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assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38014 @ 0.00096458 = 36.6675 BTC [+]
asciilifeform: eventually some fellow with boron nitride balls will open an exchange of writeable bank card #s to/from btc.
asciilifeform: the penalty for using it will be death-by-ants and people will still use it.
BingoBoingo: A simple solution to that problems seems to be tasting unpalatable to the ants...
asciilifeform: it's a simple, if suicidally dangerous, solution to 'how to teleport fiat'
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11306 @ 0.00096219 = 10.8785 BTC [-] {3}
BingoBoingo: Well, is death by ants the only remedy being imposed?
asciilifeform: good chance that 90+% of the data sold will be of stolen cards
BingoBoingo: Well, bank card numbers were a horrible idea in the first place.
BingoBoingo: Even fiat bankers seem to acknowledge that crypto for transaction signing is safer.
asciilifeform: remaining question is, would banks move to challenge/response silicon cards first, or just focus on hunting down and impaling the hypothetical daring 'dread pirate'
asciilifeform: probably the latter - they profit from card skimming fraud
asciilifeform: (the merchants get shafted on charge-backs, the banks lose nothing)
BingoBoingo: In the eu, chalenge response. In the US impaling. For Asia, africa and Eastern europe probably flip a coin.
BingoBoingo: What also makes me curious is how someone with Boron Bitride Balls would be able to knock up a bitch.
BingoBoingo: *Nitride
asciilifeform: re: carbide tooth: picture what would become of a natural tooth under that crown.
asciilifeform: well, opposite of it
asciilifeform: one would need to get them in matched pairs.
BingoBoingo: Prolly
asciilifeform: and, while you might relish the thought of cutting pipes with your teeth, there are other uses
asciilifeform: e.g. 'sd card' tooth (a la cyanide tooth)
BingoBoingo: Didn't think much of that last night though. I priced how much do I hate dentists versus how much do I love those pliers. Discussions of how much there might be a market of people wanting to buy the teeth be damned
asciilifeform: i still don't get it, what use are teeth to the buyer
BingoBoingo: Proof of destruction/burn
asciilifeform: or fingers
BingoBoingo: Yes, just like fingers.
asciilifeform: but, what can i do with your finger?
asciilifeform: keychain?
asciilifeform: buy $10K keychains often?
BingoBoingo: Why eat long pork when short pork is so muc cheaper?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20450 @ 0.00096073 = 19.6469 BTC [-] {2}
asciilifeform: long pork, in modern times, is generally served when short port is in short supply
BingoBoingo: Generally, but some people who preferences which run contrary to norms and resources to entertain those preferences.
asciilifeform: proof of destruction makes sense in context
asciilifeform: there is, for instance, a legend of an occasion where it was necessary to move several $mil in dollars out of the ussr
asciilifeform: the cash was photographed individually, benjamin by benjamin,
asciilifeform: then gathered into a pyre and set alight.
asciilifeform: cameras rolling
BingoBoingo: I find proof of destruction most interesting in seeing as it offers a parent the chance to literally sell a child's birthright.
asciilifeform: then, reprinted at the u.s. mint
asciilifeform: with same serials.
asciilifeform: mission accomplished.
BingoBoingo: But yes, for things without biological origins proof of destruction may be easier.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 197 @ 0.00388899 = 0.7661 BTC [-]
kakobrekla: ;;premium mtgox bitstamp
gribble: Premium of MtGox over Bitstamp is currently 23.8048541309 %.
kakobrekla: still rising yay!
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 88 @ 0.00354331 = 0.3118 BTC [-] {13}
BingoBoingo: kakobrekla: Did I miss news. Is there a reason Gox is dying moar this week rather than last?
kakobrekla: i dunno, i think gox is as dead as it was, just people realizing it late
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 3517 @ 0.00261677 = 9.2032 BTC [-] {15}
asciilifeform: proof of destruction alone does not command a price. snowden's head could be worth $100K (fox news audience pitching in pennies) but yours or mine...
BingoBoingo: kakobrekla: Depending on definitions 1 year to 7 months late is... Disappointing. Maybe I should start a mining security. Specify what I am mining is limestone. Only offer the IPO on Bitcointalk.
asciilifeform: everybody who wants a skull ash tray probably has one already.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 261 @ 0.00318549 = 0.8314 BTC [-] {20}
BingoBoingo: Sure, but that doesn't mean I'm going to show it to you.
kakobrekla: yeah well proof of work only proofs the work on average
asciilifeform: the notion that proof of work is what gives btc value is mistaken. a btc is in a sense a kind of machine, with useful properties (e.g. teleportation, provable scarcity, etc)
kakobrekla: BingoBoingo limestone? is that some new alt?
BingoBoingo: Seriously though skull ashtray doesn't improve the taste of the smoking experience Skull coffee cup though...
asciilifeform: heads neither teleport nor are particularly uncommon
asciilifeform: 'proof of work' is just a piece of stage magic, to create the appearance of seigniorage-free currency.
BingoBoingo: kakobrekla: Lime stone is an ancient alt. First notably used for being the exterior of pyramids. More recently known for being crushed and integrated into prefab concrete panels for the local Walmart.
kakobrekla: yea, maybe kelinrooth model would suite you
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: A blow job, for the reciever seems to share many properties of stage magic for an audience.
BingoBoingo: kakobrekla: Well Cryptostocks is still a thing after having two years as an irrelevant thing.
asciilifeform: in this case, 'stage magic' being almost literally the explanation, being a case where the audience is enthusiastically cooperating in being fooled
kakobrekla: its been going surprisingly long
BingoBoingo: kakobrekla: When Vircurex IPO'd I though Cryptostocks was the afterthought, but nao that scams have nowhere else to list I realize it was always the primary.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 190 @ 0.0025715 = 0.4886 BTC [-]
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: How many OS's did you have to try before finding one that was merely sufficiently code correct with a Pentium MMX to boot at all, on the Libretto?
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: how much would you pay to watch gold bullion alloyed with atomic waste and drowned in the ocean?
kakobrekla: BingoBoingo, things which are alike, in nature, grow to look alike
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 1000 @ 0.00010026 = 0.1003 BTC [-] {4}
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: gentoo, debian, freebsd, openbsd, all booted
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: More to the point. How much would I pay to watch divers who though it pure gold...
asciilifeform: only the last was usable immediately
asciilifeform: if you own this box, make sure to use 'i386' kernels rather than 'i686'
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: That kind of changes the narrative many push when they say i386.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: The part where people pedaling i386 usually lack full support for 30 years worth of i386 hardware.
asciilifeform: i686 aka 'pentium pro', introduced a number of instructions, mainly 'CMOV'
BingoBoingo: I have a dell Latitude LS if you want another challenge, decent, but not spectacular keyboard.
asciilifeform: that is, MOV predicated on flags, a la conditional jumps
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: i don't do vintage for the sake of vintage
asciilifeform: libretto is one of two 'netbook' sized machines ever built that isn't a chinese turd
asciilifeform: the other being 'ibm pc110'
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Most people don't. This was my first computer with a color screen. Bought it the summer before starting college.
BingoBoingo: The thing only lives for sentimental value
BingoBoingo: ... That IBM is small
asciilifeform: still got the pieces of a phriend's latitude ls here.
BingoBoingo: My big problem with my LS always was everything hates the battery
asciilifeform: invest $50, 1F or greater capacitor + fist-sized power FET, discharge spot welder.
asciilifeform: rebuild battery.
BingoBoingo: Solaris 10 Express and Windows 2K were the only things I found that respected the fact it had a battery back in '04
asciilifeform: openbsd has 'apm' util out of the box.
BingoBoingo: Did it back in '04 though
asciilifeform: freebsd did, when i had it on my original libretto, circa 2001
BingoBoingo: If I had a spot welder of any quality though my first project would be patching the damned holw in my canoe.
asciilifeform: well, in the ports tree, rather than at install, but what difference.
asciilifeform: pulse discharge welder won't patch your boat
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Well, ports tend to have a longer lag.
asciilifeform: only good for battery tabs, more or less
asciilifeform: but cheap.
BingoBoingo: Also Freebsd didn't boot back then without custom kernel options inaccessible to dude whose previous computer acquired in 2000 was a B&W MAc
asciilifeform: think 'camera flash' but with two electrodes in place of the xenon tube.
asciilifeform: and a coke bottle sized cap
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.41699999 BTC [+]
BingoBoingo: Like have seriously been spending pretty much my entire adult life trying to catch up with "modern" computing.
asciilifeform: what would actually catching it look like ?
KRS1: if you are in I.T. you have to constantly keep on top
KRS1: any of the knowledge professions really
KRS1: .bait
asciilifeform: KRS1: everyone seems to say this, but it never made any sense to me
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Like that time in '03-'05 when the primary desktop and my graphic calculator ran 68K asm
asciilifeform: i've never concerned myself with keeping 'on top' of anything
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25400 @ 0.00096124 = 24.4155 BTC [+] {2}
BingoBoingo: For roughly 18 months... I thought I was kind not knowing that... 68k largely died a decade earlier.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: 68k was perhaps the last arch that was actually fun to program in asm
BingoBoingo: And 68K asm mean jack shit to any other architecture.
asciilifeform: inspired by pdp
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Inspired by PDP and still more powerful than fortran.
asciilifeform: 68k lives on in some micros
BingoBoingo: 68k asm doesn't need go to's
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Only shit being produced nao is fucking coldfire shit which is only "binary language compatible; FOR WHATEVER THAT means this week.
BingoBoingo: C++ in college felt like a serious step back from 68K ASM
asciilifeform: 'system on chip' is inevitably a different feel than a classical cpu
asciilifeform: each vendor's peripherals will be quite different
asciilifeform: in just the same way as 68k mac differed from amiga, say
BingoBoingo: If only at the time I had the eperience to internalize that though.
BingoBoingo: And a 68K mac and Amiga aren't that different.
asciilifeform: peripherals
BingoBoingo: How often do most peripherals matter though.
asciilifeform: to an asm programmer - always
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.38100001 BTC [-]
asciilifeform: (asm on a machine where you cannot directly diddle the peripherals isn't fun in the traditional way)
BingoBoingo: When I fucked around on the old macs usually telling shit to wait worked. Never had a printer that was willing to cooperate though. Pretty much only had the change to touch screen, keyboard, and mouse... Also even faster TI-89
asciilifeform: poor 89. ever see what they did to it?
BingoBoingo: Fuckers made it a god damned ARM pocket PC it seems.
asciilifeform: the one starting with the grey chassis is a turd
asciilifeform: takes a whole second (or two?) to switch on.
asciilifeform: never bothered to pop it, wonder if there's an ARM running an emulator of the original in there.
BingoBoingo: Yeah. I had the black chassis and colorful buttons. Sold it for weed money when I switched to a philosophy major.
asciilifeform: at one point there was a version with a qwerty keyboard (92?)
BingoBoingo: The 92 or Voyager 2000.
BingoBoingo: If I never needed to do print work the Voager 2000 might be an attractive primary COMPUTER.
BingoBoingo: Or maybe 200
asciilifeform: i like to use 10 fingers.
BingoBoingo: I just had typing fast beat into me on Gramma's Tandy. (I don't consider it a computer.
asciilifeform: for calculator aficionados, i recomment HP-16C.
asciilifeform: *recommend
BingoBoingo: I have to say. Best excercise I probably had in my life was the day the school had the auction where I finally bought my own flock of computing machines.
BingoBoingo: That was a few years from a driver's license so the transport of the machines was all pedestrian.
BingoBoingo: If I cared then about what I do nao I prolly would have picked up an Apple II GS or 8
asciilifeform: i know a fellow who passed up a chance to buy a 'connection machine.'
asciilifeform: fully stocked, 65536 cpus.
asciilifeform: 'cpu' is perhaps a misleading word for what they were
asciilifeform: read danny hillis, 'the connection machine.'
BingoBoingo: Two years later that same school at the same walking distance offered 68040 and old world PPC macs for sale. My though was I dunno the machines I have well enough.
BingoBoingo: Hypercard was amazing though
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: you theo de raadt, by any chance ?
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Only off by a few decades. When he was kicked out of netBSD Computer to me meant the spider trap Apple II+ in the basement.
asciilifeform: here's a potentially neat project
asciilifeform: port a unixlike to 'sega genesis' or 'super nintendo'
BingoBoingo: The parent's seriously only plugged in in at the time to kill nesting spiders.
asciilifeform: you will need a hack to attach keyboard
asciilifeform: and perhaps network
BingoBoingo: That could be interesting.
asciilifeform: but the hardware ought to suffice for a sufficiently late-1980s-like experience
asciilifeform: and dirt cheap to free
asciilifeform: still plentiful in closets and garages around the world.
BingoBoingo: I've actually never owned a computer that could run BSNES
BingoBoingo: the20year: Old news
BingoBoingo: the20year: Substitue china and 2014 for Illinois and 2007
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Maybe this is a cognitive artifact that has calcified to disability, but I have a hard time mentally abandoning the A/UX mindset.
BingoBoingo: Do most things graphically and occasionally kick the machine in the pants by the cl
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36250 @ 0.00096204 = 34.874 BTC [+] {2}
BingoBoingo: Maybe that is why I'm not as averse to Ubuntu's Unity as most...
BingoBoingo: Still I miss being able to tell the printer to eject is pins because the piece of shit couldn't write.
BingoBoingo: I think asciilifeform that my long term goal is to have a piece in the local paper where the "journalist" describes an old school blogger who still types on an old Sun Ultra 80.
BingoBoingo: That... At the time... was a fast machine back in '04
asciilifeform: i pined for one as a student. then they all ended up at the university surplus shop, in a gigantic mountain.
asciilifeform: afaik all went to gold reclamation junkyard.
BingoBoingo: I just wish I remembered what the resolution was on that. Fucker needed a W-13 connector.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: SIUC still has a lab full of them.
BingoBoingo: In the engineering building
asciilifeform: same connector as my SGI Octane, if i recall
BingoBoingo: Yeah, a bunch of pins and then two coax connectors.
BingoBoingo: Prolly some of the first machines to challenge your Symbolics on pure resolution without resorting to B&W display.
asciilifeform: the latter posed some issues in the '80s, from lack of suitable tubes
asciilifeform: symbolics, if i recall, had to have tubes custom blown.
asciilifeform: curious thing. looks and weighs like a soviet tv set, but with supervga res.
asciilifeform: got one right here under desk
ozbot: Loper OS » Secrets of the Symbolics Console: Part 1
KRS1: BingoBoingo then you wake up one day and realize skills in need don't match your dated skill set. That makes sense to me to keep up on what technology is being used.
BingoBoingo: So much decoding harware in the monitor housing.
KRS1: For instance goes the case of the scsi expert who never learned SAN storage.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: sym. console was more than a display
asciilifeform: it had keyboard/mouse decoders, and a 16-bit (!) sound card
BingoBoingo: KRS1: iSCSI is still a thing. I am more horribly outdated than you can imagine though.
asciilifeform: KRS1: funny part is that iscsi, sata, even usb mass storage standard still use the classic scsi-2 command set.
KRS1: right, but learning SAN brings on the skillset of learning and understanding the network side of storage.
asciilifeform: just over different physical layer
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: I wan't until the IPOD IIGS that Apple tried that.
