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← 2014-03-22 | 2014-03-24 →
chetty: MisterE: what letter?
MisterE: [23:23:48] mircea_popescu: Ghaleon as you approach mastery you'll notice the leet asshole is an epic bridge builder type.
MisterE: [23:24:41] Ghaleon: mp, yes, the challenge is finding that person who can build the epic bridges and present the right face... without going insane for long enough this community is doing an awesomejob
MisterE: [23:24:57] Ghaleon: your letter to sec was an example of that respectable, legally sound, defiant.. yet friendly
MisterE: [23:25:09] mircea_popescu: but im the elitist asshole to end all elitist assholes.
MisterE: chetty: thats what I want to know too!
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27960 @ 0.00095356 = 26.6615 BTC [+] {3}
chetty: MisterE, the whole email exchange is at:
ozbot: Interacting with fiat institution, a guide pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
MisterE: thanks
Neil: .d
ozbot: 4.250 billion | Next Diff in 348 blocks | Estimated Change: 14.6670% in 2d 1h 28m 59s
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [MS] 31 @ 0.00419948 = 0.1302 BTC [+] {3}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5400 @ 0.0009537 = 5.15 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19577 @ 0.00095108 = 18.6193 BTC [-]
MisterE: hah, love that exchange
MisterE: "Senior SEC Lawyer" put in his place nice work!
chetty: hopefully people will get the idea and stop shaking in their boots when the gubermint comes calling
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2200 @ 0.00094681 = 2.083 BTC [-]
Diablo-D3: what happened?
chetty: just rehashing the sec exchange
Diablo-D3: I must have missed that to begin with
Diablo-D3 has been busy the past 3 months
chetty: haha well its still this weeks news
ozbot: Interacting with fiat institution, a guide pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 43 @ 0.00623674 = 0.2682 BTC [+] {4}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15655 @ 0.00094442 = 14.7849 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 17 @ 0.00628 = 0.1068 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 2 @ 0.0609995 = 0.122 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 4 @ 0.0619 = 0.2476 BTC [+]
MisterE: https://www.havelockinvestments.com/index.php looks like a really pro exchange with the latest news from 15th of last month...
KRS-One: not the same since they moved to panama
MisterE: so hard keeping track of these dodgy characters
MisterE: should be a site dedicated to vetting and tracking exchange owners
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23900 @ 0.00094552 = 22.5979 BTC [+]
chetty: MisterE, that would be more than a full time job
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 5 @ 0.07548966 = 0.3774 BTC [+]
MisterE: indeed, if only there were an organization already in place who could take on such a mission...
MisterE: too bad BCF is so irrelevant
MisterE: for weekend these markets are absolutely flat
MisterE: dead calm
MisterE: I'm beginning to think crypto has jumped the near-term shark
MisterE: LTC on Huobi dump destroyed a lot of n00bs who could have been milked for years instead of in one big dump but nobody thinks long-term
cazalla: MisterE: I don't think the Chinese care for it, majority of the volume is still on btc-e, I figure coblee kicked this off on his brother's exchange just so he could sell without fees or risk
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [RENT] 314 @ 0.00546 = 1.7144 BTC [-]
MisterE: yep cazalla China dumped on BTC-e
MisterE: I sold at 19.5 just before it went live, I told people to buy the hype sell the news but I know a lot of bag holders and people that got burned
cazalla: I'm not game to go near it or btc-e now
MisterE: I have fiat sitting in BTC-e now and have been increasingly thinking I need to do something about that
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5150 @ 0.00094552 = 4.8694 BTC [+]
MisterE: cazalla: no matter where you trade there is manipulation so might as well trade on the exchange where it mostly happens so you can see it
MisterE: this has been my thinking
MisterE: Even the simplest of tricks I se often like putting up a big wall and when the market starts moving canceling the order
cazalla: I don't anymore, not that what I did before was trading, more gambling
MisterE: oh I dont kid myself I know it's "calculated gambling" at best
MisterE: so where do I go from here?
cazalla: i stuck everything into cold storage
cazalla: it's a wonder i made it this far without being fleeced tbh
MisterE: I see
MisterE: yea there are so many people better at the game than me
cazalla: i've had coins in every scam
cazalla: not that i knew it at the time
cazalla: always seemed to cash out at the right time
MisterE: luck follows some of us
cazalla: yeah, i'm not game to push it any longer, i buy, put most into cold storage and save a little for some have some fun with it shit bets on bitbet
MisterE: I'm good at the craps table because I play a very conservative game, max odds and try to bet the trends, I'm up ~$15k in my lifetime and I was sort of feeling the same way abotu crypto, I'm doing OK but could all go to hell in one game
cazalla: works until it doesn't eh
cazalla: i'm not big on gambling, only bet on bitbet because most prop bets are bitcoin related and it's a bit of fun
MisterE: how's your bitbet roi? :)
cazalla: most are pending, i'm 3/3 so far
cazalla: i only bet small though so it's nothing to get excited about even if i won every bet
MisterE: I wonder how much traffic they are getting
cazalla: 117k alex rank, my guess would be 2500-5000 uniques a day?
MisterE: 309k
cazalla: wrong site
MisterE: ahhh
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 1 @ 0.11950724 BTC [-]
MisterE: thats better
cazalla: where are you from MisterE? it's usually quiet in here at this time, any chance australia or down this way?
MisterE: I'm US but live in Asia for many years
MisterE: yea most of my IRC friends are Aussies
MisterE: because we're awake at the same time and you seem to be one of the few countries left who can stand us :P
cazalla: moot says 95% of the shit posters on 4chan are from australia
cazalla: i don't mind yanks but we call you guys seppos when you're here
MisterE: Well I dunno about your younger generation, you sound like an adult :D
MisterE: yea seppo is the term
MisterE: pommies
MisterE: kiwis
MisterE: Jocks
cazalla: although we're becoming more PC
cazalla: can't even call a guy a nigger anymore without being arrested
cazalla: tackling cyber bullying is a big thing here nowadays
cazalla: it's fucked but that seems to be occurring in every country now
MisterE: Yea but you and the Kiwis and sometimes the Canuks were the rational ones usually
MisterE: you've all been poisoned by USA FUD
cazalla: liberal SJW fud
MisterE: sjw?
MisterE: labour is out right?
MisterE: you have a conservative government now iirc?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9177 @ 0.0009507 = 8.7246 BTC [+]
cazalla: social justice warrior
cazalla: liberal in australia means something else to liberal in america
MisterE: there is no liberal in the US anymore
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.6334998 BTC [+]
MisterE: it's shifted so far to the right that conservatives of old would not even have a place in the spectrum anymore
cazalla: i thought it was leftist?
cazalla: like it is here
dub: liberal in australia means you marry more than one farm animal
cazalla: oh shots fired
MisterE: dub: thought that was a scouser thing?
MisterE: cazalla: a lot of it is because of our primaries system
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.61000151 BTC [-]
MisterE: not much participation by any but the extremists
MisterE: so candidates cater to them
MisterE: and the party determines who to back with like 1% of the base voting at primaries
MisterE: then after the primary they try to broaden their message to appeal to more people
cazalla: i am finding a lot of people my age no longer care, don't even bother voting even though it's compulsory
MisterE: but we have to satisfy the whackos because they man the gates to power
MisterE: thats really sad to hear about AU
MisterE: in US I can understand voter apathy
MisterE: your country is hardly as fucked up
cazalla: 2 party system here, both are the same
MisterE: at least it's not first pass the post system
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14173 @ 0.00094955 = 13.458 BTC [-]
usaoscoin: .bait
cazalla: i would vote for snake because at least he is honest about who and what he is
cazalla: seriously though, i don't care anymore
cazalla: one party wins, they'll rule for 2 periods and then we will swap to the other team for 2 periods and on it goes
cazalla: the last election was pretty much won on who would be tougher on boat people
cazalla: so we vote for whoever will keep them out yet no politician is game to get up and say he will sink the boats and feed the people to the sharks
cazalla: meanwhile, most illegals come by plane anyway
MisterE: what do you mean cazalla ?
MisterE: if they come by plane they are turned back at immigration?
MisterE: or you mean covertly from PNG?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9422 @ 0.00094914 = 8.9428 BTC [-] {2}
cazalla: overstaying visas etc
MisterE: oic
MisterE: is there no efort to locate people who overstay?
MisterE: when the cops stop them for something don't they get caught?
MisterE: boat people are coming from Indo?
cazalla: i'm sure they try to catch them but it's like finding a needle in a haystack
MisterE: oh lots of people work 'off the books' there right?
cazalla: not even that many people come by boat
MisterE: paid cash
cazalla: yeah, they do
MisterE: ok I remember now
MisterE: you anywhere near Bris?
cazalla: other way, Melbourne
MisterE: got a couple mates around there
cazalla: most people here don't share my views though
cazalla: they're happy to be flooded by immigrants
MisterE: howso?
MisterE: cheap labor?
cazalla: meanwhile, 85% of asylum seekers here don't have a job after 5 years
cazalla: because they have white guilt
cazalla: welfare system in this country is being bled dry
MisterE: ahh interesting
MisterE: but not by the aboriginals?
MisterE: by aliens?
cazalla: abos are a minority really
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21800 @ 0.00095109 = 20.7338 BTC [+] {2}
cazalla: but they too leech the system
MisterE: not that I'm particularly happy the welfare system is paying into aboriginals and decimating the culture but... not my country
MisterE: they are the only deserving leeches
MisterE: they were there first and all
cazalla: so you've got middle class tax payer upset that immigrants, asylum seekers, illegals etc etc are flooding the country, draining the welfare system while they pay for it in increased taxes, gov sells off it's assets to pay for people that don't even belong here
cazalla: abos have been given more than any other people in this country MisterE
MisterE: anyone else so comes from abroad should not be able to get benefits even if they can't show they are there legally or a citizen
cazalla: free housing, free land, free everything
MisterE: yea those handouts are curses in disguise
cazalla: they are
MisterE: look at the US indian reservations for examples
cazalla: they are totally dependent on the system
MisterE: it's a disaster
MisterE: alcholism rampant
MisterE: alcoholism*
MisterE: ofc the reservations are in the shittiest places where there is no work
cazalla: which fuels the hate people like me have towards them
cazalla: as the middle class see them getting something we're not plus we pay for it
Diablo-D3: I think reservations should be ended to be honest
Diablo-D3: you have many rights as an american
cazalla: if it was an even playing field, i probably wouldn't be so hostile to them like most australian's are
Diablo-D3: growing up in an environment that isnt 24/7 drugs, rape, and whatnot is one of them
Diablo-D3: its appalling what some americans do to others, and then make them think it was their idea
cazalla: Diablo-D3: the australian government removed indigenous children from homes like that, 50 years later, lawsuits everywhere
MisterE: Why are you hostile to the people who just want a better life? You should be pissed at your representatives in Sydney who are making policy on how to handle it and I guess believe in handouts for people who can't vote?
Diablo-D3: cazalla: they did it here
Diablo-D3: lawsuits here as well
MisterE: that sounds hard to believe
Diablo-D3: but its because they DIDNT go to better homes
Diablo-D3: and they were denied the birthright of their own culture
Diablo-D3: what Im saying is
Diablo-D3: treat native americans like the americans they are
Diablo-D3: no free pass just because they're native american
cazalla: MisterE: they don't want a better life, they want to live in the bush as they did before the British came here, I am happy for them to do that, government is not and they keep throwing money at them
cazalla: MisterE: and I'm hostile (some would say hateful) because I am paying for it as is the rest of the middle class and we're jack of it
Diablo-D3: cazalla: yes, and thats because they've been brainwashed by people who dont have their best interests in mind
Diablo-D3: its okay to go back to the land, as long as you do responsibly
Diablo-D3: I almost do as much
MisterE: Diablo-D3: Americans are some of the worst most uncaring people I've ever met and I'm pretty well travelled everywhere except Europe and North Asia / Russia
Diablo-D3: MisterE: some are, some arent
Diablo-D3: Im American, Ive never been accused of being uncaring
MisterE: If Katrina had hit The Hamptons you think people would be drowning in their second story homes?
MisterE: they care just not about the poor
MisterE: who are constantly shafted
cazalla: MisterE: pointless being pissed at the politicians who enable them because my vote makes no difference and they don't care once they are in office anyway
MisterE: Diablo-D3: American here too just living abroad
MisterE: OK it's impossible to change shit in the US at the ballot box because it's corporate owned but shit you still have a functioning democracy you could make use of
cazalla: anyway, i think the situation is too far gone here in Australia as it likely has in the rest of the world
MisterE: vote the bums out organize
MisterE: nobody does it eh?
MisterE: wow
MisterE: I had no idea there was that uch frustration
cazalla: you can't because they destroyed our homogeneous society by bringing in boat loads of people who don't share the culture, don't care for the country but have their hand out for welfare
cazalla: MisterE: welfare is a massive problem here
MisterE: so vote in politicians who will reign in the welfare?
cazalla: something like 1 in 4 Australian's get welfare
cazalla: every 2nd person has a back problem or some bullshit for disability
MisterE: cutting welfare costs is non an unpopular topic for campaigns in the US
MisterE: oh so everyone is in the tit
MisterE: in/on*
cazalla: MisterE: current politician is "reviewing it"
MisterE: lol yea
cazalla: but they won't do anything because that many people get welfare now that it's political suicide
MisterE: perpetual review
cazalla: plus with an aging populace
cazalla: we're just so fucked
MisterE: start running up a debt like the US and you'll be foreced to
MisterE: oh you got a baby boom too?
cazalla: boomers are about to retire
cazalla: no-one my age is getting married or having kids
Dimsler: about to?
Dimsler: they are already retiring
Dimsler: wtf
MisterE: you 20-30?
MisterE: man thats fucked
MisterE: they've left you a nice mess
cazalla: Dimsler: some
cazalla: many still in the workforce though
cazalla: but they're hanging around for as long as they can because the pension isn't enough to sustain them
MisterE: at least it is not as big and bad as the mess US baby boomers are leaving to their grandchildren
MisterE: the golden years
MisterE: burned up with doctor visits and working part-time after a long life of toiling for the corps
MisterE: fuck that
MisterE: I'd be disallusioned too
MisterE: disillusioned*
cazalla: plus we have some of the most expensive property in the world
MisterE: Enjoy life now when you're young and can, leave a decent looking corpse is basically my retirement plan
cazalla: how old are you MisterE
MisterE: that property should be held by the members of that homogenous society you mentioned no?
MisterE: thats power
cazalla: of course but we're our own worst enemy
cazalla: Chinese come here and offer big bucks and who's going to refuse that?
MisterE: older than you but not enough to be your father
cazalla: big problem with that here - locals being pushed out by Chinese who bid 20% over asking price at auction
MisterE: oh that should be stopped ASAP you can't have foreign counties buying up your country
cazalla: depsite all that, it's a great country :)
MisterE: because there's not a ton of livable land
MisterE: those chinese dont want to live in the bush
MisterE: strict rules on land ownership here because of that
cazalla: MisterE, when I was 20, I thought ideas like social justice, equality, peace etc etc were good ideas, now that I'm in my 30s, I find myself hoping for a catalyst that would bring about a nationalist party to power, that's a big change in just a decade
MisterE: yea 180
cazalla: i don't see how else you can unite a people and kick out the leeches
MisterE: I used to be a crusader and activist int he US in my 20s
MisterE: I gave up in my 30s and got disgusted and ben out for 8 years now
cazalla: hopefully hitler reincarnate will come back here, appropriate everything foreign owned, send the refugees back home (85% without a job, still on welfare after 5 years? fuck that)
MisterE: I had a consulting company that paid a lot of tax and saw it all going to fight those wars and what not, no thankyou
cazalla: it's not right, is it
cazalla: i'm jack of it and i suspect there are a growing number of people like me from the middle class who won't put up with it for much longer
MisterE: no and I can't find anywhere in the world better
MisterE: I'm mobile, single, can work remotely and financially secure
MisterE: there's not a place I can think of to live that's not fucked one way or another
MisterE: So I'm usually based in Thailand
bounce: well, wasn't it the /national/ government that fscked it all up so bad?
MisterE: because at least here its lawlwess
MisterE: cant blam the govs only imho people have come to expect too much from gov
MisterE: what happened to taking care of your own shit and self responsibility
bounce: well, what do you think happened to it?
