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← 2019-10-31 | 2019-11-02 →
PeterL: bingoboingo: is there anything I can do to help with resolving the pingback issue? Do you know if there is a way to manually make a post send out pingbacks?
BingoBoingo: PeterL: You can give the process I used to set up the LAMP a read and see if there's some moving parts necessary to get pingbacks/xmlrpc going that I missed http://bingology.net/2019/10/16/reasonable-lamp-setup-for-mp-wp-on-centos-6-and-anyserver-terms-of-use/
BingoBoingo: I'm going to try carving out some time to put to the task, but it seems another set of eyes here could be of help
PeterL: On a different topic, at some point I would like to nail daown what exactly is the status of my account with Pizarro? Is the current hosting supposed to take the place of UY1 hosting? Will you be refunding for the time between UY1 shutdown and setup on Anyserver?
mod6: How goes the accounting work BingoBoingo?
BingoBoingo: Peter. Your unused balance with Pizarro will be refunded as "customer equity" after the final accounting is done. 'anyserver' is a sort of lifeboat I set up as a courtesy. I don't intend 'anyserver' to be a long term solution, but if the need for some folks to lifeboat on anyserver persists after three months, something longer term may be arranged
BingoBoingo: mod6: I should be able to sit down tomorrow and put some uninterrupted hours to the task. This week hasn't seen as many urgent interruptions emerge as last, but... Giving the accounting the attention it needs is going to benefit from the locals going dormant over the weekend
mod6: Ok good deal. Keep us posted, be sure to ask if you have any questions.
BingoBoingo: mod6: They way I plan to publish the final accounting is first with a "pre-closing statement" open to claims, etc before publishing the final statement.
mod6: These claims being; 1) Customer Equity by existing customers, 2) Customer Hardware owned by customers, 3) Other Equity Claims, such as S.NSA's 0.9 BTC. ?
mod6: Anyway, a pre-closing statement, I'm not opposed to.
mod6: Claims for equity / settlement may be made by existing customers, equity holders.
BingoBoingo: Well, open to all of the claims, all of the debts, all of the equity, titles to hardware, etc.
mod6: hmm
mod6: Claims open to all-comers then?
BingoBoingo: Whatever claims are brought up not addressed in the pre-closing statement get addressed. Not open to all comers. Open to all parties with an actual interest.
mod6: Ok.
BingoBoingo: The idea is that the dissolution and liquidation is done cleanly, such that the disposition is final.
mod6: Agreed, sounds like the right approach.
BingoBoingo: I don't want someone popping up the next week, month, or day raising a claim after the matter was closed and finding that their claim has merit but was buried in the mess of the old note keeing system.
mod6: Yeah, sounds good.
asciilifeform: 1 nov 2019 inventory. ( see sections #2, #4, re piz. )
← 2019-10-31 | 2019-11-02 →