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← 2014-06-07 | 2014-06-09 →
BingoBoingo: I swear, i there s a USG agency that can't know exactly who I am... WTF am I being taxed for...
mthreat: you wouldn't want a place without AC in december-january in buenos aires
Vexual: never been
mthreat: it gets around 35-38 degrees C
Vexual: your logic is unusual
Vexual: some like it hot?
Vexual: oh i read you like who
BingoBoingo: Vexual: Everything is abnormal and everything is great
Vexual: yes and it's usually me
assbot: i asked how good she sucked dick and she sent me this pic http://t.co/S1GeAKyJGn
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16196 @ 0.00085513 = 13.8497 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: <TheNewDeal> I realize you had some troubles identifying entities that do in fact rent :D << well yeah, about a dozen orso argentine "experts" took two days to derp about with no results.
mircea_popescu: then i called in the cavalry (ie, my own intel dept, english speakers that don't live there) and i was fixed up the same day.
TheNewDeal: prices?
TheNewDeal: !up Vexual
mircea_popescu: anyway, non ac'd places seem improbable, but a few hundred a month should set you up.
mircea_popescu: depends, some ukrainian guy i know picked up a chick in the street and moved in with her. no rent.
TheNewDeal: intruiging
TheNewDeal: and hows the cannabis?
mircea_popescu: i don't do pot.
TheNewDeal: mostly kidding, I think I remember that from before
TheNewDeal: us weed fiends are a rare breed in B-A
TheNewDeal: have you ever?
Vexual: yeah about 200 years ago
Vexual: *2000
mircea_popescu: but no, not so rare, you can generally smell it all over the place.
TheNewDeal: and do their rivers generally flow north?
mircea_popescu: i have no idea. the shrimp isprettygood tho
TheNewDeal: ooooh looks like argentina has decriminalized possession, muchos progressivos
mircea_popescu: they also have gays now
Vexual: have you eaten pirhana?
mircea_popescu: what's this, soviet amazonia ?
mircea_popescu: piranha eats you.
TheNewDeal: hahahha whaaaat
assbot: Ten people savaged by flesh-eating piranhas in Argentinian river as they tried to cool off in blistering 41C heat | Mail Online
TheNewDeal: holy sh!t those things look nasty
TheNewDeal: just hope the men had a bathing suit on
TheNewDeal: has anyone heard any recent news about bitcoin banking and cannabis sales in colorado?
TheNewDeal: would be nice if they could peg the price of bitcoin to an ounce or something for a week
TheNewDeal: or actually it would be the other way around
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12589 @ 0.00085513 = 10.7652 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5195 @ 0.00085497 = 4.4416 BTC [-]
TheNewDeal: tikka massala is one of the greatest indian gifts to man
cazalla: don't forget the cheese naan
[]bot: Bet placed: 1 BTC for No on "Gold will close above USD 2000 in 2014" http://bitbet.us/bet/759/ Odds: 34(Y):66(N) by coin, 38(Y):62(N) by weight. Total bet: 7.378482 BTC. Current weight: 61,192.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25400 @ 0.00085397 = 21.6908 BTC [-] {2}
TheNewDeal: I also love the naan with nuts on it
TheNewDeal: can't remember what it's called at the restaurant i frequent
cazalla: do you like rabbit? i've got one going in the slow cooker, will be nice
cazalla: wifes friends and some family turn their nose up at it like i'm offering them the same chicken mcnuggets they toss down their gullet
mircea_popescu: TheNewDeal word. esp for lamb.
mircea_popescu: cazalla yeah, rabbit in rosemary:D
TheNewDeal: had some pretty tasty goat curry at an indian buffet tonight
TheNewDeal: reminded me of a time I invited some friends over for a meal that someone cooked for us, and one of them swallowed a goat bone (he hadn't had goat before)
TheNewDeal: never had rabbit before
cazalla: similar to chicken if you butcher prior to sexual maturity
cazalla: i have a small rabbitry, it's a fun hobby and satisfying watching them go from conception to the plate
TheNewDeal: how do you keep the numbers managable, don't they fuck like... rabbits?
cazalla: eat them
mircea_popescu: the natural way lol
cazalla: good to butcher around 8-9 weeks
TheNewDeal: ok so approx how many are alive right now in your rabbitry?
cazalla: 1 buck, 2 does, 7 from last litter left, other doe is due to have them in 8 days
TheNewDeal: oh my gosh. Gold from yahoo answers "Unspayed female: drastically shorter lifespan due to a high rate of reproductive cancer (85% unaltered females die of it before 5 years of age). Extremely territorial, some can be very aggressive, the intensity is often higher than a buck. You have to deal often with 'false pregnancies' where she will pull out large chunks of fur, nest, and get moody and extra-territorial, often for mont
TheNewDeal: fucking false pregnancies
cazalla: yeah, they're aggressive
cazalla: females will fuck the males too
TheNewDeal: why did you decide on rabbits?
cazalla: they don't take up much room (i have a run for them so they can dig, eat grass though), cheap to feed and the meat is lean
cazalla: i'll show ya a pic
benkay: lean meat?
benkay: what is this us brainwashing against fat
benkay: fat is good for you.
benkay: i miss the cream in argentina.
benkay: it's downright viscous.
benkay: !up Vexual
Vexual: rabbit is one of the most delicious things to eat
TheNewDeal: jeezus mp, there 23 footnotes in this article
Vexual: not much grass there cazalla
TheNewDeal: cazalla they cant hop over that fence on the right?
cazalla: Vexual: they get out and go up the side, more grass there but they get all sorts of food from us
cazalla: TheNewDeal: they probably could but none are yet to try
TheNewDeal: they look so tasty and full of albinism
cazalla: compared to a commerical rabbitry, they have it pretty good
Vexual: i could just sip brut cuvee and smell that slow cooker for hours
cazalla: yeah, kitchen smells of cab sav, garlic, rosemary, tomatoes
Vexual: how long in the slow cooker?
cazalla: 7-8 hours on low
Vexual: oh
cazalla: you can do quicker in oven, 90mins but veggies aren't as good
Vexual: i like to slow cook
Vexual: the way the flavours develop
Vexual: dyou ever get goat?
cazalla: i've had it but not for a while
Vexual: chuck some cumin in and drink shiraz til its done
Vexual: on selecting and enjoying brut curvee:
Vexual: this guide is not for you, but read it anyaway
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 3000 @ 0.00007052 = 0.2116 BTC [-] {2}
Vexual: dear reader, theres a grape with a name, from some faggoty hill in france, but its not about a time or a place or a name face or a taste or a style
Vexual: well it might be a taste
Vexual: i don't claim to be expert
Vexual: it is a fucking taste
Mats_cd03: ur gay
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21234 @ 0.00085325 = 18.1179 BTC [-]
benkay: there's gotta be good soil down in ars
benkay: just have to find it is all.
assbot: Frontin' - Pharrell ft. Jay Z (Disclosure Re-Work) by Disclosure on SoundCloud - Hear the worlds sounds
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4528 @ 0.00085325 = 3.8635 BTC [-]
assbot: Electric Youth - Innocence by Electric Youth (Official) on SoundCloud - Hear the worlds sounds
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18300 @ 0.00085446 = 15.6366 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 200 @ 0.04405928 = 8.8119 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17500 @ 0.00085242 = 14.9174 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 8 @ 0.0203 = 0.1624 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 3 @ 0.25741559 = 0.7722 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 3 @ 0.25335334 = 0.7601 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 9 @ 0.24378666 = 2.1941 BTC [-] {3}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 10 @ 0.242 = 2.42 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23450 @ 0.00085449 = 20.0378 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.241 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18300 @ 0.00085471 = 15.6412 BTC [+] {2}
FabianB: mpexbot is gone?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.26899 BTC [+]
FabianB: kakobrekla: can you include former mpexbot commands $depth, $vwap and $proxies into assbot ?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17200 @ 0.0008522 = 14.6578 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34500 @ 0.0008522 = 29.4009 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 6 @ 0.0737 = 0.4422 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1975 @ 0.00085501 = 1.6886 BTC [+]
dub: is that a fucking parallel port on mp's laptop?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19000 @ 0.00085501 = 16.2452 BTC [+]
dub: and why is there a small boat next to him on the couch
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9950 @ 0.00085501 = 8.5073 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22650 @ 0.00085571 = 19.3818 BTC [+] {3}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11800 @ 0.00085216 = 10.0555 BTC [-] {4}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 15 @ 0.07451065 = 1.1177 BTC [+] {5}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14541 @ 0.00085152 = 12.382 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16757 @ 0.00085014 = 14.2458 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: Nine of the Best Cryptocurrency Tattoos
fluffypony: Bitcoin Life
fluffypony: lol!!!
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11463 @ 0.00085043 = 9.7485 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 13 @ 0.07475576 = 0.9718 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 10 @ 0.07476 = 0.7476 BTC [+]
thestringpuller: ;;seen BingoBoingo
gribble: BingoBoingo was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 9 hours, 6 minutes, and 41 seconds ago: <BingoBoingo> Vexual: Everything is abnormal and everything is great
thestringpuller: ;;later tell BingoBoingo was out cold
gribble: The operation succeeded.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.02394 = 0.1197 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 15 @ 0.0200005 = 0.3 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 16 @ 0.02323145 = 0.3717 BTC [-] {5}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18337 @ 0.00085424 = 15.6642 BTC [+]
assbot: BtcAlpha.com F.MPIF Tracker estimated NAV per share: 0.00021721 BTC (Total: 434.44 BTC)
thestringpuller: !last m f.mpif
assbot: Last trade for F.MPIF on MPEX was at 0.00021725 BTC [+]
thestringpuller: !ticker m f.mpif
assbot: [MPEX:F.MPIF] 1D: 0 / 0 / 0 (0 shares, 0 BTC), 7D: 0.00021536 / 0.00021599 / 0.00021725 (15651 shares, 3.38 BTC), 30D: 0.00021536 / 0.00021709 / 0.00021726 (124310 shares, 26.99 BTC)
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 240 @ 0.04405928 = 10.5742 BTC [-]
kakobrekla: !mpif
assbot: BtcAlpha.com F.MPIF Tracker estimated NAV per share: 0.00021721 BTC (Total: 434.44 BTC). Last trade for F.MPIF on MPEX was at 0.00021725 BTC [+]
kakobrekla: added !last to !mpif call
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7909 @ 0.00085029 = 6.7249 BTC [-]
thestringpuller: !last mpif
assbot: Have you got any tobacco?
assbot: BtcAlpha.com F.MPIF Tracker estimated NAV per share: 0.00021721 BTC (Total: 434.43 BTC). Last trade for F.MPIF on MPEX was at 0.00021725 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [ALC] 2 @ 0.09 = 0.18 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2400 @ 0.00085101 = 2.0424 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 6 @ 0.0268 = 0.1608 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.0747 = 0.2241 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12609 @ 0.00084984 = 10.7156 BTC [-] {2}
mircea_popescu: someonme should make a cheese flavbour chewing gum
mircea_popescu: benkay: i miss the cream in argentina. << dude you have no idea what cream is. go to transylvania, have some, let me know.
mircea_popescu: the cream here is like... okay. tolerable.
mircea_popescu: TheNewDeal: jeezus mp, there 23 footnotes in this article << I'm the king of the footnotes, the references V.I.P
mircea_popescu: I reached the top and had to stop and that's what bothering me
mircea_popescu: Vexual: i like to slow cook the way the flavours develop << aye.
mircea_popescu: benkay: there's gotta be good soil down in ars << good soil requires three to six millenia's worth of menarche spilled on it. argentina soil will get there right about year 6000
mircea_popescu: FabianB: mpexbot is gone? << smickles kinda disappeared sadly. would you like to run a mpexbot clone ?
mircea_popescu: dub: is that a fucking parallel port on mp's laptop? << some peeps are old skool like that dubsy. you wouldn't understand.