MisterE: saving used to be good now if your credit cards aren't maxed you're not a patriot
MisterE: traded out for short-term gains I guess bounce
MisterE: short-sighted*
bounce: you take care of yourself, pay taxes, gov't takes care of those who can't help themselves with "free money". then more and more people want in on the free monies, and so it goes.
cazalla: bounce: conservative values were destroyed and here we are, least that is what i see it as, evils of feminism and all that
MisterE: feminism backfired in some big ways eh?
cazalla: it was shameful to take welfare once upon a time
cazalla: now it's like, whatever
bounce: talking in -isms won't help you, seeing how those got us there in the first place
MisterE: now it takes 2 incomes to qualify for a home loan lol
MisterE: suckered at every turn
cazalla: no wonder men prefer to sit in their parents basement playing video games
MisterE: yea, given the human condition as I see it it's understandable
MisterE: and then there is IRC
MisterE: and beet
MisterE: beer*
MisterE: and
MisterE: .bait
cazalla: well, i've been drinking hence the shit spewing out of my mouth
bounce: I think you both are wallowing in the same kind of feeling put upon that got the activists up before and had them change the gov't and such more to their liking
cazalla: i usually keep my mouth shut in here while sober
MisterE: If there were a real grass roots movement I would go back to the US to be a part of it
cazalla: bounce: you're right, i have a whinge, jerk off and go to bed
MisterE: that occupy wall street hippy thing was not it
MisterE: lol
MisterE: fucking life sucks if this is good as it gets
cazalla: oh i have a good life
MisterE: What we really need is a war to kill off like 10%
cazalla: i feel it's being threatened
MisterE: harsh but its true
bounce: would you be part of that 10%?
cazalla: i was just about to say that
cazalla: just like those who call for population control
MisterE: the remaining 90 will suddenly remember what is important in life and we'll have another generation or 2 of harmony
cazalla: oh, how about you go and get sterilised? oh, they didn't mean themselves, just others
MisterE: bounce: depends on the cause
bounce: the cause of making some elitist jerk the new king of the hill, what else?
cazalla: i don't think this conversation would fly in here during peak hours
MisterE: heh no?
cazalla: i sorta feel i'm shitting where i eat heh
bounce: but at least it's /your/ jerk for king of the hill
MisterE: I'm never here so I don't know but I thought pretty much politics and intelligent exchange of ideas is OK
cazalla: anyway, going to make some dinner
MisterE: haha
cazalla: MisterE: it is but i only talk when drunk and unlikely to say anything intelligible then
MisterE: naah I learned a lot about how Austrailians think and whats really going on there from this chat
MisterE: valuable to me
cazalla: MisterE: I would only get away talking like this at the pub, not in general public, there are just as many who would disagree with me but they typically want to pile on for the free shit from the government
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19300 @ 0.00094525 = 18.2433 BTC [-] {2}
MisterE: you know the US libertarian ideal?
MisterE: that always seemed to be the kind of state you guys had managed to make
MisterE: now I hear the welfare has messed it up like the UK, maybe followed that model.
MisterE: instead of welfare give free college education or something
cazalla: we have that already
cazalla: most people take a loan and never pay it back so it is effectively free
chetty: is there actually anywhere in the world left thats not pretty much a welfare state?
cazalla: "The overview shows the number of people receiving government payments in 2012 was 5,033,323, with the age pension making up almost half that number at 2,282,592"
cazalla: population of Australia is like 22million
cazalla: so 1 in 4, 1 in 5 receive welfare
cazalla: you can get on disability for shit like depression here
cazalla: almost makes you want to say fuck it, get a payment and use it to buy bitcoins
chetty: isnt US welfare actually more than min wage now?
cazalla: I would guess Australia welfare pays better than Walmart
MisterE: US welfare ain't that great
MisterE: it used to be more cushy
MisterE: but reagan cut that shit
MisterE: was pretty harsh people coming off some things like mental health services took a beating but it's evened out since
chetty: hasn't O pretty much put it back?
MisterE: it's still not very great but you have to be trying to work or something and its not endless
MisterE: did O change it? I didn't think so
MisterE: maybe an injection from "stimulus"?
MisterE: but that'd be 1 time
chetty: yeah he cut the looking for work stuff
MisterE: oh really?
MisterE: I liked that part
MisterE: Either way you're screwed in the US, this pretty much sums it up: http://i.imgur.com/PPzfayh.jpg
MisterE: pic worth 1k words and all
ozbot: The Other America: "Taxpayers Are The Fools... Working Is Stupid" | Zero Hedge
chetty: ugh, and I just finished my tax return
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33600 @ 0.00094884 = 31.881 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25700 @ 0.00095166 = 24.4577 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 25 @ 0.07292002 = 1.823 BTC [-] {4}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 10 @ 0.073 = 0.73 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 10 @ 0.073 = 0.73 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.62509 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9447 @ 0.00094923 = 8.9674 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 8 @ 0.63499989 = 5.08 BTC [+] {6}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 28 @ 0.63910534 = 17.8949 BTC [+] {5}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 50 @ 0.006289 = 0.3145 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 80 @ 0.00629027 = 0.5032 BTC [+] {5}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 17 @ 0.0063 = 0.1071 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 63 @ 0.003161 = 0.1991 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 128 @ 0.00316 = 0.4045 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SFI] 320 @ 0.00082435 = 0.2638 BTC [-] {4}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 500 @ 0.00094923 = 0.4746 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 500 @ 0.00095174 = 0.4759 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: MisterE except the only exchange owner we know is me, and so i guess you can use trilema for that purpose.
mircea_popescu: MisterE: LTC on Huobi dump destroyed a lot of n00bs who could have been milked for years instead of in one big dump but nobody thinks long-term << no, you don't understand. destroying scams IS thinking long term.
mircea_popescu: this isn't supposed to be a "milking noobs for years" thing, and it's not supposed to be either accessible to or productive for the sort of car salesman that thinks himself a financier now.
mircea_popescu: so in general expect pump and dumps to be punctured randomly and outside of the originator's control going forward, so as to hurt the originator and his friends.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13680 @ 0.00095045 = 13.0022 BTC [-] {2}
chetty: Russia has amassed enough forces on Ukraine’s border to reach the dispute region of Transnistria, NATO’s top military commander told a conference in Brussels on Sunday, Reuters reported.
mircea_popescu: or, for that matter, paris.
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell heysteve2 "I believe every caller on talk radio, just like I believe every story on zh." << there you go. it's like playboy forum by now.
gribble: The operation succeeded.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 2487 @ 0.00013 = 0.3233 BTC [-] {4}
Neil: Geez the last 60 blocks have been in half-time
mircea_popescu: ;;estimate
gribble: Next difficulty estimate | 4939815404.41 based on data since last change | 5576146819.12 based on data for last three days
Neil: .d
ozbot: 4.250 billion | Next Diff in 278 blocks | Estimated Change: 16.1945% in 1d 14h 41m 28s
mircea_popescu: bitcoin network, always surprising.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIF] 3459 @ 0.00047535 = 1.6442 BTC [-] {5}
Neil: At some stage people are gonna stop throwing money at mining. Amazes me how long it's taking though.
Neil: Just difficulty stabilization is gonna be a minor supply shock in bitcoin land.
mircea_popescu: that's why the throwing money isn't stopping, i'd guess.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 6 @ 0.05933366 = 0.356 BTC [-] {4}
mircea_popescu: but anyway, the us spends what, 100bn on defense a year ?
Neil: mircea_popescu: And prices are down 50%. I'd have expected that to be a damper.
mircea_popescu: bitcoin is much more than the us, why shouldn't it spend much more ?
mircea_popescu: i don't think anyone cares about the spot
mircea_popescu: which explains why we have such a shitty spot
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 6 @ 0.062 = 0.372 BTC [-] {3}
Neil: Miners must do, unless they're spending savings and not selling what they mine
mircea_popescu: ;;calc 10**11 / 365 / 24 / 60 / 6
gribble: 31709.7919838
mircea_popescu: 31k spent per block
mircea_popescu: ;;calc 31/25
gribble: 1.24
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 6 @ 0.11950724 = 0.717 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: fun fact : any point btc is over 1240 usd, the bitcoin network is spending more for its own security than the united states government spends on defense.
Neil: 10**11 is what, 100 billion?
Neil: They spend more than that no?
mircea_popescu: bout there, 100ish.
Neil: Your calc is wrong
mircea_popescu: they ususally are
mircea_popescu: what'd i do this time ?
Neil: 60/6 should be (60/6)
Neil: ;;calc 10**11 / 365 / 24 / 10
gribble: 1141552.51142
mircea_popescu: but right you are!
Neil: ;;calc 10**11 / 365 / 24 / 6 rather
gribble: Error: unexpected EOF while parsing (<string>, line 1)
Neil: ;;calc 10**11 / 365 / 24 / 6
gribble: 1902587.51903
Neil: ;;calc 10**11 / 365 / 24 / 6 / 25
gribble: 76103.500761
Neil: So $76k per coin
Neil: If it gets to $76k I'm long retired on a sunny island
mircea_popescu: ;;calc 60 / 6 / (60/6)
mircea_popescu: so then 60 / 6 = (60 / 6) ?
mircea_popescu: whereas!
mircea_popescu: ;;calc (1/60 / 6) / (1/ (60/6))
gribble: 0.0277777777778
Neil: But I'll still log on to bitcoin-assets from said sunny island, I promise!
mircea_popescu: ;;calc 76103.500761 / 1.24
gribble: 61373.7909363
Neil: mircea_popescu: Judging from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_budget_of_the_United_States and adding 3 yrs of inflation I think we're closer to 10 ** 12.
mircea_popescu: i recall recently seeing the us budget, and it was 100ish
Neil: Call it $500k per BTC.
mircea_popescu: and you don't ADD inflation, because you're not in 2009 dollars today.
mircea_popescu: you substract inflation from the 2009 figures
Neil: I'm sure they're spending more not less.
MisterE: not calling the whole LTC on Huobi thing a scam just very heavily manipulated but all markets are manipulated so... The writing was on the wall for me luckily I guess.
MisterE: And I mean the "milking the n00bs" coment tongue in cheek
MisterE: meant*
Neil: What's been happening with LTC? Still at 0.027-20.028; what's changed?
MisterE: 15.65 lol
Neil: 0.027-0.028
MisterE: dead calm
mircea_popescu: MisterE im just a hater
mircea_popescu: ;;calc 495.6 * 10**9 / 365 / 24 / 6 / 25
gribble: 377168.949772
mircea_popescu: that's the official, definitive, correct figure. 377k.
Neil: Someone's added some fsck-off hashpower to the network in the last 2 days.
Neil: They're coming out every 5mins on average.
mircea_popescu: the us and the chinese :D
mircea_popescu: gotta spend that half trn somehow
MisterE: what are you hating on MP?
mircea_popescu: tongue in cheek comment!
mircea_popescu: see, you can't spot them either!
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell asciilifeform "Social networking and mobile computing are hot" dude this orlov guy...
gribble: The operation succeeded.
Duffer1: MP link?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SFI] 328 @ 0.000835 = 0.2739 BTC [-]
ozbot: ClubOrlov: Dead Souls
Duffer1: you've mentioned orlov a few times
Duffer1: thanks
mircea_popescu: some strange ideas in there, and most of it oldman nonsense. there's no absolute limit to physical development.
Duffer1: oh is he the fuffles guy?
mircea_popescu: and no, i don't mention him, other people keep mentioning him, like herbi and ascii. i thnk he's mostly clueless and generally vain.
mircea_popescu: bezzle / fuffel ? yeah
Duffer1: i see
mircea_popescu: and i don't think orlov even uses the latter, just, a current russian expression ascii explained in english at some point
mircea_popescu: i suppose properly bezzle should be traced back to gailbrath, cca 1929
mircea_popescu: galbraith*
mircea_popescu: anyway, turns out this was obviously not a serious piece, so i guess teaches me to protest before finishing an article.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 2 @ 0.059394 = 0.1188 BTC [+] {2}
Neil: Well BTC > $10k bet suddenly became lopsided this week.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [RENT] 72 @ 0.00546 = 0.3931 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 100 @ 0.0061001 = 0.61 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.639001 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [RENT] 287 @ 0.00526144 = 1.51 BTC [-] {9}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10515 @ 0.00095174 = 10.0075 BTC [+]
ozbot: Bill Cosby speaking the truf. Bippity Bop - Imgur
mircea_popescu: Neil yeah heavy on no nao
ozbot: Interacting with fiat institutions [such as the SEC], a guide
mircea_popescu: jurov so is fico winning ?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.07270326 = 0.1454 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 37250 @ 0.0009527 = 35.4881 BTC [+] {4}
mircea_popescu: ;;google famous jewish rabies
gribble: Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Jewish history/Archive 4 - Wikipedia, the ...: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia_talk:WikiProject_Jewish_history/Archive_4>; Ayatollah Ali Khamenei: Israel Is a 'Rabid Dog' | Jewish ... - Algemeiner: <http://www.algemeiner.com/2013/11/20/ayatollah-ali-khamenei-israel-is-a-%E2%80%98rabid-dog%E2%80%99/>; JCR-UK - Susser Archive - History of the (1 more message)
ozbot: Here’s a thought : being Bitcoin is more of a something to be than being Jewish ever was or could
MisterE: haha and BCF hate at the end love it
MisterE: I dont go on bitcointalk forum much such a time sink
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 8 @ 0.639 = 5.112 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.62000005 = 1.24 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 49574 @ 0.00095281 = 47.2346 BTC [+] {4}
ThickAsThieves: <Neil> Someone's added some fsck-off hashpower to the network in the last 2 days. /// probly ASICMINER stuff
VanCleef: nah not asicminer
VanCleef: they're dying
artifexd: ThickAsThieves Do you know anyone running the altcoin testnet that I can connect to?
ThickAsThieves: i dont think anyone runs one
mircea_popescu: pretty sure blue matt was at some point
artifexd: I guess I get to test code in production, as it were.
mircea_popescu: hearn did it...
artifexd: That doesn't make it a good idea.
mircea_popescu: you don't say ?!
artifexd: I do say!
mircea_popescu: no but srsly, i can't believe they'd have stopped the testnet
mircea_popescu: ask in #bitcoin-dev for some testcoins or something
mircea_popescu: or, alternatively, use the ATC newtork, it's a direct copy of bitcoin
artifexd: I don't want bitcoin testnet. I want altcoin testnet.
mircea_popescu: i'll send you some atc if you can't work it out ah
mircea_popescu: oh nm me i completely misread.
kakobreklaa: you wont really cause pankkake ripped you
Apocalyptic: he did ?
mircea_popescu: kakobreklaa sheeeit
mircea_popescu: dude ran o0ff with my altcoinz ?!
pankkake: I am alive
mircea_popescu: o hey there.
pankkake: hello
mircea_popescu: kakobreklaa see ? slander again.
kakobreklaa: i take it back.
mircea_popescu: pankkake you ok ?
pankkake: I'll be more available in a few days
mircea_popescu: no emergency, relax.
kakobreklaa: its not slander if you miss someone!
mircea_popescu: slanderlove
pankkake: yeah, very tired and irlbusy these last few weeks
pankkake: e-mail is sure to reach me
ThickAsThieves: artifexd, may I ask whatcha working on?
artifexd: atcdice.com
mircea_popescu: all the fun of gambling with none of the bitcoin downside!!11
pankkake: artifexd: I don't think there ever was a altcoin testnet. if it's configured in the code, you can start it yourself I guess!
ThickAsThieves: lemme know if you need help of any of the kinds i might be able to provide
artifexd: There's a testnet checkpoint at block 546 (or somewhere thereabouts).
pankkake: ouch, it's wrong then
artifexd: I may have to just reset the genesis block and remove the checkpoints and start mining it myself.
artifexd: Difficulty should be low. :)
ThickAsThieves: why isn't Homeland Security part of the Defense budget?
nubbins`: it's worked into the Offense budget
chetty: offensive
pankkake: if you make it I'll merge your genesis block/checkpoints
MisterE: homeland sec doesn't include all law enforcement either
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves because otherwise all their unjustifiable expenses stand out as a sore thumb
mircea_popescu: there was a rash of reporting their haliburtonesque mismanagement of resources in 2002-2003
mircea_popescu: it's meanwhile disappeared, but the problem's only gotten worse.
mircea_popescu: in many ways the usg is much like a bitcointalk investor : can't get anything done because surrounded by thieves
MisterE: the leaked "black budget" gave us a bit more insight and you can extrapolate how they compartmentalize from there
ThickAsThieves: look we cut Defense spending by .1%! Ignore that Homeland Security part.
MisterE: the pieces of the pie they argue over that include social services are definitely the small ones.
