Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2023-09-25 | 2023-09-27 →
dulapbot: Logged on 2023-09-22 11:37:44 asciilifeform: sad re phf walking off. the list of folx who actually have time & energy to do anyffin of interest is nao very short ( possibly just signpost ? )
crtdaydreams[asciilifeform]: if anyone wants some lulz, I've lurked the imageboard that vtude moderates a couple times, and without fail found that across multiple threads (making some assumptions here) the d00d is pedalling pestronics despite not actively participating
crtdaydreams[asciilifeform]: makes me wonder if he's managed to kickstart an alternative pestnet
crtdaydreams[asciilifeform]: i like finnish rifles, very nice
dulapbot: (asciilifeform) 2023-09-23 Vex: wizardlm via the bloke
dulapbot: (asciilifeform) 2023-09-22 Vex: Hola pendejos
dulapbot: (asciilifeform) 2023-09-22 Vex: I mean, you've gotta laugh, but it's getting difficult to do it without frowning.
crtdaydreams[asciilifeform]: for readers not up to date with the state of southern affairs; presuming a constitution holds any kind of weight for the man with the silver spoon, efforts are being made to "amend" it
dulapbot: (asciilifeform) 2023-09-23 Vex: can I haz honda? I believe you are asking if you can have a Honda. It is not clear if this is a question about ownership or if you are inquiring about the availability of Hondas. If you are interested in buying or leasing a Honda, I recommend visiting a local Honda dealership or doing some online research to find the information you need.
crtdaydreams[asciilifeform]: is it a shithub pull of some python project you're running natively, or chatgpt?
crtdaydreams[asciilifeform]: << the sparknotes for this one is tards want to give "indigenous australians" a legislative body in oz parliament that by technicality can overrule both the senate and the house. nothing is specified about the actual role of the position, there's no definition of what
dulapbot: Logged on 2023-09-26 02:49:33 crtdaydreams[asciilifeform]: for readers not up to date with the state of southern affairs; presuming a constitution holds any kind of weight for the man with the silver spoon, efforts are being made to "amend" it
crtdaydreams[asciilifeform]: an "indigenous australian" even is (blackfella? half-caste? gypsy?) and to top
crtdaydreams[asciilifeform]: it all off there's not even a criteria of who is eligible, not even a clause about electing a candidate lmao
crtdaydreams[asciilifeform]: smells like usg\
unpx[asciilifeform]: Opinions on this manifesto? "Cult of done"
asciilifeform: << rather the whole point of pestronics, neh !! thinkaboutit.
bitbot[asciilifeform]: Logged on 2023-09-26 02:27:57 crtdaydreams[jonsykkel|signpost]: makes me wonder if he's managed to kickstart an alternative pestnet
asciilifeform: he ( who? wasn't cleaar from thrd, verisimilitude? or was phf? ) not needs to ask asciilifeform & co for blessing before running a net, or making whatever own riff on protocol, or whatnot.
asciilifeform: nao, the likely result of course is this, but what does asciilifeform know, maybe company of forumtards is better company than the folx who devised, in collaboration, the shiny toy, whoknows...
bitbot[asciilifeform]: Logged on 2023-07-26 13:32:22 asciilifeform[jonsykkel|deedbot|signpost]: signpost: matters, evidently, to the fella who too proud to write in re fg schems when 'i have no idea why was done this way' etc
asciilifeform: linked folx, incidentally, have 'own trb' with buncha python in it. wainot.
asciilifeform: asciilifeform not runs 'church', not pronounces anathemas, aint in that biz and not interested in getting in.
dulapbot: (asciilifeform) 2021-02-04 asciilifeform: in asciilifeform's cosmography, движуха is ~harmful~. like cocaine. it is ~not~ ultimately a win, for folx to sit around 'tripping' while suffering the illusion of thinking.