KRS1: asciilifeform right
KRS1: i just cant see not keeping up on technology your skillset will get antiquated with the technology as time moves on.
KRS1: so i stay on top and grind as much as i can to stay relevant in the field
BingoBoingo: KRS1: If you want to minimize your EM emissions though give me come copper mesh, plaster, and rhodium sulfite.
asciilifeform: KRS1: circus animals have skill sets, people have the ability to figure oddities out on the spot.
KRS1: what i cant get over is how everything is web now..seems there is not much call for sysadmin
BingoBoingo: KRS1: Maybe your problem is deciding you have a field?
KRS1: cant do it all BingoBoingo
KRS1: constantly feeling a pressure to specialize
BingoBoingo: KRS1: Is there a need to do "all?"
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9990 @ 0.00096061 = 9.5965 BTC [-]
KRS1: you said 'deciding you have a field' made me try to understand thats what you were getting at..
KRS1: maybe i didnt understand what you meant
BingoBoingo: Maybe when a turd fragments the right answer is not reassembling the turd, but finding alternate environments where a better turn could have remained with structural integrity.
KRS1: now with nodejs you can do infrastructure siht?
BingoBoingo: node.js is the worst.
KRS1: BingoBoingo ok I get it troll..not making any sense so I'll just say "okay"
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12050 @ 0.00096008 = 11.569 BTC [-]
BingoBoingo: KRS1: Node.js is why people can make fists.
KRS1: so less need for sysadmin, now 'devops'
KRS1: seems I.T. is big data or web dev
KRS1: who is doing everything else?
BingoBoingo: The fact people punch less and code node.js more doesn't make node.js acceptable. It jsut means people are too pussy to punch.
KRS1: BingoBoingo right
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11084 @ 0.00096061 = 10.6474 BTC [+]
BingoBoingo: KRS1: Maybe stop using these distinctions.
KRS1: the fact that nodejs is there it will be used..it will eliminate other jobs
BingoBoingo: Maybe instead of "big data" or "web dev" Consider storage and web shit.
KRS1: Here's a good example, the web developers install 'php ids' 'oh says management..now we dont need security..lets save money'
BingoBoingo: How many jobs did Java kill versus ones it made in its various forms
KRS1: BingoBoingo you arent making sense anymore, the needle is pointing toward troll again.
KRS1: theres tons of big data now
BingoBoingo: KRS1: You know where "troll" as in internet troll comes from liguistically right?
BingoBoingo: It doesn't come from the monster under the bridge...
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20000 @ 0.0009599 = 19.198 BTC [-] {2}
BingoBoingo: To troll, as a verb comes from the long liune fishermen who "troll" the waters. Not from the under the bridge mosters feared by three year olds.
BingoBoingo: KRS1: You see the ocean in that .bait? That is where people "troll" Not under so podunk bridge in the black forest.
BingoBoingo: Trolling in the fishing sense as opposed to the bridge monsters sense probably seems most appropriate on the internet because people who get trolled tend to be lowest common denominators.
BingoBoingo: Just like the Tuna that buy the hook.
KRS1: you're using strange language and its probably just too late for me to comprehend your intelligence
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25858 @ 0.00095951 = 24.811 BTC [-]
BingoBoingo: KRS1: Maybe kind of tipsy (as apposed to half drunk me that tried to sell teeth) is just better than you? Or maybe you are the one incapacitated.
KRS1: like..wtf??? <BingoBoingo> KRS1: If you want to minimize your EM emissions though give me come copper mesh, plaster, and rhodium sulfite.
KRS1: idk dude..maybe its me
BingoBoingo: KRS1: Or maybe try making and testing a faraday cage.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1442 @ 0.00095916 = 1.3831 BTC [-]
BingoBoingo: Ever try to set up Wi-Fi in an Adams family style mansion?
KRS1: lol no i've been doing corp i.t. for a while now
KRS1: i still dont understand wtf you are getting at...so ya...troll on dude
KRS1: its kind of funny
KRS1: Faraday cages now heh
KRS1: Ever wash a car while serving fast food?
KRS1: Try working in a strip club.
BingoBoingo: Well the old plaster on drywall style of contruction tends to... Prevent certain emissions from making it past.
BingoBoingo: Much more so than modern drywall can.
BingoBoingo: KRS1: I uded to wash dishes in a restaurant that was open from 6 am to 12 pm. I know demeaning labor.
kakobrekla: ;;premium mtgox bitstamp
gribble: Premium of MtGox over Bitstamp is currently 23.3788261934 %.
kakobrekla: almost a quater.
BingoBoingo: Never worked at a strip club though I have patronised a few, Casinos tend to hire better tits though.
kakobrekla: almost a quarter.
BingoBoingo: Maybe Gox dies finally this week? Maybe it dies in two years?
BingoBoingo: Who among us can read an EKG well enough to know when an exchange is dead.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.04911006 = 0.1473 BTC [-]
BingoBoingo: Do any Ruskies here have opinions on the KHL match Amur Khabarovsk vs. Tractor
KRS1: BingoBoingo ok so you have some of my respect then. You know a hard day's work.
BingoBoingo: KRS1: And You have some of my respect. Still. Grounding and faraday cages. People are going to want to read your privates. Gird your loins.
KRS1: heh ok
BingoBoingo: KRS1: You know the difference between a CRT monitor and a horn style antenna is minimal
KRS1: i think im following
BingoBoingo: KRS1: And My question to you is how do you keep your keys secret without spilling all of your methods on IRC
KRS1: my gpg key?
KRS1: any private key really..disjoined filesystem say enough?
BingoBoingo: Your bitcoins keys, who cares. I am assuming you have a lot of keys.
KRS1: disjoined filesystem
BingoBoingo: KRS1: Do you happen to be a .NET dev?
KRS1: no but i've done a little
KRS1: you can allow one way access to a separate filesystem using layer 1 networking only and a firewall
BingoBoingo: KRS1: Then how does a filesystem;s being disjointed ever count in a security situation?
KRS1: sorry layer2
BingoBoingo: Sorry, layer owned?
KRS1: the processes running the web server can access a separate system that has acess to the other filesystem/disk
BingoBoingo: Right and as you have explained it so far the separations of privlidges seem incredibly weak.
KRS1: like you said, without spilling all of your methods on IRC
BingoBoingo: Maybe it is a quiet peak though. A true Stealth Mountain.
KRS1: one time key/pass with a checksum to allow access
KRS1: ok?
BingoBoingo: Seems feasible.
KRS1: bank level security yo
KRS1: now get me some work
BingoBoingo: I just remember this Aussie fellow named Trade Fortress who promised all of these things and delivered none of them.
KRS1: because people are bullshitters who dont want to pay talent to do it right
BingoBoingo: MAYBE some things "can't" be done "right"
KRS1: sure they can..time and money
KRS1: you cant just pick one
KRS1: nothing is impossible dude
KRS1: you dont see systems by general dynamics or northrop grumman being hacked
KRS1: harris systems
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 46518 @ 0.00096207 = 44.7536 BTC [+] {3}
BingoBoingo: KRS1: It doesn't really matter much who gets hacked. What they get hacked forr though.
agorecki: What's assbot doing for us?
agorecki: I don't understand the numbers it's produced... :P
BingoBoingo: agorecki: You have a finger right? place it into your anus and compare it too assbot feedback.
KRS1: haha
KRS1: .bait
KRS1: ozbot is better
KRS1: i agree, but im pointing out that nothing is impossible and that they are getting it right, obvious evidence of that.
Vexual: 24 hours notice to open the time safe at your local bank sounds like poor security
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16100 @ 0.00096379 = 15.517 BTC [+] {2}
KRS1: Vexual
ozbot: Birdman - Y.U. MAD ft. Nicki Minaj, Lil Wayne - YouTube
KRS1: Vexual shut up cunt you are out of your league here
KRS1: just spin me some fat tracks
Vexual: where im from, if your aunt clips the bank managers poodle, they'll give you every note in the safe in 5 minutes
Vexual: secure as fuck
KRS1: hah
Vexual: they can fill the safe back up after im gone
BingoBoingo: Vexual has rather hit this issue on the head. I don't spit. I don't swallow. I break that bitch with a bottle.
herbijudlestoids: this is second time iv heard you mention trade fortress
herbijudlestoids: i thought you thought i was him because i said i was iranian, but its cos hes aussie?
Vexual: hes chinese australian, currently residing in china
herbijudlestoids: rightright
BingoBoingo: herbijudlestoids: I think he is a chink who lived in australiasia.
herbijudlestoids: i can also offer you bank level security (take your deposits and issue promisory notes against them at my will for a profit and them get you to bail me out)
herbijudlestoids: took me years of education and training to offer a level of service like that
Vexual: lol
BingoBoingo: I can offer much greater than "bank" level security if depositors are willing to accept boring terms or default.
Vexual: tf might just be in chatswood too my persian friend
herbijudlestoids: im not in chatswood :)
herbijudlestoids: my exchange is printed in my hostname lol
Vexual: oh, are you tradefortress?
herbijudlestoids: no, i dunno even who that is, but BingoBoingo thought i was him when i came in here the other day for a rant
BingoBoingo: Vexual: TF might die from soft tissue trauma
herbijudlestoids: or thought imight be him
Vexual: i think he got hacked
herbijudlestoids: i guess all aussie hostnames look the same :P
BingoBoingo: herbijudlestoids: You have to understand I hate all
herbijudlestoids: yea its cool man
KRS1: BingoBoingo its so easy isnt it
herbijudlestoids: as long as we can be friends
BingoBoingo: Also yes. On interwebs all aussies look alike.
benkay: "Yalo is a Lisp OS running on bare metal x86-64 hardware. "
Vexual: were probably the most multicultural place on earth
herbijudlestoids: finally i can replace emacs as my OS
BingoBoingo: As a contrapositive no aussies on the internet can be trusted without TF's head
KRS1: hah
Vexual: did you have a lot of coin with him bongo?
herbijudlestoids: what if i was to do some form of reddit style verify image
herbijudlestoids: with a shot of my anus and a piece of paper that identifies me by timestamp or other of your choosing
BingoBoingo: herbijudlestoids: You go wrong at reddit syle
herbijudlestoids: yea i totally never use reddit (i love imgur tho) so im probably showing my newbz
herbijudlestoids: i just assume its all anus shots really
Vexual: you could just find an image of a polar bear in a snowstorn and press invert
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4020 @ 0.00096409 = 3.8756 BTC [+]
BingoBoingo: Vexual I had little coin with him, but I allocated coin to people who weren't him in his trust.
herbijudlestoids: no thats what im saying, ill include some form of text so you know its my anus for sure
herbijudlestoids: i know that after i /quit you guys are talking about how im probly tradefortress
BingoBoingo: herbijudlestoids: We need a sharpie at least 4 inches deep.
Vexual: KRS1 tunes?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41810 @ 0.00096322 = 40.2722 BTC [-]
BingoBoingo: And single sharpies are worth too little nao.
herbijudlestoids: dun think you can get sharpies here
benkay: tattoo your current handle around your anus
herbijudlestoids: i actually live quite close to an infamous bikie tattoo parlour theyd probly oblige
BingoBoingo: Benkay, you are great ultimate problem solver.
herbijudlestoids: i sometimes go in there to accompany my friend getting tats
Vexual: good luck living far from an infamous tatoo parlour in sydney
herbijudlestoids: although as an iranian my anus is not exactly tattooable without some serious shave action
BingoBoingo: herbijudlestoids: What part of noone cares do you dun understand?
Vexual: lol
herbijudlestoids: i guess all of it really
herbijudlestoids: will you explain? :)
BingoBoingo: I dun care at all about tattoos. I care about circumfrence you can violate yourself with. You don't seem to be offering it though.
Vexual: still dissappearing those cases of smirnoff bongo?
herbijudlestoids: well BingoBoingo
BingoBoingo: Vexual: Not Smirnoff, Dimitri
herbijudlestoids: the human anus can take a lot
BingoBoingo: herbijudlestoids: And I want evidence.
herbijudlestoids: and my anus is descended from a long line of iranian genetics
punkman: does that make it extra stretchy?
BingoBoingo: herbijudlestoids: Is that supposed to be some lame as version of "butthole is exit only" You know how many girls try that?
herbijudlestoids: nope what im trying to explain to your ignorant ass is that my anus is from the same bloodlines that spawned the buddha
herbijudlestoids: our anusii are the stretchiest
BingoBoingo: herbijudlestoids: That doesn't mean the buddah couldn't put his foot in his own ass.
BingoBoingo: Why herbijudlestoids Do you have to act like such a cripple.
herbijudlestoids: its a complex i have
Vexual: ozone layer
herbijudlestoids: mother always told me i should believe in myself more
BingoBoingo: Who doesn't have a complex herbijudlestoids
BingoBoingo: I offered to pull some of my own teeth. If you scroll up you can see my price sheet.
Vexual: i have simplex, its for life
herbijudlestoids: probably god fearing christians
BingoBoingo: herbijudlestoids: If I could transmit death over the wire.
Vexual: ill hook you up with a lever for a recipro saw so you don't have to twist bongo, rattle em out like a gear puller
herbijudlestoids: well its not like my wire isnt all exposed
herbijudlestoids: and judging from the kernel the router seems to be running i doubt it would take too much poking
BingoBoingo: Vexual: I'm not sure I want to kill you either, but at least I can imagine more humane ways and means.
Vexual: flex the pain bro
Vexual: absord it
herbijudlestoids: but i keep all of my 0.02BTC offline, youll never get them BingoBoingo
BingoBoingo: herbijudlestoids: If you are talking about whipping your dick out and actually fucking my router. I'd like you to guess how many volts go through the power line.
herbijudlestoids: no *my* router
BingoBoingo: I wouldn't be interested in 0.02 BTC
herbijudlestoids: nevermind
herbijudlestoids: dont lie i know you want to kill me and take my partial bitcoin
herbijudlestoids: theres probly like 8 undercover feds in this room who are on their way to your house right now
BingoBoingo: herbijudlestoids: As the person who seems to actually have more BTC I must assume you want to steal mine
herbijudlestoids: oo interesting
herbijudlestoids: nah im a good boy
BingoBoingo: Also herbijudlestoids How do you know I ain
BingoBoingo: 't the feds
herbijudlestoids: for good opsec i assume everyones a fed
herbijudlestoids: if you were a fed, thatd explain all of your bitcoins!
BingoBoingo: herbijudlestoids: Wouldn't explain all of the BTC that passed through this playing dirty address.
BingoBoingo: 1LvCuntsJyFFQsLuJhBXBPokbQa7SAyMr4
Vexual: any feds here dies of retard poisoning quite recently
Vexual: hows that new kinetic watch bingoboingo? did it arrive?
BingoBoingo: I also would pay so much for someone who found a better vanity gen address than 1LvCuntsJyFFQsLuJhBXBPokbQa7SAyMr4 I love cunts.
BingoBoingo: I mean RNG even got capitlization right.
herbijudlestoids: youd actually buy the person who found the address?
herbijudlestoids: slavery is illegal and immoral yo
herbijudlestoids: you cant just own people based on the contents of their wallet address
BingoBoingo: Says who? Coinye doesn't think that!
BingoBoingo: Also, what are the preconditions for a useful vanity gen address?
