud: Anyone know when the scotland vote isi n?
mircea_popescu: tomorrow no ?
mike_c: today i believe
Duffer1: today
The20YearIRCloud: I meant timewise - it's today
mircea_popescu: they proly gotta count it, come to terms with the fact the uk is gone, stuff.
mircea_popescu: tomorrow.
The20YearIRCloud: 10pm tonight it seems
asciilifeform: scokraine.
mike_c: bitbet says scotland will stay with the UK
kakobrekla: lol i post a link here - next block there is 5 bets incoming.
mircea_popescu: mike_c what does bitbet know.
kakobrekla: it knows what block is it.
mircea_popescu: course bottom may well be in.
mircea_popescu: but anyway, regardless of scotland. basque country, french canada, transylvania, there were a coupla hundred states at the start of the century
mircea_popescu: there will be many thousands at the end of it.
mircea_popescu: there's absolutely no reason to have a country larger than hong kong.
mircea_popescu: most us states are too large, let alone the federal construct altogether.
mike_c: big countries eat small countries.
mircea_popescu: used to.
mircea_popescu: meanwhile china ate tibet but still is struggling with singapore.
mircea_popescu: small countries > big countries.
mike_c: tell ukraine that
asciilifeform: i bet tibet tasted like shit.
mircea_popescu: mike_c ukraine is not a small country, is its problem
mike_c: i guess this is true. it is only losing pieces.
asciilifeform: panic_sell << lol, herr buterin gives a little knob a bit of clockwise twist, and we have 'panic'
mike_c: as is syria.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform engineering panics are however great. as far as the usg is concerned, they're cannibalistic
mircea_popescu: the people being kicked off are exactly the two bit farmers that it'd have had to rely on to expand its rule into this new fronteer
The20YearIRCloud: engineering panics?
mircea_popescu: not like the indians are about to leave their ancestral homeland because the colonists dun like it no more.
The20YearIRCloud: in singapore or tibet?
mircea_popescu: we moved on to discussing buterin's derpage.
asciilifeform: !s buterin waterfall
asciilifeform: ^ for those who slept.
ben_vulpes: ty asciilifeform
mircea_popescu: anyway, from a purely geopolitical perspective... gutting the 51st us state is more than adequate escalation for the entire ukraine mess, much like the syria humiliation was more than adequate escalation for the ossetia mess.
mircea_popescu: for a guy that "doesn't understand how reality works", the situation in the field speaks well of putin.
asciilifeform: gut - then make haggis.
assbot: xanthyos +v failed; L1: 0, L2: 0
asciilifeform: !up xanthyos
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2000 @ 0.0007198 = 1.4396 BTC [+]
BingoBoingo: !up xanthyos
asciilifeform: !up xanthyos
xanthyos: saved from panic selling due to a ban from otc. wonder why.
xanthyos: hi BingoBoingo
BingoBoingo: Hi xanthyos
assbot: Holy Smokes! Someone plunked down 1000 bitcoin on No today for the Berkshire vs Bitcoin bet on bitbet.us : Bitcoin
los_pantalones: love these redditors
mike_c: holy shit, i missed the 2nd 500
mircea_popescu: the strangest thing is... why make it 4 equal chunks
mike_c: wtf []bot
los_pantalones: idk, wences had to dig up 4 private keys from 1m underground in 4 countries ?
mircea_popescu: "Looking at those payouts, no one should take those bets, either for or against. The payout ratio is really, really bad if I read it correctly." << makes sense.
asciilifeform: equal chunks << usg's calling card.
mircea_popescu: NEITHER SIDE IS A GOOD BET!!!
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform and how you figure ?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [RENT] 200 @ 0.0075 = 1.5 BTC [+]
asciilifeform: if i recall, those were also cut into 'round' parcels.
ThickAsThieves: equal chunks from different addies?
mircea_popescu: "Who is sending 1000 BTC to a site with no SSL? Any why would anyone trust this site anyways? People are stupid or it's fake."
mircea_popescu: los_pantalones you're right, they;re cute.
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla wanna do an ama ?
mircea_popescu: "I own BitBet, the site with the thousands of Bitcoins in bets. Ask me anything"
ThickAsThieves: Antything except that
mircea_popescu: see if you can not get banned for like half a day
los_pantalones: don't you do that all day ?
ThickAsThieves: and that
asciilifeform: in all fairness, equal chunks from different addies would be perfectly mundane evidence of coldwallets uncorked for the occasion.
mircea_popescu: los_pantalones me ? nah.
los_pantalones: what is this ?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform one possibility yes. in fact, it's trivial to try and find a blockchain link to where the btc was before.
mircea_popescu: generally a paper wallet is stationary.
mircea_popescu: los_pantalones well yes but the medium is the derpage.
mircea_popescu: "And sending 1000 BTC and waiting 5 months for the result when sites like this closing every day without notice is beyond stupid."
mircea_popescu: herp. "sites like this". lol.
ThickAsThieves: "I bet this was the whale's plan the whole time."
mike_c: TaT.. fess up. this is your short.
mircea_popescu: who's private booty ?
los_pantalones: 'site like this' def my fave part
ThickAsThieves: cavemen must have invented religion on like day 1
xanthyos: my new 72-year-old psychiatrist has not heard about bitcoin. it's not mainstream yet. growth is still possible.
mircea_popescu: xanthyos what the fuck are you doing with a 72yo psych
ThickAsThieves: mike_c i'm like 50% less short than i was last week!
xanthyos: same guy i saw 20 years ago
mike_c: only 1k btc short now ;)
mircea_popescu: xanthyos wow.
mircea_popescu: you paid some guy 100 bux twice a week for 20 years, and he's not even sucking you off ?
assbot: Last 1 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/2GH1FA6.txt )
xanthyos: haven't seen him since 1995
mircea_popescu: come to argentina, much better deals here.
xanthyos: insurance pays.
mike_c: buckle up. tomorrow when warren says it was his bet, btcusd will explode.
mircea_popescu: why would it ?
mike_c: publicity!
mike_c: explode upwards.
mircea_popescu: "[–]mementori 1 point 29 minutes ago
mircea_popescu: can confirm - made an awesome bet on betsofbitco.in well over a year before the conclusion (had previously been paid out by them) - when it came time to pay up, the site stopped closing bets and then eventually just shut down. I bet .1btc when btc was ~$70 and I would of won around .5btc when btc was ~$800"
assbot: Sinquefield Cup: One of the most amazing feats in chess history just happened, and no one noticed.
mircea_popescu: yeah, basically, idiocy spreads through exactly this mechanism.
los_pantalones: awesome bet!
mircea_popescu: lol cameron and john major. and tony blair. "please don't break out heart"
mircea_popescu: YOU BROKE IT asshats.
ben_vulpes: ;;ticker
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 415.04, Best ask: 416.82, Bid-ask spread: 1.78000, Last trade: 416.85, 24 hour volume: 18332.47850390, 24 hour low: 407.94, 24 hour high: 453.94, 24 hour vwap: 432.816883003
assbot: English news report with the cat lady that owns 130 cats - YouTube
cazalla: imagine the smell
assbot: Queen Elizabeth II, shown here visiting a Scottish Polling Station. http://t.co/1WT6SPLmeQ
mircea_popescu: The Gas Price Spike Act, H.R. 3784, would apply a windfall tax on the sale of oil and gas that ranges from 50 percent to 100 percent on all surplus earnings exceeding "a reasonable profit." It would set up a Reasonable Profits Board made up of three presidential nominees that will serve three-year terms. Unlike other bills setting up advisory boards, the Reasonable Profits Board would not be made up of any nominees fro
mircea_popescu: m Congress.
mircea_popescu: The bill would also seem to exclude industry representatives from the board, as it says members "shall have no financial interests in any of the businesses for which reasonable profits are determined by the Board."
mircea_popescu: nobody elected and no businessman allowed.
mircea_popescu: the country has to be run by what exactly, lefty social media experts ?
The20YearIRCloud: mircea_popescu: they've talkd about that quite a bit
The20YearIRCloud: And the oil industry has pathetic margins, apple is the king of margins on $1b+ companies
mircea_popescu: actually washington is the king of margins. al gore makes a trillion % on his "trade carbon" mafia scam.
mircea_popescu: easy to make huge margins with no actual costs.
The20YearIRCloud: and even more aggrivating is the mindless fools that support those policies
mircea_popescu: eh, the common man will support anything, who cares.
mircea_popescu: better reasons to be aggrieved. like the fact that there's no low cpu replacement for sine.
mircea_popescu: fucking tables.
The20YearIRCloud: One of the guys that always supports crap like that whom I talk to once in a while works for apple
The20YearIRCloud: Always funny him defending their 20%+ margin yet slamming walmart for their 5.6% and exxon's 8%
kakobrekla: 20? did ya forget a zero there?
mircea_popescu: yeah, apple, the world's most successful dropshipper.
mircea_popescu: they really should be on ebay.
mircea_popescu: AAA+++pple.
