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← 2021-06-27 | 2021-07-02 →
qqqqqq00000: please donwload link original version therealbitcoin ?
asciilifeform: and wtf, nobody can read?
whaack: "please download link original version threalbitcoin" <-- nor write?! Or maybe *we* are supposed to download, not the client, but the link?
CobraBTC: BingoBoingo 1FAFND5upA98Ymr5iSiwPBwtAuZsnTbhyL
CobraBTC: 🤭
BingoBoingo: ;;later tell CobraBTC: Ñeri, quien es usted?
billymg wonders if CobraBTC is the CobraBitcoin of bitcoin.org
CobraBTC: Mircea had 1,450,000 bitcoins
CobraBTC: I think 4,000,000 bitcoins are being burned right now
CobraBTC: Satoshi Nakamoto :)
CobraBTC: bitcoin, will reach $ 1,000,000 much faster than we estimate
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo, BingoBoingo , whaack : seems that no one any longer is op of #therealbitcoin ? ( asciilifeform previously was ) -- if this cannot be fixed, i'ma drop it from the logger and let the fucktards talk to themselves
asciilifeform: * BingoBoingo , billymg , whaack , et al
asciilifeform: in fact i've just about had it w/ fleanode.
CobraBTC: asciilifeform :)
CobraBTC: There were more bitcoins than we think
CobraBTC: 1.000.000 + bitcoin mircea
billymg: asciilifeform: no desire from me to keep it around, especially since we're moving to the new net anyway
← 2021-06-27 | 2021-07-02 →