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← 2014-08-12 | 2014-08-14 →
decimation: deciding what not to spend mental cycles on is a valuable skill
mircea_popescu: "The Pioneer has before declared that our only safety depends upon the total extirmination of the Indians. Having wronged them for centuries, we had better, in order to protect our civilization, follow it up by one more wrong and wipe these untamed and untamable creatures from the face of the earth."
mircea_popescu: l f baum (wizard of oz), cca 1890.
decimation: we did worse - we made them depend on the bezzle for welfare - now most of them exist in a drunken half-stupor
nubbins`: ;;google beothuk
gribble: Beothuk - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beothuk>; The Beothuk - Newfoundland and Labrador Heritage: <http://www.heritage.nf.ca/aboriginal/beothuk.html>; Beothuk - First Nations|Issues of Consequence: <http://www.dickshovel.com/beo.html>
mircea_popescu: dickshovel ?!
nubbins`: maybe Dick's Hovel?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2950 @ 0.00074164 = 2.1878 BTC [+]
assbot: Why dickshovel.com?
nubbins`: hahahah
asciilifeform: expertSexchange.
asciilifeform: therapist/theRapist, etc.
mircea_popescu: For Mencken, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was the finest work of American literature. Much of that book relates how gullible and ignorant country "boobs" (as Mencken referred to them) are swindled by confidence men like the (deliberately) pathetic "Duke" and "Dauphin" roustabouts with whom Huck and Jim travel down the Mississippi River. These scam-artists swindle by posing as enlightened speakers on temperance (to ob
mircea_popescu: tain the funds to get roaring drunk), as pious "saved" men seeking funds for far off evangelistic missions (to pirates on the high seas, no less), and as learned doctors of phrenology (who can barely spell). Mencken read the novel as a story of America's hilarious dark side, a place where democracy, as defined by Mencken, is "the worship of jackals by jackasses".
mircea_popescu: such change wow progress.
mircea_popescu: "I admit freely enough that, by careful breeding, supervision of environment and education, extending over many generations, it might be possible to make an appreciable improvement in the stock of the American negro, for example, but I must maintain that this enterprise would be a ridiculous waste of energy, for there is a high-caste white stock ready at hand, and it is inconceivable that the negro stock, however caref
mircea_popescu: ully it might be nurtured, could ever even remotely approach it. The educated negro of today is a failure, not because he meets insuperable difficulties in life, but because he is a negro. He is, in brief, a low-caste man, to the manner born, and he will remain inert and inefficient until fifty generations of him have lived in civilization. And even then, the superior white race will be fifty generations ahead of him."
mircea_popescu: check out mencken being spectacularly wrong.
mircea_popescu: The larger the mob, the harder the test. In small areas, before small electorates, a first-rate man occasionally fights his way through, carrying even the mob with him by force of his personality. But when the field is nationwide, and the fight must be waged chiefly at second and third hand, and the force of personality cannot so readily make itself felt, then all the odds are on the man who is, intrinsically, the most
mircea_popescu: devious and mediocre—the man who can most easily adeptly disperse the notion that his mind is a virtual vacuum.
mircea_popescu: The Presidency tends, year by year, to go to such men. As democracy is perfected, the office represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. We move toward a lofty ideal. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.
mircea_popescu: and then right.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11100 @ 0.00073978 = 8.2116 BTC [-]
assbot: xanthyos +v failed; L1: 0, L2: 0
mircea_popescu: !up xanthyos
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 18 @ 0.30003985 = 5.4007 BTC [-] {4}
assbot: [MPEX] [FT] [X.EUR] 625 @ 0.00233 = 1.4563 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: !up jctb
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2700 @ 0.0007405 = 1.9994 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6039 @ 0.00073978 = 4.4675 BTC [-]
kyuupichan: Does anybody maintain a BTC market cap as % of all coin cap? I think it must be near a 2-year high.
kyuupichan: coinmarketcap.com reckons it's 94.6%
mircea_popescu: alts have been getting crushed by altcoin alright.
mircea_popescu: tat's evil plan comes to fruition.,
assbot: BitBet - Bitcoin to drop under $450 before September :: 1.22 B (9%) on Yes, 11.62 B (91%) on No | closing in 1 week 6 days | weight: 51`309 (100`000 to 1)
mircea_popescu: ;;ticker
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 558.98, Best ask: 561.0, Bid-ask spread: 2.02000, Last trade: 561.0, 24 hour volume: 7189.81050835, 24 hour low: 556.5, 24 hour high: 572.35, 24 hour vwap: 0
assbot: The Shangri-Las -Leader Of The Pack Video with High Quality Sound - YouTube
FabianB: $mpexstatus
mircea_popescu: FabianB http://mpex.bz/ is worx atm.
assbot: MPEx, the Bitcoin securities exchange.
empyex: FabianB: Proxies: mpex.ws mpex.bz mpex.co mpex.biz mpex.coinbr.com MPEx-Status: Error reaching trade engine Current MPEx GPG-Key-ID: 02DD2D91
assbot: MPEx, the Bitcoin securities exchange.
FabianB: $proxies mpex.bz mpex.biz
empyex: FabianB: Temporarily saved.
empyex: FabianB: Proxies: mpex.bz mpex.biz MPEx-Status: 1672 milliseconds Current MPEx GPG-Key-ID: 02DD2D91
mircea_popescu: um no, don't do that, because well... suppose these two crap out. what'll people do then without the other two listed ?
FabianB: "03:10 #bitcoin-otc-ratings: <+gribble> New rating | assbot > 1 > fabianb | #bitcoin-assets" <- thanks assbot
FabianB: ok, let's reorder
FabianB: $proxies mpex.bz mpex.ws mpex.co mpex.biz mpex.coinbr.com
empyex: FabianB: Temporarily saved.
empyex: FabianB: Proxies: mpex.bz mpex.ws mpex.co mpex.biz mpex.coinbr.com MPEx-Status: 1675 milliseconds Current MPEx GPG-Key-ID: 02DD2D91
mircea_popescu: FabianB maybe make it so if one fails it tries the next ?
FabianB: good idea, will implement that later
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11900 @ 0.00074051 = 8.8121 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 5 @ 0.296 = 1.48 BTC [-]
assbot: Live Arbing - Razerwares
mircea_popescu: ;;rated RagnarDanneskjol
gribble: You have not yet rated user RagnarDanneskjol
mircea_popescu: ;;rate RagnarDanneskjol 1 Recruiter.
gribble: Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user RagnarDanneskjol has been recorded.
RagnarDanneskjol: oooh weee
xmj: how do i see ratings between users?
mircea_popescu: ;;gettrust mircea_popescu xmj
gribble: WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user mircea_popescu to user xmj: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 3 via 3 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=mircea_popescu&dest=xmj | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=xmj | Rated since: Fri May 23 01:38:16 2014
xmj: whois not authed?
RagnarDanneskjol: ;;rate mircea_popescu 1 bitcoin anti-christ. suck it roger v
gribble: Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user mircea_popescu has been recorded.
punkman: bonjorn
assbot: Quote by Alan Moore: Heard joke once: Man goes to doctor. Says he's ...
mircea_popescu: trixisowned you mean Abū ʿAbd al-Lāh Muḥammad ibn ʿAbd al-Lāh l-Lawātī ṭ-Ṭanǧī ibn Baṭūṭah
mircea_popescu: !up stoop
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.2960006 = 0.592 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: RagnarDanneskjol that's a fine example of why one doesn't really want to offr live betting.
mircea_popescu: why attract a horde of internet "entrepreneurs" trying to do a lot of high bandwidth nonsense in their retarded quest of getting five euros off you "risk free" ?
RagnarDanneskjol: oh yea, recipe for disaster
mircea_popescu: if they just flipped burgers they'd make more per hour with less work,
mircea_popescu: but you can't talk sense into these overgrown children with their delusions of independence.
fluffypony: where's Kyle when you need someone for an abject lesson
mircea_popescu: Just don't place arbs which gives you less than 5% of your "under" stake. If you place 100 EUR on under at Europeans , it means that you must place only arbs which give you more than 5 EUR. This way, you need only 20 arbs to recover the losses from " 1 goal" for the 30 (might even less) sec you need after you first bet is accepted probably is less than 1/20. This rule of 5% profit from you under stake is reasonable. So
mircea_popescu: me statistics of collected data from such bets could reveal more, but this 1/20 goal scoring assumption seems to be close to reality. Base on my own stats the probability of the goal is 1,8% , which means that 1,8 goals are scored in 100 bets. My net profit is smth like 65% of my total profit, the rest (35%) is the loss i have suffered from goals being scored in pending time. You must never place bets less than 5 EUR
mircea_popescu: (5% of your under bet, which we are assuming it is 100 EUR) unless it is HT where there is no danger. If you place bets for 2 EUR profit, you need now 50 arbs to recover the losses and i doubt that you will make any money.
mircea_popescu: based on his own fucking data o.O
mircea_popescu: "his own data" being an arbitrary, uncontrolled and irreproducible cutout of the general flow.
RagnarDanneskjol: mhmm. if he hurls enough data though, surely this gaping hole will be overlooked
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 11 @ 0.28854545 = 3.174 BTC [-] {3}
mircea_popescu: i'm sure the schmuck is sitting in a bar somewhere right now, all radiant of his greatness as he imagines it.
mircea_popescu: that unless he's not running for his life from a coupla thugs owned by some bookie he owes to.
assbot: 3 Business Lessons From The Sinaloa Drug Cartel | Co.Design | business + design
Vexual: robin williams doesnt do coke anymore
RagnarDanneskjol: sounds a lot like b-a
punkman: I just lol'd at title+url
mircea_popescu: Blockbuster is gone. So are Lehman Brothers, Atari, Pan Am, Circuit City and countless others each year. Startups fail, too, with 80% going belly up within the first 18 months. But here’s something to consider in comparison: criminal syndicates don’t go out of business. The Chinese Triads have been around since the 17th century. For 25 years, Mexico’s Sinaloa Cartel has outmaneuvered vicious competition at home a
mircea_popescu: s well as the United States' $51 billion--annually--“War on Drugs.”
mircea_popescu: yeah well the problem with that is that it's more akin to saying that detroit or hollywood don't go away.
mircea_popescu: "the chinese triads" aren't a the in this context any more than "the chinese government" is a the. obviously there's going to be some sort of government, such as for instance the one in taiwan.
mircea_popescu: FabianB or anyone interested : .ws switch blew. the rest are fine. ws should be back within hours as replacement gets installed.
mircea_popescu: "Another is just a sorrowful question: What if these talented criminals had only used their talents for good?"
mircea_popescu: allow me to rephrase : what if the state went the fuck away and stopped bothering people.
Vexual: people would be confused for a few months
punkman: speaking of syndicates, ISIS in Lebanon already. They just need some boats now and then Pirates of the Mediterranean !
mircea_popescu: i kinda am rooting for them to invade italy, force italians into sex slavery in morocco
mircea_popescu: i'd prolly visit just for to shoot new trilema header.
Vexual: morocco or italy?
assbot: Mosul Dam's Takeover by ISIS Raises Risk of Flooding - WSJ
punkman: oh lol dam without foundation, they just pump a mix of water/cement/sand into foundation cavities all the time
mircea_popescu: there's no real way to make foundations there iirc.
RagnarDanneskjol: yea, all sand
Vexual: dubai is sandy no?
Vexual: deep works
mircea_popescu: in things like permafrost you can at least put deep pillars in and pour on that
mircea_popescu: but ice is a crystalline lattice. sand is not
mircea_popescu: it just grinds your pillars to dust and there you go.
Vexual: hmm
Vexual: i attempted the engine from ore thing
Vexual: but diverted apter i ruined my kitchen
Vexual: wehn considering improvements to the valve system i imagined a better concrete pump
punkman: melting beercans?
Vexual: saucepans
Vexual: beerscans burned up
assbot: Seinfeld - Kramer (the Merv Griffin set) - YouTube
mircea_popescu: he tries to make gravel. in a blender.
Vexual: lol
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 320 @ 0.00185347 = 0.5931 BTC [+] {5}
assbot: Forex Market Regulation: Who Can Really Police This Global Market? - Forbes
assbot: Titti Persson (TittiPersson) auf Twitter
kyuupichan: LTC under $5 now
Vexual: ikea here we come
Vexual: ltc was 30 cents before asics?
Vexual: from memory?
cazalla: nah, was well above that before they arrived
Vexual: well 5 bucks aint nothin to cry about
Vexual: either way
cazalla: depends when you bought them i guess
cazalla: i sold for like $3
Vexual: holding ltc for more than 30 mins gives me hives
Vexual: it was $8 or something at the top?
kyuupichan: holy collapse baby
assbot: Twitter admits that as many as 23 million of its active users are automated – Quartz
Vexual: busted
kyuupichan: LTC? peaked at $50
Vexual: sice when?
Vexual: bots=zombies
Vexual: reallly 50 bux? i ignore it
BigBitz: 40 was it not?
Vexual: fark
kyuupichan: Playing on bitcoinwisdom I see a $48.48. Might be higher with more resolution
kyuupichan: Nov 26 2013
Vexual: thankyou for not making me google the date
BigBitz: It was $4x for sure. I didn't think it quite hit $5x though.
BigBitz: Bitcoin tanking hard last 24 hours.
Vexual: big mines pay bills in dollars bb
BigBitz: Vexual yup...