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla: added !last to !mpif call << pretty cool.
mircea_popescu: !up Littlep1
mircea_popescu: and who might you be ?
Littlep1: Malcolm
kakobrekla: wait so the dude did take mpex offline or am i reading this wrong
Littlep1: ;;auth Littlep1
gribble: Error: You have not registered a GPG key. Try using bcauth instead, or register a GPG key first.
kakobrekla: i mean the proxyies or smth
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla for some definition of offline
FabianB: mircea_popescu: assbot only lacks 3 commands, if kakobrekla doesn't like to integrate them i can run an mpexbot clone, but i'd prefer the assbot route
Littlep1: ;;bcauth Littlep1
gribble: Request successful for user Littlep1, hostmask Littlep1!56b01083@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Your challenge string is: freenode:#bitcoin-otc:24085ba1a630433bf9128bdd9cb371bdf715a1d6151ef7edb327f8d2
mircea_popescu: FabianB meanwhile i'd prefer two bots. what if kako gets sick one day
kakobrekla: yeah ill put them on
fluffypony: I wanna be a man, man cub
mircea_popescu: (also i'll pay for teh hosting of it)
fluffypony: and roll right into town
mircea_popescu: fluffypony great cartoon eh
fluffypony: now I have that stuck in my head
kakobrekla: whats the url to that stuff again
fluffypony: it's among my favourites
kakobrekla: aha k
Littlep1: ;;msg +mircea_popescu Thank you
gribble: Error: "msg" is not a valid command.
FabianB: mircea_popescu: hosting costs are not an issue, let me think about it; maybe we can do both, an mpexbot clone and kako integrating the missing commands as well (so an irc client doesn't have to rely on both)
kakobrekla: Littlep1 less syntax
mircea_popescu: ;;gettrust Littlep1
gribble: WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user mircea_popescu to user Littlep1: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=mircea_popescu&dest=Littlep1 | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=Littlep1 | Rated since: Sun Jun 8 09:51:05 2014
Littlep1: :) I am not ashamed to say I have no clue what the hell is going on
FabianB: kakobrekla: /mpex-mktdepth.php, /mpex-vwap.php
mircea_popescu: ;;google towlie
gribble: Towelie - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Towelie>; South Park Towlie on Drugs - YouTube: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eSEkfqlDilU>; Towelie's Best Moments - YouTube: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=77TbTNRQFNY>
Littlep1: By the grace of god with the few brain cells in my head im going to crack this thing
kakobrekla: yes the vwap is already implemented FabianB , that is the ticker cmd
Littlep1: or my skull
FabianB: kakobrekla: yeah, but not with raw json
mircea_popescu: Littlep1 so what do you do, other than btctardstalk
kakobrekla: Littlep1 this box you seen on the screen, you type stuff in and everyone that is connected in that box can see
Littlep1: I see how do i Pm then ?
mircea_popescu: /query name
FabianB: kakobrekla: if mpex.co is down and mpex only reachable by ircbots traders want to know the full orderbook (depth) and raw vwap
kakobrekla: waddayamean raw vwap
kakobrekla: ticker has it all no?
kakobrekla: im not talking about depth now
mircea_popescu: !t m s.mpoe
assbot: [MPEX:S.MPOE] 1D: 0.00084612 / 0.00085343 / 0.00085939 (640220 shares, 546.39 BTC), 7D: 0.00079351 / 0.00085994 / 0.0008834 (5312758 shares, 4,568.65 BTC), 30D: 0.00079351 / 0.00090996 / 0.00101 (25156123 shares, 22,891.24 BTC)
FabianB: kakobrekla: for all simbols (and parseable)
kakobrekla: want it snailmailed too?
thestringpuller: mircea_popescu: why you lookin' up towelie?
thestringpuller: are you a towel?
mircea_popescu: thestringpuller well this guy was like "i have no idea what's going on"
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 6 @ 0.02689996 = 0.1614 BTC [+] {2}
thestringpuller: cause he's a towel!
Littlep1: hahaha
thestringpuller: "no you're a towel"
FabianB: kakobrekla: mpexbot used to make a pastie with a copy of the json
Littlep1: Not watched SP in ages
mircea_popescu: i am 12 and what's a towel.
kakobrekla: FabianB ok that i can do
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 5 @ 0.02699977 = 0.135 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30700 @ 0.00084804 = 26.0348 BTC [-] {2}
mircea_popescu: 1.) mircea_popescu 1753 2.) assbot 1632 dat assbot, putting up an amazing fight
mircea_popescu: but irrespective of your amazing powers of resistence, you will be ass imiliated.
assbot: fuck you
mircea_popescu: 1.) assbot 7081 2.) mircea_popescu 7015 THIS INIQUITY CAN NOT STAND!
FabianB: mircea_popescu: do you have the code of mpexbot?
Littlep1: /msg <kakobrekla> <test 4 did you get this pm ?>
mircea_popescu: i will just as soon as smickles gets back online ;/
mircea_popescu: FabianB ima shoot him an email.
kakobrekla: Littlep1 perhaps you can double click my name from the list and type something in there
kakobrekla: if anything happens
mircea_popescu: that works in webirc ?
Littlep1: this is so embarrassing
kakobrekla: i think so
mircea_popescu: Littlep1 AND it's being recorded for all prosterity.
kakobrekla: dunno
FabianB: mircea_popescu: ah, great, well, if not we can rewrite it, but not unless needed
Littlep1: hahhaha
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] [PAID] 1.86802792 BTC to 8`734 shares, 21388 satoshi per share
Littlep1: at least your making sure I have a good time
Littlep1: i'm going to force each one of my brokers to get this done after me and watch them all suffer
kakobrekla: anyway, remove the space before / and all the < and > you typed, then it should werk
Littlep1: kk thnkx ill try again
kakobrekla: if it throws an error try "/query kakobrekla" instead of whatever else
mircea_popescu: !up nullbyte
Littlep1: did th...hmm it says no such nick/channel
kakobrekla: well i dunno
kakobrekla: im not a webchat expert!
kakobrekla: well, great success nao
Littlep1: THANK YOU ^^
kakobrekla: step 1 complete
kakobrekla: you have still a few min left to complete the rest 399 steps
assbot: wot_and_reputation [bitcoin assets wiki]
kakobrekla: no wrong link
assbot: first_steps_in_bitcoin-assets [bitcoin assets wiki]
kakobrekla: this one
Littlep1: This is like my right of passage
Littlep1: mircea you won't remember but i sent you a Pm i think last year thanking you ^^
Littlep1: If your the same person I think you are on Bitcoin talk
mircea_popescu: a, that was mpoe-pr
mircea_popescu: lol dude stop pming me
Littlep1: sorry
kakobrekla: i taught him that.
Littlep1: ahahahha
Littlep1: for the world to know foreverr
mircea_popescu: lol sabotage
Littlep1: God you must all be so funny in real life
Littlep1: You literally have had me laughing my ass off over here
kakobrekla: yeah well read the logs
kakobrekla: ;;topic
assbot: That's NOT funny!!! - YouTube
Littlep1: mircea_popescu I are you liked to Mpex ?
mircea_popescu: i am well liked and admired by my subjects yes
mircea_popescu: what was the question ?
Littlep1: Just curious recently i made a post on Bitcoin talk to list all fradualent compaines i'm creating a list of corproate failres ect ect and people were accusing Mpex of false volumes or something. Some users equally defended Mpex reqesting proof
Littlep1: omfg
Littlep1: linked to Mpex *
mircea_popescu: a. yes, we share some initials.
Littlep1: ^^ :)
Littlep1: If i ever meet you
Littlep1: im buying you a drink
mircea_popescu: pretty good famous last words.
kakobrekla: you know, i could up him.
mircea_popescu: trying to decide which way is funnier
mircea_popescu: !up Littlep1
kakobrekla: was just about to dice it.
Littlep1: I'm aliveeee
mircea_popescu: can you chain actions on gribble's dice ?
kakobrekla: prolly i could
assbot: The conference, third edition pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla do this thing : !dup Littlep1 results in assbot going ;;dice and upping on heads
gribble: tails
kakobrekla: not sure whats the point of gribble, dont you trust my pnrg??
mircea_popescu: for display
mircea_popescu: so the noob sees it lol
kakobrekla: posterity
Littlep1: i'm not ashamed I know what I am
kakobrekla: imma go out now, later.
Littlep1: thanks again mate
mircea_popescu: holy shit kako goes out now ?!
mircea_popescu: how long have i been asleep!
kakobrekla: dun worry its not too far.
Littlep1: I'll study that guide and give it a go later. Interesting I often read the Trilema blog back in the day
mircea_popescu: what day was that ?
mircea_popescu: and who were you on btctalk -pr wants to know ?
mircea_popescu: ;;gettrust bitstein
gribble: WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user mircea_popescu to user bitstein: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 1 via 1 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=mircea_popescu&dest=bitstein | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=bitstein | Rated since: Thu May 29 11:37:42 2014
Littlep1: Malcolm .. oh wait Little P bit
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell bitstein re http://trilema.com/2014/the-conference-third-edition/#comment-100549 remind me, which service do you run ?
assbot: The conference, third edition pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
gribble: The operation succeeded.
Littlep1: Little P 1
Littlep1: is my bitcoin talk adde
Littlep1: Pr put a post up about crypto start ups in 2013
Littlep1: and i thought it was really good so I sent him/her a pm thanking them since I made use of it when setting up my own
mircea_popescu: so what crypto start-up is this ?
Littlep1: It's only small im trying to create crypto investment products in the UK its called Cryptovest
Littlep1: Cryptovest Financial Services
mircea_popescu: what's your background ?
Littlep1: My hope is to educate more non techy people on getting involved with crypto currencies
Littlep1: banking
Littlep1: private equity
Littlep1: asset managment
assbot: #bitcoin-assets log
Littlep1: risk analysis
mircea_popescu: Littlep1 that's vague. specifically, what;s your background.
Littlep1: sorry not Cryptovest
Littlep1: search me on google dude wait do u mind if I pm you now ?
mircea_popescu: yes. i don't carry private conversations with people i don't know.
mircea_popescu: i'm sure anything you want to say to me can be said here as well.
