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← 2020-06-05 | 2020-06-07 →
diana_coman: well, at least TBF's status is quite clear now although apparently I have to go fish it out and add it to the record since those involved are too busy calling me names but not to my face; by the ponder of words in tbf's log apparently asciilifeform runs now the foundation in any case and jurov practices his hand at
diana_coman: what he imagines spying to be; I guess it serves me right for trying to engage them; whatevers.
diana_coman: trinque if you consider something wrong/missing/misstated in my record, I'd appreciate if you leave a comment there with the correction; thank you.
jfw: in daily progress of boring things, I've made headway on the yrc scrolling fix and still think end of week is doable. I decided on the new approach; there were a couple functions with logic based on the naive one; I found one of those was mostly redundant already and worked out how to remove it
diana_coman: jfw - that sounds good to me!
← 2020-06-05 | 2020-06-07 →