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← 2023-08-23 | 2023-08-25 →
gregorynyssa[asciilifeform]: "CIA director predicted Putin would seek revenge on Yevgeny Prigozhin"
signpost[asciilifeform]: one example he gives is that the dipshit abrams tank runs on a turbine, burns the same amount of gas moving or idling.
signpost[asciilifeform]: rather than diesel electric
signpost[asciilifeform]: we overinvested in jets in an age of missiles
signpost[asciilifeform]: many other examples where a lack of contact with real warfare (rather than battering smaller countries) permits expensive, posturing idiocy.
signpost[asciilifeform]: afaik we've still not fielded a maneuverable, "low" altitude hypersonic missile.
signpost[asciilifeform]: the united states wants to die, insofar as such a thing as a coherent united states can be named.
signpost[asciilifeform]: to elaborate on the tank, you have to recycle the things back from the front to refuel every 8hrs
signpost[asciilifeform]: gregorynyssa: did you ever read Unrestricted Warfare? two chicom colonels wrote it on how to engage the US in hybrid warfare.
gregorynyssa[asciilifeform]: signpost: Andrei Martyanov pointed out that the United States has invested too heavily in aircraft-carriers.
dulapbot: Logged on 2023-08-24 00:11:44 signpost[asciilifeform]: gregorynyssa: did you ever read Unrestricted Warfare? two chicom colonels wrote it on how to engage the US in hybrid warfare.
gregorynyssa[asciilifeform]: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/pest/2023-08-24#1030541 << In terms of culture (especially education) there is a coherent United States.
dulapbot: Logged on 2023-08-24 00:09:45 signpost[asciilifeform]: the united states wants to die, insofar as such a thing as a coherent united states can be named.
gregorynyssa[asciilifeform]: Possession of an American university-degree is highly prized among non-Americans.
gregorynyssa[asciilifeform]: Non-Americans often form close social bonds with each other on the basis of having American degrees.
gregorynyssa[asciilifeform]: Here is one of my favorite quotes from Unrestricted Warfare:
gregorynyssa[asciilifeform]: "Perhaps, in the future, there should no longer be the division into an army, a navy, and an air force, but the division into a "sensor force," "mobile striking force," and "smart support force"
gregorynyssa[asciilifeform]: ... We do not support the optimistic view of the technology faction with regard to the military revolution. We do not believe that technology can penetrate the fog of the "contingency" of war, for contingency in war does not come from physical or geographical obstacles, but from people's minds."
lobbes[asciilifeform]: http://logs.bitdash.io/pest/2023-08-23#1030024 << ah shit; I should have just increased recursion depth a few levels instead of cranking it up to literally infinite. Did not realize the dists/stretch subdirectory under debs/ recurred as deep as it did and ended up repeatedly downloading ~5GB of the same deb files
bitbot[asciilifeform]: Logged on 2023-08-23 22:32:32 lobbes[signpost]: As such I found I was initially missing most vpatches, deb files, etc. on my host system. Adding a "-l inf" to my wget line appears to remedy this
lobbes[asciilifeform]: signpost sorry about that needless traffic hit to your server. happy to send coin to cover any extra costs that I may have incurred.
signpost[asciilifeform]: thing has an unmetered pipe
signpost[asciilifeform]: gregorynyssa: on the subject of minds, we're three generations from anyone who knows a major war can be lost.
signpost[asciilifeform]: and if anyone's taken the chinese gents at their word, it's not apparent from the behavior of the american state.
signpost[asciilifeform]: it looks like one of those looted retail stores in chicago or san francisco.
gregorynyssa[asciilifeform]: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/pest/2023-08-24#1030554 << Since these are static files, maybe we can distribute them as a torrent.
dulapbot: Logged on 2023-08-24 00:33:59 lobbes[asciilifeform]: http://logs.bitdash.io/pest/2023-08-23#1030024 << ah shit; I should have just increased recursion depth a few levels instead of cranking it up to literally infinite. Did not realize the dists/stretch subdirectory under debs/ recurred as deep as it did and ended up repeatedly downloading ~5GB of the same deb files
bitbot[asciilifeform]: Logged on 2023-08-23 22:32:32 lobbes[signpost]: As such I found I was initially missing most vpatches, deb files, etc. on my host system. Adding a "-l inf" to my wget line appears to remedy this
signpost[asciilifeform]: I'm intentionally only relying on things that can be done from pentacle.
signpost[asciilifeform]: I'm working on a swarm download mechanism that's less complicated than bittorrent (occ) and will eventually distribute pentacle over that.
signpost[asciilifeform]: not at all opposed to somebody else doing a torrent, though
gregorynyssa[asciilifeform]: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/pest/2023-08-24#1030567 << I had a working prototype of a swarm-downloading program (written in Java, of course).
dulapbot: Logged on 2023-08-24 01:08:12 signpost[asciilifeform]: I'm working on a swarm download mechanism that's less complicated than bittorrent (occ) and will eventually distribute pentacle over that.