Littlep1: Yea i guess
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11162 @ 0.00084778 = 9.4629 BTC [-] {2}
Littlep1: give me a moment ill find you a link
assbot: Malcolm Oluwasanmi - timetotrade
Littlep1: what did assbot just do did it reach the code and then auto post under it
Littlep1: I have alot to learn
Littlep1: Right thats alot from when i spoke about bitcoin to some HNW investors
assbot: National Investment Club Conference - timetotrade
Littlep1: Mostly spoke about volatile , hedging , methods to reduce risks with exotic currencies and applying the same methods to crypto currencies with the application of a risk engine.
Littlep1: volatility*
mircea_popescu: a so you worked for bri and then went out on your own
Littlep1: nope
Littlep1: then i wen
Littlep1: give me a moment
assbot: Let me google that for you
Littlep1: I was still at University then so i set up a University Investment fund in 2011
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: If I remember correctly bitstein does something with the Satoshi institute.
Littlep1: In 2012 we created an alternative investment fund not much and with that we focused on arb strategies with crypto currencies around 2013
Littlep1: Then i stumbled on a way to get around the counter party risk element and decided to leave my job at Lloydsbank
Littlep1: to raise the funding to operate it full time
Littlep1: im still a noob but im trying
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo o right you are
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell bitstein nm BingoBoingo got me
gribble: The operation succeeded.
Littlep1: what operation is gribble talking about ?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8850 @ 0.00084957 = 7.5187 BTC [+]
BingoBoingo: Littlep1: Lodging a message to deliver later.
BingoBoingo: !up Littlep1
mircea_popescu: !up userguy243
mircea_popescu: Littlep1 can you prove your bmi connection ?
Littlep1: Do u mean BRI ?
Littlep1: hmmmyou could always call them and ask :s
Littlep1: or drop them an email
Littlep1: its on my CV
Littlep1: and on Linked in
Littlep1: they were not that ig jsut about 750 mil
Littlep1: big*
Littlep1: But it was a lovely place to work
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 10 @ 0.02394809 = 0.2395 BTC [+] {3}
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell moiety hey, when you're back please call http://www.brigroup.co.uk/ ask them if a certain mr Malcolm Oluwasanmi that used to work there left you any kind of message.
assbot: BRI Wealth Management - Investment & Portfolio Management
gribble: The operation succeeded.
mircea_popescu: Littlep1 so leave moiety a message.
Littlep1: left them any kind of message?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 7 @ 0.0747 = 0.5229 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: well yes
Littlep1: What does that mean ?
Littlep1: I used to work there years ago
Littlep1: I didn't leave a message
mircea_popescu: right right, but looky here
Littlep1: just a few coffe stains
mircea_popescu: anyone can claim they worked in x place years ago.
mircea_popescu: we're trying to verify this
mircea_popescu: and you proposed i call them
Littlep1: meh ok go for it.
mircea_popescu: well unless you also get in touch with them it'll fail and i'll go "oh, littlep is that guy that tried to impersonate Malcolm Oluwasanmi on irc one day"
Littlep1: meh ok go for it.i have not spoken with them in a while though mention I was black that might spark their memory
Littlep1: they will be like Malcolm who >.>
mircea_popescu: gotta have a hr dept no ?
Littlep1: ahhhh the tall dark handsome one
Littlep1: it was pretty small i'm sure they will recall me many of them are on my linked in connections still
mircea_popescu: yes but step with me here : i'm not trying to verify a black guy by x name worked there at some point.
mircea_popescu: im trying to verifyYOU're that black guy.
Littlep1: I know a way you can do it do you have skype ?
mircea_popescu: so give them a call and ask em to please say hi to moiety if she calls for you.
Littlep1: moiety ?
mircea_popescu: moiety does. she's our secretary.
userguy243: thanks for the voice mircea
Littlep1: Do I pronounce it Mo - etty ?
Littlep1: I will just drop them an email. It has been over 3-4 years
Littlep1: In fact that will work for you as well send them an email
Littlep1: ask for Paul my old boss to verify if Malcolm O ever used to work there
mircea_popescu: i dont trustemails.
Apocalyptic: you're missing the point
Littlep1: are you trying to be smart :) and promote the WOT
Littlep1: okok ill get to it
Littlep1: this week
Littlep1: il even try to crack GPG or w.e its called
Littlep1: i thought i registred this wallet with gribble
Littlep1: but the guide on bitoin assets wiki looks much better
Littlep1: but if u ever do want to prove who I am... call me on skype add Cryptovest
Littlep1: also if u ever need to hedge the BTC price
Littlep1: to make an order in the future like buy a house or a car ect
Littlep1: or hedge your mining rig hosting costs
Littlep1: i have nothing to hide
mircea_popescu: sorta like x.eur ?
Littlep1 stands and pretends to understand what x.eur means
mircea_popescu: !t m x.eur
assbot: [MPEX:X.EUR] 1D: 0 / 0 / 0 (0 shares, 0 BTC), 7D: 0.00206766 / 0.00212705 / 0.00216962 (3761 shares, 8.00 BTC), 30D: 0.0019005 / 0.00248318 / 0.0031169 (11792 shares, 29.28 BTC)
mircea_popescu: you can also read the contracton mpex/discussion on trilema
Littlep1: erm i have like 4 people pming me about hedging services
Littlep1: im still new to this chat so please bear with me
fluffypony: oh Littlep1 is the one that commented on my Lilac Breasted Usagi bird video
fluffypony just made the connection
assbot: Announcing GPUMoney, Monetize Your Gaming! GPUMoney.com
Littlep1: yes that was me lol
Littlep1: I couldnt stop laugthing I thought i was going to die. I fell off my chair when i realised what you had done
Littlep1: he sent me an email about the corporate failures list threatening to sue me
Apocalyptic: usagi ?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 88 @ 0.00240155 = 0.2113 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 10 @ 0.24208859 = 2.4209 BTC [-] {3}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18300 @ 0.00085011 = 15.557 BTC [+] {2}
mircea_popescu: fucking "smart" peripherals and fuckingidiots making them
mircea_popescu: so thos monitor keeps thinking it knows better what resolution to run on than me
mircea_popescu: soon the keyboards will come with word replacementchips and im going tostart using small arms on random people.
assbot: Last 3 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/21ZDZ9P.txt )
xmj: benkay: you around?
pankkake: didn't apple invent it already? autocorrect without asking you
mircea_popescu: Littlep1 i wouldn't worry too much, he already sold his guitar in 2013
pankkake: because they knowbetter than you
mircea_popescu: pankkake if it did i was blisfully unaware
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4850 @ 0.00085042 = 4.1245 BTC [+] {3}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 7 @ 0.242 = 1.694 BTC [-]
assbot: On MaidSafe's futility, and on Daniel Larimer's ignorance
mircea_popescu: "Mom and pop get arrested for, what, receiving a note and having time or energy or impetus to check?"
mircea_popescu: missing a negative there
fluffypony checks
fluffypony: k fixed
mircea_popescu: ;;dexx7 http://blog.spagni.net/posts/2014-04-24/#comment-1361730776 << you should make your own blogyou know.
assbot: On MaidSafe's futility, and on Daniel Larimer's ignorance
gribble: Error: "dexx7" is not a valid command.
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell dexx7 http://blog.spagni.net/posts/2014-04-24/#comment-1361730776 << you should make your own blogyou know.
assbot: On MaidSafe's futility, and on Daniel Larimer's ignorance
gribble: The operation succeeded.
mircea_popescu: "He later backtracked over his statement later saying it was out-of-context"
mircea_popescu: gotta proof yo
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10098 @ 0.00085105 = 8.5939 BTC [+] {2}
fluffypony link is fucked, will fix, but it's linked straight after that statement - https://bitsharestalk.org/index.php?topic=4090.msg54901#msg54901
assbot: MaidSafe IPO on Mastercoin - page 11 - General Discussion - BitShares Forum
mircea_popescu: also that show more thing is annoying if you ask me
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.07352183 = 0.2206 BTC [-] {2}
mircea_popescu: !up realzies
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo turns out rabite decided to go derp instead. http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-06-2014#708384
assbot: #bitcoin-assets log
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: I saw and was saddened.
mircea_popescu: people can't think.
mircea_popescu: anyway, i won't touch it now, so i guess time for publishin' archives.
fluffypony: hmmmm - just discovered that with ssls.com (where I get all my cheap Comodo domain validation certs from) all of their domain validation certs are 2048-bit key length max
BingoBoingo: ;;google site:trilema.com art of punishment
gribble: The bitchslapping of 2013… pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.: <http://trilema.com/the-bitchslapping-of-2013>; Economic cycles finally explained pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea ...: <http://trilema.com/2014/economic-cycles-finally-explained/>; La Florida and other places pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.: <http://trilema.com/2014/la-florida-and-other-places/>
fluffypony: where can I get a domain validation cert that allows 4096-bit or 8192-bit? don't want an EV or OV cert
mircea_popescu: there's reallyno solutions ot the pki crap.
mircea_popescu: drop https, basically.
fluffypony: yeah this is ridiculous
fluffypony: my choices are self-signed 4096-bit or EV, fuck EV
davout: fluffypony: what's wrong with EV + signed key?
davout: best of both worlds
davout: also nice blog post
fluffypony: davout: too much time required for what is supposed to be a relatively simple experiment
assbot: “I saw, and was saddened.” pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
mircea_popescu: and i trust you've seen your signed damages statement ?
fluffypony: I wouldn't mind the cost if they processed stuff 24 hours a day and I got a cert within minutes
fluffypony: and thanks
mircea_popescu: or ritalin with everyorder.
davout: the last ev cert i got was ridiculous
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Indeed. I'm working on a blog post atm addressing the legal situation.
davout: "we need to verify your phone number is the actual phone number for the company"
mircea_popescu: "so look it up" ?
davout: "so if you could please register your company in that online directory that doesn't check shit whatsoever, that'd be great"
mircea_popescu: !up bitcoinhtx
fluffypony: davout: "and then we'll get back to you within 3-7 working days"
mircea_popescu: why do you people even put up with this shit is beyond me
davout: "please fill a web form on some unrelated site"
mircea_popescu: just so some forum tards possessed of .1 btc don't bitch about your "very poor security" which they don't grok ?
davout: fluffypony: in this case it was relatively quick and painless
davout: but also useless
davout: on the subject of not groking security andreas derpopoulos is the fucking best
mircea_popescu: whatever you do empowers whoever you're doing it with. when you fill in some webform for the retardation, you strengthen the retardation.
mircea_popescu: "even davout uses our system"
mircea_popescu: what then ?
fluffypony: hah hah
fluffypony: "AS USED BY DAVOUT" splashed across the front page
davout: bah
mircea_popescu: "davout got his start in his early days from our company"
davout: oh boy
mircea_popescu: yes well. there be consequences.
fluffypony: consequences will never be the same
davout: would you download a consequence?
fluffypony: you dun goof'd
mircea_popescu: <fluffypony> "AS USED BY DAVOUT" splashed across the front page << and you know the only reason - and i do mean the ONLY reason - this is not happening right now is because he's not big enough yet.
mircea_popescu: "Davos: I turned down an invitation to speak at the World Economic Congress in Davos (for no honorarium) – in spite of the argument for “interaction with global leaders” (they sent me a list of hotshots: almost no one worth having conversation with). I’d rather spend time working in a café, with real people around."
mircea_popescu: pity he doesn't have an irc chan to invite them to move over (for no honorarium)
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19300 @ 0.00085067 = 16.4179 BTC [-] {2}
benkay: morning, princessnell
princessnell: hey benkay. how's it going?
assbot: Inconvenience | Bingo Blog
benkay: rather well, princessnell. things are cooking. yourself?
fluffypony: penguirker is getting faster
princessnell: good to hear. all's well with me.
