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← 2019-10-03 | 2019-10-05 →
trinque: spyked: I saw it get stuck again recently, not totally sure why.
trinque: the change I made was to stop using the ping thread, and instead just reply to freenode's pings
feedbot: http://blog.lobbesblog.com/2019/10/stan-logotron-lobbessig-list/ << lobbesblog -- Stan Logotron: lobbes.sig list
snsabot: Logged on 2019-10-03 14:42:50 lobbes: is looking forward to a comment-able tarpit btw
snsabot: (trilema) 2019-10-04 mp_en_viaje: spyked, http://wp.thetarpit.org/2015/with-our-balls-clean?b=topu&e=#select looks a little weird neh ?
spyked: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/spyked/2019-10-03#1000297 <-- from http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-10-03#1939914 I gather that the problem might occur upstream in the socket implementation. still, asciilifeform's auto-reconnect pill seems to be the one that works best so far, so I'm prolly gonna post a cl ircbot version once I have some free hands (early next month, by the looks of it)
snsabot: Logged on 2019-10-03 20:56:59 trinque: spyked: I saw it get stuck again recently, not totally sure why.
snsabot: (trilema) 2019-10-03 asciilifeform: outage apparently over, but, annoyingly, bvt's patched bot did NOT correctly detect the disconnect.
spyked: next thing on my list after I'm done with mp-wpisms is to study snsabot code
feedbot: http://thetarpit.org/posts/y06/0a5-work-plan-vi.html << The Tar Pit -- Work plan for M10 2019
feedbot: http://trilema.com/2019/can-you-imagine-what-a-panorama-fartd-be/ << Trilema -- Can you imagine what a Panorama Fart'd be ?!
← 2019-10-03 | 2019-10-05 →