BigBitz: ;;ticker --high
gribble: 572.0
BigBitz: ;;ticker --low
gribble: 553.0
BigBitz: such trade.
Vexual: ;;estimate
gribble: Next difficulty estimate | 23873402697.3 based on data since last change | 24726235837.8 based on data for last three days
BigBitz: many volitile
cazalla: satoshi was smart in a way coblee was not, if bitcoin died, no-one can find him, coblee on the otherhand..
Vexual: whats colblee
Vexual: google fails me
Vexual: oh
assbot: Charles Lee AKA Coblee MAXIMUM AUTISM - YouTube
pankkake: lol at video title
BigBitz: That is an odd video, cazalla.
BigBitz: I don't quite 'get it'
Vexual: i still dont understtand
cazalla: you don't think that someone that says you can send 10's of millions of dollars to someone in china, that you don't even know, has autism?
BigBitz: Do you know what Autism is?
punkman: assburgers
BigBitz: Heh, yeah aspies.
cazalla: BigBitz, another word for retard, isn't it ?
cazalla: or is it that label kids get given who then think they're special
pankkake: autist is socially retarded
Vexual: i send money to people i dont know
BigBitz: lol...
BigBitz: It's not another word for being retarded.
cazalla: like the autists are the minecraft convention who ask the developers if they have it and how it helped them
Vexual: are you eating veg or just lapin caz?
Vexual: is coblee some scammor?
cazalla: Vexual, what's that mean
Vexual: please explain
Vexual: ive never heard of him
BigBitz: He's from Bitcointalk.
BigBitz: Coblee.
Vexual: what did he done?
pankkake: like most chinese, copy something and make it worse
assbot: Last 1 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/3PSGVMM.txt )
Vexual: !b 1
cazalla: Vexual, he tells people fools gold is silver
assbot: Last 7 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/0HEP0MT.txt )
pankkake: !b 7
pankkake: should have context
pankkake: poor bash mods
punkman: !b15
Vexual: whats asciicode for infintity?
Vexual: grr
punkman: mine's erect
davout: ;;later tell mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=12-08-2014#791960 <<< interesting
assbot: #bitcoin-assets log
gribble: The operation succeeded.
Vexual: cazalla: lapin is rabbit, you need veg or jour liver makes your brain wild
xmj: jour liver?
xmj: what?
Vexual: thats a vexualism
Vexual: can you deal xjm
xmj: what
Vexual: lets make a proverb
Vexual: what
Vexual: can you handle it?
xmj: what
xmj: Vexual: please stop spamming me.
Vexual: a limerick then
Vexual: proverbs are better
Vexual: you might wanna redefine spam, kid
Vexual: thats not how you play frogger
wyrdmantis: hi diana
diana_coman: hi wyrdmantis
diana_coman: wyrdmantis, start by reading the logs I suppose
diana_coman: what brings you here?
wyrdmantis: thirst of knowledge & money
wyrdmantis: mircea popescu told me that in order to improve my rating in the wot i have to work FOR someone already in the wot
diana_coman: not bad, but it's good to know that need was never enough to get something, right?
diana_coman: ah, I see, well, what can you do?
diana_coman: I think one of the latest posts on trilema offered an idea of something to do, so give it a try
wyrdmantis: i can't identify it... what's the title about?
chetty: wyrdmantis, what sort of things can you do?
assbot: The Bitcoin Lordship list, first revision pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
wyrdmantis: oh yeah, thanks
pankkake: ;;ticker --market paymium --currency eur
gribble: Error: This is not one of the supported markets. Please choose one of ['bcent', 'okc', 'btcn', 'coinbase', 'cbx', 'bitmynt', 'btsp', 'btcavg', 'krk', 'btcde', 'btce', 'bfx'] or 'all'
pankkake: ;;ticker --market bcent --currency eur
gribble: Bitcoin-Central BTCEUR ticker | Best bid: 410.0, Best ask: 416.0, Bid-ask spread: 6.00000, Last trade: 410.0, 24 hour volume: 71.27294753, 24 hour low: 410.0, 24 hour high: 436.0, 24 hour vwap: 423.83422109
diana_coman: wyrdmantis np, good luck
khersonus: ;;ticker
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 533.02, Best ask: 533.68, Bid-ask spread: 0.66000, Last trade: 533.68, 24 hour volume: 15323.73920370, 24 hour low: 524.7, 24 hour high: 572.0, 24 hour vwap: 552.917907413
punkman: omg crash!!11
punkman: ;;tickert --market all
gribble: Error: "tickert" is not a valid command.
punkman: ;;ticker --market all
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 525.03, vol: 17604.91999112 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 523.3, vol: 8192.93311 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 526.71, vol: 11869.68961837 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 560.0, vol: 31.53948071 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 522.11575, vol: 7017.12670000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 531.63618, vol: 4.33673079 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 537.34, vol: 92.09489774 | Volume-weighted last average: (1 more message)
assbot: Conspiracy Keanu Meme - Imgflip
assbot: Activision is making a new Kings Quest · Newswire · The A.V. Club
mod6: wow, really?
mod6: that might be the first game like that I ever played
assbot: hdbuck +v failed; L1: 0, L2: 0
pankkake: !up hdbuck
hdbuck: merci pankkake j’essaie le WoT là :)
Apocalyptic: some french new blood
pankkake: !up StephanLivera
StephanLivera: Thanks pankkake
pankkake: ;;gettrust hdbuck
gribble: Currently authenticated from hostmask hdbuck!~hdbuck@ATuileries-153-1-37-9.w83-202.abo.wanadoo.fr. Trust relationship from user pankkake to user hdbuck: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=pankkake&dest=hdbuck | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=hdbuck | Rated since: never
StephanLivera: so price dip hey, I think a lot of people need to chill out
pankkake: I don't like either panic sells or panic buys
nubbins`: !up StephanLivera
nubbins`: oh ha, sorry, was afk
StephanLivera: I suspect it's partly ethereum devs cashing some out, and partly merchant adoption outpacing user hoarding
StephanLivera: thanks anyway nubbins`
nubbins`: mod6 kq3 was precisely the first thing i ever did with a computer
pankkake: what's the ethereum address?
assbot: King's Quest III Redux : To Heir is Human, an AGDinteractive Graphic Adventure Game
nubbins`: ^ free download
assbot: ethereum blog | Announcement on planned withdrawal from exodus
mod6: nubbins`: sweet!
assbot: Bitcoin Address 36PrZ1KHYMpqSyAQXSG8VwbUiq2EogxLo2
nubbins`: warning: you've forgotten how goddamn hard that game is
mod6: hahaha
StephanLivera: I think people need to just chill out, be patient and wait for people to 'naturally' be spurred into buying/hoarding bitcoin. It could be bail ins, could be big banks defaulting, loss of purchasing power from inflation etc
nubbins`: !up Enky
nubbins`: !up stormlight
nubbins`: StephanLivera you've come across the most patient people in the entire btc space
nubbins`: you'll be hard-pressed to find someone concerned about the day-to-day price in here :D
StephanLivera: yeah I'm sure the people who are in here tend to be more technically competent
pankkake: so you mean HODL?
StephanLivera: yeah, one of my mates will message me all the time when there's big price movement, particularly price drop. I think he's a little too emotionally invested
nubbins`: hodor hodols
nubbins`: StephanLivera that's one of the stages ;D
StephanLivera: well he's been in this stage for a while :p
nubbins`: hey, some women think they don't need feminism until they're in their 60s ;D
nubbins` pops corn in anticipation of others reading logs
StephanLivera: so I'm new around here, what is the best way to get rated in WoT with assbot?
pankkake: ;;rate StephanLivera 1 #bitcoin-assets +v
gribble: Error: For identification purposes, you must be authenticated to use the rating system.
pankkake: grmbl
pankkake: ;;rate StephanLivera 1 #bitcoin-assets +v
gribble: Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user StephanLivera has been recorded.
StephanLivera: cheers pankkake
nubbins`: if not the best, certainly the easiest ;D
pankkake: ;;rate hdbuck 1 #bitcoin-assets +v
gribble: Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user hdbuck has been recorded.
hdbuck: cheers mate
diana_coman: ahahaha @nubbins will have to remember that when I turn 60
hdbuck: pankkake so you know lainz? ^^
pankkake: yes, I met him a few times. he actually told me about this chan!
hdbuck: pankkake yea me too
assbot: [Phoronix] The Lenovo X200 Now Works With Coreboot
assbot: BitPagos Brings Bitcoin to 8,000 Convenience Stores With Ripio
assbot: First Images of a Heart Injected with Liquid Metal The Physics arXiv Blog Medium
mod6: %d
atcbot: [ATC Diff] Current Diff: 1878190.93 Est. Next Diff: 1878190.93 in 1998 blocks (#46368) Est. % Change: 0.00
mod6: %p
atcbot: [CoinMiner Hashrate]: 0.06 TH/s [PityThePool Hashrate]: 3145.40 GH/s
asciilifeform: !s gallium
asciilifeform: punkman ^
punkman: asciilifeform: I think of you when I read gallium now
asciilifeform believe or not, has no gallium
punkman: anyone else's internets timing out a lot today?
assbot: The IPv4 Internet Hiccups - Slashdot
punkman: some more advanced chumpatronics: http://localregister.amazon.com/
asciilifeform: punkman: copy of 'square', etc.
punkman: asciilifeform: yeah but Square isn't selling everything you sell and cheaper
asciilifeform: if x (for some value of x) is selling everything you sell and cheaper - you have problems
assbot: Welcome to BraveNewCoin » Brave New Coin
asciilifeform: '“we” will not be selling any portion of this 2650 BTC on exchanges ourselves, although individuals may choose to independently convert the BTC that they receive into fiat after the fact.'
assbot: ethereum blog | Announcement on planned withdrawal from exodus
asciilifeform: in case anyone was puzzled as to why btc-fiat exch. rate sank
punkman: they can't have sold that much to make it go $520
kakobrekla: 2k sell and 7k sheep ?
asciilifeform: as to why...
jurov: we're out of internets?
asciilifeform: 'They tend to show up late at parties because they figure they can always steal the cake anyway, so why bother go early ? Let the suckers figure out first - on their own dime - where the good cakes are, then just swoop in and collect... This means the only way they can get in is if you let them get in. Don’t let them get in for cheap - they have no business here.' (mp's http://trilema.com/2014/people-us-dollar
assbot: People! US Dollars are not worth a fifth of a Bitcent. STOP SELLING! pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
asciilifeform: s-are-not-worth-a-fifth-of-a-bitcent-stop-selling)
asciilifeform: they want in. on the cheap. hence, chumpatron enlisted to drive down price.
pankkake: this is starting to sound like #bitcoin-bagholders
asciilifeform: pankkake: trying to crack the enigma of why the chumpers bought eth by the truckload but not one of them took mp's 'short' delivery deal.
asciilifeform: (last i checked)
asciilifeform: best hypothesis is that the buyers were puppets, brought in for a specific purpose
kakobrekla: mp doesnt even come on the buyers radar
kakobrekla: and if it did, it would be categorized under "crazy"
kakobrekla: "scam" if not "crazy".
asciilifeform: one reason could be: if there are no buyers (in the human sense)
kakobrekla: i doubt that
kakobrekla: i think you all are underestimating the power of animated webpage design
asciilifeform: !s deer hunter
nubbins`: mildly related:
asciilifeform: inescapable conclusion is that the 'masses' don't actually want to live. they want to be killed in decorous, socially-approved ways.
punkman: you wash some of your own btc, jerk some puppets, the muppets won't be able to resist
assbot: imgur: the simple image sharer
kakobrekla: i remember when i was a kid, there was a game, where you were the deer with the gun hunting hunters.
asciilifeform: 'deer avenger'
asciilifeform: !up bats_cd03
kakobrekla: dunno
bats_cd03: sankq
assbot: Anonymouth: The Linguistic Tool That Might Have Helped JK Rowling | New Republic
assbot: Adversarial stylometry
kakobrekla: i guess it was the first version of deer avenger that i was exposed to.
kakobrekla: "free beer who wants a cold one?"
kakobrekla: and then you wait.
pankkake: lol. I never knew that one. but http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PsJtoVBhmbw
assbot: Ce matin, un lapin... ( originale ) - YouTube
kakobrekla: same here
kakobrekla: "best crypto who wants a cold one?"
kakobrekla: and then you wait.
bats_cd03: http://youtu.be/BkIDPwkeGWs debug menu in pokemons
assbot: Pokemon Yellow ASM hack: Debug menu - YouTube
bats_cd03: http://pastebin.com/aFUP2gLB freedom hosting malware RE
assbot: [JavaScript] Freedom Hosting FBI Shellcode Payload.. - Pastebin.com
assbot: [Phoronix] The Lenovo X200 Now Works With Coreboot
assbot: What caused todays Internet hiccup | BGPmon
asciilifeform: 'According to the Coreboot Wiki, most of the X200 components should be working except for the dock, digitizer, and the need to be using binary blobs for the VGA option ROM, CPU microcode, and ME/EC.'
bats_cd03: thats why coreboot works, and not libreboot :P
asciilifeform: 'man is entirely healthy except for gangrene in arm, leg, and eight fingers.'
assbot: Controlling USB Flash Drive Controllers: Expose of Hidden Features
bats_cd03: 'audio-based communication for bridging air-gaps' is p cool
bats_cd03: (i'm probably the only person in the internets that hasnt actually read about badbios until now)
asciilifeform: bats_cd03: russian and chinese crap artists have been doing this for years - but for some reason it is 'news' now.
asciilifeform: (usb firmware mod)
bats_cd03: i received my facedancer board in the mail recently. looking forward to doing some usb research http://travisgoodspeed.blogspot.com/2012/10/emulating-usb-dfu-to-capture-firmware.html
assbot: Travis Goodspeed's Blog: Emulating USB DFU to Capture Firmware
bats_cd03: would you have any suggestions for reading material?
asciilifeform: bats_cd03: surely you have a target in mind.
asciilifeform: how often do people 'i got a spiffy new rifle, now what should i shoot, give ideas' ?