Vexual: BingoBoingo, does overstock.com work?
BingoBoingo: (most of them are luck)
BingoBoingo: Vexual: Yeah, actually seems to not be a scam. I got a pretty sweet seiko watch.
Vexual: does it run fast?
herbijudlestoids: why would overstock be a scam, its a huge online retailer lol
Vexual: or do you wear it on your less favoured wrist?
herbijudlestoids: why dont you ever by me some shit BingoBoingo
BingoBoingo: Vexual: It necessarily goes on my less favored wrist
herbijudlestoids: selfish prick
Vexual: lol
BingoBoingo: herbijudlestoids: Why don't you ever suck my dick the right way?
BingoBoingo: herbijudlestoids: I doubt you even control some tits.
herbijudlestoids: all i ever wanted was 1000 VMs running tor/i2p/gnunet all over the world
BingoBoingo: herbijudlestoids: Then why do you acto so high and mighty if you can't even controll two nipples
herbijudlestoids: so sick of the NSA having all the nodes
BingoBoingo: No nodes matter herb if you can't even find honest nipples
Vexual: thats the motorolla talking
BingoBoingo: Vexual: If the motorolla talked you would not recognize it.
Vexual: yeah i still got my chunky flip fone
BingoBoingo: Herb though not recognizing a nipple...
herbijudlestoids: the way i figure, im some form of evolutionary dead end
herbijudlestoids: i dont need nipples
Vexual: burned off in a magic carpet accident
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22280 @ 0.00096409 = 21.4799 BTC [+] {2}
BingoBoingo: herbijudlestoids: Can I feed you to my brah tillikum then?
herbijudlestoids: as an evolutionary dead end i cant risk any form of genetic transfer
ozbot: KOSHEEN - "GONE" - YouTube
herbijudlestoids: you mght ingest some of my biome
BingoBoingo: herbijudlestoids: Even fucking cancer patients suggest perpetuating their genome. I've got my flaws but you sound lower thn a pussy.
herbijudlestoids: theyre all fools
herbijudlestoids: i like to cheat nature
BingoBoingo: herbijudlestoids: I like to cheat nature too, but have you actually ever meathacked yourself? I've cured cancer... or at least precancerous lesions before.
Vexual: no microscope?
herbijudlestoids: im a pretty good boy these days but i did used to hack the brain quite often, done pretty rigorous testing on various amino acids and drugs
herbijudlestoids: cured myself of alcoholism
Vexual: you might like to descibe hopw you did that for your fellow man herbi
herbijudlestoids: there is a tree, from gabon, called iboga
herbijudlestoids: an alkaloid in the bark of the roots of that tree called ibogaine
BingoBoingo: herbijudlestoids: I simply dunno trust you.
herbijudlestoids: which in metabolised to noribogaine by the digestive tract
herbijudlestoids: noribogaine has the ability to stop most addictive behaviour without withdrawal, including, miraculously heroin
BingoBoingo: herbijudlestoids: Trusting you would be easier if you didn't fail to half century old voodoo.
herbijudlestoids: plenty of science :)
herbijudlestoids: been researched since the 70s
Vexual: just hit up shaman-australis and wait 8 yearsfor the tree to grow?
herbijudlestoids: well that is one way, and the owner of SAB happens to be a close personal friend, but as long as iboga plant is not schedule 9 in australia you can import the plant materials
BingoBoingo: herbijudlestoids: Plenty of science suggests gold would e the wosrst thing to own after A-bomb-smach
Vexual: can you get me an o-type liver in the interim?
herbijudlestoids: i used to be a moderator on the SAB forums :)
Vexual: i think igoba got scheduled in nsw
Vexual: no shit, you really are a magic carpet persian cat
herbijudlestoids: its possible ibogaine is scheduled under the state analogs clause, but i dont think iboga plant material is yet
herbijudlestoids: you have to import it "not for human consumption"
Vexual: khat is illegal now, thats a joke
BingoBoingo: herbijudlestoids: I like how you let your whole position degrade into a generic Ibago-AA add
herbijudlestoids: my "position"?
herbijudlestoids: Vexual asked me a question
BingoBoingo: herbijudlestoids: Yes, aren't you advancing a position?
Vexual: nah bro, your teeth hurt
herbijudlestoids: not really, do whatever you like :)
BingoBoingo: herbijudlestoids: I don't like lies like that.
herbijudlestoids: i dont think "everyobody should do drugs" or whatever, if thats what you mean?
Vexual: use the pain to make you stronger
herbijudlestoids: khat is so illegal that they are still growing it at the royal botanical gardens in sydney and melbourne :P
BingoBoingo: herbijudlestoids: all you have offered is ways to prevent two kinds of cancer while inviting 80+ other forms.
herbijudlestoids: cancer is the common lot of all humans who evade every other disease
BingoBoingo: Maybe herbijudlestoids kHAT IS BETTER THATN yo DICK
herbijudlestoids: you cant beat cancer, its simply maths that eventually your code has replication errors
Vexual: it only got illegal when little old ladies complain about africans jumping the font fence and locusting their shrubs
herbijudlestoids: hehe Vexual i dunno, thats been happening in WA for years ;)
BingoBoingo: herbijudlestoids: Maybe I've beat canver before once...
herbijudlestoids: somali refugees often go up to the SAB nursery and are welcomed to pick
Vexual: its like coffee for those cats
BingoBoingo: herbijudlestoids: You wanna see my uvula?
herbijudlestoids: BingoBoingo: thats really great if so, and i hope you live many happy years more :)
BingoBoingo: herbijudlestoids: I feel the near opposite. I hope I die sooner and more excitingly.
herbijudlestoids: have you successfully propagated your DNA yet?
herbijudlestoids: sounds a bit...pussy
BingoBoingo: herbijudlestoids: Also do you KNOW the hat you can feel for yourself if you successfully resection your soft pallate?
BingoBoingo: herbijudlestoids: You sound a bit jelly for a pocketknife surgeon.
herbijudlestoids: im so jelly
herbijudlestoids: i actually stopped understanding exactly what we were talking about a while ago
Vexual: not with sab anymore herbi?
herbijudlestoids: nope, too much attention from the law
herbijudlestoids: especially for mods
Vexual: yah i saw today tonight
Vexual: :)
Vexual: fnq meet soon
herbijudlestoids: they fucked pu on that one and they had to eat shit ;)
BingoBoingo: herbijudlestoids: The thing is the law has reasons to hate me moar than you. And Vexual moar than me.\
herbijudlestoids: the law has no reason to hate me any longer
herbijudlestoids: im a law abiding good boy
BingoBoingo: Herbi you just seem like such a pussy
herbijudlestoids: i use twitter and facebook to ensure maximum big brother coverage
Vexual: he has steroids in his name
herbijudlestoids: do i? lol
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18014 @ 0.00096715 = 17.4222 BTC [+]
herbijudlestoids: this is my irc handle since high school
BingoBoingo: I am a law abiding son of the old regime, and untility for me is found. Maybe compilers suck
Vexual: totes
herbijudlestoids: best to abide by the law
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4286 @ 0.00096753 = 4.1468 BTC [+]
BingoBoingo: herbijudlestoids: Ths hasn't even been my IRC handle for a whole year yet.
herbijudlestoids: the govt knows best, after all
ozbot: Black Moon Rising, "Don't fuck with the Government." - YouTube
BingoBoingo: herbijudlestoids: Maybe you would feel differently if the law treated you differently.,
BingoBoingo: Law nevar knows besdt.
herbijudlestoids: did one of those smirnoff bottles in your butthole crack open or something BingoBoingo?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SFI] 418 @ 0.00087432 = 0.3655 BTC [+] {2}
BingoBoingo: herbijudlestoids: The way proper crypto works is that you can nevar know, mother fucker
ozbot: Zoe Bell - Death Proof - Let's Go and Get Stuntman Mike - YouTube
BingoBoingo: herbijudlestoids: If I ever meet you in person and you aren't fat... I might just rape you extra.
BingoBoingo: herbijudlestoids: If you want pre-exclusive poison. I have plenty.
herbijudlestoids: Vexual: basically what happened was that a lot of heat started to come down on certain people who were close friends of mine and at the same time in the space of a year five of my friends in the community died from various things. i had seen too much and been through even more so i just stopped participating in the community. all the knowledge is still in my head and i still take care of my friends when they are s
herbijudlestoids: im a good boy :)
herbijudlestoids: plus i got sick of fucking "light healers" and "chakra" type hippy cunts i nthe community, charlatans
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8050 @ 0.00096753 = 7.7886 BTC [+]
BingoBoingo: herbijudlestoids: Yoy don'r sound white at all
herbijudlestoids: im not white, or fat, you drunk fuck, im a skinny iranian geek
Vexual: yeah man, its about 12 miles west of the chai tent at channon
Vexual: lets get some love happening bb
herbijudlestoids: yea bb y u dun luv me4?
Vexual: authenticate in the morning this guy might just be your best friend
BingoBoingo: Vexual: I love you in a way that is not gay at all
Vexual: thats what i like to hear
herbijudlestoids: nah i know hes a nice guy, i was chatting to him the other day and he put up with a long whinge i had :)
BingoBoingo: herbijudlestoids: Seriously register a GPG key
Vexual: yeah and i had to make the magic carpet joke
herbijudlestoids: i got a GPG key
herbijudlestoids: or do you mean register it to mpex.co?
herbijudlestoids: why bother, i dont have enough BTC to buy 2 shares lol
BingoBoingo: Herb I don't remember hving a conversation with you where the endpoint was not you being fatally wrong.
BingoBoingo: her bMPEX.CO is not for you
herbijudlestoids: if i was fatally wrong, how come im still alive?
BingoBoingo: Coinbr.com could be so prifitable if you accepted Roodhouse isn't a real town
BingoBoingo: herbijudlestoids: Because life in general is insufficiently generous
herbijudlestoids: what did you want me to register a GPG key agains?
BingoBoingo: herbijudlestoids: The BTC WoT
Vexual: polar bear in a snowstorm
BingoBoingo: vexual, I will eat you
Vexual: i dunno, ive spent enough time in png, i have the recipies
BingoBoingo: vexual who has recipes doesn't matter as much as who can start a recipe
Vexual: that place is truly the end of the earth
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SFI] 665 @ 0.00087433 = 0.5814 BTC [+]
BingoBoingo: vexual, do you know JB?
Vexual: you don't want to hurt me bb
herbijudlestoids: fucking irssi
Vexual: you're just making the point that violence is the lcd
BingoBoingo: Vexual: I dun want to hurt you, but I deff want to hurt JB
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31200 @ 0.0009648 = 30.1018 BTC [-] {2}
Vexual: jim beam, yeah ill eat theat guy all night
BingoBoingo: Vexual: You entertain that ghost too much
BingoBoingo: Whatever happened to die mother fucker die?
Vexual: same same but different
BingoBoingo: No, seems like you are lazy vexual, even iif it is in the name of art
herbijudlestoids: can i interact with the bot here or do i need to go to bitcoin-otc
Mats_cd03: Herbijudlestoids might I recommend irccloud.com
herbijudlestoids: you might not?
BingoBoingo: herbijudlestoids: Trick question. the bot you want is in neither channel
Vexual: what u mean lazy sucker?!?!
herbijudlestoids: so where is it?
Vexual: ill still be drunk in the morning if you think you're taking my bc
herbijudlestoids: ah found it
BingoBoingo: Vexual: I dunno, but straight edges seem to enjo imposing it on you
herbijudlestoids: ok registered
herbijudlestoids: errr or not
BingoBoingo: herbijudlestoids: Just suck my dick fool
ozbot: Bob Dylan - Isis (1976) on Vimeo
BingoBoingo: I am going to go to sleep.
herbijudlestoids: ass bucket fuck sticks.
herbijudlestoids: i have forgotten the password for my gpg key
BingoBoingo: herbijudlestoids: You can die so many times over even tillikum might fing you tasty.
herbijudlestoids: i dont use this stupid shit man, i do all my dodgy business over i2p or tor using tails
Vexual: you're confusing domains with hosts
punkman: lol
herbijudlestoids: whos confusing domains with hosts?
herbijudlestoids: confused :P
BingoBoingo: herbijudlestoids: What do you do when vexual makes you sound stupid, bitch.
punkman: herbijudlestoids: you don't even GPG?
herbijudlestoids: not really, i stopped using it for communication when tails added the OTR plugin for pidgin
Vexual: if you bother with what im doing, you're not doing much
herbijudlestoids: lol so confused
BingoBoingo: Vexual: Maybe that is why I like you?
herbijudlestoids: i got my "OTP" from the gribble, but i cant decrypt it
herbijudlestoids: because i forgot my stupid fucking key password
herbijudlestoids: its probly like 30 characters
Vexual: earler you were deciding to kill vex or not bb
BingoBoingo: vex yoyr name includes vex
BingoBoingo: Kill would have been a liberal parameter
herbijudlestoids: welp, i sure hope i dont have anything that needs decrypting against that key
herbijudlestoids: yea sweet
herbijudlestoids: actually no BingoBoingo i switched from 4096RSA to DSA/Elgamal, which is what Bruce Scheiner most recently recommended.
herbijudlestoids: but i cant recover the old key without the password so its no good anyway
BingoBoingo: I don't even kno how someone could correct such amistake...
herbijudlestoids: someone rate me so i can give BingoBoingo +10
herbijudlestoids: so...why did i do this again guys?
KRS1: so you can keep this for a rainy day
herbijudlestoids: you know itd be nice if all the different WoT could be linked
herbijudlestoids: for example the freenet one
herbijudlestoids: and the rating system of the various dark market
Vexual: wheres the music KRS1 ?
KRS1: hmm
KRS1: sec
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 49772 @ 0.00096369 = 47.9648 BTC [-] {4}
Vexual: so pimp
Vexual: what are consultinf some old 40mb hd for aome drum and base?
Vexual: just gotta quicly tattoo a stripper?
ozbot: Information Society - Repetition - YouTube
KRS1: lol
KRS1: naw chillin at the hizzo
herbijudlestoids: try this out
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17840 @ 0.00096059 = 17.1369 BTC [-]
Vexual: c'mon krs1 can't run a strip club without music
herbijudlestoids: or one of my all time fav songs
ozbot: Immortal Technique - Peruvian Cocaine feat Diabolic, Tonedeff, Poison Pen, Loucipher, C-Rayz Walz -
KRS1: Play something for all my Cuban friends in Miami
ozbot: DJ Laz featuring Mami El Negro and Danny D - YouTube
herbijudlestoids: hey Vexual are you using linux by any chance? recently my ABC iview stopped working, wondering if its just me
Vexual: cool beat but this -assets, most coca farmers are extenibly happy remmebr
Vexual: flash?
herbijudlestoids: i got it whitelisted in noscript and adblock
herbijudlestoids: and in fact it doesnt seem to work in a clean chromium profile or anything
KRS1: Ya a cocoa farmer in Mexico is the life. I'm sure they have it quite well.
herbijudlestoids: hehe cocoa = theobroma cacao, coca = erythoxylum coca ;)
KRS1: I know someone who owns a banana farm in Equador, very similar.
KRS1: herbijudlestoids: yep =D
Vexual: thats the life
KRS1: Its amazing how easy to find at this latitude.