The20YearIRCloud: Last time i checked it was a 20% net operating margin
The20YearIRCloud: 21.3% in q2 2013
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla they got a lotta useless employees you see.
jurov: mircea_popescu: you can use 11 point polynomial, if you insist http://krisgarrett.net/papers/l2approx.pdf
mircea_popescu: is that 10 arbitrary power operations ?
mircea_popescu: i want something with like 3 additions and a division.
thestringpuller: ;;ticker
jurov: or lol, if the platform has good rng, do monte carlo
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 416.0, Best ask: 417.95, Bid-ask spread: 1.95000, Last trade: 417.98, 24 hour volume: 18805.13675508, 24 hour low: 407.94, 24 hour high: 453.94, 24 hour vwap: 432.20570792
thestringpuller: i was hoping to see cheaper coins
mircea_popescu: how much cheaper lol
mircea_popescu: 410 is cheaper than 490, which is cheaper thjan the 500s it was which is cheaper than 700 etc
thestringpuller: like 10 dollar coins
thestringpuller: I miss 2012
mircea_popescu: miss scarlet, you've had a child now, and you ain't never gonna be 17 and a half again
mircea_popescu: not no mo'.
assbot: Last 9 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/1KXZ3RA.txt )
assbot: Techies Are Now Panhandling For Funding
mircea_popescu: it's not panhandling, it's being creative and changing the world revolutionizing,.
mircea_popescu: really ycombinator's celebration of the uber scammors sordid approach is the moment there.
mircea_popescu: everything after that's just immitation.
thestringpuller: i thought that was facebook...
mircea_popescu: "When forces that are hostile to socialism try to turn the development of some socialist country towards capitalism, it becomes not only a problem of the country concerned, but a common problem and concern of all socialist countries."
mircea_popescu: the brejnev doctrine survived both brejnev and the soviet union! give the guy obama's nobel prize i say.
mircea_popescu: ;;ticker
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 433.66, Best ask: 433.94, Bid-ask spread: 0.28000, Last trade: 431.2, 24 hour volume: 19974.69850384, 24 hour low: 407.94, 24 hour high: 453.94, 24 hour vwap: 431.818620067
mircea_popescu: well that was exciting.
los_pantalones: long puts
los_pantalones: suck ass
mike_c: long puts = short difficulty
mircea_popescu: ;;bc,stats
gribble: Current Blocks: 321405 | Current Difficulty: 2.9829733124040417E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 322559 | Next Difficulty In: 1154 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 6 days, 12 hours, 28 minutes, and 28 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 35364022510.3 | Estimated Percent Change: 18.55293
mircea_popescu: seriously, the sort of imbecile that came up with this plan to push btc downwards on pure spin, while the diff is up bitbet is pointing the other way...
mircea_popescu: think more, desk people. hire BingoBoingo. do something, on your own you're worthless.
assbot: Last 2 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/050WY6P.txt )
atcbot: [X-BT] Bid: 198 Ask: 245 Last Price: 198 24h-Vol: 0k High: N/A Low: N/A VWAP: N/A
atcbot: 45k@282 8k@260 2k@245 | 80k@198 6k@194 12k@190
atcbot: [X-BT VWAP] Bid: 198 Ask: 245 Last Price: 198 30d-Vol: 152k 30d-High: 221 30d-Low: 170 30d-VWAP: 181
atcbot: [ATC Diff] Current Diff: 1878190.93 Est. Next Diff: 300997.11 in 1009 blocks (#46368) Est. % Change: -83.97
ThickAsThieves: maybe one day i'll be employable
ThickAsThieves: til then, blowstamps!
mircea_popescu: gotta build it.
mircea_popescu: you don't become employable by aging, you're not wine.
ThickAsThieves: was kinda joking
ThickAsThieves: i'm employable, just not by you
ThickAsThieves: nor do i really want to be employed
ThickAsThieves: in the literal sense at least
Duffer1: scotland polls closed, counting time
ThickAsThieves: rather, in the contemporary sense
mircea_popescu: well sure but one never know what kids be reading, get the wrong idea.
los_pantalones: mircea_popescu
assbot: Place prediction on: Will Bitbet.us Berkshire bet resolve to YES
los_pantalones: bet on the bet
los_pantalones: on the bet
BingoBoingo: Best Marketing Evar!!!
los_pantalones: or is this blatant theft of contract specs ?
assbot: Good, Honest Football: Re-Watching the XFL | Mental Floss
BingoBoingo: los_pantalones: No, great Marketing on BitBet that its competitors have to make bets on BitBet bets
ben_vulpes: ;;ticker
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 427.93, Best ask: 428.0, Bid-ask spread: 0.07000, Last trade: 428.0, 24 hour volume: 21423.75818318, 24 hour low: 407.94, 24 hour high: 453.94, 24 hour vwap: 431.700539902
BingoBoingo: ;;ticker --market all
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 428.5, vol: 21444.53124745 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 414.747, vol: 13295.37209 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 431.62, vol: 37599.14920367 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 426.956013, vol: 30340.54810000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 503.18147, vol: 18.12199892 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 430.036238742, vol: 167.41885582 | Volume-weighted last average: 427.423087606
mircea_popescu: los_pantalones lol k
mircea_popescu: i suppose its sensible, bitbet is a good signal source.
mircea_popescu: better than the usg at any rate/
mircea_popescu: <los_pantalones> or is this blatant theft of contract specs ? << nah, bitbet is designed/intended as a backstop for an infinity of independent repackagers/customer oriented bookies and assorted venues.
mircea_popescu: let people serve their own customers as best they can, and let them have a liquid and powerful marketplace where to unload unwanted risk.
mircea_popescu: it's a winning model.
mircea_popescu: also completely winds kakobrekla's gui arguments, but this time from the right direction :))
los_pantalones: welp, tempus fuck it, i'm out of here
los_pantalones: night boys
asciilifeform wonders why folks always say they'd like to be 'employable' rather than 'fed and sheltered'
mircea_popescu: there's a difference between being loved and being useful.
asciilifeform: the common rat, mouse, is neither loved nor useful, fed & sheltered still.
mircea_popescu: no, the mouse feeds itself.
asciilifeform: from your kitchen, yes.
mircea_popescu: apparently it wasn't as your as all that.
mircea_popescu: might of mouse makes right.
assbot: Last 6 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/363TJ72.txt )
thestringpuller: look at mp and asciilifeform droppin' dat wisdom shit up in here
mircea_popescu: "This event was created to demonstrate the different betting systems. We believe strongly in the superiority of our betting system and expect the the odds for both outcomes to be significantly better on our site."
mircea_popescu: wtf must one be smoking lol
asciilifeform: speaking of whizzdum - recently read about 'luer's connector' and discovered that some of today's medicine men are campaigning to have it abolished. because dumbshit orderlies can't be trusted not to plug an x hose into a y port (e.g., x == blood 'in' and y == piss 'out')
asciilifeform: so homo americanus answers, gotta have 11111enty different plugs, one for each bodily secretion, medical concoction, and direction of desired flow
asciilifeform: stimulate economy !11!
mircea_popescu: this is how gasoline works.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: well, petrol vs diesel, yes
mircea_popescu: it has actually happened to me once that dumbass gas station kid put diesel in gasoline v8 engine
mircea_popescu: at a time that was rare and expensive.
mircea_popescu: i also know first hand of a case where sleepy truck driver put gasoline in his truck. figured it out after ~200 liters in. had to suck it back out
mircea_popescu: took a day.
asciilifeform: afaik you can still do that with the american nozzles
mircea_popescu: in europe it's mostly impossible to fit them x-way
ThickAsThieves: "We believe strongly in the superiority of our betting system and expect the the odds for both outcomes to be significantly better on our site. " i cant even think of what that might mean
ThickAsThieves: that theyll get 2000btc+?
mircea_popescu: i have nfi.
mircea_popescu: maybe they figure starting over at weight 100k is somehow going to overrule starting over at 0 pool.
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: line operators must be protected from themselves, too, lest the company be held liable for their idiocy. "actuation button A 2.5 ft to the right of press, B 2.5 to the left, press does not fire unless both actuation buttons are pressed together"
ben_vulpes: i always enjoyed imagining the creative ways people might try to circumvent my anti-idiot devices.
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: i was just about to say.
ben_vulpes: probably the only enjoyable part of that job.
ben_vulpes: now i've given up on jobs being enjoyable.
asciilifeform: typically at the end of the day there's a crowbar strategically holding down both...
ben_vulpes: gotta release the press eventually.
assbot: Logged on 07-08-2014 04:57:13; asciilifeform: in oil prospecting, salvage diving, etc. there is a concept where safety measures that the crew will not follow because they 'seen ridiculous' - are useless
asciilifeform: ^ originally described in one of naggum's pieces
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes it usually comes down to duct tape
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 1304 @ 0.00071999 = 0.9389 BTC [+]
TheNewDeal: ;;ticker
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 419.08, Best ask: 420.0, Bid-ask spread: 0.92000, Last trade: 419.08, 24 hour volume: 22116.05561929, 24 hour low: 407.94, 24 hour high: 453.94, 24 hour vwap: 430.465775042
assbot: xkcd: e to the pi Minus pi
mircea_popescu: old xkcd's are much better.
TheNewDeal: ;;calc e^pi-pi
gribble: Error: Something in there wasn't a valid number.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform http://xkcd.com/227/ here's one for you.
assbot: xkcd: Color Codes
mircea_popescu: ;;calc e**pi-pi
gribble: 19.9990999792
asciilifeform: yeah i remember that one..
asciilifeform: goes great with lawrence oates and his 'I am just going outside and may be some time.'
assbot: No, Apple probably didnt get new secret govt orders to hand over data | Ars Technica
mircea_popescu: im behind. what canary ?
bounce: the canary got NSLed
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: You know the notice that says you haven't been issued a warrant, that disappears when you have. Apple's diappeared.
mircea_popescu: i didn't know there was a notice
mircea_popescu: where is this notice ?
