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← 2020-06-25 | 2020-06-29 →
shinohai: gm jurov
jurov: hi shinohai
shinohai: Hey neato, glad the rk migration went well.
jurov: the OS is agreeable, only surprise was binutils-2.30 source isn't in distfiles
jurov: i needed only binutils-libs, found 2.33 which went fine
jurov: Next up is ml replacement (at first just web submission form with gpg checker).
asciilifeform: jurov: neato. appears to work
asciilifeform: jurov: when i baked the box, i set the default distfiles mirror to mine ; i expect virtually errything you need can be found there. ( when not, it'll attempt to fetch from traditional ones )
jurov: asciilifeform: yes, everything was found locally, except binutils-2.30
asciilifeform at some point will have mechanism whereby l1 folx can upload there
asciilifeform: jurov: my mirror is a composite portrait of the gentoo boxen i had when baked it. so evidently that item wasn't in these.
jurov: sure, just it baffles me you have never recompiled binutils?
asciilifeform: jurov: 2.31.1 is iirc is what recompiled when 'rebuilt world' during orig rk bake
asciilifeform: ( and there's a number of earlier ones in there also )
jurov: I have "GNU ld (Gentoo 2.29.1 p3) 2.29.1" and latest ebuild is 2.30
asciilifeform: at any rate, the contents of /usr/portage/distfiles from original 'world' of rk is in there, and likewise of 4 other gentoo boxen baked at various times.
jurov: yes, I'm not going to emerge @world, but as preconfigured, it would try to upgrade everything to -9999 or other versions that aren't in distfiles
asciilifeform: only if w/ --update
asciilifeform: iirc orig. did it w/ 'emerge -e --keep-going @world' . takes about 2 weeks...
asciilifeform: jurov: the kernel src oughta be in tarball in /root .
jurov: yes it is, already looked into .config
asciilifeform: zcat /proc/config.gz will get you the running one.
asciilifeform: kernel builds in ~40min on these (given -j4)
asciilifeform: jurov: best place imho to experiment w/ variant kernels for rk is a local one on desk, rather than the one in the cage, tho
jurov: /proc/config.gz is not there
asciilifeform: ( on desk you can plug in the uart cable )
jurov: no i don't plan to recompile, just wanted to check sth
asciilifeform: jurov: hm, possib. it wasnt in that build. if you rebuild kernel, add the flag
asciilifeform has 3 kernels to date for rk to date; gave jurov the default one used at piz
asciilifeform: recently i determined that the current mainline will in fact boot rk, incidentally.
asciilifeform: however when i bake for other people i usually give'em the oldest that worx adequately.
asciilifeform: jurov: if you do rebuild, dun fughet to mount /boot .
asciilifeform: (kernel on these lives on the microsd, i gave you a writable one)
jurov: ok
asciilifeform recently succeeded in building x11 for rk. however, no support still for the onboard vga, mine only worx w/ usb-to-display gadgets
asciilifeform: the onboard graphics apparently only worx, to date, w/ nvidia-style closed turdware. which rly defeats whole point of rk imho.
asciilifeform: at any rate not relevant to racked rk's.
asciilifeform into racked rk kernel did not even build support for keyboards/mice iirc.
jurov: the vga could be perhaps useful if it supported cuda/opencl acceleration
jurov: (tho i have no idea what to use it for other than mining shitcoins)
jurov: maybe if ffa was ported somehow...
asciilifeform: jurov: ffa builds on rk as of '18
asciilifeform: w/out modification
jurov: asciilifeform: i meant on vga
asciilifeform: re vga on rk -- i built x11 to make 'briefcase laptop' outta an rk as experiment. but elsewise not much use for it afaik.
← 2020-06-25 | 2020-06-29 →