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← 2020-07-12 | 2020-07-14 →
diana_coman: danuker - maybe set up a bouncer or set it all on a vps somewhere and just let it connected instead of all the join/parts.
jfw waves, reads log
danuker: well, I put my laptop to sleep when I was not home, but I'll just leave it on
diana_coman: danuker - whichever solution works for you, really.
diana_coman: jfw - the log is almost-one-year-long so it might soon wave back!
jfw: diana_coman: hey, sure enough!
feedbot: http://dorion-mode.com/2020/07/in-defense-of-honoring-rutland-raider-power/ << Dorion Mode -- In defense of honoring Rutland Raider Power.
← 2020-07-12 | 2020-07-14 →