MisterE: no budget has ever included the 10 years war(s)
MisterE: wait Obama did in his first
ThickAsThieves: so basically the budgets represent each of the USG's corporations, not actual categories
mircea_popescu: pretty much
MisterE: too bad that SEC layer didnt come to IRC :)
MisterE: lawyer*
VanCleef: anybods find this useful? - http://www.google.com/finance
ThickAsThieves: as useful as any google search i guess
ThickAsThieves: you can look up tickers n stuff
VanCleef: i just found it a few days ago, made a portfolio, its pretty neat
mircea_popescu: just as useful as any free market data service
mircea_popescu: msn has one, yahoo has one, bloomberg has one
mircea_popescu: and i think there's more.
mircea_popescu: MisterE time's not ended yet.
VanCleef: do you invest irl shares/securties mircea?
MisterE: oh I'm pretty sure the SEC's network blocks the applet
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4500 @ 0.0009547 = 4.2962 BTC [+]
ThickAsThieves: an ad served while viewing zh ^
ThickAsThieves: god knows what i bought on online to deserve that
nubbins`: i've seen frank & oak ads
ThickAsThieves: really i have nothing against his clothes
MisterE: are they like Carhart?
ThickAsThieves: just how they are being presented as 'style'
nubbins`: pair of dickies and a plaid shirt
nubbins`: STYLE
ThickAsThieves: i guess if it aint nude, it's stylish
MisterE: back in the 60s people had style
MisterE: sharkskin jackets
MisterE: Rat Pack
ThickAsThieves: i'm sure there are plenty people with style still
ThickAsThieves: just the ones on tv are mostly just gay-with-clothes-on
ThickAsThieves: i'm no one to talk though
ThickAsThieves: i'd wear the same thing every day if people stopped fixating on that being weird
MisterE: heh true gay people and many black people have style
MisterE: guess I dont get out much
Mats_cd03: scrub
nubbins`: normcore
VanCleef: do you think its because every black person is secretly gay? (no homo)
heat: is that why
heat: they all
Mats_cd03: no, its social norms
heat: got the moves?
Mats_cd03: men on the extreme ends of perceived sexual norms (e.g. black vs asians in the media) seem to have fewer problems with dressing fashionably
Mats_cd03: (in my experience)
artifexd: <ThickAsThieves> lemme know if you need help of any of the kinds i might be able to provide << I missed that. My response: Thanks! I will.
nubbins`: i think you guys hang around normals too much
ThickAsThieves: artifexd, mostly that'd be design or funding, not sure what other relevant skills i might have to an atcdice
ThickAsThieves: no, black people caring about fashion has nothing to do with homosexuality
mircea_popescu: VanCleef sometimes.
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves the "under $50" part i find the most objectionable.
VanCleef: ahh cool
Mats_cd03: ^lol
ThickAsThieves: must have cash left over to buy an axe
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves what'd you wear every day anyway ? velve ?
ThickAsThieves: whats a velve?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 55744 @ 0.00095182 = 53.0583 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 5 @ 0.07299999 = 0.365 BTC [+]
ThickAsThieves: ;;google velve
gribble: VELVE OLED - Technology | Verbatim: <http://www.verbatimlighting.com/article/oled/>; Velve: <http://www.velve.lv/>; ////// VELVE ////// female singer / songwriter //////: <http://www.velve.de/>
mircea_popescu: don' discriminae me because i got a broken mister
ThickAsThieves: generally i already do wear the same thing every day already
mircea_popescu: o shi i worked ha ime
ThickAsThieves: just change the colors and patterns
VanCleef: what labels do you wear tat?
ThickAsThieves: when you start wearing neutral or black every day, that's when people start to notice
ThickAsThieves: i'm not even morbid
ThickAsThieves: i just would wear black every day probly though
ThickAsThieves: except in the sun
ThickAsThieves: that's hot
ThickAsThieves: i dont look at labels much
ThickAsThieves: if it looks like i might wear it, i buy it
mircea_popescu: ;;google man in black
gribble: Men in Black (1997) - IMDb: <http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0119654/>; Men in Black - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Men_in_Black>; Men in Black (film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Men_in_Black_(film)>
ThickAsThieves: i'm overdue for new wardrobe though
VanCleef: judging from mirceas pics he seems to have a good taste in clothes
mircea_popescu: not men in black you ebonicsipidia you.
ThickAsThieves: yeah mp knows how to dress
ThickAsThieves: i also happen to think Johnny Cash is pretty cool
VanCleef: yeah johnny cash is cool
mircea_popescu: minus all the xtian bs.
mircea_popescu: but what do you want, bloke lived in teh south and his first wife died when he was what, 17 ?
VanCleef: robert smith is pretty cool too
ThickAsThieves: he made some cool music at least
mircea_popescu: he ruled, you kidding me ?
mircea_popescu: i'll never forget how he owned those clowny kids
ThickAsThieves: i dont now much about the man
ThickAsThieves: other than looking ridiculous and making cool music
mircea_popescu: compare nine inch nail hurt with cash hurt
mircea_popescu: then consider it was supposed to be THEIR signature song.
VanCleef: nin hurt is a pretty terrible song, wiash cash didn't cover it
ThickAsThieves: i was referring to smith
mircea_popescu: this is the furthers out case of musical and generally artistic ownage i know of
mircea_popescu: bar non.
ThickAsThieves: yes, cash Hurt is way better
VanCleef: it was a good cover tho
mircea_popescu: why did the cure go to shit btw ?
ThickAsThieves: what better swan song could the guy have had?
mircea_popescu: i forget
mircea_popescu: yeah absolutely.
VanCleef: did they go to shit? lol i think they just got old
mircea_popescu: i seem to remember some acrimony
VanCleef: nice pic
ThickAsThieves: an odd thing about goth/industrial/rapcore fans from the 80s/90s is they never seem able to shake it
ThickAsThieves: they still wear cargo jeans and band t-shirts
ThickAsThieves: and are generally depressed
ThickAsThieves: maybe it was the drugs
mircea_popescu: maybe it was the last generation that had any unobstructed view of us reality.
VanCleef: music is really terrible these days
mircea_popescu: ie, it IS the drugs, but the other way around.
ThickAsThieves: hehe i'm wearing a band tshirt and all black right now, i guess i should shut up
ThickAsThieves: except mine is Kid Dynamite
mircea_popescu: i've never wore a band tshirt
ThickAsThieves: you were never in a band
mircea_popescu: i... hm. i produced a few bands / concerts ?
VanCleef: really?
mircea_popescu: including a... rave ;/
mircea_popescu: in like 96 iirc
ThickAsThieves: never been to a rave
VanCleef: that's funny
mircea_popescu: i can't even recall wtf it was called.
ThickAsThieves: Tits or GTFO Dance Party
mircea_popescu: anyway, this is all bs weirdo romanian stuff, it shouldn't really count.
mircea_popescu: more like comedic relief.
VanCleef: you produced gwar didn't u?
ThickAsThieves: i went to see Gwar
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves at the end there was about 1 ton of paper residue, 1/4 ton of textile residue taken from the grounds
ThickAsThieves: was kinda fun
ThickAsThieves: wtf is textile residue? clothes caked into the paper?
mircea_popescu: unidentified bits of what probably were clothes
ThickAsThieves: how many rapes?
mircea_popescu: none reported.
MisterE: it's tropical here so I wear as little as possible and there's no style there heh
mircea_popescu: where you at, jamaica ?
mircea_popescu: ow shit, i just gave bill cosby a problem huh ?
mircea_popescu: but i happen to think some bits of black vernacular are expressive. i use ain't all the time.
mircea_popescu: people around me end up using it too
mircea_popescu: it's catchy namean ?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 200 @ 0.003274 = 0.6548 BTC [+]
MisterE: catchy, ain't it?
artifexd: "ain't" is black vernacular? I thought it was southern venacular. Source: I grew up in Texas.
ThickAsThieves: black and hip hop culture might be the most vibrant source of new vernacular in the world
mircea_popescu: artifexd well this is in reference to an earlier bill cosby imgur
ThickAsThieves: you cannot keep up if you arent paying attention for even a year
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves nah, that's only because you don't speak either russian or fringe chinese/indian languages
MisterE: funny to see whitey suburbanite kids co-opt it so quickly now
mircea_popescu: but that said, it's certainly productive.
mircea_popescu: and more interestingly so than the white equivalent, dearly loved as "pc speak"
ThickAsThieves: bih went in, ish goes hard
heat: dont start no ish
heat: wont be no ish
mircea_popescu: artifexd well maybe. i am no expert :p
MisterE: artifexd: I did a stretch in Denton and SA
mircea_popescu: does that mean you were in prison there ?
MisterE: San Anton
mircea_popescu: san antonio is like my favourite us city.
ThickAsThieves: around here the old timers in the local black "ghetto" are nearly incoherent
MisterE: it's prety good
MisterE: but Bexar county sucks
artifexd: Ah. I was up in the north east. More north east than Dallas. Damn near Arkansas.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3800 @ 0.00094923 = 3.6071 BTC [-]
nubbins`: around here the old timers in the local white "ghetto" are completely incoherent
mircea_popescu: MisterE the fact that i spent a week doing nothing but champagne on the riverwalk may well have colored that impression :p
nubbins`: overheard a guy talking to his father about getting his roof fixed
nubbins`: "aeh eh uhhh ehh fuckin... euhhh..."
mircea_popescu: but this is canadians
MisterE: yes riverwalk is fantastic
mircea_popescu: that's not language, that's gesturing psychopathy
nubbins`: mircea_popescu that's a direct quote ;(
mircea_popescu: imagine canadian forums
nubbins`: he was looking for the word "roof"
mircea_popescu: someone should make a purported canadian forum like that just to mess with people
mircea_popescu: megatroll sting operation.
ThickAsThieves: <mircea_popescu> san antonio is like my favourite us city. /// is that the place in your mystery photo on trilema?
nubbins`: ;;google montreal forum
gribble: Montreal Forum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Montreal_Forum>; Forum de Montreal: <http://www.forum-montreal.com/>; The Forum Opens its Doors | Historical Website of the Montreal ...: <http://ourhistory.canadiens.com/greatest-moment/The-Forum-Opens-Its-Doors>
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves which one of the numerous mystery trilema photos
MisterE: Culturally Austin has more to offer
ThickAsThieves: one of a bridge and some buildings
MisterE: imho
mircea_popescu: ;/ link ?
ThickAsThieves: shit i dunno, i made some guesses at the time in here
mircea_popescu: well i lost the pointer
ThickAsThieves: well not at the time you published, i think it was older
MisterE: canadian forums must be a minimum of 35% canadian or they will do something
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 289 @ 0.003274 = 0.9462 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: anyway, it was funny, i was wearing a suit, struck up a conversation with a band in a bar,
mircea_popescu: then people from the bar were coming to me to ask me to ask the band to play songs
mircea_popescu: then the band wanted to sign me up as their manager
mircea_popescu: then we had breakfast at dennys
MisterE: Moon over My Hammy?
mircea_popescu: nah it was some rock and roll ish thing
MisterE: thats they one I used to get man Dennys that takes me back
mircea_popescu: blond lead vocal guy couldn't quite decide if he wanted to do an elvis impersonation or not
mircea_popescu: o, that was my only one time in that chain, i have no idea what they serve
MisterE: ok back to movie, GF watching Psycho for first time
MisterE: I'd forgotten a lot
mircea_popescu: you dating 16yos ?
mircea_popescu: (and the 1960s vera miles version i hope?)
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.073 = 0.219 BTC [+]
ThickAsThieves: 3rd time's a charm
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30946 @ 0.00094983 = 29.3934 BTC [+] {2}
mircea_popescu: aren;'t these the guys that stole the "investors" equity to cover for the previous time they got owned ?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 52 @ 0.06184998 = 3.2162 BTC [+] {10}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] [PAID] 2.44457384 BTC to 4`132 shares, 59162 satoshi per share
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19100 @ 0.00094923 = 18.1303 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 2 @ 0.0619999 = 0.124 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16300 @ 0.00095029 = 15.4897 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 100 @ 0.11950724 = 11.9507 BTC [-]
Apocalyptic: <mircea_popescu> [16:51:46] aren;'t these the guys that stole the "investors" equity to cover for the previous time they got owned ? I believe they are
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 6 @ 0.062 = 0.372 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 39650 @ 0.0009482 = 37.5961 BTC [-] {3}
knotwork: Yeah I heard they covered the losses with money from investors. Maybe the investors didnt like that and now want to drive away all customers so the place gets no business and has to shut down
mircea_popescu: or maybe they just have a dartboard and throw darts at it each day
chetty: well can we turn some of these scammer into dartboards?
Apocalyptic: I remember that big miner mining at Eligius praising vircurex and recommending it for trading NMC
Apocalyptic: cause "they've been around for quite some time you know"
mircea_popescu: so has goat. so has gigavps. so has teh bitcoin foundation. around scamming for quite some time now.
Apocalyptic: indeed
Apocalyptic: gigavps even has the guts to come to -otc sometimes
kakobrekla: goat is going to sue garr now
kakobrekla: "your honor, garr failed to deliver the pump."
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 4 @ 0.0603875 = 0.2416 BTC [-] {3}
mike_c: is this over their mining thing?
mike_c: but but, last I read everything was going great and they were picking up their hardware! i haven't followed the thread recently i guess :)
kakobrekla: the thing went bad over half a year ago
mircea_popescu: yeah, he was going to sue pirate, he is going to sue garr,
kakobrekla: or its just me who can smell the shit early
mircea_popescu: before that back in 2012 he was going to post pics of his mining farm
mircea_popescu: he's a going-to kind of guy.
kakobrekla: ofc he wont, i phrased it wrong
Apocalyptic: kako the shit-smeller , dat title
kakobrekla: fuck what have i brought on myself
mircea_popescu: Tic the shit-senser
kakobrekla goes to edit todays log
mircea_popescu: ooo what is that flash ?!
mircea_popescu: hm... what were we talking about ?
kakobrekla: yeah, much better than pdf
mike_c: we were talking about sending our btc to kako for a new mining venture.
mircea_popescu: does pdf stand for pedophile ?
thestringpuller: use latex at least...
kakobrekla: but what does flash stand for then
kakobrekla: the question that ended -assets.
kakobrekla: *tumbleweed*
bounce: flash! ah-haa!
mircea_popescu: can you imagine how shocked the aliens/reptillians/illuminati/etc watching this will be
mircea_popescu: if one day it just... ends.
VanCleef: i read mircea's blog sometimes does anyone have any other handy reading material or youtube videos, doesn't have to be about bitcoin just something along the lines of investing
VanCleef: i'm just watching a bunch of mark cuban interviews
ozbot: Assets Assimilated
mike_c: last year's trilema :)
VanCleef: cool thanks Duffer1
ozbot: Shareholder Letters
mircea_popescu: read that whole set, you'll be ahead of about half the group of folk that identify as finance-anythign
VanCleef: thank you mircea
thestringpuller: mircea_popescu: you still like Berkshire Hathaway despite Buffet's stance on BTC?
thestringpuller: you still respect* not like*
mircea_popescu: the letters are old, and as respectable as they ever were.
mircea_popescu: you think if i get alzhimers' when im 95 that'll change the 2013 articles on trilema in any way ?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 23 @ 0.062 = 1.426 BTC [+]
ozbot: P Diddy's Words Of Wisdom - YouTube
thestringpuller: That's what I'd figure you'd say, and I expect you to be the only one in the nursing home flirting at 95...
mircea_popescu: well it ain't gonna suck itself...
chetty: Turkish fighter jets shot down a Syrian warplane after it violated Turkey’s airspace Sunday
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 4 @ 0.63877424 = 2.5551 BTC [+] {3}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 3 @ 0.64150055 = 1.9245 BTC [+] {3}
cads: mircea_popescu: who/what turned you on to reading the berkshire letters?
cads: another friend has suggested it but I haven't made time for it
ThickAsThieves: so, i am trying to repair a broken tablet lcd and my current problem is it is glued to the frame and i've no heat gun, nor is the sun particularly bright today
mircea_popescu: i can't even remember, i liked the guy since i was 14 or so
ThickAsThieves: any tips?
ThickAsThieves: or just go buy a heat gun
mircea_popescu: got a lens ?
