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← 2020-08-27 | 2020-08-29 →
feedbot: << Trilema -- Billy Bathhouse
diana_coman: in case anyone is after a mini-puzzle on Friday evening: calculate the n-th number that is not a multiple of a given factor f; (had a bit of fun with this today on euloran grounds & will publish the formula in the next euloran dev update but those asked so far seem to tend to jump on a cvasi-solution that fails on corner cases).
jfw: diana_coman: if I understand rightly that the domain is positive integers and the prolbem is finding the n-th element of the sequence of numbers not multiples of f: from working some examples I've come up with f*(n-1)/(f-1) + 1, where / is of course integer division. Looks to me like it should be fully general, for f>1.
jfw to dinner
← 2020-08-27 | 2020-08-29 →