BingoBoingo: !up bats_cd03
bats_cd03: i was thinking making a run at : ip camera, 'encrypted' drive, and wifi dongle. i might also fuzz some windows drivers
pankkake: what for?
asciilifeform: bats_cd03: try wireless keyboards
xmj: asciilifeform: more often than you think
bats_cd03: personal edification and luls, i might clearsign a paper and publish if i find anything interesting
xmj: asciilifeform: (if you're in a country that allows that)
bats_cd03: asciilifeform: good idea, thanks
bats_cd03: maybe i'll go for inclusion in this records.bitcoin-assets thing i briefly read about
assbot: Livestock Happiest, Healthiest Attendees Of State Fair | The Onion - America's Finest News Source
wyrdmantis: anyone knows something about https://www.btcdelta.com ?
BingoBoingo: wyrdmantis: Wed design too shiny, prolly scam
pankkake: Y-Combinator and featured on Coindesk
wyrdmantis: no it's not directly linked with y-combinator, i think
bats_cd03: so much js.
wywialm: good afternoon, #bitcoin-assets
bats_cd03: or is that cloudflare? i can't tell.
nubbins`: "clouflare: you'd better hope we don't go down"
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] [PAID] 1.76083848 BTC to 13`817 shares, 12744 satoshi per share
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] [PAID] 13.74235660 BTC to 1`149`988 shares, 1195 satoshi per share
pankkake: CloudFlare: snake oil with top-notch tech support from the NSA
BigBitz: ++++
nubbins`: ;;google xquartz
gribble: XQuartz: <http://xquartz.macosforge.org/>; X11 - XQuartz: <http://xquartz.macosforge.org/trac>; XQuartz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XQuartz>
nubbins`: mod6
asciilifeform: 'We have been forced to remove the SolidEdge 3D drawings due to a company in China attempting to copy our product line. We regret the inconvenience this may cause our legitimate customers, but we cannot allow the 30+ years worth of design invested in our parts to be used by unscrupulous knock-off artists who are trying to put us out of business.' - sherline products inc. (a machine tool maker)
kakobrekla: order 1pc , measure it, draw it ?
asciilifeform: kakobrekla: too much like work.
jurov: $proxies
empyex: jurov: Proxies: mpex.bz mpex.ws mpex.co mpex.biz mpex.coinbr.com MPEx-Status: 1228 milliseconds Current MPEx GPG-Key-ID: 02DD2D91
asciilifeform: http://hbpub.vo.llnwd.net/o16/video/olmk/holt/greenwald/NoPlaceToHide-Documents-Uncompressed.pdf << p. 145-147, list of embassies in nyc and wash. dc with type of bug used. betcha not one has been pulled.
jurov: mpex.ws down atm
asciilifeform: cpanel !?!
asciilifeform: re: 'adversarial stylometry' << i had this working privately, years ago, for long-finished project. never thought it was remarkable in any way.
asciilifeform: ;;google shakespeare gzip
gribble: Download - Open Source Shakespeare: <http://www.opensourceshakespeare.org/downloads/>; XMill - Examples - Liefke: <http://www.liefke.com/hartmut/xmill/data.html>; XMill - An Efficient Compressor for XML - Liefke: <http://www.liefke.com/hartmut/xmill/experiments.html>
assbot: Reading the Bits of Shakespeare | Science/AAAS | News
asciilifeform: ordinary gzip plus a little bit of script gets you where you want to go.
asciilifeform: whether you want to imitate - or diverge from - a sample corpus, depends naturally on application.
kakobrekla: <asciilifeform> cpanel !?! < since ever
assbot: Just-Dice stat: 19098 BTC profit, 0.0k BTC invested, 1269.21 mio bets, 5.32 mio BTC wagered
kakobrekla: that is old wyrdmantis
wyrdmantis: ok...and?
jurov: asciilifeform: mircea uses cheap hosts for outermost proxies]
asciilifeform suspected this.
kakobrekla: wyrdmantis what good does it do you
asciilifeform likes to imagine that they talk to the mothership purely via blockchain telegraph, never knowing where it lives
kakobrekla: cpanel hosts are actually not the cheapest
kakobrekla: as they need to pay for... cpanel.
mircea_popescu: they're not that cheap, no.
mircea_popescu: they're disposable tho, sure.
wyrdmantis: i'm just testing some commands :)
assbot: Ah, your hair. Your hair is soft. It's like a girl's. Now how do you get it that way?
wyrdmantis: ;;ticker
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 541.83, Best ask: 544.58, Bid-ask spread: 2.75000, Last trade: 544.6, 24 hour volume: 22684.48763127, 24 hour low: 524.55, 24 hour high: 572.0, 24 hour vwap: 546.416149241
wyrdmantis: how to send messages to someone not online?
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell wyrdmantis this way
gribble: The operation succeeded.
atcbot: [X-BT] Bid: 188 Ask: 225 Last Price: 188 24h-Vol: 154k High: 250 Low: 188 VWAP: 192
assbot: BitBet - LTC dead before Doge :: 0.02 B (2%) on Yes, 0.88 B (98%) on No | closing in 10 months 3 weeks | weight: 99`625 (100`000 to 10`000)
mircea_popescu: the shitcontest!
mircea_popescu: https://twitter.com/hashtag/etherium << this is uncharacteristically lulzy.
assbot: Twitter / Suche - #etherium
assbot: Twitter / Suche - #Syscoin
mircea_popescu: THE WHALES!!11
asciilifeform: interesting that they didn't have the patience to find a bulk buyer - or at least to piss it out to the exchanges slowly
ben_vulpes: ;;ticker
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 540.34, Best ask: 540.95, Bid-ask spread: 0.61000, Last trade: 540.32, 24 hour volume: 22676.31398977, 24 hour low: 524.55, 24 hour high: 572.0, 24 hour vwap: 546.408520967
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: cpanel indeed
asciilifeform: impatience - an almost inescapable attribute of any dumb criminal
ben_vulpes: hey is that the dump from ether profits?
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes kinda what the usg needs, more loans of this type.
mircea_popescu: imbecile forumites are more than happy to provide
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: i immediately assumed that's what it was, when it began. seems like other people also like this hypothesis. doesn't prove it is true
kakobrekla: it could be anything really
asciilifeform: kakobrekla: they more or less confessed
mircea_popescu: at least here we know it has a fucking end.
asciilifeform: everything has a fucking end
mircea_popescu: fiction has no end.
mircea_popescu: that'd be the principal problem with fiction.
kakobrekla: end can possibly never end.
mircea_popescu: as any successful fiction writer found out in short order.
asciilifeform: 'that is not dead which can eternal lie and with strange aeons even death may die' etc
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: ether is a loan to the usg?
ben_vulpes: or meta-usg/
mircea_popescu: "now you gotta write a sequel"
ben_vulpes: or btc sent to ether addr is loan to usg?
assbot: #bitcoin-assets log
mircea_popescu redirects ben_vulpes to the hermetic http://trilema.com/2014/lets-pretend/
assbot: Let’s pretend… pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
ben_vulpes: yeah, i get it i read it, but whence the source? there was the usms sale which is theoretically trickling into the market, and the ether sale which may or may not be trickling into the market. the former, clearly usg. the latter as well?
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: usg << one possible explanatory hypothesis for why they bought straight from the vendor instead of mircea_popescu's short
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes pretty much every single major sucking of chumps change you will see from about q1 onwards will be and has been a psyops riding on top of a usg-backed institutional lending for shorts
mircea_popescu: here's the scheme : whatever usg affiliate, be it goldman sachs or herpy q derp that holds any sum of btc will lend it to the usg btc policy bureau in exchange for fiat guarantees.
mircea_popescu: any usg affiliate or more likely, herpy q derp that looks like he may acquire any btc sum through any means will receive all the soft backing possible, from business insder news articles to an invitation to the fucking white house. anything whatsoever as long as it loks natural rather than spammy
mircea_popescu: all these loan contracts are promised to unwind in fiat eventually, and will be in fact profitable for all parties if and only if bitcoin actually fails.
mircea_popescu: they are no major concern for the usg in either case, because man who hangs for a goat might as well hang for a goat and a chick
mircea_popescu: no matter how cool the chick was.
mircea_popescu: and so here we are. part ii of the game is, how much do you ~actually~ like this thing, once money actually is on the table.
mircea_popescu: unremarkably, the worthless shitheads that joined late have nothing to contribute.
mircea_popescu: but suddenly, the large early holdings that all the shitheads-with-a-megaphone were decrying as dangerous to bitcoin
mircea_popescu: turn into a major point of support for bitcoin.
mircea_popescu: which is how things work in moronia, down is up, etc.
asciilifeform: the large early holdings << these moved ?
asciilifeform: so isn't it rather like saying 'volcano was a major point of support for pompei until day x'
mircea_popescu: if the volcano never erupts, the fertile land on its slopes is actually enough to make the village own the other villages and build an empire.
asciilifeform wonders if the dump wasn't the work of an impatient man, but of a thinking one - trying to induce 'stress fracture' (what's the correct term?) via stampede effects
mircea_popescu: anyway, this whole charade'd have worked a damned sight better if the various y-combinator bezzlers, the foundation hearn, gmaxwell and co would have actually had what they thought they had and everyone thought they should have, ie, actual respectability and bitcoin cred.
mircea_popescu: thankfully, uncommon sense prevailed. so far at least.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform what i think on that topic is perhaps apparent from what i do, namely, that i'm even talking about all this.
mircea_popescu: but yes, for momentum shorts soft landing is the worst fucking news imaginable. so far, we're beating the shit out of a soft flubbery substance the size of a continent.
asciilifeform infers that, should a peculiar effect be seen and mircea_popescu is silent, then it must be truly interesting
mircea_popescu: or imaginary (ie, powerless)
mircea_popescu: it's kinda funny how this works in qm terms. basically, an oracle of the wave function, but just on the real part. is this actually useful ?
[]bot: Bet placed: 1 BTC for Yes on "Alibaba IPO mkt cap over $150B end of opening day" http://bitbet.us/bet/1019/ Odds: 68(Y):32(N) by coin, 67(Y):33(N) by weight. Total bet: 1.57 BTC. Current weight: 94,939.
mircea_popescu: anyway, that's the major change here. after the missed boat of govt mining last year, this year the us fed has actually given its infinite fiat backing to any scheme that convincingly may help, and meanwhile to trying to depress price.
mircea_popescu: this isn't something other countries can do, nor do they need to. this is the one opportunity they get to stock up.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: hard to see who else could have reanimated the corpse of the 2011-era human wave chump attacks
mircea_popescu: apparently it's sop.
the20year: for?
mircea_popescu: it boggles the mind what ends up being sop in a system that survives long enough.
mircea_popescu: kinda best argument against survival, that. "you'll end up weird."
mircea_popescu: fluffypony you know i can't look at spagni.net and not think spaghetti on the first pass.
fluffypony: that's the way it's meant to be
los_pantalones: BFL tried to sell ~3k BTC over the counter 10 days ago
los_pantalones: i told them to eff off
los_pantalones: not sure if anyone did the trade
mircea_popescu: they did :)
mircea_popescu: should be interesting, because no way that doesn't get attached.
los_pantalones: was my argument to my buddy who thought about pulling the trigger
asciilifeform: attached << i.e. wagen ?
los_pantalones: i told him he was a moron and welcome to the litigation party
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform in bankruptcy proceedings, suspect trades of the management can be attached to the proceedings.
los_pantalones: as they should
los_pantalones: b/c otherwise i'd sell my POS equipment in the corner
los_pantalones: to my buddy
mircea_popescu: in bankruptcy proceedings with an aroma of fraud, criminal liability may flow through such trades
los_pantalones: for whatever price i want, bankrupt the co and walk out w/ cash
mircea_popescu: los_pantalones yeah, no practical way for an unwotted system to work otherwise.
mircea_popescu: notably the inventors of capitalism didn't either want or use such procedures.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 1126 @ 0.00175578 = 1.977 BTC [-] {11}
asciilifeform: attached, stolen coin << i've long suspected that chumpatrons like eth are 'anmesty funnels' for such stashes
mircea_popescu: but then again they were specifically uninclusive, or should i say anti-inclusive.
asciilifeform: *amnesty
los_pantalones: bbl, DMV time!