Vexual: you grow babnanas therE?
KRS1: See, Assbot knows what time it is.
KRS1: Equador yes major.
herbijudlestoids: where you at KRS1?
KRS1: not far from Miami
herbijudlestoids: nice tropics
herbijudlestoids: carribean stylin
KRS1: yes the tropics, speaking of latitude specifically, start here.
ozbot: Talking Heads - Once In A Lifetime (1980/ 2013) (HD) - YouTube
KRS1: Good jam =D
Vexual: no doubt miami
herbijudlestoids: ever heard of xochipili before?
herbijudlestoids: i was talking to a guy in florida, a long time ago trying to source seeds or propagation material for the plant Quararibea funebris
herbijudlestoids: and he was literally going to the florida botanical gardens when katrina hit
herbijudlestoids: feel like helping a brother out? :D
herbijudlestoids: trees shoulda grown back by now
Vexual: excellent panoleus in carib too
Vexual: i hear
herbijudlestoids: no better than the local subaeruginosa ;)
Vexual: ooh the locale makes the vibe
Vexual: deepest darkest
Vexual: subs>blue mountains> hermitde
herbijudlestoids: is it possible we know each other Vexual?
Vexual: i might have met your sister on a train, bu tno
herbijudlestoids: dun have one of those
Vexual: exactly
herbijudlestoids: yet you know SAB
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22450 @ 0.00096753 = 21.721 BTC [+]
herbijudlestoids: do you by any chance know a certain guy who carves amazing animals and stuff out of bone/whatnot?
Vexual: im in fnq on bandicoot powered internet
Vexual: no
Vexual: i know where stheres some stone carving athta can only have been made by an excellent mage
herbijudlestoids: there are some cool peeps out your way :)
Vexual: ya
Vexual: i go everywhere
Vexual: ive seen a pheonix carved
herbijudlestoids: this is one of my mates :) http://www.larridinya.com/
herbijudlestoids: lives up that way
Vexual: cool, some of tose are shell?
herbijudlestoids: all kinds of stuff i dunno exactly
Vexual: nope, bone
herbijudlestoids: hes a very smart, highly educated guy who chooses to spend his time catching snakes in paradise :P
Vexual: yah
Vexual: ill bet he gets a sneaky tigershart or two
herbijudlestoids: heard of entheongaia before?
Vexual: if not i can make his leather
Vexual: no
herbijudlestoids: you might be interested ;)
herbijudlestoids: watch out for hippies tho
Vexual: is your mate accepting bitcoin?
Vexual: i like his shit
herbijudlestoids: no, but i will tell him to
Vexual: is that tribe whot lives on the silicone north of here?
herbijudlestoids: just pinged him about getting a bitpay acct
Vexual: theres some hippie sthat live way up on the white beaches and when they go to mine it the bulldozers end up with the sugar in the tank every moring
herbijudlestoids: wouldnt it be great to start a company funded by bitcoins which just shorts companies that suck
Vexual: depends on your defitition of suckage to get the money to do it right
Vexual: so , probably not
herbijudlestoids: well it would be more effective than sugar in the tank ;)
Vexual: you got to do it better or theres no recourse
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5619 @ 0.00096753 = 5.4366 BTC [+]
herbijudlestoids: well nice chatting, i got some work to do
ozbot: Icehouse - Great Southern Land - YouTube
KRS1: 80's?
KRS1: never heard this
Vexual: australia was excellent in the 80s
Vexual: embracing the desert
KRS1: how so
ozbot: GANGgajang - Sounds Of Then (This Is Australia) - YouTube
Vexual: dunno prolly cocaine washed up here too
Vexual: all i know is, shit got fluoro
KRS1: ya 80's was a fun time once the cold war and inflation shit was out of the way
KRS1: so full of promise (In the U.S.)- just to have some politician douchebags ruin everything.
Vexual: yeah
KRS1: yes fluoroescent colors awash everywhere..even on grandma.
ozbot: Daddy Cool - Eagle Rock - Clip (1971) - YouTube
Vexual: theres that wedge tail, so beatie
Vexual: *beastie
Vexual: beatie was an alcoholic labour pm 7 years ago
Vexual: pancreatic cancer slowed him up
ozbot: Divinyls ~ Pleasure And Pain (Full Screen) - YouTube
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HMF] 8 @ 0.02896997 = 0.2318 BTC [+] {3}
ozbot: AC/DC - Back in Black - YouTube
Vexual: so thats basically your grewich mean time australia day coin accepting pool hall mix
Vexual: not very useful but it is what it is
KRS1: oh god that song
Vexual: whictch witch?
KRS1: back in black
KRS1: every rock station has played that at least once an hour for the last two 1/2 decades
Vexual: acadaca comin out the siz stacka?
Vexual: 22 on the fron seat, antenna like 6 feet
ozbot: Briggs - Rapper Tag #7 - YouTube
Vexual: thats an aboriginie krs1
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38955 @ 0.00096644 = 37.6477 BTC [-] {2}
KRS1: oh wow he's pretty civilized
Vexual: he says phuck a cypher
KRS1: pretty good
Vexual: indeed
KRS1: hah just as you said that..
KRS1: im feeling it
KRS1: rather be dead
Vexual: we have mega desert her mircea_popesu, you would like the journey
KRS1: he doesnt look aborigine
KRS1: is there any aborigine woman on this earth that is hot & sexy?
Vexual: well if you get lost in the simpson, that will be the face you are looking for to save you
KRS1: is there such a thing?
Vexual: yes
KRS1: gtfo
KRS1: beauty is in the eye of the beholder though
KRS1: i'll be the judge
Vexual: well
Vexual: its a feet on ground thing, domain and host
KRS1: check this rapper out
ozbot: Strange Kid I Found on Youtube - YouTube
KRS1: he's straight dope nigga
Vexual: in the desert here whiteys are in 4x4 or gmh, blackfelas run fords
Vexual: its a sterotype thats more oft true than not, as is the definition
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14915 @ 0.00096675 = 14.4191 BTC [+]
KRS1: want to see something cool?
ozbot: Beatboxing in Slow Motion - Smarter Every Day 109 - YouTube
KRS1: 2:39 ftw
KRS1: Don't let your dick get hard, its a dude afterall.
Vexual: hang on, just played it
KRS1: they look like some damn talented pussy lips
Vexual: this is why i don't like america
Vexual: and mercedes
Vexual: im turning gay as i watch it
KRS1: ikr
ozbot: Not Many - The Remix -Scribe (Official Music Video) - YouTube
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19850 @ 0.00096831 = 19.221 BTC [+] {3}
ozbot: Gwen Stefani - Harajuku Girls - YouTube
assbot: [MPEX] [FT] [X.EUR] 1500 @ 0.00167803 = 2.517 BTC [+] {2}
mircea_popescu: ;;calc 1/0.00167803
gribble: 595.936902201
assbot: [MPEX] [FT] [X.EUR] 1000 @ 0.00167504 = 1.675 BTC [-]
ozbot: Gwen Stefani - Cool - YouTube
mircea_popescu: jesus did namecheap redesign its site to look retarded ?
mircea_popescu: or is this some sort of webturd dns cache poisoning thing
Vexual: you buy dour domains at anmecheap, i can't deal with such disoulusion
Vexual: i don't know
mircea_popescu: i can't even fucking use their site now
mircea_popescu: holy shit
Vexual: sorry
mircea_popescu: there is just no alternative, everyone under 30 will have to be butchered and we'll have to start over.
mircea_popescu: we have failed with this generation.
Vexual: can we keep the 16s?
Vexual: seems sensible
mircea_popescu: hopefully seeing the gruesome fate their older redditard siblings meet will wake them the fuck up
Apocalyptic: set it as everyone under 20
Vexual: its happened during hisotry
punkman: wow, new namecheap design is horrible
punkman: they change the account management stuff to?
mircea_popescu: yeah see, this is why nothing ever gets done, all the individual cases ;/ soon enough it'll be anyone under 35.00001 and over 34.99999, which fits some guy somewhere a politician didn't like personally.
mircea_popescu: punkman i dunno dood, i can't even log in anymore.
mircea_popescu: anyone know a sane registrar ?
Vexual: i get friendly with the aides annd put politician with emails
mircea_popescu: like, you know, namecheap USED TO BE ?
mircea_popescu: i can't put up with this godaddy bullshit.
punkman: gandi maybe?
Vexual: not familiar with namecheap
mircea_popescu: Vexual that's because you're on the internet by accident.
mircea_popescu: punkman you use it ?
ozbot: Gwen Stefani - Rich Girl ft. Eve - YouTube
punkman: not yet, I have most of my domains on namecheap
mircea_popescu: yeah, so do i.
Vexual: kali?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29400 @ 0.00096884 = 28.4839 BTC [+]
punkman: oh it's beyond horrible after I signed in
ozbot: Ice Cube - I Got My Locs On feat Jeezy w/lyircs HQ - YouTube
punkman: "We continue to work on making changes to our website, refining and tuning to make things easier for you. Please bear with us during this time."
Vexual: graets prolly reselling it
mircea_popescu: punkman i don't understand what tyhe fuck is with people. basically instead of pissing all over the eager public in the forums like i do, they take fuckwit bitcointalker seriously and follow their advice.
mircea_popescu: this is immoral, let alone stupid.
Vexual: +1
Vexual: cant lern em tho
Vexual: ait, what
Vexual: your pr is on fir
punkman: this mobile first, responsive shit is just the worst thing
punkman: and it's everywhere
mircea_popescu: someone came by with "o, we'll improve your DATED design by making it all new and therefore better" and some shit-for-brains officer signed off on this
mircea_popescu: namecheap design stood out in a sea of idiocy by not being quite as idiotic.
mircea_popescu: now it looks like i'm having my domains hosted by fucking vice.
Vexual: you need a vice doco mano
Vexual: get the girl that ate korean poo medecine
Vexual: ill light it
Vexual: pankkake as executive producer
Vexual: 2 bits on the dollar
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13100 @ 0.00096922 = 12.6968 BTC [+] {2}
Vexual: classical soundtrack
Vexual: its moeny in the bank
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6419 @ 0.0009664 = 6.2033 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14217 @ 0.00096242 = 13.6827 BTC [-] {2}
pankkake: ;;ident
gribble: Nick 'pankkake', with hostmask 'pankkake!~anus@inara.p.engu.in', is identified as user 'pankkake', with GPG key id 62CA12B8036102B4, key fingerprint 2294225E0AF658991EA1DAAC62CA12B8036102B4, and bitcoin address None
pankkake: ;;gpg exchangekey 0x651BB507D9889CC0
gribble: Error: The "GPG" plugin is loaded, but there is no command named "exchangekey" in it. Try "list GPG" to see the commands in the "GPG" plugin.
pankkake: ;;gpg echangekey 0x651BB507D9889CC0
gribble: Request successful for user pankkake, hostmask pankkake!~anus@inara.p.engu.in. Get your encrypted OTP from http://bitcoin-otc.com/otps/651BB507D9889CC0
pankkake: ;;gpg everify freenode:#bitcoin-otc:8a646544d73f413c0a3cb75649c9640d5ae135525627f3597a38dfdb
gribble: Successfully changed key for user pankkake from 62CA12B8036102B4 to 651BB507D9889CC0. You are now authenticated for user pankkake with key 651BB507D9889CC0
ozbot: Lee Scratch Perry ~ I Am A Psychiatrist - YouTube
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35308 @ 0.00095921 = 33.8678 BTC [-] {3}
Vexual: ;; ident
gribble: Nick 'Vexual', with hostmask 'Vexual!~x@', is not identified.
mircea_popescu: much better than 1024d
ozbot: Dubblestandart meets David Lynch & Lee Scratch Perry: "Chrome Optimism" Subatomic Sound System rmx -
CiPi: www.youtube.com/watch?v=eqj-sgtzGJQ
Vexual: just beacuase i do it doesnt make it appropriate
ozbot: War - Low Rider (HQ Audio) - YouTube
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29693 @ 0.00095497 = 28.3559 BTC [-] {2}
Vexual: hey mp i saw your pr commisioned a portrait of you as hitler
Vexual: id rather see that new spike jonez movie with you as lead
Vexual: such concept
mircea_popescu: curious wht comes of it.
Vexual: would you slap your os into submission or fall in love, i don't lmow
Vexual: have you seen the film?
Vexual: do watch
Vexual: youll rage but its good
ozbot: 47 Ronin Official Trailer #1 (2013) - Keanu Reeves, Rinko Kikuchi Movie HD - YouTube
Vexual: so dragon
ozbot: Queens Of The Stone Age - Rickshaw ( Desert Sessions Cover) - YouTube
ozbot: kids trailer - YouTube
Vexual: becoming bingobongo, by larry clarke
Vexual: don't ;et be keep you from typing cipi
CiPi: ?
Vexual: nothing
Vexual: did you bu a bunch of stuff with overstock?
herbijudlestoids: yey im back
herbijudlestoids: my work is dones
herbijudlestoids: now for play
herbijudlestoids: Vexual: i spoke to the guy and he said he will put a public post on the appropriate facebook page when hes sorted out a bitpay account.
Vexual: you cant have dont much work
herbijudlestoids: lots, but im done with what im going to be doing tonight :)
herbijudlestoids: i just brought online about ~20 hosts for network virtualisation and compute virtualisation :)
Vexual: well i wa just going to mention to cipi how i have dx store cretit hand 4 years later they still dont have anything i want
CiPi: Vexual; how well do you understand english?
herbijudlestoids: the joys of cobbler and puppet :)
Vexual: reaonable, im australian
ozbot: Ebay UK to Allow Users to Buy and Sell Bitcoins
Vexual: i ocassionally text rose at dx and ask for the fake prenis or the cash to be sent, just for fun
Vexual: yeah cipi i can read that
mircea_popescu: womenz beat business 3:1
ozbot: I'm Deranged. David Bowie soundtrack "Lost Highway" 1997 - YouTube
KRS1: sup Vexual..I had to rest for a bit.
Vexual: happens to the best of the best
KRS1: Vexual you might be older than me. David Bowie lost me a bit..maybe just before my time.
Vexual: we already decided youre older than me, im not that forgetful
herbijudlestoids: hi mircea_popescu :)
herbijudlestoids: can anyone suggest a nice mindless movie full of boobs and explosions?
KRS1: although this song did kick much ass
ozbot: David Bowie - I'm Afraid Of Americans - 1080p - YouTube
Vexual: and horov is from slovakia im just an arsehole, i fyou havent picked up on thta, you're doom generation
Vexual: when i go to miami, how much coke do i have to buy b4 paris hilton sits on my lap?
KRS1: not sure
Vexual: 2 kilo i heard
KRS1: thats ridiculous
Vexual: too cheap?
KRS1: no
KRS1: nobody needs that much coke
Vexual: some is cash
Vexual: but she prices it like bitcoin
KRS1: besides the closest a guy like you can get to stars in Miami beach is walking by to maybe catch a glimpse into an exclusive restaurant or club.
Vexual: herbi?
herbijudlestoids: yes dear?
KRS1: that gets you far
Vexual: paris?