asciilifeform: cuz it's a shite biz, running 'churches'. mp started with $maxint and ended feeding fishes, and not even adequately 'scratched own itches' at any point, by the looks of it. even if had been 'success', like e.g. l. r. hubbard -- still sum to 0
asciilifeform: << lolwat, wtf diff does it make to anyone, australian 'constitution' ? ( next let's contemplate zimbabwean constitution..? )
bitbot[asciilifeform]: Logged on 2023-09-26 02:51:27 crtdaydreams[jonsykkel|signpost]: for readers not up to date with the state of southern affairs; presuming a constitution holds any kind of weight for the man with the silver spoon, efforts are being made to "amend" it
asciilifeform has 0 interest in 'bottle shaking', impressing dimwits, gathering mindless followers 'under the flag', etc., firmly sees such activity as dead end
dulapbot: (trilema) 2017-01-06 asciilifeform: 'Imagine a witch doctor in a society that doesn’t know how to make glass. A bottle washes up on the shore. It has amazing properties. He puts it on a stick and waves it around and convinces his fellows that he has got some of those amazing properties himself.'
asciilifeform: errybody has a choice, can advance the state of the art (even if not live to see 'win'), a millimetre at a time, or can play idiot games .
dulapbot: (asciilifeform) 2023-09-25 asciilifeform: but in asciilifeform's lights, playing 'i'ma do the same thing as 100,000 other folx and i'ma be the one who makes bank Because Reasons' game is a waste of time
asciilifeform: entirely personal choice.
asciilifeform prefers the company of folx who made the correct choice, without browbeating or psychotechnical wankage, even if has to sit for anuther 10y+ 'in deep space'.
asciilifeform: want to shake bottle? shake bottle. want to discover how to make glass? discover how to make glass.
dulapbot: Logged on 2023-09-26 11:27:37 asciilifeform: << rather the whole point of pestronics, neh !! thinkaboutit.
bitbot[asciilifeform]: Logged on 2023-09-26 02:27:57 crtdaydreams[jonsykkel|signpost]: makes me wonder if he's managed to kickstart an alternative pestnet
crtdaydreams[asciilifeform]: << versimilitude, though I fail to understand how it's not clear
dulapbot: Logged on 2023-09-26 11:28:51 asciilifeform: he ( who? wasn't cleaar from thrd, verisimilitude? or was phf? ) not needs to ask asciilifeform & co for blessing before running a net, or making whatever own riff on protocol, or whatnot.
crtdaydreams[asciilifeform]: wtf did this stem from? is your immediate impression that I'm some kind of gatekeeper?
crtdaydreams[asciilifeform]: << the metaphorical church of asciilifeform seems to be inherent only in your mind.
dulapbot: Logged on 2023-09-26 11:37:25 asciilifeform: cuz it's a shite biz, running 'churches'. mp started with $maxint and ended feeding fishes, and not even adequately 'scratched own itches' at any point, by the looks of it. even if had been 'success', like e.g. l. r. hubbard -- still sum to 0
crtdaydreams[asciilifeform]: there's no point in re-affirming this.
crtdaydreams[asciilifeform]: mp is dead, tsmr died with him. I don't think anyone left around here is delusional enough to consider you as some kind of replacement, nor this channel as a tsmr 2.0
crtdaydreams[asciilifeform]: it's arguable it died long before, but that was the nail in the coffin
dulapbot: Logged on 2023-09-26 11:40:10 asciilifeform: << lolwat, wtf diff does it make to anyone, australian 'constitution' ? ( next let's contemplate zimbabwean constitution..? )
dulapbot: (asciilifeform) 2023-09-22 Vex: go pick up a testnet rag, you'll read that noone likes banknotes except ur granny and criminals, and let's make the constitution editable by parliament, and assorted other fuckery.
bitbot[asciilifeform]: Logged on 2023-09-26 02:51:27 crtdaydreams[jonsykkel|signpost]: for readers not up to date with the state of southern affairs; presuming a constitution holds any kind of weight for the man with the silver spoon, efforts are being made to "amend" it
asciilifeform: crtdaydreams: before you showed up, there were folx who walked in shopping for 'replacement'. had to explain that wrong addr.
asciilifeform: << orig thrd not specified '$d00d may have own pestnet, a++' or '... , grr', so asciilifeform specifies, from his pov -- a++
bitbot[asciilifeform]: Logged on 2023-09-26 17:18:39 crtdaydreams[jonsykkel|signpost]: wtf did this stem from? is your immediate impression that I'm some kind of gatekeeper?
asciilifeform thinks crtdaydreams interpreted comment very perversely, but sadly not has time to say moar, must return to pit
← 2023-09-25 | 2023-09-27 →