BingoBoingo: Here's a sample one. http://www.rsync.net/resources/notices/canary.txt I've never seen apple's but Ars is reporting it disappeared
mircea_popescu: "While Apple won't confirm it, the company has removed its warrant canary from its latest transparency report, issued this week. While this could mean that the company has received a new secret government order to provide user data, there is still another more likely possibility: it's not publishing warrant canaries at all."
mircea_popescu: more probable on the basis of what the fuck exactly ?
mircea_popescu: jesus that country's gotten more byzantine
mircea_popescu: this is some prime soviet rib
BingoBoingo: It really is.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: prime soviet rib << the whole 'canary' thing is just the last remnants of 'rule of law' going down the drain, gurgling - like the fabled 'last shit made with home food' of a prisoner
assbot: Last 1 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/0KTW0J7.txt )
mircea_popescu: i had somehow completely missed this particular spot
mircea_popescu: likely because mah people been trying to keep me from armflailing fits
assbot: apoefjmqdsfls comments on Holy Smokes! Someone plunked down 1000 bitcoin on No today for the Berkshire vs Bitcoin bet on bitbet.us
assbot: Mircea Popescu
[]bot: Bet created: "Cat 1 or Greater Hurricane to Strike Eastern Seaboard" http://bitbet.us/bet/1045/
chetty: <mircea_popescu> likely because mah people been trying to keep me from armflailing fits// that will be the day
TheNewDeal: yes pays 1.46... dayam
ThickAsThieves: Bet created: "Cat 1 or Greater Hurricane to Strike Eastern Seaboard" /// noooooooooo
ThickAsThieves: bitbet hurricane insurance open for business!
TheNewDeal: hahaha. maybe nfl injury is next
assbot: Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal
assbot: TeamFairlay comments on Holy Smokes! Someone plunked down 1000 bitcoin on No today for the Berkshire vs Bitcoin bet on bitbet.us
kakobrekla: so eager.
kakobrekla: first fairlay, then moose responds...
TheNewDeal: and then betmoose follows
TheNewDeal: hahah
TheNewDeal: funny because people were just talking about scamsites that disappear over night, e.g. bitco.in
TheNewDeal: " placed a small bet on No early on, due to the weight. I believe the bet will resolve as Yes, but the payout on No was great at the time.
TheNewDeal: I bet this was the whale's plan the whole time."
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla will end up with them killing each other over who's the real true inheritor of bitbet
ThickAsThieves: so many posts in that reddit start with 'i dont have a clue wtf i'm talmbout, but..."
mircea_popescu: "but I'm on reddit, so" ?
ThickAsThieves: "but i'm hoping you'll think so anyway"
mircea_popescu: that smbc comic is basically bitbet bet process.
TheNewDeal: some bets do need lots of clarification, almost immediately
asciilifeform: in the style of mircea_popescu's 'cryptogram' puzzlers:
assbot: Kriptogram! - Imgur
ThickAsThieves: teamfairlay = we are awesomer because you can bet however you want, with 100s of satoshis on the line!
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform one word ?
asciilifeform: only hint - pertains to something actually discussed today.
asciilifeform: two words.
kakobrekla: not a waterfall ?
mircea_popescu: eaglecanaris lol
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu nearly ruined it
mircea_popescu: IM TRYING TO SOLVE IT!
TheNewDeal: united nazis
mircea_popescu: nah it has to do with apple
mircea_popescu: american canaries ?
asciilifeform: perhaps BingoBoingo can solve it now
ThickAsThieves: veblen canary?
mircea_popescu: seal canaries ?
kakobrekla: the flags looks like waterfall to me.
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla it's a waterscam
ThickAsThieves: motherland canaries
assbot: jneenag pnanevrf - Pastebin.com
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform lol now you know how i felt.
mircea_popescu: for about a year running, 100 or so of these
mircea_popescu: people solved them in ~1 hour.
mircea_popescu: took me days to come up with them
asciilifeform: this one sorta forced itself into my skullcase
mircea_popescu: yup same thing.
assbot: Man in Standoff With Texas Police Is Sending Live Updates From Whisper
mircea_popescu: best thing that could ever happen for whisper.
mircea_popescu: i wonder how long before they start paying people to do this
mircea_popescu: "Could anyone really believe the earth was going to swallow up the incredible productive assets and unlimited human ingenuity existing in America?"
asciilifeform: laugh if you like, but this sod did not sign with key known to be his...
mircea_popescu: heh. bad government can ruin anything.
asciilifeform: so he's really an extra in this film.
mircea_popescu: wtf is kinja
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform ""We have confirmation from the interior of the vehicle that this is indeed the guy in the standoff," Slade Sohmer"
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: It's Nick Denton's Facebook knockoff, except super scam
mircea_popescu: i guess the vehicle is spying on him
kakobrekla: ok ok i got it: american waterfall watering nazi zombies!
BingoBoingo: Waterboard Canary
assbot: If Scotland leaves, what happens to UK’s flag? - Ideas - The Boston Globe
mircea_popescu: why no country has a naked woman for a flag ?
asciilifeform: someone - has to be first.
mircea_popescu: i can totally see making stoya the flag of england.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: that's not a museum; it's a typical medieval-style reliquary.
asciilifeform: 'sh4rds of th3 tru3 cr0ss'
asciilifeform: typical of both roman & greek church folks, oddly enough.
asciilifeform: ^ was a mega-derp in the russian derposphere;
asciilifeform: someone posts photo of young fella in kitchen. tonnes of flamage follow
asciilifeform: about how 'disgusting soviet hovels we lived in!' 'no, you disgusting liberast, fellating american cock' 'no you...' etc
asciilifeform: turns out, guess who's making tea with milk.
mircea_popescu: it was pretty sad,
asciilifeform: and in what country
mircea_popescu: but it was pretty universal. post ww2 europe was a shithole on par with africa.
mircea_popescu: just, fortunately, not inhabited by africans.
asciilifeform: (lenon)
asciilifeform was not fooled, but only because of wrong mains socket
mike_c: kakobrekla, anyone hit the affiliate lottery today?
kakobrekla: the highest was 0.02897384 it seems
mike_c: so the 1000 was ref free. good for shareholders :)
kakobrekla: but theres some funky stuff going on with aff. are you getting anything out?
mike_c: yeah, the above mentioned was me.
kakobrekla: a, good to hear.
TheNewDeal: does anyone know the website that allows one to purchase from amazon with bitcoin by proxy?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [RENT] 213 @ 0.0075 = 1.5975 BTC [+]
assbot: Russian fighters in swedish airspace. Swedish fighters in pursuit.
kakobrekla has just discovered http://bitbet.su O_o
assbot: BitBet - - -
asciilifeform: lol, mitm proxy ?
mircea_popescu: iiincredible, #b-a link but info@su ?
mircea_popescu: 1JPrww7oTyPr2dk14ep6ZMJaTWUSBpHT3t kakobrekla ours or not ?
mircea_popescu: so it's a weird clone ? odd.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28822 @ 0.00075106 = 21.6471 BTC [+] {2}
kakobrekla: o fuck.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8199 @ 0.00074984 = 6.1479 BTC [-]
asciilifeform: also possible that only mitms certain loads.
asciilifeform: e.g., specific bet, or from specific ip ranges
kakobrekla: its requesting the address from bitbet server with a referral.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 8 @ 0.16200262 = 1.296 BTC [-] {4}
mircea_popescu: ima write this up brb
RagnarDanneskjol: mircea_popescu - the deed bot is complete /demo ready, works like a charm. i think moloko wants to clean up a few things, I'll try to get him to drop in tonight to discuss - might be late
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 12 @ 0.16025261 = 1.923 BTC [-] {7}
RagnarDanneskjol: !up RagnarsBitch
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15200 @ 0.00075219 = 11.4333 BTC [+]
mike_c: this was my first experience with romania.. i launched my website and some .ro clone pointing at my server popped up a week later.
mike_c: lol, it's out of date.
mike_c: doesn't have today's action on brk
mike_c: silly russians
kakobrekla: i think it wont allow you to iframe it so i guess he runs some cronjob and parses it over
kakobrekla: but yeah, you could do it on the fly
assbot: BitBet - BFL will deliver ASIC devices before March 1st :: 791.29 B (47%) on Yes, 898.53 B (53%) on No | closed 1 year 7 months ago
asciilifeform: wtf is that
kakobrekla: oh, well ask mp.
assbot: Here’s a mystery the Internet may wish to help elucidating. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform bfl scammer, had a deal with betsofbitco.in and other similar junklets to make a fake bfl will deliver bet, then call it "unresolvable" and cancel if they don't.
mircea_popescu: once the divergence between bitbet and the rest was painfully obvious, bfl put 500+ btc on bitbet, then failed to deliver. bitbet didn't cancel their bet.
mircea_popescu: cue six weeks campaign about how "bitbet is a scam" and the burial of the actual scams, from high to low.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7745 @ 0.00074984 = 5.8075 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29860 @ 0.00074928 = 22.3735 BTC [-] {2}
ThickAsThieves: why does something have to be going on other than a guy that wants to get as many referrals as possible (insecure methods aside)
mircea_popescu: why is he using the glbse/theymos addy ?
ThickAsThieves: because he is one of them
mircea_popescu: why do this then ?!
ThickAsThieves: what should he do?
mircea_popescu: i mean... for any conceivable goal there's a better approach
kakobrekla: its a good idea really. he gets all the money, bitbet does all the work. i wish i came up with it!
mircea_popescu: i dunno, make abunch of mfa sites ?
ThickAsThieves: seems like a great setup, he can copycat while getting referrals and then one day cash that in by selectively scamming
ThickAsThieves: and then full scam
mircea_popescu: so then wouldn't you have used some new addresses ?
ThickAsThieves: well you now are adding that he is a smart scammer
ThickAsThieves: the glbse guy
mircea_popescu: so if he's that dumb how did he manage to make the clone work.
ThickAsThieves: filed under smart in your records?
ThickAsThieves: i wouldnt hire my plumber to do my taxes?
mircea_popescu: i dunno man, it's so fucking weird...
