Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2023-08-02 | 2023-08-04 →
crtdaydreams[asciilifeform] observes no mention of LK-99 supaconductaa
crtdaydreams[asciilifeform]: tf is going on today pest
crtdaydreams[asciilifeform]: missing scare quotes
crtdaydreams[asciilifeform]: *ahem* "supaconductaa"
awt[asciilifeform]: jonsykkel: does smalpest support multipart messages?
asciilifeform: !!ticker btc usd
bitbot[asciilifeform]: Logged on 2023-08-03 04:11:47 crtdaydreams[jonsykkel|signpost]: observes no mention of LK-99 supaconductaa
bitbot[asciilifeform]: Logged on 2023-08-03 04:11:47 crtdaydreams[jonsykkel|signpost]: observes no mention of LK-99 supaconductaa
bitbot[asciilifeform]: Logged on 2023-08-01 10:39:52 signpost: curious if gregorynyssa has seen local news of a claimed chinese replication of the possible korean superconductor.
← 2023-08-02 | 2023-08-04 →