ThickAsThieves: i have a magnifying lens for soldering
mircea_popescu: so try that on the sun. who knows.
asciilifeform: ThickAsThieves: hair dryer usually works.
asciilifeform: helps if you own an IR thermometer.
mircea_popescu: that also.
mircea_popescu: esp if you got a pro one.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 27 @ 0.00636479 = 0.1718 BTC [+] {5}
ThickAsThieves: any temp i should be going for?
asciilifeform: depends on the glue, clearly
ThickAsThieves: some kinda mobile device surgical glue or someshit
ThickAsThieves: i guess, til it's loose
asciilifeform: traditional method is to attach a suction cup
asciilifeform: to the screen
asciilifeform: and suspend it a cm or so above the table, in a clamp, from said cup
asciilifeform: then heat.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 12 @ 0.64549969 = 7.746 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 19 @ 0.00639697 = 0.1215 BTC [+]
ozbot: Sinkhole of bureaucracy | The Washington Post
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 200 @ 0.00639696 = 1.2794 BTC [-] {3}
benkay: so the girl draped some gauzy fabric in front of the apartment window; we verified that nobody can see in during the day, and now i'm at my standing desk aka the kitchen island shirt-cocking hard
benkay: it's glorious.
mircea_popescu: shirt-cocking ?!
benkay: ;;ud shirt cocking
gribble: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=shirt%20cocking | Men who go about their day with a shirt on, but no pants or underwear. "Cocking" can be used with other terms. Example: Cowl Cocking, when a man we...
ozbot: Urban Dictionary: shirt cocking
benkay: cooking bacon too, you see.
benkay: it seems that Vice is the only publication on the internet who've been able to implement a bootstrap header without totally fucking the page-down functionality of yore.
benkay: functionality my ux-perts tell me nobody uses any more.
benkay: "except people who read at a reasonable speed!"
benkay: scrolling *has* to impose additional cognitive load.
mircea_popescu: i use it.
mircea_popescu: scrolling is not unlike the revolutionary notion of having sentences broken up on lines on the written page
ninjashogun: Hi guys.
mircea_popescu: "but moving eyes from end to begin of line must add cognitive load"
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 2 @ 0.11950724 = 0.239 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: turns out the brain is a pulse not a flux processor.
mircea_popescu: it adds nothing.
benkay: really?
benkay: re lines that's been a staple for a good millenia or so tho
benkay: we've adapted.
mircea_popescu: plenty of "smarter than necessary" folk came up with lines that went 123 654 789 etc
mircea_popescu: somehow it didn't catch on.
ninjashogun: mircea_popescu, what I found really amazing on the brain is the herz that neurons can fire at before tiring. Given how much processing we do every second, take a guess at what the maximal neuronic herz rate is in the brain :)
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 3 @ 0.06199765 = 0.186 BTC [+] {2}
ninjashogun: maximum*
mircea_popescu: and no, it's not that we've adapted to the lines. the lines are adapted to us.
mircea_popescu: this bullshit whereby a clueless shit will "invent" something and the world will "adapt" to it is sheer usinsanity.
ninjashogun: "Although different neurons fire at different speeds, as a rough estimate it is reasonable to estimate that a neuron can fire about once every 5 milliseconds, or about 200 times a second"
mircea_popescu: i get it that impotence is a major problem there, both culturally and sexually, but that's scarcely an excuse.
ninjashogun: Our brain operates at a maxmium of 200 herz. That is mind-bogglingly slow.
benkay: (correction: vice hasn't fixed the pagedown)
mircea_popescu: vice doesn't really have much interest in making it easy for people to read, either,
mircea_popescu: seeing how the more people read the more their fixed costs go up.
thestringpuller: VICE is about reporters without borders!
mircea_popescu: now if they only could convince everyone that
asciilifeform: 'maxmium of 200 herz' << this would be interesting if they fired in phase. which they don't.
mircea_popescu: is a perfectly fine article...
ninjashogun: hi asciilifeform. it is still very surprising :)
ninjashogun: if someone told me you can do everything a human can do in terms of brain-processing (from vision to motor control to thinking speaking, reacting, EVERYTHING) thorugh a neural net at which the maximum speed of any neuron is 200 herz I'd have laughed. "suuure."
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 2 @ 0.062 = 0.124 BTC [+]
ninjashogun: anything you can do in 5 seconds includes no individual neurons firing more than 1,000 times.
CheckDavid: mircea_popescu: you know breaking bad?
mircea_popescu: some sitcom thing ?
ThickAsThieves: hairdryer isnt hot enough :(
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 262 @ 0.00327699 = 0.8586 BTC [+] {2}
ThickAsThieves: google is showing not much success repairing the tablet i am attempting
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19482 @ 0.00094723 = 18.4539 BTC [-] {3}
midnightmagic: ninjashogun: That is meaningless. The full structure of the brain hasn't even been fully undertood yet.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 106 @ 0.003277 = 0.3474 BTC [+]
ninjashogun: hi, midnightmagic. Well, yes and no. It is meaningless, you are right. But it's also interesting that it means that a supercomputer running at 4 ghz interconnect speed runs at a native speed of 10,000,000 times faster than neurons' native speeds.
ninjashogun: midnightmagic, the other interesting thing is that the brain weighs just 3 pounds and takes up 1.26 liters. (1400 grams, 1.3 US quarts).
midnightmagic: except 100,000,000,000 neurons at 200hz each equals a total meaningless cross-product of 20,000,000,000,000 things which is much higher than the 4,000,000,000 other things; plus interconnect, microtubules, memory, specialization, and so on mean there is no "faster".
ninjashogun: midnightmagic, this is very true. But, for example, if a supercomputer were to model these interconnects but had fewer "physical" neurons (CPU units), then the same CPU units could be reused 20 million times (4 ghz / 200 herz) to get realtime speed. (This is just an example of how to think about it.)
asciilifeform: example, from one's tool drawer. i recently happened to buy an oscilloscope. it can sample signals at 1GHz, despite having no component therein operating above 100MHz.
ninjashogun: asciilifeform, that is a very good and interesting example. Do you think that the brain relies on these sampling effects?
asciilifeform: this is done by having a number of ADCs operating at 100MHz each, but out of phase.
ninjashogun: asciilifeform, I understand. Do you think that timing is used by the brain in this way?
ninjashogun: asciilifeform, I would think that the brain doesn't depend on sensitive timing information like that, but rather on the pathways that are activated (irrespective of timing).
asciilifeform: depends on what one means by 'used'. it is known that the neurons aren't synced (in phase) - why would they be.
midnightmagic: ninjashogun: Nope. There is not enough understanding to model even small parts of the human brain. The structures we know about are unknown. There are likely other structures we don't yet know about.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 12 @ 0.11950724 = 1.4341 BTC [-]
ninjashogun: asciilifeform, exactly, they're not in sync because why would they be. But is that out of phase effect used to do calculation or the equivalent of a pipeline, etc? Probably not.
midnightmagic: for the foreseeable future, there is no computer even contemplated that could model the human brain as we understand it right now, let alone as new discoveries arrive.
midnightmagic: machine intelligence will take another form.
ninjashogun: midnightmagic, well I agree. Our current understanding isn't even enough for a full model. we wouldn't know what to run even if we had a supercomputer with unlimited resources. we don't have the code.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 486 @ 0.00314518 = 1.5286 BTC [-] {11}
ninjashogun: midnightmagic, it's an interesting situation . Rather than being limited by hardware ,we're very possibly limited by software. We don't know what to run - it's not that we can't run it, but we don't have the software written.
ninjashogun: Based on the simple calculation that the brain is just 3 pounds, 1.25 liters, and fires at 200 herz, it is extremely likely that there exists ∃ (latex \exists) code that we could run that would result in a brain running at an appreciable percentage of real-time brain speed, using < $1B of hardware. But we don't have the code, even though it probably \exists
ninjashogun: Hardware-wise, if we had the code than a simple cluster of a few tons of CPU and RAM units could probably run it.
ninjashogun: Also don't forget that we know for a fact that the architecture in the brain is encoded in no more than 700 MB totally uncompressed. That is how much the human genome takes to encode as simple bits (adenine(A), cytosine (C), guanine (G) and thymine (T) encoded as two bits each). With some compression that's even less.
ninjashogun: Of course we have no chance in hell of modelling the development of a brain by "running" the code. We can't even model a few molecules fully.
ninjashogun: but we have a theoretical proof that the architecture of the brain is somehow encoded into under 700 MB. (well under that, as that encodes the full human body.)
ozbot: The First National Bank of GameStop
benkay: consumer banking is so commoditized that apparently one can accidentally operate a bank.
ninjashogun: benkay, ha!
ninjashogun: benkay, that is a hilarious observation
benkay: a friend was curious about http://www.simple.com: "their advertising pitch seemed to be: 'coffee. flannel. dogs. bank. flannel. guitars on a porch. bank.'"
benkay: "i mean yeah - it's a US bank. they likely won't do a runner with your cash. they're also just like every other bank in the states, except maybe not running on mainframes older than yourself and myself put together."
benkay: they just got bought by BBVA, iirc. from what i understand the spaniards want to leverage the stack that Simple built out for themselves across a load of different networks.
benkay: "here's a team that's actually built a thing that makes money. let's buy the thing and leverage the team's proven track record of shipping high-quality software to ameliorate our dependency on ancient internal tooling."
benkay: no quadrillion dollar exit or anything, but the mgmt team had accelerated vesting in place for everyone with options, so it looks like a chunk of the PDX clojure group will be taking rather nice vacations this year if the workload ever slows down.
midnightmagic: No, whoever came up with that $1b estimate is someone being silly and probably looking for grant money.
midnightmagic: There is also no "theoretical proof" that the architecture of the brain is "under 700MB". That's utter nonsense.
benkay: let it go, midnightmagic.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.073 = 0.146 BTC [+]
mike_c: the data for creating the brain may be that small, but the code that runs it (rules of chemistry, biology, etc) is huge.
benkay: .bait
mike_c: plus that too
benkay: swear to god i know that girl.
benkay: tits are too big tho.
jurov: mircea_popescu: fico only won first round and with only 4% gain. second (final) round is scheduled to march 29
Apocalyptic: i hope he'll lose
jurov: yes
jurov: mp is asking that second or third time already, you could have explained him that when i'm not around...
Apocalyptic: jurov, I didn't see him asking that
Apocalyptic: ninjashogun, already been posted hours ago
ninjashogun: someone should set up an FDI btc - Federal Deposit Insurance of Bitcoins
ninjashogun: every week you hear of an exchange closing down freezing funds etc due to hacking.
jurov: ninjashogun: that proposal isn't even funny
jurov: it's wholesale stupid
jurov: mandatory proof of infosec competence for whoever asks bitcoins deposits/loans/investments would be tad better
ninjashogun: jurov - lol @ "mandatory"
ninjashogun: jurov - that's not how bitcoin works. nothing is mandatory.
jurov: yes. but i can at least chuckle over that
ninjashogun: jurov - fair enough
ninjashogun: jurov - I suppose the main reason an insurance scheme is stupid is because it doesn't work if every exchange gets hacked and has to pay out....
jurov: If.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 1247 @ 0.00307995 = 3.8407 BTC [-] {9}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 8379 @ 0.00299664 = 25.1088 BTC [-] {45}
ninjashogun: jurov - what percentage of BTC exchanges have lost btc due to theft? (to the point of shutting down)
ninjashogun: jurov - I've heard of 3-5 such cases (I think) but I don't know what percentage that represents.
Apocalyptic: ninjashogun, you mean realt theft or self-theft a la zhou tong ?
jurov: even if i somehow knew that % it would be utter meaningless number
ninjashogun: Apocalyptic, there's no way to know is there :)
ninjashogun: "reported theft"
Apocalyptic: exactly
ninjashogun: what is the percentage of exchnages that have had "reported theft" (whether real or invented)
jurov: ninjashogun one can't insure subprime mortgages (incidentally, from very similar reasons).. but some doods did that anyway
jurov: er... tried to
ninjashogun: jurov - well, you can insure sub-prime mortgages but the premium might be on par with the monthly payment.
jurov: because they were thinking in % like you do
ninjashogun: jurov - I wonder how much it would reduce exchnage usage if there were a 20% insurance fee on all deposits. (Which is insane.) Would some people still use it to buy fiat with BTC they accept elsewhere?
ninjashogun: (insane as in insanely high.)
jurov: well, do try it
jurov: dumber ideas had their moment of btc glory
ninjashogun: we know that the percentage of exchnages that would pretend a theft occurred would go up. (It's called 'moral hazard' in insurance.)
mike_c: it would be difficult for that to go up.
ninjashogun: mike_c - well I know a couple that have not reported thefts so far. (For example moolah's)
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 4 @ 0.6210055 = 2.484 BTC [-] {3}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 26 @ 0.07123173 = 1.852 BTC [-] {7}
ozbot: Starting a new FPGA mining farm/contract Cognitive Resurrected on[Havelock]
Duffer1: Goat's on a warpath
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 2 @ 0.06125 = 0.1225 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34110 @ 0.00095029 = 32.4144 BTC [+]
Duffer1: wow going through his post history, that all seems to be getting pretty ugly
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 5 @ 0.11950724 = 0.5975 BTC [-]
ninjashogun: Duffer1 - whose posting history are you referring to? If it's Garr, I know someone who knows him. (many exchanges).
ninjashogun: sorry if it's Goat. Not sure if that means Garr.
ninjashogun: My comment is about "His Most Eminent Highness Grand Caesar Imperator Goat"
Duffer1: i was referring to Goat's post history
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 14 @ 0.06039287 = 0.8455 BTC [-] {4}
jurov: kakobrekla: on bitcoin-assets.com the donation addr is 14uG... but link goes to 1B6N...
Duffer1: ith a conthpirathy
kakobrekla: thats odd
ninjashogun: the plot thickens.
Duffer1: ninja so you know someone that knows garr are you involved with Cog?
Duffer1: i'm just curious to find out what's going on
kakobrekla: did you make that tx to 14u jurov?
jurov: yes. and now i wanted to check and only then realized the prob
Duffer1: do you not control that address Kako?
kakobrekla: i dunno, i got a bunch of wallets but at first look no
ninjashogun: Duffer1, No I'm not involved with Cog. I just know that as far as this person is concerned Goat is very trustworthy.
ninjashogun: what is the Cog story?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 13 @ 0.062 = 0.806 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11900 @ 0.00094663 = 11.2649 BTC [-] {2}
ninjashogun: exactly
Apocalyptic: " Goat is very trustworthy." I lol'd
Duffer1: i'm not exactly sure, it'swhy i was asking
Duffer1: i just see a lot of accusations of fraud and mismanagement dunno what's going on though
ninjashogun: I didn't say it's my opinion. I don't know Goat personally at all.
ninjashogun: This person could easily have been mislead, etc.
ninjashogun: All frauds have ardent followers.
Duffer1: oh i mean accusations of fraud by Goat against Garr
ninjashogun: I was NOT referring to Garr only Goat.
ninjashogun: I don't know anything about Garr at all.
ninjashogun: and about Goat, I know just that one person trusts him and has been in touch for over a year.
dexX7: Duffer1: do you know, if it's possible to withdrawal ltc from ct?
Duffer1: i tried to withdrawal .4 but it wouldn't let me
Duffer1: it kept ignoring the . and trying to withdraw the 4
dexX7: <_<"
Apocalyptic: what's ct ?
Duffer1: i mean CipherTrade
dexX7: did you try "," instead of "."?
Duffer1: bah you damned euros lol no i didn't try a ,
dexX7: hahaha
Duffer1: let me check
dexX7: yup
bounce: not the only shop that had that problem. add a 0 in front of that . and all should be well again.
Ghaleon_: anyone here install 0.9.0 on unbent from source ?
dexX7: if it works indeed with ",", it's funny, because the balance is shown as "x.y"
Duffer1: nope, it won't even let me enter a , or a .
Duffer1: i'm using firefox
Apocalyptic: have you tried what bounce suggested ?
Duffer1: ah thanks bounce i missed that, that does indeed work
dexX7: what did you enter exactly? 00.4?
jurov: he tried 0.o
dexX7: x_x
Duffer1: to answer your initial question dexX7 it is possible to withdraw LTC from CT. The transaction showed up almost immediately
Duffer1: i entered 0.4
dexX7: thanks
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 439 @ 0.00094503 = 0.4149 BTC [-]
Duffer1: although.. my balance still shows the original even after refresh
Duffer1: nm gone now
dexX7: yup, worked
Mats_cd03: i see today's topic of discussion was neuroscience
Mats_cd03: are we going to continue discussing genetics and biology as though theres an expert in here
ozbot: 300 Bitcoins to be worth more than a share of Class A Berkshire Hathaway Stock on March 31st 2015 -
jurov: let's start by considering the question
jurov: whether above is parasitism or symbiosis
jurov: i can easily foresee the price end up between 300 and 315 and then predictious going down in flames
Mats_cd03: arbitrage opportunity at least
jurov: i think they already resell bitbet
Mats_cd03: and i propose a second bitbet - predictious shuttering by the same date
jurov: lol
benkay: Mats_cd03: ninjashogun's an expert in all the fields. how dare you!
ninjashogun: benkay, nice to see you have nothing better to do on a Sunday than trolling.
ninjashogun: I'm no expert on neuroscience but I have sought out their opinions. Funny, the same as I've done here for financial info. The difference is that they didn't troll for it.