ThickAsThieves: scammers are pretty weird
ThickAsThieves: so are foreigners
mircea_popescu: so are whores. maybe it's a whore ?
ThickAsThieves: could be
mircea_popescu: cats are also pretty weird...
ThickAsThieves: probly just mike_c tho
mircea_popescu: maybe it's a cat.
mircea_popescu: yeah is one of you asshats trolling me ?
kakobrekla: cats leave paw traces.
ThickAsThieves: is probly the "can you understand an engine guy"
mircea_popescu: lol at that glowfrost redditard. "oh, all the bitbet scam reports".
mircea_popescu: except no bitbet scam reports exist, but for libertard heaven there's no need to actually have anything at all. you can just make a sum of all the things you don't have.
mircea_popescu: like the global warming consensus.
ThickAsThieves: scam reporters are notoriously a scam
ThickAsThieves: like BBB
ThickAsThieves: fukn scum
kakobrekla: you just reported a scam as as scam, you scammer.
ThickAsThieves: this is not investment advice!
mike_c: heh, me doing the scam site? plz. btcalpha is more up to date than that thing.
mike_c: although i did scam BB once.
ThickAsThieves: can one site change another site's cookie?
mike_c: aw, it's gone.
mike_c: but fun for pranks: http://shrturl.co/
assbot: SHRTURL - The web editor
mike_c: ThickAsThieves: no.
mike_c: enforced by browser ofc, like all web sekurity
kakobrekla: btw the content on .su is like 10 days old
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves not on any browser made after msie 4.0
mike_c: they get bored quickly. how did you find it? usually they don't get much traffic
mircea_popescu: what i don't get is the partial russian translation here and there
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 1000 @ 0.0007285 = 0.7285 BTC [+] {3}
mike_c: oh, derp. ic on trilema
kakobrekla: mike_c googlefu.
kakobrekla: <mircea_popescu> what i don't get is the partial russian translation here and there < my guess is it wants to justify its legitimacy by providing translation service.
mike_c: any of those guys russian? theymos, nefario, etc.?
mircea_popescu: okay, but a) it's such a huge red flag for either russian or english speakers,
mircea_popescu: mike_c nah, they're both brits, and both bums
mircea_popescu: kinda how they met.
mircea_popescu: and b) who the fuck translates "do"
kakobrekla: my guess is thermos is not a bum with the forum coins.
mike_c: must be crappy machine translation. ascii?
mircea_popescu: you have no idea how fast bums can go through widnfalls.
mike_c: also, did you try emailing them yet?
kakobrekla: "Hello dear beloved scammer. Can you stop it pretty please?" ?
mircea_popescu: email is kako's dept, and i think he prefers the passive role.
kakobrekla: yeah, i have been degraded to secretary and now i take it up the ass too.
kakobrekla: wait, isn that the passive mode?!
mircea_popescu: you have a dirty mind :D
mike_c: i was thinking more like 'i c you are valuable affiliate partner, who are you?'
mircea_popescu: mike_c here's the problem : would you credit anything they said ?
mircea_popescu: i wouldn't, which is why i didn't email.
mike_c: depends on what they said. more communication = more opportunities for slipup/information.
mircea_popescu: or the feint thereof.
mike_c: unless you just want to put them on the ignore list.
mike_c: my thoughts go down the path of: 1) start pinging their site, see when it updates. 2) correlate with my server logs and see where they are scraping from
mircea_popescu: you can;t stop scraping.
mike_c: of course. you can report them to google (and maybe even yandex?)
mircea_popescu: actually them being obscure is their main advantage, which is a large part of why i wrote about it
mircea_popescu: there's kinda 0 incentive to report them from a game pov.
mike_c: depends where they get traffic from. if they are pushing seo hard maybe they will be ranking higher than you.
mircea_popescu: yeah, lol. that'll happen.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12650 @ 0.00074975 = 9.4843 BTC [+]
mike_c: i don't know how resistant yandex is to black hat seo.
assbot: xkcd: Collecting Double-Takes
TheNewDeal: oh my, the hidden text is quality on that one
mike_c: big lol. ty for pointing that out.
assbot: Теханализ и не только
kakobrekla: in april.
decimation: asciilifeform: your algorithm is a simple version of the "cordic algorithm" which is in use by nearly all dsp pros
mircea_popescu: !up tokyopotato
tokyopotato: thanks
tokyopotato: i really need to figure out this WoT thing
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla that shit promises to get nasty.
mircea_popescu: people might not spot us/su
kakobrekla: >We have a lot of security measures designed to prevent theft of Bitcoins, and recently we've had a bug with the security measures that sometimes causes withdrawals to get stuck. It's been hard to diagnose, because often it's just a handful of withdrawals that get stuck, which doesn't give us a lot of diagnostic data. We actually did an update today that we think might resolve the issue, but we won't know for sure until time passes and
kakobrekla: we don't see more stuck withdrawals.
kakobrekla: security measures so complex they cant understand them them selfs?
mircea_popescu: who's this ?
kakobrekla: kraken
kakobrekla: this has been going on for half a year now
kakobrekla: i dont use them ,just reding up.
TheNewDeal: holy shit
TheNewDeal: is this just a raw translation of bitbet, or is it some scamsite?
kakobrekla: and the response re bug: Dargo, thanks for your fast reply. That speak loud. Many other exchanges are run by monkeys with funny hats! I'll sure look up for unleashing the kraken Smiley
kakobrekla goes to find the silly hat
kakobrekla: only the package matters!
mircea_popescu: !up SubCreative
SubCreative: ;;ident
gribble: Nick 'SubCreative', with hostmask 'SubCreative!~SubCreati@unaffiliated/cannacoin', is not identified.
TheNewDeal: looks like all the bitstamp bots have gone to sleep
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla you know the stuff's usually paid posting
kakobrekla: TheNewDeal read the trilema article
mircea_popescu: SubCreative hello. who are you ?
mircea_popescu: !up jamesonwa
SubCreative: Dev of Cannacoin
kakobrekla: actually i dont think its paid since if you want to get anything done with kraken you must post a some sort of 'complaint' to ze forum.
mircea_popescu: whassat ?
SubCreative: Alt crypto for the Cannabis industry.
jamesonwa: Crypto for cannabis
mircea_popescu: i had no idea it was an industry
jamesonwa: ;;ident
gribble: Nick 'jamesonwa', with hostmask 'jamesonwa!~jamesonwa@2601:8:a400:178:ada8:a831:f99d:b226', is not identified.
jamesonwa: ;;eauth jamesonwa
mircea_popescu: what, and high times is a trade rag ?
gribble: Request successful for user jamesonwa, hostmask jamesonwa!~jamesonwa@2601:8:a400:178:ada8:a831:f99d:b226. Get your encrypted OTP from http://bitcoin-otc.com/otps/EE5B1CCF6A25351D
jamesonwa: ;;everify freenode:#bitcoin-otc:57b01a63a263be6509b5b9a923194473e0b1a45b0cacd9168fc0dc72
gribble: You are now authenticated for user jamesonwa with key EE5B1CCF6A25351D
jamesonwa: ;;ident
gribble: Nick 'jamesonwa', with hostmask 'jamesonwa!~jamesonwa@2601:8:a400:178:ada8:a831:f99d:b226', is identified as user 'jamesonwa', with GPG key id EE5B1CCF6A25351D, key fingerprint CA46000F350C11A8345811EEEE5B1CCF6A25351D, and bitcoin address 1GeB8nwdHu5ykF8CZf8xQ7gQiUQrycyq4S
danielpbarron: why shouldn't the "cannabis industry" use bitcoin?
kakobrekla: why does the cannabis industry need a coin of its own?
TheNewDeal: EXACTLY what I was just typing
jamesonwa: It's not industry specific to our needs.
kakobrekla: will you make the password unforgettable?
SubCreative: ;;ident
gribble: CAUTION: irc nick differs from otc registered nick. Nick 'SubCreative', with hostmask 'SubCreative!~SubCreati@unaffiliated/cannacoin', is identified as user 'Peezr', with GPG key id 4AE29B6BC467562C, key fingerprint E13615BBDDEC143A5CA5A5AC4AE29B6BC467562C, and bitcoin address 15xY1HTs66r7VwYi6ntAA3hZu3mnmVwBFv
mircea_popescu: a coin with unrememberable passwords may be fun
kakobrekla: does it use proof of smoke?
SubCreative: Where are you from mircea?
TheNewDeal: on a scale of 1 to 10, how is cannacoin's usability?
danielpbarron: what? the industry needs it's own curreny to debase? What "needs" does Bitcoin not fulfill?
SubCreative: Im from Seattle, WA one of two legal recreational states for marijuana.
decimation: cannabis in the us cannot be purchased with 'bank dollars'
mircea_popescu: SubCreative romania.
decimation: because banks are federally regulated and pot is federally illegal
kakobrekla: decimation whats wrong with buttcoin
SubCreative: Bitcoin is too slow for real world transactions.
TheNewDeal: it's easy enough to stick an atm in a weed shop
SubCreative: And it's not just a currency, we're a network offering tools and services.
mircea_popescu: so how fast is this thing ?
decimation: he's a tool
SubCreative: Im currently developing an entire merchant processing solution and custom trade service.
SubCreative: Just for our merchants in the industry of cannabis.
decimation: in theory one could operate a bitcoin<-> usd atm in a pot shop
tokyopotato: ;;eauth tokyopotato
gribble: Error: This nick is not registered. Please register.
danielpbarron: SubCreative, a Bitcoin transaction is practically instantaneous -- you'll have to come up with a better pitch than that for your scamcoin if you want to attract any suckers
TheNewDeal: lets say I'm a dispensary purchasing 2kg of medical grade cannabis from a supplier. Is bitcoin too slow?
mircea_popescu: TheNewDeal can take half an hour...