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform well, they aren't in fact, but surely, such is promised.
mircea_popescu: anything is promised when the matter at hand is extending the life of promise as a thing into the world.
assbot: Jeezy on Sway in the Morning: Jay Z, Rick Ross, His Son, Freddie Gibbs, Illuminati and more - YouTube
thestringpuller: ^ you're welcome
atcbot: [ATC Diff] Current Diff: 1878190.93 Est. Next Diff: 215279.89 in 1996 blocks (#46368) Est. % Change: -88.54
thestringpuller: chain hop chain hop!
assbot: BitBet - ATC to reach block 50000 on time :: 2.5 B (26%) on Yes, 7.05 B (74%) on No | closed 2 weeks 3 days ago
mod6: thx tsp :]
mod6: was someone else looking for me earlier?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 989 @ 0.00174 = 1.7209 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 1000 @ 0.00171459 = 1.7146 BTC [-] {8}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 458 @ 0.00171111 = 0.7837 BTC [-] {2}
jurov: ;;bc,convert eur
gribble: 1 BTC = 546.99 USD = 409.093821 eur
pankkake: ;;ticker --market bcent --currency eur
gribble: Bitcoin-Central BTCEUR ticker | Best bid: 411.01, Best ask: 414.49999999, Bid-ask spread: 3.49000, Last trade: 412.0, 24 hour volume: 98.8638896, 24 hour low: 401.0, 24 hour high: 433.98, 24 hour vwap: 414.70497387
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 1760 @ 0.00171113 = 3.0116 BTC [-] {4}
thestringpuller: ;;ticker
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 545.45, Best ask: 546.33, Bid-ask spread: 0.88000, Last trade: 546.34, 24 hour volume: 24793.05892021, 24 hour low: 524.55, 24 hour high: 572.0, 24 hour vwap: 545.688021621
thestringpuller: interesting
mircea_popescu: and mpex.ws is back in the game too.
nubbins` golf claps
assbot: Petrodollar Scam Breaking Down - YouTube
jurov: we should bribe him to narrate some trilema material
mircea_popescu: Brother Nathanael
mircea_popescu: Subscribe
mircea_popescu: 1,465 47
mircea_popescu: Published on Jan 3, 2014
mircea_popescu: --------------Support the Brother Nathanael Foundation!--------------
assbot: Send Money, Pay Online or Set Up a Merchant Account - PayPal
jurov: lmao mircea
nubbins`: nice paste
mircea_popescu: aw shit. sorry.
nubbins`: how many horses did you need to make that much paste :D
mircea_popescu: fucking youtube scammed me.
mircea_popescu: anyway, the point i had buried under all that failpaste is... wtf, "petrodollar scam breaking down plz send me paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr dollar instead" ?
ben_vulpes: (from #emacs: "better than a gun-activated bitcoin printer")
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: emacs-activated gun printer
the20year: Any RS investors? We just sent out August financials
assbot: Orlando Scandrick tried to explain his PED use. | SportsonEarth.com : Will Leitch Article
mircea_popescu: here's a funny story from the past : in 1936 (ie, after the disastrous effects of roosevelt's socialist inanity became apparent to anyone worth the mention), literary digest sent out 10mn questionnaires to all the people buying it + anyone with a car or a phone.
mircea_popescu: they got ~2.5mn responses.
mircea_popescu: according to these, roosevelt was going out of office.
mircea_popescu: according to people who didn't read literary digest, own a car or a phone however... he stayed.
mircea_popescu: the ~other~ us liberal dictator, died in office, during his 4th term.
mircea_popescu: (also author of the sec, in case anyone missed the memo on what exactly the play is "undo the new deal", should they continue unaligned.)
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: mdma is performance-enhancing ?
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Amphetamines are which is what the test was positive for. His story is MDMA, because recreational drugs have a lesser penalty (counseling vs. unpaid 4 game suspension)
mircea_popescu: you can test specifically for mdma clearance tho neh ?
BingoBoingo: Prolly, whether the NFL does or not is murky.
asciilifeform: when i studied ochem (admittedly a while ago) telling the two apart still required a human who could read spectra reasonably well
mircea_popescu: not like they have to test so many samples they can't afford a lab technician
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: it's usually done with bots
mircea_popescu: jacking off is also usually done with bots, nevertheless athletes usually can afford stripper service.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: not because of quantity, but because 'human factor'
assbot: Annie Dookhan, former state chemist who mishandled drug evidence, agrees to plead guilty - Metro - The Boston Globe
mircea_popescu: not like this is an unmanageable problem.
mircea_popescu: have three of them.
asciilifeform: like soviet rocket assemblers
mircea_popescu: the courts can';t afford it and the das don't want it, but that is immaterial here i'd guess.
asciilifeform: korolev, afaik, invented this system
mircea_popescu: well it's not so much to invent, babylonians prolly invented it.
mircea_popescu: if not, the roman triumvirate works as invention too
asciilifeform: one calls out recipe steps; one actually tightens the bolt, whatever; one - verifies. then they all sign.
asciilifeform: all 3 answer with heads.
mircea_popescu: alternatively, they do all 3 in different gulag stations
mircea_popescu: then results compared at moscow
asciilifeform: rocket's a bitch to move.
mircea_popescu: make three rockets.
mircea_popescu: whichever rocket is not seen... it's where the other rockets land.
mircea_popescu: very fair system, too.
asciilifeform: 'two in a box' school of management.
mircea_popescu: you recall the romanian bridgebuilding joke ?
chetty: thats a joke? I thought it was a true story!
mircea_popescu: lol well that's why it's funny.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform anyway, if you meant two in a box like this idiocy : http://www.opposingviews.com/i/two-in-a-box-management-works-like-equal-parenting it's exactly not what i had in mind.
assbot: 'Two in a Box' Management Works Like Equal Parenting
mircea_popescu: the irrelevant and replaceable parts are the actors, not the agents.
asciilifeform: nah the other two-in-a-box. e.g. let's have kgb and gru play same field
mircea_popescu: there's no need for two guys to come up with ways to test the mdma. one's enough. there may be need for three dudes to implement the testing, however.
asciilifeform: sometimes human factor is a plus (soviet nuke subs, manual reactor controls)
mircea_popescu: http://money.cnn.com/magazines/business2/business2_archive/2004/07/01/374834/ << for historical interest. this is how the party records looked back when the usg had few and marginal enemies, a solid grip on power, and people looked at the usgisation of places like intel as a Good Thing.
assbot: How Intel Grooms Its Leaders The succession formula is downright revolutionary: It picks CEOs years in advance, without drama or surprise. - July 1, 2004
asciilifeform: pipetting liquids in a predefined volume all day long is not one of these cases
asciilifeform: machine wins. but three drivers sitting in front of it, sure
asciilifeform: 'This extremely rare type of keyswitch actually presses a fake switch, similar to the Cherry MX Blue ‘jumping bean’ mechanism... Underneath each row of keys is an isolated ‘transfer bar’, which the sliding ‘beans’ strike. On each end of the bar, a transducer (i.e. microphone or piezo) picks up the sound of the strike transmitted through the bar. The difference in arrival time between the two transduc
asciilifeform: ers tells which key was pressed... It’s corrosion resistant, impervious to the environment, and yes – it will work underwater.'
mircea_popescu: keycon ?!
asciilifeform was surprised too
asciilifeform: principle is ancient though. it's how the first 'artist tablets' worked
asciilifeform: with a spark gap for the audio source
asciilifeform: (triangulated sound)
asciilifeform: 1960s if i recall
asciilifeform: (and the by now known to virtually everyone nsa typewriter trick)
ben_vulpes: !t h rent
assbot: [HAVELOCK:RENT] 1D: 0.00403501 / 0.00440115 / 0.00450000 (245 shares, 1.07828173 BTC), 7D: 0.00389999 / 0.00421793 / 0.00450000 (1864 shares, 7.86221338 BTC), 30D: 0.00305500 / 0.00407116 / 0.00540000 (10338 shares, 42.08760370 BTC)
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: bitcoin-gunned emacs printer
atcbot: [X-BT] Bid: 190 Ask: 225 Last Price: 188 24h-Vol: 152k High: 195 Low: 188 VWAP: 192
atcbot: 16k@250 1k@245 43k@225 | 185k@190 47k@188 37k@187
ben_vulpes: ;;ticker
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 542.5, Best ask: 543.18, Bid-ask spread: 0.68000, Last trade: 543.18, 24 hour volume: 24947.54085957, 24 hour low: 524.55, 24 hour high: 572.0, 24 hour vwap: 545.10933068
atcbot: [ATC Diff] Current Diff: 1878190.93 Est. Next Diff: 189345.91 in 1995 blocks (#46368) Est. % Change: -89.92
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 400 @ 0.00185199 = 0.7408 BTC [+] {2}
mircea_popescu: what i want to know is, how's eskimobob's rent a clay oven business working.
mircea_popescu: has it roi hand over fist yet ?
mod6: lel
the20year: the litecoin pottery investment?
the20year: ART on LTCG
mircea_popescu: yes that
the20year: i hear they're aiming for a 0.5% APY
mircea_popescu: the worst thing in that pic is the astroturf.
mircea_popescu: "LeGuin did tell a 911 call taker that he intended to occupy the Far North Dallas house as a sovereign nation for himself."
asciilifeform: cremated by polizei in own astroturf ?
asciilifeform: or wait, alive
FabianB: $mpexstatus
empyex: FabianB: Proxies: mpex.ws mpex.bz mpex.co mpex.biz mpex.coinbr.com Current MPEx GPG-Key-ID: 02DD2D91
empyex: FabianB: MPEx-Status: mpex.ws (683 milliseconds), mpex.bz (605 milliseconds), mpex.co (error), mpex.biz (769 milliseconds), mpex.coinbr.com (889 milliseconds)
mircea_popescu: Maj. Jeff Cotner of the crimes against persons division said the whole incident was surreal. “I’ve been here 32 1/2 years. This is bizarre,” he said. <<< dear usg worker, do yourself a favour, read http://trilema.com/2013/the-sops-or-what-might-you-expect-from-government-clerks/ today.
assbot: The SOPS, or what might you expect from government clerks pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
mircea_popescu: there's nothing "surreal" about it and it's not going away. it will have your throat slit if you persist. love, mp.
asciilifeform: at some point, one or more of the folks lowered into bitcherasty by usg will have a logical, adequate response.
asciilifeform: with something more than 19th c. tech
mircea_popescu: they don;t really need it.
mircea_popescu: 1st century tech is good enough for this task really.
chetty: even cave men could say NO
asciilifeform: 'When Dallas firefighters drove by the house, LeGuin allegedly started shooting at them. He hit the fire truck at least twice, police said.'
asciilifeform: ^ for non-usaians, this is a result of the peculiar custom of u.s. police using firemen as human shields
asciilifeform: chetty: cave man (or airplane man) is not an automatic born champion at saying 'no'. which is how we got 'the state' to begin with.
asciilifeform: 'LeGuin had told police he was part of the “sovereign citizen” movement, which believes the federal, state and local governments operate illegally.'
asciilifeform: !s sovereign citizen
assbot: Pay up or pay time: Alabama’s private probation industry | Al Jazeera America
nubbins`: !s freeman on the land
nubbins`: !s freeman
asciilifeform: anyone have mircea_popescu's article on these handy ?
nubbins`: shrug
mircea_popescu: didn't i just log it above ?
nubbins`: ;;google sops site:trilema.org
gribble: No matches found.
nubbins`: rly?!
nubbins`: ;;google sops site:trilema.com
gribble: The SOPS, or what might you expect from government clerks - Trilema: <http://trilema.com/2013/the-sops-or-what-might-you-expect-from-government-clerks/>; You have no potential. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.: <http://trilema.com/you-have-no-potential>; Octombrie 2013 pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.: <http://trilema.com/2013/10>
asciilifeform: aha this
nubbins`: there was one of these cases here in nl
nubbins`: the accused was "educated" on the ways of being a freeloader-on-the-land by a mentally ill woman who grew up 4 houses away from me
nubbins`: prior to becoming a life advisor, she'd done stints impersonating a doctor, among other things
asciilifeform: these folks - a classic illustration of how it is not enough to 'say no'
asciilifeform: need to find how to make the 'no' stick.
assbot: Member of Freeman-on-the-Land movement voices objections - Local - The Telegram
mircea_popescu: !up Petrodriller
nubbins`: !up bats_cd03
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform it's sticking already.
asciilifeform: ;;google solzhenitsyn axe
gribble: Quote by Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn : “And how we burned in the ...: <http://www.goodreads.com/quotes/34738-and-how-we-burned-in-the-camps-later-thinking-what>; Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn Quotes (Author of One Day in the Life of ...: <http://www.goodreads.com/author/quotes/10420.Aleksandr_Solzhenitsyn>; The Gulag Archipelago - Wikiquote: (1 more message)
nubbins`: To the judge, she said, “Mr. Supernumerary, why are you still speaking? I’m the only one with standing in this courtroom and have the rights.”
asciilifeform: nubbins`: then, i presume, the men in white coats came in ?
nubbins`: iirc she ended up relenting
mircea_popescu: problem is all this cost her < a hamburger (which she gets free anyway)
mircea_popescu: it cost the sops prolly close to 1mn.
mircea_popescu: they only get THAT free if they find someone to beg or steal it off.
nubbins`: book a courtroom, judge, sheriffs officers, all the paperwork that a dozen or two clerks can grab...