Mats_cd03: just having some fun at your expense
kakobrekla: jurov it seems you supported haxors.
mike_c: and they didn't change the link? interesting decision.
ninjashogun: Mats_cd03, :)
ninjashogun: you're cool Mats_cd03 . Actually you're all pretty cool but I may have to burn this nick and come back in two months if I want to hang out here. I've done that elsewhere. It's funny how the same people can be cool and total trolls.
kakobrekla: its odd, but its wp, so not much surprise there.
Mats_cd03: i nearly set a stack of newspapers on fire today with a soldering iron
ninjashogun: Mats_cd03, you weren't kidding about hardware :)
Mats_cd03: my proudest moment
dexX7: is the guy from blockr.io here?
kakobrekla: you can talk to me
kakobrekla: jurov :D
dexX7: do you use blockchain.info as source?
dexX7: i have the problem of a confirmed transformation that is shown as unconfirmed on bc.i and doesn't exist on blockr
kakobrekla: i dunno source for what they should be but no
dexX7: 7f3eadf5ada45c1eff3342eedc5153e1e2b1ec21e391ab8247c756ad4a08472c
dexX7: wait, this one is shown on blockr
dexX7: 9e575ffc126b339c81f5bcf511d23f5ae24ce1a7f961aeade1e2afe54ef30808
dexX7: nvm
dexX7: also there
Mats_cd03: took a second for the tx to propagate across nodes?
dexX7: yea probably
kakobrekla: the propagation sometimes sucks bad
dexX7: but blockchain.info is still broken
jurov: yes i see it occassially too
ozbot: Bitcoin Transaction 7f3eadf5ada45c1eff3342eedc5153e1e2b1ec21e391ab8247c756ad4a08472c
kakobrekla: so blockr pwnz?
jurov: or they are on a fork
nubbins`: re: mainframes
jurov: or you are on a fork
dexX7: i like blockr
kakobrekla: im on a chair
nubbins`: at my last job, all our customer databases were built in the 80s
nubbins`: most didn't bother with primary keys
Mats_cd03: excel dbs for auth?
nubbins`: nah all AS/400
nubbins`: plaintext passwords tho D:
kakobrekla: bc info is 4 block behind
dexX7: jurov: maybe, but ... "real" block height: 292106, bc.i: 292102
dexX7: yup
Mats_cd03: i consulted for a place once where all the user, admin passwords were plaintext and shared the same excel file as the auth for the hvac systems and scif
dexX7: (i submitted the tx as raw on bci, that's why they are at least there)
Mats_cd03: i reported it after i left and two execs got fired months afterwards
Mats_cd03: #preventingthenextsnowden
dexX7: :D
nubbins`: i reported plaintext passwords and the response was "yeah, we know"
nubbins`: #preventingnothing
Mats_cd03: worst place i ever worked
Mats_cd03: dealing with policies and procedures and bureaucratic garbage rather than doing my job
Mats_cd03: no ipods cause manning fucked that up for everybody
Mats_cd03: but yeah... opsec...
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 2 @ 0.0580001 = 0.116 BTC [-] {2}
radan: I outted Karpeles a long time ago
ninjashogun: Mats_cd03, asciilifeform and mirceau-p's Cardano - a physical device that escrows private keys and signs documents passed to it over USB - stored passwords as plaintext on the theory that a loss or theft should be considered catastrophic anyway. So storing in plaintext means people will practice better opsec
jayk spit darts karpeles
ninjashogun: stores*
Apocalyptic: radan, so did MP
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 2 @ 0.06001436 = 0.12 BTC [-]
radan: I don't doubt it
radan: my analysis began and ended with "he's a jew"
radan: I think that tells you everything about him, more or less
Mats_cd03: there was more than one egregious security offense in that event
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 11 @ 0.06000641 = 0.6601 BTC [-] {7}
radan: the man's basically a walking stereotype
dexX7: mp is involved with cryptome?
dexX7: nvm
Mats_cd03: they eschewed any preventive administrative controls
Mats_cd03: least privilege, separation of duties, leaving the damn thing on a shared network folder
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 711 @ 0.00301 = 2.1401 BTC [-] {5}
Mats_cd03: i understand what youre trying to say, pidgin and an infinite number of developers agree with that idea
Mats_cd03: that doesnt mean you stop layering security
dexX7: speaking of security. in 8 days is the worldwide backup day :)
Mats_cd03: you know how spy tradecraft works?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11222 @ 0.00094348 = 10.5877 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 35 @ 0.00298105 = 0.1043 BTC [-]
Mats_cd03: its not the techniques per se, its the obscurity in practice that evades detection
mike_c: good track Mats_cd03
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 89 @ 0.00298102 = 0.2653 BTC [-]
radan: must be nice knowing all those fancy crypto
radan: things
radan: you can probably store data very securely
Mats_cd03: > This man is an Ashkenazi of French background living in Japan.
Mats_cd03: this reminded me of drake, the rapper
jurov: asciilifeform took great pains to explain not even host PC shouldn't be able to recognize it's cardano
Mats_cd03: a canadian jew in the rap game... luls
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 40 @ 0.00299999 = 0.12 BTC [+] {2}
radan: if you're jewish, the world's your stage
radan: there's friendly people in positions of power in every industry wanting to see you succeed
Mats_cd03: do you feel disenfranchised
radan: very
radan: they're the new nobility and no one recognizes it
mike_c: this clearly helped karpales. look how great he's doing!
radan: he's not in jail yet and he's got a lot of money.
radan: I'd say he's doing well for himself
mike_c: if only you had different genes, you could be rich too.
mike_c: if only you weren't you.
radan: Judaism isn't genetic
mike_c: i'm talking about you.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28635 @ 0.00094692 = 27.1151 BTC [+] {2}
radan: I'm jewish by jewish law because my grandmother was a jew
Mats_cd03: race envy is terribly out of fashion
radan: what a good argument against anything
radan: "do you realize how unfashionable you're being"
Apocalyptic: <radan> they're the new nobility and no one recognizes it // some do
mike_c: try this. do you realize you sound like a whiny child?
Mats_cd03: "the jews" have less power now than they have ever had at any time in history
benkay: lol karpeles is satoshi
benkay: i like this one
radan: a single Jewish family controls 40% of sweden's enterprise
benkay: radan you're a muslim?
radan: ...
benkay: Mats_cd03: MOAR TRAXX
radan: where did that come from
benkay: all the allah wankery on your blog
radan: that's me making fun of muslims
radan: get with the times, old man
dexX7: hehe benkay, the track is indeed fine. i usually use di.fm for music :)
radan: irony's the new hip thing
benkay: ah
kakobrekla: if anyone is curious, it was akismet that ships default with wp.
benkay: needs more context, radan.
dub: jews making fun of muslims lel
Mats_cd03: benkay: do you like happy by pharrell?
Apocalyptic: kako, the flawed plugin you mean ?
benkay: Mats_cd03: kinda anemic.
radan: anyway, I'm in the oil industry
radan: possibly the industry where jewish connections can least help me
benkay: filthy capital intensive operations
Mats_cd03: and some kanye for the young bloods in here www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0FtrbhfhWg
benkay: ;;seen Vexual
gribble: Vexual was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 3 weeks, 3 days, 21 hours, 26 minutes, and 53 seconds ago: <Vexual> lasers in the eye is never good tat
dexX7: <radan> anyway, I'm in the oil industry << burn in hell, kafir
dexX7: jk lol
benkay: ah kanye
benkay: that guy.
Mats_cd03: how's your son?
Mats_cd03: he make the team this year?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 73 @ 0.00299999 = 0.219 BTC [+]
Mats_cd03: Aw th-, they said he wasn't tall enough?
Mats_cd03: benkay: you've outed yourself, i can tell you do shitloads of drugs
benkay: not as many as i once did
benkay: shit to do these days.
Mats_cd03: cake up to wake up, sip that shit pass out or play playstation
Mats_cd03: i think im betraying my age... afk
benkay: you're coked to the gills in here regularly, Mats_cd03.
benkay: leastaways seems that way hurr hurr hurr
benkay: relevant yet unrelated photo of lines
Mats_cd03: youre only seeing the highlight reels
benkay: subject of the Vin Mariani the smart kids have introduced me to their new favorite habit of dissolving high-grade cocaine in high-test alcohol and eyedroppering it into their drinks
benkay: "smart".
benkay: and it was just one of them.
asciilifeform: 1880s state of the art!
benkay: everything old is new again.
benkay: i wonder if it reflects something about culture. leaving the boom/bust of pushing crystals through a delicate membrane for a more even dosage level over a longer period of time.
dexX7: oh lol
dexX7: never mind.. it's a scam imposter site the guy mentioned
Mats_cd03: turns out putting nuclear reactors on ships is a great idea
Mats_cd03: (old news)
dexX7: urgh
dexX7: bci is catching up
kakobrekla: jurov it happend 13 days ago. by the timing im guessing you hacked it, sent the money to yourself and now want a refund!
jurov: interesting. any evidence?
kakobrekla: yes examining now
dexX7: is there an alternative?
User__: do you guys trust https://blockchain.info ?
dexX7: not anymore
dexX7: it's buggy
User__: dexX7 how do you know? from the UI
dexX7: until a few minutes ago blockchain.info was more than 6 blocks behind
dexX7: and i confirm this with two nodes i run myself
dexX7: and www.blockr.io :)
dexX7: but i have no idea, how you could see that something is wrong, if you only look at blockchain.info itself
User__: what about as an online wallet?
dexX7: at the very moment everything seems to be fine
dexX7: well, worst case is probably that you are "behind". coins should never be at risk, especially because blockchain.info is not the holder of coins
dexX7: you may export the privat keys from your online wallet, just in case
Mats_cd03: you should not be using online wallets at all
dexX7: fyi: checked the last 100+ blocks. blockchain.info is in sync
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 48 @ 0.00299 = 0.1435 BTC [-] {3}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 2 @ 0.05799999 = 0.116 BTC [+]
Mats_cd03: cause bitcoiners wanna be famous and network too
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 2 @ 0.058 = 0.116 BTC [+]
cazalla: yes but would you go to an @aantonop meet up with no women?
mircea_popescu: jurov oh i see
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 2 @ 0.05700005 = 0.114 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 16 @ 0.057 = 0.912 BTC [-] {3}
ozbot: Cookies must be enabled. | The Australian
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 2 @ 0.0560001 = 0.112 BTC [-]
jurov: hi mircea_popescu, heard what's new on bitcoin-assets.com ?
mircea_popescu: jurov notrly ?
jurov: a donation addy
jurov: one kako did not knew about
Apocalyptic: he claims the wp was hacked
dexX7: 19 btc donated?
ozbot: Bitcoin Address 1B6NP9eb4RKy9tRrXYCJnNcenZkrt5Q2gb
jurov: no that's the right one afaik
dexX7: that's the one linked at the bottom of the website
jurov: i had donated to 14uG7Qcu7riB9rthmmqjVVNn7gtGkZPFGC instead
jurov: kako fixed it
dexX7: ah
jurov: fortunately only 0.1
dexX7: i would worry more about a potential hack than 0.1 btc
dexX7: OMG
mircea_popescu: wait what ?!
dexX7: all teh gossip and slander available for the public!?
mircea_popescu: so how did the false addy end up there ?
jurov: last words were "still under investigation"
mircea_popescu: i did not know this.
Apocalyptic: dexX7, more like the logs could be edited, don't know to what extend it was compromised
mircea_popescu: so whichever of you guise did https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mircea_Popescu i still think wikipedia sucks.
kakobrekla: the logs were not edited ( except for the shit-smeller part)
dexX7: Apocalyptic: good point
ninjashogun: it says there is no article of that name
ninjashogun: any of you familiar with the 'black swan' concept?
ninjashogun: Do you think the bitcoin phenomenon counts as one?
Mats_cd03: i fancy taleb myself but i find the concept unpalatable
JorgePasada: mats_cd03 I think Taleb would have come off better if so much of his contempt for the people who laughed at him for being wrong all though the financial bubbles didn't seep through his writing. Great ideas, great thoughts/concepts, somewhat poorly presented.
Mats_cd03: it is not repeatable, testable, or falsifiable
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 150 @ 0.00299 = 0.4485 BTC [-] {3}
Mats_cd03: it doesnt pass a test of any rigor known by science
mike_c: kako said it was the akismet plugin for wordpress that allowed the hack.
Apocalyptic: only one known exploit for this, and it's from 2007...
CheckDavid: I need money to start a business.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 30 @ 0.0557 = 1.671 BTC [-]
Mats_cd03: i need business to start a money
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23843 @ 0.00095123 = 22.6802 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 3 @ 0.06299797 = 0.189 BTC [+] {2}
TestingUnoDosTre: I've got free money for invetipreneurities
Apocalyptic: CheckDavid, what kind of business ?
dexX7: it's a shame that everyone started to yell about the sec stuff, but it was known since korbman was called by them weeks? earlier
bounce puts down a high hat and fiddles a tune of big plans and obvious competence
CheckDavid: Web business Apocalyptic . a different kind of job board
mike_c: good to know the WSJ is still weeks behind b-a
ozbot: #bitcoin-assets log
TestingUnoDosTre: the SEC has been calling people as well as emailing? I didn't realize they worked so much
dexX7: well, i guess the flow of bitcoin news is something like assets-> trilema -> reddit -> mass media
benkay: good one, Mats_cd03. that's what i'm doing.
ninjashogun: hi - I am attempting to make an introduction to someone who has LTC for sale (person I would introduce wants to buy ltc). (mid five figures in us fiat). Might someone here be interested?
mircea_popescu: JorgePasada does have a point, he does read a little bitter.
Mats_cd03: benkay: asscoins?
mircea_popescu: <Mats_cd03> i need business to start a money << hahaha epic.
bounce: you just missed the kid in -otc, though he offered euros
benkay: Mats_cd03: derpy web apps
mircea_popescu: dexX7 not so sure reddit beats that all too often
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 2 @ 0.065 = 0.13 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 81 @ 0.05475965 = 4.4355 BTC [-] {8}
mircea_popescu: i guess it depends on degrees of separation from cat
radan: is bitcoin an end or a means to an end
JorgePasada: mircea_popescu: Overall I like Taleb, I just wish he'd present his ideas without so much of his emotional baggage... but I guess that's the struggle of communication in general. He probably wouldn't be nearly the same person without all those experiences, so I guess some of it is bound to seep through
Mats_cd03: hahaha
radan: I read it
mircea_popescu: JorgePasada i think this comes with the territory of being old. in the following specific sense :
radan: it makes sense logically, but judaism isn't a logical entity
mircea_popescu: we easily laugh at kids today because they're wimps, no experience with physical violence, completely unable to cope with physical reality.
radan: it involves ties of emotions, genetics, history, and shared experience
mircea_popescu: meanwhile however, they are experts at handling what's called "trolling"
radan: none of these are things that bitcoin can emulate
mircea_popescu: people born before the 80s utterly suck at that
mircea_popescu: "how could he say i fuck donkeys in my spare time!111"
mircea_popescu: so in a sense, it's a quid pro quo, and taleb is captive of his generation.
JorgePasada: I agree with that observation completely, the trolling thing
JorgePasada: especially that younger generations are much better at dealing with it
mircea_popescu: it's very visible to me because i have to be veeehehery careful to insulate the older (mostly engineering) people working for me
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 10 @ 0.065999 = 0.66 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: from the pr stuff. otherwise they end up moping and all indignant
mircea_popescu: "but how can they say that! THAT IS SO STUPID!!!"
JorgePasada: Trying to tie something into this and make a salient point...
JorgePasada: something in the vein of emotional resilience and self reliance vs physical
mircea_popescu: i usually go listen, forgot about that, it's not your job, let the girls handle it etc.
TestingUnoDosTre: do you pay workers in btc?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26800 @ 0.00095095 = 25.4855 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: mostly yeah
TestingUnoDosTre: do the engineers freak out a lot with price changes, or do they understand how to protect themselves from shifts in price if they care to do so
mircea_popescu: i don't think anyone actually depends on it.
mircea_popescu: srsly now, as an engineer, if you're any good and you got to be old, how the fuck would you actually need a salary
mike_c: multiple divorces
TestingUnoDosTre: multiple children
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 60 @ 0.00299 = 0.1794 BTC [-] {2}
mircea_popescu: hehe i guess so
mircea_popescu: and it's not only on this angle, either
mircea_popescu: old people are for some reason really really concerned with libel
mircea_popescu: to the degree they can't even write for the internet. what if someone doesn't like what they say!!1
mircea_popescu: as if, you know. everybody loves raymond or some shit.
mircea_popescu: but as ridiculous as it may seem, a lot of older people have serious trouble coping with the idea that well... not everybody is going to like them. no matter what they do.
mircea_popescu: it's what informs all the god-awful "pr" everyone else is doing.