BingoBoingo: fluffypony: It is taking its time doing so though
fluffypony: BingoBoingo: pankkake should rewrite it using Swift and then host it on iCloud and use push notifications from blogs
fluffypony: problem solved
pankkake: blogs.b-a polls every 7 minutes, and sends to irc immediately
pankkake: there are ping/subscribe systems, but it doesn't support it
mthreat: BingoBoingo: Just read your blog post. It's a common negotiating technique to use the "I want to do X but my superior won't let me", making you feel like you're in the same side against his superior.
mthreat: BingoBoingo: You could file a motion for speedy trial, which should force them to hold it within 90 days (in the US)
assbot: Starting a new FPGA mining farm/contract! Cognitive Resurrected on[Havelock]
BingoBoingo: mthreat: Of course. The thing is I'm not seeking a risky trial in front of a jury full of idiots.
mthreat: BingoBoingo: and they probably know that
BingoBoingo: mthreat: The thing is I know they don't want a trial either.
mircea_popescu: resurected again ?!
mircea_popescu: lol reselling .1 btc worth of "information"
kakobrekla: resurrected in a sense they are again lookin at where the moneies gone
kakobrekla: its pretty funnie
mircea_popescu: anywya, im out. laters.
assbot: All about X.EUR future on MPEx - serialized delusions
kakobrekla: he is down btw
kakobrekla: !up Swadq
kakobrekla: fuckin assbot
CheckDavid: kakobrekla: how is that fpga project going?
kakobrekla: you know people have asics now
CheckDavid: I do.
CheckDavid: But I am involved with an FPGA project
CheckDavid: For mining
CheckDavid: Not much for sha2 though
CheckDavid: More like scrypt and other algos
kakobrekla: !up Swadq
kakobrekla: !up Swadq
kakobrekla: now you can talk here as well.
Swadq: Great, thank you :)
kakobrekla: CheckDavid well im not the expert on the matter.
kakobrekla: anyway this is Swadq , some new bitcoin blood, he made a tipping bot or something and thats all i know
Swadq: Hello guys :)
kakobrekla: anyway you asked what is the purpuse of this chan, nobody knows but if you are going to be in one, be in this one.
Swadq: Ha, fair enough! Thank you
Swadq: I was just reading over bitcoin-assets.com
Swadq: I’m not entirely sure what the “how to get listed” section is referring to
kakobrekla: its not for you prolly then
Swadq: Fair enough - is it something to do with adding a new exchange to the bot?
kakobrekla: something like that yea
Swadq: Are you the op here, then?
assbot: #bitcoin-assets rules and regulations pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
Swadq: Thank you
BingoBoingo: %ticker
atcbot: [X-BT] Bid: 144 Ask: 270 Last Price: 273 24h-Vol: 0k High: N/A Low: N/A VWAP: N/A
atcbot: 40k@278 28k@277 2k@270 | 4k@144 50k@143 175k@142
atcbot: [ATC Diff] Current Diff: 715369.85 Est. Next Diff: 130223.83 in 1902 blocks (#36288) Est. % Change: -81.80
CheckDavid: kakobrekla: you know what the good thing about FPGAs is?
CheckDavid: They can mine multiple algorithms
CheckDavid: And be repurposed easily for any other coin mining
fluffypony: AND they're slow and expensive
fluffypony: so win win win, really
fluffypony: (relatively slow)
benkay: !up Swadq what we need is a coin tuned for fpga and cpu architectures
assbot: Computer becomes first to pass Turing Test in artificial intelligence milestone, but academics warn of dangerous future - Gadgets and Tech - Life & Style - The Independent
jurov: lol just wanted to past it
kakobrekla: > It convinced 33 per cent of the judges that it was human,
kakobrekla: how is this a pass
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4000 @ 0.00085015 = 3.4006 BTC [-]
jurov: benkay such coin would be only feasible if it often completely and unpredictably changed its algoritm
assbot: Thanks for nothing, jerkface | ZDNet
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27050 @ 0.00084809 = 22.9408 BTC [-] {3}
jurov: ;;bc,stats
gribble: Current Blocks: 304843 | Current Difficulty: 1.1756551916903952E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 306431 | Next Difficulty In: 1588 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 3 days, 19 hours, 15 minutes, and 55 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None
benkay: chetty: did you read the one about bots accumulating piles of followers?
benkay: (on twitter, that is)
xmj: bots following bots?
chetty: benkay, yeah, bots are better than ppls, I believe it
assbot: Environment: Accelerate research on land creation : Nature News & Comment
CheckDavid: fluffypony: as far as I know they are only slow compared to asics
fluffypony: CheckDavid: depends on the algorithm
fluffypony: shit like X11 and X13 may use less power on an FPGA
CheckDavid: Yes. And how it is programmed into the board
fluffypony: but I would imagine it's a lot harder to write that than wrote it for OpenCL or CUDA
Naphex: o/
CheckDavid: I wish I knew what that was fluffypony
benkay: tests are passing. what was i working on before the tests all went sour?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.2425 = 0.485 BTC [+] {2}
fluffypony: CheckDavid: OpenCL and CUDA are for GPU processing
CheckDavid: I see.
fluffypony: and s/wrote/writing
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17550 @ 0.00084607 = 14.8485 BTC [-] {3}
kakobrekla: !up teward
kakobrekla triggered wot police
teward: eheh.... kakobrekla, not really, you triggered the "suspicious" flag for me, usually happens when i'm out of the loop :P
teward lurks
kakobrekla: no work, no sin.
teward: :P
BingoBoingo: !up lolstate
BingoBoingo: !up skinnkavaj
BingoBoingo: !up bitcoingirl
BingoBoingo: !up RainMan28
BingoBoingo: !up bitcoingirl
bitcoingirl: thanks!
bitcoingirl: +mircea_popescu you here?
BingoBoingo: I think he took off for a while.
kakobrekla: ;;notes
gribble: I currently have notes waiting for aegis, agentx24, anarkitty, bakinat, bcb, bitstein, cevidad, congrats, Immukization, Immuzikkation, jmcorgan, jtrunerbtc, kyledrake, moiety, mr_burdell, MurphyLawn, nubbins, nubbins`i, Phinnaeus, popeofdope, and ryepdx.
kakobrekla: i thought i saw bitcoingirl inthere one of these days
bitcoingirl: I've been here before
bitcoingirl: did anyone here with with mircea on the SEC Voorhees case?
kakobrekla: its in the logs
bitcoingirl: idk how to find it
bitcoingirl: it was just settled last week so i doubt there is new material
jurov: ;;google bitcoingirl site:log.bitcoin-assets.com
gribble: NEXT: 21-05-2014 - #bitcoin-assets log - bitcoin-assets.com: <http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-05-2014>; home | log | bash | stats | wiki - #bitcoin-assets log: <http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=06-06-2014>; NEXT: 05-05-2014 - #bitcoin-assets log: <http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=05-05-2014&bots=true>
kakobrekla: its a day or two ago
kakobrekla: well that, or im completely spaced out.
assbot: The SEC Bares its Gums and Settles with Erik | Bingo Blog
jurov: no new info, just our general opinion
kakobrekla: yes and mind, this was posted before coindesk did it!
kakobrekla: !up RainMan28
kakobrekla: RainMan28 you need to be in l2 with assbot to up yourself
RainMan28: ah ok
RainMan28: yeah I'm far away from that
jurov: RainMan28: ratings may be cheaper than you think
kakobrekla: eh? nothing in the wot is far.
jurov: such as, do you perchance have active coinbr account?
chetty: bitcoingirl, no, he{s here. give it a few hours
RainMan28: coinbr? Nope, never heard of them jurov
kakobrekla: no coinbr account? then one must resolve to hookers.
bitcoingirl: what's the general consensus on MPEx becoming an SRO
kakobrekla: the TLD is pending!
benkay: bitcoingirl: MPEx is already an SRO.
benkay: #bitcoin-assets is also an SRO.
benkay: what's up in the air is USG recognizing the above facts.
bitcoingirl: has any government institution around the world delegated authority to it?
benkay: one cannot delegate authority to bitcoin entities. one can only recognize them.
benkay: nobody delegated me a cock, and yet.
BingoBoingo: bitcoingirl: There is a differance between beings, and external recognition of being
benkay: it gets sucked.
bitcoingirl: haha can i quote you on that?
benkay: it's in the public record...
bitcoingirl: what are your thoughts on DATA then?
jurov: also, slovak national bank did it by declaring all virtual currency transactions to be exclusive domain of transacting parties.
benkay: bitcoingirl: DATA?
jurov: ECB did something ike that, too
bitcoingirl: Digital Asset Transfer Authority?
benkay: re DATA: "Patrick Murck, Bitcoin Foundation
benkay: criminals, i guess.
assbot: Meet the DATA Annual Meeting Speakers | DATA
benkay: voting members: ... "brock pierce" and pedobears.
jurov: evoor and wences are there
benkay: and what authority is this? some self-styled best and first most authoritative source for the terminally blind?
benkay: bitcoingirl: d'you get the drift?
bitcoingirl: ok just asking
benkay: not trying to bite or anything, i'm just asking if you get the picture.
jurov: The Committee for the Establishment... "Nejc Kodrič".."Jered Kenna" i think i made my opinion
benkay: is tradehill even a thing anymore?
bitcoingirl: +benkay - so how was the SEC able to bring charges against voorhees since Mpex is overseas?
benkay: you'll note he was prosecuted for the scam he IPO'd himself, not S.DICE>
benkay: or...should have noted.
bitcoingirl: tradehill is not anything anymore
benkay: so we begin to draw a picture of this DATA thing - they flaunt dead operations as proof of their relevance.
bitcoingirl: i think Kracken and circle are the drivers of the operation
bitcoingirl: patrick just sits on the board as an 'advisor'
benkay: and if i recall correctly, US-ians aren't even allowed to trade on Kraken.
bitcoingirl: but isn't that involved
benkay: it's one of those 'company you keep' things.
benkay: hang out with the scum, get tarred with the brush of scum.
kakobrekla: <jurov> The Committee for the Establishment... "Nejc Kodrič".."Jered Kenna" i think i made my opinion < what the fuck is this shit
kakobrekla: these guys cant even math
kakobrekla: fucking what.
bitcoingirl: do you think the foundation played a part in mt gox?
jurov: kakobrekla: click on "The Announcement"
benkay: DATA and their ilk are the equivalent of soviet or third reich fascist informers.
benkay: glorious heroes in the moment
benkay: reviled traitors for all eternity
jurov: bitcoingirl obviously karpeles was on the board
jurov: and shrem shilled till the last moment
benkay: a better question maybe: what role did the foundation play in supporting the BFL scam?
benkay: and the best question yet: why are any of these fuckers still making noise?