nubbins`: anyway, house arrest and probation
assbot: Amy Collins sentenced to house arrest, probation - Newfoundland & Labrador - CBC News
asciilifeform: obligatory:
asciilifeform: ;;google the art of not being governed
gribble: The Art of Not Being Governed: An Anarchist History ... - Amazon.com: <http://www.amazon.com/The-Art-Not-Being-Governed/dp/0300169175>; The Art of Not Being Governed - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Art_of_Not_Being_Governed>; The Art of Not Being Governed: <http://www.notbeinggoverned.com/>
asciilifeform: ^ canonical book on the history of when extraction was more (or not) expensive for the state, than it is worth
asciilifeform: (i'll spoil it: with 20th c. tech, virtually always a 'yes')
mircea_popescu: !up warptangent
mircea_popescu: !up WarriorForum
mircea_popescu: !up Unitar
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform kinda why the credit bubble is required for usg : because all extraction only works if it costs more than it extracts
mircea_popescu: this being the fundamental of rooslvelt's new deal.
asciilifeform: costs more? backwards?
mircea_popescu: every dollar the usg extracts from anything costs it more than a dollar as a precondition of its continued existence.
asciilifeform: and still not seeing it. a few mil. people in usa evicted, how many shot at the sheriff? ten?
mircea_popescu: they can only get evicted provided their eviction costs more than it's worth.
chetty: got to keep pumping that debt
asciilifeform: considering that this is rather opposite of the thermodynamics we learned in kindergarten, perhaps deserves explanation ?
mircea_popescu: yeah, the whole story works fine for as long as the expansion of debt remains unrestricted.
asciilifeform: e.g. oil well that needs more joules to pump than you get out - is abandoned
mircea_popescu: this creates "assets" for everyone involved, and so...
asciilifeform: why would opposite rule apply here
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform ask roosevelt.
mircea_popescu: i didn't come up with it.
asciilifeform: roosevelt (or stalin, for that matter) just subscribed to a somewhat baroque school of biodiesel manufacture
mircea_popescu: nah, the cripple came up with it all on his own.
asciilifeform: that is, it doesn't matter that the well is -EV if expendable slaves are pumping by hand
asciilifeform: you're converting their fat to fuel
mircea_popescu: "how great would it be if we cut off everyone's legs, and hired someone to push them around"
mircea_popescu: stalin's thing was reality bound. roosevelt's thing was not.
asciilifeform: roosevelt started with considerably more fat
mircea_popescu: this is why the soviet union collapsed cleanly, whereas the libertard union will not.
mircea_popescu: that's not where it lies. stalin's externality was belly fat
mircea_popescu: r's externality was brain fat.
mircea_popescu: ;;google sops site:trilema.org
gribble: No matches found.
mircea_popescu: in honor of nubbins` typing skills, you can now access trilema as trilema.org trilema.net trilema.me trilema.eu or trilema.com at your option.
mircea_popescu: (cookies won't work if you get them on the wrong domain, so reset if you switch)
thestringpuller: everytime I see cookies won't work i think people are like "i don't like cookies. they aren't delicious"
thestringpuller: and it makes me think "are you crazy?"
nubbins` bows, waves
assbot: imgur: the simple image sharer
nubbins`: this image came to me as a psd with, no joke, over 150 layers
mircea_popescu: looks like it was worth it
nubbins`: as i can't fit 150 screens on the press, this is reduced to 4 layers
thestringpuller: well you could use 150 screens
thestringpuller: but that'd be insane
nubbins`: anyway, clearing through the backlog. 150-ish two-sided cards and another hundred shirts and i'm in the clear for digging into the bitcoin posters
nubbins`: thestringpuller it'd be cumbersome
nubbins`: there were only like 6 or 7 colors in there to begin with. it's just that for some reason she put each stroke in its own layer
thestringpuller: i'm just gonna tell my screenprinting people that you can print 150 colors
thestringpuller: they don't have to know you actually don't
thestringpuller: get them to step up their game
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 300 @ 0.00175001 = 0.525 BTC [-] {2}
nubbins`: they already need to step up their game if they wanna be as good as us ;D
thestringpuller: the "mythical" 150 screen press serves as a better motivator ;)
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform let's model this with a game of chess. suppose there's ten of us in a room. nine are amateurs, i am a rated pro.
mircea_popescu: first game starts. i tell my opponent "listen, if you let me play with an extra queen, i
mircea_popescu: ll let you play with two extra queens on the rematch"
mircea_popescu: now this is actually +ev for the opponent : he probably can't beat a pro on even figures, so giving an extra gueen is not much to give.
nubbins`: in the philippines, they do a lot of peg-and-hole printing, you could theoretically do 150-color designs no sweat
mircea_popescu: however, no pro in the world can beat someone with three queens on the table. and so he consents.
mircea_popescu: i won a game.
nubbins`: set up like 200-500 shirts at a time on these huge long tables, each shirt has 2 wooden dowels sticking out of the board above it
mircea_popescu: the problem is, it cost me more to win than it's worth. but i won it.
nubbins`: printer takes a squeegee and screen w/ 2 holes on top, slips screen onto first set of dowels, prints, steps to the right, repeat
mircea_popescu: which you know, in some approaches to politics, such as would for instance be favoured by temporary figureheads elected by a democracy, and supported by an unmovable bureaucracy, is the whole of my job.
mircea_popescu: next game, let someone else handle the problems.
mircea_popescu: what this entire thing depends on is the nigger'
mircea_popescu: s birth certificate remaining unquestioned, so to speak.
mircea_popescu: by the time people actually figure out the nsa is NOT what they'd buy if they had the money to buy a nsa and were in the nsa market...
assbot: t shirt printing philippines - YouTube
thestringpuller: wow nubbins`
mircea_popescu: !up bocobit
nubbins`: look at the guy removing them, each platen has a big stack of shirts snugged onto it
nubbins`: and they just peel em off as they go
nubbins`: that's crazy
assbot: water based 5 color printing - YouTube
nubbins`: drawback to this method is you can't cure the ink between colors
nubbins`: you can see a guy waving a heat gun around ;0
mircea_popescu: http://mod6.net/eulora/ << eulora gaining moar mommentum each week
assbot: Index of /eulora
thestringpuller: a little bit every day
mod6: :D
BingoBoingo: Oh, the Greyhawk NPC is already in Euloria
mod6: oooooo man
mod6 is scooping up shiny objects!
mod6: there isn't going to be a screen shot of that ;>
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 26 @ 0.02523161 = 0.656 BTC [-]
BingoBoingo: !up dpb_reddit
BingoBoingo: Hello dpb_reddit
dpb_reddit: Hi! CryptyLabs LLC will be creating a suite of services to make the use and accessibility of Bitcoins easier for everyone. The first product being created in our suite is trading software, commonly known as bots. We plan to launch in 5 weeks under they CryptyBots brand. We are looking for person(s) who can fill one or both of the following position(s): 1. Software/bot trading developer 2. Backtest Developer Best candidat
BingoBoingo: dpb_reddit: Why are you offering us best Candida? I don't want to itch!
BingoBoingo: dpb_reddit: What is your role in this CryptoLabs business?
dpb_reddit: I am one of the 2 co-founders, currently a 5 man operation - we are launching in 5 weeks
BingoBoingo: That was some seriously unfortuante text clipping on your message though because it seems you are wishing us all nasty fungal itches...
dpb_reddit: So, I set up the business, finances, marketing, put the team together, etc.
BingoBoingo: What kind of history do you have?
BingoBoingo: And why start with trading software if your target audience is the everyman?
Blazedout419: thoughts?
dpb_reddit: I have worked at a financial investment group, and have started startups freelanding around - currently have a lot of free time and this is one of my serious projects.
kakobrekla: so, nothing with bitcoin?
dpb_reddit: The reason we are starting with the trading software is because if someone is new to bitcoins, we are providing the easiest, and best profiting bots out so far - our product is done, but we are looking for more developers and backtest feature
dpb_reddit: Yes, I know how to program, I am also currently creating my own coin as a project. I am involved in cryptos and trade on exchanges.
kakobrekla: i think _you_ are new to bitcoin.
dpb_reddit: I have also written my own bot, but the bots we are selling are created much more professionally than I can make
dpb_reddit: I am not new to bitcoins
dpb_reddit: If anyone is interestd, send an email to hr@cryptybots.com
kakobrekla: so, having some fx experience, i can tell you there just one kind of bots for sale on this planet. the ones that dont work.
dpb_reddit: I will tell you our bots work, and we have about 300 happy customers already.
dpb_reddit: Anyways, I am not here to explain myself, or prove anything, simply trying to hire for a good startup company.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: the chess example, or its life version with debt, etc. is really a play on 'hilbert's hotel'
BingoBoingo: dpb_reddit: Still, why not for example make a fork of Armory that isn't spyware or something, what is this with trading bots
asciilifeform: if you could actually move judgement day off by a day without limit, it'd work
kakobrekla: BingoBoingo thats not selling dreams.
dpb_reddit: What do you mean, BingoBingo?
assbot: This is the Bitcoin Empire's Yasa: http://t.co/qlzNdC9vUiAnd these are its Lords: http://t.co/X7Ao31L38O
BingoBoingo: dpb_reddit: Like sell software that makes using and storing bitcoin a better experience
dpb_reddit: Well there are wallets, pretty easy to store bitcoins. Our bots will be very easy to use, interface is super clean.
BingoBoingo: dpb_reddit: But I mean why introduce risky trading bots as a first product to new users?
kakobrekla: its 100& guaranteed profit prolly.
dpb_reddit: They are not super risky. They profit very consistently. Of course I cannot guarantee 100% of the time, but it generally does profit well and gets your money back. Backtests can show this. Kakobrekla, please do not be disrespectful, I am being honest here.
kakobrekla: you are honestly not having a clue.
dpb_reddit: I am not going to argue with you. I know what I am doing.
kakobrekla: i do wat i want!
dpb_reddit: Okay, southpark
mike_c: it's actually honey boo-boo
kakobrekla: !up Flerb
Flerb: Ah
Flerb: Thanks
dpb_reddit: So, is this webchat legitimate? Or do people just question the person trying to hire lol
kakobrekla: check the logs?
dpb_reddit: nah, asking the community
Flerb: dpb_reddit: yes. We guarantee 100% profit completely
dpb_reddit: Have a nice day everyone, I am done here.
Flerb: Well, we guarantee a very good profit rate
RagnarDanneskjol: @ dpb_reddit - I am a tech recruiter. send me a detailed job requisition to admin@bitrecruiter.com and I'll see what i can do to help
dpb_reddit: Thank you ragnar, I will PM you real quick. Everyone else here seems to like to make up things and make assumptions based off of nothing.
cazalla: dpb_reddit, why not keep it for yourself if it's so good?
BingoBoingo: !topic
BingoBoingo: ;;topic
kakobrekla: because there is infinite liquidity on btc market cazalla doh
Flerb: Wait, is armory spyware?
RagnarDanneskjol: no - they are mostly right, you prolly have a lot to learn about all this stuff prior to launching a business, so consider this your hazing
mike_c: armory phones home with a hash of your home directory
BingoBoingo: Flerb: It leaks information
dpb_reddit: I know a lot about this. Why assume I know nothing?
Flerb: Oh as in the pinging to them of your is and uname?
dpb_reddit: But, whatever.
Flerb: *ip
BingoBoingo: Flerb: Yeah
assbot: So you think you're going to start a Bitcoin business, right?
mike_c: well, IP is inherent in the pinging :)
Flerb: They apologised I thought and said they are working on it
Flerb: But yeah, that was pretty stupid
dpb_reddit: I have seen that, very popular on bticointalk
Flerb: I've not seen bticointalk
BingoBoingo: Flerb: Still, it isn't the sort of thing people get to apologize for since... What else are they hiding
mike_c: they aren't even hiding. their position is they have the right to track usage.
Flerb: Hmm
BingoBoingo: dpb_reddit: Well seems you haven't learned from that post
Flerb: Well
Flerb: It's open sourcw
Flerb: Isn't it!
Flerb: *?
dpb_reddit: Why? Because I tried to recruit smoeone on here
kakobrekla: noone wants to work with idiots.
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu: let the permanent record permanently reflect the permanent fact that the economist is a piece of toilet paper upon which down syndrome patients scribble whatever shit happens through their head. << kablamm!
pete_dushenski: iirc it was dr. down who came up with the term "mongoloid"
pete_dushenski: kinda a slap to genghis and kublah but twas the style at the time
BingoBoingo: lol danielpbarron is now auto naming his referals in his links here from the forumtrolling
los_pantalones: that guy dpq was in and out quickly, huh?
pete_dushenski: kakobrekla: except idiots
los_pantalones: was hoping to chat with that chap and see what he thinks he has
kakobrekla: retard or scammer. doesnt make a diff.
BingoBoingo: los_pantalones: He was refered here by a link danielpbarron left on reddit, who is to say who he actually is?
BingoBoingo: Freenode webchat lets you name people by links
RagnarDanneskjol: doesnt matter to me - long as he has a recruitment budget, which I highly doubt
Flerb: Anyone here bought BTM?
decimation: http://research.microsoft.com/pubs/212001/Catapult_ISCA_2014.pdf << microserf implemented fpga co-processors for bing search, paper is mildly interesting
mircea_popescu: <asciilifeform> mircea_popescu: the chess example, or its life version with debt, etc. is really a play on 'hilbert's hotel' << so it is. for as long as the theoretical properties of aleph-cardinals hold in real sets, well... why not.