Vexual: this guy is sgae
herbijudlestoids: youre too good for her, dear
Vexual: danke
Vexual: im afraid of big pimps in pcikups like you :)
KRS1: This song reminds me of the havvoc I wrecked with teardrop.c
Vexual: is that a jail tatoo?
ozbot: David Bowie performs "Fame" on Soul Train - YouTube
KRS1: It was a c program that modified TCP buffer sizes when you sent a request to a computer running an unpatched Windows95 machine. It would lock it up cold. You could watch entire irc rooms disappear.
KRS1: love that song
herbijudlestoids: haha KRS1 remember the ++ath0 DoS?
Vexual: i tried to load a win95 macine the other day, couldn't remeber the pw for my life
KRS1: wow how young
Vexual: 36 lunar
Vexual: at a guess
KRS1: p,g je
KRS1: omg he's lip synching
Vexual: ill delete it
KRS1: this is when some music was funky
herbijudlestoids: Vexual: you know its really really very easy to break into the pw file of w95?
herbijudlestoids: (if you have physical access)
Vexual: yeah i dont wanna know what that image was for
KRS1: you need no password
Apocalyptic: it's easy to break everywhere (in the os-sense) if you have physical access
Vexual: i guessed till it locked aqnd closed the screen
KRS1: Imagine that..a redhaired opie white boy making Soul Train funky.
Vexual: sould train i stre funky
herbijudlestoids: Apocalyptic: really? i swear full disk encryption had that problem sorted years ago now :)
Vexual: not windows
KRS1: win95 had no such disk encryption afaik
Vexual: yeah
Vexual: u can encrpt a diak on 95
herbijudlestoids: ahuh, im just saying its not easy to break in 'everywhere' with the existence of fde
KRS1: how so
Vexual: cunt i forgot my pw, i think its in control panel
KRS1: you dont need it just keep hitting escapre
KRS1: the password is only for user profiles
KRS1: the data is all there if you dont logon
Vexual: desolder the battery and boot from cd
KRS1: huh
Vexual: yeah but its a vex machine, theres nothing useful there
KRS1: i'm vexxed why i'm spending time on this..bbiaf coffee & a cigarette
herbijudlestoids: so whats the actual point of this channel lol
herbijudlestoids: just a feed for assbot?
Vexual: talking about bitcoiin assets
Vexual: and permutations
ozbot: Cougar Bourbon Advertisement - YouTube
herbijudlestoids: 5 cougars thanks
Vexual: lol
ozbot: Daryl Braithwaite - All I Do - YouTube
Vexual: i got you herbi
ozbot: Busta Rhymes - Thank You ft. Q-Tip, Kanye West, Lil Wayne - YouTube
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] 40 @ 0.004161 = 0.1664 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HMF] 6 @ 0.02710007 = 0.1626 BTC [-] {2}
Vexual: im saving up for an mpex account
ozbot: Busta Rhymes - Arab Money - YouTube
Vexual: coinbr will cost the same over 30 years
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HMF] 10 @ 0.02710005 = 0.271 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2850 @ 0.00092943 = 2.6489 BTC [-]
herbijudlestoids: i heard thank you the other day its ok, im not a kanye fan
herbijudlestoids: or lil wayne lol
herbijudlestoids: but im liking this arab money song
Vexual: thaank you is all busta
Vexual: hes very kingly even whe others are tehre
Vexual: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=20cFWzlhhTU perhaps this flows fast i dunno
ozbot: Busta Rhymes - #TWERKIT ft. Nicki Minaj - YouTube
herbijudlestoids: this some old skool for ya
ozbot: Big Pun ft. Busta Rhymes - Parental Discretion - YouTube
herbijudlestoids: lol which shit talker was in here the other day telling me spreads between exchanges were narrow? i just saw on -otc that spreads are ~$100
Vexual: whats new?
herbijudlestoids: nothing, i thought it was like that but someone was telling me theyd narrowd
KRS1: last time i checked otc didnt have much in terms of that..gox is..well a good spread
KRS1: damn good joint right here
ozbot: The Science Of Selling Yourself Short (Video) - YouTube
KRS1: Less Than Jake
Vexual: nice mix my lion
KRS1: my life
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15789 @ 0.00092464 = 14.5991 BTC [-]
KRS1: as i realize i cant breathe anymore
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23411 @ 0.00092191 = 21.5828 BTC [-]
truffles: u dying?
Vexual: evryman thinks his burdon is the heaviest
ozbot: Bob Marley - Running Away (Exodus demos) - YouTube
truffles: one of my favs
Vexual: the way i spell burdon?
truffles: exodus
Vexual: yeah
KRS1: truffles I think so..my heart isnt doing so well..years of smoking and drinking
KRS1: but i still dont care for other reasons
Vexual: buck up cheif
truffles: geez u got many more years to go
herbijudlestoids: have ye heard this from his son
KRS1: for what life is a shithole of misery..even when you have it good.
ozbot: Damian Marley Move - YouTube
Vexual: jr gong?
herbijudlestoids: yea its like a cover/homage to exodus
Vexual: they youngest most capable son
Vexual: not ritas
Vexual: ziggys mum
herbijudlestoids: lol i dunno anything about her
Vexual: there werw many mothers
herbijudlestoids: nah his mum is Cindy Breakspeare
herbijudlestoids: a jamaican jazz musician
Vexual: ah
truffles: ugh another faux marley
Vexual: hes the new prhet
Vexual: *prophet
truffles: move outta music
herbijudlestoids: ok how about some good ol bob then
ozbot: Bob Marley | Natural Mystic - YouTube
Vexual: tell u ssomething truff
herbijudlestoids: this my fav bob song
truffles: im typin with gloves ..
Vexual: thats off exodus lp too, first travck
truffles: turning up heat = too hot
Vexual: bang it loud with the crackle
truffles: no patience
truffles: makes more typos than usual now boo
Vexual: almost bitcoin relevant, coz marley is like that
Vexual: did you mean poo
truffles: 1 leather 1 not lol
Vexual: wehn doe spatience become focus?
truffles: leather sucks for movement fyi
truffles: too implusive for that
truffles: did u know peaches are delicious?
herbijudlestoids: did you know the stone of peach contains cyanogenic glycosides
Vexual: good for leather
KRS1: <3
ozbot: Whos got the Herbs - YouTube
Vexual: black bark and peach stone
truffles: natural mystic was good choice
herbijudlestoids: yea i loves it, got it on loop right now :P
KRS1: 300 miles north of me is ground zero for all of your Peach dreams. Pecans too!
herbijudlestoids: pecan pie
KRS1: eww
truffles: well i like other fruits more so..
KRS1: skunk bud indica sativa ma reefaaaaaaaahh ma aha reefaaahhh ahahahahahaha
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIF] 500 @ 0.00048 = 0.24 BTC [-]
KRS1: love how 311 has such reggae feel in their musics
Vexual: is this 311?
Vexual: i like apricots
truffles: so 311 is like the m&m of reggae
Vexual: if he was from socal
ozbot: frank zappa - titties and beer from the 1978 live NYC - YouTube
truffles: i think there has been worse talk sing choices than that
Vexual: yeah hes dead from arse cancer and never cried]
Vexual: would you cry truffles?
Vexual: with terminal rectum canver?
truffles: if they made a sad movie about it *maybe*
truffles: cant seem to cry otherwise for ppl who die he
herbijudlestoids: i think im about to give the guys in -otc an anyeurism
Vexual: thats a good answer
herbijudlestoids: i started ranting about the premium and arbs and they dont like it
herbijudlestoids: guess i better stop before someone tries to murder me
ozbot: Barrington Levy - Broader Than Broadway - YouTube
truffles: i hope i at least shed a tear for my parents when they die, u know
Vexual: just tell em
Vexual: u have kids?
Vexual: yeah
truffles: if u count my pets, then sure
Vexual: fish?
truffles: do ppl even count fish as pet
truffles: its food to me
Vexual: yeah
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11763 @ 0.00092234 = 10.8495 BTC [+]
truffles: or food for my pets :D
Vexual: you can eat them or release them tinto a waterway
truffles: make sammich or wait 2 more hrs til actual food time
ozbot: Seeed: Aufstehn - (official Video) - YouTube
Vexual: eat it
truffles: u into german reggae now?
Vexual: u new?
truffles: new round here ya
Vexual: ya
truffles: song aint bad
Vexual: seeed
truffles: this fat guy
truffles: forgot name..
truffles: at 2:40
ozbot: Seeed: "Waterpumpee" - Official - YouTube
Vexual: feel the sauna
ozbot: ODB- Brooklyn Zoo Video - YouTube
herbijudlestoids: its gangsta up in here tonight
truffles: well links quality can only go down :D
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HMF] 28 @ 0.02611785 = 0.7313 BTC [-] {6}
truffles: wow he was nutso
Vexual: odb:arse cnacer
truffles: he didnt get killed?
Vexual: nope
Vexual: life
truffles: "The official cause of death was a drug overdose; "
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HMF] 8 @ 0.02467062 = 0.1974 BTC [-] {2}
Vexual: they dont do guillotine any more, arse cnacer is way more shame
truffles: what kinna drug causes chess pains
Vexual: cigs and booze for one
truffles: says cocaine and tramadol..
Vexual: crack works too
Vexual: proper meth heads dont smoke and die of dental omplications
herbijudlestoids: shit its 1am!
herbijudlestoids: how did this happen
truffles: seems like a six drug, that meth
ozbot: ODB - Baby, I got your money [*original uncencored video*] - YouTube
truffles: sick*
Vexual: ask your mom
herbijudlestoids: hmmm me too
Vexual: you too
Vexual: ive got a fresh oaf and some evil goat cheeze
herbijudlestoids: me and mother dont get along, its been a while since i even saw her
Vexual: im having bad dreams
herbijudlestoids: mmm goat cheese
herbijudlestoids: i loves it
Vexual: love it
herbijudlestoids: i love the unique taste
Vexual: its teh baddest
herbijudlestoids: cheesecoin
herbijudlestoids: hmm..nope
Vexual: people dream on blue cow
herbijudlestoids: (i always check)
Vexual: i dream on pissgoat
herbijudlestoids: dreamcoin
Vexual: i wouldn't mil em tho
Vexual: evil fuckers
herbijudlestoids: the owner of SAB has a whole flock of miniature animals, including miniature goats at the nursery ;)
ozbot: Wu-Tang Clan - Method Man - YouTube
Vexual: vats got soe fluoro slacks too
Vexual: *cat
herbijudlestoids: gravel pit
Vexual: *some
Vexual: that to
Vexual: i do like me a goat biryani
KRS1: u like that east coast U.S. rap
truffles: not sure if want goat cheese
Vexual: decide when u eat it
truffles: prob not
herbijudlestoids: mmm biryani
Vexual: what else can we play krs? percy p?
herbijudlestoids: stop talkin bout food
KRS1: does goat meat have a urine like odor? someone said that once
Vexual: nope
KRS1: percy p? I have heard of him
Vexual: i think the cheeze does
herbijudlestoids: play auditorium by slick rick and mos def
Vexual: meat is tops
KRS1: rly
Vexual: u play it
Vexual: goat meat?
ozbot: Mos Def - Auditorium Ft. Slick Rick - YouTube
KRS1: i've only had beef and chicken, i've ventured to oxtail, alligator tail and lamb only
Vexual: its the biggest beast u can eat the whole thing yourself
herbijudlestoids: im still on gravel pit
KRS1: moar east coast
Vexual: get on a plane and buy a goat and eat it
KRS1: i'm on a plane with cocaine and yes i'm all lit up agaaaain
Vexual: u might need some friends if you dont have a hideout
herbijudlestoids: around here there is a nepalese joint that does buffalo dumplings
herbijudlestoids: pretty good
Vexual: oooh
Vexual: u inb perth or sydney?#
KRS1: this kind of rap hardly ever got my attention..to me its meh.. i like west coast US rap much better... 2 pac, nwa, eazy e, the game, ice cube, etc.
ozbot: Arlo Guthrie - Coming Into Los Angeles (live 1969) HD 0815007 - YouTube
herbijudlestoids: KRS1: a man after my own heart then, but i like to keep it broad
herbijudlestoids: slick rick inspired Snoop Doggs Lodi Dodi
KRS1: herbijudlestoids yes thats important
truffles: auditorium good choice
herbijudlestoids: lemme chuck on some oz hiphop and see what you guys think
KRS1: north coast rappers I like: eric b. rakim, jungle brothers, EPMD, Big Poppa, Slick Rick, MASE, Puff Daddy, JUST-ICE, KRS-One
truffles: only like 2pac on that list hah
Vexual: do it, bring fancy meat
ozbot: Hilltop Hoods - Fifty in Five (Previously Unreleased Filmclip) - YouTube
KRS1: first time i've heard auditorium its ok
truffles: just ok huh
KRS1: yeh
KRS1: try east coast raekwon-ice cream
KRS1: first time i
KRS1: heard hilltop hoods, this is good
herbijudlestoids: fuck yes :D
truffles: ice cream is a classic
herbijudlestoids: suffa mc is the guy doin most of the rhyming he is my fav
KRS1: lol also recently first time i heard Faggot Bruce lmao
Vexual: geeze thats goos suffa, what is it?
KRS1: Faggot Bruce: hard ass nigga who will anally rape you and make you gay.
KRS1: like..wtf
Vexual: oouch
truffles: hard ass, anal rape hmm
truffles: sounds about right
Vexual: i bought some tapes incentral
KRS1: and you get beat the fuck up too lmao
herbijudlestoids: lemme play you another after this KRS1, different style, from melbourne
KRS1: herbijudlestoids: you an Aussie cunt too?
Vexual: ill do sydney and brisbane
KRS1: lol nice
truffles: the accent kinda kills if for me
Vexual: hes persian ausie
KRS1: hmm guess everyone settled everywhere at some point
herbijudlestoids: i dunno even what im doin here, i just thought it was nice that mircea_popescu donated to openbsd and came to say thanks and rant that he had fully implemented an idea i was just thinking of
truffles: its like posh person trying to rap..
Vexual: adelaide aint posh
KRS1: herbijudlestoids: you landed in a pretty cool spot
herbijudlestoids: truffles: it grows on you
truffles: nah it wont
herbijudlestoids: i used to fuckin hate it
herbijudlestoids: now i fuckin hate it when oz mcs try and hide their accent
truffles: i prefer just listening to them speak than sing :D
KRS1: this is a really good US East Coast joint https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9iYBtnckio
herbijudlestoids: try this one, young up and comer from the coolest spot in melb (where i used to live)
ozbot: Jungle Brothers - Straight Out The Jungle - YouTube
ozbot: Remi Kolawole - Sangria (Official Film Clip.) - YouTube
Vexual: truffles u want lara bingle
Vexual: sorry krs im going with alibaba
KRS1: I dig that guitar lick in the background of Straight Out The Jungle
truffles: sangria vn
Vexual: yeah my cats in thin lizzie too
KRS1: Doesn't Australia have any african negros?