BingoBoingo: benkay: Squandered their Bitcoin for dollars, but still need moar dollars.
benkay: bitcoingirl: do you have enough yet to castrate this whole charade in the mainstream press?
benkay: and i guess more importantly: do you have the reproductive organs to mount the charge?
bitcoingirl: it's certainly frustrating, but I'm focusing on more important matters moving forward
benkay: lol i ain't frustrated, they don't affect me.
bitcoingirl: mount the charge?
benkay: for truth and justice etc
jurov: such as, kenna being serial scammer?
jurov: just to name one of them
benkay: such as foundation soliciting deposits and burning them on trabamborghinis?
benkay: !up bitcoingirl
bitcoingirl: how is keen is serial scammer - i haven't heard this
bitcoingirl: Thanks +benkay
bitcoingirl: kenna*
benkay: (feel free to omit the +, bitcoingirl, it just indicates that this handle has voice)
jurov: after the first incarnation of tradehill closed, deposited bitcoins were never seen again
bitcoingirl: ive spoken with people that got their bitcoins back
benkay: you've taken a sample.
bitcoingirl: he said he couldn't get a bank account... as if it was out of his control
bitcoingirl: i did not do a proper statistical analysis
benkay: and i've talked to people who got their money out of BCS&T - what of it?
benkay: i've even talked to people who made money on cryptostocks, GLBSE, bitcoinbourse (okay maybe not bourse), but you get the point.
benkay: and coinbase will even refund your "get fucked" trades if you complain loudly enough on reddit/twitter/bitcointalk
bitcoingirl: i do - but he is saying that it wasn't his fault tradehill went under bc he couldn't get a bank account
bitcoingirl: +benkay, what country are you primarily located in?
benkay: i wonder how many millions of US were burnt to discover that one cannot do msb + btc in the us.
benkay: los estados unidos, por ahora.
benkay: despues, quien sabes.
davout: "he said he couldn't get a bank account... as if it was out of his control" <<< actually, it wouldn't really surprise me if this was true
benkay: nobody's tried the Paymium approach in the states, afaik.
davout: "i wonder how many millions of US were burnt to discover that one cannot do msb + btc in the us." <<< is there any entity who actually tried to get the license in all states ?
benkay: Kraken.
benkay: they also performed a hasty retrograde maneuver iirc.
benkay: aka Payward.
davout: payward tried to get msb licensed in lots of states?
benkay: when i spoke to ms. choi last she indicated that was the plan. granted, that was forever ago and we've not kept up.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 10 @ 0.07462951 = 0.7463 BTC [+] {4}
benkay: the best part about kraken is the header on their header
benkay: "yo dawg we herd u like web 3.14 so we put some css on your css"
kakobrekla: davout iirc they started as US only
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13200 @ 0.00085015 = 11.222 BTC [+]
kakobrekla: cause i remember laughing about it.
davout: yea, they're lucky fidor took them :-)
benkay: ;;ticker --market kraken
gribble: Kraken BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 646.45777, Best ask: 656.43773, Bid-ask spread: 9.97996, Last trade: 646.54153, 24 hour volume: 0.98730776, 24 hour low: 646.001, 24 hour high: 659.8, 24 hour vwap: 655.83189
benkay: ;;ticker --market bitcoincentral
gribble: Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 655.54615, Best ask: 667.14256357, Bid-ask spread: 11.59641, Last trade: 667.14256357, 24 hour volume: 21.25395645, 24 hour low: 654.864, 24 hour high: 670.55345, 24 hour vwap: 661.679544831
pankkake: ;;ticker --market bitcoincentral --currency eur
gribble: Bitcoin-Central BTCEUR ticker | Best bid: 480.5, Best ask: 488.9999, Bid-ask spread: 8.49990, Last trade: 488.9999, 24 hour volume: 21.25395645, 24 hour low: 480.0, 24 hour high: 491.5, 24 hour vwap: 484.995635
davout: "24 hour volume: 0.98730776" <<< that can't be kraken's eur volume
benkay: ;;ticker --market bitcoincentral --currency eur
gribble: Bitcoin-Central BTCEUR ticker | Best bid: 480.5, Best ask: 488.9999, Bid-ask spread: 8.49990, Last trade: 488.9999, 24 hour volume: 21.25395645, 24 hour low: 480.0, 24 hour high: 491.5, 24 hour vwap: 484.995635
benkay: ;;ticker --market kraken --currency eur
gribble: Kraken BTCEUR ticker | Best bid: 479.65001, Best ask: 480.22868, Bid-ask spread: 0.57867, Last trade: 480.36999, 24 hour volume: 190.24285332, 24 hour low: 478.05478, 24 hour high: 482.5, 24 hour vwap: 480.49926
benkay: davout: ^^
davout: ah, the usd one i guess :)
pankkake: there is to btcusd for bitcoincentral, so gribble invents it. however, there is for kraken, which doesn't see much action
pankkake: s/to/no/
benkay: but, pankkake, they do seem to have some volume on the eur side
pankkake: yes, the have more than bitcoin-central usually
pankkake: I've made a bitbet of kraken vs bc volume but it was refused :(
benkay: what why?
davout: yup, they're blessed with this situation where they have a financial entity backing them, but lets them do the kyc diligences themselves
davout: s/but/which/
benkay: davout: implying they're skimping?
pankkake: they're verification was a joke last time I tried. didn't even have to upload documents for first levels
davout: that's the way i see it, look at their verification tiers, there's no such thing in europe where you can start moving funds without being identified
pankkake: but you give them your name!! it must be true :)
benkay: amazing company.
benkay: pankkake: what was the rejection rationale?
davout: the next step being, "oh wait, now you have money with us, let's start asking questions to let you move it out"
davout: bitstamp-style
benkay: p. typical. is this true of btc accounts as well?
davout: what do you mean ?
benkay: i suppose it would have to be, to work with the paymium model.
benkay: naively, "why do i have to show docs if i'm just showing up with btc and leaving with btc", but i get it.
davout: ah i see
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10413 @ 0.00085073 = 8.8587 BTC [+] {3}
davout: i don't know about kraken, but the paymium approach is that we skip the issue entirely, we verify everyone, if people were only depositing and withdrawing btc they could do it anonymously, but we don't really want that kind of users since we make no money being a wallet
pankkake: benkay: I don't remember, either no paid wager or bad source (bitcoincharts)
benkay: learned your lesson on that one? ;)
benkay: also (and correct me if i'm wrong davout) but if a user ever wants to sell btc via paymium, even if not withdrawing cash, they have to have a french bank account.
davout: there might business models for wallets, but trying to do everything is not the smartest way
davout: a EU bank account
jurov: benkay nope, i'm using slovak acct
benkay: ah, any eurozone account? i don't know much about your banking situations.
davout: yeah
davout: such hail in paris
pankkake: https://anxbtc.com/ wait, what is this?
assbot: ANXBTC Bitcoin Exchange
benkay: volume: 535 B
benkay: riiiiight.
pankkake: neither bc or kraken publish monthly volume themselves :/
pankkake: https://hitbtc.com/ that one too, no idea it even existed
assbot: The most advanced exchange / hitbtc
davout: pankkake: i'm told sometimes the hitbtc orderbook empties all of a sudden, the mm who whas telling me that assumes it's their own bot that sometimes goes offline
assbot: Bitcoin Charts / Markets
Apocalyptic: pankkake, I think I saw Enky point out that hitbtc is faking volume
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 52 @ 0.00239616 = 0.1246 BTC [-] {5}
davout: !up bitcoingirl
BingoBoingo: %ticker
atcbot: [X-BT] Bid: 144 Ask: 270 Last Price: 273 24h-Vol: 0k High: N/A Low: N/A VWAP: N/A
atcbot: 40k@278 28k@277 2k@270 | 4k@144 50k@143 175k@142
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 194 @ 0.00235001 = 0.4559 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13928 @ 0.00085109 = 11.854 BTC [+]
jurov: 1up bitcoinhtx
jurov: !up bitcoinhtx
jurov: !up bitcoinhtx
jurov: !up frankenmint
jurov: !up CoalPowerGorilla
frankenmint: thanks
frankenmint: how do I decrypt the challenge question in dos?
frankenmint: i have gpg and i could register but I can't figure out the proper usage with the challenge link
jurov: frankenmint: dos?
jurov: download the challenge link into a file
jurov: decrypt that file with gpg
frankenmint: okay decrypt got it
jurov: what step makes a problem?
frankenmint: not knowing that I need to save the link into a file
frankenmint: why couldnt i simply pass on the link directly to the cli
dignork: frankenmint: you don't have to, on unix you can run "gpg -d", and paste the message into stdin
jurov: because gpg does not know how to fetch http links?
jurov: if there is curl for dos, just do
jurov: curl <link> | gpg --decrypt
benkay: #bitcoin-assets, supporting dos since 2014
jurov: ;;gettrust assbot frankenmint
gribble: WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user assbot to user frankenmint: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=frankenmint | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=frankenmint | Rated since: Sat Jun 7 08:49:37 2014
fluffypony: ;;rated frankenmint
gribble: You rated user frankenmint on Sat Jun 7 08:49:37 2014, with a rating of 1, and supplied these additional notes: OpenRigs customer, and newly appointed /r/bitcoin mod.
jurov: ;;rate frankenmint 1 on fluffy's recommendation
gribble: Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user frankenmint has been recorded.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.244 = 0.488 BTC [+]
jurov: now you can !up with assbot yourself
frankenmint: thanks coolness
benkay: !up bitcoinhtx
benkay: bitcoin heat exchanger?
fluffypony: so a Bitcoin HVAC technician really
jurov: where is HVAC used in btc?
jurov: boiler rooms, got it
fluffypony: hah hah
peterl: you could use a btc miner to heat your house?
thestringpuller: fluffypony:
fluffypony: thestringpuller:
jurov: peterl: yes
jurov: !up bitcoingirl
bitcoingirl: thanks. i think I'm finished here for now.
benkay: sweet dreams. give 'em hell.
jurov: bitcoingirl, mind sharing the conclusion?
jurov: if any?
bitcoingirl: conclusion of what?
assbot: Neo & Bee talk (spam free thread)
fluffypony: "Whats Dannys real name? is it really Daniel Brewster or what? I hv investors who want to buy the business how do i get hold of him?"
jurov: bitcoingirl whatever you're finished
benkay: i'm sure we'll see it in the next 'this week in bitcoin' from what is it - Forbes, bitcoingirl?
