Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2020-06-06 | 2020-06-08 →
jurov: diana_coman: appears you don't in fact need my input to publish loaded commentary, where these involved too call me names behind my back.
jurov: I'll excuse from answering further questions from you.
diana_coman: jurov no idea what behind your back; but no, I am not interested to hear anything further from you.
diana_coman: !!rated jurov
deedbot: diana_coman rated jurov -3 at 2020/06/06 14:09:11 <<
sonofawitch: 2020-06-06 20:58:55 (#ossasepia) diana_coman: well, at least TBF's status is quite clear now although apparently I have to go fish it out and add it to the record since those involved are too busy calling me names but not to my face; by the ponder of words in tbf's log apparently asciilifeform runs now the foundation in any case and jurov practices his h
diana_coman: !!rated asciilifeform
deedbot: diana_coman rated asciilifeform -3 at 2020/06/06 14:08:50 <<
sonofawitch: 2020-06-06 20:58:55 (#ossasepia) diana_coman: well, at least TBF's status is quite clear now although apparently I have to go fish it out and add it to the record since those involved are too busy calling me names but not to my face; by the ponder of words in tbf's log apparently asciilifeform runs now the foundation in any case and jurov practices his h
diana_coman: ftr, *all* human-made comments on my blog get published.
diana_coman: trinque I thought !!up worked for those with positive rating from me? anyways, not all that important anymore either way I suppose.
trinque: diana_coman: hm, seems like I have the algo slightly wrong
trinque: !!gettrust diana_coman jurov
deedbot: L1: -3, L2: 15 by 9 connections.
trinque: I need to add that L2 only matters if L1 is zero, not negative.
trinque: I'll take a look.
trinque: diana_coman: regarding your article, it reads to me as a restatement of what's plainly in the logs.
trinque: there are folks that clearly had something they really wished to say to daddy "but anyway, if I did he wouldn't listen"
trinque: and now you are apparently to them his representative.
trinque: as for me, I find it an outgrowth of the larping, which is why I said "I suspect that if enough technological achievements accumulated around bitcoin, they'd speak for themselves as bitcoin has."
trinque: meanwhile, world still darkens every day.
BingoBoingo: The growing darkness is a large part of why I have been quiet on the IRC lately. Seemingly miracle of miracles I have managed to get a few loyal regular viewers, but... still inside the dunbar number so it is just a somewhat bigger social circle.
BingoBoingo: I don't know if what I do can ever be enough, but it seems I am getting some traction with helping Latino/as realize the USSA, especially California, is third world.
BingoBoingo: For all of the sadness in the late/post Republic blame game I can't help remember the period where the early Republic had victories and then... the window seemed to close as the enemy derealized themselves a sort of victory. Their delusionists delivered the pantsuits a sort of victory, woe unto the victors.
diana_coman: trinque - I wouldn't have thought I'd ever say this to a texan but I find I appreciate your diplomacy!
diana_coman: and so I won't press further any of the rather obvious points in all of it.
diana_coman: at any rate, facts and deeds certainly speak for themselves, indeed; I wouldn't say "technology" as such though, no.
diana_coman: BingoBoingo I don't see that "blame game" you mention but whatevers.
diana_coman: some people are happy it failed, others are sad it failed; there's the record, there's the choice and that's that.
feedbot: << Young Hands Club -- RMD w31 review, May 30th-Jun 7th, 2020
feedbot: << Trilema -- "Bitch, I'm a cow..."
feedbot: << Young Hands Club -- DG Agenda 2020.06.08
feedbot: << Bimbo Club -- Work Report - 6/05/2020
feedbot: << Bimbo Club -- Work Report - 6/06/2020
← 2020-06-06 | 2020-06-08 →