KRS1: Seems like everyone is either white or aborigine
truffles: too hot
Vexual: yeah, gotta watch em
herbijudlestoids: we do, mostly recent sudanese and somali refugees
KRS1: keep your eye on those two
herbijudlestoids: im not white
herbijudlestoids: i doubt half of sydney is white
Vexual: tru dat
KRS1: what else
herbijudlestoids: probly <5% aboriginal
KRS1: mix?
herbijudlestoids: extremely multicultural
KRS1: .bait
KRS1: omg my dream girl, with slightly bigger tits than I like
Vexual: beach is full of croatian and brazillian
KRS1: she'd have to get a tit reduction
KRS1: brazilian..odd
KRS1: we have a lot of brazilians here
truffles: lol at reduction
ozbot: Seth Sentry - Dear Science (Triple J Unearthed) (Oz Hip Hop) - YouTube
herbijudlestoids: ok ill stop :P
KRS1: yeah about half as much tit would be ok
Vexual: dont stop parsian cat
KRS1: I'm digging Remi Kolawole
Vexual: *e
herbijudlestoids: that remi song comes as close as i can think of capturing how cool that part of melbourne is
Vexual: i hate melbourne
KRS1: Oh cool a Delorean
Vexual: i always drink red wine and coffee
truffles: i dislike that "old school" style
truffles: of rapping
KRS1: onlt had 150 hp haha
herbijudlestoids: which one truffles? remi?
truffles: jungle brothers
herbijudlestoids: ah yeh, the lick is good tho ;)
KRS1: yeh the guitar?
Vexual: im on seth sentry
KRS1: badass
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 52661 @ 0.0009185 = 48.3691 BTC [-] {3}
Vexual: dingbat was bringing bc atm to melb
KRS1: Where I live, we have a local rapper Triple J-unlike the Aussie one. He did a good song about ganja:
ozbot: Triple J - Kryptonite - YouTube
Vexual: tripple j is the youth centric state sponsered radio staion
KRS1: good song to pack a fat spliff to
herbijudlestoids: used to be double j back in the day
Vexual: yah
herbijudlestoids: then went national
KRS1: HAHA rly
Vexual: im too old but still listen
herbijudlestoids: alright lemme bust some conspiracy shit on you
Vexual: then i get all kryptoitew
ozbot: Pez Ft Tys - The Way It Should Be - YouTube
KRS1: DA FUQ is wrong with her bellybutton? I just noticed it
herbijudlestoids: bodymodded
KRS1: looks like INSERT COIN slot
Vexual: wheres this from herbi?
herbijudlestoids: which one?
herbijudlestoids: from pez lol
Vexual: pez
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 5305 @ 0.00007639 = 0.4052 BTC [-] {26}
herbijudlestoids: you know 360? they came up together from melbs
KRS1: listening to that now..its...ok.
Vexual: sounds like logan
KRS1: .bait
herbijudlestoids: alrightalright, most peeps dont like the conspiracy theory ones :P
KRS1: lol @ pasties but nice titties
KRS1: nubbins
herbijudlestoids: lemme cheer you up
ozbot: The Hilltop Hoods What A Great Night - YouTube
KRS1: anyone think the btc markets are going to dive anytime soon
herbijudlestoids: iv been impressed with the decline in overall volatility KRS1
KRS1: OH SHIT this song is GREAT
herbijudlestoids: turn it up son
herbijudlestoids: i probly just woke up everyone in the street ;)
KRS1: It had me at 0:20 unreal
herbijudlestoids: wait there is a sick sample near the end
KRS1: omg i have a new fav..adding this to my collection
ozbot: Cross Bred Mongrels - "No Interference" - YouTube
KRS1: this shit slapped me upside the head
KRS1: Thanks herbijudlestoids!
herbijudlestoids: fuckin glad man
herbijudlestoids: not many like the ozhiphop
KRS1: fuck this shit is dope
KRS1: u guys ever plug.dj?
KRS1: I think it was launched with bitcoin
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] 120 @ 0.00400134 = 0.4802 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 4 @ 0.3965 = 1.586 BTC [+] {2}
herbijudlestoids: na didnt hear about it
herbijudlestoids: emme leave you with just one song then, another hilltop, but if you keep your eyes on the video, its got the names of *all* the best oz hiphop acts
KRS1: cool..i'm gonna hit reapeat one time
herbijudlestoids: this video will be like your oz hiphop bible :)
ozbot: Hilltop Hoods - Rattling the Keys to the Kingdom - YouTube
herbijudlestoids: ill stop now, dont wanna flood the chan with my shit lol
herbijudlestoids: i tried before, they goaded me :P
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] 175 @ 0.00400101 = 0.7002 BTC [-] {2}
KRS1: This one is aight
herbijudlestoids: its not so much the song as the video, if you want to look into some other local stuff ;)
KRS1: omg lol
KRS1: thanks kakobrekla
kakobrekla: yes yw
KRS1: wow sky is clear 22°C 72°F
ozbot: Bliss n Eso - Coastal Kids (Official Video Clip) - YouTube
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] 50 @ 0.00400101 = 0.2001 BTC [-]
jurov: so i'm right in the middle of this european VAT mess
Vexual: sucked in
jurov: looks like Amazon issues invoices to AWS that are not acceptable to tax authorities all around the EU
jurov: *for AWS
jurov: just because they keep their VAT registration number closely guarded secret
Vexual: dont buy shit from amoazon that reevant to your business
Vexual: my last employer got my ederegistered
jurov: i dug out their luxembourg var number they use to evade ebook taxes
jurov: let the bureaucrats fuck it out in between them
Vexual: eu is a trip
ozbot: "MaryJane" Tricky H.M.S - YouTube
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SFI] 750 @ 0.00083127 = 0.6235 BTC [-] {4}
KRS1: hmm not bad
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.3926 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 1015 @ 0.0001 = 0.1015 BTC [-] {2}
KRS1: I'm still buggin off that hilltop hoods
Vexual: unknown skills
ozbot: Hilltop hoods- dumb enough - YouTube
Vexual: ive been to blackwood parties
VanCleef: they make fred durst look black
Vexual: lol
Vexual: their sisters are lawyers tho
KRS1: oh wow btc markets might be taking a dive now
KRS1: 1h starting to look sick already
VanCleef: rappingat kangaroos and meatpies and afl n shieeeet
KRS1: Vexual: I got this Hilltop Hoods - What a Great Night on repeat
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIF] 1751 @ 0.00046843 = 0.8202 BTC [-] {8}
KRS1: I have to go rest again. I think I'm about to pass out after sipping on this whisky
KRS1: cinnamon
Vexual: faggot
kakobrekla: isnt it cinnabun?
Vexual: surely i jest, ive had enough shisky too
KRS1: Vexual: why didnt you say so? here ya go
ozbot: Faggot Bruce - Cockstar - YouTube
kakobrekla: ahh yeah
kakobrekla: that pussy whisky
Vexual: ha my dog just went off when i played that
Vexual: i dont think im getting robbed tonight
Vexual: whats fireball 5.99 a bottle/?
KRS1: $8 for 375 ml
Vexual: lol
eiermann: !help
assbot: List of commands:
assbot: !ticker <exchange> <ticker> (desc: returns current ticker values, supported: MPEX, HAVELOCK, BTCTCO) {short: !t}
assbot: !last <exchange> <ticker> (desc: returns last price value, supported: MPEX, HAVELOCK, BTCTCO) {short: !l}
assbot: !mp <signcrypted dpaste.com url> (desc: returns the response from MPEX order)
assbot: !rules <nick/chan> (desc: chan guidelines) {short: !r}
assbot: !exchanges <nick/chan> (desc: lists exchanges and brokers) {short: !e}
assbot: !jd (desc: returns relevant stats from https://just-dice.com)
assbot: !bash <lines> (desc: bashes last <lines> lines to bash) {short: !b}
assbot: !quote <lines> (desc: quotes last <lines> lines and returns dpaste url) {short: !q}
Vexual: krs1 can do my security anytime
Vexual: piss on my yard
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 3 @ 0.3924 = 1.1772 BTC [-]
KRS1: hah what
KRS1: I threw away 2 bottles already, have a little left: http://i.imgur.com/XVsOluN.jpg
Vexual: well i played that loud whe some punk was walking past now he gone
Vexual: that tickles my funnybone
KRS1: ya that nigga be known he dont want to get raped and shit
Vexual: yeah he dont wanna come here for sure
KRS1: bahaha
KRS1: at the end faggot bruce say "LICK NUTS" lol what a faggot
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29199 @ 0.00091581 = 26.7407 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.401 BTC [+]
ozbot: Nicki Minaj - Stupid Hoe (Explicit) - YouTube
Vexual: you need some better whisky son
KRS1: hey ...i like it..it works.
KRS1: I like the finer things don't get me wrong, but I'll drink cheap beer too because I like it.
KRS1: I think the most expensive drink I ever had was Grappa
KRS1: (Skin of the Grape..Italian?)
Vexual: grappa is home made
ozbot: Grappa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
KRS1: no
Diablo-D3: am I the only one here that doesnt drink?
Vexual: no
KRS1: I can buy it at the liquor store up the street.
Diablo-D3: so wtf is grappa exactly?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 3 @ 0.3924 = 1.1772 BTC [-]
KRS1: You should, Diablo-D3. You owe it to yourself.
Diablo-D3: just distilled wine?
Diablo-D3: KRS1: well
Diablo-D3: since Im paleo
KRS1: distilled alcohol derived from grape skins.
Vexual: yah distilled house wine
Diablo-D3: the only thing Im allowed is wine
Diablo-D3: and I havent found a wine I really like
Vexual: mom says?
Diablo-D3: Vexual: ?
Vexual: u like white or red?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SFI] 1670 @ 0.00083116 = 1.388 BTC [-] {5}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [KCIM] 33 @ 0.00305898 = 0.1009 BTC [-]
Diablo-D3: I like neither.
KRS1: Diablo-D3: I like sweet wine, plum wine is good to me. I dislike bitter wines.
KRS1: Caveman diet?
Diablo-D3: yes.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 3 @ 0.3923 = 1.1769 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 48926 @ 0.00092319 = 45.168 BTC [+] {3}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SFI] 2050 @ 0.00083207 = 1.7057 BTC [+] {3}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 2642 @ 0.00007 = 0.1849 BTC [-]
Vexual: try a nz sav blanc, its like fruit juice
KRS1: it sure does make sense
Diablo-D3: Vexual: my problem is this
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 3 @ 0.3912 = 1.1736 BTC [-]
Diablo-D3: they all taste like alchohol
KRS1: that seems like a great way to eat..problem is other foods and convenience gets in the way.
Diablo-D3: no matter how long I leave them breath
Diablo-D3: KRS1: yeah well like
Diablo-D3: I went from 340 pounds to 214 in exactly one year
KRS1: fawk
Diablo-D3: started jan 1st of last year, to jan 1st of this year
Diablo-D3: I no longer care about convenience with results like that
KRS1: i did that once with subway, almost the same figures..down to 190
Diablo-D3: no added exercise, nothing other than strict 100% paleo
KRS1: subway (fast food sandwiches)
Diablo-D3: yeah I cant stand subway
KRS1: plus exercise 8 out of the 12 or so months
Vexual: me nether
Diablo-D3: Ive always thought it was disgusting
Diablo-D3: and now as paleo, I have legitimate reasons
KRS1: yeh their meat sucks I ate veggie only bread and veg
KRS1: im gonna try this Diablo-D3
Vexual: paleo
Diablo-D3: paleo is simple
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 3 @ 0.39110001 = 1.1733 BTC [-]
Vexual: meat needs bread
KRS1: lol ya kinda haha
KRS1: I buy this every month: http://www.personaltrainerfood.com/
KRS1: Its great, I can do paleo with that
Diablo-D3: no grains (no corn, no soy, no rice, no wheat, etc), no seed oils (no corn, no canola, no "vegetable" oil, no sprays), no legumes (no peas, no peanuts), no refined sugars
Vexual: come and spear a croc
KRS1: sugar is what kills me..carbs in general.
Diablo-D3: what you can eat is meat (leave the fat on), veg, fruit, and nuts (and dont buy the prepared ones, usually cooked in a seed oil and waaaay oversalted)
Diablo-D3: limited use of unrefined sugars is fine
Vexual: yeah i ea doritos while im waiting
Diablo-D3: and as for oils to cook in, use olive oil or coconut oil
Diablo-D3: and re: olive oil
KRS1: im gonna go think of this..thanks Diablo-D3, high fiv's Vexual
Diablo-D3: the way to buy that is
KRS1: pce
Diablo-D3: extra virgin, with a country code stamp
Diablo-D3: thats all it needs
Diablo-D3: even if it lists multiple countries of origin on the stamp, as long as it has one
Vexual: i press my own olive oil
Diablo-D3: everything else is just you overpaying for olive oil
Diablo-D3: and get the big tins of it and put it in a dispenser
Vexual: and i just ate a rooster that was supposed to be a layer
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 39 @ 0.00409999 = 0.1599 BTC [-]
Diablo-D3: anything that says "cold pressed" or "first press" or whatever is just you paying for advertisement
Diablo-D3: by us and eu law, ALL extra virgin is cold first press period
Diablo-D3: no matter what the bottle says
Vexual: law?
Diablo-D3: extra virgin as a term is a legal term
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.4 BTC [+]
Vexual: lots of permesan gets thru thats not parmesan, and thats law
Diablo-D3: industry only uses warm presses for after the first, and after the first produces various grades of industrial oil too, not safe for human consumption
Diablo-D3: Vexual: no, thats EU only
Diablo-D3: and thats not a safety law
Vexual: some of the best champagne isnt from champagne
Diablo-D3: again, thats not a food saftey law, and thats EU only
Diablo-D3: neither of those are also US
Vexual: i make one press oil and beat the tree with a stick
Diablo-D3: anyhow, olive oil is cheap and simple to buy when you follow those rules
Vexual: no shit, ill sign it if you want
Vexual: black fruit
Diablo-D3: well its like
Diablo-D3: you know people who buy highly expensive bottles of olive oil?
Vexual: youll now youre drinking olive oil
Vexual: yeah i do
Diablo-D3: thats a waste
Vexual: no
Diablo-D3: especially if you cook with it
Diablo-D3: cooking with olive oil makes all extra virgin the same
Diablo-D3: I mean, if you wanna keep around a very expensive bottle and only use it for, say, salads or what not
Diablo-D3: do it
Diablo-D3: its your money, but I think its a waste
Diablo-D3: olive oil just doesnt improve with money like wine does
Vexual: motherfucker dont tell me about olive oil
kakobrekla: improve oil and wine with money?
Diablo-D3: well, if you're pressing your own, you wont have the experience everyone else does
kakobrekla: like you drop some change innit?
Diablo-D3: kakobrekla: lets face it, <$15 for wine sucks.
Vexual: yeah and i coock with good shi ttoo
Vexual: if i dont have it ill buy it
kakobrekla: is money a word for time now?
Diablo-D3: there are like $50 tiny little bottles of wine
Diablo-D3: thats like, wtf
Diablo-D3: its fucking olive oil
Vexual: i eat it on bread
Diablo-D3: Vexual: bread isnt paleo but
Diablo-D3: yeah
Diablo-D3: thats when you WOULD have a fancy bottle of it
Vexual: no fancy i buy and i can taste the area
Vexual: nothing wrond with spain, i prefer australian
Vexual: and ive only two olive trees
Vexual: they'd be better preserved but i havent the patience, and you can't buy oil like that
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIF] 412 @ 0.00040101 = 0.1652 BTC [-]
Vexual: fuck your paleo
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20375 @ 0.00092245 = 18.7949 BTC [-]
Vexual: grain is the reason humans are intelligent, why deny yourself?
jurov: [citation needed]
Vexual: well egypt
kakobrekla: its not grain, its fire.