bitcoingirl: i was just trying to get some information on the voorhees case. very interesting subject.
bitcoingirl: tomorrow morning it'll be up
benkay: bitcoingirl: have you read the indictments too?
benkay: or, whatever legal docs the SEC pooped out
bitcoingirl: parts of them.
bitcoingirl: this is my conclusion: "In order for the SEC to consider raising bitcoin a securities offering, they would have to consider bitcoin as ‘money,' which they haven't"
benkay: kinda goes cross-grain to the Shavers case.
benkay: Trendon Shavers/Pirateat40/Bitcoin Savings and Trust ring a bell, bitcoingirl ?
bitcoingirl: exactly
benkay: wait hang on i thought the Shavers case established that they don't care if it's money or not raising funds is raising funds
bitcoingirl: its just not fair for the sec to charge voorhees with offering securities before offering any guidance
benkay: "SEC" "fair" << hue
bitcoingirl: but that's for the courts to decide
bitcoingirl: the shavers case hasn't gone to trial yet
jurov: also, there's that interesting difference between GLBSE and MPEx
jurov: treatment
thestringpuller: and that jurov is the best broker ever
thestringpuller: ;;gettrust jurov
gribble: Currently authenticated from hostmask jurov!~jurov@mx.coinbr.com. Trust relationship from user thestringpuller to user jurov: Level 1: 4, Level 2: 13 via 7 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=thestringpuller&dest=jurov | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=jurov | Rated since: Fri Jan 20 18:16:32 2012
jurov: lol, so you got new password finally?
jurov: what is it?
thestringpuller: yup. painless, gangsta.
thestringpuller: it is !(#&!JSKCNWR*@(#&fhjf3hu(*Fhj3of or something
Apocalyptic: seems legit
benkay: looks good to me
frankenmint: anyone here run bots?
jurov: !up Swadq
Swadq: Thanks jurov
jurov: frankenmint: yes, mircea_popescu runs hanbot
Swadq: I do frankenmint, what's up?
jurov: !up frankenmint
Swadq: Thanks again
frankenmint: thanks
fluffypony: jurov: lol!
frankenmint: and I was going to change out gox for something like coinmkt or cryptsy
Swadq: What about it?
Swadq: Right
frankenmint: is there a recognized rule of thumb for switching a strategy
frankenmint: like if the market goes sideways then use arbitrage otherwise play swing trades
frankenmint: because this looks like its one bot that works across several markets I was going to spend time to build my own bot from scratch that only uses cryptsy
Swadq: I'm afraid I don't know, that's not the sort of bot I run :p I hope someone else can help you
assbot: Milky Chance - Flashed Junk Mind by hillydilly.com on SoundCloud - Hear the worlds sounds
frankenmint: im just not entirely sure which makes better sense of mytime
jurov: 1up akstunt600
jurov: !up akstunt600
jurov: 7up
thestringpuller: ;;gettrust bitcoingirl
gribble: WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user thestringpuller to user bitcoingirl: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=thestringpuller&dest=bitcoingirl | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=bitcoingirl | Rated since: never
benkay: Mats_cd03: can you find something > 20 minutes?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 10 @ 0.07377776 = 0.7378 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7772 @ 0.00085442 = 6.6406 BTC [+]
kakobrekla: <frankenmint> like if the market goes sideways then use arbitrage otherwise play swing trades < yes make it so if the market goes sideways then use arbitrage otherwise play swing trades
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 128 @ 0.00085201 = 0.1091 BTC [-]
benkay: Mats_cd03: good track
kakobrekla: frankenmint the answer to your next question is exactly
kakobrekla: Swadq|Away dont do the away thingy, ktnx
Swadq|Away: kakobrekla what's preferable? Just being idle for 8 hours?
jurov: or /away
kakobrekla: just imagine 200 derps on the chan going |away |sleeping |eating |fucking |cowmilking
Swadq: Fair enough
Swadq: At least we'd be a me to keep tabs
Swadq: Able*
kakobrekla: anyway nothing wrong with being idle
Swadq: Fair enough
Swadq: Goodnight
assbot: Governors Ball Playable Schedule by Gap
davout: pankkake: massive hail too?
assbot: Insomnium - Shadows Of The Dying Sun 2014 (FulL Album) - YouTube
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12272 @ 0.00085201 = 10.4559 BTC [-]
davout: just getting lots of hail here
pankkake: (had to look up the word). nothing and it's very hot
pankkake: thunderstorm en route
pankkake: I guess I'll tone down my Parisan pride tomorrow and pack an umbrella
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 10 @ 0.07377776 = 0.7378 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 33 @ 0.07377776 = 2.4347 BTC [-]
Mats_cd03: benkay: i like it
pankkake: hail is here
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 6 @ 0.0200335 = 0.1202 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.244 = 0.488 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: ;;ticker
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 655.95, Best ask: 658.91, Bid-ask spread: 2.96000, Last trade: 658.62, 24 hour volume: 2687.21042317, 24 hour low: 651.7, 24 hour high: 661.11, 24 hour vwap: 0
mircea_popescu: FabianB what email would you like mpexbot code ?
mircea_popescu: "A person essentially help to make seriously articles I’d state. This is the first time I frequented your website page and thus far? I amazed with the analysis you made to make this actual publish amazing. Magnificent activity"
davout: pankkake: "hail is here" <<< as predicted on -assets
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.0735 = 0.147 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 8 @ 0.07372916 = 0.5898 BTC [+] {2}
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla: how is this a pass << you ever dated ?
kakobrekla: apparently a weird sample
dub: Today, a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration.that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we're the imagination of ourselves. Here's davout with the weather
davout: dub: the guy has a point
assbot: Last 2 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/3RQWP37.txt )
mircea_popescu: dub is like vexual on naxolone
dub: thats bill hicks, suggest to familiarize
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.0728 = 0.1456 BTC [-]
dub: one of 'muricas only useful products
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.07270061 = 0.1454 BTC [-]
cazalla: isn't alex jones bill hicks?
mircea_popescu: wait is alex jones a chick ?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 10 @ 0.0234572 = 0.2346 BTC [-] {3}
decimation: http://fish2.com/ipmi/river.pdf << problem: c-machines are buggy and crash all the time ... solution: glue another c-machine on top of the c-machine ... problem: hardware vendors have crap security on new c-machine ... and you can't examine the firmware
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13000 @ 0.00084877 = 11.034 BTC [-]
assbot: trump
mircea_popescu: pankkake can penguirker also paste new oglafs ?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 76 @ 0.02322812 = 1.7653 BTC [-] {4}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13950 @ 0.00085069 = 11.8671 BTC [+] {2}
pankkake: pretty much any irc bot with rss feed support could, but I planned to write something like that. anyway, for now: no
mircea_popescu: i guess BingoBoingo is stuck doing it by hand
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Of course I am.
decimation: I have a suggestion for content aggregation - use NNTP (usenet)
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell bitcoingirl yes.
gribble: The operation succeeded.
assbot: If Digital Currencies Were Popular Technology Companies...
mircea_popescu: bitcoingirl:idk how to find it << kakobrekla how hard it'd be to add full log search ? google is a bitchy little piece of shit that's not indexing half the days.
mircea_popescu: maybe limit to 12 searches/ip/day or something ?
cazalla: clearly i've been looking at the wrong alex jones
kakobrekla: it depends how well its made
kakobrekla: look at google and they still dont have shit together
mircea_popescu: but i mean, just run grep and report the results on a page
mircea_popescu: or wait, is it php ? does php even have bindings to run bash ?
davout: "does php even have bindings to run bash ?" <<< wut
kakobrekla: you could but you dont want to do that
thestringpuller: you can run shell from php but you don't want to do that
mircea_popescu: actually i imagine the logs'd be in a db anyway rather than in files
kakobrekla: its not text files anyway
decimation: the problem with everything is idiots and spammers
decimation: limit searching to those in the wot
decimation: everything becomes simple
mircea_popescu: ;;search "derpy herp", assbot checks if guy is in l2 and pastes output ?
gribble: (search <word>) -- Searches for <word> in the current configuration variables.
kakobrekla: i can see ascii breaking it.
mircea_popescu: if he does we negrate him
mircea_popescu: or make him pay moar beer fund.
davout: kakobrekla: the log already chokes on nicks containing caps
mthreat: mircea_popescu: I've been thinking about making a log search. A handy search-as-a-service might come in handy there.
mircea_popescu: but anyway, this will become a serious problem, already i spend too much time searching the logs
kakobrekla: davout ?
mircea_popescu: o right, this happens to be what mthreat does for a living iirc
davout: backslashes
decimation: So I'm on vacation in Maui, and I find the local "Hawai'i" culture amusing. Mostly it's white people and the descendents of Korean slaves pretending to have something in common with war-like primative tribes who used to live here.
mircea_popescu: davout this because caps are evil in the ass of the lord.
assbot: Thinking in Transactions Bitcoin Magazine
kakobrekla: wasnt that fixed
mircea_popescu: decimation sounds like someone on their way to cultural sensitivity boot camp
\\ohai: test
kakobrekla: yeah. fuick you.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 5 @ 0.07270061 = 0.3635 BTC [-]
davout: kakobrekla: five mazeltovs to you
punkman: I was working on a log search thingy but then I forgot about it, ask me again in a few days
decimation: hehe well the amusing thing about it is that loads of "spiritual" new-age white people (eat pray love) come here to find themselves a culture, because they aren't allowed to have one back in the mainland
mircea_popescu: i was going to ask you in a few days but then i ated it.
kakobrekla: you need to index all the shit then
mthreat: mircea_popescu: is there an API to get the logs? not hard to write a crawler for it, but an API would be nice
kakobrekla: ill add something to assbot
mircea_popescu: mthreat not afaik
mircea_popescu: cause we all have flatfile logs and well... lazy i guess
mthreat: I was going to use something like log(poster's WoT score) as the "pageRank" equivalent for ranking the results
mircea_popescu: wot score is not intended to be used as a scalar.
mircea_popescu: ;;google what the wot is how to use it
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 11 @ 0.0255004 = 0.2805 BTC [-] {2}
gribble: Ammo - World Of Tanks: <http://wiki.worldoftanks.com/Ammo>; The Definitive Idiot's Guide To High Explosive Ammunition - Game ...: <http://forum.worldoftanks.eu/index.php?/topic/312414-the-definitive-idiots-guide-to-high-explosive-ammunition/>; World of Tanks: High Explosive Ammo Guide (HE) - Glenn0010 ...: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qGn9FxdhXw>
mircea_popescu: dude srsly.