gregorynyssa[asciilifeform]: However, it was not encrypted.
gregorynyssa[asciilifeform]: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/pest/2023-08-24#1030567 << Does your "occ" program use Pest-like packets with Serpent signatures?
dulapbot: Logged on 2023-08-24 01:08:12 signpost[asciilifeform]: I'm working on a swarm download mechanism that's less complicated than bittorrent (occ) and will eventually distribute pentacle over that.
signpost[asciilifeform]: it's going to ride inside pest, so it doesn't need to concern itself with encryption
dulapbot: Logged on 2023-08-24 01:29:13 signpost[asciilifeform]: it's going to ride inside pest, so it doesn't need to concern itself with encryption
gregorynyssa[asciilifeform]: Pest is the new IPFS. (=
PeterL[asciilifeform]: http://logs.bitdash.io/pest/2023-08-23#1030028 << US Army seems to think the M4 is inadequate, they are in the process of replacing it with a more powerful rifle
bitbot[asciilifeform]: Logged on 2023-08-23 23:54:59 gregorynyssa[signpost|PeterL|deedbot]: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/pest/2023-08-23#1030525 << Is the M4 not a good rifle?
dulapbot: Logged on 2023-08-23 14:51:04 signpost[asciilifeform]: eh, he addresses this. our conventional equipment is shit.
awt_akris[asciilifeform]: !!ticker btc usd
dulapbot: (asciilifeform) 2023-08-22 amberglint: it's not like you need multiple address spaces inside the emulator anyway as you can simply run it in multiple host processes
gregorynyssa[asciilifeform]: Such a system will be similar to Docker, but better.
gregorynyssa[asciilifeform]: I have been waiting for updates from Curtis Yarvin regarding his idea of an outer-space colony.
gregorynyssa[asciilifeform]: The idea which, as `asciilifeform` mentioned, may have been taken from the anime-series Last Exile.
asciilifeform: http://logs.bitdash.io/pest/2023-08-24#1030081 << there aint likely many folx who want to run at speed of 486, asciilifeform suspects
bitbot[asciilifeform]: Logged on 2023-08-24 11:05:00 gregorynyssa[deedbot|signpost|PeterL]: Such a system will be similar to Docker, but better.
asciilifeform: was the reason wai abandoned that proggy.
asciilifeform: it could work for certain very niche uses, but asciilifeform aint sure what they are
PeterL[asciilifeform]: is it conceivable that you could find a way to rework the addressing mechanism that you said was a bottleneck to get it going faster?
asciilifeform: PeterL: maybe, but not substantially, unless as suggested here (with mmuless linux)
dulapbot: (asciilifeform) 2023-08-22 amberglint: have you considered cutting the mmu emulation to the bone by hardwiring the address translation 1-to-1?
asciilifeform: you still gotta check bounds and the mem-mapped i/o space tho, even there
asciilifeform: http://logs.bitdash.io/pest/2023-08-24#1030083 << afaik wasn't even the earliest story where an orbiting warden keeps planet in enforced-low-tech prison. but nfi who wrote the earliest such.
bitbot[asciilifeform]: Logged on 2023-08-24 11:07:34 gregorynyssa[signpost|deedbot|PeterL]: The idea which, as `asciilifeform` mentioned, may have been taken from the anime-series Last Exile.
asciilifeform: yarvin, concretely, departed from genre tradition by trying to present such a hellscape as a desirable place to live.
asciilifeform: ( see also signpost's old observation re: broken people wanting to create gods to satisfy their s&m . sadly can't seem to turn up that thrd )
bitbot[asciilifeform]: (trilema) 2017-04-28 trinque: I remember the church derps used to say things like "there's a god-shaped hole in everyone". The homoeroticism of that aside, does appear that there's a "metaphysical domination" shaped hole in most folks. looks like this when nobody in your land bothers to stick it in.
signpost[asciilifeform]: mostly likely ranted on subj many times.
bitbot[asciilifeform]: (trilema) 2018-11-27 trinque: drug users (see: g_l) do this, go around declaring doctrines like lisplinux-chimera god and inventing pegleg rituals of devotion to her
asciilifeform: ^ separate item
asciilifeform: there's anuther psychosis where sufferer wants to actually build gods that could 'properly box in' uppity humans. e.g. the 'ai cult' folx
signpost[asciilifeform]: ah, familiar, but no idea if I mentioned
asciilifeform: i.e. for some it aint enuff to cut off own cock; gotta somehow cut off ~all~ cocks
PeterL[asciilifeform]: do you mean they want something to control all the people they don't like, or they want something to save them from themself?
asciilifeform: PeterL: 'fix' world, in the sense where veterinarian 'fixes' dog
awt_akris[asciilifeform]: Trump mugshot. If only Trump were more like this guy.
← 2023-08-23 | 2023-08-25 →