SubCreative: danielpbarron: You can try to think of it any way you want, we've been around for ~6 months already with no premine and no serious pump/dumps
assbot: Seriously though, is that not a Yes vote on top of the No pile??? /hashtag/indyref?src=hash http://t.co/07kx46cqhW
SubCreative: so scam or pump/dump is kind of out of the question by now...
assbot: Marijuana Legalization: Colorado Pot Banking Law Passed
tokyopotato: there's many applications for blockchain tech other than currency
tokyopotato: so someone makes their own blockchain? what's the fucking big deal?
SubCreative: TheNewDeal: we're not here to replace BTC
tokyopotato: jesus chris you guys need to quit pissing your pants
SubCreative: We're here to support and and be apart of the network.
assbot: The woes of Altcoin, or why there is no such thing as “cryptocurrencies” pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
danielpbarron: oh 6 months? well then it couldn't possibly be a scam! how long did gox last?
decimation: there's no problem with altcoins. I am pissing on the idea that they will ever be worth anything
SubCreative: danielpbarron: save it, you guys asked.
SubCreative: I came to participate in a bitcoin-assets channel...
decimation: this ain't 2011 anymore, the ship has sailed
mircea_popescu: SubCreative simmer down lol, people just hate new ideas.
tokyopotato: like Ripple?
danielpbarron: SubCreative, i'm "participating" right back at you :p
SubCreative: danielpbarron, your the same troll from OTC
cazalla: what's with every andreas wannabe spouting "blockchain technology"
The20YearIRCloud: I will replace bitcoin with supercoin
SubCreative: Im not unfamiliar to your name
mircea_popescu: cazalla what'd you have it be, iron plows ? this ain't 2011 bc anymore.
danielpbarron is flattered to have such a reputation in -otc
tokyopotato: cazalla: maybe you would prefer "ledger" or "consensus tracker"
xmj: ben_vulpes: around?
SubCreative: It's not a good one :-\
SubCreative: ;;gettrust danielpbarron
gribble: Currently authenticated from hostmask danielpbarron!~dpb@c-71-232-150-212.hsd1.ma.comcast.net. Trust relationship from user Peezr to user danielpbarron: Level 1: 0, Level 2: -1 via 8 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=Peezr&dest=danielpbarron | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=danielpbarron | Rated since: Thu Mar 21 17:26:04 2013
SubCreative: ;;gettrust Peezr
jamesonwa: ;;gettrust jamesonwa
gribble: Currently authenticated from hostmask SubCreative!~SubCreati@unaffiliated/cannacoin. CAUTION: irc nick differs from otc registered nick. Trust relationship from user Peezr to user Peezr: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 63 via 42 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=Peezr&dest=Peezr | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=Peezr | Rated since: Thu Jul 4 16:54:20 2013
gribble: Currently authenticated from hostmask jamesonwa!~jamesonwa@2601:8:a400:178:ada8:a831:f99d:b226. Trust relationship from user jamesonwa to user jamesonwa: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 171 via 106 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=jamesonwa&dest=jamesonwa | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=jamesonwa | Rated since: Mon Nov 5 23:09:47 2012
SubCreative: Go home danielpbarron
TheNewDeal: just curious. was blazedout419 involved in any development of these weedalts?
SubCreative: blazed is just an og smokin og
jamesonwa: I think he has his hands in physical coins
danielpbarron: ;;gettrust assbot jamesonwa
gribble: Currently authenticated from hostmask jamesonwa!~jamesonwa@2601:8:a400:178:ada8:a831:f99d:b226. Trust relationship from user assbot to user jamesonwa: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=jamesonwa | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=jamesonwa | Rated since: Mon Nov 5 23:09:47 2012
decimation: any altcoin that wants to replace bitcoin as a savings vehicle is going to require overcoming bitcoin's considerable lead in investment, both in terms of expectation of future value and the build-out of proof-of-work devices
mircea_popescu: ;;rate jamesonwa 1 Voice
gribble: Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user jamesonwa has been recorded.
BingoBoingo: Wait, is the FBI this desperate for TSR leads? First they come to my door all leik, "hurd u leik Bitcoinz" and now People show up on IRC with "This is Bitcoin, but with Weed!"
mircea_popescu: just because they're after you doesn't mean you're not paranoid.
TheNewDeal: easy phillip k dick
mircea_popescu: SubCreative so is it scrypt ?
jamesonwa: scrypt, migrating to PoS.
SubCreative: Currently, we're moving to a PoS 2.0 model in a few weeks.
TheNewDeal: BB, weed is legal in some states for the record
jamesonwa: yes, PoS 2.0
danielpbarron: migrating?? ...
assbot: The Cannacoin Podcast - Episode 001 by The Cannacoin Podcast on SoundCloud - Hear the worlds sounds
SubCreative: yes danielpbarron
danielpbarron: "don't mind us -- just manipulating your currency"
SubCreative: That podcast will give you somebackground
kakobrekla: proof of smoke then, noice.
BingoBoingo: TheNewDeal> BB, weed is legal in some states for the record << Remember, it was the bong that did in Charlie Shrem
decimation: how much premining has been done?
mircea_popescu: SubCreative podcasts are a horrible medium. got the transcript somewhere ?
tokyopotato: 99% decimation
SubCreative: danielpbarron: last I checked, consensus doesnt' work like that.
tokyopotato: for fairness
SubCreative: mircea_popescu: Ill give you a interview that covers some of it.
TheNewDeal: It was a pot brownie, as far as I recall
SubCreative: stupid google
mircea_popescu: this hurt.
TheNewDeal: and galavanting around like an asshole
assbot: Cannacoin Interview: A new cryptocurrency contender for the cannabis market - CoinJoint.info
danielpbarron: it's probably easy to get consensus for your changes from what few idiots would actually use such a thing, SubCreative
tokyopotato: TheNewDeal: weed is legal in WA state
TheNewDeal: I've been there, I smoked it
TheNewDeal: shows just how horrible an idea it was to legalize
tokyopotato: TheNewDeal: you should have stopped and hung out with us, you'd have smoked a lot more
tokyopotato: Well... if you pay for weed, yeah, but if you grow it... that's a bit different
mircea_popescu: http://xkcd.com/256/ << what is this, 2000 ?
assbot: xkcd: Online Communities
TheNewDeal: colorado had the right idea with MJM
TheNewDeal: took a step back with recreational
tokyopotato: time will tell
TheNewDeal: and now washington just shit the bed
tokyopotato: yup, medical is priority #1 right now in WA
tokyopotato: for the growers/dispensaries
TheNewDeal: acting like they couldn't source 1000g of weed after 6 months
TheNewDeal: a teenager could do such a thing
mircea_popescu: TheNewDeal a teenager could have done the obamacare site, too
mircea_popescu: what's your point
TheNewDeal: my point is this
TheNewDeal: the prices could not compete with street prices
decimation: why didn't you cannacoin guys consider using ethereum?
TheNewDeal: the supply couldnt keep up with demand
tokyopotato: decimation: who says we didn't?
ben_vulpes: xmj: yessss?
decimation: okay, well why did you reject ethereum?
xmj: ben_vulpes: are you looking for anything sysadmin payable in BTC, then?
tokyopotato: decimation: when did we reject ethereum?
SubCreative: Its not a rejceted idea by any means.
SubCreative: An early untested experiment yes...
xmj: Also, for once I agree with Paul Graham https://twitter.com/paulg/status/512776361824354304
assbot: Political correctness is Victorian propriety with the variables changed.
xmj: He seems to have been reading Moldbug.
mircea_popescu: !up BuSheeZy
mircea_popescu: TheNewDeal of course not. govt can't compete with free market.
BuSheeZy: thank ya
danielpbarron: is ethereum even a thing yet? i thought it was still just a pipe dream..
TheNewDeal: anyways, would love to meet up with you all the next time I'm in the state
decimation: "Thomas More: Richard, you couldn't answer for yourself even so far as tonight."
SubCreative: danielpbarron, they have live betas
SubCreative: And a few clients out
assbot: Dundee counting staff outside after being evacuated due to fire alarm. It looks a little chilly... http://t.co/xzdZqv4Dkv
TheNewDeal: I actually travel to colorado more frequently
tokyopotato: TheNewDeal: we would love to have you
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves nipples ?
mircea_popescu: no click.
TheNewDeal: ;;rate tokyopotato May be worth a meet in WA. re: log 9/19 02:00
gribble: Error: 'May' is not a valid integer.
ThickAsThieves: poll staff all evacuated during counting
TheNewDeal: ;;rate tokyopotato 1 May be worth a meet in WA. re: log 9/19 02:00
gribble: Error: User doesn't exist in the Rating or GPG databases. User must be GPG-registered to receive ratings.
TheNewDeal: who's all in your crew tokyopotato
SubCreative: assbot has changed mode: -v tokyopotato
mircea_popescu: !up tokyopotato
mircea_popescu: gotta get in the wot
tokyopotato: just reinstalled and got new interwebs
mircea_popescu: make sure you ecologically dispose of the old interwebs
mircea_popescu: don't just throw them on the superhighway
tokyopotato: yeah buddy, we compost everything in the PNW
mircea_popescu: i used to compost in romania. people were incensed.
kakobrekla: so i listened bits of that podcast - you need to read all the logs. twice.
tokyopotato: that's a funny mental image
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla what is this, 7 years in tibet ?
TheNewDeal: 7 years in bitbet :D
kakobrekla: hope it works?