Flerb: So how do I get voiced in the future without pming someone?
decimation: it appears that altera is beating xilinix these days "on the street"
mircea_popescu: Blazedout419 uping spambots is not nice.
RagnarDanneskjol: on the strreet, yes, but any industrial embedded stuff is still xilinx
Blazedout419: spam bots?
assbot: Intel unveils new Xeon chip with integrated FPGA, touts 20x performance boost | ExtremeTech
mircea_popescu: the dpb thing above.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: I upped him, they followed a link here
assbot: #bitcoin-assets +m pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
Blazedout419: ^^ I was showing you guys my news coins
mircea_popescu: shit i misread my b's. sorry Blazedout419
BingoBoingo: From one of danielpbarron's forum links where he shows people the light and truth
BingoBoingo: His referrals get tagged with a dpb_SiteName username
mircea_popescu: o hey. now that'sfucking smart.
mircea_popescu: who came up wioth it ?
kakobrekla: only then for the light of truth to be extinguished by kako, upon tunnel entrance
mircea_popescu: <dpb_reddit> So, is this webchat legitimate? Or do people just question the person trying to hire lol << aka "herpyderp I know shit, and don't want to adjust. everyone else must adjust to my stupid head. or else i will say the bad thing!!!1"
mircea_popescu: fucking idiots.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Seems he did
mircea_popescu: <Flerb> I've not seen bticointalk << where you from then ?
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron the prepended dpb is actually fucking clever. how do you do it ? this must be a standard, ima put it on trilema too.
asciilifeform: !s xilinx
asciilifeform: decimation: xilinx and altera both make tightly 'closed' chips, for reasons discussed in agonizing detail earlier
asciilifeform: altera is more or less the 'worst of all worlds' - considerably poorer gate density, shoddier linux toolchain support, and not really winning on price either
atcbot: 16k@250 2k@245 43k@225 | 185k@190 47k@188 37k@187
asciilifeform: so it was never entirely clear to me why it exists, other than the fact that it wants to and the bezzlatron decrees it
mircea_popescu: sounds like the perfect party to host a pretend-win media party.
mircea_popescu: on the street.
dignork: mircea_popescu: I tried to leave some fancy comment on Trilema, but php told me I'm unhuman, how did it know?
mircea_popescu: dignork it looks for you to actually load the page, and not fill in too quickly.
BingoBoingo: dignork: Did you take to long to write it?
dignork: ah, yes, possibly i was idling on a page, but then i reloaded, and it still didn't like me
mircea_popescu: if you reloaded and instapasted that'd be why.
dignork: Oh well, it's actually a feature, made me to reevaluate the fanciness and give up :)
trixisowned: just got banned for posting that in #bitcoin
assbot: Last 3 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/37TPQFP.txt )
mircea_popescu: who's that ?
trixisowned: andreas
trixisowned: who else
trixisowned: ahahaha
mircea_popescu: !up Flerb
mircea_popescu: oh the neobee shill ?
nubbins`: i have about 50% success posting comments to trilema
mircea_popescu: what, is he reduced to shoe on head type of work now ?
dignork: and what's with the hammer?
mircea_popescu: nubbins` srsly that bad ?
nubbins`: i try to be as non-robotty as possible, but.. shrug
nubbins`: it eventually lets me
nubbins`: sometimes takes like 3-4 tries
nubbins`: sometimes i just give up :0
mircea_popescu: well this sucks.
dignork: nubbins`: are you running over tor?
nubbins`: tor is for weenies
mircea_popescu: 12 here.
mircea_popescu: tor shouldn't really do anything
nubbins`: i'd ask you how it identifies bots, but y'know
mircea_popescu: not a secret, i even published the code.
mircea_popescu: there's a hidden form field based on your ip
mircea_popescu: (bots don't load the page on the same pass as they fill the comments - they use spiders, like google)
mircea_popescu: and other than that, it looks that you took at least a few seconds to type your comment in
nubbins`: i do occasionally write up comments in a text editor & paste em in
nubbins` is an accidental enter-presser ;(
nubbins`: Blazedout419 nice coin
mircea_popescu: well that'd do it then.
Flerb: So do I need OTC ratings to talk?
nubbins`: you need to be in assbot's trust network in order to voice yourself
nubbins`: ;;ident
gribble: Nick 'nubbins`', with hostmask 'nubbins`!~leel@stjhnf0157w-142163082159.dhcp-dynamic.FibreOP.nl.bellaliant.net', is identified as user 'nubbins`', with GPG key id CF2950F23C844002, key fingerprint 5015BD3D0AE659C8B8632F31CF2950F23C844002, and bitcoin address None
nubbins`: i mean:
nubbins`: ;;ident Flerb
gribble: Nick 'Flerb', with hostmask 'Flerb!~willdude1@unaffiliated/willdude123', is not identified.
Flerb: Oh I see
nubbins`: ^ step one
nubbins`: step two:
nubbins`: ;;gettrust assbot Flerb
Flerb: ;;ident Flerb
gribble: WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user assbot to user Flerb: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=Flerb | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=Flerb | Rated since: never
gribble: Nick 'Flerb', with hostmask 'Flerb!~willdude1@unaffiliated/willdude123', is not identified.
mircea_popescu: Flerb i linked you above to the explanation. did you read it ?
Flerb: Yeah
mircea_popescu: so, yeah, you need ratings from the people that are in the magic list.
Flerb: Ok
Flerb: But ratings surely are for trades?
nubbins`: ratings are for trust
Flerb: Oh
nubbins`: this can be for trades, for back rubs, for business dealings, etc
mircea_popescu: everything is a trade.
Flerb: Oh ok
Flerb: So I'll register with otc
mircea_popescu: nubbins` i made the conditions less draconic.
mircea_popescu: let me know if it's still a pain.
decimation: also of mild interest: http://www.eetimes.com/document.asp?doc_id=1323476 << seems intel isn't delivering 14 nm for anything important in the near future
assbot: Intel Outlines 14nm, Broadwell | EE Times
nubbins`: will do. let me know if you get more comment spam!
mircea_popescu: i never get any anyway :)
Flerb: Why is this necessary? Was there a lot of spam?
mircea_popescu: Flerb it's to oppress people.
nubbins`: now if only you could get rid of the pingbacks ;D
Flerb: Oh cool
Flerb: I love oppression
mircea_popescu: decimation yeah it was kinda dead in the water 14nm
nubbins`: you'll fit in here
RagnarDanneskjol: from what i understand, @ 16-14nm existing foundry tools just don't cut it (literally) to get any effective performance yield
decimation: yeah these features are ~30 Si atoms in size, not surprising that photo-lithography is failing
BingoBoingo: Architectures are about to get exotic again
mircea_popescu: it's the end of that accursed law, we can get back to humanity for a while.
mircea_popescu: until wetware, is my bet.
mircea_popescu: holy shit. ipads ARENT MULTITASKING !?
mircea_popescu: dude. jesus. omfg.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: it's a normal unix box
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: but apple's first version of os didn't support user task switching
mircea_popescu: then why does everything stop the moment it goes to background ?
decimation: the capability to shrink dies has far outstripped the capability to design logic to exploit the new possibility space
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: as i recall, it uses an evil semi-cooperative task scheduler for user apps (vs system daemons) where 'non-essential' threads are suspended
asciilifeform: this, according to the dev manual, is to save battery charge.
kakobrekla: this thing was introduced in the later models only ?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform so basically... it doesn't have multi-tasking.
asciilifeform: running more than one user app simultaneously was introduced in ver. 4 i think.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: it does, but app has to explicitly ask for it
decimation: I'm sure the hand of steve was in this
BingoBoingo: kakobrekla> this thing was introduced in the later models only ? << This thing was introduced when they "introduced" "multi-tasking"
mircea_popescu: sooo basicalllllllyyyyy....
asciilifeform: so, for instance, streaming audio apps can play in background
mircea_popescu: whgat the fuck am i going to do, run ipad gcc and make the app ask ?
asciilifeform: what's the app in question
mircea_popescu: various random games. i got a tablet to check out what's going on in that space.
asciilifeform: if it ought to do something useful in background and doesn't, it is the author's fault, yes
mircea_popescu: turns out... everything downloads in a patch-needed state
mircea_popescu: and everything takes > 10 minutes to patch
mircea_popescu: and everything wants to be front-up while doing this
mircea_popescu: and i think i am going to buy a hammer.
BingoBoingo: I'd be interested in partnering with someone to startup S.MASH
asciilifeform owns one of virtually every basic type of portable tablet/reader gizmo, they each have some use
BingoBoingo: !s s.mash
mircea_popescu: and this leaving aside the problem that every shithead from vietnam to shangshitland is making the same dumbass 3 or 4 games, with the most ridiculous mechanics,
decimation: plus 'ipad gcc' (xcode) only runs on a mac, and you have to tell apple why you want it (not that it would help without the app source)
mircea_popescu: but that notwithstanding, it's apparently impossible to get any of these aspiring "software houses" to even pick up the phone.
asciilifeform: 'nexus 10', for example, is just right for reading vintage djvu scans of 'наука и жизнь'.
mircea_popescu: we've created a fine empire of cacophonic nonsense, i tell you. such victory of civilisation ;/
BingoBoingo: I imagine most of them can't afford phones
decimation: ascii do you have one of those huge sony e-ink readers?
asciilifeform: decimation: amazon's 'kindle dx'
asciilifeform: used exclusively for russian war3z
decimation: yeah, sony was going to be paper sized
mircea_popescu: i literally was confronted with obviously the same one (stupid) thing, once with a scantily clad "mobster" girl, then later with a scantily clad "medieval fantasy" girl.
decimation: or bigger actually, I think they bailed on that business
BingoBoingo: The Sony readers were basically warez text only, it was great
asciilifeform: sony did the original 'prs' box (sold mine for less than cost of shipping years ago)
asciilifeform: but has fallen down since
asciilifeform: dx, if i recall, is sadly out of production
assbot: Sony's 13-inch 'Digital Paper' is just like paper, except it costs $1,100
asciilifeform hates epaper touch screens as a concept
decimation: my bid for such a device is $100
nubbins`: <+decimation> plus 'ipad gcc' (xcode) only runs on a mac, and you have to tell apple why you want it << you have to tell apple why you want xcode?
asciilifeform: can't finger-scroll on it, so only thing that happens is dirt
decimation: nubbins`: at least in the past you had to get a developer account
nubbins` shakes head
nubbins`: you need a developer account to load apps onto your idevice, sure
asciilifeform: decimation: afaik you still do if you want to actually run your code on (uncracked) apple portable gizmos
nubbins`: xcode itself is just a general ide. totally free
decimation: yeah they don't charge you for xcode but you still need to sign up afaik
nubbins`: you could use it to build eulora for your mac if you wanted
decimation: asciilifeform: yeah if you want to actually ship your code, you have to submit your source to apple for approval
asciilifeform: and pay.
decimation: apple: usg dept of shiny things
asciilifeform: although last i checked - only binaries
dignork: nubbins`: last time I tried, i had to root the phone and patch the xcode to avoid dev license
nubbins`: we're talking about two different things here
assbot: iphone - Does apple view the actual source code when approving apps? - Stack Overflow
nubbins`: yes, you need a developer account ($99) to install code to your ipad or iphone
nubbins`: no, you do not need anything except *maybe* an itunes account to download and use xcode
BingoBoingo: ;;rate RagnarDanneskjol 2 Thinks, enthusiastic
asciilifeform developed for 'ipad' once, a long time ago.
gribble: Rating entry successful. Your rating for user RagnarDanneskjol has changed from 1 to 2.
nubbins` developed for ipad once as well
asciilifeform gave up in disgust, didn't finish
decimation: ;;rate asciilifeform 2 engineer of many things
gribble: Rating entry successful. Your rating of 2 for user asciilifeform has been recorded.
nubbins` paid for ipad with sales from two apps :/
mircea_popescu: well if anyone knows any of these twerps that keep spitting out pointless, copycat ipad games,
mircea_popescu: make a connection.
nubbins`: objective-c is gnarly
decimation: asciilifeform: what did you think of objective C?
nubbins`: i actually know a brilliant objective-c programmer
asciilifeform: decimation: not a fan. abuse of poor c, just like cpp
decimation: yeah I would put them in the same category (c++ and objc)
nubbins`: he's been getting a lot of work doing interactive media displays for big corps and stuff lately
RagnarDanneskjol: is he for hire? - I got jobs need fillin
assbot: I counted 70+ SWAT officers. Guns trained on crowds. Insanity. http://t.co/stev2G6v4b
assbot: SWAT just invade McDonald's where I'm working/recharging. Asked for ID when I took photo. http://t.co/FOIsMnBwHy
asciilifeform: c doesn't like to commit atrocities, it was only following orders
mircea_popescu: lol ragnar's gonna build an empire here
nubbins`: RagnarDanneskjol he probably is and you probably can't afford him
decimation: I never really understood why structs and function pointers weren't enough for someone to build all the "objects" they desired
asciilifeform: is that a raytheon microwave cannon on the right hand side?
asciilifeform: ;;google active denial system
gribble: Active Denial System - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Active_Denial_System>; Video: I Got Blasted by the Pentagon's Pain Ray — Twice | Danger ...: <http://www.wired.com/2012/03/pain-ray-shot/>; The Active Denial System (ADS) - YouTube: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9p5naCkz2w>
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Looks like it's baby brother doesn't it
nubbins`: looks like it
decimation: I never understood why mcds doesn't replace their mouthbreathing employees with robots
mircea_popescu: "Your right to assembly is not being denied," the police said later over a loudspeaker.
asciilifeform: these were, officially, pulled from iraq
asciilifeform: ... for cooking own operators
assbot: Photo of reporter I believe to be /ryanjreilly being cuffed and put in a police van minutes ago in /hashtag/Ferguson?src=hash http://t.co/l6olRUPk13
asciilifeform: not one comment mentions the dish ?
asciilifeform: what gives ?
mircea_popescu: people be clueless ?
asciilifeform: i suppose they'll learn when it is switched on
decimation: are you talking about the sector dish on the white pole?