Vexual: fire too
Vexual: but food for the masses
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36700 @ 0.00092286 = 33.869 BTC [+]
Vexual: hey i love meat, but it needs bread
Vexual: 20 generations cant be wrong
Apocalyptic: people eat bread cause it's cheap
kakobrekla: said the dinosaurs
kakobrekla: not about he bread, but generations.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 4 @ 0.4 = 1.6 BTC [+]
Vexual: trex would learn to eat bread in 1 generation
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 56 @ 0.00409999 = 0.2296 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 48 @ 0.4 = 19.2 BTC [+]
Vexual: 0 even
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 39569 @ 0.00092238 = 36.4977 BTC [-] {3}
Vexual: and if its a baloney sandwich, you're in like flint
Vexual: people have been grinding flour since before fire
Vexual: monekys
Vexual: my axe
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 7 @ 0.39110001 = 2.7377 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 193 @ 0.38646221 = 74.5872 BTC [-] {9}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15500 @ 0.00090973 = 14.1008 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18150 @ 0.00088908 = 16.1368 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [KCIM] 88 @ 0.0028 = 0.2464 BTC [-] {2}
Diablo-D3: oh jesus christ, not this shit again
BingoBoingo: The defense on this case could be incrediblly useful or damaging
jurov: what was the trilema article about stealing of radioactive material in goiania?
jurov: in light of this, it was incredibly prescient
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [COG] 9 @ 0.04000018 = 0.36 BTC [-] {4}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SFI] 575 @ 0.00086997 = 0.5002 BTC [+] {4}
chsados: PANIC!@!@!! DaNNGER WiLL ROBINS0N!!
deadweasel: well fuck, they only gave HSBC a fine, yet they're talking about jail terms in the article. what a crock of shit.
deadweasel: It's becoming more clear that I will die in hail of gunfire some day.
Diablo-D3: or how about
Diablo-D3: just not doing business with hsbc
Diablo-D3: they're killing themselves anyhow
Diablo-D3: of the largest banks in the US, worst customer service (even worse than chase and BoA), highest fees, etc etc
deadweasel: i have no dealings with them, just comparing to the bitinstant thing. oh noes, 1 million converted to btc!
deadweasel: vs HSBC bazillions laundred, nothing happens to anybody.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 37750 @ 0.00088019 = 33.2272 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1500 @ 0.00008618 = 0.1293 BTC [-] {3}
BingoBoingo: I guess the Shrem case offers a bit of insight into what MP is doing right in the sense that preferential unadvertised service is criminal.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] 100 @ 0.004 = 0.4 BTC [-]
BingoBoingo: It turns out that apparently even the DEA greps that working exactly right and as advertised in the BitBet manner is correct.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 52300 @ 0.00088173 = 46.1145 BTC [+] {2}
deadweasel: BingoBoingo: also he doens't travel to US.
deadweasel: which is crucial.
assbot: [MPEX] [FT] [X.EUR] 300 @ 0.00169 = 0.507 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 4 @ 0.04911005 = 0.1964 BTC [-] {3}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 57850 @ 0.0008807 = 50.9485 BTC [-] {3}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HMF] 5 @ 0.02466643 = 0.1233 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13550 @ 0.00088221 = 11.9539 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 38 @ 0.0038 = 0.1444 BTC [-] {3}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] 49 @ 0.003801 = 0.1862 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] 179 @ 0.00380003 = 0.6802 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31127 @ 0.00087949 = 27.3759 BTC [-]
kakobrekla: bitbet doesnt travel to us?
mike_c: bitbet isn't laundering money for drugs. you can come to the us. i hear ohio is lovely.
kakobrekla: well tbh id rather not try it.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18900 @ 0.00087949 = 16.6224 BTC [-]
pankkake: of course it is, druglords bet on "sure bets" all the time
lyspooner: hello you bums, what's the latest derivative news
mike_c: mpoe shares are on sale today. get 'em while they're cheap.
lyspooner: are you mike caldwell?
mike_c: i am not.
mike_c: but i do have a few beat up coins i could sell you
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14324 @ 0.00088037 = 12.6104 BTC [+]
deanclkclk: folks..question
benkay: answer
barb_: hey i have a question about bitbet
barb_: and similar sites such as btcoracle
barb_: are they legal to operate in the US?
BingoBoingo: barb_: btcoracle isn't similar, but go ahead
barb_: ok but you get the idea
BingoBoingo: barb_: Generally it is best to not operated out of a Jurisdiction you are personally not large enough to corrupt in your favor.
barb_: huh
barb_: thats not what i was hoping for
BingoBoingo: barb_: What were you hoping for?
barb_: a real legal answer
barb_: is it illegal to operate a betting site
barb_: based on bitcoin
barb_: from the US
BingoBoingo: barb_: Generally that kind of thing involves paying a real legal lawyer. The best answer I can offer is I dunno, but is it legal to play to slot machine in the original pokemon games outside of an actual casino?
barb_: the legal ambiguity is killing me
barb_: the barrier to entry seems so high
barb_: having to employ a lawyer
barb_: merely to know what the law is
mike_c: legal ambiguity. hence his first comment about being able to afford a lobbyist.
BingoBoingo: barb_: If the barrier to entry is too high, maybe the venture isn't for you.
BingoBoingo: mike_c: Not a lobbyist, I mean real corruption. i.e. buying the county
BingoBoingo: barb_: The thing is legal ambiguity exists for a reason, and that reason is getting lawyers paid to litigate the cases in court.
BingoBoingo: If you lack the motivation and resources to litigate in court, and are of legal ambiguity is not an area you want to operate in
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8700 @ 0.00088037 = 7.6592 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2650 @ 0.00088037 = 2.333 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9150 @ 0.00087975 = 8.0497 BTC [-]
thestringpuller: ;;ticker
gribble: MtGox BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 968.01, Best ask: 970.0, Bid-ask spread: 1.99000, Last trade: 968.01, 24 hour volume: 5828.64340097, 24 hour low: 955.0, 24 hour high: 1022.0, 24 hour vwap: 984.69535
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18463 @ 0.00087971 = 16.2421 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 75 @ 0.00404438 = 0.3033 BTC [+]
FabianB: ;;ticker --market all
gribble: MtGox BTCUSD last: 972.0, vol: 5802.20352520 | Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 780.06, vol: 17267.90295290 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 777.42, vol: 15157.7518 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 778.99, vol: 5624.91767263 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 790.01, vol: 83.56781064 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 801.734754, vol: 3592.13300000 | Volume-weighted last average: 804.178801925
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15350 @ 0.00087949 = 13.5002 BTC [-]
dub: BingoBoingo: lol
BingoBoingo: dub: The Charlie Shrem/Winkelvii problems are why I am considering expending some effort to learn Nepalii
kakobrekla: good day for links, no doubt
kakobrekla: ozbot: Out in the Open: Teenage Hacker Transforms Web Into One Giant Bitcoin Network
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21200 @ 0.00087994 = 18.6547 BTC [+] {2}
TomServo: BingoBoingo: as in relocating?
BingoBoingo: TomServo: As in finding a way to communicate with people who reside in a wonderful location
TomServo: Gotcha.
Apocalyptic: Nepal is a wonderful country
BingoBoingo: I know people who grew up there maybe a day's walk from each other. Some had never seen snow, others had snow that never disappeared.
dub: who is vitalik?
TomServo: bitcoin magazine writer
Apocalyptic: some dude running bitcoinmagazine or something
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 161 @ 0.00404438 = 0.6511 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.4 BTC [+]
mjr_: hi all
jurov: hi mjr_
mjr_: whats new
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 160 @ 0.0028 = 0.448 BTC [-]
kakobrekla: no vitalik is dude that is raped by the magazine
mjr_: hey kakobrekla
kakobrekla: wassup panaman!?
jurov: mjr_ if you traded btcs to drug dealers on satosi sq
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19200 @ 0.00088037 = 16.9031 BTC [+]
jurov: expect DEA
jurov: and others
kakobrekla: nah, just dont come back to the us
mjr_: heheheh
mjr_: nah
mjr_: have you guys read the complaint?
jurov: yes, mostly
mjr_: so...
kakobrekla: yeah, too many bongs in the room.
mjr_: they basically said "Charlie Shrem said 'we are simply not allowed to transfer large amounts of money for a single user without doing a lot of paperwork and complying with regulations blah blah blah'"
mjr_: that is from BitInstant website
mjr_: they said "the company opposes ... illegal uses of bitcoin"
mjr_: so...if that is what THEY say they think is the law that applies to them
mjr_: why would you sell bitcoins to a guy who is selling bitcoins ON SILK ROAD, when you know he's on silk road, and you are doing way larger amounts than you say you can on your website
kakobrekla: yeah but what you say != what you do
kakobrekla: what gave you taht idea
mjr_: you specifically point out the rules you are planning on breaking
mjr_: people will notice that you broke that rule
mjr_: and when you say "I take responsibility for making sure we follow all these rules, I enforce them"
kakobrekla: i dont think any "people" noticed
mjr_: which is what a Compliance officer is doing
mjr_: well...
mjr_: i'm saying you leave a huge liability on the table
kakobrekla: it wouldnt have mattered whats on the website
mjr_: i'm just saying that is what the DEA et al PUT INTO THEIR COMPLAINT
mjr_: they are basically making the case that A. You knew the rules you were supposed to follow B. You were in charge of enforcing those rules C. You did not follow or enforce those rules
kakobrekla: that is just handy anyway
TATonaplane: Seems he was caught helping drug dealers exploit his services
kakobrekla: they are not enforcable
dub: how many fucks are given anyway
kakobrekla: even if he tried
mjr_: They even say in the complaint "Bitcoin is not inherently illegal and there are many approved uses"
dub: its shrem
mjr_: i'm just saying that admitting what rules you think you are supposed to follow means you should at least make it appear you follow THOSE rules
lyspooner: it was ZUCKERBERG
mjr_: or else you are basically calling yourself guilty
mjr_: so I don't think its a witchhunt
mjr_: or a politically motivated hit job
mjr_: it was just someone breaking the rules, bringing tons of attention to himself, and then getting caught
kakobrekla: too small fish
mjr_: the reason we brought this up
asciilifeform: paging mircea_popescu!
mjr_: is that satoshi square has never said we have any role in moving your coins
mjr_: nor do we have any compliance because we are simply a host, a facilitator of people meeting for their own reasons
mjr_: the burden of compliance is devolved to all individuals
jurov: even if you overheard people talking about doing btc business on silk road?
mjr_: so a person AT satoshi square COULD be just as in trouble
jurov: aren§t you complicite, then_
mjr_: nah
mjr_: because first of all i never heard that
mjr_: which, is one benefit of talking vs email
TATonaplane: Providing a market for laundering is a crime no?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.41599887 = 0.832 BTC [+] {2}
mjr_: we did not "provide a market"
mjr_: in that we were not counterparty
mjr_: we did not "make a market" ie offer to buy and sell at the same time, in fact satoshi square as an entity if you can even call it that has never bought or sold a coin
mjr_: so...
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.41599988 BTC [+]
mjr_: pretty hard to launder money when you've never HAD money, or touched money
TATonaplane: Any individual acting as a twoway dealer might
mjr_: yes
mjr_: any individual on any site
mjr_: if they used facebook to buy bitcoins to use on silk road
mjr_: they as an individual are probably liable
mjr_: or at least could be if anyone cared enough
mjr_: because that was part A
mjr_: satoshi square is not a legal entity
mjr_: it is a brand, a label, but it is neither incorporated nor does it have any finances
kakobrekla: so you are illegal entity
mjr_: hehehe
mjr_: we are not an entity
mjr_: at all
kakobrekla: illegal nonentity
mjr_: yes
mjr_: nonexistent illegal entity
TATonaplane: Just launder money w bitbet i guess, 1% fee aint bad
mjr_: nonentity
mjr_: exactly
kakobrekla: i never read that.
mjr_: but that leads me to point B
mjr_: that EVEN if they wanted to go for individuals
mjr_: who met up with others at a meeting using the satoshi square brand
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: nepal or any other 3rd world pesthole won't even notice when the 'extraordinary rendition' folks pick you up - much less object.
mjr_: most of the transactions are too small to matter to them, there are no digital records of what happened, and the people were not involved in bitcoin as a business
asciilifeform: now if you can afford to maintain a private army there, that's another matter.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: I imagine first world pest holes don't care much either
mjr_: that is the goal asciilifeform
TATonaplane: That also presumes bit bet doesn't keep records of bets and wouldnt share any
mjr_: why would that matter TATonaplane
mjr_: someone made money, someone "lost" money
mjr_: these are their bitcoin addresses, happy hunting
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: in a civilized city at least you have a sporting chance of raising a stink involving lawyers / media / etc.
TATonaplane: Well bitbet wouldnt work for laundering if bitbet ratted on demand
mjr_: bitbet doesn't require names, ID's, social security...does it?
dub: nepal is the last place you want to go
mjr_: what information do they have to rat?
TATonaplane: It requires a payment
mjr_: i thought it was just a bitcoin address
mjr_: you send money in
dub: nepal is in china remember, better off staying in the states
mjr_: from an anonymous never bee used bitcoin address
mjr_: you receive money if you win
mjr_: to the same address
TATonaplane: How do you send coin from a a never used addy
kakobrekla: mine a block
mjr_: well...you get coins from a freshly mined block
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Maybe? I'm not really pricing sporting chances yet, I'm still looking at "place looks pretty"
mjr_: exactly
mjr_: super simple, OR it has come from random miner, and gone to a new address on the network
TATonaplane: Sure but we were talking about laundering
mjr_: even if its been used a million times as long as NONE of those uses intersect with MY identity, you can never trace it to me
mjr_: yeah
TATonaplane: Not moving clean coins
mjr_: we aren't talking about laundering coins
mjr_: we are talking about moving drug money
kakobrekla: i dunno what we are talking about
mjr_: into bitcoin
mjr_: hahaha
mjr_: I can accept cash, in a briefcase, i think thats how they do it in movies
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 840 @ 0.0028 = 2.352 BTC [-]
mjr_: i can send my clean coins that no one knows are mine to you
mjr_: now you know they were mine at one point
mjr_: but you are the person trying to move the dirty money
mjr_: the dirty dollars
KRS1: Vive Nepal!
TATonaplane: While im not sure whether we even disagree on any useful point, i give up
TATonaplane: Does coinapult launder too?