mircea_popescu: ;;google trilema what the wot is how to use it
gribble: What the WoT is for, how it works and how to use it. pe Trilema - Un ...: <http://trilema.com/2014/what-the-wot-is-for-how-it-works-and-how-to-use-it/>; Advanced WoT course : how the WoT is attacked, and how ... - Trilema: <http://trilema.com/2014/advanced-wot-course-how-the-wot-is-attacked-and-how-it-defends-itself/>; On periphery and the peripheral. Ephemerides are also ... - (1 more message)
mircea_popescu: there mthreat, first link/
mthreat: ok i'll look at it. it's easy to change the ranking function
davout: mthreat: the search should be as dumb as possible imo
davout: ideally a bit smarter than a grep, but i'd beware of fancyness
mthreat: davout: ok. I'll make it open so folks can submit pull requests or whatever.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17500 @ 0.0008487 = 14.8523 BTC [-] {2}
mircea_popescu: there is nothing smarter than grep gtfo
thestringpuller: perl -p -i -e
gribble: Error: "perl" is not a valid command.
gribble: What do you think I am, a shell?
gribble: Error: "ll" is not a valid command.
mthreat: davout: and if assbot can do a REST request and interpret a JSON result, that part should be straightforward too
decimation: I would do exactly what a monk in 1300 would do - make a concordance of each day's logs and then make an index of the concordance
davout: mircea_popescu: i guess i you regexp you're good
mircea_popescu: davout because srsly, regexp is turing complete!
gribble: Error: "rm" is not a valid command.
davout: mthreat: not to nitpick, but there's no such thing as a rest request
davout: :D
BingoBoingo: ;;ed logs
gribble: Google found nothing.
mthreat: ok, as long as you know what I meant ;)
davout: k i'm off, night all
mircea_popescu: im starting to suspect davout has been sleepingon the couch for like a week
davout: lol
mircea_popescu: he's got nitpicks with everyone
mircea_popescu: slash slash ///
mircea_popescu: the tarzan kid or w/e his name is has started a trend nao
bitcoinpete: ;;later tell davout lol well played
gribble: The operation succeeded.
mircea_popescu: bitcoin girl was looking for you earlier.
bitcoinpete: didn't see my name pop up in the logs...
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla: no coinbr account? then one must resolve to hookers. << you mean resort yea ?
mircea_popescu: bitcoinpete im just being an asshole.
kakobrekla: yeah.
assbot: New inbox filter for emails containing "New York," "coming to the Bay Area," "writing an article," "pick your brain" ---> auto-reply "NOPE."
benkay: no no, coinbr resolves to hookers
bitcoinpete: mircea_popescu: i've been had!
assbot: The dream of having computers behave like humans is coming true, with the transformation, in a single generation, of humans into computers.
BingoBoingo: ^ If only
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo the bestpart being that the susie chick is practically nobody anyway.
bitcoinpete: ;;later tell benkay shibboleeeet http://xkcd.com/806/
assbot: xkcd: Tech Support
gribble: The operation succeeded.
mircea_popescu: bitcoingirl: i think Kraken and circle are the drivers of the operation << SV "Bitcoin" VCs are quickly becoming this place elephants go to die.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: The best part from he being a practical nobody is that there is a still lesser class such that even nobodies need autoresponders to dismiss them.
mircea_popescu: i had no idea they did that, moreover, pretty sure they didn't USE to do it.
mthreat: ^ that's what I was trying to do
mircea_popescu: anyway, this unearthed a bug in the credits script so you get double credit mthreat
mthreat: sweet
thestringpuller: hooray hooray!
thestringpuller: educate yo'selfs
mthreat: mircea_popescu: success
mircea_popescu: benkay: and the best question yet: why are any of these fuckers still making noise? << apparently, lack of any sort of conservation instinct.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Maybe the problem is the uranium mines have been unveiled yet?
mircea_popescu: i guess.
kakobrekla: FabianB
kakobrekla: !mp book
kakobrekla: !mp ticker
mircea_popescu: pretty cute.
BingoBoingo: I mean they've been hinted at, but some people probably won't believe until they are wearing an breathing aparatus and hoping it holds so the Radon doesn't asphyxiate them.
mircea_popescu: davout: yup, they're blessed with this situation where they have a financial entity backing them, but lets them do the kyc diligences themselves << dubious blessing.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo so far, it'd seem the playbook of the vc twerp is, "1. eat as much conference rubber duck as possible ; 2. show trial ; 3. become usg informant"
mircea_popescu: in a few years it'll be practically speaking la serenissima vs a horde of mindless zombies controlled by the secretary of crypto, labour, housing, healthcare and other human services
mircea_popescu: it'll have a special crest with an eagle holding cocks.
BingoBoingo: Wasn't that the first draft of the S.NSA logo?
mircea_popescu: yeah. which explains it.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18150 @ 0.00085415 = 15.5028 BTC [+] {3}
BingoBoingo: I'm guessing the first Secretary of crypto is probably going to be Jay-Z or Ashton Kutcher, because VC celibrities in the flea circus like to imagine celberities in the Hollywood circus care for them.
benkay: hey who wants to sell me a data center
mircea_popescu: pankkake: but you give them your name!! it must be true :) << actually this is how england worked, back when it was still a respectable country, up until the socialist revolution of the 80s.
mircea_popescu: if you gave your name, the policeman was not at liberty to doubt your word.
benkay: bitcoinpete: leet leet leet
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo nah, it'll be yet another famished dc lawyer.
bitcoinpete: benkay: :D
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Also a possibility.
mircea_popescu: by the way, whilke going through bsas' jewish quarter today it occured to me : what if the yamaka exists solelyto hide baldness ?
mircea_popescu: imagine, a whole people of men who don't have to worry about their thin spot anymore.
benkay: lol what did they start caring about their guts?
mircea_popescu: but there's a shawl too.
benkay: that's to display wealth with fabric, thread and dye, not to conceal the rotundity of being well-fed.
mircea_popescu: how you know.
benkay: leastaways that's how i've always read it. odds of me being wrong on a thing are like 9:1
benkay: grew up in it.
benkay: tallit's an important gift to the newly adultified.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Generally in the US baseball caps are used to hide bald spots and thinning hair. I kind of though tthe concept was cribbed from the Jews.
mircea_popescu: benkay just sayin', you never know what the REAL purpose is.
benkay: sure ofc
mircea_popescu: that's the heart of all conspiracy
benkay: social conformity, 900 others, bla bla bla
assbot: BtcAlpha.com F.MPIF Tracker estimated NAV per share: 0.00021703 BTC (Total: 434.08 BTC). Last trade for F.MPIF on MPEX was at 0.00021725 BTC [+]
BingoBoingo: !jd mpif
assbot: Current MPIF account balance on Just-Dice: 170.49500922 BTC; -0.06019199 BTC (-0.0353%) since last check 1d 21h 52m 10s ago.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13851 @ 0.0008552 = 11.8454 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: frankenmint: why couldnt i simply pass on the link directly to the cli << you could open the link in a browser and past the contents directly to the cli
mircea_popescu: or use some sort of pipes with wget to do this
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla: <frankenmint> like if the market goes sideways then use arbitrage otherwise play swing trades < yes make it so if the market goes sideways then use arbitrage otherwise play swing trades << the humour of this has not been lost on me.
mircea_popescu: no milk ;/
kakobrekla calls usagi
mircea_popescu: i think this may be scam ;/
kakobrekla: maybe he can dox milk for 0.1 btc
mircea_popescu: or ddos it from his home computer
BingoBoingo: ;;google site:bitcoin-assets.com risperidone milk
gribble: No matches found.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 48200 @ 0.00085017 = 40.9782 BTC [-] {2}
bitcoinpete: mircea_popescu benkay tallits also bulk up the shoulders nicely, hiding the kind of scrawniness that can only come with paper pushing
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25050 @ 0.00084797 = 21.2416 BTC [-] {3}
thestringpuller: "if your brother was a good king, he'd still be alive" -tywin
benkay: the domain man.systems is available
benkay: i discovered this with http://dumb.domains
assbot: DUMB.domains
benkay: and was paid to deliver this message
benkay: ;;later tell fluffypony frisky.holdings lol you can use that for your future fund
gribble: The operation succeeded.
benkay: whoa fp offline for once
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 50100 @ 0.00085274 = 42.7223 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 5000 @ 0.00007007 = 0.3504 BTC [-] {4}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1750 @ 0.00007001 = 0.1225 BTC [-] {2}
mircea_popescu: mike_c hey i wanna argue with you some more. you busy ?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 37 @ 0.07377776 = 2.7298 BTC [+]
mike_c: fire away
mircea_popescu: so, are all your btc currently invested in like stocks and shit ?
mike_c: hm
mike_c: hypothetically what do you call panacea? that's not stock and shit
mircea_popescu: doesn't have to be the personal you. the theoretical you, as described by must always eat cake
mircea_popescu: ok, securities.
mike_c: theoretically JD isn't a security, it's bankrolling a casino.
mircea_popescu: it's a security (an adjusted debenture)
mike_c: ok. seems like a broad definition, but then yes, i suppose the theoritcal me is invested in securities.
BingoBoingo: Is uranium mine a security?
mike_c: to be clear (for the last time) we aren't talking about me, but what I would recommend.
BingoBoingo: And if so is it cake?
mircea_popescu: yourownership of it is.
mircea_popescu: mike_c your theoretical model.
mike_c: my theoritcal model would be 95% invested, yeas
mike_c: yeah
mircea_popescu: your theoretical model would be broke.
mike_c: it would disagree :D
mike_c: you mean it would be illiquid?
mircea_popescu: that shit where you're 95% invested at age 30 because whatever, you'll make more stiictly depends on fiat being paper.
mike_c: no, you're invested because no reason not to have your money out working for you
mircea_popescu: anyway, what i had in mind just got shot because i wasn't expecting you to be this reckless :D
mike_c: hehe
mike_c: why sit around with a huge cash balance that isn't growing when there are good investment opportunities?
mircea_popescu: can't fucking argue with you without a degree in mikeity.
mircea_popescu: i'lltell you why
mircea_popescu: ever heard of thierry de la villehuchet ?
mike_c: no
mircea_popescu: french aristocrat from a family that had been doing banking for centuries
mike_c: hm, a madoff investor
mircea_popescu: recently killed himself, over the net results of the wrong answer to that question
mike_c: lots of investors jump off buildings during every crisis cuz they are dumb.
mike_c: i'm not saying put 95% of your cash in pirate. or in a variety of investments that are all actually putting their money in pirate.
mircea_popescu: but can you know.
mike_c: yes.
mircea_popescu: which conveniently fixes the shotwound in my idea.
mike_c: heh. pleasure doing business.
mircea_popescu: the reason the theoretical you wants to buy "shitty" investments is that buying all the good investments and only those exposes you to a class risk
mircea_popescu: ie, they're not likely to be unrelated, whether you know this or not.
mircea_popescu: ie, they're all into pirate.
mike_c: JD is not actually running some elaborate fake movie on its site while secretly running a ponzi.
mircea_popescu: this is besides the point tho
mircea_popescu: human activity is bound in that it's run by humans.
mike_c: ok..
mike_c: so the class risk is that all BTC bizness could go belly up?
mike_c: like by some decree?
mike_c: i propose doog and kako would still return funds.
mircea_popescu: the class risk is that in general, all the fashionable stuff in any space tends to go belly up together a lot more than a "unrelated" model would seem to indicate.
mircea_popescu: and by fashionable i actually mean "good returns"
mike_c: so i should diversify into "bad returns". hmm..