BingoBoingo: Well, sunset is soon enough, that seems to be when tear gas goes on
BingoBoingo: decimation: Mounted on the roof on rightmost vehicle
mircea_popescu: i guess it's a great time to be an reenaction armorsmith
assbot: Raytheon ADS? - Imgur
mircea_popescu: pretty much all this expensive high tech crap dies a hoirrible death if confronted with chain mail.
assbot: Active Denial System - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
asciilifeform: they had a mini version
asciilifeform: no public photos afaik
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform raytheon has been trying to prop up th emegahole in its balncesheet by selling a mini version to fed backed usg agencies.
mircea_popescu: but from what i hear it doth not actually work.
assbot: What is this thing /hashtag/Ferguson?src=hash https://t.co/DbjiZUp5o1
decimation: re: death ray << it is well known amoung amateur radio folks that RF burns are extremely nasty, they don't heal like normal wounds
RagnarDanneskjol: it just looks like a turrett hatch to me
assbot: Munson: Heavy-duty military equipment given to police
decimation: "Washington's MRAP, valued at $733,000, was as "free" to the city as a diesel monster with a 74-gallon gas tank that guzzles down the road at 5 miles per gallon can be."
BingoBoingo: decimation> re: death ray << it is well known amoung amateur radio folks that RF burns are extremely nasty, they don't heal like normal wounds << Still better than touching the antenna...
decimation: I'm not sure how you are going to make money selling to the democratic police when the surplus war material is "free"
BingoBoingo keeps telling himself Mexico is only a 30 day walk away
BingoBoingo: !up GodHatesFigs
decimation: I just at a few raw figs, they were delicious
assbot: What the wife of the /hashtag/ferguson?src=hash chief of police has to say on her Facebook http://t.co/dGdkegmfc4
BingoBoingo: !up AdrianoOliveira
AdrianoOliveira: hello everyone!!
BingoBoingo: Hello AdrianoOliveira
assbot: RF protective garments or suits are described.
decimation: made for folks who work on live broadcast antennae
dignork: decimation: love their warning: "If your ankles feel warm, something is wrong!"
decimation: lol yeah you would have to pay me a fair amount of cash to get me to climb a tower in that suit in front of a live high-power transmit antenna
RagnarDanneskjol: anyone into rf haxory should check this. most interesting/well developed proj I've seen in the space to date: https://github.com/mossmann/hackrf
assbot: mossmann/hackrf GitHub
dignork: RagnarDanneskjol: it's on preorder :(
RagnarDanneskjol: i made one w/ my bare hands
decimation: yeah, those are neat, except the most interesting part is the fact that you can capture a decent band
decimation: what are you going to do with the band, once you have it?
BingoBoingo: RagnarDanneskjol: You really aren't playing with RF until you are measuring power in at least tens of watts
RagnarDanneskjol: I work on radar/IR jamming stuff w/ fpgas, electronic warfare
RagnarDanneskjol: I know what I'm doing, have lots of burns to prove it
BingoBoingo: Ah, I'm more familiar with DX'ing as a sport
BingoBoingo: How far can you get on X power budget in Y Band?
decimation: I guess it goes down to 10 mhz so you could do HF
decimation: at least the upper end
decimation: it barely puts out 1 watt
BingoBoingo: That's what AMPs are for
decimation: I strongly suspect you would need additional filtering if you were to use one in a 'civilized' manner
dignork: RagnarDanneskjol: also this thread was lol: https://twitter.com/dragosr/status/368083088338722816
assbot: Sniffing GSM with HackRF http://t.co/CkABpCoSYc
BingoBoingo: decimation: Nothing about Radio is civilized
RagnarDanneskjol: yea I saw that, very cool
decimation: BingoBoingo: are you referring to conversations on 80 meters?
BingoBoingo: decimation: Oh, its always the same story from 2-160 meters
dignork: RagnarDanneskjol: yeah, but check the titon's reply :)
decimation: yeah amateur radio would be much more fun if there were people to talk to other than hams
BingoBoingo: IRC over Ham is a thing...
decimation: BingoBoingo: how so?
RagnarDanneskjol: oh yea, so is IP
BingoBoingo: decimation: You can do internet protocol over Ham
BingoBoingo: Nothing "encrypted" though
decimation: BingoBoingo: yeah I'm aware, but I was wondering if someone had a live gateway somewhere
RagnarDanneskjol: sure, and I have heard of encryption schemes I think too
assbot: Tutorials: GNU Radio for beginners | Dangerous Prototypes
mircea_popescu: <decimation> I'm not sure how you are going to make money selling to the democratic police when the surplus war material is "free" << love will find a way.
decimation: I love this distinction between proper police who serve the king, the local baron's agents, and the "democratic police". I'm going to use the phrase more often.
mircea_popescu: <decimation> yeah amateur radio would be much more fun if there were people to talk to other than hams << like what, 19/f/cali accidentally on the transmission ?
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: That could be a charity, 19 year old Cali girls on 10 meters
BingoBoingo: If the US cared about diplomacy this could replace Voice of America entirely
decimation: no the median ham is a ossified 50-70 year old male who rarely has anything interesting to say
mircea_popescu: now that's an idea, i wonder how the iraq/afghan wars would have went if instead of 2-500k gay boys eager to play videogames
mircea_popescu: the us war dept just enlisted 2-500k eager valley sluts and packed them off.
mircea_popescu: "come back in two years"
decimation: with or without guns?
mircea_popescu: no guns, and not so much clothing either.
mircea_popescu: let the arabs sort it out.
decimation: well, they would be alternately raped and stoned to death I would suspect
mircea_popescu: i bet you lower casualties than currently observed.
mircea_popescu: no culture murders nubile defenseless womenz.
mircea_popescu: i tell you, when i am tyrant this is how my tyranyship will be fighting wars.
decimation: unless one of them was a daughter who embarrassed his father?
mircea_popescu: "you piss us off we're sending the girls over your place."
mircea_popescu: decimation exactly. no ties, no killings.
decimation: well I certainly agree that there would be fewer causalties, given that iraq is safer for said video-game boi than the US, but quite deadly for the average iraqi
decimation: btw if you want to listen to random hams you can go here: http://websdr.ewi.utwente.nl:8901/ set to "LSB" and tune between 7090 and 7180 or so
assbot: Wide-band WebSDR in JO32KF
decimation: !up xe4l
mike_c: i can't find anything
decimation: !up tris
BingoBoingo: Local TV channels still on "regularly scheduled programming" guess that is a sign of something
decimation: mike_c: it helps if you hit the "zoom in" on waterfall view
decimation: mike_c: there's a guy talking on 7125 khz (set LSB mode)
mike_c: got him
mike_c: pretty cool
assbot: Index of /
decimation: LZ2JE was his callsign, http://www.arrl.org/international-call-sign-series << makes him Bulgarian
assbot: International Call Sign Series
ben_vulpes: Blazedout419: pretty pretty.
BingoBoingo: !up mbr9200
BingoBoingo: Hello mbr9200
mbr9200: Hey, what's this channel mostly about?
BingoBoingo: mbr9200: Various Bitcoin things, paranoia, nekkid ladies
mbr9200: interesting
BingoBoingo: !up dpb_reddit
mbr9200: who is assbot?
BingoBoingo: Hello dpb_reddit
BingoBoingo: What brings you here
decimation: assbot is a robot that manages channel moderation
mbr9200: ahh
mircea_popescu: !up mbr9200
BingoBoingo: mbr9200: Assbot is a bot, gifted to us by kakobrekla in his trememdous benevolence
mbr9200: what is "!up"
BingoBoingo: mbr9200: Up is what lends you voice in 30 minute intervals
mircea_popescu: gives you voice.
mircea_popescu: !down dpb_reddit
mircea_popescu: nah he had enough earlier.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: That could have been a new one.
kakobrekla: its not same
BingoBoingo: Different person same name
kakobrekla: !up dpb_reddit
kakobrekla: have you been here before ?
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: The url the sends them here names them
mbr9200: Oh, cool. A cofounder and I came up with a very interesting altcoin idea. I wrote the white papers for it, got a web dev guy, just looking for a coin dev if anyone is able. I also appreciate the large number of people on this chat, good stuff.
mircea_popescu: this theory that redditards have like... different personalities. what do you people do in the intimacy of your own house, name goldfish ?
mbr9200: i had a goldfish once, it jumped out of its bowl
mircea_popescu: mbr9200 the only guy here that made his own coin before would be thickasthieves.
mbr9200: thanks!
mircea_popescu: ;;seen thickasthieves
gribble: thickasthieves was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 5 days, 10 hours, 20 minutes, and 7 seconds ago: <thickasthieves> who uses a ripped condom tho?
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: I drank with a toad I found in the back yard yesterday...
mbr9200: Okay, thanks
RagnarDanneskjol: the deaf toad
RagnarDanneskjol: you know they got no ears
ben_vulpes: i met a guy today who's doing supercap batteries
ben_vulpes: but miniaturized, and gate-switched for power output.
ben_vulpes: er, power distribution i think may be the correct term?
BingoBoingo: RagnarDanneskjol: Apparently they can't hold their liquor either, he croaked...
decimation: ben_vulpes: are you referring to the kickstarter project for the supercap batteries?
ben_vulpes: pahaha no.
asciilifeform: re: microwave blaster: raytheon's pumps out 95 GHz. --> ~3mm wavelength. don't have pinholes in the suit.
assbot: High-Performance Efficient Aircraft With GT4|Volta Volar
RagnarDanneskjol: @ mrb9200 - pls email me a job order to admin@bitrecruiter.com - I locate developers for this sort of thing. most of them are scoundrels & losers just fyi
asciilifeform: and use something conductive plus translucent for ocular.
asciilifeform: (what? say, indium. where to get any? easy - self-darkening welding mask.)
assbot: Spykercars
decimation: asciilifeform: yeah I suspect they use those suits for vhf/uhf tv and cellular, and even then they probably don't stand in front of live transmitter
asciilifeform: decimation: useless for this application. nothing broadcasts at 95 GHz
assbot: The Declaration Of Bitcoin's Independence - YouTube
assbot: Ustream.Tv
trixisowned: chimpout
TomServo: haha, quite the cast
trixisowned: happening ^
trixisowned: they getting teargasses
trixisowned: teargassed*
decimation: yeah 95 GHz is golden toilet band
decimation: ben_vulpes: this plane uses said supercaps?
ben_vulpes: the plane exhibited has only been flown with lithiums.
ben_vulpes: dunno what supercap means
ben_vulpes: but the capacitative (sp?) plane should be doing demo flights ca. 2016.
asciilifeform: !s supercapacitor
asciilifeform: demo flights ca. 2016 << nope.
ben_vulpes: non electrochemical
ben_vulpes: well duh nope
asciilifeform: to paraphrase old saw, 'fly in it? i wouldn't walk under it'
decimation: I think the best supercaps are lithium chemistry
trixisowned: they are starting fires and shit
asciilifeform: fast charge - fast discharge. elementary.
ben_vulpes: plain old capacitative modules, fabbed into chips.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform http://trilema.com/2014/критика-и-самокритика/#comment-104692 << look at that, you've indirecly made a s. fan
mircea_popescu: <asciilifeform> re: microwave blaster: raytheon's pumps out 95 GHz. --> ~3mm wavelength. don't have pinholes in the suit. << it only works if continuous, for one.
mircea_popescu: RagnarDanneskjol can you locate one of these azn ipad developers making shitty games ? or is it like the spammers, by the time their handiwork is seen they're long married/drafted/gone
asciilifeform: trixisowned: that stream is hilarious
trixisowned: yes it is
asciilifeform: almost as good as the 'occupy dc' from way back
trixisowned: "this is your final warning!"
assbot: Ustream.Tv
trixisowned: ahahaha
trixisowned: theres a building on fire
trixisowned: this is ridiculous
BingoBoingo: trixisowned: Say waht you will, but black America is probably that last "Real America"
RagnarDanneskjol: mircea_popescu - sure, those guys are dime a dozen. I can find almost any spec you throw at me - the more detailed & complex the better. Its kind of nice cause I work in a female dominated industry (HR) so I tend to gravitate all the jobs noone else can fill
asciilifeform: for non-usians:
asciilifeform: ever wonder why detroid looks like berlin circa '45 from the air?
asciilifeform: this is why.
asciilifeform: *detroit
trixisowned: "protest"
asciilifeform: why is that camera not flying on a toy chopper again?
decimation: I wonder if this will lead to a cleavage between the poor brown power base of the elites who run the inner party?