JorgePasada: one of the weird dichotomies coming out of the internet and the whole 'trolling' thing
CheckDavid: Mats_cd03: u r a genius
JorgePasada: Is I'm meeting more and more young people who realize earlier on in their lives
Mats_cd03: whats the timeline on +m and 0.1btc for +v
JorgePasada: that they don't give a fuck what anyone thinks of them and they're content being themselves
JorgePasada: the flip side of that is
JorgePasada: it seems like it breaks a lot of kids
JorgePasada: some of my younger cousins are throughly fucked up
mircea_popescu: the bill cosby problem
mircea_popescu: wearting their clothes backwards :D
JorgePasada: This stuff is pretty high up the stack though, i mean, in terms of the maslows triange stuff
JorgePasada: weird thing is, for me at least, the more firm footing I found in the upper self actualization shit, the less of a base I felt I needed to stand on for the other stuff
mircea_popescu: im not so sure about that.
mircea_popescu: take a shy chick to the nude beach, she'll usually rather part with the clothing than be considered a loser by the other chicks.
mircea_popescu: apparently the need to belong beats clothing and shelter.
JorgePasada: I'd agree to that
JorgePasada: in matters of style
JorgePasada: or culture
mircea_popescu: nudity is style ?!
JorgePasada: god I hope so
mircea_popescu: "all she got about her is the way that she walks...
mircea_popescu: cause she can't dance... she can't sing...
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 2 @ 0.053 = 0.106 BTC [-] {2}
JorgePasada: I guess I was about to draw a line where there really isn't one, but like... when it comes to culture/style vs morality and ethics
JorgePasada: kind of more of a spectrum I guess
JorgePasada: But I mean... hmm
assbot: Last 1 lines bashed and pending review. (http://dpaste.com/1753362/plain/)
mircea_popescu: that'll be like the -assets motto
JorgePasada: I guess if it were like "Stoning people cause it's the cool thing" and I felt like I was going to get my ass beat if I didn't stone someone
JorgePasada: I might, I dunno
JorgePasada: interesting thing to think about
mircea_popescu: Mats_cd03 who knows, may even happen this year.
mircea_popescu: ideally it never happens
JorgePasada: I'd like to think I'd never use force or violence against another human without it being initiated on me first, but...
JorgePasada: yeah, ideally that
JorgePasada: that being said, still glad I know how to shoot well
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.065999 = 0.33 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 4 @ 0.065999 = 0.264 BTC [+]
Mats_cd03: are you allowed to carry concealed in your jurisdiction, JorgePasada?
JorgePasada: mats_cd03: Yep, with a permit, which I have.
JorgePasada: A bunch of restrictions on it though
benkay: murca!
Mats_cd03: murica: land of the free and guns
Mats_cd03: friendly reminder for all readers in the us following along
Mats_cd03: if you live in an unsafe area and are in need of home defense, find yourself an antique handgun or firearm: legal to own and unnecessary to declare to local LE in many jurisdictions
Mats_cd03: downsides: expensive, typically slow to reload, usually involves a grand jury investigation
benkay: whatever happened to hiring muscle?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 256 @ 0.00297961 = 0.7628 BTC [-] {4}
benkay: !t h rent
assbot: [HAVELOCK:RENT] 1D: 0.00525000 / 0.00541687 / 0.00556000 (1177 shares, 6.37565958 BTC), 7D: 0.00511800 / 0.00542967 / 0.00568690 (2166 shares, 11.76065904 BTC), 30D: 0.00510111 / 0.00555978 / 0.00900001 (50129 shares, 278.70606449 BTC)
Mats_cd03: upsides: low collateral damage, sometimes you can hide the body before authorities appear and forensics will be of little assistance to LE
mircea_popescu: i'm with benkay. if you live in an unsafe area, just open a bar, pass free drinks to the teenaged hoodlums, watch them mow down the police if you ever need any help
benkay: way better
mircea_popescu: definitely cheaper, certainly more enjoyable.
mike_c: wow, RENT has been dipping below ipo already? and btc hasn't even gone up yet.
benkay: mhm
Mats_cd03: id be worried about my place of business being razed by 50 calibre rounds
mircea_popescu: Mats_cd03 just add steel plating in the walls.
Mats_cd03: dont you know local cops in the us now have dedicated swat teams?
mircea_popescu: go for a hundred rounds/week average.
benkay: well you gotta hedge by taking the commissioner out to dinner regularly too
mircea_popescu: collect all the spent cartridges and have the local chicks make art
Mats_cd03: i saw an MRAP from afghanistan in a parade for st patricks day
mircea_popescu: benkay in a sane country, maybe. in the us, he's not worth the time.
Mats_cd03: it had been retrofitted for use by LE... i pooped myself
ozbot: Altcoin Investments (AltcoinInvest) on Twitter
benkay: single tear.
Mats_cd03: i have seen those things get blasted by a buried 120mm shell and witnessed the driver walking away from the explosion
benkay: hey mircea_popescu wouldja invite @anjiecast to join us?
mircea_popescu: ya srsly
benkay: "Feminism is not a gulag–it’s not like there are guards that'll shoot you if you try to escape." http://time.com/30397/duke-porn-star-is-right-kink-can-be-a-feminist-choice/ … idk still skeptical
mircea_popescu: what's to be skeptical about ?
mircea_popescu: feminist slavegirls ftw.
benkay: fuck if i can figure out how to link to a specific tweet
benkay: well its twitter. i imagine she has to stake out some controversial stance.
benkay: american feminism is totally down with lifestyle bdsm man
benkay: but on the internet, say anything off party line and get burnt.
benkay: far easier to have this conversation with the lady in question present.
wao-ende1: whats happening with vircurex?
mircea_popescu: well maybe she joins
mircea_popescu: so far i've noticed people tend to join when invited.
ThickAsThieves: "Orphancoin has potential for real world adoption."
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24500 @ 0.00095095 = 23.2983 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: is this a coin where every block's an orphan or is this a coin that will be "airdropped" on orphans
ThickAsThieves: it'll be airdropped on mommies and daddies that love each other very much
mircea_popescu: wait, it's a "trade children currency" ?
mircea_popescu: bejesus.
asciilifeform: slavecoin!
ozbot: Butterfly Labs and BF Labs, Inc. Bitcoin Miners | Wood Law Firm
ThickAsThieves: isnt katecraig's name "Wood"?
ThickAsThieves: "we seek to create a list of gullible idiots"
mircea_popescu: lol no, it's an actual law firm from like missouri iirc
mircea_popescu: modern day ambulance chasers, they mostly work injury and consumer claims
nubbins`: how's this for a PSA: back up your fuckin phone
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27700 @ 0.00094938 = 26.2978 BTC [-] {2}
benkay: not as though 2fa really helps if your counterparties are incompetent
benkay: ;;google cascadian hacker 2fa
gribble: No matches found.
benkay: wat
ThickAsThieves: not that it's the best solution, but doesn't the Authy app store 2fa in their "cloud"
ozbot: Webwallets Will Always Fail - Fr33aid's wallet robbed, Blockchain.info complicit in 2FA compromise
mircea_popescu: princessnell as opposed to eskimo nell ?
nubbins`: fun fact, "eskimo" is a derogatory term in canada
mircea_popescu: eh everything's a derogatory term somewhere
mircea_popescu: but eskimo nell's a thing.
mircea_popescu: ;;google "eskimo nell"
gribble: The Ballad of Eskimo Nell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Ballad_of_Eskimo_Nell>; Eskimo Nell - Rugby Songs Home: <http://www.rugbysongs.net/028%20Eskimo%20Nell.htm>; The Ballad of Eskimo Nell: <http://www.low.net.au/eskimo.html>
nubbins`: afaik the literal translation of eskimo is "eater of raw meat"
nubbins`: and this caused some consternation from the inhabitants of canada's north
mircea_popescu: well... they look like they eat the meat raw...
nubbins`: it's totally a thing
ozbot: Governor-General applauded, denounced for eating raw seal - The Globe and Mail
mircea_popescu: i wonder how long before southpark starts idling in here to crib material for furhter episodes.
mircea_popescu: nubbins` actually you know what ? fuck! you don't need to make a quarterly \book or w/e
mircea_popescu: you need to make a shitty cartoon
mircea_popescu: like sorta-parodic mockery of assets
nubbins`: imagine, a haitian woman becomes the queen's representative in canada, and flies up north to eat raw meat with people who take offense at being called eaters of raw meat
kakobrekla: anyway, some noob exploited aksimet default shipping plugin, changed the address and left everything behind. this happened 13 days ago. everything else checks out.
nubbins`: that's a storyline right there
dub: HHFT of bitcoin
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla sheeeit
kakobrekla: 0.1 btc a dignity is lost.
mircea_popescu: do you even php
nubbins`: do you even pcp
mircea_popescu: i sometimes pgp...
kakobrekla: since today on i have a dedicated wp secretary
kakobrekla: things will improve!
kakobrekla: said garr
mircea_popescu: cut your cock off and get implants!
mircea_popescu: btw, speaking of butterfly abs :
kakobrekla: jurov your addy?
mircea_popescu: https://twitter.com/anjiecast << anyone know who those two guys are in the background there ?
ozbot: Andrea Castillo (anjiecast) on Twitter
dub: butterfly labes
benkay: butterfly lobes
benkay: fuck mircea_popescu it's rattling around somewhere in my brain...
phf: dali and man ray
mircea_popescu: "your head's very small and the brain's rattling around"
benkay: yesssssss
benkay: oi.
mircea_popescu: phf ty :)
benkay: princessnell: are you the just-linked anjiecast?
mircea_popescu: more usefully : hey princessnell, to talk you write in the bar to the bottom of the screen and press enter.
benkay: i always forget that
mircea_popescu: by the way : here's dali saying romania is the best there is
ozbot: Radu Varia pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
benkay: well the pit is prepared for his afternoon training. i'm off to make him a better dog.
nubbins`: i had a prof for vector calculus named oana radu
ninjashogun: what's the online wallet with the best reputation?
ozbot: Oana Radu & Dr Mako feat. Eli - Tu - YouTube
mircea_popescu: that chick ?
benkay: ninjashogun: web wallets are anathema.
mircea_popescu: (oana is top 20 frequency name for a girl, radu is top 50 or so frequency for a boy. gypsyes in the south keep calling themselves firstname-firstname)
nubbins`: nope
ninjashogun: holy #$@ mirceau you sure know how to pick them. But I would never go for a woman with such an intellectually provocative public profile. Only the ones who keep that to themselves (as I do). makes everything easier :) :)
ozbot: Death - Live at Amoeba Music
ninjashogun: also, anyone who lists "psychology" as an interest is dead to me. They are beyond crazy, and without exception. I don't know a single marker as predictive of mental instability as interest in psychology.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 3 @ 0.05261133 = 0.1578 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 2 @ 0.0526 = 0.1052 BTC [-] {2}
mircea_popescu: ;;seen moiety
gribble: moiety was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 3 days, 21 hours, 50 minutes, and 42 seconds ago: <moiety> i sreepy, good mew all, whatever your timezone!
mircea_popescu: ;;seen izzy_
gribble: izzy_ was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 2 days, 15 hours, 9 minutes, and 49 seconds ago: <Izzy_> ok
mircea_popescu: long weekend in pennsylvania ?
ThickAsThieves: <mircea_popescu> https://twitter.com/anjiecast << anyone know who those two guys are in the background there ? /// Dali
mircea_popescu: as per the log :p
mircea_popescu: i was mostly messing with benkay
mircea_popescu: and successfully i might add :D
ThickAsThieves: mp you look pretty hardcore with that shaved head and beard now
ThickAsThieves: first time shaved?
ThickAsThieves: is it itchy?
benkay: SO CONFUS
mircea_popescu: i often shave in teh summer
mircea_popescu: but atm i look more like the old pic than this new one
ThickAsThieves: as long as you maintain a hint of rabbi, i'm cool with it
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 2 @ 0.0526059 = 0.1052 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: "In London, the different guilds divided into tribes and engaged in violent disputes. In 1339, fishmongers were involved in a series of major street battles with goldsmiths. But ironically, the apprentices with the worst reputation for violence belonged to the legal profession."
mircea_popescu: In the 15th and 16th Centuries, apprentice riots in London became more common, with the mob targeting foreigners including the Flemish and Lombards. On May Day in 1517, the call to riot was shouted out - "Prentices and clubs!" - and a night of looting and violence followed that shocked Tudor England.
mircea_popescu: By this time, the city was swelling with apprentices, and the adult population was finding them more difficult to control, says Barbara Hanawalt. As early death from infectious disease became rarer the apprentices faced a long wait to take over from their masters. "You've got quite a number of young men who are in apprenticeships who have got no hope of getting a workshop and a business of their own," says Jeremy Goldb
mircea_popescu: erg. "You've got numbers of somewhat disillusioned and disenfranchised young men, who may be predisposed to challenging authority, because they have nothing invested in it."
mircea_popescu: such progres. much wow.
mircea_popescu: (hint : the english crown did not survive)
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: 'the answers lie in the sewers'
mircea_popescu: benkay dude you didn't scare the woman off in private did you ?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 2 @ 0.0526079 = 0.1052 BTC [-]
ozbot: Is betsofbitcoin.in dead?
kakobrekla: easy to compare oneself with dead horse
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla amusingly... that's actually the shit mpoe-pr references.
mircea_popescu: they got pushed by zero hedge and made like... half a btc or somesuch
kakobrekla: dunno whats the bigger problem, the service or the audience
mircea_popescu: "Definitely no one on this forum gets any credit whatsoever. You're all idiots."
mircea_popescu: so either way really.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 3 @ 0.065999 = 0.198 BTC [+]
ozbot: 4.250 billion | Next Diff in 183 blocks | Estimated Change: 16.8880% in 1d 0h 59m 38s
ThickAsThieves: see i said 16% was too low!
ThickAsThieves: (for the bet)
kakobrekla: unverified unknown just xpasting http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=c2qWB3nU
kakobrekla: (by your favorite gossip supplier)
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 110 @ 0.002999 = 0.3299 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla who is this ?
kakobrekla: i dunno some bullshit
ThickAsThieves: someone from reddit i think
nubbins`: [20:32:13] <groun0> i have 13000 bitcoin for sale
Mats_cd03: just another day for -otc
jborkl: So vicurex pulled a Gox now
Mats_cd03: on another note, 300: Rise of an Empire is shit-terrible and not even worth pirating
benkay: mircea_popescu: must be off my feed or out of practice or something
benkay: or getting trolled hard. who can ever tell.
benkay: every day.
AusBitBank: mircea_popescu, love your work on those SEC responses. Please keep us updated
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 7 @ 0.6444137 = 4.5109 BTC [+] {5}
radan: do any of y'all work out
kakobrekla: only in bed lately
kakobrekla: i used to ride my bike now i cant find it and mp sez its bad anyway
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 75 @ 0.00646272 = 0.4847 BTC [+] {8}
TestingUnoDosTre: i used to work out a lot more, not I'm mainly into yoga an rock climbing
cazalla: rock climbing is nothing compared to bowling
TestingUnoDosTre: uhhhh I love bowling
cazalla: it's a rush
TestingUnoDosTre: I wouldn't go that far, but I joined a bowling league a couple years ago and had quite a great time
TestingUnoDosTre: scores were all handicapped so it's mainly just how your team does vs. their average
cazalla: yeah, i'm definitely down for some rock climbing
radan: bicycling is bad for the pudendal nerve
radan: I wouldn't touch a bicycle except I have to go from class to class within ten minutes
radan: which is impossible without biking
KRS-One: you said it man
TestingUnoDosTre: I've heard you just have to get up off the seat every 30 seconds vs 2 minutes of riding on the seat
benkay: mircea_popescu kakobrekla radan: http://www.bycycleinc.com/
kakobrekla: > TX police bike patrol ride the BiSaddle
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1600 @ 0.00094985 = 1.5198 BTC [+]
kakobrekla: does it shoot cannons?
TestingUnoDosTre: That's awesome
MisterE: morning
radan: $250.00/350.00 plus shipping
radan: guess I'll have to settle for impotence
benkay: small price to prevent DAMMIT
benkay: you know what it is?
benkay: i only had one cup of coffee today.
TestingUnoDosTre: shoulda chain smoked like 20 cigarettes to make up for it
MisterE: Mats_cd03: I knew it, too bad
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6700 @ 0.00094953 = 6.3619 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10900 @ 0.00094953 = 10.3499 BTC [-]
TestingUnoDosTre: Every time bitcoin starts dropping I want to buy more...
mircea_popescu: ;;market
gribble: Error: "market" is not a valid command.
mircea_popescu: what the fuck was it
gribble: Error: "price" is not a valid command.
benkay: ;;ticker
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 557.93, Best ask: 560.24, Bid-ask spread: 2.31000, Last trade: 560.25, 24 hour volume: 6430.26159447, 24 hour low: 555.0, 24 hour high: 569.48, 24 hour vwap: 562.954568291
gribble: Error: "derp" is not a valid command.