TheNewDeal: a short novella by thenewdeal
tokyopotato: you guys have a resident stand-up comedian?
asciilifeform: decimation: yes.
tokyopotato: i like this place
asciilifeform: decimation: what did you think it was - alien magic ?
kakobrekla: thats in the other closet.
decimation: asciilifeform: no, just wanted to fyi for the readers
mircea_popescu: the dongs closet ?
decimation: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CORDIC << what we are writing about
assbot: CORDIC - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
mircea_popescu: decimation table lookup!!1
kakobrekla: !up SubCreative
SubCreative: !network
kakobrekla: !lollipop
mircea_popescu: !pippi longstocking
kakobrekla: that worked.
decimation: mircea_popescu: yeah that's pretty much the idea. it's amazing that such a seemingly 'approximate' algorithm can be made arbitrarily precise through iteration
mircea_popescu: decimation no, actually, that's a requirement for numbers to work.
asciilifeform: kakobrekla: the .su folks are scraping from an identifiable box / ip range ?
kakobrekla: its coming from the ip that the site is hosted on.
asciilifeform: mm, classy
asciilifeform: kakobrekla: feed'em something interesting (let's say mismatched delimiters) & then fetch their turd a few msec after.
decimation: well, there's nothing like putting a national flag on your pirate ship
mircea_popescu: ;;isitdown bitbet.su
gribble: bitbet.su is down
asciilifeform: decimation: nothing like tossing a gram of antimatter aboard annoying bugger ship
mircea_popescu: as thestringpuller reports, it's gone.
asciilifeform: works great here.
The20YearIRCloud: i wnat antimatter
mircea_popescu: The20YearIRCloud better stock up on antimattercoin then
mircea_popescu: it's a coin specific to the industry. plus platform.
kakobrekla: asciilifeform seems like they only do live fetch when its time to pull an address. anyway, what would be the gain doing that - i fail to see?
asciilifeform: see if coughs up guts.
mircea_popescu: he's a hacker at heart.
decimation: avast! overflow ye buffers!
mircea_popescu: prolly going to name his child STAN&1=0--
asciilifeform: after coughs up guts - haruspicy.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: xkcd did that one already.
xmj: ben_vulpes: that's a no ?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform o it also has to be original ?!
asciilifeform: 'little bobby tables'
kakobrekla: well i guess we can try but i much doubt anything good will come out of it
decimation: asciilifeform: apparently altium is going to release a 'free' version of their windows crapware
decimation: the hook: you can only save to their 'cloud'
asciilifeform: decimation: loltronics.
asciilifeform: i bet all the other turdmeisters are ripping their hair out 'why didnchaithinkofthat'
decimation: this rings a gong for those interested in jumping off the crapware wagon: use kicad
asciilifeform: now if only kicad worked.
decimation: it might suck but at least it won't turn your project into a freemium hook
decimation: plus: can fork, like open bsd apache 1.3
assbot: Logged on 11-06-2014 02:35:54; decimation: what part failed - the autorouter?
asciilifeform: 'geda' is considerably closer to working.
asciilifeform: but - still no dice. if you're even a little unlucky (like yours truly) and your geometry is just so - geda's polygonal fills fall apart.
asciilifeform: after several weeks of 'doctor it hurts when i do that / don't do that' i threw in the towel.
decimation: supposedly the kicad autorouter has been improved
decimation: but that's like lucy's football
asciilifeform: since april ?
decimation: I think so, let me check
asciilifeform: decimation: don't bother. it isn't just the autorouter.
asciilifeform: the fucker doesn't even refresh the screen correctly under a perfectly ordinary linux/x11
asciilifeform: they don't test linux ver. - is the only possible conclusion.
decimation: yeah, it's sad that even open source engineering tools are written for microshit
decimation: but, it is a pretty tall mountain of chairs, if you want to use it for a foundation for something better :)
asciilifeform is quite uninterested in flying on chairs.
ben_vulpes: what, you don't even get in airplanes?
decimation: I think that CERN are contributing to kicad these days
asciilifeform: situations like this are more interesting than appear on surface - because they make it abundantly clear that no one really gives a flying fuck if the thing works or not
asciilifeform: and if anyone is using it for serious work, they are using a patched version and aren't sharing
asciilifeform: so hell knows what other gotchas are in the public turdball.
decimation: apparently they have too many bezzlars/postdocs to do more physics
decimation: yeah, there's not a working osx port either
asciilifeform: if any of the humble labs i worked in / toured/ invaded are anything to go by - none of the postdocs design pcb - why??
asciilifeform: they use racks and racks of off-the-shelf golden toilet modules and kilometres of cabling
decimation: asciilifeform: golden toliet
decimation: if they reset the research budget to $2000 they couldn't afford the bezzle-equipment
asciilifeform: ^ scenes like this.
asciilifeform: wasn't hard to dredge up, either.
decimation: that's probably well over $100k of equipment
asciilifeform: why bother with pcb routing / etching / subcontracting when monkeys will run cable forever
dub: that looks like a 3d render of a reason rack\
assbot: Apple's "Warrant Canary" Has Died - Slashdot
decimation: asciilifeform: this is largely the case even in electrical engineering labs
asciilifeform: when these people do design boards (i have seen this, believe or not) it's typically done by a kid with w4r3z cad proggy.
dub: hmm, last looked at reason a looong time ago
decimation: asciilifeform: they probably just click the 'autoroute' key
assbot: NEVER trust the autorouter | Teespring
ben_vulpes: ;;ticker
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 422.1, Best ask: 422.78, Bid-ask spread: 0.68000, Last trade: 422.79, 24 hour volume: 21826.17994814, 24 hour low: 407.94, 24 hour high: 451.4, 24 hour vwap: 428.525841782
ben_vulpes: ;;sell 10
gribble: (sell <amount> <thing> [at|@] <priceperunit> <otherthing> [<notes>]) -- Logs a sell order for <amount> units of <thing, at a price of <price> per unit, in units of <otherthing>. Use the optional <notes> field to put in any special notes. <price> may include an arithmetical expression, and {(mtgox|bitstamp)(ask|bid|last|high|low|avg)} to index price to mtgox ask, bid, last, high, low, (1 more message)
TheNewDeal: ;;market sell 10
gribble: Bitstamp | A market order to sell 10 bitcoins right now would net 4219.4919 USD and would take the last price down to 421.7300 USD, resulting in an average price of 421.9492 USD/BTC. | Data vintage: 142.6649 seconds
ben_vulpes: thanks, TheNewDeal
ben_vulpes: ;;market sell 2000
gribble: Bitstamp | A market order to sell 2000 bitcoins right now would net 817749.7190 USD and would take the last price down to 400.1300 USD, resulting in an average price of 408.8749 USD/BTC. | Data vintage: 153.0889 seconds
ben_vulpes: ;;market sell 10000
TheNewDeal: ;;market sell 2000000
gribble: Bitstamp | A market order to sell 10000 bitcoins right now would net 3671722.1909 USD and would take the last price down to 270.1200 USD, resulting in an average price of 367.1722 USD/BTC. | Data vintage: 162.5575 seconds
gribble: Bitstamp | This order would exceed the size of the order book. You would sell 112732.42 bitcoins, for a total of 4941219.5228 USD and take the price to 0. | Data vintage: 162.7177 seconds
dub: doit
TheNewDeal: 2 BILLION dollars
ThickAsThieves: to the core!
ben_vulpes: can one model the effect cross-exchange?
ThickAsThieves: one could program it, i dont think gribble has such
ThickAsThieves: ;;market sell 10 ---market btce
gribble: (market sell [--fiat] [--market <market>] [--currency XXX] <value>) -- Calculate the effect on the market depth of a market sell order of <value> bitcoins. If <market> is provided, uses that exchange. Default is Bitstamp. If --currency XXX is provided, converts to that fiat currency. Default is USD. If '--fiat' option is given, <value> denotes the size of the order in fiat.
ThickAsThieves: ;;market sell 10 --market btce
gribble: (market sell [--fiat] [--market <market>] [--currency XXX] <value>) -- Calculate the effect on the market depth of a market sell order of <value> bitcoins. If <market> is provided, uses that exchange. Default is Bitstamp. If --currency XXX is provided, converts to that fiat currency. Default is USD. If '--fiat' option is given, <value> denotes the size of the order in fiat.
ThickAsThieves: ;;market sell --market btce --currency 10
gribble: Error: '10' is not a valid currency code.
dub: ;;market sell 10 [--market btce]
gribble: Error: "--market" is not a valid command.
ThickAsThieves: ;;market sell 10 --market btce --currency USD
gribble: (market sell [--fiat] [--market <market>] [--currency XXX] <value>) -- Calculate the effect on the market depth of a market sell order of <value> bitcoins. If <market> is provided, uses that exchange. Default is Bitstamp. If --currency XXX is provided, converts to that fiat currency. Default is USD. If '--fiat' option is given, <value> denotes the size of the order in fiat.