trixisowned: inb4 they cut out cell service
decimation: asciilifeform: the FAA ordered a "shutdown" of the airspace there: http://tfr.faa.gov/save_pages/detail_4_2599.html
assbot: 4/2599 NOTAM Details
asciilifeform: decimation: 'not caught - not thief'
decimation: yeah but streaming video on ustream isn't exactly hiding evidence...
asciilifeform: from comment stream:
asciilifeform: 'i can't fap to this'
decimation: plus I'm certain that sighting such a gadget flying around would be a pretext to crack down on something else
asciilifeform: decimation: let them shoot 10,000 of them
asciilifeform: (these police, on the other hand, will shoot no one. 'it would be racist' (tm) )
assbot: Long Range Acoustic Device - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
asciilifeform: ^ the dish from before
decimation: yeah that must be high frequency chirps just heard
assbot: Live Streaming 2 | FOX2now.com
trixisowned: watch this one
trixisowned: its way higher quality
asciilifeform: my favourite incarnation of this idea is the '80s french 7 Hz speaker
trixisowned: they are throwing fireworks
assbot: Live Streaming 2 | FOX2now.com
asciilifeform: everybody dumps his doughnuts, cops and rioters alike
trixisowned: holy fuck
decimation: asciilifeform: the brown note?
trixisowned: this one is working too
asciilifeform: the thing that always perplexed me about american 'revolts' is
decimation: looks like they've started to hand out free cs gas
asciilifeform: they always burn... their own streets.
trixisowned: they are firing on the houses
assbot: Washington Post, Huffington Post reporters say they were arrested while covering Ferguson protests : News
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> they always burn... their own streets. << The one thing "Occupy" seemed to make an earnest effort to correct
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: except that it was a theatrical production of the collegiate muppet class
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Yeah, they were light on the burning and trashing
assbot: I am Mike Brown Live from Ferguson, MO on Livestream
asciilifeform: heavy on the marx and engels
asciilifeform: we'll know it's a real holiday when the radio jammers kick in.
decimation: this goes to my earlier point about a split in the Dem. party. it's not like the usg elite overlords act in their interest
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> heavy on the marx and engels << their names, but not ideas in any informed way, walked into local encampement at the time, no one wanted to debate hegel
decimation: BingoBoingo: that would be amusing to watch (hegel debate) "Hegel who?"
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: i actually tried to talk to the occupy folks, purely for own amusement, on several occasions
BingoBoingo: decimation: Local at the time "Occupy" camp was on the way back to my apartment walking from place that served 44 oz booze slushies
asciilifeform: typical: me - 'what do you stand for ?' - 'we will build an utopia!' [literal. followed by 20 min. of i-forget-what]
BingoBoingo: Wasn't the worst place to pick up girls from though
asciilifeform: there were crackpots handing out self-printed books, etc
asciilifeform: i have 30GB or so of video, mostly a snore
asciilifeform: 'occupy' - sucked
decimation: yeah the wto protests about 10 years ago in DC were more lively
BingoBoingo: Once I even held a sign on the street corner for a while said "RUF is for the People" and none of the other people had a concrete idea of what RUF was or where they operated...
BingoBoingo: Maybe I should have brought a machete to demonstrate?
asciilifeform: all the big d.c. protests are theatrical productions
asciilifeform: of approximately the same people
asciilifeform: (quite often, literally the same.)
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> heavy on the marx and engels
assbot: Revolutionary United Front - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
asciilifeform: they even bring the same props (e.g. a gigantic green papier machet muppet) to every one
BingoBoingo: Local one there was... A tent
decimation: and your anti-nsa bus or whatever
asciilifeform: decimation: that one, if its inhabitant is to be believed, can be found near the museum of natural history every monday night.
decimation: there's also the bum who protests something nuclear camped in front of the white house
asciilifeform: i thought he died this year
decimation: since DC is run by aging hippies, that's how they like it
asciilifeform: his... 32st?
decimation: I haven't been around in awhile, could be the case
assbot: /hashtag/Ferguson?src=hash RT /DonGallowayKSDK: Trapped in news car, flash bombs, tear gas everywhere.. http://t.co/ScTiI85ZNf
mircea_popescu: RagnarDanneskjol aite ima work something out.
decimation: this Ferguson thing is trying to be a theater but no one knows the script
RagnarDanneskjol: speaking of - I've been on that Jason guy to commit to timeframe - sounds wishywashy so I'm gonna find a few backups and just send them the log so you dont have to repeat everything
BingoBoingo tries to follow StL county drama through this lens http://trilema.com/2014/gotta-love-that-negro-speak/
assbot: Gotta love that negro speak pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
BingoBoingo: "The entrepreneurial spirit is not dead. For it ain’t ever dyin’, that’s why. And also fuck you, Mr. Obama, because if he paints that forest he motherfucking made that forest. (If he eats those pizzas he even more fucking definitely made that forest. It needs dung you know ?)"
BingoBoingo: ^ Quote from the most underrated English Trilema article
BingoBoingo: "Not everyone’s an entrepreneur, either. Some kids, poor kids, “urban” kids are scholars, in nucet. They may not have my rare and expensive equipment, sure. But whether the BBC does manage to agree that climate pseudo-science should be promoted as “the only alternative” or not, my hopes rest with a bunch of inner city negroes. No matter what, these kids will still carry through the world the ability to reason, and that
BingoBoingo: ’s quite good enough for me. Fuck the instruments, as great as they are : they’ll make their own, and it’ll be the same anyway, because there’s exactly one way to make a great piece of lab equipment. The alternatives are only there to confound the issues. See, teh BBC got it right after all >D"
mircea_popescu: <trixisowned> wow wtf they are firing on the houses << lol famous last words
mircea_popescu: <decimation> this goes to my earlier point about a split in the Dem. party. it's not like the usg elite overlords act in their interest << markov chains have no self interest.
mircea_popescu: <asciilifeform> 'occupy' - sucked << that's because they don;'t know how to protest.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu> <decimation> this goes to my earlier point about a split in the Dem. party. it's not like the usg elite overlords act in their interest << markov chains have no self interest. << Vexual seems to
mircea_popescu: ;;google cum se protesteaza corect
gribble: Ianuarie 2012 pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.: <http://trilema.com/2012/01>; Iunie 2010 pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.: <http://trilema.com/2010/06>; Asociatia Pro Democratia | Facebook: <https://ro-ro.facebook.com/ProDemocratia>
mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2010/cum-se-protesteaza-corect/ << nudity required for protest to count.
assbot: Cum se protesteaza corect pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo o hey, i was reading the quotes and went who the fuck is this, scary smart.
mircea_popescu: then i saw the link. go me.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: lol, there's a read between the lines situation in posting those now
assbot: The SEC's anti-modern logo evokes Southern tradition, authenticity.
gribble: The operation succeeded.
assbot: Twitter / mattdpearce: I just called Ferguson police ...
BingoBoingo: I just called Ferguson police chief to ask about @WesleyLowery and @ryanjreilly, told him what I knew. His response: "Oh, God."
assbot: Twitter / john_dingell: Staff has now informed me of ...
BingoBoingo: John Dingell ✔ @john_dingell
BingoBoingo: Follow
BingoBoingo: Staff has now informed me of what a Kardashian is. I'm only left with more questions.
BingoBoingo: !up dpb_reddit
BingoBoingo: Hello dpb_reddit
BingoBoingo: What brings you here today dpb_reddit?
dpb_reddit: dreamstring
BingoBoingo: dpb_reddit: It's cool you have voice now. What is dreamstring?
dpb_reddit: Oh my bad!
dpb_reddit: thanks!
dpb_reddit: How would I go about changing my nick/signing up?
assbot: Post&apos;s Lowery detained in Ferguson - The Washington Post
assbot: first_steps_in_bitcoin-assets [bitcoin assets wiki]
dpb_reddit: ty ragnar doing that now
kakobrekla: and dont register 'dpb_reddit'
dpb_reddit: ofc not haha
BingoBoingo: !up dpb_reddit
BingoBoingo: dpb_reddit: Which post in particular brought you here?
assbot: [HIRING] Developers for Serious Bitcoin Startup : Jobs4Bitcoins
dpb_reddit: this one here
dpb_reddit: only cause i am starting my own bitcoin related company
dpb_reddit: looking for devs to move through seed round
BingoBoingo: dpb_reddit: At least you haven't wished "Best candida" on us yet like one of your predecessors with that name did.
dpb_reddit: that is only slightly terrfiying
BingoBoingo: Sounds incredibly itchy
BingoBoingo: dpb_reddit: Well, since someone linked you instructions...
BingoBoingo: !down dpb_reddit
assbot: Police use tear gas to break up Ferguson crowd
BingoBoingo: Imma hypothesize that few things introduce people to each other and unite communities as effectively as teargas.
trixisowned: some guy just speed through
trixisowned: the crowd
trixisowned: and was honking his horn
trixisowned: ahahaha
trixisowned: alex jones
trixisowned: is giving up
trixisowned: sorry dudes wrong channel
decimation: I would like to know how the democratic police think that distributing cs gas randomly around the town is going to effective at accomplishing anything
trixisowned: The police are now retreating near the QuickTrip as sounds of gun shots fill the air. I'm not sure what is coming but police are screaming
assbot: dpb_reddit +v failed; L1: 0, L2: 0
BingoBoingo: !up dreamstring
BingoBoingo: !up KRS-1
dreamstring: appreciated bingo!
assbot: Al-Jazeera runs from teargas in Ferguson - YouTube
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [ROCK] 1185 @ 0.0006328 = 0.7499 BTC [-] {2}
trixisowned: holy fuck
dreamstring: While I have a voice, I'd like to put out for any developers interested in a possible position in a start up based around creating a mobile mining oriented cryptocurrency. The company is the Dreamstring platform, aiming to create a crypto that distributes supply and time using the fibonacci, as well as creating an equal distribution to each cellular phone user to download the mobile application.
dreamstring: The app aims to distribute the currency to each person to download the free app equally, as well as offer different teirs/levels of accounts for shopping, buying/selling, and trading goods and services.
BingoBoingo: Lower left corner
dreamstring: im getting trolled arent i.
BingoBoingo: dreamstring: nah, the red stuff is whale shit, not menstral painting
dreamstring: damn man im all about that shark week but idk what this is getting at
BingoBoingo: dreamstring: Well, what makes "mobile mining" special and desirable?
dreamstring: Nothing besides the fact that by using a PoW/PoS hybrid you can group people into different teir groups based on their cell phones to make sure everyone is getting the same distribution of the currency.
dreamstring: in theory the hashrate doesnt mean anything besides securing from a 51% and determining who contributed what amount of work
BingoBoingo: And what does that offer anyone who has money that could give such a currency value?
dreamstring: but that still ads to the rich get richer kinda aspect bitcoin is fighting against
dreamstring: a deflationary currency
dreamstring: and a global decentralized trading platform on every phone through a centralized security outlet
dreamstring: it creates a whole new market really
dreamstring: introduce peolpe in india/kenya/africa that use MPESA rn
BingoBoingo: <dreamstring> but that still ads to the rich get richer kinda aspect bitcoin is fighting against << Who said this is a part of Bitcoin, Bitcoin fights the stupid getting richer...
dreamstring: to an even market with people in the US
dreamstring: my bad poor wording
dreamstring: in the sense that those with money can afford more asics can afford to make more
dreamstring: expotential profit
dreamstring: this allows everyone to start off on an even note
dreamstring: and then based on how you use your money that you are distributed, well the smart use it well/open their own stores on the market, the poor just get paid for having a phone
BingoBoingo: What about people with money who don't want "smart" phones?
BingoBoingo: And what about people who make VM farms spoofing millions of "mobile devices?"
BingoBoingo: !down dreamstring
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Maybe you were right about voicing the reddit referrals...
kakobrekla: !up dreamstring
kakobrekla: are you here to learn?
dreamstring: people who dont want smart phones are living in the past, why should the btc community care about them anyway, and the VM farming i already created a verifciation system that needs a hardware id and device verification to use
dreamstring: ty kakbo
kakobrekla: answer the q?
dreamstring: im not trying to argue, i think i have a very valid plan of attack
dreamstring: and was there something i left unanswered?
BingoBoingo: kakobrekla> are you here to learn? << This dreamstring
dreamstring: the reality is everyone has a smart phone, thats how the gov wants it. well use that and give everyone a smart phone a new start to a currency connected to everyone with a smart phone... which is everyone in the world.
kakobrekla: !down dreamstring
kakobrekla: go dream away.
BingoBoingo: <dreamstring> the reality is everyone has a smart phone, thats how the gov wants it. well use that and give everyone a smart phone a new start to a currency connected to everyone with a smart phone... which is everyone in the world. << I haven't had one in years
BingoBoingo: <dreamstring> umad << Why would I be mad?
kakobrekla: up him if you intend to have a convo btw.
BingoBoingo: kakobrekla: I tried but he seemed more interested in polishing bullet points.
kakobrekla: i guess the real question is - they have a logo yet?
BingoBoingo: ;;google dreamstrings
gribble: Requiem for a Dream (Strings) - YouTube: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=clvSQc0bNC0>; "Angels Watch Us While We're Sleeping-A Dream"...strings, choral ...: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4Xb_Ok4GXE>; Kalafina - I have a dream(strings version) - YouTube: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5DUYq5Mn-D4>
BingoBoingo: ;;google dreamstrings mobile mined shitcoin
gribble: No matches found.
mike_c: did somebody hang a sign somewhere saying b-a is looking for work?
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