TestingUnoDosTre: derp is not a command!!!
benkay: wowee five fiddy
ozbot: Sinkhole of bureaucracy | The Washington Post
TestingUnoDosTre: seriously I've been buying more and more bitcoins this week
mircea_popescu: wast it closer to 500 ?
MisterE: TestingUnoDosTre: wait until it tests 500
MisterE: no mircea_popescu it's had support at 550
decimation: ?The reports [from the contractor] just asserted that they had written X lines of code. .?.?. For an executive, that?s just invisible; you don?t know what it means,? said Curtis Smith, who oversaw retirement processing from 1989 to 1994. He was a longtime federal employee with a PhD in English literature, supervising a massive technology project. ?I had no idea [if] they were making progress from month to month. And I just sort of took it on
decimation: faith that they could make it work,? Smith said. ?And they never did.?
benkay: ;;@-#
gribble: Error: "@-#" is not a valid command.
TestingUnoDosTre: Ahhhh I had bought some the other week at like 450, but I was just so squeemish
mircea_popescu: decimation it's been here b4 you know
decimation: lol sorry, ascii posted yet yesterday
TestingUnoDosTre: fricken Western Union wouldn't let me wire funds to bitstamp... not sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing
benkay: TestingUnoDosTre: why don't you do it over -otc?
benkay: make your initial btc buy the right way, then put those btc on bitstamp for trading.
TestingUnoDosTre: I'm new to this
benkay: oh i thought you'd been around for a few months.
TestingUnoDosTre: I've been watching btc, hanging around the forum for a couple years, but only started purchasing recently
TestingUnoDosTre: so all the methods, other than a deal for cash, are new to me
benkay: the best way to fund a bitstamp account is with btc :D
benkay: -otc: "over the counter".
TestingUnoDosTre: I understand the definition...
BingoBoingo: ;;herp
gribble: Error: "herp" is not a valid command.
TestingUnoDosTre: but is it like cash wire, or in person, or what
benkay: hey BingoBoingo
benkay: go ask in -otc, TestingUnoDosTre. have cash ready on the spot, or else they won't want to bother with you.
benkay: typically western union, perfect money.
TestingUnoDosTre: but how is it scamproof?
benkay: well, that's the web of trust
benkay: ;;gettrust mircea_popescu
gribble: WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user benkay to user mircea_popescu: Level 1: 1, Level 2: 5 via 5 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=benkay&dest=mircea_popescu | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=mircea_popescu | Rated since: Fri Jul 22 11:04:26 2011
KRS-One: scuse me for a sec
KRS-One: .bait
KRS-One: yuck
benkay: see, mircea_popescu and i have rated each other. you can also look at my profile and see with whom i've traded btc.
TestingUnoDosTre: ahhh I've got to go do some reading
KRS-One: Mats_cd03: good remix
benkay: i can't believe that I don't have an -otc essay
Mats_cd03: i like it better than the original tbh
TestingUnoDosTre: Alright, but here is what I don't understand. Didn't pirateeat40 or whatever his sn was have a good WoT rating?
benkay: sure.
benkay: different risk profiles, though.
Mats_cd03: whats difficult to understand
benkay: one scenario, someone's promising 7% a month or something crazy.
benkay: another scenario, someone's committing to sending you btc for your moneypak or whatever.
TestingUnoDosTre: yes, but couldn't someone just build up a WoT with small transactions and then run off with a medium transaction
benkay: if their reputation is solid enough, they don't really benefit from ripping you off for 1k.
benkay: sure
benkay: so ask around.
benkay: get to know the humans.
benkay: do your due dilligence.
TestingUnoDosTre: What about cash trade in a metro?
KRS-One: it'll take time
benkay: this isn't an internet thing where there's a great big easy buy button.
Mats_cd03: so corny
benkay: how was elysium, Mats_cd03?
benkay: TestingUnoDosTre: f2f is far safer.
Mats_cd03: like halo but with mark damon and rail guns
Mats_cd03: whatever his name is
benkay: merp derpin
mircea_popescu: TestingUnoDosTre you gotta read the girl's write-up on the wot
TestingUnoDosTre: elysium ( the movie) was suprisingly mediocre
Mats_cd03: i thought it was unsurprisingly mediocre
benkay: Mats_cd03: you might enjoy a book /Leviathan Wakes/
benkay: TestingUnoDosTre: face to face
ozbot: Reputation system?
Mats_cd03: ill add it to my list of things to read
MisterE: gribble has a wiki
benkay: ;;google aws wordpress ami
gribble: WordPress powered by Bitnami on AWS Marketplace: <https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/pp/B007IP8BKQ>; Tutorial: Hosting a WordPress Blog with Amazon EC2 - Documentation: <http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/hosting-wordpress.html>; WordPress Multisite powered by Bitnami on AWS Marketplace: <https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/pp/B007OXRX74>
TestingUnoDosTre: yah I would feel much more confident in a face to face situation
MisterE: always
TestingUnoDosTre: this is what classifies as corny, for the record https://soundcloud.com/alunageorge/this-is-how-we-do-it
MisterE: TestingUnoDosTre: check out how long they've had a ns registration
MisterE: thats telling
MisterE: I'm 10+ years not going anywhere
Mats_cd03: fucking lol TestingUnoDosTre
TestingUnoDosTre: okay this will probably illustrate how niave I am, but what's with gnupg keys asking for real names and email addresses?
Mats_cd03: 'balls'
mircea_popescu: what of it ?
Mats_cd03: real names and email addresses are not personal information
Mats_cd03: or particularly sensitive
BingoBoingo: TestingUnoDosTre: It's just questions that it asks, because it can put that information in the public key if you want it there.
BingoBoingo: TestingUnoDosTre: Works just find if you leave the information out as well
TestingUnoDosTre: I was thinking that I would much rather have a higher WoT rating with a key that did not contain my name and email
mircea_popescu: (honest q)
diametric: It also makes no claim to the authenticity of the information. You can make the key for Doc McStuffins if you wanted.
TestingUnoDosTre: Because I don't want my name following around my transactions or what not
BingoBoingo: TestingUnoDosTre: If you want to get really fancy you can embed a photo in your public key too.
benkay: eh, you can't afford true anonymity, TestingUnoDosTre.
mircea_popescu: TestingUnoDosTre this is roughly the equivalent of someone not pushing a button because it has "buttsex" written on it.
benkay: consider how you might leverage a strong WoT identity that you explictly control.
TestingUnoDosTre: If I go and buy bitcoin, then sell bitcoin, then buy bitcoin, then sell bitcoin, I would much rather have no name associated with the transactions
mircea_popescu: the buttsex and the button are nowhere connected
diametric: I would however pay handsomely for a buttsex button that worked as advertised.
mircea_popescu: craigslist ?
benkay: diametric wants to be buttsecksd
benkay: on demand
diametric: haha
benkay: can't be that hard
TestingUnoDosTre: what about craigslist?
mircea_popescu: anyway, the point being that whether your name is or is not associated with a list of txn is not contingent on you typing the name in the gpg key gen process
TestingUnoDosTre: with craigslist, I can tell someone that my name is Joe schmoe, I'll be wearing this or that, and meet me at the coffee shop
benkay: 's where the buttsecks be, TestingUnoDosTre.
mircea_popescu: you could make a key and baptise it mircea popescu right nao
TestingUnoDosTre: I understand that
TestingUnoDosTre: so I already created one with my real name and real email
benkay: you could probably buy btc off the craig too
TestingUnoDosTre: I'm wondering if I should generate another pair that doesn't have that info
mircea_popescu: more keys can't hurt anything
benkay: dilutes the attention paid to any given pair.
benkay: your future wot 'value' is a function of who's rated you, what #, and how long ago.
TestingUnoDosTre: Alright I'm good on that for the time being
TestingUnoDosTre: Ive got another question reguarding signing up for a VPN
TestingUnoDosTre: I feel like I'm in a chicken or the egg scenario. I want to sign up for a vpn, paying with bitcoin, and linking it to an anonymous email address
TestingUnoDosTre: do I have to go create the email address first, then sign up for the vpn?
MisterE: hit any of them with your real IP once and it's over why bother?
MisterE: yes
jborkl: You can watch Italian youtube
TestingUnoDosTre: so a VPN is only good when I'm not using my home ISP?
TestingUnoDosTre: I know that you should ALWAYS use a vpn
mircea_popescu: its not at all clear what are you trying to accomplish.
MisterE: well it depends why you are using a vpn
TestingUnoDosTre: I'm simply trying to browse the web anonymously
MisterE: without knowing what you want to do hard to advise
MisterE: use tor
diametric: VPN through TOR
TestingUnoDosTre: that's what I'm trying to do
jborkl: Tor is so slow
TestingUnoDosTre: but if I sign up for a vpn with my normal email address
TestingUnoDosTre: that just ruins the whole thing
MisterE: use Tor to sign up
MisterE: and get an anon email address also with Tor
mircea_popescu: anonymous in what sense ? so the sites can't serve you "tailored" adsense ?
TestingUnoDosTre: download tor, sign up for anonymous email address, then pay for vpn?
TestingUnoDosTre: let's just say I don't even want anyone to know I just went into a search engine and searched for bitcoin
TestingUnoDosTre: not quite sure if that's a good example
benkay: they are in fact out to get you.
Mats_cd03: sigh
MisterE: I block that crap with a good HOSTS file, my trackign blocking browser extensions have like nothing to do... http://hosts-file.net/
TestingUnoDosTre: I'm not afraid of anyone out to get me
mircea_popescu: "no one"
TestingUnoDosTre: I'm more into understanding how to actually browse anonymously
MisterE is with benkay on this one
mircea_popescu: tor doesn't actually work, in general.
MisterE: eh?
MisterE: tor works it's 99.9% a PEBCAC issue
MisterE: got to use it right
cazalla: nothing?
MisterE: haha :)
asciilifeform: anyone considering using tor for whatsoever purpose should... measure not 7, but 47 times, and cut - preferably not even once
asciilifeform: unless you have read the source (at least, the protocol spec) and understand the limitations
MisterE: that people are greedy and do stupid stuff.
MisterE: yea you mess up once and all the work you've done to be anon is over
Mats_cd03: case in point sabu
MisterE: heh sabu, damn rat
Mats_cd03: logged into a channel just like this one by accident from home once
MisterE: he's the one who cooperated witht he feds
Mats_cd03: rather than his vpn
MisterE: yep all it takes is 1 mistake
MisterE: hit that email once from home oops
Mats_cd03: and rather suddenly a rude man in a shit suit shows up for an interview unannounced
asciilifeform: 'the sapper errs once.'
Mats_cd03: are you a sapper asciilifeform
MisterE: unlike DPR
MisterE: who was like walking around SF carrying a sign that read BUST ME in neon letters
asciilifeform: Mats_cd03: nope. but every russian kid knows that proverb
MisterE: I'm a yank, tell me
MisterE: err seppo
Mats_cd03: i see
cazalla: MisterE: :)
asciilifeform: there's a variation on the proverb where 'the sapper errs twice. once - when choosing profession'
MisterE: Gevork Vartanian?
MisterE: ahh a sapper is a mine clearer
Mats_cd03: a sapper is a combat engineer
MisterE: Like sappers, underground agents err only once” --Gevork Vartanian
asciilifeform: there is rarely anyone whose only duty is to clear mines
MisterE: right one of their jobs is clearing mines
asciilifeform: (with the possible exception of certain prisoners)
MisterE: heh
Apocalyptic: <Mats_cd03> a sapper is a combat engineer << that's what google told me too
MisterE: a soldier responsible for tasks such as building and repairing roads and bridges, laying and clearing mines, etc.
MisterE: American Heritage dic
TestingUnoDosTre: sounds like one hell of a job
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 3 @ 0.05339 = 0.1602 BTC [-]
MisterE: For many it's either that or selling crack on the corner
MisterE: where I come from
Mats_cd03: pretty easy job as i understand it
benkay: ;;google trilema drug dealer
gribble: What the drug trade is, how the drug trade works and why ... - Trilema: <http://trilema.com/2013/what-the-drug-trade-is-how-the-drug-trade-works-and-why-silk-road-didnt-work-and-didnt-matter/>; Forbes, now with a little extra ESL and a whole lot of extra ... - Trilema: <http://trilema.com/forbes-now-with-a-little-extra-esl-and-a-whole-lot-of-extra-stupid>; Law enforcement never fails to (1 more message)
Mats_cd03: step 1) sit in a hot vehicle moving at 5kph waiting for a bomb to explode
MisterE: until its not heh. I'd rather be a cook in the military
MisterE: they get all the perks
Mats_cd03: step 2) go to 1
TestingUnoDosTre: was that first page written before the transfer to english?
benkay: well as you can see it's written in english
TestingUnoDosTre: hmmm, must have clicked on the wrong one
benkay: if your client broke the url, you'll get a random page.
benkay: wait how did i get roped into doing trilema support
mircea_popescu: benkay victorian ai / army ?
benkay: til mircea_popescu is actually a composite personality of a bunch of humans educated by some well engineered weak ai
mircea_popescu: also chtulhy
TestingUnoDosTre: Who recommended Leviathon awakes?
benkay: o/
benkay: it's simply "Wakes"
benkay: ...
TestingUnoDosTre: Just wondering what you thought of 2001: a space odessy
benkay: feeling kinda dated at this point, but i haven't read it in at least a decade and you might not want to take a dependency on my notions of things at that age.
TestingUnoDosTre: haha aright. I just got through it and thought it was absolutely spectacular
benkay: you may get a kick out of LW then. moderately more populated solar system; better understanding of biology etc.
TestingUnoDosTre: one of the antagonists is a corrupt operating system... can't get much better than that
benkay: there were several books in the Space Odessy series worth reading too.
TestingUnoDosTre: I had no clue it was a series
benkay: authors have this dirty habit of milking their creative work for decades.
benkay: it's even enjoyable for the reader sometimes. other times..."read recycled books! they're easy to write, and read good!"
mircea_popescu: it's mostly the publishers
TestingUnoDosTre: If it ain't broke, don't quit it
benkay: Mats_cd03: Saint Motel passes the babe test.
ozbot: BIG YACHT NOW JUNK AFTER 6 WEEKS' USE - Sea Call's Monel Metal-Steel Hull Ruined by Electrolysis, B
benkay: Mats_cd03: this means i must ban it from the house.
Mats_cd03: whats the babe test
MisterE: Aluminum hull?
Mats_cd03: that song is on a playlist entitled, 'dongs'
MisterE: oh no steel wow, mig mistake
MisterE: US had a terrible time with it and their new Aluminum hulled boats
MisterE: still a problem as of a year or so ago
MisterE: Electrolysis
benkay: "It was said that the boat could have been made as good as new by putting on a new steel bottom, but that apparently Mr. Cochran preferred not to do that."
benkay: you don't say.
MisterE: www.wired.com/dangerroom/2011/06/shipbuilder-blames-navy-as-brand-new-warship-disintegrates/
benkay: babe test. babe likes it. only hemisarcastic.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 4 @ 0.11950724 = 0.478 BTC [-]
Mats_cd03: nope, still not following
benkay: there is a babe in my house.
benkay: you savvy?
Mats_cd03: ok got it
benkay: this babe likes some musics.
benkay: savvy?
Mats_cd03: i hear you loud and clear captain jack
benkay: this is the babe test of previous mention.
benkay: this music you linked passes the babe test, ergo i must burn it with fire and expunge from my area.
benkay: implying some small difference in tastes that i only noticed when the babe came by to apply her test.
Mats_cd03: i like to think my taste in music is accessible
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 6 @ 0.05230534 = 0.3138 BTC [-] {2}
thestringpuller: benkay: stop being weird
MisterE: I have a playlist I tell each one I made just for them
TestingUnoDosTre: thought this one was a nice remake with chance the rapper https://soundcloud.com/mapei/dont-wait-remix-mapei-chance
Mats_cd03: i like what -assets has become
Mats_cd03: mostly its me, i love me
MisterE: yea I come to like this group
TestingUnoDosTre: self love is healthy
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11301 @ 0.00094953 = 10.7306 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 4 @ 0.06687499 = 0.2675 BTC [+] {4}
TestingUnoDosTre: sorry for the caps, but RAC IS THE BEST
dexX7: wow i hate bitcoin.. and linux. so i invested quite some time to figure out how to dump a leveldb database over a shitty putty console only to realize that the result wasn't what i was looking for <_<"
dexX7: rephrased: i hate myself for being such a newb
benkay: Mats_cd03: can you hit me with something non-lyrics-y to which i can read source and documentation?
benkay: dexX7: scp not a choice for some reason?
