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← 2020-08-26 | 2020-08-28 →
diana_coman: I suppose silence seems the easy answer in the usual way of "no immediate effort -> easy"
diana_coman: and possibly a sort of "if it's not said, it does not exist" or something.
diana_coman: The whole #o log for past year being as it is full of counterexamples to the above illusions, I don't expect any additional example will help but I admit I'm slightly surprised if anyone still imagines that not answering is somehow different from missing an opportunity, at best.
diana_coman: no loss for the one asking for sure, just to be clear.
feedbot: http://www.krankendenken.com/2020/08/everybody-wants-to-go-to-heaven-but-nobody-wants-to-die/ << Krankendenken -- Everybody Wants to go to Heaven. But Nobody Wants to Die.
← 2020-08-26 | 2020-08-28 →