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: if you know of a country where you can afford the privilege of perforating unwelcome guests, by all means consider moving. otherwise it's an exercise in wishful thinking
jurov: somalia?
jurov: transnistria?
jurov: ^at least this one is in europe... but you need to know the locals
asciilifeform: it also helps to not be seen as the unwelcome guest by the locals, yes.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25190 @ 0.00087949 = 22.1544 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] 41 @ 0.00351 = 0.1439 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] 185 @ 0.00350022 = 0.6475 BTC [-] {3}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13750 @ 0.00088045 = 12.1062 BTC [+] {2}
jurov: !t m x.eur
assbot: [MPEX:X.EUR] 1D: 0.00167504 / 0.00167824 / 0.00169 (2800 shares, 4.70 BTC), 7D: 0.00166612 / 0.00167503 / 0.00169831 (4939 shares, 8.27 BTC), 30D: 0.0016245 / 0.00182464 / 0.00333333 (18889 shares, 34.47 BTC)
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] 40 @ 0.003401 = 0.136 BTC [-]
jurov: ;;bc,stats
gribble: Current Blocks: 282783 | Current Difficulty: 2.193847870174279E9 | Next Difficulty At Block: 284255 | Next Difficulty In: 1472 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 1 day, 17 hours, 2 minutes, and 29 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 2488534588.87 | Estimated Percent Change: 13.43241
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] 125 @ 0.0034 = 0.425 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [7C] 21 @ 0.00506974 = 0.1065 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1500 @ 0.000089 = 0.1335 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SFI] 175 @ 0.0008302 = 0.1453 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16678 @ 0.00088085 = 14.6908 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 6 @ 0.079975 = 0.4799 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [COG] 13 @ 0.04522952 = 0.588 BTC [+] {6}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 48970 @ 0.00088119 = 43.1519 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23259 @ 0.00088154 = 20.5037 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29441 @ 0.00087939 = 25.8901 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 125 @ 0.00403236 = 0.504 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30700 @ 0.00087918 = 26.9908 BTC [-] {2}
Namworld: ;;premium mtgox bitstamp
gribble: Premium of MtGox over Bitstamp is currently 26.8682043115 %.
Namworld: There you have it. 27% premium on Gox
Namworld: Almost
FabianB: ;;premium mtgox btce
gribble: Premium of MtGox over BTC-E is currently 27.3704087875 %.
Namworld: Almost -> Actually
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24177 @ 0.00087856 = 21.2409 BTC [-] {2}
FabianB: hmm.. the bitbet proposition "MtGox premium to exceed 40 percent" might be too late..
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HMF] 25 @ 0.02639997 = 0.66 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HMF] 18 @ 0.0262 = 0.4716 BTC [-] {3}
jurov: make it so that it resolves as No if mtgox completely blows up
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HMF] 7 @ 0.0262 = 0.1834 BTC [-]
jurov: to keep the suspense what will happen sooner
FabianB: can't see the text anymore
kakobrekla: too much proposition comming in?
kakobrekla: ah no its there
kakobrekla: >MtGox USD price of Bitcoin to be 40 percent higher than any of the other major exchanges (BTC-e, BitStamp) any time before May.
jurov: it's approved? i don't see it
FabianB: nope, pending
Namworld: ;;premium mtgox bitstamp
gribble: Premium of MtGox over Bitstamp is currently 29.5070472335 %.
Namworld: We might reach 40% TODAY at this rate
FabianB: that's why i say it might be too late
pankkake: or crazier, http://bitbet.us/bet/635/1btc-10-000-usd/ might be sooner than we think!
pankkake: it can be mtgox *or* bitstamp
FabianB: gox at 10'000 while stamp remains at 750?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [MS] 100 @ 0.005 = 0.5 BTC
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 4 @ 0.08 = 0.32 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23125 @ 0.00087792 = 20.3019 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] 70 @ 0.00402 = 0.2814 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] 29 @ 0.00402 = 0.1166 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 8 @ 0.07809999 = 0.6248 BTC [-] {3}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21550 @ 0.00087792 = 18.9192 BTC [-]
Namworld: Fun thing, no more BitInstant
kakobrekla: service was shit when it worked
TomServo: kakobrekla: did you mention a cherry switch sample thingy?
kakobrekla: i did
TomServo: Have a link handy?
kakobrekla: www.wasdkeyboards.com/index.php/products/sampler-kit.html
kakobrekla: does not include the newest 'green' switch
kakobrekla: but by description, that one is not for me anyway
TomServo: hmm. Guess you need to by a keyboard first?
kakobrekla: why is that?
kakobrekla: you can hold the switch in one hand or tape it to desk if you want
kakobrekla: to get a feel how it feels
TomServo: I spose so
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 2 @ 0.0845 = 0.169 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HMF] 8 @ 0.0285 = 0.228 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 44692 @ 0.00088033 = 39.3437 BTC [+] {6}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 48 @ 0.00404833 = 0.1943 BTC [+] {3}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 70 @ 0.00409827 = 0.2869 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17044 @ 0.00088057 = 15.0084 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HMF] 4 @ 0.02894975 = 0.1158 BTC [+]
agorecki: .bait
Duffer1: hola
nubbins`: so uh, bitinstant
kakobrekla: instajail
dub: cockmeat sandwich tiem
dub: was just saying elsewherem been a pretty good news week
nubbins`: shremmy looks like a silk road customer too
dub: russia afraid of competition in its own crime and terrorism currency, no more buttcoin foundation..
dub: its al good news
dub: all*
Duffer1: wow so apparently there's new communication from Labcoin
nubbins`: have they adopted a meme animal?
Duffer1: no it was a threat to one of the LCSH members coordinating the complaint
nubbins`: sorry, lcsh?
Duffer1: labcoin shareholders, the body of bagholders helping to gather evidence for an italian criminal complaint
ozbot: [LABCOIN] IPO [BTCT.CO] - Details/FAQ and Discussion (ASIC dev/sales/mining)
Duffer1: first communication in months is a threat lol
Duffer1: some people are just evil
dub: why not just have him killed
dub: cheaper and more rewarding
Duffer1: i'm not interested in violence
dub: no where near enough revenge killing in the bitcoin scene
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SFI] 1100 @ 0.00086894 = 0.9558 BTC [+] {10}
Duffer1: besides, having policia postale go after them is free
nubbins`: yeah, get the italian authorities to arrest a guy who owns a bunch of btc
nubbins`: they're notoriously un-corrupt, should work
Duffer1: it will be interesting to see what happens for sure
dub: he'll just throw them a loli bunga bunga party
dub: and all will be forgiven
kakobrekla: alberto must be laughing his ass off shopping new btc scam site
Duffer1: they're probably busy devising their next scam
kakobrekla: labcoin was his fifth or so.
kakobrekla: that we know of
jcpham: oh labcoin turned out to be scam after all?
jcpham: how much did they net?
kakobrekla: jcpham you must be new?
jcpham: i'm 12 where am i
Duffer1: 7000btc probably more, we suspect they traded on their knowledge of update timing
dub: lol
dub: awesome
jurov: aren§t they behind doge?
Duffer1: lol
Duffer1: that wouldn't surprise me
kakobrekla: doge is way ahead of albertos brainz
Duffer1: kako i've heard of bitdaytrade but what else was he involved in?
dub: bitscalper
kakobrekla: bitcoin rebate
kakobrekla: somescam.io
kakobrekla: what was it again
kakobrekla: kronos
kakobrekla: and umm zipzap or smth?
kakobrekla: zip something else perhaps
Duffer1: wow
kakobrekla: and there are 2 scams of him from before bitcoin time
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19100 @ 0.00088188 = 16.8439 BTC [+]
kakobrekla: one was some anzo or enzo crapware ipad copy
kakobrekla: and the other was "adwords way before its time"
Duffer1: ya zenpad or somethin like that
kakobrekla: so, it was known labcoin was a scam before it was known alberto is involved
dub: bascially he's got the kind of problems only bullets can solve
kakobrekla: even then some people just didnt want to belive.
kakobrekla: some prolly still dont, even though raped by evidence.
dub: don't worry though, they hedged with activemining
Duffer1: i forget if the bitfury revelation came before the alberto link
kakobrekla: what revelation
Duffer1: the ipo funds were used to purchase bitfurys
Duffer1: like a week after IPO
Duffer1: that's what they were using to fake the hashrate
kakobrekla: dunno
kakobrekla: avalons mebbe
Duffer1: it was both actually
Duffer1: 3 avalons initially
kakobrekla: man where is garrett, i really want to hear what that shitface has to say
kakobrekla: all my trolls for nothing. :(
dub: has he gone to ground?
kakobrekla: i hope he doesnt pull a bakewell that is no fuckin fun
kakobrekla: oh m y this is good:
ozbot: SINOSIGMA-EUROPE.COM shipping problems ?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 11 @ 0.04908 = 0.5399 BTC [-] {3}
kakobrekla: much water cool.
dub: haha
dub: thats beyond straight scamming and into troll-scam territory
Duffer1: why would they even bother?
kakobrekla: as i figured out earlier, bitcoin is better than lsd, lsd only makes you think you can fly
dub: should string him along some more, water is for the water cooling unit which is shipping separately
Bugpowder: "Today I've received a box full of bottle of water."
Bugpowder: hahahhahaah
kakobrekla: someone fwd bitcoin419.com to that retardtalk forum srsly.
nubbins`: used to trigger gribble
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21089 @ 0.00088222 = 18.6051 BTC [+] {3}
jurov: no, assbot
nubbins`: or 719
nubbins`: i'm all mixed up ;(
jurov: 796 :)
assbot: 123!
kakobrekla: anyway i was referring to 419 scams
ozbot: Marlboro ad man Eric Lawson dies of chronic lung disease | Media | theguardian.com
Duffer1: ^ third marlboro cowboy to die of lung disease
nubbins`: maybe it's the horse
Duffer1: lmao
kakobrekla: its the hat.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.4275 = 0.855 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 16 @ 0.46805498 = 7.4889 BTC [+] {4}
mircea_popescu: maybe it's eating pussy and michael douglas was right allalong
Duffer1: i think more research into the lesbian population is warranted
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 39 @ 0.00415191 = 0.1619 BTC [+] {5}
mircea_popescu: ow hey who crashed s.mpoe ;/
mircea_popescu: <TATonaplane> That also presumes bit bet doesn't keep records of bets and wouldnt share any << they're published on the site you know.
mircea_popescu: jurov transnistria isn't meaningfully outside of russia
mircea_popescu: <jcpham> oh labcoin turned out to be scam after all? <<< gotta love this guy, he's on top of the news like a fat woman on a large cake
Duffer1: hehe
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla lol where's the waterbox pic from ?
Duffer1: poor guy bought no name asic company, they sent him bottled water
mircea_popescu: lmao nm i found it
mircea_popescu: hysterical.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [7C] 71 @ 0.006 = 0.426 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13900 @ 0.00088391 = 12.2863 BTC [+]
herbijudlestoids: mircea_popescu: i couldnt translate the article, is this one in english about the same thing? http://social.moldova.org/news/vitalie-eriomenco-sentenced-to-12-years-of-illegal-detention-in-transnistria-240915-eng.html
herbijudlestoids: about 2 weeks older
mircea_popescu: pretty much
mircea_popescu: the gist being that they arrested some unfortunate schmuck on trumped up, secret charges and won't relent until he "donates" his fortune to the state
mircea_popescu: you know, like the us does it.
Duffer1: they don't need "donations" asset seizure in the US is one of the most lucrative mechanisms law enforcement has
Duffer1: you can lose your house over minor offenses
Duffer1: ces
mircea_popescu: same principle.
Duffer1: ya they've streamlined extortion, they just go straight to theft
mircea_popescu: obviously the correct way to handle terrorists is not negotiating.
mircea_popescu: which means you know, using bitcoins and not doing plea bargains.
herbijudlestoids: easy to say, but for those with something to lose or only in it for the lulz...not everyone thinks of themselves as a soldier
mircea_popescu: obviously the permanence of evil relies on people being morally weak.
herbijudlestoids: once they know who you are, if they want you they only need to figure out the pressure points, which are largely the same for most
mircea_popescu: not particularly new a concept.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SFI] 1200 @ 0.00086911 = 1.0429 BTC [+] {4}
herbijudlestoids: but being morally weak isnt necessarily weakness of character...im just thinking of sabu, because im reading some article about him right now...feds rocked up at his door, he was taking care of neices and didnt want them in foster care
mircea_popescu: just as long as we understand who the terrorists are, and who is the legitimate power.
herbijudlestoids: i think probably people who dont just havent been exposed to any injustices, yet
herbijudlestoids: if youre well fed and beleive yourself to be mostly secure in your life then its easy to turn a blind eye to many things
Duffer1: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=350103.0 changed thread title to keep the luls going
Duffer1: do your job assbot!
Duffer1: ozbot even
mircea_popescu: got tethans ?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 4 @ 0.049 = 0.196 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: ftr, that is EXACTLY correct.
mircea_popescu: back when btc was 10, the qty of stupid floating about was also about 100x lower
Duffer1: ya he beat PR to the punch
dub: im such a noob
dub: this guy runs into the building im looting
dub: he has a pistol, I an m4 and he doesnt see me
mircea_popescu: this is some game right /
dub: tried to do the nice thing and let him live but no, he kills me
kakobrekla: nope, not a game.
mircea_popescu: aww dub is nao ded ?
kakobrekla: ded cerial
assbot: Last 9 lines bashed and pending review. (http://dpaste.com/1573141/plain/)
dub: ded and stuck on teh coast
mircea_popescu: so you were scammed irl ?
Duffer1: dayz?
dub: yeah dayz scammed me out of like 10 hours building that char
dub: nao he dead
Duffer1: lol
Duffer1: i've been watching summit on twitch play dayz mod, so much wtf..
dub: standalone is out on steam
Duffer1: ya i'll wait till they add
Duffer1: anything
dub: it really is a revolutionary game
dub: sometimes I'm too afraid to play it
mircea_popescu: cute how doggedly desperate these folks with their random scamcoin are.
Duffer1: dayz looks like it'll be fun eventually
dub: its fun now and scary
Duffer1: maybe on a thirdperson only server ya i'd agree
dub: its the human aspect thats scary
dub: you invest in your char, fear for it
mircea_popescu: do the chinese sell chars yet ?
Duffer1: lol
dub: no
mircea_popescu: anyway. permadeth is always a good idea. i have no clue why the videogame dorkage starting in the 90s eschewed it.
kakobrekla: this dayz thing, huge maps lots of players?
Duffer1: huge maps, few players, game is in alpha and buggy as shit, servers are c64s
dub: yeah
Duffer1: but they still managed to sell like 800k copies at $30usd each
dub: huge map up to 40 players
lewicki: cm64's? that's a monumental achievement
dub: persistent between servers
Duffer1: is joke :P
dub: no savegames
lewicki: so was that
mircea_popescu: 24k btc! should have ipo'd.
kakobrekla: well i might give it a go
dub: Duffer1: over 1m copies in first month
Duffer1: ah ya, it's a great idea, looks like it will be fun when they add more stuff
Duffer1: i can see why it sold like it has
jborkl: .diff
mircea_popescu: ozbot is dead
mircea_popescu: dub prolly looted it.
mike_c: i know we are beating this thread to death, but davout made me lol hard
jborkl: Yeah, just read the schrem story
Duffer1: "вредительство" ?
mircea_popescu: apparently french sense of humour is even drier than english,
Duffer1: "None of this makes you any less of an insufferable boor.... FREE ROSS ULBRICHT" LMAO
ThickAsThieves: <mircea_popescu> That also presumes bit bet doesn't keep records of bets and wouldnt share any << they're published on the site you know. >> heh, those were always links to the full tx? I never noticed til now
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [COG.F2] 2 @ 0.57009175 = 1.1402 BTC [-] {2}
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