ThickAsThieves: ;;market sell --market btce --currency USD 10
gribble: BTC-E | A market order to sell 10 bitcoins right now would net 4108.8243 USD and would take the last price down to 410.4270 USD, resulting in an average price of 410.8824 USD/BTC. | Data vintage: 0.0005 seconds
ben_vulpes: ;;market sell --market bitstamp --currency USD 1000
gribble: Bitstamp | A market order to sell 1000 bitcoins right now would net 415085.0852 USD and would take the last price down to 407.0000 USD, resulting in an average price of 415.0851 USD/BTC. | Data vintage: 0.0463 seconds
ben_vulpes: ;;market sell --market btce --currency USD 1000
gribble: BTC-E | This order would exceed the size of the order book. You would sell 191.29848 bitcoins, for a total of 77860.4017 USD and take the price to 0. | Data vintage: 33.1611 seconds
ben_vulpes: ;;market sell --market btce --currency USD 100
gribble: BTC-E | A market order to sell 100 bitcoins right now would net 40860.7184 USD and would take the last price down to 405.9010 USD, resulting in an average price of 408.6072 USD/BTC. | Data vintage: 60.6819 seconds
ben_vulpes: ;;market sell --market btce --currency USD 500
gribble: BTC-E | This order would exceed the size of the order book. You would sell 191.29848 bitcoins, for a total of 77860.4017 USD and take the price to 0. | Data vintage: 66.5407 seconds
ben_vulpes: apologies for spam.
ben_vulpes: just plotting points.
dub: repent spammar
strtupfndr: so have i told you about this magical aeroplane?
decimation: ;;ident strupfndr
gribble: Error: I am not seeing this user on IRC. If you want information about a registered gpg user, try the 'gpg info' command instead.
decimation: ;;ident strtupfndr
kakobrekla: asciilifeform no cigar on the .su but i did inject them with JS turning warning the visitors.
gribble: Nick 'strtupfndr', with hostmask 'strtupfndr!~user@unaffiliated/benkay', is not identified.
decimation: !up subcreative
strtupfndr: it's got wifi and gpg
decimation: !up subcreative
ben_vulpes: anyways.
kakobrekla: -turning
ben_vulpes: is running a consulting shop and sucking dollars out of shartups a short on the bezzle market?
decimation: ben_vulpes: I suspect this is how most money is 'made' in silly-con valley
decimation: imagine you just convinced your daddy's golf buddy to give you $100mn in seed money. you are now the 'bitcoin ceo' of your own startup! how do you make your 'idea' work? rent the talent that your roommate from stanford used for his startup!
ben_vulpes: yeah, precisely.
ben_vulpes: "i'll take the cash, you can keep the paper."
decimation: meanwhile hire some 'zeks' and pay the half the median wage for their salary, in exchange for some vague promises of stock
gernika: I am a consultant in silly-con valley
decimation: gernika: is it working for you?
gernika: definitely the way to go IMO
mats_cd03: o boy, Cannacoin
ben_vulpes: i don't really buy that part decimation. the people who do rounds easily understand the problems of shitty software, and are loath to hire zeks at sub market wages.
mats_cd03: save yourselves thousands of hours of dev and just kill it right now
ben_vulpes: which, i guess, is why they come to me. "please write some not shitty software. i'll pay you 1.25x market just so i can keep the paper and the software and not have to manage the zeks."
The20YearIRCloud: zeks? Are those like zergs?
gernika: I don't work with low wage people.
decimation: lol there you go
The20YearIRCloud: decimation: that method works great! (1/50th of the time)
mike_c: ;;market baratio
gribble: Bitstamp | Total bids: 4947423 USD. Total asks: 26576 BTC. Ratio: 186.15534 USD/BTC. | Data vintage: 12.5409 seconds
assbot: White SeaBaltic Canal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
decimation: gernika: how did you manage to establish your bona fides?
The20YearIRCloud: ah very cool
The20YearIRCloud: we have a canal here
The20YearIRCloud: linking the great lakes to the missisippi
decimation: The20YearIRCloud: the midwest was webbed with them until railroads made them obsolete
ben_vulpes: lol wd kakobrekla
gernika: decimation: I slaved at startups for years. Meanwhile my friends were actually making money consulting. I just started working for my friends.
The20YearIRCloud: the one around me was one of the largest canals during the pre-railroad days
The20YearIRCloud: and it's so funny because the canal is so freaking small
The20YearIRCloud: but, if you dug 400+ miles of canal by hand, how far would you really want it?
ben_vulpes: startups
ben_vulpes: so hard
mats_cd03: you sound disgruntled, sir
decimation: The20YearIRCloud: in the UK they still have most of their canals, you can rent a narrowboat and cruise them: http://www.waterwaysholidays.com/
assbot: Canal Boating Holidays. Narrowboat Barge and Norfolk Broads Boat Hire
gernika: I made more consulting for a firm based out of Minnesota than I was working at the big name tech company that acquired a startup I had worked for. So yeah. Fuck startups.
mats_cd03: http://www.woodmann.com/forum/announcement.php?f=55 >> Woodmann about to starve. shame...
assbot: 403 Forbidden
decimation: gernika: I've noticed that it's a common pattern in today's economy: kid goes to work for borg-firm, gives up his flower of youth, and then later finds employment profiting on the idiocy he witnessed earlier
gernika: decimation which is no compensation for giving up the flower of your youth for corporate america sadly
The20YearIRCloud: very cool decimation
The20YearIRCloud: anymore around here people just use the canals for fishing
decimation: gernika: indeed, unfortunately there's no undergrad class on how not to be a chump
ben_vulpes: gernika decimation: there's some value in witnessing the chumpatron from the inside.
ben_vulpes: one must extract it oneself, but...
ben_vulpes: in which scenarios is this not true.
ben_vulpes: s/./?
decimation: in taleb's antifragile, Fat Tony would have said that the chumps wouldn't believe you if you told them
ben_vulpes: wouldn't believe what?
decimation: they wouldn't believe that chumpatrons exist and that they were all likely to enter one
ben_vulpes: ah yeah
ben_vulpes: the house discussion with these people is a great example.
ben_vulpes: "well of course you want to build equity!"
The20YearIRCloud: which people
ben_vulpes: and when you sell your house, do you account for all of the property taxes you've paid over its lifetime? the repairs made? the endless time spent fixing it?
ben_vulpes: keeping the yard looking adequately neat to keep the homeowners association gruntled?
ben_vulpes: tell me - how do you book those expenses, and how do you tally the ROI?
mats_cd03: i was under the impression selling homes is a matter of finding bagholders
mats_cd03: at least in usa
decimation: ben_vulpes: don't forget the usg 'subsidy' of mortgages
gernika: then there's the fact that when your house goes up in value, so does everyone else's, so its not like you can sell it and buy a bigger house. And if you don't buy another house with the proceeds of selling your house, you pay a lot of taxes.
ben_vulpes: i just let the girl paint the walls whatever and book the deposit as a cost of renting.
decimation: gernika: not unless it is your primary residence and your gains are less than $500k (as I recall)
ben_vulpes: breaking news: my little brother just got knocked off his bike
ben_vulpes: nobodycares.com
ben_vulpes: but a hit and run! what assholes.
decimation: call the democratic police, maybe they care
mats_cd03: still whole, i hope?
The20YearIRCloud: mortgage interest can be deducted from taxes
mircea_popescu: ;;ticker
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 423.24, Best ask: 424.54, Bid-ask spread: 1.30000, Last trade: 424.0, 24 hour volume: 21726.76443010, 24 hour low: 407.94, 24 hour high: 451.15, 24 hour vwap: 428.502197043
decimation: ben_vulpes: I think the renting vs. buying thing is a generational shift in the us
decimation: people younger than 40 are seeing how much their parents bought into the 'housing is infinite wealth' idea and they see how they were screwed
decimation: plus many of them bought & were screwed on homes
ben_vulpes: then there's the need to continue paying rent forever.
decimation: you gotta live somewhere
ben_vulpes: sure, but if the point is to eventually own it free and clear and not pay rent, property taxes still count as rent.
ben_vulpes: to me at least.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform re the cern cabling : part of it is that they know it's gonna fail.
decimation: totally agree, you never 'own' anything in the us
mircea_popescu: if you recall, they failed for years before it even could be powered on
ben_vulpes: decimation: i'm not convinced that i can own anything but btc any more.
mircea_popescu: what pcbs.
ben_vulpes: and even that...
mircea_popescu: you can always own a good woman.
decimation: mircea_popescu: but they 'spend' billions of 'money'?
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: some guys can
mircea_popescu: decimation money isn't what it used to be.
ben_vulpes: ownership is the hallmark of the elite?
mircea_popescu: the alele elite. fun to say
ben_vulpes: ;;ud alele
gribble: http://www.urbandictionary.com/author.php?author=Ronnie+Alele | by ronnie Alele May 30, 2005 add a video add an image. 2. mana. female genetalia.(pussy). shes got a great mana. mark as favorite buy mana mugs & shirts.
decimation: I thought you meant allele
ben_vulpes: apropos of naught
decimation: ;;dict allele
gribble: wn: allele n 1: (genetics) either of a pair (or series) of alternative forms of a gene that can occupy the same locus on a particular chromosome and that control the same character; "some alleles are dominant over others" [syn: {allele}, {allelomorph}]
mircea_popescu: each of the genes that could occupy a spot.
mircea_popescu: decimation yup
ben_vulpes: allele
ben_vulpes: see now i'm in this horrible place where i *think* i know when you've made a mispelling, but then i double guess, then...
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes my ll is broken cause spanish. talk to ascillifeform
kakobrekla: email v2.0
ben_vulpes: asheele
mircea_popescu: bitbetmessage
decimation: I thought that definition 2 of the urban dictionary is what you were going after
decimation: ;;ud mana
gribble: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Mana | Mana is the founder of Malice Mizer, one of the most well known Japanese visual -kei bands. He is responsible for discovering the all poppular Gackt...
mircea_popescu: anyway, i mostly came back for the lsdcoin discussion
mircea_popescu: what happened to that
decimation: that kinda petered out right as you left
decimation: we've been derping about some technical stuff, gernika, ben_vulpes and I were talking about the silly-con valley employment scam
mircea_popescu: gernika: I am a consultant in silly-con valley << win.
mircea_popescu: as i wallk through the valley of the silly con
gernika: mircea_popescu lol seems to be better than other things I've tried
mircea_popescu: i fear no evil...
kakobrekla: its useless that coin. some btc fan late to the party. and we wont use litecoin that is made to supposedly solve that supposed problem because you cant really smoke 'lite'.