Mats_cd03: anyone here make a run at any of the matasano crypto challenges?
dexX7: scp?
benkay: secure copy
benkay: man scp
Mats_cd03: benkay: i dunno... instrumentals or electronic? i like to listen to trance while coding
benkay: trance is good
benkay: well, acceptable.
benkay: :D
benkay: dexX7: i'm assuming all sorts of shit like you're running *nix etc
TestingUnoDosTre: this one is my favorite rac track, his wife singing over the radiohead cover https://soundcloud.com/rac
dexX7: i'm not. that's probably the root problem :)
benkay: ick yea good luck cuz.
Mats_cd03: benkay: https://soundcloud.com/jimipaul/james-holden-balance-disc-one theres a few samples with lyrics in that but i think theyre short
benkay: thanks, yo
TestingUnoDosTre: Pretty lights also has a lot of stuff where the lyrics are kind of morphed so you don't pay attention to them quite as much, but some if it's a little dubsteppy / up tempo
Mats_cd03: mostly i just listen to tchaikovsky and paul hindensmith
Mats_cd03: hindesmith rather
benkay: Mats_cd03: hindemith?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34200 @ 0.00095072 = 32.5146 BTC [+] {5}
Mats_cd03: german composer
ozbot: Paul Hindemith: Mathis der Maler Symphony (1933-1934) - YouTube
benkay: man the high hats on that shit make my earballs wince
Mats_cd03: rather famous
Mats_cd03: are you wearing headphones?
benkay: nah
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9200 @ 0.00094953 = 8.7357 BTC [-]
Mats_cd03: i liked the radiohead cover
TestingUnoDosTre: Used to smoke after work and listen to the original, the RAC mix, and this Easystar version as well https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Axs8-9u5qbY
benkay: Mats_cd03: what kind of work do you do?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 3 @ 0.64497 = 1.9349 BTC [+] {2}
Mats_cd03: benkay: reading -assets and reversing firmware
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 29 @ 0.64499861 = 18.705 BTC [+] {3}
Mats_cd03: i was clean shaven and employable as an IT consultant/pen tester once, now im self employed
Mats_cd03: you?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 6 @ 0.64682663 = 3.881 BTC [+] {3}
benkay: derpy web apps dot butts
benkay: high end technical consulting to old farts with companies who'd rather lean on me and my boys than run their own shit
Mats_cd03: good, i hope youre doubling the rate every hour
TestingUnoDosTre: benkay, tell me what you think of this kalkbrenner track without lyrics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jnj9qgkXOJc
Mats_cd03: thestringpuller: awesome
benkay: thestringpuller: neat find
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [RENT] 200 @ 0.0052525 = 1.0505 BTC [-] {4}
benkay: TestingUnoDosTre: meh
benkay: Mats_cd03: yeah. up to 115 from 80 fall.
benkay: last* fall.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1200 @ 0.00012342 = 0.1481 BTC [-] {10}
benkay: company's only been around for 8 months or so, so i consider that good progress.
TestingUnoDosTre: thestringpuller, I was thinking of doing this edx course intro to linux, do you think that challenge you posted would be more timeworthy?
benkay: there's about a light year between hacking on the kernel and using linux, TestingUnoDosTre.
Mats_cd03: it depends what it is you want to learn
Mats_cd03: do you want to know how to move around in the filesystem? edx
TestingUnoDosTre: I'm wondering whether I need to throw time at something more introductory before jumping in
TestingUnoDosTre: I've done some programming with C in an assembly course and some embedded C in a robotics course, but I am mechanical engr by background
benkay: 's also a question of what you want to *do* with computers.
Mats_cd03: that challenge is for the 0.001% of programmers that want to use asm on a daily basis and probably possess masochistic tendencies
radan: what's the consensus on dog and light coins
benkay: consensus?
Apocalyptic: masochistic is a bit too strong
TestingUnoDosTre: I'm mostly interested in playing around with controllers a la beagleboard
Apocalyptic: I once wrote a crackme entirely in ASM, was fun
radan: like
radan: what do y'all think about it
benkay: doge has infinite deflation
TestingUnoDosTre: but I also play around with android phones via xda, and I'm not content with just downloading someone else's kernel or firmware and not really understanding the different between a stock android
radan: is that good or bad
benkay: lite is notoriously suspect to manipulation
benkay: sry infinite inflation
benkay: gosh radan why is bitcoin so awesome?
radan: ummm
radan: cause I put money into it
Apocalyptic: looks like you kinda miss the point
radan: and if it doesn't succeed I'm fucked
radan: I mean
radan: you can go all "free markets" and "crypto" "things"
TestingUnoDosTre: what about the cap in bitcoins produced...
Apocalyptic: that's one of the greatest things
TestingUnoDosTre: sorry, I just didn't want to wait for him to say it :/
radan: okay, so there's a cap
radan: what does that mean
benkay: you broke socrates, TestingUnoDosTre
radan: besides the obvious
TestingUnoDosTre: It mean's the rate of inflation is defined
TestingUnoDosTre: whereas with doge, not so
benkay: what happens when you have 20 dollars, and there are 1b dollars today, and 1.01b dollars tomorrow?
radan: they're worth less, assuming everything else stays constant
benkay: mhm.
TestingUnoDosTre: In engineering they never had to say that, it was just implied
radan: so dogecoin will infinitely inflate
radan: because its not capped
radan: is that right?
benkay: what do you think?
TestingUnoDosTre: I don't know if infinite is quite the best word for it, but it's pretty much like the USD
TestingUnoDosTre: there's more always being tossed in the pool
radan: the USD is pegged by a shadowy consortium of unelected figures
radan: I don't think dogecoin has a regulatory body
benkay: what does mean "pegged"?
TestingUnoDosTre: not what I was getting at
benkay: ;;ud pegging
gribble: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=pegging | anal sex reveresed. instead of the man sticking his penis up the womans butt, the woman wears a strap-on and sticks it up the mans butt.
ozbot: Urban Dictionary: pegging
TestingUnoDosTre: simply talking about the supply increasing
TestingUnoDosTre: hahahahahah
TestingUnoDosTre: ;;ud eiffel tower
gribble: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=the%20eiffel%20tower | ... two men join hands above the woman to form what looks the Eiffel Tower. " Sweet dude, Let's give Linda The Eiffel Tower tonight!" by Boobtube April 24, 2006.
ozbot: Urban Dictionary: the eiffel tower
radan: the fed decides what USD will cost on a given day, as I understand it
radan: I don't know what cost means in that context
benkay: in that sense, the dollar could be said to be pegged by the shadowy group of people in #bitcoin-assets
TestingUnoDosTre: hahahahaha
TestingUnoDosTre: is the USD the man in that situation?
benkay: or one of our wimmins, if we're sticking to the literal interpretation.
radan: so why does ltc get manipulated
radan: but btc doesn't
benkay: more of a scale thing than a boolean thing, radan.
radan: I dunno
radan: doesn't satoshi hold like 1/4 of all the btc
benkay: has he spent any?
TestingUnoDosTre: he problie just drunkenly tossed his keys
radan: your guess is as good as mine
benkay: no guessing allowed. you have a blockchain and can answer this question for yourself now.
radan: better, in fact
radan: well
radan: we don't know how many addresses he used
TestingUnoDosTre: we do though
TestingUnoDosTre: I've got a question though benkay
TestingUnoDosTre: assuming you met satoshi in person and trusted him
TestingUnoDosTre: could he not just sell you a usb drive with the keys on it, and let you hold onto them
benkay: TestingUnoDosTre: ^^
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.05321 = 0.2661 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 1 @ 0.11950724 BTC [-]
radan: ok
radan: I read it
benkay: and some more
ozbot: Satoshi’s Machine: One Mystery is solved and another one opens | bitslog
benkay: everything about bitcoin on bitslog is worth at least a perusal.
radan: sooo
radan: karpeles, szabo, circle k, and nakamoto are all one person with theoretically infinite wealth
radan: am I reading it right
benkay: who knows is the point
radan: well
radan: all I know is I bought 1.75 btc with my life savings last november
radan: and I hope they continue to increase in price
radan: maybe it'll even reach 10K per
benkay: 2k?
benkay: 3k?
benkay: buddy you gotta get back to work lol
benkay: bitcoin ain't gonna make you rich
radan: I'm a college kid
radan: until I graduate, pocket money is all I've got to play with
benkay: cold wallet. forget about it. learn to earn.
radan: I'll earn when I graduate
benkay: ideally, stop accruing debt - that'll make you more than 2BTC ever will.
benkay: maybe. not likely.
radan: I don't have any debt
radan: I went to a public uni
radan: with scholarships
radan: and shit
benkay: and what valuable skills are you developing?
radan: petroleum engineers are forecast to be making hella money once we graduate
benkay: hah yeah
benkay: rough life man.
radan: it's rough until then ;__;
radan: but, more to the point, I do think this btc thing has potential
radan: else I wouldn't have invested in it
benkay: lol cool
radan: back when I first heard about bitcoin
radan: back in 2011 or 12
TestingUnoDosTre: I read that first loper-os article and I don't think it answers my question.
benkay: TestingUnoDosTre: don't know that i understood your question.
benkay: radan if i might offer a slightly different perspective, you didn't invest in Bitcoin - you bought some bitcoins.
TestingUnoDosTre: So satoshi has a whole boat load of 50 BTC addresses. Couldn't he just sell a flash drive with the private key of one address without crashing bitcoin
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 2 @ 0.05329999 = 0.1066 BTC [+]
radan: I knew a guy in Romania who ran a computer cafe
Mats_cd03: they are all being tracked and it would be instant news
radan: he mined btc on the side
TestingUnoDosTre: I do understand that
radan: wonder how rich he is today
TestingUnoDosTre: but let's say you trust someone you're selling to
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1127 @ 0.00094953 = 1.0701 BTC [-]
Mats_cd03: at this juncture id expect the price to fall if it was to happen
benkay: TestingUnoDosTre: every day i don't move those coins elsewhere is a day of risking not having them.
TestingUnoDosTre: you sell them a 50 BTC flash drive, maybe at a discount price, and tell them they cant use it for 3 years or something
benkay: totally out of the scope of normal behavior.
benkay: as soon as i crack that drive i know satoshi.
benkay: plus sharing keys is anathema.
radan: if you buy something you think that the value of what you bought is greater than that of what you paid
radan: that's investing
TestingUnoDosTre: I'm saying that the buyer knows and trusts satoshi
benkay: neat to be told what investing is from a petro-engineer in training lol
benkay: but hey all jabs aside
Mats_cd03: how unfriendly
benkay: just think about what i said for a bit. it's just a different perspective.
TestingUnoDosTre: I didn't quite understand the "every day I don't move ..."
radan: alright
benkay: TestingUnoDosTre: satoshi still has the private key for the addr in question, no?
TestingUnoDosTre: yes, but I'm talking about a trusted transaction
benkay: this is the thing about trust
TestingUnoDosTre: like I'm not worried about being scammed of 1000 bTC when I just bought it from someone who has a million btc in holdings
benkay: just because i trust you to not fuck me does not mean that you won't.
benkay: that's your risk analysis.
radan: why don't people just use bitcoin to smuggle money across borders
benkay: i'm suggesting that others may run the analysis differently.
radan: avoiding exchange rats
benkay: happens all the time radan
benkay: argentina has a very very wealthy group of bitcoiners
TestingUnoDosTre: ok, but satoshi would be probably sacrificing more trust by simply selling 1000 btc
benkay: probably accelerating the collapse down there...
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 131 @ 0.00318194 = 0.4168 BTC [+] {10}
benkay: you've not really modeled this, have you TestingUnoDosTre?
TestingUnoDosTre: why do you say so?
nubbins`: got the new Epson set up today
benkay: am i the only one who knows who satoshi is?
Mats_cd03: an opportunity to buy delicious beef with magic money
radan: the problem with hypotheticals and models is that they are hypothetical
radan: you could have 100 factors you haven't even modeled
TestingUnoDosTre: some of them work quite well...
ozbot: imgur: the simple image sharer
benkay: if so, then he doesn't care about other people trusting him
benkay: if other people know who he is, then we're in an entirely different universe and i can't really plan for that right now.
benkay: but let's bring this back to reality shall we?
TestingUnoDosTre: well I'm sure some people know satoshi
TestingUnoDosTre: unless he was a testtube baby from mars
benkay: we care about 3 things
benkay: infinity
radan: what if dr. popescu is satoshi
nubbins`: what if dr. mario is a doctor
Mats_cd03: its sunday night and time to party
nubbins`: hm you're right
nubbins` cracks a beer
benkay: in 'real world' scenarios, you cannot ever trust your counterparty to not spend coins from a private address.
benkay: end of story
TestingUnoDosTre: beers gone, my partying is done
TestingUnoDosTre: you totally could
TestingUnoDosTre: if you knew the person well enough
TestingUnoDosTre: its not like 100%
nubbins`: supposed to get 15-25cm of snow tomorrow
TestingUnoDosTre: i understand that
nubbins`: then a storm wednesday night lasting thru friday
benkay: look TestingUnoDosTre there are coins you own and coins you don't own.
benkay: that's it.
nubbins`: glad i didn't burn off the kerosene heater yet :D
benkay: nubbins`: is that typical for this time of year?!
nubbins`: no :(
nubbins`: "sheilagh's brush" is what old folks call this, shit weather in late march
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9641 @ 0.00095054 = 9.1642 BTC [+] {3}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 1000 @ 0.0032 = 3.2 BTC [+]
benkay: we're having this crazy balmy spring down south
benkay: normally it's just rain from December to July 4th straight through
nubbins`: just keep telling yourself it's not man-made climate change and you'll be okay
benkay: it's al gore made climate change
ozbot: Lykke Li - No Rest For The Wicked (Official Audio) - YouTube
benkay: jesus Mats_cd03 you like lady music :D
Mats_cd03: i find women beautiful
benkay: TestingUnoDosTre: does the "coins you own, coins you don't" thing make sense?
TestingUnoDosTre: apart from being completely rudimentary?
Mats_cd03: the story of every swinging dick in the universe
benkay: if you stray from that you'll get burned in some way.
benkay: web wallets, bitcoin banks...
TestingUnoDosTre: for instance, if I go an wire 100$ to mark karp, and I trick myself into thinking I purchased some BTC, I don't really own any
benkay: right
benkay: you might have bought them, but you don't own them until they show up in your wallet.
TestingUnoDosTre: alright but if I go make a cold wallet on a flash drive, sell the flash drive to my brother, and tell him that he can't use the coins for 2 years, who owns them?
benkay: whoever sends them to keys under their exclusive control first.
nubbins`: i saw lykke li in 2009
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 416 @ 0.0032 = 1.3312 BTC [+]
Mats_cd03: nubbins`: how was it
TestingUnoDosTre: oooo I think I'm gonna love this
nubbins`: all i remember is that the backdrop was cool and she kept talking about this guy "miike snow"
Mats_cd03: for some reason your music taste irritates my ear
TestingUnoDosTre: miike snow is awesome
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.072 = 0.144 BTC [+]
Mats_cd03: my dear... come again... your voice is fading out and in...
nubbins`: yeah, i saw him too but i can't remember anything about it
nubbins`: TBH the only performance i really remember from the whole festival is dan deacon
Mats_cd03: the mdma cooked your brain after the opener huh
nubbins`: just booze and pot
TestingUnoDosTre: thatll do it
nubbins`: and heat, i guess
Mats_cd03: i have no idea who dan deacon is, but he reminded me of ron jenkees when i saw his photo on my screen
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 26 @ 0.0704652 = 1.8321 BTC [-] {5}
Mats_cd03: an almost inaudible, "hello, internets!" sounded off in the back of my mind
Mats_cd03: (i'm sorry if nobody else knows what i'm talking about)
TestingUnoDosTre: Have you seen this movie, it's pretty unique with a good sound track https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hKW8kKXi6g
TestingUnoDosTre: the movie is something like "I believe I can fly (Flight of the Frenchies)". It's only like 75 minutes and it's about high linining (aka tight rope walking)
TestingUnoDosTre: I really enjoy horns and reggae music though, but that's just me
Mats_cd03: is ok
benkay: somehow soundcloud thinks i'll like this
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11975 @ 0.00095144 = 11.3935 BTC [+]
Mats_cd03: its not horrible
Mats_cd03: nvm he started singing
benkay: hahaha
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 59 @ 0.00319999 = 0.1888 BTC [-]
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