BingoBoingo: Not necessarily bad returns, but... neutral returns like holding coin otherwise uninvested and other brussel sprouts.
mike_c: let's take a fiat example. warren invests in good companies with durable competitive advantages and global footprints. what's the class risk? he only invests in good companies?
mircea_popescu: the class risk is exactly that. he's now stuck derping about how "america will prevail"
mircea_popescu: i wouldn't want to be in his shoes. he's saved by old age, and by the fact that business cycles used to be slow.
mircea_popescu: this won't hold in the future.
mike_c: he owns lots of companies outside US, and the US companies sell more product outside america than inside. US could get wiped off map, and as long as Omaha was left standing he'd be ok.
mike_c: i wouldn't want to be him because he's trying to grow a capital base of $200B.
mike_c: plus he's 80-something
mircea_popescu: actually that's not particularly concerning, the size.
mircea_popescu: let me make this argument at you in a different vein.
dub: US could get wiped off map.. Inshallah
mike_c: i gotta pop off for 30 mins. back in a bit and will continue if you're still around.
thestringpuller: Why is Aurenheimer being a n00b?
benkay is on tenterhooks, goes back to the editor
thestringpuller: Guess he likes being a troll that much.
thestringpuller: all for the lulz
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19150 @ 0.00085274 = 16.33 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: thestringpuller that'd be the best construction lol
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 3871 @ 0.00007001 = 0.271 BTC [-]
TheNewDeal: MP, so what's the magic number of % assets invested for us young guns
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 12500 @ 0.00006099 = 0.7624 BTC [-] {9}
dub: 69%
mircea_popescu: TheNewDeal wait what ?
TheNewDeal: nice dub
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18750 @ 0.00085365 = 16.0059 BTC [+]
TheNewDeal: in reference to the mike_c 95% invested
TheNewDeal: whats the magic %age
mircea_popescu: well, you familiar with the kelly criterion ?
mike_c: i am of course.
mike_c: plus, i'm back.
mike_c: so, TheNewDeal: kelly says in the simple case (1:1 bet) to bet your edge.
mike_c: if you have a 5% edge, bet 5% of your bankroll
TheNewDeal: i just read your article about kelly the other day
mike_c: but it gets more complicated with odds and with multiple wagers/investments.
mircea_popescu: TheNewDeal now model a beting situation where you also have income
mircea_popescu: it'll skew the optimal towards more risk
mircea_popescu: the more a % of your stake the income is, the more risk you take.
mircea_popescu: mike_c ok so, back to our discussion
mircea_popescu: consider all you have is 100 btc, and jd offers you a shot at 200 btc. would you take the deal ?
mike_c: of course not
TheNewDeal: JD...
mike_c: justdice
TheNewDeal: i know
TheNewDeal: its a place to dump btc that you no longer wish to own
mike_c: mircea_popescu: and i mean of course not on the betting or investing side.
mircea_popescu: mike_c now, could we say that since you're proposed to either lose all your money or win 100 btc this deal isn't very good,
mircea_popescu: but if you were proposed to either lose all your btc or win all the btc there are, then it'd be a fine shot ?
mike_c: you mean 100 vs 20999900? then yes.
TheNewDeal: depending on the odds
TheNewDeal: but even your 2/3 chance of a 2X payout, kelly says to bet a fraction of your stake
mircea_popescu: mike_c now obviously as fair as this deal would be to you, it's still not particularly fair to jd.
mircea_popescu: in fact, the poorer you are, the further your fair deal is forsanity
mircea_popescu: EXCEPT if you're worth ~7 mn btc. then the deal is actually fair for both ends.
mike_c: fair but foolish, yes.
mircea_popescu: this is precisely why i said earlier 200bn isn't the concern. the bigger you grow, the more deals are exposed to you.
mike_c: not sure i give you that. different deals are exposed. some are removed.
mircea_popescu: none are removed.
mircea_popescu: as a hot guy you can still fuck all the ugly chicks you want
mircea_popescu: as a smart guy you can still say all thestupid shit you may want to say
mircea_popescu: the fact that you don't want to do it doesn't mean it's been removed.
mike_c: removed from the world of "profitable options"
mike_c: it is not profitalbe to spend my time making 50% on 2m instead of 2% on 100b.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.07370061 = 0.1474 BTC [-]
mike_c: but, not to sidetrack if that wasn't the main point.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.0727658 = 0.1455 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: i don't follow this logic, even if it is a sidepoint
mike_c: only so much time in the day. it is unprofitable to spend it on endeavors that can't return a reasonable percentage on my enlarged capital base.
mircea_popescu: what's the percentage matter.
TheNewDeal: diversification maaan
mike_c: why would i expend effort on something that may significantly increase 1% of my base instead of something that will only moderately increase 20% of my base? it would be unprofitable.
mircea_popescu: to put it another way : behind door A there's a bacterium. in the proper agar it doubles every half minute. behind door B there's a naked buxom beauty. you can pick either door, the prize will be entirely yours to dispose as you please.
mircea_popescu: you're taking the bacterium ?
assbot: Last 2 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/2R06PDC.txt )
mike_c: i am failing to map that metaphor onto our financial discussion.
punkman: aesthetics are important
BingoBoingo: Hauling trash can offer great returns, but it isn't very fun or glamorous.
mircea_popescu: mike_c well, there's this chain of pizzerias, which will be doubling each year for the next decade, yielding a bunch of pizzerias.
mircea_popescu: or, there's benkay's ocean mining conglomerate, which will gain 10% over the same decade
mircea_popescu: which 10% could buy about one trillion pizzerias.
mike_c: well, this is kind of my point.
mike_c: with a huge capital base you don't even consider the pizzerias
mike_c: wait
assbot: [MPEX] [FT] [X.EUR] 1114 @ 0.00207449 = 2.311 BTC [-] {3}
mike_c: pizzeria = $100k. will double for 10 years yielding.. $100m
mike_c: with $200b in equity you ignore that shit.
mike_c: because it is a waste of yoru time.
mike_c: that opportunity is not yours.
mike_c: it is the opportunity of a lifetime for the guy with 100k.
mircea_popescu: it's a waste of everyone's time, just, others don't have the luxury to notice.
mircea_popescu: like you know, a dribblet of cum i spilled on the floor is something my well sated slaves ignore
mircea_popescu: but would be the opportunity of a lifetime for a random girl off twitter.
mike_c: ok :) fine. so if you assume the people worth talking about all have an enlarged capital base, then we can scope the conversation to that.
mircea_popescu: this is why i introduced the bitcoin gambling thing. to point out that the world is a snowglobe whether you are big enough to notice or not.,
mircea_popescu: and in that context, a large capital base works you no harm.
assbot: Bootygirlz.com Buxom White Whore Boobygirl sucks and fucks Groups of Hung Black Men
mthreat: buffett talks about that a lot, e.g. from 1994: "Though there are as many good businesses as ever, it is useless for us to make purchases that are inconsequential in relation to Berkshire's capital. … We now consider a security for purchase only if we believe we can deploy at least $100 million in it. Given that minimum, Berkshire's investment universe has shrunk dramatically.
mircea_popescu: he also says that he's not going to discuss his strategy given that it's valuable and easily replicated
mike_c: ok.. perhaps this will bring our lines of thought closer: in my theoretical model, someone with as much bitcoin as you should absolutely not be 95% invested.
mircea_popescu: soyou know, gotta take what the man says with a gtain of salt.
mircea_popescu: mike_c well amusingly enough i actually am holding tons of paper. just, it's to a large degree my own.
TheNewDeal: regardless, Buffet's capital is how many times greater than most people?
mircea_popescu: which brings us to the problem : because bitcoin is fixed, a 95% investment situation will be unavoidable statistically. as the value of all paper will much exceed the value of cash btc available, willy-nilly.
mircea_popescu: and so everyone will be quite invested.
mircea_popescu: which is why the stability of the investment universe is actually drastically more important for bitcoin than for fiat.
mike_c: and "cash" will still be king :)
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34736 @ 0.000854 = 29.6645 BTC [+] {3}
TheNewDeal: btc not the king?!?!
mike_c: keep up here, cash = liquid btc
TheNewDeal: MP i've got a question about reported results for btc companies
mike_c: although mp has proposed that ballers swap shares of mpoe like it's cash. which is interesting.
TheNewDeal: specifically, why doesn't bitbet have a report like "bets pending, resolved, gain, etc"
TheNewDeal: like when I look up my betting address
TheNewDeal: the way they report it now - with bets made taken as a windfall, and bets resolved as a gain, kind of hides their results of their bets
mike_c: catch you guys tomorrow.
mircea_popescu: TheNewDeal becase back when bitbet was invented we didn't have an0 yet.
mircea_popescu: !up smickles
mircea_popescu: meanwhile the channel went +m
TheNewDeal: but now bets are greater than incoming revenue
mircea_popescu: you gotta id with gribble then pm assbot !up to get permavoiced.
mircea_popescu: ;;gettrust assbot smickles
gribble: Currently authenticated from hostmask smickles!~ec2-user@ec2-54-227-61-57.compute-1.amazonaws.com. Trust relationship from user assbot to user smickles: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 8 via 8 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=smickles | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=smickles | Rated since: Wed Jan 4 21:28:52 2012
mircea_popescu: TheNewDeal well yeah that can happen. it's rare
mircea_popescu: smickles in pm tho
smickles: whee :)
assbot: #bitcoin-assets +m pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
smickles: it's like the channel just went on without me
mircea_popescu: haha. i don't even recall, where you here when logs were introduced ? the bash ?
mircea_popescu: we even have a secretary now, with a phone number and everything.
smickles: maybe just the beginning
mircea_popescu: and a blog network!
smickles: oh my, can I even type words properly anymore?
smickles: what a thing this is now!
smickles: do people get de-voiced if assbot has a low L2 of them?
mircea_popescu: ;;google site:log.bitcoin-assets.com reutersemily
gribble: NEXT: 21-03-2014 - #bitcoin-assets log: <http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-03-2014>; NEXT: 23-04-2014 - #bitcoin-assets log: <http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-04-2014>; NEXT: 22-03-2014 - #bitcoin-assets log - bitcoin-assets.com: <http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=22-03-2014>
mircea_popescu: smickles if it's <1 they justcan't self voice anymoar.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17750 @ 0.00085638 = 15.2007 BTC [+] {2}
smickles: so much to read, no way i'll get current hehe
BingoBoingo: smickles: Either that or the kids will be out of the house.
smickles: ah, speaking of that. I have to give them a bath. bb in 20 min or so
TheNewDeal: how did bathing the little shits go?
mircea_popescu: !up unbalanced
smickles: TheNewDeal: awfully
smickles: they are tired, i did it too late in the day
TheNewDeal: that sounds like a good deal?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10691 @ 0.00085392 = 9.1293 BTC [-]
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