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla i was going to give it to him slowly, but danielpbarron had to go all teenager hormonal on the nice ppls.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20850 @ 0.00075023 = 15.6423 BTC [+] {2}
atcbot: [X-BT] Bid: 198 Ask: 245 Last Price: 198 24h-Vol: 0k High: N/A Low: N/A VWAP: N/A
atcbot: [ATC Diff] Current Diff: 1878190.93 Est. Next Diff: 300390.52 in 1004 blocks (#46368) Est. % Change: -84.01
atcbot: Time Since Last ATC Block: 0 hour(s), 46 minutes
kakobrekla: you slowly? have you been smoking that thing?
mircea_popescu: The20YearIRCloud: zeks? Are those like zergs? << gulag prisoner labor in soviet research.
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla las chicas wearing me out man
kakobrekla: hehehe
The20YearIRCloud: are my kids candidates for the poster prize thing?
mircea_popescu: not unless you're the sort of guy that makes them pay rent.
asciilifeform: 'zek' ~= 'inmate', from pseudo-abbreviation 'з/к' for 'заключённый' (inmate, 'confined one')
decimation: the wikipedia says that there's an even deeper meaning derived from the beginnings of the gulag system: "A memory of the canal is also preserved in the Russian language, in the words "zeka", "zek, z/k" for "inmate". In Russian, "inmate", "incarcerated" is заключённый (zakliuchyonnyi), usually abbreviated to "з/к" in paperwork, and pronounced as "зэка" (IPA: [zɨˈka], "zeh-KA"), which gradually transformed into "
decimation: зэк" and "зек", zek (both pronounced as IPA: [ˈzɛk]). The word is still in colloquial use. "
asciilifeform: well yes, that.
decimation: "Originally the abbreviation stood for zaklyuchyonny kanaloarmeyets (Russian: заключённый каналоармеец), literally "incarcerated canal-army-man"."
kakobrekla: zek is a rabbit.
asciilifeform: ^ more or less known to everyone who speaks the langauge
asciilifeform: kakobrekla: where?
kakobrekla: well here i guess.
decimation: I find learning another language to be a good way to find out how I am ignorant of things that millions of children know
kakobrekla: or what where
asciilifeform: kakobrekla: and not 'zajec' or the like ?
mircea_popescu: they don';t distinguish
kakobrekla: officially, but zek in many dialects
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: we don't usually bother to distinguish either.
mircea_popescu: unserious, all of you!
mircea_popescu: decimation: The20YearIRCloud: in the UK they still have most of their canals, you can rent a narrowboat and cruise them: http://www.waterwaysholidays.com/ <<< i did this.
assbot: Canal Boating Holidays. Narrowboat Barge and Norfolk Broads Boat Hire
The20YearIRCloud: Very cool, i imagine it'd be fun
The20YearIRCloud: here people just jetski down rivers :D
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: believe or not, the canals here are also preserved. though i bet the neighbours wish someone'd fill them in.
assbot: The ZEK Crew » EXHIBITION ZEK (2012)
asciilifeform: they're pestilential cesspools
decimation: mircea_popescu: I haven't done the narrowboats, are they a good time?
mircea_popescu: decimation well that all depends. they're exactly what advertised on tin
mircea_popescu: also did a dudley mines on boat tour thing
decimation: asciilifeform: my favorite quote from "in the first circle": "A familiar figure in many prison research establishments, Professor Chelnov, an old mathematician arrested seventeen years ago and who, when he had to fill in a form, put down his nationality not as 'Russian' but as 'zek', had applied his mind to many inventions, from the direct flow boiler to the jet engine, and had put his heart and soul into several of them."
decimation: mircea_popescu: my understanding is that the narrowboats are popular with chums who 'pub crawl' on water
mircea_popescu: gernika: I made more consulting for a firm based out of Minnesota than I was working at the big name tech company that acquired a startup I had worked for. So yeah. Fuck startups. << acquihires are usually pitiful affairs that rarely work
mircea_popescu: no idea why they keep doing it
mircea_popescu: decimation kinda what i meant. depends on your crowd. can conceivably be awful, can be pretty fun
mircea_popescu: might also depend on age.
assbot: Falkirk Wheel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
gernika: mircea_popescu: agreed. not a viable outcome for employees. Although in my case they kept our product alive until it was killed in a second acquisition so it was sort of a semi-acquihire. Still a complete waste of money.
mircea_popescu: and time.
mircea_popescu: at least quick death is merciful on time
gernika: so true
mircea_popescu: decimation that looks pretty cool.
asciilifeform: 'With an *ugh!* and a groan, and a kick of the heels, / Death comes quiet, or it comes with squeals...'
decimation: asciilifeform: I'm pretty sure the warez book I linked above is a shitty translation
mircea_popescu: re the houseowning discussion : house market is commodified. carrying the cost of inventory makes no sense whatsoever, unless it does. and if it does you want the economies of scale and 100s of unit.s
mircea_popescu: there's this... can't be your own car mechanic. it's just not worth it.
mircea_popescu: similarly, can't be your own landlord. not worth it.
The20YearIRCloud: economies of scale for building or what?
mircea_popescu: sure, some people enjoy, either, as a hobby. some people do their own tattoos.
mircea_popescu: still not a global solution.
decimation: mircea_popescu: there's this thing in American culture that you aren't a 'real person' if you don't 'own' your home
mircea_popescu: The20YearIRCloud no, for administering real estate.
mircea_popescu: decimation there used to be this thing that you're not a real woman if you give good head
The20YearIRCloud: agent or property management?
mircea_popescu: so what of it ?
mircea_popescu: The20YearIRCloud the latter.
The20YearIRCloud: yeah, property management is terrible for income
mircea_popescu: try doing it with just one unit.
The20YearIRCloud: Yeah, except if you own it
mircea_popescu: it doesn't magically get better if you own it
decimation: 'own'
mircea_popescu: it gets fucking worse.
The20YearIRCloud: the management aspect is pretty easy, not very time consuming. The problem is for an outside manager, the income you can charge is quite low
The20YearIRCloud: Around here it's 8%
mircea_popescu: maintaining a house is a full time job.
The20YearIRCloud: Depends on the house
The20YearIRCloud: we don't spend significant sums of time on upkeep
mircea_popescu: simple question for "homeowners". calculate your per-passerby liability for injury happening on "your" sidewalk. just as a curio.
decimation: 'owning' your home is partially renting from the government, partially speculation on mortgage bonds, and partially a 'ticket' to future 'wealth'
mircea_popescu: by th time you're done with that, it should be clear why it's not the headache you want.
The20YearIRCloud: mircea_popescu: some states/countries exempt homeowners from stuff like that, i know mine does
mircea_popescu: decimation and partially unbounded liability.
decimation: mircea_popescu: in the us you can buy "umbrella insurance" for such a possibility
mircea_popescu: The20YearIRCloud but not from other, similar things.
mircea_popescu: decimation not my point.
mircea_popescu: how do you know you're not getting gypped ?
mircea_popescu: just because you can "buy umbrella insurance" doesn't mean it's not there.
The20YearIRCloud: what things?
mircea_popescu: thw work is still there, even if you piecemeal it away.
decimation: true, somebody pays
The20YearIRCloud: case law in my state is quite favorable to the homeowner for accidents caused on-site
The20YearIRCloud: and the risk factor is quite low when you look at broad groups of data for occurance rates. If it was high then there'd be no one doing management or landlording
mircea_popescu: The20YearIRCloud what happens if you don't get your triannual inspection for electric wires ?
The20YearIRCloud: those don't exist here
decimation: The20YearIRCloud: the real screwjob is trying to insure unoccupied properties
decimation: The20YearIRCloud: don't you need to have an inspector come by before you rent?
The20YearIRCloud: it's hard for homeowners, but with us we have so many properties the insurance company insures all ours as tenant occupeid, whether they're vacant or not
mircea_popescu: The20YearIRCloud but my point isn't to any one specific thing. my point is, there's so much nuttery, and so much complexity involved, that in general you're better off letting someone else eat it.
mircea_popescu: to this point there may be exceptions, but i'm not discussiong 1988 elm street, akron, ohio.
decimation: The20YearIRCloud is trying to be that 'someone else', not harry homeowner specifically
mircea_popescu: cuz you know, i can't be bothered to know in that level of detail, cuz my head is otherwise full.
decimation: The20YearIRCloud: do you think owning your own home is an awesome deal for the median guy?
mircea_popescu: well he keeps bringing the "we don't have X here". something he's gotta have, what is this, ohiostan ?
The20YearIRCloud: if the average guy has a 15 or 20yr mortgage then yes
mircea_popescu: nah, for the first time buyer.
The20YearIRCloud: I know countless people who are now sitting on near a million dollars of real estate because they own their home and a few others
mircea_popescu: facing the usual 50% divorce rate, and all the jazz
ben_vulpes: <decimation> 'owning' your home is partially renting from the government, partially speculation on mortgage bonds, and partially a 'ticket' to future 'wealth' << fucking bril
decimation: The20YearIRCloud: I heard you could enter the irish lottery too :)
The20YearIRCloud: And the data says that home ownership is pretty beneficial to the holder as long as they can hold it for 10+ years
mircea_popescu: decimation quite my point. sure, it works for some.
mircea_popescu: The20YearIRCloud and the average marriage is ?
The20YearIRCloud: Even with depreciation, market swings, taxes, ect
mircea_popescu: 7 years ?
The20YearIRCloud: And a majority of couples in the US no longer marry
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