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← 2020-05-31 | 2020-06-02 →
lobbes: diana_coman: I've been thinking it over and I would like to move out (drop out?) of YHC. The primary reason being that I have just been focused more on my life outside of activities here lately. I've been meeting new people, new relationships, etc. I've been saving money, converting pieces into BTC, and getting rid of debt.
lobbes: In other words my life isn't in a tailspin like it once was and I've managed to stabilize things a bit and am slowly gaining altitude. I honestly just want to continue on my own terms from here, whether I crash or not. It is hard for me to fully articulate it.
lobbes: I still plan to stick around and keep my blog and bot alive, and I still aim to work on auctionbot as I outlined in my last article, though it will most likely be at a slower pace.
lobbes: In any case, I want to thank you again for the tools you have given me and the various key nuggets you have taught me. I know I dropped off completely at the end there but I did gain quite a bit from the process, so I appreciate being given the opportunity to take part.
diana_coman: lobbes alright.
diana_coman: trinque the way I read whaack's plans there, it seems to me it's not really cr economy that he banks on - if anything, CR "unspoiled and free haven" appeal; do you see that tarnished/lowering somehow?
billymg: trinque: from my perspective, and this isn't based on much more than intuition and the small observations i've made since moving here, the people here are much better at living within their means than most of the US/EU, who've become accustomed to a lifestyle on welfare way beyond their means
billymg: so when things slow down, people here will carry on fine. whereas those in the various zones might start to get desperate
billymg: so you could compare it to the rural, sane, self-sufficient parts of the US
diana_coman: hm, spyked, did feedbot stop announcing my blog's feed in here?
diana_coman: jfw - that tab-completion please (or I'll end up typing all combinations of j f w)
diana_coman: spyked also, with the monthly log articles, it works actually to have feedbot announce again in #eulora too - preferably only the coding/eulora category, is that possible?
spyked: diana_coman, for some odd reason I forgot to start the rss checker on the last restart (which is supposed to fix the reconnect issues once and for all). announcement should be on soon
spyked: sorry for the delay
diana_coman: spyked ah, no worries
spyked: diana_coman, re #e sure, i'll look 5 mins into this. iirc it was possible to get feeds only for certain categories in mp-wp
spyked: would you like anything else in there except ossasepia.com
feedbot: http://ossasepia.com/2020/06/01/ossasepia-logs-for-Jun-2020/ << Ossa Sepia -- #ossasepia Logs for Jun 2020
feedbot: http://ossasepia.com/2020/06/01/swarming-limbs-and-twisted-nets-5th-parade-of-hopefuls/ << Ossa Sepia -- Swarming Limbs and Twisted Nets: 5th Parade of Hopefuls
feedbot: http://bimbo.club/2020/06/work-report-5302020/ << Bimbo Club -- Work Report - 5/30/2020
feedbot: http://bimbo.club/2020/06/work-report-5312020/ << Bimbo Club -- Work Report - 5/31/2020
feedbot: http://trilema.com/2020/aspectibus-gratiose/ << Trilema -- Aspectibus gratiose
diana_coman: spyked in there where? in #eulora there should be also trilema/smg category
spyked: ok
spyked: diana_coman, http://ossasepia.com/category/eulora/feed/ this looks alright to me. I can have it announced in #e
diana_coman: cool, thanks!
jfw: diana_coman: don't think any of those combinations are pronounceable but alright!
feedbot: http://ossasepia.com/2020/06/01/eulora-logs-for-Jun-2020/ << Ossa Sepia -- #eulora Logs for Jun 2020
diana_coman: jfw well, I'd be writing them, not pronouncing them! and think ye of whaaack and others too!
jfw: dianna_comman: indeed.
diana_coman: let the consonants multiply!
jfw: as long as they're in consonance.
diana_coman: not bad!
jfw: lobbes: good luck, and fwiw, I've enjoyed your writing so I hope you keep the blog alive as in growing and not just serving packets
jfw: (meanwhile the month of May glares at me, yes)
diana_coman: poor unloved blog
diana_coman: well, unloved by its owner, since others seem to like it even better but ...what can that do for it.
diana_coman: spyked did feedbot spit out the *full* category feed in #eulora now?
diana_coman: making the summary since 2014 or what, lolz
diana_coman: jurov - is "The Foundation does not require grandiose political aspirations such as a new world order to stay steward of bitcoin technology and V tool." just a jibe or do you literally mean that the foundation is dedicated to apolitical stewardship of "bitcoin technology and V tool"?
diana_coman: or perhaps something else, in which case - what? I genuinely can't see a third option so far.
diana_coman: at any rate, "new world order" is quite lulzy indeed - if anything, it was as old as it gets, rather.
jfw: if indeed apolitical then it might as well be "blockchain technology", entirely devoid of discrimination (and meaning)
diana_coman: I don't yet know, hence my question; I'll wait for jurov to clarify.
trinque: billymg: my perception is that some of central america's relative stability has to do with the proximity of a meddlesome, gigantic military.
trinque: and therefore the need for mexico to at least pretend to you know, smiling, "modern" politics
trinque: might be great for the mexicans, but depending on how in-wot you look, don't know whether it's great for you.
← 2020-05-31 | 2020-06-02 →